HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-27, Page 3SECURIT
You Cannot lenek SUch Vegetables tut
• 1 roeu, icinvoangrrova Freshness mad Witty
Y1 gardea Crops, .
I Do not be afraid to thin out the t
I fruit. Trees that are loaded down are s
I liable to bainjured. The largest and
' best fruit is grown on trees that are
not permitted, to overbear.
Fruit trees should not be planted in
the garden, as they will take up toa
much of the nourislameat frOM the
Try keeping part of your strawber.
ries in matted rows, and see hoW
much more profitable they are thane
Goe4 the crockery and theyaitress will
probably be called clumsy and. careless.
Iler plea of sudden dizziness J. not
allowed. "What '
right has she to be
dizzy?" they ask.
Women who are
suffering from dis.
eases peculiarly
feiniuine are liable
to sudden dizziness
and fainteesie endn
it la only by cung
the weenanly dis-
eases to, which they
are subject that
. • ,
resfu1 We of ifungicides and ine
E -males has boon that of keening
the solid; particles of the ,mixture La
suspension so that a uniform quantity
can be put on all parts of the trees:
or plants sprayed. To overcome Ole
difficulty many appliances have been
made to agitate the liquids eo that
these particles should not Fettle, but
Most of them have been failure% WO
have .perfected a device for this pur-
pose which is given outrieht to the
fruit growers of tcountry. This
A, Device for the Spraying or Plante
Tree* to Kilt rouge e
One of the greatest obstacles to to
i ui de
is can e en e y" for use with the barrel lying on, ite
Little Liver Pill
s 1
• s where they,are a owe ground berry packers. nd are traMped oyer 1(:15y the Itzinest and steitrler contrivanFig1ce, shown at , .s
Dr, Pierce's Pa- aide, which we consider the best way
- relieved.
Must Bear fee Proper firming of the soti around
the plant roots will Usually,niales the • vorite Prescription to carry the barrel, and consists of an
.shoularm, a, of flat iron one-eighth inch
1- that are to be tranePlanteel d and attached to JIG women strong thick and sevenseighths inch wide,
the handle of the pump
• i transplanting Successful, Young trees 'makes weak ,
dug up carefully, damaging tilie'rootes-- -•.e..---,-„Tele-weitas,
.l . gas little as pOssible. eular-L
s /4
$eo PaceStmles, Wrapper Below.
Toy *man and 00 oasr
40 take as sugar.
• Wheeesuckers appear at the base ol . P.megifienegt,n
an apple tree let them grow until a a le
few leaves appear 'before pulling them drains,Seals inflam-
off, and there will be less liability of Illation and ulceration, and cures female
More appearing than if they are weakness. When these conditions are
cured, backache, headache, dizziness,
broken o • start.
etc„ are also cured.
If the lawn Is sickly, get sorae wood
ihreTtles% torif yesrr with fetnle
ashes and apply them freely. There trolibt:
Will be •no danger of applying toe Adair Co., Iowa 4ilici; grameenaltregig
eases -heart tr6ible, Bright's disease, and at
PILLS. FOR CONSTIPATION. much. The rain will carry the solulsle ti wbuld b.e nearly paralyzed. Had nen-
re' intgiese of stomach. I can freely say your medi-
• ortions down to the roots. After the.,
. grass begins to start out, apply nitrate iseicuepstfonniue bottles In all, five of 'Favorite Pre-
' four of ' Golden Medical Discove '
of Soda at the rate of 100 pounds pee 11
and two of Dr. Pierce's Pellets), have culla
acre on the lawn. x can work with comfort now, but before
Plant trees wherever a place can b would be tirecl all tviatwwitne and have a dizzy
r Tut, :1%11 uanusAraiun
found for one, not orily for fruit but
big difyys work, something had not done for
for ornament. Trees add more value
to a farm than the buildings Some-
over eleven years before."
