HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-05-30, Page 2•
'May 30th, 1902
OM* **
FRIDAY, MAY 80. 1902,
The Liberal gevernment of Ontario
Vas the Oret in Canada to adopt cm.
'cleat legislation for the eafety of ern.
yikyees and the plotection o woricer.
sn factories.
• a
In um the grant e far agriculture
wtre $70,858, In 1901 they were Ii27,5e.
f22. The grants a agriculture since
1872 amoun t to $6,14220. That is the
form the extravagance of the Govern.
1/lents/bleb is charged by the .00n.
'On Sat Ludo Melhimellilleneall,
wiry rleverly caught a horse which had
broken its tie etrap and was starting to
run away. Had Charles not succeeded
in pulling the animal up he would have
been crushed between the wheel and Ina recent article I railed attention
the box, hutaas in ptevioue easels his W the desirability of crating bay at a
quickness, strength and ekill pulled comparatively early stage of maturity.
him out of difficulty. • In thie connection it may be of interest
John Wood, of Tuckersmtth town- te have some notes fr ora that well
ship, has beep offered the handsome known farraer and Institute speaker,
sum of $400 for his thoroughbred an Henry Glendenning •of Mavilla, Ont.,
In regard to his experience with a new
tit e year.old colt, sired by that fanaous
13awden McDonell, of liateter. This denntng says that be prefers to cut
colt won first prizes at the Toronto clover hay when it Is in full bloom, or
Industtial thew, WeStern Fair, Lon, when the blossom contains the greatest
amount of honey. Out in tne morning I
don, and the Pan-American, He le a,
handsome type of a horse, weighs 1,123 after the dew is off; that 'which iscut in ;
pounds and ehows high breedlng. • the forenoon may be raked up tanned. I
tately after the noon hour• and put in '
fM T
Eiereafter the Yukon ie to be repres MeGavin, of Wmgharo, and also -
any later than four o'olock, p, tn. and
Curing Clover May.
(or the 1•Innv KRA )
stallion, Belshazzar, owned by Mesers Pion pt curing Cloirer IlaY4 Mr Men^
John Me011v 0,brother o hos cocks The mower shOuld not be run
tied in the Rouse of Comminveat- _brother of Mr Jas_ 111,ceavin,_formerly an pat into eoelca bvfere tbe- OW! ' 1,11/1Elit Girl Wanted.
Properties for Sale or to Let
To Rent.
Lot IA Maitland tomes/3km, Roderleli Town-
el4ty,;...pnly. to 0.425. SC0TT, Earraiitlyf;n,
Ur' .
To Rent,
First Masi brick More, suitable for a nr bust -
nem. APplv to W. 0. SEARLE, Clinton.
Far Service.
The uneersigned will keen for aervico thle 1
season the American registered Hereford ull
"Kruger" No. 100,981 Terms% 25payable /sae
WS, Also yottue liereford stack for ma a
any tiine.
L. EARNHAU, Lot 11, Con. 0, finnett.
Merch 21-12.
Real Estate tor Sale. I
1 Part of farm, Iota 88 aud 03, =west side of
Ataitlandeon..one mile northof
eeriteining 97 items.
-The north, belf a let 25., cert. 2,and,weat part
of lot 24, con, one half milt from Clinton,
north, on gravel road, oontaming 00 stereo.
The brick dwelling including Iota 18. 10 Aga
20 on corner of Joseph and Isaao streets, in
The item° dwelling on west side a Victorie
street and next north_ a railway.
Ltheraiterinetosult purchaser:, Applyto
To Let. 2
ral 1)17 tf) THOS. JACKSON, Ste
Sept. 0,- tf Clinton 4
That beautiful store in the Jackson Block,.
Enron Street, lateli 0coupted by Wynne AP'
-nen of Wingham, died in the 13erlin hos- This hey should be pat into the barn
ta•tnwa. Lrgislation for that purthdrse ;that FrIday week in the 40:b Tear -next day. and well tratated into the
is.IS been Paesed. The bid also provi es cf bie age, Deceased bed been ill for snows, This plan can ts continued 1,(11
5 vie SYSTO4 For, Sale or To Let,
QWELS140, ply tiounthaTS, Joseph Street,
11. To asblet in "oral housework. Am* to
that the Government rnay,by order•in. some three and suffered from inflann ' trona slay to day until all is stored in RF
c uncil,abolish the present royall y and Outten of the lintng of the bowels and the barns. Three things tnust be borne
ambetitute in lieu thereof an export tax kidney trouble. He had not been a mind in deuriog hay by this method: .
