HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-05-30, Page 3Nttture'S Rle8shig TIP"!GET WINTER EGGS. ,.........- Se Pound in Health, Strenothbilletekee Made by afesty Mee bien-Srood ‘,.. ' and PreedOln Prom Pahl, • 'II aud oar,. We are often Prone to lay to HOE/ Mstfor :This Gitt he ea A11-04 It the 1PerVereity of nature" things whIch are damply. our own fault. We often coat* . Mappinese and Thiefulnese of Life Plain of bad, luck, or calmly accept Depend -Without it Life hien tt, without complaining, feeling that Existence Hard to five mu,"st take ,"the inevitable . when l of Cod Liver Oil is the means the truth is !that if We looked alsouti of life, and enjoyment of life to , Eudora. Us a little, we might very easily rem.. thousands: men women and, 'Health is natureei choloeet gift to Man edy that Which troubles va. It fete* et ine 0thereetfutulleybieueadrdeide. el. It ih heftera sah_ linettetzmiurelltaThadt IoVhDetelittetiPert41147 1414 children' When appetite fails, it re - sufficient, water y or impure, for most of tifullY in the summer, wlien age Abe diseases thet afflict mankind are them, bring ten cents a dozen, and go heck stores it. 'When food is a able to this cause. Every Organ uf the on us coMpletely in the winter, when burden, it lifts the burden. body requires riots, red blood to enable it eggs are worth from twentrelve tO —. lflhb w rtyit . to properly perform its lifeemstaining ififtY cents a dozen. But the truth is, en ouose es,rings funotions, and at the, first intimation ;that Gentleman, that it is the fault et says L. A. Worthington, in the Comte thevVumpness of health, mature gives that all le not well, the blood try Gentle hen work is hard ehould be and will no two -it iS a 01310 that isneeded, neither nature nor the hem The tiered for. purgative medicines and Dr wilininis' Pink Pille have been whole trouble Is that we de not get. bdutyhti.s heavy, it makes • .life proved, the world oyez, to surpass all our hens Into the proper condilion to ng other Medicines in their tonik etreagthea• ;ay eggs. We fire not fair to the hen, - . . . It is the thin edge of the big end health-renetving qualities, From When we send a' man to do a piece wedge; the thick.. end is food. one end of the lend to the other will be tf work we are usually careful to se. 'found grateful people who oheerfully sc. dect a Man Who is In a werking con- But what is the use ut food, •knowledge that they owe their nod health dition, and not a man who ongld to . to this great medioine. Among them is be in the hospital. But somehow or WIWI' you hate it, and can't di - Mr Elmer Robtdour, aprominent young I • other we never seem to think Wilt gest it? , .an living at Stjerome, Que. He save- that with our Ilene' Anything that ... • se • ld 'For some yeare I wee It grant antferer , 'Wears feathers and goes on two legS cott s r.musion of Co 'from dyspepsia. My appetite Immune 1 seome good enough to us to lay ObVir Liver Oil is thefood that makes irrrgular and eyerything I ate telt like a 1 ,weight on my stomach. I tried several no matter what its condition. h Then when. 'we send a Mall. to do te • you forgo your stomac. veroedies and was ander the oare of doctors piece of work, We are apt to See that r ir ..YOu heve,psoatetrreloeadblite,trented w!c)a but to no avail and I grew worse ea time eriVlailleirs 13.a.i It he has tools to work with. MAIO" went on. I haeame very weak, grew thin ' • SCOTT .& Chemists,. ecu ere Pi p , il, about our hens Do we not demand * h t and was frequently seized with dizziness. eggs without proper food? We do ii,..,.. tsael 0.1. rk. aII eivairmla** One day a friend told me of she cane at a that very tb.ing, over and over again. young girl who had euffered greatly • from "If there is one fact established in Able trouble 'but who, through.the nee of henology, it Is that the fondness at Dr Williams' Pink Pills had fully regained Cowls. for bugs and Worms is not an The waste material from the cigar fact •her health and strength, and strongly ad- unnatural. taste. The animal matter tortes is a goad fertilizer, containing 'both Nieed me to try these pille. •I Nu so &woe thus .secured supplies a moot IMPerts nitrogen and potash, but it has so many to find a our that I acted on his advice ant ,element ill the fowl's food. And it other valuable qualities that the farmer and proeured asupply. Frona the yory.firet • . my condition improved and after tieing the xi; largely because the hens dannot . and gardener should not fail to obtain pills for a couple of months I was fully Procure this food in winterhat t 1 soe every year. Placed around • the restored to health, after