HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-11, Page 3•1111101PINIM.01.11
Tat =NON %EV! FAA.
july tub, jecrt -
Wrstched Hot Weather
•film% • CELEKY COM-
Shou1d Be 'Used in July .and•
The extraordinery variable spring ,and
•efirly eutumer weather of.the present peer
has been thecauge of a vast amount of be:li-
nger; in every part of our country. Strong
even and women hove been victims; the
week, rtindown end eialtly have euffered in-
teeffely and neanv faMiliee now suffee the
lope Of near and dear ones.
The nervotie, weak, rundown and debit.
'Mead should now devote theirbest energies
and attentiOn to health -building, so as to
eneble them to withetand the. eneryeting
•effeets of the approaching hot 'weather.
'The lloo Of POilleVeelery Compound will
•stiOn bring a reherre et tree phyeical
attength; the nerves Will be fed and breered;
ths blood will be made pure and richer; di -
Onion will be cotreotedetud sweeterefresn:
mei:leap will take the plege. of ineonenia
and arritebility.
Pained Celery •Uompound is doiug a
Maevelione worle for the sick and spited:1g
.ae this time. It is the only preparation
thee permeate value and virtue for reornt-
terthe etrenath in 1 spent energies of
weakly and sick people in aluzuner time.
The trial of_one bottle will give you .happy
, -.Ind ee liorae to Breed:
. I'M the annual Meethig of the NatIone
'id Horse -Weeders' Aesociation, held at
•Cieloago in March last, Co!. F. J. Berry,
ethe preeident, • in his annual address
a'ziatle tee following statement in re-
. .gard to the kind of horses to breed: . ter eere
The American horse -breeders hale, , e• . ,
A cow will give about so much Milk
.had a severe lesson. It has staught ' In a year, no matter ' what time she
them that every horse should he bred comes in, and she should be bred so as
Iter a certain purpoee, a certain type,
to produce milk during the whole el
• sod of a specific clam, with all the Size
, Shape, and quality that the market de. the matron of beat prices.
Spends. •The small hprse is a thing of
tee past. It has proved a failure and
.•itto unsatisfactory investment. The
/ trifling kindness here sad there
Ti but 4 simple, mall ow;
Yet, If your life has Wen them free.
Wide 'shall your baPPY benefit be
Of !delta. Of love, of *Wait good wilt,
That still renews, and gladden's stiU.
• examinations, tu-
nas Your insurance run out/ r delicate question -
Have you tried, frizzled mutton? . iii, and obnoxious
Harriet say i: please don't give the i local treatments
liege frozen swill.
A 01
The town crfer is a thing of Oa Poot.
but tuedical methods as old and as Olelka
lete as the town crier are still practiced
in many a country town. Women suf..
feting from womanly diseases shrink
' Still vWile with
That's right, get mad once in • a' some toed practt-
while; at such times keep your Mouth I goners. Any sick
It is a good time to swear oft trOM woman is invited to
C. Pi
tem, tobacco and Muni werds. •onsult Drerce,by letter, ,free, and
Start to educate your grandchildren so avoid methods
now by teaching yourselt which are offensive
Something to remember—the pigo . to hermodesty. All
and chickens like clover haY, correspondence is
Whines Cumber all nevr enterpriees; held as etrietly pri-
experience prunes them eft • vete and sacredly
Big boulders on the farm may be nonfidential. Ad-
am* where they are, rather than be 11,17,*,:s: Dr: IR* V•
,Butto 0,N*Y.
laauled oft. • Dr. Pierce's Ea -
Make a proper garden; that is plan vorite Preecription
new for spring planting. Order your is peculiarly and
fonds now. particularly a med.
• Some men are especially economical icing for the cure
when. they buy or their wives.. That of wottlahlY•dise
Isn't right, eases. /t este b.
When Your neighbor talks louder
than you, it is a eign that he. is wrong
and YOU are right.
If anybody wants to do your thinking
for you bay to Nxii, "No, I thank Yoh, I
can do it rayselL" . ,
The newest idea is to filter milk, This
Is done through sand, and is practiced
In several European cities.
If the 'day be hitter cold and yen
have a long journey to ;malce, takethe
lantern along, lighted, under the rilhe.
