HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 6July 4, 1.902 • • OLUTE SECURITY. Con Carter's. Little Liver PIM. Must Sear Signature et See Pae-Simlle N.VsnOPer Below. very email and sk• easy . to take as sugar. FOR HEADACHE., ' CARTERS FOR DIZZINESS. ITYLE FOR BILIOUSNESS. IVER FOR TORPID LIVER.' PI LLS. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. - FOR THE COMPLEXION - _es carra Pi:trait' Vegetable.. hoga 1QSt bocallSO Ot ssufficieut care of sows at the time ef farrowing* has been a source of regret te nianY Swine -breeders. In cases Of especially vicious animals there Are on record InaliF eases in which every pig was lost, either becalm() the moth- er ate up her offspring after birth or on account of her lying the pigs to deatn. The cause of vrciousness la SOWS at be time of farrowing is oftea the Pain occasioned by normal narrownese in the lower part Of the genital organs. The mueus membrane will sometimes be pushed up into folds--"eurtalns"— which obstruet parturition. A great teal of relief may be effected by intro - ducting a clean, hand in the vagina ;tilling forth the young pig. Each new-born pig should be placed once into a basket, and Nd on cow's milk and water (equal parts), One teaspoonful a this mixture generally suffices for each animal. .•tua.L.,r"../1.14•614•1 • • . The number of URE SICK'HEADACHE. After the farrowing the' young pigs The Cockade. are brought to the sow, and here Mmes the dangerous Moment,. wben tile or more cif thecoung ones are bit, en or smothered to death. • The dant or may, however, be considerably les- sened bythe following simple de - ?ices. Biting tbe pigs is prevented in ithsit following manner: • "Lying •to death" is frequently ob- tinted by the insertion of a small shelf under which the young 'pigs' may test afely, in the wall of the pen, a short distance .from the floor. Much More 'Directive, however, ie w the deviee shon . In cot. • Honed wooden bars are sns- sended from the walls of the pen, at di t nce f.about six inehes above he aim These bareshould be. five inchee* in diameter. When the sowl ihrows herself down she will be push-, aviaY from the, wall, the ,place — . pre HE adoption of' the edekade by Prepident Roosevelt for his coach-. A man and footmen has reseed.. tated the old question: Whose. eer- ?ants are entitled to wear A. Cockade? As a matter of fact, there is nia right nor title to the cockade, but usage has, • In England, where .' the. cockade is 'more common than in any other -coun- try, itonfined it to the servants of theaayahousehold, of • the eiplomatio WI% of officers of the Ariny' and Navt.--including the militia •andevol. anteers—and to servants of justices • end deputy lieutenants of counties. According to this unwritten law of: custom, neither peers nor other per- sons. of title, except they be royal, can venter the cockade on their. servants unless they themselves hold one of the . commissions already •. named. . And here comes a- strange anomalyt 1they. occupy a Government • pesitioe, they can wear a ceekade, • although. their-, 'servants cannot. "Cockade," or; rather; the 'French* equivalent of it, made its first. appear- ance in the phrase "bonnet a • la co-. quarde" of Rabelais. 'About • sixty years after -Rabelais's death, Randle -Cotgrave, author- of the Bret. Angle - French. dictioeary, 'defined "noquarde," • now "cocarde," as "a Spanish carme or fashion of bonnet, used by the Most eubstautial men of yore --also -•• any. bonnet or :calve wore prietelly , or peartly on , the side." But the most plausible ofigin given of the cockade of to -day is that •it was derived from the tuft of cock's plumes worn by the'. Croatitinesoldiees, who , ie -the eeiren-• teenth century served under Frame,. and introduced the cravat to •the World of fashion. • At any rate, in .1688, men, ambitious to become soldiers of France received cockades of paper;,hence the' expression, "prendrel