HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-11, Page 5' TILE CLINTON NEW ERA See Fred T. Jackson for Solid Don't 81a4ne Your Feet If they. ache. Tevaper.trying to be sure. But why confound tne effect with cause? The fault the Shoes Better get a pair of Hagar Sb.oes- from J ACKSON, then you'll haYe com- fort as well as style, fit and wear. Best Shoe Values in Town: eninti and GOinr.2 •eenet e0 MO P , eon, Mich., are OXpeeted next Tueeday; by d • • ' I tire Chao. Colville and childreo jack-I1U Qrcwa Me .,un ; Dr. G. W. M. iinnth wee in town PU boat, to • yi?it at J. Ounnirgharee'd for the Monday. boa. e„ othing liltInlook, Heinen,was in tewn ep, E. INI.MoLean, wife Ana 404 went to E a Monday. Gooerioh Saturday, where they met Mr Mies BurWesie of Exeter, war; the guest MhoLean's mother from Windsor, end el' d hs (114 I of tabu Ross last Tueeday. Edward. They will 'vend the holidays witb! e ippe to t e co, y t e steamer King , t,, I of Miss Susie Molloy., Toronto, is the guest J. 0. ?Oilier snd family of that place, 4,/ ' hot' sister, Mrs ass. Twitched., Mrs Dark, who has been vie:ting c.husiren and grand-ohildreo here einoe her Mr D. B, Kermedy„ Omit a few days last November, left last Saturday for Crod- c hinol this week with friends at Caledonia latch where she took the King Edward . holiday trip at his home in Mpaford. in business at that pleas. Tueeday.evenhig to spend the emonner. Saturday and will be the gueet of Mrs , Mrs' Harry Cole Evans arrived here last Mise Helen Bowers left for Myth on \\ Pero. quick and \ Evans and the Bliss Coles for the euromer. aW. U. Latornell le awsy on a two week's steronerfor the Soo, to yleit her eon who is lasting shine. meuer 8 X Rattenbury and J, Howeon at- Mr Evans with hie little deughter. Flor- •S I tended Vetndsor races on Monday, enoe sailed last Wedneeday for England SH1NOLA. the modern waterproof pot of Mrs J. Rattenbury last Week. for some time in the.loope a benefiting hie Mies Mabel Callender, London, was the and 'the continent, where be will remain . • , health. " tdiSees Mery and Garde Chtint left on an Paste Shoe Polish extended trip to St. Catharines on Monday. tire (Rev) McMillan of Torcnto, with her Takes the place of all liquid dressings which injure the leathar and scale off. . Shinola burnishes theactual leather jeav. All sizes and btyles for Men, Women and ing it brilhant, smooth and dry so that dust cannot stick to it, nor contact, dull it. Once shined it Will not soil the most deli- cate fabric. SHINOLA is the best and also cheapest. Only 10c for large sized box. It is another new thing at the New Shoe You always get; the best from JACKSON store Children. . Lowest Prices Every pair guaranteed No Shoddy No Paper Soles Fred T. Jackson Patronize the New Shoe Store and get new Shoes %to, AdvattoemtutP; CLINTON MARKETS Incorrect. C. E. Tenney and. family went up to tttle.daughter Dorothy, were the gueste of Pare. MeMillan returned home Monday i Goderioh, Thursday. er sister, Mrs (Dr) Gunn, over Sunday. Me James Mehl able has gone on a visit from which place she leftyes for Enelend, to friends at Teeswater. Saturday, for an extende4 Our. Mies Dr Keefer and daughter; of Toronto, who Dorothy rill zemain in town in her July 11, 1902 4.4•4•40•414046,40•••••gp000fihollif//). cKinnion at one time resided here, spent Sunday -lia mother's abeence. • *town, • • • Nies E. Ackert, and Master Harold, of geaforth Welcomes Holyrood are the pearl of Mrs W. H. Shaw. Huron's So W. Fair was out on furlough on liondey • and took a.rnn down to Berlin and back the The tbird annual re•union a the same day, .• ron Old Boys held at Seaforth on Sat - Mies Cunninghame, of Kincardine, spent trolay, July 5thovitnessed such a gath- het Fridaye in town the guestof Mrs wa. eriog in that place as that town seldom Rano Harland. sees. Eerly in the morning the citizens of J, B. Hoover attended a meeting.of the the surrounding c6untry beganpouring Board of Management, W. O. W., 11.1 Lon. in and soon the town was thyongecl Terntic d ons • R e u g40 On Thursday next we will commence our great Sercii-Annuel Sale of Summer Goode when everything in Light Summer Goods will be sold regardlees of post, T.jeese are the facts. 