HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-13, Page 4;Tune 13th, 192 ome 131q Values NO, THE CLINTON 14ENIT ERA. .1 Mill/ Abtrthle itititt$ Loudon Conference. We handle all -R P Redide ... liege 1 -- , Pleasant rnoreents-N B Bows 1- ' The annul -conference of the Meth. sone big values -Newcombe 4 ' Until Beturday, Anse Si -W Cooper oi0.0 4 odist church was held in Sarnia, con. The values in this ad are the best we have had for a long lime. It is our ambi— Mon to serve the people well, to satisfy them in every way. The success of this store shows us that our efforts are not in vain. Buying as we do in four store lots we procure many lines away under value.\ Our mothdd of giving our customers the benefit of all underpriced2urchases makes it possible for them to save money... John w- Waddell:. II Voir, Some Big Bargains in Still selling out -J Twitehell ,..... ...... 5 eluding its labors on Wednesday of thie Paris reen-JR,FloveyO 5 week. Rev. A. L. Russel was elected store that attracts•-kleKinnon ea C .... 5 .1) vr ceutdiseount-Harlana Bros- .. ...5 Ptarreys,ideinhteafnaduoRwernaAisItCh,e130hukasi, edercaref; : YouNgstillin:PeY-t 3(1):n ;IQ::: .. . ' - Jure willinerv-Rodgens Bras ... '''' ''' II of stations ;- Richard is himself -w 1) Pair (c 8 LONDON DISTRICT. • an biwortant event -Jackson ards ...... 8 London -First, Geo. J /3iehop ; Dundari 1. onset Centre, Chas T i3oott 1 Wellington Wellington- frt. D Kamilton Colborne street, X 01433 entt.lellilnliri;k1, je4esi.xest°1;Gill:ir et CO DAT EZCVES10116 in ree venue as is ' Mama St. 1 Table' Linens, $1 75 Table Cloths at $1. $2 50 Table cloths , at $1 50. $3 Table Cloths at $1 85 . I Last week we bought several dozen pure!' linen table cloths at nearly half price, they ; are called mills "seconds" on•account of them having some slight defects which, you would never notice unless pointed out to you. 'These we place on sale Friday morning at ths follow - „vs prices ; • $1.75 Table clothe at $1 10 -They are Made of pure linen RA two yarde long all fully bleached and having bor. . Sale of Women's Shirt Waists. Biloam To THE 13ryen ton, A Moltibben. 'Thorndale, Mor. Canadian Northwest ley Madder, Thannieforti4A. Edwarde, Dorohester,W B alniont,13 D Moyer, at following Return 5'arest- Lambeth, j ti Fieher, Wegtrainater, It V , Winniosg, Man ; Arcola, Binscarth, Irwin, Delaware, 13 MoVitty. Man s B; in, Idau.,F,steven,Asse.IUrandVlem., B STRA.TFORD M'ae* ;14 Mrair!lAktrearl Nvoli • A grand showing of the newest white Rivehrelan., a a, a ., _ waists, thin sheer garments Our assortment asn' an ' .... ' - . $ toligoVolz, Asst.,. ; Regina, Asse,1 York- so° of shirt waists for this suron;er is the largest17, Albert,. '&1, '' '''' .M..e,o-I,Oa.d-, ' 11-1;...; and finest we have ever had, prices areiO lower than waists of like qualities are sold few; cttgerLA71,ba.m3;•..; S.trathoom. Alta., $84 0 201 g une Ing vrithin to days from date of Psuir. Purchase your tickets at Town office and save delay at station. F. It. Hodgens, Town Agent elsewhere, Fine White Lawn flhirtwaiste at 60o to 79o -Made with several rows of woks, others trimmed with lace end insertion, others made of plain lawn, some have linen collars, others stook collar trimmed with lace, all have the new Bishop sleeve with the new cuff, very special at each 60 to 79C der alt around, regular value is $1 75, on gale cora. /0 menoing Friday morning at Beautifol White Shirt Waldo at $1 25 to $1 50 -Mede of $2 50 Table cloths for $1 50-2 1-2 yard long table cloths made of pure linen, elegant flora) deeign, with border all arbund the cloth, these are worth $I 00 itt,the regular way, our sale price will be 1.• 59 • 653 Table linen at 50o -In additi:n to the above bargains U. table cloths, we will place on sale 100 yards of ma- • biresoned table linen, warranted all flax, 60 limber; wide -extra heavy quality.,,and is Well wotth 65o, on sale corn- wA miming Friday morning at per yard ' OVC. 35c Linen towels at 25c-50 pairs of extra large linen towels wish fringed ends, regular prise is 35o, on, sale com- • mencing Friday morning at par pair ' 25e / $2 50 Table napkins at $1 50 -On Friday morning we place .on sale several dozen Wale Napkins, all large razes, made of fine quality linen and if they were pelted goods would be worth $2 50, on account` of them being slightly damaged we bought them to sell at per-•.doz 1.50 Some Great Bargains Millinery. On Friday morning you .can, have your choice of any binned hat in.the Store at $2 50 In the lot will be fowl hats worth up to *5 • each all to go at $2.50. . Trimmed Hata I' $1,50--0ommenointiday morning . • . . we will have ready it fine assortment of trimmed hats. •, so be cleared at $1 50 eaoh, the regular price Would be . more than double the price they will, be.seld for, • 60o Ladies Bailors at 350-5 dozen • Ladies' • Rustle Straw - Sailors, with black and white bands,the regular price • of which is 60o each, to go commencing Friday morn- ing at each ••' 35e . „ . . . Coronation Tams and Caps for goys and Girlsi-We have „ . just received the new Coronation caps slid• tams for .