HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 5Aft;
. - iL.103140 and tiolno
Er, Townsend ate:-; aleoforth Monday,
ng rescue
Mise Minnie Levan is home tar the holi. wae coneunsmated Saturday afternoon
Th 1 t t i -*--t h illi
Nothing Wesley Newoonsbe was in Strittfor4 on 'at (ia5t:•:;a731317°IjIgiltill; alr:ref°°rIc4 94 LlittEl
Q114' Wednesdaai surface of the earth after being entont-
Mies Jennie Smith arrived hot:neon Sat- I is tban 30
bed _in a wellfor 100 houre. Sanford
E u
q al urdeo from Eirkton, years of age. and had
, I eogaged with ' Henderson & Co,
tOfriends in Clinton.
Mies Ellie Oldie'', of Myths is visiting He, along with John Henderson were
I James Scott wag visitiog at his old home : engaged in loot log for water at the hot- .
, torn of a welt 80 feet deep. On luesclay 1
. SeMething went wrong with the casing i
Waster Banda! Bobertsonyeirt to Brocg. i
a‘dg hinola i and Sanford went down to investigate. I
in Oxford this week, .
, While there. the bottom of the Well, i
. Ville Nat week op it visit. L owing to a quicksand (formation be. i
' Mrs C. atevensole [Tent e row days this math, began to sink ide sprang into I
, a Fora qttick au . ' r .
Me Bellamy, Toronto,mothez of Mrs A,
, ....; a; a ..'•.( o a,-
,--,-,,,ti,....... re".:.:: • , . i) lastingshin.e. .
Armstrong, is bete on it mit.
100 flours in the Well
See Fred T. Jackson for SoliV, Leather ,,,,Sicres.
Don't Blame
Your Feet
If they. ache. Tempentrying to be sure.
But why confound tne effect •with cause'?
The fault is in
the Shoes
Better!et a pair of
Haar Sboes °
. from J ACKSON, then youJl -have com- • —
fort as well as style, fit and wear. , vaste Shoe Polish
Best Shoe Values . Takes the place of all liquid dressings which
' injure the leathsr and scale off.
in Town. - Shinola burnishes theactual leather leav.
ing it brilliant, smooth and dry so that dust
All sizes and btyles or Nten; Women and
Children, cannot stick to it, nor contact, dull it.
Once shined it will not soil the most deli -
Lowest Prices. cate fabric. SHINOLA is the best and also
cheapest. Only 10c for large sized box.
ery pair guaranteed It s another new thing at the New Shoe
You always get, the best from JACKSON Store. • .
No Shoddy laser.&A ir Fi'atronize the New Shoe
No Paper Soles 1 '1 C4.1 I•40 Store and get new Shoes
-.,,-lackson . .
Harvest is Coming J. 'Crooks was in -Lo-ndcin on Tuesday.
Coming and Going .
- 1 O. Olson was in Guelph for a few days.
But before it comes there is a fruit season. You will therefore want a supply of • i
Pi B, OreWs spent Tuesday in Goderioh.
Fruit airs, We have, Imperial, Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons.
' Do you want a Hay Forkaope,a inch of Pure Manilla? Then come here. Do net RUM Hill visited friends in ffean WS
forget Perko, Rakes, author", Snaths, Soythe Stone'', Machine Oil and Can Then per week. .
hap you want a screen door or window? You ought to see Onri1. Robert McKay, Blythspent Don:dna:in
A fine variety of Package Tette suoh as Blue Ribbop, Salado, Monaca , n, Grand .
Dsy here '
Mogul and Fan Brand.
Do you want sour Photos enlarged, if so, Mk for one of our Cards. 1 Mayor and Mrs Jackson were in Toronto
Terme are oath or produce such ea Eggs at 14o, (and likely • more) Butter. Tetra, this week, • •
Tallow, Dried Apple% eto. A trial respectfully solicited. Yours for business, lipid All000k took a trip to Stratford the
eginning of e wee •
R ADAM -E Bert Reagens was in Toronto• on 9 bud.
nese during the paet week.
Miss _lima Biggart returned Monday
CLINTON MAREETS • e . after span -4 her holidaye in Buffalo.
• . .
. Corrected every Thnradas aftethoon
Th r de Jul 8 1902. .
11.6 7 7 , Mrs D. Barge went to eloderieh to visit a'
sister, who remdes there, last Friday.
• ,
70eit,i*,Y ehel-Ztest
SII1NOLA the modern waterproof
Emporium, Londeaboio
July 3rd, 1502.
