HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-11, Page 7Robes, Own Tablets. ••••••• THE CLIN't(iN NEW ERA Hints tn APPlit I,rOwr bone. Ass tower) voitetiee cover uoiy . the fall and 'winter monthit is cer- • vAR1000EL AEI 0 it, The PM trees are becoraing very I Experiments at Uteh etation prOred that exercise bas defleite value in leer- ering the cost of egg production. One thousand pounds of poultry will cost less C1=11,1,000 pounds ot beef, and itells for twiee as much in market, Eggs are extract of grain, grass and waste .food generally, and are ene of fornie - which to market such products. In constructing borne -made brood- ers, Corners are a nuisance and should be avoided as far as passible A stillare t�p Is the, cheapest but the eor1eer8 may be filled in. ' It is a question just bow muchl oltarra feeding Pays. It has been claimed that warming alone will doe: Tale the umber of eggs as compared with' fowls where cold grain is fed M- U, Proper feeding two or three weeks befere the fowls are killed for market will make a great difference in the price. There is nothing like corn and gluten meal to give the required yel- lowness and plurapness. The poultry industry, is on a boom In the South, . Mississippi breeders have organized a State poultry astos., elation. • . EYellds of yoting ducks watering and sticking together is generally paused by their taking cold and be- coming, what might be styled roupy. frhe changes of temperature in the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Minty net we to overlook entirely Popular for Setting in ben Yards. 150Mo gto Mesmagtof 'lope to Stine 24 In the older parte of Ont. the early sorts ; because there muet tato such ail the COMetlee of 'Mid- epring-upn market for the etaliereorts Tired' and 'Worried nether* dims, Perth,. Oxford, and Brant, as as eoon, art the otherii have got the well as a portion of Hum, where the market securely. eisvpedruaag, gr;Tit In homes where Baby's Own Teblets are best apples grew in times gone be, Top grafting wed arose andsfretful oto-dayeildren are unknown /0aT there is a great neglect of young deal of attention " this eel The little tines are Dross because they are tree planting as well as of pruuing average fanner thinks there is sonee ening. end these Tablets are the best and the natural result is a diminution neystery 'about grafting, eo it le very Inedieme in the world for stomach, bowel in the quantity of apples grown and a 1 gratifying this year to lind him amen - and teething troubles. They will meke decline in the quality of the fruit pro- able to cultore on the point. It is your baby well and keep it well, and they duced. Now in Grey. in the north. gratifying to discover how many are guaranteed to contain no ingredients eastern part of Durban), and in the farmere . are taking up grafting, for . Vitus can berm the smallest, weakest in- county of Northumberland, the young where it has been put pato practiceit fent. Mothers every -where give these orchatds are just oboist equal to the Tablets, the Meson praise. Mrs R. MQ. older ones in number, showing that Master, Crookstown, Ont„ says ;..."NtY plantine is there going on 'vigorously. baby was much troubled with constipation In former cases there is no doubt the And indigestion, and was very restless and trees were planted from BOMB twenty - Peevish at nights. I gave her Baby's Own live to forty years ago, when there wits Tablets and else is now regular and rests no exact knowledge of, and, perhaps, well, 1 alms And that the Tablets are it but little experience, in varieties when greet help daring the teething period." early apples were in demand, wlaen the Children take these Teblete jest as soil was !few, when insect pegte and readily as candy and crushed to it powder fungous diseases were rare. •and when • they oan be given to the youngest, feeblest the only kill required was sinsply to infant with none but good results. Sold • take the fruit. Under these mrctun- by all &Were or sent post wad at 25 cents stances the business of apple geoWing a box by writing direot to the Dr Williams' was exceedingly profitable; but there