HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-27, Page 14.11 111 I
at.*/!What Does. Your Labd gi*.
63T.4,11tAISEINDI 866.
•!••••••••••••• .•••••Wmivririms
e inton ew Era.
" •
Auburn The King's Illne§S Londesboro
DRaras,-111rs Wra. OorreY, Who OAHEto 81! T).34IITC.B.7D1' W. A.. Black,
h t Rileen Pnitemek. -The rifle club had
. ***0404**************:***Int
the Label Ifelii the bate.
practice on SatnrdaY,J0 n e The coronation proceedin LAWN SociAL -joly ist has been chos.
u fluitelv postponed. His Majesty,
gs ate in- en by rtie Presbyterian S.S. as tne date
on which to hold their pocial on
wae for four mopths laid up, was bur. well, o incinnatewis es o convey to their second
ied last nontleY, June.16th and Mrs tee people of Holtnesytilet the most 21st, owing to the heavy side wind the et,
Ellis, who has lived with her daugh• heartfelt, thanks roe the family for their score was not up to the first practice ; • i i t e eautiful lawn of ðer jarnieson,
1 h b '
. tor, axes D. 'tweet, . was buried last Madness to thane in their late bereaVe• there were five with a score of 28 each, the King, is suffering from perityphli- I jut west of the village. Ample pro.
------••-The.-GtaasesYirrnished-by--- *
. -...,ile M' Minnie MeVittie is hone the Entrance examination this week
Nile, ISS . OTE13--, ISA fl, tf,. _be
N If Al b 1 n •
plancl,daugh- tts. 'His conditiOniast Satu d was Yielon is being node for the occasiofl.
such that it WM hoped he would be plied to tickle the pelate of the visitor ,
'd ; both were large funerals. • ment, with quite a number...aver ,Z) ind_a good '• .
.NOTER -.Mrs Rev' Fear is visiting 40 . SPRO0L.-2hose who are writing- on pereentage of•gocate eggs. I r ay ,
The delicacies of the season wili be sup-
. . from Toronto, Miss Sharman, Wider. ter of ReV, T,B. Coupland, Llital es bo t o able to go through the ceremony. On A brass and string band will eender
-are Evalena McCart nee, . Garden a ;71
sweet IMISie for I he evening Eve ye
. loll, is the guest of Miss McVittie St inley Amess, We wish them all who is soon to take cha f ' M
virs A large number from here took In the 'reties. School riloses on Monday f°r here. took ,part in the memo recital
t.ed, her- operatitn neceesary. The King's con- handsome wire fence on the two fronts
rge o work onday evening a recrudescence be -
body may be eure of an excellent tune.
9 recent excursions, Mr and Mrs Say. e summer vaca on,
Cre in Clinton on Monday evening, given
• der and Miss J. Stewart attendedLoenete-Leaest reports from b Miss Newcnrabe and a came manifest, rendering a surgical NOT -W. L. Ouiraette has put a
After:a scientific ex-
amination of the eyes,
give a ). os t enjoyable
sense of pleasure after
the oicl ill fitting ones
which I wore.
This is the verdict ol all
who patronize
ed of the trustee* board to ascertain ePPnt a few dais with her parents . Mr result that one footwascompletely see. has been much relieved by the ope- • ,
Expert Jeweler and
Watch Repalrer
110eroinea Tows Hon.
i 1 t A burn and took part in the I li eittee indicate that the social elif ith dit ult 1 ga,r e excureion to
sac a a, n . w ere . dition since then may be best seen :fold tetrerl'asnritlay did not 'raw ar
'Program. Miss Ada May is Visiting her.. - . it (Friday) will be a great
succetes. All arrangements are corn- C. 0, F. --The Canedlan 01 der of For -
trona thefollowing extracte taken from ctowd from this place, only ebbut
ho sister, Mrs McWhin. e' .
OHDRCIL—Reg. Mr Glitord, Clinton, plete mid all may look. forward to a esters wilt attend a service here in eight tickets being sold. Nits J,Brune-
h b e choeen by the general pleasant ''evening, Brass band, etra,w- ' Knox chnrch on Say, July 13, the offieial bulletins
o Tues., 2 46 p.m. -Operation successfully weeks,
don has been very sick for a couple of
board of Goderich District, to agitate berriestand ice-cream. See note else-
ilibbert. and there is no prospect of any
the forward movement for Missions, where in this issue. Rigs will run
(Rev.) A. K. Birks,. kalar•-Lest spring ,Tohn Gonocrly, been evacuated. The King has
performed. A large abscess has improvement. Mrs Jae. Hill is doing
from Elliott's livery At 680, 7 -ahd 736.: D
gave a very stirring and impressive
h 6 on Sunday evening • tle a VISITOREL-Mrs of Hibbert township,neer Ssaforth,left borne the operation well and is 114 right again. Thor; Oriep started baying
very well, and will likely soon be al -
result the League has resolved to have London and children arrived on on Tuesday of this week. Orope are
Wel- ; for the Leke of the Woods vvhere his a satisfactory condition. ,
nesdity en a vieit to the. form& s brother isan agent under- 'the goyern-
• B. missionary. Library. The subject at
• d Del i. Mrs Webster. tavorable much hay will be the record
ior a lb lot 's • visit to rie ds in •
of the day," was taken by Miss Me, week o h f. n . tion of a sailor, Last week, he,in some
an a 6.00 -Progress•satisfactory; the King eyery where.