12lye This'll' tor Se 866"yards gee Printed Mwiline in stripes and floral deeigne, inches • wide, fest oclore, gocd value at 120, Bale price „ ' .05 25e Dress Gocds for ltie 5 pieces Drees Goods in black and figured lastres, brown mottled goods, and light oheoke and stripes, 86 to 40 inchee wide. worth 20o to 25o pe ' yard. Sale price Men's dfie SArts for 39e Men's Fine English Zephyr Shiro, negligee bosom, laundered neok and wrist bands, also fine colored Cambric Shirts, laundered borrom,00rreot color; newest etripes. These are broken lots picked from our feet selling lines, regular prices 50o, 60o and 750. Sale price. .. 81.25 Ladies' White Skirts at 98e Ladies' Underskirts, made of fine cambric. trinened with rows of tucks, ' insertion and deep embroideries, in all lengths, regular price $1.25, Sale price .98 PC Embroideries for Jte 265 yards fine Cambric, Embroideries, 5 indices wide with work half e .depth of goods, very sprees!, regular 150 per purl. •Silo pries. , „ ).1.11 McKinnon & Co., Blyth don on Monday. with those vvho had come to welcome 0410110.00004111111.00 ••••••4•••• • ,e .Mrs A. Cook, Weser; Leo Coultice and Huron's sons and daughters from Tore Annie Cook, went to Toronto on Monday, onto and elsewhere. The, decorations •• • Corrected every Thursday afternoon To the Editor of the New Bra: •on on extended' vieit. • consisted mostly of flags and bunting. Teacher VITanted. Thursday July 10, 1902. .e• • Several large banner § were strong Your reporter last week gsve 48 the in •- • •„Mrs (Rey) MoKennan, and child of th treet th fi st which was Fall Wheat 0 80 a 0 80 formation that S. S. Coeper was re-shingl- Kippen were v.reiting at W. T. O'Neil's for across For the Model Term as long ae needed, B„,,,-„,, 41 conspicuous noon alighting from the Clinton Public ell tor Divireon No. 4 a ,..r7-6 .‘ 0 80 o 0 80 ing the tower of Ontario St. (rhumb, be- a conple of day& train, bearing the wor ds "Seaforth female teacher olding at least a seeond %eau • • • . 0 40 a 0 45 cense of leakage, Please allow M8 to 81!), Min Ross returned last Thursday. even.. welcomes Huron's sons," Further up ' Class Certificate. Salary $27.60 per month, Rye ...... 0 40 a 0 45 such is not the case, neither has. leaking ingfrom a month's visit in several places in the street were eeen "The ord town is .Apply with ttstinionials, up to July,s1. Barley 0 55 a 0 56 been complained of. If such informarits the southern part of onr county. Yours," "There's no. place like home," J. elJNINGHAME .Sec. P. S. B. Pens 0 80 8 0 80 would do as our committee are trying to do, Messrs Rand and Stod dart 'of the Col- "The Huron Old Boys are here.shake." - Flour per oyet , 2 25 a 2 25 mind their own bueinese, it would be much legiate Institute staff, will be in Toronto "When Johnnie come; marching 8 8 8 r . A First-class Farm for Sale ni4Y No. 1 Green trim.hidee 5 00 a 5 50 Mrs Keeolne, and Dire kletcher, of Galt, The 1%4Ew ERA acknowledges it was d. ner bore those appealing workis • . f M J 0 11 I aion ftve, lot e went, seven, eoritainieg 20oaeyea Nirringers Knell washing machines Read mixed paints Put* 1 next week resdIng exam papers. home. i ie. we ave traisee yon, .., 8 00 a 9 00 hatter, Sheepskins 4.. 