HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-07-04, Page 14 - .aw4uppivitrite*******441444.,44_,:: 1 What Does Your Label Say,: tiseaeresura865. ROBERT efoL , Pub i itaseassert Optical A Tria1 Subscription to the New 'Era ir5t), floW tin, the eZt, 4 Of tlao Yeas for 4.0e lint 11 OLINTON:ONTABIO. JULY 4, 1902. Sayrreld.. NqTES,-The entrance examination held here finished on Friday last; there Eititi apricots 70enrIcli,,itte:oza pi1/41137 aral reign. Foleteng. Times are ohauged, and are ohanging,the 'people no longer bey their glasees at igeors t peddlere, nor allow themselves to be coaxed into purohasiug wonderful optical eahaelts; nor are they evencontent to go to a store and pick out a pair of cheep spec- tacles with which they think they can see heat for a, minute or two. When their everi ache or their eight blure, they Beek an educated optician in whom they have con- tidence, and emptiest him to be able to advise them, and prescribe glasseir if they are found to be required. There's; no gueass work in our method of eye -testing. We are -qualified to discover the nature and degree of any defect and properly correct it. No oh arge for consultation. P. B. CREWS, Expert Watch Repairer Jeweler Refraotionist and Dispensitig Optician, OPPOOITN TOWN Herz., BIDDLNOOMBE'S OLD STAND, • Mitchell DEATIL-W. H. McOuteheon, of Hibbert, recently went to Chicago to have the benefit of the best surgery in removing an obstruction in the throat, which caused swollen glandes The operation took place but the patient was unable to survive 'the sheets. The body arrived at Mitchell limit Friday morning. Deceased was well knave all over Western Ontario, having travelled twelve Years for John Abell, thewell-known implement manta lecturer of Toronto, and six years for thesa„Sawyer Massey Company of Hamilton. • Stanley N0TEE3.-Miss E,aliacE wen. who has been teaching in Essex for the year re- turned to her home on Seturday last, to speinctitee holidays. Miss Mar's' DU- E wen,who is teaching near Chatworth, - came in her father's on Saturday last. Thos. B. Baird has gone to Ashlield to spend some time at his grandfather's: D. McEwen and wife and alrs Batt, of Clinton, and Mr and G. Baird spent Saturday last in Bayfield. A. Fraser and son John, of Ailsa Craig, Were in Stanley last week ; John is still bete for the benefit of treatment for his eyes; ' we are pleased to note that he ie great- ly improved. lele Sims, wife and fam- ily, of Blyta visited at the home of Mrs Sims' brother dining the .flret of the week. Mrs MeDougall and daugh- ter, Komoka, are visiting at the home of Prim Butchartrthie week: Miss Liz- zie Falconer and Miss Winnie Moor- . house of Bayfield, are visiting on the • • • a' Guard :Your. • • Ey-es. .• • ir s....hine mix.. •*OWN; pairsful, groat • f taaomfort- and per. apes permanent -rine airy will be avoided r wearinV our Lod. don Smoked Glasinsp, Is vents per pair stied wards. , too, caught some flne black bass on Satarclayinumerous other good catches are reported. Our summer visitors are rapidly coming; lest week Mr Tisdall and family, Mr McTaggart and family and Mr Brewer and family, of Clinton,. came to their co ape. alsoes Pierce and Dixon and their families. of Seaforth. The. bricklayers have finished their contract on the new Presbyterian church, and the carpenters are now fine Jetting the iaterier. Chas VanNorrnan Sundayed in town. Chase Falconer hair returned home, Theo Jowett has re- turned home from his visit to Pota,n- han and Toronto. john McLeod paid a visit to Ripley last Week. On Thurs- day last the young people of Varna held their annual picnic in Jowett's grove. On Tueeday next the young people intend holding, their annual Picnic to the Bend. Oa Saturday last. the young people of Clinton and Sea- fortb held a picnic In Jowett's grove. Mr Doherty, ot Chateau; !Awing a fine cottage etected in town and intends moving in next week. We are sorry to report that Mies Mable Weston is on the sick list DEATIFI,A. very ead accident °court,. edin Detroit, last week, 'ay which Miss Bertha Wallwin, who was one of Bay.. field's ,nost popular young ladies, lost her life. Miss Wallvein's clothes, by some tneans, whether from a match or .s, gas stove that she was lighting, caught five and the flames spread so rapiOly that she lost her presence of mind and rushed out intc tne street. She ran nearly a block before someone stopped her. The burning clothing fanned by the wind burned the poor girlei body most frightfully. She was taken to Harper hospital, and every- thing. that medical sciencecould Bug - gest was done, but of no avail, death ensuing Thursday afternoon. The body was brought to Baylield •Friday night for interment, and the funeral as on Satur day afternoon; the service being conducted by Rey Mr McNeil. De ceased was nineteen -years -of age, - The floral offerings were Magnificent, some being