The Clinton New Era, 1902-06-06, Page 4linInnter Energy MW Ity. , Yen Are Nervone, Despoil. clent,Sleeplees, Irritable or •Out -of -Sorts in June. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND van ohm you Nerve pore, Fresh .1ottray•, Victor alld New Health. • Juno should be the etimmer month of the year for the enjoymeut of -nature and life. If weep and women are not phyeicelly capable of enjoying the good thiuge of nature and home Kt bountifully provided by an iN,11.Wise Oreeter,the fault is their own in the eactiotitY of mem. Our nervousnese,. insomnia, despondency and irritablenerso and continual and toroible reminders of ill health and dosage, Their ' continuance in dune means uuhappiuese and misery •' their ,beniehment by the use of 1 me : PaisOelery Compound mane erierhY, activity, vigor and full ability to enjoy Ideeiven'e best gifts. Thoueands are now ao• ,quiring rugged health and buoyant epirits through the tlie) of Paine's Celery ' Com- e ipound. The bleesings of health, home and nature will be your portion if you wieely nee •the great medicine this month. It truly makes people well. Eggesfor The British Museum. -- - A notice of. the collectionrecently bequeathed by the late 8+,fr. Philip Crowley to the natural history branch of the British 'Museum appeared 4 feW ' days ago in the "Times." A very im- portant portion of the (bequest is the collection of eggs, from .which 1500 specimens have been added to the ser- ies pteviousli possessed by the muse- . urn. Among uhe gems In the Crowley ogloinet .are an egg of the great auk and one of the extinct pied Labrador duck. Both these specimens were ac- quired by 'Mr. CraWley tram Canon 'Tristram. The great auk's egg is one •Of the Iasi "batch" despatched In 1844 (nom Zeeland to Denxnaik, The two Stpedimens in the •muieum previous to *Olds addition were both cracked and in thherwise •poor condition. An interest- ing item In the collection is the number •ru clutches or eggs of various specied -if birds with a cuckoo's egg aino,ng therm The Crowley collection ha,s added about 15 per sent to the species of trds represented by their eggs in the useum, the increase being especially E• arked in Australian forms, in Which. e national colleotion wan prey:candy eak. . , WONDERS OF THE' F1EART. All the blond in the human body paseep through the heart in about three minutses The heart beats 70 times s second, 4200 Clines an hotir, 109,800 dines a die, throw- inout 2i- bungee of blood a sewn& 056.1bs an hour, n tons a day. It ie' only when eupplied with pure, rioh blood that the •heart, an organ 6 inches long by .4 inches widP,• can accomplish this enornicns amount of work,and rebuild its own wasted theme. Dr Chase's Nerve Food is the most effective treetment available for heart affectione because it form new, red cor- puscles in the blood, and gives to it that life austainirg quality which le neoesearY to the health of every organ, . 6 Olve the Turkeys Range. ....ask An eastern farm journal. go -cal -d, advises a reader of its columns to keep the. turkeys near the house meal sot permit them to "etray •off" into the woods or fields 'This," it sass ''Is the only way to successfully ratee turkeys." Isn't that prantical and farmer -like, though? The "advaerl Would better learn something about turkeys and their habits before aa- suming to tell others how to do What lie himself knows nothing about. If there is one pOint 'of vital importa ice in the growing of turkeys it is•the provision for them of ample range a4 foraging priyilegee. They, are bi ore etinct a roving fowl, making their own living during „the surnmer and fall, when insects are abundant and forage is plentiful. We believe the turkeys Will fare better if let alone and privileged to go where and when , they please than if confined to a yard or Inclosed lot of any kind. They like freedom and - become elisplrited Shen denied it. At,t.04;,S004444•10;N"."9,4;4.0 RESIGNATION. MX= UT GEORGE H. HEPWORTH. Thy 1011 be done on earth as it heaven. -St. Matthew, vie 10. • It would be an act of folly to be re- signed to a disagreeable •condition Of affairs if that condition were avoidable. A man is bound to get its fullest ex- tent of happinessout of life, and it is a 'sacred duty to do so. Ile