ood Farmin
ePavorite grescription" makes weak
if your fences, gates and drawbara , is required for a tree to grow, and women strong, sick women well, Accept
Gg. times. hshadebe desired time
thoe.e who purchase -farms willealwaye—no-substitute-for-the medicine which
OxqUIrqE • nine PelaeliZellettitie7,4017-004
'need repairing .flpyrois the time to see take this fact into consideration,
to it. You may have more time for
this work now than-. you will have The use of straw, or other wrap.
when the busy season comes on - ping on rose bushes 'as a protection in
We. cannot make Our wells. too cone .the winter season Is not done to keep
.venient. To go quite a distance to the cold away! but to avoie the light.
Water the teams is a big chore and, if. an.d warmth of the. sun. ' The object
it could be avoided, a dreadful waste is to prevent them from being alter -
of time, especially in the crop season.. nately warmed and frozen. It is the
It is now time that farmers *were* wermtli-enot the cold -that damage's
planning 'foi• the 'year's operations on them in winter.
the farm. See if you cannot improve Do not buy treesover a year old.
upon your last year's farming; not so . They do not have 'sufficient roots to
much in the matter of acreage tte in.. sopply them • with' plant foot •cona-
manner. .. pared with 'younger trees. Cut back
The first object with the farmer the tops, iito as to give the' roots less
should be to hold his soil. as much as work to do. A young tree with plenty.
possible against all needless exhaus- of roots Will overtake those a year
tion and wastes of all kinds, for this older and also be more thrifty and
is the basis of successful farming. -J. free from -disease. '
L. Baird.
Many plantare said to "run to
vine" on rich land. This is due to
_Keeps Their Records. Ouch land being rich in nitrogen and
A poultry man who believes In lacking in an abundance of potash or
knowing just what his fowls are doing lime. A. _well-balanced fertiatelee.
keeps a record of his his aud says the application of potash and Hai%
he knows Just hew many eggs each one rather than substances.containing
has laid since she came into his pos. rogen, may have geed results on all
session, and just what each one has kinds of soils if other. conditione are
cost- him; purchase place, food, shelter favorable.
and care. While very few persons are • -
able to give the time neceesary to keep
. such an account as this, every one who. • •
works wonders for weak women,
Dector Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are
the most clesirable,laxative for delicate
women. •
4.s. Beattie Crozier, the distinguished Twenty Years
thenedian who has for many years es d
voted himself to the philoeophy of les. of Itching Piles
tory, does not agree with the theories '
Mr. Alex. McLagghlin, thirty yeara
advanced by Mr. lienjambr Kidd in his
, . resident of Bowinanearts Ont., writes : •
zation." In a, critieistriewhich appeared
hook, "The Prinelplee of 'Western Cialit. „For twollty long years I suffered from
itching piles, aed only persons who have
in the April Fortnightly , Review Dr. been troubled with that annoying disease
Crozier states that the contraet be ' can imagine what I endured during that
tween me -tents of ethics on evilieb Mr. time, About wren years ago I asked a
Riders theory is. based is an illusory e druggist if he had anything to cure me.
contrast and ineapable of throwing light ! He said that Pr. Chase's Ointment was
on emelt evolution, At the ,1.0..e. of hie • most favorably spoken of, and on his
article Dr. Crozier Invited a reply. Ile recooAmitnteerndtharteioenalppt7ifeeattalobnosxxfelt better,.
has received one, but seemly in the
form expected. In the 'literary Supple-
oalindabfaYitrhweatyfintoe Irellcoadveuryse.cif clienebtiVedwflaie
ing notice appeared :--"We uriderstand s
:Tient .of The London Titers the follow -
treatment until thoroughly cured, and as
that Mr. Benjamim Kidd does not in. thuairterweadsasneyvesnincyee,arisarnagodramyy
tend to reply to Mr. Crozier's . criticism
the • t cl
. at e oen meat ma e a perfect cure,
In the current number of The Vert.
