HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-11, Page 2SOW**
Wear laweesseereposese .
land, Cisea,da and Gigot Britein the soh youngest on a Ierool Smith,
fitted that in time of war theY May he e o • ape recarione condition
offring frorn concussion a tbe
, That the naturalimation of Silents in
ell** etesinshipte to be British -Owned, ond of Exeter, is at preeent confined to hie;
' FRIDAY, JULY Il. 1900. armed and-0904as cruleerst
aav p.art Of tbe British Erbore will be fet:
teheer Iteiropeareofilrzerditine,iire ttlgepoi1liettelde
The Liberals have Bled, petitione
• - lig ___ _ - a.-- . - pule__ faeteht tier the whele °t. the EM* unconecioue and there II no hope I:bat-
on:tee the ratuen of Mr Fyne for Beet)
-ever of hie recovery.- ' -- - - - -- -
Toronto. and Hugh Olaf k for Centre 'nhat preference be glean to thi col*
.: °Mee in army and navy contracte. .A. quiet but beautiful house wedding a•ge
Bruce. Conetruetion of ocean cables, and mot s itemized at the residence of - /
Petitione actainst the election of Mr the Purcbage thereof.
le • P
The eatabliebment ot en imperial est daught er, Amy, becarne the wife k....--
Th08. Murdock. Henson, when hie OM, • ...lei
o a erformed et I in.
against loss. Rev Mr Jewett', Methodist minister,
Wentworth have been tiled.
row. Kingston, Careeallen, -Beet it t f Appeal of Or. Byron Daraphell, of Zurich. Tbe
our o 4 1.N .4e
Itamilton and J. I:014mo, in Wenn • The mutual protection of parents cereln Wa P p,
That in South Africa a:ten:there of °Mciating"
A. petition against tbe return of wbo bave been adrait d t P Mr Peter Menu, of the 2o4 conceie
• • is the learned and ektielledoprofelonis,
Benry Either, Conservative member Canada, e.ustralte, and evirr Zealand
elect for South Huron has been filled tItlIod trble allwed to practice, and although no bones were Walton, by
eeg so that itte with greet
McLean; on the grounds of corrtiption for the Ooloolee and the PLeatersaol Aft h has been able to walk about
with Registrar McDonald, by M. -.Y. tween gewloaa pegfgaL;eestatr rstbr i nee Ts horeee falling on him, lands -
the eelfigoverning colonies. Free singirthen
And bribe! y. Prese, .
Thos 'Castle, of the 2n4 con, of Step-
. • • •
It is anuouliced that the revenue of
Foreign Trade, • hen, bag a freak of nature in the ebape
the .Dominion for the month just closed of a. Ave -Mate colt. The fifth or sup
is $2,887erfluous foot branches out lust above
the an increase of $100,000 in the ten months of tbe current fis- the fetlock on the riga fore leg, and le
over the corresponding month of June, cal Year Canadian imported 486,4828,287 rather miniature in sizsabut is supplied
Jest year. The revenue for the year is worth of goods from 'Altana and ex- with a well formed hoof. It is a One
lepecimen of the equine race and le clo-
1132,052, 729 compared with $29,127.819 poIted $90,181,755 to that country; Ina. -lag mcely.
Ter the last year ending June, 1901, ported $90,951,130 from the United •• Hotly Thureday tornieg, June 261.13.
aids is an increase for the present year States and exported 855,959,138 to that the home of Geo Turvey, of the 2nd
was burned to tbe
(of nearly three million dollars. And country; total imports being $162,508,- line, of Morrie,
d The family wet e all sleeping
yet we bear them say in tbe face of
such evidence of prosperity tbat Laur.
;eyelid hie gang is ruining this fair
Voininion of oars.
• 0•
The list of protests is not nearly 80
large as ii. 1898. So far thirteen have
been put in. These are :-Liberals-
. north York, E. J. Davis; Stormont,
1.4cOart ; South Norfolk, Charlton ;
tiouth Wentworth, Dickinson; King,
eton, Pense ; East Wellington, J. '111.•
Gibeon-total six. Against Conserve -
Were -East Tarot% Pyne; Centre
Bruce, Clarke '• West Wellington,.
Tucker ; West Hamilton, Hendrie ;
• Glengarry. McLeod ; South Huron,
' Bilber '; East liamiliou, Celrecallen-
total oven. The protest against Dr.
ripe (hops because no report hoe' been
• • • •
Meetings have been held during the
168 and exports $171,015,9111. Dur ex • soundry until the fire hart made some
perm to Britain are ,almost exactly progressinhe eldest eon woke first and
A Clear
can be the possession
only of the man or
woman whose digestive
functions are in perfect
equto ou
al r importso
ful the 'United aroused t ethers, who eoon became • .
conecioes of the preeence of smoke, The ,
States. What are we going to 'do back part of the house was in genies taken
a,bout it ? We buy from the United and the stairway filled with smoke, so
h de afforded the only mew of
escape. rs Tm vey was let (learn by
States because that country has for t n
sale the things we, want. Quantities, &sheet and the children were thrown
quelities and prices are equal, wewould to ber. In jurn.ping from the window
much prefer to buy from the Britons Mr TurneV leiured his foot and has
who buy from ue,but"there is no senti- been unable to walk en it Since. Tinter -
went in business." However, the con. tunately Dothan; was taxed,. with the.
