The Clinton New Era, 1902-05-30, Page 7DO N'OT NEGLECT Ile tittle lUs ol Te1.11 ay. 1".• 1,0 The Use of PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND 'Will Eradicate from tIe Blood and System the Seed of Disease, As grains of Mods make our lofty roma, thine, drops of water the mighty ocean,and as our massive buildings are mele of one tailed !sport another;so do the little 1110 of life contribute tb the bonding up of rielor. dY diseases in the body. Etperiemed roediool men claim that' fully three-fourths of the nisi) anO women enter the auromer season with little ille and symptoms of disease, winch must develop into :serious tied fatal trouides if not ban. lobed at once. We bear our friends complaining daily of rbeumatio tendencies, sharp and daring neuralgia paha% dyspepsia, pains in the side and back, nervousness and aleeple08- neue and we see with our own eyes the ef- feats of impure blood in facial blotohee, rotations and wee. Tho little ills and pause of to -day build up the alarming and fatel diseasee that follow days and weehs -ot neglect. Wiee and intelligent people who have 'oohed into the claims of Paine's Celery Compound and followed its remarkable cures of relatiyes, Mends and neighbore, nee irthemseves with faith and confidence, to banish their syniptema of • coming troubles, ei cleanse tbe bleadho re-establieh nerve force, energy and bodily sttengtb, so tbat they will be irk a condition to with- stand the enervating effects of the cooling hot weather. In every community where Paiue'e Cel- ery Compound has been used at this Beason to banish diseasedt is regarded as a godsend. Worker e n egneeS, shop', factories and weary and rundown wiyea and mothers in their homes have thanked Heaven for Dr Patties' maudlin's preeoriptiont because it made them Well. Try a bottle or two, oe- who are ailing and sick; it will give yea what you most stand in need ot— health and new life. • The Cosmopolitan., - .o. very cur tens bi-literal cipher which has been discovered by Mrs Gallup -running through the first editiobe of Bacon works, bas exerted Wide inter- est ID the literai y wild. • This cipher Consists of the tate of two wrong -front letters at intervals, combinations of ' these two letters in groups ,of five don- stituting an alphabet. These repeti- tions of a wr ong-font let ter cannot have been matters of chance. Whether • placed there by Lord Bacon or by the printer, remainsin doubtalf by theft! int- er, they relate a wonderful romance—. the story of Queen Elizabeth's marriage to the Earl of Leicester when con fined In the Tower prior to the 'Queen's' accession ; tbe• birth of two sone, of whom Lord Bacon was the elder, the Earl of Essex the other. .Lbrd Bacon considered himself the heir to the throne of ts England. The ,bi-literal cipher further tells that Queen Eliza- beth conderamed her own son; the Earl of Essex, to death. The Cosmo- polite"' for May contains an article by Prof. Garrett P. Serviss fully re- viewing this remarkable romance— if it is eoncluded to haye tieen inserted by the printer—or tragedy if inserted see/ by Lord Bacon. -* or of the eitior. Castletonhal have beeo making some :big improvements in ray library. Clubberly—What have you been do- ing ? Castleton—Oh, giving away a lot of books.—Detroit Free Pres% 4-4-a - Mrs. Bacon—Why do you suppose they call the eniployment agenciesbureaus 7 Mr. Bacon—Because a fellow can never find what he wants in one, I suppoie— s , i The widespread interest in the dairy induetry is shown by the returns just received by Superintendent Creelman of the new dairy institute meetings in Western thitatio. Fourteen gatherings were held, and, .there was an aggregate attendance of 2,200. gxpert inatruetion was given on tile teecong and care ot the dairy cow, and on the care, band. ling and manufacturing of milk. A series of twelve meetings are UM in progress in eastern Ontario. Mr. Creels man, as Secretary of the