HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-11, Page 8. :July lith, 190
July Solo,
3rd Week.
SATURDAY we enter the 3rd week of our
great July sale. Hundreds of shoppers have been
quick to grasp the many money saving chances this
sale affords. Interest in it shows no sign of lagging.
*Here is this week's list of special attractions, Every
price stands for a reliable quality. There is not a line
in the lot that is inferior or low &rule. Every one
is just what you would expect to find here—GOOD.
Throughout July the stock of• strictly
summer Goods will be kept well assorted. You will
be able to get just what you want, just when you want
it, at prices that are As low as the same qualities can
be had for anywhere. Besides there will be many
clearing lots in all departments that will save money
for people who do there summer shopping here.
Vride***** ****************1r. 40110111WILIMP14444-441444111414 4 4 IP P * $
83ic the yard ... ..
• .4c
4 cents is your smallest eavinT on every yard of %
these muslins you buy. Not a piecein the lot but is
wozth 12io. Many you would think ,good value at 15c.
All are American goods.. Fast colors and made for this -
season's trade.
. 300-yeeds of American dress muffling, all thia. season's patterns, •
colors are pale blue, navy blue, pink. grev. green and linen .
shades, many different designe, regular • We and worth it,.
for July sale per yard Sic
123o Dress liuslins
Whitewear. Baraains
Fiore are some lines of whitewear that have become
soiled aud mussed through rauch showing. Selling the quan-
tity we an it is impossible to prevent more or lege soiled gar-
ments We have gathered them all together and out theygo
at July Sale Prices. Better come Saturday if you want any
of these. Tizey are big bargains.
Jorovers set vKC' : • • gleiltaweee 383, 7504*e-ere 500,
• '• ' o,
only Corso Covers. no two , aliee,' ee • 450 drawers 60 . •
eliehrly cal A with handling, sole ,
at 60o, 75o .-eA 90o, for jute sale, • Saintlier Corsets 37e..
each 37L,
Summer Corsets, arm* het, well
Odd *rowers boned, nicedi, trimmed with lace
and baby ribben, speeial at per.
6 pair Odd dm, irtelast pairs of several •
lines at July sale prioes. . pair
IIPPPPE*44-V-V-PruP14444.44•449F-teel 11•41444404411411•4431120,4**1;1144111411414
A Big ParpOSpeoial
$1. 25 Carpet for 98o
LOCAL Nortkizs,
HEW/IS:M.-While !outing cattle at DaVle & Lawrence •drug specialists of
the et at,ort last Thureday, Thos. Mason New York. ...Among the shipments
watt kicked in the leg by one of the from the station this wee lc were one
aninials,and had the Mall blnes there. car of cattle by S. Sinith. one by 0.
ot broken. The injury was dreseed by Reid and one by Ford 4k. McNeil
a doctor, and etzVertne, very severe. We mug* compliment those who have
ly pa be was. Mt Atabort deternaio. hadelvirge of the trimming of our
ed to go on to Toronto with his cattle ; shade treee ; especially for the work
he went and disposed of the load, re. done on it '' tenbury etreet....141 tick-
. turtling home an Friday evening, but ets wet e ,- old for Seaforth hot Setur-
Marries Weettee-leantelon Bros , ouncou not without experienclug considerable day by A 0, Pattison, G, T, R. ticket-
OneJ ik, J Taylor's fire proof safe tor eate,easy " pain on the trip. Most people would be agent ; 67 to the morning and 84 in the
terme. Apele to .LAIDOuT or 1 satisfied to remain. in bed with a broken a ernoen, to take in the Huron oie
,I0. O. lietelVer, Clinton leg, withouteloingany.travelling. At Boy' Excursion at that Piece. besides
We are still iodine In sugar by "mug ;•1 present Mr Meson is quietly resting at the jun10,1.419 that drove from thie sec-
Bed:reties Granulated below regular whole- home. Um.. - A.hout 50 of those who came up
stele price to make room for our neat ear.
W. T. O'Nett.
Taws Memo.
