HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-27, Page 5•? THE 014111TOT NEW ERA • coming and 4.o$10a Ativcruoctuou See Fred T. Jackson for 'Solid Leather Shoes. w. C. Searle wits in Goderioli on Tut*. rnoteine-HoogousBio, , day. J • • Paget Life size -Al B Ilenry.:.,:.. . it* . • • • 11 I Alin Shannon, Toronto, is a visitor '14'9741:eigliirttlii,17.: .(5. o:7: **** : : . "" * ..•' 1 2 Don't Blame 1 ..4at 1.4 4:1/e N tit' Sr aienable goods -Harland Bros 4 here. . Will Coate took it trtp to Brookville tine (35.41: euauteesrt bummer sa e F 0.1 combo . °71 walytell-cillCiharnohnnt bos Your •Feet :., iit., P0/14 "WO •• .:' ,. wuDei.:*Holmee, Goderioh, was in town Sat- Cows for sale -41 Braithwaite ., ... . . Equal Newest neckwear -A.41 liolloway... urday. ou 4 5 If they ache, Temper -trying to be sure. But why confound tne effect with cause The fault is in the Shoes Better get a pair of HaRiar Shoos • 11 LI or a e- er Notiee to ereditorsr-FannyBlaoltwell.... .4 of sl ,T•ia 1--- , , I • Peter Cantelon was in Bengali on Shoe Barrus-Taylor a Son C., Hoare was in /3elgrave, Monday on Miss Isabel Footle in Toronto for a rt, E. Hodgens, Qocierioll, was in town j wanted-WM=114*rue. co tO U3n4aY. • I hxtx at good bargains - Jaelrson Bros ..... For sale or to rent -Fanny Blecicw. /.' chilloia Tuesday. ., • ; at Great Ju saie-Iledgens Brea... business, Themaiendiar. 5 5 5 8 8 8 •` Fora, quick and couple of weeks. Friday, J nue '•27 -Holmisyllle Lawn scicial lastin shine • *Prank Hod ens el T t thi g • g wa n 01'013 0 a week on businees. SIIINOLA, the modern waterproof H. Joyner expecte to leave for the old o en you fort as well as style, fit and wear. . „. frm CRON, then haye •co in- • • country. in a few. dam Best Shoe Va Imes im Town All sizes and btyles for Men, Women and Children, Lowest Prices Every pair guaranteed Paste Shoe Polish Takes the iihtee of all liquid dressings which injure the leather and scale off. Shinoln burnishes theactual leather leav- ing it brilliant, smooth and dry so tbat dust cannot stick to it, nor contact, dull it. Once shined it will not soil the most deli- cate fabric. SHINOLA is the beet and also cheapest. Only 10c for large sized box. It is another new thing at the New Shoe You always get the best from JACKSON Stare.. • Mies Lillie Hunt of Princess went to Hensel' on Wednesday. J. Irwin left on Tuesday for an extended visit m Deoheryille, Michigan. Miss Maggie Marrin left on Monday for a visit to friends in Montreal. ' Rev TenEyok, of Exeter. wee the guest of Rev 0. R. Gunne on Monday, E. Mohring, traveller for 111aopharson & Hovey vias in town Monday. • NUN Lizzie Ellacott, of Wingham, in the gust of Mies Amy Fit2einions. Lester Whitely, of St Thomas Collegiate Institute, is home for hia holidays. Mies Reid left town this week for a twO week's visit to Manitoulin Island. Mr and Mre I. A. McGuire of Shake - No Shoddy • Patronize the New 'Shoe .speaye, were in town over Sunday. Fred 'T. ac son Store and get new Shoes • Wednesday on a t to Penetang. Jos 0h7dley, wife and family left -on- • Io Paper Soles L00111 tOr Sale Newcombe 5y shuttle looxn for sale, at one hird selljng price,in 6 t- I For particulars apply to Gzo. Porws, corner Princess and May 9-tf. Queen street,Olinton. Wanted. Men of Jhatracter, fair education; fair writers, good talkers, good appearance, to appoint agents. Salary and expenses.' • LINSCOTT PUBLISHING COMPA.NY June 18-tf. Toronto. Threshing 31achine for Sale. • A 