Milk the hetfer 'with first, calfs king
as you can get a droll), clear up to the
second eaIt. This will make her bet-
• • , The Vegetable Growea..
To procure large specimens for shoW
'grade has been raised every year dor-
•ang the last few Years; and each eilee purposes needs ,should be *mein now in
eessive year requiree a larger helve rued greenhouse or hotbed. SoW rather
lone of better' rquallty to meet the de* thinly in fiats filled with spil cemposed
Mande of the market. He roust be a of two-thirds ,good loam, the either
'third of leaf mould and sand in egnal
Arprtions. When well op remove. to
light, alter situeition ts. prevent dravi-
ing, and as soon as the plants have ate
• horse of his own class and be an 'up-
to-date market horse, and to be the
Mast salable he enuse be deeidedly ot
• one of the followieg classes, 'Which
ia will ray sort to elark4 *est sti
Itiols ,1
The recent "fluetuationsu la bed
show that the farmer Perfornao a very
important part in influencing the supe
ply, and that he ha* the power to ree
duce or increase priceo more than bes
heretofore been supPosed. Looking
over. the field the fact appeare also
that the prices ot beef and the control
of' the Drama eupplY are regitlated
at Hansel; City, over 1400 miles from
the seaboard. The Eastern farmer is
compelled to abandon the eattle bust.
aeon because he cannot compete with
hie Weatern competitors, and obr
butchers are forced to buy from those
who seem to have power to Ihnit the
supply, blow, the real party Who can
regulate the prices is the farmer,
.There le no necessity whatever for the
East buying hersbeet so far from home.
It is the farmers in this section 'who
have refused to turn teeir attention to
Cattle raising, and who are permitting
the Western farmers to have control
pf the leading *markets. The very,
fact that beef la high is proof that
• the -farmers are depriving themselves
of the oPPOrtunity of receiveng better
prices for- their products than they
lishee regulari7, ' have Iseen securing.
weakness. the production of beef cattle in the
Hon and ulceratiou, and cures female
• "You have my heart -felt thanks for the kind rear. Yet, with the complaint that
advice you seat meet writes Mrs. eeleeeece pricee for grain prevent farmers front
teller,. of-hason buccal Co. Tenn %Word* • Making a profit, no attention has been
of thet drawbacks has been aa'e
steers on the majority of the Eastern
farms are very inferior, due to the fact
i h are not pro-
driesereakening rains, heals lieflammte• The dairy interests of the East keep
il to express wiat lendured for about rizbt given to the fattening of steer% One
ears with female trouble, The awful. pain that
bee -to endure each month, no tongue can
express. These bearing -down pains, backache,
• headachesows , dietresa in -my stoma h surd sores ht
any breest, cramp in rimbs—th • have all lelt
amend health Sun taken the place of these dim- a 0
St 111
• nessing trouble". what caused them to lever ducers of the -choicest beet' atiineale.
Favorite Prescription: In one Weele. Ulna I
beri4t1 to feel better. After taking six bother 9 , unlese earmers are
This ' con. dition will remain,-. however,
'willing tO raise .
It was the best medicine on earth—or. Pierce's
the 'Favorite Prescription' and using the toes their calves Instead 01 selling them oft
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets shOuld, ' at an early age.. A pure-bred bull of
. treatment you advised I felt like a new woman.*
the beet-prodneing breeds, 'melt as the
alevarthe used with itravorite Prescripe Herefords, Shorthorns, or Poiled An -
Coronation onors. will make a wonderful emprovemen
in the *gook, though .4.• Is admitted
lion! wheneveiea &Native is required. _ gus, bred to the ordinary dairy coyrsi
The list ot those who r eceive titles that nether* will be gained by keep.
was issued at Ottawa Wednesday of big the. heifer ,,M.Ives of such ulna
last week. The following were treated Ontario it Is to Send them to mar eti
Kniechte thirnmander of the most die- as the beef-prodhcing breeds are no
tinguiehed Order of St Michael and aetzintitrible for milk and biltter as the
St Georsre ; • • • ,breede adapted...for those purposea 1
The Hon. Daniel Huntee Malillare • With Wheat as low is fiftY cents.
Lieut. -Governor of Manitoba, the where Of etren and oats •will.be in -
Minister of Militia and Defence, litericed correepeitdingly, and the best
The Eton Frederick William Borden,.