sent by friends frora Detroit. The most beautiful is an arch of white roses and white carnations and "gates ajar" from the _girls and boys of Hay- field; The pall -bearers were Messrs Will Whiddon, H. Falconer, D. Gard- ner, Alt Erwin, F. Keegan and Dick Bailey. • • LAWN Somata -The lawn social on Fulda/ evening under the auspices of the new Presbyterian church, promises to be a grand success. Ice creana,straw- Goderich TownshIP GARDEN PARTY. -Tb e bright glow of sunshine and the genial warmth, of July ist was such as to be conducive to the gathering of a large assembly at tbe lawn of 10. J. Neebitt, on the 16th concession, for the social in connection wieh Ebenezer church. Ample provis- ion had been made for all; Strawberries In ahnerlance were there; in addition . z the .. • e ;foments at the booth Were served rut liberal hand. After par- taking of I.V44 and spending some time in social intercourse, the audience lie. toned to a choice program. hev J. Humor ocOupled the °bait. Among those who took part were the Forster Bros., with their musical instruments; Mr Archer, who rendered several ma ections on the trialln; the AVM trio, from Colborne. Mr and Mrs W. Lobb, and Rev Mr and Mee Hussar. The 'duets and trios were much appreciated and heartily applauded.The evening's entertainment was brought to a close by the National Anthem, and all went home pleased with the entertainment the ladies Of Ebenezer had provided. - The'receipte were $ NoTEs.--Tamee , Sterling had the misfortune -to have a cow killed by lightning a week ago last•Friney, and m i a week frothat date had his nsur- ance for the loss of same paid him by the McKillop Vire Insurance Co. John. Marehala 71h con, is quite cheerful at present; his better half presented him with a young heir the other day. . M Shepherd had the misfortune to lose a beautiful colt the other night, Verve tationas camieg along slowly; our old- time sumnier Is on the wane. Rey Bus- iest lotende preaching to 'the Oranges. men on Sabbath afteenoon in Sharon Methodistchurch; a targe crowd is an- ticipated. J. Lindsay, of the Huron road, hashed both his barns reshingled during the past wpok. . The garden party in connection with Middleton's. church came off last Tbursday evening; the weather was it little cool but a .goodly crowd turned out; the proceeds amounted to a.bout$40, Ben Bothwell has returned front an extended visit to relatives in Grey. The public schools have closed for vacation. Miss Tessie Halliday, --sister -ofet hesteacher of NO, i 10, rusticated for a few days n this lo- cality. The choir stand in Cole's church has been renovated, which mikes gene an improvement,. Another alto voice swells the number in the choir, Amos Cole, who has been attefiding the Belle- ville institute, home for vacation. The numerous Mends of our aged friend, John Anderson, will be. pleased ta know that he took a short drive lest week, we hope his recovery, al- tbough stow, will continue; Middle - ton's and Cole e church Sabbeth schools berries and all the delicacies of the held a Union picnic in Jewett's, grove on season can be had on the grounds and the Ist. of July. refreshments will be served to all A ood program will be rendered". br the q . Men e ssp n male The admission fee 18, /•,ANyti. toq brass band. met4ille would 151 arra 20c on y . he crowd at their Dawn Social, • Nile BAPTIST 'CRunall.-The pletlie in connection with the Sunday School al the baseline cburch which was held on. Tuesday in Geo Ball's beautiful grove was a brdliant success in eery parri• • cuter. Over 200 attended this gather- . ing and took part in the genies pro- vided. A half dozen swings were kept going constantly. . 4 good game of foot -ball was ptiyed, and much in- terest was taken in the hurdle, sack. obstruction, andthree legged races, Luncb was then protected; the tables fairly groaned beneath the weight of delicacies the, ladies had provided. •After spending some ' more 'time in social intercourse all dispersed with pleasant thoughts of the.dsy's tinting. IV. Robinson, of Colborne, had the charge of the whole affair. Among those from a distance were Rev Mr and Mrs Jones, of G•acierich. The Sunday School here will picnic at Bayfield nesse ' Tuesday. The pester will conduct the services next Sabbath. ' NOTES. -Morley Hall, of Clinton, it 'spendiag a few weeks with °friends • here.,. Mr and Mrs Irwin and little daughter Oneida visited at the home of Biassed McWhinney last week. 