HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-18, Page 1i, lueuPowmumuimuemoo*********4 . , What iiiies Your Label Say .4.4444144,44piumw**********, A Trial Subscription to the New Era from now till the end of the year for 40c ESTABLISHZD 865. t ROW= HOLMES, Pub Optical Education s , Time are ;banged, and are ohanging,the people no longsr buy their lessees of ignor, ant peddlers, or allow themselvesto be ,coaxed into purchasing wonderful optical Intents; nor are they even content to go to a store andel& out a pair of cheap epee - lades with which they think they can see beet for a minute Or two. When their eyes ache or their sight blurs, .they creek an educated optician in whom they have con. denoe, and expect nim to be able to advise them, and prescribe gleans if they are found to be required: Theme' no gnaws work in our method of eye-teating. We are ualified to discover the nsture and degree _t of any defect and properly °cared it. No i barge for conaultation. P. B. CREWS, "Expert Watch Repairer jeweler Refraotioniet and Diepeneing Opterian. OPPOSITH TOWN HAM BIDDLEO0Brilli'S OLD STAND. Nile Intended for last week, No'rEs.-„The Electric Railway is now the topic of the day. Our new school is nearing conipletion ; the masons have finished the brick part and Mr Begly. carpenter of Dungannon, is busy doing the frame work. PERSONAL -Mr and Mrs Wm •Morrow, of Goderich, and Mrs Echlin, of Ridgetown, spent Sunday with friends here. Mrs Wm McKnight returned home- on Saturday after a pleasant visit of two weeks with her daughter, Mrs Henry Philips, of Casb, Michigan. Mr and Mrs J. .Grummett visited friends in Goderich on Sunday. • Mr and Mrs As Elliott, of Wiarton, spent a few days last week •visiting Mr Elliott's brother, Thomas, of this . •place, Andy Courtice, of Hohnesville, spent Sunday, with Nile friends. Rev Mr Wilson Wee in London last week attending the prohibition conventien held in that city. Percy MeIlwain, of Goderich, spent Sunday, at his home •here. •Miss Mebel Bailie is in ,Goderich this week, writing tin her examination; we wish her every success. ftev Mr \McNair, of Dungannon, preached a very instructive sermon to a large cen. gregation of Orangemen Sunday even- ing. taking for his text 1 Timothy, -chap. 3, verse 13. , 113enmIllen Ctruncie.-The service here on Sun- day next will be conducted by C. Gir- . yin, of Nile. Owing to the absence ot the pastor on Sabbath next his work at the differeno appointinents will be taken by locals. Quarterly service on the Bentniller circuit will be held at : Ball's appointment the first Sabbath in _August. NOTES. --Rey Mr Sbaw,wife ar d family • left on Tuesday on a visit to friends in .Belgrave and other northern points. I A number from here took in the 12,13 of July celebration at Goderich; they re port a good day. Misses Laules, and Maggie Thibadeau •returned to their . home•on Thursday last, after spending ! week renewing acquaintances in and around this place. 'Mr Wright spent.! Sunday with his son-in-law, Jas.Jewell. Mrs Jas Long spent a couple of days this week visiting relatives in Ash field. Mrs A. Dewar and fa.raily left on Weil; tiesday for the Soo, where tbey intend' to reside in. the future eeeir Dew_ar_has . been engaged there for some time. Eyes. - If atinahine raakein ' seeing painful. great ,A. ,Nolo4 ta '-'? Iscomfort and per.' pi permanent tn. 1,iiviii . ry will be avoided r Wearing our Lona don Smoked Glamor, 25 Gents. per pair and wards. (1-1,,,.. a ..,,./.: 3. GrRIGG Scientific Jeweler ' arid 'Optician CLINTON. ONT. SNAP z . We are offering a nice line 01 Ging er 5 Snaps At 4 lbs for 26c just think of• getting 100 to 105 nice fresh Ginger Snaps f• or it Quarter. They are cheap. • than you eau make them ▪ and does IbillaY with the work. • , Also a dna ikte of DirW--- e linton New Rra. THE 12th LT • GODERICH • •••••••••••, The 212th anniversary of the crossing of tile Jioyne wascotebr tes In I.*ocleriofl 1505 Sature ay with all the eolat characteristic) of snob demonstrations. The day was ides!. The railroad arrangementahad been pertained to a nicety, and special triune froth Kincardine, London St. Marys and Stretford brought in hundreds who were eager to oelebrate or have a dyer outing on the banks of Lake Huron. The Owe, wheal has a beauty of its own, .was taade more attractive by the numerous decora- tions; flags, beating and green houghs were to be wen &radically arranged in all quar- ters. Several large arches had been ereetell, among them one at the heed of Est street and another at West street • Interwoven with the boughs were eneh words ea "Derry," Aughrim," "Boyne" "Enniskil- len," 4to. The different speoials were met at the etationby the Marine Band, a procession was formed and the lodges marched to their reopeotive qearters. The fife and drum was in the air. . Some of the lodges