HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-13, Page 817. June 13th ,1002 THE CLINTON Ink ERA, untio NOTES.--Robt Down. b ao removed occupied ha the late M j9NE 10,1902. 1M ' to the Towneenta's cottage' formed VS Alleri, on rilL3_ astreet.....„. The -141•11een's hotel . au teen repaint.% by Ruin. Downs and 1400Ab NOTIbES .1.0gilt isymic improved in appear - Our IVIillinery department ha,s many attractions to=.3 &A.1 Trier's fire proof sate4' or sale e for Ladies Who want a, &Miner Hat. Late in IVI IViiss Randall v"t A. eagle has Improved ap• , asy ae PP Y to ,i,ui,Dou nearances at hie premises .on Ontario , y RANCE, Clinton street by the removal of the front fence. Ist ed the mar etsan spent some time Boarders winated-Acoommodation. tor two ....A number of farmers ear the hae ion Oricti,fortnerly cf the G,T. R. here. has been chewed as cashier from St. johns' Mich,, to Wirt Sagioaw and in letter to uo says he cannot do with. out the NEW Eva as it is like a lettei. from home each' weeit....The new G.T. R. time table for the summer will be out on June 1Sth....The county court met this week at loderroh commencing to come and see them whether wishing to bi,ty or not da * - gentlemen boardere: Apply at Now leria. b stulying the newest and most • r een a bad epring to raise foe s ..New- tfay 16-tt popu ar sty es s own We are stilt leading in. sugar by sellink fc.- 31.3m.mer, and selecting novelties in Shapes ano iledPattee granulated below regular whole. eale priee 0 Make room tor our next ear . h rirnraings. These are now here. Pattern tiats W. T. O'Nein --exemplifying the_latest summer shapes and modes of _ TiOnio *owes. trimming have been prei5ared arid -you-are -welcome PI INO REOITAla-A plane. recital -Val- the gryen art the..towu hail oriTue-- Y eVening, ;me Uth, by a number 011-alleatutY-and-t of the oils of Misa Carol Newcombe, ranee on Monday next, the 10.h..7: Remote by Mrs R, P, Reekle, Miss Lillian Coats,Norraan M grab and Ja meg Doherty. Admission 16 cents. . Dainty a a Dress Mastitis GONE INTO BUSINESS, -Mr Geo, Hodgene has gone into buetness in Ttiarnoroari,,having bought out the (Jena- ; The daintiest, the prettiest, the most stylish dress mus- d • hustle ziliontftegimo,.antadegigme 414eilltstir lins in town are on our counters. There is a wide variety to her. hope that he may be abundantl; select from, and not a poor -pattern or an old "style in the lot. prosperous in the Queen City, Of the best not more than one dress to a color or pattern, Not O. A. EXAMS. -Among the enou• gh of of any of the cheapest for them -to get ciunmon. Va)., acrttli jniTadriidortelaetgetboef exlmRrilteurz • ues are just what you would expect her's--‘ GOOD. we notice the name of a number from " Huron. - R. J. Deachman. of G mar, 4 Muslim at toe iiagins at 30e and 40c. passed in all subjecte, first year, taking honors ; A. P, Ketchen, Brucefield,and A. Atkinsarhof Seaforth.were success- - fulin their third yeat: with honors, American rirqsa muslins, good qua- Handsome &signs in Atie organdies ties, neweet payerne in blueo,pinks, • and mercerized lawns, the latter and grey P, per yard .4., „ C has the appearauoe of foulard sdk at double the money, no two silk% ,,, POSTPONED -Some time ago it Muslins at lie . at per yard 30c & ITC • was decided to hold the annual county • S. S. and 0, E. Convention at Blyth. Fine Amerioan and Englith dress White Ditnittes and Organ- on June 1849, and a 'suitable prngram Lanoline, a great range of the new.. . wins prepared therefor. But .ctrcum- est and most popular patterns, in dies. - , 1 stances•have in the meantime •aaleen pinke,blues,greys and linen shades.1 . at per yard I% C Every wanted priee and uattli.t7 in vvhich make it necessary to. obange the tune of ineetin indifinitel , and 't ha ii h • , materials that will wash and do un ky ' been postponed ,until some time in well, per yard, ..... ...... Age& 65c September,. . colorings including white on