Intoah. Committees have been appoint- Alymer h -w y, got tanglee in the lines with . the
PaasENTATION -On Teesday, June
whether , Dempsey has returned after a month's blood and other injuries. The body 11 lo -ms strewth is maintained 24th, upwards of one.hundred and fifty
members and adherents of the. Londes.
and Mrs J. enopsey, Mist; elebel ered. Death resulted from the loss .of ration. -
the church shall be repaired or
9 a new one built. visit with her sister, Mrs Webster. as brought home on Thursday jesty as taken al tt e boro Methodist church met at the pat-
. r arvey , Essex,. sister o and interred at Seaforth on Frid lest, and Hiella• h1 1'
TateitoVaVraerre-Nile and vicinity is
OY.. - nourishment.. sonage to spend an evening with their
certainly making a move toward ad XII
vencement A. McElwain has remodel. Mrs Russets's visiting at Chit Parsonage • • . . • paata berate nos departure, 'atm spent
• '. : '. 'Wed., 4.45 a.m.-The King has enjoyed- a vere pleaee,nt and enjoyable. time.
led his barn and ehingled it with metal- &wank Wornen.-On Wednesday of .
' k M Osb ldeston Of he H. on - • • Sununerhlil .• • - •
lic shingles; Mr McIntyrerhas remove 1
League lastTuesdaY eveleing"Fleasurge father R. Elford. Mrs Ladd lett this 3:40 -King progressing very satiefaes excellent, and if the weather should be
merit. Be himself followed the occima-
• •some refreshing sleep. After a I had gathered Me and, Mrs
i ' ' night; There are no complications. Coupland were called into the partor
BIDDLECOMBE'S OLD Benue his been .and Placed stables under- Reed, met with an exzeedingly painful THOSE Wan TAAvise -Among those 8.30 a.m.-His Majesty. passed a go•od
neatli ; Mr Weller has built an addl. accident. He was sawing wood, vvhen who visited the Model Farm at Guelph and a very fitting acidrees was read,and
tion to his house ; J, Elliott raised a by some means his hand came in con. ori Fridey last werse-Misses Olive Hill t ...... ...,-• . , . Wm Moon presented Mr and Mrs
d Edith B 11 Mr Oh lien er and • Wed 6:30 -/CLISJimalestY Passee U. fair- C u( land with a well -511K' purse after
fail 347
fiGuard Yo.ur
• EYeS.
111,-eaciattine Maki,
laielnd painful, great •
Ik licomfort and per.
tip* permanent In.
'kt4.4 ury will be avoided
r wearinl, our Lon.
Avii, don Smoked Glasarial
.1 4.7 ciants per pair ihod
a wards.
a , a g .
.stable and built a stone wall under it; tact with the'circular save, The right - an
Hie general which All sat down to an excellent sup -
o p .
Mr Stothere raised his barn making it thumb was nearly severed at the second , ehildren. Thnse who took advent tee • ly comfortable day.'
joint . Des wound is very painful, a;nd of the Greyhound excursion to Detroit ' strength is mill maintained. per provided by the ladies of th,e. pone .
into a bank barri ; Rich. McWhinney gregation. After a pleasent evening
eeshiligled his barn ; Me McGrattan will lay him up for some time, and be were, Mrs Harry MeBrien and de.ug.h- rhure. noon -The Ring passed a com.
built an addition to his barn; B. Bchlin ,vvill altogether likely lose the 'o'er of ter, Buss Etta, miss Lillie Butt, Will eorsatee night, He is cheerful; The eeehappy gathering broke up,all feeling
articulation at that point in the thumb. Butt, and Tom Maeon ; Mies Butt will ' wound is dbing well. , they had spent a good ti1:11% The fel
veneered his kitchen; H. Snyder re-
paired iels cellar and ent•in a cement Mt Oebaldeston has been mPerityphlitis
ing machine visit a month in Detroit. The I..0. O. • • is i ^ , We, the
eflammation, includ. lowing is the addriees
door. ; Mi Orieimmett Malt an addition eryof this nature for twenty Years and F. excursion to Sarnin and Detroit
(11ing the formation of an abscess of the Dem Batmen' AND Ellserne
42• tissues around the vermiform appen- men:there and adherents of tbe Londesboro
to his house and Painted tbe whole; this :is the . first time he secured the _Saturday attracted W. J. Mclarien,
elightest inurMcBrien, Jae, Miller and Epli. Ball, . . dix, and is hard to distinguish at once
new one,by a new coat Of Planta lik.e a Due. ' • WILT, IT QEASIO?The Season is new GARDEN PARTY.--41though the pre- from appendicitis. Methodist email heve.sesembled here and
Geo. May made his house look
take this oppertunity of expreeeing the
tow built a cenient pig stable, In addi. at hand for excursions, evening drivers pealing. cold weathet affected' the at-
From time to time loads of young tendance somewhat, the annual stra We hearty eppreciaticai of tee valuable aerien es
eople froth sonie peint nest a here, , berry festival in connection with St. , Eayfield. , ., you have reodered no .daring • the. three
We re -
0 to those mentioned,two new school 43c..
