HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 7*tritow_Lorilmommimoiligisiroom ' Tarvelleue :Escape from Death P FET HOOF PAO. itoft Protective Coverlets for tk. '41.3* mere Hoot jewAuguts VEIT :Vow Iforeemin are constantly on the wee:meets+ a 'Alert ler allYthIng in the shape of a SOW shee for tiae b.orse stud Red hess ' (10111101,111‘11). DOes, a lirondroue Work For 0000 1Warob, , . 'Aftee litigates of Other Med..' , 7 lanes. It lit well known thet terrible rbeuntatinn end faelatios, °erne more heiplesenese, acute -1 Suffering and agony thane:my of the other •• dieeelea afflni OW ict huanitY. The greet • The tad of Loather end Velt. MediOboal virtues of Paine's Celery Com. fie.n recently brought Out that Herne peeled padre it the only trustworthy veer. to be the right thing fere; tender-fgoes *ter the cure of all former reennittism, ed anima, It fille the shoe level full Theneends of etrong testiroonial lettere and makes an excellent enowbell pre. Yentive. It can be set 'with tar or any beef dressing; at the •optien ot the owner, and a -little tar IN advocate ed to prevent ;rand working in. It Is sxpialned that In hot, dry weathee from the moat prominent people prove that Paimee Celery Compound Was oentelete13' %Moiled rheumatism when all other treat - >Meet has failed, Geo. 'Meade Victoria Ave., North, Hamilton Ont., amp; : alleving experienced' all the mune and agonies of that win' disease rheumatism, r the past ten years, and having mot with e o meta. disappotatmente after using med. 1 fi ' levee elan kinds, I consider it a duty to , • ' let eeffering men and Women know what ' Paintee Celery Compound did for me when e May very life was in peril. L • "I wae arm:tele recommended to give VaineN Celery Clomponnd a fair trial for my troubles, bought it and used it and reanit was shnply meavelloure I wee encouraged and overjoyed that 1 bad rielast that could euro such a long. 1 Mending case as mine. I continued the need the ponipound, and now find myeelf new' man in every respect. Paine'a Oa. ery Compound also banished pains and troubies that I experienced in the region Of rcy kidneye. I consider Paine'e Celery Compound my health•giver and 'life-pre- sierveree THEHORSEL.ESS AGM' 4. Covent the a..e ft may be 'Made to answer' for a mobs. tening pad by pouring a little water In at the heel or by dipping the foot Coalldease le No Stronger In Englsad Teas In water. 'rhe pad is designed to torna . It lists This ooneteye an easy cushion for the frog, to equal- te • • Confidence In the horseless age fs • lee, the Presages between the wall of Weemingly no 'stronger in England the foot and the -frog and to preeVelat' ghan, it with weliposted and thought. Concussion' and fracture. 1 •' Mil horsemen in other countries. In -a. • . e preface to the stallion 11* of the •Keep aimed of the Weeds, rookfleld stud, Mr. Burdett Coette, M. There is .only one economical way ,P., '15rhere are the motor cars t1 light weedse-that is to keep ahead IOU 'were to deettiry the delecIatelefeit Sir them. When, they are just break. • Ales karneas horses and ruin the Etig. • lug 'through the grouhd, they can be filsh breeder?" It is, he pare no long. slaughtered waeith lase Aber thatiM necessary to a tee question by Other time. That is the thne tfi take lesepeatireg the W nown note which them in band. A little emeranaynclo thre. Plea Written *Ville time, 'et panic, • He , eihrk will be doilbled. Tol eledie 'this feet manylM:111:415pliteld toes on teolbeeree: "It is however; off it ellow.ned on illeeeeettry,to say that there is, -------cent.wbefore *. tertain. date, 'eald mere hustle a betide demand for the high-class • to pay their tax and save per cent. Englieh harness 'horse, lid the beef 1. much larger per cent off is eaoured by the teen- who takes the Weeds in- - season. One min go over a' garden with an iron rake when the weeds are Suet brealtieg ground, and in an hour's Ing 'note. It ate, those who have held ime . accomplish Wenders. A week • Du - will reap their reward, and therest titer he witrheee to ta,ke hishoe and will be well advised to recoransence ope• • , laboriously. tut, cue cut And even 'then .fie-deberat deittroy halt ' mane of the note of 'weeds as he would*have done st weele before with the rake. Nee Wetting the Weeds ts something ode elinply bantot afford. . . , . {Cauliflower and Cabbage liltiggois. '• Lime is the beat thing to kill the ;tares r_ere never so rare to find aft ',.