ditions ma change The development exception of a eum of money. ' .
good condition, the
blood pure, and the .com-
plexion clear. •
All druggists sell it •
. Effervescent
regularly will
the stomach' in
I , 1111,10104.1 4,14.14. I 1 1
Properties for Sale or to Let
To Rent
ee lee.
thave Ten over ittir largo ise how
PrePared to tato Orden to furnish sood, clean
pore 100 to ail euetomere dusting the coral oxelTOS
from Wm. W setter, on urea street. Ism Barrister, tSoUssitoal Ire.*
Lot lita, Maitland conCession, nolierleh Town. summer, All orders -will be_promptly attend 100410
ably. Apply' io ,L4.8. SCOTT, 33arrister. to. M. DAVIthelinton•
Oot 11—tt. OitriWn Feb 14,--te ' AMMO re LOAN.
- --Ves niorposz
"trt "II
To Rent. Real Estate 1" Sale. I nonrswan, eor.ftwTon, NOT'•T
First elene ck Attire 'suit able for any bust-.
nese. Apply to trIOARLIS, Cunton. 1 Part of farin,lote and. 831 00 W.00t 01C10 0
1 1 1)1.10.1,10, ETC.
novx5-tf. Maitiandoomoine mile north of .
Office-0041TO, BIOCk•
' containing* Korea
9 The north. half of lot 25, con. 2,and west part 14 atairs, PPP°44.4144,10I,r4 1431/41 Gailtri*
To Let. of lot 24, con, 8, one ball retie from Clinton, , .
north., on gravel road, contamma 90 sores R 1001,4 I/4 HAWK
That beautiful store in the Jackson- 1310011r 0 TInk dwelling ineludeeba 18t" Ut 814
Euro:Street, lately occupied by C.Yv itteo AP^ 20 on coma; of Joseph tont me a roe s, n 001•19EVANCERS, Costisusanamsn i
pir to Clinton. • Real rotate and Infigiralied AMOY.
• THOS. JACKSON, Sr., 4 Theframe dwelling on west fride of . Victoria Mauer t°au
klePt- 0-tf Clinton etreet and neztuorta of railway.
Idberattorms to Ruh purobasere. Apply to C. B. BA.LE.
Farm. For Sale..
The visit hell of lot 24, ilayileld Con hod, March 28-3M. .
land, is offered'for sale on mei term% tree% Be:mister Solicitor Notary and Conveyeierire
oriel: township containing 100 acres c _WW1
ODice-Olinellite Colborne ROW • '
born, log borne, plenty of water and finial
orebard. Particulare WA application to Wide -ries
tf- .1. P, TiSDALL,Olintto
For Sale or to Rent.
Ina urarice.Ageot„
Canada Life Assurance Co,
Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acre* rim
in good state ottatitivaroa fo sitie or to ent Illaelne. divide/it. Plate Sloss
on premises or hill 0, MoGREG R, 2 con Ofhce J. P. Tletiall's Dank. ellintan•
for term of yeare appytoM(0. eceltdOlt,
R. S. Tuolcereniith, Sesforth P.• 0.
Feb. 7-tt. •
Shorthorns for Sale.
Two young Bulls, oue seventeen and the other
nine months old, from good cows oleo
a two year o d heifer in calf. go d stook and
• good breeding. 9,b . WISE
•• Sahara Grove Stook Farm.
liae.14-tf. •• Clinton, o.
Shorthorns tor Sale.,
. • Two registered Shorthorn bulle,red. color,one
28 months old andthe othe.r la months, Ot.excel-
lent pedigree, choice animals.
•Lot 22, con.18, 33u ett
y . .
a electricity from water powers In Frank Weekee, aged 15, son of W• D, a, .
May • , -
°anode, may reduce our coal imports of Weekee, of Exeter Mari Z•Vorks, haft ' . if •
$11,883.000. When the works at the lust ,completed a piece of work in draw -
M 28-tt Londeaboro 0
Stable for Sale.
Sault and Sydney going right we mg that goes to prove his genius. The eatudn oetnatiti;befandaw11:dthe prtceef e
were noocte";
shall not 'need to import $24,792,724 work is a copy of ono of the greatest restrict 'on,. A good ste.ble with seven eirgle stalle. a 'box '
evorth•of iron and steel, and it we are pictures of the world. It represents a Be
Ti ey bad set befOrd 'atoll, a barness room, grain bina,a roonly•hay
y. ;rt. ' .....f,"711.7;;Wl...5. °‘ 4 ' ••••
...„ ..,‘,.,,..4.444,...: 001ce-Vellter hamilten St. WARM Samar*
formerly Of Oarnerour Hole & Cameron
orneee-aamitton et opposite Colborne BMW*
Rom sozty
not all mistaken about tbe praemin. stone trona Tenriyeonai "Idylls of tbe . themselves the task of maintainine in kits ete„will be pold at a erY reasonable price.
Oanadis the ideals of Oxford. and atn- 4.1141 11-61' W. "YiJOR1t. Minton. • •-
ence of Canada's pulp wood resources King, descriptive of the final scene in bridge,- adapted to the needs!. of .the • •
• ,,
we will dot continue to import.$1,549,. "Lancelot and Elaine." Many faces; a country, but reteining their essential For Sale or so Itent4
- Wholesale lock of parios
699 wor,li Of paper. An increase of tbe boat on water carrying a bier, a tragic- features, The Trinit# Matt should al- • --- er_e
tariff preference on Britieh od -------. boaman. with nage') ilne carving, at very best pustunte prices.
