HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-06, Page 3,
$mumer ,Energy And Activ-
ity, •
If Yon Are Nerveue, Despon.
,dent,Sleeploos, Irritable or
Out-of-Sorte hi June.
sou Give Xatil Wants
Fresh Energy, Victor
New Health.
Juno should be the simmer month of the
year for the enjoyment of nature and life. It
men and women are not phyeioally capable
of enjoying the good things of nature and
bonse so bountifully,provided by an All -Wise
' - Oteifitiathifault is their own in the majority
Of elms.
Oar nervousness, insomnia, despendenoy
and irritableness and continual and forcible
reminders of ill health andatisease. Their
continuance in dune meows unhappieess and
misery ; their banishment by the nee of
Raines Celery Compound meane Mania,
activity, vigor and fall &Ada to enjoy
. aleavenat beet gifts, Titre:wands are now so,
oluiring rugged health and buoyant spirits
through the use of Paine'a Celery Com-
pound. The !singings of health, home and
' nature will be your portion if you wisely use
•the great atedionie this Month. It truly
anskes people well.
Eggsdor The British Museum.
---- -
A notlee of, the collections recently
bequeathed by the late IMr. Philip
Crowley to the natural history branch
of the British 'Museum a,PPeared a few
days ago in the "Times." A very im-
portant portion of the bequest . Is. the
nollection of eggs, from- which 15,200
spetimens have been added to the ser-
4es pteviousla possessed by the muse:,
um, Among the gems in the Crowley
cabinet are an egg :rd the great auk
an one of the extin tit pied 1.4tbrador
dui*. Both these specimenmere ac-
quired by Mr. Crawley ettkrn Canon
Wristrain. The great auk's egg is one
et the test abateh" despatched • in 1844
trom aceland to Denmark. The two
sisal:amens in the muieum previous to
aids addition were both cracked and In
Atherwiee poor condation. An interest-
ing item In the collection is the number
-of clutches ot eggs of various species
•of birds with a cuckoo's egg among
ahem. The Crowley .collection has added
about 15 per cent. to the species •of
akirds represented by their eggs In the
gueeuen, the increase being especially
'rked in Australtan forms, In which
e national colleotion ,was gireviousla
• All the blood in the human body passes
through the heart in e.bout three minut ss.
The heart beats 70 times a second, 4200
• times an hour 109,80 Hines a daY, throw-
in out 2i- ounces of blood a second. 656 Ibi
„. an hour, 71 tone a day. It is only when
supplied with pure, rich blood:that the
heart, an organ 6 inches long by 4 Moine
wide, can accomplieh ' this enoancus
• amount of work,and rebuild its own wasted
Miseries. Dr Chase's Nerve Food is the
most effective treatment•available for heart
affections became it form I 'new, red oor-
pusoles in the blood, and gives to it that
life sustaioirg quality which is necessary.
to the health of every organ, .
Give the Turkeys Range.
4t An An eastern farm journal; eo-ra1
advises a reader of its coluMns, to
.keep the turkeys near the house and
snot permit, them to "stray off" into
the woods or fields. "This," it teak
Ids the only way to successfully, rase.
turkeys." Isn't that prelatical and
farmer -like. though? The "adveer't
would better. .learn something about
turkeys and their habits before as-
suming to tell others how to do what
lie himself knows nothing about. It
. there is one point of vital imperti ice
,In the growing of turkeys it is the
provision for them of ample rarge a us
foraging privileges. They are by ine
at1ncta roving favralmaking. their •
Awn living during the summer and
fall, when initects are ablindant and.
forage is plentiful. We believe the
turkeys will fare better , if let alone
and privileged to go where and when
s they please than 14 confined to a:yard
Or Inclosed lot of any kind. They
• like freedom .and become •disp:rited
Filen denied it. . • •
, Bright .11ables .
, Tire a joy to Mothers; and a
k Treasure in.the Home
All babies shoald be bright, good natured
and well. If you have a ohild that is
sickly, fretful, nervous, restlese at night,
or suffers from stomach or boweestron lee`
of any sort, give it Baby'e lbsvn Tablets and
it will goon be Well. There is. no other
medioine in the world will do so safely and
apeadily care indigestion. soar stomach,
colic, oonstineticnadiarrhoea and teething
ttreablet Thousands of grateful mothers
epeak of this medicine in words of warm,
sat praise,. Mrs Fred Power, 18 Boollard
atreet, Toronto; says; "My baby iniffsred
greed% from indigestion She was pale
land yery thin and would dry with pain in
‘the stomach, and sometimes would not
feleep either 'dray or night. I got a hot of
Baby'e Own Teblete and they have made
great ohatige in nay little one. Shenow
digeite her food "readily not troubled
with the pain in the stomach, and has
grown quite Plump. I do not know of any
medicine tht can goal Baby's Own
'Tablets for little ones."-
-A This medicine is guaranteed to eontain
plea Igatit her Opiate nor other harmful drugs.