44 1 consider Pe. Chase's Ointintee. an
nightly Review on his book "Principles Invaluable treatment for piles. In my
of sWestern Civilization,"'hinee, altitough
. . . case I think the cure was reinarkatile when
e MN/ ton rei y
In -dr aW' "ITOf Tro-itrtTi.'w-41.3".1rFl and-hadTheen-66 Iiine am suirefer rein this
-and-entertng ethesitarr el about e
alseette- I • zes ceosider that Isagetting eileia years
eightm, inches froIts head. ThiS arm
18 attached to an elbow, b, with anise
six inches in length, which. is fas-
tened into a socket; about four inchee
In length, that is, bolted to the head
Antoinette Agitator.
of the barrel at c. At the lower entl
of the elbow is atteched a. shortearm,
d, which, is Joined to the long arm that
carries - the dashers or agitators, a
This joint is necessary -in- order that
the dashers may lie on the bottom of
the barrel, and not be lifted up at
every stroke Of the pump. With the
movement of the Pump handle, the
dashers move -forward over the en.
VENETIAN RED tire bottom of the barrel, thus, keep,
Ing the liquid in constant motion,
a Preventative for itelo Fowl* Ie
order that the liquid that may hav
With Greet 8111;CCUS, e d am ms
settled on the bottom may be stirred
. .
thoroughly before, starting the • pump,
The use of Venetittn red as a prevens the arm, a, is fitted to the pump ban-
tative of or remedy for roup in fowls is . dle by a slot, 1,. so that it may be
sy no means uncorinnon. There is, how. quickly slipped off and worked up.'
ever, a misconception of the character ward and downward a few tiraes eT
of the chemical • compound, which tore beginning to pump, All the limas i)
should • be corrected la the public mitd. are Made of 'fiat* iron one -eight inch
In a recent issue of ,Poultry Monthly Cal& .by three-fourths inch wide, and
Henry Hales says: • • . .• can be made by elle having facilities. ,
"There has be.en• a mieurolerstanding for eating such iron and drilling
f the nature of Venetian red, through holes to fasten it together, The parte
confounding it with. 'oxide of iron red. are held together by short stove bolts.
Haying useand handled both articles, The. dashers are fastened to the red.
Venetian red for the last fifty-five by • a screw 'passing throngh , In
vrtee- •se eees eer xmaaly the adjustment of this apparatus to the
seal' daderiliie 411:a qualities at barrel, the pump niust be brought near
.eaelt.. Venetian rod was aimed • film
Its extensiye ;uee•by the •Verietlans; it
eeinetimes called 'light red, This is
Meeting on the part ot r., roeui any disease," 6o cents a box at all dealers, or
real grasp of the principles cliscusseS
in the book."
The Menehester Guardian has the fols p
s ic,$:0vrosnto.,
lowing ..commeet on this metheod of re. a 10.
"Some criticism can be answered. Oth-
ers it is best to try and'llve down, and
this is possible,given sufficieet assurance
and a certain amount of backing. Thia •
is the policy which wise Mr. Kidd ap-
pears to have adopted with reference to
' his critics. Mr. Kidd deserves the
thanks of all writees on controversial
matters for pointing them the way to'
an Elysian field of. blissful repose. In
future they will only have to say, or
.1get someone to say for them, with truf.%ficient clignity and repose, that their ad-
ve slime 'no real grasp' of their
Ineaning and there will, be an end of
the matter, They may revel in inac-
curacy and confusions of thought, but
as each fresh blunder is pointed out
they have only to utter a gentle lament
norance. One only wonders how long
me coul' g.