• • • obildren's-wear. they come in colereof *Rite, navy, eto • prioes, each, 30 to ............. ...,..•.. •• 5 ,• very fine quality of lawn, nicely trImmed withlace • and embroidery, insertion down batik and front,some have atook.00llere, all with net sleeyea, them waists . Were bought under yalue and are very epeoial at 5125 to 1.RIF Very Fine White Lawn Shirt, Waists -Some in the fashion- able low neok effeets, others with fancy stook collars, , some with short sleeves and trimmed with fine lace, others are trimmed with embroidery, insertion down front, Wok and sleeves, they are the very latest, novelty 3 50 • and the prime ardeaoh $2 50and Linen Shirt Waists, made in the new Gibson style, others g of plain linen, prices iel 25 and •• . Colored Shirt Waists, all made in the newest Styles, prices • 600, 600, ''' '' p.,q ''' ' .hoo'r ' 1600 Scin•itrBrogliiias RibbonC-350-ribbons in all the newest shades of old rose, pink, bine, white, Oreata, etc., at .. 40,13 Ladies' Ties -In the very latest effeote, mann 1 lawn in linen colors, also in white, some made of very fine silk, g 4g pr nicely trintmed with Moe eto. prices 25o, 50o 1.40 Ladies' Turnover coliar topa-mecte a lawn and wise con- - , • broidery, prides eseli Ino, 12 1-2o, 15o, 20o to • 0011, • Ladies' and ohildrens' gloves -In the new lace offsets in black end white at 25o. Pare silk gloves in shades of . grey, black and what° at.30o to , • 50e r.. r • . • ... ... 0.0..00. TaffeM sieve's in Omani and black at. 25o to „ • . 50C Ladies', Tailor made shirts -That are guaranteed to lit yon . p.erfeotfy and will give good wear, saves you time and • money if you buy one of ou•r Skirts made of homesp•un, eige etc., prices $3 to 5,50 Parasols. — . The best .values we baye..ever bad, special li,nes of black parasols at 75e, t 00,1 25: to $3 , • 13.100 -In silk, velvet and leather, all the newest styles, ' 0 i . • . . Fancy ...Parasols at 1.00 to 2 75. each: prioes, 25o, 30o, 353, 50o to • "... " • ' `IP a . Im.ir money back ' if you :waut it. . • • I Ch ' urch Chimes. CLINTON anorak Oblates. • • Next Sunday will be known as Flower • ' Sunday to the Sunday School Scholars The Montreal Methodist Conference benefits to the British nation and to the and at 11 a. m. the regular service with ordered the names of Rev Foster • Me.: down -trodden and fanatic 'races of the the scholars in the centre pews, will be Arnmond and Rey D. a Sander son, -South African provinces to be derived beld, Rey. I. B. W allwin,Seaforth, ecu - the two divines whose escapade' in by its close. The rector and choir 'ducting the service and the singing will Syracuse caused such a sensation a were driven to the House of _Refuge in . be led by the Sunday School .choir. year ago. elimuated from the books. the afternoon and senvice was held at At 230 p. m. a beautiful serviee, eon - 2 30, to the 'entire gratifice.tion of the ducted by U E Tenney, entitled "Child - ONTARIO STREW the inmates and thanks of Mr and 'Mrs ten's Day Chaplets,"will be given bY 60 morning service last Sunday the pulpit • was occupied by Me Shaw, who gave an • able discourse and in the evening Rev. T. Galloway delivered ,an anteresting sermon ; the pastor was away attend- ing .Conferenee at Sarnia... .At the French, ..The Sacrament of the Lord's inerobers of the school. Tbe serviee Supper will be celebrated at 8 a. m.,on ponsists of a number of songebythe fJl Sunday next •• • I chorus'. Miss Flora Cunninghame will - Rev W. G. Flowfron had been tap. take the part of "Children's Day," and. pninted to the charge et Askin St. the following girls will represent the Church London and enters . on his different Hours :-D.aavx-Ine Miller • ttot tb ati\ tit 2 FRIRAT, JUNE 13,1902. West IlurOn Recount. Stratford-Oentral, 4 N Balier ; Water- loo Street, AB Going. St. 