Fruit Grower.? Association, bas also completed erharige; meets for 47 fruit institute meetings, covering the fruit seetions of thrs-Pron vine% to begin on Friday and last until the middle of April. These Will inellide valuable orchatd demonstrations. Very /important Domineers, G Dairying Is a very important business, and a herd of good cows is worth more in every respect than any other kind of stock. The bovine is both meat and milk for the human family, without which existence is Almost impossible. Note the capacity of each cow and feed 'accordingly*, as some Will be found able to pay for better feedingthan others. In order to know this) weigh each cow's product ; then, knowing what tbe, feed costs, it is a very easy matter to know whether you are feeding -at a prat or loss.. Rave a silo if possible ; if not, then secure an abimdance of corn fodder, well cured, with some roots and a geed sup- ply of brain, oil meal, corn meal and ground oats. These, with good. early Out clover or cowpes, hay, will provide a good range of rich milk -producing food. Now, with a warm, well -lighted. and properly ventilated. stable, with ab- sorbent to save. all the manure, both liquid and solid, you are ready to feed your cows for profit. Feed liberally, but not blindly. Weigh and compound a• 'balanced ration.—L. E. Kerr in Agrictil- . ., ,‘ tura' Epitomist. TUE CLINTON NEW ERA ea, Just a glimpse of a• Woolen's face is Ofterrall thatis needed to tell the story. or her daily : iffering. No woman can -endure for long the pan sof-womanl eases without failing of in faee and forw. Women who have been cured of womanly diseases by the use of Doctor Pierce'a Favorite Prescription, frequently refer with pleasure to the gain in appear- ance as well as in feelings, wincli has COme with, their cure. "Favorite Prescriptiour curet irregu- 'lathy, dries weakening drains, heals indaintnation and ulceration, and curet female weakness. Sick wothen are invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. All correspond- ence treated as sacredly private -and confidential. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Yi evour medicines have done me so inuch good I feel like a different woman,44 writes Mrs. Mary Murphy, of Milton, Trimble Co„ Xentucky. Six months ago 1 began to think 1 would not see another well day,hut had made up.my mind to w folioyour advice and give Dr. Pierce's inedi, eines a thorough trial. I have taken six bottles, of ravorite Prescription,' six of 'Golden Md - teal Discovery,' four vials of Dr. Pierce'Pellets, trim bottles of • Smart -Weed," Also sorae 'Lotion Tablets,' Have gained five pounds since last August. will tell the good IleWS to all suffering invalids,„for it was a 4 neavenly message' to. me when I mend out what,to do for relief,” "Favorite Prescription o maker' weak women strong, sick women well. Accept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. The People's Medical Adviser, free on receipt of etaraps to pay expense of cus- toms and mailing only. Send 31 one - cent stamps for the paper -covered book, or eo stamps for the cloth -bound venom to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Keep Mega Thrifty. "Let's see," said the Observant BOW*. er, "didn't the vernal poets say,: 'Hail; gentle rmring'?" "They did," replied the Cross-eyed -Boarder, "and spring accepted the invi- lowing them to eat it as they please, and tation."