a cocarde," mean.; e hag "to enlist." •Cockedeee appear 'tie have fallen into .innommus desuetude,' so far as Franca was..coeeernede Until the Revolution,. • when the t'cetarde. tricolor" must have become oh-ligekorY, for, Just before the fall of Robespierre, arrests were made for. not weating it. The black .cockade, now worn in Englan.d, was originally the.distinctive• badge of the Reuse. of Hanover, as the white cockade was that of the' Nouse of Stuart. It is said white was adopted by tlie adherenti • of the Stuarts because if was the 'emblem: of the kings of France, Who supported the Stuarts against the Hanoverians. The cockade worn by Servants' of - the British royal household le a large half -disk which projeces above the hat. Servants of naval officers wear a diik not projecting above tbe hat; those :ofr army officers and other 'persons con- eldering themserves entitled • to .efirre" cockades are fan -shaped, with a but- ton, and they reach above the hat. The. cockades of 'the servants of di- plomats are in the colors of. the count try their. masters represent, and many , „amble houses on the continent of Bur - .A Good OM Creed, . . . Coehins are not ratich. talked • low, ttut at all poultry gliows 'they Wear in large numbers, and in goires lbout the country we see them or their Vosses in mallY forte Yards. It le•ettle , • lent they have not Jost, their 'poen-, irity .among practical poultry keep., *S. Cochins and Brahnles come -to ri. iren1 Chita. Originally there was , distinction. between China •fowle, but breeders have by Careful selection • operated and . fixed the types until kow the two. are qtiltee dtstinet. 4a dmpe and color. . . . . Every .Move 'there young pigsare most frequentl$ Otlight and cheked. A sufferer From.Backache . • , • Mr. W. Gilroy. general merchant, Blen- heim, Ont., states I am rather enthusi- astic in the praise of Dr. Chase's 'Kidney - Liver Pills. and believe I have miod reason to be. For several: years I was a great sufferer from kidney disease, and had pains'in' my back almost 'constantly. I tried a great many. remedies,. but did not succeed in . obtaining more than slight lempprary relief. , : " A friiiid of mine advised me to try Die Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, And I did so. with great • satisfaction. I had not taken half a bee before I began to feel , better. and now realize that I he.veentireiy • meoyered, I often wonder now why people go after, new-fangled remedies when • this tried and proven medicine is so easily obtained, and so certain to cure." Dr. Chase's Kidner -Liver Pills have an enor- mous sale because they radically cure seri- ,' 9us and ihrobiediseese, cine pill a ciose, 25 cents a hex. Alt dealers, or Edmensone 14tee ee.c.O.,Terinao, • • • • tif d Rite .I . • • 15,F4 01411110N NEW ERA • 'A I 1 O.1If II pse. Any man can produce a total eclipse • of the sun, so far as..he himself is con- ' cerned. by holding a dollar close to bis eyes Thetotal eclipse - of health is often pro- duced in much' the same way, by letting the dollar shut out from view ell other tbings and interests, A great many peo,ple pay for wealth with health and admit at last that they have made a poor bargain. In the chase of the dollar people are too eager to take time to eat regularly or choose proper , food, the stomach becomes disordere or diseased, the food eat- en ceases to nourish, arid physical break, down comes. ;. Dr. Pieree's Golden 1 Medical Discovery cures diseases of the • stomach and other or- , gaits of digestion and nutrition and so enables 1 the strengthening of the body, in the only way by which•strength can be ob- tained, by food properly digested and perfectly as- eunilated. lit suffered for four years ',filth gain in my stomach so that at times I couldn't work nor eat,” writes Mr. Prank Smith, of ' Granite, Chaffee Co., Colo. wrote to you about lily sickness and was told to use your