made an excellent showing, not only in drew, numbers and. appearance ; but • in theit marching. The last train • arrived about 11.45 and the proceedings were then .ad- journed till after 'dinner. The hotels were taxed to their fullest cipmeity in serving meals. The ladies of North street (rhumb served an excellent dinner and supper on West street and the ladiee of Vioterie street Ann* did the dame on the square. .Aboat 2 o'olook a gethering of alleles lodges Was held on the Exhibition Ground. . The pro- cession was formed and marched to the aquae° by a circuitous line, beneath the yerions arolies. At length ell entered the park where the speaking was to., be dem. Before depositing the drums and banners a Seel effort was made on the part of the drummer() and fifers. In close quarters *ere gathered the various lodges, and each yred with the other in giving to the iron- ware° the benefits of their training it recalled Sandyes view of the best nignt he ever experienced -14 pipers in an 8k10 room, all plying different tunes, "Mon, it wag gran' ". A platform had been ereoted on the east side of the Cent House where, sheltered from the sittethe erpeakere inclulg- edin reminiscences, historical sketches and prophetic visions, When'the last standard had entered the• perk, County Master,. Nevins, Centralia, addressed the coesourse from the. platform There being,he geld, on the program reseed: in his hoods no mention of an address from - the chairmenetn omission of which he was heartily gled,he called upon Mayor Oemee-' 313, who was received with Applause as he stepped forward to extend the•o:vio welcome to the visitors. • • Mr Cameron rend they sewed all be happy to know that an address in thi ordin- ary sense was not ex seated froni hire. He - would not interraptthe prewedings of ecr large a gathering when so mislay able speak ere were to address thcm. As the o eta head, for the time being of thecorporation of Goderich, it was his duty -might he not °all it his privilege 7 -to weleome all those who had eome here to enjoy %themselves op that beautiful day. It wasalways a matter of gratificationto the citizens. of Goderich to haye any large body visit them, and this for various reasons. The people of Goder- fob. made the claim that they were reei. dente of the healthiest and most beautiful town in Cantles: The venters coed see it for themselves, and when they wished to enjoy another holiday he hored they would come to an unanimous :decision to wend their way.onee more to Goderioh. In con- clusion he extended to them the most hearty welcome the town could sfiore and again - expressed the hope that they • woulst clothe again. (Applause) . • • • The County Master briefly acknowledged His Worship's address of weloome,and then announced Mr , Alex, Weir, of Toronto. As•theevelnknown anther, of "The Maple' Leif Forever" oame to the front Of the" platform the marine band streak up the air which has made its Author. noxious. When the band creased playing Mr Muir commenced his address by mentioning ttie, feet that this was the second time he had had the pleasure of being in Goderioli. Two vinare ago he was here with the Huron Old Boys, and on that occasion he enjoyed himself to his heart's content. He was so impressed with the beauty of Goderieh and of as ladies that when he returned to Tor. wee he told the people there dna if he bed his choice he would like to live in:the beint- int city of Goderich. 'Now he had come to help celebrate the annivereary of the • day when King William crossed the • Boyne water. ' Looking about him .he eats Many. gray hairs, and many who were not natives of •Canada. Some people were disposed to oritigize the celebration of national days, and • the critics asked why not merge all in one day, 'Dominion Day ? He replied to that °Racism by etating that while all were Canadians still they loved the land from which their :fathers and rnotheresprang„and while they oculd -alt join heartily in ;ringing. nTne Maple Leaf Forever" then of them who hailed from furrow the aea had *a right to honor ' the land of their birth The Englishman often wandered beck in fancy to Old England, pondered over its brave hiotory, and in memory beheld the old land as only an Englishman Wald see it: the warm-hearted Irishman ohetiehed the reeolleetion of the land of the Shamrock, and could the Soots- - man ever forget the land of his birth? But new they were all Canadiane and loved the land of their adoption and the birthplace of their children. The streaker continued his eloquent ad. drew, whioh wile adorned by many poetic I quotations, by referring to some of tho. stirring events ba Canadian history,.calling attention to the Magnificent resources of. our country, and finally urging the supreme importance of loyally to the great King of Heaven. He ooneluded hie address amidst greet