'Miss ,Minnie McVittiet_who has beet: attending college in Toronto fur the past ear natintbs, returned home last Saturday, accompanied by her friend, Miss Ethel Sharman, of Goderich. J. Smith, Egmondville, is visiting bleeds in this neighborhood. The Misses Fer- guson, A.ubtun, Me spencliug a few clays with their sister, Mrs Henry Snider. Norn3an McGrattan, Clinton, spent Sunday with his parento. A fkload of our young people, conducted by ia , D. McNevita .1Dungannon, drove' to olouresylkg laWn social last kriday; they report a good time, Miss leek- EMS:10 of Amberley, is visiting Mrs W. Thompson. School closed last Friday; Miss McIntosh went to Toronto to at- tend school, and Me Courage to his home in Holmesville. Rev S. Pentland occupied the Pulpit of Nile church last Sabbath evening. Rey Mr McNair Will deliver a sertooti to the Orangemen next Sunday evening, • — Dungannon NOTES -The ' funeral of the young. eat child of Ur and Mrs Thomas Durnin I tails place on , Monday. The social Which 'vas to be held on airs Davidsonar ' lawn was held in the Presbyairian A. JGRIGG Scientific Jeweler' and °laicism CLINTON. ON't Aianitob.a Excursions.. . . . • The C. P. IL will tun spared • Excursions to Manitba and the • North West, on June 3rd, and 24th. And also.one. icily 15th. PARE $28. • To all points in Manztobs. Tickettire food to return within 60 days. For tickets and 'all information apply to • • V. Jackson, e PR OLINTON. •;SNAP church on account ot the tvet v. eathera • it was well attended and everybody , 1 Was Pleased with the entertainment, I the proceeds amounting to $87. Miss 1117e areoffer• ik alike line ol. LIMY Sinderson hes teturned home from a visit to her Detente at Wood- , stock. W. P. Sanderson is visiting at Ginger Woodetock and Stratford. Simon Pentland, wife and family, are Visiting at the home of his parents, Ward Mrs . Snaps . T. Pentland. liar and biro J. W. Medd, of Auburn, Sondayed at H. M. Duff's, ' Rev Mr Maxwell, Ri ley, nrenehed in At if lbs tor 25e Erskine churci4 Apse% xi , krt. tabbat , nor mt, Piet?: rb ana taacit!:11111.!od:aoslonvellilixtili t•Pi4wn:g°1911hiet1;13ratli‘ dtIIhi 'till.'eeerfrMvaberib!r:,.: if BA Wili,k5r; rongrairitattit j°1114n elell;:41 Page fen' cinualovang "thtle4t „, , Dgn1,..0Ps Ife Mad, of roadtortoPrtiGeorgetti nga Stothers. Mr MeMath is not improv- ing very fast. Mr Fairbairn, wife and family, haye 1 f , Algo- ma, Where they will testae In future; their many friend(' will miss themi Herbert, 60111 of lames Whyara, lei t for Winnipeg Teet week,. .......e....... Jest think of gettang 130 to 1815 nice fresh Ginger Snaps for 'Quarter. They are cheap- .er than you est make them strad does avity with the ivork. PAlso 'a tine Nue of 'Wed .Teaehe. at 10e per lb. '7, The.eash Sr:retry. Ogk Cooper a CO ke Butte and Sege. Phone 28, 'ss Winghein, Nit° tee Prize nutter. We off& tor the best 3 Tubes or Dexeref hatter delivered during July, 6 4 and ai reapaitiveli overlighest riser ket Mies. ra.es KING, Wthesasta, if even if there were snow on the ground'. So said. one. Of those who ettended.the annual gathering at the garden party bpid under the auspices of the League and Sunday School, as he wended nis way threugh' the large boncairse that had assembied to enjoy theinseiveri, and incidentally.to eat: etrewberries and ice-creata Truly his words seemed veeified. Easily 500 were ai the greyed. : The weather in tbe ettlier peat of the week bacrbeen any fling but. favorahlis for out door; gat b - mpg& Even Friday morning cast gloom into the _hearts of those who were preparing for the event. In the . Afternoon,: -Old a Sol -remembered- hi' duty and shone out in all his warmth 'end briliiancy, and the evening, aside froth being a little cool, was ideal: As in former years, fl. Elford's Lawn was ; he place chosen. The tables were tastily decorated for the occasion and the activeswaiters saw that the wants of all were speedily provided. for. The sparkling of the lights among the trees (except those that, the boys turned 604 added beauty to the scene. Miss La ira Brydges, Goderichi favored . the gath ing with ecOuple of recites done, Norman Murch Clinton rendered some vocal selections in manner that was highly appreciated. by all. He possessed a voice of exceptional sweet- ness and power, Rev Mr Iteltand, '13ayfleldgave a theta address. The Band from Clinton was another feature of the evenings' e n ter taintreen t. As in yeara past the booth conducted it lively 'Amnesia, ire tablesiin the tent being in great demand.- When "God Save the King" was played and sung all felt that a pleasant evening had been spent. The total receipts were *12000. . VIsertrieee-Mies Fatintr' Blackwell is With friends in Mitchell this week. Mr and Mrs Geo. Leyte, Clinton, spent Stan. day at the reeidence of Will Jenains, of the Maitland. Lewis Tebbutt, Col. borne, visited here last Sunday. liars Cole arid children, Clinton, vent last "Sunday with Ctie former's .parents. `Miss Randal, Cliatah, was the guest of Miss Seale Acheson, John Crooks was renewing acquaintances here last blinder. Mr and Mrs J. W. MoRob- erts and daughter, 02 Mitchell, are vis- iting at Mrs T. 0. Pecketed's ; .Mac left on Tuesday, for Listowel, Where: he presides for a couple of weeks in Con- nection with the Departmental exam - 'nations. Mrs Bumballs who has been visiting Wends on the i,Lh, returned to her home in. London on Monday. Lerma Yeo left this week for a bicycle trip to London. Sarnia, Datrolt and Other places. He Will be gone a week or two, Misses Ella and Idabel Wilson went to Sertforth on Wedneedhy on a visit to their tarot. NOTEB.