HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-06, Page 5• June6th, 1902 tt, I ' Summer Goods at Veryffiederate Priv ' Tag CLINTON NEW ERA r• This is an ad full of plain statements of trustworthy Inerchandise sold at prices 10wer than lic-e—qUalitiei can be bought for in -1-lio-sT -StOrbi, appreciation - of our mothods is evidence of our increasing business— a business that in the last three , years has improved week by week and year by year. And we shall make every en- deavor•through good service, through low pricing on thoroughly good and dependable Stocks to improve and increase oui business still more. 't.. • Hosiery and 'Underwear 0 The supelior values we give all the • year round keep this liosiety and .Underwear • de- patxnent rapidly growing. • Om .suininer lines are all nere now and are by far best values for the money we have 'ever hown Ladies' Vests at 5c 200 ladies' Vests, made of fine ootton yarn, with and with- .05 out abort sleeves, special at Vests at 2 for 25C Ladies' Vests made of very fine white cotton yarn, very nice ribbed vests with short sleeve% nicely trimmed at peak. These are very epeoial tit 15e each or 2 for • 'AOC tadie' Vests at 20c and 25c 'mi.., Vests of fine quality cotton yeru, some with long sleevss, others with short sleeves, all nioely madeand • finished, extra values at each • • .41..20o and XeC Ladies' Silk Vests at $1 Ladies' Veete made of very fine quality Of silk, nicely trim- Lao wed and Anished, price each , Ladies' Hose at 2 for 25c Ladies' ribbed and plain cotton Hose, warranted fast bleak as, sizes tii, 9, 9, very special at 2 pair for.... ..... XO1,1 Ladies' Hose at 15c and 25c Are made of fine cottop yam, and are dyed with the fara. orie Hernsedorf dye that is parented stainless, sine 9, 9, prices eaoh........ . 15o and g5c Ladies' Lace Hose at ..... . .... . 25e and 50g Ladies' Lisle Thread Hose at ase Boys' Heavy Ribbed Oottina Hose at 18e and 2.5c Embroideries and Laces y o very newest Hundreds of ards f the Embroideries and. Laces on sale at very lo prices. • Ladies' Vests at 30c, 35t anJ 40c, Embroideries at 8c:- •. Ltdies, veo s made of the finest quality of cotton yarn, • 200 yards of aiscrted patents and Widths in- some ribbed others plain, mill and without short sleeves, all nicely trimmed with lace aid silk tape, prioes are eraola 30; 35o and • Natural Wool Vests 45c Lathes' very fine natural wool Vests with long sleeves, for summer wear,very special at,....... .... , . . .. all haying good edges, very laniard at,.., .... . ....embroideries,.08 fl Find Valenciennes Lace at 1ic, 3c and 5c 300 yards of finequaiity 'white 'Valenciennes Laces in assort: ss,„ ed designs and widths, very spools' values at Vs 3 and .vo 45e All over Lace aneEnahroideries'at..40e 65e 8s- arid $1 • These Specials are for Frida Saturday, and Monday. '.:,, , • ..,..:, 60c Navy Lustre at 29c , , 100 yards of Navy Lustre 38 icches Wide; all having small , •• dot, very suitable for shirt Waists or eeperate esirtre . „ eegelar velue et this lustr.91.ve.Pqe, special.. for Vireo -- . days °rile .' - s ' - .-- , 85c Silk and \IC ool Delaines at 60c: Carnmenoing on Priday•moining we will place on sale the • f balance of our dilk•and Wool,Delainas re mixed shades of pink, blue, black, white, "Gies all fancy designs,rega lar prices are 85o, on sleet° clear at • , 60c • 35c Cashmere Hose at 25c . Ladies' fine ribbed Cashmere Rosa donbie foot and made of a„. good yarn,sizsa si,9,9S,regelar prioe 35o,for thretrdays, 'AOC Children's Isl;ras as made of fine quaritity gingham in as- s„ sorted colon, faney wood ha adlee, on sale at each.... live 60c Shirt Waists.at 50c . • Ladies' Waists mede of fast color pares les in stripes and - A 0 fancy tietigus, in assorted colors,regalar 60e,Wairits for OW C • Ladies' 90c 'Wrappers at 75c On Friday morning we place on sale dozen of *our 90e Wrappers, they are made of a fast color print in assort- ed designisfor.... .75 '12it PrititS for 1Cc • , . 