0 25 a 0 50 • Jae, STEVENS, Chsinran of Comroittee, : • or TO Rent. • ""fd, • . A$QNABIX ".:Q091)S- .:AT ROCK...BOTTOM. PRICES. • while the reverse side of the first Jean. " /31114 flame oil stoves and Gasoline stoves Binder twine. daughters o r , ro , are spen mg a ye no come back again ?" -Binder g oyesMachine , Screen doors and windows Clothes . In the Township Of West Wawancsh canoes- wma shoo' 2 25 a 2 55. in error in this respect. We are in - Chickens, per pair 0 20 a 0.40 few days under the parental roof, f • formed that the Building Committee At 10 30 ti.frand gathering was held • Ducks, pair 0 40 el CI 60 met for final settlement on 'Weanes- -Mies W. O'Neil took a trip to Toronto, in Nrictoria ark. •A, procession v:as state of cultivation good fences, well watered Geese, per lb 0 06 a 0 06 day evening, and accepted the con- on Monday, and. Vent a day with Mrs formed, which, headed by the 33. d white lead, Linseed oil, Hay Forks, Scyt 138 and scythe stone wore or less, about 175 acres cleared in a good • ' good orchard,buildinr in good shape, atone Turkeys, perlb.; ... . 0 06 'a, 0 08 ' tract as satiefactorly completed, pay- Foster,of Brampton, on her return. ' Regiment .Band, and followed bY &OAS, Spades. and Shovels, . Waggoner extension • ladderts. stabling under barn 2 7 82, convenient to Porls, live . ... ....... •6 25 a 6 50 Lug in full all claims on same, and Mimi Lou Prootor Blyth, recently'of the corm; of mounted infantry and•the ofil••t • fic?g,n1s, (shindies and est:Office. Will be .cork, a 7 00 a 750 eels Of the . municipals of the ndery m0wer knife sharpeners. . rause .. • e. • afterwards adjouTned to McLennan's . Forest City Businese College, has accepted add on easy terms to suit eurobaser. .apele to-... t OAPaPBELL Westfield .. .. 0 13 0 14 . • muster, loose ... ..... .. a -. restaurant, w ere an in orme, supper h ' f 1 ' • W D b county., the Ate brigade and head of a position in the office of . o erty & 00. arn...July 11 or 'W. •A. HARRISON, Lucerne/re If tub , Q 14 . ft 0 16 was proVided hY the ohair°34° °f theother institutions marched to the sta. Mien. Hanna, sister of Mrs S. b. Cooper, tion square. . . For Rent, . • Eggs per dpz.•, 0 12 a 0 13 Building Committee, who is ever • • , Potatoes, per 'bush.... 0 30 a 0 35 alert for the interests of the church to whohdris been hhere for several weeks. re- At 11.50 the train. consisting of ten . - . .. ....... .. •_. . ... . • . _ _ . Dried Apple]; per lb 0 05 •a 0 05 Which he is strongly. attached. .Mr tnrne to .ner ome at Milverton en on- coacher; with the O.. 'd Boys on board _ . . - • day. steamed into the station: Belle•raled• -- _ • . . . . The undersigned offers for rent lot No. 88, in • " Joseph Copp has just completed the , Prohibition eenVOntionatLondon ewe*, of painting and graining, 'mind- Mira Strachan, Stenographer of Hodgene : forth, whistles tooted, the sma 1 boy . the 7th con. uf the tp. of Mullett, This farm young orchard, a smallhouse, aframirese barn, : • --, ‘ ' ' ing the town, and theamprovements to Brea left for a Iwo k '1 t h home • was omni urgent with his hands full of cOntaine 85 acres more er less, 'with 2 mof. horse etable and granary. A never failing . . (Contributed.) ' flags and is lungs working •overtime. • thegrounds and walk,all add materially in Goderioh and other points, on Saturday creek runs thiongh the place Itis a splenclid ' At the.Y. el. 0, Aeatiditorium 'On Mon- • to the appearance of this fine edifice; last. - ,.,„.. . . Friend greeted friend, hand shaking. d Ju 30 were gathered representatives under the Lies Thompson . Albe t St wbo has was the order of the day, and when at farm tot pasture. situateel6 miles from alinton able pastorate of Dr 'Gifford and re. miles from Sumnierhi 1. Church, post day, ne r ,. been on an extended visrit to "friends in length something like order reigned office, Btore and. two schools vrithin a shurt of -various bodies, °hurt:area a o g and r aniza- this, church and CO pgregatiOn should . . distance (while they bust). For further infer- In re than ever. .once more, the procession reformed in Elation apply to MRS JANE DODSWORTH; • Mons to consider the present situation of the now prosper o . , rk. The province as far eset as Toronto • • Blyth and eleevehere returned • home last. line, and all marched to Victoria' Park. • . • • Hoirnesville: W59 fairly vvell represented. • The conven- . • . Rev. Rural Dean Flodgens acted .0,9 .. r tempbe1I and . wife, of Brooklyn, N. chairman of •the occasion. His words tion was preeided over by Rev W. A. Mo. • Municipal' Notice. .