HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-27, Page 8;lune 27th, 1902 THE CLINTON XIEW M14 iiituovistot wit pairwr, ,TUNH27 904. 1.400,A.1 NOTWES. One:r a r'eylor'sere proof safe for ealeeveY Coinuienicing Saturday June 28th, teem% .aeitty to IT),,E0110Algoolir, ounton Penedo* tvturted-Accommodatton for two gentlem,.” hoarders; AeolY etNeW Itao-office E wind up June and start July business :with special selling in all departments. The reason for these under -value prices is not far to seek, nor will the telling of it take long. Many lots of seasonable goo S• have come our way; prked considerably less than their real worth. To these we have added all broken lots of our own stock that remain after a season of remarkablybrisk selling. Because We bought some of these,lines cheap, and because some are the laSt of Spring ines that are mold down to _mtnnant lots which we want to turn into money at once they are all marked at prices that will positively save money for people who shap here during July, Every line =rationed iff this advertisement will be, :ready the morning SATURDAY JUNE • 28TH. • They are bargains in the truest and best sense of that much for that date and throughout July, until the goods are sold. nu.." over-worked word. The prices stand. good vetten Vests 2 tor 25c •REIVIARKABLE DRESS GOODS VALUE Maker's Seconds FOR jULY eAt eat !liege vests are maker's se - means that there No question about the stye or quality of our July sale elands. That. ia some slight flaw or imper- r"4 Goods; both are right, as yen WM see when you ex lin- leetion wh.ch will in no case me them. No question about them. being genuine bargaine--. elect thwear. Because of they are the real thing—you will .agree with us there when r ' this we buy them under re- you see them. Here :are some we Will have ready on Satin.. gular prices, day. There will be many more that will' not get into the pap- ce cotton vests, white.or or natural, • ers1 for an exe,eptionally large dress god s trale has left us i 1,r 15o, 183 and 20o, for July short sleeves or sleeveless, regu. il illanber:oke.n and lots that mast ba turned into ready; 05e cashat2 for • Wants' Vests 5 cents. Three Spacial Lines 263 infants ribbed cotton Vests, special for July sale, each 5e Made up of the last ends of scorn., of the season's best sell- traiasol Bargains lug linos. Two lines of Parasols sell'ng Trade in the new Clothing section hu shown steady and satisfactory growth every since the 'department opened. For. our July sale it presents a list of mone f -saving attractions that should .;ippeat to every man who has dollar spotid for clothing of any kind. The etvh rnolunt ti:ere goods are all new this season filiebfighoPer.teehole2r:c8Isilde gere....Twyo you- will not find theseyalues- 1 ....... •r!.• w 01 01 P1 COPY14401ilt The alot.131h-g Section for July Sale • At 25e a yard slider value for July. One is a line of f Andes the other plain. 300 yards plain dregs goods, also Panay weaves, blaolis and color, lines that sold at no to 50.1, all at one price for July sate, and that price •25e • •• • At 39e yard • Stfancy silk crrasols, nobby and •' 250 ettrds fine dress goods, in black andel! the leading shades, popular stvlishgoo s, the regular whole- . weaves, also (alloy materials. suitable for waists, eto., last ends • sale price Ayes $18 per dozen. we of lines that sold at 503 and 6D3, oleariug.for Icily sale, at per yd. Oile *leer out the lot and our price 7. for July sale will be each At 50e a yard • 25 Idain blackOC. parasols stron.g About 200 yards ,fineir4o1 dreas gooda. Some en& only skirt or waist length, ot °no& dfee a ll fudress, last of lines that 5 liandles, Ws. t . cut . frarne,steel