HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-13, Page 2J'aue 13tti, 100
itintxot lu
FRIDA.Y. JUNE 13, WM ' •
The Globe seri tba ML Whitney
ould cotne in off the veldt and sure
rersder, as peace is be the air.
Two great conflicts have been, Wound
up about the same time -the Boer war
---eandsthatiatieriehdah49'.n. I
is et * -T
The Boer war began in October,1899,
Dewey destroyed the Speoish fleets and
practicelly annexed, the Philippines in
May of the previous year. Great Brit-
ain bas finished its task, but the Units
ed States sees no finish to its own job.
• th
The Toronto Star give currency to a
till the vacancy caused by the death of I
that when an election is held to
J. W. Munro, of North Renfrew, Mr Z
Mackie, the member for the riding in
the Commons, will resign and nukes
the Ross candidate. That would eettle
the matter without doubt and ensure
the retention of the riding in the Lib-
eral column with little effort. .
• a •
Sir Wilfrid and his amiable wife sail'
from New York on theEtruria on Jima
Isith. On the Male date Messrs Mulece,
Paterson and Fielding will leave Mont-
real in the Tunisian. The t wo fon mer
will be accompanied hy their private
pecretatiess Meese.; Leschinger and
Ir is not unlikely that Mr John
Bain will act as sect °tare to the Cana-
dian section of the colonial conference.
He is exceedingly well post ed On every
phase uf Canadian commerce, and has
elan inade a study r f the colonies gen-
II •••
The Grit newspaper contingent in
the Local Legislature came through the
fight unscathed. Stratten, Patullo,
Peeston, Auld, Grahani, Pense, Petty -
piece and Russell are all reelected, and
most of them by increased majorittes.
In the new Legielature they will he
Joined by two kgignts of the quill, who
will sit to theleft of the epeaker,Olark,
who won a big fight in Centre Bence,
and Downey,who cam 9 out on top in a
three appeared tquabble in South' Wei,
I irigton.
• • •
Referring to the Peer:nines work.itt
the eampaign, tee Bsockvide-Recorder-
says:-"Etis addresses have never been
equalled by any leader Of a party in.•a,
inapaign in this Province. They we e
• strong,dignified, patriotic and clear,,
the words of a statesman, and not the
vaporings of and opportunist. The,
Liberals are pr c ud of his great battle,
and Ontario will.'heir:clown all over the
- wend through the lofty sentiments ex-
• pressed io the Prernier's speeches, Ile
desired to win'aper he did win, alai will
now go t.o t he King's coronation to do
us honor,"
• • •
The immigration returns prepared by
the department shows that there will
be at the end of June 65,000 • arrivals
for the year as compared. with 49,149
last year,For the eleven motith end-
ing May 31. last the arrivalare as
• follows: British 14,209 as 'against 11,810
tor the twelve Months last year. Frcin
the continent of Europe there were18,-
• ats for the eleven months as 'against
19,352 for the twelve month e of 1901,
• From the United States there Were
• 21,377 for the 11 mouths, as against.
17:987 for the 12 months ot the pre-
vious fiscal year. The arrivals for
• May were over 11,000. In this • con-
nection it may be pointed out that the
• tntries for free lands in Manitoba and
the North-west Territories were .over
• 1°,000, as compared With 8,167 for the
12 months in 1901. The returns also
for 1901 showed a large .increase over
, 1900.
Mr Ross' Campaign.
The election campaign just success
fully closed:by thellen. G. W. Ross
was marked with dignity, ability and• .
igor on his part. His friends werede-
• lighted with hisspeeches, eyeey one of
them was fresh, both' in matter and
manner of handling,and Armed a loft-
--a.7•SeePhdlha.f IthhethMteatesd, patnotism. that
• won him votes everywhere and un-
• doubtedly saved the situation against
the conabination of circumstances, that
• at one, time seemed almost certain to
No Vr ospOtt of a 'Preference.
We have always Maintained that the
trade conditions of Great Britain were
such fhat, a preference for leanadian
prodnets w as inaprecticable, and we
have 'never believed it would be possible
to tiecut e any advantage in the hone
market. This is borne out by the Lon-
don Graphic, which, referring to 'a
speech in the House of Commons,
"Sir Wilfrid Li -46i spealts Wit
Canada had goed ground for hoping
that some kind of preference Is to
be conceded to her 111 connection with
the new corn tax. t is not in the least
likely that the home Government has
made any representation to the Cao -
ashen Government to justify irech a
hope. ThateCariadashould ask for such
a preference is natural enough. It is
human tO FIAlt our par ents for pocket;
m iney, and tie; colonies ore still in the
IctElt).; 1)f 1:c loving parent he tietZt an
s ent w
inexhaustible purse..Moreover, the Can•
edians are mutually impressed with the
fact that they have grantedea tariff pre-
ferenCe to British goods. TheY forget
that their tariff is still so arranged
that practically everything that Brit-
ain strode to Canada Is heavily taxed,
wlaile everything -apart from the new
coin duty -that Canada sends to Eng•
land enters duty free. They forget.
too, that the Canadian market is rela-
tively of very little importance to Great
Britain, whereas the British marketis
of vital importance to Canada,. Con-
siderably umre•than three-quarters of
the whole of the Comedian exoorte
come to Great Britaineind about 2t per
cent, of British exports go to Canada.
