HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-27, Page 2jUlle 27thl 19C2
FRIDAY. JUNE 20, 1902,
0094 Stnif in Them.
Election irregularities Crisp County Clippings.
Elections have been held se frequent- ;Wiartri Ritchie, near Tees whas
4eputy, uttA week
otl.er farm to, his eetate '
ly, aud generally by the sante
etc be purchased the farm ad- '
returning oftleerq, or nearly so; that :lowing the one be now resides on. .
Principal Patrick, uf Manitoba Co'. one would imagine they had all the re. _ JatOoralkuv41;,01Sfirvaall?
1 „, Mame
erre, in speaking upon the home Ini„. quisite details at the law at theirtineer Ple s
Marroge to Percy -0 trr011, of Wolsety, .
*ilea work of the Presbyter taukChut eh, ends, and that glaring mistakes were e., , Man
. Fii
at the General A.sseranly, toult the , prabtical impossiby. Mrs Jas. ord and fatuilv,forner iy of
ground that the quality of the North, 3 13nt it seems that such is not the Winglaana, have gone to South Africa, e
••where Mr or has been during the '
;vest imtnigration was more import- • Mae. A number of cases have occurred war.
ant than its quantity. There were (luting the last election that indicate . kliee'Brocir,teacher of the. 2nd de, int t. I
the American% the foreigners, an ' carelessness more than anything else, ment of 13f ussels public school, tf
meinto 1
enigrante from the mother lamb The They are not cases calculated,to Inter-. ed her r e oign at ion, the sa Met() c e
largest volume came from the United fete with the ballot or do anything im-
-states. - Surne....difference.eofe_opinton_p!oper, but they' shOw the ablolute
existed as to the settlers. - Su -far necessti-y offUlto-iiiiig -tibt-tirci -actual-
as he could judge, they should wel- letter.of the law. In the East Middls-
come these newcomets, many • of a ;IC election WO, deputies had nrst . only
put their initials on the back of the
ballots, but they also pub the voters
number. Judge Elliott decided he
would not disfra,uohise all these linters,
because a this Wregularity, though it
may yet be done otiapPeal.
whom were of Canadian origin. At
the same time, the caution uttered on
the previous evening was not inoppor-
tune,und they should take care that
those who were coming in from the
other side were Canadia,nized as soon
as possibie. As for the foteign ele-
ment, if they were of Scandinavian
or German origin they were satis-
factory. As for the Galicians, Rev.
In Muskoka, on a recount, the judge
threw out. all the votes in one polling
sub•diyision because the deputy,whose
name was "Henry Grey" had brie
dated the ballots "II. G", leaving out
the middle initial. Inanother polling
Dr, Robertson had held. that so for division Wm. MeNaughton was the
is physique *as concerdEld they were Vitt irltl4'''imre -1 uTartired atihsoe
admirable, while with regerd to threw these out on the ground that
thrift, economy. diligence and sobri- they should, have been initialed "W1
afi:y they were ou an equality with the
Scotch. As far as their mental qua.I-
- il-te-tt -were concerned, -DE-P;t,ri-ok-
Old,ced that most competent • observ-
e, seemed to think that they were
singularly flexible, that they took, if
anything, coo rapidly the Canadian
Amine. They were rejoicing in their
fieedom, they sought to learn the
English tongue. they were rather trio
ready. to adopt English ways.' 'The
settlers from the old land were too
few, and they gould not expect much
increase in tneir numbers, for 'Great
Britain was an industrial and manu!
ecturing nation, while the west want -
e farmers. Wee the progress of the.
present day likely to be permanent ?
Pataick asked, and he recalled the.
tact that tbeUni'ed States has no fur.
ther unappropriated fertile lands-, and
Suitt the wily unexbausted fertiie land
on the continent belonged to ifeanacia.
The etream of settlement, he believed,
Now these are very seriou.s errors,
„.and-thAprobability is that most elec-
tions could be upset on itisth-errors,
,which are undoubtedly due to careless-
ness, mere than an attempt .te leflu-
ence an election. •
Saner Beets In Ontario. •
Canada•in 1901 imported over 330,•
000,000 pounde of Sugar gained at $7,-
953,000 The "consuintAloit .of 'sugar
in this country is over 60 pound per
annum for every mane woman and
Child. This shows that it will. not be
for want of a market if beet sugar pro-
duction does not sifcceed in Ontario
The proepects are bright for the de.
velopment ots great inekistry which
Mkt at the summer vacation.,
june 1001 Mise Nellie :c Ureee,fer-
•merlyelBruosele,bata, reeitlaceit of S'autt .
tee M-arie,-wae-atuitedir.--utarriage
Jae, ticMurcluch. The bride is a sister
to John Varcoe,
• P. Brown,Lakelet proposes to erect a
three-story chair factory in Clifford.put •
in the plant, and employ frona twenty ,
to thirt y bands, on condition of a loan •
of 118,000 for ten years. Clifford council ,
favor the proposition,
After along and painful illness,Thos
Copp. son of Wm. Copp,contractor.
Seafeeth, died on Sunday afternoon,
aged 31 years. The funeral took piece
on Tuesdaysthe remains being interred
in'the Maitlandbank cemetery. •
A 'Very pretty marriage toolc place
on W ednesday afternooti June nth. I
at the t esiclence of Wro 'Crockett" of
Dorchester, when his only. daughter, '
Clara L., was wedded to W. L. Talhot,
formerly of the Gore now of Exeter.
At the residence of Mrs T. Maunders.
South of Brueeels, Weclueeday, Rev
In d i gest ion
and nervousness are often the
result of hurried meals,
1 Properties l'or Sale or to Let
To Bent.