Lloyd's Weekly of Ione 15,190e,among
the mciniries fur len lust el ati ves. was
oae which read as. follows t-" Wiles
(m. g.).seelcs Ws mother, vvh•• left
Greenwich in 1775 under the nateee of
Be nes; address in 1882; post office,
Clinton, Ont."
Le !Itie, late of the NEW blES. stuff,. is
now in the mail service,aud i9 runntng
(hely bet ween Lendon and • Hani'lton
The work itt not specially hard, but Mr
Leckie is not altogether in love with it.
Heartys he will give it a six noonths'
ttial and in ease be does not like it.meY
eventeally go back to newspaper work.
• MUSIC -The folloWing pupils of
Miss Carol Newcombe who tried exams
in piano at the London Conservatory
of Music, were all successful in piles-
ing :-Misses Mabel Copeland and
Sybil Courtice, first chase honors, 2nd ,
year; Miss Znnila Cornish, let class
honors, let year ; Misses Newcombe
and 0ourtice, 1st class honors in har-
PRO MO riox–For about a year Ed.
T. H.ohnes, formerly of Olintone has
had charge ot the Canadian loonligra.
Wm Agency' at Indianapolis.. He has
just been ordered tie St.. Paul, Minn.,
where he will have fall charge of the
Agency ; he vvas assistant at St. Paul
beforegoing ta Iodianepolle and likes
the work much better in the west than
in the south, as the opportunities for
results are greater,
O. N. Purvis, ot London, who has
been in town for aorne time. repairing
roofs etc., intends to open.a billiard
oem in the old Beacon) storb, owned
by R. Thwas, on Albert street, He
will have the room nicely fixed up, and
two billiard and two poo tables in
stalled. as soon as final arrangements
have been -completed with the town
councIl. ••
•• THE CASE APPEALED. -Messrs • 'Kills was ", member.
tions in connection with he Taranto
examina. ftom Tot reit° On the excurelon, deep.
ped off at Clinton from the 6 o'clock
train, to spendrthe leader) here..
Conservatory of Neste took Plaee, an
During the absence of Jos. Chidley in
Wednesday. Mr Harrison,of Toronto,
Muskoka, (where he went for his
conducted, the examinations in Olinton
health) the businees is under the super -
which were held in Mr Hoare e Music'
vision, of of Mrs (Wiry, sr., and the
Broadfrire te Box Co, are to becongrat-
ed on securing, even temporarily. the
services of a lady of such prominent
business ability, ... R. FitzQinions ship-
ped a cer of hogs on Tuescley. the price
paid was $6 75 with the tendency of the
market eligh tly better .... Frank VITileion
Emporium. Those trYing here were
Misses L. Jackson, S. Nesbitt, P. a)le,
Marion Coate, Doane Parte, Lela
Hoover, N. Herman and E•le. Holmes,
Among those who are trying the piano
ex eminatian thisweek Goderich ar e t
'Misses Pearl Gidlev, Peerl Obellew
and Hese Clark, of Blyth, Mies Edith
has taken a situation in the store of
r. ,mttloai lout deo, easoft. ;col lor den r,v vl oal ncuk , ()I lafeni dtnogedwitisimAlviiglitieostBgemtil5
arbaoyIllotr28cooStounb,e.0..E;.:labnuttlleorn BonrosT. suheispdpaeyd
Ross and Nellie'McKenzie went up to for export trade.....Cherries are being
Goderich on Wednesday to their
eir week, also black currants.... & son f
shipped in quite large quantities Ole
exert% in Piano .Miss Penhall,
Myth, also wept on the lame mission. A. 0, Pattison, bad the Misfortune to
get the end of a rusty file in hie foot
glee, soreineew of Mrs feeder, Clinton,
FAT4a.L ACOIDENT.-Samuel Rig- with the result that a mild form of
ableblood t. °p° hobblei aonlngaroundhas d ex stiffer,lopedtthoughconaid.
enable from rt....Geo. Potts has come
pleted the external ee :mitt tn of 1'. e
home of T. jackeon, jr...,Thoe; Bic.
Kenzie has con3pleted the house of J.
Becker, Mary street, and made an
excellent and satisfactory job of it....