Theie is, therefore, no parity of bar-
gaining. Canada has little to lose by
giving a preference to her principal
customer; we should rine an enormous
risk if We were to bffend our best cus-
tomers in' order .to please one whose
purchases are relatively instgoificant.
The Huron Ridings.
Cameron, Liberal, elected by e3 over
Mitchell, Conservative. •
In 1898 Hen J T Garrow elected by 1
over IlecinCons.; Garrote was unseated
•and re elected in 1901 by 290 mejority.
In 1894 Garrow, • Liberal, • defeated
Connolly. Cone„ by 76.
In 1890 Garrow, Liberal, defeated
Robe, be.. •
In 1886 Rose, Liberal, defeated Tay -
los Grins. .• by 3,37. • •
In 1883 Ross, Liberal, defeated John-
ston, Cone, by 167. - • •
In 1875 Lieut. -Col. Ross, Liberal, was
elected over John Dawson by 92.
In 1879 Ross,Liberal, was elected over
ReAtY4...Q.en Pe, bar {CA_
. Hunotc EAST.
A. Hyslop Liberal, defeated A
S tt r- • •
Sp I on. onservatIve. 4t3e mesarity.
In 1898 Hyslop. Liberal; defeated I
Ms ore, Conte,: by 498.e •
In 1894 Gilason, Liberal, defeated
Idil e. Irid.,by 553. • •
In 1890 Gabson;Liberahdefeated M118-
gre ve, Cons., by 508 •
• In JSSOG bsontleiberril,defeated Hays,
• Cons.; by 443.
In 1883 Gibson, Liberal, defeated
Havs. Onus., by 81.
II 1.879 Gibson, Liberal, defeated
Holmes, C '
ons. -by 56.
• In 1875 Those Gibs' -n, Liberahdefeated
P. Ira nNorman by, 169. • '
In 1871 teibison, Liberal, defeated W.
• }lays by 474,. • .
. .
overthrow him. His position of the
temperance question,tvhile undoubted-
ly the best for the country as a whole, •
pleased neither of the extremists on
either side and this in conjunction 'with
the campaign of vituperation that was
• assiduously carried on against him and
the fad that the Liberals have so long
held power in Criteria was enough to
have defeated any leader except. one
whom the people believed to be the re-
preeeetative of a really good and trust-
worthy governiment •and whom they
- bedtime reason tie trust mills record
' than the party opposed to hirn. He will
undoubtedly strengthen hieposition bes
forwthe people ea the years go by abd
the benefit ot. his energetic policy for
• the development Of the country is real.
feed. . •fie
ehanged His View.
• At the Montreal Conferethce Rev Dr
Cartriali Is repotted to have said re-
s "As to the Ross Government's
tie& to the prohibition question, be
was prepared to let bygones be by-
..garlee and to Urge the polling of the
largest vete in December. He did not
think the vote demanded impossible, if
there be vigorous leadership."
If the vote demanded is impote
Bible novi, it was not impossible before
the elections, but Dr Carman was quot-
ed far and wide, as saying that it was
and his attitUde and that
of others, prior to the elections, has
not helped the case of the referendum,
Step* the eettgh
mad Work* off tho geld
Laxative Bromchgtiininte Tablets cure
)4 in one day., No (hire, No ray, Tries
H. Eilher, Oontiervative,- elected over
M Y iticLean, Liberal, by 53, •
1898 Eilber,Oons., defeated McLean,
berod, by 159. • • - • -
• .In 1894 MaLean, Liberal, defeated.
Weisrailler. Cons:, by 12. - . •
In 1890 Bishop, -Liberal, defeated
Oons„ by. 59. '
In 1886 Bishop, . Liberal, . defeated
Sweverton, Cons., by 400. •
In . 1883 , Bishop,Liberal, defeated
Jackson. Cons., hy 132,
,..-14,1879 Bishop, Liberal, was elected
by a majarity of 175. -
In 1875 A. Bishop, Liberal, defeated
G. Case by 68.'
• In 1871 Rote Gibbons,Liberal, defeat-
ed Isaac Caning, Cons., by 207. •
The Situation:
• To the Editor of the etv Bra:
Now th8t the geotione are overomw that
tjae battle lute been fought and Liberal
principles haye triumphed., I. may be per..