over their critic's want tofupg.:asp and
to refuse politely to enlighten his i
such a gi
enough to. the en el of the bar -rel to
allow of the fell seveep of the pump
-handle, and. the .rod, a, fixed to the
yellotir ochre calcined, which makes a • handle So as to give a full sweep to
:fine light red. Numerous other redaeare the elbow le that the dashers may be
now intried rn ififiliberteseeplaces-,- and:. ecateled.ferWaed, and backward to thele
are often sold for•Veneitan red, and of Tidiest extent.-e-Pjaf,78:-Telehissifeetieee
-ehe One 'word which' the poultry ten used; evenby painters that danot
has tried it will iannit that thatime . know, the difterefice. ' Venetian ' red
devoted to keeping a poeltry'
s it -does not contain a man shOuld have mind is deanIte 'proper; containe little, if any Iron*
Iwell spent, If
'. mss: •
, d I probably a very small oroportionrecord 01 each towi,
whether the vvbole flock is making or , All poultry should have a coneren- while the Other mentioned reds are
losing money for its osvner. Such at lent place to seek.' refuge under in More or less composed of oxide or ' studied purpose to • keep all foreign
account rn ay be very simply kept, but cold or severe storms. - (more correctly), peroxide of iron; substances and flavers out of the milk,
, ------btter and have only cr.
'The great secret in •fancy butter
making, says a dairy writer, is a
tts value is inestimable. . It es.very important, as the weather some contain over heventy per cent. o
DR. A. W. CHASE'S oxide of iron paints. This is the arti- and•fancy butter results '
— • — chicks be kept obsoletely clean and
gets waraner, that both coops and irone and are known In the trade ate iginel materiel froth stare to fintsb
1; free from pee.; you cannot afford te 'cle that has the tonic propene', and Is 'Barns filled: With.haer and. grain are
akes short roads.
CATARRH CURE . 0. 'raise chicks to. feed a swarm •ollic.e IWIett •I ,gXe My fowls. AnY one dam. not essential requisites: for eivinter .
Is sent direct to the diseased • with test by, e. ting the -water. wbich is dairying, although invaluable in then, •
parts by the im retieed of all quite harmless, and find whether he is way. There must be a cheaper food,
proved Blower ' Ducks are most easilar
'seals the ulcers, clearsthe air .fowlWhen properly treated. Do not tieing Venetian red, which ts useless , one More like the green grassesThe
firers scrps dr/plays in the let young (lecke get wet in a heavy or the delde of Irbil red, which is very system oft ensilage make e summer
• toads- precticAlly continuous throliale-
Catarrh and Hey Fever, Bicow: rain. ,Wallowing in swamp Mud ie •I trust that .1 may benefit
roa parrot& ant y ure
free. all dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase better than letting them go to poritle
or streams. th ig' t rt.' cle " • • ' Use Clit. the year. '
• Keep , dretext at about sixty ,degrees. Is a purely vegetable Systetn.
Medicine Co., Toronto and Buffalo... your neuters .by helping them to
ood for everything •
that runs on wheels.,
Sold Everywhere.'
IltacM br X1tXPEUIA.19 OIL CO.
• - • . .• . England' naid•;22,000.600 for poultry •• Mr. iialss is probalily aware that the Do•not allow it to become too wa
• malting cabbage. •• and eggs litSt. frene Oth6r so-relled It:met-ma • poi iSse preps:0y It is not adviseble to Mix cream •ol' Renovator.. Blood Purifier and •
. .
ing Ca ag - raised MOre of its own. elian eeer be- Item 'It is-- a cheneical treatment with. Made .beeause cream ie kept toce•long.
worms. e I have tried it for = thirty . In fact, the Teesuinpteoli Of sulphorie aced, omit is neeterthelese an While eva.iting to accuraulate'•enough • • •
• years. when eilesing cabbage, and neee these products of the fern: is greetle: iron base, As. fe eeen.-heoSea, the Old- f.or elierniog, whith often happens A erieeli.eiete that acts '• dikectly
I advise cabbage raeseis to, try ,a4f,.., tries. • This is true' aotwithstarlding it speaking, peepered s frone aujphote 0( different ages. • Much poor , butter is : ' .
where' but One
the same .tune on the . St:Orriach, -
er was troubled with them where; / on the ineeeesethe world' Over, . time tonic, bouglees,' .: mixture, -was ' Or two cows are kePeo
used salt! It is ‘licaple elle wets but may,is. emexcellent month for hatch , Made .he elisealying solphate of 'iron The ,yield of both butter and milli •'.- • ' ' • 4 .