medi- cine, which I did witli good results. X only used our bot- tles of t,Golden Medical Discov- • ery' and must say that tam entirely cured, and feel like a new man, and I can highly recommend your medicine to any sufferer,” The People's Comnion Sense Medical , Adviser, roo8 pages, free on receipt of ' stamps to pay expense of customs and nthihng on y. Send er one -cent stamps for the paper -covered edition, or 50 stamps for the cloth -bound volume, to Dr. IL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y; and Egg. Co-oporAtt inn1.. It ranee. ' A' movement is on. foot in Franee to , attach an "Egg department" to their system Of co-operative deletes. The 1 plan je simple and works well, Eaa4 member of the Dairy Asso'clation dertakes to send not lees than 20 • eggs per Week on two fixed daye; a d1s, ;.1 . • tinetion is to be made between man for eensintaptioe and. those Intended for , hatching. Members can. only -send . the • produet of their own bone and at their,. own expanse to the creamery office. I TO adeure thet est e,a(rgs be in 'Et Et an 7 . . Proper .donditionthe meinbers, will bind theinselves to remove the eggs , daffy from the nest, and leave as the neet4egg One orporeelain... There 'is a :heavy .penalty for sending old Or.. spoiled :eggs. The creanteriesunder- *take the sale of the eggs and iecure the 'best market price. ' Associated with the egg industry that, of poultry ,will added later on. • r • , • • . Vila is extending the cceemeratiiie.. System In a praatical way. If it were ' practitable tode the same work • in .connection with ' our •. tp-operatiVe cheese .factories and 'wean:wrier. it world go a long -way t�wards so v ng the priablein of how tie celled the ego,- -from the farmers -In a perfectfy'fteth • Condition. Cold -storage facilities eould. -.be proVided at the factoriee, Where the eggs -could he kept th a fresh eonclitioa and: Peeked reedy for shipment to the large ci-ties or direct to ,Great Britain. Dr. Chase L51,7, -Ir IN" • . . • Caused Pain. The Intense Suffering it) a Perth Man Relieved and Cured by Dr Pitcher's Backache Ridn,ey Tablets. . • . The terrible whin that eittehee you in the baok—nielos stopping over or rising tip or moving about eVenetnbeitteble. In nine oesee out tit ten it ie traceehle to ,,aigeirdered kidneye The paiti the back is the -kidney's sig. • nal of dietreete Go to their ataletance with Dr Piteher's ee-------lasokaohaBidneyTablets. They will promptly 'relieve the pelt cure the kidney trouble and restore ,IyOur health and strengthi, *emir. • Here is tt °twee wottir reitding:,s• Mr Alexander Moutgornery, Peter 'St" Perth, Ont., when interviewed, itflarle thi etaternent:-J"I was auffering acutely in my beak, whom 1 heath tieing ftr Piteher's 13aokeette Blaney Tablets procured from V, • L. Hall, the artiggist. I (Ionia lift notoing, every tnelve ostieedoaiii..Tberevas neither etrength tor Energy Taft In me. The 0011. Otani itehing over my kidneys watt wog depristeinxe 1 started using the Tablete and the lumbago quickly begin to la op I nm tett iM over it now..1 have fonod them roost • tuttisfeetory hsa can einsfidentiv tenon:mono them for bad balks? Dr Pitobet'e Itsek• eche Eldney Tibiae re 50 malts- s box at 11 ODDS AND ENDS; • , .0 thee:net few years there has been tendeeer aniong farmers everywhere 'change their base of operations, to snake new departeres• Vie matters of Itock raising 'and grain growiog.. It • Ls all well -enough for ' farmers' to -make these. clia.gges.riccaelenall'A. to ret into. lines of fared -lug ahat diet; • raricy 'mid to Which their lands aro best adapted, but any sort. of radical.: -thanges. shoeld alays be .,reate tare. • itillY ancl expeelmenting. a . lit-, de in the first plate go thet no Melons . • failures may resint. let out of the old rentlateney In Potato CulttireWbut fltat make sure 'that the Way , c, W1. Nits; • DrIng Resnite. • anloath and Clear In the new roade Perhaps no farni crop N a sublect. to fluctuatten lit • price as potatoes..