The Oboice,brich house on the corner of Pal.
ht modif the present conditions of appear on the, canvas. It is so exact a unle be a Mall of liberal education.
d I •
ten and..Jose h iitreetit, belonging tothe estate Organ, the very entertainable
. •
pagt week at Port Albert, Lucknow, trace but nothing we could do without reproduction of the original that only fzaeint becetnj sat.% ;ienteilitigesni,
d taste damage toourselves would bring by close scrutiny could 013e picture be gramophone, sheet mume,
. pealing to the citizens of Toronto and
foPllir trhl:tit 11;grtilllY '11;11111;7 4122417(17aelellYATafrIlLeAtliereantsnere. •3p1thnirth' .. of music
Bruce & Grey Electric Railway cam- United States. young artist haa much imiroved the i rarkeji, .if,,,,Ipt tTaredrt$: is not sold or rented,. t
iCr s Farm For Sale.
Ilffesers McGillicuddy, W. Lene, W. ' to each . countenance ai3 eXpreseion - me build nn -the inaltoti011 to _
' Dungannota Grant's school house an S.
Uanadian imports; from Britain up to told fn3in the other. On ' close inspec. •
orance of theie*Iticer that hel ;as ap- and threertentbe of an acre booker and a varletY
all convenience%
Mintail, in connection with the Huron an equality tvith Mir imports from tbe tion.it will be found, however, that the
t the people of Canada for the suppria • A.pply,to
paign. The principal speakers were COAT8 Egeoutor. Clinton.
otiginal by making the aces in the.
o w icia it continued. would in- a
p County Clippings background morealistinct, and giving short ti
f 12"
e. 111074RE'S.
sui a, e e occasion gi sech a etrength, eminence and worthi-
Itiajor Beck. Several local men took farm in London townehip, and moved A A stook of oboicedanned plums for ode.
on the boron road Tuckers:111th just east of '
Canadian nationel character a place
flees that it woqici occupy in relation to - Music Emporium. .
-4 Campbell, hi, O. Cameron, M.P.P., and' Sidney Snell has purchased 9, 200 acre nal dates not possess --Exeter Advocate The subecbiber offere for gale that choice farm
d almost In- rout r Wednesday.
pan 10 the discussion, an. consoling Weed, while on hie waY ference to Britith national character frame hotilie,bank biirn,silorwindi4111 and Breen _
variably the whole of the audieoce Mr Hugh Ricbmondl of NeWrY, has Lithe Huron with his wife and %voila' by Oxford and Cambridge. The Pio- orchard: ,Fienty of water. Anekeellent, farm
were in favor of the project. The vote disposed of 480 calves in Seaforth.this to spend a well earned holiday the nth- vest closeji with the suggestion, ain a splendid localityAtfutrima 1 ;01,1,..
. farmer, who enjoys a whiffof the anelegous. to, the part played- in re- .01inton.-at preseni occuptedby Air Fisher. It • , • • • . •
consists of 150 a • with ood
gm the -matter will be taken in Ashfield mason, andrail at payingpriCes; calves or day; went to right hie pipe,vvhen toe the Cariadie 0 national character might • • ,
wit Friday, the question being the seem to be in demand here, . lucifer end of the inateb flew off. He became i alividual act to add a fourth . FOR SAL*
tatting of stock in the enterprise by the mr a.
a T. Goldthorpe. of Santoro:I; •in. thought nothing of the occnri epee at coostitueet, eleinent to the British '
szinnicIpality. tends moving to the Point 'Farm, Co the tirne, but lighted hnpther match •coaeaeter, an that men aboold speak of The trainecottatre on Orange street, own-
• • • borne shortly pitich he intende to r and. got, his pipe foing all right. While English, Scotch, Irish, and Canadia." pied by the enders' nal is offered for goia on
• •
••fer the bummer months • .•
loka: leisurely enjoyi0g ins IPC, and the Other prominentp ---------------D teoacma erms• he 4:1 8
o• .y, formerly PrciYost of Tinnily and soft tabl an acro,watl
• beres were joggingatong aacomfort- B a 8 ea r* r hard
tabi water i e* gOoa fruit and
ann000,000 itish shippirg cone -
•Mt• otokee Wingbam G. T, R. agent,
J. T. Gamow. actild. 0". leilignAinzow.1414..IN
PRoupFooT PlAirni
BennurrElet, Soiattrona, Neersitnal POEM
PROVIORIS MARrimen Comm, ao.
0/lice: North et., next door to tstipsel 40111150'
Private Funds to lend at lowest rites •
of interest.
• •
Wfli.•GUNN, 111,1inv
s, le.dt Rewnsissan,
ofnos-otn,ari.. Street, Cilinton. • Night 001-
st ftont door of office or mashes, nekitsn-
Liobur say St:Iteetv. the Bo. Yea College Of PhIeloin w •
. London, England.
Moe and Residence --
.10)111N TEDFORD'S nowise, ittwoll •
. .