. (shall we say where? ) drive to, Goder- peters church, .. which .was* held on
Laws Semi, - T P b ia Years of
. . he res yter n
church purposes holding a magnitiont your pastorate here, whioh
houses and possibly a new church are P
to be. beet, .. . . .
• ich and coming ' home through our Monday evenipg at the residence of
social on the beautiful 'own ofAL'oui
Th MOM ii - th'ei: -river'sets lt, dill`
' Goderieh Township ' I t a late hour, often in i
vil age a e , dulge . n„,,sees Rota. Wier,. eeiteai very..eqcceffful. ,
0 ID, OAT ' . ad
Peter Centelon, whose accident was , f om the shouting, yelling, lau h' an enjoyable .- 0, . Friday,. July 4
yelliits- An abundant • th. - The arrangements
Bwrratt.—VVe are glad to say that conduct far from becoming. -Aside d" -e
. n ed last week, is able to be around and brawling, languagegY is often tiqgti tea was provided y me ladies and are under the 'direction of the choir,
again, though still somewhat sore hetids - ro rarn of music and and: special. preparations. are being
., at they . i no a . moth- song was rendered which every one
th tn did t learn 't their' used afterwards a p g e_
made to render this one of the events
' bruised,. - , • • , •
er s knee. An instance of thie oc-was the best the had ever
agreed Y - . of the season. Lunch will be served to
STIIAMBEEH'i FESTIVAT...-On.Tties- . d during the past week, A 't
, clay evening, July 1st, , a strawberry appeared in t ass -columos about- a Hided' le:Isiah-3g in the prcigraroe Were ,,,
heard at garden:party here. ,A.namsget..
e.gronnds. Brown's Orchestra. from
curre . _,.. . g..b pr... _ n i am elk.' Sefreshimetite-riiity-belitheiiiid-Oii
. - fel tiiiIiiill he field under auspices.
8 ' year ego apent the seine nuitter, but Miss Clara Monteestle, of Clinton; '-'"
of Ebenezer church, on the lawn of O. no action was taken: aWainst ' the Par- Rev Mr Stead,man; of Alma ; Forster,
J. Nesbitt, leth toe. . 'Refreshments' ' ties. A little thoughtfulness on the
May be, procured on the grout& pare of those boys would *eyold an Oichestee,• of Ooltelrne ; Miss. Pearl
Lunch, including • strawberries, seeeecl 'trouble, and at the same time increase Y Beiiceat and Mr :Bat. • The proceeds'
granihas Peen pre
people's•reepect for them. amounted to -840 . .
. .. . .
to • all. An .excellent and varied. pro- '
per year in advents
M.eoswhen uot so villa,
• ,
Paris -
Pure, Fresh
and Reliable
By the ounce, lb.
or package
P. Reekie's
Prescription Drne Store
NB -Por sore, tired, and aching
Porter's Rill
Litwrr Soma, -The social, held at
J. Woods on M play night was a de-
nidP d success, though the night. was
rattier cold; a: geod crowd gathered and.
eeetned to enyoe themselves. Ann,.
these who took part in the. progett
were Mrs Rev. Shaw, Benrailler, Mists
Yelland, 'Bay field, end Rey. Mr and
Mee Hussar, lielmssville. The pro-
ceeds amounted to about $35.
NOTES. -0. W. Potter sold his driver .,
to R. McLean and 18 00 the lookout tor
another one, ReYMiller, Datroit,was
renewing olci acquainteuces here last
gret is drawing so near to a close. During week; • Miss *mister is yisiting at Jas.
these three yearta yourself and Mrs Coon- McDonald's. Miss Kate McDougall, or
lundlieve endeared -yourselves •to ns, and Detroit, is yisitieg her nephew, Archie
have founds warm plemean our sffeotions, McDowell. Mrs Ramsay and siateroat
and, while laboring faithfully in our inter- Detroit, visited at W. Stirling's,con. 6,
este you have not done it in any narrow Nat week. • Mrs Alderson, Kippen,
sectarian spirit, and you have always at visited at .0. W. Potter's last week,
the mime time, we believe, oommeneed the. _..elipeE mina Jordon was the guest ofn
gaochifiltaiddrientieet or ot.ttifiiii,Thibi we 13 her .sister, Mrs Currie, on Sunday. We
recognise the honesty ef purpose, the zeal, are pleased' to report that thelittle AOU
.and the ability with which yon•have served of D. Gliddois prearessing favorably. •
A. j.. GRIGG
. Scientific $esveler.