Children take the tablets lie •readily as
candy and ornehed to e polder they Otte
be given to ,the Bendiest, weakest baby.
Sold at all drag gores, Or Bent post paid
,at 253e box bs addreseing The De Wil-
helm' Medicine Co., Brookville; Ont., or
feheneotedy. N. Y. .,
l'iltWEI NOM. ,
The eeeamer Acadia arrived at HA- • STRONG LAND RQL.I.,Ell,, •
tig with 1.,1322 tutraigrante from HUM.
rer cholera. morbus, cholera infentum,
°map, 0olio, diarrbes t, dysentery,• end
manner oomplaint, De Fowler's Batman
0 Wild Strawberry its promPt, safe and
pure onto that has been it poplar favorite
, for nearly 60. years. . .
thy will be done ort earth se It 141n The National Civic Federation are ,
endeavoring to bringan arbitration of '
heaven, -St. Illatthew, vi., 10.
, " the coal .strike by anproachiy the
- It would be an set of folly to be re- leading etockholders of the raiyaye
1 it erested.
signed to a disagreeable condition of
affairs, if that condition were avoidable, 1 The Canadian Tubular Steamship
Oil Transportation Otonsnany has been
A man is bound to get its fullest ex•
tent of happiness out of life, and it is a I, iclaOsrepttpatentsXi a elit eny.ppt 0 pj_i
11 roller;
sacred duty to do so. He ought to do boat.
his utmost endeavor to make his en- 1 Mental and phyeioal activity are prechio.
1 ' Cr t
ed by banter's Compound Sold-
vironment as pleasant and as cheerful tie
possible. If he foresees an evil he should . ' '
carefully plan to get it out of hie way. Eighteen bundred aPecial PPlieemen
I have been morn in to preserve ordel
and work hard to accomplish that ob- in the anthracite coal raining district
jeet. There ia no reason why we should during the mineral' strike,
not extract from passing time the very
best and pleasantest it is capable of fur-
nishing. It is as much an injunetion of
Good heakth =partible without regu.
ular potion of the hovels. Milburn's Laxa.
Liyer Pills regulate the bowels, euro con-
stipation, dyspepsia, bihmenese, slots
religion to do this as it Is to be just and headache and all affections of the looms of
honest ana .charitable. ',Ile old notion digestion, Price 25 oente. All druggiete.
that one can be religious only when he is While coupling cars at BrOnte Fired.
half miserable, or that we should be erich Rdwards, a brakenlan on the O.
T. was severely injured and may
gloomy in order to please the 4Imighty, not recover.
Is now obsolete; it is a libel against Hint , Increased vigor and vivacity follow the
who made the sky blue and seattered , nee of Miller's Compound iron Pale, Sold
flowers over the earth. I, by all druggists, town.
The same; r4 holds good when a ' Rev D, Frpeman, of $t' John has
disagreeable ccindition is permanent and accented tile call to Blom' Street 'Bab -
unavoidable; that is to say, it is a duty
to take tl rather than the
more Bobbie, • . ?of the situation and
find as much peace and happiness as the
circumstances contain. There ie no life
so' narrow that it does not hold more
of good than we at first think conceiv-
able. If instead of looking with covetous
eye on the superior bitnefits which oth-
er ' y we set at work to live our own
life in our ,own way we shall be sur-
prised to find that flowers blossom in
soil whieh we thought. only productive of
weeds. The great secret is to force our-
kelves• into harmony with our surrotutd-
ings-it is not always easy tit' do this --
and compel them to yield theirbest pro-. a backache down Ito Bright's disease, that
duct. This resignation • is one of the 'Doan'ts Kidney Pills will not relieve or
• cure. If yon -are troubled with any kind of
leftiest, of virtues and one of the Most kidney oomplaint,uee DORN% Kidney Pills.
heroic: ••
tist Uhurch, Toronto.