applause. . Rev, W. Webb, of Brampton, Greed Cheplain, was warmly received. He con- gratulated the townopeople upon the suceesa of the reception and in behalf of the brethren, very heartily reciprocated; the wore of welcome with whioli they had been rinser's, a. Be asked hit houses to rernems ber that thee were but a semen, ,+? the 300,000 Orangemen of Anglo -Saxe . end Cali° origin who were that day oalebrat,irts. the eanie andiverserv, and in thio ow. nection he made a plea for a better un- derstanding, a greater degree of harmony between the British people and the, people of the 'United States. Distrust had existed eneeleeeeettel,he.believed that Britain's tor• bAklanurrist stseVenezuela allairliesilapPSY resulted hi s bettor feeling in the United Mateo and s drawing together of the two nallons.. It aeon:red so if the future were to bring the union of the two countries in a greiis Anglo-f3Axon Coln° rebe. The differ. /Owes Of the pain ehottld be forgotton, and although it was not credit/Motor the daugh- ter that she should have whipped the mother, they ehOuld be willing to forget ail CLINTON, ONTARIO. JULY 18 11)02 this, to live iti hanxerny, and together t prepare to roust the perils whroh confronte them in common. After Again referring to the great strength and extent of the Orange order, Mr Welsh enumerated the principle upon which the order is founded, principles the maintenance of which he believed were indispensable to the freedom of the eitizen, the peace and order of the oonanctinity and the defence of thenountry. In conolusion he .,, t, be way of warning, a story of an Irretr.,) , ii, v scree condition he hoped none of his heerere svonld fall into during the dines celebration. The Irishman lived in the aity of Toronto and one evening as he was gding home in a street oar, very tired after bialy's work, be was hardly able to Mend in the jolting cer, and finally fell into the lep of a lady. "You great awkward 1 thing," said she, "get off me 1 What Are yen anyway r "leaded," says Pat, "I thought I was an Irishman but now I be- lieve 1 mast be a Laplander." • Rev. Mr Coborne, of Toronto, was the neet speaker. By thie time the drummers , stationed at varioue phew in the perk,were I getting down to their wofit and it was difficult for the epeaker to raske himself heard ebeve the noise. A portion of . his &dares wee &protest against the use of the word English for British, He said he was willing to regard En land as the big • brother, bat he thought that after the late war we were going to hear leas about the English and more about the British. - (Ain plause ) The Irish and the Sootoli had • a much to do in governine the Snitch as tho English had in governing Ireland and Soot. land, So with the "English" army -it was a misnomer, and the speaker rendered a tribute to the, oolonial soldiere who dought for the Empire in the reoent conflict. • At this point the speaker Was forged to stop for awhile until a neighboring fife • and dram corps had worked off some of its superabundant energy. When be resumed the speaker opened a protest • against the remarks recently made by Rey. Father • Routhier in objeotioa to the eatablishment of a Baptist miseion in Lower Town. Otta- wa. Ele (the speaker) resented strongly retch remarks, and insisted upon the right to dieouss anyquestion of any e istare what- ever without nterference from !Mahon or priest or anybodyelse. - • At thel. • of Bev. Mr Cb ' - address the chairman annonwed that aa it was getting late oome of tee speakers on the program wOuld have to be omitted. • Bev. Wm. MoDonag13, of Stratford, was then called upon. By this time the noise of the drums had beoome so loud and so con- tinuous that only a few people could hear h t wae boing eaid. .Tnoee on the plat- form moved up to the feint and formed a gemecirole behind the speaker, whce re- marked that the drummers evidently be- lieved in the Orange motto' "Noel:mender." 'After some complimentery remarkir in re. formal to the speakers who has en -weeded him, .Mr MaDonagh went into an expoei- tion ot what he oonsidered to be the princi- pies of Orangeiem. A feature of hie address was a reference to the legend of St. Patrick, who, he stud, was not ask was commonly claimed, a Reiman Catholic entree He de. nounoed the daily papenefor not publishing the intelligerere of the great -movement from Roman Catholicism to Protestantism in Fraweetadnir Wilfrid Laurier came in ter a few Shots on account of his alleged enh- serviency to Rome. ' At the vonclusion of -this speech cheers were giver:tier King Edward, for. tbe speak- ers and for the ctiaamati, and the formal proceedinge were at an. end • ' The prizes In the competition. were • awarded as follows: Lodge. coming the greatest distance -Ladysmith L. 0. L., Lakeside ; D. Calvert, Master -69- miles, South Perth county. Best dressed