--Fred Ames, Edward and Henry Badour are this week waiting on the Departmental examinations at httioattrhyitteucoessa tlt 11°0114'6*w° *is, roe the crel: °day for a short =ten. neerw ltalcrusturs6geritr3 Proctor's g completion. .' McCartney) disposed of his bay drheeer, and secured another from J. Hill. W. Courtiers, of Nile, is 'visiting at home. Mr Letniard, of Bright, galled on his 'Ulm Fred, the other day, Mae Mamie Pickard, who ass been visiting In Mitchell, rettirned lag Friday, Mat McKenzie and Mists Switzer, of Toes. water, vrho have been vietting at Geo. Tebbutea, returned home Saturday. St1eoltesot0Z.-We notice that Ther esti Crooks, Who has leeen attending Godetich collegiate inetituteehais been Megtirtilti In tir dr= gi:ToprtrinIn'Irli that institution, 'We offer our ten* gratulatiene, Hallett Norma -Albert Weymouth is puts tine a new 'Mangle roof 'aim his bank barn. • Gotha. WEEre-Jas.Snell was in Blyth on Thureday,completing arrangements for his trip through the wester's States In the interests of the Sbeep Breeders' Association. They" are sending him too Illinois Idaho and W main e'tee to call on the large ranchero for the purpose of selling their sheep tn them. As his well known tbet no eiteep corn - are with the Canadian Leicester, and as Mr Snell understands sheep thor- oughly, there is no doubt that he will make it success of the trip. Before hs returns he intends going on to Califor- nia, then back to Calgary,Brendon and Winnipeg where he is to be a judge at their fairs. EXAMINATZON -The following is the; result of the weekly examinations held during tate month of June, Names appear m 'order of merit. Those mark- ed with an asterisk missed some of the exams :-Oth class -G. McVittie, *K, Scales; ar, 4th class -R, fel vermore,ali, Scales ;Jr. 4th class -H, Ross, D. Rog- erson, B. Vaireervice, T. Moon, T. Adams, *It. Crawford, J. Fairserymes sr. 2nd class -M. Adania. L. Leith, B. Sundercock, 0. Noble, *I. Carter, M. Livermore, L. Stewart; jr, 2nd class - N. Harvey; H. Rogerson, W. Sunders cock, G. Carter, A. Ross. *F. Moon, * W. Bromley, J, L. McLationater, Teacher of S S. No. 4. • REnoter.-The following is the 'ilere port of S. S. No. 5, for June, based on attendance, 'Merit and general prides iency-V-Robbie Wadden; Sr. • IV - Sadie McCool Mabel Brown, Eine Jackson; Jr. IV -Harry McOool, Neill Hoggart, Sam Lee; Sr. III -Mabel Mc- Cool, Essie Mair'Gertte Vedden, John Wallace,' Ella Webb, Elsie Brown, Frank Hibbert; Jr. III --Ernest Lee, Bert Notts Sr. II -Ernest Vodden, Ar- mand Walnut, Mabelleae. °bathe Leet Jr. II -Della Maims', Ephraim Snell, Orval Beeson; Sr. Pt. It -Sam Apple- by, •CharlteatTodden. Vary Jackson, Wesley Heggart; Jr. Pt. II -Flossie Brown, Septimus Wallace, Lily Cock- erline, Helen Little; Sr. Pt, l -Cora McCool, Ittch-Vodden; -I-.Edna Webb, Addie Little. May Appleby, Wesley Cockerline, Ella Lee. -A. F. JOBNE1,, Teacher. . • CohNOIL.-Eluliett Council met in Londesboro on Saturday, the 2Sth ult., members all present. At the last meeting, (nay 26), a number of peoalsa were present from the base line, peat - lotting the Council for a grant tone made to the ratepayers on the West side of the base line along the M B southward to the school house for the Urpose. tif aiding to erect wire fences, mama of that portion of the road eing.eo difficult to keepsertien in win• ter, and with vlete to the better im. .provement of snow roads and to save the statuteiabor from being aitoeether expended in winter time in that and other localities. The said petition was in part granted, ands resolution passed appropriating $250 for the purpose of bonusiug the building of wire fences along eertain leading roads in the township; but on account of the late- ness of the season, and that fences were already taunt to which thie reso- lution was not applicable, it was there- fnre reacmded at Saturday's) meeting. Mr Analey,County Engineer, exa-n3ined the localite of the proposed new bridge and will trend an estimate of the costs as soon as convenient. • Moses Holtz. .hatier was Repot nt ed poundireeper in the Manchester divieion instead of Alex. • Robinson. The offer of H. Livermore -was accented for building it stone and cement culvert on con. 3 at 75c 4 perch, the Council furniehing the cement. numaer ot aceonnts, amounting in all - to 8150, were examined and. passed.