HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-13, Page 7•-votori-nrax,e."..•
A, Free Book on Fortune THE Hann.
Paw rotators merits Ireedase enit Treat
1 snout saws Valuable Animal.
$ Fascinating Study 'Which AP
1 les.ye a horse, Wavily 'weight 90
fords Redleas Amusement for pounds, goes barefoot die year reunite
the Lone Vi inter Evenings, seldom has any grain, very ortilna0
In his build; is inot groomed every dee'
Your addremealong with a twe-cent Mame like many other farm horses. He eel.,
to pay poetage, and the statement of where
you eine that asivertisement, will bring you donn gets curried awl yet he proves
by return mail 00pY Me of the most himself more than a match for hone
interesting little books that ha k Ileagoemed, grained barsee.
for many a month. spewed He hod bda
ait the pratidege tatting a roll
natty and eleo is out to gram'
It contains, in concise form, a complete "c"i°
treatise on palmistry,fortune-telthia by the tome. Ills etrengta appears to be More
taltotaPadOlertneee mod earceraandhis
--theearae, Aga g h
interpretation ot dreams. -weight; alio hia arioartria titeereittrance).-
By a careful and thorough etudy of thie AA 1 frequently fro some twenty miles
little book aou :an acquite an accomplish- or more wale him and he goee the last
your _part at tbu jmirglyr best. The wariug
friedds in a roost novel way, makes you of shoes serves as a draft neon -the -
meth sought after in parties and social native powers of the system and so it
Is with the feeding cif grain. General- •
ly speaking, a horse is much better off
to go barefoot and to go witleout grain
and atom without a blanket, Let him '
have hay and grass. and not so veil'
abundantly of tbat; better to • have
short feed where be will have to feed
all day to get enough. Scant feeding
is much better for a horse than
abundant feeding, as scant feeding
cells 'Into Action the native powers ot
the system, while abundant feeding
necesearily restrictthe action of the
native powers of the system. The
same, principle clontinates orunderlies
the growing to perfection of fruit ais
the perfection of the horse does not lio
merely 14 a frame well covered with
flesh and his coat sleek and shining,
liut he must possess powers of great
endurance, but abundant feeding setae'
to deprive him of those natural pow -
Mont for kidney diseaseand backaohe that ers of endurance. The same is, true in
cotild be compared to Dr Chase's Kidney- ' regard to vegetation. Trees and shrubs
Liver Pills. that grow on very etch land are cense-
The Mystic Fortune•teller will prove in quently the shortest lived and the least
teresting to you and will be sent free if you.
, mention where Pon SW this advertisement hardyMay bear luscious fruit, but
are inclined to rapid decay, What's
and encloses a, two -cent to pay postage,
Write your name and address plainly, and the matter with potatoes? Why the
address Ednianson,Bates & Co.,Toronto. native power of the potato is over-
topped by artificiality in other
• THE POULTRt YAM) words the potato is in a
gatherings and arouses m those around .you
the belief that you possess •the naystenone
and smelt powers to all who tell fertunes.
The Mystio Fortune-teller, Palmist and
Drama Book is composed of 48 large pages,
• and' besides the subjects mentioned abeve
„maintains interesting valuable information
regarding.Dr Ohara Famous FatellY Beta -
mites, and statements from scores of people
from all parts of Canada, who nave been
ured of serious and ohromo diseases by
heir use. •
15 is truly remarkable how the fame of
r Chase's Renaedies has spread abroad un -
the old countries of Europe as well as the
'off colonies of Africa and Australia are
lering these great medicines. It is only
few days ago that we received an order
m Belgium for Dr Cbase'a Ointment,
e still more recently oame a letter frau
anoe, the very home of the most modern
a advanced meditml men and scientific in -
Upton. The writer stated that it was
vain that he had searched for A treat-'
state of being, caused by a ,pp 0
littuformattlen of Value to all Poultry from- the natural coweee• of things. The
Raisers. .. •• Potato, in iti enfeebled 'state,' is. sub -
't cleaves '
arrive at a knowledge of the chick& with fruit and it is Oen we with do-
iect to its enemies and it is even so
If every poultryman would en
ry chick hatched costs toomething. so-called eivilized state Of• being: Were
mankind truly ciailized they would
with man in a
during the year.the-resdit would be Biagio animals .and
ore care and caution in raising them.