200 yaids ofPrints colors Of navy, red, etc., with white epots and figures, also black and white, all are war- . ranted fast, regular prioe 12So, on sale for three.eaya at per yard. .... ....... Corset Covers worth 35cfor25c ." 50 Corset Covers made of fine white cotton and. nicely trial- med in front with embroidery insertion, regular value 25 Black Lustre.Skirts at $2 . Ladies' Skirt's made of fine black lustre, with good linings • an rimmings, very special at eitela .... . .. Vstr, 35c Mulsin at' 20c • a Photweela 11 Remy. Isom straw baissmaii'ess erii; . ooper's Bookstore, Clinton Agtv Adverttotottato Carpets andourtains-Mellineon 400 ...; ,t VIMIV10114;44‘NAMAIAAANYWVV049 tosSYlealsiMeteaAeNessVarWSNA, .001+000‘04 omAfovvv~ereseviv400kroovvo Wallnanere-W Cooper ea I o 03Paitytthe best- W LI Omelette ...... 4 omits' urnishings-.6 a Holloway..... 4 Excursion -White Star Mee. ... ..... .... 6 „ shingle- V TJackson. . a Farm ler sale...A (Touch ..... .... ... .... , Big exeursion-B Smillie ... ... .. ....... 1 ; liotice-d A8'ord A wanted-Holena Costume CO 6 ' auetioesale-JEBrydes sale at calves -H Richmond, a s en doe :-.Tursai'n:=84.s.taggCucigge.,°?. ; : : : : : :".-. nomad* env--nedgene"Bieti_., -... .: ,,',;-"-- 8- 6 What about collars -Jackson Bros8 coronation testers -w la Fair flo ..... • • 8 - listtot int 11 Paver Sale eeekasmeweeseesesseeamesesesAassAesssessasseweeeivaweWieWWweeNeleNOWOMAISIWWWWW*AWASAAW t..._,,j., ' _ IIMIARrgivilltutz4 anyinis-Statsajeistea14---4,---14871. Wiese niesOli" melte Iuuuipuni ihin 0 iiiiit-m „....wwwwww.wr,wwwwww.fwvv.vvvir 40,n.wmfoNvw -\ r 1 FRIDAY, JUNE 0,1902, , • flesttlt of the Elections Apparently the Ross government hes been sustained, with a Majority of four • this iS seffiseent to enable it to , hold 'office; provided there is no change OH , by recounts or protests, nut 15 18 just close enough for comfort, and makes the situtation sontewhat precarious. In Saturday, seven constituencies conceded to the Government the reported majority is under fifty, while in three constituen- cies ceded to the Conservatives are the majorities reported under that figure. Ridings which have returned Liberal members with mai wit ies under fifty are Lennox, majority 2; North Gray, majoLity . 10 ; Halton, majority 16 ;- South Perth, majority 32, North Wentworth, maturity 32; East Middle- sex. majority 40; and South Bruce, majority 42. The ridings which have returned Conservative members with majorities tinder fifty are ; North Perth. mnsority 2; Frontenae, i- ity 24, North Norfolk majority 27; Centre Bruce, majority 5. This leaves the possible turn•oyer onsrecount a for the, Government seven seats, and • for the Opposition four seate.' Every turn -over counts two votes. in the Legislature, so there is a pessible change froarthe GovernsnenP side of fourteen votes, and from the Opposition side of six votes. This makes it possible, if all doubtful con- stituencies turned over on recounts for Mr Whitney; to convert the pre. sent Government majority of four Leto a conservative majority of four. This is what is possible on recounts, but it is not what is likely, Experience in She past has taught that where the Administration has even the smallest prima, facie majority at first, the ad- vantage of turneovers on recounts and gainsin bye -elections is with the Gov- ernment every time, so it is fairly safe Sale ,commences Satur4y,.J.nne 7th, and June 7th . • 11( • 44 • aseare arrsass ariesre' ariasa lessesseassetreasi44,`1•11•11-11. -4--01414'faa•-i-elea'assa Air A:n="1 kirliirr 1 - On - Saturday, June 7th t /1// /400/Mr, Seinee Fse /ISM_ _Miff 17" //0?