Witted, without being accused of blindness,
resulting from party zeal, to give a resume
of tile battle that has taken place and look
at the present prohibition situation in the
light of what now is, and from the point of
view of what would or might have been hed
the Tory esaididate been elected or the Ross
administration defeated. •
I make no apology for the stand 1 took in
the election nor the support 1 gave to the
principles of Liberalises,which principles
are of such a character as to appeal to the•
conscience) and Mielligenoe of every MEM
whooc niind' open for ti e race tion of
truth. On the contrary the only esgret in
regard to this matter is that, owing to cir-
cumstances over which 1 had no control, I
was unable to plitoe upon the altar of my
country more of my time and talent. Those
unsothistiaated indiyxduals, who were
charmed by tha sophistries of that venonl-
Oak eetpent, ',Toryism in diagnise," and
were enticed from the ranks of the Liberal
• party, are not those who for years have had°
to do with the Tory party, who have had
to ' battle against the machinations of he
leader or who have beans to the fore in the
faruggie Reainst Students of the eehool Of
Tory political trioketers,
. Toe defeat of the "Watt administration at
this particular period in the history of the
prohibition movement would hey° been a
national calamity, and would re. COnsiderad
an inoication of the sentiment of the
people toward this question,with the•reatilt
that were a prohibition reeelution preeent-
ed to the Legislature the Liberate would be
'diyided, the Tories would go solid, against
it, and prohibition would become lib dig-, ,
creditea that no political party Would touch
it Again during the present generation, The
prohibition movement is not as strong M-
iley as it was six Months MO. The wbole-
sale condemnation of the Roos administra-
tion by aerial* ultra enthusiastia prohibis
hotplate becomes of the referendum hair hated
like it two edged sword in thet it has Mit
both ways. The ober& that the govern -
went is not tincere on this quetition, while
it may have detracted from their Whither)
in iionae quarters, hag also created *
tion toward the movement, with the result
that discredit hes been oast upon ikand the
laminae of the W. C. t7110filVet that
influence was eXerteer for the Tory candid -
ole, is now at a discount and prohibition
hae been dishonored, even in the house of
its triads, . Yotiralrtily,
C. M. Bench
. •
TEM atilt* Ma ERA
Cri$p County Clippings. —
Fr. Pa.
While engaged in the football Match
between Blyth and WinghaM on Fri.
day eveniog week, Itlfr Thos Watson
tied tbe .misfortune to have his collav
bone loreken.
Mrs liatrison, natither of Mrs (Dr )
Gordon, LOcknow, paresed away at her
daughter's home latst week. Her inter-
ment was Made in the Unclench ceme-
tery. '
Hillocksof Sault Ste. Marie,died
on Sat ur day. He Wes the eldest son (If
Tatlillock, Porter's Hill, and wee 42
years -of age. -*Some agobtsuffer.
ed with a paralytio stroke, from Whith-
be never recovered.
It is with regret that we record the
the death of Mrs Thos. Brooks, which
occurred or Friday week at, her home
in Skaffa She was in her 661h year and ACTS haNTLY
leayes behind to mourn a husband one
son and two daughters.
On Wednesday, June 4th, Elizabeth,
second daughter of Me and Mrs Chas.
Ritehie,Mot rice was married to Wm M
Gillespie,Ripleyeeari of Wm. Gilliespie,
Seaforth. Rev Mr Ross, Brussels, per-
formed the ceremony. They will live
in Ripley. ,
On the afternoon of Wednesday.
Juce 4th, an interesting event took
place at the home of Mr and Mrs Chas
Ritchie, Morris, when their second
daughter, Elizabeth, WAS united :in the
bonds of matrimouy to Win M. Gil-
lespie, of Ripley, SOU of Wm Gillespie,
Seaforth. They will live in
Ihhive,, an c. Id and highly'
respected resident of Stephen, on Son- •
day, May 25th,accomplishad that which
many young men vvOuld not caret() rm.
dertake. He walked from his home .to
the residence of his son. Jno. Braltorear
Grand Bend, a distance of eight miles,
and did it in a little over two hours.
Mr Holt is $5 Years oi age, ,
Thos. Forks,. Morris,tharl his barn
struck by lightning on Thursday. Play
22nd, and burned to the ground. hotel
lose about $2,000. Insured in the Ho- ;
wick Mutual Co, for about half that'
amount. Besides thebarn, there was
a let of wheat, oats and barley, in the
granary, twelve small pigs, a bull and
a lot (A farrn implements which were
destroyed. Theneighbors arrivedjust
tinae to Says, four horses.
The assessot's roll. for West Watv,
womb for the year 1902 gives the
following :-Total value of rateatile
property 81,312,300; population, 1953;
of echool age, hal ; between 5 and 16
years, 448; cattle, 4387 ; sheep, 1878;
hogs,1963; horses, 1073, The court of
revision Was - held on Tuesday, the
27th, but there were no appeals. • This
is the thirteenth year Of Mr Wilson's
tenure of office as assessor.
A bishop event took plate at the Roe
men Orethohe church it Myth on Mod -
day week, when Miss Atenie Phelan, pf
Morris, became .the bride of Mr Peter
Ilealey,a prosperous young termer arid
popular young trentlenian, also of Mor-
als, Rev Father hicalenamiu perform-
ed the marriage rites in the presence
of e large congregation. Miss. Mary
Blake, of Clinton, was bridesmaid, and
Mr Albert Kelly, a Morriparseisted the
groom. The• happy couple have taken
up their residence at East Lynne, the
beautiful home of the groom, en Mor-
tis township. • •
Vt, e have to record: •the sudden
death of Elizabeth' Gingrich,. beloved
wife of Mr Wm •Hoinuth, which and
event occurred at her home, .lot 27,
con B. Turnberry, on Monday naorns
ing of last week. . Mrs Ilianauth was
in her trenal health up to Thursday
evening, and when she was milking
thecows that evening she was str icken
with paralysis.! Deceased; with her
liusbatichIted been a resident of Turn -
berry for • upwards of. • 25 years, De -
'ceased was a• sister of • Mrs, J. J.