—Pittaburg Chronicle Tele - they usually are pleased to at it pretty graph. freely, especially the breeding stock kept_, by Bobby—My gra1I'Ma's so old she ain't over winter, and it has been found test that fettening . hogs put on. flesh got a tooth in her head. . more rapidly when they can resort tOTommy—Ain't she I Well, ritebby this mixture RS they please. It prevents'they're in her .bureau drawer, like my the 'gravel eating, which sometimes Aunt Tillie's is siometimeria—Fhilidelphia seems to keep them from growing. The Bulletin. Bureau of Animal Industry; U. S. Depart. ' ment of Agriculture, sends out the •fol- The late Bishop of Ely was once talk.' lowing recipe, which we.are not sure is big to a laborer, and he let fell a re - any better than the one we give above.. mark which plainlyshowed that he had Chareoal; sulphur and black antimony; no idea how turnips should be sown, of etch one pound, nIiXed .with common }ledge looked 'athim round -eyed i salt, baking .sieda, sulphete of soda's, ,eanazement, • , • hyposulphite of soda, of each two pounds, ,""E a Bishop, indeed! . Whey, re hila If given in the feed; one teaspoonful is fit to 'Old a plough!" ' allowed daily to each hog. The lions , also need in winter, espedially the breed- • Mrs. `a"hsampeina-So your friend Smit ing .sows, either roots or green feed of , IS the proud father a triPletif, is he ? Some kind. We think raw roots are arumpem—,Not thd t 1.1enow of. Wh clover hay. They wilt always eat' it r ' — 111 s Triunnem—Whv' y.ou were toil dreedily.--American •Cultivator. iug in dyour sleep last night and sal The hog seems to need sorae earthy. or mineral matter to enable it to digest its food well. For this purpose many give salt, wood ashes and charcoal, al. better than cooked ones, but if ther are not at hand give' every day a lock or • Bata so 7". - - A-Shaggish, 'Got three of a kind, have you, Smith 7 Well, that beads me,' Trumpem—Did I 7 Well, L wonder whet ever made me dream such a fool thing as that 7—Chicago News. --04— • Inactive Liver • "Do you mean to tell nie," asked the: Chairman of the Investigating Conemita When the liveris clogged by the mac- tee, that you let this contract to the twin, of the kidneys and bowel% it becomes lowest hulder ?" torpid and fails to filter the bile from the • "Yes, sir," belligerently answered the blood, thus producing biliousness and a Superintendent of Construction. "The generalinipanment of the digeitivesystem. man I let It to has his office in a sub - The tongue is coated, the head aches, • baseinerit."—Chicamo Tritiune. digestion is imperfect; there is aching of. the limbs weight and and back, feelings of fullness, . By reference to the 'back files, it will soreness over the stomach and , Snoes liver; the eye becomes yellow and pun- he found, as a rueniing not • IOvalle lande deserve as much. RUM. , Lion in eprin,g as any other portion of the farm. Grass ie really the mins erring of farming. for wherever there is a, good stand of grass there will be an excelleot prospect for hay, pasturage and soil improvement. Fertilizer shoeld ' be applied before grass starts, and the • spring rains will carry it down to the rents and give the crop. an early start, wilich will greatly assist in euduring drought in the summer. No pasturage or grass plot should be expected to give crops without manure or fertilizer. Wood ashes make an excellent fertilizer for grow -and -a light appliiratiore ofnita rate of soda will give good results. If cattle are given the run of a grass plot when the ,grass is young they will do more harm to the grass by trampling than can result ire= any oilier cause. Grass exhausts the soil the same as any other crop, and the land Must be sup- plied with the plant foods removed. It there are bare places in the pasture use the harrow over them and sow mixed `Varieties of grass seedia, , The iinproenctive -Cow,,.What to do with the unproductive cows is a. question that is puzzling many farmers to -day. Much of the stock on hand wM not return the value of the feed needed to keep the raniinals, lf the poorer animals of the herd are old cows, which have passed their period of osefulnese for the dairy, I would advise selling for wbat they will bring as se- cond quality beef. Old dairy cows will not return in their final value the cost of the feed necessary to fatten then. Reifers or cows in the prime of life may pay for fattening. This depends on the araount of feed which must be