HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-13, Page 6Jt.110 I atill 1002
Woman's Fortitude
beverely Tried By PIIIMentat
Reettllar TO The 'SOX,
lieu. i3.Ufle Will Not Care lie.
outees to Merely Touches the
eyaipteine-tiow to tilt at
e 11 o o the Trouble. '
13.4i..d .1)A veil of her weman/y tote]
e III,' rtitIVIC., t14 Web, every wornas
a dere imie4c tastily from time to time,
a t contineee to suffer in spite of ail lot
offorte, booties ordinary medicine is power
left to du gthgl in each cases, Ordineas
meaieine rnev vivo temporary relied -even
• uereatioe may de thet-but the one
great =dello° discovery resemble of per
raszently curie g itud preventleg a retort
of the ailment is Dr Willieree' Pink Pills,
These pills are not an ordinary medicine ;
they aro noo a patent medicine, bet the
peesoription of a reguletty prectisine
phoeictan who used them in his private
praetice for years before they were given
• 19 tee pet ho under the uame of Or Wil.
Uinta' Vino Pills, They are the beet meds
loins for men; the only medicine for
woman. Mrs Sohn MoKerr, ChiokneY,
N. W. T., says; 1'1-r Williams' Pink Pills
have mixed me many a dollar in dented.'
bille. For some yore f wee greatly
afflicted with ailments that made the life
ef eci nearly of in sox misereble, • I tned
many medicines but found no relief until
I began the use of Dr Williams' Pink
Pills, Tnese pille have made me feel like
a new person; the almost continuous
suffering I endured has paseed away and
life no longer seems a burden. 1 know of
a timber of other women wbo have been
benefitted and I think Dr WU
Hanle' Pink Pills worth their weight 1in.
gold to those who Buffer front female
soixipleints or general prostretion."
Tb e happiness of heelth for both men
and women lies in the timely use of Dr
William& Pink Pills, whir% sot as a nerve
tonic and supply new blood to enfeebled
systems. They have cured many thous.
ands of oases of anaemia, "decline," on.
Burnprion, pane in the back, neuralgia,
depression of Apirite, heart palpitation, in-
digestion, rheurnatient, soietioto Bt. Vitas'
dance and partial paralysic But mob
• stioares should be avoided if you value
you heekth ; tree thee the full name oda.
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" is
on every box. gold -by all dealers or sent
post paid ot 50 canto a box or Six brims for
$2 50 by addreireing The Dr William&
Medicine Ott:, Brookville, Ont. •
Many Warm Its a wreck .
There ly,s always been much discus.
Win in regard to the number of hens
that may- loakept in a float- and still
/save them do their best. Of course
Much depends ,npon: the dirdits. of 'the
range given them and the Size of toe
buildings. Sometime ago I started
Out to observe the -degree of succtss
attained by my neiglthora •Whis keep
poultry and I almost invariably found
that those matrons who sold the roost
poultry and . eggs and in every way
seemed to be -the most successful were.
those Who kept front .100 to 150 440.
A Sock of this size Would ley eacegb
eggs and produce enough sun, 1,Is
stock to make its oWner take a ptode
and have a lively intereed In. ite Wel-
fare. Such 9 fleck where well taken
care of wiil bring in nearly or qulte
$100 per year and that ts a 'sum ,fter
which most fann wives will do con-
siderable work to obtain. Of emirs.
Ighis is not expected to apply to those
iyards that are run for the Production
of fine stock, but its regards to thi
general farm flock where it ia not
yarded but allowed the free range ed
he farm. '
In keeping a flock of this sited one esti
afford to spend some time. each day.
Ito feed and water, as It takes no More,
time to feed 100 than to care for 20,
illut In most canes witere • porties1
elated by suecess with this num;ber,
attempted to enter a larger field and
alhullt extensive houses and enlarged
litheir flocks, dleaster seemed to come
Alamo quickly made appearange and
lug qualities decreased.'
leek -knot ai a fttngous disease itfa
fleeting •the pram, cherry and kindred
tree fruits The damson among pluma.
and the morello class among cherries
lire the most anseepti4le; : •
• •
33eginning with the growing season
Hie knots develop rapidly. They
should be cut Off as soon as eeen and
burned at once. The badly infected
breaches should be cut off helow•point.