in sisters, Releases a vvife and family of over night, exposed to dew or rain. CLEANS6
of two and a half per cent. resident cif Berlin' very long, moyin0 Firsta-.Do not cut the grase until (hi in
'Pa 5*4
adieu trade in that country, The food On Wednesday evening, 14tb• inst., rain, let it.stand in the cocks until thor- 1 11 CP gV
rt the Japanese was forraerly linaited Sarah Hannah, relict of the late mighty dry before taking to the barn. •PAr - The weat half of lo -t 2-4, ha,yneld Con Goa-
t° vegetables and ftsh,but they are now James Lindsay, of Rowick, passed last season fdr Glendenning .put up OVERCOMES .rt DA/Tut latel. la offered for este on calm tenni. Sood
erich-townshipoontaining z00 acres c geod
'becoming large consumers of meat and awaY at the home Of her sonein•law, sorae 75 or 80 ton of hay in this way,
barn, log bowie, plenty of water and smell
ear, Deceased was horn in Ireland, mows, in the fliaest condition he ever ivit3 C*,01451"-
bread -stuffs. - Mr John Glenn, ListoWel, in her 82nd and reports that it ca,me out of the Li
orchard. Particulate on &nation to
lb • •
there from Mildmay. Hie death is the EFFECTUALLN'• Cottaee for sale or to let on Ontario street.
the morning, Second, -Do not al ovv
-Hon Sydney Fisher may visit Japan first in a large family of brothers end the fresh cut hay to he on the around
Apply to Wehrydone, Clinton.
10 GO DAC" egS;
next fall to study the openings for Can- seven children, Third. --If any lefty should get wet with Farm For Sale.•
May 2- tf.
Witness how they changed., Govern- Scotland until after bet marriage, and to the barn, and. the leaves and Mos-
ut had lived with her parents in ease. It was as green as when put ins 1'11AL
• *
ments in England since the Ontario ' came to this country a• good naany SOW were all attached to the stalks. ITS B 40'4'
Liberal Government took hold in 1871; years ago. They settled in Rowick, It alpeared to have dried out without
In 1871 Gladstone for term of years a ly to JNO. McGREGOR,
- • years ago, Five sons and taw (laugh- eome were pink, and the red clever
1874, Feb.21
1850, April 28
1885, June 24
IlfICIAL Lot 29, con. 2 Stanley, containing no acres
where bet' husband died about seven mue heating, as ail of the aleilre blos.
israe ters survive her, blossoms were from a purk to a light BUY THE GENUINE BY on remises or M MoGRE001i, 2 con.,Ii%
For Sale or to Rent.
In gcod state of cultivation for sale or to rent
R. ,Treelreramith, Seefortb P, O.
Gladstone mber color. If any great heat had.•
Salisbury The late Mrs W. T. Frain whose, icil I d in the naow the blossoms
• death recently occurred was horn m
1886, Feb. 6 Gladstone •would undoubtedly have been of a
, Kitley, Leeds Co., Ont. Her maiden
1886. Aug. 3 ...... .. -Salisbury name was margares at00ney.and . was dark brotvn color. No sigue of mould
1892, Aug. 15 Gladstone were vistble and the hay was freefrom, ' tateva4 on fftaNisea . 1.0 v044.
18% March 5 Rssebery married III 1870 to W. T. Fram. They dust. -No sait, litae at' other preserve. 's• is`f 4: CAL. yr N.V. ••
1895, June 25 Satiable; y went to , live in Butler E.10., Penn., tion was used. OR SALE BY Alt DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50c.PER BOML
vsbere they remained for five years•
The change in 1804 from Gladstone • 880 D • ' Tvvo of the mows in which the hay - -• -
lircRNIA 16 .
moving in 1 to etrott, where they •
'save since resided; Mrs Frain WaS ala
to Roseberry was not a chande was stored are Vx25 ft:, with an IVI
aver. A British Flying-aehlne. •
• ill ..
parties, but every other change watt. active "church age depth of 30 ft. of hay. Thews mows
A British rival to' M. Stintos-Dilinonk.
There were eight complete changes of . an"nadaracheel are tight floored with douhleInch boards
worker. She died at her own home in .
Detroit on the 2nd of Maiand the re. over sena
ba ent stables. Another mow' Is Dr, Batton Of Beolcenhaan in England,*
Alberta farmers -are • talking of ship- etery. • - • ordered an airship. capetble, or ean•ying
- The outsides o all the 'tools are ef
ping their products west instead of
ettstsand already there's a -considerable' CATARRH CURE.. er'• C... cracks between the • boards averaging has been eAperimenting with aerial nevi.
is sent direct to the diseased , .about three eighths of an.inch,just such •
as are usually found in • the . ordinary' Ration for twenty J., ..'4 recently
trade in that direction. There will be
a big market for western grain and lectured on .this present device: - The
pnarteasistiyhethusictemrsp.rocvleedaranthloewairers . barn. The sides of the mom. next 'the
meat in British Onhinobia wheri that Peculiar feature of the Barton airship
manufacturing country. The .possibil- throat and perrnanontly oures ' chive floor were open. The he,v,which
the aeroplane, a combination of which
Province le developed as a . mining and passages, stops droppings in the ie the combination of the balloon and
ities of Pacific trade too are iramense. •Catarrh arid Hagever. Blower tinaothY, WIts.eQuallY Rood- in aU Par e . the, ,doctor claim's to be' the first expels..
consisted of red clover, aleike and a little
• a • Maine vvere baterred in meets cane. is 24:00 flat•witbsa depth a 24 ft., and -from whom the British. War Office has
the floor on the pround.