- JanEe CAMPBELL, Clerk. Londesboro NOTES. -On Thursday ' of last week there were ten •members of the Rifle Club drove over to Auburn and bead a match with tea Members 'of •Auburn club; our men headed the list as the more sherwed them 28 points ahead. L. Howson, of Dekote, is visiting his sis- ter, Mrs Whitely. Misses Lawdy Young and Miss Rose Raley came home from London last week. Mr Nelson Bella a lorraer resident of herea (that visit last week, accompanied by his bride. Mrs G. Johnston had sever- al friends frotn London visiting fer the lst of July. Miss L. Outinette also had friends visiting fron3 London. •The Methodist social at T. Miller's last Thursday evening WAS a grand success, Geo Snell returned home from New Ontario on Monday evening. Messrs Granger ae Son ishipped a very fine 1)urhan1 %ill to Geclerich last week for Mr Attrill; they all% shipped& eow and tail to Glencoe. Rev Mr Copland and family moved to Auburn on Tuesday. and the Bee Mr Kennedy' and family . ;stone from' there to Londesboro. The Pagebeterian social at A.Jarniesonas 00 'Tuesday evening Was a decided succeee and made praise is due Mr Jamiessn for the manger in Whieh he had pre- pared for its DEAT13.--afrealohn Brunecierr named away on Saturday last, and was _con. signed to het last resting place Mane day, The service was conducted in the church. Deceased, whoa) Maiden name Was Maegaret Blake, was barn in Scars 'boro, Eng., in 1838, and when 18 years of age her parents and most of the family started for Canada, but the ves- sel was wrecked in the Bata of flimsy and ,her father was drowned. Her. Mother and sisters Brat MOM at Brampton, In 1860 she WAR married to John Brunsdon. They redder:I' near therefor a short time, then inoyed to 'Coburn for one year, and then canie to Londesboro, where she has resided for the naet 40 yearn. She leaves to mourn. hex loss a husbeal and three children, also three sisters and a brother, en her eight children font died in infancy and one ib Womanhood. He eureiVing children are Wm Thomas. Albert and Mrs 3 0 Adams.- She has been a faith- ful member of the Methodist church for:Many years. She had been a wry - ere sufferer for the pot eight years. tdonatirrace Nate -Rev Mr Cotiplend preiaohed hi� farewell ilariddll here on Sunday; Rev Mr Iteenedy, the new pester; le eaPeoted 10 profit% here next Sunday afternoon, The n.3xs meeting of League is oonimoration Imeeting; Mr Petah will take the topic). Mimeo Sarah ribrratice and nen Diekooti, Toronto, +re liolidayint with friends here. Xvliesttn.g a:V=61 here. ParnhamMh11 attended the annul vneeling of Grand Lotigs of Geed Templets in liamilion, .4441 lite Label Tells the Date• TEA Mairrinee--In the weather man . ---,----,-,--... ammaernee. • a . !"`Foreign Fields. , TUMULI*. iar eisimeasseesse pueposed preventing people from get.. The followilaw article by Mrs S. Os K. • ting to Bethel church son-Wedneeclay ' Rutuarte M. De deriCtiptive of Ceylon evening to attend the tea -meeting,. .ars anti, the work done there, will be read rangea there for that nightam tra4 cere with much interest, Mrs Rutnam is a tainly successful. The steady down daughter of j. AV. Irwin, of town: - pour of rain all afternoon which in- "Ceylon loan interesting missionery nerd creased in volume and violence to- to labor M. It ie praoticelly a ihngelese wards evening, effectually kept all at aountre, but yesrs itgo the Temile of South home except a coup e •of dozen of the India crossed the carrow channel separat- faithful. These had leggiest evening all . ing Ceylon from the mainiand,end now we to themselves and consoled themselves ' find the northern peninsula, Jaffna:, almost as best they could and finelly deter. solely occupied by Tamils, whose dregs and mined to have the teameeting the fol- dialed differ slightly from those of Wien lowing day. The weather man wart eitle. Tensile, The large planting districts of er in abetter mood or had repented for the ieland are worked by Indian Tamil his previous work, • for a clear evening molleravsho game over in large numbers for Invited all who had . been heathy rip- thie purposeamt in the vast majority of the prised of the change of date, i T 'villages and towns aingelese is the only tables groaned under the weight of del- language spoken. . cedes that the tidies had provided. In large chin mesh se Colombo,however, "Such a displity,I never ses,w" quoth the Tamile,Singeleseadoors, Arabs and Malays r slimeet (P) of the speakers, "I am eure crowd the streets) in . their respeetiye and after all were satisfied there was a distinctive garb, with here And there a good waggon load of eatables that Pardee, a Burmese, and, of ciouree, many could trave bean taken home again " Europeans' and sailors and passengers from The church was crowded to the door. the variotte toreign masts that daily call at Addresses were delivered Re*. Dr. our fine harbor. Colombo is called the Gifford, Clinton, Rev. J. Hussar,Holme gateway or Clapham lunation ot the Emit, yillea Rev. Mr Burns of the Evangell- as :ell vessels to Auetralis, the Straits, cal church and Rev. W. A. Gifford, Chins. ;tepee and the east