Miller's! Kidney and Bladder Pills care
headache, indigestion, rheumatism, and all
ailments caused by affected kidneye and
bladdy. Bold by all druggists, Clinton.
Owing to the coronation,. Sir Charles
• Rivers -Wilson will not visit Canada
until July. •
To melte money it is neceieary to have a
elear, bright brain, a owl .head free trom
pain,and stromayigorous nerves. Milburn's
Heart and Nerve • Pills anyigorate and
brighten the brain, strengthen the nerves,
afid *move all heart, nerve •Ana brain
troubles. „ '
The British mule camps are being
moved from the southern States to
There ie no form of kidney trouble, from
The span a bridge on the New
I can imagine that a tree . when cut Brunswick Central Railway grtee Way,
down,. split =under, steamed' and bent letting an engine and two cars of lum-
into the • shape of a vessel's ribs • may her fall into the Washademoak River.
Fireman Rand was drovened.
complain' that it is hardly used; theft '
is unjust th tear it from Its nat., telfala exception •the most effective . remedy for"
and change its destiny and its purpose, outs, wounds, ulcers, open sores, rheum-
. But When the vessel is afloat,. breasting Were; bites and stinks of hands, eta A
the storms of old Ocean and• bearing.' .large bottle 25 cents. Get one at your drug-
Britith Troop Oil Liniment in without
sew pea may nu Mad. 'Mitch la Oltatnle Or
Well its
Few thinga are more essential upon
the farm than a good land roller. Nev.
&theism'. Many object to the use of the
roller becauee it frequently tears uP
the ground for a, considerable OVICSI
When it is turned itiound, or else the
Weight of the tongue and frame bear
so heavily OM the neck* of the horses
as to make them aOre. Again, some
considerable cost and care of the im-
plement in excess of the net Murata
These objections can be aVOlded,
• Select a good Oak or maple log 20
or 25 inchee tbrough (if more the bet.
ter), fte nearly cylindrical as possible.
Having peeled off the beak sink it nu._
Aler-siVater and leave it there several
weeks at the end of which remove and
let it 'dry under cover. Before it gets
too hard saw it up into the required
lengths for the rollers; that is, have
each of the three sections about two
feet in length. • Then. having struck a
centre and worked them to a uniform
• size, so all will turn alike, bore the
holes for the journal, Perhaps the
best -way to do this is to have a pump -
maker (provided there be one in Your
locality) bore witb. his auger an inch -
and -three-quarters hole trough the
entire pieces.
When the rollers are thoroughly ma -
tented, "mount" them, as shown in the
accompanying illustration, on a rod of
Iron or steel an inch and a half in die
ameter, so it will work as a twee spin.
tile. Above the rollers erect the frame,
• I
rich argosy from port to port, I can' ale, g16•18‘•
, .espatc..2. rpm_ Ohttropurg eart
imagine a strange awakeoing on the part that , the warship Trehotiart, While
of that tree and a conscious thanksgiv- about to start for Dunkirk, lost a live
big that it was not left to flotirish with torpedo, which was_ not recovered It
is a dangerous. menace th steaniships.
other forest trees, but was singled out
for special duty by a special alecree, of • -
• Providence. " • 7.
• In like manner I have seen a human •
• life crushed by . a disappointment ot, by
it bereavement or by some heart • son
• row Worse then death. • It seemed ae
thOugh all the light, had gone out of it
•101. A. W.. CHASE'S 25
Is sent direct to the diseased
parts by the Improved /Hower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
passages, stops dreppIngs hi the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
free, All dealers, or Dr:A. W. Chase
Medicine Co T d
-a, black night and gloom. And yet
as time Were on the' stars eame opt, and bantos.Dumont's balloon was'• cut
wheri the soel had beCome aeepitorned to .stal'Pelece at London, and the ase -en
the new enyironinent there was• a peace, sione for Which he had arrengerl'had
a calm resignation Whiell yielded no to he poelpond. :
small degree of eatual happiness. The. • XOU HAVE CATARRH. :
• narrow circle gave more than the larger.
circle of other dityi, and the _burdened gleot it despite the faot that this is the b at
life had floWeis in it which 'do net bliss. •••sesion of the year to ours • , Catarrh, Vs
. .
and destroyedwith kniyes in the CI y-.