bt infection and burned, net. left tut -
'der the tree, nef Plied in heaps and
left in the orchard. . •
Should any remain after tldi leaven
lave fallen they should be cut Oft and
dimmed, and badly affected bran( he
lidso, not later. than February 15, all
10+0 spores or seeds are then ripe, ,
These Blessings are Secured
when You Use
in the Mot 'Weather.
lueotal Informing,' or oenersit interest tit
the tiarneour„
In watering all planta, tielrer use col
water, but that 'which has Just th
talten away. If cold Water fo
waterieg Memo be used in the cob
weather, it chills the roots ;and if in
warm weather, after a day's sunshitith
It would very likely kill a tender plant
-similarly to •the mischief it would
cause to a htunan being, if, while suf-
fering from heat, he or she Werd
Plunged into a cold hath.
WOrme in roses. ---These pests will
now be making havoc with the rose
butle. They must be sought for and
crushed; no washing the plants will
kill the yearn's',
Violeta-Tit/re off the runners, and
plant each aingly in two-thirds of turfy
loam and one-third leaf -mould. Place
them in a void frame, and keep closely
covered and shaded till the plants. are
Liquid 'manure for watering gem -
fume and toechias is half an ounce or
nano dissolved in a gallon of waters'
(four quarts); it injores planta if it
touches them.
Sow mignonette in boxers and POO
for standing on window sills, and thtut
perfuming all rooms.
In removing plants from pots to the
open ground, give only enough water
to settle the earth round the roots, and
this only on the following day; then
give too more till the earth becomet
dry -so says; one authority; but we
have found the following process rarttlY
tails. In the Inge that is made tef
receive the plant, say a geranium, put
about half a pint of tepid water, then
take the plant with tbe ball of earth
round the roots, and place it firmly in
the watered space, pressing down the
earth on the top of it; then do not
Water the plant for a day or two. The
collars of plants should then not be
wetted, but the watering be done so an
to reach the *roots.
Pinch off great shoots from rose
trees to about the third eye or bud
seen above ground.
It plants are weakly, nip off all flow-
erbuds, to thus promote a thicker and
stronger growth,
Where it is possible without injury
to the bulb, remove all faded leaves,
and the bulbs • themselves, and dry
them in the dark, or at least the
Strike cuttings of pansies from the
young shoots, never from the • old
ateseas-di. A. Lasselt, la The idaeleet
Positively and Perman-
ently Cures.
✓ • it Bits the System in Perfect
• •
,In Nov.. mon Mr. Sherwood Walker, a
• fireman on the ,Canada Atlantic Railway.
living at Madawaska, Ont., wrote:-" I
am a great sufferer from bleeding piles.
Sometimes the protruding piles coma
down, causing much misery and tineasi.•
mess, and at other times I am subject to
bleeding piles, and they bleed to such an
extent as to make me quite weak. If Dr,
Chase's Ointment will cure this awful ail -
meet youovill have toy everlasting grad-
tude." • -
On March 1,1902, he wrote :-."Accord-
Ing to my promise, I now take pleasure in,
writing to you. If you remember, you
sent me a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment for
bleeding piles some three months ado. I
used it faithfully, and can say that it
proved a Godsend, for it has entirely cured
me of bleeding piles.
"I would have written sooner but I
• Wanted' to be able to tell you that it was a
• permanent cure. This you can use for the
benefit of other suffering people. There
• are several people here who have been
cured of very severe cases oi protruding
piles byusing this great ointment." 60
cents a box, at all dealers; or Edroanson.
Bates It Co., Toronto.
Dr. Chase's
-a- Jittery time you Worry our . hiireee
- you ishorten their lives and • days' sof
'usefulness. . • "
Many receminend sheep for feeding Itt
°tabards rather than swine., They
leave no • sate cover for insects to
breed, and will keep the orchard .
healthy and the trees. manured.
The sheep. should be 'clipped clean
• about the bind parts, lent filth gather
and attract blow lies, A mixture. of
glycerine and fish oil in equal parts is
excellent to smear over such parts.' a
The average Ine of the .city horse la
Condition to Cope with All
Hot. Weather Dangers.
During the month of June people rhould
closely attend to their condition of health.
Small etrea nos make mighty, noshing river;
the little ills of life wben neglectea, fre-
quently bring on maladies that end in I
The sosalled trifles of lo -Say --weak and
deathly feelings, nervous twitchitge. debitj.
