HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-05-02, Page 771194MMIWPIrraWfPrw'", 7 - I 11 I, •1 I OONTRO4 OF weeps I C$01.11,a ttot'riee to my ' N,........„ tiok ilitwoothr, .4tatiele on .the reeves, ril.osuee awl Testa . 'Th. "Wrdedo .60 their Destruetion" . eprlim eme aft net indieleat.elY treat- gtho 'added. It atarts With the ea. Par,,u1 that "weeds are the greatest to' on the farm." Consider the er- tom p,griculture had we no plants to . • 11;two but the few we wish to cultivate, Sis grain. or grao. Smaller and larger Ircealt are continually •being dropped *ern. tillage, and Were we without Weeds, these areas Would soon, be de - +led and consigned to p0Verty and Ide Um*. . : I Witter to assume that "'every icrea, tire ef God is good," coupling with it ll 4 fact of man's obligation -"to drese )and to keep" his heritage. The plants fr our woods and the natural meadows 1144.ve. their appointed bounds. None are .4114lb:owed to crowd out others; but ntert the Boil Is brought under tillage they disappear. The weeds of our eul- . lii.Tated hinds have .followed civilized !_illeall around the. World, and it were 4 Meth ,reverential and philosophic to 111.nd in then). not enemies, but -friends.. , 'X know not .1mm what part of our .' Country the the standard is takendor torn. , Vining American with European agri- ' -Aulture, Certainly not from the region • `4Mbracing southeastern Pennsylvania ilEiere our general crops average twenty , 'ilhushele of wheat, fifty of corn and one 4,04one-half tons of hay Per acre- Fa- Woraitle conditions extend these figures tto tartly bushels of wheat, seventy of torn and ,above , two tone of hay. Po- tatoes land • oats are more dependent '190n.the•seaeon. - When our geld crops AMU below the above average, it is sei- se:tem .referable O. weeds, We sometimes , Ego meglectecl gardens and truck .-..11aateltes, butea corn .ffeld choked with • it'ictieds : is ?o, %very rare sight. The pre t trailing plant to take.pOssession of our • ;Inthecupied grounds:do the rag -weed- . Illitabreela arteraisiaefolia. .T11113 is so etenaciowe that it Vould completely oe- . -4itcy Our !plowed 'land but ' for after . .;,4ultivation, Thetime to destroy it is 410011 after the seeds have sprouted. -A "•,,, 4„etpaittokes with‘a sharp,light harrow '•:4iffect :this; .33.olipatented weeder 16 -',Ileaded.• • • l' • Ise eultivationtavith.varioue harrows . ''.7 1th t destroy the weeds is only what is. . : .. .- !needed to palveitize the soil; but I 4W! • kinaetinies thoUght the -.young plants , feettrhoed crone • Would fail of guilt- 2:Ablent culture did net the coming. weeds ;tarry: on OuriVetIon. - Of course this „loulture to b(e.dffeetive must have the ' - 'favoring condittone of drying Weather. . 'teen Well understand that when clouds -eftlicl'anlitt are continuous at this time of ' 'ear the destruction of the Weed crop • ' linnet be a.failure.. . : r suppose:that nine -tenths 'of the 'Aitetal crop, of weeds that. infest our cal,. Itlyated ,ground -here is rag -weed. We. , .ittiVe• several . Others Of . simualtapeous", iagroVeth, as chenopodium, -amaranth, ....11tarlaatiMMI,_, datura...elc;...inititto,tialo - -tdy treatment outlined above sufliceefor *II Of :there tit: few docks, burdocksf? "Canada thistletiehorse nettles; etc.:, re - Vero (special' treatment.. -And ,we have "the morning-glory, • the 'abutilon and .40there,ethat were left to Produce seed aliti ,neglected ground, require years of ,,eare.to germinate .and destroy the last - -oof thecrop-seeds in the' soil, 'Daisies lind•carrots would•thrive here, but they 4o readily. yielcbte 'culture that we have oreilY . to put the'ground in. order and Atieed it well with' • grass to keep then ' but of our pasture and hey, --L.. Bel- 41,erston, hi -Country. Gentlemen. • . t.. A. rveisr„,Fiewstr, • • . . ...di., magnificeotineve variety o'.'s ' tlsta