lodge -Logan L. 0. L., No. 908; T. W. Hill, Bornholm, Master, South Pertn county. • Beet fifer and drummet actubinedesee. E. Best, Lonaeaboro L.O.L ,No 863. . Best banner -L. O. L. 707, South Perth; Gee. ,PertereMestereSt. AarYle. t For the largest lodge a final decision hae. not yet been given. It ie between the Lon- denborougn snd Lucan lodges. . Best fife and drum band, not leng then twelve members-Surrunerhill.band. ' • • IN urLICANINGS 0 Tackersmith. St, Helens DIED IN TILE WEST. -On Monday M Henry Carter' received a telegram frorn Waelal3urn, Dakota, announcirg th death et his eldest son William, but giv ing no particulars. He at once tele graphed to another son there, asking that the body be forwarded ho,ne fo burial, and simply got the reply the "body cannot be forwarded nar can funeral be delayed." Ae he had intend ed going over in case the funeral could be delayed, he found it would be no use his doing so under the circomstancee as he could not possibly reach there in time. Whether deceased met hiedeath by accident or natural causes Mr Car- ter does not know, he having received no particulars whatever, bet he inclin to the belief that death was accidental, because he had heard from him only a 'few days previo usly. when he was appar- end," in the best of spirits. Deceased had been in Dakota for eight years, and had done exceptionally well there. Up to a short time ago he bed been reaching, but selling out he took a sit- uation on a river boat, and on :the let of J nly was.promoted to the position of first mate. In his last letter to his fath r he pk f g me ansi taking Am his residence here, and was naturally in high glee at the .prospect. He leaves a wife and one child. His t t 1 y roue is - tressed at his untimely death, and anx- iously await particulars from their son as to tbe cause thereof. ' • From our regular correspondent.' LEST WE FOROET.-Every arrange- ment is being made to make the lawn social, to be held on the grounds of Mr John White, on Friday evening, July 18th, a decided success'. In addition to other refreshments, batie.nes and ice cream will be served. An interesting prugram will also be given and a most enjoyable tune is promised to all. , Parer'. Alexander, of Man- itoba, and.grant7eaue.ter, are visiting at the heitrie of the 1,,,•mer's mother,Mrs A. Elcoat. A few from this neighbor; hood attended 12th of July celebration in Goderich - Peaches at 10elper Ib. • - ‘ The eash Srocery: Ogle Cooper a 014.1). for Baiter and Bgge, Phone 28, • At 5 o'cloce the fiest special left. the townear8 30 the last; many wet eet t station to see them depart. Goden had -a big day, a .big crowd, and the committeee of arrangements had every detail theught .out and provided for , in advances • , . The Ste. Pittsburg made two trips on the lake during the dew and was heav- ily loaded in each case. . 95 colors were counted in the line of march; 125 lodges were represented. The estimate of elle number of visit- ors in town is that there were perhaps 8,000. ' The conductors on the speetal trains reported 2,047 passengers,and in. eluding. the arrivals by the regular train4 on Friday and. Saturday the n amber of visitors coming by rail would reaellabout 3,000. It is difficult to Re- live at a close estimate of the number from the country, but.flguring from ,the number of rigs reported at the various stables there were 13desibly 5,000 from the townships, making a total of 8,000. It was a big -crowd anyway.' T E E d' G d erich Sienal for the summary of the speeches heregivend lflma NoTree.-Ber and Mrs Geo Dale anent Sunday last at the latter's home in Eg- mondville. Miss Maggie Scott return. ed home this week, after e month's visit with Brussele friends. T. Me. Michael spent Sunday last with friends at Exeter. Vred Taylor, of Kippen, spent a few days last week with his brother here, Miss Nettie Sproat, of Egmondville, is spending her holidays with her sister here. We are glad to learn that Mies Alice Dale is recovering after her recent Illness. Will JaMie- son delivered five choice cattle at Clin- ton on Monday last. Most of the farms ers In this vicinity will finish baying this week if the weather continues fine Zurich KILLED BY LiGHTNING.-On Mons day afternoon during the progress of a severe thunder -storm. Mrwipsam Kyle of the 'Parr 1"-.