• You hew, bad it a • Ion time Probably it
le getting woree,but 3 on neglect it, •Ne
y and permanently cured by the very
sore in soil which is rich Nvina exeitement
• end pleasure. affany man has learned- arrhozsne.'. You must know the pamefor.
what life means theough alilletion, and everybody is talking of its worwerful muss.
• pleiteant, medicated air treatment. "Cat -
.4 •
• k jilomemade Land Roller.
to which Attach the tongue. To make
the whole strong and rigid, coenect
the frame to the iron spindle with
brace irons made of old wagon tire-.
work which any good blacksmith can
do. • Use eight braces, two at each end
and two between each of the rollers
• In the centre firmly 'welded to the
„ , , ,
Spindle in .such a manner as to keeii
the rollers in their respectiye placed
and yet allow them to turn readily. •
• Attach an old niewing-machint seat
to die bruins, fs' TlerpliTc7 CounTri:
balance. the weight. of the tongue and
so make it work easier •on the necks
I Of the horses. Having the roller in
three 'sections makes it easier to tura
around than if made solid or even in
two 'pieces. This Is a *cteap;slmple
• easily made and very practical land
• roller. If kept under cover when not
in use it Will last almbst a lifetime. -
Fred O. Sibley, in Farm and Fireside.
June 6tb, 1.90z
Kidney P'eace has aim' est come
in South Africa
Aro no
People in every walk of life are troubled,
1 -lave you a Backache? If yeti have it'
Is the first sign that tee kidneys are, not
working properly. "
A neglected Backache leaals to serimis '
- Kidney Trouble.
Check it irk time by taking
They cure all kinds of Kidney Troubles
from Backache to Bright's Disease.
$0o. e box or 5 for 51,25
• all dealers or
Toronto, Ont.
Rain and sweat
balm no effect on
barn's* treated
with Zurek& Han.
Ittla 011: 11 ro-
shts tka damp,
• keeps thelsath.
Or sett and pli-
able. Stitches
do sot break.
No rough BUT.
face, to chafe
*admit. 'rho
harness net
• r:tlinVista
, new, but
treat twice
els toughy the,
nes of Eureka
Harem Oi1.
Stringing Baapherrins Into Hearing.
• The Wet of bringing into hearing an
acre of blackcap. raspberries varies and •
• depends in each .and every. particular
upon the manner in which the work
la done and the cost • of material and
• labOr. • Althotigh I have only 2,000
plants Iwill estimate the cost of rats.
• ing raspberries, First comes the cost
of plowing; which will be aL'25;, then a
thorough harrowing, whieb. will aost
• 50 cents. I. set my plants in rows six
feet apart and three feet apart' in the
row: A furrow was plowed for each
' row, and with a three foot marker .run
• *cross the furrows, at right angles in-
tersections were Made, at which 'place
the plante'were get. This can be done
for 50 cents. '
• By planting as above, it will take 2,-
• 400 plants. • I paid 00 per 1,000 for
mine, or .424.00 per nor& • ••
I sometimes think that our sorrows are Catarthozone is the only remedy, that
the best past of us.. The man: wild has•Dot:torn "recbromend it, and druggists Lell
• prompt I v,effectually always entree °atm rh
his own •
.WaX,Ieee .4..„)±.Q.4921e. isto_ele;_ne BL.R.
the Man who is `led .by _God as on the (aka& Mario, Icrooto wan .tirowne4i
• • • • • .
rbadto eayen. - •• . • . I in the Hat:abet throughthe upsetting
• . • .
Once feel God's hand on your. shod- .of.a canoe. '•• •
der and ' ' 1 t tl ' .1d. (1.1' •
mitke a world' of your own. What oth-
. • . • • 'strength. Studieeoplenty of them., pired,of
you wiltorge aroi an
. Growing Yee, into wenkeess, but not
ers enjoy will be nothing to yen, and
what you will find in your own pathway
When - you are in the right relation to •
•Him .is sofflcient for you. If we were to
• Jive here forever it would be different.
• Then we should feel hardly to be din i
priVed of pleasures which others enjoy;
• left since this life is so short and thelj
Other life is so long what matters it that
course she is, and weak toe Does not eat
enotign, and digests far less than enough.