coasts of Inelie, good attention and the audience 'voted Colombo is an important city and life here °But: the speaking of first ;or* The is necessarily Mob. influenced by this miss - on. All. were listened to with muet oall here for °est end water. VIE* .chglriTe : eeaabaheeelestasiefsa, ttfe 080.,'• stalfnits:ir w°otrwkiitnb 0WoeloBtnearbou (3tiliveinli,z. aliens 'not ' melon. Latel Mt -Mute's age has hinder- mean- the. enduring of hardships. and tha. lid him front taking suchen interest in danger to life that it means in -China or • musical matters as he could wish, but other such bigetee and d rk lends. It is under hurdirectien on Thursday even- more like the coy miss on work of our 1 ing,the Choir showed that in some mat. Eastern cities. for the heathen here are hu - 1 tare he is just as young as ever and mese beings muoli akin to the heathen at. that his hand, or . rather his voice,. has home, arid 1 doubt very much whether in not forget its. cunning. The, proceeds tGhoedp'soodirgohrt twheeeziethisyeEntadteiffrizerewnooresbbipeptwereeonf. of the evening were $60.00. Buddha or Sera and the wealthy western S..0. E. -The anneal picnic of BEttn- Worshipper of money orthepbor worshipper staple Lodge S. 0, E., B. S., was heal of self and seftieh lustre ' All need Christ's at the beautiful home of Harry Morris -Gospel message and must be reeehed in on Thursday afternoon, June 26th, and „ h 4 I..„ . . . • was largely . attended, . Although :the . —a"' """ waYs • . _. For over a. century missions brave been es- 1 'weather tome . coot and threatening, tablished in this wised. . The Wesleyan, ••crowde gathered trail • all directions, ..a. el. res.naptietsand Friend •Mtasions of and no 'Matter frera• whet .direction • England, and the A. B. 0. Fs td, of C.S.A. they carne the huge Union. Sack could have sit their estalaished centres of labor; be seen flying over the residence. The, ' and are eneeeetiring. by eduestion and -afternoon. waaapent site. releaVing, gamer's preiehi ngstanplittethe - people. 4- -Stronger- in. the large orehard,. great interest teeT-7 than all these is the Work of ' the Roman hog displayed in 'quoits and baseball. Catholics. '. Wherever one goes one sees The supper, which was served on tables ' evidence pf their work,. in maths churches, out, on the lawn, was exich as only 'lass.. .„e„,,,,,a.„e ,,, .., , Their Englishmetas weiree and daughters. are va;Ter:aiwberie70711`asesvirt'lee4itt• ot.thitgtrheeayt. ' 0PM:1ln of providing.: .Afterwards the make rce distinotiona bete/ears their. natlire amenable was entertained 'bra short contents and their own men. Wherees,wo.. bat choice literary program Miss Mc- • eeti tiro atm, it is sad to say, racial; dis- Inter& recited . in •her . usual excellent tinotions thwarting the efforts of our Pro. inannera 'speeches were „delivered ha ' tenant minions.... ' Oh 1 if •Chrisais Gospel Messrs and Girvires and Nde 'were livedin the midst ot this . people by Orchestrat the' blood ,. I t' .preiessing Cbriettens we wouid eel granOer, . atbervoute3. wthisLovg.Ifirs;hoof twhae5. supdreiesnence4..1,4hre:anktetrh;m14 of c"- preachhig. . had to leave early esti iteeciiitit of .ati- 1 , "e aii'mate 6"eY1912 ill //Rich- better other engagement:And disappointment " , an Wan of therelai°i1 alistintrott Iliwiledyit a • brPeeielit8e• Was expeessed. by, many on account of the genial . host, and hostess for their lErreepithde 1::34 1 r. aini tea; rAtniateandan • brialh'twsepungenhbi ti)y not hearing aim. -• A -vote; of • thanks -ganthderraoininsyitaaeefivamonr,eliufbreer toernta. nano% as" tendered the Ot,ehestra .and also t., ..t . night d d • • 11 ' hospitality. . Mr • Morris, . replymg in deys. If the heat on the plains proves too his usual able manner, expressed regret tryieg,we are withireassy.reacirpf ibehills, it the state of • His Majeety's• . 'health, soberest some neatens of the year the teen - and honed for his speedy receyery; Ali .perature is low enough for frost to .form in .joined in singing (rod Save the Mpg." . _ . . the early morning. • The . hill countty of :. No.TesSgerie boy e broke. into the Ceylon. is very beautiful. • Froni the train . church at Bethel en Virednesday even- that carries. one froin Reedy to Nunera ing and cartied.off.a number of • cakes: Elise, the great:, saniteriiine• as far as tbe . and pies; kindly return the plates boys;. eye can ease aril -ergo tea, coffee and cocoa you are weicenae. to the eatables; there' estates. Here and there one bees • 0 tea Swas•plenty without that • which • was fan* awesome sheltered monntain. side • •taken. Clande end Maty Mitchell were and shebungalows of planters. The forest • t 01' t I ' SS • d • • W 11 e M cladormantain tops and rushing' mountain . risk has been. engaged. by Amos Fisher waterfalls, the pecidy•fields of the 'valleys, 'far the heaviest Matta% - et.... &Gledhill. athe sights of netive