-, had a span of orking horses killed by lightning. The horses had lust been put into the stable by Mr Kyle and he had just left the barn when it was struck with the zboye result. The 'horses were insured in ,Hittbert Fire Insurance 'Company.. • " • "w' letroxeter , BBunNED,I-The barn on the farm owned by Mrs A. Morrow, near the village, and occupied by Frank Smith, Was destroyed by fire about two o'clock Sunday morning, Build. ing and contents are insured in the IloWlek Mutual., The cause Of fire is unknown ****4"***************""the Label Tells the 9 1 1$1.oupfliett not so prod $1 per vow in advent!". I Additional Local ,News. Toronto, is at present the guest of her sons whcr have been it' h Part 1.2 of Junior LeavIng,_Parts I 2 of . is at present vidting her brother, Pre junior Matriculation. and Parte 1 2 of - Gordon, of Ripley. The Presbyterian ✓ NOTES -Miss Mitchell, from near EXAMINATIONS -About te) per. e aunt Mts Wes 0 G d wr in ere on Senior Leaving got through their church choir assisted vvith theprograra work on Tuesday. and now anxio y r ata lawn social in connection with OM* iwtwaik the resuft. The Examilt:;Irs t vin church, Hest Wawanosh, W. E. ere Messrs Lough anti Robb. Gordon, who disposed ef two of his , • horses, hag purchased a span of colts. MAY. BE A. nUIT.-The committee We eittend congratuletions to Mr and appointed by the council at their last Mrs Neil Campbell over the arrival of regular tneeting,night tointerview Mrs , an heiress at their home. A number Biggart, who wants $500 damages from around bere celebrated the 12th from the town, on account cf intnries of July at Gederich, while others went received from a fall, supposed to have to Brussels. The masons' have almost been produced hy a defective sidewalk, completed the stonework ot D. Todd's near the Wesley church, weited upon neweeouee. 0. A Tebbutt is Spending thatlady last Tuesday, but no agree- ment was arrived at for a sett leme lt, his vecation at his home near Clinton, the committee believing that nn re. A, F. McDonald is visitleg friends near Brussels and Wroxeter. • sponsibility rested on the town. I FAILED TO APPEAR. --A. young Exeter lady bailing frnm Cie eel end, who had Iet,NEes.-Word has been received come up on the boat to Detroitand from here of the, serious illness at Pigeon, there to Clinton by rail, get off the Mich., of Mr Orie Powell, Mr Powell train last Saturday evening. to visit left -here a short time ago to accept a friOnds at Alma. Aftersitting around situation at that place. for some time,slite made known the act to our genie station agent that NARROW ESCAPR.-During the severe she had written to a relative, a Mr Mc- electr teal stot m on Monday afternoon Gregor of near Alma. to meet her at last Messrs J.H.Hyndman and Samuel , Adair had a narrow escape. They were ()linterstation, but he failed to show I ,. no doubt to farmers getting putting in hay fork rods in Mr Sohn upowing cDonaldbarn, con 15, their mailtrregular from the post office, 's 'McGillivray, when The youtur lady not wiehing to be lightning struck the rods and driven out so late aftsr her .tireeorne both sustained severe shocks. 1 trip, took lodging at the Waverly ' BACK Am ein,--Messrs B. S. O'Neil House for the night. She was driven and R. S. Lang have ' returned from to her desnnation next morning. their•holiday trip. They visited many CROPS IN GENERAL. - Ontario points a interest during their absence, probably never before had such a. hay and • teport an exceedingly pleasant crop as this year. The weaher of the trip. last two or three -weeks has b,sen Dn- SAINTS AND SINNERS - The Latter fevorable for coning, 'hut very few in Day Saints have been conducting ser- this vicinity etarted to cut until the lat. viees in a large tent, near'the town hall, ter part of last week, and the weather The "letter day sinners" .seeen to con- now seems settled, so that it will prob- . .pdivaccte.sereices at any time and any ably be secured in good shape, Fall . wheat will be ready to cut in two MASONICt-The annual Masonic ex. Y'ells end promises to be a good crop; curttion will fake place to Kincardine it is said ithe grain is excellent, Oats during the month of August, never looked better than they do at the present tie, while you can see the coin grow. When it coulee to harvest DEA.T11.-Tlie resldents of •Hensall tirne the fernier will have his hands and vicingy will 1 *th full with Wolk, and his barns full with the death of Mrs Charles Walker a most abundant harvest which occurred m at her other's resid- ence, Vancouver, B. C., on June 29..h. A UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC TO GODERIOEJ.-Af ter the s and she was the young- - Her maiden name Was Beattrice Geoe.