ought to do Isis utmost endeavor to make his en+ viromnent as pleasant and as cheerful as possible. If he foresees an evil he should carefully plan to get it out of his way, and work hard to accomplish that ob., ject, There is no reason why we should not extract from•pasaing time the very best and pleasantest it is capable of fare lashing. It is as much an injunction of religion to do this as it is to be just and honest and charitable. he old notion that one can be religioes only when he is half miserable, or that we should be giopray in. order to please the Almighty, is now obsolete; it is a libel against Him who made the sky blue and scattered flowers over the earth, The same rule holds goOd when a disagreeable condition is permanent and unavoidable; that is to say, it is a duty to take the brighter rather than the more soinbre view of the eituation .and find as .much peace and happiness as the circumstances contain. There is. no life so narrow .that it does not held more of good than we at first think coriceiv- able. If instead of looking with covetous eye on the superior benefits which oth- ers enjoy we set at work to live our owl life in. our .own way we shall be sur- prised -to find that flowers blossom in soil which we thought only productive of . weeds. The great secret is to force our- selves into harmony with our surround- ings -it is not always easy to do this- an4 compel them to yield their best pro- duct, This 'resignation is One of the loftiest of virtues and one of the iamb heroic: • I. can imagine that a tree when cut clown,split asunder, steamed and bent into the shape. of a vessel's ribs may complain that it is hardly wed; thin is unjust to tear it,from Its sittilite fine and change its 'destiny and its purposes 13ut wilco the vessel is afloat, breastinw the, storms Orfila ocean and bearing a rich -argosy froni port M• pert, reith alee imagine.a strange savakening.on.the part of that tree Linea conscions thaphsgiy- ing that itewas not left to fiourish with other forest trees, but was , singled MA for speoial duty bir a special !decree of Providence. , . In litre manner I have seen a human. life crushed by re disappointmeet tie by a bereavement or by some heart Sor- row worse than 'death. It seemed- ata though all the light had gone out of it -ea. bide; night and Orin. And yet as One: Wore on the Stars mine out, and •when the soul had hecorne accuStcneed to the new environment there Wale a peace, a calie resignation Whielr yielded no small degree of actual ham1iness. The narrow circle gave more thee' the larger circle of ether, days; and the:burdened: life had ilowers in it which do tiot blos- som in soil Whieh Is 'rich wi'da 'excif ement and pleasure. Many a men has learned • what life meape through afilletio.and• I sometinied think that onr sorrOwettre the best part• of M. The'intin who has his !own way has a very poor way, and the Man who is led by -God is on the road to beayen. " • , I Once, feel Gees hand on your shout- i der and you will ,forget: the world and Make a wor1c14 your owe. what oat- ers enjoy will be nothing. to yen, and what you will fled in your men patheVey when you are in the right relation to Riin is sufficient for you. If we Were to lire hereforever it would be different. Bright Babies. , Tire a toy to Mothers and a k Treasure In the Heine All babies shoald ne bright, good natured and well. If you have a child' that is sickly, fretful, nervous, restless at night, 4 A ,OUSLIfferaltorp,sappach or bowel *roubles of anYtiort, give- it Own Tablets tind it will goon be well. There is no other medissine in the world will de so safely and speedily °ere iadigestion, eour stomach, colic, constipaticn, diarrhoea and teething ttroublet. Thousands of grateful mothers epee& of this medicine in w.oede of warm. •eat praise. hire Fred Power,_ 18 Seollard .street, Toronto, says; "My baby sufferea great!,. from from indigestion She was pale and very thin and would ory with pain in the stomach, and eemetimes 'would not 'sleep either day or night. I get a box of Baby's Own Tablete they have made 41, Street change In My little one. She now digeete her food readily; is nit • troubled with the pain in the stomach, and has grown quite plump: do not know of any medicine