HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-13, Page 3MC CLINTON NEW .ERA eteamies lute Vevaditor Veers* Fodder. 4 to feeding cornstelkin dater %MO theer that thee relleh them much het. ter COQbed than when ted dry and hard. There isno iMprovement la Oft 11.0401 noarishing qualitiee of the Annul by cookleg there, for the prod lteerl does not add anything to thane. Lila the fact Unit the fodder la made Were paletable to the niinl 1 slit - •defeat exciliet tor one adoptine this • CoUrse. Dry, bard corustealco are not rune Pleasant food to cows, and many • Will eat there oule whin forced to from hunger. But 11., the etallte are telten end Olt up- into small length and filen cooked or attained and fed to the ant- Inals warm, they have an Odor thee le• refreahing. Cows will rat the mush thee Made ereedile. If one bag steam 'eri the farm the fodder stalks can be Ooielsecl with the steam mech. (Packer than by any other method. If we add e little grain to this cooked mush the tows will eat far more than wben fee Atte other way, In feeding the stalks In thie way the grain food sbould not be cut down. as Sokie are inclined tO do, for as said before, nothing I ad4- sed to the atalks by cooking teem. I 'believe that all good dairy mere respond quickly to good feeding and little improvements tn the xnethod of preparing their food, In cold vreather thee show the effect ot warm feeding immediately. It atands to reason that they feel better when they have warm food to take into their stomachs Just • ire Much u a man. By tempting there In title way we undoubtedly increase the tow of milk. Anything:, that freelielle the appetite and nukes • the food more palatable le very itpt to at-. tact the milk flow favorably. • The Work of stearuing or Monne the foe - der adds quite materially to the daire- snan's labors, but if it ean be done once or twice a week it will help to Improve the nallk • supply. • Poultry raisers aee to It that their birds have Warm toed entree day through the cold weather. audit may be that dein.- men can find in -It a:lesson. for them. They all .egree that warm food agrees ioestaitnir wisdom rum Inunnuttreo. With the henngeggs and greatly 1 The first and greatest Mistake I made belpa in increasing the supply of this was to get every new breed that I product. -E. P. Smith could hear or read about, when the fact was I only had enough room for a "John's gone to erection' law; Bill's nt exhortine Dick's teuldn' school, few of one breed. I did not pay enough, o Tom's in the dry goods Hue, an. Rue" attention to • the, health of my chicks, rennin' ter the Legislature" • and the result was that cholera got the or men -what's he a-doire am -Ong ehern, and my young chicks died of?" ,' fader than I could bury them. I got "Oh, hes a-supporthe of aohn, an" heart ick, a d let tay to k run do Bill, an' Dick, an' Tem, an' Rufe."--• n - 8 w n Atlanta Constitution. • ••to only a few for family ase. • I took' all the poultry papers I could- girl in tine countrybas been a failure 1 • reeds through too little attention having been Rosewood' eind mahogany•are en but they did not help me. let My paid to their yearning for home Com - 64 I-41UCICSZ" Is often the name given by careless and thoughtless people to those who are care- ful and thoughtful. "What a .lucky worneuee is said of one whose health and beauty Proelaiin bee free feriae womanly diseases. The luck often consists in her havingthoughtfully considered the mei.- Alanageinelit of *farm Labor (For the NSW Bps.) Unquestionably there le nothing con- nected with the business of farming which gives us more annoyance. or which is as tilffipult to get on a eatiefac- - tory bales as farm labor. There are var. Iowa cameo which tend to bring about tbis otate of things, and perhaps none . ,more so than the unreasonableness of employers. Socielists tell tie that the : world could produce enough for ite " • needs if every man worked but half the number of hours that is cieneidered a evcrking day; but unfortunately on our Canadian ferret, it seenut neceesary for •the farmer and his men to put in each day a solid day's work all the year round, and even then it is difficult to eold one's own among the keen compe. tition. In these days when the relit. tions between capital and labor have become so tense that a extr a strain at any time might may bring about the most serious results, it is a matter of 40 small import ance for tanners to con. g r cannot be done to put the labor question, se