Loom Jou Sale
Newcombe iiT shuttle loom for sale, at one
bird selling price, in first.olass running order. Mrs Dr.Agnewited daeghter,Margnerite,
VS1"441"tirr. keeria'cornor•Plinoiii•and Fan Wheat"' • • ''''' "„O° returned last Friday from a visit to aterris-
iv to •
May 9-tf. Queen streetealintogn. SPring " ••
0 80 a 0 80
Oats .. • 0 45 or 0 45 ton. •
Wanted. Rye .. . .. . 4 ........,„0 40 a 0 45 Mre Wilbur Manning and her two child -
Barley • 055 a 0 56 • ' ren go toGoderich this week to .spend the
Me •haracter, fair education, bar writeis, .
' • . Pew !unmoor months. • • • • • • . •
Flour per owt ...... 2° 28°5 .rikt .2 82°5
i I I talk :, good aopearance. to 6P130#0. , - - . . .. __..,_ ,.....,.....__.-- , -BM DraGifford. _wae-in-Toro.nto--tbia-
. oniY-as - • • • - - .• •!, 800 a . V UU Week in connection with the work • of the
gent. S: : ry and expenses.
: , SCOTT PUBLISLIING COMPANY taseepekaa, .. . 0'25 a 0 69 Lard's Day•Allianoe. s
J e 18-tf. Toronto. . • No. 1 Green trim.hides 5 00 a 5 60 •
• 2 25 a 2 50 ' R. B. Sanderson, son of Mr Sanderson,
Wood short • • '
Ontario street, left on Monday for . Detroit
A otice to Creditors.. , Chickens, per pair 0-20 a 0 40 ,
-- 0 40 h . 0 60; • after spending a month at home, ...' •
Duette; spa= •
An persons indebted to thelate joaBlackwell Geesesper lb:... . 0 05 it. 006 Mrs Thomalson, Albert • street, reterned
Rolniesville.wouid confer a favor by callMg and .. Torkeys, per lb 0 06 a 0 OS 'from Blyth where she has. been . vie -
settling with the undersigned, or the post .mas- - .. •
' 6,25 a 6.50 iting her daughter for the past weels. •
- - June 29-tf
FANNEY 1314CKWELL. Pork e dream!. .. . . 7 00s,a 7 60
. Rolmesville. • . Pork, live , ,
Butter, loose, a „....a 0 13 a '0'14 ing friends here for the past mewls, return -
Mrs Wm. Kennedy, who has•bden viiiia.
ter before July lo
0 • a ii• . ed to her home in BramptoralestSaturday.
For Sale or to Rent • Eggs per doz . . 0 12 a 0 13
— . Potatoes, per butes.. 0 WY it . 0 $5 Miss MoCosh, niece of Rea, Mr McCOsh,
. . .
Rouse and shoe.making shop in the village of . Dried Apples per lb0-05 a 0 '05.. and alsonieoe a R. Irwin, of town, left for
• 'Paris this week after visiting here far some
Holmesville. A. good trade. worked up. Splen- • .
helloed as a store as well. Immediate possession. • . Boy Wanted • • tiMe. ,,... . • • •
did chance for a good workman Building could'. '
.For par deniers apply_ to •_, . . . .. . . • W. Mitchell, it former . resident or:this
FANNY BLACKWELL. .town. but travelling agent foratheFreet &
Hetmesville . Good, intelligent boy wanted t6 learn • print -
June 29 -ti
' Mg: *Apply at NEW ERA OFFICE, . • Wood Co., was in town for it few days last
week ' • - • . • •
Cows for Sale • - ' • Mrs Dr, Smith; fit, Thomas, arrivediaet
a n e ':. [0 i ...owl. g.' C'ew's fOr sal:, good reilker...s, .t:ato *in.:.
, -21;.rdayeitoe,viweiLwiltshbheeern cilnailigshpto7e,4 llir::
• f iv calved sled two due to calve in one week!s some time'. • . .. . . . ,
/MM. •
I% BRAITEwArra . FL J. hforden, Manager of the Standard
We want as many farm- ..• Ai,. 270h-5 Londesboro . . Bank, at 'Stouffyilles and Mrs Morden,were
- the guests of Dr. and Mrs • Graham, a few
ers as can make it cosverr-: . 1 - ... ... days last week
• Corn it Corn Chop for Sale:
iertt to come in and take a 1 • . .— , . .. . E. J, Courtica was in Toronto • on busi-
care and also Corn Chop termite. Drive right nese last week and while there went out to
. barrel rf Redpath's Gran. I to warehouse near G. T n freight. shed. zee the street -a' ar barnathat were demolish-
SlIgart 43 we . are :.• I . °P,.'1,12, Jane 20, *.8w '. ' W G PERRIN. ed during the late strike. • • .