OIL A. W. CHASE'S 5 inch boards . without battens, with five to seven men. Di'. 13tirten, who
free. All dealers, or r.Chine of the mows. Mr Glendenning says
An all•Canadian railway to the Yukon ent. The balloon is made of 'Japanese
Waking co,, Toronto and Buffalo.
would transfer a large and profitable that he knows of three other fartiaers, , of cigar shape, with three
trade to Canadian merchants, manu- The tollowing particulars are taken who have followed this system fort
silk and ist compartments, divided by flexihle walls,
f manors and fanners. from the assessnaent roll of East Wa
aw- several years with equal succes . andI
e • • anosh ;-Children between 5 and 16, woule thus allowing for expansion and con -
seem well worthy of trial for our. traction of gas. In. the centre of the
Mr T. FL Race, of the Mitchell Re 480; between 5 and 21, 631 ; No. of farmers generaily. • • •
- neves assessable, 41,783; cleared land, Among che advantages of this meth-
middle compartment is aballoonette,
corder, ban just eampleted fifty years .u,1.-33; wood land, • 3670; swamp, od of curing cloverare :-(1) The savinginto which air is intended to .be pump-
ded to compeesate for any leakage of
of life in Canada. His has . had an oaersh or waste land 7,930; value of of time between storing and cutting in .
honoratee and fruitful careei', and h
- -rear proper( -Y. 81,440 730; VA -lite -of the barn ; (2) The fact that all - of • tb ethe compartments, and thus
gas .from
personal property, $1,900 ; total value leaves and blOssome, v. hitch are the keep the whole balloon rigid..
V real and personal- property,- $1,442;.- most valuable portions of the plantowe The bailoon Is 200 feet long, will hold
030; mete 'persons from 21 to 60, 427, a )eft on the hay instead of being lost in 10Q,000. cubic feet • ofgas," and will lift . ....
decrease of 8; No. of dogs, 205; No. of the field as Is often the case when the • nearly avec tons. The ship is p-ropellIFor Sale Or toRosa.
ed ,
bitches 10; total population, IWO, an ordinary manner of curing is followed. ' by lux qua ruple two -bladed fang of .
inerease of 12; No of cattle, 6.1_22_, .0, (3) The -hay is much cleaner and brtelet. novel eonstruotion, •driven in pairs % . The choice brick house on the corner ot Ful-
ton and Joseph streets;belorging to the estate
dem ease of 135: No of sheep, 1936, a 'ee than when cured in the olei way. • three. distinct petroleum engines, eac gt...beilat:Itirld.EfryerativergereAreigctir
- woik bas left an .endura
ink -mark upon the life of the neighbor.
bood. tie has.gifts as a , writer Which
would have won him distinction litany
field. and few men have a wider or
sounder grasp of public questions. It
will be the wish of very enany that he
in ty be yet spared for manylong years increase or -248 ; 'No of barn' s, 114 ,na
araf eptwity end nsefulness, . • .decrease of 38; No of births, 48, .an .
• -•-• --- --as • . .• . • Iherease ef 14Ne of clothe,. th,e
Shorthorns for Sale.
Two young Bulls, one Beventeen and the other
Tanen:meths old,from good milking coves also
a two year o.d heifer in calf; go detook and
good breeding, ED. 11. WISE
Bahian. Grove Stook Farm.
For Sale,.
Big• Clinton,R, 0.
0. CI, RANCE, °Olsten
Nardi 28,-,?rn,
111 suranceAgent,•
Canada Life AsSurance Co,
Eire. /Urine, Accident. 1410e Wass
Office 1 J. F. TIsdairs Dank, Clinton.
• • !. • 4.rij%.•
Or exchange on farm property, a new two
story briolf 'soft and hard water,
stable, driving shed, lacre of land mad 60 frukt
trees .
May 2: W. -1 m. • A. eitirt Ershaii.
House to Reut or for Sale. •
itorefortable frame cottage me Spencer
street, containing:seven rooms and woodshed
uttached, also orchard, le offered to rent or for
sale: Bard and soft water stone cellar. and
stable. Quartecaore lot. Will b• either rent-
ed or acid on reasonable terms._ Immediate
possession.. MRS J. TAYLOR,
May 2-4n* . Ontario street.,
• Stable for Sale..
A good stable with seV4 IV Birdie stallei, a box
stall, a harness room, grain bins, a roomy' bay
loft, eta ,will be sold at a Tery reasonable peleei
April 11--4-L-- W.-TOXYDONEMbitOnZ •
decrease of 260 • V h •ht W. Remota exerting 45 horse -power. In previous
live &tick 00minissiOner. balloons the general practiee has been, anu cimvonienoes, and three-tnenths of, an _acre
• where the heat of the sun or other eir- of land. It the property is not sold or rented.
orr;adriol so, en .
11 is practically a ow :Ouse, with
to I 0,--•
cumstances expanded, the gas, to let out Part of Awn' b tented- .Apply
to wise Mother.
S Executor Menton.