and Onticiess
for.the mew- H 11.1,E,6 Boye
orew sv ‘- erom a. • Westfield •
dour, son of A• Saone, of the . Malt-
. WRDniteet.-A. pretty wedding took land, returned on Saturday from - Neeres.-:-Mr'add Mrs John MeDowell
place at the home of _Thos. Harrison, Joliette, QM.., where he has been et- are spending a few days with their
Goderich township, on the 18th inst.,. .tending College. , Jerome is one of our daughtea, Mrs K. OaMeron, Pear Luok-
when his daughter, Annie, was uaited boys who is •fast forging to ' the front. now.. Mr and Mrs B. Taylor, Mr and
in Marriage to Geo Procter, of Helmes- He Passed the Entrance and Public Mrs A. B. Care, Mrs R. McDowell, Mrs
ville, Rev John McNeil performing. the School Leaving. from this school, T.11. Taylor, Missies A. J. Carr and L.
ceremony. The bride was the recipierit
. standing lied of the' Has for Hest Titylor ' were among the excursionists
. of numerous and value e presents. Huron. After , attending Clinton to Ottelph •Wm. Harrison, 0:i1Oderieh;
TEA -MEETING.- Owing to .the in- There was a large gathering of friends Model; he took charge of Sc Joseph is spending a few days With hisedaugh-
,clement weather on Wednesday,Bethel and acquaintances, who spent a very school. His . Work there . was ter, Mrs W. R, Oampbell, A. B. Carr
tea...meeting was held • the following enjoyable time to a late hour. , heavy. sometimes having as many. 0.8
veil' received the Sad intelligence of the
...evening. Otherwise all the origidal ar- . . SAD New.g.-On Monday, George 70 or 80 pupils, He had to conduct the dettth of a cousin, Miss Addie Mann-
rangements were eluded mit: Henley received atelegramannouneing rein, ,of Chatham, which- occurred last
work irt both English and French, but
Otttincee-W. A. ;Gifford, Clinton, the death of his youngest sister, Mrs he found hienself equally at home in Saterday morning. Mrs D. Denbo
.-- -• eit her, • VVhen he resigned his p.isition ppent a couple of.daye last week with
conducted saviees on this circuit on Albert Elliottl'of North Dakota. fhe
Sunday last on behalf of the forward circumstance is all the More sad as he there, it was with the .titirpoge cf. her daughter, Mrs W. Grahieno. Ste it-
-movement. Able and eloquent ad- has not seen her Since she -removecill further pursuing his. etuciree. we are ford. Melbourne McDowell and Will
Sunday -
dresses were delivered and much en, there, fourteen years awe, and Shelia sure that. his standing ,in the College Taylor, of GoderieleCellegiate, thusiasin Was apparently • aroused. , purposed coming home thie.surnmer,, will he quite egaal to his past record. ed at home, Mr and Mrs Martin Cum-
va', but death has destroyed the pleasure We are pleased to hear that Andrew mings spent a few days last week with
Dater), Stratford, are visiting 'friends of seeing her again in this World. e0Mr uourtice. hag rigain been succeesfut in Walkerton friends. . The Catholic pie -
NOTES -.--Mieees Ad.a Alt and
in this vicinity and are evideutly hay. Hanley would have gone west for the his dental examinations ..tn oeioga. nin on thebanks
ot the Maitland WO. a
ing an enjoyable tiinee Luther .Allin funeral had the telegram been. deliver- He took en average of 86 per cent all decided success: Mrs Patterson, Mor-
high stand, a credit to him- ril' I; the guest of her daughter, Mrs
his improved his •ba.rn by havirig a ed as. soon0.8reiceived. Mr E,Fo. tt for .
_ ierolinc., A ex cot .
rnerly live on h COD. self and to this community. Andy -is
stone foundation nut beneath it ; Geo.
SUICIDM-A. distressing circumitAnce one of the boys who hive left here an tft . • Rshlield
v .
Hebei had the contract for the masonry.
-Jae Diatininv has perchased, at a rea occur cd on the 16 heoncession on Sun, made a record for themselves • • •
sonable figure, the preperty recently clay last, When Walter Hanley took his Nutes....-Di W A. Ill
ckwou rehire. NEW METHODIST CHURCH . -A new
neoupi ' owe liee.by shishieg hie teroat from ear:. .ed with his brother Alfat :church is being built at Heckett's, o
taken possession aiid intends moving to ear vvith a rezor, The inhiar *ein Pride be
y; sen. gp to to TOPOntO be- eor t
- aire-1.2thconcessien• otAshileld, and:the
, ed be John, filinzford-vhe has
and oesophagus were entirely severed. f - • net s one Yr' e ai on the 1st of
'11 b 1
ere going to his home in Oincinnatti •
on to it in the near •future. Statate d C B k ' July at 4 o olOck.. A teaaneeting will
Seaforth and ".01inton eland will be in
attendance to tickle the tympanum of, the congregation,•and your readiness at all
tunes to promOte What you believed to be .'
the lovers of in tisic.with their selections.'
NoTes:-Surnmer visitors are now
beginning to shove. up;we expect an un-
usually large number of tourists" this
summee, when the warm weather tiets in.
On Friday last the .schools of Stenley
township held' their Annual picnic at.