14Iary's, Time' Manning. Mitchell, W Brown. Listowel, J.B. Oliver. Milyerton,lt Bernby. Trow- bridge -41 Phillipa. Wallace, Leonard Bart- lett.. Atwood, W Penhall, l!donkton,W E Currie. .Staffa, J Henderson, Fullerton, J A Ferguson. klarmony, G El Johnson, Embro,9 L Toll, 'Wellburn,II,A Graham- IIintore, L WINGHAM DISTRICT Wirieham,E.Piobbs.Kinotrdine,J Philp. Luoknow, A G Harrig. Brussels, 3 W Cousins. Teeswater, G 1 Kerr. Ethel, P Wells. Fordwioh,D Rogers, Gorrie, j, Garbutt. Wroxeter, I A. McKelvey, • Bluevale, F Swann. Aelifield, rJ Oaten. Salem, T E Sawyer. Bethel, 9 V R Pent- land. Ripley, R I Reeking, Bervie, tV It Vance, Tiverton,E W Edwards. White. church; 0 0 KI4/110. xtelgrave,A B. Brown. ••GODERIC,11 DISTRICT The re-count of the ballots cast in the West Huron election began before his Honor J udge Doyle on Saturday morning, and lasted all that day and Monday. Messrs O. Seeger and L. E. Dancey appeared for the Liberals, and Messrs E. L. Dickinson and Rs 0, Hays for the Conservatives. The result was that six ballote which had been re- jected by the deputy returning officers were allowed for the Conservative candidate and four for the Liberal cendidate-elect, reducing the Liberal's majority _of/23, as declared by, the re- turning °Meer, by, two voter. Mayor Cameron, the Liberal candidate, Is thus declared elected by a majority of 21. Mitchell gained 1 vote In No 4 Ashfield. 1 in No 1 Goderich, 1 in No 2 West Wavvanosh, and one in No 8 West Wawanosh. • Mr Cameron gained one in No 1 Clinton, and one in No .2 East Wawanosh. Across the back of one of the ballots was written the words "Cameron,direct legislation; Mitchell, rovernment ownerehip.” •Speaking in • London on tire night of the election. Mrs .ThornleY, e. Goderioh-North Street,Geo Daniel ;Vic- toria Street,J W Robinson. Clinton -Wee - ley church, H M Manning ; Ontario street, Dr G A. Gifford. Seaforth, T B Wallwin. Hein:mayn't', J Basset Blyth, J Hohnee. Dungannon, TR MoNeir. Nile, m a Wil- son. 13enmiller, .0 A Shaw. Auburn,T B Coupland. Walton, C R Carscallen,B.A. Vordeshoro, 3. Kennedy. Tuokersmith, to be reapplied under Superintendent, of Sere* forth. Bayfield, J G Tolland, Varna,B 0 Millar) EXETER DISTRICT Exeter --Main Were, R Millyard; James street, Jae Hennon, Parkhill, W. Rigsby. Elimville, W H Cooper, Centralia, 13 L ntton. Bengali, E Medd. Kippen,T E, Mellott, Orediton, R W Knowles. Grand Bend, A Thibaudeau. Mean; J W An- drews. Ahem Craig, S Knott. Birr, Thou ij Sanderson. Lucian, J A Ayearst. Gran- tor), JE Holmes Woodhana, Jno Hart. Kirkton, S A Anderson: . STRA.THROY DISTRICT .• - . litrathroy, Dr Grundy. Petrolia; -See Livingettne. Adelaide, Ill Ureri Ker - wood, L -W Reid, Ili•IIID ' -Watford.' Joe..,, Galloway. Warwick,. H. W' McTavish. AxItons, W M Pomeroy. Bronke,A: Jit. Mee knoWn active prohibition; worker as ..Ccillooh. Appin, Itiola Redmond. Mount BrYdges,John Mahan. Melbourne,B.13nell. reported to have said that the .vote Wansteact A 0 Ferrell. Oil City,P Jones. eitheabPorubt. • 11 . arthavillici,A•EinsDiTA.titoleirs. Phc)ibilietdionbrs.iMcavntdaWte, .wpaaslY,ju 'TRACT . . What she expected and was quite nn- Sarnia-Centeal, D N.MoCanaes; Devine ough to leave the 'Ross candiaate out.. Street, G WHazin. Point Edward, T .A.. The prohibititerists,she said, were quite Steadman. Wyoming, . G W Andrews. Satisfied, andthey would tr y again and Caralaohie, Asa 1 Brawn. Brieden, G H keep at it, for they were in the right Thompson. &Ivinsttin, S W Maxyrorthy. and right would win. • . • . Oil Spribes, W A Smith. Thedford, J W • During the peat week a number of recounts have taken place in different constituencies. A naerked and prom- inent feature thereof has beer, •the fact that in none of them. (with one 1 ex- ception) wad there the slighest once of irregularity or impropriety. They show that the .deputy -returning officers have been; exceptionally carr- ful and no attempt in. any case was Pring. Foreet, J FOrd. Besanquet, W. H Harris. Corunna,R. C Burton; Wilkes- port,A Barker. Port Iatrabton,A E Jones. WINDSOR DISTRICT Windsor, A. Brown, Windsor West, J 33 johneton. Walkerville; .11 Kirkland. Amberstburg, E A Fear, Harrow, Long. Essex, W J Ford. • .13 Clement,' Ruthven, Faille. Gast°, W • E Mfilson. • Cottam,J 0 Reid. VS oadslee, p Myers. Maidetone,0 Corneille. Leam- ington, if W Locke. South Menses, Oli- Made to tamper with the .ballot. This phant. Goldsmith, J Bail. • Comber, W H is only as it . should be; but