.iy, (sleeplessness'aud heath dull pein I
, the head -may in a few days teetrIC in ,
&reed disease, paralysis, awful:Innards or
This is the time when Painters, Celery .1
Compound should be used by old and young
who feel they are not up to the etanderd of
fall health, etrength and aotivity. The boo
enervating weather of summer Will soon
overtake the weals, languid, nervous and
brokendown. The results will Fs appalling
and fatal t thocuranciedf the System b3 net
fortified by that bait of medicines, Paine'
Celery Compound, No other rer :lime in I
the world like it for •making pure, rich
blood, and for atatowing Curt robuet health
that oan successfully cope wan 1 he daneerki
that have to t 3 encountered in mideumrosa
NNW) Mille./ •
W Munro, Liberal M. P. P, elect foe
North Itenfri w, died the day after the oleo,
oonilticitor Gcorge Bentley, of Smitha
- Fails, was found dead on the 0, B.
The Vancouver relief fund for the' Ferule
sufferers weeds $2,0C 1 •
An old cougb. You've tried many things
and they all failed. You ought to t I en-
, eairy. • eumwer is here so is the cough, and
a Demmer cough is r!ways dangavotte. You
can get instant relief and speedy cure by
breathing Catarrhozone. This reraarkable
I lung and throat remises,' relievers congestion,
I promotes expectoration and cures the cough
I io a few hours. Thoutrands say Catarrh-
,/ozone is an unfailing onre for coughs and
°aide, 26o and $1, at druggiete.
1 June 26 and 27 have taste nitproola' hod
range River Coloes.
hoid ,
10110 . ass ie nowise1
1 1/4r:Inteyri is tuffering from paraldsisanil
has gone to Krogeredo.e, at oot EY miles
eouthweet of Pretoria.
Eightooed miners were tornoi to death 1.
by. a gas explosion at Dowlaio, Waled. •
dternitr elften (frau our Eyea-41.
We often wander far afield in grearch
Of something rare to -decorate home,
and sworn what lies right at hand un-
til setae one else opeus our eyes to
the beauty of our Own home producta.
House decoration is apt to be Over-!
done, and year by year accumulationa
are allowed to remain. How much
better to eend •sentiment to the wind
and destroy by lire things that hovel
become dust-solled and useless.' There
are few houses now where .the froot
room has in evidence the case of wax
pond -lilies that used to be found an
every parlor centre -table, or the
framed worsted flowers or hair -wreath.
Readingboolers, magazines and family
papers have educated people, along dif-
ferent lines, and the neautitul pictures
of to -day have become pOseible to ev-
ery one la their simple papeepartout
There le a restfulness and sweet
peace in a simple furnished room,
where the walls are not overloaded
with pictures of an incongruous na-
ture tq annoy one's sense of the fitness
of things. All eddies of furnishiage
IFire at diraoehridge deeteosed the dry
geode store of Wm itirk. Loire $700,
Herr Krupp bee brought to perfectioti it
projeetile capable of penetrating the best
and thickest armour'plate.
Sixteen persons were killed and four were
I wounded as the revolt of an exploaioa in in
i emeriti, mine in the proyince of Gabel*,
'. Prof Rellprin. of Philadelphia'wended '
' Mount Pelee, Martinique, on Saturday.
1 while the grater was belching mud and
The Berlin City Council has paired 10,-
CQl markt; for Moe relief oflthe woken° suf-
ferers in St Vincent
opt/does enteadonit Physicians,
" I have examined the composition of
Stronger Ptlekone, ord used it ter external
and internal piles with lost retulte. Z. D.
WILSON, It. A, Ex -Mayor, London, Ont
Preoe $1,00. For sale by ringside, Or
. by mail on rr• vcipr of price.
W. T. STBONC, Manufacturing Chem -
let, London, Ontario •
1'4).4 -ma.* Need
It la a sure, safe and quick remedy.
There's enlY env PAIN...KILLER.
Penny •
Two dm, eee. and see.
A Standard Remedy
sed in Thousands of Homes in
Canada for nearly Sixty Years
and has never yet failed
to give •Satisfaction.
There le no look of se -milled Mires -toe
_corns, The .vegetable, animal end, minerel;•
kingdom's have been *swanked .for ' cures.