Et. East has made arrangements to
work the homestead on the eravel road,
Hullett. for this year and has moved
his family thereto- . A large plate
tease veindow,to replace the one broken
in the store of J. W. Irwin, by the
storm. some time ago, was put in on
: it bed to be imported
from tbeei'd country specially, by the
aoaa. Hardware Co., °wick to its
length. ...The regular meeting of the
Huron Medical Astiociation was held at
Stratford yesterday (Thinsday), Dr,
Shaw, sect etery, being the only ape in
attendance trom this place.... The
Orangemen in this vicinity will cele-
brate . in Goderich tomorrow. w .,The
many friends of Mrs (J. E. Tenney will
be pleesed to hear that she is recover-
ing nicely from her late serious illness
..e.Parties.who maliciously interfere
brother Vieelliam, left on Tuesday
with artythnia on the government post
morning for Oolurnhus and claimed the will be getting into trouble if
body, which was. brought here on office siee
they are not careful.. - We are sorry to
Twhisdprisetleasy,lifitntdhe holt:triraeddiannnodrecire:hoef
state that Mr Bender experienced a.
met anth an accident at Colunebus,
Ohio, on Thursday which resulted in
his death. Deceased was a moldier,
and until quite recently was .working
at 'Hamilton, but he lately took a sit-
uation at Columbus in the emelting
works. The shop was ashort distance
down one of the lines of reilway, and
the men going to the shop were in the
habit of flagging the trams, which
usually slacked up for them. •It is
stated that Eliggins flogged a ' train as
usual, which did not ston, and 'that in
attempting to get out of the wey, he
was struck his skull, being •badly
crushed. He was taken to the hospital,
bat died sbiertly after, Hie Wife was
still living at Hamilton, but name to
Clinton as ar)ou as she was notified of
the result of the accident, having asked
that the body be sent here for inter.
ment. Fre. seine reason or .other the
adthorities did not immediately for-
ward t he body, hut held it at Conine -
bus, though Mr Pattison, acting as 13.
S. consul, telegraphed concerning ip.
Mrs Higeine, .accarnoanied by her
Poreeters, of whizh orgaeization air set end strolte of Tutu,. ysls, On Mondsv,
• . Mrs • • • being found on hie lawn ; it wa,s'a mild
Doherty Sr 0o., in a letter concerning. no serious results. we are
last week's item re .their insurance employed by the corporation, and
is a stater of Mr Ohas H. Carter who le .etroke and
gled to say; are anticipetecl.... Miss,
lost thrimeil the. interpretation placed for a time employed on the dredge who resides Clara Twitehell gave a -birthday party
day afternoon, receiving . in return „
.e_tree.." _Write 'as: fellews:-.Fileerigeetee dieliehter. a Mrs Carter. to -her nnmerous little friends QP Toot.:
Ray, We won on every point raised, but, - cTe-eisre terffiereeitatibile-eMe elliggieer was
by his Honor, Sedge Street, . on oue ' When it *as working in Hallett a° feir molly beautiful present*? as tokens of .
sentence contained in one of our lee. Years ego. In addttion•to his wife .he 1 them beet ensbeee• • .rtie rod ' of rah: -
Bros. rolling mill is being repaired by
ters to the- company. The import of leaves two yonng boys. Mrs Higgins , .e,
this sentenee was not called in question speaks. very hienly /if the ceurtesy and.
• • v. N. Persia, expert roofer, from Len-
don....Nearly 40,000 square feet of
the trial. The judge, in preearing his bus, who aided, her every way. . . geapolithic walk have been built this
year in town, and a good deal more is •
Cash and one Priee
this one statement from our corres.- Horne Norsing has been •Issuerl by tbe .
-_Peederice,laipeed eno cobtrect". We.
with our solicitor, -claim that it did,
and on this ground have appealed the
case, and are confident of winning it,,. .
I'. A LAMEe.frAl3LE SCENE. -The
wife of • e well•to-dd and widely knowii
farMer, of this. neighborhood,: who hies .
White, Black, Prey, Pink, Blue,
5c per hank.
A shoulder cape made of Shetland Floss is the" right
thing for the cool evenings after the hot ,,days—light,
practical and fashionable, and we may say popular,
-too at 50 per hank. Don't you admire them very
niu'cli on others. Be admired by wearing ene yourself.
