HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-05-02, Page 3prirsr"'
• 4.
, • imur •••.•11•Prm.,'• • ;
PAINE'S CELERY l'he otibilto oi Trinity
COMPOUND University.
Is the Only Medicine that
Can Promptly and Per-
manently Banish all
Wasting and Danger.
ous Diseases.
00.00.00 •
• It lisstores Lost 'Teal* when
Phyiticiau4 Pronounce Your
Case Incurable,
'nein opringtiree Molt people c•-• Youo.F or
vhd..-tiot with promptnees, modem ane. &-
Odom, suffering,. agony and misery would
never be carried into•the curler menthe.
T d ;howork f ban btu dimwit r
regulating the nerve, %. inifyieg the blood
•end restoring perfeot digestion ie eerious
When the bloodlis sluggieh, impure and
poisoned, whenthenerve's system is un- .
beieneed, when digestion ha deranged, and
the appetite poor and variable, be assured,
your pendition critical, and mills for in- 1
°tent attention before the sum„aer months j
bring addittoriel dangere
At this time the use Of Paine's Celery
Corapeend will don mervelleue work for
every rundown, sick and dummied men and
its life-giving work Aid commences with
the blood, whioh is made clam and pure;
- then the nerves! are quickly set hi order, di -
festive vigor is fully restored, the .appetite
18 made nature Weep is refreshing, nod the
,desponding hes hi made light and joeone.
' It is well to b rsip mind that Paine's
Celery Compound owes its origin to the
• anost distinguished physician that this
Amerioan continent ever.produoed, and his
marvellous presoriptioniveniblioly indoreek,
'by our best and ablest physesian.
•• If ell sufferers who luivebeen disappoint-
ed in the pate will promptly start with
• Paine's Celery Compound they will be as-
., itoeished and delighted with -the speed with
whites this wonderful remedy is able to call
a halt to wasting and dangerous diseates
It isjnow making tins oftboneandeitiell and
rstrong. and fitting them to enjoy the sum.
mer months which, to the well and strong,
. are pleasurable and happy. .
• - afes Caroline Alexander, Loudon was
run over by a yard engine andfatelliinjur.
• •
British troops are held in readiness to
"-• ,proceed, to the Soudan owing to threatened
.ircuble there.
• . Thos. flill, his wifeand three children
And ano. Vs/Moon loaf their lives in a fire at
Every person, suffering; from general de-
• .. • - biiity should take Miller's Compound Iron
. .bLtAnSInktorldruggists.....
,Sunshine, evenneee Of temperature, out- •
• qloor life,together- with freedom from recur,
renca of colds whioh winter excites, is e
; • :great boon to victims°, Oetarrh,Broneliiiis
• and Hay Payer. Fortify these blessings by
the wonderful,certain and prompt Ootarrh-
.ozone treatment. It (sures always but
• but quickest in. summer. Dootors approve
• -• ----Of it, druggistsrecommerulit, -people who
' • ',have used it go wild over it. Yon try Cat-
..orrhozone, and wonder where your Catarh
• has gone to. It cures Do you know any
,other remedy that ? All deelers, 25c
, and $1. ,
• The thirty -inch main .in the Hamilton
waterworks burst near the wimping house
• , at the Beach, and for a while the city was
without water. •
• •
-After July 21 South Africa will aramme
the obst of 6,000 of the constabulary force
.of .10,000 men. „ ,
:froativil!Viitrottio70.13-44nAt tfigrozt %.,,...."~.".....",..e."...,,,....~.^,-...,,,..",. )
tO Another place tor male,
A. pretmeeter la a rural distriot in
yersitiee would, continue to uplOugh." EEDS AND canoe of hie remitting Postage StamPs
certain, that, beeither Cafe, both %Int- W 1:kitebee woe die -Wised last week be -
Tae Deily Colonist of Victoria, B.O., lie concluded with thanking, on be. I FL
itRuetreted article on Trinity' Unmet'. together on this irevortant occasion
has lately published a very tntereeting half of Trinity, thQ00 who bad come s
OWER$ notice stetine• that trawled men and
The Militia Department has tented a
widowers wilk not be accepted for the
sity, Toronto, connection with the an a aunt enceinte al evening was
artAbilee Which the University le thte brought to an end, ellandoN
To -
year celebrating. The following le in Thie Initial ceremony a Trinity's 89jtiothhnMetatiltgnhee°t•notitliNgeelneto'n street, -GEORGIE U. URPWORTH,
the mein an abridgement of tne article jubilee Year.wili be followed by a more " Grorttood, wljaettioruknyozre4reb, yboathtrteinga nu!: ,
referred to: elaborate celebration irom the 224 to
Trinity Univerelty completed, ite the 25th of ,Tune when the follosving litand fast in the faith, quit you like cai off and his laterite crushed.
age Woven Wire .Feitear
only reliable bne. for heeling stook
o eoutdireeris Goa or spiral
" wi?/isau withstasda strain
r .slo. 7 wire will onee
01 1.700 ecunea Oommouwire wises
will strolled= out with, the hilt strode,
so. Pace hawse are ncestvevy
thani Irstnegosabizinn.1747.4.