Levet*, Bewels. and Bawl% .
little time. Take- a round box -with lug chiekens. The eggs will give bet (eopperas) in Water andeadding a small, an be filereased by juous feed- .
•salt ; fill it, and shake salt on the ' more easily raised, °Wing to the .ed -.harsh con:petted *as again.dilute ' certatn proportioa of food can be 91) Constipatlon, Pimples, Boils 'Head -
plants, about the same as YOU WOUld. vantAges of the warm season And less ed by being put in drinking vester.e. tained'only.when an appropriate.breee .. : .• • . .'
Your .Potatoes to Sat. The ealt die's liability of epee from cola and expos- • while len.-.1,10ii.cd,s haea relegated Is used. The breed Indicates what .• acne, S'alt Itheuth; P•nrining Sores,
-reeves by the dev,"s Ein,d the water cee. Let the hens hatch opt e large jet:Melees' . mixture to the: 'reer, stilt • may be expected, the: best results be 'y -lieetskieereits, -Key.ipetae; Cancer,
ficial to the- plant in such quantities: lot Of chicks,' aii there will be quite a .' tile fact ren,ains thei Iron'. tinctutes are ing eecured. if the dairyrnan knowi • .
Repeat after 'a rain. The cabbage is •fletinber that will die- from varleue better 1
.S til In spine eases.' ' . IaoW to do hiS part torrectly, . ' ,' Shingles, 'Ringworm er any disease
, . .• .
runs down to die roots, aed is beneo
tceasostehst; eats, hawks, and' other endue-
nning theta mit. The oxicre or peree'ide (menning high . Nearly all the 'ere= is contained'. arising fro..m ., act tmpovertehed or
near the ocean where it gete the sale ,- • • • • : "-- in oxygeri •oi iron is better thee the in the letter half of the ,railk dr: xi impure condition of the bloo1.
a cool weather plant and. does better
breeze. -J. W.. Wooe,Stock. •Vt ' sulphate for. this 'purpose, Mr. Halei from the cow. If feeding calves, put . .
s . Nevy intik Delivery Can. correct in that statement. .. . . the first halt drae:in in ti, vessel: by it- For Sale by all Druggists*
' The delivery of milk In. cans is row
cover; Perforate the cover to shed fine ter eesults, and , theohicita will be quantfty ot euhihuric • .aeid thcretee 'leg, .but the largest quantities from a . It . cures Dyspepsia, Bilioueness,
• r,
• "•••••••
••••••,, "Zus
PaTe ' Tester
June 27th, 1,902
Rattet lifit *IV Boom.
'rake a rope of convenient legit*
and thieknese, and make" a small low,
at one of its ends and another masa
loop about four inches. (Way from it.
The halter is tompleted by passing
the end of the rope through the first
look and then through the second 100p.
as dais halter runs through bothiloope
it will fit a head of any e.ze. Re spec-
lal disadvantage ee that it requires to
be kept constantly tight in order for
It to retain Ile Position. This objec-
tion can be obviated for any partic-
ular horse by making a knot at each
o.f the small loops, after determining
the respective lengths Of the head
piece and the nose band.-Lontiote Litre
Stacie journal.
Take OIT the flarsiess.
The habSt of permitting the harness
to remain on the werk horse during
the noon hour is as lazy as It is cruel.
The harness should be stripped off ao
as-theelueree-is-brought. in, and he
should then be turned loeee to roll if
he feels like it. After that he should.
be rubbed, -pains being taltea to get
Itis shoulders and every place where
the harness presses or robs perfectlar
clan. At night the groomin.g shouhr
be repeated. This to the ;horse is an
refreshing as is a WA). to aetired man.
