HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 4•v.
istr 4,1902.
Canadian Northwest
atfollowing 'Return Fermi:-
er Wherreee . Ars „Arcola, este.: ninecatt h,
Mem; We, Man,,Estevan,Assa. ;Greed, View,
mate; asunotte keel : Moosorein, steers; swan
Inver, Map.; waskada,taan.;,Wawan- $28
taut, wan
inoeselaw, Apse.; Regime alma.; 'irons. Bena
town, ********* ..,••• .111 • • • rr
Crowds Show Where Bargains ......... ss -6
Beer:leer, Stretticona, Alba, $40
• Good aoins June 24th and July 15. Return -
leg within se aim from dote of esue.
Paroheee your tickets 1st Town office and
Last Saturday the first day of oursale this store was
•thronged with hundreds of r;eople who know and care for
bargains. This week the crowds will be greater fix news
of the big bargains will have been passed along to friends
.and neighbors of those who shared in the special offerings.
'The prices advertised last week hold good during the 30
days sale.
aye delsy at etation,
F. Hodg&is, Town Agent
Residential Colleges,
Exeter Additional Local News,
1)ZA.T11..- 00e of Exeter's moet, popu, 'WITH. THE TEA011EUS.-Arneng
lar and promieing youug Men. m the
pelmee or R. (1 * Treeamme, D. A. se,„ 'those who 'have arrived in town tor
their helidayarare Mieees Ide Murch,
paesed away laetWedoesday. On June
Doherty, Obattnien t '
14th.,he was compelled to toi ake to hDresden 1 DalaY
be4 With tb%mumpad it wabut later feve
s. r Emu° StellUen'ont Heroaui Olive HO" I
was s ouly a few dart Tar. °ninon* ; Eva Oneeer, Derdop
EVa eenkine, Arthur 1 Jessie Wiserna
sgo.ths4 bio ailment was pronounced u.
aud Clara Ohidley, of Londeeboro. • t
perttonit 6, Ile was a graduate
Toronto School of Science and 00 prac- YE OWE VAPERS.-The tearing:
tuna electrician, being joint, proprietor down of the old building to 033/40 room
with Ohas. Snell, in the Exeter Elm- for the new pest office brought to light
- -- - -....•• - them Was one lucidentaliy Picked tie
trio Light Company. lie watt 20 years!, a lot of papers and bills that dated back
of age.
0 oderleo . t well into the last century. They were
1 scattered about the streete and among
by R. Irwimwhich bore the date °doh -
Grove in gonnect ion ' with the H. C'• • been picked up,
er, 1853i apd °there as early as '43 have
Px0100-The picnic. held in Ransford's
chureh, on Thursday,june 20, wee quite
successful in view of the combination EXAMIN ATIONS,-The following
of circumstances that accrued at that pupils of Mise Robbie Division, are
time. Many thought tlaatthe postpone- nr 1 .. oted to the 3rd book t -Hazel
4..0 " eil, Rethie Witts, lidyitie McMath,
, meat of tiae Coronation would P.
DelVTaylor,Peart Stuart,Elva Wiltee,
Mean the postponeinent of the picric
end consequently reinatned at home, X. Wiseman, Rosie McCaughey, eertie
able in severalre,..ewts, On the vvhole, t
In addition the weather*Its Unfavor- I CUM') linT erifil4 Lnin SteVens, Mar.
merits Herman, Della Finch, Edna
eason to he stoeleY E . Emerson Mit,
proud of theattendance end the enjoy- dile% Geo, qtell, Doihe Mermei. Millie
however,Father Weit has rnce:19,waY, ,,r!)
I able time spent, Among thosepresent Perdue, qusitt Carling, .
were Revs: Father McMenamin, Olin. IN MANY FIELDS. -Lester White.
Iton, Father Replan, St. Augustine, ly, the popular teacher of moderns in
Father McCormick, Ashflekl, Father St Thomas Collegiate, was home for a
UorcorareSeaforth,Fatherislorthgraves few days thie past week. He left on
Seaforth,FatherMcgwen,St. Columba, Monday agate for St Thomas, having
Judge Doyle, Mayor Camerou,M. P.P., 'signed for the mariner months with
lasMcGillicuddy. It. the lacrosse teens there for a number of
for Men and Women proceeding to
tbe Degree of Die:bet:1r of Arte.
. inustrated Book of the colleges
1 .
will be emit free to any address.