pura chased and used in this Way. " Homegrown corn. and cottonseed meal are the most economical grains to use in fattening. , I would advise feeding animals that are being fattened but.lit, tle coarse fodder, and of this would use the poorer grades, such as second quali- ty hay and, corn stover, but would feed liberally of grain for from four to six weeks, and *then sell for what the ant. mals will brihg, • • • A grain ration made up of four hun- dred pounds of corn meet and two hun- dred pounds of cottonseed meal should produce a rapid gain. This ration should - be fed at the rate of from six to ten • pounds a day, according to the size qf the animal. All animals will gain faster d they p g period, but at the present prices. of feeds will probably not, gain -enough to pay for the feed if the fattening pro- - cess is followed up beyond a ; certain point. This point eau only be accur- ately ascertained by frequent weighlog, but will probably not be later than six . weeks after feeding begins.--dhof. C. S. 'Phelps, in New-Englancl EComestend. . Yonkers Statesman. —a++-- . "Did you speak to my father about Mid marriage 7" asked -11layhene. "I did," answered Count Pheasiz. "Did he give his consent 1" "Yes after a fashion. He said that if you had no more sense than t� be wilt Ing to marry me you didn't deserve any better fate."—Washington Star. —+4+-............... "Were you at 'Mrs, De- Styles' recep- tion last evening nf asked the bud', art they met down town. "No," replied the youngman, "but I I was at three balls." I "Why, how delightful 1", she exclaim.. ed. "Where were they "At my uncle's," replied the youth, With a ataeruous sigh.—phicogo News.1 • "What is college bred, pop 7" "College bred, my boy, is something which requires a lot or dough to mahe." .--Yonkers Statesman. • • Elderly Lady—Aren't you ashamed to be seen smoking cigarettes, little boy? ' * Y am, but wot ri a t feller to do when he ain't got de plitra ' of a eijtr 7—Plillade1olkin Record., sit hi here hi ChleagO until the sumrne OA...and the conipleadori muddy ; the urine Icf rdhly-eliloreclorinttherd• ntase-tioneeXell4d-tediehda=thineradillte bowels irregular, constipation and lane- : hess alternating. There is little use of . • . treetinathe liver separately, as it can never Book agent—What! You say go be set right until the kidneys and bowels never read this great book 7 Did 1 hea are made active in removing the waste mat- yoo right . tee frote.the body. , It IS for this very rea-• • Busy merchant—NO, , you dldn't hea sOn that Dr, Chases Kidney -Liver pins nie Write, but you'll feel itie speak i have •alwaOe provedso wonderfully suc- you don't get out..--Catliblic Standar pessful in curing the most chronic cases of • and Times. • ' Hirer complaint, biliousness and complica- teda.ilrnentsofthekudneysluverand bowels. A young "ninon of Philadelphia, vet • One pill a dose, as cents a box. All has beautiful red hair, is the feache dealers, Or E'dmanson, Bates & Co., of a Sunaay school class.- On a recen Toronto. Sabbath the rector macle the anoounce can ff/CV E y been $1110it+ Mg a goad deaf lately and feel an occasional twinge of pain round yourheart? •Are you short of breath, nerves unhinged, sense. - Lion of pins and needles going through your arms and fingers? Better take a bon or two of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and get cured before' things become too set•icrus. ' As a. specific for an . . • heart and nerve troublestheycart- not be excelled. A true heart tonic, blood' enricher and nerve re - ✓ newer, they cure nervousness, sleepless- ifess,,.ogrxma.prostratipn, pioker's hoatt, ..palpitation of the heart, atter sneers or ia. . grippe, etc. . tt Price sac. pisr box or 3 boxes for Saes ✓ at all druggistS,..cr.willa be sent on receipt. of, price . • • „ • , • : : The T. Milburn Co., Limited, ' f., • . .Toronto.:9nit • d • • ' •• • . REGULAR . • % kikerenee to Method Das Everything -1e Do With Dairy success. 