/- •••• 11"e4VVV3/41"44°‘' 6°"1"41°""kAAAA.PAAAAAAA$W#V4A/ 4.1414WWWWWW.1"114A"""11. I Will .comraence a gigantic sale. of Wall Paper, Win- • .dow Shades, Curtain Poles, Stationery and Fancy Goods,_at prices Which have never before been equalled in Olin - ton or Iluron. County; .Our reason for introducing the sale now is explained by tilt fact that we recently purah-ased a high class, 'stock of. Wall paper and general stationery amounting to about. $2,000,froni -a dealer who wanted to retire from business. - Our own stock was already coxnplete but the LOW price at which we were offered these goods was too rare a chance to lose. Our good fortune will be your opportunity. BE WISE! BUY NOW! SAVE MONEY! t(1).a.TiOnniteftainty tshaef LiberalreA.V44004,00040r 4.10~001040ANNtaft AAAAAAAAAP.iAfAfUVVF • Renfrew, died as the result Of blood- wall paper., does Mr Munre,Liberal elect for North, . • • poieopirtg. He was elected by 464 . majority, but the riding is Mci nt y • s • • - uncertain to make matters interesting. . At the. time of'writing we had about 18,000 rolls of wall in 1.900 by Mr Munro, whowas elected' • North Renfrew in Ists elected Andres!' i " T. White,, a Conservative'succeeded paper in stock and in order to reduce theruby at least 10,000 e • by acclamation. The riding has been r° is we have made tremendous cuts. . most unfortunate in the loss of its • , members by death, In 1890, Dunlop, At le Per Rell There are about 700 rolls of odd papers with , .• Conservative, defeated Thomas . only two or three single rolls of a kind, but , MOrray, who had sat for the riding rill do nicely fOr'odd places around the house, they are worth all the Way from from 1879; by 80 majority. He' (ilea oc to 25e a roll but Will be cleared out at lc rer relL Anothm, lot of papers only acclamation.• Then he was defeeted , ' '• " - ' • • • by A. T. White, Conservative, who died two years after his election. •Mr At' 2e per roll We can give you a variety of about 50 kincle of •' odd ceilings in lots of 20 rolls and. less, they are -Munro took :his place, and just two worth a good dearmore money but We wan the rosan more than the papersthese .days after he had defeated Mn White's are suitable for bedrooms and attics and very' cheap at 2c per roll. son, Peter White-, jr, by. over ,four hundred -majority, he is claimed by At 3c a,n.d 4c p, • death. At the Parliament buildings it er roll We have' an exeellent line of J, American White blanks, 8 yard§ 350, special At • .. .. • 4 ....... ............. C . and Barr., Liberal, was returned by rolls of a.kind to be sold at 50 for the 4 rol s. ' . • • Hundreds Of vards of Maslins in shade's ot pink, blue, fin. • en color, etc, , scale stripes, others hinny designe, rege-lar A price 35o, very Special at per yard. .. . ... ..;.... 7CIPC Your money back •' if you want it. • eff4NINO$. • • r • was said that the Liberals might en- to the roll, jusS out from the factories and brand new goods, they are worth '7c • deavoor to get Thomas Mackie, M. P., and 8c but Will be sold on sale days for 3c and4c per single roll. for North Renfrew, to resign and non- 9 inch borders to match lac per yard I 18 inch borders to Match 3c Per Yard test the riding for the Legislature, as . • ' he is admitted to be the stmngeet At 50 per 11 Some of the notetvorthy incidents of •colors, cream, buff, green and b1NV'e have the greatest Values ever shown and you Liberal in the riding. ' ro liveii,iwthoirlluki rseOgWullarellyylOessened011.21I 18,01,805ertAerlIstin, gailol the contest are that the four largest roll, Borders to match 9 inch 2e yard, 18 inch 3c and 4e per pard. . cities in the province, Tororact,Ottawas seryetive ; SoutlfsOxford, whicb has Hamilton and London, all went Cot- • ' pl5aciipelaspfeorreifger. 