^ COUSINS-In'clinton oh Saturday, Zulu 51 Y were guests of Dr Graham on Tneaday, were brief, and he immediately called. • ____ , • Re,y, p.D., of Woodstock. Dr McKay' ' opening iddress was inspiring and hopeful 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Arab. dousins, a son. ••• I . • • ' ' Dr CaMpbell, formerly Practised at • Sea- upon the Mayor, I H. Broadfoot, who Notice is hereby given that the Council RILLOUGH.-In Westfield, on June 22sd, to . forth. ' . extended to the H. 0. B. a hearty wel- a the Corporation of $he Town of •Clon and was listened to with keenest interest. Mr and Mra Joseph A. Rillough. a daughter. • , He urged calm but firm 'determination on • Mrs Kinley, daughter of Mr 8 ploro....e come. Other 'speakers of , Seaforth intends to conetrnot granoliihic eidetWks - PRI,TON.-In Atwood, on June 26th, to Mr - ' - ' '''''' were M. Y, 'McLean; ' F. Bothestead as mentioned below and to assess the ',final the part of all workere, ....Pre•did not think and Mrs R, h. Felton. a daughter. who has been visiting here for several mon- politiomie would againlightly r p , • the, left for her . home at Brandon, on and O. D. Wilson. . A pleasing 'feature enee at ro- cost thereof upon the properties • benefitted'LITTLE -In Elyria, on June 23rd, to • Mr , and . .• Mrs William Little, a daughter. , . Tuesday, , . . at this stage was the pi esentation of a fter the recent elections hibition septiment a . . . • . BmITH.-In 'ma. on June 21st, to Mr tied , Miss Sarah, who has had charge of New silk banner to the Huror Old Boys. . and not exempt by law from assessment. A Court, of Revision will be held on Friday, There were few constituencies in Ontario -E • . w ere tenoperano .f eto no . . Mrs Ivy Braith, a son. •• . • ne and he believedcombe's 'Millinery department, left on Mon - Hazel Roberts and Miss VerJ,a, Best; Two little girlie dressed in white Mass ' 25t2,dy of July, 1902, at 8 ' o'clock • p. m. " e el tors did . t hold the • ' in the Council Chamber, for the purpose Of balance of power ; .r , _ e Manse , oland, on Mon- FLA.HTLEY At th it day for a couple of months' visit to he perforrned the ceretnony -ilea pleasing ander God !t W Et3 . ty t . day, June etb, tb Rev. F. J. and Mrs. Rant's,' ' as their solegin du o 1188 bearing comPlainte against the proposed home in Detroit ' it irrespect p y. r . . • DiED. .ive ot art He nr ed that in a daughter: - , , rescuer, and were gracefully rewarded meseuremente ata any other complainte ° 'ming 135'e' P - P RIOGINS In C'o - , lumb'as, Ohio, on • Saturday, '. Min Hartiet Holmes, ' of ' Guelph, and by the President of the 111. 0 B .,'E seseetnnent,.. or lomat:y.16y:: in , frontage eleotionstem snowmen trill a fight and show their power, an d that they Jul eth M- eamuel Higgins formerly of ma mune. all Or• lagara a 8, aVe er- Flood.y..-Mr FitIody vvas in his happieet -which persons interested raay desire te make and which are by law cognizableby the field Crier,. • 'WILLIAM COATS. are no longer slavee to any party. Clipton. azed 31 years, ton-in.law of Mrs. TWO 111.t0W8 ePerld. their holidays at • The ,afternoon was spent in discussing Carter. - . their home here.. . • DirJohn johneon and wife leave"' for the referendum, 'end the inetituting of tins • FARQT.IFIARSON.-In Wingham, on Jeri& . . d ea • Clinton yearn . Jnly 1011i, 1992. . , . . , as a permanent orgenization, prepared for 2Oth1 m h ' d . s and. 20 ays. a trip through Manitobale and the. Nortb.. . Fa quaarson, Schedule of proposed welkin independent legislative potion on the tem.. 0 (43t 'WRIGHT...4n ' Wingham, on June 25th. west Territories on the 15th. They will be . On the west side of :Raglan' _Street, bet- perance question. After considerable die.: Helen Gray wife_ of ; . • . - en Rattenbury • and ',Ontario Streets. mission the report of the cromelittee was re- ears and•E'rnonths. • ' W G • . Wright'aged. 29 goneall summer ' ' •• . • . Total met $111.80; 'TowE's share of cost I. salted upo.n, which in brief eet forth ehat ' 3. GOVENLOOR r 0 _ . n .., , • 1 t Bir V., Holmes has returned from St. 438 go. . -e. .., . • whilst we regard the referendrini' as an Themes Govencarl, ...zeta, let', dulY . rs • and 610 Guth arines nitudo improved ite health, in • . ... A - I evasion of the pledgesof the GoVernmentias months.