HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-06-06, Page 1cOome aud Hear the London Harpers and enjoy a pleasant evening at the Garden Party on St. Paul's church Rectory Grounds on Thursday Evening next, June 12. Wesetwerrea.... 1••••••••••••••• WarlaaaaalagalttufflfaPaialPfNaPe aualfal-, al ****************44444usumwif EST SLIMED 885. 11011E1LT HOIXES.Pub Pleasure The Glasses furnished by P B Crews -A,fter n scientific ex- amination of the eyes, .givo a most enjoyable sense ofpleasure after the old ill fitting ones which I wore. this is the verdict of all who patronize • The *elinton. • West Huron Election. -Bele_w_we give the official returns for West Huron, as deelareed -ou Monday, together with the officialligures for the general election of 1898. The change in Mr Cameron majority, from what way reported last week, was due to the fact that West Wawanosh was credit- ed with, giving him 12 of a Majority, hile the correct return was that tbis toWnshio gave Mr Mitchell 29. In tire recent election there were a total of 4889 votes recorded, while in the gener- al election the number was 4928, There was a falline off in thenumber of voters • In Ashfield, 20 ; in Clinton, 14; in Col. borne, 15; East Wawanosh, 1; Myth, 1 HAMM shows an increase of 8, Goder- ich township an increase of 2,eard West Wawanosh an increase of 15. The re- port about ballot boxes missing was a 1 canard. There is talk of a recount be- ing asked for, but it is not, prottable that it would make much difference in, the actual result. ASHPIELD. 1902 IN NO CLINTON, ONTAR104 enagE 6) 1902, South Haver; eleetien, ceetingea 1 eoderich Townsn'y STANLEY.' ,,,. 1 GAHDUN PARTY -A coronation gar No. 1 al5 87 5- .• aa , en party will be held under the at, No, 82 ''' '''' .... 4206, , , :11246 34...111 1 of Thureda,y, Jhne 12. A baud will b 71- • • - 88 picee of Cole's Church, oti th- ;event n No, 4 23.... 66 2a• • • a 80 in attendance, refreshments served .,--. - :1 good program provicied, 41'11 an en No. 5 . ''' 96.... 88 75.- , 42 - - joyeble time looked for. Aamission 310, 291 , 255 278 a.dults 20 cents,chltdren 10 cent. •Majority for19. 23 OmattARY.-The death of Wm. J ns 110Donse. 57...,121 49....109 red 'on Saturday, in Ole 43 d year ., Hillock, eldest son of T. Halo et, occur r Ngi.: .3 91.... 64 41...110 p tralysis. Deceased leaves a wife an 88,', • • 87 his figo, AS the rtault ot a stroke o No. 4 8763...,....16164 77. e. 68 three children. The funeral rook plac - - on Monday afternoon from his father' . • 267 865 250 44 reeidence on con 7, to Mehl -and ceme Majority for- 98 aa tery, He had been lazing at the So Ilesstra. a for some time. No. 1 ...... • 98 105 92 80 7 NnES,-111. Sheppard h Id a' serious Majorite for No. 1 55.... 22 Ilior. , 427... .' 27 loss recently by losing his driver, whic he bought only a short time aro, pay 51.... 25 ing a high figure for it; the cause of the NO. 2 .. 47._ 21 N. 3 .......: 86...113 No 4 54.... 32 e"e..5e 110 „ .. 56 No. 6 ..... 70.... 93 No. 7 .. 28.- , 86 .a.•••r? eletaetnotaaaraipeaufa************************1 • . - TuckorsmIth. a Canons Marrens, -The Methodist I Noarts.-at number of aunt peo le E. Ouren at this place ham long been too frniced on Leytotes faits On t e 24th. g WW1 for Its requireraente. Nat infre- re F, Piewes addressed the League on e Iniently it is crowdad to its utile° it, Sunday evening- last. Mr Leatheriand, while the accommodation for Sunday I of Seaforth, will preach in Turner's, - School purposes is woefully deficient, church on -Sunday. Thoe' Towuaoid , The building hasbeen a eerviceable one, I has &nip of the 'prayer until af dr • tlon, and ere long the congregation, in I Sunday with Mica M. Holmes. Pars N. P• B. O•R•EWS,I • Noi Capugo Pd. ill refl Gezo.w 7o2k but it has serve(' its day and genera- conference. Miss Jennie (avant spent „ 5 $1 r r -ear t safari* •Le w ni no et paid • *******************Oni-Or**** - We • hanite. a 11 _Lthe popular • . ite own interest, will be called upon to Orlob, wao has been visiting here for • f erect a new and much more commod- some time, returned to her home in Sc. f lone edifice. Methodism is strong at John, Mich., this week. Miss 0, Johns d this particular pointand it would easy I glinted friends ou the•London road last a , be stronger if there was church accom- , week. Mr Steadman is attending the • modation. It iv not necessary to erect 1 conference at Sarnia. Misses Mary . an expensive church, but our friends Pepper and Layton spent the 24th at a should ac once agitate for the erection • Mitchell. 