HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 3,;•14o. Ore* TEE 0407 Cti EW ERA -----r-7-,--t- .'"1.",! a ....., • NA., r • - .. Monthsot rhetilffse ain, , riNwPOES FAMAING PAY t CU!ed lly a Tumor of the Vista to Not onin aoue "rind Who cam 11........moTh Breast. anewen Ts uu.etten., to light cOnStimptiOn, With, Scott'S Bow often this question ha* been 'bkra );1).1, 'MOON, Ogawkerbary, Tells I Hew Rho Obtained Relief After Doc- I tors Had Failed, " From the Pore, IlewIteebary, Out. ' Mai James M, Timbers is sell known to ; :noway everybody in gawliesbury, Vitale.* I Hill and eurroundiug country. She, Wae born in Yankleek Hite butaince ber neer. , riage, twelve yeare ago, has lived he Hawk- 1 taborer, end is greatly eateemed by all who know ber, letre Timbers is one of the 2 many thousands who have proved the great value of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, I and gives her experience for the bonen of ' other sufferers, She says: -"While nurs- ing my firet child 1 Buffered from a ours. ing tumor under the left breast. The first • growth, which gradually increased in size aymptorn was a sharp pain followed by I until it became as large as an egg, It was exceedinglyvainfal and caused me great stuttering. I croneulted a doctor, who gave me medicine, but it did roe no good, Then consulted nother doctor, who said I would have to undergo an operation. In the meantime. however, the tumor broke, but would not heal, and as a reault I was ' tooling very mach run down. At this time my attention was direetedeo Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and .1 began tieing them. I .socin felt that they were giving me inorasa. ed streagth, and after using a few boxes, 'the tumor disappeared and I was agewelt as ever I hadbeen. My health has since been good, and I 'cannot speak too highly Of])r 'Williams' Pink Pills." • ' Thesepille cure troubles like the above, 'because they make rich, red blood and -drive all impurities frem the system, Though their action on the blood they also cure snob troubles as softernia, heart pal- pitation; erysipelas, scrofula,. skin erup- tion's. rheumatism, 'St 'Vitus' dance and the ailmentthat make the lives ot so mantwonten miserable, The genuine al- ways bear .the full name "Dr Williams' • Pink Pille for Pale People," on the wrap - pee around every box. Sold by all dealers ip medioine, or sent postpaid at 50 cents a box. r aix boxes for $2.50 by addresing the Dr Williams' Medieine Coe 13reelase1le, esked and bow velelora rueewered; how can it be aneteered, wben there Is not one farraer in one bunareta Vtho can/ tell the nuMber ot each kind of stook be had, and What they were Werth oott veer ago? There le not oree in one thenalend Iho can tell how much it has cost. him ittlilsion of coa-lirr oil, is long ineavanca._-,U Ogeatens You Call resist ; and you may overcome it. Don't be afrai.l. ; teLrarz. r.ut tackle i; don't Waste tittle. tile past year In. household and othet • eerie tea_ promm% nrkr, vrtv expenses. Boole -keeping le a terrible bugbear to tte aererage farmer, but one would thinle be Migat at loot take account of stock once a year, and make a Memorandum of it, so as to be able to compare one year wtth an. other, and if he kept an eaPeaset count, and also au account ot 1a in. • come, he would knoev waere iie could retrench, tf necessary, and when he Plight irately eipend, or indulge!, in Something besidee the bare necessare les of life. Few' farmers know hove :much, it would take to supatort their rambler) in the way they live now, if they had to pay house rent, and hand out the Cold cash for everything they consume; and that is the teason so many• come to grief after selling or renting their tarn* and. going to live In town. A farmer can, and freqUellt. ly does drive as fine a borse aa alit' Man in town, but he doesn't realize bow much it costa the other:fellow to keep a hoese just for pleasure, It be getting quite common for well-to-do farmers to move into town to edocate. their t9hildren, and •both them and the children frequently learn more than is f k in ha oost .ge _ pony for the children to ride or driVe to 'school .would be small in counted- • son, and would be keeping ,the whole tunny but of the way of temptation. The moral side of this question is a great deal more Important than •the financial. The farmer doesn't have to solicit the patronage of anyone., Ont. . • He does't hive to enter into comp • Mien and strive