• One year the yield is iramence. and prices .rueve lso lothat thousands of bushels are dumped over some bank. The fol- lowing ripring' will wit -nous much de- creased acreage planted and prices aril, ' high. I know 'far:nets who are Contin- ually shifting .about in this manner,. not infrequentlY buying' seed at high prides expeeting big returns in the. 0.11, • This Same ClaSS of farmers aro. ecintinually changing- from sheep' to .cows, and. again from coWie to sheep., 'At the time' I began on the- old home- , Mead I found it necessary to give a Mortgage. to eeeure money Vora -an Miele to pay off other heink• I shall befer .forget the friendly advice he gave me when ,he handed rue the money:, Sald he: • "I want to inipress upon. you this one. thing.: . Mark out your course and do not deviate from It If your plan IS to .raise piga lir con- -notion leith dairying, raise pigs every year. • ,Because Calves may be high one • season do not change, but stick to pigs." This advice has been Hied Up to. • / have practically followed- the same rule in regard tr farm eropi, es- peeially potato growing. Only a few years -ago potatoes were almest value - foe In the spring/ but I put in the usual amount,' which has been from two and n.hilit to three 'acres. Thia ipartieular wh spring of ich write 1 (.• Init in about two'and , a half scree. Ow- ing to a stiecession of heavy rains, planting was delayed until /tine; hut tin the meantinte after each rain 0.0soon as possible the ground was thon. ,011gblY Cultivated; the potatoee were Up before T fairly knew it and grevt so trapid4y thee hod no \nee ter parity • geeen the entire iteasonl Before t;se net planting time I sold from thAt two and dtid-Illiff tteresi $111 Worth, • be- sides all needed to supply it largei family. and for seed. The next spring I planted three Wee and the Weather kept good Until. 1 had Cultivated them thorotighlY. • Use a slievel Vole for Ming, as hilla log is better than ltvel culture on our toll. I had litet time to hilt up some eight or ten rows when there dame on a very Mg, heavy rain. This was followed by °there, so that not angtha er Ariake of work Was done. Meyer fiaok *lettere to the potato Patch hew tante was Ashamed to haVe It VA:, .bItt sold nearly WO worth bead.* geed end those Used itt the fanlibfa drtiggiete. The Dr Zino, Pftelter Co. ' VOLUM, hat May be 'selected. Ram and sweat base no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har- ness Oil. it re - gists the damp, keeps thelea th. et soft and pli- able. Stitches do net break. k No rough sur. taco to Chore ancient. The, harness not only keeps lookingt likO new, but wears twice, as long hy the use of Eureka }forum OIL Sold • everywhere in cans—. , all sizes, hIstde by Imperial 00 Company., To the Weary Dyripeptic; W. .Airk Ithia Questioni Why don't you remove • that weight 'at the pit • of Ow Stomach7 wilt don't you regulate that **risible appetite, and Condition the digestive organs 86 that it will net be neceasaty to starve the stomach to avoid distress sitar eating? The first step is to regutate the bowel. roe this porpoise Burdock Blood Bitters RIC E = I guarantee itty Latest teethed Treatment to be A penxienent and positive cure for Varieucele and Stricture, without cutting, streteaebe or lose of time. in varloocele it *twee, the bagging, or wornay condition, equaliges circulation, stops pain* in the groin*, also all drains, thereby giving the organs their primer mention, yitalizee the parte and re- I, stores lost powers; in Stricture It absorbs tint Stricture tissue, stops smarting sensation, = nervousness, vrthitness, eseicaebe, eto., 'Wade 1,, ell Pr'l 3tatlo troubles It le the treat. MIMI POW ONOOR00004 So NOSitIVO OM X OM MU Y tattnent ours you, you can I PAY WHEN OUCtlEP You need pay nothing until you are convinced that a thorough