0, Layton has puacinteed a of a suitable building. The congrega- ! threehing outfit frorn the firm of Wnite tion is in gaod circumstances financial- & Co. London Ont. Chas 1, tvton has a aed there seems to be no reason what- was the guest of R. jennison, on Mon. h y, not haying a cent of indebtedness, been laid up with a sore hand. 11.Johns animal's death was fatness on th 56.... 28 brain. Percy Cole and sister Flossi 54.... 35 Sundayed on the Babylon line. Ar 52.... 22 parentiy horse flesh will ha high uex 20.... 35 year, Judging from the majority o 81 12 colts dying; this is certainly a pee loss to many of the farmers. Mis Sophia Hudie and Miss Aggie Sterling of Clinton, and Harvey Rude, McKil lop, spent Sunday at M. Sterling's John T. Beacon:Ovid a bee on Tuesday ever to prevent the undertaking being day evening, lilies Laura McCourt was carried to a, auccessful issue at once, ZT the /uest of Mise Mary O'Brien over • Let the matter be started without ,.de- un ay. The road' work has. started. I e ley - ' A JUNE WEDDING. -A very pretty , . Mullett event was the wedding which toott' - • • 450• 8'73 460 360 •• •No 2 56.... 81• 57..a 97 Major • ity for.. 77 • -• 100 • Expert Jeweler and No 3 50. _ . '64 59.. . 64 Watch Repairer•• No 4 27.... 76 • 58.; . 65 • No 591.... 17 85.. . 85 OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. .• knee 80.... 22 81.... 25 BIDDLEOOMIIII'S OLD STAN% . No 7 • 76. .. 28 79._ 27 , • .. Varna•• 439 874• 446 1 385 PAREWELL.-0,2 Monday evening a• BMW. al Mise Josie Foster met athet home .number of the friends and well wishers No 1 • 45.... 49 • 56. .. 41 •, • No 2 • 50,... 45 47. - 46 , 1 . to say good-bye, before her departure • — for Drumbo, where she has taken a • 90 94 1 87 . gi - merchant.. A very enjoyable eveninl was spent, in instrumental and Voce No 1 63.... 58 6$ ... 59 No 2. ...., 96.... 60• 88... .74 CLINTON. position with' R. McOool, dry goods music, recitations, •games &e. an" No 3 64,... 62 ' 62... 65 • , .. 69 - _ ' 268 241 27 267 Comm:ea. • • •vided by the ladiee, ati the gitthering No 1 .... • .... 65 dispersed, in the wee small hours., al- No 2.... 36.... 49 33.... 66 . ter the ranging of Auld Lang•Syne. •No 3• n..... 92 661.... 99 •No 454.... 40 54.... 45 . , • , West Wawanosh.- ' - - , -1•-- 251 246 23a •e75 Foster will be much missed in church No 4 work and the social circle, as sbe is a very pdpular and .estimable • young - „lady. An excellent spread was pro - 45.... 61 6 - - •CoutporL.-Council met as a Court of HODERICat • . i • Revision of May 27; :and for general - a No 1..7.. -62:; a 76 ' ae.s a: 71. ' • -business; there being. no appeals the • No 2.... 67.... 71 j 61..,... 'n 1 -Court was closed. A conamunication No 3....... 62.... 69 • 69,a.. 64 from Broaclfoot de Hays re the Young . No 4.„ .....,-76.„,_• 46 ' 6 a•a„. 51. -drain was ordered to be answered J., . No 5. . :..a62... 48 5'. 'a a ta M. Roberts and Dr, Case waited on the No 6.,. 87 56 7 1;;*;. 82 Council re the Dungannon drain, ask- No 7.... : . 48.... 26 • 5).... 41 •ing thet the work be attended to as . - 'fora aVain Bray, , heading tile andre- sooneatiarroesiblea Checks Were issued • • 454 . "; 392 . 41 439 . GODHRICH TOWNSHIP. •PDAKINitgelitert.z.451:Altyan, repairing No 1..., .. 30.- 97 * . Anil "pee at); 014-3 • Sherrill. repairing No a ...*. .. 36.... BO bridge eifcon. 14,We; J Welsh, repair- N 5......4.1....69 ing bridgenn con 6, 00c: . A, Robinson, • .- - .repairing hill on con 4, $3; E. Johnston, teams on grader, $10; W A Wilson, • 107 226 ., ' . 11III:LETT. assessor, $60. Council 'adjourned to No 5, ..... 80... '. 31 15-, 33 meet on Thursdey. July 3rd, at la . No 6 70.... 27 1..a. 31 ;04\ leolocla-W. S. Ildroctiosain. Clerk. No 7.. ., .... 90 .... 