Lot se. Maitland eoneessioe. eat:Wick Town.
ship. Apply to JAS. SCOTT, linrrister.
Oct 11.-tt, Clinton,
To Rent. •
Ice lee,
As I have taken o'er the large ice Ionise
Won Wm. wheatiee, on Huron street, lam
prepared to vele) orders to fernieh port, elean
pure lee to an customers during the coming
Immo, el orders will botal molly attended ;
1 to. DAVIS,Clinton.
Fob liett.
Roll Estate tor Sale.
h 13
F rst class brick store, e tor any ue •
netts. Attplv to W. et SEARLE, Cliiaton, 1.
To Let.
. •
That beautiful store in the daeltson
11. • kit& et Mt 1 • Ai d b '0 Witts Ap•
Part of farm, lots 88 and 133, onwest side of
Mattlandoen.,one mile north of Rolmeeyille,,
containing 97 .teres.
The north half of lot 26_, con. 2,au1 west part
of lot 24. eon, 0, one hall mile from Clinton,
north, on gravel road, Containing DO tierce.
mon c e Deem e . The brick dwelling. includinglots 18, 19 and.
- 1 4 °Thilentfr°aurne dwelling on west aide of Victoria
TtioS. JACKSON, fir..
Sept. 0-tf 1,Aintirt
lply to ' • 20 on corner of Joseph and/. nay streets, in
. street and next north of railway.
. . Farni For Sale, Liberal term, to sult puressers. Apply to
I-- ev. W. le.A.ItRAN or
Tne weet half of lot .24, flayileld (Inn God- (I. a RANCE, Chilton
. ,
, erica. township, containing leo aer, 0.( sweat March 28, -.:Int.,
1 land, is oilerait ler sale on •etisy termis, Good
• • barn, log liouse,,plenty of water and small . ..
I V-- . .1. P. TISDALL, Clinton 1 R. E.- MANNING.
' orchard. Particulars on appiteation,to ir. .
. For Sale or to Dent.' • .,, in mu raneeA gent,
Canada life Assuranee Co,
; .
liarrieter, Solicitor, &tie
4.71('S-Fdliott Block, Immo Street.
MONET 11:0 1.0410.1.
Vt7, lifiNVONA
1 4.)ffive-tdeaver Meek.
Pillife10, TO.
. 'Up stairs, Opposite Fenty's Photo OalfOrY
I• Lot 29, con..2, Stanl-ey:. containing 300 acres
in geed state of cultivation for sale or to rent • .
for term of years, apply to JNO. mcaltEGoih, Fire. Mitrioei Accident, .14Mo Class
on yr:unities or blit*P. MeGliNG1013, 2, tion.,14. , .
Effervescent it. S...Tuckei smith, Seafortn P. 0. Office ! J. P. stesibars soadeolinton.
Feb. 7-tf. . .•. ,
Salt Shorthorns for Safe.
Two young Bulls, one seventeen aud the other
stiemlates and tonesthe digest- • nine months old, from geed milking cows also
iVe organs enabling thestomach a two year o d heifer in calf. se stook and
' to digest perfectly.
Those who suffer will find
Abbeys Salt a perfect corrective
of all stomach disorders. Dys-
J. Holmes tied the nuptial bovv between pepsia caunot be cured by doc-
Rev eneee. Pen etener.epastor, of .thA iflrillg the effect. Abbeys Salt
good breeding. . .
Balsam ()rove Stock Farm,
Mar. 14-tf. Winton, P. 0.
Shorthorns lor Sale.
Evangelical chuteb, Sebringyille, and Two registered Shorthorn bulls ,red e,olpr.nn
the stomach to do its werk pro- • lent pedigreeohoice animals. hs. exuell
Maths oldiind the other 18mout
.Miss Lizzie, the 2nd daughter of the removes the causes by enablin
hostess. JOHN COMING.
TuesdaT Morning ale home of Thos.
• perly.--A mild faxative.
May 28-tf, . 1.,011desbore P, .
Lot 22, own 18, Rallett,
-. At all druggists.
occupants of the house narrowly escap- Wing.hani, and later removed to hie Stable for Sale.
at e together with all its Contents, the -
ed with their lives. We understand Mr farm in Turn berry About a year ago
on the bLilding and contente., • ..
Pbair had a small amount of insuianee
'road and removed thet e -
he purchased a far.na. on the i31 ale lott,etc.,will be sold at a % cry reasonab.e price,
A. good stable with sewn sir gle stalls, a ,box
Astpalrli,ia‘nb_avrn. esti rowort.ili,ugryabinobNins.,caurnotor inn.y hay
Death has robbed another home of Word lute teached us of the death of
Pbair, Gorrie, was totally destroyeci by lit
1 .
one of its brightest gems. Weiefer t9. Mr john Logan one of the pioneers oftt4 Par Sale or to Itturil.
daughter of W. J. Vance, of Ilsborne, 74 years. Away back in • the later The choice brick house on the corner of Fut-
te the death or Miss Mary V- Vance, Teeswater, at darbei rev, at t be age o
fel age of 17 years; • 11 Menthe and le was knoven as one of the best Reform r ea e a ;
ftortgicliaott7toLrhhggiFyc14.1tnig.iir oweri wrg
whtt died on Sunday last at the youth- sixties and earlier seventies Mr 'Logan
daVS• remit for ordi-
campaigners in Weetern Ontario. In nary family, is practically a new house', with
1865 he was appointed Deputy Re- all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
Wednesday at the home of the
beld nine years, reeigning it TV. 1910ATS Rxecuter. Clinton.