th can equal Baby's Own 'Teblete for little ones." TM medicine is guatatiteed to contain 'wither opiate nor other 'harmful drugs, Children take the tablete tut readily as (Andy and brushed to a powder they can be given to the steeliest, Weakest baby, Bold at all drug stores, or sent emit paid at 25a box by addressing The Dr Wil - hem' Medicines Co. Brookville, Ont., or Soheneetady. N. Y'. • . EXPERIENCED DRITattal WE GUARANTEE ACCURACY AND PERFECT SATISFACTION In this age of worry, hustle and hush Mem competitiort, utriet mire and attention in the filling of yea doctor's. presorip- lone ia abselutely necessary for the safety and Welfare of, your fanaly, gnat% antee accursey and perfeet eatiSfactioti to all leer ouatoraere. Oar toilet depert- meet alwitye replete with ine latest preptiratione and novelties. • Pettur's Ottaltit COMPOUND. Iles eared theasimis when everything else has failed. It has never failed to give Melt people happy MEMO. It steingtheraSinvig. °rata, gives riete toilet° the syei tem, toekee the blood pure, is food fee the neeyes-it matter Skit people well, WO Mtn supply yeti with the pure and gen- tine Nita's Celery Compound, If, 13. COMDD, Druggist, Clinton, Ont, TEE CLINTON NEW ERA VIM Runts. The steamer Acadia arrived at Wi- fe* with ten allmigrentei from Ram. burg,. For ebolera morbus, cboler& infauttirav cramps, collo, diarrhm t, dysentery, end manner complaint, Dr .Fowler'it Extra% of Wild Strawberry lea prompt, este and euro ome that hie been a popular favorite for nearly 60 yeers. Tee National Civic Fed,eration are endeavoring to .bring an arbitration of the coal strike by approaching the leading stockholders of the railways 1 It mated, The Canadian Tubular Steamship 011 Transportation Company has been incorporated in New Jersey to pur- chase the patents of the Knapp roller boa*, Mental and phydoal activity are produc- ed by Miller's Compound Iron Piths. Sold by all druggiete, Clinton. Eighteen hundred special policemen have been swot n in to preserve order in the anthracite coal mining clietrict during the Miners' strike. Good health eeposaible without regu- ular action of the bowels, Milloarn'a Laza. lesser Pills regulate the bowels, oure cons atiehtion, dyspepsia, biliousneses elok headache and all affections of the organs of digestion. Price 26 ciente. All druggists, While coupling cars at Brolote Fred. erich Edwards, a brakeman on the G. T. ,R., was severely injured and may not recover. Increased vigor and vivacity follow the two of Miller's Compound Iron Pile. Sold by %%druggists, town. Rev, J. D, Freeman, of St John'has accepted the call to Bloor Street Bab, tist Church, Toronto. Miller's; Kidney and Bladder Pills cure headache, indigestion, rheumatism], and all ailmente canoed by affected kidnaps and bladder. Bold by all druggists, Clinton. • Owing to the Coronation, Sir Charles Rivers -Wilson will not visit Canada until July. , Then we should feel hardly . to be cio! prived of pleasures which others enjoy; but since this life is sp short and the other life is so long what matters it that others have riches, and wespoverty, oth- ers leisure and we gevere toil, or othets health and we, sickness ? These things are mere details in the economy ox the soul whose value we ,have greatly ex- aggerated. We. can get on leravely and 'sturdily and live our little , lives so worthily that who the perfect day comes we shell be warmly welcomed, There are no circumstances in whicb we may not build character, and char- acter: is • all there is to live for. Bs patient, therefore, and the morning will break at -last. Be cheerful: even in the twilight of illness greatly .prolonged and the shidows will disappear. Whei. the painful experience can be avoided your effofts must, not cease, but when the unavoidable occurs fit .yourself - to it; let it be your mission tit use it to your soul's advantage, and you will, soon learn -that no life is without pellets and joy. Reeignation is itself a source � comfort and happiness. . s The feeding of very young ehielei is a matter that maey do not understand. The favorite Mod aloud is cornmeal, : but 4 chick Cannot thrive on cornmeal alone, as it is deficient in the elements of growth. Millet seed Is excellent, and if the ehicks are