HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-05-02, Page 4THE puNTON NEW ERA
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. , : , . :
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A Very enema eircumetance own. LihOrld Wattle
O If' ,
red in the Hoese oh Friday evening
last, being nothleg more or less than .4„.4.,..0004
. the "mulling out" of the Houee. Blectore, *vete for. for Hon. G. W.'
Twenty le 0, quorum, and melees there
• . Rees ad the most progrethiee oyer
Gn. '
. are that many merobera pzeseet, he .
.• • bueineee can legally be transacted. It rent Canada has ever had, by cuppert-
, has Often happened before that heel- big all the Liberal ettediaates 3-
, nears has been transacted without that
many hone in the oonenone chamber, .01 G Daroeron for West Herpre
.. '‘. efl :.,...ays'.. ::, I 000 referred to, it was helf.paet • 12
o3cloelt, a good deal of buoinese bad 0§ al. Bowman tee North Bruce.
tantion to the fact But on the welt -
but uo one took the trouble to, call at- Arch. Hielop for Beet fluroio.
It E. Truax for Spinet Bruce.
el. . McLean for South Heron.
been traneacted, and the member who , De. Siewert for Centre jtnee.
, • • called attention to the tact concluded ", joineBrown for North Perth.
Ir. Stock for South Perth
that it was time to adjourn. mpoint
1 of fact Members should be in their
3 plitcee atoll tinoeseexceptwhenthey are Some Facts foram Electors. i
paired or Absent twin the city-buethe
VsTili end Tuesday . Monotonous indeed, and on such oc. It is fair Argument that if a govern.
proceedings at times . become very
meat has Managed the finances under
iii-continf well, it hes managed minor,
departments just as good, and in view
of the. xnarvellousle tine financial re-
cord of .the Ontario Government, we
contend that it is enainentlyeivorthy of
et renewal of Confidence at the hands of
the eleeters. Let us look at some facts.
The total receipts of the Ontario
Government from, 1887 down to -the
alst of December last werne113.274,240,
and the total expenditure $111,805,747,
leaving a -cash balance on hand of
$1,488,493. .
This amount, with other fundsenake
our interest bearing assets, on Dec 310 lations of the congregation. to Mr
last, 02,571,291; '33 Stewart upon the honor of the tome
Them is no other Pipeline; State or Collette, suggesting that the conferring
Senate o Knox Oolleae in beetowing
cateful handling of the public funds.
it. In ptesenting the gift of. the con -
The conabined receipts and -exoendle
of Liberal admin, gregation reierence was made to the
attachment of the people to their pas-
tures for the 80 years'
istration, were over $221,000,000. tor and to their , appreciation of
Every cent of this lame amount is
his faithful and devoted services in
accounted for. NO corruption has oc-
curred in connection with it, and,no . their behalf. The form of the gift was
lustified mainly on the ground that it
financial institution in the world can
fitly typitled the teachieg. character of
produces record that surpasses this.
the recipient's pulpit ministrations. Dr
Electors shored weigh well these facts
; Stewart, before malting his replympon
and then give their support te the Lib reques t, donned the new gown and
mai candidates in the coming election. cassock, and, wi. h the white hams, arl
Weet Huron. ' tinned everyone in the bell f that no
Evening, May 6th
liargams for Evfrybotlyi,
, . .
It pays to follow up pdvertising,
castons the temptationle ahn est Irresis-
tible to leave the chamber and - spend
the time either in the smoking room,
-the reading room, or in the commit,.
tee twine. The attendance any Fri-
day evening is invariable thee then on
other evenings, as many ,Inembere vo
to their homes that day, but • we ven-
ture to soy it will be a long tune before
an opportuhity is again presented to
"count the House out," There is real-
ly nothing involved in so doing, but a
government with a large majority does
not like to pee it occur. ,
• Occasions frequently arise, in parlia-
mentary procedute, when it becomes.
necessary for the leader of the House to
exercise the specie' art of diplomacy
and tact. This has occurred two or
three times in connection with the
13oer war. S. meendiscreet and over.
zealous parliamentaria,n bee in the past
introduced & resolution of some form
or other, that was either, unthnely, in-
opportune, or entirely out of place,and
- at has, therefore, devolved upon the
leader to dispose of it, with the
consent of the Meuse, and without
causing any more unpleasantness or
fiction than is absolutely necessary.