blaok, s., • 6t. j-WheatleY has tbe men busy laying black on white, and 'pliiin linen n,., Einebiaolcorgandyrauslias,sheer fin- „ „ the new walk ou Huron street north, batiste, at per. yard.... ......... . X0C ish,guaranteed fast,per yd..304,46 itte and will extend fret)) Albert street to • the corporation limits. The last petition • WIVVYtatreerWAA/VVVVVVINVVait to be presented is to have a tie w 'walk laidon Isaaa street west, Besides the saving of several cents per yard they are as well put down as by the eontraet I ors and reflects credit upon tbe Inspect. or whie sees that the teaan gets good I service. . ' , •• bOST TWO FINGERS. -John Mc - Douala who is enoployed in the stave mill of Messrs R. 4a J. Ransford, at Stapleton,. had the misfortune to lose the first two fingers of his right hand below the first 3oint. With what is known as Scotch grit Mr McDonald keyeasavowirawavkiwyrovasaareivat asarasaserarAataaa~etatawiaiewtawa (after lasing kis digits) parte to town and had them dressed by the doctnr . Specta s in, , . _sympathize with Mr McDonald in • his without -even taking.chloroforrn. We . . - miifortUne. and hope atainturies may - White wCali soon heal . . UNVEILING: 'OFREMO 'Y T: Every piece of Whitevirear iri.. the store is , good value.: unveiling services la ccintiPctio.n—trAhe . • . , • . 4 From those at 25o to thoSe at §4 and $5, each garment is Worth 1;temorthrne el4' elrdeetdhhy the W o - every penny of the marked trice • These eight lines are extra men vf7I'i • at /t;ecig°111'nvgi'lldcZ" ext. Juoe 1a, The Wotaimen will as- value.at the popular prices they .are marked, : While the P ri Ii; 'P cre. Der'. bsipe4oeiriehtiniitv3r at :I'lid:irvel: . the orat is low there is no skim f pmgo materiel orsw.ork, but every gar anent is what it ought to be in every way... • in the Baptist churela at 11 a, m., when Rev Dr. Spencer will preach a sermon Iluslins at 25e Eine dhrtitios and dress muslins, ex - elusive designs, 3n all the popular Black Orwandles GRANOLITHIC WALKS. -Inspect- • eoronation Ribbon , - The newest thing in neck ribbons is the Coronation.. It is a handsome Dresden p4ttern in centre with silk em broidery crowns in white on pink, sky, white or corona- tion red grounds at eac4 side. Correct width, all pure silk, • - 40c Ettiif yard SKIRTS AT. 75c AND $1.ocr. especially, althog„the lines of the vaork done by this zind kindred societies. at 75e Ti44 A' at 1.00 • Skirts made of good quality English i Skirts =Woof strong English cotton : cotton, cambric finish,draw striary . , I cambric finish,,outer WU of 9 inch outer frill of 5a inch cambric( ei37- muslin erobroidery, nice open pat - 1 broidery with cluster of narrow I., tern and firm edge. cluster of nor- tucks at top, special , at..., ...... IOC- tucks on top of MP, each. . . .. .. AMU • GOWNS AT 75c AND $1.00 Wt73c. Gown made of strong English Ootton eailir oollar edged with cambric embroidery, miffs of same, pearl buttons, yoke of white tucking and hemstitching, eaoh; . ...... 1 IAt $1.00 Gowns of fins England cotton, cam- . brio hnish. pearl buttons, neck and 1* offs trimmed with cambric) em- broidery, double across slim:lidera, 5,I . yoke limiters of fine tucks,. era- 1, v broidery And inseition, eaoh...... 1. DR.A.WgRS AT 371c AND 50c . At 37ie. at soc. • Drawers marle.of fine Englisk cotton 'seams double SeWO, frill of .21-2 inch embroidery, 3 rows of narrow tacks, each 3 Drawers made of fine English eotton oambrio 'finish seams double sewn. 1. 