allowed on a grass plot they will eat grass and insects. As they grotv give cracked corn and wheat, as well as a little animal meal oceasion- ally. A . variety of almost any kind of food should prove serviceable, but if 'remake money it is neceesery to have a dear, bright brae, 0 mot Jima free ;pm pain,and stronievigerous nerves. Milburn's Heart and Nerve. Pills invigorate and. brighten the brain, strengthen the nerves, and remove all heart, nerve and bran •'S. trembles; „ ' ' Homemade Land R011er. The British mule camps are being . moved from the southern States to to Which attach the tongue. To make Toronto. ' There is no form of kidney trouble, from a backache down ito erright'e disease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will not relieve or cure. If you are troubled with any kind of kidneyooranhuntaisie Doan'e 'Kidney Pals. STRONG LAND ROLLER, • ohm Quo *wile Made Which is filasple '�W thiTisalo atraeLroare:te•teuttai upon fin; rarno then o. good land roller. Neer. erthelesa, many object to the uee of the roller because it frequently tears Up the ground tor a considerable apace when It Is turned erounii, or else the weight of the tongue and frame bear 50 heavily Ulient tloe necke ot the horses OS to make them sore, Again, some considerable cost and care of the Im- plement in excess of tlie net returne, These objectioes eau be \avoided, Select a good Oak or maple log 20 or .25 Mohair -Werner eitracrierthesbete' to10, as nearly cylindrical as possible. Haying peeled off the bark, sink it un- der water and leave it there several weeks, at the end of which remoVe and let At dry under cover. Before it gets too hard saw it up into the required lengths for the rollers:. that is, have each of the three sections about two feet in. length. Then, ha,ving struck a centre and worked them to a uniform size, so all will turn alike, bore the holes for the jo`urnal. Perhaps the best way to do this is to have a pump. maker (providedthere be one in your locality) bore with his auger an inch- andAhree-quartere hole t'erough the entire pieces. When the rollers are thoroughly sea- fiOned, "meant" them, as shown ln the accompanying illustration, on a rod of Iron or steel an inch and a halt in di- ameter, so it will work as a loose spin- A.bove, the rollers erect the frame,' the tyliole strong and rigid, connect the frame to the iron spindle with brace. irons made of old wagon tire - work xrhich any good blacksmith, can do. Use eight braces, two at each end and two between each of the rollers ' The span of it bridge on the New 1 in the centre, firmly welded to the . BrunswickCentra) Railway gave way, spildie in such a niiinnei. as to keep letting an eiogine and two cars of him- the rollers in their respective placee . ber fall into the Washademoak Riverand yet allow them to turn reaaily. .Fir email' Rand was drowned: . 'Attach an old mowing-zurichine seat ' . Itritieh Trent; Oif. Liniment is. without ie ule Er4lile" as ri114376 14rn.i7r- exception the most effective remedy for balance the weight Of the tongue and outs, wounds; ulcers, open sores,' rheeso. BO *lake it work easier, on the neck atiem, bites and stings ot hausits, s eto. A.I of- the horses. • Having the roher in s large botae.26 cents. Get one at'your drug!. three aettions Makes it °ester to turn aroundsthau if made solid_or . even ' lu A espatco -' root Cheroourieeatwo pieces:- ' This is e. cheap, simple; that •the e warship Trehouart, while easily made and very practical land ' about to stare for Dunkirk, Jost a live' roiler. If kept undercover when not torpedo, vvhiIn urie eh was not recovered It it will Wit almost a lifetime. -- is a dangerous menace to steamships! Fred 0. Sibley, In Farm •and Fireside: cATARRII CURE . „:;. LI) Stringing lisepherees Into ;tepees. , DR. A. W. CHASE'S OK V la sent direct t h On 'The cost of bringing into bearing an ' acre• of plackcap raspberriee varies and the Improved Blower. depends In each • and every particular • pHaesalustath,eatuolpcserdsr,oeplpeianrsgtinhethatre tiPoli the rammer in which the work • • throat. and hermanant y cures 1 '1 d June 6th, 190z Edney i Peace has alinost come in South Africa Disorders Aro no respecter Of upOroono. People in every walk of life are troubled. Heveyou