it is a Butt. Romney,A 9 Tiffin. striking commentary on the grossly CHA.THAM DISTRICT exaggerated and hysteriCal storiee that have appeared in many of the oppoet. tion. papers, concerning the Work of • the !'machine," These conveyed the idea that all kinds of crookedness had been indulged in,••and West. Burma was not free frail the . saine kind of stories._ Now that the reenunts haye proved the • fairnerie of the contests, ,.our ilopponents should be Inertly en - (nigh, to acknowledge it Speaking of the appointment of Sir' Wilfrid Laurier and Messrs MuloCk and Patterson to represent Canada,,,at the Colonial Conference in. London, the Montreal Star says: - "They are three level -beaded, well- - League on Monday evening Miss K. Sadie East ; FoRENoole,- Hattie ,, • informed and progressive .0anadians. -itmizh-iyareirtedr-the-tepie-nOoeseets, datiesitt,cnutectleau therevvith, the 1114 Mr Fielding. will represent Maritime- -.1 ii re, was taken by MISS H. Whitely, -first Sonde:yin .11117, kie-lfrill-partrr-Holiongay and Alma Armstrong:NOON- province opinion, and should;be able to the SundaY school lesson by Mies three' years Of faithful, earnest and TI1:6 Home -Mary Holmes :and Gerty . profitable work, dnring • which the Chant; APTERNopN-Helen • Doi -wry conditions of trade in that section of speak with a fair knowledge ,of the the Dominion. Mr Paterson will carry into the conference the ripe knoWledve of a man of observation who has been a trade expert for years, and who has been a practical manufacturer under several different kinds of tariff, and Who' has, since his selection as Minister, of OustOTos, . enjoyed an unequalled opportunity to study the relations of the tariff to all the principal businesses of Canada. Mr Mulock is oar excel- lence, our enterprising ..and up-to:date business Minister. He re, moreover, a Man of tested and alert patriotism, and one whom travel and observation hes k ro idened.. . Carrie Shipley, and a• well rendered duet was. given by Miss Rennie Shipley . Rev Dr Spencer, "Hraistfnit'WPriladdiOneirkli4Ptt tsvening. BAPTIST Cratincia.-At the evening. • service on Sunday Miss Priest,returned miseionaey. fram theeast cOaet of India, gave an'interesting addrees in whibh an M abel Erb wiziaBT-111yrt e most ha,rmonious relations have existed between himself and his people. The McMath and 'gleam Coultes ; NicinT- •cause.larce,greatly prospered under his • Minnie Pinning and Kathleen East; iiiitileerf, arid it is unneassary for us REGITATIQN • by Bernice Johnstent to say that the good wishes of the The ViliTtmrst will be represented by community go with him on his new GladYp Oantelon, Violet Barge, Gladys field. of labor. ; Maiming, Harold Rorke, Clifford And - The fenewing refers 6 a form__ rows and. Morley Hall: SoLos by Luella er Milne and Sadie Hohnes and DtniTs she referredto.her•work in the East . well known pastor of Clinton, father V.Misses -Reid and Green, and the last fall Miss Priest returned to Canada, of Dr Holnies:-The Official Board of ., isses Wilkin. At 7 p. m, Mr Wallwiri on a year's furlough after an absence Askin Street Methodist Church, Lon- I will again conduct the service and the of eight years and has been,besides vis- don at it recent meeting, attested singing will be ied by the Church choir. i ring, speaking in connection with the heartily their gratitude and apprecise I • . ' Baptist ch arch and went to Owen Sound trot for the tmnistry and work of their ; ST. JOsEPss 0111311C11,—Rev Father on Monday to attend a Baptist conven- Pastor, Rev S. W. Holmes, dnring the , Northgraves, of Sertforth, pfliciated tion. She returne to her Work in India pastoral term of three years jut. clog- , here last Sunday, mass in the morning teaching ee and vespers in the evening, in the lib- doSeptember and will be aecompan. , nig. Bev Mr Holmes' . ' Jed by Miss Pratt, Petrolia....Rev, br I "sound doctrine," and the "things Spencer, of 13ra,nttord,who will be here r Which become sound doctrine," will be i sence of Rev FatherMcMenamin, who was at Burnish, near Parkhill, where on Sunday in connection with the VV. I remembered in the years to come, a4d he preached the sermon at the laving O. W. will occupy the pulpit in the will -remain in the hearts of many as 1 of the censer stone for the new St, morning. the foundation upon which the super- ' Colorant) R. Ce church. Bishop Mc- - structureof Christian faith may safe. '.Evay laid the stone, and a number Of "Wrztte