having been . a cease to lay eggs. . they m by squash vines in the hill, it almeu ost rely •constant sufferer for four years. It is now Another reason or few eggs . over a year since I used the pills and irr winter is that the hens are not only, dr . Wes sevaY the fly which is the mother that time 1 have enjoyed the best of health. not in the best physical condition, but of the borer, and !mattered Along the This I owe to that greatest of all Med- the feed they get does not contain the onion rows it serves the • same purpose lanes, Dr Willittnes' Pink Pine, and 1 proper elements for egg -making; and, for the little black fly that cauder3 the shall alwaye have a good word to say on as ha e been hinted, a hen cannot make onion maggot. In -fact? nearly, if not their behalf," • bricks without straw: Food containm quite all the Insects which damaged our nerves, these pills oure suoh diseame me • dug the necessary ilements naust bil plants and trees .by laying air 'egg of •which the larva will be a borer, and thus TIM CLINTON NEW EILIL 011 S NOB Tobnoco Stens und Dust. Through their action on the hlood and supplied if we are to bait) full 'egg ybeamatismi gaieties, St Vitas' dance, ct, cannot he reached by poisonous eprays, What lo a Gentleman?. What is a gentleman? It Is a dell. tate matter to atternpt a definition of thie difficult word. There is the gen. eral and exceedingly vague use of the word, 'whose mewling varies according to the views of the user, and which may signify urbanity of manner, amiability, Tea stiyinaltr /DIM SHIRE k.*:4 • Vesse vcstesesee, the possession of wealth, respeetehility DESFORD MARQUIS. 10030 - of demeanor,- commotion by bleed evith English, Shire Stud Book, Foaled June 2Ist, ISA 321. AnadiPri number. people of a certain ;melee Status, or a hundred other things. There is the use Desford Moro de, No. WM, will Stand for th • ozmay, May $tb when wil be at his wis of the word as sp, definition of a Mad's irodrovement stockbeignninf place in the community -and when in sem° Riiigesood,' Park Ferro, until nii.11; Man," we may usually ASSU1110 that John b Tuesday, to David auditors s. 8th, eon , Call al d this country we see' John Doe, gentle. reoectile eight at Bogle Hotel; Carlow. • 1 May 80thf 1902t Great Egg Competition, 1 1. W. Irttin Will Sive one dollar oasb or 05 lbe granulated o'; 60 lbe coffee sugar to the customer who brings in the largeet Hen Egg to this store between new end the 24th of Met,. J W Irviin is selling— Beet Standard Granuleted Sugar at $4.00 per hundred by the barrel, TEAS -Bleak, Green and Japans. from 103 up. Chinese mixtures 15ir per b Beet 25e tea in town. RAISINS-Ourrants, Pram, Dried, Peachee and aprieets, 6 lbs Age for 2ffoa, the robins fer 25o. Dinner, Tea and Toilet Bete and fancy tempo, to make room for my spring fox - port orders direct from the:faokories. I ain Selling at 25% lees than usual prime . .1 examine qualiti and prices and you are sure tat earns his living in a mauner which he etrtargo, Fsnroloitdgen to Henry Daer,eastb. con., s technical sense of the term, as an indi. ". Hellcat. for noon; thence to 'eMeeCautrisey,q noel Minton for niuht cation of a man's exAct sovie1. status, eeneeeeee tie seethe- , does not care to specify, There is tbe vrentasner, to Albert Walla° 's iith eon bUY. Phone 45 • %sled good butter and eggs. est maire mon Road, in relation to his eadecedente as well as for noon; tVence totem. oololough's, lith con to his present condition. And the third (.4"1"'ioh tre 101c flirt. - tp„ for noon; thence to 4.11in Sowerby's, 4th to dedne as the first. . • eon., for night, sense of the term is perhape as dillicult Fittuav, o G. 0. urdy's, Tth con., Gloderich Am:war, to Farr Bros. Hotel, Goderiels, thia reehnieel sense it ie generally s tion of good birth-whdtever that vagee remain until the fohowing Monday noon. - his own stable, where he will • Bi!):11rdonbib held that the word rarries suggese 4°°u; then" t giurshasti trohistime gr4trgui.gfetin thority RS The New English ;Dictionary This splendid etallion. Ives foaled in 1096 and Pbralte nifty mean -and so high en au - on Historical Principles gives as the risedrirn tie seasons: Bred ry 8.W°.”