,Towetes grove. Mr and Mrs 'Thomas wilting to lend a helping hand, while both
of you, in the.disoharee of year, duty, have
teon.for.yenreelves a warm plsoe in the af-
fections of the people of Londeaboro, and
will,not soon be forgotten. Neither oar we
. allow enoh faithfulness to go•anreciognized,
and, therefore, as a slight token of resPeot
and appreciatiop•of.younservioes, Ind the
great anxiety von have manifested for our
their best interests. • We have also very
maoh.appreoiated the work of Mrs Coup -
land in the Epworth League and Sabbath
Bohool as Superintendent, which grew and
&nabbed under your °are, load those in .
trouble have always found in you. a good -
'fieendisiod in sick/meg vets, kind and always
Jowett are making a visit in Teronto.
A e are glad- to see little Wilbur, the
son of Henry Erwin, out agaio; be had
his thigh fractured ribmit• six weeks
ago. • Murdock ROS8 has returned with
.his fishing smack . and crew from Sar
nia. The fishing 'tug, Tepican, was
forced to run into the harbor On Sun-,
day merniag for shelter. Frank Keeg- welfare,and as something we hope may, re-
am and • Jack McLeod have retureled call many pleasant memories in the future.
from Sarnia. A very enjoyabie•time We ask you to accept this purse and with it
was aPeo,t by **my of . picnickers eau hest wiehee for continued seciceSs and
from the leindon.samad ;rind Alma on
Saturday. Here y -Darroch, intends,
opening his hotel, "The Oommerci
to the public neat week; he has had it
renovated throughaut. The new Pres-
byterian. church is rapidly nearing
land. and himself, thanking them for
completioe. _Mrs 7. Whiddon lett on
their kindness, and having the itssur-
Tuesday for Edmonton, Alberto. where that he bad the good -will of all;
she will stay for ; two.monthe with her an"
present, and • said his aim had elvieive •
brother. Misa Wright visited her
been to proinotethe ir spiritual welfare. :
bonne itt ,Sretforth last weeki.she w
•abundant blessings on all your work in yoer,
neve fieldof tabor. Signed in- behalf of the
congregation, . M. -Bearrawarei.
:Afterwards Mr Coupland made a very
. . .
suitable reply in behalf of Mrs .Ceup-
accompanied by. Mies • M. Wilicidon.
Itlyer. Miss M Walwin, of ()blow°, 1.op Mlar W'Erear.--seThe new scales. j tiODGEN 3 'BROS...
• Earlock •
John Thomson left, lest week for R uriy '
Who bite been iiiiitinglieeitiotfiik for ii; -ptirchased from -Wilson es-Oor, Torrine- • -• ' -- e.- - - -- • • • - 2 ._
but last whiter bouget a eramanntine k • h h friend,'Mt . be held in the eveninw, at which sever. few weeks, returned , home last 'Week; to,: are now in good Working order and ,
large number frdne here took in the ex- arid went around the coantry with it% butt, also friends et Nile and GederIch, ' - ' • ' having the Albion hotel fitted with a, inso.quickly and eatisfactorily finishing
al nromtneint sneakers are expected to mother and brother. airs eeliott• is credit for the energy they haie shown
she was accempanled to Mrs
by her t e ur i g c
Labor has already been completed on • Y •., e , Mrs (Rev.) A. ear: o twood seen
several of the roads in this vicinity. A - e - s ' . laSt 'Nee WIC her .s G. Teb-
poi t a very favorable erne. 'This spring he took a situation et Offir- , M Kenzie and sister Midik $7fi'zor of NOTEB,.--Rav F, W, Oaten and wife, • tl add to the appearance: and weigh ed on thesescales is a fine brood
K. - • - . _ • ._ double yekandat in front, which will the work... The heavieet horse yet
COI sion to Detroit last week- they re -- -- • returning home ou Tuesday.. Mrs lake nare
but his RUCCeSS was not aratifying
-of Temperande intend halding their -rn 1 11 - g - Teesvratera upent last •Suralay with who have . been. in the West, 'teturn eonifoit of the house. miss R. Reid mare owned by H. W. Aden; this mare
t.. lie but not nip it there he wrote
are this week Arisitinf their uncle, Mr - Couareie -Council Met 00 June21st, sun:Mere. George Kirig: is hav ea a
ith Mrs Fraser for the turned -the scales at 1755 lbs; Mr Allen
LI Veh a • one of the - - this k
Is the beet.reaay-to wear clothing -
inade Usnadie . it is ego.' in •
• every svey. to made- 0 -order. ' The
fit is tie 016d -better- may
oases -'the materials Re good, the
lininge ELS good, and it is as well
Made as made-to-order clothing.
(mating 53.00. to $5.0 the Snit
• more money. Yeiu oan keep those
mitre dollars in your pocket the'
,.next time you. bny a suit if yonbuy
"20tleCenture brand; •
A neat ocirenationsovenier
With each dollar purchase
in per furnishing depart.
knente, tee..
anriutil picnic on July 1st, on the. to 4.°a• (MP, ° f Misses Vine aed Edith Tebbutt, and home t wee • , ham engaged, w
20 to 250 Prise Butter. ' We offer . for the
best Tubes or Boxesof Butter delivered during
July, 5 4 and 3o respeotively over highest me.
kot price. , G. R KING, Winghasi,"4.