-Sunday School eervices of last Sunday gina Ingrain est daughter of George Ingram. a meeting of the teao chers . and fficers of the Ontario St., Wesley and English to George H. WaAker,of Seaforth, who it was unanimously decide' to run nex- churzh'es tespectivelv. .was held, and Seven years ago she was married, here, was head miller for D. Urquhart for a cursion to Goderich as soon as year: Five years ago the young couple arrauee. moved to the coast and after spending ments could be Made with the railroad company. A committee of three frora in Vancouver settled in Seattle. months ago she contracted 'a cold Seven each of the Sunday School' was ap- , pointed to formulate the scheme and which developed ' into consumption they in turn appointed a sub committee and she gradually sank dispite the --the superintendents of the schools - best medical attention. parents went to the coast in the spring when her to interview Mr Pattison, who waited they took her to Vancouver hoping upon that gentleman Monday evening. the change would prove beneficial but the hope was vain. The interment took place at Vsnceuver. She was in her 2fith year and leaves a husband and two little girls to runners her loss Colborne • Hallett ILL. -We are sorry to learn that the wife of Mr Peter Brennan is seriously ill, and her recoyeeya matter of doubts FTVE GENERATIONS - Fred Crich, of Yipsilanti, Mech., is visiting her brother, Mr Ben Churchill, and has with her a child, of the fifth generation. This is something very Fare. • . GoOD PRICE. -Last week Mr M. Car - bort delivered a horse at Seaforth, for which he received nearly $100; as the animal had seen more tban a dozen years of service, it was sold at a good figure, and shows the value of horse • NARROW ESCAPE. -A few days sine e Mr Louis Peacock had a narrow escape at W. Miller's barn raising on the 31d. They were putting on the over -layer, when it accidentally fell. Mr Peacock was standing immediately beneath' bolding another ready to put •up, but fortunateiy. the falling timber struck e beam berore it reached Mr Peacock, Just giving him an ibstant in which to get out of the way. It was a very close shave indeed. • • Bettie -Mr Ode Mann had a barn • raising last week. It was the re -erec- tion of a barn he had bought in Mc- Killop,and which had been taken down for him by Mr Wheatley. Mr John Stephenson raised it into position with a derrick, Mr Ben Riley is putting a stone foundation beneath it. While the barn was in process of erection Mr John NoNe.has1,,a_starrow....esnalle-- moving the derrick pcle it fell and slip- ped down his back, but fortunately did no harm. • VOTERS' LIST.--,-FrODI the Copy 'of the Haat. voter' list, which is in the bands of the Printer at the present tiine, some interesting statistics may be gleaned in refere3ce to few changes that have taken place during the past year1901 :- Total voters in riding.. , 1990732 Municipal cle legislative voters 791 783 Municipal only . ' 129 149 Legislative only It can be readily,seen at a glanc7e1that4a8 decrease of male voters has taken place in the tiding during the past year, ow • ing, no.cloubts to a number of the old pioneers being carried away by death, as will also be evidenced by the increase of voters in part 2 -widows names be- ing added. Anotber menace to .our farming community 'my be noticed in the large decrease of voters in part 3, which shows that our young men are not seekinglabor on th farm, but are wandering into towns and cities to seek employment. It will be hard to conjecture what evolution will have to take place in order to supply the necess sary farm help that is becoming more scarce each year. PERSONAL. -Mrs W. Blake purposes starting for Manitoba on the 15:h to make a visit' to a married daughter, who has been there for about. a year and a half. • WOMEN'S INSTITUTE, -The Holn3eS- ville branch of the Wnmen's Institute met at the home of Mrs W. Blake on July 10th, for the purpose of introduc- ing a branch in. this section. There were a large number of -ladies present, and it was deckled to hold a meeting on the third Thursday of July. at the He expects to conclude arrangement's in a day or.two when full particular will nnouneed next Sunday, the picnic ti held sometime during that weeks ROYAL TEMPLARS. - Los any Council, No 130, Royal Tempters of T. at their last regular meeting on Thur. - day last, night elected officers for the ensuing.half year :-P.S.Councillor, S. Borland; Select Con ncillns, F W. W atts; vice Councillor, Miss B.Greene ; Chap- lain, C. Gifford; See., Mrs F.W. Watts; FineSec., Miss Andrews; Tr eas.,Amos Castle ; Herald,. Silas A.ndrews Dep. Herald, Miss D. Centelun; Guar, Miss G. Sage; Sentinel, W. Townsend; Aud- itor, Dr Thompson ; organist, Mies Andrews, Four candidetes were iated and a special meeting will be held Thursday evenine to initiate a number -harnesofeMrs Ne Jolene, forstheepurpose of memberaand.also instsl officers. Mr of organizing. and Mrs Davidson, organizers, have been in tovsn some days •booming the Holmesviile society. Chlekene-The Dominion Poultry Station, will pay 25o to 80o per pair for chickens from 2k6 to3% rnonthe old; Books, Wyandottes and t Eir crosses. F. C. LFORD. VISITING. -Mrs T. L. Bray, Torocto,- is the guest of Mrs T. C. Pickard. The Misses Martin, -Seaforth, spent Sun- day with Miss T. McCartney. Miss - Vine Tobbutt has been visiting in God- erieh for a few days. Miss Alice Stan- ley, Kinburn, spent Sunday with her LATE MUSIC EXAM. -The follow- . ing are