&v: J. Printery meaning '"A man at gentle Tlaompson. of avows Palle Desford, Deices-. birth, or haVing the same heraldic sta. t3trati,131,pnglaanddi titbit:taunt ipt4veta one who is entitled to hear arms. But feint ss. fine a specimen as has ye reac e no august an authority as that . just gi,4 IrAtingIDeeforderiutiirteallgt9 quoted, Sit George R. Sitwellluts run (7917),. bred FarI of Ellesmere. sopweli tui andacious tat. Sir George Sitwell fsurks.wiesnttile touring prizerst, Hatfield IS a baronet, a landoWner, has at Vali, ties' Shim' a:tt:rateriroa.t4,T1111914'stirladl., CIL* etnstituency of Scarborough in the ' 181. Fillies, sired by Sorrell Doke made 450 terieal research among his activities. I intle. A filly arse 'sired by Sopwell Alnico°, tus as those of gentle birth; prorrly, pounds, alluisIn eti;re7actren gs avveegy other h d agsinst this view, supported as it is by i3002titry.b teorwrIa# erirrd by Sopwell Duke ow times represented the very close iield,1894, Highly commended, LonXon Show, House of Commons, and numbers his. I feur Pritglirgd sYlVtiniuggVatTil:tgelitt His views are published in The Ancestor named Desford Blackbira, hehl, an unbeaten 'itu admirably Inerted and illustrated, 1,:lercare, tredrdetiliii.e8irlili EIV:gvnd:laPtptiejetgrteie genealogical quarterly, which has just 'Usk shire Horse Co..sLimited, on October eethe, entered the field. 1 1100, the iirilprizs colt was sired by Desford Sir George first contravenes' the aerget,Lier; Isartbetrfierigerteeie:Iggearo ('. theory, Which finds wide acceptance, that a large sum to a didland bu.yer., in the 'Middle Ages there existed all I trzatta:-$15, to insure, to Os paid 1st of Ian - order of "gentry" intermediate between tloarrearY' 19°B3. wirsoe, Bewail, O. daalliAL, assume for the sake of argument, • he the noblemen and the yeomen. "Let us '• Nallager.,. , Owner. M 2 4 says, after remarking that the structure THULA/Mk-1W STALLION of mediaeval society is. -still a mystery, "that .in the 12th, 19th and 14th . • (836) and -91- LANGTON'S DA.NEGELT. • but two classes, the riobiles or tenants Daflegelt.-.91.-Canadian Ilacknei 13.r Brand centuries there were, broadly speaking, DpseitipTifni Ann PaDionall -Langton knoy S. B., was oa in in chivalry,. coreprisine• eerie,' heroes, irvip American Hao ant is consementiI five years old; he is .ignobiles, consisting of villeihs, citizens strige on face, and both front feet and near knights, esquires tied franklins,. ana the' a beantiful dapple ekes nnt color, with white • askete. bin stesedng white Be is a very hi h los f tobacco frankline or free -tenants was .forming comes from chameton dock in Raglan an d h been and burgesses; that a great order o actor, and hook action cannot be exeelfed. re. alysis, etc. Be sure that you get the gen , It is for this reasOn at e ec • tb th d stems or dust around the stem of the in the latter half of the 12th century, the U. S., both his sire and am wring indigestion, kidney trouble, partial par. will be repelled by the use o uine with the fall nae• "-• • ' mat an., o green ut nes s f 'bo b come so! lent. The claim has been made that the i• imeorted from England. d owing to the resure of military ser- t - the angton's Datiettelt was bred by Fred C. m a.liackney Stud Attics Pink Pills for Pale People'' on vs, hoz, imollg money -making pout, torers that •infest our a le and If your dealer, does not keep them they will trymen and women. Green cut pone . orchards can be drivenreeds upan the ords of manors an sweats. ap woo of the most successful and besi be sent post paid at 50 oentsa box or six supplies this •needed element_ as, does tobace 1 s o eave aroundethe trunk of the , grfly ey weeding deei,re of. the latter to surround them- N. Y., one genes . enan s o t t wh could be de- known breeders in the United States and ee Mime' Me -------------------------------- . rain c;in be, f --------- he enter there. When this is wet the juiee Pere and 'tci do suit at their courts; , flounced by aillwholnyte genk hirat-as•coom Canada, He was imported to Canada by his • - times for $ -.50 by addressing the, De ot e hied, an at a less' expense '• tree just aboVe'Where the berets usuttlly Pended 'epee to fight 'tinder their , present ownerster O. Attrill, and is pof ro' • • no •r WIC best speo teens of t e ao nI ype n w 11 short an indiepensable food. No , pleasant for the fly to stay there,' but if nobilee bound together without distine. ,484 ), En ., 2 Amer can, by Garton Duke Two buildings at Hamilton were I • fowls health It makes eggs, and la that runs down not only makes it tin. / 'that this order or . subdivision . of the comoo jae wag sired bT Langt n's Perform - wrecked by h3 Morin. • • • . -Wm, El. a Montreal sieteetive, was fon. d de ,d in bed. pereeni wig) keeps fowls,• bi3 they feve She deposits a few eggs .when the tree is tion of rank or birth poor freeholders. tie 0rmaugh (13009).Epg., His dam was d Danegelt, (803bs) sing. amert or many,. can' afford to be witholit, a dry, the first wet day is •likely ta send arid persons whein we sheuld new des.: j...1.3.1reheeeeie