37 horsepower traction engine, L. D. S., to; a•ether with a new momarish separator, on use Only 50 days. Has all latest improvements, in- cluding tank, pump, duster, pea pullers, clover. • attachment, etc. IR health of owner reason for 111 g. W11be eo1doheap Alay31-4. JAMES MUTCH, Auburn a .11 t We want as maty farm- ers as can make it C0/3 yen - lent to come in and take a barrel ef Redpath's Gran- ulated sugar, as we are crowded with it,and some of our friends complain, if we store it on the street, so we will sell it for $3,85 per hundred lbs, by the barrel, to maker roomfor our next car. . 01 course, we win uenver • r • • Of Interest to Bowlers. .. The playing for the Jackson Singlee Trophy Cup can commence now at any time; The following is the first drawt". 1 A Armstrong 11 F Jacl42 B Hoover D L McPherson 2 RPReekle. 12 X Fair J Bell J P 8 W FSpaulding 13 B Wiltse W N manning .Mei:Wart '4 Dr • Holmes . !: 14 W Jackson Dr, Shaw J Ransford 5 Jas Fair • 15 Thee Jackson jr W W Ferran . Dr Agnew 6 it fif Hilton2blies1.1 p 1.6 t 1111k:rester 7.) W Irwfn •• 17 3 Johnston J Rattenbury • J T Harland 8 BS Gibbing7• 18 W Brydone EXantelon J Wiseman 9 .7 Taylor 19 W Coats E M McLean 0» MoTaggart 101J bleCorvie 20 T T Leckie • WE Rand •B Combo • The contest will be governed by' the fol- lowing rules: -The first round will be form- ed ot the players as given aboVe. There will then be a new draw and players. will be &laded into two classes• -•winners and -los -- ere as last year. The first round mut be completed on or before the eVening of Jul+ 12th; The second round must be coif:431ot. ed on or before the evening . of July 1901. The third round must be completed on or" - before july 26113. The remaining contests must be played on or before the evening of july 81st. Ary two players unable to mut- ually agree upon a date to play off will both be ruled' out of the conteat if neither of them appear upon the ground at 3 p. m. of the final day appointed in each contest. If obe of any -such two players appears on the ground of the 'final day at 3 p.m. appointed in (mob contest and atops on the ground un. - t -i 4,1). p.m, without his opponent appear- ing he will be adjudged the winner. In the event of his opponent•appearing any tints between '3 p.'m. and 3.80 p. m. they mast then proceed at once to play off, and either party refusing to do so will -be adjudged the loser. '7Anymeanber not 'playing in the first draw, as published above, will be barred 'frau' any further participation. All ,die.• pates of any kind are to be referred to. the President, whose deoieion in all cailes will betniil. The winner will then be eligible to play in.the contest tbat will take plows on a date to bejannounked later between the winners of a similar preliminary contest that will take place at Goderich, Seaforth, Mit:then, • Stratford', Listowel, Brussels, •Wingham and Kiiicardine,. • The rules gov- erning the final contest will be announced later. . . •• • .......- • , . It has been decided to hold another match of sintles •for the P. B. ,Crewe' 'Trophy consisting of a .beautiful pair of vases. and •this. contest Will be played dff during the m3nth of August, the first round to be played before tin:1Mb, the 2nd before the 16th, the 3rd before the 23r45 and the remaining before' the 30th. The first draw of members resulted aq 1 W Jackson 53 F k W Irwin Dr Holmes 2 .7 Rattenbury 12 Dr Sha* EC B Combo •T Harland •8 J Ransford • 18 W E Rand A Arrastrong • •,f Johnson 4 T T Leckie , 14 W X Manning R Stoddart McCorvie y p ace 01.1 IL Wiltse• 30 W palding It Holmes - . . D A Forrester R. J. McDonald, wife and ohm of Sea- CLINTON MARKETS forth are on a' yisit to friends in town, Corrector! every Thursday afternoon Thursday June 26,J.9024 • Fall Wheat......'