3 •rows of narrow traike above 31.2 ' 7 e inch frill of. handsome embroidery, ft . per pair .... ... . .. . . CORSET COVERS. AT 25C• AND 35c at !me. At 35c. Corset ooyers made of fine Enqiish • ' Corset covers of fine Enalishlootton cotton, V shaped neck trimmed 1 he railway authorities have recently sent out instructions relative to arrest- ing boys jumping on and off trains Iwhile in metion ; agents ere requested Lu take action to Atop the practice to prevent any accidents that may occur. ...It ie said detectives are searchitiv Chicago for Irvin Ohittencleit, the Sea - forth, Ontario, boy who disapneared from that village and is supposed to be 'kept in hiding by his mother,. „The baud stand, which was removed from etig niTttturielleotnwteheekr'qlierarhe7...aThP:Iraacha-- tion season will sob hand and our town will have its full (pima of eampers for Bayfield; we understand that alkof Jowett's and Marks' cot- tages have already been engaged.. . No less than fou t in Clinton last week,each containing sums of money; we have heard of one being restored to its owoer....The military equipment, coroprisinp the clothing. caninets, guns, ricks; Jac . have arrived here from Goderich for Clinton Co., No, 4; (Apt H. B. Conabe has had the eqqipment stored in the company's headquarters at the town hall. Mr and Mrs J. 11. Shaw have remnyed to ioronto; their friends and particularly Ontario street Methodist church with which they were identifted, are sorry to lose them from town., ..11. Stevens •tells us that he has been kept busy building this season and has still a nuttiber of contracts to . complete I A meeting of the representatives from Lodges of Oddfellowship o Huron District, No 15, will meet in Seaforth, on Wednesday evening next, Tune 18; a tomber from Clinton lodge Will ,tttend „ . Et try arrangement le heinC made by the pv,ple of Seaforth fet ft grand reception to be given the Huron Old. Bays on Saturday, July 5th, the date �f their annual visit to. Huron county ; it wilt be another day; to be remembered of•the 11. 0. B's visit to the banner COUll y of • Ontario; Among thealipmente this week ' &Om the Clinton yards'. were :on Monday two double deckers, 250 hogs, by Can telcin & Wallis for Toronto and one double decker, 100 hogs, by R. Fitzsimons for,c'ollingwood....Roterr Sandetson, sen., .of Hullata, who re- cently bought the new brick assidence of antario t lir• r:rsogy,eisit r:oleitaeo,ottrfici7, nde on o We. wrtsiew•hleh 1Y1 0.sughtrieeezepeo, tl al nt e th .e•with. presidenceenaigi s toL).;1re ham, of Godet feb, is nava engaged als7 clerk at }LB. Cciinh-e.4 drug. storey'.. W.. Kerr has takeo Cara -HeyWoOd's place as newsboy a t Coo er ' and awing may be had by thoge wishing it ..,. -Charlie. the baby boy of Mr a _ ad Thoe McKenzie was n40001184 Friday by their fat 'Berri- ard dog with whicn the yourigatea was playing, the dog in jumping, put ting bis elves into the baby'e face and badly warring it; for rear that allY- thiog turther may result the dog was destroyed Announcements have been received In town of the marl iage of Miss L. Alberta Mabel Soper, of Sandwich, to Mr Lama F. Sherman. of Woodstock; 14408 Stleratall fa,v0E. ablY known in Clinton bearing vkited Ma's TO Hadinee thues.... We con, grat late our popular and eminent bar- rieters, M. Carnerou, M P. P., and W. ProOdfoot, both of Godericia, on their having been honored with the appointment of King's Counsel,. dw,e roCaarnkteciltoius ren.:rr .the Cp°ro8.1. quiet;..egge are quoted Lt 110 to 12e; tub taitter .14e to 150'' and loose at 12o to 14c. •....The Lon - den harpers will be.ori the moonlight LICENSE MATTERS.-Therramtnis. on Monday afternoon arid allowed the met hetes exen"ift to be given by Gnrigeybi ji-napr.ga roll ot greenbacks. When settling sioners for the West Riding. bound at Goileria next Tuestdb:y THE FIRST POST orrios,-Now that the erection of a new post office is mere than a matter of conjectui,e, it ,nay be of interest to -know that the Or et post °Moe used in town is still standing in the sande spot as it was when used about forty year's ago for Public purposes. It is the house on Victoria, street at present occupied by 8Wta.bie.,E111.0tt, just south of his livery sucogssFut AT VA.1148ITY.