HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 8a
Our Groat
July Sale
• tints* oat ** 8 Reittlintilartgarl op* PoCoillw.enjelyie; irttaalitiedUrOchlellital:"Ct;111pbTeMag;
., ..„...-
more succeseful than wee indiceted In the end of both Albert MA Huron S
FRIDAY* JULY 4th. 1000, our local note last week. Her place at I Both thee streets now present a tidy
the tiecond year of Interroudiate exara- i eppearance....Vieltora at the station
• cherries alti'Deueattill4.-Obliu?Lio?138ree' , Clinton. clays bemire, which gave her the echo's much II. 100 yerd sprint on the part of a
inatiert le. vocal tqueic wee tiret in first. on Wednebcley morning enjoyed very
gruel' *a Taytorie Are proof safe for eale,easy airship (value $25) for the year. In thie middle eged spaniel ari effort to catch
term. apply to J,B1Doin or -Connection we are pleased to note also the train* Ile was tuccessful
O. 0.1talitfiC. Clinton the eliccess of * Seaforth htdy, Millet B. Meesre Porreeter * ME0100 shinned a
• Boarders wonted—Accommodation for two Scott, who woo the ftret year scholar- cittlead of rattle to Toroato yesterday.
r seatiemameTnlboarde_tt ere; Array' st liEw Alto- Oface - einp (Sikhs organ musie, Ohl Huron is ....A COX load of butter was ahipped
te e granulated !view regular wholes tie:rue:11s able ro hold her own In 02tUlic last Friday. tt, Halifax end 200 tube
ther educationai lines,' went to Montreal on felonday trona
Is row in full swing. We . print to -day w 1 i i.
a ;ew Reci44.,,, it 1. sugar by selling
• •
W. . Olktem 0 given judgment in the 000:04f8Deherrty first shipment of cherries tlite week
You are not likely to find goods of -equal quality sell-
sale price to make met for our next st est 0e,ntelon Brea ; they also report their
ve minders: of its many money saving attractions. ear. ' LOST THEIR OASH.-3 d
gft11,0 *RPM 0, Millers' and Manufiteturene Munro= .abe arroA: 04 4L, lu011ell 0 deliVerY
bt a prices to match these.. . .
prices. The first is the purchase of clearing lots an
---, last PridaY emir, hybinembete of the
A IP esented with a handecule easy c a r ante, but the premiums hid not been paid, itebilled to appear in Stratford on the
15th . isi rates on railroads
FORMER PAS roa.-Re, as tuition to recover $24,526 75 ia wagon got too near the ditch on Rat's
tenbury street mirth, Wednesday
rennet of daraage done by Are to pleintiff's
ingstone, who took charge of his new
Two causes combine to make these juiy 414r4.• pastorate at Petrolia this Week,. Wee t" b s - •
.nainerty in Clinton. The rooerty wag morning, and upset his lig into it....
h I insure y wo po oleo issuel defeud- 41.-d-ou ForePaxiebEt& Seas Bros' eircue•
• elthongli the defendents had reinaured sive
l' ten Avenue Methodist church.
ety of Wind- their risk, Held, thet no centred exieted One Cif the a lest portiaits of the Xing
Thus much below regulat prices, Ole other is that all 1 Wind6"84 Petri
between plaintiffs eald defendante tor on that has ever been publiened in Canada I
altort order, the qualities are good the values big and had tbe.tiegtOe Of M. A. conferred %rpm 1901. Action dismissed wail woe, The Lithographing Oce, and is a credit to
. ing a more lengthy report,ef mule next 810,000. about 19 peepla from our town on Tues-
;July Dress Goods - AMONG. THE ILL.—Mrs Pe thic,who . eft; of the narro*nees of a Yankee edit.
STILL ANOTHER. OASE,s-Eviden. Goderich to that point....T, Mckenzie
received two carloada of lumber by rail
•... has been elfin for sonae time with la tion constantly creeps up. ,A, letter this week ....A. T. Cooper hese besot.