;Thia conditionis Fie frequent,but how seldom
eaticed even by fond waive. Give her Fer-
rozone,then *dela her appetite improve,her,
cheeks and lips grow ruddy,het step elevate,
her spirits buoyant. All this simply the re.
suit Of eating and digesting enough, makiny
blood, and"thereby strengthening the nerve
aria brain power. Ferrozone gives a vromsete
strength to weak girls. Your daughter or
•others have riches and' we poverty, oth- 1 wife needs Ferrozone. Get it today at H.
ers leisure and we severe toil, or others 13-
• Mrs Sohn Flocktonand Miss A.. Free
health And, we sickness These things attempted t su"d t
are mer detiul, mn the
ecallenly ot the' Hamilton by tekina poison, They
soul whose VatinewelittVe- grktly -elftperibably recover, '
aggerated. We can get on bravely. . Bh.0.001t, Blood Bitters a purely vege,
sturdily and. live' lives so combinationahat in a safe and natur-
• al mapper seta direptly upon tbe bowels,
worthfly that when the perfect day coMes liver, kidneys and 'Wood, cleansing the on
we shall be warmly welcomed. • tite system of all impurities, foul humors
There are no eitcuanstanced in which and obetructions which poison the blood
and create disease, '
we navy not build character, 'and char -
actor is all there is to. live for. Be it is stated that Simon Sam, the run••
therefore, d the morning will 000,000 from the 'public treasury during
break at lase • Be cheerful even in the his presidency.• • •
twilight of illness greatly prolonged ad prigriltEpato asajalg
the shadows will disappear. Danger signal, p
romot treatment is es -
When the painful experience can be antis'. Bathe the region ot pain imuaed-
lately with Nerviline and pour Nerviline on
avoided your efforts most not cease, but brown viper, and bind quickly over the sf
when the unavoidable mean fit yourself felea porta Qaioket than mustard, more
to it; let it be your mission to use it effective and go prompt - that the further
to your soul advantage, and you will, programs of the malady is checked at once,
all pains inside or outside yield jut art
soon learn that no life is without peace quickly to Nerviline and your „druggist
and joy,. Resignation is itself a source eel's it 1
. .
of comfort and happiness. John Dodds, PeterbOro was taught
In the piney of a shingle inlit and was
killed. .
The feediag bf very yentng Atoka ilt a .
matter that many do not understand. IN Ta I8' LOCAL tliy.
' 'but a cluck eannot thrive on cornmeal t at there is no preparation on the maeket
• • The favorite food aloud. is eornineal, hTherackdacine dettlere an this Place say
E rill A N'TEni ACOURACX alone, its it is deficient in the deinentli to -day that has anything like auch.an enor-
•.1 found the Moat desirable Way to
set the • plants. Was .to have one *man '
drop twotows at a time, and twO men ..
will thus tiet out 2,400. plants a t
a cost ot 13.75,•'• •
I At • a cost of $6 ..en .acre blackcap,
1 raspeerries can be properly cultivated
and. taimmed the first season. :
The foil. aing season 42.50 will. keep
.the Ileld in' good 'condition until pick,
Alm . Under favorable .conditione
, the plants.should bear much fruit •the
second season.' . 'prefer mulching- the• .
'second season, as this conserves the
This, makes a total cost of $37.50 for
'plants and labor.. , ,•
mons sale " are Dr Ohase't leidrielotilyer
of (. seed is excellent
and if the chicMillet ke are allowed on a gas; Pills, Would this extraordinsay emend
In this age of worry, hustle and busi-
ness competition, striot care and attention
in the filling • of your dootor's praderip-
tone is absolutely ateceseary for the Beaty
And welfere of your family, We guar;
tantee accuracy and perfect satiefaotion to
all Our •.custorners,- Onr toilet depart-
. extent le, always °replete with the latest
preparations and novelties.
Patties °MARE COMPC10813,
WAS MINA thousands whoa everything else
has failed, It has never toilda t) ahead&
people happy results, It etretietlaens,invig.
orates, giyee nnowtoneto the flys.
makea the blood pure, is food
for the, nee'ree-it make doll people well,
We Can supply you with the pure and gen-
uine Paitifee Celery compound.
n, COMB% Druggist, Clinton, Ont,
for Dr Charm's Kidney -Liver Pille tiontintie
plot they will cat grass and insects. As and gradually /nutcase ifpeople were uct
they grow give cracked e'orn and wheat, being benefitted end eured by theirneta
as Welt as a little animal meal occasion- Certainly not. One pill a close, 25 cents a
ally. • A variety of almost any kind best,
of food should .prove serviceable, but if •
corneal alone is given it may cause Thos. O'Nealoor• Mayor of Paris, is dead.
bowel disease.