rod, assorted fancy • sold at 75a and 85o, o, for July sale, per yard • er turn rusty, special for July. efOi • Some Silk tlargains for July Frencb dye foulard. Japan .silks, beautiful deaigirs, suitable' for - rleess s or Waiste,qualities that •, never sold tor less then 75q -per . yard, our specialprice for Jul.Y, per yard. • Bilks at 25e • . • 125 yards of plain Said fancy Silks, euitable for waisth, trimmings, 'linings, etc,.leagtlis of -2 to 10 Tarda. sold at 50c, 75cand 41, .for July salt, choice - -• • • , lilack .Taffeta• 50e • . special line of black ;taffeta ailk,good weight and w'dth,will wear well, special for July, per yard • -Waist Muslin :15e LtiStre4. for . Skirts 35c a yard regularly so4, at .50c artd 70 75. yards good.quality figured .blAck.hi3tre, neat designs and quail - ties that;will wear well and keep their appearance • Sold re- „ gularly at 503, 6O3,754‘the July sale we in Ike the price.-- . „. 000 • •-•-.•-•-•-•-•-•-•••••••”••••••-•;•-•-••••••-•-•414111*****1111r*******iiit 50 SKIRT LENGTHS $2.50 If you want to save the price of the lining a a part of • the making you will 'buy one of these skirt lengths wile will sel • .at $2.50 daring- ou.r July sale.. 25c • - •• 20skirtlengths of mest4uns,tweeds,cLevrothandfaticy blacks. at One price for July selling. , 2.50 last °nee that are le of lines that sold at 53O to $4.50, all ,• BLACK SILKS GRENADINES ' UST 10-tf tviililIF RitIltaleggitriii423i115:311Ta Zgrile. it ti tt r room r ,r. , L -Iowa oopirs. 9-, l'TeOnaTISi.;Af:•:r several ecet!1 at ps e ze store ayer ER %itovnak4'artititly- 41:11,tri:ow"e Nw „ as fine y abandoned and Dr. -Li -Rune bas decid 4 to have it pullecl down and the lotabeero used in a new building to be bruit on the new site. We feel sure rt will make botte:: appearance by dO doing is reported that the farmers in the vic+ WILY haYe Commenced to cuttheir hay; it is, indeed, a heavy crop, but a little early yet we fear for be baokward.sea. soavve have experienced .... Among the uatnes published in the Londbn papers riadonor to the purse given to Mr WhierleY, Of flurou, we notice the names of 0. R. Gunn.and John Rene7 ford....B. Graham, of the Mason flousew purchased a beautiful type of goat in Sea,fortb, last. Week, for his 'son ; he is getting a set of harness made for him and a litt le cart and be- fore long he may be seen driying big new outfit along our streets., ..Stanw and sleet fell for a aunt time on Sun- day morning....The old. saying "that rain on Whit bu.iday, rain for. seven Suedays after," vvhi-h occuerred on the 18th day of May, will indeed prove true if it den'. • forget to rein next Sunday,it having tairied every Sunday sincetiren couple Of rumtways.Occurred on our -streets laat Friday hut -not much. , damage was done .....Forty -f, ur tickets were teem for the 1. 0. 0, F. excursion to Sarnia on Settirday' morning.,.. •A frood deal of fruit has been•falling duririg the past week, due no doubt tri the recerit frosts and alio to the ram. ages of Janda; plums seem to have suf- fered must....Mr Fitzsimons shipped a load of bogs on Tuedclay; the 'price was $0 50: ... Mr McElroy, of Blyth, the well-known cooper,. was tovvn on, Tdesday; in the course • of conversation he stated that his father-in.law, • Mr flerbison, formerly of Goderich town-. • ship, . but nowof- Dakota, is suffering greatly from rbencaatisna ....The old friends in town of Miss Kate Rowell, of Midland, vvill regret to learn that it has. been necessary for her to under& an- other operation. ...A carload •of good I It ichard Perhaps be used a Hammock. 