• ' • , , , fact he has about fully recovered though Loom for C.4,.. 1,, . 1 une a people, and more . MaLEOD.-In Brussels, an June 261h Nellie he is still not very strong. • fair to thet m erance. A °AIM ' I than fair to the licothr dealers, yet we be Mercier, wife of Mr Norman McLeod, aged 28 . • • . ---- • • " i lieve'it expedient to roll as large a vote as years. 8 mouths and 12 days, . W. Newcombe, who has been visiting his 14tiewcorebe de shuttle loons for sale.' at -one • 130881 e. was .reso ve o make this or- b! 'I 1 d 1••. ROBERT. Mg -..1 - •-in Grey.. on June 28th,•Ro. P't'orlts -ere. is h ' considering ' atempting .. hird telling price, in first-class limning order. •• t. bert'llobertsolf aged 73 years and ,28alays. ' offer to gm to Winnipeg. in a lerge -mercan- . Feriae:Mowers apply to • . . eanization permanent and a committee for • • tile tbl'h ' f es a is ment o thatplace . • • GEO. FIATS, corner Princess and prepsring a constitution was then appaint- 'SFERLING.-In Gardner N.D., on Saturday,. • . • May 9-tf. • .• " Queen street,Olinton d ' • J'ane 28th, Mary Onimette, daughter Or Alex•i c aug on • o a am d WU Be N ht f Ch th ' Ster 1- g. aged 22years ; formerly of ,Goderich home last week. He has occepieri a posi- arrive The evening session was one of splendidly township. . tion there for some years. but has ,given it ' e • . be Rev M. Hobson, Gcelrih, Rev Dir STERtaNG-Ttra HENCE -In Bayfield, on up, • He interide to go west in the fall. . Wanted. • . inspiring power. • Addressee were delivered • • MilltitIED. . . Thursday June 26th; by the ReY McNeil, at the lilies Amy Howson l'eftedh Monday on Ft , Alen of character, fair eilueetion, fair writers, ;Hartley,' St Thomae, Mrs McKee, Barrie, Marise,Jas Sterling to Maggie Torrence both . good talkers; good appearance, to appoint Rev Dr Eby,' Rev J. Eater 'End W. W`. . of Goderich township, • • . ' • three months' trip toStevensville, Montana, .. ageats. Salary and exBenses. Mnehannen. The London conferencequar* GO'OD-MARTIN.-At the reSideine 'of the where she visite her . sister, Mre ,Alhert - . • LIN8e0TT FR LISHING COMPANY , bride' %rents Fourth Couemsion Howiek, tette rendered selections of music. , Tuesday. at 9 a,na:oonvention opened with era. Mr Israe Good of near Preston, to Miss ' gens. - ° - Mies Etta Twitchell left Thuriday, for • PIELD-R SEL -Al. he residence of ,the • London. bridelsmother, Wingham, on Thiirsday, June Loedon and from there to Smiths where The president taking 'the chair, introduc- she will teke a trip on the Steamer •Huronio' . Anspersonsindebted to theltiteJos.Blaekwell 26th, by Rev J. J. Patterson B. A., Mr Thos. . Bohnesville.wouldconfera favortby calling and ed 21e Reset of Embro, prohibitionist can- . . .. Field to Misb Ida Maud, eldest ditughter of. the Rush, bath of Wingitam. to Duluth, accompanied by her brother. setthng with the undersigned, or the post •mas. didate, who polled se a third candidate the late William Erneat. . ter before July 15 • • splendid total of 1200 votes. He said these WALSH-MCELBOY.- At the residence of June 29-tf . . Ilolmesville. Bros', a short tithe, and who wenetoetuok• meant to settee and that they would hence-. •Afefiry'a•., danghter aot Mrs Winn AidElgiyMior now to take a position, has returned to Bea- • Jute Toronto. • ea WesdnPesdar, :lune 25th. by. Bev Alin Rich. Mae, . She was ticketedy o b F R Ha - devotional exercises, led by Rev C.L. Scott, Susanna, daulyhter of Mr Aaron mart n, • .Notice to Creditors. FANNEY BLACKWELL, E. Price, who wag employed at Harlan 1 voters wereendependent prohibitionists and th?lrertneahevtilleuef25Lii, bde Rev A. 3r.c. House for Sale; forth 110111 500 balance of power in Weird: Blyth.. Jas Mitchell; ef Goderich, was intro- GLEN-WIL.SON.