7o 1 20c papers for 10c 125c papers for 12ic I 36e are 400 been Liberal since Confedetatima, gave. • • the Conservative candidate a majority. Borders and ceiliegs to match at equally low prices. , • ' ' Mallinained arranged for the garden party on June . EACE -DECLARED, by Mrs Rich, Ir*in. Alt plans were • . nth, on the lawns of J. Irwin and E. 60 DAY EXCURSIONS Strait's arid the members of the miesion The' Boer leaders have signed the band were given tickets... A. meeting foil:Owen conditi n of d es. - I, • I, • • • ' '• • o 8 Entr ran er;-- Two airons out of three for Ross. . of the teachersswas held on W'edttes. The burgher forces lay down their To TieR . • • • .• day evening and among matters it was erms and hand over alI their rifles, Canadian Northwest" decided to hold: the annual Sunday „guns, and amnatinition of war in their , .. .. .., .. , , .... . citsnel PUnaicnic at Bayfield on Thursday, possession; or Under their centre, at following Return 'tatZ.. ul Y - . - ..e.r.s, • J • 1 AU prisenere ae0 to ha 'firelight bockPam.; Elgin, Man.,Estev an,Assa. ;Grand View, , WESLEY CHIMOIL -Litie . arise- etest 46 io6ii ail possible to South Africa, Winnipeg , Atan ; Arcola, Assa.,• Einscaitli, . without loss of liberty or property. • Man.; Miniota, Han ;•Eloosomin. Ass& ;' Swan tnat some clergybaan from Conference River, Man.; Waskada, Edam; Wawa'tv• $28 . will supply the pulpit on Sunday, Rev No action to be taken against pris esa, Man.. ....... . . • oilers, except vvherethey are guilty of Mr Howson being at Conference, Moossiaw, Assa ; Regina,. Assa.; York- t8P•A breaches or the rules of war. town, Asia irPOV SALVATION ARMY.-- Adjt. Hens Dutch is to be taught in the school's 4.••••46.••• I Pr. Albert, Sask.; . MacLeod, Alba.; $35 way, Landon, will visit the town Mon- if desired by the parents. and used in Calgary, Alba . ... . .. . day end conduct)), magic • lanter n sere t the courts. if necessai y. Red neer, Alba.; s ratheone, Atha, $o uice in the bareacks; subjeet, "Pleading: Rifles are allOvved for protection. • Good going June 24th and Ja3y15Return. f 11 11 t t d b 50 1 el •Militaly occupation is ta be with, ". _ ing within SO days from date ot issue. stereoptican view. ..„ ., drawn so soon as possibre, ' and self A ST PATTI:El 01113*Rcli.-.1.48.66 Sunday government substituted. • Parohase.atelt tlerts,..f..IT,2711ss 4§,9°,,,enatreinglthealesa•SlitidaY in •thst,mteatlai -.:sTirstre latosbe no tax on the Trans.. - "" ""Y a 'amPl.."" ' . the sacrament of the 'Lard's Simper yaal to pay the cos5- of the r 1‘114_Modgens, Town Agent was administered....Next Sunday be- The sum ot three million. s'terling ing the first anniversy of 'ley- O., R. ($15;000,000) is to be • Provided for re- „..... Cillit9n1 .ar 19”, . Gonne'r; acceptance of the parish stocking the Boer faring. .....' . , ' special services will be held....A. meet. ' Rebels are liable to trial,. aCcOrdiug enure!' ehimes incr Of the ladies of the congregation to the law of the colony to which they The rtmning a a IeD3perance Can. • All paper trithmed free. Rolls notused may be returned and money re" didate in London, secured the defeat of Col. Leys. Liberal, and the same funded. , Bring the size of rooms With you. . . • thing paused the defeat of Cel. *Aries , • . • -- • • in South Wellington. Window Shades- • • • • • The Liberals woo tint. it Vette a -had ecare, . East Wavvanosh holds the banner for Mr Cameron. • The boys celebrated the victory, try1/4 a big bonfire on the square. • Hislop knocked the spots off theCon- servative candidate in East Heron, Hon. G. W. Ross' tctajority is ovet 600, three times as much as he ever had before. Mr Cameron got majoxities in all 171j,tees except Gfoderich township West awanosh and WIngham • * There are mare dints of resemble, ce between "M. G. tiameron" and "M. O. Cameron" than in name alone. North Oxford claims the 'record for the oldest voter, Seymour Sage. 104 years of age, voted for Mr Pettish°. • - • was called for last Monday evenirig to belong. The rank and flle vvill be. dm - ONTARIO STREET CETTA061.