and complete cure has ; been established. This should convince you tbet I i at confidence in my Latest method - Treatment. otherwise I could not matte you this proposition it makes no difference who has failed to cure you, the or write Inc. Each Time You Call You See Me Personally, , Or each time you write it receives my personal attention. The number of years lam . established in Detroit, and the cures t accomplIshed after given up by other doctors, bas placed me as the foremost specialist of the country. CONSULTATION FREE. Cali or write for blank for blank for home treatment. Perfeet system of home treetruent for Amin/ who cannot esil. POON PSBR All mediethes for Oenaeten patients sjaipped. from Windsor, Oart. A11 duty and express charges prepaid. Nothingsent O. 0, Ft. DR. GOLDSERG 000 WOODWARD AVE., tOR• WILCOX OT. 5 Dureoty, MICH. • • e, II lo 21N.1 . • • Mr. Southworth, the Dii onization, has: been instracted by the Commissioner a Crown Lands ha I proceed as soon as possible to Temie kerning totakesuch steps as prove practiea'biw e to relieve the situation. He will probably be accompanied by Mr. A. W. Campbell. A selection of special varieties of Canadian cheese has been Made for ex, hibition • at Wolverhampton and Cork. The 'varieties include danadian-made English Stilton, Oka cheese and "1,04" cheese, the litter being Cheddar pre- pared in tire shape of squares. Samples ; • of Canadian polled theese and ordinary I make of Cheddar will also be sent: The, shipment is now at Montreal and wili go forward this week. To give some idea of bow weeds 'mul- tiply,it may be stated that a single. plant of pepper grass 'will •produee 18,000, seeds; • dandelion,. '12,000;shepherd'sTerse, 37,000; wheat thief, .7,000; corn.' mon thistle, q5,600; chainemile,113,000 ragweed, 5,000; purslane, 375,0001 plan- tain, 44,000, and burdock, 43,000, • The importaoce ef'notallovving a single weed to produce •seed eanot lie alluded to too frequently. A single 'hour's work in de- stroying weeds may save Weeks of labor the next Seaton' The rig in America.' ' The Taraworth is the hog Pay micel- •lence. for .the • paeker and feeder. Its. length and depth of body: are so pro- noueced. that ho breed cit hogs ean ap- proach it in these important respects.. Its shoulder is light, het • deep through the . he t, dbetween the forward. • lege, giving it loge heart • girth 'and great vitality. The Tamworth is wide behind; with strong:back and -great depth through the .fiank, and home well . let down. ' These are the ppints seught by packets particularly the Canadien. pack- ers, whOise prodnet brings several cents a pOund above the American article, and who have been paying the farmer More than.....one•Aoller. per 100 ib. above whit the American packers have been paying for the last six months. The Tamworth line a Itnet' long, tapering' enoat,. but the • head weighs v,ery much lighter that the head of a Poland -China or any. ether breed of hogs. This long snout has been the object -.of rueridicule by west-. ern men -.those. who pever - kept tide Haus No EWA', It *eta promptly and effectually and Parrattnetitly cures all derangements el agesition. line. breed •of hogs, but who happened to seeeepecimens at some .fair. As. far •back as 1871 the English packers celled the itt; Are just what every weak, nervous, rune down woman needs to make her strong and well, They cure those feel- ings of smothering and sinking that come on at times, make the heart beat strong and regular, give sweet, refresh.. ing sleep and .banish bead - aches and nett. vousnees. They infuse new life and energy into dispirited,health. shattered women who haVe come to think there is no cure kir theni. LBURN HEART& NERVE 1115 • They cure Nervousness, Sleepleseness, Nervous Prostration, Brain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spells, Listlessness, After Effects of La Grippe ancl Fever, Anmmia, General Debility