`enzetai`. would almost Beene as if •eireehes bad bee,rr influenced by Vet table .alarm ieferreCto in. the Precede erahions. it iti by breeding the ,bestl *ernes* berries that fanners, and am- iateuns can make horee-brecaling pay, • 'the certainty and universality of the demand; the fact that -they arearought to saleable age and condition with the, ris,k to the breeder; the fact that other countries have .enormonaly 'Unproved the industry by attentlen to ena-ggot in cauliflower and cabbage this depart/tient in the main, end have plants when we take them • from the art -1y rePlaced the English horse Da • seedbed to transplant into the fielde and it should be 'used as a preeentive as well as a cure.. Cover the seedbed wfth aireslakee lime until the surface • is white, es 'soon aa the plants are Ina and in case of heavy rains which carre it into the soil, make a .second apple. cation. ' When. the plants are. ready th CATARtil CURE O. transplant,,dip them in a strong teem . Is sent direct to the diseased tion et lirae, sat:ell-re pounds to a pail parts by the Improved Blower. Of water, and mve 'them a good. ring. Heals the ulcers, clears the air ing, which will. not injure the plant passages, stops droppings 100,j, • throat and permanently r . r • les the least and is very effective i.11 Catarrh and Hayti evdr. ,Mower the deStrUbtiOlf of all insect forms. free. Al! dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Lime. should be used freely ih the gar - Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. — - - Zfen, particularly in hotbeds and cold is owe 'country; these eta. madi3nceit Stet eo be neglected.". . ; 'r DR. W. CHASE'S. . • triunes, where worms, slugs and meg- Bees and Honey. gots are Usually troublesome. Keep Winer a windbreak on the north and -the Surface -white with lime dust, fin.* ' TUE(t CLINTON NEW ERA The Coronation. Nearly three quarter@ a! ie• century has elapsed since a Xing of England was clowned. Ther, present dynasty began with, gorge 1 in 1714. 9.'he earlier Kings of the line coati not epeak I a word of English. The first that could do so brought no glory to his Arne. 1 Iia ' fact none of the line till We Come to I our late lamented Queen, afford ue nitre.A, groued for pride., Iting Edward .37.1I tonna a ,contrast to his male pre- Etas- TC6 CRAMPS oioLuTioN OF THE PLO ----- • - • '....44•164,010W G d Nii 11 asrernht:r , Year., and Seen in those far -Off eentne Colic /.; 141,749.11s,61;3. the book of JO, One Of the It Is neeeesterY en tract Solite 4,00$ prove thet the plow Wait then in come rE!ISISr Spri g oo Pest ancient of writinge, the Mat „a, . C+0 o s chapter peaks/ of the plow: "'Me * Cholerachapter Op were plowing and the eats feed, tug beside thern." , ' Pee* ripsta Moro reefed Peron* Pain' In 'ale Sloe et the Oen. To attlitlY tile efelatioe of the lo Stomach pie. ebalptaTiita On ancient MOnuMenta • Prints • 0 Muslin s Ginghams ,Laces and 'Embroideries . of all kinds. """""aLoug hiy iniUrr 'AtIr the In EgYet, British India, tend in red primitive tYpe may still be Been. Cbolora InfantOM, Seasickness, 'Mete parte Of Spain plovrs of the mole •E and all kinds of SummOr Colti- nglish parifamentarY goVersaneent, The fuodamental idea of our mode eenetitutioulal ruler,a man whose char- Ora plow was derived frOra Holland. acter ?onwards resneee Ile le ever plaint aro quleki$: cured by •Employed in Holland at the beginning' ready