It is a simple rnatterto. remove ;corns with.
ottepaia, for if on will go 10 any . drew/let
or medicine dealer and bnY,La battle 'A Pat.
nitraa Painleee Cora' and wai e • .Extraeter, omething 'Very home -look -
and !Mitts, Was dire3te1 the thing ie done. I ng about a room • :furaislied„ with
Get "Putnam's" and no other. . 1:11-me-Made:articles that betoken thrift
• • The Canadian anstomfirivenne for I and econonii, and many have it in
the eleven months of the demi' year op their power to Melte =Any tomforts
to the end • of May • shows an Lim en Se and things of •beauty out of that which
• of $2,$.22,787 nyor , last -,year. The in- Rea at their Own . door. "Despise not
'ciease for the year will not 'toeless. 'the day eri little things." --Farm and
than at per Ont., For May alone th tFiresioe.
• has been a:gain of 030,475. The re- „, . •
turns for tne :eleven eriperhs total ' • Profitable' Vries rif Skimming: '
$29,105,677, and for May $2,776;990. • • .When city milk dealers are paying„
HOW TO GET vp AN ApPETITE, ;..tie.lt starvation. rates" for milk; and
. Distute for food otters folioed' grippe andsSeelling It to cited:Insets at prices' 'ttro
, revere, and is assoziat•sd with . a general or three times as mien as they. have
weelotese,of the eastern:. . ToiMOiert rt, real dlo pay the producers for n, the lar -
zest for food, and give power to toe stomach lers can put the prodocts Of their dairy
to iligeet and assimilate no raint-dy nan to some better uses than enriching- the
.equol Ferrezepe.• This is a new and E.rtart-
eity milkman.There .will he no rem-
byreineving the cense career)
ling discovery. IL !strikes. et the Toot
edy • for 'present low prices. for milk
.the disease an& .
omokly and peananentld. Ferrozone will until prod.ucers find new avenues for.
geed*, enable you to eat and digest- • their milk, and, thus reduce the anPlalY:
H. 13; points; druegisacan teityou ed• that •the 'city dealers will Rod it dia.
a gives deal ixda a about Feizorma how it Actin to :get • all they • need: It Is all
creee. and why it cu -es: Call to day endue right !Or those •- owning 'dear terms
said to be :six years: In view of the
encirmous amount of horses used in
cities, it is no wonder the demand 'for
good ones is so large Mod steady.
• Lime water is considered very good
for scouts in Iambs. Where it la to be
fed to all Sheep a quart of slacked lime
Is put in a trough and fifty gallOns Of
water put ip. When Ihorotighly set.
tied the sheep Will drink it without
hesitation., • ' •,,
I A breeder of Omen' :.who has lost
' some of hie animaTs frorn the dogs of
, neighbors belleaes that instead of
1 spotting bona on sheep every 408
Ishould have a fo bell or be destroaed. It
Ur An idea werthy of consideration by
and itrhoo: diongwte.resteds proteeting aeon
The True Body, Nerve •
• Teach .colte to Walk, and walk feet
• Brairi Nourisher. .“ by ilk:Wing no Other gait " titer'
/neve fully Sceomplished tire walk. ft
dame comfort and health are mooed. in
.tht vreathet when the morniug meal ie
edmmerined with Walt Breakfast Food. It
, itietiOthene, tronrielnia and sustaing the
body as no other food oat d3. Malt Break-
., fest Food produces physical energy and
Clearness of bran. It is the toiler'erfriend
and health.giver. All grocer%
IS the best gaff for the farmer's' horse,
and 'the best brelimihary- traiaing to
If the hogs to be slaughtered are fed
wffhin tWelve hours of their killing the
food is limited, tile meat will he nacre
disposed. to sour, atrd.it will be morel
difficult to remove the distended fates.
tines and take from them the Tam
shbs has been invited for
)ar 0. rear by the VVitighrint hleth-
14,01 / 'eh, Thi cherch will extend
4,1 rtf hullo the London Oonferenee
•4f4 1003 eeeision in Wingham.
Sere"Ing the public with eine, attention
&beet goods audios? prima, has given us
high ,libeition amongst the druggists of
• Corrode. We lodk for your trade, and
will Omit every endeavor to Knell°, you a
teenier oustomer.
Ode stipplies of pure Dread, Medicinea;
Toilet Preparation, Ferfandaa grutlida
Combs, Sponges, Etc., will: interest you.,
Pane% CJELItut,C010017ND.