Such a case occurred :on Wednesday,
when Mr Charlton intreducea a resolu.
tion setting forth that in the amnesty
proposed to be granted to the Boers,
Great Britain should exercise the via.
tue of clemency. The resolution was
generally. regarded as inopportune and
ill-advised to say the least, but It roe
• inclined for Sir Wilfred to suggest that
the motion 'should be withdrawn. And
he did it in that graceful and eloquent
manner, which has so often won him
' the approval of his Uptowns, He show-
ed remarkable tact, and Won jueit as
Barrels of money are wasted by people who read but
.4:lon't heed. Seems funny, doesn't it? But it is so. Why,
'Ihere are people right around Clinton who do that "very
*rig, but they are growing fewer every week as f ast as
ihey find out about our great Bargain Giving they quit
wasting money.
- -
Come during our great Ten Days' Sale and see why
so many people are doing their buying at this store.•
Lace Curtains
are going with a rush—We sell you a 3 ard wide Curtain,
~with taped edges, at 190 pair. A regular 50c Curtain at 35c,
At 85; $1, $1,25, $1.50, $2 to $5.75. Our values are hard to
cordial %polarise &ono the Opposition as
from his own supportefe, and "proved
himself once more the leading stetes•
man and diplomat
Speaking of John Charltoe's resolu-
tion calls up. the position he occupies in•
e attention of the House, and no the
opinion of its noemeers, A Man of un-
equestloped.abilitY.,..the.time.was when
anething he said waa. accepted by the
Liberal party, • and his *opinions were
Your money bulk luoked upon as of some value. do not
if yen want it. wish to be unkindor unfair to -hun in
• my criticism, but I venture the aseer-
. •' tion without tear of contradiatiotethat
no man in tbe House te-day, of equa.1
ability, has so little weight, and whose
opinions are regarded ae Of such little
hahsequeiree. To use a °miller) phrase
"he has lost his grin." The reation tor
tbis is not far to Seek He is a man of
- -clear conyictions and -wile grasp of
public questions, but he apparently
&laws circeinstafices to sway him to
• , the extent that he becouoes "unetable
, as the wind." What he believes in and that the said temperance vete be re-
11 serateete '
alit Paper
Rey 114 Stewart, D, 0,e
Or Wags rre4byterian Merck Clinton.
Presentation to their Pastor
A pleasing and interesting event
look place at Willis Presbyterian
thutele on Wedtiesday evening, after
the prayer meeting; when the congre-
gation presented its pastor, .the „Be.
Dr Stewart, with eeneva gown met
cassock, - After- the regular service.,
were oyer, Mr Jas Scott, whb had been
appointed to make the ptesentation, in
a few sentencee, offered the congratu-
of D. D. conferred upon. him by nox
Republic te the World that tan sliew so of the degree was as creditable to the
peered as to the nottnor bort and con -
(Brussels Post)
I • mistake had been made by the congre-
Greer's beautiful elegy nye geheieteltriilpierstitnegwathrtefneeelwinRolyutafictinowIn.
petit of eery leads but to the grave. ledged the congratulations not only
Had Mr Gray know as much about from the congregation but from the
politics as he did about Poetry he Presbytery and friends • in, other
would possibly have emphasised his churches and stated that for 'various
opinion on this point 4. caseillustrat- r amens he felt strongly inclined to de -
ins. the chancee fora "funeral" is ap. cline the proferred 'loner, but upon
parent now in West Huron. The consultation with the members of his
erohibitionist Liberals are three,ten. session and others in the congregation
ing to turn down M. G. Cameron, the at.d findingthat there
PettY nommee because he tied/nee _oua.feelin in favor of ;acceptance,
slit! theieeplidige, agreeing to goasyielded Wel* opinion of his friehe
far in his support as his 'whet. James He expressed his great :of
Mitchell, the Conservative candidate, the kindly sentiments of the congrega-
ha taken 1
s the p edge and the atiff
Conservatives are up in rebellion tion towards hlixa, In referring to the that June20th, Coronation day, is to be , could be purchased for 15cts. Now it 4 -
`gift be wished to make it clear that - ' it mobilo holiday. If it is to le Made so costs 20 cents, and the buyer must not -
against him and. demand another the Geneve, gewn luta no ecclesiastical permarientlyit will not likely be gener- • kick if he • discoyered• that he has