7. - CONviti are creatures Of halilt, and the habits of their owners ate reffecte ed in'their inlik yieltda: The dairaniutn Who milks his cerwii at a . regular • houiranight Sod .morning, will.fireord dn eighth or .tenth more railn frora " . them than though there was a varia- tion.•of an Initir or .two In the milk - Ing hours every clay: The wrier has. Seen this practically tested to hio eatisfaction, ' on seine :large dairY • farMS itt Central New Yerlf. :The methodical dairyman; • "as regularasa atittelnahrontaddr came out ahead ey oryd hithis as'aa 1"anMTP=Tdd'dthaartatoraas Bight" now, at the beginning Of thd tictiOe ,dairy eason, Is the best peas Bible time to. put this role of regu- larity into : practice. • .Da ryinen eliould make it a rule, say, to millt their cows at 6 o'clock An the morning and 6 &dock at • night. After this rule haS been once • established on. the premise% it shOuld be, like the lo.ws of .tbe Medea and Persians, un - Alterable and .reeneeted aecordlitglar, It is SU* edit:Minion occurrence to dot othdr farni duties interfere witha the regulartare and milking of cetrai 'that It inaar be had to make geniebee lidve who ought to Ittiqw better, that etrict adherence to method hes. anyta thing to do with dairy success.: It ean be safely Bet deWn that if a man Th ....ducting what he olio "inliecl fir thing," "deTerfiligaldad'ilffithtte the "Mixture," .that his cower can be Made to par more 'Di proportion than any or his otherngricultural interests Thia wt11 not be consummated under Ordinary care an usage. 1i mit, t give bis mileh Cattle extraeedinary attention irt order to .reap the benefit . Of their fell capardlitiee, ThM 'retired garming" businese, Of 'which •dalryitig is euppeeed to fOrtri an integral Part, - r. Chase s ment of a hymn to beu sng and risin 0 wave4 his hands, and the organ pealed --for h ' • s a ad—hrs,--0 r eady=einga" Kidney-Liver Pdls • A small and precocious youth young. woman's class aald "— • ' • ' "Why don't you sing: Miss Frisbee?' Those who have been anxiously loon-. "Me 7 Ot, I never sing" repiied the Ing for the early pullets to begin laying, teacher, smiling her prettiest, and who met with •• disappointment, a "But," exclaimed the boy, "the min, should' not be discouraged Endeavor , later' says you must, , Didn't he twit to learn the pause of the backwardnest ' Say, 'Now, Reddy, sing f" of the pullets and correct the difficulty if 'possible. Pullets that have .beet _ 41;-'^tr• • forced m by.a high system Of feeding ay hal,:e red combs, and yet not begin to onderful Home ieipei* ay eggs, They may be very fat, or have the large rice on their heads. The Ablest Analytical ()hamlets Some of them may be slaw in maturing and crowding of the flock may sobJect hem to uneonifortable conditions. The best remedy ter the diffleulty Is to Change the diet. Begin by• giVIng no OLUTE SECURIT a f say They are the Best. The ablest and best analytio chemists in ood for 48 hours andethen alloorstsvo the wbrld offirm Wilhetit hesitation that Meade only•eikeh date, giving bufity food, Diamond Dyes are the purest and best such as cut clover eprinkled with bran, ,dyeatuffs for home dyeing. All. the colors n the zooming, and lean meottatglit. are guaranteed t ast to light • and washing Every other day, at aight, P$ ' with ilea • the` odor more gocids package easpoonful of linseed meal with bran, for package, than any other dye in the naoistened. The changing of the food Ali there are imitation s better than medicine of ally kind, s World, Diamond Dyes, ladies should be careful of i of the'popnlat retillenCY a failure to lay may result dettlere who attempt to recommend the rout lack. of food containing the ease*. MI substances for egg produetion, I worthies:I make", It should be remember, ed that theta imitation dyes are made up of Dry food should be preferred for hinlos; meleadc as food -that kr veils aa....,"" poisonous