ibsyreDeaeneengebeit r 4s)eEd %leek a °ILI:411e: greenbone putter. • - down a decoction strong enough to de. cribe as wealthy anedistinewiked coun • stroy the vitality of the eggs a kill the :trX gentlemen, and that long ' hacl but brtmle%rho intefostiet tnts ** net se trying t th t. • __•• i sure in 11 f th s h th b ' g o e ne yes as temper ine. • -Raper Hateborough, of the firm of , a o ese eases. a, Bernet ing mg e barons against the usurpations belance- of politiCal poWee; supports. less Of lee; ..1.9.tt,-Y flee rha Langton's Ikinegelt stands ta tne trout milt e Peackitey May leafre !CORN TE MPE Cow That Gives Black Milk 1 young larvae. We do not claim it to be the leaders. • • cited by other osuses. Haven't you heard C 1 II rieb row ey; a erough and CO. teethe ' will depend on the weather but with fece of the Crown .aid th C i t ' net M e rown aga ns 'UM bee, wfll of Putnam's Peinless ()ow and Wart Ex-. er dealers, of Chillicothe Chi h quent showers to keet wet, it Will the ambition of the greater feudatories. :.fl‘oto trei Arbterent jlt:hn kland't • . existence after -the great pestilence of ' Wavranosh for noon; then to Bruee's 60 tUi r oon °Sten 8O trader? Owes quickly and painlessly s t greatly reduce the trou le from these in. Let us assume that the yeomanr , /Shillong 's Hp el, Dungannon, for night. eeet peets.-AneericanOuitivatore j lee order ofelenantgarhiers; ,speatig • ineo TUEsDAY, to E. A. Darold's, gtli coil.Botel , West .• ooMplam -.not so with •Patnam 9. . ht. ' She is on Mr, Han.sborough's • • • . ; possessor of a natural curiosity In °there pain -make men swear -the ladies the shape of a cow which gives black !druggists sell Putnam's or h can be sent by 1049, whieh, • by increasing the peice of ByirsrAirealitto John Ellis' 8rd con. East model farm, situated a few nilet litacl Appetit e compelled the abandonment of.. Imam:isle foi• noon; then te'thettasonilouse, • N. C. Poison di 0o, Kingston, Oat., to 13 th, for eight. P landlord cultieation and led to the prac- ; 0 t ti XaIIRSDAY, to Hill's Hotel, Londesboro, for seey edema io cene'de or veiteg states, town, and cart e seen a any me • 4 . the of letting tench, on leitsee that the noon; thento R, Graham's Hotel, Clinton, for on receipt of 25 oents, grazing in his pasture, and at milking I gestion 'order of gentlemen aa a separate class nipf. • • • . Was forming as • some.thing inep nett, - • noounifttsbyen;tto4 . .etReartmhwaDello.n'sea.Pairlficieludt LLininee;, 101: • -.see time her singulai yield will be shown/ Hendne s filly 1,3, tte won t e anyone desiring to behold it. Of mix- elKing's Plate, Mr Seagram's Fly -in-. ed breed Jersev and Durham with • nigh . A her second and M.r Devies' Optuutia - • •-• Mr. Jan. McMath; et Inverness Street, hut in the ifith ; tilmt, deserted by the . sartinnay, to wm. DriVer's Huron Road, third. from 2 to5 o'clock • then to his own stable, a strain of Ayrshire, she was calved Stratford. Ont., states:-" My digestive fornoon; thence to Tilt's stailles, Goderich, wealthier families the franklin class The U di zed States is aski og Denmark to her mother, whose. milk preeented.- was poor, I was run down in health and fell into decay, lost its polcal im• I wine., he warm:min =tusk, „following Atm_ • on the farm and was the second born organsWere entirely deranged, my appetite Jan - ed for ratification' of the treaty for the - -WO peculiarity and whose first calf, a. • bad eevere attacks of dizzoiineDssracndhaoseefse t at s members, asbeing pranitce and sank into the yeomanry; da morning, - not of !gen- 1 4sofesesTaineure,tht to he end 1st of Jan - to extend by one year the time allow -- till- bottle: were excluder -by law-froio uatr-d". . EdwArto C. ATTaxm, Owner, sale of the Danish 'west Indies. . : tinter, too, still gives abundance vous headaches. The use . ae h 1 . At Forralguerss, Feance, the roads ' monie,. as she is called, .is e pretty ' digestion ia very much improved. the shrievalty, and that the poorer free -tea- I imported Shire Stallion, BAHRFIRLD'S ' . a natural tinted •milk. Parliament and.b prejudice from the Amiss Molizon, manager. . Nerve Food as entirely cured me. os my tittle cow, with nothing ;unusual ill headaches have left me amd lity appetiteis ants as 'persona of entail substanee and BARON will stand for the improvenient or ., are blocked with snow a metre deep. _ = Daseronto lite 'monis el a Bum! of. I.' flier appearance, and haei herne elriatify . • ' Nerve Food most T'!TT. it tova ue w re , be an exceptionally good medicine." ! . and rendered incapable of serving upon- mosiney; will leave his own stable, tot M. con. • real good. can recommend