PHYSICIAN. amen= • '
Atmoncheur stel, ranee anti residence Czn•
tufo St., opposite Ilnglieb March, formerly oc--
outhed by pr. Appleton. Olinten Ont.
• IDo. o. W. tmoitvaPSclo
• Physician, Surgeon Itite. ....
. .iiittoial att,ention given to diseases of the
• ,Eye, . . .
• "
• •
•• •* Albert Strrett."2 Reettlfidnertlince-ef 141'
• 41
Tifit „yr
• The effect Of a • (successor. ;" . Bruce
re. 18440.-Gallarliutto4.11woynalatOdlleBgaledigDenn
course in this L.
goons of Ontario, Toronto . •
'business college IS.-4ftratealailiTRono* gradnite of
tal Department Of TOronto,-Unitierei. ty
Spettisil attention intid to preservation; of
oundrena teem. will visa -Barfield, every
hicinday. .
011100 ver W. Taylor Sento shoe 14014.
• veer garden: he louse contains bail, will mean, opportunities • in
Knation to compete !with the Morgan hex been tra6ferred to Wiarton, end able pace, his g9,13 wife thought .she •Univereity. now of New York ;
Ilea On inetit. anon, psr, or, o ed ooms, clothes closet, dining .
syndicate fpr the North Atlantic and his phice filled by 111. O. Dickann, tate turttg a search they were no long M fraTigrieoreekrtietrens aud woodshed. businesi that ,you did. not. be-
relch of St• James' Cathedral ; 'Pro;
has been conipleteel, The Britishst. .r:gv trteheazo=nttegogicitt rtte 0_ me am of Mines; end MUCb WOrse Toronto ttuiverinty a Canon Whitney R8121844TurAYAIrtt fore possess. Write no for all
to mit Aghaeoy.
r'acinc f rei and passenger businees dieLrict passenger agent, _T.orcii.....311.4"'Eli
.ascertalning that the PreyiSiOn basket •
elt 41.T, rinpiptye.eunn
1 the good won't; coat And tbe good Of Lenf toxvilleo Professor Macnaugh. - • • .
aim for r .3 particulars. • Students can
*rnment has agreed to inerettee the hauling stone and gravel and when le's dre wer� fir N h
• wt e w re a sc op e; o arm ton o Queen s •Univeretty. and Pro -
Beet gillf of Lot 80, oon 1, East Wawanosh,
and shed 80x40 in which there ere good stabling nesg 0
hard water ot n. ver failing well; 8 mires bush, . C it Y 311. C. A. Build-
egFeo,re.. St....C.Ity. -B.ust-
Ofldit1 110 5010 larm, . .
good frame' house with kitchen, barn 36x55,. •
1 acre of orehard, situeted 11 miles. from " Au •
June fl --.4 'Anbran.P., 0. ing, London,. Ont. ..
barn and 60 roci4 from sehool. For further . _. - _ .__,„ .
particulars apply to414, GOVIER. '
Purteher can havengpsessien this fan. • -. W. Y„Westervale..e.rinemai.
. enter at any tune. .
present subsidies, while Canada prom. 0 w don r than the destruction yost•Jamee of the Western University,
llillAnt arrIves_a big fore will be ern- as e further n
pioyea,. - of the grub basket; a large whole in the
.,„Ised at !eclat 8;0001000 yearly, Oio . aa , ' f lady's dress and the almost total de- ' • *tit 431ter) PLAT. ,
.. . The residence a T. Et. McOalleul, 0 .
"eat struction of the coat tails of tbe farm. Late in the afterneon Aristophenes'
' '
large passenger noatia Capable of 25 Exeter. was the scene of a ba.pp
ht Or himself. ' , . comedy "The Frage" was given In the
knots an hour, are to be built, also a lagt.,Monday, vvbett hie eldeeet daYu_g_ _el's, 4 . . . ... Greek in -the open Air ,in a beautiful
dozen 16 knot bleigbter, at a total cost Hattie, WAS married to G orge will' , !pot to the mirth of the College build -
$42 500 000. The Support ers of the Rea R. Millyard ofilciat ing. • The Jubilee of Trinity - nags which formed a natural anaphi.
scheme regard the Pacitictrade aagreat --a Tiaureday week T. T. Field, of theatre. This performance proved not
as the Atlantic, and t be CP.Z. win be Wingbam, was united in marriage to . • -, University. . only intelligible but exceedingly. emus-
the...rhiet link in a chain, brinteme Anse Miss Ida. Rush, daughter of Mrs Rush, •• . • a,,,, , , ing to the audience. andin its singular
trails, India, Cbina and Japan into' of Pleasant Valley. Tbe ceremony was During' the last week Trinity DniVer. chariot was a triumphant success.
- nearer and mole intimate touch with pet tot tried by, Rev 3 J Pattorsou, 13. A. sity celebrated its Jubilee with the On Wednesday, 25th June, at 43) p.