daughter of Mr ohnsiton, formerly which he
bride's parents, Toronto Miss- Hattie, a "Rion cp)talrEteoh, yvitinir:perty is not sold or rented,
gistran of •Bruce countY, ted. A ply to
tt)o3 take the position •of paymaster of
wouldflow steadily and be pernaserene. will be a perneanent source IA wealth of Teesseater, avas united in marriage
. . Sir John McDonald returned tp power The subscriber offer; ror sele that choice farm
neeeesary toChristiar, izeand Canadian.
p puree Of. erection in the Provineeeaeh getherin Toronto. '
ipe these new sett ere,
Farm For Salo
to Aix Dawson May, e)93ress messenger.. e rig at For,:t. Frances offered him
/after giving his views on the means to the country. Four factorise are in
hy t e clienzie Governtnent,:When'
1 he young couple will start life to-
te w was, celebrated in Bireleoga,n 'lest his position and re.. on the 1.1.uron road, Tookerstnith, hist east of
turned to Teeswater where he resided Clinton, at
Tien i pet to eliscr the foreign elerdente 1 having a Capacity of .9..!50 to 600 tons Per A. pret ., wedding . present occitpied by Mr Fisher. It • A stook of ehoiee oannea plums for sale.
• •THiNK IT . ' 1
e • o a (Successor to Dr, T. 0.• Brief, • •
Wholesale brock of iiianos
at very best pussible prices.
Organs the very entertamable
gramoiilione, sheet music,
books, and a variety of Music
111usid Emporinm.
Real Itetata and Insurance Agency
Mem) to loan.
C. B. HALE, .70):1N RIDOCT
Barrister. Solicitor Notary and ConveYeleeee
°Mee -Opposite Colborne 110tel
fomerly of Cameron Holt & Cameron
whoe-Hamitton St opposite Colborne Boum
Ofitee-Voreereianintonst. width() Square
• Godericli. Ont.
J. T. GAnnoW, Q. C. CHAS. °ARROW. tiaL•Dfr
Pnocrolts iv' TUE JEWTIME 0OURT• 41CO•
(MCC imt„ net door IA Signal °Oleo
Private Funds to lend at '<Meet rates
of interest.
wiu. GUNN, M.D.;
L. R. C. e. a s. Edinburgh, • ,
eines-omart,. Street, Clinton. Night cal 1
at front•cloor of office or reSidence, Batten,
bury Street
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physician
Loudon, England.
'office and Residence',
•Jolie telievitiors House, Huron se
DR. .J. W. SHAW.
tario St, opposite lliengliellahurehLforMerly oc-
onAvoicoe:boliveDutr. Appleton,
tOrfint°016111111:0U Ur"Ant•Cienee Cll.
, .
Physician, Surgeon, Mo.
, . . in the west, . We in.314.211443t bodies day • In thernitea States there Are. Pare Arthur at the residence of Mend Until 1890, since vvhi h ti h *
Y-- -wi Shirts- stirrat -Clarb -1.1 '
. , , .eonsists of 160 acres, more or less,. with good ,
ouse,bank barn,eilo,windmill and small special attention given to diseases of the
Eye, Ear, nroat and Nose.,
might in a senrf he set iteide, the Men. 40- neet suga,rlattories an .250;000 acre Mee 'T, iy.,-Arabstrengron -Wecinesda onice and Residence,-
c me e testaele frame h
ARTRUR 00 ,Olinton.
sa--witeete- -ortha d- -144enty fwater -An excellent farm• Albert Street4 Blocks North of litattenbury
't d ee hors for they of land devOted to the best teen, re- • afterrionil, jun° litb, when. MIS8 resereber of the Culrose co je 8 in. deli *
unci in 5 a sp.oca y. For terms to& -
about $55,000,000. Oareftil experimente Berry., of Lafek.now, Onte and Mr A. G.
(.4 •Vernmezt: Would insist upon comnitl- i
were unlikely to receive aceessionsfroin
atmg*A4, tie wished that the Alaniteba
presenting altorether a.n investnaent of. leery, daugh er o r rs . and wee clerk of the village of Tees
IU different .lecalities Sii0VT that the ' Peet Arther was 'united' lir 1?.r. 080).113:.til 1880> ' '
ea„iiation.fut the Mkt e.rigid Men-
. more 11 -
bonito, were beteilialle pen.; !.
literate, It was a sad. tb.tha. that •
P '0131e Such ptirit y. and diligente;
"tnould be acLually•mcite illiterate, til.utu
when they set tied he 'ae, 'oh
eukhobai s he. Urged Otteadiaes • Lo
think generously of a people of •sucie •
-high Moral character, of such .genuitie•-
teilgion, and who had made such. vast .
6 orifices.
Coming from such a source, tide ea -
timate at our Ilea! teiluer-citizene is
most interesting.. They have beee •
slandered by conseieudelese pelitical •
wrtters in the Oder Pros -lutes,' but -
from Pre f. Patrice's observation and
inquiries they possess-meuy. admitabte
qualities, and are well fitted to do their
snare in malting Canada a greet and,:
wealthy nation. With ageeei ouerivati-
• ry araung the eburthes teoltieg tercet
the -spiritual well are"of the imodeeeeits.
and With a libel al educational. policy•
tor the instruction of their Children,.
there need he no fear with regard to
their assimilation and the development.
of patriotiten among them. Odetedw's
frt e iustitutiene will he appreciated- as
they come to be um:erste-tot
, ircitt SALE,
soil of Oat/trio:is e, admirably .adapted inaeriage. .: .... . :. . , :, • . • ..., - -• - • , . • ••.c •
to the Cultivation of 'the beet
s 3: Hort° Ir 11 -" 1,P ' Ailtitti011$11: L001,1 NtAitge ' The frainecottage on oratige street, own-
,. •ultileieve 11 11. 41.1.dS mae profit b°111„tfr°111, ''',7,31-0".tb• Tinirsday night, . THE. '. WOOL ..SITITA'FION.-The
cene feuse ,.( vet . driving. . . pied by tho liege's gne f is E I
average y leld being 1.0.e tor:Hie-6 ttie,ac, e. • A
.. .
driVen "! . • g two occnpan new 13 w soon begin th. tette OP reasonable terms, 'The. lot is i of an acre, with
*met 'VI.' - - ' ' ." - knotnet rig contseaja te al iii - hard and soft water, stable; good •fruit and
fti.e. t ti Ithrhier:,, ... .