, The eggs from which the chicks come not be subject to disease. but .masters
pre worth it certain sum in the. market of it. Eyen pastern of the universe.
aid the loss of the services of the hen The natural outcome Of living accord.
hile sitting -that is, in .not producing . ing to the nature of things would be a
_ge-is another item 'in the • cost.. It . 'raptly superior race of people and the
say be considered, also, that every egg feeding and treatment of doznestic sal -
aces not produce a chick, hence atecer- ' mais acctirding to the nature ot things
-AM seasons, when eggs are less fertild ' would permit them to become masters,
ilis a whole, it may require two egis to not subject's ,•of. ' disease, .What is
arroduce a chick, the, price' of whie'h, in termed .civilization . stands directly. in e
iwinter, ranges- from 20 to -a cente Per. . dm way of elf true advancement- both •"'
dozen. The hatching is but a part of as regards mankind and domestic ani-
• the operation,. as the chicks must 1st mats. To s_eek the ettngdam. of God
'raised to a marketable age before a rtip and His righteousness . means to hire
turn for the outlay will be receared- - according:to the hature of things and
The poultryman has no control over the not according' to an idea imbued with, '
fertility of the eggs, nor can he induce something called . 'civIlizationea.la A.•
the sitters to give greater attention to Trion in Green's Fruit Grower. • • • a .
their duties, but he can raise more than - - ' - •
the average number of chicks if he Will , , •
give attention to the sheiter and food. •• '! , riace in Ynn'e Swine., •
After seetling•In the West my father
What such duties may be is discussed:
In this department every Week `thet*the Planted a patch to corn. After it wa5a.
paint is to have each and ell to realize' harvested a pig Was bought. %Then a
the advantage of lessening the West at • • bunch of hogs . iatie raised and each
a the beginning. The destruction of . year since the , hogs have been among
chicks by hawks, rats, cats, .logs, lice the profit maker)" of the home farm.
etc., is enormous,. but this fact will , The- first year, we, raised home in small
not be luny realized until a strict ace ' pens.. One day a neighbor came along
. . ,
eount of th.e losses of chicks is kept foll and said, "Why don't you Mice a hog
. • --
a year. , pasture?" • The answer . was •of course, ,
Irhe remarkable story ts tett "Couldn't afford It"..'The . neighbor
• .
James E. Pennessy, a Ciiicianatathe- •promptly informed us that are could
, .• afford it and go at it and do it, no .
mattee if we had to buy' everything on
time. We took his advice. We fenced
• eaboot num. acres witn cedar . posts ay..' .
• try 'eight feet .and three fence boards
and two wires all around it.. It was
good clover and. timothy. 1. don't re- .
, onember what the fence cost, • but thee
wire was fourteen. _cents per • pound;
1 that was the. Mat barb -.wire. We
bought it On time and the hogs' paid .
: -e .' e so some for eight cents '
, per paund. Hogs .bring only half that
, price now, but fence posts only' *mut •
half that amount now. -S. A. Lassella
in The Market Basket. •
no escaping .the germs of consump-
tion; kill them with health. nealth
is your only means. of killing them.
Scott's Thmilsion of cod-liver uh
will t;:ve you. that lavallit, i4 Uny,
thing •
"1.470no Arm
S Helenarifeeum now poesesses a
model of an African buck waggon
made by Chriatian De Wetai cousin, F.
G. De Wet, who is a prisoner of war.
L.Mi1155's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by ail
Clinton druggiste.
Prince Bibeeco, eon of one of the
lasOlospodars of Wallachia, and him-
self the richest magnate of Roumania,
has died suddenly at Constantinople.
News comes from Vevey, on Lake
Geneva, of the death of General Bates,
who served thirtvefive years in Indio,
and went through the mutiny.
When children are petle,peevish and rest-
less at night they require et dose or two of
Itliller'e Worm Powders. Sold by all Clin-
tort druggists.
Layering is the shooheit nil Surest Meti10• 4
of inmecaslag 2 lie
Layering le tlinerimpleet, surest Mau
easieet method of increashw the grape,
and Is tbe beet way toa.arow theta
where Litt few vines are wair.ed. There
aro two kinds of layers, called serina,
and summer layers, trona the season at
which they are made.