4 Jog • Hammock is much to the man or woman who wonla have out door rest,the riOt kind of rest—depres: sion, tired feeling, exhaustion or whatever you choose to calHtis m,uch relieved by the use of a hammock. he first few applications tell and continued treat- ment tends much to restore normal good health. We have all kinds—strong and big ones foe -tall grown folk to the small one for the baby—pst big en- ough, and the kiwi it can't fall out of, with a net cover- ing to keep off the flies. They are out -door comforts -- good for every horae. Our priees are reasonable, as. good as we can make them for the quality, We will be glad to have your in- speetion. D. FAIR 00., aillton, / The w. COtten the Cheapest—Always the,Res*." vildellcien men" got- cif- the train Mon -- duplicated anywhere nearhere. day evening ; they purpose startiag a . , . •laundry here if things look lavorable $8 50. Suits for. $6.24' • .. T Mason skipped acarload of sheep:io. .' Toronto on .Monclay ; cattle shippingMen's Tweed Sulttn s, . %de of good qua'. ity au wahi tweed. good linings, and . has ceased •owing to too high prices and scanty. markets.... [leery Stevens '. wweealir;g19'tidey'al7neillitt 8g1V506,spfTelifiatia.foOtiOry ' is erecting a large hick house for Mal - 6,25 colm Dowzer on Townsend • etreet... •! .. July (tele,. each • • The cool weather has greatly retarded ,. the ripening of the strawberry crop; • • • The yield is exceedingly large, and a few warm dayswould throw great quantities on, the market.... We regret to learn that Percy . Conch, son of Mr . is.00 snits for 11.50 Men's fine locoed salt's, narrow stripes.in Shade./ of grey,very much worathie,season, nee of our best linedand equal to trustom . Arthur 0oueb, rs laid up Whir periton- I made in every way, eleering 17 • itis; and is still. in a critical condition.. Juiv sale, eaoh......... s . 50c Some very handsome black silk grenaoines, new goods, latest patterns, good qualities, to be sold at reduced prices for Taney embinidered 'Waist Muslins, Judy. Very fine.silk grenadine, an exceptionally handsome pattern, r regulat $3,. for July sale, per yard .. ; .. ;......; . ... sof) • Fine qingity silk greiradine,•will make a Stylish costume and .• . wear well, regular $2.25 quality. far July sale, per yard 11,,ae good silk grenadineneatstrips; will wake up -and wear welt, reoular *1.05 quality, for July sale . ..... pure w)ol full. f shio ha vvill matte battik:me m9.99re- gular 3.3o, tor July sale, per 'yard Cashmere Rose Siair for' 1.00 '25.pitirsiedies cashmere hoie,all fine,. a n m ees less feet; spliced, ankle , special. . ' for July .sale....... psir for 1.00 Imes De 500 yarda cotton lace and -insertion, assorted widths,oream and white e regular 1,0o riatt 12io, per yard,. oc _Embroideries : zoo yards camber° and muslin em- broideries and insertions; assort - ea widths and qualities last of some lines that geld at 10o, 1.2io and 15o, all 93 one price for Jiny \trie that price ilk G'oves I5e 100 Pairs silk and taffeta gloyee,%all • • shades, regular 15, ,40 and': 50 cent lines, clearing for July. at •-•, per pair..., . . .... ' Spools 3 for 5 cents. - 500 spools of cotton thread, full 200 yards on mush Fool. bleak, No 40 only, Special for July gale limited einanqty ef.ea,elt qt.thafabove lines to sells...y.y-ouxtantone All the above prices stand for reliable qualitiea in ivory case. 