it effects the arm, on a better basis. its of r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription In an ideal condition of affairs the and proved its ability to cure the dis- maw/Oyer would never ask or expect eases peculiar to her sex. . his wen to do more work that was nFavorite Prescriptioue is a reliable right or reasonable, and when hiring miclicine for the cure of womanly. dis. would in all cases be ready and willing eases. It establishes regularity, dries tO ghee a fair and juot remuneration Weakening., drains, heals infiamination f ir services to be performed, and would and ulceration, and cures female weak- endeavor to oarry out a systems/of farm. eider whether soneethin e ness. tug that would give employment to ef had poor health for nine years? writes mrs. his wen in the slack part of the year. Armintie Watkins, of Acme, Kanawha CO„ W. The employed also would not take un, Va. sHad female weakness, was very irregular and would suffer.untold misery. Our family due advantage Of the employeiebecauee doctor did not do me any good and I concluded ot a temporary scarcity of labor; would to write to you. When I wrote I bad no ides never shirk bis work, but would be that I would ever get well, but when your letter • - 0•"-nrui •in doing his duty whether hie reached me r began to have hope. I commenced '''"" taking Dr. Tierce's medicines as directed and employer were with him or not, and began to improve in ettirth. i was *eon able Would in all castor be mob- to put forth to do the work for my entity of six, I took au extra effort at it besy tine. eight bottle three of A Favorite Prescription, it . and five of olden Medical Disiovery " and two is scarcely to be t d h (tepee e owever vials of "Pellets.' " that mob an Utopian state of affairs The People's Common Sense Medical will ever exist, evhile frail hunaan nat- Adviser, in paper covers, is sentfree on ure remains as it is, but by the exercise receipt of 31 one -cent stamps to pay ex- of a little thoughtfulness and mutual pense of customs and mailing only. Ad- forbearance, the relations between em - dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. eloper and employed may be much Im- proves. in considering the question of • farm labor, as it effects the operations ;and profits of the farm, and the home life of the dwellers there, morally and, socially, it will getieralle be found on large and moderately large farms that the emploerneep ts of married men boa re- ing themeelyeses altogether preferable to boarding men in the house. Outside question of profits, there is the allem. eortant consideration of home life, which cannot by - any ieossibility be what home life should be, when the farm hourie is nothing better than R. boarding bouse. It is much to say that the futuree life of neatly a bright boy or ' • . . guarantee tuy Latest Method Treatment to be a permaneut and positive oure for Varicocele and Strictere, without cutting. streemieg or lose of time. in Yartcooele it ebsorba tbe begging, or wormy condition, equalizes oirettletion, stops pains in the groins, ohm all drain'. thereby giving the organs their proper nutrition, vitalise., the parts end re- stores lost powers; in Strieture It ebsorea tee Strioture tissue, stops smarting sensation, nervousness, weakness, beekache, e10., Villein all prostatite trembleo it Is the treat - men* osr excellence,' So positive am that my treattgeut will cure rut, you pas PAY WHEN CURED You peed pee nothing until you are coovinced Met a thorough and cerapiete cure hag been eatablished. Thin Should convince you that I hare aonedence in my Latest Method Treatment, otherwise I could not raake you this proposition. It makes no difference who hail failed to cure you, call or write me. Each Time You Call You See Me Personally, Or each time you write it receives my tihrsonal attention. The number of years I am established in Detroit, and the oureg acoomplished after given up by other dOctors,his pieced me as the foremost specialist of the country. 