HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-27, Page 71llininmenlimalianendlellannlinellsollialloW01110***Taiman e e. Vr ,000.)0P ttE." d -P On' feta t.":(e4 A. Remarkable Case, Told ey Mr erllu Post, ol Gruntldae, litseltObs. • Suffered fireetly for Five Teary Vette Itheumatietn-Dootore and Many Medicines Felled to Help linen But He Got the Right . „ Medicine at Last, eie Counted its One or tite Beet Pelteg • items It the Neon.: Among the best paying Menet)! the tarm eau. be counted allY gned breed ot nueles. The Indian Runner duck, here hown, is a breed conemended en being hardy and easy to raise. Tbey are fine layers, thriving were there . no water to &wire in and require no special management. In. England tbe breed bee been le.neWn 111 CUTal)Vir- Trim the .Etibia, Dominion City, Man. Recently while chatting with a eporter of the Echo, Mr Orlin Post, a well knowu farmer of Grumidge, "Itlate, gave the 101.• lowing story of live years of great "mitering tram that most painful of diseases -rhea - madam. dr Poo eaid:-"There are few people, unless they have been emailarly • affhoted, can upderstand bow reach I sur. tered during those eve years from the pains of theumatiern. Tbere•were 'timeer when was wholly enable to do any work, end to naerely attecopt to move my lirabe caused the greitteet agony. I tried several advertised 'medicietes, that were highly re- commended for Ws trouble, but they also 4••• failed to bring the longed for release from nst fain. As, tbese medicines tenon we one after the otlier,,I began to look• upou the trouble as inottrable, and was almost in despair. At thie time some friends asked we why I did not try Dr William' Pink Pills, and I decided to Make at least one more ettort to•obtain a cure, I knew .my case wee not only a severe one, 'but from the failure of other medicine's a stubt.on one, and I determined that the pills should have a fair trial, eo I bought a dozen boxes I took them acoording to directione, and befcre they were gone there was -a great improvement in my condition, but 1 was not fully oured. I then got another half dozen boxes, and by the time the third of them were'emptied I tad not an eche or a THE 0 ,..41\111,0N NV/1i/ ERIk June 20th, 1063 FOR PnAti ouL.Tutte. The Meat Trinennes Witten Dowers' The Work. Pea.re can be grown nearly as eheaply per barrel as apples, and they usually sell about twlee as Ingle It in one of the finest fruits that grows, and every farmer sbould baVe a good selee tion of pear trees. The pear tree, barring its tendency to blight, is qpite aa hard' as the apple tree is, lives longer, and leas fewer insect enemies: A •good plan is to plant standard trees twenty feeneacla way, then pleat dwarf trees between the standard. Comparatively few of the best var- ieties of pears are eelf-fertilizing, so • tnat in. planting a large orchard it is esseutial that each alternate row should be of a different variety. Large orch- aras have been rendered entirely • worthless by plantinglarge blocks of • the same variety together. Every I home in the Southern States should DIARRHOEA DISENTERy Ire an ample supply of Garber, • COLIC, CRAMPS• I Onte and Kieffer pears for faun Y use. In many sections of the South, these are the only' varieties that can be cesefull Town and they can gen ' 'Didion Runner Dueke. PAIN IN THE TOMACH - Orally be relied upon. everywhere in • - -- • • - the Saute. . . land for upward or fifty rare; the °tit • - " inal stock having been a dralte and • . -The Becket is the sweetest of all AND ALL - • three 'ducks brought troth. India by a SUivintit COMPLAINTS.. pears, but take a long time to bear. etia. captain end presented to. frieuda. , ... .. It is extensively groevn in commercial • who. were farmers in West Cumber- • , . el -chants because of its freedom. from laud. ' bIight ' e I the lar est How to Him a crow. I *wish to give you a few hints on Milking cows., The farm Wind who knows how to milk properly is more valua'ble to the careful dairYman than early pear, ripening in the middle of -Bartlett leads. The chief faille of the RELIEF ALMOST INSTANTANEOUS, Bartle • Kieffer is one of the best market var- , leties and always sell Well. It is a ITS. EFFECTS ARE MAIIVELLOIIC. August, For canning Purposes the '• IT ACTS LIKE A CHARM. tt is its tendency to blight The good keeper' and always looks better an.y other help.