'rep ease wire Fres es.. teethe. Wilkeedies 405.
fiftieth ear on the 15th of January ro taretne is tosbe carried out,••••- men, be etreng.-1 Corinthians, XVI., 13. DEpttEgaltD AND DISCOURAGEii.
lest, an mark the ev n Un
• S in the •
manner byinetal'ing lithe Chancellor's (Lurches throuShOut the Free- I have a neighbor in the country who It is- renlarkeble bow thoro
Trinit 'a fleet Chancellor.
chair Ohrietopher Rob uson, eon
Monday, 2.rcl June ;
13everiey Robineon, Bart. + Sir John he Instal -
ue y the
• fiat, a leaden whfelr be treats in a very wilDla °Pate13110 thrown mit Of order when
8 00
WOO Ontarto.• •
the nerves become weak and exhimeted, W;
-Holy Communion in tbe peculiar way. kits, theory is that all eeergy and. ambition seems to dieappeer,
lation was conindered one Of the m
ost College Chapel.
• • d y 1
forces of nature are good-natured, and poneoacy reigns supreme. Dr. ()haloes
inilliant academic fenctione ever seen •1.20 p. Dr.-Univeretty Luncheon in vim n
Nerve -Feed Pute new v nd e Mr Q
rn the Dominion. and the notable gath- • that all products of nature should be
the brain, neryes and body, builds up the .
ering of eight y Or ninety men of high 4 00 in +Greek Plav "The Frogs a
the College
titration Bed prevents paralysis, proetration
distinction in Academie, hasiness,, .1keiet.epheinTeto Micouraged, Whatever ie natural,. he
Woe/ and p'efessional life,who °cc Wed . tells me, is admirable. A weed is just and inaanity
tion hall, was a, sight which will ve 10.00 a, u2, -Holy Gemmunien jr, the • as natural aa a rose and has just as 1 Despatches from Brussels •describe
Th eralt'kis t tnfi
the spacious dias of Trinity's convttra, Tuesday; 21th June :
long In the memory of all who wit,
1 If h '
Dewed it. The Chancellers Males. 11 00 a°. meg.-e CriacPkeet. Matelx.
fore, unfair to discriminate against the i swing, but already near y ty t ous-
ter, Vietoria, arra Toronto Universities; 1.00 p. ns.-Oneket Luncheon.
clear a right to tiOurish. It is, there,•
the aittratinn as calin•but threateningi
weed by pulling it up and destroyirig its and are idle,
gentlemen of proirtinence in the On- -, ` 2 00 p. tn,---Oricket Match eontinirect
minion polities and IP witness p, , ., g g . Wishing to see haw his theory work- mont h's leave rte tbe end of MAY, end
ea an
eXIKeseing t cm high apprec a on of 4.30 0. nr.Special Convocation for enclosure aud found, a. curious state a
Trinity's good work during the Past Conferring ot Honorary Degrees. lf 're. !1:lie weeds were - in a more I TERIBEIS A STPRY 111 BloaNINgi :
for many times fifty years to come. James Jathedral. Sermon by the nourishing condition than the MSS; in 1 TIREDNESS.
Needless to say the sneakers were un- Lord Bishop of Niagara, fact, they had taken possession: of the A story ot pure blood, weakened rierveab. •
aninaout also in expressing their lugh year is marked by ground and. domineted it to such an ex- j of eetervecl bran. Plenty of food, mind
rgeblecbccleactlericeddranicaterichnor ttbh:ydlsectellit; soreutitaigejrisubOirleeeireportent even than tent that the flowers had. weWnigh given you, but pernspe poorly preperecl and teo.