epopularflower and ono of the iineet hardy plants ever. introduced. ' It la of ifigoreus growthooreet, graceful habit, OWIth tail stems, 'covered with inleinte feet witboatfa'inting. o1 bad Ilivlitered for three years or more at litionthly perigds," writes Miss $app, of Jonestown, Guilford Co,, N 'It seemed as thonh. I won14 die with pains in in 'back and stomach. I could not rise to my feet at all without fainting; had given up all hope of ever being cured, when one of my friends insisted upon my trying Dr. Pierce's 41,• .ravorite Prescription. With but little faith. iI tried it, and. before I had taken half a bottle I felt better, had better appe. I tite ...and slept better, 1 Now I have taken two I bottles of ra.vorite Pre- ! seription,' and one Ott. ; Golden Medical Discov- ery,' and am happy Ito say I am entirely clued, and all done in two months' time when all 'other medicines had railed to do any good at all.” Dr, Pierce's • neasaut Pellets a pleasant and ef- rectivellauative . for women. .• "VJA"AA• TEE CLINTON NEW ER& .6o told ilk a New York letter, a, . V. c: a track was in great dietr. fro • • of the Jud se bundles, e 'Work. one day recently, so hie hone balked Crosswise of •e street and saluted not only a lose of hie time, but aka blocked treble. All Use usual devices to get thestubborn animal to Move were UlleVell4ic, end a crowd bad gathered of rionsWerable else to Watch the proceedInge. W. J. Arkell, proprietor of judge, Watt attraeted to the men°, end as ihe Tribune relates / it, he maid to his brother Barlett 'OW eat ita his efilee: "I will , bet 2100 to 10 cents that 'I can go out 'end titan I that horse in two mirtutei." Bartlett Immediately took the bet attd the Mon- ey was pliced in the tiands of the prile, ate secretary. W. J. Merrill and tWo Arkells started Or the etre W. J. Ar:cell picked Up two 11and."‘V.3 3.14 asked the ItSriver to he; t the hetzr-0.-.1 1...eati OWL 0114hen be nae.t: .1 eaeh ot the horses noetrils full of the sand, and alraost,in-' etantly the horse began to sneeze and etert With a rush, to the great delight Of the driver, amid the &hoots of the by-standers, Mr. Arkell, the winner, ewe he doeen't read the London Lancet ler nothing. , A any than goes in debt b. ".ead• of the bondage In Egypt of the children 'of Israel, • The secrets 'of large yields alwaYe • and everywhere are rich Soil, goocl ' seed, and thorough tiflago.• 'When the wife and children attend to the ponitry,, it isn't fair to ex. change eggs. for tobacco and machine 011. ,. To be !thrifty on animal must be Comfortable This is true in the. spring 'Or summer...se well as in the " winter. - .„ The ',Work horse will be benefited by spending the agreeable nights on the pasture after It has made a good • growth. PkrWing Under 'grass and clover snakes the largest addition to the soil 'of • the best kind of plant food at the • A Waggon Journey. , same WM. 'After so much about Itleides one may, • 'IThere IS 'Alia difference between the have a bit of South African life. It is ;poor and the good farmer: one come a description of a waggon journey a, Plaine of the, bad seasons, the other score of yearsago, and nesurs in a new ,rejoic..is in the good seasons. * novel, entitled "Reversed.con Appeal," hal 44 good ercip of both cern ant! weeds I • I ''Ciannot be grown -on, the same ground John Koss• eat the Same time, any mere than two bar , "Pale pink aver the trees, and trailWay train's can pass each other on gold glittering through thebranches lithe same track. saw the large 'waggon equipped and drawn with open front, ;lacing the kraal ; gate, towards which extended a deuble line of shining brown ;oxen, .each with na There are rakes and rakes, amid (men white streak down its 'back like fourteen ' One has its merits and advocates. Mr. brethren bearing' up the flashing chain, • Wylie E. Stout of Anderson county, arossed