• To milk a caw le- Pleasant Rapid Reliable Effectual. than it -tastes. To bring it to eetteee quires time and pa -dente The milk • I tion it must be ripened •by storing in should be dra,wn slowly endeteedily. closet for a week or two. The Howell • peen left, end was able to do a Igood hard ' Some tows have very tender teats, and is a fine, large, good-looking pear. It day's work without feeling any;of the tor- if you want a good -disposed cow, be • EVERT HOUSE SHOULD HAVC IT. is e slay bearer andlacks flavor. .The ture that had for five years made mY life t gentle in .yotir treatment toward her awe iava .pauPoist FOR 1T. 'Take ne *mu. Sleeldein, while not much for looks, is one of the "best late autumn pears. There are • a few excellent varieties that grow better fruit, when grown as dwarts than as standards, araong a, tnen His Aron -Me David Inciffatt, Bonne , and the Anjou. trouble, I think I can speak 'with au- .iark!.-e ' teem° without a cause, , sr., of near Jamestown, fell"from the Dwarfs are produced by grafting on thorny:" . tcniiiia p tient cow becomes trantious • steps at the Brunswick house on Mon- io quince stocks, and are recommend, miserable. Yon may say for nee tlaat I do as ethe is naturally irepetient and oes not think there is any medicine in the ' not lilte rough handling. With con - world can equal Dr Williams' Rink Pine staxtt iiritatioa she will fail in Quentin „ PRICE. — 66c. • as a cure for rheumatism. It is several ty of milk. As the udder become years never since had tbe least sign of the of its to t ntsand, she will seldom Bn are since tny cure was effected, and as I • With milk she is aexious to be relieved ng amt which are the Dtitchess, the Louise, day evening and broke one of ed chiefly because .they bear earin. Wen/ .oured it is not surprising -that Dr eve can always trace it to the milketii, When such severe cases as this are en- . . and, also received. a leaky -bruise on hie The fruit is Also larger, juicier, • and • %Mime. Pink pills. Intim ouch • ' a. great'. Note this: We should not allow them • 'to • • • • - .more highly colored, owing to - the reputation' througbout the world for the ..'7(talid a len time -waiting to be faced' i • . .. • . milked. ' When cows ilea's. large Mullen liRw' TRAcHER_Ect tioAED-A 'special • short distaime of .the roc* . ..from the. oure of other diseases•due to poor Or watery .tit of milk it is -very !painful- whenahe meeting of the school board, was held ,- fruit and theproportionately larger . bloodmia, consumption,. dyspepsia, ,pParalysis, St Vitus' dame, pease alritation udder ' nas.. been! filled. to the utmni utmost on on Taesday eveng, Miss M.L.Brock,, number of teeding • roots s Good gar- . i of theneatt, nervous headache female ail. -therefore eausieg them to become very' . of Brusselenvas engaged to fill the posi- den lends, slick as. will grow, eabbage, . tion recently made vacant by the resig- is • all right for dworfs. They should' 'manta and neuralgia are aniong the other *nervous and restless.' To •delaY milk- - .. be carefully. examined .twice a. year, In troubles they have cured in thousands a Ant at the proper time Will 'do more nation of Miss M. Robertson, 'NEWS FROM SOUTH APRIcA.,--411t. ci. Jute and -September, for borers which oases, , Only the aentiine pill win cure- to Cause a -cow to. go dry before her ' will attack the. quince root Dwarfs. • subetitutes never mired anything -nand to 'period than'anything elke. She should • Knechtel received a letter this week require 'higher cultivation and more &Void substitutes you must see the full -.also be Milked.tee thelaet dron; if pon• • .from our forther • noung Winghamiter Pruning than standards and aye short - name nine William's Binh Pilts for Pale ,•eible, fer the lest part ot mille is' said Mr S.E.Identnveho is at present eerving ,_ne 0, D.: - . . with the Cana.dians• in, female Africa. . 