. Mitchelt ndl)
P. W. Hovey, M. A. Holmes,M. P. was absent through sick. games at that city. The team is trying
Hundreds of yards ci Wash Goods are being sold Seoretary for Western Ontario. Irse The Marine Band furnished good hard to win out Lathe Eastern schedule,
mot for the occasion, while Peter and are endeaVortng. to get the very
at haltprice and less °LISTON, ONA . Doter, the champion Irieh piper, de- best men. Those who have seen Lester
. ighted the hearts of all with his Scotch on the field can teetity to his ability
airs anti Irish jige. The receipts clear vid 33 the stick. He had also an offer of
Last Saturday we sold more wash goods than. ever be-
fore in one day. 'nese prices account for the wonderful sell- FRIDAY. JULY 4, 1902.
0. '
20c & 25c Muslins 12ic
Muslims, Ginghams, etc., 27 to 30 inches wide in a fine assortment of new designs,
colors pink, blue, green, navy, eto.,xegular prioes are 20d and .250 on pale at
per yard dh•1;• • 1"4
30c Dimities, Ginghams, etc., at 15c
00 yards of the finest Dimities Gingharne, &aims, etc., 27 to 30 inches wide, in.
a good range of rew shades of eliy, pia, gold, linen color, all fenoy design's
snd stripes, these are very fine goods that are warranted faet colors, regular
prioee are 25c, 30o to 350,all to clear during salt. deys at per yard
c & 15c Prints and Muslins at 9i
ASO yards c f 32 inch wide prints and 27 to 30 inch wide muslin's. Print*, in
•' navy, red, black with white spots, stripes and figures all are warranted per-
fectly fast dye, Mastitis in white and colors, regular selling prices were 12io' Ani
and 15o, on sate et per yard I've`
c 10c 12ic Prints, Muslins, etc:, at 6c
200 Yards of Prints, Muelins• eto., *inserted nolord;theets goods alien warrented ,
fast and come in light and dark 'shades, regular prices are 8c, 10o, 120, all on 06
sale at one price
, .12ic4White Checked Muslin at 6ic
$00 yards of white checked Muslins in aseorte4 small "end large °hacks very
able for children' dresses. This line we clear out from a :wholesale hon e° at •
fess tban mill price. • The regular value of tide auslin is 120, while it Witt a,
• during sale we'll clear it at per yard •'
6C,c & 75c Shirt Waists at 45c
vtsof all expenses were over $200,. • tne same kind from Blenheim.
Dominion pay.
On Tuesday our'.Dominion was 85
years old, july i.st 1807 savv the fedora -
Fort trip, BOYS. -Here, boys, is a,
puzzle tor you. School has closed and
Blyth, you will have plenty of time to think ,
call and See the nareents tobe had in Mil- it out. The names of the first twelve
unary at ism Graham's. sailor Hats from ern
who get. the correct solution will be
to secs Trinities:1 Hats from si.oe tit This is
pla eaketaxiormstor Rusetwhgesueoageo.omtramt. bcirtirsold M. phuadblaisnheedigihnt gtallutonpcaapnerfuill.a.ommiilikkine,,An
NOM -Welter McLean, B. A.. prinoip. 'customer canie along and wished to
al of Vankleck High Idehool, is home for get four gallons, but insisted upon hav-
ing it measured, no half and -half quid.
nese. He also wished the four gallons
measured out to hint at one time. The
roilkman, besides the eight gallon can,
which contained .the milk, had only a
five and a three gallon can. How did
he measure the four gallons to his cus-
tomer ? There is no catch in this; it
can be dope. Who is the eharpest ?
tion of the four provinces Outwit>, Que. the holideys. Mise Clara Moffatt, Toren -
to, is visiting her parente. Blyth baseball
bec,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. club was defeated in Clinton on Dbminion
What cheers') 'have taken)ple.ce since 'relit. DpiCentgaddrnedeZgaed (ytteriatchail
then. Prince Edward Island has been Beak of Hamilton, spent the lst"in Ring-
admitted,the province of Manitoba has are. Thos. Wenleas was in the vicinity of
been ft:mm;(1 and added one mere to the Paisley Olio week. . • .
list, British Columbia •also cest in her ' WEDDING. -A wedding of a qulet
nature was solenanized at the residence
lot with the eastern ,provinces. The axes Wm McElroy, this week, when
tricts towards which the tide of imetil-.