• • mittens laet 'year, acres of orc ard • ____ • • the latter or -drop tallest. This na. • •
Crisp County Clippings.- .th 1 th f t• that
atid 'Orden, 51)7 ; acres of fall wheat, • lielyrood, Ont., June 19tle 190L turally fortatteal 9, eng 0 Hee'OR SALE -
, 2,061, a decrease of efals. steam hollerSt lalsoLeod Medicine Co., Goderich, Out the bal.0011 Could float, a disadvantage
. •
'Christina eeledaughter ot R.Steele,
11, and lemur) of 1. There are in the. With the greatest of pleasure tv which. Ihr.• Balton has ce etcome b his ' The fromenottarre on toi•an e street, ocou-
Seaforth, died on Saturday week, after
anifiness ot some weeks trona dropsy
and liver troubte. She was 23 years of
age. The remains were interred in
Seaforth cemetery. • -
A. mine in the Kootenay districtsnear
the village of Ferguson, •was recently
disposed ot by the Ferguson Bros., for
the sum of $U00,000. The Messrs. Fer-
iuson ate nephews 'ot David Moore, 'of
. Mr Frank Willie of Forest, son of
Mr Jae Willis, of ieeter, wa,s married
•townshin, senen male persons over 80 testily the merits of your Hari:Ilene No 1 • ingenious method of utilizing Oerop one& pi ed by the ontersiredi is 0 ered for sale on
Marred esOristateill tin ,41/141 °fill N.:Rind
years of age. The oldest gentleman, and No 2 and Protein Resurgent. Notwith- The ear of the new airship. is made
,in the township is Remy Wiaittnan, standing good nursing and an that could of steel in preference to aluminnim,which vegetable garden. Thee tome contains mill,
con. 7, aged 8.5.. , • . , • he hone for my boy, he oertoinly would
. is considered more brittle and less dur- 'parlor, two. bedrooms, clothes closet, dining
have died only Inc your remedies. He is ewe . • . room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodshed,
The people of Brussels were sadden- i • • , er centrally located, possession any time
ed on Thursday week on learning of row in perfect health.. My bey wati a . . By another clever contrivance the to suit vurchtwer. ELIZABETH 31tARAM tf
the death of William Newsome, an old death's door with BrIght's disease and deck of the stop Is tept perfectly level •
and well known resident, had taken some symptoms of diabetes, his fest and during the air toureey and the crew
ef five are able to walic" about 1 1 - Farm. For Sale.
his own life. In the evening John hands sWelled at times. The- losal doctors
Hill was fishing from the east side of failed to help him. We had to apply hot :Th '
or .at east twenty-four hours' but as
unlike any other, it does not expend
, oacleared,balaneehardwood.with a large guan-
o turned
body to relieve the Pain, his -joints- oftess.
blacks At thie tirne, he had a false
mill darn, when his attention Wahl otfgedar on it), in goo?. state of oultrvatior
attracted by the violent barking
e machine eapabie of travelling Lot. 12, llayfleld con., Goderichtp., 118 acres
the Maitland; some distanCe. above the salt continually ever all the nts of Ina
in Forest, on Wednesday, May 21st, little dog andon his going to aecertain appetite, a cretin for food all the tinseana
., oatmg in the air for a very long per- . earn withstabling underneath,driving shed and
pi:NI in r t1=81 fall:tail:114C
s_e I rde
tithe! got. of ballast; . it can remain
to Miss May Morgan. an estitnable . the cause the • body.
was discovered, lying face downward
oe me Newsome for oold water as Well. We heard of you, u
from a Mend who had taken *trine ioine 1 d• . al
voltri3cgaingitirungist;c1 about 2 acre orchard,
well watered-neverfail-
young lady of that place. They . will
in the river. Mrs McGregor went in fer the mine tremble and vsas cured. Then The estiniated speed of the new air- Ing springcreek ma two wells Seven ,miles
reside in Vorests where Mr Willie has
serch and was looking for him when my eldest son went to. . Goderich for the ship le tvreuty-five miles • an hours sion at any time reasonable 'term. Apply for
or from °tenon and three from Rayfield. • Posses -
Well established photograph studio medicines list October, and agility siok bo. twenty miles an hour against a- wind
' • Mr . Hill tound him. Mr Newsome tictl'icire CHAS SM. ONS 72 St
began taking them improvement followed blonds* at the rate of five miles. irtis!ihde:t1).ar, • •
went across Jas Burgess' farm about
9 ;tam and probably went direetto the ev/130;008ei- He is now wek Stout and•ao- .. A remarkable, feature of the:, machine, .____
tiVe ate ever he was and is going to Wool Is that it, is able to fly without the • .'Ir it • t, • • ' .
river. He had taken -bis son's razor
We are sorry to report that George
Dsnyer;ot Brussels,had the -misfortune
ter fall an Wednesday week from the
second story to the cellar of John
Speit's new house, 4th line, Morris
striking on Ms side nu the wall break.•
ing his ribs. His head was also cut, •
• On Tuesday evening as little Harold •
Stoneman, son of W. Stonenaan, Hen-
sel', was riding with his brother. on
Wheel, seated on the bar he lowered his
foots which got caught in the sprocket
0 en or for.hale
slang aria eh arrival at. this eat et the every day, I am sure you will .haye our assistance of the halloo and. it is not.
big s ashes at his throat with the r0 Ferran,. Deese
with,. The aeroplanes are ed. Strrerf,t,tattigzgo wood shed ;hard
• area land, on Mary
razor and this not proving'. fatal. the• -----Labd's Itemediesteetablished in 1888°,
patella by novel methods. Such are
the essentalls, presented as far as pos- frxessi,letEe
andeoft water, new stable and driving shed,
ee 6 %garden, with plum, tiear are apple
keen eclged blade was returned to his. are the only medicines in Canada that hove
best wishes os tong as •ir live. impretable Viet the latter will be -is.