Manitoba tx sions.
f has always been a greet horse fancier --------e--
as vv. zer, e, me. Mr and.Urs members all present; the minutes Of stone foundation tout under his house. a Y t
beautiful and spacious lawn of Jesse executors of the estate of t e mot er.o
Snyder. A fevr from here visited the
Experimental Barra, Guelph, on Fri.
day last. Berry picking is now in full
swing at the. Benrailler nurseries; a
large staff of pickers is engaged and
deliv.eries are being made daily to the
neighboring towns and villages. G,
Vanstone has improved the appearance
of his property by e•rading the road-
. side in front of hie lot ; if °there fol-
lowed his example many of .the farm
fronts would present a neater appear-
ance that:Oat present, Gledhill, of
•ktocierith. is visiting his son Alt; Dave,
of Kincardine, is also here. •
GARDEN' Parerre-To-night (Friday)
'the Methodist Church nere oi hold a
garden party on George Dales. lawn.
very preparation has been Made to decided an inquest was unnecessary., render suitable music. 11,
• Mord is ai, shovelling gravel,'$2 62; F Homey,
cater to the wishes and tastes of all and The action was evidently teat of an in- again to the front With early \haying ;
a good time may be expected. Sea- sane man, as there was nothing what. some of his lucerne has been hut for 14,4),r 111218201;jdonJ,ohntiesvvrocnu, ig;atclat
forth's noted band will be in atten& Aver to cause the act otherwise,' The over a week. Mr M. Squire preached 1/6.50; Wm Farrieh, rep snow fence 4l2;
ance. Admission, incldding lunch, 10 ' body was removed to the undertaking a good. sermon Sunday morning and
.and 15 cents. sOls$21 establishment of 'Mr Stevenson, en Rev J. Greene at night Ptevj Husser R A Carrick, .ov.ercharge oti collector's
-• — • roll, 84.55, and service as collector. 680;
' Sunday 'eyening, and from there sent ' preached anniversary. services at Wm Treleaven. rep cul S R 67, $1.51
• to Mitchell for interment on TuesdaT. Bethel, Council adjourned to meet again on
Deceased was the owner of some litt e ,
property, of which W. S. Greensides, , . Myth, Aug. 10.--W. STO'rEtitne; ,
.......... Paii3ley, and Joe. Copp, tete% are eX61' WEDDING. --' St. 11ilichaers.phurab, '• St. lifhlens
cutors. here, was the scene of a 'very pretty
wedding on Monday morning, the 23rd _ sn .• P p y
. Dangannon
.. . . NOTES. S. Girvir, IChg.ton, who inst.,'when jelon Phaten, a prosperoms writ' g in our public school this week;
there are fewer registered at this
farmer of Morris townehhi, Was United
We are offering since line of has beeu plaiting his brother DaYiti
the deceased, to come and take hun ;t B Id ' and keeps onl • he besti'Alex Mc wan
away. r opp • W. B. /roister are spending a couple of
come back to Mr 13akerki, Where lie ea. weeks at Markham. • Russell F t
ors er t•
Diet meeting ;were realised approved iss . erga
. , . .
Te follosvin abcounts were passed ; °Mrs Ferizustm Vieleing in Cleve. 'mare sveighing.170C1
The C. P. ill ran special
Excursions to Manitba and the
' North West, on
June 3rd, and 24th.
And slso one
' July 15th.
• ' takes a erg. good second with a brood
brought him accordingly. He was very carriage' J I: 0 wa g repairing vraehlo)ut and land. W. Whiddon is improving the FOOV•BALL.-Ithavitig been decided.
joyed his work and the home, aod s or anew toP on his peny
Ls Edith Tebbutt returned. to °oder- tw°013 , iv% trie: 8 R 9 in,' sii. 25; la Mc- appearance of his house .by a coated that Inc Loridesboro football aggregae
faithful in his work, and could arways ich on Tueeday, afi er a, two limo& visit G*11,.edlra_i r ti b91:10/1 Y__ 65 3. a ckett, paint. Miss Edith Feleoner is clerking thin, which gives good. evidence •of
be depended on, but having been in wider the -parental roof. Owing to so I i Dab° d Ur. 1;10, ;$2.257J Mc- for T. Stinson for the summer months. their long summer's tramieg, was to
the asylum twice, was a little disposed MEthyllawn socials this week ourLengue rZeteacoverinaga cul on con 4, 63 25; it 0 Mise S. Park, Detroit, spent a few daYa pla a football Match with the farmers
rubbing his hands together ite if sorne. Dalton statute labor team, $6; Mr at her home recently. Mrs Newell, of
Cr) act queer. Sunday morning he kept and primer meeting were both held on.