-We are [leased to see that a number of our_young people who hate been at- tending Varsity are among those who were successful at the recent exams, J. R. Bell has conapleted his fourthyear; Miss Mary Lough, second year; ta b. Fisher, second year; W. A. Gifford, in his third year laa$ a star on HebreW, and h. J. Archibald for senior matric- ulationhas one on mathematics. ENTRA.NCE EXAP4 DATES. -The High 'school entrance examination for West Huron (J. Elgin Toni, in ipectot) wiil he held onaltrednesday, Tioureday and Friday. June 25th,20th and 27th,as previduslv announced. The examina- tion for East Huron (D. Robb, in- speetei) be held on Wedtiesday, Friday .and Saturday, June 25t13, -27th and 28tn. These dates are aupounced so as not to present any inconvenience to pupils from the rural schools, JUNE FISHING. -Those who go out fishing should remember that bass fishing does not open until J ane 15th and if any bass siulitld'Ire....Caught by .aceident While fishing in.k:the streams allay should be carefully removed from lie}iook without injury and mulled- iathly replaced in the water. ,We have heaed several con:Mai:thing that the game laws in regard to fishing is not observed by seine. who go out. There is a heavy line for Wrong -doers and those who have dohe so should take heed er there May bp trouble. aceonapanied by it young fellow ro in PAID FOR HIS FUN -A Stranger 'Hewlett arrived here last Monday , and into titrowilabsiertinio,n1 itge_beefitoeenieu.tgh,pyongrit street, the stranger aPprotialieat Alfa- eral•youna ladiee who fled froth 'him and in a few minutes again gasp. in-• slat. Constable. Welsh wile in the Meantime was informed savr the latter part ef the drama and:promptly arrest- ed the intoileated gent and pheed.121in lathe lock up. His companion pleaded for leniency and it court was held at 10 o'clock et nielit. Dr Vandyke,. of New York (for such Was the name and place he gave), Pleaddd guilty and. the tine imposed with costs amounted to $7.50. He seemed to be well. supplied • with money for he pulled out an extra• Cash an one Price IC ,;s taken as cash. ichard is Himself' Perhaps he used a Hammock. Di Hammock is rc,uch to the man or woman who would Klk have out door rest—the right kind of rest --,depres- sion, tired feeling, exhaustion or whatever you choose to • call it mueli relieve by the use of a hammock. -The-firstievr- applications tell -and_ _continued tiTat- meat tends nmeh to restore normal good health. We 'have all kinds—Arong and big ones for full grown folk to the small one for the baby.. -just big en- -ough and the it can't fall. out of, with a net coyer'-, lug to.keep of the flies. They are out -door comforts -.7 good, for every home. Our prim are reasonable, as good as we can make them for the quality. We will be glad to have your in- spection. Me W. FAAR• 00. ouliton COften the Cheapest—Always the Rest." rtatSsetatighterSal Sea SOnabf*e Footwear At W. Taylor & SoD's, Comniencing. oh Saturday morning, May 31st, and$ 'continuum until Our stock is reduced $3000. What We. have left of the Slater Shoes are on onr Bargain counters : Men's $5 Shoes going for $3.50 Melee $4 Boots only$2,50 Illen's 83 ones for $2 All Goodyear welto land drat-olase stook. &leo several Other lines going at Bargain prioes-SBVI TlEaltd. #22pairs boys', Tan Laced B3ots, 'aka 9 and 10e, mgalar 04$, going itA ea' ar:ygdoutklat;s5'...:;.:6.t 4and $,¶2Bri0o 006;s1..., s:i al.;! worth .4%. 25: :4;7 v_v_.,56.0 now , A NO • sale prime .t..yy. gol.r.,25a.dtoieost 1175i,dan xgfooirno at one • 25 title gents' and girls' boots, sizes 9; priCe, regardless of 6'04', only vv? Vor he best bargain, you ever got in it pair ofsBoots, 001110 early: satua.e.ay • r • • • • • morning • Your size may soon be gone.: ' 18 1111iciscie'Lacied Boots, sizes 11, The Old Reliable Taylor 8i Son transfer of lifiegeoeraolt r vOiosinivrter: Vaal! ' - tooutBrussele; to .TOnitt han Emigh, the Own.; • ht ')L" t'he Aw'm jean th°tel at MI????1,tilttir egi in lyt er of tire building; and the tranefee • I i • • • ho el license in •Godefich from Win• . **- Craig to R. King. rnapeator . Paisley . gee - has had a few hotels . fined