'er lived. Stenderd pears should be People" is on the wrapper around 'every to. be the richest . . • • e. , . - ., • • Mr Rent was enjoying splendid health' 'pruned very lightly. early in the spring.. . box.. •These pilie are sold by mit dealers ie ' • . ••' - . at the time be letter was.writt The •best 'soil. for the pear is a gravelly medidine, or will Rend post free at 60 cents en. Now elityn soil 'with a clay subsell: Every a box or eie boxes foe $2,50 by . addressing e ' comfortathe SlIffrOur,dfoga for cattle . - ' that the war is over be - 'it that been demenstrated by eetpern . • young .Wing- hanntes whoare eerving in South Al- . Orchard should 'contain botli standards the Dr i lame eaunne Co,. • Brock- conlirmed-bne• sound • lugig"-• erica wnot.be in -danger of being43 -en 'V- I • meet and much eeper.ence. that live by the Boers. • .. , • . . retook of all kinds make e the beet return • e • - • A number of the conductors of the h they nJo the THE IRON WORKS SOLD.- The iron for food and care en ey Y w • e , Toronto Street Railway. leas been ar. Works have been solel to n company of largest measure of personal ea -se and rested on a charge of robbing the fare ' - - . • Toronto gentlemen, • The napees iedee comfort, says an exchange. -.The tom-. - boxee by rneans of a metal contrivance not yet been signed, but it ie thought instil% stall and fasteting thee no hitch will now be made in the called a "digger." At the 'preliminary contribute agreement. The new Company • will hearing Conductor Bailey, was sent s an to largely to, the ehrift of ant - the jury. • Ali . have •beeti releosed on mats in winter, an,d the comfortable manufacture furnaces, range d bail except Whittineton, with whom Pasture. performs alike office in sum- stoves. ' • the Pinkerton deteetine, Canlfield,who mer. Pure Water, aecessible at will, is n HOVe• _ • was working on the case, boarded. • absolutely neceseary to summer thrift, Winghanese-elestan A Young & $ens, - and shade tram • tbe boiling sun can of rn, have purchased Found Brost stove andtinware business at hardly be regarded seeondary • If thie , a ts not provided by trees, sun shelter of . (torte , w take possee- Oie The new Arm ill STATE OF OBIO, CITY OP TOLEDO, i • • LUCAS COUNTY, J 8 other kinds should he farninhoti. Shady. .s on,in about a week, • Frank J. Chesney makes oath that he is plates Oen. to the• pant,* breezeis are - en' senior partner of tbe firm of E..J.Chere neest valuable adjuncts to the feed eon- ' & Co., doing business in the city oi To sinned by animals'. The eneravating ,,In County and Sege aforeenid, and that effeots of the hot sub' and the. energy said firm will pay the enni of Qne Hundred Wetted init in fignting fliee •use up 'Dollars for each and every case of catarrh 1, • . a that cannot be cured by the use pi Henn• .veal of vitality the;t•woUld else' he eon - that Milk ger • meat. Shade- in ,Catarrh Cure. TuAsa. J. Crrearrit. • ' Sworn to before me and imbeceibed ip my presence, this 6te. day of December, A, D, 1%6 A. W. GLEASOD, SEAL Notary Public' asture in .euromer is analogous ta Warmth of stable in winter, and both are neceasaryto the best retunes for food consumed. •' • New Indust rt; • nnall'inCatarrn Cure it tehen inter/101v• ,The transforreatioe of horses mb and acts directly on the.b'eod and mucons • eggs somids an impossible' ' tact, but surfaces of the system. Wend foe testinien- :that jost evnat" the thrifty Cantor - 1 • - are doing. Horses are extremely , . , • J CHESNEY & T9l'ed9',.0, • heap threugn Mit the . west; gi eat gists 75c " nun -there neve been .iat'd .c511; nee -lenge Iv pills are the heat... • eanehoe, and tend lie 'scarce.: At: San.' acne; it is said that the animals Can he nought for priceedetinging flout 25 ' .oents toa3.50, • Petaiuma Is -.a great neultry-raising 'center, ana thgrowth of thie industre causes a tie nand for . every weeknheordinery trains running 'cheap food. Deitlers 'began to • Oook every day. Thetime betwe'en•lelontread horse flesh and pick it de dry cakes; Bed Vancouver, 2f106 .nenee, hasbet- eliinming it .t� the poultry districts: • r ducedtt ow 100 to 07 ehoorin .The Inninese hae been extended, and 'tow Petaluma packers' prepare nos • meat. rake, horses being, slaughtered Serving the pithlic with care, attention by tliehtindren for this use. It -would look as though a hen might. be more • honest goods and lay prices, bee given. us .profitable poe.aseion than a :11OTSE. .• a s, ree. • Sold bn dr Hall's him The "Imperial .lainiteci' the fest transcontinental train of the (3. 1'. R., commenced renning • on Monday last, This will consist nf three-dan service • *BLOCK kOR YO6R.ZRADh.