0014018.TATION FREE, Call or write for blank for blank for home treatment, perfect system of borne treatment for those who cannot call. BOOK PREB. Ali medicines for Canadian patients shipped from Windsor, Can, All duty and express charges prepaid. Nothingvent Q. O. D. DR. acn.,n BERG, 208 WOODWAMlin, SO: WILCOX. UT. • agog, misters. • 0 itant.a Klee. The nuisance of film beainS when bat weather is really down upon us, and In view of what has been sale le recent year S about their mission id carrying disease, it becomes more urgent than • ever to discover some rneans'Ao baniela them from ova living and cooking roome. It is said that a little oil of lavender and w..er sprineed through a common atomizer about the rooms will drive tbe flies away. However efficacious this remedy may be, it Can.. 210t be surpassed by several- of the mosquito -killing pastila. Besides • de- stroying. mosquitowl these pastils kill the flies as well and drive from their kideen deos nearly all vermin in the rooms. There are several vedettes of these instils, which can be made at home, One good compound' is mails by. mixing one cart of benzoin, one part balsam tolu, five parte charcoal, • one and a half parts common inseet pow- der and a ball a, part saltp tre. Add sufficient water to "this mixture to koala into a stiff paste. " TbeiCroll the mixture into 'suitable pastilie end dry them. One Of these pastile will burn tor some time in a room, and the fumes emitted will destroy the flies and inooquitoes without injuring fure alture or fine ourtains.-New Voice. Burdock 1,,•••••• bILO0D BITTERS. • Turns Bad Blood into • Rich Red Blood, No other remedy possesses such perfect cleazising, healing and puri- fying properties. Externally, heals Sores, Ulcers, Abscesses, and all Eruptions. • Internally, restores the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood to healthy action. It your appetite. is poor, your energy gone, your ambition lost, B.B.B. will restore you to th• e full enjoyment of happy vagorou „chickens run where they pleased and plentiful in Mexico that some of the forts. One of the first things to be 1 pper mineteen are timbered ; forage where they could fid food; = in only, ' aimed at managing a farna in this cos with thee :were net allowed; inside of met way, is to einploy. none but greed . rosewood, whiie maboireme eSed WE "barn or waggon house upder any circum- men. and then . do everything in end for the engines. teason to make their lives•com- . When Plymouth Rocks came into • Portable.' F'armers do not -have any H nds angot a pair of high• up, pure blood, Prominence 1 sent to Massachusetts; re- make their, Wen work and right even if they have• the troue early PoWeer to Cook Comae Thoronehlr. A physician mutts that nothing is or. ruining to the digestion than ereakfasfing on bale -cooked • cerealie.' Any cereal, &Wording te him, ought to be, home cooked for at least 'tee emirs. This eau easily be done over - Long cookingalso makes th• food more agreeable to the palate. ne4nt floods in Weyer; :centrierand. situtherp Italy, ythich threatened: ' the: Lines or railways, have served, be bring glue again into the foregroend that most. pressing Of eXtallais probleins e -the reforesting of the (Weeded het - sides. ••• • ' ••• HANDLING MANURE IfersnentatIon riteeeitsery In order ter Mender the Pleat 'rood Available. think it is fettled beyond (pectic,* that the greatest* berieet is derived • front manure when it ie put on the land soon atter it is made. For a long • time I would not he Convinced of it. • It seemed to .ine that fermentations .__ ig stered Itocifs,- These 1 kept one ,Year: nrorning_untilafter dark at night, an WOd S 11 en. and got perfectly sick of theta, as the , looked at from no seiefirbintletiteth t, e egg production was not. what I ex- 1 ot personel eain it is a decided Deis - The SerlOtt COL..,a ion ( f a, beefy. - But .I • know noti where 1amiss tp say that 'the ' farmer might Welland. woman. Whom Dr ,. Eggs are what the, farmers Want of : soliable man 'Would expect his hireda pe, and the meat was tough and take, Incidenially " it may not be ' failed. . . 'not to ask his sons to do what no re • Pitcher's BackacheKidney riltry. If an amateur wants informa- men to do. Many a good boy has s been on along these lines he naturalle turns driven from home • by that sort 'ot to the poultry paper editor, but how trbatreent; • ',Nei., necessary in Order to rendee the plant food aveilable, and if it had. to take place in the soil it would 'of nee- essity .baslow; but hi tette of tee re- • Matt obtained be experimente and the . ; expernece ''titlierite I. earl ati. longer- qietilit, but I otill question ;whether' it Iteethe best method Piirsue in all pirtc'es, Anil especially in 'Nova Seethe Kidney Disease T ab1 etsCur ed • Mrs Joseph Young, Division Street,Wel. land, Ont., says: -"I have scffered from backache and kidney trout) e for former five Oee years. At times I Donn hardly shut nit. h'ands they were so swollen, and my feet . the same, Going upstairs hurt my back so • thought I would die, and my breath grew wful short. 