svav 5.1ece had first of all made two
coat,. he old gentlern•on evidebtly sold on their merite vsithont advertising sible in non-technical language, of a Wis,"`" ':•-• Also for Sale. •
Address Mama Medioine Co.; Goderioh.,
walked Into his watery grave, The mid-air ship of the utility of which great ' At (111:'iman Ivo •
subisctaf this notice was born in Ont. bold by H.'s. Combe, Clinton.
things are predicted. It was not until Pin
Pickering, England, and tame to Can. ,.• , 1898 that it occurred to Dr. Barton to awe:a cginton, ohne'. is a valuable property.
tore a big gash pat Above' the .gla witb. his Parente when about 9 s•
for fruit growir well planted out 4a
Intb • For Farmers.
&ft At •
rock of piaLots
at very best posible
Organs, -the very entertamable
gramophone, -sheet music,
books, and a variety of 'music
0. HOARE'S •
Music .Emporium.
A. stook of stoke conned plums for sale.
The effect'of. a'
courtii't in this.
. business college
'will, mean opportunities • in
businems that you,did. not be -
'Ore possess. Write us for all
particulars. Students can
•enter at any time.
• Forest City Busi-
ness •College,Y.M.C.A.
W. J. Westervelt,,Prinoipal.
. • • ••
Is in the airSand itSis ithour School,the
1Centrni cgs Cantle
JAMES scorr
twicit00, *0., .
oretee-.411lott /nook, Iwo° Stroott
Office—Beaver B)ock,
Itp stairs, Oppos4tAnte Elect* eai1ofl
opouT HALE
sands -
We have jest installed complete
sets of Wireless Telegraphy instru- •
. inmate, and we are now prepared
to`gthe intitrtiettetein• this stthjeet,
either persop al or by mail , Write
for particular e.ssa,n)
W. 11. Show, Principal
Tone atairraird.Sts, Toronto
construct .a machine provided with mova • berrybushes, small fru as epees, etc. ,There.
witted -!.-
ankle. Years of agta, _locating in W • • able aeroplanes interposed between the is also a very excellent 'gra e of sand and
vicinity. 50 years agg. e was optiz;,-a I
In an experimentconducted Stale shalloon and the ear op a suitahly-eon. gravel dnitbe premises which is veryprefitable,
WS are sorry to record the death o in merriage to Miss usan Fuller, h' 114 Apely tor. STRAITS or to W.13HYDONE,
• 11007 ere t par tier. After' living in ire, tuglanil; to test the relative struotrt1 (Pune, 119 WWI undoubtedly the. April 18-tf, ' • Minton,
Dr Hugh Rutheiford which took plate •e t ford 11"
Blanshard for a Hine Mr and Mrs New- value of different root crops for. eheep first in the fialet with this combination. Yoang men and tvcroen'sto::prepare far
Real Rotate 444 Insurance .ageney
- Mown to eau. -
C. B. $03111 1•40017'
Barrister SOOt r 'tory and Conveatat
onice-opposite Cabmen, Hotel
formerly 0$ li,auteretir Belt otuneron
Oface-liamilton St oppoette thebon30 ate .
etocuntort. ONT
00100 --Corner linenilton St. lend the fiqu
T.:GlanterW. Q. O. Crue. etartrtow.T.,L.13
Intooronens TOE iitaniTinsit COURT, &al
Office: Werth et., next door to Sigasi 0*
Private Funds to reed at lowest rates
of interest, .
. Medical.
R. C. P. dz O. Edinburgh,
Othoe-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night r •7
M front door of alice or residence. Batten.
bury Street. •
. _
Licentiate of the Royal College of Physie i
London, England,
.0filoe and Residence -
JOHN TIVINFolgirall Donee, .U•ron St.
DR- sr.' W. SHAW.
Amouchear ate ,. *Mee and resident* 0116,;
tufo St., opposite English church, formerly es -
copied by Dr. APPleton, Olinton Ont.
vaci te. .
• Physician, Surgeon, Etc.
Pit 'special attention given to diseases otthe
I. ' Eye, Ear, Throat and Nose.' •
Office and Reeldence-
Albert Strect,1 works North of leatteielb•
(Successor to Dr. T. c. 'Bruce
. .
Spekialist in Crown. and Bridge:Work
L. D. S. -Graduate Rigel -College Dental tin xe •
aeons of Ontario. Toronto.