a Backache? If yet* have it 13 the Arst .signeetheetthci eiteleeeyeseeeew are. teet._ waking properly, • . A neglected Backache- leads to salmis Kidney Trouble. . Check it in time .by taking . • . .DOAN.'S KIDNEY- PILLS "THE GREAT .KIDNEY SPECIFIC." They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubles from Backache to Bright's Disea.se. $0o. a box or 3 for $L25 all dealers. or TILE TIOAN KIDNEY PILL CO.. Toronto, Ont. Ital. and 'west have so effect on • havnees treated • with Eureka Her. nese OU. It re.. sista the. damp, • keeps the bunk. Sr soft and pil- abi.. Sdtches do stet break. Ns rough Mr. . fees to chafe Radon. -The, harem not only keeps " lookles new. -but wears twice as longby the WO °flanks, Harness OH. DELBURY CHAMPION will stand .for snares for the season of 1902, as follows:- . MONDAY -Will leave his own stable el b f L d Roadt • Chas. Layton'e, con. 2 then to Wm. Elcoat's, con.„2, for night. , free. All dealers, or Dr. A. VV,,Chas Catarrh and ay Fever. Blower labor. Althourh 1 have only 2,000 • nighan's, con 3, H. R. S. for noon • TUESDAY.- Will -proceed to Jas Kers MedicineToronto and Buffalo's. plants leen' eattreate the cost .of raise • thel Cli s- FIrSt Santos•Dumoni's 'balloon was cut i g P • • and destroyed with kniyes in the CI y- WEDNESDAY— prceeefl to Jas. stal Place at London, and the aseen et:erect: harrowin which will cost Mom for 'which he had arranged had oeil • 1 19 my plants1 Itn R rows s then to Dominick Reynold's, con 6, eynold's, con . Hu lett, or noon, YOU HAVE CATA.RRI/1 to he postponed. . feet apart and three feet apart in the . . me, A. furrow was plowed for each TouRsbAyeewili. • proeeed Eph Clinton Sasn, for night. Door, and , it Glew's, Ifuron ,Roacl, th con 3, Hullett, for night of plowing which will be $1.25; then a . But no pease here. The fight must be kept up till all the geode ereseelee heOple "PPliaCriOnte to cm for your Seed* such ite Corn, Menge's', Turnip% etc,, and Gadget Seede.Chime for Wire and Stsiples, Black wire, Galvanized and Barbed, oleo Poultry netting_ When you, will went Semen Doom, Window lacreeue and Wire to make others. Yea want FOrke, Spades, Shovels, Hoes, eto. Don't forget about liootaand litiom as we have such good and 6hettp once. Oar Dry Gooeseteck is fall and well *assorted -if you realiV went a bargain is Tweed., Suite, Shirts, Stnooles, Overalls and Sox, come and try whet we cen do for yew. The best of Grmeriee alwaye on hand. yer; ohAesakpfaetlectognoeoodf,our Cards, that opens Ole waytor you to get your Photos eillergesf Somistbingrapecialesettia Ayeshiragrsdaeowforealeoheap -or will exeliengeforantl 'Oilier cow. Terme are mush or produce such se Eggs'at 13o, (which baste the pedlare) Butte, Lard, Tallow, Dried Apples, Pommes, etc. Yours for business', Emporium, Londesboro May 18th, ISO% . R ADAM' Buggies ! Wagons!, bo you want a high grade Buggy or Wagon? We have the finest stock to select frum. All the latest styles ha the new- est colors. Our pieces are as low as can be found for first•class material and workmanship. Before you huy call and see us. We atm handle the Camelia' Steel Field Fenee, already woyen, any farmer cau erect from 60 to 80 rode per day, it is a cheats strong fence. Gem Lavis Isaac Street, Clintor NEXT DOOR Itt fl A OFFIlifiE New Arrivals HEINTZ MAR ds CO.'S tANOS -Noted for their excellence of tone, durability, abet touch and beautiful finish. .. DOMINION ORGANS -Noted' for brillianoy of tone, beauty of desige and ankh. THO SIAS ORGANS -Rioted for their soft, sweet, full tones, " A perfect imitation of the pipe °roue - NEWWILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES -Ball Bearinge, Steel Gear,no better mad& The above goods are fully guaratoped, Sied on easy terms, . 01-13201Z.J.r.i vv 1:3T-rarnril Every Farmer Should: use FORMALDEHYDE. The best known remedy for Smut on Oats, Barley, Wheat or Corm We 'ma give you testimonials from All the leading • farmers of this section who used out Formaldehyde last year, Fall instructions given with each bottle. Use Combo's "Standard Formaldehyde" H. B. CC Chemist tt Druggist eduotion 111 Prices • Here is a great chance to. secure a first Mass. buggy at a: big reduo Roe these prices:- , $80 Buggiessf6lifitatiggiiett7grB$66gogi!" for $65 Remember these are all our own ake . rn which nieces 'us in a position to guaranis' them, as we do not buy any materialbut what is first class. Repairing preraptly attended:to by experiemed num. RUABALL . 