• a high position amongst the druggists of • Canada. • We look for your traen, and • will use every endeavonto matte- yoe .A.voott Ntititevor4h. --- - regular customer. . • • •• . For use Ott buildings and fenees Our supplies of pure Drage, Medicinee, where a durable. and nrilliant yidaten . Toilet Preparations, rerfambs, Itiushes, 'Isiah is deslied. thr, following mixture Combs, Spongthe Etc., will intereet you, will ' be found • pritisfactory: Shake Pitmen Ceintriennetironnn• ono -third lowlsel <in -:fresh Jim' e with • We are felly preparedto lit your cadere or4e.r....1cticri„lxg,,, ,p.avroi tq • tbiet dientride eind.bnianntedednitaiV e n- eetalle the.ineurn Strain: through a icines. Knowing its powers an.! virtues, 1 fine eieve. andeand ,to thO liquid a peck we strongly recommend . it • as a biood of selt diesoived in 'warm wator, three • purifie,r nerve bracer and builder, pounds of gromid rive boiled to thitt Paine's Celery Compound is no n r - new e` • paste and stirred in wliiie hot, one- • medy it bas been tested and. sacceeofuley eele reone ee rish eeemag aria. pno used in • all parts. of Canada, by .. tens of "- pound of clear glue ellueolved in cold housands, and his never failed. . • we, . d . • rdow 1 a • envoi iet.: hung la a- nirgi r one . filled ,with water,. for 'fifteen mientese 11(n • 'inove and add..11ve. gallons. Of hot waea. ter to•the 'Mixture, stir well find toyer, Jetting. it stand for a few days. When Soneethinglike *a record • price• Was' reedy to user beat and apply wbile hot • ' made at a sitlo ot Canadian Shor thorns 'with broed • brtish, A quart of the in uhicago iday and Sat titd a y,13..h •ralet vire Will cover two • square yards and 14th. The cattle vvertecontributen 'Taco; It nit etetiner than panel , • by lion John Dryden, W. in Edwards. • and • almost. as. durable. Co., Benet ot• (3ocht stineand G. lardy •• • • alk bore. 'Ninety-eight Wet e elan eintold, • • t.'....11.for strawberries • • • It P. BEEIIIE, Drugeist, Clinton On Vanadian edat the average price befog -63552, Senator head. The highest pri:e woe obtained 'with nroiluet ,t of lame crape \V ••••10••••••••• for Golden Mist, an imported hull, 'the Invite -betides and large berries, San y a yearling bulabeed in Canada binught I .not the largest or a many per acre. • tested the matt( re If you want large 'THE BREAKFAST TABLE erops, eelect your heavy Ielfm snit1 UbbtIp 111011 repack the toil , 'just as hard tie •yent ,reeelbli. can, but • do net Work wline too wet. Stravt- ' berry roots vill penetrate the bard. - • 41tr'S on* ei hteen " 'Weathink ti e eon hue meet to de animin bC Meg at $2;010. Good. Morning eoil eproduee hetet- berriee, but • . $1,8( 0. • • Tile reason is plain to thehte who have • MADER. est soil and w:11 develop the best Iota MALT. EREAKFASF FOOD buds and produce the Minn berries, tee. •tt o nt and very shallow cultivation Ras 1\ Equal in tite .tv orlo. Is l,ast eandyneoll cermet he Packed 10144 so hard, lienee it will produce find plants, but not sueb lame. Mope ot The oet etteen e or . ,Favie of Nourishment. ' .44•••.** • Capt. Pouliot, of the Postoffice De- lta A hot weather breakfast dish, teide pArtment, Ottawre was drowned in the • Rideau while Attempting to save the Ilreakfeet rood has tatt equel in the world. It is health nourishment of the meet tem. )ifd ni hie little niece. eatiefyin intizing end eaatlY digested; E he O. P. R. has purchased the Hull centratof delioiene to tho taste, T Ilan mat , 6 row ehorgiza aria invigor. lectrie Rail way for $700,000 or $800,C00 food. for you And old in hot weather. (Thrill the unprecedently severe cold eon betty •• Alain It is the only sensible Thousands of sheep have perished lour gterset doinielende it. • •, • ' and w nter storms hi Cape Colony, are leond-upless yon are lean' ley iiature-"d-Youe need mor.e fat,. • • , ' You May eat enOugh ;. you ari. losing the ben4t, of it. Seott'e gmulsion of cod-li.vt:r.o: will help t'.211. digest yotir furd ate bring yi.),.; .2 piAliir>iicss of trt:te • •;""riv ' - 't .rn r T Iv i r ri• T' • 4p071` , • • 14' • • • i • • ' • . . "" • - HeistaWatenostie. • - • NO.rFs• -Mr Albert Stoltz; Whe Was the'guest na hie brother, . Mt oreite, for the pestten days, returned (0 her hnibe in New •Diniclee on Mao - dal. rre Wm Hichtnond, of Londote - is•vistiing her relatives and friends csti • the Oo'd line, et present Jas. Potter tacked up his west barn onTh urtdey last week And intend' to put a stone ,foundation underneath. In In lia,ydde of h d h line, 's his barb on Frn den.. Geo (ninth has sold his. line. big ;team (if hot ses to Fred Toll tor trut gum of $240. 