standard bearer who will shied by
the Prohibitory legislation rather than
J. -significanee WC Was purely academical ally observed, as many think lugged borne a substantial bit of bone.
hilst the Presbytelian church pre- there is no necessity for its perpetua- . Retied steak could be had for 12 Cents,
P. Whitney% policy of opposition to W
scribes no distinctive dress for her tion, and Victoria day should be suffe and note he who would eat must pay
beck 4 the Statute. 'awaiting the ministers, yet licensure to the offiCe of dent iit this time. To make June 20th 17 cents.. 1-1rinuf ribs • are no longer
peoule'S yertliet next December. Tilts her ministry entitles theml the wear the a permanent holiday and ' four days prime uneer texteen cents, while ,
should be aneye-opener-to prohibition- academical dr ese,and the Geneva gown later find ourselves vette Dominion day. shoulder cuts will not be ebuyable un -
lets it clearly dernonstrating that the is yery largely Worn by Presbeterisei is too much disturbance of business to der 10 ar *I 11. cents, a synopathetic ad- •
tears being shed -.-over the ooutrageous"-rinisters. - ---. _____ _ •_ meet with general approval. . • Vance of from one to two cents. Ties
Way in which Hon G.. W. Ross treated
the teroperaince people and urging c'!luetcvh°, R110743WunnGe'llrcewlorni.3f0f.SWt Peas'uleti; : . TWENTY-CaNT. PIECES. -he -R -c- ingloeforiltheritBealtPchheerelesSuelt°tioitnof meet -
the :
St church, .were present to tender the vitas, all who have 20 met • pieces to seed Section includes about 00 per cent of
ceiver-General's Department, Toronto, • in- s Retail Merchants' Awe iation. The •
church, and Rev De Oifford, of Ontario
congratula,tions of themselves ar cl 'their thein in ane have them exchanged, as it is the butchers in the city. -
Paper -
Wiallee a pretty
room It' e the lback-
ground for. all your
furnishings. .
Therefore go_to the right store,.. where
the largest variety of choice designs are
to be found, where the iSalespeople will
1388iet you in selecting and where you
can depend on getting exactly the pro-
per effect. Perhaps if you knew how
cheap artistic wall paper is at our store;
y ou wouldn't let those rooms go an-
other season with their old coverings,
Freshen thcro. up, a cot t you but little
and means lots of Cortiort.
Special for next week
--- A table of rernnantS in lots of from 6
to 20 rolls—regular The to 25c. Per
single roll 5c—A11 Paper trimmed free.
oper Co.
Additional Local News:
and his men completed the artesian
well at the Red Tavern in Tuckersmith,
having secured a plentiful. supply of
water at a depth of. 270 feet. They
bayesremoved the rig to $tarile 4)
Mr Lamer, on the ?are line, near Hills.
green, where they will drill a well. W.
-Frasereleetrethae-has -returned: and --is
again engaged with Mr Beavens. ••
Additional Loial News.
• . . .
now the tree which had been a stately •
monarch all these years now ilea, to be-..
used as firewood,in, Dr Freeniari's back,-
.,...,yzaie_red....ni.,,a_d_v, et_r_e_l.u_thsile price Je,.§6!:.i.oes,tatt.tign.,..'...._.,....,,,,,....: ,
. .
. . .
Who are disposed to tied . faille at the
the rise is general over the • — --
counry. In Toronto not- hong .ago - •
sirloin steak ' to the. tenderest kind •
• • adycicates to day he ma t corded for Mr. Whiteey were f the
i • The „London - Methodist Conference
. ..
-Purchase your -tickets at Town office and
eaye delay at station. '
, - F. II Ilodgens,.Town 'Agent
1 .
, Clinton, Ont.
. e earrue
[ iiie.8 Lucy S '111"a' .1 11
tevens presided; nig:
new' Atootrtistmenes .3 cellent address on temperancr.wees-, ,
&Med by the pastor and a solo w
Justarrived-RP Ettiehie `"'"' ge well renderedby Miss Akam ....The
36 avid 510 Sults-Zedgens Bros „
WEBA 1 annual business meeting of the Sen-
' 43a; rgeleNsaale-Neweombe 4 , day school was held on Tuesday even-
a,R. paper- W Cleo er & Co 4* ing, and J. rayler was re-elected. sup.
Deg lost, --A Mitchell
Par sale or to ren Brydone - ' ' 1-- erintendent ; the -other • cfUcers and
For sale -W .S. Itilloulh . .5 teachers will be. eppeinthd at the ad -
lo reghiter-A Cantelon ....• .... ,, ,. 4, 5 • ' ' ,
111 o meetin Sarnia this year and tbe
three 'tames mentioned for the pre.- .
sideney are Rev A. Le.,Ressell, Bev
Jasper Wilson' and Rey B. N. Baker.
ONTARIO ST. -:-Next Sunday are the
quarterly seeYices, with love feast at
9.45 e, and. communion after the
morninir seevice ; the • efacial board
ritei&thenthefollowing Monde evening.
. Irons° to.rent or forint cl-Birs.T Taylor- 5 ijourned nmeting. ,
forq Marquis -A 0 Orin .,, . 4.• . .. , 0 8 A N - .