England. This will pi ovider in all- "Tbs cornestiin-fi fo;rieee§aliiith grace and dignity peculiar to its feetie na special convocation.was held fn'con-
British route and is shorter than any at school in connection with St Andrew's vale, and it will long be renaembered nection wit h the Jubilee, when honor -
present available. church Kippen was laid last Thursday as the most -successatul event ' in the ary degrees were conferred on a num-
pfretnoon hy Mr McEwen M. P. for record of its fifty year's history. „ • bey of erninent,prominentamong.whom
, 0 S d I t "ti an churches were Sir Clever Mowat and"Fil..lohn
tar' •
No leas than 73 townships 111
have commuted and abolished the
•-ute labor system, with a view to sem
ing better:roads by a wore skilled sup
ervision. About half of these made-
tbe change within the last year, as
Seu nren
At the mama.1 r it 0. , 0. IP . meeting thtougbout Ontario sermons were Boyd; Hon Richard Harcotirr, Minisror ak..n at iiny time, reasonable term. Apply for
. -
t'. held in Brussels the other day A. Ma- preacbed on thenecessity of combining of Eclueaticn for Ontarire Dr 'Wm (sler .further particulars to awl. SIMONS. 72 St.
religious with secular instruction an of Baltimore; Air Jae. P. Whitney, hi. David st., Ooderich. • .
guile was re-elected I); D. G. M, and specialreference • - • •
Wm Robertson was elected district ?Few., reArence was Moe to :trinity , , , ,, . pr Mitien
P. P. as well as a numbeteof C• • t •
• • • • • in the attitlide which she takes in this edticattonahste, paste end elergVirten • • To Rent or for Sale
great.work. The object for which Trin- . from different parts of the Dominion. • --
secretary. • .
Robt. White, Wroxeter, left'for Tor- UT University Was founded has been In addition to the honorary degrees Frame residonee and i acre of land • on Mary
1000 Tuesday; where he willreceive amply -justified, for upon the, securrea- tbe degree of M. A. in course wassi•;croand-...fititeedstelfetitveltetl,*omns eellei , woodshed ,heed
excellent gardenr4hataybluierna,npneadrriLindg abhppelle
tomtit for bis eyes. He has been Usti ot Kbufs College, ,founded • by ferred Upon a number of Trinity.
Farni'For Sale..
Lot. 12, 13ayfleld conn Gederichtp., 118 -acres ,
(813'cicared,balance hardwood,with a large gnaw
tity of cedar on it).1n•good state of miltivatior •
scent live acres fall whea4ancl considerable fall,
plowing done. Comfortable brick house large
earn withstabling underneath,driving shed and
, other cutbuildings; about 2 acre orebard,'
meetly winter fruit; well watered--neverfail-
ing spring crebk and two wells '4/even miles
from Clinton and tnreefrom Bayfield. Posses-•
efeown by the annual repoi t iust issued,
totally hiind JUL about a week, the re* Bishop Stracban, into the Uniyeratty untes,among whom appeared the natxte treimete.
W. earnobill. The retort records alefeaelete'Zierie Men s..mcNen, found aeother college•to take its place,- who has been attending Trinity for . At an/time np to 1st acres pSitof the
of tbe Commiaioner of Highwaya Mr sultaaf irflamtnation of the enes.) of Torento the Bishop then sought to of one of out Own boys,.F. Also fSet or Sale.
mine time, and will coneplete bis divin- Foe er lock etc, at thh orth Endot
I tb t h WAS hickin
a marked advance in public Gelata of Fullerton, were driving to Mit-
ity course next year, preparatory to
... ,
In favor of better roads,and.shows-that chat on Friday Last, their horse shied iti the educational systenas of until io.
taking Holy Orders. '
tbe moyement for improvement. has and upset the buggy. Mr and Mrs With zeal and deyetion towards this
attained quite large proportions in Op- mos, eii.were both palely ereieeealana great and worthy eause, a.nd with tbe In the evening a thanksgiving service
tsrio. This is the more gratity log when yet feel'very:sore. . • assistance of Many loyal friends both was held in St James' cathedral, which
it is remsnibeted with bat incliffer
in Canada and the Mother-Lanch the ct.ncluded tbe Jebilee celebration,
ence the subject vets at first received ars A. , oenig as a en en-, Bishop's labour; were crowned with Bishop Dumoulinpreached tbesermor,
success, and the corner stone of Tann y which waetaken from St John ten t" 8,
tbrough death of her father in Ger-
by the people. The report contains
many, to $30,000 or more. Tba lady College was laid on April 30th in the "Ana this is life eternal, that they
. 'Otte valuable suggestions for municip. galls thie Week to receive the money.
alitiee pi cposing to take advantage of year 1851 ; and the first bundine was rnieee know Thee, tbe only true Gee,
We hope she my laave a safe and cenieleted in the fll
e oowing year. Trin- a
tbe Provincial grant, and makes public aan Jesus Christ, which •Thou bast
ibe regulations eeveinirg the grant, pleasant passage. . it' has not only its Divinity depart- sent." •With his usual•eloquence tbe
which rall for a gocd istardardofroad. Last gaturclay afternoon Ada, the went, but it is a degree -conferring in- Bebop presented a most powerful ar-
evay.-Toroutcatilobe. . . nu le dantfliter of H, *Odle, Brussels, sitution with its several facultied,Arta gument in favor of the teaehing ,if rc•
' fell off tbe flown at the mill dam into a Medicine, Law., Pharmacy. Dentistry, ligion with secular education: •
boat, a distance of about nine feet, and Music and Dimity and has turned out In referring to Trinity's position at
• received a broken arm and a bad gash from ber various vocations.• Without the close of his remarks he skidt-'We
The Colonial (unit mice. in her face, • • • consulting the record of her fifty year's wish one and all, whether Episcopal-
me history we can.r.eMember that ope of ianteor not, wish tbie great institution
An &Oman well his been sunk in tbe great phyelmarts of the continent, still greater power and stuccoes ie the
The following ea the iflicial liet of Leeburn school grounds th t tees
, e rue Dr. Wro, Ogler Baltimore canoe from tvork that she is doin That there is
persons who ----------- lonies at doing it in reaponse to a petition that
her halhathat the late Arch Lampman. every chance that agu.ch good wishes
the colonial conference in London: wentroundalm.boeig were
reantieptaveyeerws bine Nova Scotia,. was also a graduate; will be realized, tbe present conditions
that Sir Gilbert Parker, M. P., London, at•Trinity afford good grounds for be -
did not sign tb t' t' Y ' '
General Sir F. W . Grenfell-Gibral. , e pe e ion,
"Sir Joseph West Ridgway -Tee Gederieh organ factory. had an Ma. metier., . • swery ugly for ituccess, and that sort of
fortunate siecident on Toesday, While Among the charming men:tomes labor unVariably commends soccess.'