poorly digested to me,inteut a vigereass
Met together to install in the honorable. the fitting commemoraticn a the past; up the struggle for existence, and were body. Perrozone quickly nutlet, blood,
position of head of a UniversitY, whose for this yeer witnesses the inaugura-
on the verge of deepair,. I vainly tried i gives strength to the nerve', °area the Lag -
traditions are hound up with the beat tim c't a new PclicY a deVel°Pment
intellectual and %teal life of 17pper and expa.nsion en the one hand, and of to convince my neighbor that if be god feeling thet prevents vigorous thought
mid action, Ude Ferrozone, it =skint -
Canada, and „which, as a centre a mil., consolidation on the other, Reference P P u blood, and geed blood feede the nerves. e
Wanted flowers he meat pull 'a ill
tura and learning, has made it le- hat; already been made to the proposed
with - weeds, for the two do not get, on Wel' strong and vigorous nervee are last anotb
federation of Trinil Universal
tarie Legisletureilea.drg men in Do- 1.30 p, m. --Garden Party.
circles; e m e etattlerin
and limey others, joined one and all iu Wednesday, 25th June: -•
life. ' 1 r.:General O'Oradv-Hely is to take a
Will then iretire from the command e4 in in practice, I wandered about la • Ile cemilitia.
14 • i ti
fifty years .with their Ireartieet whiles Sp, m. -Thanksgiving service in St.
finence felt inall`parts of the Doer Oen.
the Univeceity of YOronto.. Tiris fed together. They can't be made to bar- er mime for geod health. you seek
Ttie o e a, we c 01 tne
eration, if carried out at all, will on
Was extended .to the Chancellor' in It
brief address by Dr..Macklem, Provost Kilos which shall enable Trinity to
of Trinity College. and among other maintain and develop all those distinct -
speakers were 1)e..1. -A --Worrell, c tive features and special aims which
have made this University so marked
who joined with the Peovost and Gel.
Peliatt in extending to the Chancellor a power in the Past ; while at the same
• the formal welcome of the University; time -the value of the degree would be
and Dr, Gilbert Parker; who welcomed enhanced by. co•operation with the
the representatives of the government ProvincialUniversity for the joint con -
and of :other Universities, and the ferring of one degeree under a common
curriculum, in place of the tWe• rival
friends of Trinity generally, to his
alma mater, adding that he never for- degrees which have heretofere eon -
got thatit was to Trinity chiefly that tended for the greatest honour. A
and confederation of this kind would un-,
hheelopwheisd ewahrlayteyveerarsofhaidimepffirortdieodn questionably prove to be•a considerable
Col. Pellatt's address was marked by accession of strength to both 1Iniyer-
strong common sense and business sities.. In particular, Toronto would
directness, Speaking a,s a member of contribute to Trinity its scientific re -
Id b
the Corporation of Trinity, he. said he y c
to Toronto that sYsteni a residential
approached the Universitv. question on 'works very badly. I rather tear that
colle es for both men and women
• nancuil management. He declare.: 1.111. which has been the chie •ou standing r
r• e
SD An a le re
moniee, .because weeds are greedy and
feeling use F`errozone, $old only by
.refuse to give titterers, a cha,nce. H. B.Combe. Price 60o, .
My neighbor has another peculiarity. • .A. new proposition for the construe,
He carries his theory into the education .tion of the coast to Kootenay Railway
of his boy All natural impulses are was made bytoathllerrnriotifshNeOwelurmoblika Gov -
good impulses, he tells me, and it is not
right to give a 'child a bias tews,rd, this
A epeclal despatch to The London
or that standard Let him show him- Times from St Petersburg says that
. self ' just as he is, giving perfectly free the disorders in southwest Russia are
vent to his good and had qualities of -similar to those which preceded the
French revolution.
character, • and . by and bye be will
achieve a well-rounded and
anced, held. It is the Weed theory
transferred to human nature; and se far
as 'my ol3servation of the boy goes it '
the side chiefly of its business and g
d o the
Co be derived from a University educe- other matters also there would be mu- You cannot billd-a house without a.
self to be keenly alive to the benefits nee f V • hll d with regrets. .
Pro lucid University In e
t 1 cl ta e but of these we need
tion ;such as Trinity- afforded and said ua a van g . • • plan. / e •
.that, air a Canadian, who 'eyed his
the new plans for enlargement and ex- have a curious combination, wileS.!' !..117..,.,
nob speak at length here and now. izre . 1 y u.attempt to do so you will
country and wished, to do hie utmost
: -for-its-advancenaintrhe wehid_eeheider.....pansion,•-howeverrwe-must-add, nfew - ..
Cenvetrienee ii enilegualled, by its ugli.
it a privilege to do whatever .it might • words.. ' „ • ' . A house without a Inn is not •
be in mepower to clo 'foe. university (To be coecluded next week.) • ' P
DR. A. W. CHASE'S. og
CATARRH CURE ..4,/ta 0
is sent direct to he diseased
parts by the Improved Blower.