. anulated sugar --W T O'Neil - 5 Junior'S Anneal vitt-be held iu the -a. ---a
. SPecials- McKinnon & Co
Solid stuff-Ilarland Bros 5 A. Barracks ion Sunday., May 4, the
nonseeleaning-a 0 Stevenson .... g children will . take special part in the
.1clobby eittingtitts---liodgensBros..., 8 meeting' On 31°11da'Y night, Ma; 5th
a special band concert will be heest "
•gtou s Datiegeli-E Attrill 6 . • MIES Salvation
y oppese •
mereow, and this unreliability has be. crocodile variety. When the London
come so pronounced that -and I say it
more in sorrow than malice- 'eery few
appear to have any faith whatever in
the stability of his views. He is no
longer Sir Oracle of the Liberal party;
he speaks for himself alone, and his
influence as a tactor in the public life of
the Dominion is much on the wane.
I am trying not to be unfair to hino, but
a voice the sentt-
inents of a good many on both sides • of
the Reuse in My aonchisione. • . He is
an extensive reader and contributes to
, magazine literature, and. could be of,
great influence, but he is not, to eny-
thing like the extent that a noan of his
ability and talent should he. At ane the two parties in Parliament on the
rate tble is ,Teenpetaece,ueetion_and we are ..sat,
umect to abide by the consequencet,
One naturally cenjectirree that it ' •
must be nice to be a Cabinet Minister, • • (Mitchell Recorder)
to be at the.head, cf sone important de- lt Was said in older! time thitt no
Free Press and the eoronto •World flecks to Dr Stewart, All . spoke in
devote their columns to publishing terms of praise of Mr Stewart • per -
editorials from the Christian Guar- wally and of appreciation of his de -
Allan, the organ of . the Methodist voted rervices in the cause of Christ
church, aria speeches of _Rev Dr Car- in this community. We 'hope that .
• man on this Prohibitionefuestion; you the highly esteemed pestoi of Willis
May guess there something in the Church may be speed many long
wind as their recordes of the blackest years to wear the very beautiful gown
And dirtiest* type along these lines which has been presented tb him, and
other than at election time when 'They' that his admiring . people may long
fiddle purely and simply for patty enjoy the-hlgh privilege of learning
purposes. If you don't' believe this, frorn his lips the sacred lessons of.
gentle reader; weal their celtuelos Bible truth.
and the tone of speechifying by some •
of their __"ardent," supporters .after the Blee,„ h•
D rmle,
291n Of BUY. Comnore the record of a•"4'- -a
• .
partmente to have plenty of patronage man could serve two masters, but
t yourthspnsafrand-winthe-applause of • West Beton,
of the great public hare yca2'.. eXcellent is golpg to show how it • can be done;
managenied thereof. Me average He pledges himself to the pfohibition-
individtudiveho is not in active politics, ists te stlpnort 'prohibition in rase he
- • - - --fiz-z9413 0.. Ty..ictivoirbirib aid of the
re' • batie end idhifiP 'work of the local
04ln , _ ri'it corps ; • a, very interesting tuld. varied
1011*1 6
"\--.., ...6 ' pragrarn has been arranged. • .
FRIDAY. MAY 2, 1002, Vensievernunetna-11y Weel, How.
, —.,..,- _ Sell nteaellea' alleiyetiony Selillebs in '
, . the ' s, .. migtoll. street Methodist
• . 41iurch ehimes ' church, Brantford, next Sunday Rev,
• J Pickerit$ of that eity,su§:ilying tiu;
0 Bev 3. Greene supplied, for Rev Mr 3 . §
puleet of- esley churcb. r •Picker- of them in the Dominion receive, but
Lorig in the Methodist clench at
Kip- Ingle one of the best • preacher& in the the "brain fag" and wo ry t
awful, Badgered and w or.
r roue be
pen last Sunday. Hamilton conference,and a man of rare Rculethiljg
'The annual meeting of theWingharn gifts •, all are Welcome.... There will be . ried by their own supporters, for ap;
pointments tor favors of one kind or
411strict will be held in the Methodist no fellOWship meeting next eueday ;
church, 'Weigher°, oh Wednesday aed the quarterly service will be held on another, and then worried or harassed
vhersdey, May 21 and 22. • Sunday, May lithe ..At the League on by their opponents. The questions
ing •the tin" was taken thatmot ministers have to attswer.in
. ._
Monday even.