...0 .80 a 0 80 1 Spring " • ,• 0 80 a 0 80' Oats g" 045 a 045 .. 040 a 046 Rye • Barley • • 0 56 a 0 56 Peas 080 a 080 • Flour per owt . 2 25 a 2 25' • 800 a 900 Sheepskins • 0 25 a 0-60 No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 00 a 550 2 25 a 2 60 , ' per pair 0 20 a 0 40 Docks, pair .. ... 0 40 a 0 60 Geese, per lb • 0 05 .4 0 06 Turkeys, per lb 0 06 a 0 08 ' Pork, live , 6 25 a 6 50 Pork, dressed• 7 00 a 7 50 Butter, loose • 0 10 a 0 14 " . tub 0 14 a • 0 15' . • Eggs per doz ... . . 012 a 0•1..a Potatoee, per bush0 80 a 0 85 Dried Apples per lb005 a 005 • BORIlti '" • 7.. . ' JA.MIESON=InEgniondville;-J e•10, to Mr. am:Valve Joseph Jamieson, adaughter. • MILLER -;•In Grev, Juno 8thito Mr and 'BITS Miller a daughter• SBLDERS;•In.11,1orria,•Juie 14th,t6 Mr and Mrs 3. Sellers, a sen. SE In t/ rris *Tune 16th,to Mi and Mrs W. Hers a Otter' ' HOGGARTM-In Hensali,June 18th,to Mr and Mrs Jas Hoggarth, a daughter. • licEENZI16-11i Tuckersmithi ,on Sunday, • sJounne 15, Lo Mr. and Mrs:.„Ale. • . ALARMED. • *. • I BALLIFLAYWOOD-At the ;residence. of the bride's father, Tuckersmith, on June 25th. by Bev. Mr. Dunlop, Mr. Edward A. Ball, of Wandspr, to Mary, only daughter of Mr. A. SHANNON -At the rt;Sidence. of the bride's mother. Minton, on -.Time .q6th,li by Detroit, to Margarot , eldest daughter of At, Shannon: • FINKB/NER-MAUNDERS-At the residence of the :bride's mother, South of Brassels, June nab, by Rev. John Holmes, Rev. C. Finarbiner, . ; getravat second daughter cif .th.--1:-";;I:Veno, Of the bride's par43nts, Grey. June 18th, • by Rev. H. , Curry, A, 01, Tuck,Mifford,te:Miss Aggie.daugh- ' ter of F. Miller, Grey I..• ' DLED, • : ' • • POPM,In 181111,,John POpe,raer- I t•3111!)131 tA) tailor.,nroaid 'a re , J u th,John w g'gri • ital_y ars. I VANCE7-In Farquhar, June 16th, Miss Mail•k Vasa. Vat! Itag-eillinE7yittergaa:rch, , Juno nari. ;:iii.17th, ,wi-":fe' ISAA.010 Exei:er, .TuneY18th, "Siella,Youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs OhaS. Isaas,eged Lyear and 4 months. • ; (1(cr -In Seaforth, ju.ne 16th, Thos. A. Copp, II.T'&113111121ritTokr-In Usborne,June igth,Har: riet Ann Copping,wife 01.8,41.Etherington,aged 670.1t:e)aRratlYg*Art,81;ietalb dune i4th,beloved wife of W. • I Cory, ed . • ° Alma Methodist Church'Social' ' Tuesday, July 1-Donainion Day . Lawn Social, Ebenezer Church, at 0. J. Neebitt's, con. 10, Glade:- ich townehip Lawn Locie.1, Londesboro, Presby- I terian Church, on Arthur jam- , ieson's lawn Friday, July 4 -St, Andrew's choir. Lawnhlocial, Baytield Sat nrday, 'July 5 -Huron Old l3ays' Excursion and Demonstration, Seafor th eoming and Going J.:Etevens was in Goderioh Thureday. Mr and ffee Holmes, London, are visit ing their eon Dr E. H. Holmee. Andrew Porter left yesterday afternoon (Thursday) for Elmvale (near Barrie) to attend the funeral of his eister.in-law, Mrs Wna Porter, which takes place this after- .naon alt.2 o'olook. Glen Far returned to Toronto on •Mon- . firticefield. ''" day, after a two weeks' visit at borne. , •NoTEs.