• • Sir Itoht, B ond fPreiniee of NeWfouridlana
• has sailed from Quebec to attend the cor-
AS anita AS 10.(1 A1t1J 13°1111, The catch sf mackerel along ths Cape
putreach oara nxtsentos cures all Breton Coast SO far this aeason exceeds tbe
kinds of corns and warts, in a short time. ' oa1011 In the Inlet Afteen years,
°area outordy, promptly, ottres • hf
raclioal North Amerman Continent, end , orrmewradenof elidcllesex
piste all sell it. It you are at a &stain* ib V41°4 MildieSel°1"6".
just ask your druggist if this isn't AO. Drug, and bnoe an opponent of Hon, G. W Rose
from a drug More send 65 coats to 1,1, 0, Bich. Dinner thee to get his little elaild a
• Fruit Items.
It le no more unreasonable to expect,
blood froma turnip than abundant
craps of. good ,frult from poor. soil.
Mit trees and plants of allkinds are
like 'animals -they must . be fed if they.
are. expected to=11.119.0tahhis..a4,10‘;,
rare that either ef them fails to 'Make
'mete returns if they are given wise
end :faithful 'attention. •
There IN a plenty and more than
elenty of wormy, knotty, scabby, brui4
. .
Id anti decaying fruit grown and Ant
to market, This whole thing. )q,ibula
se reforrned or discouraged.' , here
kr plenty df demand for the best Of --•
trult, houestly and carefully packed; .
and. fair prices will ever aWait the
(nen Who meets this ,.demand. —
• 1,41111141...:
for • unities for the season of 1002; as
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable •
n,nd go by way of London Road to
Chas. Layton's, con. 2 a then to Wm,
con. 2, for night.
TVE!3DAY 4. Will proceed to Jks Ker.
nighan's, con 3; H. . for, noon ;
then to Chas Glow's, Huron :Road,
con 3; Rifilett, for night •
WEreeresoasr- Will proceed. to Jae.
Reynold's, con 0,-Hullett, for noon ;
then to Dominick Reynold's, (ion 6,
But norm= bore. The tight must be kept up till all the goode aretold or people
Come to us for your Seeds emit as Corn, Mang* -Turnips, etc.. end Garden,
Seede#Oeme for Wire and Staples, Black wire, Galvanized end Barbed, alto Poultry
nettingWhen you wilt Went Santee Doom, Window Screen's end Wire to make Where.
Icon want Forks, Spades, fhovale, Hew, eto.
Don't forget about Boote and States as we have such good and cheap Onee.
Our Dra Goodastook le full end well aseorted-it yoa really Went a bargain in
Tweede, Suits, Shirts,Smoolte, Omaha arid Sox, oonte and try whet we can do for non..
he beat ef Oro.enee alwaye on hand.
- Ask for one :goer elerde that opens the wayfor yon to get your Photos entente&
very clieap and good. •
Something speozal-An Ayrshire grade cow for sale cheep or mita:change for an
other cow,
Terme are outs or Orodnce ouch art Egge M 180, (which beets the Indiana Bettor,
Lard, Tallow, Dried Apples, Potatoes, eta. Yours for business,
lAmde6b°r° R ADAM'
may 13th, 1302.
Wa one
Do you want a high grade Buggy or Wagon?
We have the [bleat stock to select from. All the latest styles in the new-
est colors. Our prices are as low as can be found tor fIrst•class material
and workmanship, Before you hoy call and see us.
We aleo handle the Canadian Steel ]field Fence, already woyen, any fanner can
erciot from 60 lo 80 rods per day, it is a cheth strong fence,
Geo. La:via, Isaac Street, Olintok
New. ,Arrivals •
HEINTZ NUS & CO.'S t JANOS -Noted for their excellence of tone, durability, sleet
touch and beautiful finish,
DOMINION ORGA.N13-Noted for brillianoy of tone, beauty of design and flnieh.'
IRO }4A8 ORGANS -Noted for their soft, sweet, fall tones. A perfect imitation of the
pipe organ.
NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINES -Ball Bearings, Steel Gear,no better made
The above goods are telly guaranmed, Sold on easy terms. . •
1"i• .C31-11P1.$1.0EllArs IEVL
THUNSDAY-Will prOoeed to Eph
• Butt s, Base Line, for noon; then .to
, Gilbert Mair'sailuron Road,thenight.