cunPanY• inarria e to Mr W. 0, Walsh, of Lon -
her daughter, Mary J., was nuked in
don. he ceremony was performed by
territories were then scarcely known
1 to any but the Hudson Bay 0 To.day we have fine flounehing dis-
grRev A. McLean,' in the presence of
ration is flowing from all quarters
immediate relativee. The bride wore
' Several dozen fine Percale Shirt Waists in snorted odlors and all Warranted farit,
regular of these waists were 60o and 75cssale price A5
Whitewear Bargains •
Corset. covens of fine cotton nicely trinimedwith embroidery lace, etc., worth up
to 85o, sale price• • • •• •
White Skirt') and gowns regular prices of which are $1.56 and $1.69 sate price 1.25
White Pique Skirts Half Price
, Ladies' white Lawn aprons on sale at each.- . ...
35c Silk and Satin .Ribbons at 20c
and what was at that time a mere white organdie, settle lace trimmings
geegrapical expression • has become a and veil, with orange blossoms, and
living reality, making the most ample carried a bouquet of mien. The bride
returns according for the labor. and .was given away by her brother, and
money expended by the joyful settler. the "Wedding March" was played by
We have had two tebeltione but Miss Annie Walsh, sister of the groom.
peace has ' been restored and the one After lunch was served the happy
• e rebels are now living contentedCOUp le left`on the afternoon trainfor
• DEATIL-The sable warrior visited
•our hospital on Saturday morning last
and carried off Ole :if the patients, in
the person of Henry Smith, Seaforth.
Hebad been.out at Bayfield, where' be
• was taken ill about a month ago. Flays
Ing ne iminediate friends except' a
niece in Hensel', be asked to be taken
to the hospital. He was admitted, but
it was evident that hie stay on earth
was dna:wing to a close.' Be was very
feeble, being over 80 years old. Be suf.
fered a greataleal and as be was ferried
advise the river that knows no return
the relief to him must have been great.
The remains were interred in Clinton
ark Tbe strides in progrees bAr, 'they home in London. • Saturday ft r on Rev
been remarkable.. .4. .reav _statisti t3. , .. . _ _ , ,.._ ,., , . ,,• ,cemetery on a e no .
will easily ..prove that we .have ad- ''"-- 7 - 'A ifigrie 7 ,. - tChellgrGallvEte.neWt°endutIncdteerdsttahned -sheristiceestaaltet
, ,
vanCed by leaps and bounds..:.
NoTae.-L-Auburn brass hand went to, automating to something near 62,000
The Federal revenue . in 1868 ' was -0 antiVe in anoney rdifroperty has been left
$13.087,928; the expenditure $13.486,092.. Port #1t-ert on Tuesday to talr
rrt in the Foresters' Picnic there; theY to Clinton s ospital. —•) •
Let Us
Take Your
For a pair of glasses
or spectacles which
wM fit your eyee, with
frame 'properly adjust-
ed to keep *min just
the right position.
'‘Ii-fe give you a soli-WM° exammeitiou with.
out ebarge, glasses recommended only when
Pans • !Hammocks,
Palm leaf fano are the cheap- •
est Doe we handle, and perhaps no
kind of fan gives snore breeze, •the
smell size are wottli 3o or 2 for So.
The large satin neigh fans 50 each,
At 10o ape 16e. we Wive a choice
line of ;opitnese and American iitus
daintite deeoratodiand fold ai carry
conveniently: Gauze and Senn
fans may be had frora 26o to 22,50
• Is the delight of every lady.
In foot no one In good society
can afford to use anything else.
'Weare constantly adding to
our stook pew and popular lines
in note paper and envelopes,
• riesling wax pane, ink, eto, •
EireCial valuee in tablets at
10o and 15o for note size and 25o
for letter size.
Do you need *new one? We
would like to show you our speoiel
Volga Bammoole at $1.76, it le a
IUD Color hanimook, with pillow
and etretober, cloeely woven spd
very strong, At $2,75, 83,76 and
-615, we cam give yen ,yery fine
hammocks with •vattnce, cheep
linee, at 75o,„ $1. and 01,25.
BUttericks Popular raper Patteps.
Our July patterns have just arrived.. The new loose coats allow
Japanese strap and sleeve effeotle. and :dot seams ire also among the
novelties in skirts. 0
Skirte ate now frequently made with yokes:, and in ming Instances
are box -plaited or tucked below the yoke, the buttoned effect down the
center of the book being also a very ptessing change.