'Wm Ronne bee his been cone- rileted. • Al iss nem Darling ' is visi ring tier sister, Mrs Wm Renee. at n'resent. 'Miss Theriot Walden . is at present en- gaged with Men Minnie leechne for a few days at dreesmaking. Tonne 1306 - nett is busy 'sewing weed for siertie of tbe 2nd n nners this week. Mr O. Dickson of ideltillop, was around farenerS trying to buy a few steer ; .e considere the pricee are coming down"; he bought it few nice mettle 'far which he paid about 41 cent's. Mr Sohn Reuse, of Niagara Fella is yieiting bis son •Cluti les and othen relatives of the 2tal line. Mies Elle elaidwell,•who hoe k ean %deli ing Ifullett friende, ref kuned on Monday. Wbile Mrs G Ailendet- son and her motheie Mrs Papeawere driving to'Blyth on Tuescle y afternoon thine horee became unmanageable, throwing the ledies line miately they tocaped with a severe sbaking . e pi . front Dr Pei due fey' the teeth Of $1.10, A. Par•ker yiete in Goderiah last Week as a int yelati, Wm Dobie left for ..Fort Witham an Tuesday naive mg, • EXPElttENCED • DRUGGIST b , WE GUARANTEE ACCURAIY AND PhIEFECT SATISFACTION thie ane of waxy, hustle and been nese corneentereetriet care and attention 'in the fining. at your doctor's prescrip- inlet( is abselutely necensary for the safety arid welfare of your family. We guar. antee eccurace and perfect satisfitotion to all our cuetomers. Oar toilet depart - metal is always replete with the latest preearetione and novelties, e • • Pads CittsaT Commun. Bap eePed thoupands when everything elite hao failed. It hag never failed to give otalt people happy results, It strengthenninvig. matte, . gives new toneto tho eys. taro manes the Moon pure, in fond foe the neeveti-it make e dolt people well. We min supply you with the pure and gen. tine Paine'd Celery Compound. II. B. 005/111:1, Droycist, (Matas, Oat, • The Rifler renievved 13,0)rnembers of the toys' 13rigades hf various churches a‘tnts?vnitid°"bpence, Secretary of the • . Ontario LittirtigrattOn Departrnent, is dead. To Cure a Cold In One Day. nake Lamtive Bromo Quinine Tableta All druggists refund the money if ittfall • to dere, •E. W. Grove's eignatnre is on tott box, 25e. and-dieverfsrePears-as -aertfie bear ev- ery other year, still aefew. seal as the Bartlett, nield. a peitial crop on the off year, -L. R. B., tie Farm, Fuenace-and rectory:. : • ' Chesil Milk Steel. A good milk stool •anovondri the • acconipanying Illustration. • 1t'made' of. two boards '2t- inches long -and ten pr twelve inehes wide. ' Nine -inches from one end _saw half way •eOugh Cheap Milk- Stool. • each boiled and split eft tbe long end. Aernss the elevated end nail a board about 12 inches long for a vat. Place THAVS.•THE SPOT! L eace has almost •come IT LEAN Ale sots, Paine s Celery Compound in South Africa Ent no peitoe here. The fight must be kept up till *lithe goods are sold or people • Come to us for your Seeds such as Corn, Mangele, Turnips, eta., and Garden Wonder -Working nedical Seeds. Oahe for Wire and Staples, Black wire, Galvanized and Barbed, also Poultry Prescription. netting Then you will Want Soreen Doors, Winnow Sereene Ana Wire zo mane others You want Forks, Spades, Shovels, lieee, eto• 1)0 't f t Boots and Shoe as we have Boob good and alma ones Dr, Phelps' Supplied. Ininen Celery Compound le the world's great leadiog inedioinnend mot.; It has n: trival for feeding exbausted nerves a it stands Oat ss a builder. of the weak and shta,tatienree,ds Gneerievroyus coyosratepmou,• n4 ins long am proved ite power as a banisher ot dyspepsia, rbeurnatismeneureigia, kidney diseasediver complaint and as a muffler of the blood. Thousands of men and women, tired out, eleeplees, nervous, morose and deepeedent, have been given perfeet beanth, strength, buoyancy of spirits though the wen-a:Wised . use of Petnen Celery Compoune. It has klVen a new and happy Me to a veto nein- ber of teople who once were tired of lifeand suffering. 