63 42...a 74 sa• • - 1 4 - 227 , . Eyes. le sunshine makell seeing painful, -groat discomfort and per. haps permanent ins' jury wilkhe avoided by wearing; our Lon. dors Smoked Glasse • S$ cents per' pair An u wards. Manitoba Excursions: • • The 0..P. R. will ran `special Exclateirtier lateimba; stideathitee North West, on, June !Ittcleastourci)dne: 24th.. July .15th. FARE $28.. • To tdl points in Olanitoba. Tiokete are good to return within 60 days.' rift . tickets and all information apply to W. .Jackson, .Agt? e P.R. emarroN. • SNAP Weareoffering a nice line of • Giner. Snaps At 4 lbs 104 .25c Jot think of getting 130 to 1 185 nice fresh Ginger Snaps for a Quarter. They are cheap. et than you can, make them and doe away with the work. , Also a fine line . of Dried. Peachet at 1.0c per lb. The Cash 'Sr,terv ... 48.... 36 3.4s 94 - 1 4 • . 90 EANT WAWANOSH. • No 1 • 73. . 47 •No2....472.... 63-.-9.,..72 No 3 58. 41 la . . No 4 • 5se... 38 i2..., 35 *259 189 2 ;5 • Wern WAWANOSH.. ' • No 57.... ta •67 No 41- 73 67 No 8 • 34 60.• No4' 67. :. 47 No 5.-- 55.... 38 ...,32 -- 254 ' 283 „ 2 2 0.65 WINGHAAI. • 36..'..63-3....:56 43.... 43 • 35 • 73 a7.... 431 67...„115 I. 80, ... . No 1 -•NoS2 • No .3 No 4 - - 181 204 M4 2156 • Total votes 2456...2423 2 ....24 5 REOAPIToildION. Majorities 23 • MAJORITIES. Ashfield .... 65.... - B'yth -- • Clinton 27.... -- •Colaorne5. „ - Goderioh- • Goderioh tp--.....119 Hallett 54.... - E Wawanos.h 70..... - W Wavverah -.... -29 Wingham 284 • 261, Majority for Cameron ae. STEPHEN. No. 1 „ 52...104 42. , .. 94 No, 2 30....184 •43.. , .108 No. 3 43.-128 59.- 89 No. 4 •.....'41....51 . • , . 39 No. 5 6 • 72.... 39 No. 6 37.... 94 44.. ,. 79 No, 7 27.... 77 ' 30.... 65 No. 8 53.... 88 ' -67- 61 362 727 409 574 Majority for875 165 BEOAPITIJIAT/ON. Seaforth 338,...181 atoderich tp 89....199 78.- .169 Tackeremith-494-....190 448.- .173 ,as a court of revision and for genera Exeter 165...266 133.-279 business. Councillcrs were qualified Usborne 267....865 250.-344 as members of said court. The follow Stephen 352, ...727 409... .574 inc changes were made in the assess Hensel' ' 98...105 92.... 85 ment roll; -E. .T. Elliott assessed fcir lo Bayfield 63.... 78 _ 69 18, von 1, as owner; Bernie •Wilson Stanley 310.-291 • 257...273 armed for lot 11. con Rae tenant; W Elsa 450.-373 460....360 Lobb assessed for lot 47, Maitland con cession, as tenantall. J.Coleman, prop- • • 2,60 2,776 2,444 2,497 erty reduced $600; appeal against Mrs Majority for Eilber in 1898, 159. Jas Laithwaite sustained and her natne 'Majority for Eilber in 1902, 53, was taken off roll; Thos Glen's appeal liajectedBellete -See.forth 4. Entine-- •-sustained and he wasanot ,assesed •fer Goderith township, 15; Tackeremith,a13; dog; appeal against Mis. Mary„Oakes Stanley, 5; Osborne, 1; Hensel', 7; Hay, 5; suetainerl and ner name was taken off Stephen, 9; foal, 61. - roll, and Jos H Oakes assessed for same Fewer votes polled.--Seaforth, 74;Exeter, propertylappeal ageenst Henry Beacom 9;Goeerichtownehip,40;Bayfield,34;Taoker- sustained and his name taken off roll smith, 03; Stanley, 68; Usborne, 38; Hen- . for lot 20, con. 16. The following &p- osit, 26, Hay, 2; Stephen, 96; total, 450, ' peals were dismissed a gainet the fol- • .: . lowing persons:- W. H. Eason, Rich. ''• Murphy, Ann Jane Barr, Gertrude .East Buron Returns. ' Thompson, AlbertaThompson, Minnie — Thompson, Ida Fulton, Jae A.and Wm Below are the official returnatogeth- Johneten, Jennie Rudd, Minnie er with the figures of 1898 fin; coroner- Rudd, Emily Rumba% Wm Lowery, ism. They -show that a total of 203 011ie G. Nesbitt, Sarah E. Nei hitt, Eliz. more votes were polled in 1898 than Richardeon, 'David Churchill, Henry last, week: of these Hyslop lost 118,and Perdue, Geo. Laithwaite, Ferri, Baket; Spotton 85,while Mr Hyslop's majority appeal of Wm McLeod not granted, no is only. 83 less than before. Every evidence produced. Assessment roll •municiparity shows a decrearied vote was read, revised and passed. Minutes t FaxiNG 1713. -Me Geo, Fargaluir,who place on Thursday, the 51h inet., at recently bought the Brownlee farm on the beautiful home of the bride's par- s the gravel road, near the railroad, is ent; an the 3rd concession, when • Miss Annie, second daughter of Mr : improving it very much. It is good place but has been