Summer layers are made in the sum-
mer, generally the Iasi of July, from a
branch. of the same season's growth.
They are likely to be weak for eeveral
years,. and do not make as good plants
as the spring laYere. In making them,
-slit-foratrinela or
ed near the buds that are covered.
• Bury about tine foot of the eane four
Inches deep in the ground and it will
be rooted by late autumn, when it
thotild be seliare.ted and treated -as a
young vine; and it Is generally best
to get them well started in a garden
or nursery before planting in the vine-
yard permanently.
• Spring layers may be made by laying
down any cane early in the spring. It
will, root in one season. By fall it
will have made a good growth of roots,
when it may be cut from the main
, cane, and if strong it may he dtvided
into two plants. This form of layer is
illustrated in figs. 1 and 2. By a little
. . .
The Rhodesian contingent, number-- X i •
ing 25 men has sailed for England from Neef;01 /
Cape Town. Some of the men will
after. wards eaoob at Bisley.
A plot of ninety native policemen at
Boma, in the 'Belgian Gringo, to as-
stiesinate all therEuropeans in tae place
was discovered just in•tilne•
Miller's Worm Powders correct all snob
troubles as lack of appetite, billowiness,
drowsiness, sallow compiexioie, eto. ; nice
to take. Bold by all Clinton druggists.
According to a Rome despatch Mgr.
Falconioathe Papal delegate in Can-
ada, has been selected tes Papal dele-
gate in the 'United States.
The Jesuit priests in Tien Tisin are
authority for the stetegment that the
rebellion in the southern part of Chi
Li Province is spreading.
Some others may be good, but without
doubt, Miller's (Impound Iron Pine are the
best. Sold by all Clinton druggists, •
is Two men have been sentenced 'tei
death for baying inflicted .wounds
upon General Von Wahl, :the Gover-
nor of Vilna.
Dr Kuypers the Prime Minister of
the Netherlands, will be invited speci•
allyto . take part in the- coronation
festivities, '
0. King Victor Emmanuel and the
Pope haye telegraphed their eongrat-
ulationsto King -Edward on the Feet-
ation-of - peace. a , . ..; • '
The Lend= papers, gtve prominence..
to the inteettieo of:the Cunard Steam-
ship Cornpany to initiate it British
One.ot the German army 'physicians
professes to be able to cure chronic
theuinatism witha serum Which he
hasprepaid. •• • . .
atrical manager, who has a .poultry
farm at Catbertson, Kye that he o
a hen AMA lays two, eggs .inn. Oneeverg•
time --one egg inside of the other. The
outside egg is as large as a 'tuikey or
a goose egg, and the inner one 1 of
the usual chicken egg -size.' nail hav,
bard shells and both are Perfect. as ree
• gards yolk and white.. The hen has
been laying these 'fresh eggs for -six -
;weeks, at the rote. Of three .a week.
Ir Fenneesy will place .a number of
them in an incubator and expects that
twin chicks will. be hatched out ot
' each egg. The hen is a prieo-winning
fowl, is true to blood and pence,and
In every why seemingly as heiltbee•ott
any other ilia.
keep Clear of Gapes.
Keep chicks on clean • ground, and
they will escape gapes. Gapes seldom
appear on new locations. It is on the
old farms, ; on Found that has been
nccupied for years.. by poultry; that
• gapes destroy so many chicks. As a
precaution, seat*air-slacked lime
freely over the ' groand again, If a
gill of spirits ot turpentine be thor-
oughly mixed with each peck of lime ti
will be an advantage.- By to doing •
the gapes may be'prevented. •
If lice are suspected, examine the
hen area as all lice On the chteka tome
from the ben. If lice are found, dost
the hen and chicks with fresh Dalma-
tian insect -powder, holding them
downward so as to get it well into the
feathers, and rub a few drops of melte •
ed.lard into the skin of the heads
and necks. Of course, their quarters
xnust e, also. This
may lie done by sponging the boxes
°LUTE match to it and allowing the fire to run
well with coal -oil, touching a lighted
Cen tittle
C•rter s
Little Liver 1).
Must Bear Signature of
over the boxes, both. inside and out-
side; Thee dust the boxes well with
insect -powder and examine them fre-
quently. --C, F. Fox, in The Me eocet
Basket •
. •
• • Worth 'trying.