-At Clinton on Tni i•SdaY. forth to assume char e of a hardware store aimed He spoke of thetplendid work and eley 3, by the Rev Dr Gifford,' John Glen, 0! at that place.. 9nes so ; y. , Frank Jackson, Chioago, who has been • . • A 000. frame 1,o e On Enron eltrot , lei edoost"li dom,i. in Wfiab 41.1XCiii. in Afiaat".;• us••/?•91431q!," stories; contaite 3 bedreolut, parlor, dieing ing toward voting for ft Principle, theialied ' ellil1nreTa6Aa;allernallatire-tneWajt'ea"• r'eperidingbitirolidays under the parental most heartily terr peranoe workers for their : des, July 9th. by ReV. Coupland, john G. roof, returned to Chicago on Saturday, to room, hall, closets, kitchen. woodshed • hard and soft water half acre lot, with bearing Gibbings to Miss May, daughter of 1V re. Pall regime his preition in one of the largeirt fruit trees. Ap'ply to J. 8NYDER. help, believed aloe- noble men in- Weeb , June 27-4. . tierce Street Huron, who cable out and voted as they 1 eth of -Mullett: :drug stores of that city, ' ' praye , were ent for.God and prohibition,! , -West wawasssit,', „ . Mr minim H. 0. Bell for left Stratford . • • . . . For Sale . or to Rent. td sky and to return to noparty affiliation. 1 He had Brest hope fer the-tett:ire of prohib- ition. ' • -- He :was greatly applanded whilet House and shoemaking shop in the village of, 1 Holutesville. A good trade worked up. Splen- *et:Intl*. - • . , , did chalice for a good workman Building could The committee on constitution appeared, be used ae a store as well. Immediate pbesession. one it was resolved this ehell be known as For particulars apply •te . "The Temperance Legislative League.' Of- ' • . FANNV BLACK WELL, ,, i jooe 20_tf , Heimesville ricers were elected. It shall have plower to , form Leagues in each constituency, .One • 15 i Boy ,anted. .dallar is the lee for membership, entitling each member to a yearly subecription of I Good, intelligent bcri wanted to learn print. the paper, the Liberator. It shall creeper- i , te with the Alliance in conneetien With I leg. Apply at NEW FAA. OFF1GE, making the Referendum trampaigo a me-. 1 o288,,and be prepared for all work re bye. 1 • -.Coursi for Sale, elections, eta, # , • -- . Tbe Liberator, as the Independent tem. : ' 4 young Cows forale, good milkers, two 'Jew- perance organ, is needful,becattse the patty I ly calved at d two tic to calve in one vveek's press bas failed to give informationregarth I ,.. ing the' work of prohibition and other mor- i M. BRAITHwAITE lune 27th -5, 011 Teaci er Wanted, Eor U. School S diem No. le, E. wawanopb crop report, sent from 13oderich will , node or female, au tee to tommenee on the 18th of Augu St next. tate salary up to Dee-mber apply to all this section :-Crop pros. 2ith Apply to T "THAECI0A.N, seoretarY, peets are bright. Wheat ancl barley 1 July 4. Auburn, oct' + are all that could be desired, „A. good part of the hay has been safely grab. ered and vvith a fisW more days of sun- shine there will be little room for, grumbling, A large crop of apples is in v ei w,and small fruits are excepticinally „ inn PreVa 134 to 13113qh_i9 1_6:bandit:tot, Lhe wet june has been a , drawback but. moderate 3U'y will clip of Woc I, as urinal, at the ' make up for all that. Bensmil Woollens. y/m. Jackson is in Chioago and other points ort bileihese this week. ' al reforms, was placed on a tune hams. , Convention adtourned to meet at the call! of the moody°, • CROP, KEEN:MTS.—The following I v **-!' A/',....•:'t!c- 18L,7e7",'oe• y; toringtie nlailii8e;- titri it1'ln6 : , .'" W;4..'eifforiLletkoto.s,v,geliiiheolOpn, , . tour to points' north in our county7, ''',.! ,‘-4-t change to mannfaetnred artiolint, Mr Thos Graham! of Inglewood, . eitnie ' Jdi Jodi:till . .2,,oftne:hrtntrroetin.21,,ded floonap;..nrinon on I Miss Dorothy, from tranclon.., and Colon,' . frdm Tolede, 'are expeoted home by 1st of • CotINCIL.