FRIDAY -Will proceed to Gritham's
On 11, Goderich township, for noon;
• then to .Johfi Bothwell is Bayfield
• Line, for night. • . ••
SA'reltDAY-Will proceed to the Cern- ,
mercia hotel, Clinton, where be will
• rem:un un o c oc , eo o
• t'l 7 1 th t his
Every ,Fariner Should use
The best known remedy tor Smut on Oats, Barler,
Wheat or Corn.
We can give you testimoniais from the leading
farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde
last year. Full 'instructions given with each bottle.
Use Combe's "Standard Formaldehyde"
11. .CONI IBE, Chemist it Druggist
Reduction in Prices
• : .
. , •
Here is a great chance to secure a first olase buggy at a; big recite ion. Not
$80 Boggles for U. 1 $75 Bagging for $65
• $65 Buggies for $60
Remember thew are all our own make, which places tie in a position to amnia*
them, as we do not buy any material but what is first class.
Repairing promptly attended to by experienced men.
RU 11E41414 .**. McMATIL. - Huron . StrePt. -Clinton
Clinton San Door, and
own stable;where he will remain un-
tilathe following Monday morning.
citnntso. n-id.eunitny & Co!, • Huron road,
General Builder and Contractor.
This factory is the largestin he county, and has the very latest
ohinerr cepable of doing work on the shorted notice. We carry an exhasive
and re table stook and prepared plane, and give estirnatee for and build all tam-
es of Imildinge enalhort notice and on the eloseet prioeN. All worn is supervis-
ed. in a meohanicel wsy and satisfaotion guaranteed: We sell all kinds of in-• •
terior and exterior material.
• • .• • . • ••••
oinfirgrtlegn 811tiga Zraltan 11 pArl m e tiCi Lumber Lath, Shingles,: Lime, Sash, Doors„ Blinds Ete
stock this sewn as follovrs
MONDAY, willleave his own stable, lot con. Agent for the Celebrated . GRA-Y.81Mb SCI1001.1 -DESK, manufaotured
18, Butte* and proceed to prenry Gaels, let .4 Waterloo. Call and get prices and estimatek beforeplaaine vocal ordere
1 Bast Wawanosh, for noon • en to
80 eon. ,
RObinson's hote ,1 Atiburn,for one hour; then to
john Mills' lot 25. con.. 2, West Wawanosh., for
n grtisitAY. proceed to James Pollard's, 11 20,
oon.5, West Wawanoth, for noon; then to
Mountain's hotel, Dungannon, for two hours;
then to Beni, augustintee lot con. 5; Ashfield,
irnlghtWentrisnAi,proceed to Daniel Dineen'S lot
Another, Drop . in Prices
The undersigv ned As offering. his S80 Buggies for $65. They,
Kingsbridge and lake shoreroad to John Sty ts',
'T a tire his own mike and are . made from choice material and br
1, eon. 7, Ashfield, for noon; then by vra
lot 7, con, 13, Askfield, ft r night.
first class mechanics. All ,the latest iinprovements used ant
9 and Glennalot 13conOS
• rauminartroceed to Wm Stothers', 8,
„,, .
coo, 9, asked , for noon;then by way of con. are up -to date in every respect. . They cannot be surpasse
gravel road to laugh .
West Wawanosh, for night. and we guatantee them.
Virg, pig7ceed to Gilbert Taves', lot 22,
erPHN: LESLT8 T:Turon Sitreet. Clint n...
est awanosh, for nsio ; then to John
Redmond's, West field,for nig _ht.
SATURDAY proceed. to Jas. Vint's, lot 88, con
4, Bast Wawanosh, for noon; then to his own
stable Where hewn]. remain tin the following
"Monday morning •
Haymow, MoCorrunr.b,
Manager andjProprietor.
May 2-1 :---.7:1,ondernsero.
,YOUNG.BIR waiasnmAR,siredbyold Weide-
gg,t No 90(1285) fwg4teatd for the imp37.74:117i
MONDAY, Will aro his ' own stable and pro -
peed down_ the Satzble line to Geo. Dewar's:Met
to Angu. r
T en V, g . Joseph for n000; th_n
to Shoemaker'sliotel, Zurich, for night.
Wabbutsimirmill proceed up the Goshen line .
to John Stephenson's for noon,then to the Biver
Hotel, Bitylield, a short time; then to his own
!noble where he willremain till Friday morning.