-On Sabbath evening last Ural J., A. Cooper, of Toronto, is spend- Rev U. Sewers gave a detailed account Ing a few days, with her mother-in-law, . ot the Presbyterian Assembly recently . - Mr and DIre knight, of Newbridge, are held in Toronto; the repertie Were very visiting their sen,11r Knight, of. Queen St. - encouraging,. the church as a whole being. in a sp!endid condition. De. Wesley Newcombe arrived in town on Armstrong, . wife and family., accorn- Thursday last, for a visit of a. couple of panied by Miss Maggie Jamieeon and months.. Mrs Armstrcing,. Stanley, the doctor's • Baria Barkwell, of Port Huron, was the Mother, lefts on Timeday for Hannah, guest of Mrs J. Harland for a few days last Dakota, where thev. expect to remain. veMekr's A. S. Trick,. Miss A. and Master' takes charge of Dr. Armstrong's pm- , "until August; Dr. Rogers, ot London, Edward J, Jenkins were in Detroit last ties, in his absence.- Miss Edna Copp . 'w,rts lest week the guest of Mies Lizzie weekHellowajt.- W Ingham,. was in town forth, has begun to lay -the granolithic . . . . . Rattenbury. .Frank . Gutteridge, Sea- GeoTueadaY to assist the band at a looel gar - sidewalk on the, Tuckeraiiiiith side. of den party. W.Q. Phillipri left on Saturday afternoon son's store; : the Stanley dide'vYill.also ' : • ' our village, beginning at G. R. blimp; for a trip to Owen Sound, Collingwood and . nut down a. sheet .. piece; beginning. at other'Places. . . -. - • Blre Garter wito:hae been v lotting for a.' • atation, . , . ..•. . • . I . Dr..Armstrong'S, .toward the railway . , obraple of months at Hamilton,' has re.. • 'Itan) A..Steivert, who has been attending NOTES. -Mrs la, • CaMpbell and her Blanley turned to town. the General Aseembly, relnined home •on son. George took Advantage of the ex,- Monday.;erening. ; ances in that city, Air WM Baird and minion to Detroit to vinio acquaint - The Misses Ratnilton, Blyth, w intik his sister, Tena. -also -visit ed acquaint - guests of the Misses' Thompson f a few days bet week. 4etv AdverIbtoteuto. • Boy Wanted. Goodiintelligent bo-awanted to learn print, Ing. ' Apply at NEW BliA OFFICE, • .0 DE rrilton 16 Al McLean • !' Cows 'Or Salo B GROOBRY G D MoTaggart S Mahon P Tisdall 17 j Bell •J Taylor ••4 young Cows for sale, good milkers, two new - 1 tinte. • ivir T. O'Neil 81°Pirr'la.n 18 R.P Reeldei Oer telept one number is 40 1 MeICO'vATIT Having bought out the Harness business of A. MoBRIEN, is go- ing to sell Trunks,Valises,Dusters • Rues'and everything in connection - with the trade -Good and Cheap. lAght Harness a Specialty.- morning; though in eiotie ly goodFor Sale or to Rent. game was put np by both rinks,' W, ;lank. ' - 9 W Brydone • Dr Agnew • 19 T Jackson jr June 271hL6 Londesboro . 1 • D L Macpherson E Cantelozi #0 "WNW Ferran 20 11J-Gibbings X Fair Riles governing the W. Jackson oonteet will apply. Sporting Notes. ances in Detroit during the excursion • last week. D. Eraser and. his sisters, Miss Jessie Thompeony of Blytli, spent a Nettie and Tena; visited their aunt in few days at the honae of her mother, Mrs Sarnia during the first Of the week. John TbamPaant • - 1 - ' , ' Miss Maud McGregortook in the excur- George Barge went to Toronto ' yester-• sion to Detroit last week; and visited day (Thursday) , in the interest of the friends while away. '13: Walks' and 31+,01164n Bros' firm. • . wife, of Bruce county, are visiting ; - friends and aeqUaintarices in this vi-. , Arthur Jackeon, of 'Chuiago, son of John cinity at prepent. Jackson, of town, arrived here on Tuesday to spend his vacation; • • ,... , Bev