• • • ... •• • • • . . . .
crowded with it,ind florae.. ..,,
1 ... . .. . ,.,,... A 4.,1,littati.... .. ..., .B.404494gameb01;...Brstaipton, sister. of
. nx - .i.r.,. Snell, after spending a week. at Mit-.
. of our friends. comp am,...1 w ew ."''' "P* P. . • obeli with relativee,arrived here Wit Friday
per hundred lbs, by the.
if we store it on the street,
so we will sell it for $3.85 • i i . - — • : The Mims Newcombe, Cot:trice and Cor-
i West nal of Lot 29 in the 12th con .01 the Shoebottom, 488 York street. The young
'i - Farin lor.Sale or To Let..
. , _•__Tlieuuctertiatted Myers for Sale or to Let the Web,. of_Oltaton, are the guests of Mise
• •
t6 spend. the suneiner in this neighborhood. •
. Township of Mullett -two miles north o ladies are writieg on the examinations at,
barrel, to make rOom for 1 Londosboro, containing 50 acres 61 choice land!
. . 01 course, we will deliver *. 1 '. Teacher Wanted: ' • •
our next car, •
it mark place in town: . the holidays.to finish hia oonree of Nara
. . Eor U. School Section No. 16, E. Wawanosh _,....,
4 . I , 1 m.J11.1y 4 THOMAS CRISP. Londesbere
ell cleared and in a good state of An:titivation. the Uoneervittory IA aluido.-London Asla
• will be sold on easy terms. Apply to • vertiser. •
.. resigued and goes to Landon Normal . after
school teacher for the past two years, has
R.. Weir, Bedeck, who hair been village
on the New Era on Thurs-'
• male or fernaleiduties to oommencp on the 18th gogY. Ile called
. 6f August next. State salary up_ to December day of last week. s -
RA313 GROCERY 2411a . Apply to ,T. STRAW/KIN, SeoretarY, •. • •
. • . im,_jab, 4. . Auburn, Ont, W. G. Perrin went to Goderith Iasi 'Fri-
the bucket and wae betng rapidly
in an avalanche of bricks with which I
hauled to the top when he was caught
the well wascased. Itwas thought that i
J. Snell, or Hallett, was vaiting ni Sanford was smothered to death but
Clendeboye on Dominion Day, woo' kers were soon busy excavating
Mr and Dire H. E. HodAens, ,Goderioh, the fallen matter. The casing enclos•
spent Dominion Day in town. •ing the iron pipe had net been removed •
' and the men at work were surprised to
H O. Dell, Woodetock was in town on
bliss Doan arrived home on WeditesdOy in occurreiathe sand in the old well had i
when, without warning, a eecond cave
6 still env. t d'
Monday on on bis way to Wingham. .
i hthat San;Otrci wt at
. ear perms en arming on in Ica ing
Mise Icia Zealand, St. Thomaale visiting I Tbe supply of air had not been shut
at H. B. Manta' and R. Hainsere, off,and Sanford with amazing coolness
Xis, A. Twitohell is visiting her dough' d se o m' ,cla. ctio e
and pre nce f wind gave 1 e is .
to' &Islet in his release. Several methods
ter, Mrs A..Lewie, of Palmereton, •
were suggested and some tried. The
Mre Beeoroft mid obildren, of Barrie, one Beane adopted was that of digging
are guests of Dr. and Mrs Blacks% a new well beside the eld one. Th a
Will Dunlop tett on Monday for a visit wasdone and by working night and day
to friends and relatives at Durban,. • the shovellers reached a depth of 00
J. H. McClinton, Westlield, was It caller feet by Thursday noon. They were ,
at the NEW gak office on Wedneeday. about to•runnel through to the old well i
from Cleveland for the summer -holidays, sunk 20 feet farther. Further ape! a -
Ed, Jaokeon, Mitchell, is the eneet of hie tione for the rescue of the man ceased.
unole,John Mo(Macherty,and W. 0. Searle. as all were certain:that the entombed
litlas P. B. Sibley went to DetroitlastsFra -mian was now dead, and it was but en.
day on a visit and remained oyer Sunday dangering more lives to work in tl- e
Miss Bitable Hill returned on Wednesday treacherous quicksand. Late that at.
morning from visiting friends in London.