• • kaaern Colonies and Protectorates,
. vtorkin at the pony planer he had the which marked the jubilee celebration
Eng.,mie of the greatest modern novel- Booing.. Never were her high tilicers
• •"tar, Malta and Cyprus. • ' A Ind na\med Herbert Everetarof iste also claims Trinity as his alma beld by men More likely to labor un.
• tiros of the two middle fingers of his was tbe Vanvereity Luncheon which ,
• • • Sir Walter' Joseph Sendall-The .left hand taken off. . was held in the convocation Hall on •
Monda,y, june 2drd, at t o'clock. Ib • „ •- • .
' West Indies, Bermuda, Britieh Hon. One of Wingham's tritnit higbiy re-
' •• Fiji and the Weetern Pacific . .
a d d d W th• • I
S a ta y manage an as # Vi.ontierlut Cure.
tiaras and the Falklands. tg • h occasion of a number of excellent
Normati A rarqubareon, posed away
„ sPeeches includiug it : well -mit state -
Sir Wilfred Lauriere-Canada, ar his mother's residence, on J hn ••
. so h mentb h y t eP royost of Trinity's Bleomiller, Coe, June 28th, 1802
a Sir William MacGregor -West At. street or; Thursday week, in the t ideals.' After welcoming the glottal§ MacLeod 'Heaton° CoaGoderieb, Ont. '
• year of Ilia age.
'14CA, in gra,cefol tome he went 0/3 With great pleatewel Write to testify t i.
Mr H,enty R. Henderson, of tbe 4111 to refer to the circumetitecesconnected
. ' snonwealtb; FittotnitiiiittrtilneC;iddia:litilaTiniaritiattcgci
• - * Mt E. Barton -The Australian Corn- concession of McKillop, had it valuable , with tbe alsliilintitiOti of hie pad. He
.. horse stray from the pasture field 011 contended tbet, Trinity' was doing. a s b rot o it k o a
- • Mr J. R. Seddon -New Zealand, Friday night lase and. although l'i, e threefold'work for the Dominion, pat- for my eon, he certainly would. have died,
Sir Albert H. Hime-Natal,
has made the memo ell gent. search, O Hale, religious, and educational. He ' had it not been, for the timely ptrtaking
.' ' Ens __,I Gordon Siarigg- Cape Colony, • has been unable `to one the slightest believed that Canadian betional char- of /our System Renovator, 13efore we
' 'a.' Sir Robert Bond -Newfoundland, trace °elle Waimea' since, • ecter needed the extension and en- got it he was eo reduced and weak and
- Tee Mitten of Perak and. Lewealika, • eiest.,ea David rood. DaVid Me- lateOrnent of Jnet ettchi a. *irk te low that he eoeld tot Monts Mini One :aide.
, the Batotee paramouet chief, . Olaeberiy, of itabell, narkowly est Trinity hadbeen do,itor opa etly or, the to tbe other. His •reeeon and eyeeight
, 4the follovvibg tweamong the subjects scaffold, ob which they were working, had reeeived auchtheoltibildeid tienorett; es- were both tiffectititd no nithueorh as teowtheoewtitriote-
t All these will be royal guests. raped serious injury tbe othee day, A • last fifty years. The reason why it
The leaned relations or Great Etna feet to the ground. BetOnd a bad thie oomtlitiont,y wee, peeemee they nail (try orgene bad get, Lost all strength ani
., beitYpilenisteevbrindi,g °At control of the nrin.
' in he diectieted.- , •ReAre way, and they fell eome sliteen Peeittniureon.cr . e . 11 Ma _ ,
f4ri• d the colonies ie ei il lie ire unit -levee • - reognized that the Canadian national' pewee of Us lim The Renovator erste
Iitiperiat defence and the m Mr 11. Clegg, of Kitpen, who for tbe work which they had- taken in hand The fees of eibuneth, of which, no chitibt,he
Was the reeidentel eystem which in the dolma a the Renovator. I to teemed to , The Short nonfat i 0 '
tnh ainteh- character did •need the rewrite ef the
Mace a an Iniperial reserve forte for et tee 6 k h eon eonfined to
et Oboe on the k eye rata et once checked
would died 11 14 weren't fat to %Creased
h hie bed with etveiplas atid telloge re• ne f the ha ac eristie of tble Work
iterviee ha ease of emergency, ouNide • Oo crt
oset-c.e is formed, the cost of Edttirl- Vtir71948 4t°Mlle Os
be V btf ------------ a cforMotheraLand le recognized tot one of
Street, clImen, 'w bleb is a valuable property
for frnit arowir g, being wen planted ont
Town, busheb Books., etc 'niers
is also a Very excellent grade of sand and
-gravel on the pren•ises which is vernirontable.