neglected. and Mrs David 13 was : joined 'in • mairiage to Alex McKenzie, of the • FARM ORANGES -Mr H. Govier has Canadian Sault. eldest. son.of •Mr and re -s mg ng s barn. Mies Halliday - line, consisting of 125 acres of choice The ceremony VMS performed at 4 f4,-4/..aataappaaaalia","*.wmtwitiviii. of No, 10, anent Sonday in breezy Bay field. John Thompson had the mis fortune to lose a mare and colt recent ly; similar losses are occurring every day. We regret to say that Aber Anderson is not very rugged at present Statute labor is again in full swing rendering the highway a nuisance to vehicles and wheelmen, R. Cluff and N. Thompson Sundayed with Hugh Taylor, in liullett. Corneona-Council met on May 20th Sheep Dips Including Little's Persiatic • The Perfect Briggs, etc. R. P. Reekie's •Presoription Drug Store CLINTON N,B.-Blue atom and Parte Green for spra, trees, , , bought the old homes Arad on the base Mrs Simon McKenzie,2a concession. r • • land, with good brick house and other o'clook by Rev E H Sewers, of Bruce -1 • • - buildings, for the sum of 05.5a0. In.cone field, before twenty -live rueste. only sequence of this he is offeriug his exrelatives of the pAuburn being present 1 . . t cellent farm on the lst con. of East Tae bride was beautifully costumed in I RIME. -The first regular practice of , . Wawanoeh, for sale, It ehould not be white organdie and carrying a white the Auburn R'fle Association will be , long in securing a purchaser. . boquet and her travelling dress was of blue. The ' congratulations over, I held on Saturday afternoon, June 71h., A GOOD PLA.CE.-A new bank barn. a i beginning a12 o'clock. The clubabca • bas been erected on the farm of Joseph wedding dinner was pertaken • of, 1 Freeman, 3rd COIN, of .Hullett, by Mr after which the he,ppY couple were ; under the following officers: Ceptain. gins with a membership of •forty-four. Riley,"of Londesboro • a, new frame driyen to the sta,tion, and took the J. Turnbull, 1st Lieut. V?. Moore; 2ucl 1 house house has also been erected on team for Wingharn to sta,y until •Mon- ! Lieut., Wm. Liable; Secy., A. C. Jaca-- the earoe.place by Mr S. S. Cooper. Mr 1 eon; Treas,, O. A: Elowson. • day, when they leave for their futuee Freeman Is the eldest eon of Mr Henry home in the 'S .ult. The bride is a • • • Freeman, and will ' now take up his popular young lady, and was the re- NOTEEI.-Mr ,Tos. Wilson has followed - residence on this place. He is a steady, • cipient of a numercus array • of ,valu• his father's example and "gone and 1 •industrious, young man, and will ow• able and pretty neesents„ and •the done it," being joined in wedlock list --, n show what he is capable of doing,as he groom, is a prospermis young man, at Wednesday to Miss J. Dobie; both are • . gets the place as a giftfriam his father, preeene being fozeman in a •large highly respected residents of the cools.- - together with e few necessaries 'for a planing factory in the northern townmunity, and have the beat wishes of farm. . • • • • • • •' the neighborhood in their change of . . S Benmllier state. Davicl Carter wife and filially • °Rom itErortT:- he following is Omanetr.--The Epworth League bad .of Clinton, Sundayed at J. Oarteea.„ election of officers Thursday •evening ' Auburn will have. several new Minie-s month of May based ou attendance, last. The lasthelpeople purpose_heidattere in the neat. agave.. Rev.. , . . . . . • merit and general proficiency :-V-- ing a tea- meatinct in the near future, Smell,• B. A., was ' inducted to the Robt Vodden. Sr IV--Sedie McCool particulars will be given latter. ' . charge of Smitles.11111 and Manchester '.. Mabel Brown, James. McCool, John • Voaden, Effie Jackson, Albert Vode NOTES. -The Sone of England '0 pose holding a, celebration 1 . Knox church on Tuesday. Mrs S. . about: ge „1 (addwell is in , very peor . health at f h - den. Jr. IV -Will Iloggart, Hatior present New front fences are as 20, tb. and it re intended to bold a, teaal McCool, Sam Lee. Sr. III -Mabel Mc- ionable, and tend to improvethe gen- Cool, (startle Vodden. Essie Mate, Els:e meeting in connection with the Afetho- a eral appearance of main street. Geo, 'Brown Ella Webb F ank H'bb t dist church