to firoule.ele Hotel Werke a referee takinat . . . • .Of the eighteenth, centitrY, it Was then, • And charief• lila eat ly training was es intteduced into England, and becamet 1 with an eye single to tbe position he " Yen' *rimier among progressive Are' nation. After the death of the Prince F I alitra 004 1.580. Would op e day occupy as bead of: the Dr. ow er s It was toghiy reeomieuded by Ze• Oonsortemany Kubik) tasks and duties ithro Tull. Tull was the foremost deVelVed UP= inls WI:1kb well fitted Extract of him for his fieture work, endeared him egriculturleit of his day, To him be. to the 'helixes of his suejects, and cone- Wild StraWberry longs the honor et being the first tge mended the respect of other nations. 6 enunciate the essential, principle cit According to arriangements the climax plowing, namely, pulverizing the EAU Was to have been yesterday, when, It has 'been used by thousands for i In 1785 Robert italla0n10, .61 bra in the cbair used eince 127e„, be. . With, England, succeeded in making neath which rests the sacred stone car- nearly sixty years—and We have,yet a plowshare of cast-iron, ane in 1803 he discovered and patented a method: to hear a complaint about its action. . Dm chilling sharea teed off from Scotland ID 1290, in the historic building erected by Edward the Confessor Albert Edward George Ptantagenet *Minn St Leger:Henry Sluelph James Bittinger Gower Wetin Pitzela,urice, Knight of the Golden bleeceeKnight of the Garter, Jenight of the Beth, and possessor of numerous and various other most noble and exalt- ed titles, was to have been crowned King es Edward the Seventh of the United Kingdom of Great Britain aid Ireland, Defender of Faith and Emper- or of India. . The sudden announcement of the postponement of the coronation cere- monies produced the utmost •con- steenaelon everywhere. The Xing was stricken with perityphlitis, which is nearly the same as appendicitis, and lead to 'undergo a pi -ideal operation on Tuesday. It will :be some weeks, perhaps menthe before the coronaticin Can take place. The ,.situation is a grave one. ThOugh the, latest bulletins are ree.ssurinere com- plications may arise that may prove 4 ' fatal, The nation is as it were,holding illto hie hantle. IR thle itit Feast e‘ iteel kt 2at New Jersey, took rent a pate VI I il-r t" Wen- ty years' 1 ha been a shffer- OIL .0 v A few doses have • often Mired when In 1870 Thomas Jefferson, the Mlle all other remedies have failed. Its errriaonanoe, sAamysb;as,s,Oaxdeof51, plow witiungere fwirotura collars and harnets. The awkward' figure of the moldboare leads one tet conslder what should be its form." e Later, Jefferson put his theory of one -shaped moldboards into practice SnoVhiarrglielisa.Newbold, of Berlingtort, N. I J.. made the first American cast-iron plow M . 1797. It, however, did not come into general use, owhig to did Intense pOpular prejudice. The fare mere held that Newbold's east -iron plows poisoned the lend and caused the weeds to grow. The reason that the Weeds, increased was,, of comae owing to the improved elilttaation. Later Newbold subetitutee -wrought- action is Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable and Effectual. ' Dr, Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry N the original Bowel Complaint Cum , Refuse Substitutes. Thtyrre Dangerous. ' The Sense Of IIIIMOg• 1 He wag an ordinarily mild and bade teneire little gentleman who had eyed tor nnu.lr hal)97, uneventful years Sri farther Cholera, when a ' vol- ume of theatrical anecdotes came On share for the ,eaet-iron one, hot. • met te te'' I 1807 David Pea.. • ....I'M. n • • . R. COats Son, es. p fin I\ I a lib enb i roved pleelf and with; its breet and awaits the result wit licious practice:I 0404 Mare w un- , . or an mp , . Ilea in Mee dietress,- Canadians, with and Of how that grim* comedit.k.,."' to of dire,f logs. But while His Majesty tailing succour by Tivier and