HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-06, Page 6-•- • , THE CLINTON NEW ERA NOT A LI,OUID Requires No Moistening WHAT IS MUMMA ? SHINOLA is a New Paste Shoe Polish and Leather Food, • maderexpressly for the tannage and finish of leather used to -day in the —manufacture, ofladlei,...men:s *Id 'children's shoes. Shinola 18 better than any bottled or past shoe polish made, becalm& It is a better and more lasting polish than any other paste or liquid. It does not rub off on ladies' skirts, gentlemen's trousers or chidren's elothing. It does not accumulate on the shoe, crack, chip or seals off like liquid. From two,to four coats make badly worn shoes look as good as new. Keeps t} e shoes soft after being wet and preserves the leather. Fills and polishes all creami ; and cracks n old shoes. Will not injure the finest leather, no matter ho7 many coats are applied. It is absolutely water -proof and eau be used with perfect safety on the finest shoes. it is the most perfect polish made for all kinds of ladies', men's and children's patent, enameled, box 'and velour calf, viol kid, kangaroo and all dry, smoth finished leather shoes. Polishes all kinds of rubber goods, black kid gloves, belts and. purses. Polishes and preserves all kinds of harness and leather parts of carriages, Is easily applied. to the leather with a cloth or dauber and polished lightly with a dry cloth or brush. It is anew thing at the new shoe store,Patronize the new shoe store and get new shoes Fred T. Jackson. sAii‘,%,4vw•Akweni,wrswvivs,s,vivevwsiw4 [ WHITE STAR LINE .00DERIGH TO DETROIT AND RETU This Season the GREYHOUND Completed 'on. Juno • total. New 'Steel Steamer ' • Capacity toot) People WILL. LEAyE..GObEllicil AT 830 ,A. M. e. res. a „. June '8th ,. • Due at Port Huron noon, Detroit 4.30 p. m. - Returning, leave Detroit Thursday, June 19th, 1.00 p. m., arrive GodeviCh 1030 p. • Friday, June 20th, at 8.00 a. m. Eastern time, leave for Detroit. ° • Fare one Way with baggage, $1.00.' Special Ttain from Stratford, Mitchell, Dublin,. Seaforth and Clinton. Band Moonlight Excursion at Goderich, Tuesday EVng, 8, o'clock, 25c .C. F. SIELNIAN, Traffic Manager E. H. Ayer, Adv.and Excursion Agent 111/1alaltiVIIIIII$Wilaillelle111"*W1111011W11.‘ Round trip ticket to GOderich 550 • • • Coming and tieing Miss A. Anderson, of Auburn, was a Miss Keine, of Goderieh, spent Sunday visitor in town last week,' at her home here. - Midis jennie Jones spent several days cf Mrs L. Thrower, and children, left on last week visiting in Seaforth.. Monday on a trip,to Toronto. ' • Miss Helen Bowera was here from 111ra I. Dodds and danghter, of Seaforth, B Mints visiting among her friends. mere here on a visit last Friday, . Rev H. 0, 'Wright returned Saturday ' Mrs James Lindsay, of Goderioh lime- from a visit at his home in Brantford» ship has been spending a couple of days •Pdri Moffatt hes returned to town after with her sister, Mrs E. G. Lofft, of toWn. a visit among friends in Tuokersmith. ' Miss Susie Acheson goes,to London next judge Doyle was here on Monday on week to attend., a. double wedding at the his way to division court in. Wroxeter. ' borne of Revlte Wargh Ayeron sthe oo• • • to 111rend the H. Hale left Tuesday for New jersey d ' spesimmer with friends at tho Mr Sam Notely, who has been connected coast. , with London Fire Department for several I lt knd as the Mrs (Rev) R. Henderson, of -Hamilton; vient of a gold headed cane from his old mre, resigned aswee, avre.