Medicine (1o, Brookville, Onto or soon came a glut of the earlier var- Schenectady, N. Y. ieties, They were not suitable tor the • export trade. so that as 50011 as the 'ring Ileum, • home maiket was supplied there was •••••••••• It will sometimes happen tbat the re- DO further call for them. The soil lost sonaething of its virgin freshness ; the turn in eggs from a yard of poultry Is trees would not pence sowell; and much less than it should be, and won- with the increased number of trees der Is expressed that the hens don'ttlaere came a quadrupled increase in laY fungous diseases and insect pests, Not well. Then is the time to keep a sharp only was there a falling off in the de - watch for the egg -eating hen. One hen mend for the particular Variety they will demoralize a whole flock, illid f re- were growing, but there was an . in, creased difficulty • in growing any quently the eggs will be eaten so clean variety; hence farmers got the idea t,bat no tell-tale shell will be left to that there was no rroney to be got out *how tie cause of the ir disappearmin e°f aPPles, and they let 'their orcharde tun wild, they allowed noxiousin- lend it niay be a long time before tetie sects to multiply and . fungous dis- owner discovers the true. reason for the fames to run their coOrse,, with the It b t th h d inevitable resu t a e orc ar s small numner of eggs. The habit seems g to caused by improper feeding. or too elo,y were alnsost ruined. In the Geor r• an elt/se confinement. Fowls that have district, however, it isnot diffi- cult to persuade farmers that ore tree range and get a variety of food in chards can be made to pay; but every, consequence rarely eat their owes eggs. one should understand that to be a Let a hen once begin to, eat eggs, how- successful apple growerha must choose ever, and it is almost impossible to cure suitable varieties, adopt clean cul - her, and the very best remedy is the tivation, pursue systematic pruning, axe before the rest of the flock become spray at the proper time in the proper contaminated. Care should be taken manner with the proper solutions, and to prevent conditions giving dee to ads direct careful attention to cover crones they should be given meat serips,ground abit. If the fowls are closelconfined "Where ignorance is bliss 'tis folly to culture. Thie, the Dominion be wise" isnot in the:science of horti, hn Depart- ment of Agriculture 113 trying to in- still into the minds of fruit growers by means of lectures and object lesson's. Mr A. McNeill, acting chief fruit in- spector, is engaged in this work, and this is how,he teaches the young idea how tee grow fruit sueoessfullye pro- fitably. and ready for mile. He ar- ranges a meeting in a central locality and spends from half an hour to an lour ineloorslectueing and ansWering all sorts of questions put to him • by gro were and others. Then he proceeds with his audience to a near -by orchard, tehere•he eon3roeneee ILU ennedit)oen4rie. search of noxious insects and fungi: Having discovered a pest, aided per- haps by a niagnifyingglass, he next proceeds to prepare his Bordeaux • mixture, and then sprays the infested .parts with the force pumin taking care to demonstrate as well as to explain Bladder Troubles green bone, etc., to make up for the loss of bugs and inseets they would ,get in tree range, and their grain. diet ;should also be varied. . It is well to be careful about leaving • any egg shells where the finvls can get them. If any are fed they should be ohopped fine &intim morning masli, other. vise from this one cause •the egg -eating babit may develop. • . , A close watch should also he kept for a time .on all new. stock purchased, to .see that this habit or any disease is ,elot intteduced into theigienh Cinne 'and' etteotion aVregande ideultry will be found to pay for the labor ex- pended many times over, for while a flock left to themselves on free range • seldom eat eggs, they will be found be waste thein through stealing their nests, and having •the eggs destroyed by prowling vermin, or bring off seating chicks so late in the season it is had for them to survive. The hens .also de- teriorate in plumage and beCorne tpugn and thin in body. • Fowls properly yarded, with plenty of room and receiving the. right care and food, seldom develop disease of any kind, and egg -eating is 'unknown to, theme-. U. E. Ilaydoek, . • • tours atter tney come out .01 eneshelne' Keep them free from lice by dustieg tbeni with Persian insect powder. Dust the hen, too. . . . -,.. Don't neglect' the mites and big lice. Greasing will drive them off. Don't let the turklets run on dirty ranges or in filthy quarters. Give water only in small and shallow dishes. . . During the first week feed them with sifted, rolled or grourel oats, cooked and exumbled and .mixed with a beaten, 'egg. With this give them milk Mid eurd. Feed th m five or .six timee a day, . dd a little env meat, •finschoppd e oni n and green food. daily; . . During the second week pot wheat And ground bone in .boxes where they nen get et it, and give them three 'daily feeds of mixed cornmeal,. wheat Mid- •dlings and ground oats,.cooked end mix- ed with ehopyed green food. Thereaftnn riupnely-nreill tlinenalendn rice, or turnips, or potatoes. • Remove the coops to ireeli grchind fre. quently in order to avoid filth. , Supply a dust-bath, ,fine gravel and ground bone. , They are tender until their feather; are full. Fresh bone finely cut will be a good tbing for them.- On dry, warnn days Iet them range, but never on wet, cold days. , GiVe them a roost in an open shed facing the south. . . • One' gisbbIer 'en ill nninvei tiont Y to 7 twenty-five hens, ,as a single mating fer- tilizes an the eggs a hen will lay during the season. • Mate pullets with two-year-old gob- lers, or yearling gobblers with two-year- old hem. Should you wish to tree 9..4 incubator and brooder, do not try more than twenty -live to thirty in a lot, •for •the constant care required by young bur - keys makes it difficultto handle Ioniser flocks. In matin select medium-sized gob- blers. The turkey it a rJbg ange bird: and cans not thrive in confinement after reach - fell Mee. The turkey hen should be permitted to make bee own nest, Once fully feathered tlie turkeys( are able to look out for nhemselisee largely. Feeding 'them in the barnyard night and morning will accustom them to re- turning home at night to roost. -New York Farmer. y Onf VIE FOURS QUAILE PLAN. The four -souse plan wane that ell customers, regardless of rank et etation, Teoeive the mime careful attention and treatment at our etore. We are ae partici- mar with the child who is sent to pur- chase some small article as we are with the perienced adult, We never sub - re Pete inferior &rage when Ailing weir dootorni • proseription. We never room. thend the "sonsething just, as good.' °. Stith AND TINVAILMB Kidney Disease. • 0Ici people are especially liable to dee rangemerats of the kidneys and bladder -and. •it is therefore' not unusual to find • them great admirers of Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills: • Mr. John Lalone, *Woodworker, Tren- ton, Oat, states :-"I .e.m seventy years ' • old and have been using •Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for; some eirne. I have been troubled a great deal with my kid. neys and bladder :and .at timeswould gts two or three 'days without passing .any thing. Idr. eChase's Kidney -Liver Pine have proved to be exactly what I needea and I owe it to them that am in seal *good health to -day. . They acted prprnptly on my kidneys and bladder with the most satisfactory results. bringing qineic relief and setting these ergane in perfeoteworking order..." • One pill a dose, •25c. a box, at all dealers, or Edmanson, 'Dates & • Co, Toronto. Insist on getting venet cu for Run refuse substitutes. " • - • Or. Chases • the difference •between showering; Porinkling. and 'actual spra,ying; for while spraying with poisons is sal- vation to a plant, tree, or shrub, snow- ering or sprinkling means very often destruction. Ali insecticides and thogicides should fall on vegetationih the moat delicate spray, otherwise the trees may be injured. Me McNeill found, in his recent tour through t he countiew all eady named a