-e0otincil Met according to Monday. Mr Bell will take oherge of the adjohronoent, members all pre,sent with office of the Furniture Association, at Reeve Mt Qinlian in the chair. 'Minutes that place, for a rumple of months, before of last meeting confirmed; A by-law inoving to Woodstock. w is drawn up empowering the trustees a. Spooner, the oneetime manager of the or U. S. eection, No, 17, to rAise $1;700 Waverly,.House arid the Clarendon Hotel,of o build hool • A by law was town, litit•now of Moosimin, N, W. T„, ie drawn up empowering :the reeve and here renewing old acquaintances', after an treaserer to borrow $400 for township absence of three yeare. • A b f t purposes. nom er o accoun s were passed, which was all the business Miss Outmette, of Lordesboro, was. a transacted. visitor ill town on Thursday. She is a W 0 , Augnst to epfend the holidays with their parenmi, Mr and Mrs John ShaVV. . AN .ANONYMOUS 110EITER6 of intiodttCtIon Would be valueless. &NOTE irplit woo If unsigned hi not worth one cent. 'Vet we see numerous tnediCinea ad* vertised on the Strength of testi- Ittoniale which bear no narks, YOU WILL 0111VE that any testimonials used by' us give both name and addresa. The Iron.Ox Remedy Coe IlDetsolt, blioh. MON 0 TABLETs A Matte Lato.tive A NerVte TOMO student at Trinity in medicine and al. though liet etritecessftel this Year we believe she has done very well otherwiee id her. es fames Townsend who retorted to Ontario from Ntirth Dakota this last Win. ter to reside ni Ontario permanently, is visiting her sister Airs WmTownsend for -a few days od her way to visit friends in GoderichiTown and Colborne, Oampbell, of Haldirciand County , was Woki ruood e.od kept his audience in good letitnor for the few Minutes be epoke. Other brief addresses. followed hy T. McGillicuddy; Hugh McMarh, Dr Sloane, Mr' Prendergast, • and. Dr Campbell, Brooklyn. S. T. Church. of Toronto, read in Scotch a poem entitled • "Our •Harne Comin': He was greatly ap- plauded. Among others on the plate forne were J. L. Killoran, Secretary of the Conetreitteer W. K.Peaxoe, Treasur- ere-Mayor. Jackson, Of Clinton; Dr Sean - bury, of 13avflelde3araes E.J. HaYhtltki, G of hien, James' Beatty and H. Clucae, Of Geideric12. : The visitors were then .entertained at luncheon at the different hotels. The afternie,n was devoted to sperts in Abe. Recrea tion Park. A lacrosse match was Pleyed between the ''Beav- ers" of Seafor and a,team from Olin- • ton arid The score was. 3-1-0 in *tatior of the fhi•mer., The match was to have been with St. Mary's but the latter team defaulted at the last minute. Only two townships entered tor ,hp. tng Of war, Tuckeremith and Hullett.. the forneer winning. the relay race, Egmondyille school took twat nrize, Seaforth second. Two foot ball matches were played, one between a team from Seaforth that • had never kicked and a similar one from the 0.' B. It created great amusement. Tne score was 1 to 1. The other 'wori between tbe "Hurons"of Seaforth arid a picked team. the "Hurons" winning 6 Boxes Axle Grease for 25e. he Eureka Fly Killer Protects-borses and caitle-froin fly pestEi -p,n4 vertniik Ts A sure preventative that kills and drives away the WOrfit of till pests, file Texas, Buffalo and Horn flies. . 10 .per cent discount 'off all the 'following finest ' ' • .