Page Woven, Wire Fence
is the only reliable fence for holding stock owing
to the continuous coil or spiral sprin No.7
"Page" wire will withstand a strainof 8,3 I ;pounds;
ordinary No. 7 wire will Only stand a strain
of 1,700 pounds Common wire when coiled or bent
will straighten out with the first strain and remain
ed. Page fences are now very cheap, and you know
they have always been the best. Page fences are
used. by all Canadian railways.
The Pane, Wire Fence Co., limited, WalkervIlle„ Ont, 4
WWIW wwwitiumivw
A. Glorious Big
Bargain Event
A royal time for those who need or who will -need
clothing: Men's Suits, Boys' Suits,,Men's Ovo_xcoats,
Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants.
Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered .
at a special discount of 20 per cent
The object of this sale is to sell out this season's
clothing before our new goods arrive., We • never
carry- one season's goods into the net season. All
goods charged during this sale will be charged , at
I'yegillar- prices.- Tositivalyr - no goods- charged- -at -sale
prices Our vronds are marked in plain figures -,---
deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price
for cash only during the sale.
Men's Suits;
very general. Instead, of caerying
• milk aboiit in large quantities, con-
Grape Tonic.
itantly exposing it tb the linpurftiee
A. French horticultural 'journal of the air as he, goes from•dcior to door
ports the method by Which a grape the up-toedate milkman puts up the
grower in that eountry is said to pro- prodect •th cans at the dairy and de-
duce an unusually fine quality of •
grapes. He dissolves sulphate of iron
in water at the rate cif four pounds to
twenty-five gallons, and spelnkles it on
the leaves and branches of the vines.
The first application is me,de When the
grapes are about one-third their till
size, another about a month eater and
a third ab-citit twenty doers before the
bunches are ready to gather. Similar
results are also obtained with
apples, pears and cherries. We don't
vouch for the efficacy of this method,
but our French coetemporary praisea
the results obtainer, from it so highly
that we *Would be glad to see it tried
In an experimental. way. The mate-
rials for Sprinkling are very cheap..
Back Ache
lett* 3111k Can.
IlVers it tO his,patrons
. tartans recomraend thee foe: nod. One
of the toted designs oe milk can fie
Shown herewith. It le of east iron,
- With -porcelain lining. . handle
also holds on the lid, and having a
broad opening at the top, it its wall)
and perfectly cleaned.
. I
•Itit aches and pains, is I.:WI and sore,
A. Test for Potatoes..
SO that.you can hardly get round to .
The Michigan. Experiment Station
do your work, or if -you're so bad gives out valutthle Point on the
you've had to. go to bed, psi take • • quality of potatoes. Put the potatoea
in brine, and the tubers poorest in
Dr. Pitcher'
Starch Will come to • the surfac% The
llght pOtatoett are soggy whorl cooked,
While those containing the moat starch
Will be mealy. This le testing pota«
tees by their "specific Igravity," and
as the method is a very eimple and
cheap one it is worthy of attention.
The suggektion is ft good one, not wale
dor .growera but for consumer .
The :useeof -okide of irenets. entities- self ed save for. their use, reserving .
tionably ef advatitage in cases of cold, the rest for the dairy. They will thus
IiIi4; yr W.I.f.TE11-•:Fof the only autborisa
foup or kindred ailments, • To nab/finis-. ------------------------ taagef fresh, warns
• R I v.V.Pleis.alliaag tii.s1mth44 ng41(th I'd
convenient its to make a 'co/sr:Tema them will be. materiaili'lessened. leof,?4,,.500 pages, Peetusely illustrated, only
Cihristtgr?! Herald ..
ter .this lie water, however,. is. not 80 . • railkwhthe cost pf maintaining so
.. • •/1. mute gditors of the
with e. perfectly dry vehicle. • Tak,e I Consider the difference' in the ' -V
Oatfit il,5 4gesA reu.nt• Booes me credit.