• spent a few (laid this week with Mrs W. ak associates. He is about to visit, his re. -`" latives in the old country, but before doing Air end Mrs R. Fitzsitt.one spent Sen- se), spent a few doys with his old friends in day with their daughter, Mrs E. Munro, of Clinton, Goderiolo Mr Relit Mason, who forum town teaderes J. B. Hoover was in London Monday on 2,1313,0W, „hall been a_g reat sufferer for yeses,- _busineaa in connection -with the -Woodmen moat Or which time he has been unable to of the World, • leave the hottee, enjoyed. the privilege of Mrs Jae Twitoliell and daughter have attending church for the first time m been visiting Mr and Mra W. J. MulloY, eight years, on Sunday last. He was of London, thie week. riven to .Wesley chnrch, an managedo make his way !amide, though. not without Mies Gerrie Niebergall, of Windsor, has difficulty. - • - been viaiting her friend,Mhos Hannah Mr Alex 'Morris, sr., endwife (parents of MacKenzie, for several days. Mrs A. Otitichs) who have been residents ef Mims Sennie Holmes left Tneeday for Manitobe for the past 14 years, returned 'Ansa Craig where she will maim an ox to Clinton on Friday morning last, and tended vialt With Mrs (ReV)Delihl, . ptirpom making this their periminent place . of &We. Mr Morriesuffere severely from Mks :',11ivati, mother of Mrs Morgan rheumatism, and found the climate of the Dalton, a Ashfield, left here for Denver west too vigorous for his constitution, He on Monday, on a visit to her sone ; it wall thinks the west may be all right for a e pretty long journey -for a woman of her young man, but nye it is not the place for age to undertake, but she has lots of grit, an old man to move tO. 'Mr J. P. Tiedall went to Toronto this week On his antoM bile 31e left h Win (*timings and Geo Johnson left for - -6" Tuesday going as far as Guelph that Virden, Mem,' on Thuraday Roth polled their vote befOre lett week. everting and arriving at hie destination on leaving,' Mr Wednesday. Mre Tiedall and Bone Oibbings for the Ram Government and Charles and lora accompanied him. the latter the opposite, Iljr Gibbings Wig; the first white child born in Eturen Mr and gra 11, J. McDonald Of Sea. February the 17th, 1833 -•-• and forth, were visiting relatives:4130re on Tao. has' 1iv4hereeoptinnously;he.ha0 five sons day, Me McDonald recently returned out Wteet &big well Ad 0116,30t1 in Millen, from his trip out west being detained for and totilt with hied& couple Of Barletta of Some days at Tonle, B. 0,, where a Mite trisegaineey and other effecta, Mr Johnson explosion (teetered delaying roilwaY treed. .has gone out to see how he liketheornintry While out west he Malted ft Urge number and if Aultable his family will follow of orders for the Jackson Manufacturing shortly. • Co, Coming and Going SpOrt111411 Notes, _ M13ORN, era of ,, loot Pridey at Blyth by 4 score of 2 to 1. The emeicY Blyth football team defeated Winghoin , Mann, of aon. e . MANN -In frullett,Junelird,the wife of Mom not,siEs-In Clinton, on June Oth, to Dr and the Atchecin Mann* I UrFA171121:10mlienstoa,ailuzintelniztd7i0 Mr and Mrs featuring Co. helve organized a baseball. NormanFair, a sett. club and will play the organ factory I COLE -In Olinton,June Ord,to Mr and Mrs W. It. cow, of a (laughter. MaMILLAN tr,fe nf i) McMillan. of a daU8bter- h4TLiab: third annuol race meet of the Sett t I -In Tuckeranaitli, lai 2ath, the A , forth Turf Aseociation will be held on „.44,0•PV1113Etif ii-Vforris May 24th, ti e Wife of I ;Tune 17th and 18th. A t wee of $1800 is 1 f l'JelarsEla Win:h7=,* MAY 80th, the wife of b ng up in prize money and there