We are fully prepared to di your orders
ffOr thie popular dimege.banishing med.
teinee.Reowingite powers and virtue%
we etrongly Moon:mend it as it blood
vttrilie,t nerve bracer and flesh builder.,
rehires Celery Compound is new. re.
Itiedy it has been tested and enooessfully
treed in ell -peat of Comas by tent of
hossands, and has broker failed,
UV) ItBEITTE) Druggist) Olinton *
• %retsina Not -rev?, Poore
-..° The half -yearly import on the banking,
railway and canal statistics contains evl.
deoce that Ireland's financial condition is
improving. The deposits and ash hal.
anees in joint dock banks, which stood
at 430,000,000 iti 1881, had growe, to
£42000000 in 1501. For the postoillee
savings banks the balances had risen at
till greater rate, from leaf,r than .£2,-
000,000 ,to over E8,500,000, while in
trustee, savings beaks there was rasa ttn•
advance. It is worth noting Mit Avery
bank of issue in Ireland which was In
existence' in 1844 is still caning On
business -a mord of stability which
neither England tor .Seotland can boast,
nor iodeed any other country. The mil.
way statistics show that the number of
passergoors inereased from 15,000,000 in
1871 to 27,000,000 in 1000, while for the
atone period tire traffic in general melt.
ehandise grew from 2,500,000 to .3,500,-
000,, and in ininerrele from 500.000 te, Igo
Dlarrhcea, Dysentery,.Cholera,
Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infan-
tum,: Cramps, Colic; Sea Sickness
and all Summer Complaints.
• Its prompt use Will prevent a
great deal of unnecessary suffer-
. - • .
ing and oftervsaVe life.
hi.o. Price 60o. ' near the customers to talk of work- • Price, dire
Rice, the murderer, • is to bane on int up private customers and of estab-
July 18: ' ' . ' ,
. .• • ..' * • • 'Jelling • 'milk routes for themselved
• . • . •
The: congrevntion of John Street The farmer and dairyman who lived.'
.P.tebyteeian ChitCchaBelletelle have etdY away from the 'the di0" moat 'forever
exta mad a call 40 Re* A. H. pajama • be at the. leered et the distributing •
of Thaincoville, to become their pastor, agents in' the city, unless he eau con -
He is likely to accept the call: tie is a trod the us'e of his prciduct so that the
•foioter Olintaryian. • • ... • • sellers and retailers of it Must Solicit
' PAIN IN THE JOINTS. •'' his patronage. . .- '• •
May be Muscular Or rhea:OlaethThe joints There Are Mani: ways to Use milk '
are hard to get at, and require a powerful -with more profit than selling it at tWo .
•and penetrating remedy to resell \ the dis- and three cents a quart. ' There is a'
etesel surfaces., Nerviline very exactly, nutritive value in-i3kintrailk' for . feed -
meets the rs titd 'tenants. for it is both pow- rug that should at once appeal to ,ev. .
ethil and penetrating. ;The pain iidexpolli soy dairynian. • We first have the
ed almost its if by magic. - Oae drop equa a
rengil to tiVi (Irons of other remedies
. chanee to skim off the cream and edn-
_:,Nereme _Jim 03 x=e eete. Dreggiet 5. I vert It into butter. That is worth
. .. 1 something, and • it will bring fair
A deapatch from .0.treolt. to truilse'le pacts in any markets'. Let that, 'how:-
BaYs OEM Mr Fsager is serioosly indiePosed ever, he dhe his. product, not the main ;
and confined otitis bed. • object of the work. Feeding tbe skin-
, .• (Milk to Convert it into money is What .
. The onsyeram voloane in danoardis lima We are aiming at. Suppose new we -
Iran in eruption, and a -number of shop- raise 'a drove of hogs sufficient (0 con.
herds, with tine': ilOoke; have been bellied sume all theaekitimilirproduced in the
• WfrIEN X4FE I§ kr OT LIFE . ebb% and then add a few colonitui
. • Of .chickens. Here we have two dia..
"Without health life is not life; it is a Una purees of consumption. The
slate of lamp:kir snd suffering -an imaroo of pigs will thrive and fattenon skim -
death." The nee of Dr; Chat, de Nerve Food milk ' when fed properly' with other '
gives the Weak, languid and durootraged a toed in a Way thatwill pay for all the
new hold on life. It makes the blood pure ,
trouble and expense Of breeding them; .
and tiph; Orestes net 0:nerve fordo and in.