1atri.d almost motet thine • with no relief. 'Bleak specks floated all • monad and toy eyes were very had. The sin ran from the smelt of .my back tb the se of the brain. I could not sleep lying .0 my bsoli. I went an • got a bottle of Dr r tebees Backache Kidney Tableta and they have bean a great boon to me . They are just splendid. I can see to thread a needle and the pain in my head is about gone. All the old feeling of cracking and creaking in the heaa is about gone, and the • back comfortable. The old spells that cams on any time night or day ere gime and I feel like living again. I oan work now with comfort and go upstaire fait with no trouble. I am only too glad to recommend • them to everyone. I need to be afraid to turn over at night and could not Bleep, and now I am not afraid at all and can sleep well." Dr Pitcher's Backache Kidney 'Tablets are she newest and most effective -remedy for backache, lame or weak back, Bright's • disease, diabetes, drepey, pnifinese under • the eyes, swelling of the feet, and ankles, gravel, rheumatism, specks fleeting before • the eyes, kidney weakness of children and old people and all urinary troubles. Price The Dr Zina Pitcher Co„ Toronto, Out. Gosselin, the suspected. 'murderer of Mrs Theban, of St letzere, Que., nee surrendered to the coastables. The British Uommons rimed the vote of £50,033; to Lord Kitchener with only the Irish members and a few Radicals objecting. . The corner -stone of the new beet - sugar factory at 'Marton was laid by President Mills of the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph. . P: sTo prove to you taxi, -„.. I e Chase's Ointment is a certain , and every form of itahing and absolute cure tor each bleedingand protruding piles, the manufacturers have Miaranteed it. See tea , timoniala in tin:daily press and ask Y'ollr neigh •bora what they think of it, on can use it and •-get your money back if not eared. 60e a norat ell dealer:10r EntiANSoN,BATIts ,Sc Co.,Toronto. Dr. Chase's Ointrilent The Carnegie library by-law was car- ried at Paris, Ont, A three-year-old son ot Mr Christ°. ' pher Bableof-Wooderockeway killed by Alea tt ain on the 0, P. E. bridge. ON THE -FOURS-QUAREI PLAN!, The four-equere plan moths that ell eustoniers, reiondlos of rank or stetion, receive the • same careful attention and treatment at meta°. We are as patio, niat with the child who is sent to pur- obese some emall article as we ere win tbe perienced fault. We never stab- atitute inferior drilgs when filling you doctor's- prescription, We never mace mend the "something just Se good,' Sent AND UNFAILING Under oirournetenciee of sieknee and disease Paine's -Celery Compound is safe, Mire and unfailing. It cleanses and purifies the blood, braces the nerves, correate digestion, and builds up those; who ate week and rundown. It you ere nervous or oleepleso, try one bottle; the retelto will eurPrilio you. Otir stock Of Peiness Celery Otimponrieje alwaye fresh and pure. JE HOVE, Druggist, Onion, The cavalry camp at Niagara will beheld Sitzie 24th. , BOP Dr F Ci Stephenson, of Torento, has been invited to mikes tont through British Columbia in the ir tercet of Methodist Mb. 010211, often he gets disa,ppointed 1 Many in Then again it is.a matter of tbe first ignorant beginner has .sought for -light importance that the men serving where; he teas led to expect light; and - shall be well treated. Their housesif got •it not; dropped the musket and . not large should at leaeitbe made deserted the army, when a ;few words cif brained. and advice would have made him a geed tighter. .• You meet have bones to cut to make the bone cutter of use; and many farm- ers ire net se situated that they can obtain theme to, such the' commercial wished berme, or meat, are more ad- vantageous. I poundup with a stone sledge all I can' get, and the Ilene relish Our, land is hilly and out spring is and Backache wet, a}44d "I am :afraid a great .part of • • • , the manure' evoind .be lost by washing • ' — • 'before' the • ground was thawed • enouell in retain it: My own 'practice Is to collect the manure at' the barn, Ms. John Gutman, who is le the Fish 'Besmear at Port Hope, states :-"In my business I do s great deal of driving over bad roads and the constant jar of the rigs along with eeposureeo all sorts of weather brought on kidney disease. I was int