L. Or d % .inges of a daughter. bes rave horses in Canada and Wipe° any •'"• every aseuranoe of having many of the ...140L.WitYpdrussheis. May 24th, the Wife of MILTir-Yg. 41„81-1,1.,....urge,tray letn, the wife of S 1 Wes elevenovente- and-ahould the -dit3 5- AeHTMT-111 Er"'"' 31,7 22641 the wUe of rdt M et yet held, in Seaforth, The program Mills. of a daughter. pPrraeoVeentne there Will be a large crowd -EN°, ABIA6.11;tif 4 Lim' ' 7 — MA.HlitIF.J11. P. B. Crews who so kindly donated a McKENZIE--BELL - At the home of the beautiful pair of vasee last year, and the iVild.?er atiaea,i.TRueilicTylettlA Tf 131= competition for whit* was neyer oonoluded fierd, Arm tioneniie, con. 2, to miss'annte, sc.' has. this Year re -donated the same vases oond daughter of Mr and Mrs D.13011, tirealdmanagementt on t hieie Gea i Oonf he he hasei rdit:1;074d, the tete. . DIED. BOLTON -In Guelph,May 29th,Mrs H. Bolton President's hands who next week will issue sister of J. Mitchell, of the Goderich Star, aged instructions concerning the contest that 61,TPare. . will take! place ft. decide the ownership of 1 L uidAllaDwiEs.fAatWhe-riolif TuurrtGeorinzatohks. Piny nici9tbhz., octleor the pair of vases. The club extend their • to R. H. Laidlaw and Mrs Robt. Shoi:treed,mo., thankalo Mr P. B. Crewe for this token xis township. aged. 78 years. WHEELER -In Morris. May 26th, Carolbse, Of his goodwill to the (),, L. D. C. relict of the late Chas. Wheeler, aged 83 years. Mr W. Jookeon lies donated a handsome .. EtvienyEir ilge-for A trileornirlii:Poegr4' !silver cup to be played for dna season tie sPhip, aged 74 years and 4 months.131 follows The Clubs ofrlinton, Goderioh, PEARSON-In Port Huron, May 24th, Eliza - Seaford', Mitchell, Stratford, Listowel, beth, relict of the S. Pearson; formerly of Bros- sels, aged 713th y Brussels, Wingham and Kincardine, will ears. eaoh had a competition in singles, and Ba3field the nine viotora representing the nine clubs NoTne,-Rev Mr Yelland left Tuee- mentioned will meet some day to be ap, day morning to attend Conference at pointed during the first week In 'Au-tthi ' Sarnia, Rev Mr McNeil will preach Aug us play off for the Jackson Trophy Cup. - in the Methodist church next Sunday The competition amongst the members ,,of evening, Flossie, daughter of James this club and the Anal oonipetitiou to be . Magee, passed away on May 27, after a under the direction of the President of the . long illness, aged 12 years, 10 months. Clinton club, who will !shortly issue rules - 'governing the contest. • • AO/ Advertlfie *n110 Town Gouncil. -- • - • Sale orCalves at the American Ho 01, Bruce.. The monthly meeting for June W68 held - field, on Saturday, June 14th, sale at one on Monday evening, Mayor Jackson pre- oeloolc: H. SIOHMOND. Proprietor siding, The only business done waa the 1 ...itsi • receiving of reports of the committees, and I;N k,bg wrl e 0.tiecti-avv,innut La's atm urceerniu,trs, a catty. for particulate. also of petitions presented for new side- HELENA COSTUME CO, Limited, walks, • . . June 6-1f. London, Carlada. Petitions were reoeived for walks on t 0 Saic of w gone and buggies on h north side of Huron from Albert to corpo-1 nit u lliceettsen are, Clinton, on Saturday, June 14 ration Built; weet aide of 0.ange from at one oklock p. m ; sale without reser t e, .7. Huron to Princess; south side of Princess E. BRIDGES, Prove; THOS. BROWN, Auct opposite the residences of Mrs Tebbutt and "fie 6-2. • , Mr A/41U%; west Bide of King, opposite Clarendon and Sloane blook; west side of - • Notice Albert from M Princess to Mrs orrielee. The owners of lots in the iinton cemetery are Jae A Ford, i3hairman of cemetery, com. , requested to make arrangements with the care. reported that a great many lots in the tatter for the proper care of theirlots, in order - cemetery are being negleoted by: oulherS, that our cemetery may prersent a tidY appear. and the committee recommended that an riettottlfardareuolilititoirWigenrgesnVernratliit advertisement be inserted in the paperk caretaker. By order of the council,. asking owners to make arrangements with • J. A. FORD, Chairman of Committee. the caretaker to keep the grass out; alsO June 8-2, Farm For gale. recommend that where the railings and fences around :lots are in a bad state of repair, if not attended to by owners before June 20th, be removed by the ceretaker, • thi•s notice to he insertekin the papers, the The subscriber Offers for Sale that choke farm on the Ituroit road, Tuokersmith, just east of . :committee have had 100 loads of earth' put Clinton. at present occupied by Mr Fisher. It ,on . the cemetery., and -Mops should be put 'consists of-150•acresrmore-nr,rem- yoith:- good • on;'recomniend that helf atea Of salt be. forraoraeltdirmatnykorwrandries, IT rcien a /7 &tilt rriit neared for the paths. in a splendid locality. For terms apply to •• Alta, McKenzie; chairman of the street . • ARTHUR COUCH,Clinton, committee, reported that the grading on ' .. Jane 6-tf Prinoeas street west has been completed' and a tile drain put twat Capt. M. D. MoTag. ais In bl l'! .• 'VA' gart'th e; that e granolithio : walk put down elihilliiddiftegiti on Albert street north vontained 11,000 - . . . ' square feet; and the. committee are pleased Hot for the Rodel-Farm ' to report that the work cite be done cheaper • . . thanbv contract; the street sweeping has I been done twice during May, whtali has Et, , tu EXCURSION added to the neatness of the town; recom• - mend the ,cutting of weeds and long grass H B Combe, ofthe property committee, - • • ' ' • To along the streets!Guelph . I. large good second hand Refrigerator cheap: . reported that it will be., necessary to put a Under the ausPices of. the .South and 3 Fire proof safes at a bargain. new -front in the atore ocoupied by A Wil- 'East Huron Partners' Institute • ken, and ' recommend that a narrow office • en * windowbe placed, instead , of the present Friday; June 20. Special Net Prices. . . dition of the lawn i0. front of the library Station Time Fare • • A. M.. Adult Child Coiled Spring Wire 30 per lb 1 ' Barbed Wire ' 6 Boxes of Axle Grease 25c , . The fare and true of leaving the different eta- " attention- .f the library board to the non dons is as follows : • Et 13 Combe, chairman of the finance Ileigrave 7.01 L25 Blyth 7.14 Get our special prices on Lawn Mowers—the good kind., committee, reported the following aecounts ' Londesboro 7,g2 1.20 • .60, to be paid; Jos Wheatley, work bill, Clinton MS • 1.20 .60 . $227,68; B Churchill, gravel, $267; W .. Seaforth 7.68 1.15 ' .60 •.1.20 ' .60 • Wheatley, sand, $27; . T Walker, cement, Hohnesville7.8060 $1407; (Jan. Sewer Pipe, balaime OGwlerich 15 f ao-onnt, • • Br ucuileld 7.17 L20 ;60 7, ' 1 85 . $198; 0 (Wrier, work bill, 5105.6% Davis de Kippen • 7,09 1.25 .65 Rowland, supplies, $1a,19;W Pinker, work, . Hensall • 7 03 1.25 . .65 Exeter • 6.52. ,..-' 125 ' .65 • 52.55; Eleotrio Light; one month, $70; June 66- 1902 04111111040011011111000111111110410111 !McKinnon az Co, 132„.4"Vrrii, earpets.anaeurtains We have done a large trade thia season in Carrigts, Floor 011 Cloths, .