An exchange says: Do you or any
• of your readers know that some' plants
grown ire close proximity: to some _vao_
$O• Pao•MmIN WrapperBelow.
AMM1 and aireAsy
to fake AA sugar. • '
mu ran muoussEst
ist to I Wit.Pure1= Mktet:i 1•4:1A,M4
rieties f fruI-ts wilt impart thety
to the fruit? asks e a contributor to
Rural New. Yorker. . 1 had ' a melon
.. vinerue in a small patch of pepper -
mint, and the melons had a decided
pepp rmint flavor. aoly ateighber had
a geard vine watch ran on a •peath
tree, and the peaches had a disagree-
able gourd -like taste. "1 have noticed
,whi 41 gathering wild black -berries,
thatl those which grew close to the
Pre ch mulberry (a species, of Clini-
cs. g.-...edg,) had a peculiar fragrance
wh ch Was etitte ah improVement veer
th others. • I tek the hint, Wive plant-
ed this shrub among . my patch of
hl ticisetries, and produced berries
w4ilch are superior to*any blackberry
.i have tietect..
An lildniontott despatch reports the,
• dtlath of Bishon Gt andin of St Albeilt,
nior ROMilli Catholic Bishop in Caip,
a Nt.
;Fred Lee Rise was sentenced to be
• i.nged on 3uly1Rill for the murder of
nstable Tioyd in Toronto List June.
be peace agreement has been signed. •
Automobile ran wild daring the speed
t eta at Staten Island.
* 5
here is no foam Of kidney trouble, from •
a backache down Ito Bright's disease, that .
Dosn's Kidney Pills will not ' relieve or
cure. If you are troubled with any kind of
i neer complarnt,uae Doan'sKidney Pilis,
"only daughter of Mrs Langtry
is 'engaged to marry Ian Malcolm,
• • -.2 t .
FThe salarylof members of the Cuban
Congrees has been iftaed at $.3,600 an-
nually,,ori& • • •
"Titer -island communicatiou by wire-
less telegraphy is hOW.possible in the
Hawaiian group.
iGooa health is impoesible without rep-
ular action of the bowels. Milbtun's Laza-
Liver Pine regulate the bowele, cure -001"-
stipation, dyspepsia. ' biliousness, sick
beaciabhe and alt affections of the organs of
digestion. Price 25 cents.. All druggiels..
Tbe ceremony in the Abbey on The
20th menet be witnessed. by 'more
tnan 6,000 persons. . •
_ • ee- .
Louis leuaquette was • hanged at
Kainloope tee the murder of Fred.
Legete. sie,,,,,,reeee,
rlromfatalities took place at Point
St Charlet-, Que.. G. T. R. .Drivers
J ohu Revvan and Timothy liehoe_be-
Lord Minto sails on tie Parisian. on
June 7th for England to attend' the
coronation ceremoniee. Sir Weide'
Laurier sails on the 14t.h.
British Troop Oil Liniment is without
exception the, 'most effective remedy for,
cuts, wounds, ulcers,open sore% rheum-
• •
amino bites and Mingo of moots, etc. A
large bottle 25 cents. •Get on at your drug-
gists. • .'
Scientists who have visited La gouf-
dere, Si Vincent, say that at the west:
ern base a subsidence to a depth ot
one hundred feet has occurred for an
area of a eqdare mile.
Beadook Blood Bitters is a purely vege-
table combination,that in a safe and natur-
al manner sots directly upon the bowels,
liter, kidneys end blood, cleansing the en.
tire settern of ail impurities, foal humors
and obstructione which poison the r blood
anaoreate disease..
Tne propeller Ocean ran into and
smashed No 2 gate in the Lachine
(lanai, and the water carried aWay,
No I gate. The propeller was Washed .
out into the harbor and damaged by
collision with the Allan Liner Parisian.
,HeiT K;t7arh-aCi bro Ugh -CIO' perfec-
tion a gun capable of penetrating the
best and, thickest armor plate he man-
ufactures, • Eixipetor William has wit-
nessed trials of this -gun, and has ex-
acted a promise from Herr Krupp to
reserve it exclusively for the use of the
German naVy. .