The Hon William Mulock, KeC., IIMY to sell cheareirain is in, the form
rostbeaster-General, , , of meet. „There is ncithing:to pretent
Gilbert Parker, the novelist, born in those who are nearest to the maekets
lielleville, Ont., hag been knightek from controlling prices, but . in order
: . to do err the beet must be fully up in
sire known as tbe export classes ot tairiee Etufticient size for handling,, or quality: to that which Cornea from the
'horses, and at the same time they are begin to get crowded tha sheuld be aufeeeihreir ffee:17° se..eu-tilizing, WestItslut iptiedadprolmttevid eathtaotf the e MIs-
Most salable and. profitable for.all p e e over, 0 low grade raisins feedipg them. to
I d - all wing Meerut half 'eare ,siesippt, for the reason that our
East -
plass No. 1—Carriage.. and coach . inch each way. A rather -heavier
thiiiiThierTey -ottetst,harldee ethat---t-ne - etheinnicarnmaclirslitiaLre th.mhettrel'hinieereeteetehdeheit
Idaterieen markets: • his horses. He say they are cheaper
can be used this theie. Mit' it should
'horses seem to relish them, 'and keep the greater uniformity of the Western.
' • not be tiro rich. Snading Will be ad -
Plass No. 2•A cab horse. . _ in good conditibn. ' ' • ' meat, but present prices • demonstrate
Class No. 4—A drift horse: . begin to take •holte.bUteaf three months ago, the government his that our Eastern farmers can afford to
age their cheap .grain for prodncing
Class No, 3—An omnibus horse. - . vantageous for a few der° until they
- . , Since the ,breaking out of the war,
ter that give
Class No 5—The American trotter or . all the air and. light p ssible to keep _ paid. $1,250;000 to the farmers ot Mis- beef. To be succes ful, however, th
. cattle must be of the breed e that .
I ive the greatest gain in the shorteet
:toad horse. • • ' the plants stout and stocky. If they wilel
spurt for mules, lied $07,500 Jor
"Here is the tYpeeet for breeder's to can be kept in thie condition until -the
thing for Missouri bp to the • •ity t'o compete 'with that .Which comes
?without system proved so disesterous grould arrives, they be famed to
A Standard Remedy
Used In ThOusands of Homes in
Canada for nearly Sixty Years
and has never yet 41100
produce, as the old way of breeding time for teansplanting to the open . a bad [gime and the beef must be of a qual- •
horses. '• The • war has not been
wul and a great faelure. A proper study be ,ertriler and. More satisfactory .to . date' from elsewhere. With transportation
• of these types willenatple the breeder handle and the danger Of their recely- . Feeding mats to horses Is a much in our favor all now depends upon
to meet the .demands of all markets." Ing a„check Is considerably lessened . moke common praetice in England ' the breeds, arid with their use the
- than lo our own' country, where, We 'East need not fear Western c,orapetie
Peanut Butter. '
It is well to have a few of these large stuff aninials with 'corn. In season and tion. • ;
sized onions, even although exbthiting
is not contemplated, the are good f put of season. Carrots for the horses,
• A new factory has just been put .inta
. e S°- or msd turnips for everything •should be • • . .sarayirse nor Suomi and Inmate, •
-operation in Kokomo, for The fall .and .use, but- do not -
raised and. stored for winter. . • . .. • That paris green and kerosene emui.
manufacture of butter from peanuts.
• says the St. Louts Globe-Democret. •
that h
I keep so well as the. smaller and Miner One cd.. the 'beet. four-year-old Miles orlon • still remain the • leading insect1-
ones at have been sewn and graven •
out of doors. The larger -growing var- In Austria is said to be the result of- cides,. and 'that bordeaux mixture ise
For a.year or more Lan Broseeef that .
letiesi.such as prize -Taker and Giant —
crossing the Aniericanetrotter Prince . ' the beet remedy for plant diseases is.
Mier baire been workeng on a process of
kin from the peanut to coin- r ware:rick on a highly' bred Ituislan ; the experience •of the New- York sta-
ma gnutter
and have sueceeded Prodacing the ehough almost any of tbe othersemay 'mare. 'This lilly won allethe big events ' tion at Geneva. The knapsack spray-. • s
pete with the product of the farm crew,' Rocco; are the most commonly used,
• a at 'Vienna a 'd i . • . growers need a machine of greater • WE•LYUK t'.6".°11/1 TRAPTE'' .