. lul patt '3',. m ... ,. :apidly behind hin., Think- the market, sa,ys the Tatnnto ditiliesi, /moor; tWo bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
vegetable garden, The 1 ouse contains hall,
Tftle suszar kipt the only. use
11A tilt 'Wished to ass he. turn:ed out. and enaise 'wool i exetrin re( e 11.1. main, summ r kitchen., cellar. and woodsbee,
of t•he ,bbet. N hen Abe. wice •In; (33t•-
horse:tookPfright'an.d pluming terest a :It is not.seneopragigng eitnivzr to is. eantraurttaatee, possession given any tinie
traeted, the Pulpy•restelue is. eery Yale lys.lees
to one side he was thrown out with' grower's or dealers There are it. is to euit purchae.er. ELIZABETH 31tAtlAM tt
uktble as food foe stbck. •Tht.s. • leans
are also Valnable fOod, hut tifebably
still more so as. a fertilizer: Sizesr
takes. nothing front the ground. it is
inade from the water vapor andte.rbon
dioxide of the air.. 13ut the. tissue ot
the beet contains considet able potash,
UlAgnesigohosphoric acid and nitrogen
and all. theee are reined to a greater
extent by the leaves than by the roots.
If theleevee are left on the ground or
are pOeved under; the soil is, inech less
exhausted than if they, are taken away.
For bee -raising the ealtiva,tion. of the
'soil roost be v-ery carefully attended
to. Luititration has a very ben.
eficial effect on other crops grown in
rota.tion with the beet,. hence the ad.
-vantages otbeet-grosenag ere ihdirect
as vein 119 dieect,
We hope to see a, factory erected in
laindon sbortly. but in the rneantitne
th result of the firet Season'e 'oper•
at ions in other localities will be watch.
Lusk on Both Sides. •ed with gi•eat interest.' . •
such fOrce as to heeak his leg, ' : . ' estimated: half a indium pentads 0 .
. . .•. clip' of last year. and the year befere
_ There passed away •ott Friday last at
his hairre. "Eluronditie, Mr 51.stin Dew. iittIll tp he dispoted of in this Provinee,
while -the prices of fine and medium
one of Usborne's most highly res.
gradee have advaneed le -the outside
petted pioneer' resideots, tiged 70 years
market coarse wools 4,1e.w little or no
and a month. Mr Dew • has been in.
improvement. Expereere lite sortie-.
delicate health for se-Oen:fa years biz()
, times charged with pnetee.eelt _ bearing
had oniy.been confined to the house the
the situtation at this 'Fessnn of the
past fpur week. '
, . • , year. in order to secure wool at low
: The death occiirred in Milverton re- nriees. Thee. say, in answer' to this, .
cently, or Mrs Guenther, wife of Gott- •that,while they like to See the grdwirs
•friert quenther, and mether of Mrs J. ' get good price§ they are . OM -knead to
11; Beirness; William St., Bieter. Mrs seeing the buyers pay higher. prices
Geenther Vill$ a native qf West Prussia than they can got for the .prod tett,
Get ina oy, and. was 75 years old at the . Three years ago, after °the bulk of the
time Of her death. S'he.: leaves it• bus= clip had been dieposed of by the grows
band end a family ot 7 childt en to ere, the price advanced handsomely;
mourn their loss. She celebrated her but the last two -years (here ' has been
golden wedding in Nov, last.. . • . . nn such opportunity . for letting 'out
the bolder with a good profit. The
on Friday morning; June 13fh, Mrs
Of Present' 'is • about HS
, Little, Who taught elm:es:41:19y in the Pxnett.dernerld
dull as ever, the lecal deer fere . do net.
101 ioi- department- of Fordwice .publie
see any ithprevement in tbe immediate
.`school :for titioutthree Years, died at
;hit ure fen woe t., Pulled words are
her mother's hoin e near Listowel. Some . .
The Tororto Win ld quo es a eriddruee;•'-e' • • - • •• e• • - - -,•
titne•ado• she caught aseyete celd;whieb . ... grY. 1_1.. n . . .
. .... .
: ..The heaviest., rain that eYer fell
- that section of .01e:country nearly del; - later it was feared her lungs weee tif- clip . the atext coliple Of S'i.eP101; At
sent, thS receipt: have been. largely
e"the toughest kind of luck". that etc , . • , feCte,d. The cause a her deeth .was Pre.
• ,
. liged Ifarrew Tillage recently. Al-
thungb,the rain.. lested. hut little oyer
ful Coneervative as saying that its developed into bronchial trouble, and pregiess ibiliihrhe -made Wi th the.