Our pattern department is right up to date, and short mieny
variations of popular fancies. Don't WI to- Irish *ours pope spattern
department. • •
ave been getting m` to shape reeentlY, ENTOMOLOGY, --The other &none OUR HORSE TRADE. --J. Hill, who °MARI() Sra. HET Cgtrame.-Nene
In 1901 the revenue was 052,514,701 ;
the expenditure 446.866 368. Tbe 'Poen-
tattoo es increase from ,48 in
1871 to 5,400,000 'according to the Dom-
inion census last year.
In.11171 our importe 073,459,644 and
our exports • $57.567,888; that is we
imported nearly. $ more than
we exported. That is now changed.
Last near our imports amounted to
$190,415 525, one exports $196,487,632.
Te -day 18,000 miles of railway are In
operation as against 8,000 in 1867. In
1868 there were 8,638 pose °Meets In
Canada; Iast year 9,834-, The tete'
. 19e letters posted 1868 WAS 18,100,000 in
1901,the number was 191,650.000. Other
fleures might we quote to show' the
development we, have made. Canada__
has abright future before her, and the
most prophetic can but hazard a guess
• ' • • • •O as to what she is likely to attain . to
' even in a quarter of.a century.
. .
250 verde more of the most wanted ribbon:: in shades of old rine, sky.. pink, ' gold;
cream, white and black the regular price of this ribbon is 35o during on gale
the price will be
, Beautiful Surnit"er Millinery
At less than halt price
. . .
During this 80 dap? sale we • will sell Trimmed
Hats that are sell wor.lt $8.50 for $1.50
Trimmed Hats at $2.50
The Erste we advertised for $2,50 forour 30 days ' sale have been eoini very fast,
The week we will be ready with another lot and if it was earlier la the season
• the price Wciata havelo be double wht\t Yte ask for therns Sale price, each.. i.h DV
Wrappers Usually Sold at Si, for 69c
' Ladies' Wrappers; made of good quality print, assorted boltne of red, nine and ,
ebbe mixed, warranted fast; waist half lined, very full skirt, sold in most gel
stores at $1, sale price 1141•b••it
60C, 75c. 6( $1 Sailors at 25c . • • •
Dozens of these Sailors were sad last Saturday but we still have large assort.
went and while they last the prioe will be, each 25
$1.50, $1.60 to $1.95, Lace Collars at $1
Your choke of about one dozen of our finest Laois Collar& in cream and linen color.
These are all no: this season and are the finest we. have ever had for the 4 ^f.,
money. Prices ere 61.60 to $1,95. All at one price during sale..... ... . . 1.VV
111,ny Bargains not included in this list will be found
here dump' our Special sale.
Your money baek .
ff you. want it.
Exact Plantes.
The official figures of the oilstone:: collets.
ilati of the poet of Goderieh for the year
ending atbe ,80th are to baba, in last
weeks" home we stud that the oelleatione
from CliMon would largely exceed $9000.
The totnel figures are here even:- .
Goderisah $18922.16
' Cliuton , 9608.60
Witsigham ...... 6440:98
• Eiratertline 4898 00.
Seaforth ' 0851.78 '"
Stattbamptora *a • 41* 04 8572.26
LticknoW P. a ... . . • 6.43 '
.. . 44/014.46
Thiftle itorease of ft12588.07 over feet
you's tetiame, Is oil be toticed .that
Clinton itroade seciond, a remarkable fOOtt
•Wheitileg, and I.Wiseirtan,ihe ealletitor here-
k to be isatigratulated.
The Popular Vote.
. •
Uuder anysystern Of repreeenta,tion
by constituencies, a popular Majority
will not tnfalli big regieter ' a petite-
' nieriterY The Britittordni-
pbsitor points out. for instants', that
, the Conservative party has been usu-
ally rapresented at Ottawa out, of all
proportion to its strength in Ontario.
In the election of 1882!: immediately
after the gerrymander, the Liberals
were in asniinority of only 8,721 votes
in this -Province, but 54 Conservetlye
members were elected and only 88
Liberals. In 1887 the Comiervatives
-had a majority of only 4,855 of the
popular vote in Ontario, but seeured
majority•of eighteen seate. .In 1891
the . Coneervatitrie in Ontario polled
183,172 votes ard theLiberals 184,036,
the former getting. 48 seats and the
lattet344., II:11896 the Liberals, again
• lied a ponular majority, this time, 8;-
687 votes, and got a Majority of two
at Ottawa. In 1890 the Conservative
majority was 8,293 votee and eighteen
In the recent provincial election the
Liberals were in a minority of about
4,000 votes, largely accounted for by the
Oonset yative preponderance in the city.