, n s a very promising er le generally useful though: extensive,
to give
Dlarrhcea, Dysentery, Cholera,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera bean --
Aunty -Cramps, Collet Sea Sickness
and all Summer Complaints.
Its prompt use will prevent a
great deal of unnecessary suffer-
ing and often save life. .
, Sao.
The T. Milburn Co.. Limited. Termite, Ontario.
, ur rattowing taw atone.
Miss May Morrie, daughter of the late
William Meer% lectured recently in
London on 'Pageantry and the Masque,"
in the course of which she cited some
Items in bills for mediaeval mystery
plays :—"Mending hell mouth," 3 d
setting the world on fire, 5d; paid to
God, 2e; hanging Judas, 4d; washing
.angels' albs, 2d; fire for hell mouth, 4d;
making devil's head, Is 8d. These are
paralleled by the comepal bills paid by
our own Government Vuough the Pub.
lie Works Department to support the
gods and pageantry of India, "For
mending erack in Siva's back," "For
patehing up Siva's nose." The Indian
• Government shows a calm aloofaese
which is some distanoe*beyond humor. .
, • •
• For Poultry Keepers. ,
. • --• - • '
'When hens .6 not lay in sminner the
-fault' may be due to overfeeding, •oviring
.to the abundance. of insects, grass an
Seeds on the range or pasture. It is
better to send such hens to market if
they are over two years old, and de-
pend upon: the early -hatched pullets is
winter layers. • All pallets that are to
he retainedshould be kept in good. grow-
ing coledition, not fat, by alt owing a
variety of food, meat being much bet.
ter thdn corn or wheat for all kinds of
young poultry:,
• i'lree to 'Parker ittaaegs:
You wish to know something about
growing turkeys? Vell:
Don't let the young turkey e get wet.
Done .ieed them inside of twenter-four
ow Spring Goods
'1)reOs .Goods
• Giughams.
6aces and Embroideries-
• .otall kinds
desired article. Al tlee preeent piece • be employed, and will att in extra site auinial. • .
te tirpaeity.' The- suction pipe should. al -
of the nuts tne butter can be eold at ' under this treatment. • • At -the recent .horse show held at
, • ne.an , e e ass or enter
the tank at the top and the
pump should be made of braes or e
fifteen cents per pound, The•process These alp, if large siee is desired, or- •Ricemo d t d • i the I f • ' b
• •
the best • hem. in .harnesse shipped. brim; lined. Hand • pumps Should al-
manufacture is no secret The nuts e showing be contemplated,. may be
after the hulls are removed, eke- eerie ,grown under .slinilar treitinent to the froin4linada or the "United Statese tile -10W the weight of the bcidyetO beneefi.
NS 1118
R. Coats 49‘ Son
•For twenty years I had been a suffez.
er from bronchial troubles accompanied
with a hacking cough. I at times suffered
from extreme nervous pro"stration. About -
four years ago I began taking Ripans Tab-
ules, and since then I have used them
pretty constantly. I rarely retire at night
'without taking my Tabule; and I find they.
keep my digestive organs (which natur.
ally are weak) in (2ood order,and they also!'
allay my tendency to nervousness and
make me sleep.
Serving the public> with care, attention .
.honest •goods and low -price°, has given us
a eigh poeition amongst the druggists of.
Canada. -We look for -your trade, and _
will use every endeavor to make you a ordiDRUGGISTS ,
e veu-
cent packet is enough for
art CICICA8i011. The family bottle, sixty,
fully hand picked and faulty kernels • *fe'regoing up to the plenting out stage, regular customer.
removed. They are then roasted in a when a trench should .b
otaliion Gold Ring 'won the 050 cup. on the handle while'. at wont, ,eterte
• e prepared ter and Fides Stanton' was giVen. second . morel nozzles giYO abetter spray than cents, contains -arsupply for a your
placeeand also, highly • emenneirdetle - neachiame-ree apeaxiaa_pos Praearasior.a, Pereumes, Brushes,
Ourcempelies of r ue Drug% e tor ,
large rotary oeso. • Ageln tbey are •them similar to that employed •fo• r cel -
gone over by -hand for the removal of • -
scorched grains. Tile' outs are then • .Theeelicirses weie experted from Can— • 'latest: and tomtteee e•
Sponges, Rte., wilt • interest you - • — . ., • _ • . . -
put through a mill ane ground as tine •abundance of 311 I tur • a •
0 s nd grow fast- .. ada where they ,were b • wbich • can be lowered hetween the
• 'PAINE'fiOntanxCordronnni . .