• Graniteware, Tinware, Shelf. Hardware, Clothet wringers,Gasoline. and coal oil stoves, Daisy churns and wash-, ing machines. , • 1 large good second band Refrigerator cheaPII 2 Fire proof Safes at a b.argain. • C eap by a score of 2-0. . Three little girls in Highland cost- ume amused the gathering linting ihe afterncott with their dancing. Music was liberally interspersed during. the afternoon's performance. In the evenly g the 48th Highlanclere Band under the direction of Mr Jobe Siatter, assisted by the 3,3rd Regiment , Bond, of Seaforth, under the direction of T, R. Bi own, rendered a good pro- gram, 'Folly .1,500 people were on the grounds, The bag pipeselections were heartily endored. Thedouble quar- tette from the Highlanders 13and was touch appreciated. The proceedings closed about 11 o'clock. • A little decoration with boughs and a few arches would have improved the appearance of the town, Some cf the store keepers were under the impression that free bunt- ing would be supplied for decoration ' purnoses. Many applied to the chair- man of that cominittee who confirmed that impression and directed them to arland Bros.' Hardware House ewest Neckwear This week we are showing the very latest- design z in eckwear • Including Coronation Ties New Bows, Ascots, Nar- row Derbies, Elowing Ties, - Tubular Strings, etc. - 40e (7)1.J1./017s7"A:2* HURON STREET. CLINTQN "Sherwin liferilliams „ mint. S W. P; is the most economical Paint yoli can use. it is ready for the brUsh--it preads easily ancl evenly. . If will cover more surface and. wear longer that' any other paint iti the market It is made.iw all desirable colors. . L.-_•Ouinaetteboxidesi)ord up here this week, ng foe farro to, a local blacksmith. e showed thern purchase; he inepeoted a couple in this a int - • vicinity that are for sale, bnt came to no which held an old goat who tap clecesion,although he likes the country here anxious to celebrate. The silk banter preeerited to• the• H. verxtyrnos,nEoha.. Keene •ituc little sou Norm,. oworked in three colors black, red arid gold, and contained the words aro Visiting with the former'e grandfather, "H, 0 B., Seaforth, July 5, 1002," On David Beer, of Cromwell, Mich, The the reverse side Was the 'Union Taelt, little lad has the honor ofbeing Mr. Beer's The pngine of the special train come only great grandrion. ' ' on treGodetich all alone, leaving many . . passengers who wished to get to miss Kathleen Gunne went to tendon, ClintOn and G-oderich as soon as pos. Tilesdev, to meet her grandmother Mrs. Sible to stvelter fhe hot,sun till the tO Souffel, who has been visiting in gouthern regular ettlide along. Then one Whole points in the province for about two' eoach was aotually attached. Needless month% atta both teturned together Wed,. tO Say standing room eYen on the needay, platform Was at pretninn, .00,40iteenentb, • Sorne'were of the' opinion that the business, made a short visit with his arrangements did 'no work overtime; ' lab for hie preitie 'home we newsy consideration night have been shown business people. occupying the old Wiltsie and municipalities who were' ther • as in 1860. It is three'years sin2e um; et”Wen/e/ICe themsel/ e°' hi thltde to Our town before, 3111119, Manitoba, who has been in Toronto on` reeetition tommireg 00041ttee (1.i. 1 nephew, Wm. D. Pair, on Tuesdocr, and 116 it Was thought that some further morning, He WOO One of blinton'e first the repteeetitatiVes cit different tokvtas tore, that has een recently torn down guests ot thin e town, e0Me at great in. ..4.. . ivieICOVTINT Having ,bought eta the Herneelti blUdneSS Of A. 1101311/EN, is go- ing to sell Trunks,Valises,Duetere Eneeand everything in connection with the trecie- Good and Cheap. • Light Harness a specialty. %.• Call and deal end I Will nse yoti Huron St ..3 doors 'west of New- '. combe'ti, Winton ,Farm forgalo Tbe 11.00t0iign04 offers for Sale or to Let the West t'tilf of Lot 20 in the 12th con, of the Township of Hulk -It --two tent% north of Londesbore, comtsining 50 rieteS Of eholee laud, t,yolittr7iitiog ((s, gtexilt oe. ft pltivetioft. leteelrhly4 TIIOMAS Londestoro • liftr;:a. t edi . want an many farm- , ers as can make it con ven.; lent tocome in and take a •;barrel rfRadpath's Wan. ulated. sugar, . as we are crowded with it,and' of our friends complain, if we store it on the street, so we trill sell it for $8,85 'ter kindred lbs, by .,the barrel) to naake room: for our next ear, 01 course, we will deliver 1 it any place in tow , W. T. 011 'Out telephoccututte. till 48