' Will Robertson, of the Goderich Signal,
was in town on Monday on his wayto Exe-
Miss Murlook, of Exeterawas the guert of
'Dire Oliver Johnson for a few days thie
• day on business. He says the grain balsa
• W r T O'Neil • BoRN. nese is growth(' so rapidly this . distriot
that he puoposes building a new elevator on
' Mr and Mrs J. R. Turner, twins, a boy end gir.t.
TURNEIL-ln Bkth, on Saturday the 2/s1 tn the 100 feet north of Isis present site next
'summer. •
Our telepl one number is 48 . MUNR0.-In Goderich, on Thursday June
Fitzsimons) a eon.
28, to Mr and 1VIrs Ed. Munro (nee Miss Annie • Robt. Holmes, M. P., accompanied sby
bis sister, Ira's H. B. Chant, and big little
East Wawanosh, on June daughter, Lena, left on Friday for St.
21st. to Mr and MAJ. B. Tierney, of twins -son Catharines. Mrs Chant retorned Wednes-
and daughter. day,but Mr Holmes intends to remain for a
NI.LLOtiON. Westfield, on June 22nd, to week or Iwo.
Mr and. Mrs Joseph -A. Killongh, a daughter.
Mrs Ea Patton, of.r.1(M0119 was a guest
BRYDGES.-In Morris, on June 19th, to Mi
at the Clarendon Hotel during the holiday
and Mrs J. T. nrydges, a daughter.
moon, She was acoomPanied by Xies
Donnamy.-At Thealon, on Atm. 24th, to
Mandie Perkin'', a daughter of Mr Perkins,
Mr and Mrs W Doherty, a son.
of the Clarendon, who will make her home
SIIIIMS-DIACTIAN-At the residence of the
here in future.
bride's parents, on the 25th. hum. :Mr. Win. MisS Ludes, of Markdale, who has been
tedirgiiellis, to mies Mary Ellen afachartaall . spending the peat tare-aweeke with her sie•
ah..., MeICOWN ter, Mrs a. E.• Xiovey, returned home on 1
Having bought out the Harneee 2nd. Robert McCartney, Of 1VIoose Jaw. Ass n
' Mo0 ARTERY -BELL -0n Wednesday , viJnly
who will spend a . few days under
Saturday; She was accompanied by Mrs
business of A. MoBRIEN, is go- iboia, tomb's Eliza, second daughter of m. Hovey,
ing to sell TrunkaValises,Dusters Bell, Brimfield. the parental roof, ,
Rugs,and everything in ootineotion mORSISH-COOPER-in Clinton, on Wed • Mrs W6 Doherty and Mrs G. As Mace'
with the trade- Good and Cheap, nesday;auloand, 1902,st the -residence- of- the arrived home ea mea -day after a two welat's
• bride's mother, Mrs. christeint Cooper, by Rev. .
lett Harness a Specialty. ta. Stewart, Miss Christena S., to Mr. A. .I. I visit to the former's son, W. G.Doherty, at
orrish. I Thesealon. He has •been looking after his
July 41 1002
CiCinilOri &CO,
We swing into July with the record back of us of the best nation's trade
we ever had, notwithstanding the cold wet weather. We are always emend
with goode to snit any kind of weather, which keeper our trade ,boorniog all
the time. We etart this month with pridee like these
• se
New prints, light aid dark colors, worth 70 for 5o,
New Gingharas, in bright pleide and blue and white checks fast colors, very
spatial at 5o.
Printed meeting, in stripes and floral designs, fest odors, 36 imam wide,
regular 12ao tor 7 1-2o.
Pure linen towels, in either herastitohed or fringed ends, 44 inches by 221-2,
regular 45o for 350 per pair.
Wool tweeds, m stripes and mixtures, worth 35o for 25o.
Heavy wide grey cotton, regular 7o for 5o.
White cotton, fine soft finish, very special 50.
Ohenille table covers, new designs, at 603, $1 and $2,
Table linen, 55 inches wide, regular 35o for 26o.
Table linen, 58 inches wide, belt bleaoh, very special, good value st 46a, for
Table linen 60 inches wide, double damask, full bleached, good value at 65c; )
for 50o.
Art muslin% bordered and lace Wipes, at 5o, 10o, 12 1 2e and 14o.
White Curtain eorim, lace stripes, worth 12 1-2o Inc 9o. •
Ladies' fine lawn handkerchiefs, hemetitobed, very special Sc or 7 for 25.