ery: ,They are ,gross geders, • love nozzle is needed
the grain° giving it the • alePearallee • loose and well stirred. To • have the known On American tracks, ad- are. 4pray iip through the vides. The Nei.. Mines. Knowingite powers and •virtues,, depeeseloas "
ovine , ut are
We are folty prepered to fil your orders
as the finest ilour, the natural oil in rows,•and directed so ael to force the for this popular disease-baniabinli need' '
est when the 'eo.ii• around them is kepi American trottier%, BOth ...were well
and consistency' of putty e(it leave* •stem or white part as longas possible • ana canypaignere.
the mill, except that it la More of an they shcarld be kept frequently earthed
. • m.•;.,10$4 by Shorbord. la the old chuiee. Where the purnp reedy it has been tepted and stureesefullY
tere'd water, to reduce it to a more pit- ' help •draw tbe hearts up peper collates g
tutor is needed to keep the ,poisons in we etrongly rereornmend it se a blood
solution. The best forms work up snd purifie,r nerve' bracer and flesh builder.
orenee color. By the addition cif file" up, according as the hea.tts grow. To down in an upright tar*, like the clash Paine's Celery Compound is no new re;
• as Canada b timd
able state, the butter .is cennplete, no can be used with advantage. These Clover pasturage is a cheap pig feed. piston has .a iracking this should be used in alt parts os c
other ingredient not even ea t, being are drawn or! the plants grew and Feed with slop in ceemeetion often renewed. • For killing cabbage hemmed% and has never failed.
• gond pastnrnge. 'Worms and insects, no liquid has been P REEIKIE Druggist. Clinto_n Ont
used. It never grows ranrid arid
keeps the space below filled up with soil. In
In any climate. It is put up in 1.2, 6, this way the white ran be grown to a
10, 25 and leo rolled tin cans and seal- length of eighteen inches: we have
a :
ed. The new eater is already in great seen thene even more, but 'there!. feed -
Ins and good cultivation must be given
demand at sanuaritoos and health tee
_ere- to give. them tr. proportionate thick -
A Winter rereer.•
preparations a long tine anead. From
harvest of the autumn some men are forcer of tomatoes. William Nicholson.
• Obliged every year to take time Ur get Smith Framingham, Maser tells us that
ready for work, which they. should Sutton's Best of All and Frogmore
Smite spent in doing tbe work, if they come nearer to his Ideal of a winter
• bald been ready beforehand, My old forcer than all others, He tried last
blend used to call that "crying 'to make season a house 100 feet in -length and
themselves catch up with work after twenty in width; which yielded crop
• they bad allowed it to get a long dray of 4,5.00pounde of lite fruit: In it he
'plead of them." .
nes% • WM. SCOTT, N. Y.
' It is not in haying alone that one •
• needs to mr„ke his calculations . and
the early spring plowing until the last After twentyyearie experience as a
I •"1.
cr tried six kinds and attributed •the aue-.
Carter's •
Little Liver Pills.
Mudd Bear Blignoture of
See Pac.Simile Wrapper below,.
Teri 104611 and as tearer,
,t• take NI slat.
no FOR 011.2111ESSk
00100OPIO uvti.
tees to the ter() named, and this sear)a
Is growing no others. . •
lvrr. Nicholson has always . bets a
keen observer and has kept a Cost
Hogs need a good shelter (Ares in
Young sews e'hould be twelve.Mollths
old before breeding
Na keg is duite as raVenOng as..a
sow that is suckling a litter of pigs.
There is naore in the feed than in the
Wed in the production of good whole -
80)118 pork.