adtilterations and the hande are —often iidared by them,sagDhutond.Dt ail Axe _ eaten, forces the chicks to takemore ao easy to USG that even a child can work Water than they require. Never allow with them successfully.Bee tlust, your hr food to "mein over attar fPedirligi, dealer Supplies yon with ihe "Diamond ;" nd always feed on f refuee all other% mall teed% Bitch as those ot hemp and 11 you are biteteOted in home mat and Millet, are exedlent for chicks at all rug making, send your Eidareas to The tagee of growth. • Wells & Richardson Co., Liniitecl, 200 Eggs are cheaper, and Inky be ehealier Mountain St., Montreal, P, thaand you uring the aummer then Wirer before. will read%) free of omit new designsao se. losimomem , Genuine - Carter's • • Little Liver ?ills. Must Bear Signature Of To keep eggs for higher prices do not leot from. "Hine them as liMed eggs do not Will • 4,4702t, $ea ParAitilmilla Whipper &lova Veil anion end aa'ettsy fa take aa awe. • . tiotret, FOR DUDACK& Eno RIR DIZZINESS. tilt ma DILIOUSNESS. t t OW ilorieEl. The first point to keep . a A n vitae Is that there Must be no melee ermilius arvisaTorontO, has cont.. combination n the dock, aft 'infertile eggs will keep pletud arra.ngernents for a of the salmon canners of 13ritish Col. three times as long at the fertile ones. , If that rule Is not overlooked; the keep. Ing of eggs will not be clifileelt De not sTwo hundred furniture inenufactnr. buy eggs to store away, fie such egg; ors who clItim to control Sil per cent, of ihrlY P01110 from yarde containing mama. the trade in the 'United, States have ("i- t° gouty cos „Imam it wale, or gatitzed a trutt and, advanced priees aelchlg material are necessarP. ginip'y A MARVKLIA0(18smEtdinu, eep the eggs in a cool place (the (oOle ' Having a direot and combined action on r the better), Onrhelco or in any man. the liverandkidneye, Dr. Ohaite'e Kidney - et` 00 OA to permit of turning the% hat g rattail Pills will positively allr0 Party corn. ver three times 4 week. Tho method piloted rola onto win& cannon° reached tty appear very simple, but It is the by any of her medicine, and hence It ex- alt known. But do not overlook the traordinary mom and and popularity, 1111 - et that no Melee are to be kept. They lemma liver complaint, Bright's disease, ra net noccoeara union marl are des deranged Itidneye and etomitch troublee are fret! for hatching purpoars, as the hoe' promptly and thorn:101y overeoine by this 111 lay without their presenee. P. ug nreftt faniilY Mediator. One Pill il, &Mr iv ...A FON 11.10 pi LCs4 PDS DONUIPATIN31. rim SALLOW 8KIR. b rot VSF.0096"k1C.X1Wit ,Itt *tete inzarinturrar MUM' 172,..2 , ". ecos Vtarelif "getable. ev4r-c;cat; itcobS, In Ainerican Gardenitut: 2,5 Cents ft bor. CURE SION: EISACIAOHW 4.4' Is the eattae Or a. Whole lot of infer-, dor col% poor milk and butter toei Merl re profltg, 14 fe bfgh latt ,d.itrying, titular such conditions., thottld be regarded at ite true 'worth, both for the profit Of egrteuittire tad' he quality of milk PrOduetta to not stop toatioe a five -cent hill Of beans when yog shOuld be milking it fifty -dollar COW, or one that Would le Worth • fifty &Mats if Rho won, • • Don't tall to four kisrastanee it tonna. Worthiestracur in driving up the creare, when every hurried step they take causes their blood to surge toward fever heat, and result3 itt tri that will undergo dangerous fathead- allattiVei changes very quickly...di, E. 11.4 in rant and Trade. tnilked regularly, MOWS IttellIel.