Clinnort -Rev, T. Galloway iy rest. His utterances frorathe pui_ 1 other clergymen of the church were , ;preached an interesting sermon Mat pit indicate a deep insight intospiritual I present. Next -week Fr. McMenamin ' Sunday morning" ; the pastor occupied truths, and denote a great reverence will make his annual parochial Visit to the pulpit of Wesley Methodist church. for the eubjede with which he en. Blyth, and next Sunday service will be At the evening set vice the choir ren- deavors to impress his hearers, but i held at S. Michael's, Blyth. On Tues- dered the anthem oOsinqaerleg kings ‘ though posseseing to an eminent de- day eVening. June 24, Fr. McMenamin their titles take" the solo parts being gree the mind of -the theologian, and I will give a lecture at Zurich It. O. well taken by Miss Ida, Ross and W. P. fluency of speech to convey his I church; he is an eloquent and enter. Sp icling....Chas Lindsay presided at thoughts, yet hisetrong personality it) I taining speaker, and the letturs will- th9 Ertl:lee:Vox on Monday evening and often obscured by the message, for 'be one ofproflt. e topic "WhY total abstinence is which he designs all prominence to he • Bev john McKay,f I, k ' ha 0 11C13004 s eat' was taken by W. ritiker:,,,The attached, ,' . - heed called to the Crescent - street , ' JEOndeavtir decid ed to postpone its gars .Preebythrian chUreb, ,lVforitreal. den party, Whieli was to have been WRetre OtternOtt-Rev,Dr'Stewert, held on June 20th, owing to the Nm is. of Willis Presbyterian church,preached The forof the Christian Guardian Rion Band holding its garden party ori an able, soond and interestiniesernion VOiII be changed from sixteen pages to uesday evening, June 24b11,.on Cho leaf, Sunday morning,and W. R, Lough thirtrtwo,the pages to be half the size a of J. W. Irwin and P. Straith, oceimied the pulpit in the evening and Of the present Wile. The paper will . delivered an excellent discourse; the be out 112 its new dress some tine dur- ST, PArrtNi 011triteR.-,-Last Sunday pastor weetaWay at conference.. -Oh ing the summer, before the General was a double day of Thanksgiving in Wednesday evening Rev. T, Galoway Conference assembles in September. St. Paul's church, that of the laudable gatte an address on "Thdi'VldtlaliSte”,, I S:A, BAND. -The Salvation Array . praise for the very enccessfill year just Mr Galloway' le a speaker of ability and , band has started its regular open air closed both snirittlallY fold' financially his address was instructive and appre- ' concert.eachThursday .evening, last of the Rev, C. R,,,G-utine s pastorage, mom by these who attended....The night being.the third concert for the .and ae ri; Fs:quail daY of maiso awl band concert by the 33cd Batt, band of town. 'They are in greitt demand some thankegiving to Almighty God for filer Seaforth arid t social at Reere^ half;, dozen Of engagements to fulfill deliverancereta the 7301 war. Mr alien Park last Friday night under the during the next week or so. the Morning,vvhich referred entirely to • 0, reltreol hie first year's labor among them, said he was satisfied with the beaety responee the congregation had ..,...w.hitch, butle would not 'take the -Onarie, in t etotrse of hi r marks in ettenteee ef the Loague, proved a grand succe§s, financially and otherWise, as pie attendance was large. triusical delitlintehwod7ellbank af.Mlikrd. wasf°11114 program was ehoiee, and the refresh- mente nerved were exeellent, making Seyen pereone were drowned during it the evening one of entire enjoyment to gale it New York, • ceedit Of the SUCCOSS urori himself but all. The receipts were goo(' for both Mr Hrnger declares that he Will end hie, OWed it to - we ersof prosperity which band and League, and the only clamp- settled Once oar land, In the even- (iron the affair Was the hbavy fall of daYg 111 itc`nahd. , e dealt etrulmarily With the Boer rain iltqt Ponlile were isaVinff the 11 11 teeming, ex -collector of oedema at aitae and effeetland the laStiirg park, many getting a drenching Brantford, ie dead. 11, • •.A Arm a:A imi••••••••••,...•• The Seaforth Expositor says: -The Goderich Star of last week complains bitterly because many temperance Re- Dr.James Hannon_and R. Mill6ard ; Strathroy, Dr JR, untidy and J al10. 