Lhing was wrong, and left the • house bullivan delivering plank, cutting hike Detroit, is visiting her niother, Mrs
Tuesday evening and cob by the
about 10 o'clock; he did Ilbt turn up at . hilt $10; Ned D•ilton, repellent?' hill at Sellers. Roy Furry underwent an
League. Our lawn eacial promises to
dinner time, but this was nothing "un- Kin abridge $5; Win Clare, repairing operation last week for appeedicitis,
be a success; all who can come will he .
Made welcerne; Foester Brothare i. %AI $5 . os Half grading S a 9 the attending doctors being Gunn, of
ne leileelionie aettte-- lidfife'e-ir $8 el'4' ' 3 ah to L, Clinton, Woods and Smith, of Bay -
usual on Sunday, ana nothirig morteedtheed.46-6.4 au
1 k , ; --- oran, rep culs h
was seen of him until about 4 o c oe in of Mrs R. Miller,:Base line, on Monday. 6325; evn, 9129,0(1(40n, tep 'cut
the stable dead, with the razor tightly 3 4 $1 50; Wrn Mequoid rep bridge on is doing well. RV. 3. Yelland re -
R field; we are pleased to know that e
the afterneon, vvhen he was found in evening hist. The subject next Stine
clutched in his hand. The marks about will be, r,
" iecoeregament, its Cause coL 6 50e; NJ McKenzie, cleaning ditch turned last Ii`riclay from a visit to his
on c'on 12 64 Chambers gravel.
day morning in the Methodist church
the stable would indicate that his dyirg brothers near Hartley, Iowa. Miss
struggleshad been terrific. The coroner the last," Mr Husser will conduct both $11 44; Johii Finlay shoyellimi gravel, Mary' Parsons is recovering from her
and Cure," and in the evening "Joy at
weanotifiecl,hut upon invegtigation,he services • the excellent choir . will $4;'D N McKenzie:shovelling gravel, recent illness. Mr Edvrards. sr., is
83.75: A ..1 d ravel 8300; N McDon• able to be around again. Mrs Sims
and three children, frown Wallaceburg,
and Miss McIntyre, of Strathroy, are
boarding at Mrs Parsons'. Rev Mr
Yelland .will preach the Annual &onion •
to the Orangemen and Young, Britonre
in the. Methodist church on Sunday,
on Sunday Jule Oth, at 7 p.m, •
centre this year, our own school puts
returned home last week. P. Sander! in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mies
st 4 lb. s 25e
• • • ting,up six which is half the number
son,Sos. Cranston and H. M. Duff have II ge Y. g regietered for here. 'The beef ring is
added new Page toners lefront of their of the seine township. Mise Harriett in full swing again, there being a double'
farms. Quite a few tcek in the excur• McCaughey, Clinton, acted as brides -
ring, with twa cattle killed each week
sion to Guelph and Detreit. Wm Kirk maid, while Thos Htialy, brother of the
by J. Sanderson. 0. A: Tebbutt is thie
took in the m[001.8100 to Guelph. Win bride, Supported the groom. Both the
week presiding examiner at Dungan.
Rose spent Sunday at P, Sherwood's, bride and bridesmaid were attired la
gentian, W. Havvkins performing a
- . OieWe. Wm. Manough is halting his beargf"iMairrIlia elan withe1 d e idift9V tl'i°e similar duty here, Miss LmizzeiefoWr bele:
barn eliingled The .uneral of the ate .
• 185 fief& Gillger &lap hdeary fdottroungohotweir;, shmerds leduat th h. des gab, Plain*
Selections 'clurin mase. e an 1 ° fmlieri7 taug4t S'
Jai* tbitilc of -
getting 180 to Mrs Alex Pentland took place on T Or
e otne ne several the Wedding mar h d wood h
eased the cer
four daughtr':
d The 1.0. k hut recently teaching In Net;
ch Anderson. altar was beautifully, drIcorate with or city, is ex
LucknoW, where she haes been 'felting. taPers and flowers, 461- larger cotiFuunr yee,
)(lair glf flieletrictfittoecildlite3g.hie.°tAle,leieS hMoebill
for a Quarter. They are cheap- she leaves to ?znohne: loss one eon: Of friends witn
er.than you can mace them
krother ; She 05 years of an W. Menamin, of Clinton. he ploy nair I Write on her
Sister and One which was performed by ete,„ , a present, but will return ere long to
rot isIeSe r a rgefrojgcce 1,1•11t
Pad 44110$$ away with the WWII. Kirk and Duff take the Leag-e' Witt' _efterwerdadeovet0 41111nTtdoitni,r,lihnii) ebey- We are Pleased to. rytealiti-
to be around agtd
Monday, June 30tla ae tiehe 'Partelek ache weddin
Also a Ana rib* a pried PresbYteriatis intend bolding their NoTES,-Dr.Terpnle eft thi3srWeek foto htilmk, ci the ticenty',637aOslAtv
t 'vacation in Tilsonb s ay o IR Wee il,ary Ann I
corn etition. The ntagnificent purse Of on Tue d f th k m
trg and St heale
certainliabring the 'best teams that 07 yeare. ..The funeral took place on
- looking fine for this timiroeflizi-- ar ; been attending Bishop ?Apache's's Be oo mates an ot eta to a birth -
Cranston, who has been visiting hie for her Otiolhler vaeationi Rev WD1 virsitt of (Aloha'? tig produce. This Is billed for eta y and Watt lar gely attended.