white sand' and dry, it thoroeglilg. - To limoue t. of money • each brings". '
., and . fte e rot. in the held. Wire or
. wrIte for ornilt today. • •
• live p,ouride of dry cornmeal, add four • the length ef time between return's, ' BRADLEY -GARRET'',
pounds of dry sand and onapound of ' .'Ve. • i between beef and but- APri. 18--4f. . Brantford.
oxide -6f' iron'edry. paint) or -Venetian ' ter 'prodootion. Butter can be shipped
me.. We know tat the latter, as seed . weekly.. with etteli returns- regula-rly,-.- -1 -
by druggists; is excellent, hut the ox- while the pigs; the calves and fields • .
ide has more tonic. properties. ' An are ,conetantly fed the waste and ehe . •
,ouuce. of nelverlied •capiiicura inayebe fertilizing elements, and value •• if .
mixed with, this powder. The dose is • grieering up all about eau: .. .
a heaping tablespoonful to each twelve. . There is no teed df making butter
. • at •a, loss evith so *wide a demand %for
Th e new Stientific remedy, pre* • VitiatTS, vEnsts motne.
4 pared by the emlnek Kidney Special,. Are either tt mark of beauty 2 This
1st, Dr. iina Pitcher. These Tablets would be a sueoestive topic for debating SO -
'oldies. Foe the informetien of such let it
cure promptly anpermanently the
be knoWn that Putriam'e Veiniest+ Corn He..
Worst .kinds at bad backs and an tractor removes pelnlestdy alerts In a very
terms of kidney trogible. short time. Drugliste who etill the best
Price too. a box, at an dra
. eueil, Till DR. &NA PIMUIllt
. 4111,21fig b. 4 Alia& aA.S,
fcrwls,,, given in the morning mas
J. 12...• ,T1SDALL.
a gilt edged article,, yet plenty' of pee/ Private fonds to loan on mortgitgee , a
three days, then every other day for a, ' hest current take.
week, This will increase egg produce ple continually suffer this loss, end do
tion aae ayert illness, as well as curs not seem to know just how to loeate .
' A General Bank'
mg buainees traneected
. nor remedy it It la safe to say that
We o . not advise tlae dosing of . ninety-nine farmers out of a hundred
colds and incipient roup. .
never have atiy right appreciation of ;lite tot allowedon &putts. '
mei, save a small flock,especially if the poseibilitles of intelligent dairy,. Sale notes b tight
1 •
fowls, ut the remedy here described
kept in a conitned space during' tba tug' .
wIhter. This compeund As good 1011 . impoovoe stock. ,
Chicks when given in feealler doer
• ImProved stock will revolutionize
G. D
1.4 AVE y on rarming when thefarmer\lflderstafldi BANKER
AA been smoke the merits of the different breeds and •
ing a good deal adapts them to the special purpose ALBERT ST. CLINTON
lately and feel for which they are intended. When
an occasional, the attempt is made to excel in beet,
twinge of pan . butter, and Milk. With -a -Single-breed • - 0300411.1-sefteUILleilita.„. .Buoineso
h *hare will be teas opportunity for -she. • • transacted
r y
Ate you short of .COSEI than When the farmer has one
breath, nerves object in view and uses th'e breed that
unhinged, sense- ' best glee him success in that die
tion of pins and needles rection.
going. through your
arms and lingers? , Hint to itralrymen.
Betteiotake a box oe two ' Dairymen who wieh to keep thee
of Milbuen'S Heart and otock in good condition canna look
Nerve Pills and get cured too well to their feet arid to the-eleene
ee before things become tOo Wiese of the stall% Cattle 4E0:Wing is
serious. the stable are especially lieble to that
As a sPeas far all painful disease -fad in the foot.