and Mrs CM:Gonne returned laCirite" . , 11 False Hunter corrected. . Friday evening froth Loodon, where they . -- . had bnen apending the week. • . • - To the Alitorb, the Neio Brdr^:- - :' •. Miss Loos Grant, who has been in Mich- Will you allow Me apace enough in your igen on an extended visit with rehttiveg,re- paper to correct a rumor whiOh has been .turned home last .Monday. , indnetrieusly circulated, with the intention of reflecting upon my consiSteneY as an Rev. Mr Little who preached) in Willie advocate of temperance reform? While it °baron on Sunday leak returned to his , nO Man's business, but my own as to home in liderton on Monday. , - • how I exeroise..rey fraindhise, yet' in. the Israel Taylor, Brarripton, was in • town inti3rests ofjostioe and .peace,1 let me say. •Thursday. Re•will return. Saturdsy and .that the rumors afloat are absolutely false expecte to take his Mother batik with him in every parrivialar. Igy vote in the last for at visit. ' election was cast for Mr. Mitchell, the pro - Mrs Jas Twitchell spent Sunday in Lon- hibition candidate. Yours for truth Twi'tohell and datightere• , and • Cl ara . W.• Rowsori don and was actompanied home by Mrs , • alter a mouthe' visit. • ' 'At Fiuron Synod Rey 0. R. Gonne and Mr d.Torrence,of Porter's Hill, called on Mr Ransford were both elected. to the the NEW Bat Saturday. He is a Liberal of executive Committee, andtothe Prd.- the true type and a good worker, and we vincial Synod which meets in Toronto, were pleased to see him. and Mr Re,nsford will probably attend Mies Mary Lough left on Tuesday for a meeting of the•Oeneral Synod of Can- ada which convenen in Montreal in Silver Lake, N. Y.4 where she goes ES a University delegate to the annual meeting Septernber. We congratulate Mr • Ransford upon being t lected to the of the T. W. C. A., of America. highest station a la,yman can get, that Miss Welsh, daughter of ,1rDavid of a representative to the General Welsh, of Piok, and niece of Synod of Canada., Mr Robt Welsh, •who_ has been visiting . • - • here, left for borne on Wednesday. - •West Huron Women's Institute. Bit and Mrs Ehnith who have been mit. ing. ere some line re urne is week o' the report as read them home in Strathroy. • fdra Smith is a The following in by the secretary Mrs Colin Camnb611. sister of Mrs jamas Mordath, of town. Goderich, at the amnia], meeting held Mies Flo Connolly, ,daughter of oommie. last week at the home -�f Mrs Harry sioner Connally, of Goderich Tp„ reiurne Morris in Colborne.- . home Tuesday kom Toronto, where she It affords n3e very gleat Pleasure to had Wien attending St Marguerite'e College, . submit to you my. secondannual re, l .. • v calved andtwo due to calve in one week!s IS/iss FlOssis King returned home from port Of my official acts as 'secretary - Normal School at . Ottawa on Monday treasurer, Before entering upon ' the Corn a corn chop for Sale. Corn and also‘Corn Chop for sale. Drive right to warehouse near G TB freight shed. ; Minter', Juno 30,*�w: W G maim On Thursday evening a baseball match Wanted was played in Recreation Park between the . Jackson .Broe'. team arid a team from Hod. .Ontilinndred (100) Girls to work on place work, eneNewcombe's nd Coat's dry geode in biscuit and candy departments: Can make ' g', ri adores, Both Elides hatted freely. Towalde at The McCormick ,Ifg Cc's, Aloes, Diindarg the end a dispute atrium as to the compost- corner Wellington, London, Ont. 2wt20 . tion