1neIRATIL, Iluron qtreet. to iaeetting werse,but:still you negleet it. Ne • itOrla3a the furrows, You have had it along time. Probahlv it row, and•With e„ three. foot marker run . at right angles lie-" Butt's; Base Line, for noon; then' to FactOry • gleot despite ihe fact that this le the belt tersections were made, at :which place. Gilhert Mair'ssEiuron Road,fornight. s 15 season of the year to cure Catarrh. It's the plants were set. , 'This can be done DAT- 111 proceeci' eon 11, Gederich township, for noon; eashy and permanently cured by the very for 60 cents. • ' pleasant, medicated air treatment. "Cat-. By planting es above, it will take 2.- en t Jo Rat me 's, o , 11 Bayfield arrhozerie''. You must know the neme,for. 400 plants. I paid $10 per 1,000 LOT Line, for night. • every body is taking of its woncerfnii ourra mine. or $24.0e. per note. • sAximiakr--Will proceed to the Com - Cater; hozone is the only remedy that ; 1 found the roost desirable way to • mereialhotel, Clinton. where he will Doctors recommend it and druggists reit it ' • set the plants was to have one man ' renlin-PlitiV o'clock thee t(.:.' • own tante, per e Will rennin un - his promp ey,effectually,always cam (Tata rb, •in two sizes, 25es and $1,00. ' • . 'drop two rows at a time, and two men ,ta th f 110 i M w no• onday morning. ed in a meohanical way and eatisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kinds of in- - -Chas. Mann, jlorentoe was drowned 1 ' 1 d t thein Three good men e 0 o -'w Ilethusesetsout 2,400 plants -a day, at i tTeros SeGiersny ch ,Ceteeitauron road, -_ .....: . tinier, end exterier,peeterial. • ' • • . in the Humber through the upsetting a cost ne, wee, • • . . Clinf- ' ` --- --:' - ' ' - - • - - - • . 9 a canoe'. • . l At a cost of $5 an acre blackcap. f imported Shwe Stallion BileRPIRLb'S Lumber Lath* Shitioles Lime Sash Doors 'Blinds Etc • poen GIRL, PITY HER. . 1 raspeerries can be properly cultivated' iseessesesisseasee se reeeese :-. • ' •• BaRON will stand for the. improvement of . 9 0 9 . 0 - . 9 S S. COOPER PROPRIETOR, General Builder and Cofhtractor. • Clinton. This factory is the larsest in he county, and has the very latest improvel ma- • ahinery, capable of doing Work on the ihortest notice. We carry an extensive and reliable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all cities- sa of buildings oneehort notice and on the dosed prima All work is eupervis-" Greteing I Yee, into weakilese, •Ient net -.and seinneed the first season. ' morneae, willleave his °vox stable,lot 81, eon. Agent for the (Selebsated GIB4Y.111EA, gi-jEtoc,r, BoksK, meweetateged strength. Studios• -plenty of them. Tired,of Bullett. and proceed to Penry Govier s, It von or re Course she is, and weak too ' Doles hot eat The foil. .ving season $2.50 will keeto ' 80, oon. 1, East Wawanosh, for noon; then to Wq, ri . Can and Ret prieee and estimator; before plaoing r de enough, and digeets far less then enough, .the field in geed condition until tick- Jag, tirrils.a:n4c,orizikahNetwollir, then for 'This condition is aelrequent,buit how eeldons time., . Under favorable condi o..... night, , ' .To ne oe eve by fond parents. Givo'her Far- the Plants should bear much fruit the sentaretespe__oceed to James Pollard' rozone,then wateli her a ppe tn"e I ;second season. I prefer mulching the 0M011,5,tW .w alwDastnoshl, fo r fnoootn ces mpprove,h er ine'sth t n w;osihhkeontur2ts°o;' Anothe•r Dr•op in Pri cheeksand lipsgrowrudd ,her steelastic, sec • her spirits buoyant. All t -hi simply the re moisture and keeps down weeds., I stilt of eating and digesting enough, makieir This makes B. teal cost of $37.50 for blood, and thereby strengthening the nerve plants and labor. and brainpower. Ferrozone gives a womee's strength' to weakgirle. Your daughter or • Cerement alone is given it may cause bowel disease. • , ' ' • .. ASBURE AS 'YOU Atm BORN Petr RBI'S CCre laxtraotOr cured all kinds corns and warts., in a short time. Caren paibleasly, quioely, eroitietly, Mired radiantly as North Amerieen