Ladiee' nnderkirts, made of fine aserobrized atone, with frills, corded eta
Worth $1.45 for $1.
Ladies' White shirt waists, at 50, 75o, $1, $1.50 and $2.25.
IVIcEinnon az Co., Blyth
ter000n JOhn llenclerson, who wee ,
building a fence about the dangerni s,004041 00004,000
saot, heard calls, and finally decided it
came from the well. Operations began
with redoubled vigor. . By tunnelling
across Sanford wag reached. Be' was
completely imbedded in tbe debris and
wee • his head and neck waecovered as far as
' a line drawn frOM the ear to • hie line.
Miss Baker and Ides Winchester, of
Stratford, are guest's of Rey Dr and Alm Ile was nearly smothered and it v as • •
only a projecting pike of boat d that . .
• . had kept the ground from etsveriree • AT 'ROCK. BOTTOM PRICES
Mrs R. P. Beekie and daughter, KeSie, him completely. Work bad to proceed .
left on an extended vieit at St Thomas on with ca,ution. Tile work of rescue was •
Tuesday. • . • a • . exceedingly dangerous, a fresh citie Blue flarae oil stoves and Gasoliu.e stoves Binder wank
• lie rni ht, occur at any . time engulfing
evening. at any moment
Bert Harland, who has, been in Mitchell g t
for it couple of weeke, returned Monday all, A. wrong move might precipitate Binder gloves, Machine oil, Screen doors and windows., Clodrem
a weight of sand on the imprisoned man wringers Knoll washing machines, Realy mixed paints, Perez
Beackom. ' , natShovels, Waggoner eitension ladder;
held this as in a wise, two • kross the
Mr and Mrs H. B. Chant eipeot to leave Emery mower knife sharpeners.
in the near future for a couple of menthe in instep and one above the heel. The
r escuers could do little to aid him and •
Muskoka. Sanford weeked as best he could with . •6 Boxes. Axle Grease for 25c.
John Claridge returned on 'Friday from a spoon. At length by 0mi:telling be- '
Brantford, where he has been engaged for low and relieving the weight, he was
rescued on Saterday afternoon. The The Eureka Fly .Killer .
some tilne• . • ' credit of this marvellous rescue hi due • • • . . • , •
Mrs t. Graham, Toronto, will spend rt:, to John Carvie, Vf ho superintended the •• . 'LI
ocrefile of meothewale _her asieterainelawa work sand....woraecle-for• 17 -successive. . ___ ....x,r-0-0,ets.torees. and cattle -fratn. fly --peata and -Tend* ' - • • ,
•-..ntra I:Ir.:gloms., • " liter s in the lower shaft and. succeeded'.
Mrs J. P. Doherty aha little son 'left this Ts,.a sure preventative that kills and..drives away the .Worst at
in reaching Sanford. • . . . . . .
popular Em. . • . • the matter all over the province. The , .
McLennan, was horne on a visit for a feet Number. of men employed 10 per cent discount 'off all the follow in lines.t. , •
following are the facts tersely told :- .;
Miss Baird, of Battlefield, sister of Mrs
days thia week. , , Cubic beta earth removed
Brampton, called on Oliyer Johnston on iSquarelube feetrofspectatorsdailyused
Mr Cowart Trafalgar township, , near
Monday of this week. , Engineers engaged
Physicians present
Mies Jennie Hammer of ' o, who By Friday afternOon he was free with -white 10841,1-4D.Seed OH, Hay Forks, Scyt MA seythe StOThati*
f ormerly lived lune, is tise guest Of Mrs W. the exception of one foot. Three brides s •h s 4
Call and deal and I will use you s PRALEN4-11Eistrg. -.- At St Mb:alias fatb,9r s interests at Don's Mills, Muskoka,
church,Blyth, onJune 28rd. br Rev Father MC- but is now occupying a similar position et
I well ..... . ..i ob
4 t of Mr Thomas I:leaky', all Of Morria.
Menainin, Mr John Phaltin to Bridget,daughter, Thessition,' .