general belief that them were no in- sects tbis yea', doing any damage, Fifa Magnifier eoon discovered hosts •9f secte. The oyster-ohell bark 1308e very prevalent ; the cigar 'case bearen in some districts was ei trite nunaerous ; the tent caterpillar was in evidence but not, seriously; and thenanker worm in sorne localities was very plentiful but Inc multitude the bud moth simply swarmed., The result of finding these pests where they were supposed to be conspietrous by their absetwe so struck the farmers that McNeill could have sold a gross of magnifiers on the spot. Ib was an object lesson that will never be forgotten; it was nature study in its most. tattgible_form; it was, that practical experimenting which lea& to the conversion of the desert into a fruitful field, al3d clothes the dismal praii ie with al world's grain yield. • It does tot, always hell to the Ion of a Governtnent to witoese the good re- sults of missionary zeal; but here in Canada We are constantly reaping where we have sown; and Mr McNeill reports that the result of the forward olicyof the Minister of Agriculture • tinder all circumstances of sielines arid disease Peine's Celery Compound is side, mire and unfailing. It (Itemiser( end purifies the bleed, brutes the nerves, corrects digestion, Ana upothoee who are Week, and run-down, If you ere tietvous or aleeptese, try one bottee.; the reettlte will stuprie0 you. Our Stook of inevs Ochry 00fitp0011d is always fresh Ana 40 HOVEY, Orrigaiti• °Who, has been emiently succeseful. One Ontario farmer who had/layer grafted , a tree in his life, after hearing Mr Me- / Neill's lecture some time ago top • grafted a large number in his orchard, ono his losses were under three per .cent of the number grafted. Graftioe sbould be made a part of fi b d N t ith t d eljnotive our. for Yericooele and titrieture, without cutting, *trefoil* rintes ley Latail Method Treatment to be * Pernimmill end rig or lore of "Simi. In 'Ware:motile M00)40001 toe bagging, or wormy condition, tepunizes circulation, stops pains in the grows, also au drains, thereby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitelimi the parts and restore* lost powers; in Stricture it Lbsorbe the Strioture home, stop( Bmartiug sensation, nervousnes5. weakness, backache, etc. while In all predate° troubles It le the treats ent ear titanium*. Ko 'motive i that monateet Method ',creiktOent w ours you that you can • PAY WHEN CURED °gm need pay nothing until yon are convinced that a thorough and complete cure hair been established. Makes no difference Wbe haa failed to ours you, call or write me. • Each time you tall you see me Personally, re,r each time Yon write it receivea my pencil:MI attention. The number •of years am este,/ after given uP by other doetore, has placed me netted in Detroit, and th3et court tegeIciloolthootrary,P,Inhed as the foremost apeolali The Latest. Method Tregiment Guaranteed to Cure Varioseem and strioture withoutouttins, stretehinnor loss of time; also Blood nomon, Chrome, Private; Nervous, Impotency, Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Stonwoh, Pensaie arid Rectal Troubles. OonsM.TATION FREE. ()alit if you cannotcall write for blank for horae treat. nient, Perfeetaastem c f home treatment for those who cannot win. BOOK FREE. AS med. every 1)7 e ucat on, w s an - Mines for orm an patients shipped irons Windsor. AU duty and express charges prepaid, .*ng t be care the nurserymen COB 208 Woow d Ave., Com WIIGOO give to his stock, eel sous mistakes will E1E be made in the varieties ; and if for no, ' t • ^ other 'reason than that every: lad should know ho w to perform so simple an oporation as erafting. Trees have individualism suet as ani mats have; and for mason tiaat we cannot explain one tree with appal'ently no better chance tban another growing by its side, of the same var- iety, will be prolific while the , other is comparatively barren. _• The best orchards of the future will be thosethat are planted wirh some hardy vigorous stock like our Tallman Sweet, or Macroahonni White; and • when these have thrined a stock ahead at two or three years old they may