' .S'VA'AtIT:a Cerenett. -Next "Sundity up by short and bright adaresses by passing :their estimates through the
' eire Will be a celebration of the Holy. the pastor, the retiring president, H. muse, and the abuse they recelfe, is
Conainunion at 11 a. no. and at the
, B. n f Rorkeethe new president,L,E.Dohe t almost enough to dissuade respectable
a a ine Minis- 1
On Friday, April 25th, Dean Car-
miehael,first incumbent of thIparish of
Clinton, was consecrated Ooadjuter
Bishop of Montreal. The eeremooy took
place in St. George's church and, was
followed by a luneheon at the Windsor
Hotel when the address from the ton-
gaegation of S. Pauls church Was pre,
emoted by John Ransford,. of 01inton,
which is as folloivs,
18 fl) tO COflCLt!de for tag a Bert Of daily picnk plenty of is eedercetsedhtionateheief Itogistraet u reo, sa: ad a atiir VeryReverend
..famesCarinichaell A. D. C. LI,
h 0 n r e _ Dean of mon4eal, '
revenue and little to do,_ and I presume gonvention from whom he received his e Coadjutor Bishop -Bleat 6" Montreal.
a good many men who are m active nomination to stand by Mr Whitney, Veer re
eeterteep elm DEAR Sin :-With an ever
politics would be qulta willing to be- who opposes, prohibition. ' • fresh remembrance of therkindly relationships
that always existedbetween us as minister and
come a Cabinet Minister. But trek. - .
..- ' people accentuated. in that we were your first
position- is very • far frern bele% any- ...•- congregation and youour first minister we lay
'Lilies of a picrete.Their reap:mei ,, ' . claim to an especial privilege and. pleasure
are great, ..worth a great died more rroiti attar 'Outlook .:,..,,-...--tile.refrrn,-MtraPreSellting alkr hea tie b
. ' --- gyatula lanai year Olt ',bur -Yelerviftftfil Ire '1:T. '
A rt3vieW of the :political outlook loas al„,."°;evea %ea' nee, ewe es, ovi.,:min:,,b :-:
been Made . by Glohe correspondents among us the 1: aay 4.
ev.den, a Of ,i1/1,,tte-:
ary ou 1 deations then IlisPlayed by
threngliont the Province; • . II cess
vibe, ,shows youzrepared us to witness in your career
•weaa ti . custemaeyis roidanrspureisc:stcous
sful progress ; and it
that the Opposition intends to but rather as ah ex -
petted and. fitting onmax fo your life•work that
supreme e or o• get control of the govern-
fi: t t ' I'
. you have been chosen Coadju.t .4r Bishop of Mon-
ment, and the canopaign will be a' strenuous ttgletra oormichooi who homo an o„oi hnoi
and vigorous one,: The Liberals however thin with yeiiii3elflii-,o'ni affeitionite:reg-ara-w--
tend our heartieSt congratulation:.
--ttfiV6-ruk_ LAPPosin to be excellently organized likewise ex
and haVe the utroest Confidence in their ----in-coneineon, be atsured that our prayers
Will Moen(' on yout behalf petitioning the Great
brilliant and. sztocessfal leader, Premier
4 Shepherd of the sheep to grant you all needed
Rose, in his vigorous and patriotic roller grace and Streneth for the discharge of , the
for the 'development of Ontario. Where' duties of
of the congregation, .
your h ghofftce. Signed on behiet
organization is at all incomplete, it is bete/ '
energetically taken in hand by 'odent loom ' neetor et, nate% ohuroh Clinton
0 R. QUeria, • "
workers. On the other baud, it is only W Q. Pn,r,r,trLs., ,_ 1 Clinton.
fair to the Opposition leader to state that 'Alta' tiAluaE wareem)
he claims no feel the utmost *wader:me in , Blshop e.,
Clinton, aster loos, .„
. . .
the result of the .eleotions, His claire ) . planer§ entrmichiael, id reply, empha-
-from-a. financial standmilt than any
evenhog service tee Lord is op o
the other officers in connection
r n men frono filling public positione, yet
aural will receive a number of can- an, .
with the Lettgue. • - . • there seems' to be a facination that hold
- didatee into membership by the riteof rnen to office and make sacrifice& in the
,eneflenoation ... .On Monday, MAY Rho. Fire • R 4 , •
. Aticentipe Day, there will be evening mier oss is expected to speak in public interest for which they receitea
lea adequate pr proper- compensation.
6- -prayer at 8 pan. The choir will he as- Centre Bruce for Dr. Stewart in a few
.A Striking Comparison,
eisted by some of the beat 'coal talent weeks;
In town, and will sing Stainer's "Leave
hetet" and the "UrifOld" chores from Tribute to Hon. G. W. Ross,Peemier
•, • Delltied% "Redemption. 1 All Will be of Otetarie •-31Mertose le the ablest po.