Dr, Chase's • • *I ' e deprived of the franchise stook this season as follows :-- • J. W. IRWIN, 01m- tou oke Dandruff Cure By its use tardy; lifeless, loosened hair becomaa strong, heavy and abundant. Abundant soft and, glossy hair is a woman's " Crown of alory." To promote a healthy growth of hair, the scalp »must be kept clean of all injurious matter. This can be done , pleasantly and effectiVely by tb.e use of Coke Dandruff Cure. Price 00c. and $1.00 at druggists. • • A. R. BREMER CO., LiMiTED. TORONTO CHICAGO NEW YORK . LONDON Moo Another Drop in Prices The undersigned is offering his $80 Buggies for $65. They are his own make and are made from choice material and br first class mechanics. All the latest improvements used ant are up -to date in every respect. They cannot be surpassi and we guarantee them. JOHN LESLIE. Huron Street. Olintal P. face has almost:come South Africa •;.• But no petio0 brre, The 20.4*.v4iee't be kept -up tin all the goods are sold Or • People . „ . • . Came inns 'ter your Seed @ geoh is Corn, . Maisgelse -Turnips, nee and Garden 'Seede; ' • 007e for trwant oirre :ad 'petstriepsl,e. s, oBvelaso.,k woier:,.e: Cam. !..vanized and Barbed, also Poultry netting Then yen will We4§creth P9M; 71M.Y.17 §Tire and Wire to make 9t407r '. Don't .forgetahout Boots and Shoes ee we have Steth geoci arid. 0.114. • . , Our Dty Goods stook is full and well asserted -If yda really . went, e bargain TWeedir, Suits, Shirts, SmOoks; Oreralheand Sox, come anti tey Whet we one dd or you. ' • The best of Grmeries always on heed: , Ask for one Of our Cards that cipens the -way for yon to get your Photos enlarged •ovtehryeto:00:p. and good. --------------• • • Bemethingepeetal-An Ayrehiregrade cow hit sale cheap or will exchange for au. • ; .Terms are ciash or produce such as Eggs at 14o; (Whioli teats the pedie.re) Butter. Lent Tallow-, Dried Applek Potatoes, oto. Aura for hnsinesi, ' R. ADAM 'Eniporitim, Londeaboro May 13th, 1302: Trede,with P. Sleyin as President, • five young, which have thriven well - • 18, Hallett. andvvoceed to Fenry Govier's, lot • I. on her black milk. „ It produces a fax 'pries. Let us assume that as .time 80 coo. 1, East awanosh, for noon; then to THE WHITE 'PLAGUE AlYVANCES. • amount of Cream which is a • trifle 13eing slightly laxative Dr. Chase's • went cm and the heralds reached their • Itobbison's hotel, :Auburn forone hour; then to. sh • f • N e F od re Mates the sition of the evil s of entility t e gulf widene john bit 25. con. s, west Wawano , or • • uggies ! Wagons! Do you want a highgrade.%Buggy or ,Wagon? We have the finest stock to select from. All the latest styles in the new- est colors. Oar prices are as low as Can be found first-class materialt• and workmansinn." Before.you buy 'call andsee, us. . We also handle the Canadmn Steel Field Fence, already woyen, any lannersi erect from 60 to 80 rods per day, it IS s cheap strong 'fence. • • •• Oonsuraption is gaining beasts/ay. Why? ;ighter in eolor, and which, when ert 0 g , go P .g , .. • . Catarrh sets in, Is not obeekeit. 'and Con. coal tar, but as palatable. as though*oll 1 osh, for noon; then to;.. . live iniiuence on tho nerves and muscles . gentry geased to intermarry with 'the eon. 5. west Wawan arr ozoile regularly? It cures °olds in a Mr. Hansborough says that at first ' tirenohle.n.i. Augustine's tot 7, con. 5, Ashfield, of the respiratory and digestive systems. , to attend their weddings and to stand ----- etbey were afraid to drink or use her If you are ,weakened by overwork, worry . ---------4- the christening of their . _ ViraiiirESDAY.proceedt0 Daniel Dineen's, lot fete hours, and no wise of Oetarrli oan with. I or disease, this great food cure is bound to children; that a bitter' and Palette feel- eel, conef, Ashfield, for noon ; then by vray of stand it. ' Cetarrhozone cures li'y the in. i anilk •in any way, but, overcoming • be. of benefit to you, As a restorative ft ' tosohn Stylis . . big °row up .tahich made itself felt et D -II tnTgabliatellentifilaeirlierring. excretory organs and' through its restore- ed, lietween rich aisd . pPor; . that the . xd.gtrisnie proceed to.lames•Pollarai ie Battoeide-are.aliewed to -tan en - noeetel,, I 010110, makes. butter reseinlilene surion is the result. Why ndt ase Cat- goldensyellow. ensures the healthful and vigorous action ' yeornitery, to visit them at their houses. Mountain s hotel, Dungannon, for two outs, h Anon of medioated air whtcle goes to all • their prejudice, now extioe it as ali3' has never been approached. 