of ono of the teams. The score stood 27 to 17 in favor of the combined team. . Wallted The two rinks that went to Detroit on Wednesday week as dated in last weeks, Boys about 18 of age talearn the Candy ot paper, won out in. Detroit by a score of Biscuit business,permanent situation ft natietac- 18 : 12 in one and 24 ' 21 in the other; ten'. piecORMICIC Aire-, Co., London, both rinke played in WIndeor the follow- Can and deal and I will use yon sea was the 01115' ehe wen out by a wore of House and shoe -making slim in the village of Holmesville. A good trade worked up. Splon. well ..... V ii • • II V 17 : 13. E did chance for a good workman Building could PlIWIL.-- 1)0 usedag atetore as well. Immediate possession. Huron St.,'.3 doors west ofNew- ' eo tribe '8, Clinton, Who left hie bOwls upon the lawn ? . For pantoulars miply_ to NY erAwcwntri, Who left Detroit with looks forlorn? • 1 FAN ' • • . Juno Who had a large head in the morn? r 20-tf Helmesyille• -- Notice to Credito . rs. & prize of a bottle of ginger ale will be i • given to the party furnishing the firat correct &newer. All answers to be sent in All personoindebted to tbe !Maw. Blackwell sealed.enyelopes addressed to the ?tepid- 1 gAinlizeimwoutd centers foyer by calling and .. Aer before iiil tlyni.°51112'"rsignetl' °r the P°st "la". I sin prepared to buy, thin season's • ent.Clotn. . ' lune 20-tf Hohnesville. • , zaNNiar ritacqcwbr,L, ' Ain OnVool; as Maly thlrlini --- .2- ••••-• .. .. Tile_ eonitnitteee haying in charge .._ ______ — '. ' the cerebration -to -F -1M ItirtertaintneritL -. ....--.T.-_---:'ll'. - i---- IL • Illouse—for-Sitle:'' ' II .130nmiller Wooi en. ills •:f, ii(lAr2o'n) tta:sfgfrgrArixtb°,1! . . ........ 1 vi tpi. 1;1, . . .. good frame hone° roonomitricurioxtr sort. ainin 1 tuady things' have taken definite shape, i atoties; contains 3 bed - - Flour, 1;1 for hest cesh prOe, or in ex. • kitchen, wood slia'A, tiara ohange for manufactured artiolee, •The Snorts Committee have made ar., room, hall, closets, r...o.gements for a championship la. and soft water, halt acre lot, with bearing • j. ...•1•103.1,v,..331.3.13•3 W 0 0 cross° match between Seaforth •and trait tem°. ADP Y to J. SNYDER, rai June 27 4. Iluron Mr cot evening accompanied by her brcither, subject matter of this report. I 'desire Willie,who has been visiting in Toronto fOr in behalf of the members of the West the pat week. . . Huron Women's Institlite• to thank the Department of Agriculture and • Rev 3. W, Andrew, Varna, was a caller, FarEEOLV inititae for yonr kindly in- hasatthe NEW gun this week, Mr Andrews.- terests and for your financial support, jaet finished a successfql three years' which 13 v d "t 1)1 for pastorate there and. takes charge next' carry on the work of the year. • us ti month of the Sylvan circuit. He will .re- . . I also desire to express my. sincere aside in Parkhill. sorrow upon the los., our oiganizatian Mr John Bell was down to Seaforth to .khas sustained in the death of our late see his mother on Friday. We are eorry to president,Nrs H. Morel, ot Holmes - learn that she is indisposed, but SE she has ville, who stied April 0li, 1902. 