and all troubles arising from a• run-down system. Price 90o. Der hole or 3 for $1.25 all drugaiste or mailed by THE T. MILBURN CO., LIMITED, Toronto,' Ont. e 4,*10.7i•tra reir. • The beautitlit oleander With • Ito 'Wealth of beantifid fragiant ,blrioine ifs is plant that contains e ;most deadly eritineiSifienr- COW'S 'have been known to drop, dead In Aye min. - rites after eating the leaves', and OA- dren eating it. blossom -have died in a few or barely • escaped with - life When antidotes .have been given: immediatele, after the flowers were taken • inte 'the atcimach. Wel know, of a young man who hap- • pelted to pick his teeth with the .stem • ' ef a fallen leaf from iti;1 aleaider shrub. In a few'emintitee hie gums:liege-A, to - pain and throb and. before :evening he was In 'perfect agony, His gums ul- cerated and the case• was' One sof great seriousness for several weeks. It was known: to be a ease of ,Vegetelite.-pols- blit it Wei. quite a While before he thought of the oleander teeth tck We have noticed the.great careleeeneee.' with which this shrub is handled. on .2he Pacific Coast and It is a .wonder that more .accidents do not occur. from . '-it certainly contains ' :deadly p.oison, • • . '•• • 1 ON THE FOURS -QUARE PLAN. • Tee fonr-eqaare plan tneana that all oustomera; eeg,4 micas pf rack or statien, : tention of farmer2 and others "to' the receive .the Rama careful .attentioe and publie aversion to fat and heavy bacon' , and to the urgent necessity of farthers Veatmenti at our store. We are as partic- ular with the child who is sent to ply- bieedxnge pigs af bus orgwe -nee iveeee „chesenenea small petiole as we are with nierit con has. gone on apace. The er' itute :infetior drug's when Ailing rpai the periencea. adult. 7 -Vire never in b- in favor of leaner and lighter ba- 1fts doctor's -prescription. We never rem:a- imed the "something just Ae good.' URE -AND UNNAMING • 'ptttiJ<ris bnearne:nerepropouuccd. A. drastic' ehelige was needed in the shape • Of and •fotire of. the hoe. • The TamWorth was found, to just filt the hill, so to , met ridicule and sere:dem of the then esele, euro and dieeese Paine'a Celery Compound is Udder all cirennautances of sicknee speak, 'tor the new demand, and the for and breeders had to give way to and unfailing.. It cleanses and feeders. purifies , the' bleed, braces . the . nerves • utility- Pure bred Taintiorths are good They ere the rapit, prepotent corrects digestion, and builds up; these h of all breeds, seldom farrewing less than. nwerore voaus o r weak d aIIsleepless; tn;c1° one IsIafyout*tlareht te ten pigs at, a litter. The sow has the ' rerulte *ill surprise you. Our s'exi"c of milkl•iving function in it retriarkable de- 1'11We Celery Competindeie always fresh gree, and, when not elaborating milk for and pure. . i, i her oft sprin, she elaborates streaky. fat 3 B HOVE, Druggstdnten. and lean on her own body, and just in . • Ing COnformed to the demand of the sole rtev.etee ;NT Life of th8 are t Talmago,by his di NYANTED-For the only authorized stingaishad the righ't place. Canadian farmers,. hay. A Praia DeWitt Taimage.And the packers, end the Advice and assistance of. th5 nationel Government, by ,breeding il st31.13:01:, etillirgress,°pfroterybirligtrttlilde,Tty Biggest discount. Books on credit& hogs of thC. bacon Or Tamworth type, onifit free Be. first in the field. Wire or are reaping their reward :for the change Ij.te' f9t qatftt tAldn't' by obtalping in the . open markets for 7,471 AlierGARitz"3°118c °°'' Iiirhalrt rori)01'. several years now a considerable pre- • . ' , • ;ilium over what their brethren to the south • have been reeeiving.—Ahierlean 4 J. P. TISDA. 