W. Coats returned on Fridry 'rem a trip
1 Huron st..3 doors west of NeW, 1 STRA'TTON-IfIllONS.-AtthePresbyterian
to Brookville, Ottawa anlother points in
, .• eombe Ili, Clinton. • YeZ:313.1VAgre'dor:elruihsebll, ttlielliat'lltel
de the east. e When asked as to the outlook in
' • • red II , daughter of .Mr and' Mrs George that:part ea theDominion, he said,"/ can't
. 1nrons, of Blyth. 'List ea • I went in •the night, I came
• -
GEDDES-STALER.-at the residence of 3 Yi
. , the bride's parents, Nast •Wawanosh on Thtel. book in the night, Ana woe homesick• when
• d.ay, june 2Ath• bV_ItcV A. McLean,' Of Myth, I Vas awaY. • '
• '
pallid Geddes. or BelgraVe, to Miss Stalker.
Oliver Ititynag, of Goderioh, was in town
week for an extended visit 6 her parents at • taken in ailpests t e Texas' Buffalo and:Horn flies. • -
The intenseat iriterest wee t • f '
n I tb a 100
Granite*are, Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Cif) Is '
gro . wibigers, asoline and coal oil stoves, Daisy. churns and ,Wai• t -i
• 2 lug =chi .
Mies Jean Gibson, of Sault Ste. Marie,
is expeoted here this week on a visit to ber.
mother, Mrs R. Moternriane,
Mrs R. K; Logan, Who has been visiting
Mre Gilchrist, oftown, for some time, re-
turned to Saginaw on Wadneeday. •
_ _ -
Mies Jennie Holmes, who has been in
AIM& Craig on an extended visit, returned
to her home here on Wednesday, mucli im-
proved in health. .
rofessiogal ......... 12 ' 1 • • ' stiniateexPeose woo ° large good second hand Refrigerator cheapl.
. • • . .2 Fire proof safes at a bar.gain.. . . -•
. , The Doherty Organs. • • • . . . •, . , •
Organ Factory, and a guest of Par . • . .
nal, refers to a recent visitor. to the Clinton - , • .
while here:m- , • ' i
The following item, which was clipped
m ,
frothe Canadian Musio and Tradaxom
e's Jour- 1 .
Thomsonof larig.ivCheap ' - Hardware
eaar and _as W. . Ci_.
Sloane, are visiting at S. S. Cooperai... Mr W. Doberty a Co., on •Srettrday, Sunday . i . • • • •
S. Sloane, of Goderiols, and cousin, Mise Scotland, 'were the guests of W. Doherty, of .
and is just as popular with everybody as nn
Monday, May 17th. 18th and 191h, One Third pf.your life ----
Their visit was a„pleasant reeder of the
Sloane is an uncle of ',Your Can ' Sam " and
Clinton's favorite son, enioyeale time Mr Doherty spent in Dar. . • . .
• -
A Palatial Hotel. • last yearsat the Glaegoty International Exs 18 slaent m bed,. .
. .- . Thomsen's company, when an Glasgovr
position, Mr Thomson is one csf. the larg-
' ' Vor that reason your bedroom should be the beet fnrnished rootn'in the home;
•naf rwoan daa1n -,n S tl d d the Doh. • Iron and brass treds are becoming so popular, that tic well famished home . , • , -
--The Goderich Signal bas the follow- eety organ is one of his leaders. While in I
ing sketch of the ' Hotel Goderioh, the Clinton sty Thomson inepeoted the stook •
complete Without them. • : , . : , •
ne w Wm mer hotels which Was • built and faatora cif W Doherty dz Co , and like • . We have in 'dock ee'veralneW patterns with wire spring attachnient, in 7kiiiikl ,i 1
Cleanlinese Beanta and Comfort are oorabitied. -
and is being operated by a ft!taxiair 01411- Othere . eapressea. hirneelf. as, wonderfully . '
The prices are not isighe . .
011401 '- • • . • , pleased -so pleased in fear that he left it . „ !
One of the first things that take the ! substantial order with the firm and one . a Ts. x.xy-vsr. ' •131,-5ririx. .
.; ‘ _
eye as you approach the spacious build- that included three' of the largest' organs • .
ing is the wide, verandah extending they-manuatoture. This is 'knottier ao- ' JJ1 •
along the whole front, promising a knowledgmeot of the superior mertt of the
pleasant resort for the hundreds of Doherty wean, coming as it does from a
tale of the Hotel Goderich as the seas- Mr Thompson was greatly taken with OEM. evOest. '. iNecliciVirear.
guests Who will pass through the por- man of Mr Tnomeona standing and calibre.
one go by. The main entrance opens adian scenery and was especially interested
• • .
into a grand hall, at one aide of which in the farms, ferns methcids; Machinery, • • ' • • ,• • . ••
also leads from this hall, Tq the left is eupporteraf Imperial Feeleretion, which,he This wae.k we are showing the Very latest designs .