11 health is impairni; if you What. , dened with any weakening or patnful min- a ' 0 Y Ptoday;' it is specially adapted for your case; it wilt make you well and strong, Me EL Ball, Chatbam, Ont., se; 0:-- '1 was to seriously ill I was obliged to take to rev bed, where r laid for four mont be. The doctors here and in Toronto n orge aboute P * Our Dry Goole emelt is full and, well itesorted-Lt yoa molly want a bgrgain in Tenede, nuns, Shirts, Smocks, 0 i, eralle and sox,. ootnq and try whet we (an db for yon. The beet of Gelman always on hand. vtebryerat:A:iwaali:fo.Onrdegnoeoodf.our Cards that opens ihe way for you to get your Photos ald, lege •• Something speoral-An Ayrshire grade cow for sale cheap or will exchange for aa o . .,a . Terms are cash or produce seal as Eggs at Me, (which keel the paten) Butter • Intel, Tallow, Dried Lie:plea Potatoes, ate, Youre for business, Eriiporium, LoudesOoro fit A ' Yet Idtit, 1d02: ' Jiggles:! Wagons! Do you want a blab grade Iiggj or Wagon ? We have the finest stock to select from. All the latest styles in the neW- est colors. Our ;armee are as low as can be found tor first•class material and vverkmanehip, Before you buy call and see us. • We also handle the Canadian Steel Field nonce, already woven, any tanner can erect from 60 to SO rods per day, it is a oheap strong fence. wild my trouble wee A.ddieou's disease of Geo• —' La. . 171Se Isaac Street, Clintoz the kidneys, and told me I would never . wan again. In November I commenoed N WET rpotur -ro 1,7-ww virtA OPIRTIIIR the use of Paine'e Celery Compound An like a new . ... to attend to business, and felt i, ter using a number of bottles I was enabled e man, I can affirm with confidence that Paine'e Celery Clem pound eeved rny life." ew Arrivals imsrly Trautptao t tog, A writer in the Orange Judd FarMer. • suggests a Very good method of trans- planting, He says; I get a lot of old fruit cans from a dump pile near town, • throw them on the fire, and when the solder it melted straighten them out. Wltb'a. knife 1 cit them two le th- wise, about the middle. I fasten a piece • et horil wood two and one-half inches square te' ray work bench, and with a ' light wooden mallet bend the Pieces ef Un into squares. They then, form • square boxes without top or bottom. Prepere the hot -bed as usual, cover the top with boxes placed side by sine and 1111 with gooa garden mold. Plant seed so that there will be one good • growing plant in each box. When they are large enough to set Jo the field the plant can betaken up with a • trowel, box and all, -a lot of thern set on, a board,. and the whole tarried to .-tbe field, when the box can be slipped oft and the plant, with the toil about • the roots undisturbed, can be set in . the open. gdotion Orowth will 'con- tinue without being checked by trans- planting. Store the b'oxes irr a barrel aunaliers put about three seeds Iti. each Vox, and after they are started thin to • two seeds and set two boxes in each • hill when. taken to the field. The ad- vantage of this plan is 'that a large mimber of plants•nan be started in a • light hot -nen or cold frame where they • can be protected from frost and can be -transferred to the open fleld with- out ,checking growth. -Western Plow- man. teinnhalf inch' eleets on the lower pore. -tioni upon ,which the pail is:e to rest. ...The Pail is :thus *kept cleee end Is net easily upset. 1 nave usedsuch •it• -stool• , for thelast four refire and find it -very usefirleJonien penile, in Orange Judd Irariner. • . • : '. • • • • , • . . . . • • The l'armer'8. oreStOr'S... • ' nAttenieeting een the hoetieultoransoe• elety• in Illinois a epee:leer notion , the - subject of, furthers' orelonale said: • :• n'rhe location • a .snele. an .orehard. should -be as near his house as pool - bin: provided a ' suitable sell can be foetid, If nonditiOns are .suitable, It should be 'placed te. the north and ev•cet of the 'farm beildings. • -Well ' • drained land' Is genera-ily good; On. any• - side' will do.,but • do net tote Enough land, even if it ha -been drained. Ailed ' kind of iand -.shoinn be drained, ...As nrainitgnimproves the condition of the ground. It is 'best to have the ground • suborned. Stilisolling permit's therein.. water to •clistrihute itself more