be top grafted trom selected trees. • As the • nurseryman practices propa- gation he exercises no discrimination, because his cuttings are from pros ductive and non-productive trees alike, and more often than not they are taken from trees that have not cone(' into bearing at all, consequently he must perpetuate a good many poor specimens. The rcian who top grafts has an op- portunity to examine a thousand • trees, and, seleceing the best can top graft his *hole orchard with the con- fluent expeceation of having nearly all his trees approach very near in merit that one m the thousand that he se- lected for nis grafting. One reason why top grafting cannot be recommended to the average farm- er indiscrinainatoly is that he cannot I be always induced to do tbe work at, the proper manner. He cannot always • ' be trusted in the matter of selection. Ir Andbe is too apt to be careless and I indifferent, leaving the greater num- ber of bis trees 'ungrafted to the ser- ' boos detriment of the•symmetry of the orchard. ' • THE WELL IN SUMMER. Et May be Converted Into a Creamery at a Cellar. .' The sketch herewith shows a sim- ple and euccessful oreamery that any farnaer'can with a little expense cone strut. The first thing required is. 'welIof good size and of cent water. Three .cans are all that are needed In a small crearaery, eacla holding a milldng, which allows thirty-six hours or each setting. The • cans should _ • \ ,1 g. have 1411-iitt -covers, but not air- tight ones; a should be about thee, In some of the SW1613 'valley's the, inhabn • times the height of the diameter. The tants are all afflicted with goitre.or "thick sketch in so simple that it . scarcely neck." Instead of regardiug this as a . de- needs explanation. One point' to be formity they seem to thank it a natural ,be kept in mind is to see that the cans feature of physical development, and: tour- are not set •too deep in, rainy weather. ists pro sift threueneheneyalleynearensome -.1textbineeetttere may riseainI overturn - timet jeeretj by The goitroua inhabitantt, nnhe 'Snaps are used on the • endo. beoantethen are without this offeneive e *of the rope to attach the can, as seen • Thunalorm of disetie may be- In Fig 1. The cover et the case is no come so Common that 18 18 regarded: as a Slade that when Closed it slants, back natural and necessary,condition of life.e. • • , • . It is so to a large extent, with . What are . . • °alien diseaseli of women. Every woman suffers More or less fora irregularity, ulcer- • debilitatine drains, or female weak - Men and this eaffering is so common ond eo univetsal that many, women accept it as condition metered and necessary tn. their sex, But it ie a nondition as Unnatural as inns 'unnecessary. The use of Dr. Piel'Oe'll Favorite Preseription strengthens the ,deli- oate womanly •organa and regulated th,e womanly fellation% so ttilit woman re prac- tically delivered from the pain and misery which eat nis ten yeare of her lifebetween the ages of fifteen and forty-five. • el'avor- : ite Prescription" makes weakwomen strong and eh* evemen Well, Two steamship companiesare now competing for • trade between New . York and, South- Africa; rates . have •been reduced and trade is increasing: - New life for a quarter. Miller's. es COM- ' pound Iron Pills. Sold by all Clinton drug- ---' • Fig. II. • • glees, • . • ' ' lo eed ram. • The front pleee. Is e- irn'InbeestI;dtidtelSptoaltietiseCalapbriniseotnveuisnlli • : ° fi'i ,tt",od tachable and ,.sets In so that vehen closed it cart be locked with a padeock. • . t he re li . Philippines. • The ;well may also be . used as a- ler's Cone:mend Iron Pills.•Sold by all t ' If . " - `.` • • ' . ' eintistitute• for ,a- caol ceelar or •an ice yonr evetem needs toning up, toke Min e Clinton araggista. . .. box. Our cute(no. 2) showsPa.plan by,' • . • / whichti 1es of ar c f food that it is de- , Thomas Clarkelocbmotieeton the Esplanade and ser -of Clayton, a fire- io down the well. • A tin pail with a men on theToronto, was struck by a j • . , I , cover lii used for this purpose It is needlees to soy that, in all cases,. the iously inured. utensils used in this connection with Fifty doses for a quarter.' The best of i ,the well should be perfectly. clean. ' • .