-La Sun- further tale interests of the garden franchised for life. ' party to be given by the Ladies' Guild . The death penalty vsili not be in - day morning and evening Ree, W. A. on the Rectory grounds on the even- elided. . Gifford occupied the pulpit and preaching of Thu; day, June 12-.1]+„.• as the „ The acceptance of these terms have .-,,e, ed able and interesting sermon in the ladies hive the reputation of '''proyid. caused unusual rejoicing. Kruger was -, : abeenee of the pastor, Res . DE' Gina -a ing everything that is good, a line not consulted, and egpressed surprise . , i .....'..'Neat SendayS. X. Shaw Will oc. ve ening's enjoyment may be looked whertinformed of the fact. copy the pulpit n the morning and nos, Thee. Guauw04, in • the evening. forward to , inueic by the hand and a - '•who is seeking aid. The Ladies' Aid rbgra'nh*:*°11 "he 26'h+ •C°"hhatien The Proposen.BrIdge . • socieo of the church intencie hewing Iclayopecial services and special,' music i *111 -be held in $t Paul's church :... , .........._ an ice cream social in the church on the • i• " lira later. . , wining of July 10611 ; further pertfehl Tbe Synod of the Diocese of Huron On Wednesday ' afternoon all the Mem will meet in .uoridon the week of June bete of the county comae' except two, s , .• • • ec on o es. • "M. O." 08itheI on repteeented one of the Hurons in Parliament for a num- ber of years, Now "M. G." Oameron will, do the same. " One paper Was kind. enough to allude to Arelalie Hislop as a "back bench mernber ot whom the electors are tired," .5450 majority for a back bench a, . . . •• 'Member is not bad, , • B . AndreW Pattallo,' in North Oxford, . • . Like the Wall Paper we have a very heavy stock' of Win- dQW Shades a:nd these must be cleared out at once. 240 Shades -Painted on heavy cotton in cream,buff,brovvn and green, as., mounted on spring rollers, regularspeices 40c and 45c, sale days eaeh 360 SbadesEaCh: side painted with oil On heavy cotton,and ovule& on guaranteed roller, in greens creamsaind buff, worth regularly 50c feg.ir. and 55c, sale days each . ....... •••••••:. •;•: ... ••••••,••••••••••.#01 .. •••• CPUILI • " • 220 Shades -Beet oil C'elors and trimmed with fringe,mounted on guar- s.„ • =deed rollers, regitlar price 75c to 90c, sale days each... ... .. ovc a.Wiasthseeiteoh mofa25ec ,and 35c shades we give a Metal pull and With the fringe shades ROQra Moulding To hang pictu • Beautiful room rnouldings,sli inches wide, in green, blue, buff, terra , cotta and oak, regular price ac and 5e per foot, sale priee per foot OC • lasts for two weeks. Aotsww4AAAAAAAAAAN~AAAA I hi the China Department' . • • We Will have ••raaily lines. for y.ours • ' : .-trilisinVh4e1 '11,11n°14 -'4n rue Pnftets ' for you • to'biiy..• On sour Special price tables:. - be: Many .tednee4.in • • • • • 'Tissue Paper . 1001+011s of stesorted tissiies worth • • from 10e to 15e a rell,sale days only ' . per • roll,. s. . • ;••••,. , 5e +Music • New popular sheet music, worth any where from 15c to 40e, to be sold at 5c each or 6 for 25e Inks and Mucilage. • A large bottle containing 3.tisnes as • much as the ordinary 5c bottle, guaranteed quality; sale days peress bottle ... • . .. .......... . . ...... oV Stone bottles of ink, each. , le • English mucilage, per bottle......20 500 lett( r pads, various sizes. to be. cleared out below wholesale prices: - 25c pads for 15c • .N 20c pads for,12c 10e pads for 7c 5c pads 3 for 10c i a Special valuesat 5c I Specialvalues at8c • Note aper an nvelops A„ five quire package of note paper . •good quality ruled or plain for, ,,I•figb. A ofinvle3rci.u.11; pa. Chage of baronial col. •, . • . • •-•••••-••••••••• =sew aogreedonnoitye.pa. per,plain, per pack- • 420c Eavelopes to match, per pa 'krike. .40 Papetries with hand oaint ed loid covers,box contents 2 package of envelopes and one quire note paper, per box.... . ... Alummurn pen holders - ••••It.titeltt'sle Lead Pencils' 100 dozen good lead pencils, pe,r2dfoozr gee Regular 5c pencil.. . Berlin Wools