With hie ' neighbor •, like the merchant; be doesn't have to /THE AMERICAN HORSE. ' t • wrangle and warp the trith fora ay- , . Ing like. the lawyer; he doesn't have -the Soliroollsib. Thinira Mariner to 1114 • lato Stop Breeding. • 'Me mord foolieli •thing for fernier. to dohs to stop bree.ding. He should , probably breed fewer colts,. • but be: -zahoield breed better: -That is the whole secret In. a nutshell. Hereafter Po-ttw• horsee the world will . require. quality • • rather than quaintaye and 'getable! Nee .world wt11 be willing' to aay the.price; lust' an it is toeday. :To -day any horse for Which 'there • • • is a demand -and there isa. dememca. • tor every horse of superior, excellence -the rice is as .high as it has: been . ett any time In twenty years. The fine horse for driving and, riaing is never. .going 'out of fashion; and just•at this moment in the great . parte of. New York they are an very native 'demand. both for .home and foreign use. • And inthie ,matter, improi!ing the areaality there' is this ,important Mae -adderatton-rit coati xtot a peony sabre' • to depend on donations reluctantly doled out like many Ministers; in sheet, he can be the most* Independent Man on Goda; green 'earth if he man- ages bis affairs In • bueineas-like manner.' • He has more, time and -equal opportunities for iinnabaliag his eninel, hes. has less allurements* for corrupt- ing his morale, and his damped= is zonducive to the highest aleveldpment Di his physical powers.' He can be on intimate terms with his own family, at peace With th'e World, and he can Worship God under las own great yaw and apple tree, none daring to molest Dr. make him afraid, Yes1 Farming. dem payi-eEpttonelst. *a: • ' Ferns I'lioory and Practice.* . successail • fernier recently said: "For some seilie I Prefer' :paying one foliar a hiad for stable mandre, draw- to breed, raise and keep a good. horse thf manure three utiles. rather than a poor one. The horse whicb at five years .old- will commend $500. at auction boo not necessarily cost bes breeder One dollar more than- the anis- thapen thing which is kaaeited doYfa • In derision lay the auctioneer att$45. • Quality is wliat einints to-taity; and • wItat v/.01' count.- "Let our farmers achieve that • and they • will solve a . arOblem the 'present working . out ot 'whicb. those that In seven years they • have .loet .iti wealth . something like a50Qt600,000. . . When • in 'tale aspect of the Subject •• i look to the •fateite I cannot fail to he r hill of hopefulness. The demand 'ter: . hiereei abtead growing • steadily. It has hot reached large -proportions as yeaebot there are for . •eign buyers rif all our sales, -and the -excellence of our carefully bred horses for cavalry purposes. is highly moire- , •-elated by those foreign ofileer.s ae- . :-quetnted witiatheen. • • • ' •• Our home -market for reeler good borses Will grow with our OeptilatIon • and our wealth; the demand- from abroad w1/1 Increase with that knowl; edge -that we are breeding the 'beet all 4 round good • for •:any kind of tang • horses all the • worlet-Reviewof . Bee/leers: • • than .to cle' :without the manure." Ris ex6erlence is that a few tWo-ton loads - of good manure, spread evenly over an acre ere his thin soil, insured a good • alover do& and when such a sod was .Tuly 4, .1.901 ePeof. gobertaort May go to /Mica • • Peace has almost come PLAN AHEAD. TWO llensotbina That is Tory Otto, t • Neglected, ft you leave never planned to WITO r ovary toraeradiste pie -plant and 411- paragets !row is the time to plan for °A next stirleig Ter it la neceetrart that the t h' he oar multural Indeletry of t Trans• vital and Orarege colt ny. 15 is not, ended, appareetly, that Prof. Robert, Lord Milner bas been in cotainunica. loo with Prof. Roberteon relative to he establishment of experimental arias in &maw Aerate, and the Globe's 0 -,ravvit despeteh intimater) that ()ana.. ted Conunieeioner of Agriculture and Dtirying may go to south Africa for be purpotte appIerinet the -benefit of 04 expeilence to the develoginent of - plate you, Meerut to force ehould be Mary Blankenship, two years nia, daughter of William BlankenehiP of flopkinsville, was attacked by a rooster, which (trove its spurs thru her Ann, inflictina injuries' that will cause death. A. message from Pembroke reports the likelihood that Mr Wellinton son of the late Mr S. W. )1 be the Liberal candidate a, Ner • I. Renfrew at the • bye•election• to