• alt tonics,. Miller's Compound Iron Pills. 1 • 1, som by all Clinton druggisis, . - • 1 • • • ? • ua••• •••• ..• ..• •.- ••••4 0 What The 'Creamery Business' Needs. 'The _body of little lifarion Murphy, . Setter cbws and more of them, and who disappeared several nights ago 'More for „them to eat, and better care, frorn her home in Buffo, !.',was found . with better bulls and more clover. in the lake On Theirs& y, bound with Educate the patron tp be.a reasonable .ropes and apiece of gag in the mouth, • and Sensible being.. Let farmers p6 - bearing out the theory . that she was tronize each creamery more largely, Stolen by kidoappers, who. had E.A. especially during the winter months, tended holding her for ransom: . ' A RIGHT TO JUDGE, ' ' ' • ' ---"' ting expenses will be • year round opera for by running to its full capacity. the • •Person's who have used Dr. Chase's,' •portion of the receipte for butter to . ...._ reduced, and it can pay a larger pro- f Ointment have the nest right to judge of its i the producer. ' Continue .advocating merits and thew, is no preparation on the ! :the keeping of the very best cream • market today which is backed by such a eezensa, salt rheum, and piles ea promptly, tows. that 'can .be not, to feed more mass of ressoliaitated testimony. It- mires and better grain and to enter into , and thoroughly that people feel it a plea- I sure to recommend it 'to other eufferers. I may and listening with znore businesslike me - See testimonials in the newspapers ' Ueda. Too much creara 'is made le June whenbu • tter is vale The new elevators being constructed • • •1ow, 'which reduces the yearly returns. -American Agriculturist. at Fort Willie m will have a capacity of 10,00000 bushels. Th ' The 0 ongregational parsonage' "at tilseases of plants are diffiuIt to , • r Paris, Ont , occupied by Rev. E. D. Sil- 'Vent unless rotation of crops is practice I box, was robbed ono lot of money,pap- ed. To allow the same kind of crop two ers and • or more years ivaluables. I •n succession on a P ' instracted its solicitor toprepare a by- l - ' lot . . The Wentworth county council ' lies I, of land .promotes the increa:se of bleeds law to regulate the speed of automo. and repreilds diedagee mf-nertain plant' , . biles, .. in the soil. For instance, when it crop of potatoes is attacked by disease the land should be given up to some other crop the next year, as elm pntnting of potatoes on land upon w.hiCh a diseased IT, MICH, Turns Bad Blood into Rich Rod Blood. No other remedy possesses such perfect cleansing, healing and puri. lying° properties. ' Externally, heals. Sores Ulcers,1 Abscesses, and all Eruptions... internally, restores the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy action. If your appetite is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B. will restore you to the full .enjoyment of happy vigorous life. • About 1,500 Canadiari 'troops sailed from Durban for Is' meted Paden' last, ° Two thousand additional :Canadians started for home Wednesdity. • Reports to the Doininion Denart- ment of Immigration at Wihnipeg in- dicate that the outlook for the year for the West is erninentlysatisfactory, The surgeons nave proneiunced Kinn -4-01M-4-PrhntinnlInesteetentelangeneee ,- A London,. Onte boy o.f 12 years coi tensed ageFriday to baying set fire t Wm Abbinefi'Carriage faxt tory and the Spencer Blockojust to see a big bleze.• e A year ago Friday the thermometer at Ottawa registered' 95in the ehade ; at 8 o'clock it was 54 degrees abQVc zero. Lord Kitchener has refused a punile processional welceme in London, and refuses other . invitations for pubbc grs being. •The Ontario Medical Council has passed a resolution approving the Raddiek measure to establish a Dem. Inion Council. 