miserable health and suffered a greet deal • with sharp patine in my back. I heard of Dr. 'Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and de., cided to, try them. ,r6efore I had used all of the Orst box I felt better and three boxes have entirely cured me. I am very glad of an opportunity to recommend Dr. Chase's lee:nay:Liver _Pills for I have proven, theirwonderful' control over kid- ney disease, , ' . • It seems unwise to waste monay and run the risk of experimenting with new fangled, untried remedies when you. know that Di. Chase's KidneyeLiver Pills will, cure. you. One, pill a dam, 25C. a box, et all dealers. or Edmanson Bates 8c Co • comfortable:. The • gardens attached should at least be large enough . to en- . able them to grow vegetables for.. tbeir 'own use; but not so large aeon) take up Ino much cot their time, and if it ,few sppies and small fruits can be graven on the gretind,. they would bp -rnore - aPeeeciated than by those who can afford to buy them. • A cow is almose , as necessity to a faroily on the falm, A much. . As to vegetable cutters, theand an arrangement' shouln be made to farmer who keeps wily a fete hens does haeeit pastured but on no account not fee) like puttout cash for wint ered by the farmer. It is rep hand cutter. ;-a-' .not deprive your • severe a triai of hiiropei nature toallow h' d common him hoe to the blacksmith, . ox, and is alMest, hens of chopped vegetables. Take •a Ire man mi to feed his cow resat his 1°Y"'14meal b and have hint rap -it out of the handle sure to- cailee trouble.. •- Thef lt and stiaiehten itut tt n on well with . operfectiy etraieht &tell y of ge g hired men on the tam is well woeth Toronto. sharpen the edge • if it needs it f,k and put it back into the handle, d (enemata) • My own experience eads me t now that is you engage • • Take an old. butter tub ' or' • a wooden pane and put in yotir eood men t here is little trouble in keeping tliem, is we, as emplopers, d0. cutter around the sides of the tub, and make them as comfortable tie cir• vegetables to be chopped. Chop your our part. It is our duty to. try to ou b •'d q• y yo cumstancee will permit If we do so DrChase's Kidney -Liver Pills can reduee any kind of vegetable to a we .way expect faithful 'service, snd 1 fine feed fit to • * ' ' s -Alsof 1 pp g . lune eoo the rules ..be strickly latd . down a•nd nee with your het •, ma h. from vood.men vire will get it, Let clean clover, all you can greep.tightly in adhered to, and on no consideration the left hand. sweep away a clean place keep a man after his time is our, if he on the lioor, and with a square -bitted has at any time given a a ord of un- hand axe chop off the outs as short as pertinence, • you want, and at near the hand as you. Howeyet owing to the condrtions in dare and be safe, and in two minutes vthich most fai were ere p1aci. the you.caneohopapailfulesfeeticeefemoloveo- --larverenimberoof fermoherideeelve I feed one day chopped vegetables and • toarrird men who are boarded in uie the next day chopped clover in my het houseand this iereostlikely the state of mesh.' • •affairs' that tvill continue forsome time Some have trouble With hens eating to come. It is a difficult question to .their eggs in cold weather. Poultry, deal With, and al far al both employer papers tell us if hens are fed a proper and employed ire concerned it is it retiopeer.eYjikestiteeetetheireegte . _roasK:lansatisfaqtory sta,te, largely tan or vsill go to the trouble to feed sections there is comparatively liti'e • Sheep.nalignig7The Elatttisi Oros" • ' -While the western •rancbto raise •. , sheep' and sell the lambs as feeders, the fame should raise his own iambsh cl et doable profit, wite less. .eisk, for It. is all a speculation to 'buyfleeders, cattle Or Maine. .and feed your crop to have it all alien' to Piesercirethirestookeyouto might have raised on, the `farm•. • • The best trots for the. farm or the range is the cross of the imoroved • mutton' breeds whieli has been demon.., strated by - the experience of both tare 'mem . and ruchmen. .. When the far. mere generally take up sheep an they beve hogs, it will be but a few years until. all -our sheep are practieally pure bred as our hogs generally are. The /Ave Stock Reporter givee the expert. ence. of twie large eheep breeders, hi the weak Who favor the OxfOrd Down cross on Merino sheep. •' • The Oxford Down cross on Merino. stock is the one 'Most favored by Mr. Davis, for the reason that a• quickly maturing