81in reached the good ripe age of 80, we; Cannot Was a most successful ahd energetic expect that the good healtli which has most- worker for the organization, and her ly been hers throng(' life, Will Mill remain. counsel and advice will he greatly The following item which was taken from missed at this annu il meeting . the London Nowa of Thursday refers to it hetiring to the groveth'ef this as. former resident of Clinton :- "The marriy etiolation, I think we may obrigratu. age took place Met-- week of eves Annie late ourselves on the succesame haYe. Dowling, daughter of Raw I T. Dowling,of achieved, T wen ty.reeven mem bet s Copleston,to Mr J.W.Ked 11, of Petroleme were on the roll at mit first meeting a Pfr Frank/Eli:wog left for' onto,DIonday year and at halt ago, and to -day we have one handeed and' twenty. We morning, to write on the ez raination for the degree of M. A, at Trinity 'University, held during the year thirty-two meet - Although Frank hes been detained borne ings, namely ; Goderieh, 0 ; Goderich Township, 1; Winghatn, 01 Holmes, the greater part of the past terra on account of the sioknese of his mother,. We feel sure ville, 4; Eintail, 2 ; Colborne 2, and one at each of the following places, that encomia will be his. , . Clinton, Londeshoro, Belgraye, St, John' A. Cooper, of, the C/anadia,n Maga. B.elene and Dungannon. The number zine, Toronto, epett Sunday In town, Mr of -addresses given and papers read Cooper is feet making a name for inmate were 71, which were listened to by The high position the Osnadian Mazamino 1070 women, an average attendance of occupies is largely due to his untiring ef- fifty-two. Those who have attended le •ts. Thonah a bugs, roan he finds time for the meeting have received much bene. prcdnotions in other quarters as well, . fit directly from the information re- ceived and indirectly from a. social point of View. We have been much ,nenetlted,lizthe literature sent out by the Departmeiir-orli-grieuiffiFeT-Tbe- atirn of the association tor the past year has been to the subject of do - W. jaekeon this week ticketed the fol- lowing to points; in the West ; Dr and Mre h.Arnistithig, 0! -Brimetleltb--ana- party-for- Betevan, Man, ; Albert MoDrien and John McCool, Calgary ; T. J. AloNeil, Wet- askewan, Alta. ; Marshall, Winnipeg; Mies Miller, of Hallett, for Watwanesa, !nestle saiene, Dornestin science must Man, ; Mrs Alin Whiddon, of Bayfield, cover many subjects. It must not be for Stratheoria, Alta. restricted to Mean "limply foods. hy. • giene or any. other single thing but,i•it St Mary s and arrangements are ilk. • In it few (We Mr liSr, 10111112P will niust include all that makes f r the trogress or a foo m 0 6 rinisels and the Hurons, and a tug. , Sale ftegister„ evenly a coneert will be given by the of -war Open to the townehips. In the etwe en an extended trip west, going fleet health, the comfort, the Well-being to Manitoba, where he will remain for it and the surrotihdings of the inmates coupleof week's. At Winnipeg he will be• of the highest institute upon earth - joined b Mr F. It Ilodgeos, arid together the hoMe-because it' is from this at the American Hotel, on they viol then go on to VAECOUVer 48th 1 iglilandere' Band of Toronto, , /si Bradt:Weld, wet day Jt1/16 r tn. A quantity of and Country home that have come and shell The Sir ReviMent Band has 'ftleo been I 0 -ars will be 0,d -A e At of the( season. San Pranoisee, r 3tttralibg by way of DeriValr come, our broadest minded raw and HUGH ItIOMIOND Prop. • bad Other Ponth.tvestern women, • 3, engnott for tile day. 4 4--,4141424464,46,JALAAa.thili,,,....aidt . o• Juno 27th, LW 400011140111011104/000104114114111 WIcKinnon 1""deo.71 ieto , at 700, $1 and $1.25. Ladies' Vests 113LAVTril. lYiilliner In pretty