AU colors in BerlittWools, complete stock to select from, per oz., (ozse not broken) Oc • ' Ailkene it Brilliant Pull sto k of all sh d al d • es,s e ays per . , 40 Curtain Poles. . . ' asupcookli‘e.'s"' .. ' Assortment at 15c 1 A.esortnient at 250 . A fiVe foot curtain pole with brass trimMings, complete with pine and black polished. pole for ile'• Felt Goods .: I , . . • . ik, five footcurteinpol;, with Wood ends end trimmings cherry and, Ma- . A, An assortreent of fancy felt articles hOganny, only, each , . . ' , ...... . ,. ..... . ... . . . • .. . . . , . AOC IsucttchhieatoDvoey4iaens,d CwustiliiiiopnoCcokveetsrs;a . each .. ... .. ..... ,.. OtItlit I it ,.5C andln • • • , • ooks an Featherweight FINS ' polled more votes than both his oppon- entre Ile beat bis -Conservative tuatara, - 46,4„.1tea 0 E tatinne.,_ Messrs John together with the Road Comtnissioner, • WILLIS CHCR011.-1.1.he Sacrament Ransford and S, GT Plummet will- drovisoirt tiribaseet therateof-the proposed • was observed last Sunday morning, a ' attend atf rettresentatives . bridge between Colborne' and Goderich greedly number attending: the 'pastor I • s townithipe, and were rnet by the farmers of delivered an impterslye sermon Caking • .. . that penticalar locality, on both sides of for his text,jOhn 13;10 "Jesus said, He London ettoderonee the river, together with several ()idiom of that is washed needeth not save te wash • • -- .• • Olintoze Those from Goderioh were hirefeet bet is Olean evevy whit; and ye • The following its the first draft of fe Tied Aaron the river by Mr nickel team are clean,butnotall.”.. , .1n the evening citations for this contereneel it is whieh mole et nnmber of trips for tie', the pester and Res. Hamilton, Londere subject to change, and will likely prose.. , _, boro, exchanged pulpits.. Alley. Thos. undergo coneiderahle change before it The party then proceeded up the hill on 'Gallotvey, who has preached here be- is final*- • Goderioh townehip side,and inapeotcd fOre,will officiate next Sunday. morn- Goderich distriet-eGoderich, .North carefully •the situation.- hill hi ing; Mr GallnwaY IS eeneidered a sound Street, a Daniel; Victoria Street, "X pretty steep, bot a falai good roadway 1,hinker and is Around preaching for aid. Ilebinsori ; Clinton, WeeleY, R M his been made over it, which gives indi. to binaself....On Sunday evening the. Misruling; Ontario Street, G A Gitfottl; cation of considerable travel. - . 0.11, held its regular monthly meeting Seaforth, I, B. 'Vteallwiri ; Hohnesville, The niembent of the commit were non. for consecration and roll call. On ) j Ilu emir eBlyth., S Rolinest Dun- committal as to the prospeote or building Monday evening it was the monthly I, gannon, T R McNair ; Nile. M J Wil- a bridge, bat %were' of them admitted 'rifeness rneetingr Chas Lindsay ' pre- t son; 13ennoillers E A .Shaw; • Auburn, that a bridge would prove 6 gest public, siding ; the monthly 'reports and the TB 0oupland ; Walton, A W Dever; convenience at this partiOular plebe. In Minutes were read by S. Label, the I'Leneeeiboto, .T leennedye-Dayfleld, J feet nearly all who Were there admitted secretory, The Bible study was taken f G Yellatid 1 WVarna, ,.11 E Currie. the neeeesity of a bridge. up by R. King a .d Wee L. 1,an 00a. tr 4, hogharn distriet*-.Winghate, It The ladies of the neighborhood had was appointed to tetke the catechism 1 Hobbs ; Kincardine, W G Howson ; made Ample provision to simply the for lune. l'he Endetryor puepose ! Imcknow, A Gd Harris ; 13ruseele, W ruateeial wants, and the clothe were holding an inc-cream end strew berry ; leigehy.; Teeewater, 0 J Kerr ; Ethel, apreed on the gess, %a ample justice Social about June 20,h, The Mission ' J W Andrewe ; Vordwichr• D Rogers; done to the good things provided, after Band haat bia Tuesday for its regular Gortie, B Clerbutt ; Wroxeter, I A; widish Mayor /scariest thanked