Homoth of this town and • was *aged 52
peers and 1 month. Mrs Romani
leaves as husband and faintly of two
eon, Charles and Ezra, and one daugh-
ter. Mrs T. T. McDonald. of Winghara,
to• mourn the loss of a loving wite and
affectionate mother. .
The anneal Meeting of the Fernier%
Institute for the East. Riding of Huron
Was held in the conncil•chamber. Brus-
seP, tv Oh the Presideut,ThOs
ro the cheater. Aftereamatiner-businese -
the following officers were chosen for
• the incereing year. :-Pies.. Thos; Mc-
Millan ; vice. pres.,. Jas. Elliott ; sec.
treaS.,,Geo. Hood ;.directors,. Howick-
R. nos, Dinspn,Dweid Sander -
EMI Wroxeter -John Brethe,ur; ;Wm.
Knter,11.; Wi McLaughlin; Turnberry-
: lama Musgrove. She. Elliott, J, Kirk -
ton; Morris -Jos. SmiIlie, Vin. Michie,
J. Shortreed ; Brussels --W. H Kerr,
Kerr, 0. F Blairs Geo. Thomson ; Mc-
Killope-P. Kerr, Frank McQuaig, Jas.
Simpson ; Hullett-Thos, McMillan, J.
D. Hinch, Jas. Watt ; Grey-Jno.
Taggart, Ames Smith, Wro. _Verne.
. Mre deeply regret to learn of the
death of Mr Jas Lennon, which took
place at his residence in Seaforth, on
Wednesday last. About three months
ago Mr Lennon •fell • me the sidewalk
and fractured...his arna, and he„ had.
scarcely recoiered frora'lliat tnjury
When he Was:e.ttacked by cancer of the
frpm which he suffered severely
and which proved fatal, as above stat-
ed< Mr Lennon was 64 yeare 'of age. He
was a native. of the towhehip of McKils
lop,and was born on the old homestead
farm on. the Huron road, a mile and a
half east of Seaforth, and which was
settled on and cleared up by his father.
Some years ago he retired from the
farm and has since resided in Seaforth
He leaves live sons and five daughters.
Mrs Lennon predeceased him ,about
nine years. Uttermost Was made in
• St Colithiban cemetery.
Thegirl is the mother of the•women lost
as "the boy is the father of the man,” The
period when the womanly funotioes begiir
is one to becarefully Watched and consider-
ed, . Irregularity or derangentent at this,
time may be promptly roet and cured by
• the tiee of Dr, Pierce's Favorite Primed's-
tion. But negletited at this critical period
may entail years of future Buffering, "Fav-
orite Prescription" actor already upon the
womanly organs giving them perfect yiger
abundant vitality. It remoyee the ob-
strughon to heath and happiness, and die
livers womanhood from the cruel hondage
of "female weakness". !toil po.,y hae artists
'ago. pr. Pierce gives you the book. yhe:
People s 100MMOn Semi° Medical Advice*,
1008 pages, 700 illustratione 10 seta free on
receipt of dampest° defray cost of mailing
and °esteem. Send 01 one -sent otamps for
the paper bound book, or 50 streams/ t the
cloth coma Address Dr, H. V, Notate
Buffalo, N. Y.
Hon; G. w. Hose Will attend the
coronation eeremesnies Mal will well
from New York with 'his son George
on June 14, on the Etruria.
•seT,he Mai 1 saysi-4'The }loge ma:fold-et
Of the clean Govern meat candidates at
growing," Quite so, The niajority for
Me itose in Weet Middlesex ie now 004,
for Mr Stratton in West Teterboro
1,208, for Mi Tudhope in Mid, Sinn oe
459,and for Mr Anderson n Emit Pet me
bete 441.
In the homes ef Canticle and the I3nhtect
Stetter there ate kW nanios More familiar
itedeponsamire reverently sticking ihrit trial
of Ur, A. W. Chase, the great physician and
receipt hook author. He is blessed with
the sufferings he has main ed and the die.
chime he haseurca ; his remediesare tuied
and endorsed by the best people in the latat
they aro popular beeftillai they pay when
ON, ir/
• THE sYsTem
1,5 s
0 •
16116 005
tjeto gvell
NAB O144
Properties for Sale or o :Let
• For Service* °
To Rent. The uneersIgned will 'keep for service this
veneers tir A.merieen registered Hereford bull
Maitland concession. Coderich Town- 19"3' 445° :41°11" bereft" tor ru" " OLIN'I'ON.
'Kruger No. 10%081. a erns $123PaYableatto.
JAMES 50.ceir
earrister, Solicitor, hoe
labile Apply to JA8.1.;COTT, Barrister: anYlt,lirrARNEAtt Lotii Con,9, flullett ' 3."'lc"-Eili"")31•"1" Isa"° St".41-
^ Oet 11-tl. Clinton ' ' " ' '
1. Mar ell 21. -1% MONEY PO LOAN.
To Rent.