combinational, but sensible ones-. When we make a hat for you it wont be constrained merely for its beauty, but for its utility and satisfaction, Our Milliners know how to make bate so there wont • be any disappointment in them. They will hold their color and shape and hold your fanoy all the time you wear them. As the end of the season is approaohina we will make big rektotions in all Iritanied Hate, Trimmed Hats, regular Price $3"1 for - Hats, trimmed with ohiffon, flowere and Yolisge, regular prim. 65, for 118,95. ew or.sets We do a large trade in Corsets. We'aupporn the mama is keep ' large stook to seleot from. We do not confine ourselves to any particular make, but select the best from the following manufacturers; Crompton's i Wray's, D. & A., B. di 0., E. T. & C. We have them in ereot form, straight front, bias zift. We have them in long, m.edLium an_2(1 cohort, • waist, perfect fitting and steel filled. Bummer COrsets, in all e4is, at 25o, 85o and 500. spebial line of Corsets, in drab jean, steel filled, trimmed withlace and ribbon, at 50a., • Corsets, in great variety, in different makes, in fine contile, satin jean, We got a great snap in Ladies' Pine Underwear, in Vests and Drawers, by cleaning out large.guantity of different kinds. We got them at 75o on the dollar and we are now running them off at 50, Elo, 10o, 12io, „15o, 253, 35o and 50c, They are Worth one-third more, McKinnon & Blyth 411400004111d10041100 0041M01114000111 SEASONABLE GOODS AT ROCK 'BOTTOM -PRICES • B1.9 flame oil stoves and Gasoline store Binder tw.besi, Binder gloves, Machine oil, Screen doors and windows Cloth= wringers, Knoll washing machines, Ready mixed paints, Pure white lead, Linseed oil, Hay Forks, Scythes and scythe stone% Ai:Laths, Spades and Shovels, Waggoner extension ladder Eraery mower knife sharpeners. • 6 Boxes. Axle Grease for 25c. The 8u.reka Fly Killer. , Protects horses and cattle from fly pests and vermin... Is a sure preventative that kills and drives away the worst d • • a-.. pests, the -Texas, -Buffalo -and -Horn -flies. _ - 10 per cent discount off all the followino• lines. . t, - Graniteware ' Tinware .Shelf Hardware, Clothnx 1 wringers,Gasoline and coal oil stoves, Daisy churns a,ncl WEI& mg machines • 1 large good second band Refrigerator cheapl. 2 Fire proof safes at a bargain. -- • • • Harland I3ros. heap Hardware, House ewest •ec wea This week we are showing the very latest design a in Neckwear , ' • Including Coronation. Ties, New Bows, Ascots, Nar- row Derbies, Flowing Ends, Tubular Strings, eto. J. Qm. now A:27 HURON STREET, CLINTON .. .I1VIPER1PAL • House Requirements, Pine line of „Roceerar, in woody 0410, arni. upholstered, Curtain poles and fixings, re brass and wood. Room moulding?,• IV wive ,imitetion and real oak. reottorx " moulding, in great variety. FrO,b1011 mak. • to order. • Picture glass. Mirrors' frame and Mirror plates. • ..for.. • Undertaking and Picture Pram*, ing a Specialty. 0. Stevens • - - • • utelieral Purnittire Dealer, ' ' Oriposite Town Hall, . Albert Street, OLIN:eel% • nilsIDEN0E-Huronlitreet. oppcoite Commercial Heti, A E -St ta IZ Imperial Blend is a mixture of the choice pick- ings of Ceylon and China. It is absolutely pure, hair -splendid drawingilinditieS and verypleasing flavor. We are having new buyers for Imperial 'every week, nearly all of those who try it con- tinue its me. Mlle price is35c a pound, either black °mixed. .Ask for a saniple, . L. Ouimette, Londesboro