Whitney is not today the Premier. heart failure; • • confined to small lots of newashen.
d' I The demand is 41.1W prie,ene end
He points out that Ross today .: has a . An excee nag y pretty_ aad fashion --the market ie dull. Loco! . dealers are
an hour, such a. quantity. of water fell .able Wedding, took place at the • net ho.. .99 oring.13c for eArashed • fleeee: find 7c
.. m,jurity of wily 3, not cctinting North that the large•goverprient drains were j dietchurch 10.Liteknove.on June .11th, , .ear •enwoht)(1, For pulled Wools. the
Renfrew, whose member elect N de - .vhnlly Ineapable of carrying it away, when. Miss Siiidie.Bell, eldest ,daughter market. is drill end yriees are. nomieally.
ceased, and one tnttre Coneeevative ,To the weet and north hundreds and . of Mrs %V. kr Jnbiltctot.:1,- virtiA. (ill.ited in.. tinchatiged at 18e to' 19a for extras and
vote in Lennox would have given the- 'hundreds. •of..acres of farm lands are marriage. to IL G. Artnetrong,' jetveler, 14c to 15c for millets. • .
seat to Mr Cerheeiten, This s.vould,give still cnvered withwater,in many places ef Lucknow. Th.e ceremony; wes; pet. .-
1 M PltOirED '11A11...WA v. it'ACILI4
1%1 r Ross 49 seats, and Mr WhitheY -18-• .' two ;feet deer. It le feared that tteltTs . formedhy Rev..A... er. Harris in the.
TfleS,-=‘The Grand Trnek h tf4 made a
Then turn .SI/C vetes in North Gre311. the water drains away I quickly, le presence of a lerge nun:thee of . invited,
end Mr 13 43e1 %%odd hive 0) 50 tbe .ertip, . lereeely corn, wil 1:!0 MUT. y •gui,Rts. , . . , • . , . . . , number Of cbat ges tind improvements
'sitting member, and Mr Whitney ruinea, In parts- • of the village side- • in .veriotee peel s Of ita systern,--but
would have had a majority of et.at.s. walks. are floating an awns ere coy . Last Monday as Roy, son of. J. Pegh, .theia. .ia one thing it has not done-:
BrUSS els, *as carrying a, Sharp . veythe, . improved the service in ' and out of
Put the boot on the other fort.. We eted- .. . : ... •': . ' ' .• - '€ ' intending to Move tire grass along the
• can itnarene a Liberel •stiyino: "It's ... -• .. , .. . . . . Godericia. • At present' one ertnnot
Ross did not have a greater, reajOril y.• - •
TIC onderstood that the King •has. .8"l'et in f•ennt ()I their Pr()Pertl'he &ill -
pea and fell on the bl d 'Eh 11 t fi
. the toughes. kind of luck that Premier. • reach the county. town before 11 or 12
wo v • ,
. have elected iii•own, and given Mr•Rese. Iftidieret TritiliecdtittelYreafterjheeaortme
a cleat majerity of • six, or more than ation anderppeal to the .countty. The
Mr Hardy had in ISM. Then agate, latter has ill tiY Hrefused, . believing.. no
seven votes more in Centre Bruce doubt, that he . and, his party are- en
would have defeated Olin .and (n• titled to the fruits of • a well caviled
creased the mai i• y tl) (114111, while, - victory and that stub a =tree ev)tild
2:3 votes inot•e in North --Nerfolk would strengthen the hand•ef the opposition.
a e, Ili. re. . • , -
a.m. Tins would. not be se' had if
North Per th would 'asked 14 •41 d Salieburite „Par. get -of his right hand was nearly severed .
. • . penple had plenty of time to transact
Farm for Sale.
• • •
A sidend id 1C0 acre farm ,.coiwisteett of the
East hair at Lot 10, Cbll .1, • East Wtiwanosh,
good tmine house :with Ititehem barn 33265,
and shed '011x40 in which there are good stabling
hard water ot vor fo.1110; Well; 8 acres, bush,
aere,Of orchard, situstr.d.1I Miles from Au
burn and 00 roi14 from school. For • further
part hollers anplri..0 GOAVnIbEuRrn,' p. 0. ' •
. Jane ti -j,* •
•. Parbeher. can bave possession this fail.
„. •
F:arni For Salt:.
tot. 12, Raydeld con., Goderich ip. 118- acres;
(85 eleared,balancehardwood.with a iargequan-
titer of cedar on itl, in good state of •cultivatier
:a pout five nerestallWheatand considerable fall.
plowing dcne. • Comfortalde brick loam large
.:.truwith stabling underneath,driving shed and
other. •cutbuildinga; .about • 2 sere' orchard,
inostfy winter fruit ; well watered-neverfall-
ing spring creek and two wells Seven. inilds•
from Clinton and t hree from Bayfield. Posfa•s;
aim] itt tiny time, reasonable Orm. •Apply for
turther particulars to CHAS. SIMONS. V St, .
David nt. godPrieb. .
. and his left.arin, near the el env,r °coy- busineee when they got there, hit as
'Vest had gash requiring - the itid of e -the litet 'sr ain ont leaves at 3;15 p.m.,. it
physician •te dress ie. FortnnatelY the e4 moray- ithowisibk, 4..0 do mueh ims...
main artery wita nett cut; or .it "1" - iness, unless one remains ever to the
have 'pro.ved a, most semens case. . .. - nottt day, which very few cern to do.
Mee Smith, wire. of Mr Alexander What rivede . to. be** done is to ,have a
43 rnith, a. Ilarloek '•paesed sr,eiteefully train leave . firelerich an hmir or't Wo
have won the seat . and given Ross ten • . . away on. Tueeday litet, Airy Smith - later. As t he 0.15 train re A we y, -freight,
to the good in the 'House." si: .