` Gen. Ian Hamilton in a large driving Operation in the western Transvaal has captured IVO Boers, aniong them De-, larey's brother. a Wesley Van Wart. an 'adieu, was burned to death in a barn near Doer. onto, It is supposed he set the building .on Are with his cigar. Miller's Kidney and Bladder Pine are sold at 25e per box, 13014 by all Clintork druggiate, it George F.011allorn, of Montreal, has been appointed Deputy Minister of Agriculture to succeed the late Mr W. B, Scarth, pressiy for week Oidueys, bladder, pain in the back to, Sold by all Clinton druggist°. A. woman balloonist. named Edith Brooke% was -dashed to death at hbef- fleld through the failure of the Para" chute, Miller's Grip Powdera Cure. sola by aU Clinton kit uggiete. Postmen in the Cardigan district. Wales, carry stamps for sale, a spring balance for weighing parcels, and, in oriditiout undertake to poet articles of ell description, Itillerh Compound Iron Pil 8) only 25.0 for 60 doses, Sold by all Olinton druggiets •Ruseian newspapers state that Oen Von Wahl, Governor of Vilna. Was shot for eruelties perpetrated upon polltical prisonere under hie orders, Ile had been cond'enaned to death by the Central Revolutionary Committee and received warning letters to that effect. NERVtLINE'S MAGIC POWeiR OVEtt RAIN Magical because it is potentd-a moon- tration of the moat soothing and pain-sab- cluing remed ee known to the niedioal world, Iderviline is simply out of comport. on with any other remedy, • Thoasandis wlao have used it can testify to Ws. or viline is an infallable remedy for cramps, oolde, rheumailepapain in the baok—pains internal and pains erternel, 'Druggists sell it everywhere. About 8,000 men, suspended from work on the Erie Railroad as a result of the coal strike, bave t etunied work again, .Stakes, centipede's ittel other poison, us things mayassail you an your walks through lieid and forest.. Be mire to have s bottle of Perry Davie' Tairilsiller in the house and you ran no risk. Direetions on the wrapper., . . A Revival of Old Signe. ' "To Master Martin, at ye" sign. of ye Grasshopper, Lombard street, Lotidondi To be in keeping with the surround- ings,- letters intended for the Merchants of. Lombard street .sheuld' be addressed ' after the manner set out .above daring the 'coronation week, Baysa London paper. , ae '. • For that brie: but glorloup period the thoroughfare in question will hark back. to mediaeval times—to the tithes when, if rd'nursa eould read he Was regarded as. , a ,monunient of learning and an exceinple to younger contemporaries. . , Few ,people, however,: could read in those days:: Hence it collie about that the 'banks, shops and taverns , were. • identided by :signs which projected from .. their fronts. , Anybody could recognize the picture of an "angel" or a "phoenix" or a "unicorn"—though, , Of course, zio. body hadever seen one of the trioa in reality—w-hereas to decipher the paint- ed word would have plunged the pecks-, , trian into a •difficulty from which not . even • the "watch" could Imre ' rescued him. ' The universal solution of .such problems suggested by "risking a police- man" is a deviceof more modern times; True, the assistance of the "Charlie" might have t� be invoked Where •in one 'street there happened to be a multiplica- tion of "Bells," "Bulls" or "Bellows"; -dbitt so' faxects-nessitaile this conftision was avoided by making the 'Tailed and !Tulle" of varied color Or • of (natio- . . . guishing virtues. . ,• • a ' Altogether,. the plan answered ad- mirably, Out thd abodes of 'the' Lom- bard street bankers and merchants were Picked out with far greater ease two hundred years c...'n than is the casewith • the erratically imixibered street of to- day. - It was a happy idea, with Whomsoever it originated, to revive these old signet as a detiora tive feature for the eoron- ation 'festivities. • Most of the sighs were destroyed by the greet lire, which devastated Lonibard street—the Ott - break begen dose to the southern end of it --others were lost: buit, thanks • nieinly to Mr, Hilton Price, the Major- " ity of:the designs have been unearthed, ' rind 'from these the new signs will be fashioned. The present proposal is to make then of hollow gifts ,s so that they eau be. illuntinatedhatabight, The ere feet will be both plead . ' 1 ' l 141911 ; ill TO ' 101 '-' iiiii10)11; 1Pf4s•VirIed.