at eaeli pair by a heavy pole Kansas, sends us a sketch and expiate. With wooden yokes Sur two. At (the ation of the construction of one he hap head . of: the uneven line of glancing fOund to do the work effectually. He horns arid switching tails stied the Says he anade this' one himself after powerful bronze Again; thong in handief trying variows kirids„ and that any - a Zulu lir a sleeveless 'blouse aed. short • man handy with -tools can Make one. blue pants, the leader of the horned: I For the heed piece a tough stick -s6 b 6, - cavaleade. A Kaffir 'boy held a :grey 1 inches 12 feet long was used. In it he horse ready saddled; tossing his head bored eleven 2 -inch lioles for ING teeth, and rattling, his bit wrtli impatience,;.a.. 1. on: the •opposite sides three nuirtiseis, 2 contrast to the drowsy 'f•cattle.. . . by -4 inches; one in center' and •nne There Was a dip 'aireltrill!Katr•altinxis.; I, at each end for revolving bars, The weeping 'women, Yelping -dogs, stamping bars and teeth are hickory 4 feet ,long feet and rattling Online "es Mouji floor- I The arms are. 2 by 4 Inch pieces, '6 feet , Shed his long Whip, and Ithe.Zeledrag-- I long; fattened to the. head by old ged at the leading strap like a Boo of' ‘, wagon tire bent around the bead and Anak, an he guided the Stringebt•cattle I bolted to the arms. These arras are out of the kraal into the open - field. fixed et such a distance ;apart :as to "Her uncle rode Ida grey ,horse within. rest Just laside the standards on the 'sneaking distance Ibehind 'the' waggon, bolster of the front tfide g a *farm land when they .eassed thelarge green •Wagen on which it Is to be naafi.. The . Orchard, lath -its •Ibrown ;pears, ' purple: • , A Serviceable liaise.. thing,'ff lithe did not Wash, a 'bruisedfoot The rake is dumped by meane •of the or a mounded heed,' %when the quick lever with: handle at the tflght hand, abannts and. sodden dips eame-under the as shown io the illustration. 'Thie rake irresistible Strain if fourteen -oxen:" can be prepared this winter for .eenehie when needed. •• It is ;estimated thet the Kaffir(' • hi ••• i I ' -ivlb----W21111111BI • - LWItts".AT plums, and yellow ,oranges -ripening i in.. •• • the breaches, ihe :rode among 'the! trees • and reterned With a •emall ? basket of . beaches, which he 'handed to Belle at the end 01 the waggon, .esIthepanoved' 'Slowly MI:through prickly cactus hedgess; ind Inules :red and. yellow mimosa f blossom. . . . . • •"$he 'had -trevelled en ithe ;waggon' bee. I fore, With the mid;curtain thatt-wes low •ored •at might, to aihut .her edif into la .1 , little munne!y of tiler own. 'She: knew A Serviceable the bell: -so nineeettly tied on,,enaticle,. Rake in whieh •ehe , Was caliVised shirither,, cross bar has the ends pktenaing be less jdite''cd. moorilight. journey. And. standards of the Wagon. F.roin a bap, and supposed to Sleep, during 'the cease- yond•the arms so as to pull, against the .eheremelibered how she Pitiethallt.tecire seloss. the arms, r out the middle of and Women too,:who went 'Clown to the,' the frame a mortisedpieee is fixed to- me heeliips, If their 'berths ,were liks!her I be . Peed in the Plaee OLO10..'nouPling, . ibidustry. „ the.„ . • ' •very love- ef -ile-deing•,of•Itiondertakei • berth, an'd their' toseirigs likelier toss- n&the king holt Vassed through. lbreeding Males -and telltales; aloht --on enormous. mintal effort, •thltlE • "She 'knew the 'boss 'tied with thothierti*. By bolting a board =toss ,turill,insure, that...grading •.up: se 'desired sovhithi shlins .a4 ' togs that :ser.ved ifor ..seats -and lock- near. the . front, a spring Seat fame • the 'by:every breeder. There is no4noin 'to” were,Ssten'.(asolf-rady' ers, •afid :that• s le nitift-fasuff•-tip,:every- moiver -Bemires comfort' for the• driver.' , aleyelor .slipsaod methods poultircii.V. !.triyatioal • business: this .clie . • e 11 it d Tr;•-, 'or May 24 1 .0 I) POISON 4,• Great Egg Coilipetition. • ..