quickly and evenly through -the kr mind. ;Ground so treat( d an be easily pone.. • etrated by the roots, -which will then go down to a •greetee depth than in - ground botsubsoiled. A small orchard should be pliteitedonevert. farm, . '• "Lay • off the priori in cheek rows, -thirty feet apart smell way. The =eke.' coal beemade with.a .filper, running the; furrow. deep. mid • then at the inter - Sections little digging will have tie be '•dene. Set out . vier trice ,one hien deeper than thy were in the mirsern • epees.' In setting 'am root put fine, dirt.. around tbe' roots ,nrul workit in by. agitating them, •this is J..). prevent the formation of air cayinentinder the, ' roots. Throw in only er.ough water • to pack tbe diet etround the 'roots. • letelt inthe dirt itinfost as solid as you Would around e fence Post.. You must be ettreful about this, for if the soil le loosely peened the air Will get in and dry out the riots:, Do Met stamp the • top layer of dirt, but leave that to Act As ukulele. Plant only such trees and Dianne as are recommended by the horticultural society for the district in. which you live," Six Ines For Hccit, A good-sized einch Will clear coffee. A pinch after Me* wilt ald cligestinto A teaspoonful in . it glass .04 water makes a .fine gargle. A teaspoonful in a glees of. htliewitrtn water is geed for bathine tired eyea, •A teaspoonful no a basin of water, When -Washilig Mat- ting and wicker furniture, • prevents them 'front turning yellow. To bright-, • en and retain color in cambric, ging- ham, lutelery, etc.: After washing and . rinsing, lay in nib of Water,. in which one-half Cup of salt has been dissolved. Dry in shade and fron on wrong side. -Mary 33, Flierence, in IllpitOmiat, e The Xing Is confined 10 )118 room tpcnt lumbago, caused by a chill, i p P To pro 4e to you that ...na , neat- hml absolute curia..for ,c!tch ertt (linmog Ointnie it la te certain `ow OW every form or fretting, bleeding and protruding Miele the teanufacitirere have tmaen td lb. Set gniniat"Tiliitrrt8algtltrgtcsiti otwnt.tiie,0111110 ttv 1 molgv back if not enrol. ate 1'. tutas .ell dealer; • or Inneeseoteneerte n Co., Termite. Dr o ohatte's Ointment In- the Malan of' the- back. DO. you eVor•gnt at pain there7 . • Lfso. do yen knew what•ie means? • It is it Backanhe'.: •• • .. •• A sure sign of Kidney Trouble. Don'tbeglect it. Stop it in time.. • tion'ti'.serious Inideey -,Trouhles are. sure to follow.' . • • •: D01011S. KIDNEY PILLS • • cure Backache,' Lame Bank, Diabetes, • Dropsy and all neldneye and Bladder Troubles. • . • • . Price SOnn, baneir 5 fato1.25, all deielere. HEINTZMAN & CO.'S 1 IANOS2NOted for theirexcellenoe of Mne, durability, intuit • tatloh and, beautiful finish. DOMINION ORGANS -Noted for brillianoy of tone, beauty of design and tenth. THOMAS ORGANS -Noted for their soft, sweet, full tones, Anerfeot imitetion of ths • pipe organ. • NEW WILLIA MS FE WING MACHINES -Ball Bearings, Steel peareno better made , • The el goods are fully guaranteed, Sold ma easy terms. ° . i. 01-11.Z.AZTV9".. Ev3ry Farmer Should use FORMALDEHYDE. MI, hest known remedy for Smut OD Oats, Barley, Wheat or Corn. •• ' 'We eau give you testimonials from all the leading farmers of this ;Notion who used our Formaldehyde last year. Folf instructions given with each,, bottle. .Use Combe's "Standard Formaldehyde" H EL' COMBE, -Chemist at -Druggist - ••••••••••7 RcLution in Prices 'Here is a great Chance td secure a .first °lase buggy at ts; big reduction. Not ..these prices :- • • . $80 Buggiettfor itto$ I $75 Buggies for $65 $65 Buggies for $60 Remember theseare all our oven make, which planet us in a position to guaraAte. them, as we do not buy any matenal but what is first class, Repairing promptly attended to by experienced :nen. . RU .1B4LL kMe.MATIT. Huron Strbet. 'Clinton • ." • COAN HICsNEY PILL co., • • • • .