•,... s.. ‘ / rt...„...--,4,,,,vf-s, "PEW' Tester ...-^ ¥ay 30th, 1902 'Peso WOV0A Wire V0400 Is the only reliable fence for holding stook Owing te,_ the Conti/molls coil or spiral spring, 1470,7 nit" wire will withstand a strainof11,0WPOunda; ordinary 11o. 7 wire will onty 0=4 a etrein or .1„104 pounds Common wire wnen coiled or bent etraighten out with the first strain and remain so. Page fences are now very eberip2 and,,YOUltnovir they hove always been the beat. **ponces are used, by all Canadian railways. 14-a Pans 'Agra Penes Co.. Limited. Walifforliffe,Ont, 4 ow spring goods• res, Goods: Muiins Prin:ts c+111-0,arAs. tacos and Embroideries , • , of el kinds R Coats Son FURNITURE BROADFOOT: BOX & CO. The etealy increase in oar trade ie good priof (attire 'fad that oar gooier are righdand our prices lower than time of other dealers in the trade. We ratinofacture furniture on a large male and can afford to sell cheap. If yoe hay tram us, we OOVeforyou the.proilt, which, in other oases, has to be added in the retail dealer. Thie week we ba ve passed into stook some of our new designs. Space will not permit a us to quote prices, but come and see for yourself whet snaps we have to offer. Renieraber—we are detertnined that our prices sball be the owest in the trade. . • UNDERTAKING, In this department our stook is complete, and we nate undoubtedly the best Innen outfit in the county. Our prices are as ow 'tte the lowest. BROADFOOT9 BOX & CO -.I w. chime* • Manager .p; g.—Night and Sunday 'Calls ittter del to by calling t W4 lid(' I ly' (Funere Director) resale:ids . Fon DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY,. . .COLIC, CRAMPS, PAIN IN THE STOMACH AND ALL , "SUMMER COMPLAJNTS. • • ITS EFFEOTS ARE MARVELLOUS. ,tr MITI LI BELIEF ALMOGY INSTANTANEOUS. Pleasant, Rapldt Ro1fab1uEffectual, ZVirtif MOUSE SMO OLD NAV( fria SOK Volin eltintroar POO it. VAIUI 110 ottlite. Prilegis 350, \V/ •Y7.71` Ripans Tabules hold, their place as the' Etupreme remedy which cures dyspepsia,,indiges- • tion, stomach; liver and bowel troubles sick headgeho and ' constipation. No other single remedy boa vet beenfound since the twilight of medical history whim is capable of do- ingso much good to so large a majority of mankind. AT DRUGGISTS The Ilve-cent packet is enough for an ordinary ocoitsion; The family bath", sixty cents, contains a supply tura- year.. , Notiee to Creditors. • Notice le hereby given that all persons hav- ing airtime against the estate of Margaret -Mathes, tate of the town of Clinton in • the County of Huron, married Woman, who died on ' Zintgligrr ?laglhgfigal'oritin,tr°101, t. (louver*. donee Scott, Oilmen, unterie. solicitor for the mentor of the wilt of tho said deceased, their monies, addresses and • r tact ptions anct the full partleinara of their olefins. And further take notice, that after • eta met mentioned, date, the ex,4_,A tor will preened to diatritnite the awls + Wale said doomed among the parties entitled _thereto, , having regartionty Who elaimsof whienheshali , then have notleo and that the said axis:tutors Will not lie liable for the said ailsots or . eV i' part thereof- to any person 0,1,1:lemma of whose Maims notification not h ""„, a been re unveil by him at t ho Minn of Ruch distribution. TAME'S SCOTT* Me tutor for William fillibInga, filvonutor, Dal nil rmy Stit•-or Clinton, this 5th deft Of NV) 19024 A.v. „ . rdo • so Items, EKPERIENCE TnitontemNiorgan A nyent6 nendltkrt WoketrIt mut &wept -inn fling CDPVTI HT3 dte, asnortato nor opinion fro) wii00,51 /111 !M. Imtion 18 probittrly Imt1qttalb10. tfotitiAtrietireouthlotatitt. Tfandtmniodi Parentit ,101t trot). 44+1071 lo. 07 paioao.. Patont8 taken throttr.:11 Munn TeeelVe 014 NJ! 1/y d,l,ota l77Itfi, In tha M14614111 • Itantinnmelviltmtmtp4 woolav. r 411_41.1 oh., mo/ :11 vs, 1",IrM1011,1:1C.Lt, tbvaitz, reeasaasna: morig &co go ,1P15I yorp nranen office. to lib, Washington, IL