lanib is the, most prtnitable one for feeders, and the 0iford Down will reittore at fifteen 'months: While this Inixture results. in . a :somewbsit, lighter fleece, Mr, Davis consider* himself Still to be as •geed„ as when average.algettpowide • Inaba° fleecei Were .at eleven cents, his clip ,brought fourteen cents and weighed six and one -halt pounds. For some •yetiel MO Davis bite made annual lite portatione of Oxtord DoWS0 and finds ready sale for his Pure bred rams at e50. While the first cross on Merin* fitOck corarameds $15 per .heed. tieing plenty Of lther in the stables, an spread -lig the horse manure 11 the gutters back of the cattle. By these. means •the Intel manure is alt saved, end' the horse and. tittle ma -4 Cures are intimately. mixed. As the • tablee are cleaned eery day the mee trona is .added to a large, deep, seuare 1 pile in the yard, and its- own weigh; presses it eery :firmly. I don't like I the plan of 'spreading ft out s'in thin, 1 Bat piles as 't presents too melt eure I face to the weather, and Is unable 10 ' aburb all the moisture which falls Upon it. During the winter and 'early 1 spring this manor° is hauled to the ' fields and again put 'in • large • piles, from which -it is Weed Just • before cultivaticin begins. .A•large pert of my enanurels:. merle in box stone, where• ' it. le necessary to use elm:Ay ot litter in order to keep the cattle -clean, and this manure is .haeled. dtrectly Irma the stables to the pile in .the field. 1. have always been taught that it. 113 goOd • practice to, . keep the manure as. near the' surface tiee: prxteileite. but on account of the quantity of long straw,: • I have to plow it 'down; .while foe root crops it is spread in the bottom of tho . • drill. No doubt I loee something ht my, way of handing manure, but=do . . net • think ft is much': do not see iiigns of , heatirfg,, nor do the. .piletiAthriiilonach. in size. The straw, : In somewhat broken up; hut not much. decayed, while the nuinure looks fresh and is full of moilituree Tee greatest , fault I Can lind With this Way of hand,' , ling nianure is that it is laborious, and the spreading has to be done tirne when time and . labor. are. iitesItt ivitluableJohn Gregoee. ' . • • . . • • Homo Muria Vinegar, . 'vinegar' Is an article in pendant use 10 kitchens,, yet hew few knew nevi to keep the vingear jar .'filled 'Without lireetivdeellgboutoghtth.ele• ggat°1 leArY•s?lnceW. 1 ley Othga. vin° Florida; nor eid I ever Make tiny bee fore -coming. Years ago, however, read a tube and treasured it in my . mind fear a thete or need; The follotre 4fter WOrk or Exercise 'Ing Is not Wore for .„word, but is ql *bout es. I Make the article, and f ant never without.. Take a pint of shelled cern, boil gallon . of Water; the isereeteie the water with. • white or brown auger:- pounsall together in a • jar or. pitcher tie a piece ot thin muse B"th" °red mmouvacelge.s, sorree • .mitting heir edhinieti- aftibilietteleititfiebeettitesfitetAlitte in many their bens a proper ration. And work for one half the year ; and lust those who will not feed a scientific ration so long as the farmer has to look out to hens I am advising, for new men weepy spring, and the Take a boot or shoe box at least good man finds himselt diechareed at -tvrenty inches deep, make a partition in the first sign of winter or before it it large enough for your hen's nests; for will remain so, and no amount' of big hew twelve inches square, 4for singe- philospbizing will put it right.' The ler hens ten inches square, will be big - rapid` extension of • winter dairying enough. Cut a round hole at the top during the past few yeare has done a six or seven inches in diameter, accord-- great deal to ensures steady employ- ing to the size of your hen; nail the top - naent the year round, but conditions on tight, stop all cracks where light can are Still unsatisfactory in meny clis. come in, put a etep on the outside low teas. • • . enough am the hen can stand on it and In conclusion it may be said that as look in and see the eggs, but not so she a general thing the best men are- the Oan reach them with her bill, and when cheapest. Try and get hold .of good . she hops into the hole the nest will be Men and where conditions will r dmit , dark and if she drops into the nest it is of it, have profitable employment the not ea large that she can Teeth the egg. year round. and ut3e themes you would She will fly out and off, and go to Work iike to be used if you were