'Agriculturist. BARBEE, • t LINTON, ONT, • . B E W &RE OF owruErrrs ;FOR CA.T ARES TBATOONTAINS MERCURY. iis-uercnry will surely &airily the tome Of awe 'and completely derange the wholesys- tem when entering it through the mucone Outfaces. Suoh articles ehotild; never be Inc ed except on prescriptions from repntabie phygiciane,as the damage they will do is ten • told to the good they cart possibly derive from thent. Hall's Ottterrh Cure, mane. lectured by V. /Chesney Contains no mercury/And is taken internel- ly, eating directly on the blood and noriooUtt surfaced of the eyetem. To buying Hairs Catarrh Care be euro you get the genetne. It is taken internallyand made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J.Clueney &CO. ' Testimonials trete* • sow by druggiste, price 75o tier bottle, Haire Family Pills are the beet, The British Columbia act • governing Japanese immigration to the Province has been modified, and will not be vetoed by the Dominion authorities. EXTER/ENOED DRUGGIST h, WE GUARANTEE A.C10'ClItACT AND PERFEOT SATISFACTION • Intthis ageof worry, hustle• and Nisi- neits competition, aria care and attention in the filling of yoar doctor* preeerip, ions is absolutely nerreasary for the :Witty and welfare of your family. We guar- antee accuracy and perfect satiefatittott to all our cuetomere. Our toilet depart- ment ie always replete with Inc latest preparations and novelties. • Pannis Center Cottons)). Bee oared thousande when everything else hes haledit has never failed as give sick I people happy rondo,. 11 itnngtbene,invig.,.1 orates, gives new toneto the Ilya. tent, MalteS the blood pare, is food for the nerves—it imitate elek people well., We dint supply you with the pure gkaa tutorage-sit:Wert Compound. H. B. COMBS, Druggist, Olitdon, Ont, Priest° funds tb loan 'on mortgages a . beet current. • ratea. A General Banking bueinees trenssoted ;ntereet allowed on deposits. Side notes bougI3t G. D. McTaggart- - BANKEH ALBERT cuNTox A General Banking Misfires* transacted ••••••iilemi, NOTES DISCOUNTED Notes issued. Inter est &flowed on deposit& ,THE NOLSoNS BANK InaorpOrateri by iot Parliament 1855, vaa..a..i44•4 CAPITAL $2,500,001 RESTFIIND $2,160,00.0 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL Wm, Motu*: ilfaceintasou, Presiden loses Suitor, Gen. Manager. Notes diedoanted, collet:done mede,al.stftil boned; anvil** and Ameridan etohangb bandit and sold* Intermit Allowed on - depsiti Sanaa Dm —Intermit 'know on stuns of $1 and op. Money advenoed to format* ott th.Ir Olin Mkt, with one or mere endorsee*, No tuortgege rarjaired. fittings en Trete, Mr. S. D. Willard, In the Rural Ile* vorker, totes that nothing is betten for covertng the broleeron trees titan all shellac 1(1114 PerhaPs, a little dower of sulphur and a tow drope of earbolla eAls, which last ingredient abould be est, 1 very sparingly, The mixture can • applied with a paint brush. Por exclusion of tb,e air from wounde, is suggested that a grafting wax,' made at four parts of resin, two parts of beeswax and one of tallew, melted together, poured into water and ins. ntediately worked and made up into half -pound rolls, is convenient to have readr for use. Held in the hands SO' Mat it is softened, small lump Of it Maar be spread over a wound, and it will reraain tor some time and keep out air and germ of disease. the wound is large the applicatioa max need to be repeated. Fertilizer tor Deed Crops. The large amount of labor requires; in enItIvating hoed crops,: makes it, all the Deere important that them should be pushed forward DA rapidly! as posalble, and also in ways that Will not loosen the moisture in the soil. For this reason the concentrated fer- tilizers containing available nitrogen are preferable to stable manure. There Is always ia coarse manure a great amount of vegetable matter, which will only rot' when the soil is wet. Under the furrow this manure holds up the soil, creating air spaces which dry out both the manure and soil so that the manure will not rot. The coraraercial fertilizer furnishes. nitro-. gen without making the sod dryes, This often means wttli. a heed en* Um 1. 