This Sort of breeding does not content!.
dile new energy and vitality into the whole
being: It makes weak had elokly people plate Will, and tour at that. No hogs
strong and well by buildingup the system, Will do their best on Sour swilt,' and
• no one ehould expect it Of them in
The ken bridge at ,Porinenf, Que.., and 'the.ee enlightened ' days. But if you
four email - wooden bridges were washed want to make gdod .sweet port, 'pork
away during a sterna The lose is d20,C2, that is not all fat, but solid and firsts,
with' lines of lean streaked In it, false
Them Caehen,Of at Catharines,tvas work.
ing in a tremolo, when the earth Caved:do. 'Our drove of hogs on clover, • and
He died aeon after being taken out. feed them aveeet skimmilk and some
1 HA Matherion, ofWhitton, Que., was eon? meal. Let the milk he fed as a
.. shotend killed O'his litne.yenr.eler 4 aacilsoojitraiwill
U supply
p pwl t hy _ them
a ooroner'e juty returocd a 'verdict of tell -'a jltuitorrad andThe
,. defence. . 1 . with one class of food Material. and -.•
.." ioia litehener 'has been created a Vie. the milk and corn will add fat and
count, end the Mlle has sent a meseage
t weight so. f t that the pigs will pay
„ to
I well on theinvesestment. Skint:milk fed
Pedlar:Cent ryiononendingat,rant of .850..
, to pigs in eorinectiOn with other fooda
. ' an be made to return a prOfit Of 30 to
In a diSnute in a Windsor Millard room 46 eebie per 100 pminat, eade le ter
Angus MoLoud knotted ,Wm Dalton down Geitea tut, emprieg.- the ,,eb0,16 tam
with a one, .Dalton fluty not recover and 'xi a ghrtted market.' fa eetteectibn
MoLoud id under arrest. sith the butter protitS, the dairy
kern Michael Herbert aucceeds the late *saw thee be bade bon dreatowe
Lord Paunceforleae British eitnbassader Ai &WI when run largelY fOr MS 'benefit'
Washington, and Senor De Ojeda succor le if the etty zadd deideded.4.add ker.
the Duke &Amos as Spro3leitinioister, .,,l, - messuhusetts nouthtniult. .
do . in
&tad thing. about tt In that Nisi
Lower Rate leXtttnsibit to 'earl. ° - --
komand groWs as tiro Napoli "acreage
*oda,* O. We are no nearer an even islp217
arl, we Wert ten. seam ate
During the coming surnmer frequent - -''.• '.-- -- --,-.‘a.a,..-airi
opportunitiee will be offered by the
Chicaro, Milwakee& St, Prieri Itailwav -
to visit California at the lowest 'round " Silltle the war itO2C4 ttield has ban eaten
trip rates ever offered, With choice of more then ever at Durham, and to held tO
routes from Chicago via Kaniel City, blame for omoh nf the dyspepsia now prr.
Omaha or St.Paulsor going and return. v•isliti
big viadifferentrott‘ 29. Electric light:. 1
treinei Route of the PiOtteer Limited. 3 Pietpont Moron hat; f night the fam.
irartioue Train Of the would. Writs for One tionsul Matson tolleOtiOn of btonges,
Mier. his.gervicer. • , •
full information to P.A., Milier.General 0lo In BerPu.
Passenger Agent) ()bleep,
11e T Malbura Co.. Limit* ToreUtoi Onturle•
N ew BlackSmith Shop.
Subsenber betting rented the shoo adjoin-
ing Leslie's writ 1,43 Shop, °ranee St. ft wa-
vered to. do all work io his /Ina. fie hat had
a good inquy years* expetienho rik the 11081-.
ties. a or:11011M% Per061/M atiention 1) all
work entrusted to hire
Special attention gitiou
to liorseshczing and the
care feet,
Retain's, (fall k ea1 charges reasonable
FitEn 1.0FPT, Clinton.
,ffiamorl • .ludagmo
110 t for the Model Farm
To' Guelph
"Under the aaspices of the South and
haat Huron Farmers' Institute
'Friday, June V.
Page Metal (.)rtiatOelatal Feat*. 71"xerwarri:
cromento.v.r5 ithowy and surerleinelY obese. Olt in** what
Yin." 4)reh4ralh et°' XS G fon
„At.. wi:dted. fur: rocotoarn:Ardeo on, :video fences toWit SetLA 11110L
20 eis. PER RUNNING fe
Just think, of it, Let us send you tun poctionlars. w• owe ,
melte fano fence, Poultry netting, oldie and staple*.