. • . •
• • eencer, is very ow.... X. P. Tibdale, wed arrived in town the other pay from a en of cepper from the Oak,
Hut specim
* ' sort); to learn, was mader the college bred young lady of the big city umet mlues.... A number of picnickers
v. eather for a few days lately. ...It is of Ohicago,and the address on thecae:1e drove over to Hayfield on the 1st and
a ith a feeling of pleasure that we are would indicate that the person who event the day....In last week's "Issue
able to announce that Percy Couch is wrote it had the idea that it would be we said that the total receipts at the
able to be up again frotohis late illness, bard tor the postat authorities to 11nd
. the nlace to which it was addressed, so custom's office here for the year ended
OUR WEATHER.—The man at the june 23 would huge exceed $9000 ; the
'broken lines of summer goods must be cleared out in) I:12 IS NOW AN M. A...F. W.Hovey insurance for the year beginning 31st 00., or elsewhere was got ont by the London ,
him at the receot convocatibro of the Amount out of the above sum that would that firm ; one may be Reef] hanging in
lure are soine cif the prices. Jubilee of Trinity University, hod h ve been payable by this insurance coin- the office window of Messrs R. St J.
,Toronto last week; we purpose publish. palsy would have °been between 49000 end Hansford....The Stratford races drew
week. Congratuletion Frank, • day, a special trait, being run from
These are among the best Dress G-oods values that ever
-went on our counters. A big dress goods trade has been our s
amid now we want to clear the last remains cq• Spring and Sum-
mer stocks before fall goods commence to arrive •
sae* seepeetiere.aseeeeesemeeaestateeetaereeetee4
Ltistres for Skirts 35c a yard
regularly sold at 50c and 75c
7b yards good qnality firmed bleak lustre,neat destgne and quali-
ties that wta wear well and keep their appearance. Sold re- ca pd
gularly at 50, 00c, 75:, for July sale we make the price etee
leet-e-e4-e-e-•-•-•-•-•-•44+404444.44-i-e-• aeiaareat+ereetekeeprersi***ergrorargraribst
Three Special Lines • .. -
Made up of the last ends of some of the season's best ifritttri goptbet? Illitertmsojr=,
selling lines.
At 25e ft yard
Oho trt d to make it easier by stating= actual figures are. $9808.66. ,..The liv-
weather observatory in London reports tar envelope 9,anadajitet north of erymen had a busy day on Tuesday;
for the month of June that there were
every rig was called into requisition,.
„The regular monthly meeting of the
town council will conyenenextMonday
eveniqg in the council ehanaber....A
letter has been received from Jos.
Ohidley at Go Horne stating that he
he has telt much better since going
the fair is from Sept. 12th. to 20tb •
there, .Lawyer Brvdone has move'd
into hie beautiful new rooms in the
Sloane block . Misses Maud and
Winnie Goodwin assisted at a concert
In Ulandeboye last Thursday evening,.
„Newconahe's window presents a very
pretty appearance these days, and
many complimentary remarks are
heard about the artistic arrangement..
.. Mrs Andrevr, Duncan, who lived here
till abut nine years ago, died no Wed-
nesday at the home of her son Jameaat
Pickford, Mich., at. the age of 81, years.
She was an aunt of Wm, Dunean,town
....The Departmental exams beam on
Wednesday ;soine•of the boys report
the pepers on the difficult side... : .The
map issued by the Western ttair Asso-
ciation together with the Prize Lists
'e.re 'to hand ; both are hishly credit-
able to the institution issuing thenethe
map especiallY being the best they have
• ever sent out ; it is quite . complete.