hi their and forget the egg, and you have saved ! eirctonstaxieep. • F. W. HOnsteel, It for your ,own use. The hew must needs stand on something in !oder to Live Stock Commissioner. peek the egg. These boxes nail up ground the henhouse about two feet from the floor. Some farmers let the 11XPERIENCED DBUGGISIb hens roost on poles at different heights. WE GUARANTEE ACCURACY but nests want to b all I AND PERFECT SATISFACTION • it fioer of poles or loeie boar& about bfle lorrYi IMB*1° and Intril* three feet above the roost and cover. Miss competition, attire mire and attention with straw', and you will not have frost. i i the Oiling of your deoter's preemie - ed combs if your house is anywhere reit: - ionsie absolutely neeetuiery tor the safety sbashly Warm, even if the air on the • and welfare of your family. WO guar - floor is below freezing. mace acetitarier and perfect eatisfadion to If these thoughts aro of value, and ell out opetemere. Our toilet depot - More are wanted I will be glad to bene. Went is alwaye .replete with the latest fit my fellow-farmere. write of whet PreParatione and um:41We IthoW, and haie Doles New • • pass Czy-er Omiterant. Idea Poultry Yard, Ellenburg Centre; N.Y, . • • Hee coved thougande whereat/ere/thing elee bse tailed. It has never fellel to give cidk Mr Andrew .Carnegki to contribute p:•ople happy resnIts. It etrsagthens,invig. .A1.0,000 te,Warde bedding publie librerieset• erates, gives new tenet° the syn. Greenwich tea, Mekes the bit el peov, 10%,..t. 1.0 ettre a cold1. in One Day, for the re/ ves-t melted sick. people Well, 'We oan Berney yen wall the pure end go -- lake Latativeltromo Qabsite Tablets rible ne's Csiete OoMpoena. All druggists refund the money if it fail To re coup% thar,•84, tnnton, to Olds. W, Groyeei esguatuie is Oh e each hoe, 26e. The Cuban House of Itepresentativei voted to give Gen, Malmo Gemeeet len* The coronation contingent will be room. don of eeeee year. ated • iThe modern method of keeping Sheep a ornate Way may be said 'to Consist of • tWo things--altalfa arid rape. With rape for stawner feeding and Alfalfa for the Winter, a flock may be fed it least potteibie expellee, bee With the greeted Maximum of profit. Alfalfa is the Cheapest Permanent crOe ketiwti. Retie is the 'cheapest annual, • plant known, for it gives the largest • quantity of .feed at the leaet cost and' labor -and, besides, leaves the land la the best possible Undition. The mord oresence of the rape . oft the land Is worth, in add.tien to. the Value ef the feeding for ghat*, at least ee0 in Ltd hisreasect prOdUctivenese. Alfalfa hag &MAY one-half teem protein or mat. sontaining nitrogen than red CUM • rer, and is thug so much more 'calf: able tor sheep, and the prOductica • June 13th, ISO* wommiiiN wiwwwwww Ai Glorious Big Bargain Event A royal time for those who neee or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Bays' Snits, Men's Ovt.rcoafs, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants, Our Whole ClotbingStoek will be offered • at a special discount of 20 per cent The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new goods arrive, We never early one season's goods into the next season. 4111 goods charged during this sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively =goods charged at sale prices. Our (roods are marked in plain figures -- deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash only during the sale.• 'Ken's Suits. Men'', 5.00 suits nOw • ••..e.• 4.00 * Men's 600 ° Men's 8 00 " 4‘ ki* " .•••.,,,,i o i; o 'oe 000 • • • . 6 10 480 Men's 10 00 44 44 ' • • • • 8 ts0 • Men's 12 00 `" " ..... • 9 60 • Boys' Suits Boys' 21 5600 Suaita nog: ,...:...-.. BoysrY00 4: " •..•..•.........• 1 60 • . Boys' S 00 " . 44 Boys' 400 " ,i‘ •. • p • ..:. Boys' 5 00 " • " 2 00 .240 4 00 Boys' odd pants ... . . , • • • • • e, • 40 Men's Overcoats • Men's 6 00 Overcoats now • .. 4 00 Men's 6 00 " .. • . 4 80 Illen's 8 00 " .... 6 4• 9 Men's 10 00 . " Men's 12 OQ ot• ,9 60 " • . • • 0. f • • • • 0.• 00 • BOYS! OTEROOATS and Pea Jackets reduced m. same prop( rtion. All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Coats, Cellars Oloves Mitts and Heavy UnderOothing.. • Vietorit.. Mock- • • eLINTON _OWYWff M•fkk,,WIPANM.,A .1/ r194444.1441444S4***44441214444114+ik****41*******144141*****, 0 Von Neettri Tonic ? Our Beef Iron and Wine is an excellent preparation containing in it °enameled fortn all the elements neceessey to produce new rich blecie and nerve tissue. To these Who need budding pp, one or two bottle a of this tonic will bring it marveliops improvement in health arid strength. 