n will close his ristorafe of vv &malt 3. Hutton formerly
eister, Mrs 0, ShaekelfOn Belfast he Pe h
, Ola returned home. We are'Veased 10 see
of t e 13th con ot Hullett, in Londes-
boro park, on June 10, both teams were
on the grounds at the stated.time, vvhile
the fences were crowded with spectat-
ors. The referee was Mr Wallace, of
Londeeboro, who makes a very impar-
tial man for the position. The game
resulted in a victory for the 13th by a
score of 6 to 2 with one game in dispute.
Londesboro decided not to play it re-
turn gain by a vete 'of 10 to 1,
DEATEL-Mrs Snaitb, wife of Alex.
Smith,of this. place, passed away peace.
fully on Tuesday of last week, at, the
age of 55 years. Though Mrs Smith has
suffered a' great deal, she bore it
patiently but death has been a happy
release. Those who were acquainted
with; Mrs Smith can testify to the ster-
ling qualities that endeared her to all
••• with whom she came hi eontacb. Dee •
• St•Allanallme._ here 9
ceased was a slater of jno. Watt,of thie •
place. Sheleaves no -family.
Toall points in manitoba. Tickets RM
tOdd to return within -60 ilays, •
Por tickets and all information tiPpiy to
W. iktekson rigt. C.P.R.
at ?.
wn .Soci al.
en ?
To.night, Friday
A StrCoess.-The annual picnic held teryees-The Allen lime kiln is running.
here last Monday in connection with at full blast.. The lithe is -the Very beet
desired The attendance was exceed- ize home industry, Wm. Rose s put-.
E1 ford's Lawn •
the R. C. Ohurch Wile all that -Could ofdnishing lime and all should vatron-
ingly pe oominf from far tine up anew brick house this summet.
and near. AA] etita 0 all kiwis A. numberfrom this vicinity took in
exenrsion on Friday last,
were provided h,e visitors, but that the Guelph
of drycing seemed tet attract the most
and late on in thiVeyening, the naerry-
NOT'ae.-•Mise Annie Ingieriby,Toron-
• Makers tripped through the whirling
to, was the gtiest of her cousin, Miss
Mate With light feet, Arrong those
Mary ()Trier, during the past Week,
present were M. G. Cameron, M. P. P.,
Sneak thieves entered, the Cellar of one
and James Mitchell.. Owing to eick-
neee, R. Holmes, M. P., Who was with othfillgoar wreesritetnackeesn ;lathteislY' shaonuald"Vbeeraar
us last year, was unable to be•pteeente
warning to others to beware. Quite
Dublin. a number attended the excnremp to
'neap .A., large., platform was erected • Tuckerosnalth.
for the occasion andduring the day (Intendeafor last week.)
Guelph. Miss.,Mary 0 Brien entertained
Phorti0.-The people's popular picoic a number of London road friends -on-
to be hold here on Dominion Day Pro- Wednesday eVenihr and all report an
*rises to be it wrand succees. Good enjoyable time,
prizes are sure to bring good sports and DEAmt.-There died in Tuckeremith
Peaches at 10e!per lb. admission 2tic and 150. Th •'*'are Mies BlItt htetCaif, Who has
hi bl d h
lawn social on Mrs R. Dereera's-§61.1avviit I? or erfeld had guite large gathering of $4. for the tug of War conteet will Angel, wife of Mr Sanauel atves aged
on Saturday. Logan eKillop, Hibbert and Tucker- Wednesday to the Maitiandbank cem.
The Cash Sretery.te some ave a tea y ar e ay ng. , school in Toronto heal arrived borne day Party
y) I dl letie sports with deriding and music,by .
difd h t 8 V g so COMO early. Other ath- •
illness. S. Reid vnt Sunday at Win. Y „
..to-niant ra e a es of the liVer stal3le in 13 trot . •calibre Broetree Otchestra will eritertain you
church soil tender Alt Penhall and fam. re vo Yer Was clutched in his hand and during the afternoon. A royal good hat( expremed itself as•iti faVor abo •
ishing etate rules of precedence as to
The Presbyterian General Asset:11bl
d Witliano Was !Oil rags ill a
11)gle Cooper cc Mr Fairbeirn Oa again a ter hie leng
Eimith'e, con 5,0f aWatiOsh• It• Park ilY frireWell entertainment in the a gaping wound in his right temple time is guaranteed to eirerybody. Who , garde relighting bodies and leaving all
ehowed that lb was a cue of suicide. attends. 0002e and enjoy yourself. on an equaliti.
,Oitir for Butter and Ego. Phone 20, sports it driller and new buggy. ltasement Of the church.
Lite size enlargements $1.0
Views of interior of
• Wesley Church,
'Flower Sunday" for
sale 25%
- Studio.