having a marginal index with railways
and 'stations specially marked ; the
London Printing and I.Athographing
Cornpaoy did the work. The date ,of
The lawyers and onveyancersof town
perpose closing their offices every Sat. ,
urday afternoon during July and I
• August imnaediately after the clig
• tribudon of the mail from the .oae
train .., W hi le loading cattle at the
engaged in building a 1(' foot, silo for on Thursday T. Mason bad the
.V.Viugtngton is at present •
J. Jenkine, Goderich Tp..: .The fence misfortune to have his leg injured....
in front ofthe Wesley Chat Ch parson- Single fare rates . be sold from
fixed tip in many regrets: :..T, 'Dick (5'611hi n. Huron rt
nS OldeafoBr tohy July Excursion, tbeaonodd
age has been removed and the around- • returning am till the Word •
house on Fatten bu or St....R. 'Ranee has heen received • of -the d.eatia of R. • •
is baying a eur t Of /mut applied to his
ford is bailee his house on Ontario St.Ment being merle -Friday.
Y. Manning, of foronto, brother oftbe
new pastor of Wesley church. Inter.
19 wet days and H. dry nays; ' amount 1 e • or IA our Pu
eft indeed Mall in comparison with
of rain that fell was 4.33 inches ; high.
teat "windy city" but the wistient die.
est temperature F2 50, in comparison
with same month last year we note a rleyedsb,,, the writer weuld not equal
difference of 3,61 inches, and the Duro. oullr`tru°4r14 secY40017. est sauWar of one or
bet of dry and wet days respectively
were 20.and 10. We eitenat say that .SITOOESSFUL.—We are pleased to
thie wouldbe a correct report for Olin. notice that Miss Kathleen Gunn, who
ton.as London reports no frosts while returned last Thursday from. St.
we have ex erienced several, and the elladsaa'soOrtoolrleern,Toonrgctinistho, oarathineedreficersott-
Trinity University examinations. Miss
Florence Connelly, of Goderich town-
ship stood high in first-class honors in
the lists for. St' Margaret's College.
Misses Ida. and Louise liohnes,oftown,
and Misses Edith Fenhale, Carry Slater
and Edith Carter all took &at -class
honors in the examinations held last
week at Gode,rich in connection with
tbe • Conservatory. of Muele. Toronto.
also Misses Ida Roos tind Nellie McKen-
zie, of town. Piano exame will be held
on the 10th and about 18 will be going
up to write. A wore toreplete list with
the percentages of the sincessfol ones
cold winds ave been more prevalent
with usaiwing to the nearness of the
MARRIAGE.— A quiet but ,pretty
wedding was solemnized at noon on
•I Wednesday by Rev A. ,Stewart, at the
' coritketing parties being two of'Clin
...• ton's popular youne business people—
. Miss Christina S. Cooper, of the firm of
. - • . • .• •• Ogle Cooper & Ca., and A. J. Morrish.
300 y Rte. plain dress goods, also fancy weaves, blacks and colors, • . The bride was assisted by Miss Eva
Wits that sold at 35o tp 50o, all at one prioe for 'July. • sale, and ..klenderson, of Kincardine, and ,Dr.
thet price • 25c
At $W a yard
250 yards tine dregs goods, in black and all the leading shades, popular '
weaves, also fancy Materials. snitabie for waists, eto., •last ends din
of lines that sold at 50o and 00e, clearing for July sale, at per yd. Ove..
At 50c fa yard
Arent 200 yards fine w3o1 dress goods. Some end e only skirt or
waist length, others enopgh fore full dress, ,last .of lines that
sold at 76o and 85o, for July sale, per yard • •
Wskii t lengths Oh omespuns,tweeds,cLeviots andfaticy blacks.
laat ones that are left of lines that sold at *350 to $4.50, all ).Afi • sone, Lobe, Miss Bessie Forrester;
at one price for July selling • "' "". Sweet Brier Gavotte, Schroeder, and
Valet. Lente; Furst, Miss. (Mete, Ferd ;
Ball, of baton, performed a like fuhc-
e ion for the groom. After a light will appear next week. •
. luncheon. they. left on the 2.55 train •
1 for eastern points. The bride was the NOTES. ..-0tuttelon & Wallis shipped
-gifts, and we bespeak for thein " the
ear:ea:tar:tot. et r.ve 1:3rne . :say rwwk markets --------S. .t s.......S. Smith shipped
. recipient of many beautiful and useful twp carloads ot hogs this week fof the.