Heals the ulcers, clears the air
• .0.111, passages, stops droppings in the
Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower
fr. All '
throat and. perman. a.ntly. cures
• . Medicine -Co., 'Toronto and Buffalov.
' itt. deputation ' • representing the
Lord's lity alliance of (load& waited
upon the Minister of Customs and
• urged that the importation of Sunday
• pewspapirs into Canada should bi
prohibited ; ' also that the ' officers of
the Ou.toins Department co-operate
• t' thelandingS d y
excursions from outside Canada,.
eencationan Otita.rio, because 'soiree-, ••
• Worth -baying. It is net true that all
A "Pere" Tester
I e
Perfection in Beauty,
Indispensable in Viiiefulnes*
Sirs words; packed with teerining deartitte
our superb sideboards duplioated only
theinselyee. What the piano IP to the par-
iridehoreel is. to the dining room,
and our leadQrs. are fitioirthe finest iners.o.
eions, We shove tbern in all the popriler
:ffutIrthoaftlath;:kimilaeden9clacagibgee°r. bt'iltotteee 1106.19)
nst:tleso Ast4.101:nrable eno7.b.• to. last a Wegner-.
ine-Ifinda se/eaktlinfitylnd Picturittrain
J. 0. Stevensor
General Paraittlre Dealer,
Opposite Towle _
Elbert Street, CL,INTON.
opposite Commeroia,
Danclruff Cure
PRIME 1500, Min $1.00
L IL BREMER CO, Limited, Toronto, Chicago, New York,. Widen, Parts
. A Brieky Red Shade.
. .
This the remit when you are induced •
Borne inerohents sell for the sake of big pro- •
Seeds Seeds .
to use any of the OOMMen butter colors that
41., When you use Wells, Richardson. &
Co's eImproyed Butter Lolor " your better
heti the noir golden hnt offinne made but- . Do you want seeds, if, scveau on us: We have Cloyer
ter. Briolty colored butter is always avoid '.
ed and conderimed. The golden June tint in Red, Alsike and Lucerne, Timothy, Spolte, 1:11area, Beans,:
giyen by the Welts & Bithisrdson Oo's y 'WO)And....a...reiit.„,irio.„. of
proved Butter Colorsgives•extra-ivalue-,to- - .• • , s•-!. •'-`" !,•F , `7'"'"
your butter., All dealers Ben the'kind that ,
• ••••• Then too.wehaye Spad.es Shovel's, Perks etc to work:
makes prize butter.
• •
Prof Nicholas-M,Beller was on Fat With not to look at. . •
umbia University. NeW York. in suc-.-- We have IGOCI latOOk of barb and plain wire a - t.
, and excellenae of its eduCational insti- r g seas...
evil. Not eyerything. that is le right was present, : - •
• -ogOiteil. -that -Canada's prosperity is Bent Nearo-Doubie natural impulsea are• good, for some urday inaugurated President of Col-
largely bound up with the strewth - Withs he .01 pulses, when gratified, produce unmixed cession to- Mayor Low. Lord Kelvin
tutions. He concluded by saying that • • . • • f
fable, to carve out a• brilliant future
of Canada, and to the • men. of literary tarirrutte Diocese -A. austioe of the must be held in check' it any wet. If by lightning in the United States Was • •
. In 1000 the number of persons killed . We aim to sup' ly all your wants 17 us. .
ighest market prim,' Now is gone epporinsity. - •
• •
• he looked to the great educationalists n. severe ,ii,fla Torturing" case oe : for some things are wholly wrong end.
, 7 •
you e wee s as air. a
give the d f ' ha
e nee: ne eii. the number,' .injured wee 973. Of . Terms cash or ethane° it h
'Peen. verities to the cure by Dr.
for Trinity in •he r educational work, • ce. • ,,* williteyLiver Pips.
the-time-v,411-come-whenAlestehpeen-kT118-2i91 ret 91,717 liV'Tler-Intrtnees- Eizrts i4vaciesboro'
-and to Ill -en -of business- tre.ining;•-svitlr„ ----36:-.7aiai-e- tiaiiiiiaat,- -a niiiaii /.,----c-e,:-4,11O- 110-w, is
abilities and. opportunities of a &Ian" ed resident of Consecon. Ont., etates:- flowers will die and. tiothing ' but the and 56 in barns, • . 114.4"
Nve,pds, will be left. It is just SG neces-
we to remove from the shoulders Of for several yew*, and at time. the for- ,•••
cia rather than of an educational nat. "I was a sufferer from Bright's Disease • • •• ••
• r •• 18th •1D02.