tbe results at the theoey exam- inations in connection with the Toron, to Conservatory of Music held in God - Oriole on June 17 and 18, 'Sheriff Rey- nolds presiding: -Junior Theory -first class honors- Miss Edith Penhale, Blyth; Miss Estelle Griffin, Wingharn, Primary Theory --first class honors - Miss Ida Holmes, Clinton ; Miss Flora Eavents in the village. Mr Lou Tile Jamee, Gomm. Mr A. Cook, Godencht utt, of Colborne, was in the village lilies Edna Cat:der, Blyth; Miss Louise Sunday. Mrs Hall and son,. spent Holenes,Olinton. Second class honors - Tuesday in the village. Miss Ida Rose, Clinton. Miss Nello NOTES. -Cherry picking is now 'Clie McKenzie, Olinton-a pans. Miss Edna order of the ,day. The crop, on the H trailton, Blyth nada in history. whole, is a light one, A netriber from With the excepti3n of one these are all here attended the orange celebration Mr W. Glenn Campbell's pupils, the in Goderich Jest Saturday. entire classbeing successful. 'Crimson.- The financial meeting of LOSES .A ..FIN(iER-Another. n' the Godench district will be herdin the timely accident happened to a young Methbdist church here on August 7th. man in the employ of the Organ • tac • tory last Tuesday efternnon,in the per- son of FratikrBa.wden. He was bluely engaged in boering Inch afid half holes, near the end of some oak sticks, two feet long, with a force power angur. Not having much space to take bold of the stick, with his left hand, and the wood being very hard, as soon aim the point of the R (Igor got in to thie mood to where the two small flanges that girds the large part, and . not having firm eriough.hold,thretv the stick, and the left hand came in contact with the augur. severing the index finger, with- in half an inch of the palm. Bearing the shock bravely he walked to Dr Gunn's office, who had him taken to the hospital, where the injured mem- ber was dressed, and he was after- wards taken to his home. Though suffering ennsiderable. yet feels none the worse for his unwished for ex- perience. RUNAWAY. --s What might have rroned a very serious event (recurred last Saturday evening between nine and ten o'clock, When ,a horse belong- ing to Mr J. Melntyre, Stapleton, en- deavored to pilot himself through the streets at a greater rate than is allow-. ed by law, Mr McIntyre's eon had driven up town and tied the horse be- hind Warrener's livery stable. For some reason it took frIghrand dashed down Orange street at a liyely rate. It turned (leveret corners but at length the buggy came in contact with a post and was badly demolished, the horse, proceeding onward With the shafts. It finally appeared on Albert St. end was captured in front of Conehe'o drug store by Dr Ball and some others. Forturr- melt no'nne was in the rig at the time of the runaWay, tier vetts anyone injur- On, Sunday evenins• Mr Cockburn., Toronto, occupied the pulpit. He has Ibeen blind front his youth, but by perseverance and application has at- tained bis present standing; he is a powerful and conseetitive speaker, and his delivery is clear. On Mondey even- ing he addressed the League on "From ;Ulm= : " ' ' chtldhood to Manhood without sight." His remarks were largely ersonal and The next regular practice of the Auburn Rifle Club will he held on Sat- urday afternoon July 19,1. somewhat in the race Of life. The ad- were an incentive for a I, especially those who think they are handicapped • • fecinetee-The members of L. 0.L.,No. 932, went to the Goderich celebration last Saturday. They were attired in I white coats and cape and attended by ' the band. - . ADDRESS. -Rev Mr SOO delivered able•addreseto a large concourse of the Forester fraternity of the neighbor- hood on Sunday, taking_ as his text "Where art thou" and "Where Is thy brother." The 'members .exPressed themselves as well pleased.' Melly ate tended . from Londesboin, Goderich, Blyth, Vile and other courte. NOTEs.-Mei' 0e0 Shore and John Cook, of Varna, are renewing old at. quaintances here,as le also Mrs Headers eon, of Hamilton. Rev Ceupland took a snap shot of the Orange brethren be., fore their departure on the tnorning of 6110 t . • • Sonstance NOTES. -Goo Medd, son of J.H.Medd, was Married last Wednesday; his many Mende, here.. extend epqngratutteterrate the bady was MIss ttg y. °Roma. Mrs/ John Macgregor left this week for Orangeville, where Mr McGregor has a situation in a factory. We are Sorry to heat. that Mr Rinn Is again confined to his bed with sicknees, -Jae Raperm wear ei a happy smile those dare it is a ' bey. Quite a large number went to Goderich on the 12th. Next Stinday , 'evening a temperance topic will be giv- en in the League by L, Perobatn# dress was one of interest and encour- agement Next Sundae,' m. the pastor will take for his subject „"pro- nor:Jona' and systematic giving". The trusteee of the Methodist church ire contemplating Improvements that will naturalyladd to the beauty and ap- pearance of the intoner of the church. Goderieh Township NOTES. ---M188 Keihs of Cainsville, is visiting her uncle, Mr Leonard. 