good wishes Of our citizens in their three pews of Cattle for Toronto on
new state of life. On their return Mr Mondav....Miss Jean Macpherson en -
and Mrs Morrish will occupy the cot- tertajned. a nember of friends at a
'Rorkeathimbleoe noteent:°oani evening.nrid:de'lli:Bi1,41;toileg's°. :ea. °t.
. OC . ntaoguegohn,tz.. Townsend .street .next to M
PIANO nEoriAr.;..-Airs mcuardy- III
Smitb entertained her class of pupils on for br:i itclihilliblesyriollnwi veilieakdreyri!
and sold by laim to a firm of that town.
Scotland, Miss }Jessie .Forrester; Cradle Ittopk three days to make • the round
Saturday evening last when thefoliow-
prograin was given :—Blue Belk* of
ne Millinery Bargains
• .
Millinery stocks are getting just where we want them. This
week we are taking all remnants and last pieces of our expen-
sive trimmings and using them to make up hats to sell at
$1.50 and $2.50 The demand for these hats has been Ole-
sieLenal. They are wonderful value. The last lot for this
season will be ready Saturday morning.
'rimmed Bats at $1.150 •
fl trimmed hats that are worth
$2•50 and $3,all this season's
trimming and styles, worth
every penny of them prices,
your choice now
Wench Feather.Boas 75c
Trimmed fiats $2.50
. g5 trimmed hats that are Worth
$3:50 to $5, made up from last •
ends of our expensive trim- •
1.5. ming!, same very stylish hats a 0.4,
V in -this lop; your choice, each.. '4.011
_1$ French feather boas, very Stylish, a .b'rench maker's set of •
samples, would•sell in the regular way for *125 to $2. We ,.„„,
got the lot cheap, and our July priee will be, each
nail Price for $allor Hats
New Hats too, every ono thein. COrrect shapes and
load qualities. Marked at Half Price because We bot a quan-
tity, and got them for a good deal less than most stores pay.
• •
Sweet Memories; Halsey,' Miss Rene
. Jackson ; Wanderer's Song, Beht, Miss
I'cOuse in E 110,1 horateMiss Edna Copp; May Bell ; coquette. Bcirowski,Ber-
Ritornelle, Cha.minade, Mies Ethel
..13.)herty ; Song of the Bathers, Vilactte,
and -Weise in E liat,Durard, Miss Annie
Dribeefer(I Tilton, Thome, and Valise
• . •
**Hors 25e
151aidies' sailorhats,ritstin straw,
black or white silk ribbon band,
fined, an • extra good hat for
half a dollar, our special for
jnly,choice •
lag ...•
• ./441 •
/).' 0. ,00;
• 2. 1.1),
A. •
,Sai/or Eats 600
100 ladies' sailor hats, edain or
rustic etraw, black or white, , --
silk ribbonainds,nobbyshapes,
a real good dollar hat, our July, iw
price, choice .... „*„ ,,, ,
July Salein -
Clothing Beath) n
Many a dime and dollar
can be saved hi 'the Clothing
r.ettion during . July. Liberal.
rice cuts have been made on
n *my strainer lines that, we
d we have too much or. too
33 Ely of for this season of the
year... Here are some of them.
• .
eyfil Salts e.65
Boothe! take of the,se suite wee $3,00
teed $3.60, The sizes are now broken and
its wanktoolear the Use orioa .