.of Toronto,- where the unit of repre-
sentation is the largest in tne Pro-
vince. The Liberal majority of four
seats, under the circumstances, is not
anomaly. and certainly shows no
such disparity between the number of
votes arid the number of seats as ,four
out of live Dominion elections reveal. -
London Advertiser.
fleMth Ittport
Aeoording to the annual „report of
the Peovinclai Board of Health, Clinton
1141, during the Year 1901, 1 case of
sinotipox, 8 of scarlatina, 2 of diph-
therm, both of the latter resulting fat
, -
ally; 5 cases of typhoid, With 1 death, 2
of tuberculosis, both fatal, There is
e general sanitary inspection every
opting, which is repeated at intervals.
There is no compulsory vaccination
-among the school children, as the board
eannot agree, ' The Wait* SOprolt18
token from erd i nary mid artesian welle.
No noxious trades are carried On here.
Since Jantiary let„ 190i, Huron has
had 00 casea smallpox, 60 in Stephen, ,
18 in Rut wavy/mod), 11 In West W"as
Wariosk and 1 in Clinton. The sources
Were Michigan, Manitoba, Bay City
and London township respectivelY,
'leder, a, new lea.der, attended by Mr
Mutck. our old time cornetist, whose
presence is also apureciated. Mrs Jno.
Lawson's sister, from Algoma, visited
her for . a few. days last week. A
friendly contest between memberei of
Auburn rifle association and Londes-
boro asscciation resulted in favor of
the visitors; lir. Taming' and sister
visited Goderich on Satin day. Mr and
Mr Bennett, of Lir .kuoies visited rel.
, b b Knox ho has se-
cured a situation in aerie*, returned
recently to his heree for a time. The
Bapturt picnic was favored with a good.
des,. The Foresters will attend servite
in Knox °hutch '1,M July 13.
_ .
. •
Bruceffeid. -
NOTEL-Rev Mi"Andrews,spreached
his farewell sermon in the Methodist •
, church on Sabbath afternoon last: a
large number, being present. The Odd
fellows and • b'oresteto picnicked at
B yfi ld • the1 f, f I . The Prin-
cipal of- Pointe aux • Tremble') oehool,
Quebec, will speak in the Presbyterian
church Sabbath next: . -Mrs Alex Mus-
tard rec'eived intelligenee on Monday
-.of this week dt the death of her father,
Mr Alex McLaren, of Liverton; it was
uiti unexpected last Vuy he and his
'wife celebrated their golden wedding,
he was at that tinie in his utile' health,
Mrs Nevin has sold her village resid-
ence to her brother: W. RattenburY,
for $1400.. Dr McBam and eister, who
have been visiting at the home ef Mrs
Murdock, have returned to Toronto.
:Pea Murdock he,s successfially passed
• his medical examination, and is now a.
full-fledged M. D. Chas Reid shipped ,
cattle from bear station this week to
TorootO. Mrs Wolfste putting a found-
ation under' her house.
Oanadittne will be pleased to knowt
that the eervices several' of our sone
have been recognized, The Coronation
laonors bestowed on Mr Mulock for his
work in • connection with Imperial
penny postage is a Wet recognition Of
what, has been done by that eminent
stateeman. The Work of giobilizing
troops for South Afrin. has been re-
warded by the conferring of 11.0.M.G.
nn Mr Borden, Minister of Militia,
Gilbert Parker is the first Canadian
novelist to receive the title of Knight-
hood. But there are others well
worthy Of similar honors who have
gfared to remain as they are The
ienlater of Public Works Wei§ given
the opportunity of b'econamg air $.1.
Tarte, IL 0„ but declined, 111r Meld.
mg also WAS offered e Knighthood, but
preferred to remain a simple Wizen.
hir Wilfrid Laurier could have been
made barsatet if he liked, or even
could haveentered the llouse of Lnrds,
but he WAS contented with the honote
he already poeeeeeee.
itsbriets :
• Cowan Samin Lerma:T-0n July ist at
8.60 o'clock, in the presence of a large
crowd, the corner atone of Haoketes Meth-
odist church was declared. well and truly
/aid by John joynt, of Lucknow. The
ceremony was directed by Rev D. Rogers,
Ford etch, chairman of the Dietriot, assiet•
ed by Revs Barris, Whaley, and F. J. Oat-
en, pastor; Mr Aerial delivered s well
Wanted an a inspiring addrese.' Refresh-
ments Were then served in the church shed,
which had been transformed into a beauti-
ful dining hall. The provisions were of
the lint order, and all arrangements were
carried through without a Bitch. Muth
praise is due the committee.and helpers in
tbis matter. . The program in the old
church consisted of ableaddreases by Revs.