heti; and native life all. • has -had-Set-terge - :verandah. erected' lu• "blend te- iii a ka e eiders s triki ngly..beautiful front. ot his dwelling, which. greatly . to's Western traveller. improves; the atSpearemce • of his b seise. . • Even on the pieties there is no leek of The annual 'Ocilla of the Sone cl T ail' - yegetetiore In our own garden,- or cont. perance was held on the 'afteineoi of pound, eta it is allied here--wilieeseet large July 1st on the beautiful and caromed, variety of trait trees, °retirees " lime, .pome- ious grounds of Jesse Snyder; &goodly -granate, custardapple, lo-vi-lo•vea (wealth . numb,er was present and a good tittle fruit•sontething likes. oherryaaao •eajn-nut,.. spent. Mrs Ross is visiting her sister, mange, pineapple, pagoi and .many • coma- MreaRev) Shaw. Miss Jay Shaw gave nutmeg. while at the aide of thebungalew. 'te birthda art • to her 7 many tittle ' ' n a ree t 1 , friends theparsonage on July lst. A s When we came to Colombo 'about four number of Goderich. people picnicked years ago we ' bad practically nothing tp here during the past week;Beninflier is start home and miaBionary work upon, but . certainly a good place for an ratting, 'through the mediced and teaching work, by Wool is fast coming trite . the factory God's help we have been 'Malaise to lite and • froba all directions. • , • • . ' begin a work which we pray may grow year • INSTITUTE.' MEETING:.- The regular by Year m oesfollsees. meeting of the Elotineeville breech of It has boon our pellet frora the beginning the West Horton • Women's Institute not so eolicsitaid from. anyone; butwe feel will be held. at the home of Mrs W. that if mily our effort were known to the Blake..Colborne,on Th arsday, July 10th, friendt of missteps in the•• hot:mimed,: there at 280 p.m , 'A levee attendance of the wonfd be marry who would gladly and vats ladies in the neigh aerhoed eteepreettens...,,..eassearetreetesen-theaseppeetpelatamiriekina. • to that The rettilte lbay IV 49111.*4 1.034 larity regTsirtead.c.k9rptnith,.. la Ne tawIejletlia trilltieei W°111.11eVIhrlagcl ht tie .broa itsii- ,t,ireihvcseobl uttutilwdoinrgo,orilau_tthhers. unIppesati,agndh hall we : trebled leering. the etiiiir...1 year:. ,. • • 1 Our greatand pressing need is a good fortune to bane a slight igiury -to his hall-ln ',Kai tO oandeet all the classes foot, whieh •deeelopect into a , naild case from the tiret to the eigh th standardats well of blood palate:tinge happily he had it es the various domes PrePerill8 for Veda taken care Of inaapienty of time. Mr examinations, RI tiding to say the, cone and airs • W. ToWnsiend were visiting - fusion of voices is•not riondiloive to the hest friends in Colborne teat Sunday. Mr ' work; moreoveithe plater fritinhailthy, and and Mrs George were the guests for this reason many parente de not send of Mr and Mrs 'Amos Plebe*, Colborne, their sonar who otherwiseworild be glad to tee, Mrs A. 'Townsend, have tiOne ha a last Sunday. Mee Geo Crick and daugh- dmotvakee. itWpoegtaribuisetitoh:utebttrbenlibidrigitelootiditmobtare •visit US North Claralittee- where they bantling for this very important work. . -Will spent the summer' - 'With, their (Jan anything be more important or fare friends. MissiRista, Statibtiraa bi Bay. reading than the training deity of the field, is visiting friends in this ttielnity. yougg men of a °entry in all that pertains Mies Nettie McDonald, of Detabit, et true attitenehtp and .honest intelligent who has had pair health for sonde living --in teaching them- their dray to God . time, is spendinla 'as few weeks with, end their fellowman* • • "' • • her sister, Mrs W. ratach.. Mrs klartry My own work is mainly medical -40 spent Suuday with Miss./1°1meg, Aliso met/iris' pretence here is Math the setae ea Billet] visited at Mrs Leytoras last .elsewleerei may poverty ti mos in differeetr Week. Mrs Jos Townsend - is visiting guise- instead o1. city tenements We en mud her brother, Dr Stanbury; at Bayfleld. hate. Bet our poor Moorish crown anew A 'number frorn here attended the (date kindness otet as much, as any tenement eaten social at Suntraerhill on Mambas dW ler dote end I take it, ' if I can bring eVgliterigt01.-"TLhe yontig• peiapale 13f thia . . 9 life in Ceylon beeriest who* bean in vain. beth tartest/ of game end joy indeed , of nese to any, of those poor women(my neighborhood picnicked at Baytiele en ' i • Of thane, my pat mile are not all poor, but. Saturday lad, and as the day - was it ie riot ahveys that Worm say front appear- - fln all had a pleasant one, I live in the most meagre. and dirty Mahlon e ances theemount of weelth possesaed. Many Garth= Pe.wrIt..