Continent, just ask your druggiet if this isn't cio. Drug - elate all sell it, if you are at a diatenee from a drug store gond 25 dents to R. 08 ' Poison Co,,Xingstoo, and get it postpaid, wife neede Ferrezone. Get it today at H. - Prult itelaL Mrs John Flockton and Miss A: Free blood erom a turnip than abundant tt t d t • .e t crops of good fruit from or Boil. wiii probe.bly recover, like animals -they raust be fed if they 4. East WawaniZefor noon; then to his own . ' p It is no more unreasonable to expect ti thentoBeo.Aguineiiotcon.5Aehlio1d, • The undersigned is offering. his $80 Baggies for $65. The*- WEnatzsrat, proceed te Daniel Dineen's, lot Kin gsbridge and lake shore road to John Sty ta', are his own make, and are made frotn choice material and br 1. con. 7, Ashileld, for noon; 'then by vrti• of , first class mechanics: All the latest improvements used. arm lot 7, eon. 8, Ashfield, f.. r night. THURSDAY crOOOOd tO WM Sto.hers , lo. for night. • SZikigtiLrtrontr4e411W,1473.3°,Lfxri, 'are up -t� date in every- respect. They cannot be surpass* West sweetish, for nada. • con. 7, VVest Wawanosh, for noon; then to John Redmond's -W eld or n g t Hamilton by taking poison, They. neat trees and plants of all kinds ars sA.Tritne?r pe8Ined .7031.41;it's, lot 88, cos' .10111q ETtiton S.Itreet. 01int and we gu'' irantee them. Franiv, proceed to ilbert Grave,', lot 22, - iltable It is' stable where hewill remain tiil the following • Burdock Blood Bitters is a purely Vede. ire expected to be pro eltiondasemoreing. • • al manner sots directly upon fib° bowels, ample returns "if they are given wise *Manager andtProV..prietm, tire system of all imparitiere fedi humore There is a plenty and' more than i Ikitiket8iiewei.,75RHAles heaveedbrossoisieeseou waide_ table combination,that in a eafe end Data- rare that either of them rats to make • . RAYMOND lfteolitiBiz liver, kidney's and blood, idealising the enl, and fai . , May 9-1 • tt sesee. e.ondesboro. • • thful attentiOn and obstructions which roma the blood eleney of wormy, knotty, scabby, bruits- ;tar, No. 90015) will mend for the improv - . Id ,anti decayfng fruit grown arid sent Hemmer, will keys his own etable and proe- arid create diem.% ment of stook as follows ;- It is stated that Simon Sam, the run- to Market. This whole thing shouleAiwaredTtditownIttgray,hatra: e Sastble linelto Geo. Dewar's:men ' '4)linftOrirtel away ex -President of , took $8,- be reforeted or discetAraged.There 000,000 from the public treasury during hr plenty of demand for the best Of to Shoemaker s Hotel. Zuriceh for then noon; tor night. his presidency. „ tattudit, fhaoirnesptrlyieenandwicnereefvueltYny'Paaloth,444: ,t WanNksruiY, willyroceed up the Goebert line " PLEVRETTO PAINS Etoosteolh,naatetyeirehuen, rn s for noon then to the River short time; then to his own stablb Wherehe willremain tM Friday mornipy Ihtnger signal, prompt treatment is es; Alan who meets this 'demand: sonata. Bathe the region of pain, rimmed- TeteeT, inn proceed up the 1st con. to ear.; ' lately with Nerviline and pour Nerviline an e . Treaties! nearer 1P0/tats. brown paper, and bind quicklyover the sr - tested pap. t4aioker than. mantra. more °"8 more we feel that we ought to effective and so prompe that the further a ge our readerg net to aeleet theshest progressof the malady is °hooked at once, early chickens for broilers and Wel- sh pater beide or outside yield iC(01 he melt, or to seed to Market and keep the ,ageniitookiTty. to Nerviline, and Your dreogiet ate milt to rehlenish and increase the • Xl.o.43' for noon; then home by the 5th. SAifit,DAT, will go down con. 9, and book home by the talt: tosissarfr • '• lock, This is the surest and qtrickeet Sohn Dodds, Peterboro, was caught ray to run them down, to inferior, un- til the pulley of a shingle min and was Ireettetetdo feigvhe salonwy growing, tafindunexott killed, , - IN T HIS LOCAL (TY. • , spring, "when they will be eight or ten notiths ld The Medicine dealere in this place eay o ' that there ie no preparation on the market Select about twlee Its many of the to -day that hae anything like Audio an eisors test at It is intended to winter. feed mous ,sale as Dr Chase's Itidney•LiVer :bem well, and keep them growing as Pills. Would