Utica leader -- that deet haecitedett:
WILLIS Cm iton.-last Sun Merin;
, lug W. P. Spalding sang the solo "My party." -Sir Charles Tupper, at the
Jain cOuntrle" Which was flinch aPPre- thiversitrof Toronto ban uet 1899r
" elated' ; in the evening the anthem . • e
',There Is a land" was well given by the -
thestrt Miss 3., Jones and Miss Randall That Sir Wilfrid- Laurier, owing to ill
bxceltenilsr rendering the *ole Party.- health; will reeign the Premierohip After
WLlhs , ..The regular meeting of the 0. m •
church was held em Mbrelay the coronation, is another of those rumors
evening, the president Me Charles without foundation, tido time, originating
Liadeer Ptaaiaed Was .4/4•ilaan with the Montreal Mae, Sir Wilfrid Is in
aye exteeaingly interesting adl„ the hoot of health, and hail not thelemi
reire on "The Lord's Day Whetters' ;„4„.nonn of resigning.
which was witch innoreelated by ale ""V
was 4ll 111:1:2113y''ZitissId°0116t.1:0;;V; iNe notice that the Conseevative
the4cateeniSte Wels taken by W. papers are • now praising, A. W.
• • Campbell and his work for good reach,
St.10S01,11'S Cittnts,--,Serviee will That rankle us that, the appointment
ho held nett Sunday by Rae illather of the good reade officer was etrengly
eapaleparniti Blyth;,40 hours' de, opposed by the Opposition, just as
'rotten etarte On Sunday, the rector they have oppeeed nearly all the pro-
reaohing on Sunday and Pother gressive measures of thE last genera-
/ anion, of St Augustine, Men, Moil in Ontatiat
t. day evening While both will non -
duct the eervice on Tueeday,,,.TcAlat At the bye -election held In West
being the first Peiday of the mutt „ -
noon Lion 1, GartoW (nOWItulge
t aerVice Will he held at Se joeeph% at
it, M. Next Thursday, May 8th, GarrA) erected by the majority
r• • Akortatort 41--turel eerViee Will be held of 290. This should net only be
at OM o'clock.and daemon on the "as» duplicated on May 29 but more added
otmeiere Will be preached. ,A grand as expressive of the satisfaction of the
talien picnic will be held in eanneetihrl electors over the Management of Pre -
With St Joseph's church at G, Par- *Metal affatre by the -Government of
utter% grove, in Ilallett, Tuesday, non v‘r, 'loop. A. ions pull, a
$4,27tb pettieulate will be , given c;troug pull andS pull all together Will
ter Oft, de the work,
-desirable to pat the coin oft of circulation. A GENERAL CLEAN 'UP. The
At present two kinds of 20 cent mina are e
erst Friday -in May -which is tc--d y
found in some places. The Newfoundla id is Arbor Day in' Ontario , more or ".
pima oan.be distinguished from the Cana- less. observed loy the schools of the
dian coins by a dotted ring which surrounds Prcivince in tree -planting. The. day
the "21;§ mete" The name "eTewtoundlana" will not likel be .obser ed *in °Int
but th Y ' • 11 d thati °D
towneremight. tth I: - .
can also be found on the wine ot that Is-
land, A maple leaf wreath encircles the
. - appeareansucgegasotflonth1811
d 'f that
4320 ciente" on the •Canadien woe.• .
g everybody madea "bee" .to clean
' considerably improve 1morn-
MATRIMON IAL. -A quiet wedding in
lin the roadway in front of their pre -
took place at the residence of Mr J.
fumes. Rake up the loose etones.
Sinder 9, Huron street, on Wednesdaer
-being John Thomas Jervis, of Stabler',
evening, April' '80i,b, the
to Miss Janet (Nettie) daughter of Mr
principals BthtleekestrtertPaedrjaaenedn°t t'htoer.yreofuursepliolpPegrt7 .
and dispose of it neatly ; burn up • the
°hies and paper ; and. dispoee ot• any
raJaoninyeswAagonpeewrioorfit Clinton. Thescteerwe:
ed by Rev A. , . ,. . .
public gaze. Let all thi,3 be at -
other refuse so that it wIll be removed '
art, , et Willis Presbyterian church; 1 from
and the • couple ewern. nnattendede_ tended to "at once. The streets have • .
Only relatives of the newly wed were , all ben "scraped - 'and cleaned by the
council now. let everybodylook after •
present and after congratulations
the backyards.. Health citicer _Dr
were. extended a dainty repest was shave of the Board of Healthhas lima. •
y •
paortitnleniaodfy. . wThheo bride ismaann•yestfirieaubdl:
edhis warning , and Inspector Wheat. ,
ley will bee,round.
here and the groom is a 'prosperous
young farmer of Stanley where they ODDFELLOWS' WORSHIP, ---, . e,
will • reside amid the well wishes of About sixty noenobers of the local lodge ,
their many friends. - • of Independent Order of Oddfellows ?
. attended eivine Warship at Ontario
RETteRNING OFFICERS.- The re- 'street Methodist church last Sunday
turning officers for the corning Pi ovin- morning to celebrate the 83rd annivee-
ciat elections are all appointed-, awl in eery of the institution and !listened -(0..