about the 25th, thOUgh t John 'Wallace. Jr: IIrl Beret Neortt. date has not teen pern3anently fixed, Howatt is having aemsnt flooring anal' • Ernest Lee. Sr. II --Mabel Lee, reY..d Lee. Sr. Pt. Il -Della McCool, Orval on Thursday; Mr Shaw's work on Sun- ale e R Mr Shaw left fot Conference on walls put under :hie •barn tor better W est Vodden, 'Annaba Mania, Charlie • accommodation m. Dobie and hie ues at and Mrs Sh• aw expects to go . . - • . t r AMIDE are visiting at the old. (lama James. home.. Read work started again. R n E hraim Snell. Jr. Pt. II-- dear will Ise taken by lat tips° , mmy legpleby, Charles Vodden, Wallace,. A. Allen and A. Millien; our • • , . . pastor is a faithfula zealous worker;• uaaaaeasaw:aatso-o••••oaaaaa-e•soa%aaasea li.ary Jac son; Wesley Hoggart„ Flossie Brown, Sept ily who earnestly aims to discharge his ' vb...laft Imo Blur Cockerline. Sr. Pt. Wallace,'Little, wholedutyboth as Pastor and preacher. COM MC00.01., Richard Vodden. Jr.' M. Morrish, has returned home for the Pt: I- Adelame tattle, Edna Woos, sTR summer menthe. G. Vanstone has had a A w wire fence.put along tlie front of his Wesley Cockertine May A leo or vs p,w r e pottou morea,eed his of last meeting of council •were read lot which greatly improves the leok of vote in Brut -sae, Morris and Maintop. and passed. The following accounts Ella Lee. A. F. OH S. Teacher. his property. R. Winters, Seafortb. • .. G2sEy. . .roregpre paid: -Times Printing Co., 50a, i . was here this week ' looking after his *•"'t FaJ. Andrews, tile, $15.23; Lee & Shep- Wingham. - no cattle on the Falls Reserve. A. few from , Hyslop Spotion Haalop pard, repairing stamp, ;Mc; assessor's ' hsre attended the • tea -meeting at ' No 1 50.... 49 \73.... 5a salary, $60; assessor, postage, $1. Clerk Egga 14e. We buy for oash or trade, wool, . , eggs and biitter. A $20,000 stook of dry goods, S nith's Hill -on Tuesday evening. ' No 2 .....a. ,58..... 20 e9, ... 23 was instructed to notify an parties con- groceries, ready made (nothing, carpets, boots • • ' No 3 ' 00,;,. 32 W.- 41 wined that lot 15, con.5, be taken -from andehoes to select from. G. E. KING-. Goderich • NO 4.. :76. , a 35 NO 5.... - 85.... 51 48.... 71 • - eection. Council adjeurned to meet' on MARRIAGES.-Rev.-R,Hobbs perform- of IL Bolton, Guelph, has been eadden- 15.... 51.• ' ,... 55 • the 20 h darial Julie at ene caclock ' No 7„87.... 45 :. ed the marriage ceremony on 'Tuesday ed hy the death of his wife on Monday , . - _ ..... 40 Myatt STURDY; Clerk. . . of last week that united as man -and week, she having suddenly passed 9.,.. e8 school section No 2 and placed in No. 6 ' * LATE ME8. BeLaott -The home 284 MajoritY-237" - • Baussiire. ' No 1 34. 29 No 2 51 '.84' No a....,...53.„. 17 • e•-• ' • 138 BO , Majority.. 58 Etermare, 62 -53 No 2...... 45 N�3 27..., 31. • No 4 , Be...." 33 •• wife,•Rev J, T. Smith; of Beaconsfield, away, the result of three epileptic. flts, 2d3e26 . •• Rohnesville. to Mrs S. (Arvin, of Lucknow. An in closely 'following one another. She Omni= NOTES -Rev. Mr MeNair,uf teresting and• very pretty scene took was a daughter of W. Mitchell, • HATS . , Our new Straw Etats came in last Week. . They are the verylatest American styles. just whatup.to-date dressers . . . Fineor coarse, rustic straw, uagannon,occupird the pulpit hereon place at the residence of F. J. Carr, on was born in. Quebec in 1851. The fam' hi - 87• • • • 52 Sunday evening. Bey. J. Husser took Wednesday, 281hinst, When his eldest 'ily removed to Hamilton, and after a, .the newest and nobbiest 6t.... 40' his work in Dungannon ; J. _Wallace daughter, Bliss Maud, and Mr A. C. residencearf three years, went to live . shapes shown, each. "a0' tea charge of the -morning service, Chewier:a were 'malted in the holy 'in -London.. Here: she was married in • 504 75ei $!, 50 .• 1-'4 WrneEN'E iNNITUTE.-The regular boPde of matrimony by Rev J.•J. rat.. 1869 to Mr Bolten. They resided in , Meeting of the olmesville branch 01 • - . the West Hurdn Women's Institute • ; ' . tenon; they will live in Buffalo. ,• troderich for 15 years, then moved to Guelph, their home for, the 'past 18 •HODGENS I3R No 1 83 85 ... 33 Tebbutt, on Thursaa,y,the 12th of June, 63 ... 