the educationalielfe • the • whole burden tures of Mind and body were almost be.: nary to pull up certain natural qualle:
of the financial responsibility of ruin- YOnd endurance. The pains were in niT • ties. GS 't0 p1.111 Nvee4s, end ezeees yeu
•• •
woutlzd Ilecire,more than ever a power
o r an . • .111° Klune
9/41 -71-1191eyes,Pwinhe'ereceentrnaetivnelir eanctri°res! a4n°ys:haYr°Etlewrillat
Ian:, yourself without Ever3r Farmer
e morn if en a out bent over 1 Shatild
nowledging the honors gonferred upon very seanty. Medieinee seemed to have
ity. With this -union of forces Trinity •• head, between the shoulders and down •
511 in. ---.----- I cot up • ,
arly double. It *vs Me great pain the injunction to pluck your eye out if
At the conclusion of these addressed tri 'ree fa* t b There is a stern and mete truth n
scholarly a4dress, in .wwch, after tick- to urniate, and at,t ines the water was it off ds YoU, It is a 'bold 'figere, and
Startling, but has a. prefeund mean-
-hit)] and • referring to the reams little .or no effect in my case, until
of welcome the Chanceller replied in a me
,..,*Th'ill)eeastti�rnoctvonrn;:emedy for. Smut on Oats, Barley,
We can give you testimonials from all the leading
'farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde
lad 3rear. Full instructions given with each bottle.
".; Bem
'StAndardi: o,rm,aidechhyede:it it Drugglst'
. •
may be often quickly relieved and •ite un.
/dement consequence averted by taking
-thirty drops of Nerviline in a little sweeten-
. ea water. It instantly relieves' the mums,
- • and by its soothing and etintulating proper-
ties calm the stomach and enables it to go
oa and complete• the. process of digestion.
• 'The aption of Neeviline is simply charming,
• pleasant, penetrating and powerful. Drug-
gists sell it, •
' A three-year•old son•of -Mr Flet•bert
` Dixon Toronto. •was run over by a
cab anid killed. , •
Mr Francis Graham, an Ottawa
' blacksmith, was run over and fatally
injured by a train. .
The casualty lists show 13 1ST0 yr Zea-
landers killed and 15 injured in a. rail-
way accident io, South Africa,
The SS. Nuinidian, at .Halifax from
ly r 1, brought • g
diers from South 'Africa and several
•hundred immigrants. •
w ic a e m to accep e Tose. egan e us o e it neY.. In. It for instance you give free rein
• •
tion in which he had just beep insta *131, Liver Pine. The first dose relieved ine, to your selfishness it, will grow apace
- and five boxes entirely mired me. I .
It will not be expected of me on my eve no p
do as good a day's work es I ever '
entrance upon dace, and on an occa- . your soul like a smouldering fire on the
could " •
ains in my kidneys And can to rule and ruin It will creep over
"tion like thie,that I should speak of the J'. Ward; J'.P., of C,eneeeon,.cer- prairie, and bum- the life out of every. •
affaiis of inity. I can only say 1 titles that he knows Mr. Dellihurit's
d d k th t f hi cure to be 'correct and •
thing as it goes. .You must tree it as
itbout any
.to-douhti.anclevety_reaton....for.,..Coolk,..foollsh to ,tri c et on -tear ' - hurl- it, as•
t *
believe we have one goo wor e statemen o s
.last half century, and I see no reason true and without exaggeration. It seems You woul
d a weed, s,nd w
fie with- ew;fan led vied'. • ecimpun
Clence. that in the years tc •come we • eines when you can get the tested and • I f s.bi And .f •
er we shall go on as . we 'h we been, or Pins, one pill a dose, 25 cents a. box, all hre a quick or an ill temper it is
shall do perhaps even 'better, Wheth. Proven kind
• ikirt1111, ing to understand
Women are cone
I. ‘.
,r(k - that the Backaches,
'Headaches, Tired,'
F,„0",„lings and; weak
101Pens feda which
.4"140,1t a iii!..' itisAga• they Suffer are dee
reftYgtpri'lr- 01 - to 'wrong action of
the kidney&
Kid ney.Pflls
-Are'tlie'iniiiit reliable lernetly fer any form
. Dr. Chase's.Kidney7Livei. Om Yen as pee e. you .