Rat Estate tor Sale. ORYDONE•
1 BehtillIST411, 130LICITOIte. NOTARY
•• Inset class brick idora, sultabie for any bush
nes% Apply to W. C. eaanish, Clinton. 1 Part dram, lots 08 and /33, owest side of ru$14o, Ew0,
To Let.
That beautiful store in the Jackson Block, nort , ou gravel road, containing OQ acres.
'Maitlanticon.,cnne nide northof brohneuille, I
• cortainieg 07 acres.
Oftj fkayer Bieck.
The north half Of lot 25, eon. 0 and west part Up stairs, Oppeelte Henry's Photo Glittery
sof lot24, eon. 0, one half mile from (Mateo, ()LINTON
-.Enron Streets iateweiceupiedeaseasaVittee Ae• -A-. The brick dwelling inducting lots 18, 10 and
Pl1r 20 on Corriar of JoseDli mug Isaac streets, in
Whet, JadireON, er•. Chilton.
eept. O-tt cation 4 The frame dwelling on west side of Victoria
street and next aorta- of railway.
Farm For Sale,
Liberal terms to suit purehasers, Applyto
The waist haltot lot 24, Bayaeld Con Oecl-
trttett, trovilVrilfe ictriirlien CI* Xi atelAilla sc. tg
barn, log hopes, plenty of water and entsill
orchard. Particulars on application to
tf- J. P. TISD.A.LL, Clinton
For Sale or to Rent.
Lot 29, con. 2, Stanley,. containing 100 ftoreo
in pod State oi cultivation for sale or Mr rent
for term of years, apply to JNO. MeGRUGOE,
on premises or MRS)). McGREGOII, 2 on, ,}1,
11, Tuckertimith Be forth P 0
Feb. 7-tf.
Shorthorns for Sale.
Two young nuns, one seventeen aud, the other
A "PERMANENTLY nine menthe oldtirom pod milking oows also
• . a two year o,d neifer Meal". go d stook and
, good breeding.
eBb.11.VISERS Bs° Blem Drove StockN Mar.i4-tI. (MintoFn
a,rPm. O,
Shorthorns tor Sale.
@ImstApacirtSyRvro El, unvtedilig irgrrea'si °e:P-cl.E. tiags. cdPericg.1.3-
n fils et, le ti ite viti 11.
co wit, do muittt. tsv voe may 28....tf ., Lot 22, cont.bolnEtaeaft, buolrle013. 0.
N.. kr sO:
C*. -seS 'h . tea '
. -1
Stultle for Sale.
British Losses burin& 'the
•• - • 'War
The War in South Africa began all:
chilly on October. 11, 1899, the date set
in the Boer ultimatum. Concluded on
May 31, 1902, it therefore continued
two years, seven months, and .twenty
days, and has been on bet the British
ata cost•Which, in the words of "Com
Paul" Kruger, the Transeaal president,
"staggered humanity." '
The official British statisties to April
1, of this year;•givetheee losses:
• ' ()facers •,Men
Total deaths in S. Africa.1,02. 20001
Missing and prisoners ,38t 9.181
•Sent hone as invalids....2,973 68,311
• The British have taken, about 37,000
Boer prisoners, ' and' •of killed. and
wounded ott that side there • are no re-
liable statistics; Nor. _are thexaearry
statistiesas tothe money spent' bv the
• two 13per republics. The: cost •of the
war to the British, has been .a little
'over $825,000,000, •Britain • has had
about 280,000 men in the field. The
Boer force at the start was estimated'
at 7.5,000, Canada. leet about 230 men in
the war. . •
Outside a the • Crimean war, the
• cOoffict with the Boers was the longest
•of any war during the peat Century.
• The peace pinclanaation will not
affect the terneof service of the Come-
dian corps. out in Africa. • The South
Africee Constabulary was enlistedtor
three years, of which almost onohalf
has, • now passed. The Canadian
Mounted Rifles :ace:voted engsgenaent
for one year, or • ti IL the end of hos-
In Extraordinary Cure.
A.good stable with seven single stale, a box
stall, a harness room, grein bins, a roomy bay
loft, eto.,will be sold at a very reasonable price.
April 11 -cf. W, BRYLONle, Clinton. •
For Safe or to Beat. .
The choice brick house on the corner of Ful-
ton and Joeeph streets.belodi
ninsoffgtoerethde rittahett.
of the_late Richard Heywood.
tor sale or_ to rent. It contains room for rdi-
nary family, is practioally a new house, With
all conveniences, and three -tenths of an acre
of land. If the property is not sold or rented,
part 01 11 will be rented. Apply to
•, W. COATS Exeoutor Clinton.
'Farm lor Sale.
The undersigned offers for eale, his well
known_and beautiful farm, containg 165 acres,
on the Huron rad, at MoinirsVille. W ell wat-
ered, large orchard good imildings with every
convenience, , Possession given at any times.