The daily growth or hogs increases
Until the animals reach two hundred
pounds or.• More. ' • •
, Clover contains more lime for the
prOchietion of bone and more nitrogen
for the produttion of flesh than. corn
, has. - •
phould Corn lowlder Ile Wed to IttOttei
The question of feeding corn fod-
der to horses Wair discussed at a recent
woven ,horsemen in Chicago,
Scene of the Men they had been
I feeding it tor eters, and found it to
be a very good feed, andelheyetlid not
see that•their horseselvere any poorer
has'grown, and the realties obtained in rockier. Other horsemen said that was
the way of price, etc., end he has this 1 Oa the reason why many draft.horsee
to say: "Years ago when / utted to ge are soft and of poor quality.
Wanted a small tomato so that they
$1 and more per pound hotel keepers •
record on the„behavior of the kinds he in quality than 'horses not fed en
could serye up one at a pm ku. NOW,
with tOmatoes averaging from 25 cent*
to 35 Cents per pound during the Win-
ter season hotel keepers and chefs gen-
erally find they can afford to slice
tem, and coresequently a larger tomate
le required."
And herein lies the liable of the 'Vat -
tidies hi question. They grow to a
good size' and ere Solid; also they oat
freely. Mr. Nicholson inclines to the
opinion that Englieb, yarieties always '
nake better winter forcers than do the
Aniericae kinds, the foreigner makes
letter foliage and grows more strongly
ItUring the winter. Ile clainis here le
the reason Of it better eat of fruit. Mr.
Nicholson followl chrysanthemums
with his tomatoes, consequently he
grow* all hie Plants in pot& ..4441...
PlITNA.M'S CORN EXTRACTOR Area sure and permanent curt tor oil
Kidney and Bladder Troubles. When your bneiremis becemee irkeome
' Doesn'tilay a nien deter &week but quietly and diet"oteftd, you are dot well. Milleee
and surely gees on doing its word,endneth. BACKACHE OomporindPills will make it a plea.
ing is known of the ?ration till the corn
Putnem's except to the torn. At 11 drug. Strious trouble will follow If 'Ott don% To Core a Cold Ill ,otto Dave
All &amide tehind the money if h fail
found equal to dry pates green applied • - •
with a 'hand sited.. Powderguos are ..
useful for 'applylog dry • powdered Old Folks'
poisons, pyrethrum, .tobadeo dust and
B. Backache.
e.ulphur. Bamboo extensions •should •
be used In spraying large
Patera". f�* Cow& •Whenpeopla
• &role Of oUr dairy exchaoges recom-
mend feeding potatoes in small (Man-, get past the
• meridian. of
' titles to cowa giving milk. The feed-.
Ing value of raw potatoes is not very t life they • are '
large. It hag 80 per cent of water,-liStIetb:b114:
and though agood deal of the rest is, s'i.,
• starch it does not make a rich Milk, lit t„, ... •troubled more
' i
nor increase the quantity, as will car. mirw 4 or less with
. i
rots, parsnips and beets At present •--""e4; P.I.4
kidney com•
prices of potatoes they are the dearest "*"1/... 4' .. plaint.
teed for any sthek that can be bought. Pains and
liii. ..
No matter how cheap their were we 'aches, stiff -
Should not think of feeding them to •...--e'
Miloh cows, The butter made from ...•••• ness and sore. .
grkin that good butter -Ought to show . ties of the back, difficulty in urina.
them is white, ealvy and lacks the
Even so small at tion and frequent rising at night
as is fotind in amOunt Of potato the potato peelinge
. are some of the trodbles that seri.
Where potatoes are cooker; for fam.ly,
4 1 ously afflict theold.
nee affected the quality o the linden I • There is no remedy brings such
the potato' peelings will be eagerly
eaten by horses' that have only dry lie as DrPitcher's Backache
1 relief and comfort to those advanced
' feed. It will do them good relieving in. f.
• ;winter tiaggliveaer. irritation, .tone up and mvigdrate
ablets.r They soothe all
the constipation from which horses ip. ' Kidney. T
the urinary organs,•clear away all •
sediment, take the ache) and pain
out of the back and permit undis-
turbed rest at night.
• irlaltle of Tree,.
•the nine of trees. for their ehelter
is important, and it has been estimate' ed that if one-1°11ft of the fields de.