Ledged matter causes inflammation,
Welling and ditieharge of pus, and a.
developing fungoid groWth. Clean,
heart and nerve Asultice and .apply carbolic
not be excelled. A
.true heart tonic, blood SORE 'THROAT
. enricher and nerve re, and Imareenese with their attentlantdangere
newer, they cure nervousness, sleepless. triel be speedily averted and remedied by
doss, nervous prostradon, emoiter's heart, the use of Ilerviline. Excellent to garele
paApitation of the heart, after effects'ef la with -ten times bettor then ,a mustard
grippe, etc. plaster and more convenient for the mite
Price soc.,pc`r box Cif boxes forSt.25 Ride, one epeedity allays itifiammatiOn,
at all druggists, or will be, sent on receipt Nerviline ()twee because it la Ave times
it price by .,finnapr than dflaer rcmeclieepenotratee
eToriento, traoter. oronto, Oat. cures simply because that's what it's nisdo
Gely always eideePtitnani Phinlesa COrneEitee Tho T. rilbum Lhnlisd,
the tiesnee inetantiv soother; the pain, and
• • .
' • Notes farmed. 'Later est 611ewed on
' Inaoreerated by Act 'Parliament 1145. •
CAPITAL $2,500,00+1
REST FUND , • $2,150,000
• Wet, tioxecee electioneer:, Presiden
Jettes Erato, Gene,Manager.
Notes discounted, collections made, drafts
leaned, sterling and American ezehenge
bought and sold. Interest allowed dn
&vow Sayre° ihrut-Interest allowed
On mums of $1 and ap. Money advanced to
furriers on their own notes, with -one or
ifibrol endorsers, No mortgage required.
1160. Brewer, Manager;
for, Drnggiets sell it, ' 0111041114,
Men's Men's 1. 20 0090 : " : ; . „•• :. : • •.: .: •-• ; .: . ••• .. ... ..: ... ...- 6849 ' (l611:00°) .
Men's 5.00 ,Suits now ..
3/3•Ifeenn''ss *68. 0000 :: . • • . " ''''' • • • • • • 4 SU '
Boys' Suits
Boys' 1 50 suits now ....... 1 20
Boys' 2 00 . " " •.... ....... , 1 60.
Boys' 2 50 " '" ...... ... .. . 2 00
Boys' 3 0014 O. ::: a 0 .; ..:: ::::2 24 0
Boys' 4 00
Boys' -5 00 it " • 4 4 00
- -
Boy' odd pants 40
-Men's Overcoats s.
Men's 5 00 Overcoats 'IOW . -....:..*, 4 00
Men's 6 00 " " ............ 4 80
Men's 8 00 " " : ...... , . . 6-40
Men's 10 00 ". ' . . . . : .... . . 8 00
' Men's 12 00 ,•" " 9 60
BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced
in'tame prop( rtiori. • •
All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Coats,
Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing.
. . • .
Thos. Jackson, Sr.,,
Victori& 131ockr: euN.1 ON.
Paris Green
JE3.pa, EN-GI/Sp.
yotilvant the Best—at the Lowest Price?
We can supplyyou with B.Fgers'
--one of -the best English \
initkes at 25c lb
Quality the Best a Prices, the I.oittrest
Tit J. 'W. IRWIN'S
E. HOVEY, - DiSpensing, Chemist, -
Redpath and St. Lawrence best granulated sugar, at $8.85 per cwt by
the barrel, or 20 rounds for $1.. 30 pounds coffee sugar for $1. ,
Canned goods cheap-Delai and Kent Can Corn Oe a can, Chtined
pcholtictikti.en 10e, Roast Beef 1 lb tins i& each.
Teas -Black Japan and Young Ilyson from 10e up, our leader 11/23o per
Ptailfins, Currants, Prunes, MAKI Peaches, A.pricote and Cooking Figs
Crockery -I have just Opened Out 3 crates of Dinner,Tea and Toilet gate
and fancy china, new patterns direct from the faetoriee in. England,
e selling from 10 to 20% less than regular price,Cali and examine
q ' uality and prices,
Wanted good butter and egas. Phone 45,
J. W. IRWIN Chilton.