Sothersi. . It farst-vaniehing prejudice. it came in. er from bronchial troubles accompame ' d . .4. ,, genera Ufa& one ace rd waft to the heavenly gates /bele, brought confusion to a, eiter's Darin all theatt years the effort Of the beartfelt prayere-God Save the !hop displaying in the veinitot a ewe plovr thannfactfiterii had beeu to form. With a hacking cough. , I at times suffered As a Food , 'Families supplied," br ing that, a olding-board that would tarn the from extreme nervous prostration, About , three girls and a bee "Steetad be sent, 1 row. The Most important teeter', . round as beam as pc, • • • ..e11114. . lining the sod, ws.s totally nee f t "This'''. he saill", "is the exercise of glected and in America, it was hot our years ago I began. taki.ng Ripans Tab- *ul. d • t ha -- • • For the Skin, tercel; Wle - -en ho evrent. out, still till the' y.eat 1839' that Samuel Wither. Powders may cover np the disfiguring N -Xu tart)9.er Cheleea, (where' Customle toli and David Pierce saw the need es, itn . since hen I -ve use ihem. • • . • , • . • eruptions, but Can never cure them, 'and drae„vn. . by. halfpence froni the needy, of a plow that would pulveriee the son e' pretty constantly. . I rarely retire at night . are positivelylluclous, because they clog., .stauie eateng-hourte rebtoh endeae tO a much greater degree. ,• np the pores o the skin. Dr. Chase y‘'.4,3 to attract the •hungry by pasting 'stated that the. lent: Way. In . th t ' $ • d readily elesorbed,, and thoroughly cuee's "Everything. an Mee az enetehee makers_ .was by Itenaing the furrow -slice on a• k • each and every skin disease, malting the . eep. my digestive -organs (Which natur.• Skin tinoolh, soft ancl clear. tepee very place," said the little' gene. Cr- sso°mew°rhnlate in tlie mane ' • - ' rat ' f d that Ointment is food for the skin. It is . en its trent this dubious Message, • the fining PrOcese 'Could be effected without taking myTabule,. an find they 'd dia. 1 , • be, Cheeses Ointment, for, .N6 Woman's ih comEleK. without tlemen. and entered, , • ner of 11. acre*. _In 1827 Daniel Web. , a ly are weak in 200 or er t ey a so . des teen eau have meat?" rwas 11.rgt ster, invented a Plovr capable of turn- able, it can be used in a sc'ar4 of different , "Yes -streight through," ased the the most •perfect skin betentaierle r o tam. query. - • • deg a furrow twelve to folieteen , a • allay my tendency to nervousness and ways. It Absolutely cores eczema, salt woman behind the counter, pointing to , 1843 T. 'D., Burrell. of Geneva, N. make .me sleep. • . • rheum and the itchiest; ta 'which women an inreer piertitten of ihe *lop. .cle tried to redone the land side trice • • . . • are esPeetallY eubjeoe. . • . , • "Any eveTyMing as nide as m the:. •• . . . • • When the feet aee sore and chafed with '. snakes it?" he asked.TT walking an •epe;licetion of Dr. Chase's "That 's in the window." .. , tiotn. by means of a wheel.. But it wag . 11.0 successful, -since the wheel was • . Ointment takes out the smarting 'and "But ,how 'nice does mother mike' often obstructed and became imm.ov- ' sillaye the inflarnmation in a surprisingly - 4tr, , e,ble. French plows came into use ha short time.. 'Then for burns, scalds eilin," said the woman, calling into ile60. Although will adapted for dig- - Ana every sort of chafing . irritation or -space, "here's a eove wants to know ging ditches, they 'have. been largely; eruption, of the ekln. Dr. Chase's Oise- epee. aloe emotaer makes le" arid she thrust' aside, and the majority of Tar- , . ' ment affords a safe and certain cure. n eaughed. • eters prefer to use a. common pie* ; • bit ome to be indispensable in Acores ,iparn," .cerrie a beery voice; of enousands Of homes ; 60 :cents a box, be' palmy 'een. the crumpet. Turn eni "must for opening trenches. Between 1860 • - at ell dealers, or Ednigeson, 43ates & Coe •out.". ttlia 1170 a glass plow wait invented., Toronto. 