Areording to first crop htilletine this had heen a E eyere bin • patient sufferer . and 'usually' . ha: .eonsiderable spare '
fine a lung •time, and en het cams death ;time at St rat tord before!coining. hack,
The Conseryat i ye press pt doing a seeson for Manitoba, issued this week; was a happy releilee. - Internal cancer it looks to the ordinary lay minds as if
wee the (mese of bet 'trouble. She wag pert of this time might be.divided with
geod deo! of t elking about S. H.111a.ke's , the increased acreage • over Teel *Year
• Toilent or for Sale
. Prairie residernie and 1, acre of /and" on Mary
'Street, Clinton; 7oonts, collar, woodshed ;hard
and 'gift water, new stable a lid driving shed,
eXeellelit garden, with phira, pear and apple
In wheat is ei.10.), he oats. 35.10P ; 55 genre and,. 7 months of ' age, Het. Goclericli. to the great:advantage of
vote for the tlonvervatives in t lat e
tr,t a in cmos is ' 2t1'3,140. The eggtegate Alexander Watt and • a sister of -Mr T.'t•
as the worde (4 Mt Make :
barleV 1:3e.'781, and in flax ; 29.222; maiden natne wag Janet Watt, She the treyelling .
election, and presenting t sett rnent
this • e The tatitl int -reseed . eereeige under vote t•he.. third daughter' of the latit .. •
"The r eleob that I voted for Mr 14 .)1, VPILI 11.99 aeres • • About a month Ago Aire J. 3: .-•' Gore hay, Manitotilin On't,
d g• in4.t the (-Invert-dent tRIS h.-- • ' • •
an a . . alaboney orlettigilon, N. -Dake -arid her . • ' - . - •
john Watt, of 'fetlock. • . •
• heal owlet ell emirs in Manitoba this,.
MacLeod Medicine Co May 411a-, UN;
ernment dealt wit.h hi• universly • ThirlYsfenr, . new pest, .c.fficee. were tUro arrived on: visit, to her
Hen, end becanse one of t pt incited oPefied. on,Jtaie 1. . • , • lather, Mr P. 01114:ley, on the. Caeriele
muse of he niannet in which the Gov-
Goderich, Ont.
boimdarv t wt»ind a, half toile; north ' E'er nearly One year 1 was interriblo die,
When a bov turns his' bulging pockets in • of . , ' inm.et, . n t
O sir 1 .' 1 o T " . 7 is '
.hurst.ay , last t _ea . tress, could not Sleep. any night with. ner-
depart naents -Was So conducted air . to . . . -
&scree? ceefidence in a Gevernnient
side; out le Torii, et tilt ettangty and ttlpwe;eldeensitscibilttiti,r. rif,glhnt lt14:se body tigt.il • vouttness. I wetild often get cold and pow
responsible for its administration." • • axioms. My beet would atop, onset° beat,
Is that a satisfact or y etatemene for . 16t1.111161%°gthael, loaectiatrlin tgl,ama all;31te°swe a IrortYo: 09%44 'fever. The iime°rill t'ooki.vp< !acne' utitli ca6si LI teeeea 1p:tails:el hafffI wriloyu I, tlhdoia%t -'%.w"iraltycli
a lawyer of Mr Blake's gentling to .cheidnut, a. top,. brass nails, 'hickory -twee. 101 ;he Teesveater 11, 0. Centetery no .
an apple, and many other articles are gar, .Settutity. .1T4t;artt Aht-ry thlevn that " palpitate and the ..blood would rush to my,
P .I • nered by this s•shapper up of unconnidered the ot er cht is sermuely ill.
I ce before the Court of Public Opin. head: Then I Would thiek I woeld ohOlie
1011 ? W e think not. Ile knows that trines." We think the collection must be Mr Fred Parsons Baker, met withe: to death. I tried medicaleid and persever.
hail on a boy's tiookets. lend. it is. But an .a eciden i in St 111:1,1ryS Wednesday' ed in different treatroents,but got no bonen •
• t would not be accepted in any court
iiionwveor teirlethstalitottifntehoeffyawrnietuttndirtitt.toisott which Might have Cost him 'his life. . A. good friend advised tee to get some of
of juetice. The rule -and it is a good Ile had drit, en over to St Marys for a your medicine, I' am Inti,Py to state that I
ane-je that hearsay and opinions a. (0,.,Lots of our stomach ? There'e the apple load of stone and in thrninir the horses 'did get -your SystemReneVator, which did
,tahstuileite, and thianir abe 'quite as uniund in some manner 'was thrown ma a world of good,o,nd I Ittri sure that Pore •
. not evidence, FLII4 that the -fact& ehall iga:u
Also (ora -Ie,:
The effe t • f '
'specialist ill Crown and Bridge Work
. • te B,oyal College Dental Sue -
course, in this L. 1). s•-•04'stine
D. D. S.g-errist-fel°aliststlillionoictgzfirliadt%te of Den.
• business college tal Department of Toronto • Ualveralt
Special attention paid to preservation of -
will mean opportunities in children's teeth W
business that you (lid not b
. visit. Baylield eyery
entice over W. Taylor & Son's shoe eters.
fore possess. Write us for all
partienlairs. Students can
enter at any time.
At tint' time nP•te'let Sept. •aeres,partof the
Fos or Block,etc. At the Nor( 11 End of 'Holism
Street, Clinton, vyliienlit valimble property
for fru. t orowl. g, being pi:11)1-(A out
..erry small fruits, apele , te. There
also a wry excellent grade of sand an&
gravel on the prendses which is very:profitable.
April_18-10, ' " • • Clinton.
Farm For Sale.'