Rome, Harris and Whaley, and excellent
selection:: by the elb, Helens Presbyterian
choir. R. Holmee, who was to have
been pMeerit, prevented illness. a.
letter of congratulation from him • was re-
ceived by the Chairrean, in which 'he re.
grated his enforced eheenoe, srol expressed
hie hearty sympathy with the enterprise
by at otolOsed donation. The ewe&
which it being in
was built in 1869,
and enlarged' tp 1878. The now church
will Beat 200, and be in every partite:14ga
well equipped country dumb. The loge.
went story is a feature not in the 'id
church, and will be invaluable as a Sunday
school and Epworth League room, supply-
ing much needed accommodation for these
depertments of work, The truetee board le
now in a position to complete both char&
and abed without leaving a debt unprovided
for. The generoue donation of $100 from
Tsr joynt greatly delighted the building
committee. The tots proceeds of thie
very suocesaful and nanenally interesting
event were over $225. The ohm& le to
be completed in October,
*15,000 worth Or tirg Goods tb-beslatthier-
sd. our.Annual JAIY„ Aufat0eals,,.,0010,10e.
DOS ;WY 4th. Retort gailiva/ aro auowen on
all ourehasee oyer$10.0a within se miles
At the ftecretition Perk on Tuesday was
witresaed one of the finest genies of base -
.ball that the lovers of that game, Wive had
the privilege of toeing, between Blyth and
Olintonjunions. Although the score -7 to
15 in Clintons favor-appeers large, yet
the lick of godly errors wait noticeable,
both sides pedtingaipaigood gime,
of our townsmen, W. • 0. Searle, who
has an eye for beauty, and as an ardent
collector of butteeflies, brought into the
riffien a moth, with wings of the most
handsome and variegated colors it has
been our pleasure to look upon for
many a day. It is the litrgest kind of
moth in Canada. It was still living but
unfrirtunately one of the delicate winge
had been' somewhat injured. Being
somewhat of an enthusiast in nature
study.A Nave E reporter accepted
Mr S: axle's kind invitation to view his
collection at his residence,RoseCottage,
at the corner of Orange and Rattenbury
streets. . There were to be seen nicely.
mounted epecimens of all sizes,- colors
mad descriptions, Mr 'Searle had the
. name of each at his-, finger's ends and
etained his method -of capturines
ki 'inform -outing and pretserrng them.
Be has several at the chrysalis stage,
and at the different stagesof evolution;
His collection of beetles is also very
intereeting. A very pleasant .and pro -
table hout was spent there.. .
friends of Mr e S. O. K. Rutilaro, M. D.,'
Colombo, Ceylon, daughter of J. WIT'.
win, of town, will be glad to learn of,
the ' College' established 'there- by- her
husband, Mr Rutnano, M. A., who is a
graduate of Princeton Univereity.
Though the institution but little over
a year old it has already , made a good
record. It started vvith 1 Moharnedan
boy;to-day there are 148 in daily attend -
mace. Ten teachers are employed. The
work engaged in is from the lowest
form to preparing candidates for the
Ceylon Medical College Entrance Ex-
emination. The educational work is
carried on by private tuition, regular
blesses and night school. There is an
'Whistled and technical branch and
also evangelical services. The results
of the last examination ` are a good
criterion from which to judge of the
work done. One boy wrote olf the
apothecaries' exam and passed. Eight
went up for the Medical College exam.
and six passed. Nearly forty ent up
for this examination from ledia and
Ceylon and. only twenty tressed, se
that nearly one-third of the successful
ones were front. Contra" Clollege, Of
those that took flrst-class honors half
had been registered at the sanae institu-
tion. Those results', are certainly grat-
ifying and the many friends of Mrs
Rutnain will read thext with pleasure.