• Torontoelann, • . • - . eie,!1111 inn GESilic . . . • • nriglish paperieni•e as meek given ein. • to -the, diseuesiou -6° hese new grain &idea -as . our Ova have liken devoted to • prillibition... One; letter • pietas .otit tlutt '.".the duty of8d jive c•Wt1..is potent:pity,' le ' per (Marten A 4Itertef.'ofwiteat yields • .at leitielielileenetreeenetreites;•-nr..:bVcn , tuoee, Meaning .240 .of the 2•pinind loaves • . .we ordinarily see. A rise of. ned the 'duartern loaf, therefore, !levee 1.1 to this. • - baker on his in:mined led ra expentlittire • of Is per quarter; or a prolit ..of 400 per .1. e'en Le peen if the outlay:be made: Who, • Unix. i limo venipire The Writer. of the letter :then pl.oreeds to arg.,tie tint , • the eonsumer dein aut neeessurily nay the- dub?because thereid- a home pro- • finetion: • e • • • . • - • •-• • ' •• .ttn (ild• free trailer writeee-"What is there Aboitt grain Mid flour Which renders • them Morenadtable for regietratiow du- . lies than any (thee pin corresponding registretion. duties for revenue upon a31 other imports'-? The ' ,dotv on •Wheet„ in tuoponion. to last rear's avertge priceeis 4 per.-eva, • Four . per een.t. on. the velue of our net Nemo. tax tri 1001 would havenproduced -175,000.• Such a .. rrgitratini duty, in • nev OJthliOfl, wouM •be, perfeetly „Justin- . • Able for, revenue." • Another letter says :-"A tax on. 14- oyeles and motor sears rine ean huller- • etand,' ?mother Id on cheeks `no feller Can underetetin • • Mayan Sasn; Door, and Blind Factory. S. S. COOPER •• PROPRIETOR; . •General Builder and Contiaetor, . • Thisefaotore is the largest in he county, end has the very latest improved ma- ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and beila all. elase• ss of buildings en short notice and on the closest prioes All work is stmervis. ed in a 2:Q6012w:deal way And satisfaction guaranteed. We sell alt kindg of in. terior eon 'exterior material. LuMber Litho Shingle's, Mine, Sash, Doors, Brinils, Etc • z . . Agent for` the Celebrate -I talinA.1/1311 ILL hi Oat, tnninte, meaufaotured • Waterloo. Call and eat uricee and estimates before placing veer orders as*.......J.Lumiam•-•••041 ON' TUB VOUREIAll.ABIll PLAN. , 1 The four -teener° plan memo that all mamma, aegerelese of reek or station, recreve the name careful attention mid Itreatment at our store. We are as' patio. mar vent the ehild evnopie emit to pier. 1 clime woe email article ini we, are mill the rerience(I adult. 'We never sub- stitute inferior. druge when filling one doctor's preeeription. We never mom. 'eotmmetI'ini ' t. oi.' BUM. AND Unreneetor Under all ofrountstanoed at eieHeand a . l'aine'a Celory 0 m ound ie.' oak, Sure and unfailing. Xi cleansee and punfles the blobd, braces the nenvce, coereote digestion, and builds up them who are week and nan-down, It you are nervous or sleeplees, try ono bottle ; the remits will surprise you. Otir stook of Pf fiesta Ofiliity Compound is always fresh * and puree • . 3 n. HOVVY,DrUgglet, MUM; Another Drop .ht Prices The, undersigned is •offerino• his $80 Buggies for $85. They are his•own make, and are made from choice"material and by: first class mechanics. Alf the latest improveinents .used, an( are up -to date in every respect. They cannot be ., surpaeak • and we guarantee them.. JOHN LESLIE. Triuroa Street, Clinton. etenne,,notekt.,,t 4' • •.:• , :••• Dandruff Cure 1111 ; As a Hair Tonic, is (cleansing and invigOrating. does marvellous 'work in stimulating the hair to a renewed growth, • DANDRUFF is the root of all hair trouble., Oet rid of it at once, aild save your hair before you become bald, We guarantee Coke Dandruff Cure..to cure. • Price 50c. and $1.00 a fiettle afaii. druggists. ' • 61. BREMER CO,, Limited, Toro*, chime, Now York London, Paris PiwitsVs*Powliff.,410.,. FURNIETURB BROADFOOT, BOX & 00. • The iitoady inerease in our trade le geed proetof the fact then our geode aro righ and aur prices lower than those of other dealers in the toile. We mannfacture furnitnre on a large male and can afford to sell cheap. If you buy ° from us, -We save for you the profit, which, in,other easee, has to bo added in the retail dealer; • . This week we have passed into ofink some ot our noW demon. Space *ill not potr4It de to quote prices, but come and oee for yourself whet tinape we have to offer. Remember -we are 'determined that our prices shall bo the °west in the trade, UNDERTAIMG. . . . In *hie department our stook is (template, tend We *have ttndootedly,Itheubeat fItuto • outfit irk tho county. Otir pewee are as owns the lomat. e BROADFOOT, BOX & 00.11' 1 W121td1e1 51 --Night and Sunday oath attended lto byieallingraat a. W, Ohialey'e, Mauer Direetor) residence. .1.44 .4. •