• WfIrwin will give one•dollskr le cells or 25 The grinuillAed Oe SO' *ono sugar to the customer Who briars in thelergeot Hee Egg to this store between •ume end the 24th of May. test Method, Tres tease t te las e positive ours for Blood Polio*. If /ewe you ere danger untu ocunreetely mired: the 'meow snap - d bee warning to take treetment. Don't put it ort until a, hair out, blotohee beds, Mealier skin or other Wens ot molly %Arm IA you have sore throat, patches 00. tongue or n mime. rive you it written intermit co to cure you without Mee. id You Per 1Nhen Cured. IWO 18 dip1012104 and oertailoatea which and abUUlSe 'mantel* can ha seen at MI OfdOef $15000.09 reward fer ;a NO. OHM. Mel 81, 1000. 190 WO, saY that leer Medloirteebelped my trouble more thee •ree over took ASV. W. MOSOUVrgle. NO. Mee Oct. 15, 1890t 3or %vestment hie helPed ma wonderfully. ARTHUR DINIIL. NQ. Nov. is, 1090 Itavalapa• °deuce in you Its st enotsr, for you belped me more thati e ewe* a add X feet that you toured me, MARTIN. I Latest Method Treatment cures tura without cutting, stretching or loss t Oboe; aim Ohmic) Fri, iezioy. Kidney, Liver, Bladder, Stomach. s'emale and Rectal trou- Free. If you cannot call, write for blank for home treatment. no treatment- .tor those who cannot call, Beek Free, Canedlan patients ahlppad trent Windsor. Canada. irtatton charges prepold1,-ZVOrytneig confidential -No mimes on es -Nothing scut 0.0. D. LDEIERG J. W., Irwin is selling -- Boot Standird Granulated Sugar at $4.10 per hundred by the buret, TEAS-Blaok, Green and JARMAN !COW 100 up. Chime mixture* 160 per . Best 2tio tee in 'town, RAISINS -Currents, Pruitei, Dried Peitchee and apricots, 6 lbs ago for 250, 1Dbignzn6e1,4)telf°tortt2d6.°Toilet sets end homy loop, to make rostxt for my epring port (mien direct from the factoriee, I AM Selling at 25% lees than anal prIelet • Call and examine quality and prices and you are sure to, • buy. • Phone O. Vented good butter and eggs. W. IRWIN, 'Clinton. goo WOoDWARO AVE. oor. maw( street, DETROIT,' WHOM • • Ghostly Game of Chess. "The International ;Hall of the Cafe , Tionice is a truly palatial chamber, I . ever SO illanY 'feet broad by ever. i. so . many more feet long, On • the I evenings of Friday • ' and Raturday ' of last week," ma London •"Out- , .look," 'It was divided "by a bar- rier into ',two unequal parts. Il the mailer sat, each at his board, I the British chess -players oompeting •I against ,the American eheseplayers- who were not there. Tirrough the larg- er roamed a 'election of the chess LAXA-LVER 1314,t J. . ''. . Inside the barrier, and next it,. set Me. James Mason at a • chess -board,. facing us, -We seem to have known Mr, alaSon as aline play - 4 ... er these -well sair twenty' Years. On ea . 4.1PPf-WP0PePPP.P- 01444•44*****46174eirldriotkiroirloktirArOntrtlItAlriddriksir Formaldehyde- for Smut It Pays T Use It. • Very little trouble, and not much expellee, one Ira will do sixty bushels of grain. 'We &repelling literokst 40 per cent Formaldehyde in 1 lb bottles at SOC.', direetione on each bottle. Household Ainmonia, lull 16 i4 betties, 15e. E. HOVEY, - Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton ipipowpf4.,ippwpppppppppowPf triork**4*****7****:*** iFy Ulm TR 1H this oteasion he is opposing 1Vir. J. It. , ouse Furnishings H OUSLED W•I - Barre America-vtho is not here; • . 