. •
is the bustness office and at the other a stook, etc, . • He believes there is it great'
refreshment stand. The main stairway future before this country. He is an ardent • ., - .
the drawing -room, a beautiful room of Skl. e,in steadily. and rapidly growing tn fav -
splendid size, being 42 feet square. Still or in the Motherland. Like other Brithee,
it is nbt too large U., be cosy and honse- he wail slag' particularly .inststessed with I
like, and wish piano, couchee,fire-place, Canada's loyalty to the Empire during the
pictures and otherfarnielmage it is real- South African war, Froni Clinton Mk and .
ly a very comfortable and attractive Mrs Thompson journeyed to Montreal via -
room. In the north wing, leading lliagam Falls and Toronto. The* galled
from the drawing room, are eight bed- from Montreal on Saturdey. May 24th,.
' rootne, all furniihed in a obviate and On the retirement of Mr W. N. Manning
ettractivest le, • The bedsteads here from the employment of W,Dolierty it Co.,
the "atrennonsa proprietor,Mr W.Doherty,
was pleased to appoint Mr G. A.. McKee as
Secretary, and Mr W. J.Itose as Treasurer,
Under the new organization there is every
prospeot of a successful,. administration -e
affairs. The trade will, as usual, centinue
to receive every consideration at the hands
of the company.
• Mr W. Doherty, in addition to giving
close personal attention,to his anon bruit-
nesafitads time to indulge his propensity for
ahorougtobred stooloand hall it herd of eev-.
oral choice bootoh and Scotcb-topped
Sistirtitorns, at ble•farm, Glen Park, adjoin-
ing Clinton. He has aimed a heat getalogue
for distribution, giving • pedigrees tbe
animate he owns, whioh sheive them to be
representativesof the best shorthorn herds.
and through the •e•reater part of the
building are of iron and brass, of very
neat. patternaand the other furnishings
are equally handsome and substantial.
To the east of the entrance hall aretwo
good•sized 'private 'lamb zooms, and
next to these is the great, dining rckona,.
which, with its spread of dainty linen,
its pretty table turnishings, its cabinet
of ilaviland china,and other accessories
presents a most inviting appearance.
There is ample room here for seating
150 people, Off the dining -room is the
waiters' zoona-Which the reporter Ise-
ticed was supplied with dishes sufficient
for a heavy siege of hungry people;
the kitchen, a large, bright roonafitted
with a MeClary double ranizeand other
up•to-date appliances for cooking; the
pastry rooms storage room and cold
storage vim% Every provision seems
to be made for the preparation and
serving t f a fir'st-class bill -of -fare, On
the eeeond floor are forty bed.rocuns,
about half ot whichsare doubleeeborns.
They are all nicely furnished and each
room has a' good-sized closet; indeed,
m comparison with the accommodation ,
provided in the ordinary' summer
hotel the Hotel Goderich is palatial in
The Durrett, Bruce and Grey
ieetrie HallwaY• .
' Daring tho paet weeks eeriesof meetings
has beert held to disown' the project of builds
ing the Huron, Bruce mid Grey Eleotrio
Bellamy. At the last session os the Legis-
lature it charter wag granted for the clon-
al' its appointments. Handsome fleet' strtiction of the same. The proposed route
rugs, handmade cOmforters, pretty is from the southerrnost poiht in Huron
window curtains are not usually co bo county to Goderich, Kintall, Kincardine,
plied here, A ladieet parlor on this wSitnisthanbnielltt°n1i'neWtionr tr°unn tacit° WGeond eel:ha net;
found in such resorts, but tbey alai sun-
. 1100r, furnished with eiegenb reed Inc..1auttlop, to Smithar Hill, to Auburn, to
ehurohsetoderich, on June 211rd by ReV Father Thureda of last week, combining Wee. Blyth, to Walton, to Seaforth, to Clinton,
from that town who bee a geed ,Word to, the halls fitted up with tables and t the 13 field ad, and thenoe to Goders
with p °saute, lie is one of tin" bop' nitUre, and little plaeee at the ends bf
West, may! eldest daughter ' of Mr Griffith
, Bey for the Boole] people of Clinton, baying chairs, will be convenient for reading
. ich. 13ranohes will tun from Smith's Hill
keeper of the county gaol, to Joseph O'Laugh-
I am prepared to tiny dila geasonat lin, Of Detro toOgt•finegitnnon and Luoknow, thus connect -
clip of Wool, as 'usual, at the , DIED. , I attended a number of our assembnee het' and writing or resting. The. balcony - th bolt line and the G. T.R. and from
. i winter and epeake with the highest praise over the main entrance will be another Walton to Damsels and Wroxeter, where
--- Benmiller-317oollen-Mills:-
gMITH- la_Clinten on, Bator a ay note 27th ' .