Another hot weather comfort is 'a hammock, healthful,
restful, not extreme to payneedful; to recline in a ham-
mock is the very nearest you can comfortably come to
being.suspended in the air, where its coolest and most
healthful, 75c to ,$5,00. ,
Still another warm weather leatu.re of our stock is our
Faus,—Large Leaf Fans, 3c each; better one at 5c
each,—All kinds, all colors await your inspection, at
prices as low'as we can, pro'fitably sell them.
The W. D. FAIR 00. mon
",Often the Cheapest—Always the Rest."
at fine tirne during the argument' at attention o the • art tee 0
LU -
decision, came to the •conclusion that NOTES. -a. neat little • booklet' on rit to go down. .
' $
hoe Bargains .
. - . • ,
Never before have we given such bargains in . all
kinds of first class footwear as we arejust now. Many
of the lines we adirertified last week are bleared alit
and our numerous customers were delighted with their • •
purchases. This week we replenish our bargain
cc•unters with exceptional values, which it . will pay . .
•. •
you to inve4tig.ate. - _
Men's bioyole boats, just the thing for summer wear, regrilar price $1,75 and
$2, about 36 pairs go at $1.25
Youth's tan laced boots, wen worth.$1.50 to Blear at $1. • • *
Men's fine laced bootee up -U. -date, regular $3 going at $2, .
Ladies' kid oxfords -we never sold as mime Oxfords as we did last week,catl .
and eee what We oe.n do for you at 90o and $1.25, we can save you 25 per
. VY'e have 36 pairs of Men's tan oxfords they are worth. ercira $1.25 to $1.73,
you.osu.have:.you.Obotoe for 90o and $1.25. '
See our girls'. buttoned boots worth $f going at 75a. . '' - - e •-
. -
.. The Old Reliable.
Saturday july 19==
. • .. been *mentally unbitlenced for nearly
Here is a carpet bargain in earnest, One that you can : , a year,but not to say danger wily; got
• . ;r1(23eri. ee i te ucmd- .,
' th°
not afford to pass if you are doing any carpeting this ' I. fi'°P0 on FridaY
::: - Lition that came to her°
bummer. It would even pay to .buy for next fall at this :.:.
- two children ,lia.c1 got oft at' thBe9surtn, .
, At Clinton, and were foully murdered,
. - and nothing would satirly her,trut that
her lthsband should drrve her to Clinton
: to allow her to inspect' the place, but
not not being able to find them bere
- greet inued her Wilde chase into several
; *acre in town, until it became unbear-
ithle rtnd with the help of three stalwart
menthe was finally taken into the
council chamber and the mayor notified. .
She immediately recognized him and '
quieted down, after the Mayor asse ring
her that he would probeet her. As it i
200 yards extra quality English Bruesees carpet, made be one ,of
England's leading makers, guaranteed to wear, this ,season's
oolorings and patterns, regular pi 25, for July sale, made and dko0
laid per yard, e Vac
• All cif these are slightlymutesed or soiled with handling.
1 only gown, made of good cotton, yoke 1 only gowa, fancy yoke of tucking
of insertion, front of insertion and and ineertion, neok and cuffs em
• embroidery, collar and cuff embeoid. broidery trimn3ed,regulter $1 50now
ery, trimmed. reeular $1.26. on Sale et1 only gown' yoke of tacking and in -
Saturday Oa" Gorgon and ombar: fulling, regular 5
900, ....
2 only gowns wade of fine English •
cotton, square out neck ,yoke of in. :
insertion and feather ranch braid, sertion and en2broidery with baby
neck and Cuffs of widetorohon lace A ribbon, collar of Woking and em• „ie.
regular $1.75, for Saturday broidery, eegalar $1.85, each-for..L
lonly gown made of fine white dot -
ton. yoke, torchon insertion, enib'y
A Great Big Sailor Hat Bargain.
Unquestionably the greatest 'bargain in these •
much worn hats ever given in town. We et a lowf .
a very, low price and $10W give you abargam. Ready .