repreeent the seht made vacant by tile death Of his father. TEIEIWORLD NEEDS NERVE. Needs it in business, in the study, in the household. Irritably, weakness, leek of strengthahe blue feeling,why they juat tell you that yor lack nerve. You'll use Verve - zone. My 1 What an appetite yon'll get. Row quiekly the color will return% to your cheeks; how bonyant you will feel I Work! of Mures you'll work, for you will enjoy it.. Thee heir von will nse Ferrozone. It gives nem strength, muscular endurance , and invigorates the brain. splendidly. • Sold by H. B. Combe, price 50o. 7:The Manitoba go'Vernment bas decid- ed to abolish all saloon. or restaurant licenses as not furnishing. special ac- commodation to the public. AU the I holders of such licenses in Winnipeg I have been notified that they must pro - Tide the required roomer ter an hotel, when they will be granted hotel lice enses. , • xme.i4TH Fort WIDMER "Few things are more importenato a' cora- munity than thelealth ot its women. It strong le the frame of a Mother, seas a pro. verb, the sons will give litive to tbe people." Dr Chase's Nerve Food is .especially women. s me wine, y ao bloodand nerves it gives strength ann vigor to the delicate feminine organs and ensures • tack regular and !healthful funs:Aims. It gives oolot to the. pale, strength tc the Week • and a rounded form to the tairt and angular.. Lotel Kitchener reports that all sure renders iet the Transvaal and Orange River_ Coloolas are now complete, lle- ; 225 men having surrendered' in the Transvaal and 5,395 in Orange River • .Colony. The gape Colony returns are not complete. • • t • VALUABLE INFORMATION ABOUT where you can conveniently get at , them to force them, of courze. you won't want to use your Whole bed ao tide spring is a good time to bet out 9 ti, new one or to divide tae old into earla and late. • In setting pie-pIant it is better to i get old roots as the Seedlings are not . mire to come true to type and as one cannot conveniently run an expert - talent station In a garden and do much . no shell leavel the Canadian service, but merely that heathen spend A few mouths in giving aid to those respons. ble for the restoration of prosperity to a war devastated country. If this prove true, one of, Canticle's best public •seevants wilt be able to render a service to another part of the BoapIre, andoe She intake time to assist eapromoting trade between the WM. nem and what will soon be a great Soiltle African Confederation. 1 I 1 nt the old roots Of course you might from seed. get some - grand new aorts; if you are in it for rpotrey talre good old roots and divide with a sharp knife or the spade into - as many pieces as -there are eyes or buds; you must be careful that each piece .has a bud or •it will not grow no matter how large the. cutting. To• prepare. the ground, :select a noutheru exposure and plow. deeply - end heavila fertilize. Do 'not be afraid, of putting on toe much manure, there is no danger ot that, for pie -plant ie heavy feeder. The root* should be • feet for the •purpose of forcing abont • five feet apart in rows each way are t anged so that the plants of the see- • &al. row Will come mtdwey between' the Plants of the first row. I Mule *spring the best time to set out, and the • creme of the plant should just eouie sleeve, the ground, you cannot force a new bed for two 'years, with- • *nit danger 'of injuring It, but you may . tut from It at any -time when .toige enough. •. . The foreleg, is done by placing Itege • arciund the plants and •banking with beating manure or by luring rows of , .. boards and banking: around it.. You mat force it here and have it ready for • 'market in February sr by the first • March unless the /inter is wattreetillet eatpetes cold be; thrown over the top to keep. con the chill air. • tf You will plaot berseeadish sate • any time un to the first of nine lane • may force them 'next airring.. :By sets - mean the little top ebOot with aboUt • belt an inch ot.stalk on it, set these . • oot oo the trobtlitatele oe a ltallellog " t- are them„,r. th 's i an plenty. of we- . ter and .they will *do the rest, the lat- • ter part bt annuary scrape awe/ the • -sweet If there is any • and Cover site inches deep with well -heated manure. -ehotioe it In a • week' see if the • !shoots have not Started, n theteare an lack high they will .do to dig; .wash •and grind the roots an peace in. good • tylnegar in Pint and quart cans :and . you can Sell