4 • rain Be-rry 4s ,sitting lb a room in Co0 BILIOUSNESS. • NSTIPATI BrocklYn three thousand miles away, • Bright new geode arriving daily. We have new styles in Bed Sets, Mat' Sitic HEADACHE, under the eyes of American spectators. . trews, Wire ilprines, Easy Chairs and Couches. DYSPEPSIA. It Is easy to saithat the two men are cOnnected by electric telegraph; but it .le not wise to dispose of the mystery and' romance of space In so rude a was% , • . But 11,1r. IVIason, In this grand International Hall, seated epee - »site nothing better than a man with a •AT At.t. DRUZ S • YOR8 , 'book of telegraph forms. rwho valte un- concernedlY for the move, earl he play •thus dumbly and in. absence against The latest and biggest patterns, in window shades, Striped Curtains, Boom. Mouldinge, Curtain Poles. ' • • . All Wool and Union Carpets *tuevitt, Goa Wij The newest shades in Ferniture Coverings, Gimps, Corde4Frinees, Eto,. YOU SLEEP• 'Picture Framix4 a Speciality, prices right. Money back if you want it. 0 , 'epeiga oe.'41e.1., OR Inetitoo, Potatoes are $il a bushel in the Chicago Mr. Beery in Brooklyn and think it murltet. , chess?' It is a very ghastly Juisiness, • A bush tire in Kent comity covers's tract and we wonder Mr. EVIason cart get i'tve raiies.equare. through with it at all. But he does. He is as solemn, as rapt in thought, as , TOO 'GREAT .13.1S(.. 'oblivious of all but the game if Mr. It is dangerotis to neglect ateingle ease of Barry were opposite Oa him in the itching pileserethe trouble is likely to le- flesh, and not opposed to 'him only by come &mein and develop into fated Ifiettila electric' telegraph. Clearly to him the anocr of• the rectum - A single appli• play is everything', Whether the oPPon- Or 0 cation of Dr. Chaee's Ointment willquickly ent's move comes to him by actual the burniegand itching seneation, end 'a touote by telegraph, or by psychic sug- few boxerwill cure any mite of piles.' . This gestion. But for our part we cannot standard ointnient has probebly relieved throw off a dread, of the uncanny na- more seeringthan any. .preparation„..you ..ture, .of......the . We ...feel.".liee can mention. •• caned to Joek about for some. . , . . The iCeltimbian Giavernieent forces notation of Mr. American Barry'S haveoltraed the Town • to could we have than the arrangement of diocas del spirit. What better, evidence of it Toro. he ,American naval rces have withdrawn, • of these wooden pieces • on that ; • • 'wooden board'e There is Mr. Barry- . • loam Notes. fl ;lie° solutions else r. eficisre-ti ssprtina,;%114,-Urs familiar way, • to fall into intmovabia and think;: purseas lips in the old . 'Many insects that are friends *if. the etlenees, 'wherein you 'amnia •think he :farmer -may •"be 'destroyed: •Bees ' havye of creation or puzzling out the .mYstery waserevolving schemes of new order 'been ; eacterminitted la,. some 1:seatioris b t•usppzyitnhg41`tihnodusgohf pleaonnitrioph:gtvodepends ' Itasov. is doing the Irlart'A Origthl and destiny; and Mr. . • • " • '! • Brooklyn. A. strange, and fascinating like to him in far ‘We• 'an•excliame-thc follow- pursuit is chess, strange and ix/lob:At- . lug direction4 for killing nice • on cat-. able. ..Not nor fame nor nor - the• -:-Dust animila thoroughly with vesalth, .nor love can so engross a Man. 'fresh.? Meat povider: rub in well, or These objects are usually compassed most effecthally Mr. 13arry, for :he Is causing .10, klaSon to think, and tliink, - RELIEVES OWING, TIORING :OR. NOR - 4 -4 TATIoN. GOITIXOMFORTS AND HEALS 4 THE SKIN, AFTER SHAVING. . A ,Avaid dangerous, irritating. Witch Hazel IlireTisTationsresrestmtettohe "thcsarao as'? - - Pond's Extract; which easily sours and often coetain "wood mcohel," a deadly peon. A•94111 teisa,part • tbe •httir so the powder will by flashes of passion, insight, and dar7 ' llsaeh ' the pests. in about a, week, Ing, but this slow, prolonged struggle einst , to .kill any • -nines that of brain against, brain; threugh the 'might : have :thateaed.- "rile other is: reediom of pieces of tantaatleallY Make a streartes. of cedatthWies; wash carved 'yvood. I, pure ,deVOtion to an 'the . lousy animal with this act' this a'betraction. man who tvins Who !last, te.elfeetuel in cleansing buifdiegs, so hems in the piece of wood called a teoeps,, roosts; -poles, etc., Of liee. -- king that he may not move, gaine• • M. MoLEOD, THI8 TOIICIDS-The SPOT • meLLores SISTER IIENOYA,TOP,1. 