May 23-tf.• ELFORD,Hatmeevillee
The frareeeottatMtZ-Orarige.street•, °CM -
pied by the undersigned, is offered for sale on
reasonable tonne. The lot is* of an acre, with
hard and Bc:artge, erThseaVocilsr.contaiiw hall,
parlor, two bedrooini, clothes oloeet, dining
• room, summer kitchen, cellar and Woodshed,
Is ceetrally located; noseessionitiVen any time
to suit purchaser. ELIZABETH 3BARAM 1.1
Farm. for
. Dromore, Ont., Aug. 1892.
MacLeod Medicine Co„ •
Goderioh, Ont.
Lam now getting to be an old man, close
one° years of age. I was a sufferer for nine
years from what I cfelld not describe and
die not understand, and sure enough tne
doctors I consulted.failed,. not one of • them'
made out my inherent. I was that weak for
three years I could not lift a pail of water
were I paid for it. Daring the last tour
years my skin turned blue, theahlects,..,„
was obliged to cover my hands in the pre-
sence of strangers, and hide nay face the
best wayI could because of my black skin,
I could not get anything to do me good. I
spent, and was wilting to spend more hue
dreds of daces in treatment and doctors'
medicine,. When I save that Alex. McDon-
ald was oared -I did not belieye he could be
chred-Ithorighhsure I could get some good
anyway from what cured him, 1 got a bot-
tle of your System Renovator from him, it
made me quite wok, but Inorainued asking
it. t got another and persevered in it, even
if it did sicken nae,and the reedy was when
I had taken roar bottles I was able to work.
Then my hands were in parts white And in
parte blue. I was satisfied then it would
cure me. I took $9• 00 Worth before I Was
clear and white as before. I havesome color
,uow,rny blood must have endereone a great
°Merge M tern my skin white in that time,
41litiVWelt ever since I stopped, eat
well and work hard every day. I would
have givers thousands of dollars for the re-
medy that would have recovered my tatter -
al color Nein. 1 ive the puttee to your
Renovator for my ore anyway,
A splendid wo acre farm , Consisting of the
East half of Lot 80, .con 1, Beet Wawanosh
good frame hbuse with kitchen, barn 36x55;
and shed 80x40 in which there are good stabling
hard water of never failing well; 8 acres bush,
1 acre of orchard, situated 11 miles from Au
burn and 60 reds from soltool. For lurther
particulars apply to IL GOVIER,
June 6-4* Auburn P. 0. '
Purtuher can bay° possession this fall. '
Farm For -Sale.
Lot. 12, Bayfield con., Goderich tp., 118 aeres
ii35cleared,balance hardwood.with a large (juark,
tity of cedar on it), in good state of mita/atm
about fiVe acres fall wheaii,and considerable fall
plowing clone. Coritfoetable brick house large
earn with stablingunderneath,driving shed and
other outbuildings; about 2 Acre orchard,
mostly winter fruit ; well watered.,neverfall-
• ing opting creek and two wells Seven miles
from Clinton and three f rom Bayileld. Posses-
sion at any tire& reasonable term. Apply for
further particulars to CHAS. SIMONS. 72 St.
David st., Goderich. •
••,To Rent or for Sale
Frame residence and 1 acre of land on Mary
Street, Clinton, *wets, cellar, wood shed ,hard
and soft water, new stable and driving phed,
excellent garden, with palm, pear and apple
treee,ote. ^
Also tor Sale.
At any Hine im to lst Sept. acres.partof the
Fos er R4ock,ete.,at the North•Endot V, Unpin
Street, Clinton, which is a velnable proPerty.
for fruit ttrowing, being well planted out in
berry bushes, small fruits, appler, rte. Thera
is, oleo a very excellent grade of sand and
gravel onithe premises 'which is VLry profitable.
i/4P. STRAITH,or to W.BRFIgNfAv1o:
• 'vdr.' "1111461140ffiton
Merck 28 -Sm,• 1 •
In suranceAgoat,
eanada Life ASSIiranee CO
Wire, Marine, Accident, Plate Glaste
Office ; d, Tiedatre Rank; cnotoo.
Cortv-vraisiciEns, COMMISSIONERS
Real Estate and Insurance Ageney.
Money te loan,• ,
Barrister Saioltor Notary- and flonveigeeer
011ice-Opposite Colberne Hotel ••
torrnerw of oanaerore Holt et CareerOn
Ofeee-iliuninon. et opposite Colborne Souse
Once -Corner liamilton and Ole *mar*
oeaerten, 'Ont.
J, T,7GARROW. Q. Cs CHAS. Gannow.L.L'D •
*Wholesale stock of piaitos
it very beat possible prices.
Organs, the very entertamable
gramophone, sheet 3:anal?,
books, and a variety of music,
Mole Emporium.
A et gok of shoiee wined plume for sale.
The effect of a
course in this
business college
will mean opportunities in
business that you did not be-
fore possess. you
us for all
particulars. Students • can
enter at any time.
Forest City Busi-
ness Collelr,e,Y.M.C.A.Build•
ing, London, Ont.
W. J. Westervelt, Principal.
• Now has ropey students
Nothing' like it ever given.
• The 'cost is nominal.
•. The results are. good.
Write forpartigulare.