D. D. B. -First-class Honor graduate of V a- -
tat Department of Toronto - Univeridet y '
Special attention _paid to peservation; o
children's teeth. Will visit ' Railieid• (War
Monday. - TOffiee over W. aylor eiSon's shoe store.
at the residence of his brother-in-law,
Mr Joseph Spears, of Ashfield, Sat-
an day. Deceased had been ailing, for
SeMe time and had been confined to
his ned for the last three weeks. He
was well known in Wis. vicinity. . He,
. eaves one little girl about four years
We are this week called upon to re-
. late the death of James Fergus Love,
which. sad event took place on Monday
week ttt the age of 5 years. ••Fergue-
had been in the hest of health until
about a week ago, when he took the
measles which contracted in a severe
spinal disease,
R. IL McKay, of Whigham, received
word of the death of hie father, Mr
Gen MeKay who luta been ailing .for
some time. He was in his 85th years
and he left Winghain on July .20th,
1680, Inc Wineineg• and had resided
in that city continuously since that
time. While a resident of Wingham
be was long a,nd closely Identified with
the interests of the town and Inc many
years was a member of the town
--Eekpre a fientty Cdmpafly of flfty or
More, the matrimonial bow Was tied on
- the verandah thehorae of the bride're
parents at CroMary, on Wednesday
evening of last week between G. Bale
lard. of ListoWel. and Mine Matilda R.
Me Rae. The cerenamayswas performed
by. Rev. D. B. McRae, father of the
.°13tdder, waisted by Rev Mr Saundere, of-
Lfeterwrial, They will Make their home
in Listowel.
Lest Week Mrs Geo Steaey, relict of
the late Gee Steaey, and mother of
tome moved' to Grey township sett'. feedieg, the results were as folloWs:— good satiation& Apply to
Subsequently he built another air. ea•
ar m For S61e.
.The best equipped Business and Shorthand
College in Canada. Reduced tuition rates,
Write us regarding our oeuvres of atudy,
'and proepeests of laeouring sitnatione for
graduates. Catalogue sent free. Addreee
O. lffeltaY,-
, Dept "CS" Confederation Life Bldg.
. Toronto, Ont.
Lal T90° W2 EL
shi , Ms third easurino 21. feet long .
p .• sn 0 , .
ing on West 1-2 lot 14, con. 14, -which (I) Globe mazigels; (2) kohl rabi; (3)
they sold to Jno E. 'Smith, before mov- Long Red mange's; (4) Tankard man- and propelled by a fan driven by clock- ' 031.541
Tb d i d ' fr f 1 i t
•• •
haw secontlossouldat isaTAtitledeaidessen, ass ;ewe . . .. lie hall at Beckenham. It ascended with tog of 184 acres induct:is -25 acres or mixed
,daughters and four sone. survive. De- at,. '-- • . • id s ,t u ease from tke platform, and sailed to thatimber; good clay soil, suitable for • grain or
ock grazing; well watered; comfortable,
ceased was 83 yearr, 4 months and _Walter Gfibe 0/IS ers i • an
Y o - balcony at the other end of the room. 'dwelling heated hy furnace, summer kitchen,
15 daye. alarming face that American (ma. Cana- 'It was thin reversed, and returned to • woodthed; hard and soft water ; two tarns
' •-•40e50, and25x60, driving shed 20x30, hen house
' • dian breeders are tow . going to Prance the • original starting point;
The plane was subsequently placed ortexhaosorig tacinrceneoorfrobrmohoahrudtranmemmuleino got
The healthy old man wearable gray hafts and Germany to buy their breeding h I' t II , a. th oda i t h d canton will he sold on reasonable terms.
iike a plata. crown. What if he be three. stock. We cannot afford to lose Drenilses;or address, ALEX 'WELSH,
More and ten if there is still fire in his eye, ronage for our studs from abroad, and
Pat' ever whereupon the maehine journeyed •aRrn° °B
ay 15-11- Clinton , Ont.
• tie lee.
work. His model was tried in the pub. fieletecOlilleAtiBieg "o:d erriCh"tOwa telship; lecOnItst
ngto Brussels in 1880. where they gels; (5) Swedes.
firmnese in his step, command in his voice the Whole question deserves. the consuls round the loll which is mil aboot 35 ,
idul wisdom in his counsel? He ochemande eration of horse -breeding • 'Weietiesees- ' feet wide, five times in suceeesion; • .
love and reverence, Yet how few wear the 'Fernier and Steekbreeder. , These end other experiments convinced.
mantle of oge with dignity. Dim eyed, . ... • • • Dr. Barton of the correetness of his
Working prineire, and he ,eonst•rueted
trot liAnts"taileratertintheurTrskreco;', liTtli:
rinerninala BP6941' "hi" in 8tePs child- Currant Imehesshouldhasers,Ied vdth his fourth airs lip on an Increased softie.
h d "I ft la prepared in) take orders to furnish ood, Mean
stagei dradgmg out the fag ehd of life in o . 'white hellelscire in order to, destroy the This machine, 35 feet lone was tried in
May, 1800, and behaved it all resapeta
simple exietence. The genet of a healthy surrent worm.• • As hellebore is a pot -
who takei oare of hte sten:tech, who son some growers object tea' It. It is ae°13114, to shilegtetion
old age is a heatthy middle age. Tho man
keeps his body taroperly nourished., will find claimed wood ashes aro dusted • •
that the body does not fail him in old ages over the bushes, first apreyingwith.celd - ON THE POURSstallAR111 PLAN. ,
teal Disctiveryties inthe preservatior. of the Water, tte Worms will be destroyed. It
onstomers, tegordlese of rank or stetion.