--LinoleumeiJapaneseklattines„LaateartahnkEtc. _Our atook. got pretty well reduced, but we have sorted up our stook retie -OW price e .and -we can now, offer some special bargains in these goods. Thie is the pace we apt for next week; Hemp Carpete. 84.to°36 inches wide, in stripee and floral designs, at 124e, , 15o and 20e, Union Carpete, yard wide, in light and dark colon, good value at 303 for 25e, Union °emote, heavy and firm, will give good wear, new deeigns, worth 40o for 35o. Ingrain Carpete,lard wide, sxtra heavy, in choice patterns, reversible, worth 60o;for 50o. Wool Carpet's, fast colors i yard wide, in new reversible patterns, new color - Inge, worth 75o, for 65o, Atkvool-two•nit Carpetsjextra heavy, the latest designs, fast colors, at 75C, 85o and $1. Japanese Mattinge, in fancy patterns, yard wide,:a great wearer, reduced to 121-2o, 17o, 20c and 25o. Floor Oil Cloth, new patterns, in all widths, at 25o per square yard. Sootch Linoleum, extra heavy, worth 65o Ter 50o. Lace Cortaine, new patterns, at'25o, 350, 50o and 75o, Pine Nottingham Curtains, in new patterns, 3 1 2 yards long, 54 inches wide regular $1,25 for $1, Swigs Curtains, fine laaey effects, 3 1 -yards long, 54 to 60 inches wide very epode' at $1.50, $1,75 and $2,50. asse All Carpets over 25c per yard out and matched free of charge. McKinnon & co.,131yth 4,1110101100410044.1114011110•400$110•11 Quality the Best Prices the Lowest At J. W. IRWIN'S Redpath and St. Lawrence best granulated sugar, at $8.85 per cwt by tbe barrel, or 26 nounds for $1. 80 pounds! crffee sugar for $1. Canned goods cheap-Delai and Kent Can Corn 6c a can, Canned chicken 103, Roast Reef lb tins 15c each. Teas -Black Japan and Young Hyson from 1.0c up, our leader ie 25c per Rapiosainnsd;Ourrants, Prutles,' Dried Peaches, ApricOts and Cooking .Figs cheap. • • Crockery -I have just opened, out 8 crates of Dinner,Tea and Toilet sets and fancy china,. new patterns direct from the factories in England, selling from 10 to 20% less than regular price. Call and examine quoit! y and prices. . Wanted good butter and eggs. . • Phone 45. J. W. IRWIN Clinton per ea011 cfr all the folltiwthg...thio • • • • • • Graniteware, Tinware, Spades and Shovels, HarVestToOls, Daisy -Churns, Lawn 1Viowera, Clothes Wringets Gasoline and Coal Oil Stoves, Streen Doors and Windows. one; also recommended several improve'- ments aroond the town hall, and oall the building. per ib. . . L • Dublin " 8.C6 1.10 .50 ondon Foundry Co, wheel barretve, ,381. _ Arriving at -Guelph -at -104a rn. Oheall T freight, 516; 11- Stevens, lumber, Tickets will be good only On -one trainivalid to _._ $22.79; Electric Light Go, liehtThx hall. 1 &Awn (91?Yt tfa(1,n trlitsattiAllir eirepne psutir„- eto, $4.80;•0 Crioh, salary rIttontla,• 030; , Jas Carter, work, $1,50; !I Stevens, asses. daiTixtr'n .11 .gorogifor the slay ca217 •w A apecial t•ani will leave Centralia' at , sor, $50; T Oottle, assessor, $50; J Wheat- m ; Eveter, 6 52: Hensall, 7.08; Ripper, 70, and- flerLitoiaMayinlo9n, month, 753; TprButton,ondtoot ottani gas iyoun Brucefield, 7 17, connecting with the r e g ul a r train at Olinto' Paseengers frorn Belgrave, commission on loan, $23,5C. Receipts -RI Binigitttht:innitoL°Oritliti,tohnoro win take regular morn - Welsh, scales dto, $38.05; 0 Crich, lwork in Returning a :,pecial train will leave.Clinton at cemetery; $11.75; total, $49.80. 