them as fist aayou want . to • • •-• • . • • . . . . For forcing striarague . You Met. Stake oft the bed roll mean to orce I would. advieraforcing one end of the .. bed one spring. read one end as it is net safe to force it. two consieue tive • seasons. - You must'. also in -the; aaell before the ground freezes dig a trench eighteen Inches to two feet • deep around each -clump...of roots, far epough from it so you expose none ef. . . . : the 'roots,. This' trench must be well - packed .in With straw; .glye the sur-. face ot the -gratind a good dressing. of - wellerotted manure or, better , yet,. Pare Meer. • . •. • . •• • . When you want to force year aspar- !ague dig •the straw out of the, trenth ...and fill with heating manure banked' •'uP•to. two' feet above the plants on the • • north-andatoot•on-the south, then 'mit- On'yonr sasb,. plat bed clothes? plain • lactery and your eeparaaus 'is -ready - to .start a growth, you nil*, keen It • watered' well. • .• • . Thole you will plan Amid' and ere*. ;.'somethoing early and get a good •ptice • for it, as .-know' you can. -G. M., it) , Gardend F . • • • I- t sure method ef &ping it: Ointments and powders won't mire it, and yon neyer heard of a medicines hi tablet or liquid forni theaconld °mem* it either. What's the • reason ? Simply that germs cause Catarrh and these germs take up snug quarters far back in the nasal riamages,er deep'dovni in bronchial tubes where ordinary remedies • .oan't go. What will reach thein? Oate arrhozone will,.for it le inhaled in the kale and bronchial/tubes oes where the air you breath goes, 'kills the germs and Cures the dimes% It never yodelled. Try Ootarthe opera :25reand $t.00. . The'seippiy of natural gee- Ina Beset county is giving out, Six wells, over 2,500 feet deep, have been sunk in an „secured he was sure. of Ma ability to plate able land -tepon a. paying basic - Thai man bays "worn-out" farms as • good .inagettneats, and this thought is that a few dollars mere an 'acre, • in; ' vested in a ton -dressing that leelps. the grain and brave takeover; make the . prod possible. , Quite often •a, less sum tn;tested in 'commercial fertilize* . ••givee-thu needed- result; sonietimes does •not.. aThe main point is •this: • tlapItal••iitievestea•in thio .land that is: 'helipless-caiinot make O. geed sod, • tnd the ' way -.•-the Only. way -to Make , well land pay is t�;add to the aniciunt. . .,cf the invest*ent Suffieiently to eget the clover so thatahe soil. can help tta • self. • • . . . Pot;itooi For • •' . (di busitel ot „corn has a nutritive talue equal to that of. halt, ie dozen; ' eushels .of potatoes, but the. potatoes ...: staY be so used anal taeY May' hair& a • feed yahie. ninth. greater than the bare analysts indleates. Succulent food of - this character, • given 412 the winter " when an animal Eas otherraise 'only dry feed, aids in the digestion of the ;rain and •corerse feed. In tlae. bate et • • wws where' silage is not used a gal-. Nen of 'potatoe, fed immediately 'after ' mi/king, (foes not raaterially aged the lavor. of the cow's 'milk; and increases the amothit. .peck Of souna .potaer. .oes is often. given, thraugh this amount • ts hardly safe when the beat milk and outter are required... Horses are bene- fited l:nr an 'Occasional feed: Of potatoes. Ebr hogs'. the potatoes should be cook - ad. Small, potatoes' can be. Utilized in his Vey, and ' tanned. quentittee ire worth ten. eents a bushel in year of average prices of' feeding. stuffs • • • ffort to find a fresh source. but friliam cold, Of ni hts p eCe*Of old matting Many of the old wells are flling in with. salt water. 1• , • ••• _ Good health is impossible without reboil. vier action of the bowels. Milburn's Laza. 114iver Pills regulate the bovvehe cure con. etipation, • dyspepsia. bilioermese, ear* beeeeche and all affections of the orgera of. 1 digesticin. .• Price 25 cents. All druggists.. Th.O.I.Pfle'...Ecliscll; ks. eaPaeted 1091a iiiiitart his airliner s Work in the uaa. adieu nickel belt north of audbUry. Ed mon clav Ins to have perfected ' an electrical dipping needlrawhich will in- dicate accurately the presence of nickel. below the surface. • • There is no form of kidney trouble, front a backache down to Bright's disease, that Doen's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. If you are troubled withal:1y kind of kidney cromplabeanee Doana Kidney. FIBS . , • Dr Bryce,. the Ontario Medical Health Officer, says that theatualloax situation is • getting better gradually, • andthat he laopee to aee the province clear of the dieease in a tOODtti or . tWo, Fifty census employes • at Ottawa `Were notified that their services would . not be required atter June 30th. Tide • will reduce the staff to 185. It has not yet been decided Whether . or. not. the census department will be thaintained. p aneadently: • • The Hamilton enema of the Church of England defeated a resolution to. use the revised edition of the Bible at • Church services. • .