. ,•
whether we shall enter intn closer -re-• : dealers, or Bdmanson, Eater, ' &, Co., „• . . 0,
lyoronto. Agents Wanted for Dr. Chalk's ne...e.sia., to subaue it if you would
lotions with our Provincial Uuiversiee last and compJete Receipt Bea. - have peace or happiness Your very
4a question so often and • so long di:-
., . .. .., nature must ' be eonquered, no matter
cussed, is a matter for the future, That
I cannot tell. • One thing is quite cer- Chas Ha 'ar of ?anriuri h So th ' ' d d how hard the fight ina.y be. It must be
. tam -Trinity, muet always • reniember
theobj,eet for Which she was brought -
Of injuries laidfea list fell by 'caught) -.11\ess.ed, tarried and
• SOW.
into existence, the combination of re..
'igloos -instruction with secular •
taught that are its Master and will
Montreal police report that 500 stores of • be obeyed.'
log; and next to that, tie must adhere all knee keep opete.Vhatgity on Sundays. j 'You are simply a .bundle of possi-
to the resident' system, •Co which, - •-----it,AiraltDonald viai arrested -at Ottawa bilities, in the beginning, and if you id -
though it may no be so essential, we on -a °huge of niurderhig his mother by
lew them full swing you will become
attach the utmo inspoetance. These choking • .
two primary obiects must always be Angus Campbell; a Stratford twinkler,
of kidney •complaint. They drive ' isweY
pains and aches, Make women healthy and
happy; --able to enjoy life to. the fullest. •
Mrs. 0. H. Gillespie, 204 Britain Street,
St. John, N.13., says: : •
"Dhad severe •kidneV trouble for whieb'
.9 ?red with a 'umbel of the best
• .
edttetiotu.:iri Prices
preiyiesfilaunseainong,ofeDnort, ?me.
Here is a great chance to secure a firseLolase. buggy at a big reduction. Noe
began their use. Before taking them
these prices:- , •
times suffered such tortu, e that 1 could 1'
On not stoop to tie my shoes, and
$80 Buggies•for itS t $75 Buggies lor $65
-Awn over in lied without tsisislanne. '
ney 'vest ni 0 ". it0n.
voeuved. evel...; 1
Remember tinware all our own make' which places ne In a position to guarantee,'
it maSs of contradictions, Your Anisi- * • as we do not buy any material but what ie first die#.
safe.guateled, and the ability -tit -carry •was killed by a heavy pieoe of iron• iking Iles as an immortal soul is tb ook - • - - • Repairing prennitly attended to •by men. . . •
with or..prejudiced
'WARTS AIN'T PRETTY • square the facet and theu set to Company of New Jersey htts re uce
11 Rti ABILL 416 IleILITII
desirable. I believe I am the only know hew to cure them? 'Why Putnam's • •
both Zing's College of which our Pro- ehert order -you just try it. Guess your Po 44' o give • r mom
845 •
them one mi.jet never be Interfered, hisilietidin Its fan., „ all. "yii-urv- telideneieni'4,lancl/-,and,,:132110'
Why do you hang on to rnirs ? Don't • • The '• Mareoni liVireleSs Tele§raph • _
. Subjece to these •
lipeakirtg, of it as a general policy, 1; w to. annihilate sobs of them to en- ,its capital frorn ten or 131X millions, it
requtrements,.1 believe that federation•
Painless Corn lixtesotor dose the k courage ()there, and;'.-wil a definite (it which
person now living who is a graduate of wor • n is cOmmon stock Shi Mat. . '• ••
S • ..11 VieW tyourself the shape 46eatni;ttlarelii.,MGOnig the ianncdorpti;agtuoaribs.)Iel.
rugg et has r ght-ask him, .
vinchil University is the successor. and Of hog and, virile inanhold. This is &war is time al:wre predate than when
, - Huron Street, - Ciliate*
• 11 • .
of this University; and if, as berm; a k:The output of. theDloharinesburg mines not an ' sy, but it Li a glorions, taSk, S0010 member of the family is attacked by
graduate of and interested in both, it for gar& wsel 104,127 otittoeS of got&
e • ova sublinie mastery wh•ich brings self,ra. colic, dys,tery or sly bowel trouhle.. ft_
doctor is &giant but if Perry Davis' Pain.
may be my lot do anything to draw
enable pa r as er eoo, pea er 0
hi Th Rob t S k f th N
•and it ends in the victory over self, the
London butchers petition for the kileris near all danger ie soon ended.