10.85p.m. for Centralia and intermediate p Ants One will also leave Clinton at 10.40 p.m. for Bel. grave and intermediate points, , , This will be the only (•xcursionfrom this houn- ty to the Agricultural Collo e this season, and • OLIN TON immoris • every+ person shoul•d, take vantage of it Am- • Thursday 2 1002. Corrected every Thursday afternoon. ple accommodation will be provided. A dub- • 'Fall Wheat 0 I stantial lunch will be serv,ed at the College by •.,. • ,, at, ' the (41,-.ernment. go' a " ov D. bloletrus. Tnos. 3foldit,LAN, S. SMILLIE ' Spring " ' .078- a 0:80 Pres.S. Huron Pres. E, Huron, Sec'y, Oate .. .. ..... .. i • • ief 0 42 a 0 4l2- - ' Servant. . • .Coming and •GoIng Ryer ... ; ..... ...... 0 40 a 0 45 Dr Gonn has been attending medical ex- Earley 0 55 a 0 . • • Flour per cwt 2 15 a 2 15 Servant Wanted.• -•Apple to MRS (MEI°, at amination at Kingston and Toronto, Peas.. 0,80 a 0 80 Misses N. Harria and C, Sharman, God- nay 8 00 a 9 00 T. JACKSON, Jr., residence, high street, , ............... . 30--tf. erioh, Were visiting Mise Ida Holmes; on sheepskins . .. ...... 0 25 a 0 kr ay X Wednesday. ' - No. 1 Green trim. hides 5 00 a ; 50 Miss Ethel Loyett,Of Summerhill, spent Wood short 2 25 a 2 50 a few days thie week with 'her cousin, Mies Chickens, per pair .... 0 20 a 0 40 Threshing 'Machine for Sale. ''• .......... . 111111ftintaii, Mabel Stewart Ducks, pair 0 40 a 0 60 T. jaokson, je* was up north to 'Rimier- • 0 05 a 0 06 gether With ft new tnonnaroh separator, on use A 17 horse power traction engine, L. D. S., to. Gomel, per lb 'Turkeys*, 0 06 a 0 08 • only Aim and other. points in the ' intereate 50 days. Has all latest improvementit,in Pork, live ....... .. .. . 6 50 a 740 eluding tank,putrip, duster, pea pullers, o (war Pork, dressed.. 8 00 a 8 00 so ; eg. A ill be seld,nea.P: ... . the Jackson Manufacturing Co. Mrs Bronsoombe, of Petrolea, arrived on Butter, loose or tub 0 13 a 0 14 • ' ' o 11 a 0 12 atAehment, eto. Ill,health of owner realton for her daughter, Mrs W. H. Newcombe, Potatoeo,, per Wan0 30 a 0 35 AiviBS mthren, Annum Wednesday to make an extended visit with Eggs per doz • MaY 31-4 ars ..1 'alum MoCool and children left for Dried Apples per lb0 05 e. 0 95 Pairfielde, Alberto, on Tuesday, near which place Mr Moctool has Battled., Live Stock Markets. . Mr MeDenald, of Guelgh, who has been -- • For particulars apply to Loom for Sale Newcombe fly •shuttle look forsale, at ono bird selling prke, in first-class ruLning order. spending a few days with 'his uncle. Mr * London, June 2.r-Unit.ed States cattle, May 9-tf, 11. 1413' r"Qvusee°u°srtnresretilinnetOu..and • • Caldwell, returned home on Monday. lid; sheep, 7d; Canadian oattle, na. , Prank Dayment left! on Saturday for .uarlYterraPs17131"n° !•_--tia_n4dicin_ cattle, Ingersoll where he has accepted_ a _position - .• - - :... , - .7.- on the Tfibune.-Pranleis a good hand, - Montreal, June 2 -There tvere spout 400 j -7 e tre ea16613a. initlY 86rrY t° 'learn. ti; at h400"dshoefetibatintcdhleatniEs'besaotfftleer'ad5t scrialleveL and ft anted! ,• East End Abattoir to -day. \ The butchera _- unable to -attend to . any of hie indioi clutido, with very slight proapeotti of were present in large numbers; but trade W a t s man -farm- ever being able to resume his Work. e Mr games Irvin, of Loa Angelos, Cal., is visiting his father,. Mr John frying. Like all other Olintomaris he hag. pros- pered in the golden west. It„ is 18 years since he was here. We learn that F. Kern, fmnerly Of the We bank, Clinton,. and late of the Berne bank at lienaall, will etatiOned at Exeter as manager of the new Sovereign bank. We congratulate our oting friend • on his promotion. • InopeatorTaisley was up to Blyth Sat- urday 'Wasting hotel property, Henry jeraes who had the hotel learied for over three ydare io giving it ne and J.G. Enfigh, the owner Of the Wel, will ammo charge. Mr jamas hem bought the American hotel Bruseele. was rather slow and prices continue about a • Mr 0, Martel bought five-- very choice ers as can.maxe it con ven- the eame rates as on Thtikeday's market, pritne beeves mold at &Oro 610 tO 6d pAr lent to come in and take a smell -sized cattle at 66c per lb, and other to gio and the coramon etook at from ho biarrel ef Redpath'e Gran. lb ; pretty good animate gold at from dia to.4id per lb. Mr A. Itioherd bought !Wo c 1Cr%atwesieligwift aits,anwdesoamree superior cal/ed for $80 and three °there at from $2 to $7 each. Shippere paid 40 1°1 WTSrtOlrileTtin the street, { for $25. Other miles of delves were made per lb for good large,aheep and the hutohere paid from iiio tone per Ib for the others. so we will sell- it for $8,90 . - per hundred Das; by the JOHNSTON-SPARLING-At tho home ,of our next car, barrel, to make room for, ..1 seArmoto, the bride's earonts, Howiok, eti may 21st, DY Rey. 11, .7. earbuttitlisS Annie Snarling to T.A. Johnston, Jamestown, . STIIETTOT-MoQUA.RUIE.At Christ Clottrqh, , Of course, we will deliver V. Stretton, of Brussels to 1V11SS Annie MoQuar Liatowel, on Mey 21st, by Het,. A. Pit any place in town. . Moore. W* Thos ItrOWn, leader Of the tard Beal. 1,1,0,0f Grey, malt Barka linton Seaforth, and fdtmerly apettwirtioi-Ganitti,y4f611.--28Attit,lirstiLevthodmientonmarms.". Glit0eRRY" leader of Cbend, has gone to hie twine in Toronto te be treated for in. Lkiraith,-Boaconflokt, to flamatury rlutuntstism, He has !suffered IMOkaaw• t r0,1401100 0, hoped that ho may soon be relieved from leifirt,,TV vlintita'8° ' .4 t 13 • r T. O'Neil et from rheumatism for soma time and it is OfAelvfAltroAl t-Af I 1 2411 b Ro f tl 0 the trouble, • Maid e,c eFide4t dandliter P.111:4,4. o " _ t Mi Our telephone number is 48 arland I3ros.' Hardware- -House OttO rittlitithingc. It's a tie between novelty and price in our Furnishings as to Which is the greater factor. Every good sort of Underwear, 'Neckwear 4 and Hosiery is here. Our Straw Hats are hcire. Our Belts are here, and, if you want to get your money's worth—it is here. • ' 0111..JOITT.A.7" HURON STREET, CLINTON House Cleaning Requirements. Pine line of Rookera, in wood, ocoble, tufa upholatered. ' Curtain polee and fixing's, in brass and wood. Room 'moulding?, in colors, imitation. and real oak, Picture mottlding, in great variety. Frames! made to order. Picture glees. Mirrors frame _and mirror plates, Undertaking and PicturePrani Gineam:::1:41rultYltaure D'esaer, .ef C. Stetren.sor Opposite Town Rail, Filbert Street, CLINTON. RESIDENCE -Huron Street, opposite Commercial Hetet traw Hats Child's Sailors, 15c, 20e and 26c. Ladies" " 256, 85e, 40c, 50c and 750. BoyEPalley Sti °Nes, 25c, 40e and 50e. Men's " 25c, 40c, 50c and 75c, MEN'S FELT HATS—Gcod assortment, right up.th.date in style and eolor, hest English and Atilserideal goods, 75c to $2, each. Boys' Yachting Caps, 25c to 40e. „ Men's 4, 85o to 50c. Boys' Colored Shirts, 12i to 14 inch near band', 50c, Boys' Black Sateen Shirts, 12i to 14 inch neck hand, 50c, Men s Colored Shirts, very desirablo. colors and patterns, 50e, 751and $1 each. Men's Black Sateen Shirts, 50c, 75c and $1 each. Men's Leather Belts, 25e to 50e each. OTTIVIETTE. Lo deabora ' - '4?"'14541`.' • '1-....f.;;,..eerieresetatesttesitgalelathilektota._ -