To make money itis reactionary to litaie a
dear, bright brain,- a cool -head freeatrom..
pain,and strong,yigorOUS nerves. Milburn'a
Heat an41 Nerve Pills invigorate and
brighten the brain; strengthen the nerves,
and remove all heart, nerve and basin
The"e'New Ontario Edition of the
Toronto Daily Star is one of the best
things ever published by the Canadian
paper. It presents with all the typo-
graphical neatness possible the re-
sources and development now going
on, in what has come to be Called New
Ontario. Whatever the Toronto Star
undertakes it carries through in the
Very host way, and this last evidence
Of ite enterprise is another proof 0,0
the growing etreng.th of that up -to -
1. he Toronto city council fiat a the tax
rate at 104 mills.
Gaii, has carried three by-laws, mit')
for a district park, a second for water-
works extension, and a third for Uar-
negie libraiy site.
Poe cholera morbuo, cholera infentuni,
cramp), collo, aliarrame, dyeentery, and
summer complaint, De Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawborry io it prompt, nate and
mire cute that Imo beat a popular, favorite
for nearly GO yew], •
‘,A1 •
" Fig. 1 representa a rooted layer. •
Irig 2, the rooted layer eeparated,
• making two plants.
' Fig. 3, 'a rooted layer, each bud,
'making a new plant.
different treatment. of the spring lay-
er a vine may be grown ,from each. bud
on the layer cane. For this purpose
some thrifty come 'should be selected in
autumn, ptunect• of Its. laterals and
hurled. In the spring -it should be un-
covered and only. one shoot permitted
to grow from, each joint. After the new
growth has . started about six -inches
from . each . but the whole cane
sleould be layered about four . Juliet
deep, handling it carefully ,so as not
. to break the new:growth.. . ° • 7
Fig. 3 shows- such layer after it hae
reloted.a. It isea- goodeplan. to -cover- it -
hot .more,than three, inches at first, f
• and ba 1111 up the trench as the:shoots .
grew.- covered four. inches. de p at
once. the Young .growth will sornetbnets •
rate though this seldom happens, and ••
some skillfulgrowers All the trench
Nil at once. In the autumn roots will .
.be 'found growing from each joint,. and
these may be Wee apart and treated as
recommended for. weak ;vines • grown
from cuttings. If: this method of pro -p'
agation is to be used: to • some consid-
erable extent vines should. be grown
especially for, the -purposes It is nota
good plan to use. fruiting Vines for lay.,
• ering to any:. great extent,. .thOligh. it
Olay be safely done In a smallaway.-e
Verin and 'Fireside. • • . • . •
. -•
a.ee• , The Iteuen Duck- •
4s a fine market -
birde but does not mature as ,early as
..icies the Peking or the, Aylesbury. The
flesh tonsidered very delicate- and -the .
breed is acknowledged to be superior
tor table. purposes, being :easily fatten- •
ad., The Beller" will be found a profit, •
thle bird to raise on the farm, being .
nerdy, prolific, quiet in disposition .and
• of beautiful plumage. Their, eggs are, ,
• sot as large. as those of the: Peklug
re• diverse' in color '• • •
The Rodeo isaundmittedly closely •re:
'Owe to the Mallard duck. Its plumage
'lone would make good this•beltet. But
the shape of the domestic Rouen. duck I
• rats' been greatly Modified trom that ,ot
he Wild Mallard. The body is grown .
.onger and heavier, with a tendency to.
krop down in the rear, and 'the wings'
• lave lost the power at flight which the '
wild ancestor possesseda The plumage,- ,
itowever, "remains almost the samea-,
Bulletin pepartment 'of Agriculture. •
June nth,
Peace has almost come
in South Africa
Bat no peace here. The fight muse be kept up Int all the good's are Sold or rave
eupplied. •
COMO tO as for your Seed e salt as Corn, Mangels, Turnipe, eie.. and Garde*
Come for Wire and Staples, Bleak wire, Galvanized and Barbed, also Poultry
nettiog Then you will want Screen Doors, Window Screene and Wire to maim °theme
Yon want Forke, Spades, Shovele; Hoes, etc.
Don't forget about Boots and Shoes as we have such good and cheep ones.
Our Dry Gooes stock is full and well esorted-1f you reale want a bargain in
Tweeds, Suits, Shirts, Smocks, °avails and Box, cone° and try whet we can do for ewe.