5o cents a t • tile of the Cavaliers and. °Trielnetr roceeil to Wgm Stothers' lot 8 .as e wars 9 and frvelroad to Hugh.Glenn's,lot 18, con.,0, perts of the lungs, throat and , breathing -tcon. a Ashileirl, for noon -then by way a con. th , 11 h r e ived numbers of box. at II dealers, o Edmanson, Bates .94 e on e " organe. A .plearant; certain, qutok cure 1 offers for her, both from the proprie. Co., Toronto. follows the use of Catarrhozone, which is And what, after all this history, is West atvanosh, for itcht, In the tdehnical sense? Sir George, after con. 7, West trizhigiact, then to John guaranteed under all conditions to cure ors o in mums i hopes that she Catmint, Bronchitis and Consumption. tle.°1111ed them from During his visit to finest% Presided some of b er progeny. Dr , • . • 25; and $1.00. . will yet transmit her peculiarity tO • Len:diet has contributed100,000frencs to ' Chemist,• s in Richmond and Wath.e . Ruesian charities. . ee , ington have analyzed the railk, With 'Crwo young children of Thos. Smith fresh- and wlien rude into•butter, and . wee estruck and killed by lightning at declare that they can detect nothing The Poultry Yard. Feoelon Palle. e to account'for its; sable color, but at- Nobody can tell yet how ideally cor- . Chase's .. the definition of the word "gentleman," Feiner, ooted to fiber!) Graves, lot 22, BrA•eu X• proceed to JP*. Vint's, lot LIR, con a further excursus into social history 12'.212 . concludes hts essay vvith the lollow- '4 East Wawanosh for noon ;then to hits own "A gla not, as th• e; abl where wi re t on y morn g.11 than . _ _ Nerve . Food, III----- fit Ass hien _ ill the following Bey to tell us how he feeds Miner eas a mat:,VgP,TirialtwhV i 2-1 • Manager andProprietor, . _ ___-o__ stable Mid to•-• • person of 'heraldic status' who is 'ebnti- May ,seesseseesese. -strive, esehich broke out ittea. store -at onent in' the corinlaelea. Pt her bleed rect feeding can be practised. It. is less triedsmahne ,131ing:entasit t tire tiraia,uearned ljAvtelintlitYlgatreilligig ye; .....eLendesboro. tied to bear arms: but a freenian whose aec‘stors haire always been free. In, .,;:::.ueelo-91,17260 • • • • ' • my niind this is not on -1 t to Angus nurrayesfor niet. TtERVOUS AND SLE4PALESS ' eel being RA1'310203 lifoCoNNELL, I New ,English Dietionary lays down a, Luxor. Egypt. did damage to the ex- than Useless for anybody in. New Jer- tent of $250,000, . . Burablefoot Is caused by .the perch. successful*, if ' another. .man in north. a comfortable doctrine, for even the o Shoemaker s Hotel, u o Two •horrors crowded into dilEt life, the flying (hewn from a high perch onto - copy without change. It is not even nstetrit ttnirsRoiT:nr press - name feeling of respect for the Vote el : Vigra% jest one ineatod of ,ctire for this enced at once and the cause remove tions of one man for a; nook of equal was enslaved, not ever bowed their tfiellii4jrat be, h. jetiare thereby formed within the body. the foot, aud unleie; treatment is cora. /might for it, when mosteof the world 1101110 OYIIIU numbers, eame breed, in the next county, and back • in name the ancient liLrty •of Rome; To ceed down the Sauble line to Geo. Dewar sit en To Cure Iiirmblefoot, too small or uneven, or tram ern Michigan or Wisconsin is going to .most earnest Radical will hardly re. WEiniEsbAi, will proceed tip the Goslien line' y rue,butalso russuair, go to St.Joseph for noon; the\ ) eroduot of poor digeetiot, and the pelves some hard subetance, which bruise's futilities widch clung to freedom, •or stable where,he wiuremainti Pridayinorning. • 'advisable to adopt. unchanged the ra,- F ser u °coedit the t eon. mr 2, terrible condition -plenty of food, but ; Mind; food properly digested; That's the diffionity-the digestive pater ;de the d d the fowl ivill have a badly uleerat- d foot. To cure, place the bird in a y, warm coop, without perches, and tetopattob nand Ise imervelf Rich, red blood formed, strength givent:, the organs „,, fine he,_. • have the floor well littered with chaff y If the foot is only to drive out poieons; then comes atrengte, e". vigor and endurance. Ferroeone dam all slightly . bruised coat With iodine this and mile: it•makee sick people well; three times a day. If it is soft, and wesk peoplestrong. Sow Ferrozone he swelled lance It, prese out all the yob reap health, sem by H, B. Com , matter and cauterize 'with lunar Cane. price 500. • . s tie, ' If the foot is ulcerated cleanse In deciding a case at Has mrden 11 thoroughly and bathe in a solution of county court ,ludge-Coventry held the,t •-carbolieac:donnd water. All treatment pigeons were Invitee!) and rate a neces- given will fail if the 'original cause of t say. . A five-year.old son of Mrs D. Don- e:illai