• ,. . The Bon Michael Plenry Herbert has been appointed ambassador df Great Britain to the United States to succeed the late Lord Pauncefote. Ile is at present secretary of' the British Ern, hassy at Paris. : . Rev Louis E. Meyer, of Hopkinton, 'Lao states thitt,after careful ' statieticat 'study he is convinced that 204,540 He. brewer have been baptieed during the 19th century. The Weetern Fair bOard have issued a handsome andhandy snap of Ontario, with an idex list of cities, towns and 'Magee, which will be found most val- uable. The map Is printed in c.I ta. • Three years ago I 'mid a, farm of 200 acres that was heavily mortgaged, and • out of my equity.:I• bought and paid; • for a fitteteacre farm; with fair im- provements; rola I think it was th0 'best trade I ever made in My MS. We • breve tour in the family, do all of Our • own work, get much larger yields front fleldra in ,proportion, than I did • • iront thee large ones andhaving less e Rand to cultivate .X can give more ate teation to cows; hogs and poultry, Which, 1 find Pays batter than drowned. out or dried-up creme, and since we 'have no hired help or. interest tee pay we are Bating comfortably and can eruct- eeed in 'hanging on" through about as hard times as anybody, Can; For it money Maker,- to say nothing of the 'greater eomfort in living, 1 vote ever time'fer a' Mall tarra paid far Agetnet a big farm with a mortgageekaSaehae-- lone, Mich.. • Tillage. 'lie object of tillage le tO secure the proper arrangement of soil parthileil with relation to each other, The stir- ring of the soil is very beneficial lie the destruction' of *eerie, but Ana Ora • bill that Will keep the 0011 In the beat ;glisten' con:Olden will else keep down the weeds. 5011 temperature can be considerably influenced hy phasical Conditions. • The water -holding caprice, Ity or facility with Which water can MOVe through the eon, and consequent. ty the Supply of plant tOod which may be Carried to the retail of the crop, Die eatueunt of water, taken to the surface and evaporated, ere governed la'rgely' lby the arrategeinetit of the particles. 'he free access of istr deo be. seeured fa auffielent qUatititleft, supplying the necessary amount Of Orygeis, and the Soil can be Placed ill etteh ittenclitiOit of Agenegela to elle* the perfect root deVeloaateieta the importance of• theee pointe Make it neeeestry to give • great deal Of attention tb tbe Itteparaer tion Oa the deed bed, --11011th. Diketal Ililxnerlmeut Station, Mt Albert Gleeeon, an Inmate Of the intylurn for the Wane at London es. • tateed -Orme time ago and lifaiked alt • The Small MUM nese.' Bore nanolders: • if farmerland teamsters would learn lesson from their own hands there •eveould be far feweragre shoulders seen borne, trays an exchange. It' is easy. tor a Man who has .done no man- ual labor to blister his hands with a • fork, or shovel, or a scythe. It is just as easy to prevetit till's by gra.dually seasoning the hands in advatice. The harms that have been idle all winter; br ,thart baste not had a oollar an for • some weeks. in the summer time, • ahoUld be Set to work gradually...Care- lbsseness is the CRAWS et Whet of the cams of sore shoulders. • The trouble ' nee more la the driver than in the col- itti or the harness or the horse. Two tried take.the same team and hare tees and Week them in the same field • at the erameatind of work; the one Will 6o even more work than the other, end still keep the shoulderri of the • hurries eound, while the other will have • them sore in a day or two, It le not e- -all in toe collar Or the hared There are a few hotted whine skin, Is very ' tender, but the meat of ;them have sore eadalders because ailidir delvers are , careless and thoughtless. . T,he best cure for sore shoulders is , never to cape thent A man whose -bOrses have sore etionldens wants look- * after. Sometimes a change of • drivers Is the best cure for sore shoul. • Mere. Tlie first thing to do is to bee that the Oilier.: et comfortably. Then keeip theft dean and smooth. Keep the tracer) been, so that each shoulder does its fair shire 'of the wet*, Keep `*.lhe lines Wilted that the luirsee Wert With theft Made straight in front, not On Otte It is little things like , this that make* the difference between and poor teanrster. • Belton the 0/Orises before the hard • Work beglas, then, with *elders and Plarnese preereria adjusted, and a caret. ' tut ObserYant driver, there should be • to sore isb.011144111. 