The best of Grweries Always on hand.
Ask for one of our Cards that opene ihe way for you to get your Photos enlirget
very obeap and good.
Soznethieg special -An Ayrshire grade cow for sale cheap or will exohinge for att
other cow. __
Terme are wish or produce suoh as Eggs at 13ao, (which beets the pea ere) Butter,
Lard, Tallow, Dried Appieo, Potatoes, eto. Yours for businees,
Emporium, Loudesboro R A. DA M
'Way UO2..
Are a sure and permanent cure for all '
Kidney and Bladder Troubles.
is• the first sign of Kidney Trouble.
Don't neglect it I Check it in timet
Serious trouble will follow if you don't,
Cure your Backache by taking
In every town
and &village
may be had,
the -
Do you want a high grade Buggy or, Wagon ?
We bare the finest stock to beject from. All the latest styles in the new-
est colors. Our mites are aer TOW as can be found tor first•class material
and workmanship. Before you buy call and see us.
We also handle the Cenadien Steel Field Fence, elready woyen, any farmer eau
ereot from 60 to 80 rods per day, it is e obeap strong fence,
Geo. LEW* Isaac Street, Clintola
a PVT INDO1Ft lee PW 'PP A uFFriir
New • Arrivals
HEINTZMAS & COM t JANOS-Noted for their excellentieof tone, durability, delft
• emote and beautifutfinish.
DOMINION ORGANS --Noted for brilliancy of tone, beauty of design and finish.
; THOMAS ORGANS -Noted for their soft, sweet; full tones, A perfeot imitation of tha
pipe organ.
NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES -Ball Bearinge, Steel Gear,no better made '
The above goods are fully guaranteed, Sold on easy terms. •
. i-±. 01-1:WIZAKIVOr•
Mode • t
hat makes you
, horses glad.
*API Otitki, ,4
Every Farmer Should use
The best, known remedy for Smut on Oats; Barley,
Wheat or Corn. ,
We cau give you.testinionials from all the leading
farmers of this section' who used our Formaldehyde
• laet year. Full instructions, given with each bottle..
Use COmbe's "Standard Formaldehyde" .
B. COMBS ChemisM'bruggist
Reduction in Pinices
, Here le a greshanceto secure a Ent class buggy at '11; big reduotion.
these pricee:-•• • •
• •
*80 Bugglee for 06$ 1.$75 Buggies for $65
$65 Buggies for $60
Remember these are all our own make, which places no in a position to guarante
them, as we do not buy any material l'ut what is first class.
Repairing promptly attertdedao by experienced men.
for nares for the .seas6n of 1002, as
follows:- . • '
MONY -Will leave .his own stable
. and go by Way" of London Road to
Chas. Layton's, can. 2; then, to Wm.
Elcont'sacon. 2, for night.' '
TtrastiAle-Will proceed to Ja's •KCre
nighan's, con 3, H. R. S, for noon ;
then to Chits Glesv'e Huron Road
con.% Hullett for 'night . •
WEDNESDAY- 'Will proceed to Jots. RILdBALL - 46 -1ReliLi.TH. •
. .
then to Dominick' Reynold's,-corf 6, . ‘ .
Reynold's, coo 5, Hulled, for noon; Huron. Street,
t, 7
for night . ell I * 1 fq
uilappn. Dasn, Door, and • . .
ilatIRST5,A.Y. W ill Proceed to Eph.
Batas, Base Line, for noon; then to ' '
131ind Factory
. •
Gilbert Mour'silittrooRoad,for inght,
FaioA.:)i-Will proceed to Ins (iyahain's
con -11, Goaericli township, for natene
.•then to John- Baeawell's, Bayfield•Line, for night. • •
SATunDAT--Will proceed to the Coin-
inerdial hotel, Clinton, where lie will
' twiatin until- 7 O'clock; then to his
own stable, waiere he will reetutin un -
tit. the following Monday morning:
Tyros snirr.ty ez Co.. Huron road,
?...1jimiLlpto°rnte.d. Sbi-o ls'ANKFIELD‘ 'S
eraltoN a,,d for the improvezrient of
stock this spasm., as follows :- . •
18M, AC% gist(loVeltrayit
ES, con. 1, Nast Wawanosh, for noon; then .to
Robinson's hetet, Auburmfor one hour; then to
John Mills' lot 23, con. 2, West Wawanosh; for
Met • • .