11 MAtt311 AND GRANITE .FIONNAUITS. , y , 2 Rattentary Works; ".IAreahund impitre Blood, .• river & Itidikeyr DiseItses, F.nialeeompla•.'s it, Ate, All Druggist'', or write d eat • nothing, troves nothing, establishes. • ncithlog but- 'checkmate." Yet when selegteivne; Ln. eaditrtgh;seb satiSfactAori deeper and more . permati, o• greater mistake 18 - - ' L he accomplishes. that he taates •,,of a 'Pew . froin • the basket. for . hatching ma- tte, suppeie_ that by tat th i 't .ft i . lover, merchant or gambler. To ac - fellow, There.is no makeshi• n this :provement•af the poultry IS sure to e an s accordedo statesman • or 'Alm, and .. the breeder who ,Jdoes not , n Para- dise you will find politiCians OA ding select a. hreeding ipen:from his best bird.sv .soetr__y, and Poets. stedying murals; and :keep • then' by:, themselves dod ao t . ' Merchants will be cultivating the alike, . . deserve and •cannot hope to :maintain and oritica weeping ori other people'e, sthitovality of , his . stock. .: . necks; but the chess-Playera wilt be r. . '. : pia:viler 'eaese, .. • :More pigs are lost in -the summer sea- , -son '•,frore improper feeding than from any :other ,caue*e. They are compelled , to ,censumo foods tied are not eonduc., I ive to !thrift, -and which lead to disease -.1n.',44,•:ritercirie; ,. 8,0.410,8 feedere,kcepr.,eloa,--•*.; in 'barrels; which ferments Until 'Jour, !having ;a very .disagreeable odor, , the „pigs :dieing fed largely Upon the 014. . W.1116 kind of food ;is more injurious dr', . • • sillinner :than in winter, as it inductee ' ' aPioililles of Xeadingril”ielauS' bower disease. -The best slop -is milk. • 1 havefound the auppesitory prepared by ass,- veg.- VV. T. Strong of great aesistanee in hem - .1 and 'bran, :freshly made, with gr • ' . . tbe 'diamond mines at °Kimberle,Soutli • Another Fraud order. Africa, ‘steal £250,000 worth , Of alia- . A. !rend order has been tamed by the. monde in a ;year. .. Poet Office Department against r" irl R. .1 'llae lion Bridge, iscar'•Sangango in Cline, who operated a swindle frore, Camp:tat/be ilhina.,:isAlte,longest in the •world;litinif Columbus, 0. Cline wrote letters to 7,'•04 ftck.:#4*-...1,4.44,0SX,4 „!.#;:adyptti6eP1V1,,s, vericille. • •etablet•bell-shaped goiverseof. inimenie teay is 70 'feet ebove 'water. papeed]•80fideiriiiiig Size, and of clear poredain, blue. Of A large ,house, in a Beelin siibitiblias the Early Supprise. Ile offered to send, been •reitted'"hy several uiciplaiiitalioeSi on reeeiPt: of -three .Stemps„, a saMP/0 -the easiest Culture and eilocites froely " all summer. It is Well worthy of high .1pralso. . taarayrrtioeti.,;mannd th'genpglec, ewohnp th:hareepgroinig,•iteoll renekage ogfewt haeatn;otlinceothfeorr lettershe to • 1•of cotiontinablife. .0 . Clover, also .offering a small tsample Rens Not zaying:, for a few.cents: Letters pouted in On 1 "Take the men of .proofinence the him by the huzidted, and in return he • Winter is a season of the(year when! United States to -day and allek out •the i10 not incubate, hence, theY do time gentlemen. 111, wager. that oine sent a eciateular letter swing that he ebables and plenty of pure water Oritials." It ie.:the-hat kicellipplitatiefel- will induce growth •and keep tile ekate have need. OL. ht. D•• .fnet lay .eggci. The hen,•thepah,domea- of ben of 'them never .had a h woul furejs e see ye eat at $ . 