deneau. we" drowned at Tweed. ' ' Srlete is now lying 54 inches deep on the sUmenit et Ben Neyis. Twite within the week tlate have at• tacked young children at Hull. The prevailing feeling in :London is ' that peace Is 110W mere than probabe ility, •PCTNANt'S PAINLESS CORN AND %WART EVRA.CT011 Is the only remedy Nt positively enrol :tome and *Atte without pain in twenty. ,fOrty hours. Acirylnir druggist about %he 'heti sold it for a long time..Club any drug. •giet vshe Offers you a substitute for Pus. nant's Painless Corn Extractor, Ple knew(' it is the.beht. You will VA if you try it. YOU FEEL ALL 'C SED You're discouraged and dispasted-not •enough energy to think, less to go to work ',uponrie The reatiOn ? You are run down, lour blood is peof,yonr nerves are like In. dirt Ttlibber not like steeled they ought to •be. 1.34fe Pertozone MO the tired feeling will go, for it makes plenty of rioh, end blood that fettle the brain arid naps. The de - site to labor cornea back and yon enjoy it. 'You don't got tired, beetruse you have used FerrOZOrle. Negleet not a day longer, het• rezone will orireyon. Sold by rip Combo, • price 50e. • the disease is not removed. Do not twee your perches more than twenty Inches high, and for the Asiatics they ehould not be »more than one foot from the ground'. reels Fre* or cona4d. Fowls kept In confinement will df, its well as fowls batting a fret erange. • provided they are cared for in ani ideal Manner. Thie is seldom aceoro. ed them, and so, in. the circuinstiinsei tin Which fowls are initially found, they, ido hy fair the beet' On a free rang% or, at least, at large range. The men that °makes a businese of poultry raise Ing can with advanfage keep hie, fowl's...Confined. He» wilt give theurthit attention they need. „ Also the mart Oat has children that are eirdhusittes go In poultry ealeIng can rudely keep this fowls confined, provided he cart depend »on the children to do the neg. Imaxar WOrk. next town, next farm. -Jas, Shackletone Aleuts for meat in the evil dale: it. • ome by the eth.rtanz i hi '11 • f u in. age, Proprietor. . . ' 1 t aga Goderich townshiJA Farmer. We, cal give you testimonials from all the leadin' g 1:31boal Valls.. „ in New, York Tribune s a oe ne w o •erl Geo. Lavas-, -Isaac Street, IrEKT poOR To Ni.vir ERA OFFICE ew Arrivals urs • ton HEINTZ MA..d dc CO.'S JANOS-Noted for their exoellence.of tone, durability, and touch and beautiful finish. • DOMINION.ORGANS-Noted for brilliancy of tone, beauty of design and finish,- THOMA.pSipOotterenTls -Noted for their soft, sweet, fall tones, Aeperfeet. imitation of the NEW WILLIAMS SE W1NG•MACHINES-Ball Bearings, Steel Gear,no better made The aboee goods are fully guaranteed, Sold 0118887 terms EL. OEEJ1jL..t'j vv x. %Liza. • Every - Farmer Should use FORMALDEIITDE.. • The best known remedy for Smut on 'Oats, Barley, Wheat or Corn. . volve Ms In some difficulties.. Tri the Isar ••e These days, when the ground in the henytteds is too often deep with mud, is ahriost as likely to cause roup or other disease in the fowl as any season of tho year, especially If accompanied with cold winds or a little rain. It is better in such -weather to keep the hens in the house most of the time, as the loot in that and' the scratching shea should be dry and well covered with a litter of dry chopped straw. Open , doors and windows to give them. pure air, but keep thtm out of the mud. • Baby's Own 'Tablets. Beat Ailedielne In the Virorld 14th century villein tenure had not yet developed into copyhold, and no one Tliestliorobred Shetland Tony "Little s . farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde whose forefathers at that period held 'in Efolineovme, stand for she moon of bondage' can possibly come under the lloberthe property of W. B. Forster, of 1902, at Wocalandis lot 19,11aitland eon- • last year. Fall instructions. given with each bottle. terms of our definition, 'We are thus cession, Colborne township. Terms, $5 to' Use Com' be's "Standard Fornialdehyde" driven to the pastel -but irresistible insure, payable Se.n. let, 1903, groom fee, ecnausion that quite twenty-five per be paid at time of eervioe, • Chenthit Drugg* H 113 COM BE • cent. of our peers are not gentlemen. On the other hand, many persons Whom The Shire horse,. Belbury Champion, we have not been accustomed to. rgard X° 186740 imparted by Ratvden & Mc- Do.nell, will stand for the season of in that light may have a good chum to it,, • the title; it may be urged that for foUr 1002, at thei stable of the wiener. Reduction- in Price ceriturice, a period S' patrician stemmata' could show, our as long is most 1 43TrinotonS.a1PIANY.. (Ye CO., Heron road, Er.glish attendees have been a free na. t Pedigree andedes'orlption Of the Kenttloky- Here is a great chance td secure a first chug! buggy at a: big reduction, Not . .. rialvvitTBrootting station ..st. nr..mair,,, sired. by tion; and perhaps, After all, we shall de y."100., R000rd242,1126nixteleedieemorydeteeeresie .these psieee:_ better to drOp the use ef 'gentleman' aii (full brother to Cleramie • a description of rank or status, and to. 2.250 Sire of Imby, 4-year-oki. race reCord *SO Buggies for OA I $75, Buggies for $65 . conclude with Chaucer's elf -queen that 21..2$.1tin Make the °egg" 2 " his "11 ebaule. 