the ladies monthly meeting and was well attend. i Wifely" ; Bittevale, to Swann ; Ash for their kindness, and expreseed the hope ed, there being 53 nresent. The subject field, V 3 Offen ; Salem, T E 'Sawyer,: that ere long they might have an op. Wee "MisSions in Trinitiad"hy Mrs (Th) Bethel, 8 V Rutland ; Riplev, R I i portnnity of celehreting the openieg of Graham arid discussed Very interest- , Rosking ; Bervie. Win it Vance ; the bridge, ingly i a eolo Was excellently rendered Tiverton E W Edwercla ; White.' by bibs Jenote Joitoa and a reading, ' church, t; 0 Keine Beigraire, eommunieation and'. seversother 1,.the MI86/01tt.01136e. WAD well giveta13,,oven, rtielee ere unavoidably crowded out, • 6 onist by 1,146s the largeet Liberal ma - jot ityla the ProvInce. There will, be rio recOunt thnere The Toronto TelegraM announces that should the reconnti go againet the GoverninentRoss will make a freesia' ap. peal to the people, because Whitney would be in no better position tb carry on the affairs of the country, On the other hand the Toronto Star states that the Liberals are losing ricsleep tree.r the riarrownese of the majority BAND coNbEitz—tindet the aur.- pices of Wesley League a band Concert by thee 83rd regiment band of Seatorth will be given in Recreation park this (Friday) evening. .A. choice program of music will be rendered and refresh- ments Will be gelled. Admission 15,S 1 tdies and children 10e, , • BitliESSee-Robt Doan met. With an aceident to, his right hand the other 'day; while getting off a train at the de. , pot here his velise caught and he fell, ' Causing the mishap ....The Varsity baseball team will play* the Olinton team here on Saturday afternooteinne 7th. ';Warren rieeh received a bad kick from another yoring, lad while Veyintf football at the public school or; hors ay. EOTIND -A pocket" book, on the Bey. W COOPER mob owner eau hcora it on telling at &CO 'CL TO N 00 An assortment of Bibles, some slightly worn, worth from 50e to 1.00,al.. C 'AO choice for.. An asSortnient of Bibles, marked froin 75c to 200 each, choice for... , • ...50c _An assortment of Bibles, marked from 1,60 to 2.50 each, choice for • Large size iiiblei-S-With large type And COMplete-teacherS-appendix and. i• niaps formerly marked from 2 50 to 4 00 eech; choicestfor.. .. . .. ....... LOU • Assortment of 001I1111011 Prayers, choice for... .. .. • • r. 10e Assortment of Common Prayers,. ehoice for 25e Cloth ,12 Mos -The list includes works by Dickerue Scott, Barrio, Doyle, Corea', and othes standardauthors, those books are well bound, sale 2 25e ,Regular 10C an pa stile days .only • • . COShion Tops , 1.00 Special Willie of Variotte style t• gigt!eheLtir,2°gereePueranYdarsvdh' lite* bPlitill4tanncitL . Choite Silk Fringe,gooil qulit y,re- • white, sale days per yartl....,...148 .... Otid-664.1161r466 101 • . Splendid assortment of Books •••• ...... y•II•••••0011.• 31* COtt011 fringe ft SPIendidaSSOnientOf Books talt 440 •••••r•ii Yvrdo Yttrtf f," "11 1 4,,Y•li ii•fvr *,tiest. qualit .• cotton fringe Si his Copyright Novels. • • Regular /5c, Me and 500, all one price each.. .... Scribbling \Books • 2000 five cent scribblers ruled and. plain, coarse and smooth paper, front 100 to 300 pages, regular price 5c each, Sale days .... , . ,s, for , School Bags' • An assortment of Sehool. Pages, mostly heinp, a few leather, worth an thet way from 15c to 40e, to Clear at each, 4”0•1*•••tv•Irv•irl• ... .. •••• Store open every evening till 8 o'clock, deep, in b ue arid white arid yel-gess low and virhite, per yard...-. ou' , 25e Stamped Linens A. variety of articles,suar as Doylies Table Covers and Centre Pieces • , nl. very low price K Filloselle Silk " • e Beam:malty, regular price 5c per skein. okaying on sale days at,. 'Ladies' &Its Leather, 81Ik and Cotton assort -g us: inents at We and WU Cash and one price* ew Ens oftlee; ' • ja.imii6ag6. A •