the mum - veeeit for infractions 'Oahe Liquor 'Aet, and the puitomary fine of $20 and costs AA wsre imposed. being the first offence. lov • Oe square out neck trimmed' with torohon armor ce.robice embroidery linen buttons, each 25c Lice eu.rtains. • with two rows of fine cambric ern- broidery, arm holes 'trimmed with same, linen buttons each 34C Our Curtain values are not duplicated in town. We could not sell as good quality at each price if we did not buy direct from one of England's leading makers. Dozens of pat- terns to select from and every one new and up-to-date. The,priees 26c to $5 per pair. At each price the best value in the trade. Black eat Stocklings Better Stockings for boys or girls are not. made anywhere. Over in Kenosha, Wis., over 700 people are kept busy making them, and they cannot keep up with the demand. If you want a stocking that will stand all the t.„c. hard wear a boy can give his stockings ask tiliC46ROCIA4 NotarT for1* e N 15 m o. . KENOSHA. WIS. The Black ea_ Orawing Contest, • Every boy or gir• l should try for the prizes that will be given for the funniest picture of.s. Black Oat. The contest will close on June 26th, and somebody is going to get a dollar bill and somebody else 50c. We will tell. you all about it it you come to the store. PUI3LIC SCHOOL BOARD., On Thureday * evening , last • the ' regular meeting tor June wire • held, Chair man J. W. Irwin presiding,. with Messrs UttlaBeacom,Agnevia O'Neil ao,d Rtia•- land preseni .Owing to no quo ruin being 'present there Wad no rneetingfor May. • Principal Lough's report for May was read, showing an attendance of 203. boys, 109 girls,total 402.average 340; the average attendance for March was the highest for any tuonth for some years, being 360 pupils; The schools wilt close fer-the +slimmer vacation on Wednes- :day, June 25th. The following accoentis were ordered to be paid: • Davie &Row- land, $1.18; Robb Wee, $13.50; Jas Fier., :guS0h, SO. A TO WN BA.ND.-Our inusic-loving 'People ,wilobe glad to learn that we are to have a town band,least the band boys have reorganized and have been practising of late. A. n uMber of our merchants W. Newcombe and P. B. thaws and others haveinterested themselves in the Matter and started 4 sobscriptiod to help the boys along haying met with encouraging suc- cess- • There area zoodly number of players yet' in Clinton and we have an excellent leader in S. Borland Who formerly Was -instructor for the Pet - toles band before coming herer-They expect to be out soon ' and give open air concerts which will be appreciated by the people. tuvrsIoN co trap. -Diyision Cor was held here on Saturday, the 7th t Inst., Judge Doyle . presiding. rs Claridge obtained pidgment against :Geo,Disney for $18.75, bowl •OCI, todg. ing. ' WM Smithson sued S. S. Cooper for $11, price of goods supplied and Mr 000per claimed a setadof over $20; Mr Smithson admitted: $10 of It and judg- Men t _was given for Smithson- for $5 and • coati: W. Perdue sued E.Butt for 56.99, thorned to be duefor sawing timber; :319Y1113t!itztUtirglitctlater 11PuTiciZ tended that it wria purchased at 915 per M, to include sawing; judgment was given forMt Butt, Mrs Simpson ob- tained judgment against.Owen lefraelis . for 011, rent of chiselling bowie. thati McCool, sem, is confined to 4 Itta a" a.arrr to earn - the house and hope she may soon be .well lain ....W. Plumeiteel has re- covered sufficiently as to be removed from the e hospital to his home an4 friends will be glad to learn he is steadily improving.. . . Elden& will be giad to know that Thos Bell is steadll • 13044***************44444444440401014~1444434441101014** Blotises for the Small Boy In the elothing section ,you will find .the best assortment of Shirt Virtusts,for boys, shown iti tovtn. They aro made from strong eambries and ueks,..x4PAP191.1_aregnteed fast and they are the newest, nattieTit, to.ole tomfortable ani cheapest garments you can buy your ° boy for StiffitIlOr wear. . 