1 . J1 11 I.. 1 111 1 1 I. I 11 a litarksoter. "771k opinions aird.endlingrhydielaut. This certifies thet I have used Strong" Pilekone in the treatment Of piles, both in- ternal and external, and have found it 04 loYaluable remedy, and oan recommend it with confidence to anyone requiring trot,. romat:for thief most distressing affection. D. Dilatory, M. D,, Med, Supt. London,. Genered Hospital. Priem $1.00. For sell) by druggists, oe by mail on receipt of price. W. T. STRONG, Manufacturing Ohm- ist, London, Ontario. Cook's, Cotton Soot' Compon* to eneeessfrdly need inenthY oeleoLacties. safe, effeetnel. /Aweless. Tour druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Colt lake no outer, as ell Mixtures, pills said Uons are ctangeronS. Price, No. 1,01 So. 2 10 degrees stronger,S3 per boar. tot &mailed on receipt of price and two • Tne Cook Company Windsor,0016 and sold andrecommendedlipela Art501011111eDrugrAst8 in caned.. No. 1. and No. 2, aresold in (Minton, at all resoonsible Drug Stores. a '. T°Pies'svelignaCrietbaene Cizie-al Pi et; s Ortae aanna ealivrrlyntefor°mu"offaitteheing . blectlingatid protrwling rilea. the inanufactuhr argibea,vvcreguee aaranduatesidyiettureno;,4: . timonials in t bora what -they think or it, You can use t+ ,Lnit gat yont money back if not.cured. 60o it 00x, es au dealers or IthanarisolLBATEs St Co.„Toronto. Or., Chases Ointment J dW wwwwweimmi Glorious Big Bargain Even A royal time for those who need or who wiil need clothing; - -Men's 'Suits-, Boys' -Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants. Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered' at a specialdiseount of 20 per cent • , . • , The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new goods arrive. We never carry one season's goods into the next season. All goods charged dining this 'sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale prices Our (roods are marked in plain figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the sang price for cash only during the sale. • ••• Men's Spits Men.'s 6 00 " Men's- 5.00 suits now • • „.•:, • • ..•• • 4:80 • . „ • 4.00 Kees 0(A' " i 7 7. 7 11 • • • • 6 10 b. Men's 10 00 " " • Men'e.10' " ". 7 7 7 7. 7 7 7 7 . . . • -9 60 • 7 • a. • • . . 8.(/0 2 0 • BO*87 50 snits novi- 1 20 • - . • Boys' Suits Boys,. 2_00 „ _ :BBooyyss: 23:0500 . 44: gi": 130ys' 4 00 p ***** • a • • * • 4 00 . • 2400. . ,(:00 Boys' 50d0d°13anits ." .4 4,4 4.: 4. 4 4.4 .Men's Oveicoate.... Men's 5 00 Overcoats now .. .. . . 400 • .,Men's 6 00 " . ‘.‘ : 4 80 . Men's 8 00 ' 6 40 Men's 1210 1120 0000 ,‘,c " . & 00 " 9, 60 BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jacket reduced reduced ill same prop; rtion. • All fur goods at absolute cot—Fur Cap, Coats Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclething. Thos. jackson, Sr., Victoria Block, et, I NTON. WAWA PM WA tr-V:ItC443143$10•44PPits*V•440a4t-A-Ww***A-k***Antinkeernitere aria. Green BE ST 'ENG -Marl I. Do yon want the Rest—at the Lowest ?rice? Wei:ean supply you witti Blriger,s/ z-uone of the best English makes at 25c . 4, E. 110Vet - Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton .****4******VJAPPPI4PPPPSIPPSelailear***.lt******************Iii Quality the Best Prices the Lowest J. W. IRWIN'S • , Teas-4klielnacjtjanpaaana at utidee'Vfol 1146111118y1s5oenefarcohm' 10c up, our leader le26C per .0anned goods cheap—Delai and Itent Can Corn Oa a ,can, Canned 1:epdopaantdh. and St. Lawrenee best granulated. sneer, at $8.85 per crib by the barrel, or 2,6 rounds for $1, 80 pounds coffee ,sugar for $1. /UMW, Currants, ?runts, Dried 1)eaches,,Apricots and Cooking Figs • (selling from 10 to 20% lose than regular price. Oall and etaralne Crockery ---X have just Opened out 8 tratee of Ditineraveha a61:41tToilet ee.ts ' quality' and prim, too, fancy china, new patterns direct from the factorleit In England, Wanted good butter and ago. 3. W. IRWIN, 01b1ton