Saturday. ' •
150 Ladies' Sailor Hate, rustic draw, lined:bleu:It orevhite bands, an ex.
tra special bargain for July sale et eaoh 15c
Vlore 1111illiner,3r;fargains
s •
Miss Randall does not want to leave a bit of millinery
behind her when she goes for her holidays Thia week we
are offering greater bargains than ever. 0•••
'Ttimmid Mats $1,00
8 girls trimmed hate new shapes, last left in stook, regular 01,50 to —
52,50, (Melee 1,1* /11* LIM
'Any trimmed hat Sl.50
This week should seethe lest of the trimmed hats. Every hat to he •
sold at one lido. !our ohbloe of any trimmed hat In. he show 4 eak
room no matte: whatehe former prior% for.. . . ...... . ....
Vlovvers 5c
• Not many dowers left, peril% one hundred honcho. We; would ebe
willing to take a dye dol ar bill forthent so Saturday you, can
have your choice at per bunch e
'Nene' Goods
Some Summer Bargains from the clothing section;
�bIrts 39c
three Shirker Ititesoeted ()timbre%
• and Ceylon 46111161S, last Ones, of
lime that told at 15e ina 51,00,
Clearing for July aide, each,..... 3
Men's Hats LOO
75 Mons' felt Hata, hard and "soft
themes, good styles, leek ones and
two(' of lines that sold at
' PAO and 33,30, lene ohilhoe to plunge, and finA113, landed in the yard
e 4;4 g°°a ft'rverAlitle numeY dia of Mr Thos Weaker, cleaner no more
• 6AVone.ifig. fiielikeIgittlel-esseleere low! injury to the rig than thes ',breaking ..of.
the donbletree. /t WAS found that Mr
Scott had broken throe vibe. while Mrs
Scott received a bad brute° on the
head and had her face scratched by
the gravel; ehe was very fortunate in.
deed in not being more seriously in -
Jared. Nt4withetanding their injuries
be& returned to Toronto on Monday,
accompanied by Mies PIUMMOrc
k Os taken as caeh.
....aig..Saturday,. July- 19
NIS min
would take two or three. clays. at PRO
to get papere for an ,admission to an
aeyluneit was thMight,Wiee to take her
t)aCk home, nut some guelktly.vIlliTtuati°ttstilviZe
husband has the .sinipathY of the entire
community, in his circumetances It is
expected ehe wilt be -taken to London
next week. ' • '
Thursday afternoon a couple of rather
mature age drove up to a certain hotel
here in town .about four ie. to..and after
the landlordhad Ushered them in and
had their horse put away, they next
enquired where a minister could be
found. A messenger Was immediately
despatched, and it was not rang barna
the joyful news was proclaimed that
they wished to become man and wife.
The minister. who could not proceed
without witnesses, looked around for
the t much needed article, and finding
a young lady, not dressed to attend a
marriage:least, and a married man, in
his shirt sleeves, well known in town,
he went beck to maktithe once married
man happy with his maiden bride.
After a light supper, vshieh can only be
accounted for by the excitement they
had undergone.they took the 6,45 train
for a northern town.. The mutes wed-
ding of last week was not in it with
this one. Their names were John
'Glen, of Vsbornet and Miss Wilson, of
ktay Rev* Dr, Gifford performed the
noon Mr Lester Scott. of Toronto,
formerly of Clinton, had the mis-
fortune to meet with 'a bad accident,
whereby three of his ribs were broken.
Mr and Mrs Scott had come up from
Toronto on the Huron Old Boy's Ex-
cursion, and were stopping with Mr
Plummer, Mrs Scotts father, and were
intending to visit Mrs Hibbs, a sister
of Mrs Scott, on the Idth con., of God.
erich township, Mr Hibbs had a team
hitched to the buggy, and when Mr
and Mob Scott got in at Mr Plummer's
It. crowded the seat so that, Mr Hibbs
was sitting on the ridge. The effort to
raise an umbrella to keep off the eun,
frightened the horses, and tbetran
away, Mr Hibbs, from hie positAon
having no control and 'being thrown
out before they had gone twenty
yards, escaping unhurt. The sudden
turning of the horses at; the corner of
Queen and ,Princess streets threw out
Mr Scott, who fear bllothe culvert' on
his eide. In it moment more the Iurch.