50 will be held at the home of Mrs Geo. . Shim years. Five sons and four daughters 33 ... 26, at 2.80 lam. A large attendance is par- . NOTES. -T, Livinastone is improving survive,Deeeaeda•wdallsll gahtseisrtedryoifngja8myeesarmsiatcgho: ^-aaaw^e-aaaaaaeaa--oas----0-eak-aw and C. W. . his house bymputting a verandah along ell, of the ansdeeich star, w th friends in Gederich town- Three sisters c e , , e Ottawa lee rem DON VOTE 0 EN. In this town - East Wawanosh - - - --I .,-- IMPROVEMEVT.--013 Tuesday a num. day last i 16.... t 11.... • 258 162 * 2611 143 ber of men gt!,thered itt Jolla Ford's ro ship. Mr Bennett, of Walton, visited eters in Windsor also survive. ship reside a very estimable andhighlY • Majority:. 96 118 1 ' '. assist in the enlarging of his barn. The friends here last week. T, McMichael, ' ' • St. Helens . : . respected family in which there are four No 1 • 71.- 39 65.l - 51 undertakfiag, and it was not until after 1 d t 1 th t h ' I W votes. The father, for reacons of his • • " Movie/. 1 . weather was far from favorable for the jr., hair been ou the sick list, bua we ai e cinnterr. _ . Although the weather ' own, has always objected to votinikand • 111 t e root. r oney Weir spent Snne Mit h 11 of th F • P 'T - - "..128 • 44.... -1.-„ • -67....41 " .1 • * No 2 61. ... ,4,, Nci 3 47.... 49 No 4....., 49, .: . 47 NE1 6 52.... 61 i No6 -- -/- 9 , 195 • lj " South laron,Election. offioial retnpie ft, i the Provincial election held in lailtaand in Waak It will be aeon by the figures that. Mr McLean polled 172 votes less this elec- tion thmain the previoye one, while Eilber polled 280 lees. In Eleaforth, Goderroh township, Tookersmith, Exeter, tieborne, Bayfield arid Stanley, MoLean's vote was less that in the laet contest, while in Stephen and tiny it wasia,rger. in Stephen he maae a substantial pin, Entrees vote wee less in every place than in the former election, sive Exeter, which gays him an increased majority. EleAroneraa 189En 1902 4i „„.• Ellber _McLean Silber-. No. 1 55, 107.... 48 No, 2 4.... 44.... 85 No. 3 ... 9.... 47 . 66.... 81 No. 4 ' 88..°.. 24 27.... 28 Not 6 .. . ... al..- 24 86.... 24 308 181 e79 166 Majority for. .167 Exemiii7a a.a No, 1 '27.... 71."' 78 'gm. 2 Bt.... 69 4 29.... 67 No. 8 40.-.. 65 80.... 58 No. 4 64,-... 81 45.... 76 156 266 183 , 279 Majority for,. 111 a 146 11Atristn. a No, 1 .. t.14 03...11 le 88.... 69 Majority. for. 16 ' ,31 . Gorman Towaraita„.„,, No, a 41, 86 Ma:. 72 No. 4 a 19.... 71 16.... 62 No. 6 29..,. 42 26-, 84 89 • 109 78 169 Majority for. ^ 410 01 No, 1 61.• • •72,.. 85 No 2 121 86 75 35 No. 3 .. .. 182. 58.... 95 No.. 4 ..... • . lettt-5 ..... .... a 81 31 le Cooper co No. 0. .... 448 173. for Rutter IA Eger* Phone 28, 'Majority for''''364 215 _Sktr.Vat;.4.SiCiik>6. 849 alejerity.. 50w No 1..•:-... 59. Majority.. 21 No 1 49. No a 61. No 3 •58. No 4.... 69. No 591. No 65. 'o 383. Majority.. No 1 53, No 2 84 ... 64. No 4 59. • 57.4-'4.0 red wbile handling the wet lumber. the front. The young people a thie w ti lar e congregation assembled in imasy.somewhat threatening. an unu.. his three sons views to tae extent that theyhaya not 74. .. '48 10 o'clock that they had' finished. ' It Dale is ininroving the appearance of bave also reseecte his 43. . 51 wad fortunate that no accidents occur- his farm by putting a new fence a.long ' 66,,a. 66 0 • • Calvin churchlastSunday morning; the pas or, Rev . t R SM Whaley, B. A., 1 ' voted for any person whatever for a number of years. This yearhowever, t k •64..•.. 76 i h g e me is raw. ere n connection with the Leagueand w ng ev r eadman attending El crament was ache' • t d • h Watman IN Mma-The 'prettiest ifig nig for t e annual lawn social beta toheyfield in the near future. gave an excellent sermon from Psalms they decided to make an ex.ception and Oi tR M St 78 : 25; at the close of the service the three of them recorded- their votes. • • - • • • - • • • • • • ;a-- - a -a • e ening the pastor's disicsoeurres,e;wianstone 299. --1••• .•3g9 ,q • El Pritigt*imprZyg• inatteris alreadV,. 4a:reference the ptilpit here will be aura__ ••••:. . . • - in the hands o 'e,' ostaeheatatetiettinae eo leithataltaaaareitthataltAdiattqaadert, h. wedding of the -.season took _place Ina. ne • - • - • • - ENTER. , . . 