'It was a failure, as it atd- not eeoma • Nothing ela.unted, the little man -Went as well as those .already in use. • v. on: "euemosing she doesn't make it ret ChaSe 3 at all nice? Supposing- edie makes it very nasty, what then?" Ointment • s • • No an wer • • The -woman went on trying onions. • eeee. butaher eye gleamed, . • • ' The evolution or the plow has beeri. Igh of the soil, thereby,increaeing fertility. ' ordinary occasion.. The family bottle, sixty' • and securing a more certain conserver time of moistureo-Amerioan Gard . • • • • . ./,‘\ • AT DRUGGISTS towards a more perfect puiverizetioa e five-centpacket *is tinough for • an • FITA B LE TU R KEYS. "What df r don't remember any sale — cents, contains a supply for a. year • another? What if she never made any- , • tt tits*s the iilusest MoneY.'1O ;Irmd. thing at all? '. What . • •• .. . • eseetre. . . One a "the tenant's pf the. Siblej fermis is SaMuel Taykir. Mr. Tayioi Oast side of the bee -hives enables thein Nery little trouble need be • apprehencee • to get out a little eselier in the spring, ' td. --c. L. Allen. • .• , ' breeds turkeys and makes money Oa _ them,' although be does not pretend to and helps to protect them freer exteeme: - . • ' . •e,„„.•,:.*.neeni inseeti. ' --. -4: be. anYthing• but A...farmer- The rune cold in the winter, if wintered out cd. . doors, there should always be a protee.. The whole heat of leaf-eatixii era yoiCe representatIve dined with: Mr sects which feed an the aPPle tree,. traYlor the other day and had an Kee tion from the extreme heat of ,the stem- . such as the tent caterpillar, rej- port, unity to taste turkey Which had leer. When the thermometer. is ranging tuniped apple tree'caterpillar yellow- not •been. through the •Chieago -market at on above 100 degrees, and the full necked - apple tree' caterpillar, fall It was the first tirae for several years, blaze of the noonday sun a the hive, it is a hot 'f • weltb worm, tussock moth; canker • that a well -ted stir worms, etc.,. must be fought . with, ihad been. served up so us, d well -flashed turkey 4 yelling on .and we got neturtherebut to ild blmself thrust violently thrOugh the door to the pavement outside, ,while a voice admonished " 'Ere, you, don't come interfering 'ere -•-4f yer wants a eraugage and mashed, say so. If not, get out." . And as he retreated hastily, -though with dignity, the voiee followed, faintly: "leedlam-that's the place for the Pikes yOu--,13edIam." ' • .The ditcomilted gentlerean -walked nearly a mile before his,recov.1 ery was completed by -a sign, hung over a boot Shell, caught his green .used at the rate of. one --------------------- ues cou d eye. "Wear Parkinson's Boots," ran place,especiallyParis• d 1 there is a :rge co oily, and the beet; pound to 250 genesis of water. other arc coining heated by lon ditions it is \‘‘ 'bees cease , WO; 1, hive, or even i 0 ,s, tin:. ean find she,. e. We have heard ef ' to the following formula: 1 -lard soap, vitae where under sueh canditioesethe - eone-half pound (or • soap about one- ceiees melted down, wasting the honey half gallon); hot' water, one gallon; and eiten drowning SOnle of the bees in aoal oil, two gallons. • its er, wade To prevent thiu there . shreed be shade. provided for them, . • The CherrY Tree. ' f • „ and while some make this of boar& be piased as to cast a shade during the No kehtl of fruit tree thrives better hottest . part of the day, others, prefer under neglect than does the cherry. If an awning of canvas. Either rally . be needs . no pruning except what the used. and in the fall changed so as tet cherry pickers naturally give while, act ap a windbreak until spring, while harvesting . the crop. Unlike other the trees and bushes are bare of folie fruit trees its crop As not so easily age.