'It le a good plan to 'remove the 4C011eas at noon, clean thehi ti.nd wash the ehoulders with, clean; Water. • ft` the skin broken, a ladle earbolated Vseellne le a good healing ireenetlY 'And Prevents eters. 44. HON altiett irt OA water used .for weehini the thottidets vitli help toughen them fithile they MI being prepared for bard ire Cori e Cold in eiine Day. Take Waive •/IMMO Qtfitia Titblette All drojtgleto refund the money if it fail to ettre. E. W• eignettire Mt eierh be*, Otro, Nord Ot Beaten*. 'We hear tartlets saying Otte !re.. quently that they actually lorte mono everything. eaeonsidered, growing martin croete or keep g c et Meek on the term. The questiOu saturaily 'negates Melt, why do they onititme On ie. melt a losing ganie hey are fiattelled that such is the case'? „rho berth is, too Many farmers Ittat Mess at these thinge,„ and in tact dO sot knew to• a dead ceifainty just where their 'pronto come' from. or Whet* loom have been suttained at close df the• season's operations. With conipetitlon becoming eioser all the while More *vital murk be put ,oto farm practice, and we must knelt better Just what we are doing in WI tante threat we lave irethe past, if -we gre to feel that we have reeelved a Just sad satisfactory reward for our labor* . • ' Do not be caught in tits dry soli • Ode year Without nlent,e k Kong • •• .There are 1,480,870 buehels of wheat In store In Port William elevators. • A bear weighirot 160 •liOunde iitte shob ThortiburY. . amk• Kidney Disorders Are no respecter of persons. -reopm in every waik of llfe are troubledi ' Have you a Backache? If you have it it the first sign that tha 'kidneys are not * WOrking properly. A neglected Backache leads to serimis ,Kidney Trouble. , ' Check It In. tliere by taking _ DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS 4"1411E GMAT ettlaeiaat SPLIGiatia." l'hey cure all LindA.er filon Backache, to aro,- e • SOO. b. belt r • tIr tilt WAN Theeitizene are agitating that the Soo be made a city, for the dvic ma. thinery Is getting too much otit of date. It is eald the Council neede orgeniaing. With a charter there Would he -double the nun:they of alderm men. tit South Africa .., Bo nO peace kere. The fight =net be kept up till fall theloode are gold or eupplied, . a °Moe to ire or your Seeds such as Cern, Mongols, Turnipef ete„ ewe • -- Come for Wire and Staples, Black Wire, Galvanized and Barbed, also netting Then you will want Screen Doors, WiedOw Somme and Wire to wage You want Fork% Spades, Sbovele, Hoes, eto. , Don't forget about Hoots and. Shiva as WO Moe [mob:good and cheap ones. Our Dry Cloo40 eta* is full alid well Resorted -if you really' want a bagels, TtireidS, Suite, /Marta Smock; Overrate and Soto oonie and try whet we can defog y 'very 0:ebe: laser: egfo:idr.ricerieselwriye on hand. e. otter 04.0wels. for one of our Carib) that opens the way tor yenta, gat your PhOtell en likenething opeoial-An Ayrshire grade cow for sale cheap or will exchange tor ise . • . . . , ee • Terms are gob or preattee mob as Eggs et 18acr, (whiohaettes the pedlars) Butter Lard, Tallow, Dried Appian, Potatoes, etc. 'Yours for busineae, •B :lalay 18th, 1902. 111p0Fillille IdOitdOebOr,0 ' • R. A.DAME .,1 B , .„ • July Canadian Mlagaaine. Horse.racing is. the Rubjeot of an in- terestince article in the July: Canadian , Magazine. Tee author, .ffir FralleiR Nelson, Sporting Editor of the Tore onto Globe, believes that there is an unmerited prejudice in the minds of many people against .this sport, and gives hie reasons for approving of it. The article is profurielyillustrated with some remarkable photographs shov- ing horses in action. the,way to his horde, King/0,12 nelleir frore Krncardine ThIe was the eec- crnd time ethritt Gleeson escaped. Vie was at his home for a while, but be- came violent and wee taken back to the asylum. On the way &rem al. though manacled, he was extremely 'violent and was