Tho uncletaigned offer for•sale lot 16 liar.
field emit -Tenon. CAerith township, conitist•
IT. a alt. t sores itteluding. 25 acres (if mixed
tirol.er;good Clay -soil, suitable for grain er
sr: t'lt ge,•zing& well Watered: • nem .
as :Attila heated bp formice, slimmer kitchen,
wdodsheil; •liard a it son water ; two f :Tint
and 25 driving ..hed •bx3it. bon -hon,,n
3 acre.: of orellerd; ono front
sehool, miles iron chtir :eel it 1,13 f.fq;'., front
Mil ton, will no :Mit. en ressousble toms.
A t.nlY on Premises br adtirc,s. A 1 X NV ,
- 'May16 -tt ' Clinton tint.
Cood Farm tor Sale.
, Forest City. Busi-
ness College,Y,KC,A. Build
London, Ont.
J. Westervelt, Principal.
That will sit dated property, know's).
as Ow White. N. f..rityot,lbo tot. ficnivr-
bit Town:411p, consr.linii S'o.. neres of gootl
lend, neatly ell elenred, is (Are; eft :tie foto do
met term.. It direoly opt osite the Post'
(Mho. and store a IA is within 3 ni hot te•-.• want
or eitherehureli or school. tlt,n0 of i•orelisse
Illt/ttPr Mt% In the placto i . For
parte lars, apply to LstIANITING. •,
dime . Cli oton,
-2041; ,41:`•
Sold and recommended by till
Vie Omni English Ennedgi
. •
4/40., • dritpalsta In Canada. 031 tell.
•••••.. MAN medicine diseovere . Bit
.s,& 42.4 , package's guaranteed to Onto. all
lormaof Sexual Weaknessy all effeets Of abuse
. er excess, Mental Worry. Excessive .use of To -
of price, one naoltatte Vs OM $6. OtiereinVeace* study. Commtremi and Short.hand.
r71" enter at any . time, Two eourees of
bacco,Opfum or Stimulants. Mailed on receip
Volt= care Tara tiler.) liez tom seidesse.
.Tlie Niro tt (.,ompatay, $
Our Mail
in Wireless and Sound
Now has reanit student.e
, Nothing like it ever giyen,
The coet is nominal,
The resulte are good. .
Write fer partitulars.
AddressTelegraph Ifereqtment,
Central 'routes's College..
W. IL Shaytr, Peri I
Yonne &Gerrard Sts,•Teronto
Office adjoining Photo' Studio..
Office Hours -9 to 0 'every day an •
Saturday until 10 p.. m. ,Branch officee • ,see.
in Manehester •Dungannoio, Blyth and
Bay.fie` 1de_ • . •
' Veterinary. • .
Member of the Veterinary Medical A ssocia-
Mous of London end Edinburgh, and. Gracia.'
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, _
Office open eight and day, opposite St.
Paul's church, ()uteri° Street. Clinton, Ont:
Yoandmen and women to prepare fcir
good situations. A.pply to
. 13usiness
The best cquipeact %lanes and Shorthand.
College in Canada. Reduced tuition 'rates,
Writeus regarding our courees of study,
and prospects of securing situations for
graduates. 'Catalogue sent free* Address
41.14 B. MieRPIY,
Dept. "C" Confederation Life Bldg,
Tarentia Ont.
ARRIAGE IJOENSUs issued by Abe • .
IVIIIder.,igneti at his Residence, Mary street,.
(Ilinton. . . • • •
•• ;LAMES SC017, SR'
• • . • ' No Witnesses required • .
• : W. .0 LP'S -PA M P L .
Organist and :Musical Direel.,•r of North : •
Street 'Church, Goderich, and .teaeher or.•
..PIANO,•PIPE 'ORGAN an THEO ,YI is • • pre. .
pared to take a limited numbex o 1 Pupits
ate above For *ems apply this, office or to.
013.1013ELL,who may be seen ft ton 11 a.m •
to 2 p.m., -tit the Clarendon 1101411, • Clinton:.
Friday or each week.
Fire, • etre, &evident Pune mass-
turtict . . &Actual.' Itz.etdc, GIJItiott
Agent tor the AlaNcalgssota.Futs AsaritArirr.
p(eIcie,uro t113,1 ttanr 01%1; tree:1r Illtia,tilf41,i..i07,7,10;mwo!x.o.As eisioUltIhrt:
Rattoe 3111-mear, Issult.txcit 00. All classeti of '
•farm riskti rind town property taken tit
lowest rates-First.elass Loan CompanLti
also reproser Moneyto belied from 4 per'
centee, acct. :.ing to nature of. oecurity.-
Daily mail to liolniewille Vestal card will
fetch. him •
"-" • Be. s prfj
• • •-'iiti,061.VU
RA tta.
Spring Terni begins Apr, 1002. •Our
rates are TeationaOle-our courses.of study
thorough and preetical. Send' for our
Journal to see what we teach. Students
•••• • .
Weed's Pito $. is Sal hi. Clinton ily
IL P. 'Rookie, .1 14 If ovey..I. 71 Combe7 and 1.'W.
Watts,Druagi. ts
-The "Ake Erie ktivigetiol Co. Ltd..