• ° General Builder and :Contractor.
i This factory is the largest in he county, and has the very latest improved ma -
i• ohinery, capable of doing work on the shortest nottoe. We carry au exteneive
'an& reliable stook and prepiredalum'and give estimates for and'brtild all cease -
: te of buildings on short notice arid oathe closet Odom . All:work is stipervis-
' ea in a meobanioal way' sad satiefectiott guaranteed We eell ellarinde of ita
. tenor and exterior material,
Lumber Lath, Shingles, .time, Sash Doors Etc
Agent for the Celebrated GlEtikTlif ILL 'SCHOOL DESK, ' nianuferitured.,
se Waterloo. Cali and get nrices ancaestithates before 'placing veer meters'
, • . ,
y . •
.Aiountoin'e• hotel, Dungannon, for two hours;
con. 5,. West Wawanosh, for noon ; then th nether Drop Prices
• •
rtesrav, proceed to James Pollard's, lot 20. me •
• •
• then to Beni.Angustine's.let.7, Con.. 5, Ashfield,
• _;.•- Mote to Judge 14 orso character. • I
• Horse phrenology is the latest 'dis. •
lovery of the Royal College of Veterin-
try Surgeons of England: According
;0 Harold Leeney, it member of the col-
lege, it Is easy . to.tell horse:s char-
icter by the • shape of his nose. If •
there . is . a gentle curve to the' profile,
Lid at the same time • the ears are
pointed andereesitive, it is safe to banh
'on the animal as -gentle,- and at the
same time high' -high -high. , If, on the
Other band; the horse has a dent in the
middle Of the nose, it' is equally sate
:0 set atra down as: treacherous • ana
'titian!. The Roman nosed horse ie
• rertain to be a good animal for herd
•work and irate to drive, but he is apt
• to be slow. , A horse with a slight cow '
tufty in the profile will' be scary and
aeod coaxing. A barge that droops hie
. ears, is apt to be lazywill as well be
• e•
vicious. Hard work sceeetimes make
t horse „which started out properly let
his ears drop, as Is inustrated- by the
animals that pun tb.e North aide care
Ittes.---Chictgo Tribune.
Weed year after year on the same
'milt spurs, the peach never produces
trait but once on the same wood, and.
Mat is on the wood grown tlie preeede
Ing year. We readily pereeive that the
each must not only' raatare a crop of
fruit each year, but oleo new wood nth'
(reit buds for the next year's crop.
. •
The fruit of doe quince is in such
ei•eat demand in all large cities that it
Mould stimulate farmers and frilit
• • kroWers tei greater efferte to Succeed
With the trees they set out. 'Quinces
CO. best in deepecebl eon,. thotigh iq .
• tryish places they Will do fairly Well
if rctuielied. oT • hirteetheereote-coMele=
great step toward atteceisa,, „ '
Lord Potunoeforte'eremaine will probably
be taken to England atout Selo 1, On th
0, Ss Brooklyn,
in four years hidiese imports Of ratit ed
sugar has doubled, and beet ougar is now
entering India to' en unprecedented extent.
Nevigation is open to the Yukon, 1
Id Parlow..prineipel of .the Provittoial
Model School, Ottawa, is dead.
0111 •wliseaMAV,preeeed to Daniel Dineen's, lot
1, con. 7. Ashileld, for noon; then by way of
Kingsbridge and lake shore road to John Stylbs',
1°.rt_,7, con. 8, •Ashileld, for night. • •
rtonsoAr. proceed to Win 'Stothers', lot 8,
con I), 4shflold, for noon; then by way of eon.
• 0 and gravel road -to Hugh Glenzi's,lot 18.'oon. 0;
West Wawanosh, for night.
FitIDAY, proceed to Gilbert Graves', lot 22
con. 7, West Wawanosh, for noon; then to John
Redmond's:' W est field, for ni
. 8ATITEDAY proceed to Jas. vint'srlot 88,.0011
4; Rost Wawanosh, for 110071; then to. his . own
etable where he will remain till. the following
Monaay morning. • .
" RAYMOND Meornarz,
• Managerand1Proprietor,
May 24 , • ZLondesboro.