controlled oi3ly with the greeted diffIcUltY. British Troop Oil Liniment le 'without exception the mot effeotive remedy for • — cuts, wounds, uhrerre open sores, rheum. mien; bitee and stings of ineesite, etc. A, - large bottle 26 Dente. Get one at your drug- . gists. A young man named Arthur ,Hay- den was drowned while driving into Calory on Wedoesday, floods having washed away a portion of the Nose. Creek Bridge. His horse fen into the stream, and before the driver could extricate himself he ware, swept away and drowned; Deceased came to Al- berta from the eaatetn provinces a short time ago. He had served in South Africa With the St John' volun- teer corps, and was at Paardeberge Te maim Money Ms necemary to have a uggies Wagons Do you want a high grade Buggy or Wagon'? We have the finest etOok to select from. All the lateet styles in the new- est colors. Oar pricer; are as low as can be found for firettlass material and workmanship. Before you buy call and see us. We also handle tbe Oanadieer Steel Field Pence, already woven, any former egfe erect from 60 to 80 .rode per day, it is a eheap strong fence. , Geo. Lavis Isaac! Street, Olintos V T DOOlit TO IlaltW EV A OFFitar eW Arrivals • 'clear, bright brain, • a owl head free trom pain,and etrongatigorone nerves, letilburree Heart and Nerve 'Pins invigorate and brighten the brain, eteengthen the nerves, end remove all heart, nerve one, amaze trembles, ' Thursday. Cabinet meeting ab ttawe, an orderdn-council was passed - allowing thelaw to take its course in She. case of Fred Lae Rice, now under sentence •of -death inoToronto.:tor. the, killingof a policeman. Rice will be hanged on'July 18. • • . • • Fot cholera morbue, cholera infentum; cramps, °olio, •diarthcee, dysentery, and Manse' oompiatrit, Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'Wild. Strawberry is a prorapt, safe end are ter e. that has been a popular fayorite for n ,arlv 66 ears; . Mr E. J. :Reynolds K. C.., Brockville has been appointed iuntor judge of the county of Leeds and Grenv ill. Pro- vision weer made for. thie appointment at the last eession of Parliament. •r. Border** Bleed Ratan la a purely vege- table oombitationoleat in a safe and natur- al manner acts 'directly upon the bowels, liver; kidneys mal blood, cleansing the en. tire eystera of all impurities, foul humor and ebetruOtions *Inch poison the blood and create disease. • • • JamesK. Thomson, of Ottawa; was • carried over High Finial:1 the Ortti nee u ,River. and drat% nett. •>SHEEP RAISING , Pour Reatioas Way We Should -A Great • ' • Demand gor Mutton, - . Why Should we not, raise 'snor.e • rheep?. • There are seyeeal reasons why, w-e-shoulderalse sheeia . The .1011071P8 tour reasons 'will be. ample, to aneyter. . the querition tratistaetorilyt . First. There are millions of the hu - Mau and canine races, now In. the. World and million,a more; continually being'brought into it, and all ace con- . stituted that they get -hungry about three times per day, (and the dogs in, the 'night, also.) To allay their hunger they most have at lewd, a portion of animal food. to mix with theirvege table diet. Sheep furnishes One of the best and most healthy meats -Mutton. /tattoo tan be raised as easily and. cheaply -as beef or perk, and Is .groW- Mg in favor. The present prospect : is 'that ,there centInue to ba millions, • Yes, thousands of miltiorm of the MP. Man ince getting htiogry three times a day, and ttteee will raise doge three get hunt*y at any time when therd are sheep in sight so that there wilt be great 'demand tor mutton. There+ tore we Ithould raise sheep. • Second. All theee millions Of the human race (not the dogs) have ,te have artificial coverings for their • bodies, from the eradle to the grave, day and night, to protect them from the element' and accidents. 'VV001 is one in the best, If net the best, 'Mater. ial out Of which this artificial coyee- Mg Most' be Manufactured. The thee tr 'produces fhb wooleatoed it le era poor • sheep. Whose fleece Witl tot pay Rale board bill, Thue the. sheep .pays up its ecoateanentelly and the raiser has ethe carcase for profit. Therefore we should raide Sheep, •• . Third. • The sheep le - -one of the beet animate to clean up a farm and keep it dean of weeds, brush, ete, It will eat tnanY kinds at planter that horseireldeCattle will not, • and thus destroy -triash hat Would cost the farmer many doll .to hire destroyed. But the sheep will work for nothing here and board 'teat or pay am board in wool. Therefore we ehould raise sotto sheep. • rourth. Where there le thin land; - or lo a hilly seetiOn of the countrY, no • etock ceintribute to the fertileta. tion of the land aft well its sheep if • properly managed. 