-The garden Blinn pally ' that they may hoard theft Money, while others apend much in appearance, tieing in which was . held on the lawn of Mr arena bottom in European data The &yea, Geo Dale on 'Friday evening last4; proved to be a deeided semen. Th Mane meets ail &seem and kihds of women. kind and it is vety seldom Weed th5808 night was 'Clear and cOnsecCentlY a lint •a welcome vlsitor. TO the Molarniedene lance doted aseembled. An a Undance Wonsan &Specially this woman irlocitot aoWle was proVided by the ladies, and all as a messing, eas asaysossen shoe „sowed kinds of rehreehniente Were served °a would prefer suffering or death Welt kr bes the ground; The lakiatteillett Band, of tog seen ty 6, nialo donor. These w anti Seaforth, Wait alito tie attendance and ate Oddly grateful and most lovable an proVided toreelli3nt intltdc. The pro- enjoy thy work amen g Atha • ceecia amattated to over SOCK. his farWell SOW NOTES.-*Itesi Me Steadman, preached en here on BarlditY No:WM.-Claude Mitchell spent Sun- ealborine last, and leaved this week for hia new I. day In Chiltern esthete somarittraction field of. labor at Mot EdWard, Mra down there : The inembera of the Hattie, of ' Peatrolett, anent last Week I EyititgelicatAesociatien have.been fik. with relatIves here. Mr and bEfra Geo fug up theft chureh Very nicely. by Taylor, of ICIPPen, elieilV a deMPle of panering and painting, and also putting days IRO week With. Mende here. Mr i up a ire* fence along the front- they and Mrs W. 114enkirts anent Sande, are good workers, both men AM %voila - aa a a latter's home here, en turning out in 1040 Umber& '\ $1 per yam in semi eis elae.whers noir so paid Paris • I • ALWAYS Green. Pure, Fresh • auti Reliable By the ounce, lb. . or package • R. P. Reekie's Presoriptiou Drug Store CLINTON N B -'-For' sore, tired, and rushing feet used our antissentio foot • •powder, ; 'Varna Nctres,-Beatty Bross- bought a driving borse from g , an es, at a• good figure. Seery Arraetrong isvisiting ' hie...Easter, aldre R. MoCool, Drumbe. anon. Pagrines father and sister; of Guelph, are • visiting here. Mrs Woods, Listowel, is visiting at the parental home. A. •11. Canino, wife and family, Seeforth, took in the sights of Verne on July 1st. Para Q. B.: Little called on Varna_friende on Tuesday Prizseeseeroe.-On Friday evening a large number of the members and edherente of the Methalita charoh assembled at the parsonage and presented Rev Me Andrews - with a highly complimentary address and a well filled purse. The reverend gentlest man, in a few well chosen and appropriate remarks, thanked hie friends for this ex, -premien of_theire-generosity, and on behalf.., of himself and family for the many tote of kindness they had received during his pin. torate of three years; he sincerely lipped that God Walla bins them all. An excel-. lent spread was prepared by the ladies, alscl after ample justice had been done to the good things . i prazided, the eveningwas spent in memo, singing and social nter. course; the company dispersed with the ' abaging of the Rationed Anthem and "God be with you till we meet again." Hi An.. &ewe and family will be annals missed here. They moved. to Parkhill ors Merle lay, Rev Mr Miller, of PArkitill, his sure genera moving here the same day • -a a Boys' Shirt Waists ;une csool days were bad for the *last business and we heves good many more, than we ought to the • lirst week of Jaly. •' • This week we put July:Safa. • prime on, all Of them and 41,0W the -ell go out in short order. •• • The new aritiei Wilr be. iiiarkid • on them for Eistarday. ' • •Tieem is no nobbier, nattier or . • more comfortable trot weather •garment for a easall.boy, July Sale Prices 50e Shirt Waists 38e •5 75e Shirt :Waists 55e • • 1.00 Shirt Waists 75c s . HODOEN5 BROS. I - 3 . •sAt.ffidens alateigaiest of his sister-in-law, Mrs R. us: I 1,0 :re; greatly gietaa. :els: ndt: ir Dye rei o't Dv. et wban ace sei health,rnoeilerteaof, ot 141: loge ihirdba fernit here attended the ceremony connected with the laying of rhtetetarceohrmeetingna corner r asatn ee ft otoi otwi an followed eAd newseeyeMethodistrilcku plti; the sone, the choir from. Calvin church lire furniehing the musir, A. V. Mc- Donald expectto ;Spend Part of his holidays at Wroxeter. 0, A. Tebbutt spent Tuesday with Wingham friends. NOTES -Vtr Geo Hill jr. who has. been visiting at his parentsformyerai months, left S tturday morning for Washington Territoryto take up his • old position which . he has held for 8 'years, Mrs Joshua Rill, returned home after opending a Weeks vacation, thtth friends et Ganatioque. Mrs Wallace, is visiting with her daughter, ' Mrs Waite, of Auburn..' The Sumner - h 11 Band is practising very hard for e t 40 • . , 1•=41 ea..14,4 ,teee--e.a .e,_-- ‘... ' l ' 1.1.-,17r. , .11 1 '1""f"4,-7,-----,,,,,,-77.-*.:'`.-:f:-."."4:! 71! ': -•.?,•-,A .1 1 ,-,-..tr ....,..r...;‘,..i.;31 ;,,r•ro,ii:4 . 1 (j: IV - . t '. I 4.1110 , II 4 P Y -,- • 11%94 ' I i kTh 4 11 Lite size enlargementj• Views of interloiw"of Wesley Church, .."rlower Sunday'. for .sale 26c., Henry's - Photo - StUdik, CLINTON'