102100111 in Weet Huron did not vote way I Sane, J E Ford and G W And- -for Mr Mitchell, the Conservative and rews ; Windsor, W S Ford and H W temperance candidate in that riding, Locke ; Chatham, Dr S Bond and T as Was expected. We presume it will George; Itidgetown, A" L Russel and be admitted that Mr McLean, the T Blatcieford; St. Thomas, W Godwin Liheral candidate in South Huron, has and W G A McAlleter. been as long an advocate of temper- ,. The Temperance Committee recom- ance and trohibition principles and as Mended as follows: -We wouldirxpreee ardent and as consistent a supporter of our eatisfaction with the fact that the temperance cause as Mr Mitchell the eonstitutionalityof the Itia,nitoba has been. Had -Ur McLean received liquor act has been vindicated by the rri South Huron onequarter as maPi ivy Council, We 'regret the unfort- Tory temperance votes as Mr Mitchell unate and unjust conditions imposed received Reform temperance votes, he upon us, under which we must labor in would have been elected by a fait order to secure this prohibitory meas.. majority, inefitaci of having been, de. tire. That the only secure and mac- feated. Besides this, Mr tamcvon, adarnized roads that lead to a permeate Mk' Mitchell's °I/Pme°, Wall a SuP''' ent prohibitory law in this country lie porter of a Government and party that along the survey of united, independ. hes given to the temperance party all ent electoral action, and consequently the advanced legyriatitin they have we Vvould call for thennification of our ever reeelved, while Mt: halber, M. 1' forces and -the burying deeply of OUP MeLean's opponent, in a supporter or a party prejudices as We move forward party that is Pledged to °noose pro- against 0 Inc who knows no party but hibition and temperance legislation in the one who aids its unhallowed mese. Chathana-Park street, Cr' Cobblediok ; Victoria Avenue, T a George. Charing Cr oss, R Thompson, Blenheim,W E Kerr. Cedar Springs, W *Shaw. Jas Walker. Tilbury Centre, J Kennedy. Yearns:40's Creek,C W Down. 'Louisville, J J Noble. sDoyer. C F Clarke. Dresden, El Bond, JA Snell, Wallace - burg, J SCook. E F Arm- strong. Rutherfordy W Jones. 'VValpole Island, NI Piokard, RIDGETOWN DISTRICT Ridgetown, 7 Wilson; Morpeth, J F Sut- cliffe ; 0 W Brigtoi; Highgate, A L Russell ; Harwich.la E Reilington• Them- esville, T W • Blatchford • Bothwell, T Snot+ den ; Wardesille, G' Jewett; Newbury, J W Hibbert;Florence,W 'McMullin; Glen- coe, J W Baird ; Rodney, A. E Thomp- son,. West Lorne, W J Ashton; Dutton, Payroll ; Sunnyside, W L Hiles • ST THOMAS DISTRICT St.Thomes--Firet,W R Young; Greets church,. Wm Godwin ; Central, W Crews ,• Aylmer, W G H- McAllister Springfield, -John Morrison Lyons, A E Lloyd: BrownsvilleiD E Martin; Cor- -Irr!b, 110 Edmunds ; Avon, G Buggin ; , Viennd, W Bangh; Kinglake,A. Dever; Malahide, J. 133 Millyard: Sparta, W El Graham ; Strafford.ville, j Haylock ; Port Stanley, J. W. Holmes • Fingal,A. J Langford Talbotville, C Commis ; Shedden, J Nettercott ; T Mason ; Oneida, W Vollick. The following Were elected Chairmen and Financial .Secretaries respectively for the districts:-London,Geo Jackson and S J ; Stratford, E N Baker and C W Brown; Wingham,• D Rogers and A G Harris:Godeticb, De Geo Daniel and Dr (3 A •Giiford ; Exeter; • a ( A• tiO sidiy.: l'': 1 • '1 C!..- . 7 ooperIt g .. B. 00g,„ ',more 1 * ,,,ne.-. • '' ...:r . .... , ,, UNTIE: 0,,,,.. • .5' 1,1 . I Saturda WiIlOur • • r./11 •.3 •! Wall Papee; • 0 and Sunnier aair404 VOA foontinue; wtit te net (VER 5000 roll's of Wall Pap&Urit i4t5.0 be ki cleaned out to bring our stook to Were we want it Good buying is halt selling, these; days and that is the reason why we can quote •82c00Wwalali Prattpree;•ffoorr4:0,101, :11 121e Wall Paper for,6o, 189 Wfit Patietfor 70, • Small Iiite as Iovi as lo..05r rQfl r. -T Window Shades continue to g6 01 from 2 to 12: While thepast we. will selltb 400 Shades for 25e, 500 Shades for 356, 850 Ogidefi for 00o, Our Counters.are laden with Bargains in vhink of 5 quires of Note Paper for 10o,Envelope; kit match 4 and 6o per package: r, 25c Tablete for 15o, tfio Triblets for 12a, 15o Ta%1As.fpr 6o, • 10o Tablets for ea, 50 Tablets 8 for 1.0o. • New and popularrviEingligeeNt Illasuice,ici,05eoarsohc.ope • or 6 f.,eroitcst.