• alnaoet every case is the sheriff or relate. an interesting serraon by Rea. Dr,
trar of the respective counties. In Gifford, the popular •pastor of the -
Wed Huron Wm Robertser, Wing- church,' Tbe members marched from
-hamervile,egepaltraessettering the nee- -their lodgeteelhalPanY_PPeatatere.alew-•-.. ,
essary forms; tee appointieent seems ing the march, and the turnout Wae,'
tolomppulAty.estie, hl.rY,',41,1,01f4PPIMeh -pronounced & distinct credit to the or..
the position. Other ahpnIntweett et der:I. The' serif:ten was -preached from
South Huron, John Lapor te, Drysdale; James 2 :8, ."If ye fulfil the royal law
sheriff, accolding to the scripture, thou shale - ---
BeilosclterHichur;°N1141 13(11.ulice,Y•CIaldsser' .Patke, lo
Walkerton ; South Brute, W. well." Rev Gifford said he had select- .
ve thy neighbor as thyself. ye do
M. Deck, registaar; Walkerton; (teethe ed this tesefor two reasoes-first, be -
South cause it breathes a spirit of true eatho-
Blaerart(lhe: Patrickr1rl1lE* Black,Wt b°ahrce s. 1 registrar,er. Hefty ; second, because it breatbes the
et, Marys; North Perth, John Hossie, spirit of the order to. which they be- '
sheriff, Stratford, , • loriged. He Was not advocating the-
, „
1111°°K.-84 " the order. •He wished to Advocate
vacate, and did not need him to defend
Cooper is rushing work along at the
those great ptincirdee by which all frat-
new block. The plastering is 'trashed
i et nal orders are or &wilt en be actuate&
nct the
ee gserlInda•il°Tottre anedellPaarratitill°2 viz, friendship,. love and truth. This ie
. nave cadent flOors and the bIock will
comes as a command and to obey this
only another version tot the text-Istie
should serve as a spur to yet keener exev size e impression createdupon is have other conveniences. It will be law 18
to enlarge ourselves (Cud our
footinghre-hhithetan3Lati-tne--tia010---t -theinterests ofeheerlesaieenterprising-tindei left hted the wiring to1)8 done swish. motive ; 2nd,
it , I: thies.
jg Stevenson,iof the Electric
great motive power in the church ;
At Confederation all ehe provinces
.. , .. .. tiong.on the part re an who have at heart noind by the presentation otthe address by . _. .l
None had any advitntagei over the progitesive saminiatratio presided b from,)ns first congregation. The kind- Lignt w ores ; the area windows r
nover y y refneinbrance nrtneisto gaacv_peanta_ All_ plateeglass furnished ' by Etobbs _.8,,,d, it is the evidence of divinity' in ..
Of -Theda-b-;" "littl" Jba man. --reefeele or Odd- eurcl--the 'results-- -
ether. For 80 yeas Ontario has had a /et R"'• of the old men, who, as a young man Hardware Ote,
Liberal. Gevernnoent at the head of ith , . With all earnestness, touched him to tank. The Inter 1
ceilings on the lower floor : are me.
ior as well as the out- . .
mg . God is tope, Christ If3 God. h . - e
n OW*
. , • - With all Int fruits, labored amour them
. d 0 .
of it are friendship Which is love irlOV.
t . 11 e a enflame end the 3 .
elairus of the order ; it is thei,r own, ad"
affairs, while for 20 yeare the Province iin# littron 1.1bOrals
the bear . He charged Mr Ransford to side present a PR inglumeelf a friend to Ivan. Truth le
I t
tarry back to his old cfarishioriers his teriante are toleased Yeah the comp e e. conformity to tare, the highest law oct
the Dean's Clinton congregation, Who
viving Members of the nay reverend, the Sloane bloc an elle id e
the sand in the axle which grinds and - The tale° either in word. Or action -is..
' are still merabers of St Paul's chuteb, be in demand for rent, , As ibis all has
rimartelveyshoeMrnaenaeaoletm.re Miss
eettnariateroi, A LANDMABEC.-It Is cut doeen,
3consptAppth:ritomn,romArsocriocigictsinimpir andMrsGMeros, been ranted except an up -stairs room. them. The discourtio watt one.
principal part Of the town wil always
said. the Brethren% Motto is of Clod,
honer that motto and eled Will honor
destroyer. In doneittding, the doctor
Bei Cole. Mr and Mrs S. 000e. Mr and, like George Wasatngton'S chord"
,tree, with an axe, but somewhat of a
days, There Wag "ne lie" tad about Meditatfon. The singing by the choir,
it Was sound and one fdr reflection and
WAS much appreciated by the br
Combo, The Misses Cole, Mt and Mrs
go e 1 a neas and its•eubstantial construction.
or Quebec War! under Conservative heartfelt gratitude an love.