re -
them closer together, and em
Scotia Legislature, died in Soeth • •
work they both have at h,earL I Can - W •
the better to co-operate in the great
Thirty-two of the permanent force men ' ° • 'RI/nal otrestrjetions On the imports.
only sa,y will be to me the greatest. was run over and killed at Cayuga. POISO arid conscience. • - cattle
8 Y into Great Britain, Butehers of 120
m Hare Grand Tear& car feepeotor sped and that dignity which comes with
possible gratification." • I Th object of rell ion iS to teach ou tfon Of Cana ia,n an rgen
er e ance or a ramble at Wolseley Barracks London Ont ha his 18 e • est an no e ing
th Tee will present similar peti-
s sea , a eases were e vere unteered for South
"L' 5 the work which Trinity had always :Follow the Example of the v•hieh it will pay you to do. That said in the British Commons that the
iieruggle wOrtb, your .while, for when
- restriCtions could, net bp rempved. •
Ezmnaetsitnilitworge datoTtpaknedit::.lhoili,
• •
Bon. Richard Harcourt, Minieter of to do,, and that it in the only *thing• tions. Right Hon.tit. W, HanhileY
. . .
done in the calm of hilher education. Millions of Women who use. possess that quiet kind Of power which , *
• yoU find yourSelf well m hand yOu
Butcher ana of the heartiness ith which the
• • ,
AM011111) DYES. mle"es Yan and The foursquare plan means• tha •a
al f k or etetion
Governmene would welcome the ene -
. • the whole world, alike.
trance of Trinity into the State Uni.. • t ef . csustomere, rept o ran
versit Systern; by r. Williani Mere- •
yOu tha sort _ dise p.• Berne careful- attention Ana-
line, and when the lessen it learned you treatment at our eters We ere ad partici.
• TOtronto, 'Who also spoke of the grati- millions of wiee wamen who have medethe w Tea r a Y
--Pitts- his faith to Dr.- dith, haticallur- c't thu KT a Xi is safe to follow the example of the ill b d f0 n otb life th Mar with the child whO is sent to pur-
er • *
fication it would give to the State 'Gni-• slay come to you. Earth will be0onte Vaireetrerieenactradlin"ie ail7eweneve out
•are h • B oh'e Diemond D es their ohOsen and onit dyea
o et ao a
• • . vereitY to have the proptieed fedefation for home co °ring.. The faith Of al is So it steppiegntone to heaven,.fOr whole ejlinte jnferior • drugs when filling 'one
• . of Trinity made IMS accoinnlitthed fact; •• firMlyeatablished in the excellent* of the man is fitted for any world in', God's dootorl prescription. We neverereoont.
, , and by the Chancellor of Victoria Uni- ,
Kidney Tablets
.... . versify., and the (Jhantellor of Melllau- DiaIMOtta Dyes that ' they wonla not tole ._ •„ mend the .reereethjeg just ns gO0d,
any other Make, even if . they were ' en
sty unlYdroe. tient your garden rota now.
ter University, both of whornjoined t. a. g.. Sun* AND Mamma
0 - ' - - in the congratulatiens , which. .hed the common and imitation dyes free of a ers and then see that weede do not 0,4*
Illt 01 IL Parker. Tileonburg, Ont., the been offered, on all hands to OM Vettable geode and garmentif should I 'tarter° with their growth. - , tinder ill oltomnstenees Of sioknee
net iti vie ed, with poor and untried dyes. • and disease rabies Celery Compound is
Well-known buteher of that town, hair been Tri tidy' and the new Ohaneellor, Mr Bain. idea of money and bad temper is the eafe Sure and unfailing, Xii cleanses and
_ ,
tieing Dr. Pitoherts Backache Kidney Tab- B. B. Osier, as a member of the Board bare reetiii. .. D lei the bleed,' .bratoes the nerves,
Cotiver, B. C., says : "I hate). need a great The f°116wIng allear8 on a sign over oltnreots digestion, apft builds_up those
0 Or i who are week and run-down, it you are
lett% for it haekaohit and kidney trouble that of Endowment of Teinity, itle6 eptike.
had been bothering him. 'When asked. tO and expreseed his strong contoiction of , Mr° It':11' 15w4tell•'1°8 Eli"111 at'''Sra.n. a little country etore 'n Georgia *---
:give his opinion of these Tablets be made tbe iniportatiee of the 'Veda' kind of Many of the Dismond Dyes and have al- .101TAT/IAV WILXINS, .. nervous Or4sleepiets, try One bottle; the
-this stritement:-. work which Trinity was doing, .
hi that ways had most eatisfaotory results. I have 'Ice Cream in Seaton Mollie will surprise you. Our dock Of
"During e roost*, sudden and glare It was careful to recognize the differ.. 'dyed alike, dreesee, men'e clothes, rateable
an. any auentity of wool goods to my entire °lig Embalming an geaa0nebia Paine's Celery CoMpOund ii always freab .