%.f,1 Berap School Bag", choice for 45c3. • See last week's papers or hand bills • -• tor a more complete list W COOPER & C9, fLINTON qtrer treilic is the eictrenne partyism of the dey,we would recommend as a cor- rective meats that all ministers preach especially at times free from political agitation, on a national righteousnese, m.fihroaeofd;moewartniliejiid;msosij,f44:neharreerViecurdeisli:Bimlyetnht, , and the duty Of the Christian ;citizen- Band. 87JObiTliPnitifa'toinnth:;...NivWeii_lessrwaili.ivitMarEon.01:orimmin.o,.iLdo, riliderosibmooren.yi t7i.e.11! . owhgliOvielve.kni;i:pirri:::•Biat::::::.:nigi:::..B.:ki: . Young,Blyth; M Wightman;Westfieldi _Aim Helen Ginnie is away on an extend: Mx and Mrs J.Wisew an attended a party . ' The lay representatiVes present from were Callers on friends here. on Monday. • Goaerich district were R W McKenzie, Miss MoMordie. of Kippen; was the: GederiCh;REolmes and W N Manning, guest' of the 'Misses MoNaughton this on last Friday night. - from ' • : • ,*The Cavalry camp et Niagara will la. Bt 1 and matron of the Stretford Amur of Mr and Mrs Jas Vernor, euperinterident - from the 17th until the 28th �f June. In a duel 'between the Italian Miniave. r Refuge, Were nests at CastleFrench of Foreign Affairs. and - a nienaber of the Sunday. ___.. g. • ' over . We learn thall: O. Bell has entered :an Chamber, the latter was wounded in • the his duties at Woodstock as assistant, super- • ear and .1% reconciliation followed. • A young eon of Mr James Matthews, of intendant of the Canadian FuruiturellIann- Orengeville, Blipped in boarding a train facturere, . , '!' .and wise run over and killed. • Messrs D. Clow andPlewes,AsTifielCalad A nugget weighing over nineteenpoinads T. Taylor, East Wawinsosh, called on the the biggest recorded in :the 'Taken, was Nuts Eat pii their way rip to Goderich- to ofs foundozhanoiemair si. ice nBch 00e, ni II Bonanza hspoiosnai collision des al aesaya ,. nc betweens ee k , t 4 le t s t v ehs at il : a:0 ekd, attendoverto the Owen jury. B0a n d. on. m 3 n d a . y ; a 8 J''' Efadley near Duluth, the Wilma Was Lojd.goNmeuetainangotheleirte.a'n value is $3,060. . John Smith and Thos Johnston went - Thomas Wilson and the steamer George gates from Clinton C. O. F. to the Grand e:tink a. nd enionemoiinhgeracnr: 451; a:oil:lied... T.hWurE. ys.yrinning was up to,,:, 7.7,der,i_oh ,0;11. Ent'Gieicien.rypgaclioraos been appointed postmaster of Mr John McMillan, et• .alewIngwe, "". feW week& holidays. He looks well and Mies Joggle Gardiner spent Sunday in urge at •Galt hospital, 001 blitrinPetraYfotfthOeldaebtsogvoe,. whobit.bdarbopTend eaostfb . C°r1/wellr city life isppears to egret) with him. • while on his way home. ± . • . ,. . in Kirkion, called on the New Etta Monday, , Weetfielci, who have been visiting a brother W. Buelle Hale, of thejV7eatern Electric- . of .the ,GtrooirdoonntoMiesKhisoym evr.lac lio 1 e; a two d' arresters 'of dele- Mies Ely* Adams,swnand week. ckl. ,.hoi an idoey. s.bt en . sr is° h, we ‘ :net , hdayer me beforer on snw.rDoherty Monday eothnerintt vion aygiietaiotmolaihoia:gh,o.oim. a mfor K it , ij.visitorldisesseibeho rwtuoFiwenme tr Wiseman ni he ome for Sunday. left, per steamer Ossifrage,. from Goderich * Miss Olive and John kiill spent Wednes- on Thursday Morning to visit at , W. G. • day of last week with Miss Mal3e1 He'yoroft, I Lohertyos, in Thessalon. Mr 'McKee of Breseeld. . . i eccompained them as far as Kincardine. Corning ind Going , . . Mr and Mrs Jae Smith are this week itt Goderich. • general, This ie it statement of the We record with satiefaetion the fact ea50 WhiL'h it "*611M 1'6 Wen for beth that many of tbe electors of our Pro. temperance Reformers and tenmerancg vinee,from Et burning deeire to promote Conservatives to ponder over., al.,:iu1 the interest of Our calise, cheerfnily de - further gnes to show that Mr -14'021-10-1 , eided to sunder ties of pa,ty and, in has not much to complain of in cons. . sm oe' casee,intinente feie.ndschlie and all fiariiion with othere onthe different etisociations,to stand indepen ently for side of poll t ies'froin himself. tbe principles: weeherish, We hail with . delight•the information that a large The most startling antinkinroninnt nirmber of candidatee in the VeCelli. Pro, made by ',ceder Whitney since , the , viticial contest. boldly espoused the Pro - elections il one to the Elteet that Sam 0 Inbition emelt., and itl this We flint It Blake voted Tory. Little wondee theki prophevy of better &Lye, Recognizing ll;,:.;Government got such a ehaking that one of the chief eh:tacks in the tin. ` Way of obtaining prohibition of the li- 1 Jan Shephera returned on Friday last , W. Robertson, of Winghare, " returning from Toronto,ifter a two week,' visit stills officer for West Huron.. was it caller on the New Eta