ing of the buggy threw Mrs Scott out,
'she falling on her head and face, The
hoteett continued, on in their wild
IsK44:••X•40•:••:••::::•••:tle.:“Vir:44)•:":"§"IK",,tsf - 010.10444;44,4"...'511441444."f:S.•ef4400,..41000.4":44.44040.044 MIK•041•4•1•1•C•C••••••:4+0•:•4:44.:**14494)
For 16 years We have successfully held 2 Special Sale Days, one in July and one.
in January, in which we give the people an opportunity,to,buy Mens' and Boys' Cloth-
ing and Furnishings at less than they could possibly be made for, in these 2 days
which are set apart for the. express purpose of cleaeng out all odd linesof seasonable
goods we certainly do not begin to make a copper on our salts this clay and while we
have a hard clay'swork, we get a lot of money foi a lot of goods that might otherwise
be. canied.oyer until next season. ,So it will be your fault if y ou do not take a dvan-
tag6 of this kind Our Bargain Days are so Well known and so well established that
it is not necessary to say more about them. It is impossible to Ave a full list below of
what we have to offer and you Will have to come to the store and take .your- time in .
going over the list we will have ready for you.
Clothing List Furnishing. List
liens' $10.00. Sias •••• w. * • • • Sale Day $6.95
,Meris' . 7 50 S tits ... • .... ....Sale Day 4.95
Mens' 5.00 its • • • • .... ... Jule Day 3.59
Made mostly in lour Rutton.S. R. Slyle-well triMmed and
• well made— . '''')
Youths' $5.00 S13 and D B Sack Suits ". ....Sale Day $3 59
Boys' 5 00 and $6 00 3 piece Suits ....Sale Day 8G0
Boys' 4 00 3 piece Suits .... ....Sale Day 319
Childrens' 5 00 and 8600 Fancy Suits Day 3 78
Childrens' 4 00 and 3 50 Fancy Suits ....Sale Day 2 69
Mons' 3 50 fine wormed Pants... ....Sale Day 2 75
Mena' 2 50 tweed Pante ,.. Sale Day 1 89
Mons' 2 00 tweed Pants .... Sale Day 1 29
BO e' 40e and 35c Summer Knee Pants Sale Day 24c
Boys' 1 25 and 1 00 mid Vests .... • Sale Day •50e
Boys' 150 ana oo odd Coats .... Sale Day 69c
Bore 2 50 and 2 00 oda Coate • SitleOity 1.49t
48 Boys' Summer Coats. . • 0 • • 0 • • * • • Sale Day price
Mens' $1 50. Print Shirts
Mena' .1 00 Print Shirts
. • •
ri5c Print Shirts
Mens' •500 -Print Shirts
27 ends of ploth from 2 'ya.rds to 3 yards—c14rk
and tight colors r . sato*
• 6 4 •
4 4
• •• .• • •
Sale'Dey 890
Sale Day' 60e-
....• Sale Day 490 '
. . Sale Day 38o
Boys' 750 Sweaters ....... Sale Day • 49e
Boys' 1 00 Sweaters ........ ... • d Sale D,ay 74.
Mens' Regular 10c Cotton Sox Sale Day 4 for 25c
Mens! Regular 20e Cotton Sox , .Sale Day 4 for 60o
85c and 25C Ties 4 in band and flowing ei.ds.. Sale Day 19e
Mons' 50c Book down Caps.. .. 44 Sale Day 3e
Boys' 35e and 250 caps • .... Sale Day 19e
Mena' 35e Brace; Sale Day 28e
Mens' Linen Collar, regular 150 and 20e Sale Day 6 for 25e
72 Mena' and Boys' Straw Hats .... Sale Day prico
35c Girls Sailor Straw Hats, • Sale Day 290
Nothing sold on approval, notbing 01,E9hanged, all sales spot cash . and the iibov°0 ••••w.•
-.4 • . . 4, " k**K.: 4 41*
priclifoi Saturday, J'uly 19th, 1902;only; '
AMMON :BROS.. 24111:1E0'eLg, 'CLINTON