0. A. FLEMING, • A. 1.11MoINTYliel.
Preeident. Sweeter y
Owen. heund. . Listowel
;311 se refre ' between the hersea awl. wagon, the tein Resurgam saved my life. If it had
be given and the court therefrom shall foot v 1 410 " " 1 "
a tie tan no many rear en. And wheels of th
dro,w its own conclusions. Mr 13Ia.ke yet We wonder' that the stnnacitugleee out." ve"th his head and inflecting seq. mind before th' St
f d 1 I (‘ • t)
e agon . coming in. con. not been. for it 1 would be dead °rout ot
807 I/inn the sterner:1h hr3tilis down under the eirlg Paitnful, and Ugle wounds' h ts, I would advise anyone earner j r' hzt Urania
has not given us a single fact; his testi-
A.ccording to a despatch from Ottawa Ineree'e Golden Medical Dtecovery. The Mauler% eta abont my case. am thank.- °LEVITT AND 011I0 • •
should have complete confidence
Ile was W iag like trouble or troubles to give
eremedien o, fair trial. Anyone wish •
s rain o care ass eating an irroeu ar MEE E hrought, home the same (3.ay and while th
many Must be ruled out. .
it can be perfectly and permanently restore hie Yaounde are painful nothing serious " ing to hear 'iron nut can write to me. The Short Route to
I Me rbie & Granite
• The purehtseer, Of a nionument
ea to health and strength by the title Of Dr expected tie tesult. will be only Ti gled to give them all par.
ful oan never forget you. and if over 1 or. • in the relihbility of the firm, from
to the Toronto Star there seem% to be action of tide medicine Ott the etelimett end The illtiees W, jerirrynattrnberry,
their °mate of digeotion 6,nd nutrition,' le terMinittA fatally butt Motidey. Ilia
' smell probability of a preferenee being
eresultof 'aid I know where to write, ' which he bur', foe the material'
4, Nitsou &own. Ono wey fave from Olintoo, and Worlienanellip •ie something
any one e origIng to me should need your
perienced,and the headtiehaVliver troulea &blow on his heatlahout fifteen Monthe Return - very few buyerti are familiar with.
Ales ,r 'mfort trade beingtrantepeta
ly cured. Whenever the nee of a laxative family boon after he beeatte so hey° 1101d On their Merita Witheitt adVertio., Tiokels on Sale at tt-111titeil t*leit.etajoilles the ouly practical men here inour
aceoriled Canadian gooae bp the newly
lane dieorder i
b 1 "
°Ito marked, that relief front disease le ex- 110911 was butshort, and w th
k ri erupt one and abet ago. On Friday he elywedsiges ()freer v. MaeLood'al Remedieteestablished in 1888, Boat leaves PeStanley every Tuesday and /f you do not know us, please in."
quire abOnt our reliebiliVrom
forme Thureday at 11 11.111, Seturdaye ht 11.a.en
d Australian CommonVvealth, k y •
symptoms of a clieeatled etomaeh are quteke sty, and evert sat up and. eat with his etre the ohly medieinee in Canada which those who know us beet. o are
adeely SIDall 1 is "CeSeaqI le indicated, use Dr. Pierce's. droWsithatittieereed almostiMpossible ing. Add.eas MaoLood's Medieine Coq, , • poi; further information write line. •
plitpOtte. There leitatisedrig with the Diecovery” sna assist Re aetion away. aged *1 years, leaves a val. win, Woollett, ' Marehalle.
Managoi. Gee.Paea,Agt. ji jitt Ptiiprietor
tariff charges sheuld b 11,6guanroraddi. Please:II/allots. They ad harmony °to rouse him, and Oft MoodaY' hePasaed Godertob, Ont. Por sale by H. IL Combo. -
dove, 2 sone and 8 daughters. Deceased Ptre at Plymouth destroyed the nest
tiona reason in nob o e Get.
MabY Which buys the majority of her btfonlrgini the hoewele ef feel aeaufluda.
was tor several yeara a resident of business block, The loss is t200,0DO• Walker/Me, Ont. Ilext to commercial itotei .
.4.. 3
,,,........-.........- . 4 HORSES
.C11rI:.'f';:'ii:.(llhl.tal412°.neA:C": ti
1,• ttdt‘it,,i.eaInv:er:.lsV:1
mitieds,cm.: le v. ii1.1:e..1 11,Si.. fel 0.11 ownPri0
er. ..e, .0 ' -
Dr. fiXotinhey'f't Irldstoy & Oeugli PoWderk
f,ol1(.A::Atf4::f1onfi014, t:oitn.175:$1n:1:lib,h,,.., ,Ttor:welin;and 1....kie:d of kI. O.
40e Will ',U.N.!, on 1 ono nox Vill rum, Wive, Mo.
• .-rtia OR, eloilANISV MEDICINE 00..
inemosl Mo. Ont. =•
Vor side by 11•13 Combe,druggist, Clinton .
ii. eliiiiiINALS411J)11DUANHei
Itteltel and 11300NlityleilLutor 1110P/tlitTY
4 .
Dr0101'11.1 • •
.7..13. %%eau, President, Nippon Ie O.; Thos.
Fraser. vietepresident, O.', Tbc s.
Bays, Sea-Treas., Sefiforth P. 0., „. IV, 9.
nroadfoot,Inspector of LosseP. Beaterth
W. G. oroadfoot, Peafortn;i0lut O. eirie0o
Winthrop 04(10erge Seafortin John .
BentioWeiii, Dubbin Jae. Event:, Beeohek od.P.
0.: John Watt, Ilariookle O.; Thomas Prager
'Bement ;John II, McLean, Itipeen Janfea
Cannon 1.3itoti.
Rebore, Sinith_, HarlOok;Itobt. ateMillat, Secia
forth., Janals Otimmitnr, IktitorldVille; w.
-Yea, nahnatatido ; George auerdieand John O.
Morrison, auditors.
partite dreamt/340 ereet Insuratioe or trans
act other busineell will be promptly attended to
on intitdieati011 to' any of the above oftlees
or to the reseeethre Woes.