She, herself,' also engages in medical
work there. An interesting letteresde-
ncriptive of Colombo,appears elsewhere
in this Isola.
view of the condition of the weather
Una has prevailed this past month
we hope bet readers may be able to
glean some grains of comfort from the
predictions of Rev Ire, Hicks for the
month of aulys.--The month will open
with a warm -wave of great intetteity,
and wicked storms of 'thunder, ram
and hail may follow in some places,
especially from 4rii to 7th. Reention-
ary storms due about lable ay
develop about the 10th. xc
warm weather will be fe before
these storms. The plane
a in
oppositiott on the 1.7th, and. unlese
frequent electrical storms break up
the Bolo energy, there will be A term
of intensely?' warm weather during the
central pert of the month, On July
17th the earth passes between Saturn
and the Min, and on August 5th, be-
tWeen Jupiter and the eun, and unless
We have breathing spells End 'thunder
'Storms, intense heat and drought will
urevail in many parte for several
weeks, Notable disturbances may
occur, from 16th to 20th, .owing to
combined inflnenee of Mercury and
Venue. If marked, electrical storms
°Our, they will bring respite from
consuming heat and drought, Prom
22nd to 24th, etorme, lightning and
rain may wench The moon crosses the
eelestied equator on the 24th. and this
inoreases probability of thunder
&tonna. The last storm period for
July will be in ita closing days, and
probable rain end thunder storing
may be expected to peke from %Peet to
beat se the Month goes out,
has done considerable buying of horses Sabbath morning, A. Gifford tent
in the. lasit two yeare, twentyinore oocUPV 500 PWPit Lo 500 eventng
on grass getting them ill shape for' the there will be a sacred song 'service. •
northwest naarket. He Is very jubilant Waxes Cironcg.-Principal Brandt
over the prospects of the horse trade, of Point Aux Trembles, Quebec, is .ex -
especially in our new fields which have pected to take am, e of the work on
been recently opened up. There need Sunday evening: The pastor will con -
be no fear he says of horses becoming duct the morning ;servIce"..The 're;
too plentiful for the next • ten years, jailer Meeting of the Young People'
for the northwest provinces and terri- Society was held last Monday-. ' 'The I
tories will use Up all we can raise -in , subject was "National Prosperity"
The Rev as f Wind -
grade, - 'e h is about, to leave for his new
et ' petroleas was pre. .
-.A NEW SOVIET S' -S of Mar infi)Lniciitehnta
more promising yininginenof toWnlhave
organized what ought be called "a fait.
mePmbers of "St, peteicks Society on
handsome Chair by the
nel club." After their informal election Ifrida eyenin last. .
to the photogiaPher a to place On The Rev Mr Rohnee, of Askin Street
record their,. redeeming ,features, .Methodist chin ch London was given ii, .
ewthheairt to his departure for his new nhatge in •
receritioe Wednesday night previous'.. . s -
goodboinacpci°o:fu kne But' roilosoi ttyh Beingegi do et ct Fhsi tneert s:1,1, .
part Port Stanley. At the close of his..
of their valor and began to enquire top Sunday evening discouree. he referred
minutely into the different things that very; feelingly to his three years' labor • . '
presentedthemselves 0 their view,un i amongst them. , .
the new society was forced to evacuate ST Joseria's ' CHtrums.-Rev- Father -
the gallery Without gaining that much •MeMenariain was in Myth last Sunday
coveted desire,aspicture of thereselven, conducting services there, Next Suia.. .
. They are thinking of,goingto Seaforth day be will be here. FrIdey, 4 Wx ,404,.. _ _.
14 +.. 4,,.b.' fate' . , • -being the first Freda* itithe month the
that time, especially in the heavy horse
Th R J Livingstone,o
officerelast, satArelly they trekked g
Sacred Hearts Devotion will -be held
The Listowel Tournamentat 9 o'clock in the morning, On Mon-
. .
day. Rev Father McMenamin goes to.
The Listowel town bowling club bele its Assumption College, Sandwich, to
tournament, which .hes been a. sPleadia attend the annual retreat of the R. C. "
success. About 20 rinks competed. energy of the London Diocese, which
Clinton sent 4, Mitchell 2, Brdsodu 8 add will lest all week.
l'weisrteroffeeired belitairearimsteowseiliviseltirbe tfroorphtihees I ing of the Trustetsboat d last Thursday
Wzatirat (ignitor:I.-There was a meet-
toropention, which were keenly contested
for from start to finish. W Jackson's rink
rximpott..4n the. finals. Hui _rink was op
Dr Agnew, •W Brydorie, J- Fir and W
jaeksoti sk,
Jaelegon ek, 19; Listowel, Ainley
irttort; Jackson els, 20; 13re:spells Itol*rs
• Clinton, Jackson els, 21, Guelph, Bodin
etc le.
Pmts. -Clinton, jackeon els, 22, Mit-
obeli, Downey sk, 14.