tide extraordinaay demand Iset as may be, and thee next fall mill for Dr Chase's Kidney -Liver Piles continue let those that are not up to the mark, and gradually itiorease if people were not ind retitle only the best. They will hishog benefitted and cured by their nee. t Cworth twice as rail& fle a flock of eetainly not. One pill a dome 25 Unite 11 11s from wet o eh all the best ones bee. • . rave boan taken, and they Neill prob. Thos, O'Neal,sagor of Paris, is dead, thly give more then tWice as many lute sailed from Quebec to attend the coe-, iggs "next Winter. -. see e. d Sir nett, Bondsiremier of Newfoundland , onetion. ae 8 oe erne Court has FILM the t the MeGtownrierefor night. Turenev-wiiihroceed a, Gaverement 110t liable to the Ham- to Atentru for noon, then to Msliough s ROW, BORT. BAKER, Proprietor, Clederion towns*, May 2-1. • The thorobred Shetland pony "Little Bebe," the property of W. B. Forster, of Holmesville, wilt stend flr she season of 1902, at Wecalands, lot 49, Maitland eon. mission, Colbenne township, Terrae,,$6 to insure, payable Jan. let, 1908., groom'a fee, $1, to be veld at time of service. Pedigree and deseriptio; of the /Contuoky bred Trotting Stallion "St, ,131419.13," sired be - "Post Bor,n1990; Record 2.13.2 mile record 4.524 (full brother to Clemmie G.; 2 15% and Mystery, 2.281) Sire of lathy, 4-year-okl ram record 2.20. will make the'seastin ofeem at his own stable. Iota, con. 4. litillett 510 to insure a mitre in foal, payable tet the ist of February. 1903. Partied diaposIng•of their mares before folding, will be held respOnsible for tbe ipsur once money, whethot it3 foal or not. U. 24- MoGRErfOR. Pron. toter, ()oilstone° P. 0 4 Conrityl• tron..Ontaitio. The Standard Tired Trotting BON - DURAS No 81714, Record 0.281, ROUTE:, Mos- niv-willletive the commercial Hotel ttabie, ,Olinton, for Londesboreeortoon thence up the botuidary line of East Vi tiwonosh and Hullett to Dun annon for in ht. WzoststiAv-will ro- The catch of meokSeel along ths Cape burg Steam Packet ColnPanY for.ditM eseag,oRiethii forgiicon,then_coolong the ?eke Breton boast 00 far this season exceeds the ago, f ot 't he Jo 3 tit eaused by the shore road to lannloik for Mint. Tii mistier - I catoh in the peat fifteen yowl, grounding of the embi.' proceocl to Elm Betel, t oderich,fOr noon; ranee -V11 proceca to hitifield tor mon, 1, A.. -------------- -eitoh,feirmer warden of tdiadleseit ted Vietts ell the eeld will remain till the followirig Monday morning'. 1I3ROAD Wtot leisexati dead., Thia rota° VII be coutiereel throughout the thence tette cook's, nayfield Pet night, Coke Dandruff Cure OroPs ALL PAIXING Or THE HAIR--ItullOVS0 DANDRUP11-1,-A.LLAVS ALL IRRITATION 90 THE' CA14.P. IT PROBliYrES A LUXURIANT GROWTH 01: Taw; HUATirIlit HAIR AND I'REVENTS BALDNESS. PRICE DOD. AND itii.00 AY ALL essinusys ettieuerr eetteales---- - A. L. BREMER CO, 1.1wRed, • Ten" Chicago, New York, Lisa; POW gr: ' FURNITURE BROADFOOT, 130X & CO. The steady increase oar trade is good tireof of the foot that 011r geode are 1.103 mut bur pricei lower than those of Other dealers in the trade. We manaftioture furniture on a large male and eat afford to sell °limp. if you Isn't from tui, we save for yea the profit, Which, in ether °ems, has to be added in the retail dealer. This week we lave phased into steak aim el oar new. delugns. Space will net perroi* us to quote priori, bat come and gee for yourself Who dope We have to offer, Itemember-we are determined that our nrioee shall he tha owest the trade, UNDERTAIiING • In this depatment our stook is complete, and we leave uedoubtodly the,:hest forma outfit in the county. Om prima are as Ow as the loweet. ndenee an of Hon Stops the eough thence to ttrnti and then to 01 uteri where he . W item in Dit .(1 opponent • — teXittiVe trabletit tete season hen t and weatherBernettin To re • FOOT„130X &co. J W. Chidley . Manatee Mole Dinner roee to tot hie little child a now in one atty. No cop, vay, pejo Deur; Owe ao. Owned by .f Darilier ,9$ • .1343.• I ' 8 Director) residence itink &ha ten demi in his home in tlapanee, Chicligo, end Ceritenter, of ublite • , So htta rinday Calle tittenaea to by oitittoc.itt w; Chialey'si (Voter.* 25 dente', 4. ' - • • • a..S..1-er'es7eV