1 • re to preserve cool may be lowered Sohn bleArthiir has been arrested in connection vvitti the murder of the In- dian, Ninhara, near London. •Ont, Letters from South Africa indicate that some of the Canadian carps may crop was grown t previous year is be sera home soon. •the snreat mode af propagating the evil. The Cabinet will not interfere in Fred Rice's case, and he will be • hanged in Toronto on July 18eh, a$ already in the fruit seetion led fto ds are repot ted in the Brandon farmer% in the older portione of On - and Oriswt d districts Of Manibiba,The EXPERIENCED DIIVGG1i3lb, totio-to abandon their foryner slovenli. Aseiniboine River rising at the rate WE GIYA.RANTEE Acounpalv nese and to go in for clean Cultivation of ono inch per hour. t,b r districts the frill growers themselves so appreeiate whan has been done to help them that they 'have beware living exponents of the To secure and maintain profitable anple Cultivation after following out the work. necessary, everything 'de- pends upon the variety cultivated. 'The grower must produce what; the market requit is ; the mar ket will no . long& be content to adapt itself to the whims of the grower. ' No matter how healthy or prolific tree may be, if the fruit be not of the right. variety it is valueless, Uir *IA *AP, ter, Varlet/es new annee t 'a arelleying *best. The four varieties of apples that are receiving the most attention now are Dayis, Greet:zings, and while in fletVe .sAtne POJ A. neat poster.has been issued by the directors of the Oentral,Oanada Exhib- ition Ottawa. The advance of Civiliza- tion is the tille and represen ts a pl ') ugh - man slowly but surely encroaching on the ancient grounds of the red man. The body of the late Lord Lord Nun- e•fote, British Ambassador to the United States, was taken from its rest- ing place in Rock cemetery near Wash- ington and conveyed by special train to Artanolis, thence on board the cruiser Brooklyn. The latter Sailed on Tuesday for, England, . Stops (lis eestain -• ilissrWorlii Off the; void AND PERFECT SATISFACTION In this age :of worry, hustle and bed, nese eonapetitionnotriot care and attentions in the filling of your doctor's presorip- lone is abeolutelyneoeseary for the safety and 't welfare of your family. We goers antee accuracy end perfect malefaction to all oar „maim:term Onr Witt depart- , merit is always replete with the latest ti ha preps -ations anovelties. Punt's Catsztv Coatroom). Ras mired thousands when everything °lee hat; felled!, It brie never fallen to give Mak people happy results. It strengthenninvige mope, gives new tondo ease Bye* tern, mance the blood pure is food for the peeves -it mekes Mak people well, We ean supply you with the pure and gen. nine Paine's Celery Compound. IX, 11. 00ABS, DItt441so, Clinton, Oct, i• Lexative BrOmodettinine Tablets cum a cold in one day. No aura, No Pay, Priee 25 tents. • In every town - and viilager maybe had the ica Axle Grease Had. • that make§ your , horses glad. 01 co. rilm e,by his distinguished AG CsTs WANTECtrir the only authorized Lilo of the great T son, Rev. Dr, Frank De at Talmage, and the Associate ,Editors of the Christian Herald. Big heels, 500 pages, profusely illustrated, mar $2.00. ' Biggest discount. tooks on' edit, • Outfit free Be first in the field. . Wire or write for outfit today. 1118AMKY-GARRETSDN & CO., LIMITED, Apri 1S—t(. Brantford J. P. TISDALL. BANKER. CLINTON, ONT. Private.fonds to loan on mortnitges a - best eurrent rates,. A General Banking brimless tratteected ;nterest ellowedon deposits. • • Sale notes boturht MeTaggart- . BANE sit ALBERT ST., CLINTON 46enera1 Si/tiling • Buslat;aa tranaacted , NOTta D.U3C01JN1ED NOtes 'issued. Interest allowed on deposit.-. ••••••.1 illEMOLSONSBANK Incorporated nye, At:it Parliament 1865, ••••••••••i•••••,••• CAPITAL $2,500,004 IIEBT,EUND $2,160,000 ItEAD OFFICE, MONTItEAL War, Motennt Ittornansos, Prosiden Jsstra Entzot, Gen. Manager. Notes dile:wanted, aelleetierle Made, 4°'ef8it limed, sowing twa American exchan ge bought and sold. Xnterest allowed on deposits flavuus BANE -Intermit Allowed on sums of $1 and ap. Money /Oval/dad to farresrs on their own notes,' With one or more eteloteere, No niertgade required. 