The Pent Rite Fence Co., thelted, Walk.nlIIi Oat. 0
sairmasessomassemuammummissosaamesseart omit
ew Spring Goods
ess Goods
uaces and Embroideries
of all kinds
R. Coats ite Son
For years I had been a sufferer with chronic
stomach trouble, pressure of gas and distress_ of •
my bowels. I contracted -what the doctors pro-
nounced a low type of malaria. I could not take
solid food at all, and only a ye' y little of the
lightest of diet would create fever and vomiting.
The druggists sent me a box of Ripans Tabules,
saying he sold more Ripans thar anything else
, for stomach trouble. I not only found relief,
but believe I haye been permanently cured.
The five7poit ,packet is euough for an, .
'Otiiii#4ry:464. Si*. :The ifix4Y bottle, sizty
contains a Oopply for a 'yeat.
Meat Market:)
• Ravird purodatte 2 tiro butohezir,,,,
.'busineas of P. E. Powell T am pro,
pored to furnish tl• 3 teople of OW.
on With, Hi kirriaof ere* on
Cured Mesta,. 1 stodge, bolo» h -t
lard, hotter col egga always aep4 on
R Fitzsimons tt Son.
To !plaints 78.
C -hind delivered promptly 10 ail
Pelts of the towo.•
rr.r -Pero VI hating hoge for
shipw A will wafer a favor by
km; wJra at the ehep. •
dope is as ft8OtIaloti*06nr Time' Fare ONIIIIENTS..
The fare and. time of leaving the different eta-
Beigrave .47° ' Adult MI
., .0,51,25 :
Lorlaboro v.22 1.20 .60
elintort 7.W 1.20 .00
Sonforei 7.fr 1.15 .60
Goderieh 7,15 11.t ..(60.0
' /3tudefitld 7.17 ' 1.20 .60
• Nippon 7,09 1,25
1.25 ,O5
Berman 7'3 P .05
Exeter 6.52 1.21 .05
' ClenntInalia 6.:10,
. .t.)
1.2A .00
Arriving at Cateat 10.2e or. no
Tickeee will Ise good only on one toainoslid to
remota =tiny train two) and including Sato*,
day, June 2Is1, from on Outlet.% except Dubutt,
Boucefleld. 717, cohneeting witn tho regular'
ni ; Exotere6 52;HW:00147.08; galloon, to3, and
*Ahlispe°h *dial tb?eargeofilfl°1reateheeCdolt6r13111141rii at 6.40 Al
Itattenbury St: Virorks 1
tiara at Clinton. Passengers from Belgrave,
Er gietroaciogra will take regular morn- .
10.8gor.g1 reerinlitliitarelittilelliiitt=t
Bel -grave end intermediate pointri.
0120 will able leave 011eton at 10O5 lain. for Bel- orreo
This will be the only excursion from this cowl. '
pie accommodation will be provide I. A But
II Meironek„Tnoe. IdeMrttatr,_14. Stretrrl
stantiel Inn& win be Bervits1 nt the College by
the Government,
ty to the Agricultural College this sepses', and
every Doreen should, take acivaiitage of it, AM -
Pree,8, littrOn, Preis, g, 'Mama deo or
The Novelty Baker
and Restaurant
Is the place to buy choice
ob000lates. We handle Mo. "
Cormick's 01510iC 11/faricaibb
chocoistee, also Petersores
creams and burnt Almonds and
other choice assortments.
We are prepered. for the com•
ing matron to serve soda water
in all flavors, • Weals o have.
• crushed fruits in stock, me at
nream and all kinds of cool
A;c1roine etook of oranges and
lemons, bananas and all kinds
°tit fruit in season.
Fancy bread and:takei always
on band, • -
Wedding, Cakes a
Terms strictly cash.
4 meciity, Clinton;
to sell PRINTER'S /10t*-,
journal for advertisers,
published weekly atfiVe
dollars a year. It teaches
the science end practice of
Advertising, and is highly
esteemed by the most suc-
cessful advertisers in this
corinivy and Great Britain.
Liberal commission al.
lowed.Address PRTNTIMS
INK $ TO Spruce SI., New