. The founsquare plow =Wand that all
The great value of Dr Pierce's Golden Med-
working power of the stoma.% and other or.
gate of digeritifellibli ItatritiOIL" Protlithillt
oentrede dieturbed the nourishment of the
whole body, the emit Inc the blood, the lime
fpr the bones, phosphates for the bride and
nerves, A sound ;Aortae& Means a sound
man.. A man who keeps his etornach tonna
by the ego Of "Golden Medical Discovery,"
will weer the crown of gray heire as benefit
a Dotterel with dignity and ease
geeen Wilheltnina is note •able to
leave her bed for a ehert tiMe each day.
President Roosevelt addressed • the
Presbyterian Aseembly ett New' ItOrk
Pure ice to all customers during e owning
suinmer, orderawill be promptly attended
to. • DAVIS,Oltnton.
Feb 14-0.
• • •
•A.GIENTS WANTED -For the only authorited
Life of the great Taltnage,by his distinguished
eon, Rev. Dr, Frank Dewitt Talmage, and the
Assothate Editors of the 'Christian Herald.
Big boo , 5(10 ages, protusely ilhistrated,Only
IS at least a arm ess remedy a receive the same careful attention and S2.00. 13 gges disootnit. Boolie ,_ on credit
_Werth/ a_toot trial hy thole having chr.
rant bushes. • • treatmeneat otos ettorea• We -are -as _nutat trees .ne first In the nod Wire '
mar with the child who is /lent to put- • write for outfit todar-
' . ohase some email ttrtiele as we are with BRADLEV-GARRE.T2014 td00., BB' TrIdairtporDdPir,
The Department of Agrioulture at the perienoed adult. We never sub- APti 18-tt• •
Washingtou, D.O., has issue,: .. statement salute inferior drugs when filling yens • i tudeot, bvt
meta the ' isonlething just as good,' Pete. Scholarship -*ft Iftni are a
prescription. We never reconn
that there its no such thing as manufaes dodoes
Industrious Students ay your
lack fande to
faired Comb lioney. Geo. W., York, Presi-
' rigntitatIololi,i'lgi ell &gni:re/34 gglifY itel:
• Minn AND Unralidttn..
dent of the Chicago BeekeePers' Atleeeia•
Under ell oirottinstesusee of '8101016e v salty, write um owl ',via exploit my free
WM, &Vete-44Th° Utah is that.whert you
find honey in, the comb, you may be ab. . safe, sure and unfailing. It eleabeee and Ntrir. 14-tf nEy.
and. disease PaitoOl Celery Compound le tiiihohirsbip plan.. Write to -day.
T. 8. TANSCOTT, Toronto
solutely certelathat the beet, not matt tha blood, braces the nerves, —..-r ^
put it there, Et May, vary ill color; it ParIttaa
torn:tote digestion, and bufide tip those .
John and Samuel Steacy. of Hemet% trly 'Foxy in quality; all Masters do net •
reel:Ito Will eurprilie you, Our stook of The Greet PngStsh Remedy.
bad resided since the death of her bus. Were women, were dr;tvned in Lake .
ie yille, Leeds edunty, and Moved to'Nes: It1 Ellnalh -- - . ss - ' -- ' S, s 'eicifSrersicrits,-g-tver oirrotles-thav 6,400.-- ,- -.7 K IlOVElestartiggietsCuaton.-- -terms • -sexual -Weniatessaalt tetsets•of-tbeee-
,Peekages °estranged to oura ell
e' horn tonic 40 yeats ago, The deceased THE SIIPPURINGSOF jOB. quarts Of :wetter in •twenty.four hours Lord Dundoneld issexpected on 'nits or excess, Mental worry, Ilxcessiire une Of Tee
' Wag in het 74th year, and had been ells brae. opium or fithuulantg, Mailed en reeenst
-- If the &genies' of.lob wore any worse th tt ' ' 20th to asstune the 'duties of Geberet
died tit the home of her eldest daughter. in he intereete of home missione.
yi a the same honey) eat it. was ag who are weak andrundown. If ra are tease. Moe moat n00.10.
Acta C. Chadbolt, of Kirkton, where she Nine English tourists four of whom u•Y vw° nervone or sleepteett try One bott e ; thii e .
sss . es, , ess
• . , . .
Sold and recommended by all
reineett Celery Oornhounkte alwaye fresh druggiste in saanadea Onicr reli.
hand. hfro SteanY _was both in Brock. Killarney', Ireland,their boat upsetting An iter5. grasa lands l000rdling to end pure.
ablo memento c1190oVere
log tor sane 14 year?, •
the torturee of Itching pito from whieb acne and at acre of sun mere would give a Officer commanding the Cenadjen slesPsraggraae, Inalltleassi • lox" tata• aOsnesignsk•Pteaset
From the results of the Trinity many people are now suffering he had much ti• 3r. t Tie
Medieal, College enema we notice M, to endure. Tho difference in that there ts ewtonna have been reclaimed and ma. The ledeperulenee of Cuba, is being
Blake th fernier pupil of the Goderieh - no reatlOil Inc any one to endure the miser. lariat marshes rendered Inoottotts by move; d at iteeeee, '
Celleqiale,ltaa pageed conditioned in fed of piles for a tangle day. Dr. Chased; planting stilliloWera or euoalyptus trees, a a.