2 Tim. 4 lia,ve finished 'my course. Trinity oburehaRaigrave en Wednes- mittee who will, doubtt add another • • • 38 38 ..t ; • , 30 to the list of successful socrels for which Londe/thorn . . the basis tor remarks was the life oi day, May 21s5, lben, in the presence of 43 a Holmesvitle is jtisily celebrat .d. The 176 invited guests, Mies Mary A. Neth- ,,,„....----• ilowesx, ' 1 . . 83 nn daM will be announce in the near h from T I t Num. -Miss Lou Ouimette came northwest na. issionary; . the late Dr Robertson the venerable ery, fourth daughter of Jas Nothery, ... 86 04..t . 69 • ' 471* " ' • futinte Watch for it Brunsdon left Wednesday with a car pmeToronto as week. W, T. . was unite in She holy• bonds o matri- a c ri ty A P n P e uc now sp No•ras.-A large nunaber Provo this• r e mony to Robt. Owens, a prosperous • 6 .102 66..1..115 NOTES. -Rev J, Rinser left on Tues. load of settler's effects for John Mul- ' as 28 m Dil T ' i i i ft I d th L k ci t . IS young farmer, near Belgrave. The , .. 94 77. i . 99 day for the conference at Sarnia. ELM- door'. of Manitoba. At a meeting in • on ay . rs ncbel. or onto. ceremony was performed by Rev Geo ... /8 110..1. 72 ford went as the lay representative. the Presbyterian church - on Tuesdiiiyi Webeter and R. J. 'Miller, ot Gonerich beantifully. attired in white lustre", g • Pg McQuillan, of Blyth. The bride was 88 66. es Mr and Mrs John Yeo are • visiting in eveying it %vas decided to 1.3avie a ric a Collegiate, spent Sunday at home, trimmed with white Oath) and applicare. Exeter. Mrs J. S. Coppit, Mitche . is en• nly 1st; further. Partial' ars ate'', Frank Todd visited Winghani friends and wore a veil ef tulle fastened. with a 1i2 ' 108 A. Dever, -Walton. is in our village fora for eirs. Thos. Miller gob his barn work in full swing at the brick kilns. ried a bouquet of white fillies. She was 495 ' .419; ' 522 a' visiting Mrs T. Oalaickard. Mrs(R) Our merchants are paying 14c per doz, URNBILEBTA a few days. Miss EdithTebbutt is hems lecke *up on Tuesday; we hope he will last week, T. Phillips and men have wreath of fillies of the valley, and ear- ... 65 ' 61. a 66 on a visit for a couple of weeks. F. 0. have better luck than Mr Shobbrook. .1 Our new ' blacksmith. Oda HYda. and attended by her slater,. Miss Tillie, who 48 85 . •1' 52 Elford has been indisposed for a few Wm. Moen, lay representative, , and family, are now comfortably' settled in wore a most 'becoming costume of 72... 61 days °wine to a severe wetting during Rev Mr Coupland, attend Conference nonieedobryTmTisosdpd:sohaomuseersoLotnierl mew cream -cashmere,. with cream satin and ... 54 the public school for laty, based on ... 67 . 63... 54 .. the recent spell of weather. at Sarnia this ' week. HaJaekson was applique trimmings, and carried a , called to Pott Hope by the illness of ' REPoIrr.-Following is the report of bouquet of red roses. The groom was aseisted by his cousin, Mr Herry Mc- - f 261. liaaa eonstance , hie child, who, with Mrs Jackson,was _ Setrodr. ELM -Following are the, - -ritsiting there; 'we- extend sYninatny. anent, and general picalciency: Junior . regularity of _attendance,. goad deport - by Miss A.Dlethery, enuain of the bride. Orae, The -wedding march -was played - Misses -Wiseman and Ohidley Sundayed Leaving -Maggie Clerk. Mine.. Ruther- Atter the ceremony the wedding party results of the weekly exains, for Ma; the names appear in order of merit; in Myth. The creamery made a ship' ford, Mamie Miller; Pt. 1 Jr. Leaving- drove to the residence ot the bride's those marked with an asterisk mitered merit of butter on fdonday to Mont - some of the exains: . 5th form- aa el Lilian (Mark, Gordon McDonald -Sr. real. The Methodists intend holding a, iv.....nonead Mark, Lizzie Miller,Stuart father, where a dainty dejciuner was s -a --e festival on June 20, Coronation deal Miller, Mytale Phillips, Robene. Sher-. awaiting them on the lawn. Numer- Scales *George McVittie; 4th terra Sr _ 260 224 • _ -Majority.. 86 • MoKittop, NoJ. 76... 50 No 2...,...108.... 39 , .No.3 . 68., ... 99 No 79.... 64 28 66.... 62 -- 98...i.82 90.... 86 42 , 881 252 363 112 Majority.. 