16T11OON, NOTES. -Mr M. Maine has just completed one of the finest barna in the township for Mel. Smith, Vith con. Dr Loweryof Seaforth. Is taking s few holidays at the home of his father. Mrs H. Kerr leavt3s this week for the West to join her husband, who has besn there for some months. and is en- gaged in the ranching hueinese. Porter's 11111 NOTE/4.-Mr Leoland Waggle and his bride are visiting at Mr David Cenete ales Hiles is visiting at Mr John Wood's. Elsie Lobb Is spending r---+,..-zutt »her -aid schoolmates.. Mr Ituesii, of Bruce County, eperat Sunday at Waltet Weston's. Mr and MrS Emerton and Mr Davesomof AMberly, spent Sunday at Mr John Coes. Willie Sterling had the nilefortune to get his foot badly cut laet week, step- ping on an old ht./Siren glass. A great, Many In the neighborhood celebrated the 12thin Gederieh, Mied Amy Gox'a anent a couple Of days at ,116M0 Iaet week. • ed by the animal In ite wild career. A horse owned by Fred Elford, ttolnlee. Ole, and driven by. Mara Elford, under- took to run away he town on Monday, nd martially succeeded,but Mrs MI pluckily held on the bines and kept "I the Middle of the King's highWay.",. It ran all the way bade before it Wald be checked i but did no damage, on***********07witridrkr******40 ou Paris Green, Ir ALWAYS Pure, Fresh and Reliable By the ounce, lb. or package . R. P. Reekie's Prescription Drag Store • CLINTON N B -For sore, tired, and aching feat used oar antiseptic foot powdet, 9. . Additional Local News. ARBITRATION.. - On Tuesday. Messrs W, Coats, Clintom.a. Heustom, Exeter; and D. E. Munro, Auburn, met at the Court House. Goderich, to arbitrate concerning unions school see's.- tion Noll Wawanosh and Colborne. Only the addition of three lots were he dispute; Mr Heuston acted as chair- man, ard after,hearing the evidence of a number of interested parties, the arbitrators, added the three lots in question to the section. DEPUTY JUDGE. -Mr Philip Holt. K. C., of Goderich, has been appointed Deputy 3 ridge "for the county of B.uron duripg the absence of Judge Masson,. • who has been granted three months' leave of absence. As we uncterstand it, the position is purely honorary, carry- ing with it no salary, and was rnade necessary owing to tbs., accumulation of legal work due to Juttge Masson'e, illness. Judge Doyle has for some time been performing hie Otril .work • and that of the Senior Judge, but necessan- ' fly there is more than one man an properly attend to, and it became nec- essary to select some one riebt on the grnmid, who c3u1d act in the capacity of Deputy. No one, we believe, will question Mr Holt's special fitness for the position, and his appointment will gi'Ve satisfaction to both the legal frat- ernity and the public. Metcerized. Undershirts 60c. • Men's fine ,Mercerized Under- shirts, light. strong and com- foetable, equal in appearance e to a ,-ilk, and will wear better, regular 75e goods, our spec;a1 ,price each, 80e. Straw Hats for . men ordBoys... . Nobbiest and nattiest shapes shown this season in straw hats are here. There is not an old bat in the lot, qualities are all good, 3 special prices, • 50e, 75c and $1 HODGEN3 BROS. • A GOOD ADVA.NCEMENT.Mr - John ROSS, son of Mr Thos Ross, of Es,st Wawanoshe was calling on his old Clinton friend - �u Saturday. Thirteen years ago he was one of the most clev- er students of Clinton Collegiate, and ten years ago went West, teaching in various schools until he became one of leadineeterieftenelireEdinonton Col- legiate Institute. He .was ,recently lected as Principal of the Dawson City I Public Schools, to which duties are j lined that of Inspector of all the • schools in the Klondike district,. at te ' salary of 53600 a year. He enters on hie duties, on the 156h of August, and left this *eek for the West, as he will 'stop for a short time at Regina.. That he will prove successful in his new pd- sition goes without saying -all Huron boys do -but Mr Ross' experience in the West already, together with the trainting he got et Clinton Collegiate, specially qualifies him for the more re- sponsible duties he is about to enteral*. One of the schools Mr Ross taught dur- ing his residence west, %vas in the miclet of the Mormon settlement, and hie teatimony is decidedly favorable to. this claw of settlers; he says they do not practine polygamy in Canada at all, though probably some of them had , plural wives before leaving the States. . ivimmaufai tooking our Best. 'Your photograph is your representative. and it sheald ohOw you at your beet. We will help you to look your beta and see that you ere not miasma of your appestats*. , Ihury's•• PbOto SIudIo cantos •