--"Ameriean Cultivator. gathered that it would be apt to be stolen by passers-by. The picker earns • fully half of all he dan gather. It will Baby's Own Tablets. greatly add to the 'attractiveness ' of -e-se• , 'country drives in neighborhooda • where the 'cherry is planted, *and, the elate All Minor Ills, and Bring paeser-by will not feel as he . plucks Joy and eomfort to Baby this iruit and eiteSe that he is wronging • its owner, Who from what is left can . and Mother. • . make the roadside give him greater • . •7"-- • profit than he Could make with any Lieease attacks the little °nee through other crop. , se_ %Slats are the beet things in tbe world for a- _ 1 the digestive oraans. Baby's Own Tab. - , k -'''' b 1 d torn h trouble of hildre , Weight of rigs. 'Nes They aot quiekly and gently, and Alwan,' . A. pig at its birth should evelgh onre indigestion, colic, lonetipatiole 'a about three pounds. At the and ol t diarrhoea. They are also a great. help , the fit0 in00 0 WO g teething children, Mrs Gabrielle, %trot have increased to fifteen, an should Six Mile Lake, Ont.esayle-."Baby's Own . continue to grow until at e teeth Tablets; zeaelfed Mb just in time as my month it has attained a weigfit of 800 baby was very ill with indigestion and pounds. That is, if it Is Iteite so long, bowel trouble, and I am happy to eay that ' but the most profitable beg it the Oho Tablete relieved him after a few doses. Re marketed when seven •o'r eight months ie note doing splendidly weth just a Tablet old. The coot of. pork 'is 50 per cont. ' no* end then when he is restless. I am greater if me& ina.the tenth month the mother of eight children and have tried than in the fifth inenth hi ihe food nearly , all the old , remedies, but have gemmed, Quick retargets Miff ,enicle never foetid a trieelaine equal to Baby's profits should be the arfn ot the WM. Own. Tablets." The Tablets are guaranteed to contain .broader.-beield and rarm, •• el no Opiate or harmfel drug, and oroshea to . • , it powder they min be given Mille smallest, • • 1 • loaded with honey, and Insect; which puck the juices from flights. Under such eon- the leaves and young wood,• such as 'bt 'strange that the the aphis, •cricket ahd bark louse, and cluster about the must be destroyed by the kerosene s -azul bushes, where emulsion. This is made according ; feeblest child with a certainty of good re-- .PIJTffetre'S PAINLESS COEN AND • .tittlte. Sold by ell drndgiste, or sent post • WART EXTEACITOR ' paid at %dente a bolt by writing direct to , Contane no wilds or. Other injurious Makin° CO., Breokeille, l the Dr Williamse ober/deal corepoinide,iti neither oanstio,cor. Out, �r Seheneetit.tly, N. Y. • • The King Was'indis osed during the from the t d k /latter part of last week another begin- If you want an irritating and flesh eating lug of this, cawing great, anxiety in remedy do net ink for Putnam's, it tiots °Meld eircleit. Hohasmuch Mips -eyed jguillattore other way. Por gale by all drug - rosive or irritating, but soothes and ewe • q y. Altus, ge • A certain small youth from the east, " .• . end of .Ineden has just been deported into ' the' eeuntry for a -week's holiday, , . ta luenzidte es otchl the treipuss p; eii ische fnoonwe eolef ttheflo real:yid; 'order planting $1,100 to the Canadian will?eettle ILI one section of the North - The Ontario Govertiment ' passed an 1 It is est mated th it 35,000 .Americans • . purpose, and on the morning after his, South African Memorial Association west this year, and that the total , ima : •tahrenivuorltahetoswtri000d aituditihnge mthaeinlosetarleei3taireL horse 'bus as it drove up from the rail- .420,eklian graves:in South .Africa between 75,000 and tea000. ••• - - towards its fund for the marking' of rolgrafion to that counter will reach s way station. "111, sonny," shouted the Lord Kitchenei:lefteSouth Africa en eesseajesespuleee",,feeeveiN441.0.4"iiz Monday for England. Be will not ' ttztel"sphilea, zii3lyelte4 "nth 0,0f,stlot driver as lie brought his team te le pqr4aps it is just as well: Much as the arrive