FRIDAY, NM proceed up the ist eon. to Mr.
lito4s' for noon; then homeliy the 51h. •
SATURDAY, will go down con. 9, and back
home by the 6th. WileitePi" •
Goderksh township.
My 2-1.
• Practical Potatry reams.
Once more we feel that we ought to
este Our readers WA to select the best .
early chickens for 'ateliers and frIca-
reek or to send to Market and keep the
ate culls to replenish and increase the
^ lock. This is the meet and taillekest "
MAY to run them dote= to •inferior, un-
lersized foWI, 1116W growingand not
ready to • give any eggs . until next
spring, 'when they will be eight or ten
nonths old.
Select about 'twice as many of the
test as it is Intended to 'Winter, feed
;hem well, and keep them growing as
hat as may be, arid then hent fall cull ;
rut those that are neit up to the Mark,
aid retain only the best. They will.
to worth twice as Muo
Much as a flock tr
tells freon Which all the beat ones
tave been taken; and they will prob.,
figy give raore • than twice as mtluy
igg3 next Winter:
Ta.,?. Soar erne Court hair held hat the -
Government is not iluble to the Hate-
• burg Steam Packet Company for.darn
ages for the Niey calmed by the
grounding of the steamier Arabia.
top she tho eslugh
• sod %Corks off Cho eara
Lexative Bromo-Quitins Tablets core 41
cold to one day, MUM No- Pay, - Ptios
• 25 cents.
Poison & 0o,1Eingston, and get it postpaid4 drink and fell dead labia horn° in 1'4
The thorobted Shetland pony "Little
Bobs," the property of W. B. Fortner, of
flolmesville, wilt stand for the season of
1902, at Wocdiandso lot 19, Maitland eon -
cession, Colbdne township, Terme, $6 to
inenre, payable Jae. let, 1003, groomer fee,
lel, to be paid at time at service.
digree and deocriptiort of the
qinlfr11i17111'41?' mredbrt,ti4e1ercord4.52t
(full brother to emm e 0,2 15i,a Ye Mt
eest) Sire of hiller, .4 -year-old rtioe record •
stal3lei lopsteo- sti Bo Tina kmar: BROAD -FOOT, BOX .8; 00.
.0, will make the season Of UM at his own
.DA*Ittiff : Cure
• PRICE 600. AND si.00
Ai ALL 1111111111111Y111 APPLIND eV Mutual,
A, It MEIER CO., . Torii% Cfileage, New York, Lead* Paitil
Mg" lila:tnicalilialoarng.of their 01 mares' befort;
foaling, will bo hold responsible for the inetir
ance money, whethee in foal or not.:, C.
Pron,letot, Constance 0
0outtvl• iron. Ontario.
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion, BON-
gitIvIt-44111 teit8vitTittilltIgit Rfignare:
°Tinton, for Londesboro,for neen thonee no the
boundary lino of Etat Wawonosh tuidnullett to
MeGovran's,_,for night. TuxettaV-vtillvrocced
to Auburn for nom, then to Magmata Rotel,
Dungaution, fee night. Wesseespsv-williaro-
wilt proceed to Parr ;Hotel, tiodorich,for.noon;
thence to Mr Cook's, ilayfield road for tight.
The steely inoreage our trade ie good prof of the faot that our goods are righ an&
our prime lower then those of other dealers in the trade, ,
We minanfaoture furniture on a large mama and eau afford to sell theap. If you lin?
from ne, we rieVe for.you the profit, which, in other =see, has to be .added in •
the retail dealer. •
This Week we have passed into stack some ot ona new designs: • Spew will not permits,
to quote prices, but 06030 and see tor yourself whst snaps we have to offer.
itemember-we aro determined that oar prices shall ho tho ewe= in the trade.
1 in this derrtment'our stock is goroplete, anal we have rindoebtedly the;best tonere
itannav -will preened to Baylleld for mem, . .
thole° to Varna mia then to Clinton where he
This rontc will he continued throughoot the
will remain till the 40110Wang Moedny inorniog. il3ROADFOOT BOX 8600 .1 W ellidleY
0 e . Memorex,
seaeon, hea th and weather permitting, To in -
etre a foal SM. awned by DJ Mentor 42 MO. I ,
i la, $, --Night and Sunday cells attended to by calling .at :. W. Obildity'e, (Patera
• Duff, Chicago, and Carpenter, of noun;
Director) realdence . .
out tin the.coonty. Oar Prices ere as •ow as the loWest.
..1.4*7;*". "*...,•11.0