April 18—t • Clinton.
Farm For Sale. '
The undo signed offers for sale kit '16 liar
field concession, Goderich Jowntilin), consist.
ing ot 184 acres including 25 sores of mixed
timber; good clay soil; suitable for grain or
stock erasing; well Watered; amnia:table
dwelling heated by furnace, summer kitchen,
woodshed; hard and soft, water,• two barna
30x50, and 2500, driving i•hed 20x30 hen house
17x85; 3 acres of orchard; one hale mile from
echool, mileti from Mut h, wide miles from.
olirton, wilt' be mold on reasonable terms;
Apply an nremises,or address, ALEX WELSH,
May 15--tt• Clintell v Ont.
Gootrarm lor Sale.
• That_well situated proposer, lixtown
as the Whitely farm on 'ho bale line, Ooder.
Joh Township, coneliiPing of 80 fierce of geed
land, nearly ell cleared, is offered for sale ou
may terra.. It id direotly opposite the Post
ce and Otero anti is within 8 minutes' walk
,nartio ilars, apply to L. MANNING,
money maY remain on the Oboe if desired. For
o eitherohurch Or achool. $1500 of pouirionhtolle.
June 13,-tf. •
• •
sore* Aften %on Pliospliolibis,
The Great English _
Sold dud recominended lin'
druggists in Canada. Only Ten,
able medleine did:stye . 8
package fluatoriteed to bure alt
forma o Sg
Sexual Wes ness# all effects of Settee
or execs% Mental` Vern,. Excesaive twit or To.
bacoo, Opluni or StiMulante. Mailed oft receipt
of prioe.oneteweape, eix,W. One toill.Phodge
siataigotire. 'Palma et'. tree tOanio Witt*
The woo Company. W4ndsor, On*
Wooaa Pheephodiee seta in Clinton lot
R. P. Reside. ,T g ;loves, 4,11 Carabe and W
Watts, Drintaiste. •
The, Lake Erie Navilatim,te, Ltd.
Steamer A"Urania"
,e/.:1144401 rre
the dominion or colony it; ch Sue O d thought tO
ety ou ti ae
1 the better stadia MOW in 0.• fair. way ta the meet important featufee ih tt;
' tattling arict equipping to be egreed
College et:MOO:at ; the other 'the
Opial Goyertitneete. togyery, anion at ire:inlet and relifione edo•
tilprita betWeett 'ho Imperia anti tot -
The eotriMerbial relatione of the gm. oation. Thti Ptovost inn sted Piot
es C.^.-hislie-altrealeac-ortalti there Was a religious work of the ut-
itet, incledieff a proposition fori pre-
In Br tfA.:ovinea t4hips, and In *he '4).; luitattureps ha,t171,M1,1,144ca,p44tm. to the connection of the Church of
products *blob are now tax. bore Whatthey tblnk bribe Yon Oen lide It tod
tati brio ay of rebate autieti. and abeilin ttos tist Ititfatitbliottilhttetbli% elnatab tteeir
'dewed etecate Carried, • tro .vtlratonteugtehm as to the State, and, after 14- reference
• E land With ft Bonded to the broader
tat eret•untty a re mien mein t ler
cO Oft a getIotir /donee latek it net Mired, ilOtt a pox, he within lhe est tWo rears. TAO ;
lines of potter es:hicia had been Retorted
, alto, ---------am Rerviceo 08..„ all delete or 13418NROX,11Atte 80 CO4Toronta deters were ,thrOWn et dely open an
tnhilabed 1)80001 Methane, NOW Zea. Ors ppm* lt,pintrnont idle did net compel. any t?rnz ;way
say tbet it at thle onootieaftely, wee
tinned to gain till be could help bimetal!.
He recovered his eeeeight and all his fac.
take ao welted to go into GOderloh in six
Weeks," Be is now eleven steers of age and
ha is s Wong, healthy, ,laig boy, eighteen
exientbe after cure, •
thaw, Soweto.
MacLeod's Itemedioteetabliebed in 18881
are th nied'41 ee in Canticle which
We aced on their merits without advertie.
ing, Adam* MactstelMedloine 00,,Gode
arieli, One, tiold by tf, B. Combs,
' Oneway' at , 1;
ott freth or tos $8 7e
Itettwn • ." •
Boat leayee PC.Stanley every Toedday end
Thursday ,gitA, Sitturde.ye etIl cm,
Tickets:on Beni et all loeal ticket alert,
. .
For further information Write •
Wm, Woollatt, T. Maribell,
•Itansger, itiien,Pess,Ags,
Winn:oink Ons',
Summer I
Session ' 4-A
• troin July 7th next
Wi be main connection
with the regular Work of each• :
Department of the .
Central Business College
4, TO00)70, .