This owe Air Ja0k13011'S rink the trophy
which oonsieted of 4 handsome diver water
pitobers, one of which is now on exhibition
atsthe office of the president, J Eansford.
The skips in the other rinks from Clinton
were, D A Forrester, J B Hoover and E 31
MoLean. D A.Porrester and W P Spald-
ing won in the doubles competition, the
Prizes were two beatitiful eilver'nut bowie.
Clinton bowlers are being oongt,atulated on.
all sides,
• At Detroit..„ort ,Afonday Harold
trotted Iwo IfeidinItheaffits in 2,04 Attcl the
2nd in ,2,07a• Muting Mt liet liteif mile of
the lastheat in 1,02a and the last quarter
in 80 seconds. At thie speed he stande a
good allow of niakibgthe mile in e little
better than OM minutes before the Nation
is over. •
evening to wind up a few details con -4
fleeted with the completion of the:con- •
struction of the church. The contractors '
have all been paid in full, and ther e are
no outstanding claims, rt wee decided
to procure ,a "oortirounion table and
some furniture for the pulpit platform •
which will be secured through J. • C.
Stevenson. Rev Mr Manning will
occupysthe pulpit both .services next
Sunday, .
A 'Union Meeting of the Leagues of
Wesley anti Ontario St. Leagfies • was
held in Wesley church on Monday
evening,. Rev W. G. Howson occupied
the chan. W. A. Gifftird gave a.
good address in the irterests of the
rearward Missionary movement taking
up chiefly the phase of • our duty to
missions. S. Minch sane- a solo, and •
a quartette was rendered by Mesdames
?dutch and Chowent Meseta Murch and *
Sibley, The meeting was atteeded
by a large number and was very sue.,
cessful. The Junior and intermediate
Leagues Meet to -night (Friday) .
It Was with feelings of the deepest
regret that the people of St Paul's
church, Brampton, bade goccl-bye to
Mr Manning, on Monday evening last,
as will be seen by the following address
accompanied with a purse containing
$80 in gold at a present MEI the ten- -
re atioto
According to the decision handed...isese Pseron.....After four yeare of sue
out Wednesday by Mt Justice Maclen- evisful labor.for our spiritual well being,
nate of the Court of Appeal, the tie in and se yen are now about te leatte 'Os lot
Lennox is broken and the coristitttendY • another part Of the edaster'e harvest field,
eitrdrietissetnet, rle.sGtis.owairtheetahlieenCsboynsaerinvaatjloVre. citoLsgtrutrijoannitrabsotitetwiniathpsorftointigr oehhuaraolhd
a and
ity Of three. Mr Madole, the Liberal takeplace withent some epochal expression
candidate, has a crose.appeal, which of the high esteem in which you are held •
• may or May not be argued. The appeai. by tui. By your oonstent aim ht tbepnipit •
in North Grans ball leaves Mr McKay, to lead us into the higher and richer ext
Liberal, elected by it majority of , two* paleness of Christian life, by your turtle°
and faithful pastoral labor.,s by your min
church willows. .istratione to the siok and bereaved, and by
. - .
your quiet, gentlemanly, and truly Chris -
Yesterday, (Thursday) all the Metho. tian :poled towards all, you have won 4
dist ministers who are moving to new very warm piece in onz sffeetione. Dear 6
circuits, "made the move." That 18,000 pastor, be assured that our moist earnest
minister is dependent on the removal of prayers and very best wiebee will follow
nnether, sea therefote, by tacit under. yot and your genie' Wife and your
stancling, all move at the same time 80 lent family to . your new charge 113 the ,
that one does not ineommodetheother. ForeSi City Conference. We ask yen to
Rev. Mr. Ilnwson leavea for London kindly west the accompanying purse
and Rey. Mr Manning, of Dramptob, with lie contents int a alight expression of
who succeede him, is expected, today, our esteem ana love. May the Divine
(Thuretley). Each minister is reepon. bleestng in rioh ebtuidienee rest upon you
eible for thework on hit new circuit and youre isour parting prever. Signed
the first Sunday in July', and Mr Man- on behalf of the liongregation, .
ning will therefore occupy the pulpit Rev Wm, Hereidge, Supt,, Minister
, ,
of VOesley church text Sunday. Ue W, ARobinsonRte, Stewarded
Sable applieeto all other tninietere n. Poeta, S, S. Soperintenderit
this district, Who are changing. M. Bowles, ?tea. Epworth League