' VaXi),t71.17.ti,26IJAwiii/ERMAR,siredbyold Weide-
ofStoCk as)follovilftsa:n-cl for the improVe.
miit MONDAY, win leave his own •stable and pro..
ceed down the Bauble line to Geo. Dewar's:thou
to Angus murraya for night. .
TUESDAY, will go to letaaoseph for neon; then
to Shoemaker's Rotel, Zurich, forshight.
WEDriusDAY., will proceed up the Goshenline.
to John Stephenebt's for noon,then to the River
Hotel, .Bayilekl, a short time; then to his OWn.
stabjo where Jib willremain till Friday mornin g.
BATumny, will go down 0.; ana back
borne by the Oh. • •
. Row. BAILER, Proprietor,.
• J. Goderich township,
May 2-1,
The 'thoro'bred Shetland pony "Little
Bobs," the property of W. B. Forster, of -
Efolmesville, vent -Mend for the season of
1902, et Wocalands, lot 19, Maitland con-
•oession, Clolboine.townorhip. Terme, $5 to
insure, payable Jan. 1st, 1903., groonakfee,
$1, to be paid at time of Berme.
The undersigned is offeringthis $80. Buggies for $68. They.
are his own make, and are made from choice material and by
first- class. niechantcs. All the latest improvements used. ane
• .
are up -to date in every respect. They • cannot- be surp'assel,,
;TORN' LESILTE, T-Turen1 Strea. Minton:.
Pedigree and description of the gentuoke
trild Ziotigalots.11 ion "St. Bruusw, lifted tee
, ; Record 2.23, 2 mile record 4.62i
(fliashrotger to Clemmie G, 2,15M and Mystery,
2.250 Sire of Luby, 4 -year-old race record
2.20, will Rieke the location of 1002 at his own
stalo.lee eon, Hullett , $10 to twelve a
ratio. iParttesPdaigosirnognetfhttig garFebruary,if
foaling, Will be held responsible for the' Maur
tc&R.Anytwilether in foal or not. C.
bounty t„ i-AtralgtArr. Constance P. 0.,,
The Standard fIred Tr_ottitig Stallion, TION-
AllItAet lea
shote,tor ....Antithetic:se up thy
*bound:n-4nd of East Wawonosh and Hullett to
McGowan %for night, TOnsimV-willproeeed
to Aublirn for noon', then to ltiallougles Hotel,
Dungannon, for tight. Wnrontenet-will pro-
ceed toKintail for Aeon, theneealong the lake
shore road to Dunlop, for night. • TIMESDAY-.
will proceed to Hotel, tiodeiitayfLelcl iieh,fortiotin;
for nlght.
proe4ed to nityfiela for noon;
thence to Varna and then to Minted where he
will remain till the following Monday morning.
WS route will be continued throughout the
Wagon, heath rind weather_permitting, To in-
sure a foal $10, Owned by DJ Cripenter
Deft Chicago, EMI Cafpmiterj of Dublin:
and Hair Tonic
' For Falling Hair, Dandruff, Eczema, andel! Irritatiens of the Scalp.
• 15 keeps the hair in a thoroughly healthycondition. Coke Dandruff
Cure, tubbed into the scalp three times a week, reducing gradually to.
mite a week, will insure a positive, permanent,gueranteed CtIre
for .Dandruff mid a luxuriant growth of heavy, healthy hair. Try it
• and you. will use ;mother. Price 50e. ind $1,00.a bottle at andruggista
The Steady increase oar trade is good preef of the fact that our geode are righ had
our primer lower than those of other dealere in the trade.
'We manufeoture furniture on a large soele end eau afford to sell ohesp. If you hay
from tio,,,we save for you the profit, which, in other deem, has to be added in
the retail dealer.
This week willow° passedinges oatilawadeleigelaalaglitarewilignotepeemif-'
tle to quote prices, but COMO and me for yourself what snaps wo have to offer. .
ReMember-we are deterniined that our priele obeli be the meet in the trade.
In this- department our BOO la' complete, end we nave undoubtedly thatibest foul*,
tilt the . 0 OW as e 00/021 •
LS Se ...Night Ana Sunday calla attended to by callin.g met W. Ohidle 's, (Ponire
Diteetot) residence