Voted to cultiVatiett wereilinted-With
trees properly dietribrited, the other
three-fourthe would produce as much
Mrs. Geo Boutln, Barri gto Street, . ,
as the vthole, besidet, the timber and Arnprior, Ontee sayers "I have ha.so Rattenbiry St or t
tuel Would be Clear gain. Treed plant,* muole . benefit: from tusing Dr. Pitcher's '
ed near marshes render theal to lon- Books:the Kidney Tablets that I do no"
ger noxious to people living near them. hesitate to recommend- thorn: Siam I
• Central
Meat Market
Having pure:based the butchering
business of P. H. Powell I am pre-
pared.to furnish the people of Clin-
ton with all kinds of Fresh and
Cured Mote. Sausage, bologna
lard, butter and eggs always kept on
R Fitzsimons & Son.
Teiphone 76.
Orders delivered promptly to ad
Parts of the town.
r4.8.—Pereons having hogsfor
shipment will denier s_ favor by
• leaving word st the Acta
Where the proportiOn Orotie.fourth ot ' need them I am fres from that constane CLINTON.
the lend in timber, the other three.
fottrthe in cultivation, is hot main*
tattled, it is only a question of tithe -
when the effect will be noticed. The
'effect upon the climate is of a local
itheratter, end this 'Mal inedilication
„IV et great importance, •
eee ' • •le
eure to 'atone to bilsinesa Sold ell
II d. PI t basis t do tb`o bit the first sign Of Kidney' Trouble. Clinton druggiste.
Some of them are dangeroosom deng freers ------------• ct it! Check it time I
• gime, Citt6 YOUr Iladltitehe br taking Teke Laxative Homo gettable Tithiete
Mctennan. an old citizen of Mid. boANos lawny iglus to awe, n. viv. 0 tONOIll Sidniktnte hi on
Itai 11 • oh box 250
landt was found drowned in the hay.
ea • .
backache that quite unnerved me and .
robbed me of all energy. My kidneys and Meterial guarenteed.
have been PO invigorated that there now
from the sanctions. I *lilt you Mudd see JAS. G. SEALE
remains no annoyance or inconvenience
my father. He is sixty-nine yeari of sr, . .- . .
,,kod botore using PitohAr's ItlebleY1`11,31.1", S. Midoper. the ertueiVil servant re -
1, l'uffo6a ' soldoW IV° ..1".5'4•CL---=-L,eetiltbili the penitentiary at King.
' baok II he is sprightly and ithetble as ston, rnay put in welaim for it pentiloa
a young Meg. 86 says never anything from the overnment.
before did him as much red aa Pitaher's The Manitoba prohibitionits will Meet
Wets. '' I AM confided that these who la convention at witio.,0, on Julys
, r n .
hOTO failed 'heretofore to obtain say relief ,., ...t
1 from bad backs and 'doggish kidneyi will
, n 1 40 winded by wee Hon Jeritnele Chamberlain, in reply to
a question, has stated -30,000
iIX. Plb3her's Backache Itidneyodrablete.
bz, Now.% modal* twiny tritbuis colonials fought in Youth Africa.
areade. * Box, at all druniste et by ma% A convict netted Beaufort &3COM
, pus Dis. Um Fronts* Cri:i Tostata, °gib, from Kingston Penitentlety butt Fr I.
Direct importer". Worktnansitin
t Noireity.:Bakeri
and Resiatitini
Is the place to buy ohOice
ohocolates. We handle *Ma-
Cormiekei choice Maricaibo
chocolates, also Patersons
creme and burnt almonds and.
other choice assertmenis. '
ae •
We are prepared for the com-
ing season to serve soda wattr
in all flavors. We also have
„erne)* frith's_ in,. Owls, let,,
ores& inrell 'kinds cOol
' drinks.
A'ehoice stook of's:manger and
Innate, bananas and all kind. .
of fruit in aestron.
'Fancy bread earkoakesealways
on hand.
.wedding •Cgkes a
Terms strictly cash.
.1 MeClay, 'Clinton.
to Bon kurninws INK—
it journal for advertisers,
published weekly at .fiye
doliaes a year. It teethes
the science and practice of
Advertising, and is highly'
esteemed hy the na•ost sue.
cessful rAyeatetite_ers Iteeetpi
• Liberal cotnroission al.
lowed.Mdress PRINTERS
INK, 10 Spruce St., New
York. -
Judge Mason, of tioderich, has hone
wanted three wont& leave of absence
on account of bad health. I