79. 14 ReekeiT171.ATION. Cam ....521....284 6 4... Brueaels .188.... 80 • 47...1 Hullett ; .162 61...1 Morrie -849....299 359....8 Wroxeter. 59.... 38 Howiok 4..888...495 419...5 Turnberty 260....224 201..,.23 MoKillop..831,...252 863, „es • 2299 1834 2417 101 Majority.. 465 498, 44, 6 1 3 2 . ' particulate will be given later, Oils and costly were the gifts bestowed , , -Rosetta Livermore, Esther acales; riff, Mary Crawford; SialII-Itosswelt ,upoti the bride. They will live on the , Rutherford, Sera Dpenin. 4 GeOrge + 4th form Jae-dIerbert Rose, Robert a teir &on, East Ws,wanosh, amidst the Crawford, bowline Rogerson, Tommy .' ' . Dungannon . • Weatherhead, Herman Phillir, Mitai wen wished of their Many friends. Moon, *Tommy. Adams, *John Fair- • Sh iff, Cleve Joynt; Jr, - 1 i--74ell , • i Si'. -May Adams, Bella Sundercock, oeen visitingt be parents for the pa,st Clark, Irene Weatherhelid, LizzleAnel, . service, *Bella • Fairservice; 2nd form b' vi Jennie Ryan, who has Irene *Carter, *Lily Leitch, *Clarence cl Ebb 6 • Du bin Alohle Alt•o ,. ersono er r • Noble,*Maple'Livernrore,*Laura Stew- art; 2nd form 'Jr. -Norman Harm, Harol 1 Rogerson, Winnie Sundercock, women a as re arne o on cte., eheson, jobb Miller, Robbie hacliatian. Miss Lane, of Lanes, is visiting her sig. Laura Archer, Ethel Barbour; Sr. II -- ter, Mrs Alex, Treleaven. Rev. Mr Jennie Webb, Wesley Browneconitie, Massaro HOlmeeville, and Rey. .F. R. Stuart Andersen, Gem hrovenscOmbe. McNair, of here, exchanged pulpits, on . Seines Barbour, Roy Aitchison. Jr. II • Alex, floss George Carter. *Willie Sunday as e .waamen of the aBromley, :Flossie Moon. -J. L. Me-Ohrissie Miller, Lena .01ark, Armes LAUGHLIN, teacher of S. S. No. 4, nut- Lord's Supper will be dispensed in E'S BrOwnecombe, Jessie Weathorheak lett. kine church on Sundaytaexta Rev. Mr David 'Thant; Pt. II-48tuart Pennell; are works Wheley Will take chafge, A number Annie BrOwndcembe, Ilarvil Webb, yr. Photos of children • of art trona here went to Gioderich add inlek• • Mary Durnin, Edith Horn; e, LSr- • Stuninerhill _ now last Thoteday to hear the election Edna WOOdsc Greta. Webb, Oenrge• • - ____, • _ _ IsioTES, -Mk and Mrs MeGrattan•and returns ; a few are quite disatmointed. • To nt Nina Woo& Bert Miller* Pt I 1114118i1l1 s family, of Goderich, and Mr and Mrs To Mr Vatiatter, of the Goderich Signal, jraaEthel ' McPaeeson, Grace Sheriff, i ' , iv. on' Ftklay,ovening Notman 000X las- Holy 00111Yelliii011 Will be held in St Iiine 2nd, was quite ii, success. Mrs Enlargements in 40, average 42. 0. A.. TEnnurr, teacher, it rmature which threw. it ant with Wright will pteich• it, sermon , for the he masons Are fuehing the etoneveork • • . g 1 finis timaranteed fy dise.blin it; it also etruck the Wall of St Petera church purpose oldin (tient hart his buggy trimmed O'er. Mae in Aslifielif last week. 14re Win. glen NOTEEL-liarhile balaucitig the dyne- Beacom antlden§liter of Olinton,visit- was a caller in our village on Saturday Fanny Anderson. "Highest attendance mo n the electric light plant at Lump ed with Mrs t Miller on Sunday. last. The entertainment Monday toned a pieco of a sodering bar to the Peter's church next Sabbath. Rev Mr hanston is able' to he around again. rent force, striking bis band and had., children on the 15th. The cOrtiegation I Under J. Elliott's barn. Percy oSooder. Notns—Thetnee Etzurc1 visited friends ova?. Style of the best. breaking off a portion of a brielt. Rey. lawn social some tiMe in the near tit„. I Welsh has returned to tioderich, ,after and daugbter Beriele leited relatives tiolde & Ingram have secured the con. ure. We are informed that the pro. her visit 'bore, Chas. Girvin, Nile, will in London last week. M,iss Myrtle licturVs photo tract for the improvements to St Au. posed school investigation has Inc tho pteeth here and at Crewe nett Sunday. Pearson is ill with pneumonia. °has. drew's church, Kippan, which are to present been drooped, the Parties eon. alias Mosley, Godorich, is yisiting her Dupee, hayfield, purPOSe8 leSAPhIg for n011t about 23000 cerned ha i lilt& th h friend Mies hdith Roberts the Rain River district in a few days : v ng w awn e e argeii. .141441101 • • °LINTON* . •