'Their manure is One of the ticheet and When left to themselves they will-depossit it on. the higheet,, driest, and mord likely, the palest Placee they can find,. A part et the proper inartagenient Obey° referred to is, keeping the sheep tn yards and stabIee during the win• ter, where they Will manufacture rick terbiliSer to be applied wherdver the • Criftler chooses. If confined nit dry feed *ith good Water easily accesible, they will keep full, fat and folios * 11, • 'pais they1;111 not do its arela . 0 they destroy more grass than woeld 'keep tb through th ett thereibre °Wiwi of May lend, eimie. WIZ *Maid tam mimp.--Atment i Go* ' 1 *ow*. I HEINTZMAN & 00,ati t LINOS -Noted for their exoellence °atone, durability, elm* tatioa and beautiful finish. • 100MINION ORGANS -Noted for brilliancy of tone, beauty ofaleeign and •THOMAS ORGANS -Noted for theirsoft, eweet, full tonere Abetted imitation orthile pipe orgon. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING M.A.OHINES-Ball Bearings, Steel Gear,no better Otalier. Tbeebote goods aro frilly guaranteed, Sold on easy terms. ' • very Farmer Should use FORIVIALDEHYpE: Thwe hbeeastt konroctvenrarfeme.dy for SRI* Oats, BOle . ..... • We cam 4te y!Su testimonials ironi,Ati, the leading, farmers of this -section who used. our -Formaldehyde- last year. Fart instructions given with eachl bottle. • Use.Combe's "Standard Formaldehyde" • H. B. co m B E, Chemist & Druggist Reduction in Prices Here is a great chance to secure a first 'chola buggy at a big redaction. these prices:- $80 Buggies for fee I $75 Buggiesfor $65 $65,Buggies foa$60 • •' • ..Berteember theee are all our own Mike, whir% places Ai in a position to guarantee . •tliem, as we do not buy pay material but .what ie firet Olaeut ateasiring proraptlY attended to by experienced men. RUABAll Huron Street. iClinton 01itittin Sasn, Door, an Blind Factory. S. COOPER ..Ceneral Builder gild: Contractor. PROPRIETOR, • Telip feetory is the largest in he mania, and has tbe very Unlit improved ma- eitpable' doing Work on the Wettest notieree° We 'treaty an &What and • reliable stock and prepared plane, and give estimates for and build all Maio *of braidings on short notioe and On the olosest prime Alt work 18 supervis- ed an a haeohattiOal Way etude eatiefeetion guaranteed: We eirli all kinds el M.. • ' Warr and eiterior material , . • • Ltunber Lath,' Shingles, Lime. Sash, Doors,, Blinds,- Eto • , • Agent for the Celebreted GRA.T31141, SCHOOL DESK, manufarrinted eo Waterloo. Oen and get prices and estimates tater° platting veer cocaina . Another Drop in Prices The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They are his own make, and are made from choice material and by. first class mechanics. All the latest improvements used an( are up -to date in every respect They cannot be sorpatesei and we guarantee them. , S-OHN LESLIM Huron. 'Street. Olinitli. re Dandruff Oure. By its ose tardy, iirelesi, loosened hair becoinns. strong, heavy tad ahunclant ' Abundant soft. and glossy hair is a wortan's "Crown of Glory": To promote a healthy growth of hqir, the scalp Must, be kept dean of all Notions :Matter, This can be done pleasantly and effectively by the use of Coke Dandruff Cure. ?nice 50i. and $1.00 at all drilggieta.. 4: R. BREMER CO., LIMITED; TORONTO LONtioN PARIS oneiino NEW 'Vona BROADIPOOT, 110X & 00. 1 a••= - The steady intamea itt otir tritearie good prod of the foot that oar geode are righ Sea le • • oar prices lower than those of other dealers in the trader '4 - We Metrafacturatuenitute on ti large horde and eau afford to sell oheap• If you btty from ns,_we Save for you the profit, which, in:other cane, hes to he added la q - the retell donee. This week we hats passed into Ockilk Seale °four new &won. Spam' will not penult us to quote primg, bet mine add Nee fee yourself whet anima we hare to offer, Remember—we are aertentalpealahet our Prime Obeli be the Owen in the Nil& VAIDEIMAKIVG. In-thiseepartnient nu *took le ample*); and welhave tindettbtedly *he head houra outfit ioNthe ecruntypnr proms are ow se the 13:ROADFOOT BOX 8e 00.4 tattle,' p,s,,,ttoott Ana Sunday ottibtaitentled to by now m 1. W. Chat:A tenet Direwfor) residiank