0 • - Cbairrnan Board of Health, London, Ont. DUS alcated, 40 not entirely' exempt from wheel educationAet alone ancitlegeonce per bushel, , and also quoted rates 0111 " Pride $1.00. For este by druggiets, or O 40 •hegirelaying wherithe collations for .for. r,ask. When the victims . SaltSulphur And /Arne Wash. 1",•;iorn, 841, °SnTrirOeft,cifill.Parnictleieeturing...Cheol• ,fiter natund Instincts. ' She.is-prompted go says Mork°Tiveln. CrithirenClaver, and a certain brand et ' -- - • - ,fraising .har young are most favorable, Gold has been animal in Georgia Cern kniow a searly threenuartere,..of a cetattiev, Pro- fforwarded. their money he failed to . _ To Make thie wash, which is ekten: kit, London, Ontario. :And if shia.lay during the wieterlessom alvely used in California as an insee.e Vies% to th,e discavery of geld lo tali.. !furnish the see, Finally, the pressure . 4t, Will be lolue to warmth, (systematic' fornia the mines ,of Georgia farrsisee iheca.me. so strong "that. he went 'to a hicide, take ten pounds ,of lime, twent, ,Managetcierit, and an •approach.!to the the reaterezart •of the gold pcodaned framer near Coininhus and bought 250 pounds of sulphur and twenty gallon! •tonditielis (of sprei'g. • If the hens are , (not AOYF laying they AO peO In: YOMAthg, as goon as the warm daYe . . iglu; %lying geed, results for „their idle- , Item In winter. It may be raentiened, also, :that ihat Ate long rest of •winter ,03iiould prepare them, for Spring work, nd when they begin they shotild lay . *latently It in in winter, howevet, _ hen prices are high that egge, are but it is veil known that If !. moult late,. or the pullets are not -1 "'batched Peril', ',they will.not lay before . • Winter approaehm and they do not ti !been. early in winter they (Joliet, as, .st,rule, begin Untiltearly In spring. / tA Veit lS,tettea !bushels of whet from , W e, water' uetil the sallphlif is clia in itroode up in stnallipackages•and sent to solved. 'Then take -tipi remaining 111 :the Yiethrus of ble game. He le how teen pounds of Brae and -salt, slake ME, • ender bonds to :answer a charge a add enough water to make the vvholi, Swindling. " • ." • (sixty gallone: (strain end spritir Witt . it While milk warm, This wash hat Suctieerditl trarmer• no injurious effect on !the buds or or • Referring to the (farmer of to -day, the trees, Williata.Allea White, who first attract. ,ect-s,ccerelerrhy-blirteuchatitinquirt-of- °Whelk( the Matter •Ivith Kansas?" ea.yri •Ip. ,Bpsinees of a Wheat Parntb Ini October .geriblier'er "Whe euetessfut farmer .of this generittlem Must be 'a bueictess Asa first, and a tiller of the eon afterward. In Men intik be core - bitted inalrY talents, Be must be a caritatiet# Caltitaie and crafty; he must be at oPerator of induetrial tiffaira daring and :resoureeful, and he Must! lay lakerli part with patience and: , humility, lie * in buqinees as certainly • as the banker. And henceforth, until . . . . . ' -Whether fertilising :materials are apDUed , broadcast, in the drill or In the • 111111, they ilhoUld he ewell incorporated ewitla tile ea before. Planting by the ttlee of the .harrow, plow or hoe. tin, ifermen.ted Manures. .should not be apt ligied immediately, hat • either OM. I posted or spread over th,egrotind scene itinse before it Is hi be oeempied by tit, tercet; otherWthe they May affect tho lerop digastrously,,, co , 'Siert netvet- hae - gone to iLeilbron, Botha to Vrybeld, 'Oelitrey a rid .Stoyn to Itlerkedorn, and IVIeyer and It Cape .0,oloriy# „ The Anierieitit official, Col. Crowder, who Investigated the allege pi pot near New Cleanti, :has submitted hie ieport t()Precklent 1toosevelr. ITheis alp our. all &emu and tiro Israeli arising /obi weak heart, Warn COI Itervarr or watery bhoutt such as PsdPitIP' tion, skip Beate, TI,robbing, Smothering, Dizzinelti, !NA or Ii`alst 514110 Arles Mt Nerstotteneis Sleentemeteill rkin ility aim! Ls* Vitalttr• et-ai;plre true heart ton (ii-ne ,fcied and b/Oodi entlithert building patielyjnit of the yrornt Ott' and west *homes of the SeAy ata restoring puled' I health. Fries 60e. Iv holt/ Olt A Or $145. ,t 11 drug1stu. . • • Central Meadn deriohi On r Having puroiseed the butchering business of F. H. Powell lam pre- pared to furnish the people of Clin- ton with all kin& of Fresh and Cured. Meats. Sausage, bologna lard, butter and eggs alwave kept on hand. ' . R, Fitzshnonsr tt Son. Telphone ?G..'