in time for tile. Coronation and !The Novelty Bakery' KitIR Is admired the Britiele mitten queried:the lad. "The off elie" said the could forbear to offer t� the here of . driver. "rearplian," said the kid in die - gust ; "'ow d'ye. think 111 knows which 'tribute that is due to h' . ' Soudan and of South Africa some of and . Rostaurant kind that coinee to the Markel. The ;tB`Why?" be asked, turned entpilry. eg , eff the guests' of the oceisidn was a last • Who tanud.i?rild'..d forward to greet him. ' •• . bird.that was .sevicrhiflice4ed.wfeeirg4thede ;spring's pullet, be • with us and notice. the. difference . between properly fed turkey end the 1?,e4;e:. ... booth?" lighp! little man fetrl?.1 leaped tato. tee, " ' h cl i sir," said theeessistanti P ki ' - • pounds, and it tasted very , nation like ' "Because they are the best, sire We ' ' those We used to eat back ea the bid Use nothing but the best leather.* , Buckeye state. , . . , - "What's the matter With my own 1" - , . Atter dinners we went °gut .to see Mr. . The,. assista.nt chi:need down. . • '' . Taylor's terkeye, andfound some tonna • . "Uppers 'want mending and heels • • or44st Spring'shatch that weighed ' ; . ttyht d thirtPeunds. '' Onleveling, sir. s' Do you a pereectboot for • : fifteen shiliings." ' . wen -of any' e "Due supposing Pararinsrm's don't flt • of these had been.sold for $7' and arta • . other .will.go for $10, and the 'seemlier °T. ?" We keep 'ail °sixes, sir." • ' ' ' ' ' .' ones, With the hens, -will Sell for prices "Ites, bete I don't knowthat I care , three oy four times abovethe- market about wearing •another man's boobs. " price. We. are not *advertising .Mr. "Q± course, sir, if you prefer togo Taylor's turkeys, because • he has none :31:14 buying boots aa etsd; leiPkreeethtoosrey. Ya°11m i'lev 43, "gw•oitt to sell that are not spoken for, we un- but,"'turn.you out a much better article . • derstandi but we would like to Mattress fors:Ifteen shillings." upon our readers the fact that it pays ileum is Pettigrew, and I the biggeet way to breed just .such -line . don':Ithlinnre it weuld be legal for me to . poultry. There Is a steady demand for • wear Parkinson's boots -et looks tike • • . it all the time, while the ordinary city rofbbery." Market might Possibly be overstecked, lylltdo.oblaurer.pyreiLsati aldrthaes.asiolvairstasanuit esyhaeaxirpe There is no danger of the Market be• • Ihg glutted with the kind. tie tuekeys be for sound wearing qualities. le there s nothieg fur her toe. Lys sir, kid me that way," and he walked away with an air 'of suareirie contempt. e , Gilmer would frighten many people who cc Central ' , .... are not afraid of germs, Yet the germ is R o re .e.nger. is microscopic animalism 0 .conlit be magnified to a size in proportin to c its deadlineae it would show like a giant 0 python, or fire breathing dragon. The, one fact to remember is that the germ is power - Having purchased the butchering ° less to harm the body when the blood is . business of F. H; Powell I am pre- 0 pure. It is far easter to keep tbe germ 'out pared to furnish the people of Olin- 0 than to delve item after it receiyea a hold ton With all kinds of Fresh and on, the system, Dr Pierce'e Golden Medical • Onied Meater'lkarriggebelegne 3 bisoovety ie the most powerful and perfeot lard, butter and eggs always kept on the quantity as well as the quality of the 6f blood purifying niedicines, It bionoases hand. • . . o o blood,and eneblee the body to resist disease, 0 or to throw it off if disease has obtained a • a Fitzsimons 'At Son. .3 footing in some weak organ. 'Wherever the digestion is impaired ,the nuteition of the Telphone 76. 5 „ body is dirnished, for the blood is made from the food Which is eaten, and half die Order's delivered pecan ptly to ail 09 gelded food cannot supply tbe, body with Pere; of the town. blood in quantity and (polity adequate .to. N.B.