*oyatwo piece suits,Made of good
iweed e and woe, regular $3,00 g.A
AS 0.50, for July
Shirts 39c
Men's Shirts in aieorted oinnbrioti
and Ceylon flannels, last Obeli Of
note that gold at 75o and $1.00,
Clearing for ,Inly gale, each
3101efi VAS 1 00 ,
Mena' felt Reis, hard end eoft
. shapes, good styles, last meg and "
tWee of lined that sold at $1.60,
stioc. tind 42,60, .yonr obancelo
get a good het forvorylittle money A AA
eleishi$ during July sale, eaeh11,6VV
Ushisierc Socke 170
tr) pars mezre Week Cathmere itooke °
'Wonkier feat, leithelet weight, sit yer
weol,for July eale,per pair........ 17c
• •
e6cMiss taVeletPher:sr.
In addition o r t y vto
solo *fie played by Miss Rene Jackson
and Miss Ma 't Houston
nisang very
sweetly the ballad "Love the Pedlar."
Atter refreshments had heenterved the
young people said goodbye to their
-hostess with the assurance that they
had spent a pleasant as well as protit,
able evening. • • •
—.•In a short tens our town. Will loge
one Of its best and most. widely known
citizens, in the person of Dr. J. E.
Macke% V S. 7Lhe doctor, who has
been in btisiness in Clinton for a con •
tintiousjervice of nineteen Yvan!, and
who knows' this Seddon Of the country;
- like a *boa, severed his connection
with the late firm of Blacked &
the business being taken eller by his
partner. Dr. Neleon Bali, who has been
associated with him for the past seven
years. The doctor was born down,
neat Montreal, and with his parents
moved to Loudentovenshin when but
a sinalltitiy; bore he grew up and was
educated, finallygraduating from Tor-
onto Universityin '83 After spending
two years with Dr. cleenet, of Lutan.
he tame to Clinton, where he has
eided and practised his chosen prates,
sion ever shine. first starting in
frame building near the old Rival
Hotel. Being burned out about 11
years ago, be botight the land adjoin-
ing the Nutt. ERA. office, and there.
built a brick office and,stable combined.
A. holiday wee a thing Unknown to the
doctor in all that long period, and it is
'awing to this fact alone that he has
decided to enter a new field. His laugh;
hie, jovial countenance and his stalwart
frame will be missed. :tad wherever
the doctor and his family locate, the
least we can say is that they Will make
good citizens, Dr. Ball, who takes
over the business, is a promising yontig
man fif sterling qualities and We feel
sure that the success which has fdWar
followed the late firm Will still remain
With him, •
11.• 0. B....TRRER GOO/JR—Good
games,goad music, good people. So
read the bills re the attractions at Sea -
forth -next Saturday when that town
will right royally entertain threw sons
and daught :of Huron Who have
fOund their vocation outelde her bout -
dries. Every arrangement le prefected
and a kegs representAien is, eXpected
&coral! over the own ty th welcome for.
Mer Huronites. The visitors will crime
frorn all parte of Ontario. some front
Cltiebec and several front 1/nole Sam'a
dernales. At 10 30 Saturday` Mornfrig'
there Will he a lame gathering of the
eitizene of Huron county at Victoria
Park to form A procession which,"heildt
ed by th We Regiment Band and the
officiate ot different. bodies,will mareh
to the station to Meetthe trains
bearing the Ord Boys acetirepanied
toy the 48th Highlanders Band,
At o'clock a, re, there Will be the
Royal W61001340 and Presentation
of the Banner te the Old Boys at Vietorie Parkaind a few short address.
es. At 12 o'clock the, visitors Will he, en.
tertained atluncherin, The afternoon
attractions, ivhich begin at 1.20, will,
donsist of a Ohamplonship Ladosse
Match between St, Mare's and the
otnethitut •
Is about worked out as a catch phraoe for
advertising. Air ia indeed free but it real-
ly costs taxes to breath it. We are not giv-
ing goods away but doing aThiesean, to supply
th.em to our customers with, as much nutney
saving to them ita pcissible,
A Few Specials
A Violin wail
" Mandolin -at
" it
eaudens Concordance,
Framed Picture
Hand Basket
Lorge Doll •
Saudi Doll
Aesorted °up $ew
II 4
$12.00 11OW $7.00,
• 3.50 " 2.50.