AddressTelegraph Department,
Central Business -College
W.shaw, Tense &Gerrard Sts, Toronto!
Farm For Sale, 'Wanted 1
The undersigned offers for sale let 16 Bar-
field concession, Goderich township, consist -
ink of 1144 acres intending 25 aortal' of mixed
timber; good clay . poil , suitable for ,grain or
stook grazing; well watered; comlottable
dwelling heated by furnace, summer kitchen,
Woodshed; hard ,,,id soft water ; two barns
130x50, and 25x60, driving shed soxso. hen house
17x85; 3 acres of erobara; eue half inile from
school, i bailee from churl,, and 6 miles from
.Clinton, will be sola on reasonable terms.
Apply on err:meeker addrese, ALEX WELSH,
• May 15--tf. • . • , ' Clinton , Ont.
• Jona Witfiox. •
MacLeod% Retriedies,eetablished in 1888, 1\ •
are the only medicines in Canada which '• ' . ' -.....
have sold on their merits without advertiss .tis'l have) taken, ever the large lee house
ing, Address MaoLeta's fdedioine Co„ paretnpa.vWednit.owtithkeersotriedye,rsontothtruoionhatzoode, °feast.
Oedemas, Onk ' . pure tee to all eusterners during ' the coming
. . .
• • aummer, Ail ordere will be premptlY attended
CHANGa OF h.INTRANCE EXAM to, , „ii; DAVIS,Clinton. .
-The dates for the high school en-
trance examinations have been Waisma.--Operators and dressmakers, el °tidy
work .. 'Mite f0V partionlara.
changed. They were • originally an- ' HELENA COSTUME C 0 • Limited, '
Bounced for Wednesday. Thursday, Juno 0-3, . Lon do Canada.
and Friday, the 25th, 26th, and 27th '
of -jute. Since the arinounceriaent .... e ? see
that Thursday, June 26; COrOnati011 '74?"` A•fr6t ,WO* F110813710afille
Day, has been made a statutory., holt,
. . eirder nylise Remedy.
day fOrthis year, local boards of ex- es/w„e'
Sold and recommended by all
ansibers are authorized to make what- druggists in Canada, Only mile
eYer changes may be deemed expedient •able inedielne discoverea. air
orexcese, mental Werra. nteectlo cure WI
reepeeting the time table for the ex- formes, Sexua Wkaelkeiteguardse
aminatione. • It is suggested that Wed- MI effeete of abuse
nesday, Friday and Saturday, the 251h, hula?! °Plum or StimulantilIchteatevde ollneerZeirca7
27th and 28th of June be substituted Istsitreestgr hsagaptleStellee/. /Le stweeawaderesel'14284
respectively for the days mentioned. The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Any Other arrittagetnent which mt- .
amirkers, aftee dOraniltatitain, prefer, Weed's Pbospbortine Is si141. in Mateo bY
Mal', lioviever, be folio Wed, With the keitr,ttetigtheleg, ac'veY"I g q"nb°"
ice Ice.
:•Young men and women to prepare 'fp
good eitnatione. Apply to •
• Business
The'best egoipped Business sea Shorthand
College in Canada, Reduced tuition rates,
Writer:1B regarding our ceurses of etudy,,
and proepeots •of securing situations • for
graduates. •. Catalogue tient frees address
• • • J. BqhleiCHY0
Dept "0° COrafederation Life Bldg.
' Totonto
Soircaxone, N0m4stre8 natio
Pitoorokts us Tire Mantieras Calm, &o,
• Office: North It,, next door to Signal date
Priv•ate Funodtsintotelreenstim,at lowest rates
W. P19UbtOilT. n n.0. RAYS.
WM• GUN1J• .1,)
• L. -R. C. P. d S. .odiabingia,
Ofnce-Ontark. Street, Clinton. Night cal 1
at front door of office or residenoe, Batten -
bury Street.
Licentiate of the Royal College of Phyeksiati
• • London, England.
Office and Reeideno
• ;JOHN TEPFORWS iforise, 'toren St,
Atcoucheor eto., office and raildenes cue
tease et.; opposite Bogdan church, formerly oc-
cupied by Dr. Appleton, Clinton Ont;
,Physiolata, SUrgepa, Eta.
• elsecial attention given to diseases of the'
Eye, Per, Throat and bleae.
•. piece and thisldence-
Albert fitriet,2 illeeks North of liattenbury
(Successor to Dr: T. C. ProOe,':
Speelallit in Crown and Bridge Work
1). S. -Graduate Royal College Dental klur-
geoid. of Ontario, Toronto '
e.-First-ohat Honor graduate of :Den.-
talPepartment of Toronto University
1121e3iigPirie ild :3f4iggt
Monday. • • ,
°Sloe over W. Taylor & Son's hoe eta&
DRS.: A.*Git 'Bi4LIAGS
Office adjoining Photosatidio.