'There is not a line in the lot that iA inferior or low grade. Every qualitpis just what you would expect to find hare—Good. • Throughout July the stock of. strictly summer goods will be kept well assorted. You will be able to get just what you want,just when you want it, at prices that are as lovias the seats qualities can be hacl for anywhere.. Besides this there will be many, clearing lots in all departments., that will save money for people who do their summer shopping here. A big Carpet Special . •.. ' ...The marriage of A. J. Mort isla•and • • . •• I weight, io Resorted striper', good per pith. . . yalue at $1.50,epecie.1 forjuly sale, ' • 98C Boys' Suits l=465 Pauts 98.0 . :Miss Tena ooper announced for • r wool tweed Parittcgood - • WedneedaY next - Ree,ular price of ' these suits were $3,00 and $3750, • The sizes are now broken, aed we want to elear the line outatl once. Boys two piece t-uits, made ot good. I tweeds and sergea, regular 5.00 ) fig; I' • and $3,50, for July sale, MIO"t1 Shirts .30e . I50 Men's Shirts ina.asorteta impieties I , and Ceylon flatmate, last ones of lines that spid at 75o and 5100, clearing for July sale, each 39e H ts 1 00 75 Wes' Lit lista, 'hard and 'soft :11Waof4tiol !Tart; ttcl 'ante sib lag $2.00 and $2,50, your Chance' to • get a goad hat forverylittle money 'clearing ,during jatv.sale, each $1..2,5. Carpet 98e • 5e 200 yards extra .quality English Brussels Carpet.very close and thick . • pile, made by one a England's beat makers, guaranteed to wear, this wagon a colorings and patterns, regular 1,23, for July sale, nn made and laid at per yard • Vet Fancy Curtain. Muslins 17e 100 yards fanoy frilled Curtain Muslin,blue and gold flo1wera onwhite .• ground very fine qealtty, regular 30e for July sale ...... re July sales in D epartment Millinery has got its marching orders. Tables and shelves are to be cleared at once: In a few weeks Mies Randall leaves for her holidays We have had a very successful season, and now want to wind it up with an empty show room, To do..this we are willing to he gener- ous in our bargain -giving, and are making elearing prices that border on the sensation L Half Price tor.Sailor Bats 4••• • TRIMMED HAS $1.50 and $2.50 ' • .All trimmed hats in our show room selling at $1.50 and nmatter what the 'former price. They ha.ve served their purpose as models and now must be turned into ready cash. Where Cal1 you get millinery such as this stor 0 sells at prices near approaching these. . • Triminedilats at $1.60 ti itr reed hats in our show- room that were iraso ar $8,all this season's tritnming and atyles,worth every pennyof the 160 first price, your choice now • • 09 Trimmed Hats 0,50 All trimmed hats in our show- room that were $8.50 to $5, many copies of French patterns . some very stylish hats in this lot, your choice, each X.011 Vreneh Feather Boas 18 French feather boas,.very stylish, a French maker's set of samples, would sailin the regular way for $1. 25 to $2. We .4,* got the lot cheap, and our July price 'will be, each v., 40C Illeiehed Damask 6to Ono end only, 00 inch fine qualitt bleached table damask, hand - spite deolgn, regular 15c quality, for Inky sale New Hats too, every one of them. Comet shapes and good quaiities. Marked at half price because we bought a quantity, and got theat for a good aeal less than most stores pay. Sailers 2De . 75 ladies' sailor hats.,rustic straw, black or white silk ribbonbandv lined, an extra, good hat for half a dollar, our special for L..... 3ulyschoiee 'AOC ttoilor Hats 500 - • • 1 ladies' sailor hats, plain • or rust,c straw, black or white, . silk ribbon bands,bobbYallaPesi a real good dollar hat, our July - priee, choice 50e • •-• - • • . • • • ' Half Bleitehed Table Damask 50 yards half bleached table dam. ask, good clot h for ever's' day wear, special for July , lee I 250 Moleskin 20e 15 yards fancy Moleskin, 1 igi, grey stripe% a regular 25c u i I t CaS1ilrier:0 SQOICE 7e 40 pairs mea's•black Cashoade_soOks t seamless feet, aurttmer weieht, all I•l vveI,f 1 1 ,p „ .... . . J, itleit's Ties lee 50 ,filens' titring . and fear iti.band • Tres, odd onesthat are left of eegu- 4 A ler 25o line, clearing for „ iuC 1 Men's Ties 25e • .85 silk Ties, dark and light patterns, last one of:lilies that sold at 50c clearing for July, ever ............