044 itiltiVetta inallitagere Clinton. morning and evening.from that In the middle of the day, leads to this. Nicely fattened poultry always sells quickly. Winn offered for sale, they should not have their crops filled With feed. The bird sbould fast at least twelve hours before being Rifled. They may' have water in Use morning before killing time, but no feed. Julyil, 1902 YOUR ,NERNES ARE WE4K, You site, badly; eppetne verieble. Toe, Sit but gem no strength. Morning tired. nese makes yen, wieh it were night. Vibe*. night comets refreshing sleep is herd tonne, taut. You're rue down, your blood is thin and watery, your netnes have grown week, the thought of effort worrier( you. Yee need Ferrozone; it nukes blend, strong, red blood. An appetite? You'll eat everything and digest it, too. Strength ? That's nbet plenty of food gives, ferrozone gives hope, vigor, von, enanronce. tie° Ferrozone and get etrong. Sold by 1113 Combe. The Seaforth Milling Co. are exporte ing a carload of flour to Liverpool thin vveeke Opinions °Mending Physicians. I have examined Strong% Pilekone, end have prescribed it in my praotice with sat isfamary results. J., ht, 'IPER, M. D., SON, In D., Coroner, London, Ont. Price $1.00. For sale by druggists, oe by mail on receipt of prioe. W. T. STRONG! Manufacturing Chem, ib, London, Ontario. _ 004,, Cook's Cotton Root Computing' Isernecesstally used months. by Mir 0.000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladiegailt our druggist for Cook's Cotton Reel Caw ake no other, as all Mixtures, Vile salli ons are dangerous. Price, No. 2, *1Itt*Iallo. II so degreee stronger,S8 per boa. . Or &mailed on reueim of price and two g The Cook Company windsonose. lgto 2 aim a eoidand recommended it OE ingwesiele Imagism In namsdin No. 1, and No. 2, are sold in Clinton. at all responsible Drug Stores. WW, WWWWWViiiA Glorious Big Bargain Even A royal time for those who need or who vvill need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants. Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special discount ot 20 per cent The object of this sale is to sell out this Seitsran'S clothing betore our new goods arrive. We never carry one beason's goods -into the net season. All goods charged during this sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively' nogoods chatged at sale prides Or 0,.00ds are marked in plain, figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for bash only during the sale. Men's Suits. Men's • 5.00 suits now t 4.00 Men's 600." " ........... ;.. 4 8Q . Men's' 10 00.." ." Men's12 00 " " Boys Suits Boys' ::1,50 suits now • 1 20 • Bop? 200 . " " 1.60 ' Be•ys' 50 • "' ." ...; '' . . :2 00 Boys' 890 it .". 2 40 • Boys' .4.00 ti 7 3-107`" Boys' 500 . . . • ..... . 00 ,• •• 6 10 •,11. 4o. • :0 • II • _ • • _ _ • Boys' ndd•patiti • ... . • . • - • • • tr. • i's 40.. .•Men's' Overcoats ..MeL's 5 00 Overcoats novf ..... 4,00 . Men's 6 00 " 4 80 Men's 8 00 " ". 6 40. Men's 10 00 " 800 Men's 12 00 ," BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced in same propirtion. All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps; Coats; Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing. Thos. Jackson, Sr., Victoria Block, • . CLINTON MMRWMM MM WAWA axis Orkeeit JEMST 1-1, Do you want the Best -it the Lowest Price? We can siipply you with Bargers' --one of the best English makes at 25e lb J. E. IIOVEY - Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton 4tAuo.v4vf*ItvaFv4A;ApPmtv-v4t4;-*-*s-t•t•*•k*ock*A-k**,k********ork****/ Quality the I3est Prices the Lowest Pit J. W. Itedpsth And St. llawrence best granulated sugar, at $3.85 per cwt • tb,• barrel, or 20 Priunde for $1. 30 pounds coffee sugar for $1. Canned goods chettp-11elai and 1Cent Can Corn 60 a can, Canned chicken).00, Roast Beef; lb tin* iSo each. Teas-lilaek Japan and Young }Tyson from 10c,up, our leader 18 25e nor pound, liaising, Currants, Prunes, Dried Peaches, Apricots and Cooking Piga ' cheap. • Crockery --I have lust caviled 6.,u t 3 elettestent.141epoteragenersen, Toilet nose.. and fancy` china, nelOpittterns direct fro& tbg,'-'fattoitres-nreVnglatiol• selling from 10 to 20(,);) less than regular price. Call and examine 0 quality and prices, , Wanted good butter and ego's. Phone 45, 3.° VV. IRWIN, Minton