$ a h f s ,f '''. 0 cf -80 ' --- -"loathe reeeptions.you alwaYsget-from-the_attractiVe .Xesart..-with...-its line_ View
nry m t , o ea or e age years. , - - - - -and-O. P. Itrrespeotivelyv_ --Iticprobabla.
over the lake and the landscape to the connection will be male with the G. T. R.
I wee,. ' eitizene cf tise mot,
1 Mr Joe. Ohialey, the general manager of most Comfortable room e in the hotel,
change for marithuitured articles, BOMBignvita,B.--An. Sleevelet on Sunday ; the) Ilroedfoot & Box Furniture store eller the yentilatio •d ' thi
. . , r n is good, an eaer, ng thet the Ithe front Goderich to Mistral and
from Goderieh,to Dunganitnon.wiblolinbs cootinb..
.'• DUNCAN-On anneend. at Plbktord; south. The third floor has some of the
for highest cash prioe, or in ex.• Mrs, AndreW Duncan, aged 81 Year
abate theylopened up id ()linters seven' is bright. and inviting, Each floor is etruoted find. •The MA er .is g.
J. Gledhill 4 menthe, 14 due.
smitmAge_tri eeemearet sone *6, lira I Years ago, left for. Cio Rome, •Stm- , aroplY nroVided with, toilet rooms. The meeittiltwaettafittbitehhte4t6ikeilv.uni:iholtirit,gaTtinitim,lelltcr:101Yealplittteriarii
• Jeintoand, Williain SoMUierville, aged 75 Yrai 1
i ShOtnitini aged 73 years. I 000 efitioty. on Friday Iget. where he will hotel altogether has accommodation be diets -lay -ea in the matter. The neeessity
• . ....-..............., 1 W. G. Wright, datighter of Mr and Mr 1 wonted health will return to him. He was
i eesstatre,en wingliam, jutio 25th. Mrs rematn for SOMA time in the hope that hitt bfolfvle7001breedettd.y. MbeoeTttafikaentihtitolrf tthh: rwohoonalier foutiotoru-dmeavneireyetoiletnizoofttehhisonsiotttlheade lheenghboa,sons .
' ' 1 wielqAtTogr014...Iii Brussel% on Werldea ' The NEW Etie 'Dine With Joe'e many &finale warm ' weather, Manager Smith and whi h 111 b fit' th hole county o 1.
1 Markkheys aged 20 years, „ ,t, acoomperded by his wife and detighter. Beason, and in a week or two, with duty to perform in Mahal' thEitenierertr
25th PH M 1 n MeIntYre. *if° in wiehlug him a speedy return of 'that. his staff f sole a t 11 h 1 1 a w ono ° w. 11
Including Coronation. Ties, New Bows, Ascots, Nar- ,
row Derbies, Flowing Ends, Tubular Strings, etc.
MI • ear •
House Cleaning
Fine line of Boners, in wood, coble, reeet
. upholstered. Curtain poles and fixings, '
bresti and wood, Room tnouldinge,
r colorsOmitation and real oak, Pioketo
. teouldmg, in great varieta. Vramee madio
to order, Picture glees. Mirrors • frame),
and mtrror plates. •
• endertaking and PieturePrare.6
ing a Specialty.
C. StevensOr
General Furniture iienier,
Opposite Town Hall, •
1311)ort•Street, eLINTON.
RESIDENCE -Huron Strad
opposite Commercial Hotels •
Imperial ttlend is a mixture of the choice pick-
- -ings of Ceylou.-ant is -absolutely pure;
has splendid drawing qualities and very pleasing
flavor. We are having.new btiyers for Imperinl
every week, nearly -alt a those who try it con.
• thine its use. The price is 86c a pound, either '
black or mixed. Ask for tazamtplei
t ay, Jute _, • 21% err a L. Ouimette, LODdesboro
months and 10 grottiest biossiagaaet,,
,tieLT aVe image leotiaely ana himself inalealue yaw in goo We
ing eubstantial reason why he °plumes it.
of Robert moltauehton, aged 78 yefirS, , hseitat i. hOttathetti th
, data.