• 2.75 " 1.00,
1.25 " 50,
1.60 " 1,00.
50 I. 25.
• 1,2S 40 50,
50 " 25.
50 41 20.
The W. D. FAIR 00.pinton,
"Often the Cheapest—Always the Res*.!'
hoe 13atvains
Never before 'have -we given such bargains in !C.
kinds of first class footwear as we are just now. Muir'
of the lines we advertiged last week are dented out
and our numerous customers were delighted with their
purchases. This week we replenish our bargain
counters with exceptional values,- wbieh „it x41%,,pliz.
yOu to inve5tigate. . ......- , "
Men's hioYele boot, just the thing -for summer wear,. regulai priotr$1.75 and
82, ithout 30 psire to go at $1.25" • • .
Tomb's tan laced bots, well worth $1.60,to dear at 61.
• Men!efinelseed boots, upac-datg'regelar $8, going at
14edies' kid oxfords—we never sold as many =lords se we did hist. week,oail
and see what we .9511 do for yon at 900 ona.$1).25, we oan save you 25 per
cent. _
We have 30,pairs of Men's' tan oxford; they are worth, from 0,125 to $1.75,
you can have yonr choice for 90o and $1.25. "
See OAT buttoned boots worth $1 going at 76o.
Mr -
• all,PaN
• .
The 011d
TO•30..101**St SOil,$
cash and one Prue 2 Eggs taken as eaelt. •
• .. • ..
, .. „
ac rear
nnual Bargain
SATURDAY', JULY 19th, 1902.
Our semi-annual bargain day.s are too well known to say much aboutthem,
they are fully established -and People wait and. watch for the datee---:' We prora-
$8.50 Salts for $6.25 • ise you that the next one will be bigger and better than evei for several
liden's Tweed Suite, wed° 'of good (plat- reasons. .
ity all wool tweed, good linings, and
well made, will Rev pais eatery See next week's issue .of this 'paper for a, partic-ula,r list of prices.. July
wear,gbod value at 8.50 special for 25
15 00 Snits for ii.50
July.entle, each.
a • • •
19th, will be:a day that yoii. can buy clothing and furnishings less than they'
tlee's flee Wanted aulte, berth* Were' made fors
stripes shedes of gretevery much
worn this stetson ens of our best •
linedmici equal to custom WM.
made in eatery wee, elostiug forimio
:city erde, mob
rants 9813 yttt can buy a suit of clothes to yo measure at $10. and $12 which
26 pair Men's:wool twtted Pents,good
Value et $1,60,speoial for Job* olkloi E will b ' fitted on and made any style you. wish made, which we guarfintee that
Weight, in assorted stripes, good
per pelt uov
'Pies 1.00 E no such value was ever offered before, a flyway a good many people are leaving -a
3 -
"Beavers" of Seaforth, ; tug of wart
50 Mena' string and fout irehana open to the toWriships of the cam,' E their mea,sure and we are as busy—
Ties, odd Onestbet are left of regtt. .
10 the first and eecond prime laelnifr $12, la E
forth, ebd a relay race open to teams i• E
of foUr bona fide pupils front any Public • • Jr
LIN 0 a
or eepatate school, in the eounty. In E EascoN iEg, ...
the evening the 48th Ricebtruldert Band
twitted by that of the 83rd Regiment igno
Will tender a Musical program in the =
I worth hearleff. Everybody Mat
. ..
recreation ground& nit will be well viwilui — ' & A - ',WI Al 1 1 1 i I . 1 " t A ,
let 25o 11004 clearing fort..., e Ana $0 00 respective oot.ball
• • notttebrirttesele ve. i;rone" of Seo.•
:L,nuTHER two
tote of gotad itme thite Minna 'ra.