• Order e ,delivered promptly to. afl Parteof the town. •, 0.13.-.-deireence baying hegs for slaipment will confer a. favor by leftving' wtirdittlhe shop. TISDALL. BANKER, ONT. rpe • AcTaggarMcTaggart,OLIN TON, ' BANA.E111, ALBERT t4 CLINTON eneral Banking Business: •* tranoottea • • the order ohanges, the fall:1101411 success In bueinem will graduate witit the kind nd qu4rit4. ofi heuses, and. acres imilf* ;Ale 1 Bristol, Gardlif, Liverpool, Milford and Southampton are exii MI tin ti keen nyolry b.:, be Se et e- Itlogileb _Lport of the new Glinadian leAt Atlantic eel !tic°, •01,.. Atop* the Oetigh nmorkaeflthaoTd rAZiditte ne4010-Qtlitli116 Tablete cure ti oda in ono 4ty, No Coro, No POI l'Irleg 26 cents, litablifiliti.:41011161?,baiv.k. •;.# The ihorobred Shetland pony "Little • Bobs," the property of W. B. Forster, of .Efolinesville, wilt stand for the lmaitein Of 1902,.at Wecdletide, lot 10, Maitland con. seamen) Golhome townahie. Terme $5 to irtente, partial° /an, 1st, 1003, groonioe fee, $1,10 be paid at time of orifice. The Shire horse, Delbury Dbampion, No 01074, imparted by Dawslen & Mc- Donell, will Steed for the season Of 1002.41 Che etable of tho owner, rinou. nr"* C 99 • NOTES DISCOUNTED Private funds to loan on mortgagee a heat current ratee A General Banking Imeinese tre.nereted rnterest allowed on depoeite. Sale notes beught• . . „ Notes leaned. Interest allowed ea ' deposit'. THE isioLsoNs RINK , incorporates' by Aot Parliament 1866. CAPITAL $2,600,601 REST,VTIND $2,150,000 ,HEAD 01PFX0E, MONTREAL • Wu. Mottles( Meeeitassoe, E;residen JAMES SWOT* Gen. Manager. Nettie discounted, bollestionii made, clkf to; Weed, eternise and American enthenge betight and gold, /Merest ellered on adponits Seethe tbanc .-.-Iiiterest allowed onSums of f1 and tip. Money advanced to farmers on their own notes, with one or I more endoreere, No mortgage required, • Hilf). avower, Manager • Clinton, adenine it'AM .0.00.100 • CA.NYAS$ER WANTED to sell PRINTER'S MK- & tournai for advertisers, pai liehed 'weekly at five dollars a year. It teaches the science and practice of Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most enc. cesiful advertisers in this country and Great 13ritain, Liberal ecittrialesiert al- lowed,Adciress PRINTERS INN, 10 Spruce St,, New York. 411111.1111011110.1.01111101110.101110t -eLINroNe Direct° importere. li'aritroanelthr • and Materi Combines toed y • -ard- virt It ill a 'Perfect • Food, %Natures Own. hank!. It preyente sickness by keeping7the system in a healthy- condition, mart , . It restores health by rekulatingl and• toning -up weak systems. g"-3 It gives tare relief to.persone differing: . from poor digestion, headache, dyspepsia and other disorders arising fromithe: use of poorly cooked foods' ., • AO A trial will convince the most skeptic, , al of the superior merit" or this food., For v,sale at• . IMAM 11gp GROP.ERY. W. T. O'Neil Our telephone number is 0 Ne* Rlacksinith Skop.. Subscriber having rented the shoo Adjoin* • ing Leslie's Carriage Shell, ()rehire St. hi pre- - .pared to do all tverkiti his: line. He has Intd* a good manyyeare experience!! In th• bust - twos, and *Ill sive personal attention to work entrusted to hitt, • Special • attentioi give* 1 to itorseshoeing and s the Care et Horses' feet. " rt•riihmg cf all Kinds; entree risisenat Olintott AAA.A.,,AA A Toronto man has been rejected by- • the reeruiting officer at Toronto be., cause be had a 'brooked toe. Some deY the' mill tall martinets Wilt be Shocked - to death by the discovery of an over..., [looked freckle er mole onone of the 1301(liet4; arid the foundations of •tbe Umpire will 'crack open.