. Special Coarsest in Accsonntt
• bur,. Shorthand, Typewriting, -
' - Penmanship, etc. • ,
, •
--lo'Vadatione: Students . . ,
may register fora full or Par- -
Sal course at any time. Cir- ';
culare free. Address . .1
W. Shaw, Principal
tonge Sederratid Sts• Toronto
DRS, ACIPAle,1011 BiLLI ni
• Office adjoining.noto Studio.
Office Hours -9 to every day and
Saturday until 10 p. to. Blanch OftIces
in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth and
tioMnems ofbit'eildf othnesVnedteRridianarbYrifirehtli, "jai aGarnadnian,- '
• a. tOeill°oeTREAf thospeTOi:DtniaikoliSPagilAeda2y.Are,'°011":1801%---610.1 .
Penni church, Ontstricilltreet. oneton,..tOnt.,
.1\tr.isoellaiieotih. . .. .... ,
ltalliiGIA LICRNSIii8 issued by the nn; "•
dersigned at his Residence, Mary. street,.
414itt"' ' ' ' .JAIIRS SCO ,
• • No witneasee required .
'Y'oarig I aria women to prepare for
good eitnetione. Apply to,
. ,
• Dominion . •
. eollege
The best equipped,Bueinees dna Shorthand
College in Camels, Redtwee tuition rates,
Write us regarding our courser; of Andy,
and prospects Of seeming situations for
graduates,. Clatologne sent free, Addreem
. J. Itlettftlr,
Dept "0" Confederetion Lite
Toronto put.1
• lq, 2 •
„awe toe 1
Spring Tenn begins Apr. 7. 1901, Otir
rates are reaeonable-our etnirkien litintlf
thorough end preotioel, Send for 0111.
journel to see whet we teneh. Student*
real enter at may time. Two come* of
"eq.' CoMmttotel and Eihort.hana,
C. A,. FLEMING, A L rocumas.
Pieotaeor„ sooroupoy
wen Soo& •, •• Ligtewel •
Ma rble Orapite
The rebate* ot 11101111»ielit
in the reliability of the firm, Irani
nibiSh be bays* for 4116 Metaled
and workmanship semething
very few buyera are fornillar with.
• • It you do not kiteset ter, plows in.
quire eons Mir reliabilis_v train
nose who hnetr uti best. We are •
the only preotinet men here input
J. Itoovero Proprietor
• xext to -Commercial now
shad bave complete eentldentur
Organist and Musical Direct- r of Fort h ' , •
Street Church, Goderich, and teacher of
PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an TRE0.3 Y. Is pre- •
Dared to te,ke a limited nuMbe: of Put ba• •
the above For terms apply this oaths oz to.
MRCAMPBELL,who may be seen fl urn 11 Lill
to 2 p.m., at the Clarenden Rotel, . Clinton.
Friday of week.
Fire, • mite, lieeident Plate Gles
Orrin& ' htoerst-Eiria, Lbrirrizr
Agent toe the ateseagerge FIRE ASStaaNCIR
CO. of Manebester, England, whese funds and
setinrity are rated et 81%500,000. Also the X o.
Rimer Mutrat.lasuiotncit Co. All classes of
farm Mk* matt town property taken at
lowest rotes, First-016Se Loan Companies
itleo represertad. Money to be bad from oi per .
eioatep, ecte"..inw to • nature or eocuritir....
te, boh thra
Pally nittil to tiolutesville - postal ta,rd will
ora ti,..."whe simem......... a ...
. s
nealle .
' tli RE
Par Broken..
04 -Wren( •
Nos Deems throws Cough, and alt CbrOSl
llow.ot the `Most mid tunes. The oats, 4..,ddlet“:
VaNt4t that will ewe tbe above disease. alskieirt
USSIalsolstd SI wind and useful to bloom:cr. Price41.5
ladney lc Cough Powders,
..kr..ttotrtt, Affections -of the tbrostvad stelae .
moue% rte. tar siteitakinet 13 king .ar tha legs.
* result ot WI driving, idney rint le, ere, ono:
will relief% and one box will Mire. Price, 50c.
'MO bit. ItectilitHEY matittarse
sceenoiste. oat.
Pot sale by 11 B Oombe,druggiet, Clinton
•. 011110elta
Y. Pi, McLean, teldent, ttioreoaP. 04 Thee.
Power. vies -ores out, Brueeneld P O. • mew.
15. Rays, Eiety.Trnati., Serifortb P..04 'W. O.
Brenelintit, Inspector of Lessee, Sesforth P.O.
ntlikorthat 4
VV. 0* JitOtidt0Oth Seatortnt John O. Grieve
!atom), PI,O.t.Geo_tWe Senforthi John
ffloittWitele. PUbIll. Jac Evans .neeeterroes P.
04.ropasatt,„Eratookr, towas Xratew„, „
BritC•61111( • ; Jabii, helieteld, Open' '010111etr ".
ferth• Jetties columnist, Eamondv1114 J. W.
Robert Smite, Harlookt RObt. 5/;sit
. :A.43$1,41
Yee, OtMeetille ; agorae Modieand John .
1116 eon *editors
get other humiliates! heareoetiy, Nittinla tel
Parties desire** to, etThet inoatenee 0* trn
on epolleetion to ally.? theuanatit 0 Set .
or to therespoetiv• =ow.
• ,
• 4