_OC Boys a wea prs ;Joe Boys' Union Sweaters, good quality, regular 50e, for July sale, eou Men's Linen Collars ioe 200 Linen Collars, assortect styles aria dies, not every size in each style,but every size in the lot,reter. TA_ lar iBo qualit). for Jule Bale each 1743 ISOMEWASHVALUES FOR JULY ;SALE• There :will be plenty ofwain weather yet. Any of these lines are welt worth buying for present • or 'future needs. We have had a good. wash goods season, and can afford to take little prices on these- in order to clear the stock of all broken lots. e nds fancy dinghams and Zerh- Yrs, in pink and blue,regu ar 150. for July sale, per vard.... Ve q5 dress ends fancy mercerized cotton foulards in aPliettr" ance equal to foulard Silk, handsome designs arid the most fashionable coloring% no two alike, regular 3.5c and „liw 40c, for July sale per yard, .,.. .406 Mflstlns ioe • 8000 yards American dress mus • )fns, all neW designs in pink, blue, grey and.Unen shades, spacial yard for, July sale, per too English Oxford §hirtingl2ic 1130th 800 yards lMoglish Oxfindebirtin 55e • ty, for July sa e, per yard • ..• 6 per d ' ......... - y, r ISO/ (Pal- 20 *rap irted by ourselves •:".. 4 i0 ..1.4.9•ANC11 A hoe Bargains POR YOU. Never before have we given such bargains in all. kinds of first class footwear as we- are just now. Many. . . $ of tire lines we advertised last week are cleared out • and our numerous customers were delightedwith their purchases. ' This week we replenish our bargain counters with exceptional values, whichit will pay you to inveltigate. Men4i.bioyele-beata, jast.the.thing far atinimer_wear, reguler prime $1,15 and $2, about 30 pairs to go at $1,25 - Ybntla's tan laoed boots, Nadi worth $1..50 to Meat at $1. - Men's fine laced boots, up-tc-date, regular $11 Ong at $2, Ladies' kidoxfords neyer sold as many oxfords as we .dicl last week,oell arta flee what we can do ler you. at 90o ane$1.25, we censsve you 25 per oent We have 30 pairs of Men's tan oxfords they are worth from $1.25 to $1.55, you can -have your choice for 900 and $i.25. $ee our girls' buttoned boots worth $1 going at 75e. , The Old !tellable. • Taylor & Sosi, . Cash.end one Price Legge taken as • ttfltflttflttttttttttttfl .!.” fnitt 1•4101!!!!•141!Itill!..t•itg • esse- • essr- • •• • • • I•Pee •eised. • aerse-, • E. Oar.. or.r. ifitteee dlle•••• • 41111."' sime-0 dw•"' --110 Boys can buy an odd coat worth $2 for 75e Sr- 35 Bovs can buy an odd vest worth $1.25 tor 69e. 60 Men only can buy our regular $2 pants tor $1.39 30 Ends of Tweeds from fti to 3 yards at one half price. Our suits that we offer to you at $10 an $12 made to di= your order and to your measure, fitted on, and finished up in E our best style, is meeting with such popular favor that they au— are effecting our suits that we readymade at $10. and to re- duce our stock of $10 suits, we are going to give some big re- ductiona. It will be vvorth your while to come in and let tat tell you more,about them and show you what a few clonal% wql do, it Will certainly pay you to lo,ny :your clothing from ftus, we certainly are in a position to bay right, and these are E not days of big profits, but big business and small profits. a a aro. -.re. • • -re/I S•,.. a......„,.....„:„,,.,...../.,„,,..„,,,,„...,....„....,:::::.„,..„.,;.,,,..... .., Some Extra Good Bargains For Saturday Next. We are going to offer some extra in inducements, to make next Saturday. busy day in cur store, and the following list of prices should do it. OW. Jackson Bros. E amino,. a ,Ailinliimemaineeaseaslille-d— •44