Tuesday while on his way home daughterle. :, • Mrs H. 0, Bell, of Winsham, is the the reootint of the recent election for this from Goderieli,where he had been attending guest of her parents. Mr and 11111 J. Bell, riti:g Walker returned this week fr OM Mrs (Dr.) Evane and two children, of AmlibEierNt eo*trze.oerat. e,. tiverterhameeets at bee. parents,Rey -anu quantities of Owen Sound cement. Re . Harriston where he had been disposing of . mid several carloads to contractors and Mr end Tifrs T. Trick and Min Trick also it silo building outfit, -Mr Walker has were visiting et the home of Geo Samurai. been Meeting with enceme in cement sales. at Exeter, last week. Blacken on Friday, and went to Seaforth Mrs L. Kennedy and two children, Bessie censer. B.C. are visiting here. Mrs Slater Mrs A. J. Slater and son, iftelvhs,of Vans and Nora, were the guests of Niro (Dr.) d Sunday with Mrs Kennedy's , is a sister of ',I, W. Hill, . MiseMoCorvie, iyhe has been :mending& learn thatBir and Mrs Kennedy and family ! ratootattPearn, Mrs MeRaV. We are pleased to month with relatives at Luoknow, re- I turned to town this week.. 1 wimllirseoreKoovteetwoeCilli:titgonntoi:lotni:o o;:orxste woofeka ,, ieal practice In Seaforth to Dr. 11, Rosa (son Dr, Bethune, who reeently sold his mod: I ftoowanwteereknop•on 'the duties of of Mrs Rose, of -town) has gone to, Ptinee liov D. M. Berne", and wife, of Chicago. In her removal from town 0180 - Ottawa, ' nurse in ton where he will leoste, tclraniniinoage:tonthoe offilinhoeire iOnsenettirmalsbiReoeypointnalg, °Mews, are spending a few daye with, I relatives at Exeter. Mr RanleaY w:aa 11,,t43, halpitt,hentdh .eWileettyrhoortdesehi she wenilloybheersparedwo one time stationed at Lonaeaboro. °;511•4 h'irbA.eamettrinPgr° threoti°wahion intend d Yetoartlio holiday - Rev T. Galloway, of thrbridge., big son it Joseph Chidley,who has not had preached in two of the town ellurehes on holidays for a dozen of years. He expecte Sunday, Was bare this week selling a, book pubirshed by 'hill:NU and of winch. he to go up to Muskoka next montli,and 'stills Made a goodly number of sales. • Store of Broadfost It Box. We hope the: Thewife oi Rev Z. R. Fairley (now OE abtience George Chidley will look after the trip may do him prod, and that he may re. Ohio), inade an unexpected visit to a few Of her old friends here on Tuesday last; turn invigorated and strengthened. she had been visiting her relativeg at Lman,her brother being in delicate health, MIletehve.dlici'tWett*uGrerhasbara' Parithr..4 S' 3alteg Montreal, and who is Mrs Gardiner is expected home from New York this week. She has been over lif:vyroratip:ieeactoizabereafotrioen.t,hies vnaryloOuttnegCornrifsehr: her mon Debt Gardiner who hag a splendid in the Metropolis for some time visiting meneleaolfP:speal3tIrkinlilleighw4iatlatinin:br°1fliSititti‘ cif:1,:s:lef nor, poeition. Mrsim• Goahrdiinweprrowveliaileinovehretahuebre, promo of a great future, ri. le . son et underwent medical treatment and we diel loensian,quia,electr reasoner, and ,givect w, Irwin, j, the tor ol at t Ea at tt et ev r I, b3 ak re y, Gatrraehetanaohttoolin,estaimd eopiaine: umnedmer8beira:aefi° the Clinton Bowling oink ton hes the honor of being his birthplace, Taylor, Sad "Pair and D. A. Forrester, W. Jackson, Dr Shaw, J. attended the Neon.' of the late John Weir' Min PriPtt,rottlrned Baptiet Missionary, a. Romeford was in 'Toronto last wee et ' in fleaforth on Wednesday. Mr Weir wts: f:4112:13, twell(10100, :vheag iehrtereibifroomweVarisclsatiya (Ito. one of Settforthes enthusiastic) howlere. M0121141Y 1111 the pot of Mr and Mrs: W. a moot, important gathering, inalud ag linatV18006t t1torn UttlabsionSwhoetwkeinnttboottintteotortviA I, tending the first annual corifereece of the mlifIressaiontyettitnisthbortoatimnier,plawcheo, faiss IltidoWn4na. Boarle of, Trade of the Dominion, It ail , representative btu:Mese and eommereial dziliscenufereiltil:inAhtri4aneetdi° tn°attillonraeat' otherhallftahll ilon615futilltotieliglinrteohr:tnuartic4nmex6t abepprateercilbitel the Detehliees A and will be accompenied by is Mies Pratt, questions 1 elating to Thursday Sliming, at which Hen. L Tarte banquet wae tendered the ilelegatee Ise roefilLeitvreeel eta AtiotsIbPoenlesart4toinbgeenat yglealtthitg and other Merribere of Parliansent and rhfia hi the interente of the 'foreign mis.sion leadiugmen delivered Marone. cetiee, SOY ‘11.041001.000•0••••0 • • •L.A11.....g " VA,