Tne mural Moan th L'bet 1 As40-
i„ the
both at the present time dation of the East Riding of Heron (Prot
eiriolal and Dominion) will be held in the
Quebee, debt of $22,231,855
Ontario, is lapin* $2,57i,292.• town hall, Brussels, on Tuesday, fa 18,
This comparison shouidconeente every °Valmenving at 1,80 4a'aiaak* Atter tba
fair -Mined elector that it is to bit§inter- election Of Office bearere and the traniiite•
eet euppott the present Government Non of other Imeinese, addressee will be
I••••41.• •••1••••••01.
Palit Majorities', delivered by Aroh Hialep, the Liberal oat.
From the Ottawa journel
e straight Libera nienoritioe over ail
others bevebeati followa after the taw
*melee general eleationst
Lib. noalority
_ .
• ISO. I eve 0 fee* 1408
1804.ipeoli011411Wilt** .
te, II, 0:11 I • ir.11 e
in the universe being the law of God an .
The followittg is a list of the sur- Mr Cooper has good investment
truth- ie in conformity to this lavv.
d in
different kind than thatused tlaose
Mate; Dr, McDonald, NI. P., for- Eatit atla ra ' Pins e$r' W °4 EL °an' th cutting of 't either for there were er t e ea era lo B. J, Gibbinge,
Eton t el" t f Ed want llta °4131:11.1har4 Mr M 13 ltn of Giiead which had been brought ' the anthem. "Le Mount Zion rejoice"
Huron dna tarty ,Speaker of the Com. • ta ° 8 re rad' °Anrs* rat:re thanoile in it, 'The tree VOati a was In keepint th ' the OCCASICII
Mototteosn,; luta 0.thearr, enAt larl;cr sett:maul- mIN.atenrigsig he lVtlosee r-talet r a th Wanted On Ontario SO with 0010 Pot bY W rl Wa
. A
r its 0. It. Hovey, Mr and Mrs -roll --7 b hi a tt Well rendered at; well as the beautiful
!tofu 11 seotiOnS of *be 004stittteney tr. morphy, Mrs Martin. The litssee 1)Y /68 Itatten n anPa It eel ea," uartette 'et toted not live without
1870 ' •
So !brig as Canada taxes British
goode 28 per eent,, Canadians Cabrldit
kick at a 2 ner cent British tax on our
MentitCaetlo Aire( Merino% Mee 11. Y a rs a
Marlowe, Nes P. de Mr F. Pluteurier. hee" bit Eire Gthhinge Mrs At"
W. • err fl. r saac atter/. Conte a neisanee and attempts on Its
serablitfir ab their halo room Atter the
boy. Mr II. Bender, Mrs S. H. nAtlee, nntne 13°828 taadiblreerderitTEVarwinItel service a reeolution of thanks waft Un-
111r.W. Slalom, Mr and Mrs a, Seep. and helm v t d ivy/du:tab& e.nimonely aderited elthrOaelti the
• W H. P I MI le life were made many tholes. Even W; ger and aid W. Ros'e, etn
. Duncan Marshall, editor and proprietor
of the Clerkabtag Itefleettet, is out epeaking
, In the interest of the Bose GOVernillent in
parted Ontario. Mr Manihell is wall
1 ItneWh in Btruie and Thaw,. haying in the
lad bye election Bitty:40' for Eton. J. T;
Garrow (now Sedge Garrew), He is a hr.
table, oonvinoing debater, and cm hohrlde
• oWn With any of the politioiane, . I
herd, Mr and Mrs Robert Thompson, 6011 aofl brethren'e high appreciation of tte able
tee taanndaldre mGarOatiltZtamtrrestiert, wlyaglitift)loaodt.heorlovoafogreoBon6offitIvittieretile .htlad and welt delivered eerMen by. Dr. GR.
os vy _vowing -vengeance upon the perpetrat• ifrtiergdt,htdheutkein4dttitegf aohf ilthttehbpOttaradctinctigera4t:
It is now estimated that the three or if he could be found, But ite turn
wheat exporting States of Australis, had come, for it was becoming a rfdito- propriate Miele given by thechoir.
have only- producee S5 810,000 bushele ance from ite producte, Which annoyed Charles' Coehrene &CO veir old far
loreernan took turns at the axe and .euicidt) by hang ng himself in his born,
Pre, ous season, d.›
as a/shoat 45,400,317 hoehols for tlif!" the houeevorves. ilas Smith and Dr mer of rittsburft tottniship, committed