witdw forst;the.firstsyeat• class M. Ointment has otwed tens of thetreandg of Width are great pumpers of water, ards To cure a ‘3" f)614 'tt'4' ru" • t
Wond's Phosphodine sold In Clinton Iv
II. P. Melia, .1 M Cohan, met 1'
.T. O. Nati
iei is the Vr nner of .11 eertiii. easeo and ts absolutely guaranteed to cure alno exert ether influences equnteractinte Tette Laxative Benno gousint %ablate
cate of honor, mod S. • S, Pritchard, each and every ease of pilee. GO centre at hateful tofiditione of air, earth and , All druggisto Mond Out latency if it fail NI!AiW PIRA f.toin now to'
betb a ()Gomel, won fleeOltd.eliliee all cleelere ar hy mail from liklmanson, Water. ;14
I t 0 care. 11 W. ("trot* signsteze ie Oil ,
liorinta s Detect se 00., Toronto. • . *each box, 2•tt.
le end of the year for 50e
• Spring Terra begins Apr, 7, 1902, Oar
retes are reasonable -our courses of stmly
thorough and praoheal. Send for our
Journel to-strewhat-we-steaehs Studente
May enter at any tirae, Two courage of
atudy. Commercial and Short -hand.
President, Semites?
• Owen Sound. Lietavsel
()LIZ; arC)1\11
Ma rbie Oranite
The purchseer of a monument
should have complete confidence
which he bays, Inc the material
• and workmanship is something
very few Wyatt am twitter with, .
If you do not know tut, plearse Ins
quire tthort our reliabili sty how
those who know us best. We ate
the only preotical men hero incur
J. fl Hoover, Proprietor
Next to commercial Betel
Office adjoining PhOto:Studio. ,
Ofnce Hours -9 to 6 every day and•
Saturday until 10 p. Tra. Blanch offices.
in Manchester Dungannore•Blytka.nd
•Baelteld. . .
ete,rmarv. .
Member of the VeterinaryMediCal A wools -
tions of London end ,Edinburgh, and Grade -
ate •of the' Ontario Veterinery College, '
--Mee open night and day, opposite 43t.
Panes church, Ontario Street Clintoni
eulARRIA&B TICENRES issuedtty • the 11A'
dersigatip at his Residen, Mary- Btr.0
Clinton. . ••,
145/ SES
:•e• No wituestee re. a
W. GLEN- oamoiat I.; •
Organist and Mualeal• Direet"r of Nort .
Street Church, Goderich, end' tea° her
Pared' to take a limited number ( Pupils4n.
the above, Poe terms apply thia e 3 ce or a .
MR CAKPBELL,who may be 5000 14 um n �. M.
to 2 p.m., at the Clarendon Hotel, Clintoe,
Friday of etiehweek.' • • .
nistrztkwon.• .
Wire, 1. Life, te,cident Elate:01a
Orrice .• . MACKAY litoUrr, f,tairrn
,Agent for the %mainline; Pies' Asstualie
Co, of Maneheater, England, whose furidewn,*
security are rale at $14,500,000. Also the, 4.1
RitEor Mornat'ittsusANCE 09.,• All 014450 0
farm risks and town propefti, taken a .
owesb rates. FIrst-olaeo Lola' Comparde .
alao repeeeent.30.41doney to be had from 4i pia
canto, aocor..iiio:teittityje of seouritir.-,
Palty niail to ifinisTavilie - postai card wi
fetch hire •
li..1VIcettheit Reaie •
Par Broken. •
Cures Moves, Chronic, Cough, and a clow1141
Sons of the Throat and Litho. The only alea,,t91.4
_healsouud in wind and useful tohisdirner. Pricer LI
the world that will tare the above disease, Mamintt
Dr. IVIcGaliey'll Irldney. ee Cough Powder*
forall Acute Affections Of .the throat and lungs, such as
ADolasete:inplerlei ('Ir. 7(11- :dr osnvreelbolintutslattidoustotra.kinparioefe.tsoheo. kg%
the result of hard driving,. Kidney Trouble, ere., ono
irt0111)0Viile• 0110.•
Por gale by II B Combadruggist, Clinton
• °NtrINStonUniist!
a.13. I/ottani, Pr Min P. 0.; Th
Prager, vioesoresident, Bruedield 0.•, Tho o
E. Rare Seey-Treas., Seaforth P. 0.4. W. 0
Ihroadfoot, Inspector of Lessee. Beaferth P. O.
- -
W. 0. eiroadfoOt, SeafOrtniJehn 0. Girlee
Winthrop OA George Dale. Seafortht Joh
BetineWele.Dublin; Jas. Evans, Recobwo d P.
04 John Watt, Harlot* P. 04 Thomaa Pratier
Erma& I 'John 11ill,4411.1711, 109030 ,Tames
Cannot& I Men.
Robert Smith, Bedeck; Robb, M01%111140. Pea
forth; Tames Egmondvale; J.W
Die ; ( icor abe Dante% eed John 0.
IViordnon, Audit:Org.
Partiondesitons to erect Insumeee or tra
ant other businese will be promptly atte»dod or;
on inneleation to any of the ahoVe Ofilee
Or to the respeetiVe (aces.