30c. 75ch $1 ** ******kkkk**<)tkkft*******irk************* 1 tmmittrimmmtlittOtt.tittimttme , 0.<111111 ..0111 On the above date -we. will. h. out .Semi.annual Bargain Day for =el the benefit of out iffilii.erous boy customers.. be. a, clearing: -a ....gift sale of all obi. odd. Suits; 'odd OotitS and: odd Vests from Our , factory., We have just filled hundreds Of orders throughout the country for our .Boysq'td4crus,Liop. 13r4nd-Clotbingl •Atal,d. all the odds and ends left over. go :at a tremendously . low figure. It an occasion When the ordinary boy .can have, his needs.: sup- a p1ied' at -less than the wholesale cost; and many a mother will fin' -a •) here, on, this dateia'chance to Save money that does not often come. The following list is well. worth. looltink_Over .and ifjp:u,,.yant to get tt • good selection :come early and bring your boy; -Nci g--66its oi'approvirtifikiio' -goods exchanged during this sale. Lot 1-20 el:apron's fine vestee suits, made from extra S lurts g3od material, sailer •eollars, fanc*. vests, neatly trim.... mod and. well made ; just one' fault and that- is too ex'. umnectiou with this sale, we will also offer a line pensive, were soldregtilarly for: 5.00 and 6 00.. ' • .Saturday next von elm buy the*. at $3.78. The great- of bop, soft.frout shirts, in sixes 14, 13, 13k and 14. est bargain we have ever- given. in cpiluren s sti.v6 • 4- They are made too expensive for the average ,1,;ooti they 1., :4. The, : et118119411111111444 SO COMO CarlY.. - • ' • Weea anor ellea OPP' 11110.•'• Ms..* OPP.* ago -- OW. 1111100.'" 10~ 1110...• 111.04* S=. ow- liaa41°74:' eatear strae • Improving from his late illness and ail& Eli° I :soon be as well as ever. r Tilos Rollo. -Tray- greatly- -alarmed iris friends last E . Sunday,he was outotrollieg in the bush at Stapleten and was found lying On 1 the around and unable to Coate home, I =- by M. Dowaer and L. Thrower, who 000.0 were out yealking and brought laim to allaii, town. Mr Holloway has a stonatteh ••.= ..t.rooble,and 1! was doe to tide weakness a:Z. oirereattle him; we ate glad tt, Witt tit , le out again....Mr Smith, of Bayfield, ,doilaa• ' is at the hospital for treatment.... W. E. Rand, of the Collegiate, Wee laid off arra duty part of that Week oWing to illness. al -- 1 reat argain ' • asim14*44*** ,wo*44444suPPspfiRopel • , are woxth 1,25,if we got begulitr prices for thenalbut they - - Lot t. --8A boy ls Odd coats, made from Halifax Tweeds; - - and Mue:Silrges,our. famous 4110a Brand" inake,worik areal e.rilecl. over •from 1. ast season.bsause et the price., % , • if you bought them in the regular Way, 3.00, but if ysr A i The patterns are black and White and . blue and White .40 come early on Saturday you eitli OA a good selettion. in . . colord Ito a .98 ' ' checks aid Will give the most satisfactory wear; One Oils. ....,= Lot 3--Pomprises the..same chara`eter of. g°Oda and the tomer told us it was: the faest Wearing shirt that she ever . same make, but they are coatsand vests only. a hitdpants to match them :.the suits' Would bring 4 50 but if We bought an I she eame baek for a second supply. to clear out about 25 odd lines you can take !roar pick at 2.63 for coat and. vest, Come early, if,you want a .. ..: You will Miss it'll you'don.1 get one )r two at 63e which 4,.. 1.40t 4-25 Pairs,of Itoek Drill Knickera, in sizeo 22 to 28, will ll'e the price ell 831°144 ne'tt* , .., • • , : t suitable for the hot weather a spIendid.wearing artiele, t 3 .and a wonderful bargain at 240. As the quantity' is . We will also haye a lot .4f odds and ends in. boys --••• . limiteg. you will need to be here early, because it is a ? and a visit to our establishcalot will pay all shrewd buyers. , .:...at argam not to be picked up every day. • • O. Ralleowarr laid up tot; a low °I.'" JACIISON B40111 • CLOTHING PROOLE TUE 14)1011S , days, but is again around. and out on E •• • the road bustling Lion ifrand MOM. 0 )