,attack of backache and kidney trouble,due elide between the Mere itnpartinct of A
to eoldeaught in the ehon,I was indild6d. to knovviedge an the. one hend,and on the eliiefaeireh.is Cash Terme. and pure -
try Dr, rig,sn,3re; Backache Kidney Tab. other hand that triter edueatiOn.Whieh .4140 Millinery and Tooth Pulling.
lets, I got a bottle and aftee 1 had used keeps steadily in view also the develop- Booth, Shoes,
think rapid enough rosette for anyone. art of education and •one whieb eat% A Phenomenon or Sleep, 136ok8 tuld Bacon. London Daily Mail renorts that
a basis of peace has been poetically
tali of then). the pain was gets, This went of character, an all-importatte •Oolthis on the instalment Plan.
I think they area goad trieditime.' ardly be accomplished In a satisfact. - agreed. upon between the Br tisk Goy-
11a 1.10V1i'Sr, Druggist, anion.
t•T•wri . •
• Dr. Inteher's Baokriche Kidney Tablet, ;Ivy manner Without the help of Nisi- He Mut come On her dozing in tt liallilo a • ernment and the liner&
-ler batikathellaine and weak back Brigirt'e the proceedings tei a cloire in a few nursed him of stealing a kite. "Weilami
w...in She Woke up the au.. g es Chosets Ointment is rwertairt . .
TO prove to 3" elab Dr. The by-law t6 grant 07,000 to the
ars the neweetand meet effective remedy dential college, Cation Welch brought onock, and h.
disease, diabele.ei dropsy, puffiness under happy and well chosen-worde, in which, he toga, at will admit that the temonte and absolute cure for each Grand Trunk to take its *loin line
. I
the (leg, Welling 0/ the feet. arid ankles, rderring to a reference the 0haticeller elan VAS to strong to be resisted. t the tthimirixoturets have, guaranteed it, ;teatime, i
and every fOrta Of Itching, through Brantford V.V4S carried in that
greyeohatimatiem, epocks 1100,thig bolero had made to Lord Itorbery's worda did ate -al One !little kit*" M013:61''', 6h6 tiMmi bleeding and erotrudloitpilee, city by a large Mejerity.
the eyed, kidney weeknose of ohildret and about "plouebing a ioneiy furrow," he British bakers haye naYanced the
ow people and all urinary troubles, Price huntororraly remarked that whether I dexelaimed, . inalgrinetly; el counted berg What thOY think of it, Youe,sp.tustit as
eight Were I weke up.p-mntriurehold giesseur money baolVill814.70°,,,trexAto, Cobden Club le tryIng to t itrrange a
attain the daily press Mid risk your neigh -
price of bread a penny a loaf, arid the
The Dr, Zink Pitcher 0o., Toronto, Ont, decided to work ,under the same yoke, tO cents a box at all druggists or by mail. 1 Trinity and the University cf Toronto wartio . all stealers or beto.175 1 demonstration at mo,naheoter against
Dro Chau016 0 ntmont •the tax, ,
. :At 4.1.,„‘A
Clinton filasn., Door, and
Blind Factory.
General Builder and Contractor.
• :t
Thid ftsotOry le the largestin he °linty, and Werth° very latest improved:ma.- •
chinery, capable of doing work on t e shortest notiee. We carry an eitezisive,
and reliable) ate& and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all Ome-
ga of buildings on short notiixi and on the closed prim All work is euperyht-
ed in mechanical way and satisfaction guaranteed. We sell all kin& of Ind,
— teriet and -exterior Material.- -
Lumber Lath, Shingles Lime Sash Doors i Blinds, Etc
Agentfor the Celebrated GRAVBILLL 'SCHOOL DESK, manufaciurtet
0 Waterloo. Call and get prides Ana estunates beftere placing your orderft! •
If you want tne safest, strongeat,\
simplest.* mostA;ditrable, easiest
cleaned.' and cleanest skimming
Separator on the market buy the
MAGNET. " A trial will convince
you that it lathe best. When other
machines are left on trial send for
a Magnet. it will coplpete against
any ether make. Kauttfactured
by, The Petrie Taylor 1114 Co.
Gociph„ 404. wet
Wheatley, Agent, Jo
Harock, Ott