1011 6. con.4. Hallett , $10 to in/tarts a it is not irenomee of auncestrese but margin foal, peyabl On the 1st Of Ifebruary, $65 Baggitis for $60 .ioes. rarties divas ng of their mares before Remember them are all our own make, which places ria in a position to gnarturie feeling, Will be 1101408pOnSiblo for the incur *edit Wes' which make the 'gen* ' for children of all ages _, man: mos inonieheth in foal or not. QM. them, as We to not buy any tnatetial but %vht is first class. lefolaRiers0 Prole Ochs Coniatinoe P. 0. "It is queer," says Dr. Lorimer of oonnto Orin/ ()otitis. • Repairing promptly attended:to by experienoed Men. Babel Own Tebletf. are good for °Was New York City, "what a liking young- The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion, met. . . . baby. to the Weit. pewit child. Slid ere a quotations, end what a dread possessee lattftAfe.No 81714, Reeord 2.2%. RP_IJ,Tk: Aotr. ten of all &gee from the, tiniest, weakeA students have for tong words and. Latin .. ‘.. ItUllitALI4 Aft IlleMATEI, . Huron, Street, - Clinton certain cure for indigestion, emir, stornachr theni of appearing tionventional. I once riintoni, for Loildesboroffor nObuthenee Op the .71r 11 leave the Commercial note'. amble, troubles and the obis* minor ailinents 0 given charge .9f a funeral in the absence botuidaryline of Beet Waworteshandpillett to . children. There it no other medicine enita of the pastor of the church. Ile keen , ed Icielititirotilgsiginrognh.,t autioultrirortglintetr, collo, censtipation, dierrlibea; teethinf knew a promising candidate who was se speedly, so safely emi no entelY end it was customary for the minister . IiIiingennots, for Mot. WEONYUMAT.-will Pre, I MOOR for noon, there:es:long the lake i - announce after the sermon that th °tat shore IllacIttl ilt;3136'11111 (1•141'113414117: - medicine& eere te, ee., Nome Berrie, ont., termini% but he thought this was too thence to Varna and Vienitoutirti trrrke.. Freaqi41.11.8(lpIgheBdagetsiati fir lilt; they Otintaill not one particle Of the opt. stet; found in the to -deltoid "soothing' who wished should step up to view the Was feverish, eleepless and very cross, and the Mee 0 g. Bo 'The 'congregation will now pass around season, health and weather.PerMitting, To in. giiiirrortigellitireftorannuilid ahrgghout de says: ',I firet began luting Baby's Own hackneyed a phrase, mid he said instead., Tablets when my baby was teethin On patriotic grounds several owners the Tablets he began to 'get bettor al- • ....,....44 !lure a foal SW. Owned by D4' eiment.:7 Se ele. fluff. Chicago, end Carpenter, of Dublin: suffered, from indigestion. st.fter tieing to empty Anierieari jockeys.' • longer 0089. I think the Tehlets a fine been made on the oil fields of Miaow. A good strike of natural gas' has' Lord Strathcona has den tributed 4500 of racehorses in Gentian), have declined Meat at once, and slept better and wan no Play notice hoards are to he ereeted medicine for children and keep therri on i. and L dy Strathcona te200 to the Ills - in the streets of Edinburgh, reresting Innld 41 *6'Able" -- time " T sion litonse West Indian tellef fund. . , ..„ burg. . intent 1104 yoompr citizens nOt to expectorate on t e pave. readily tfien by -Zielliiren, aria unshed Sylvia. Chambers,p. Windsor mulatto /0 A POti OV can be given to the very irl, took a doge ot rough on rats with , StoPil the (Sough Higher wages arid longer holidays and Werke Off the Mad were densanded by the domestic-) ger. I Sold by all druggists or eent post paid at 25 dente a box by writing direet to the About 150 miners were killed_by all Laxative Stortie•Quinine Tablets cure a the raterville and Thistle „ coldlft 6 sq. ' No 0 , , i on are No Pay Pride Valateneeking Pieeee et the flolheacbs Dr Williems' Mediatte CO., 1300kville, esrlosIMO In ---6 - ' Lincolnshire, hiring fair. Ont,, or Soheseotadt, It 'f, seal mines at Coal Creek, Unlit Weenie. • ,youngest oriby with a cettairity of benefit. fatal effect, L-- 1