Office to is every. day and
Battu day utieil•10 p. m. Branch ofticeeta'"
in Manchester. Dungannon, Blyth and •
Bayfield. •
• Member of the Veterinary Medical A seem -
Mons of -London end Edinburgh, and Gracia.,
ate of the Ontario Veteriverycloileae,
'Office open night and day, opposite St:
Paul's church, Ontario Street. Clinton. Out,
ARRIAGE LICENSES leaned lir the no-
n ba • .
dersignedat his Residence, Mary street,
• •
• No witnesses required •
Organist and. Musical Diner r: of North
Street Church, Goderich, and teacher of
PIANO, PIPE ORGAN an THEO it, is pre -
Dared to take a limited number of Pui its
the above. For terms apply this otlice or to, ,
MROAMPBELL,vvho may be seen 'turn 11 0.01.
to 2 pan., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton; •
Friday of each week.
. .
Ore. Accident Plate Glass
. .• -Etor,mEsviLLE, r• • - - • •
Co, of Manchester, England, whose fends and
Emotivity are rated at $14,500,000. Also the Mc-
• Rittoe Mtrros.r.IststnANeit CO. A.1I classes of
farm risks and town property taken at
lowest rates, First-class Loan Cominuien
also retires 1%4;4. Money to be had from 41 per
.eentup, ac ataing to nature of security.-
laity mail 0 HohhesvIlle - postal card win
feteh him ,
SprinaTerm beging Apr. 7. 1002. Our
rates are reasonable -our courses! of study
thorough end practical. Send , for our
. journal to see what we tea9h, kitudente
may enter at any time, Two c urses of
reedy, Commercial a Wert -ha d.
Owen 'Soiled. •Lie
un erste,ndsteg that Wednesday be '
the first day of the exotinieratiOrt.6 4,6
saktpu TREE LAW. -The Oritario e Al 1 al 011 t; Ltd, •Ldjsjj""1"N ‘4"j
Statutes r id that any pers u who
ties a horse to &shade tree in.the street
or cute, trims or in]ures such a tree in pi!
anyway is liable to a fitie of f25 and teanier
costs Or 80 days' Imprigoincent. The
resident in front of whtierepremiees the
tree is situated is not exempt from this
restriction. Express permission toilet -
be had of the outsell to trim In , any
way the trees planted on the public 01,EVETANDf 011I0
Ili,g,iii.,.._• ....„,
, . ,,,, ..,,,,,,,„dy. close apresers One waY fare from Clintoo, $3.75; '
to be comparatietely Safe,. and that, is Bete" • ' - 6A10,
r'llit*alcdioiedairt tof.liost,itliddlesex Ile Boatleal" P4StanleY every Tnesdey find
had only ill .reajority, but there woe •:Thursday at 11 p.m., Seturdaye at 11 a.m.
only 32 rejected and 1 spoiled ballots in Tickets on Sale at all Wel ticket offices,
the riding., So unless all the rejectedt
ballots were Conservative, and HOMO Vor further information `Write
T. Itiershell,
inufutyheeoctobuittletde,d were Liberal arid Wren g 1 WM, Woollett,
the doctor is safe tor the' MeeGen,ress,Agi.
present, • • tVegaelkr'eteille, Ont.
THO Short Hiatt° te
Ma rble & Ora
The ptmrahaser of a rnonumnt
sh�nld have complete confide de
in the reliability ot the firm, Ir m
• which he buys, for the meter al
arid workmanship is cromethi g
very few Impact are familiar wi h.
/1 yeti do not know us, please in.
quire AbOnt our relia.bili_tv ft; m
those who know us best. Wo • ro
• the only practical men here ino
ne ilooverl Propri tof
Xest to Commercial note
...Foroostrosakart. .'
wretch..." - -
Mons of ,the Thron and Lungs. The toly. ..lecncl... in
di:Zeta:I:4:mo: tChoeuagboh,vaenddiesertme0---.1initeankich:ehae
animal soundln wind and useful to his owner. Price, alt.
.Dr, Menaheyer Ridney & dough Powder*,
feral! Acute Affections of the throat und lungs suit as .
DIMenwona r a gam .ekin Or Irgs,
•. Iliemotelite. ono.
4''..-Y4‘•41 ° ; y , X14, . itkra.,..1.,,
.11rAIS ''‘".1;LS' A` e* iyi. roiclai to
'For sate by ht Cornhe,druggist, Clinton
J. B. McLean, President, Raven P. 0.: Thee,
Fraser, vine-prestdent, BructifteM P. 0.1 'rho&
E. Hays, Secy-Treas., Settfortb P. O.; W. Or.
nroadfoot, Inspecter of Losses, Seaforth
• InItterOhe
esioadtoot, 8eatortn; John G. Grieve
Winthrop P. 04 George Dale, Settforth, John
Beinurerele, Dublin; Jae, bleatilt, neetbseos P.
io3r4tidethfinE WA.tjkohirtiatiromkote, 111%! Tichieordimag P4ameeero
Connell i nton.
Robert smith, uaannntnrlock; 'lett. McMillan. Pelt.
fettlit Ilainee Cumming, Isgiriondvales. .1, W.
" Yea elelreowlue ; George entedie dna Jehn C.
mermen, natters.
Parties desirous. to &root hisuranee ot trans
act other busineeit will be Promptly attended on
on application to any of the abate Ofilecr
02 tO the respective ()Meg.