--Persons having hogs for 6. its needs. Per this oonditiee there is no shipment will confer a favor bye' iremedy t ellen: ti yt.oefgGoldenhtoed° reareevaelryD i4sonouvderreyd. leaving word at the elicp. - persona who give it a fair trial. When there . le constipation Dr Pierce a Pleasant Pellets addiell0111.111414110111•011111110111110•10011110 will prempfly relieve and permanently . ______ .6 eat Market cure. - Oler, . Taylor raises, however, as they holding .epen the door, "good morn- _ • • never get to merket until too old for ' ;age, , , .- 4gici : 'aro VatirrIE Ibreedieg purposes. The demand for "some people," said Pettigrew to • . ! the best of any Wised breeding poul- • Iliim,self, as he (waited tor his homewerd try Is anopen and unsatisfied one, and* 'hate a:have no sense of humor. I won. Ibis -condition premises to continue for der how Toole managett it?"--"Pnwlehem ' lood many yeara.-e-Parraers Voice« . . *, The Peanut. WE LOOK FORY0:0:R TRADE. Peanuts can be raised In the North Serving the publie with care, attention , . as well as in the South. They tiniest e nonest goods a rad low prides,. has given ne z.best on light, sandy soil. N'orthern a bigh position. amongst the druggists of growers claire that they de not fill out Unmade. We look for your trade, and ' well, but this difficulty may be WOOD. Will UM every endeavor to make you a - ed by applying lime to the roil in the • regular oestomen autumn before planting. ElVell an ap- Our supplies, of pure Drugs, Medicines, plication of lime at this seasons before Tolie, Preparations, Perfumes, itrnehete • plenting. the seed, Will be Orilla al Combs, Spougee, ttao will interest you. advaniAge, , . A Peones Ceteer:Cotaroutol. ( - We are fully prepared to fil your orders 1p d a most instantly by &Milne, we strongly recommend it ea a blood :MY 1 TE trunn FOR TOOTHACBE, for this popular disease -banishing med. 0 for toothache, but any nerve loines. Knowing its Ovate and Virillee, One drop eflUale in painembduing 'newer prielfie,r nerve bracer end ileeh five .drops of sow otheeramedy. Thousands Paine'e.Celery Compound is no new re - say so. Powerful, penetrating,paineaubdu. Wetly it has been tested and anocessfully ing Nonfinite. Mervellotte in soden for in. used in all perte of ()fined& by tem or tared and external use, The world clutl-' honeande, and has never failed, legged for ite equal. Druggiete Mei it. Your oney back if it is not ed, , ltEERIE, Druggists Olinten On* -`•-•• • New.Blacksmith .4/ Subscriber haviterented the shoe adjoin. fir Leslie's Curklage Shop, Orange st. ore- .‘ _ k work enteasted to ma. R ttenbury Works, p red to do alt wore iu his line. He has had es good numerous* ,experieriee in the bust- a n ems, and wil giVe.VATa011al 0.00111011 tO Speeial. attention 41von to".11OrseShoeing and- the • Direa iniP"i"8" V4rkmandltri care ot Horses' feet, and Meter's' gearanteed. Iteteitine ef 8,11104de; charged reasenablejus,. 'SEALE ifetale ihOOPT, canton eustrom • Is the place to buy ohoice chocolates. We -handle Mc- 4.'00ra:tick's choice Alarioaibo ohooblates, al a o Patersono organis and burnt almondand other choice assortments. • . in all flavors, We also have 1 • , We are prepared for the com- ` ' ing season to serve soda water i do:in:kb:3.d fru,its in. Mock, Ice, Aechoice stook of oranges' and cream and all kinds of 000l lemone, banatits andall kinds of fruit in season. Fancy bread anderakesealways on hand. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. ,Ternis strictly gash. lifeCiay, Clinton. tomitii******ftotiviskorait•40**0 • CA.NVASSER WANTED to sell PRINTER'S INX-0 a journal for advertisers,, published weekly at fiVe dollars a year. It teaches the science and practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most elle- ' cessful advertisers Ii this 'country and Great Betatn. Liberal COMM Winn al- lowed,Addreas PION 13118 INK, 10. Spruce St„ 'Slew York, . 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