16 in Bottle 75e. . Our Bakirg Powder make it it steadfast friend of everyone who gives it it fair trial. 26o per lb.. J. E. IIOVEY Dispensing Chemist,- -- Clinton ********************14***" ***********************". • 'b•4 THEIIIOLSONS BASK. . Incorpo'rated by Act Parliament 1856. Are a Read and Nerve. Tonic, Blood and • Tissue Builder and Constitution Reriewer for all troubled with weak heart or nerves. • As a food for the blood, the brain and the • nerves, they canhot be excelled. ' • • , If you ere 'troubled with Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nervous Prostration Pal- -pitation ofthe-IfeartrShortilass4ofB'teatle Weak or Fainting Spells,. Anomie, or any form of Debility, take• • • • MILBURN'S .HEART AND NERYIPILLS,- - 'Their curative power is quickly masa- ' tested. They eerily and revitalize the blood, bneleen thee brain and steady and • ateerightert the nerves front the first few doses.• ' Price soc.'per box or 3 bo -es for gr,s5 , at itl 0taler8 or The T. Milburn Co., Liroltoti,. Toronto, OM. • lin .ver the iop and keep in"a warm Wiien istrong, which will be In a Week or two, the field May obe Donee • ed into another pitcher or jar, and the • , lest Otte filled with itweetened water, filis +nigh al corn Will het tor BullatOs STATE Or Osio, Cur or Tam, }Be • LticAti Cot Net, . Frank J. entwines: makes seth that he is the miler partner of tbe dm 04 P. ,I.Cheio ney & Co,, doing buncse in the city of To. ledo, County and Stets aforesaid, and that said firm -Will pay the erun of One Ilundred Dollars for eaoh and evety MC of eateirrh thet cannot 1 cured by the use of Etall'o Catarrh Ow.e. Fem./. Ceab,sr. Sworn to before Me and subscribed in my presence, tine Oth day of result tr. A. D. 1886 W. GLeAtiolt, two Notary • Cate -tit Cure is eken inteettally ' and nets directly (melee blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimon- ale, free. . Onitarlast eiC00, Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, 75o. • fatuity pills are the hest. Incnese 10 gives bodys feeling of comfort gad strength. Don't take the weak, watery witch hazel preparations represented to be ',the earns Pond's Extract, which easily sour and generally contain "wood alcohol," a deadly noliton. Osolts Cotton Soot Uompo to injoolistully need Monthly over 0.000Laines. Bete, effectual. Led eV your druggist for colts Cotes bet Take nO ot.ber, ES all Itixtures, pilli ORS ate nangetone Prise, No.,1, $1 110111010.• es destreee stronger,e5 per boa. lees.litailed on receipt of price end two iftraillieViroldCatnterieoLmendad Windeorigb NO, J, viiia No. 2, eke ga Vito rt, Paa all tesponeible Di dg Stores. • Free scholarship ft len ere tudent bur Por lack funds to pi !Mt tritigett Talietitel Fittla I Y .riorinalS0h061,,ournoal Clonservittery or Ifni' verity, wen° me and I *la exple,e mt fm ettelarehip Om. Write today. Var. 14- UV. W. 61 LINSCO Tors It,- . CAPITAL 52,500,001 • REST/E•IIND '• $2,150,000 • HEAD OFFICE, MONTREA• L Wm. ?JOLSON MACPHERSON, Presiden JAHER Hueco, Gen. Manager. • , Notes discounted, collections made, dreier mimed, sterluag and American exchange bought and . sold. Interest allowed on deeming • EiSVING Balm -Interest allowed on enme of $1 and ap. Money advanced to farraere ontheireorwanneort:sat, withaoualigeounts er;or mdre sidasers, no Mortgage:required. scitw G.• D. McTaggart BANIEFIR• BZRT ST., - .Q.41•7914 A. Vsierall:,Bafljcfttg busineas. • tranaoctod NOTES DiEICOUNTED Notes issue, Intermit allowed on • - deposits. • • J.T. TISDALE. BANKEh, °LINTON, 01410. PriMba funda to loan on • mortgages 6 heat current rateo A General Banking.. Wanness trusteed ;fastest alletved On'deposits. Sale notes botight • • eitesenot WANTZO-Por the only authortM4 tie) of the great Taleiste,be his distinguished .on Rev. Dr. Prank De Witt Taltnage, and the, .ASS00:9.te Meows of the Christian Herald. BlEt been, tee Page 4. proi dote, intetrated, onw 52.03. 114ggest di4cummt, Books on eredit. Outfit free. Be fleet in the field. Wile sr Write.for tntint BPADfINY-(3-ARBST801.1 84 CO., OIMITgli, Apil 1,-tf. Briankfvd OIL A. W. CHASE'S Ort, CATARRH COAX ..1rigiution is sent direct to the alseitar petit by tbe improved Blower. Heals the ukers, nears the* pastiages,ttept &apple/a In the threat and permanently setae Catarrh and /Writer. Biwa* (MO. All dealer*, or Da A. W. C Med10141 Cat Torettle 854 •