HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-05-02, Page 1a
Remember Ross on May19. '
nOBERT.g01,MitS, Pub 1
Speaking of
The- Glasses famished by
P; B. Crevirs,
After a scientific ex- .
aminatien of the eyes,
give a i) ost enjoyable
senseofplessure after
the old ill fitting ones
which I,wore.
This is the verdict ot all
%who patronize
Expert Jeweler and ; •
-Wath Rep Arrer
ellOerosies Tom;Uxt
Guard Your
If sunshine. inane"
eeeing veinier, greet
discomfort and Imre
era .pereeenent let:
4, t.r., will bin avoided.
y w•arin# our Loa.
4,14 on essonse oleos's,
25 t
(4.--- loins". pee "air ems
;I --
, .
Sac...into Jontieler- - -
and Optician . .
oLINTON. OisTTARIO• MAY 2,- 1.902.
Goderlelt Township .
IsTonte,-Tas. Switzer sports a daady
neniceres,- Work has commenced on
NOTEo.-ward Bell has sold his
the fonncletion of the new church. ngyv bningn• 'allele Powell and. family
'Mre Eeerker is considerably improving
her place of dwelling, • Miss Mary
Whichlon is the purchaser of a new
D meinion_piano; R, Peck, as agent fcr
Mr ScotteSeaforth,made the irate. It is
not yet decided wh 3 will .lay the cote
ner stone of the new church. R. Blair
has purchased a now organ. Two
more lishineeboats have been launched.
Mrs M. Rees hes returned term a short
visit to Detroit, Mr Dewar is corn-
mencieg to build a new house; he got
a wife ltigt in time. to haVe the Plan
.made to suie her convenience. Sacra-
mental service will be held in the
Methodist church on Sunday mornieg
at 10.$0; quanterly board will meet in
'the church on Monday at 2.30 p. m.'
WErnened.-A pretty home wedding
was solemnized at the home of Meand
Mrs juo, Watson, of the Seuble Hae,
on the evening of the 29th inst., when
their second daughter, Miss Ada, was
united in matrimony to David Dewar,
an estioaable, young faa,mer also of the
Sauble line. The bride, standing un-
der a magnificent arch of evergreens,
looked charming, gowned in white
organdie trimmed with satin ribbon;
she was assisted by Miss Lillian Miller,
of Clinton, who was yery. pretty in a
dress of pink muslin, trimmed with
lace. The groom was sopported by
Joseph Moesop, • Stanley After the
knot had been tied by Rev J. G. "Zee-
land, rhe guests repaired to the dining
room, where they partook of a sump-
tu sus supper, • Ate ut 11 o'clock the
happy couple left for their home amid
showers of rice and old shoes, and the
best wishes of the company.
Eggs 14e. Does it pay you to give the pedlars
4c per dozen? Good potatoes 35a per bushel.
What ars pedlars paying? G. RING. treys statute labor, 2,775 ; dogs, ------------ , 111, farmers in .this • vicita-
Corns Ohio bar'ey,Oompton's, North Dakota, bitches, 12 ; cattle, 7,476 ; sheep, Z112 ; ity are nearly finiehed seeding. .quite
Excelsior and an the rest of them. hoir 4,27'7 ; horses 1,922 • acres of a la rgenurnber delivered hogs to Dick-
nRATEC 081 A. PIONI3IRR,-Mr John
g880i8, ' well known .as one , of the
pioneers of this village, died at the
home of his sondnelaw, Rey Jos.
Elliott, Nairn, on Monday last, at the
age of SO years. Deceased was for
many years reeve of the village, and
also carried on a c•onyeyancing busi: man naraecl Carter who had transPed the wind on Saturday last. Messrs -1st vice, Mrs George Stothere; 2nd,
nese. He was a man of super= in to town from Kincardine broke Walter B Ord, Clinton, and John Rat- Mies WellWood; 3rd, Miss 0. Pentland:
telligence, of sterling integrity, and through one of P. T. Dean's store win- tenbury, Wingham, spent Sunday in 4th, John Bamford; rec, sec • Miss L,
took en active .part in all public dows and stole a colantnn of fruit ; the their homes in the villege, D. MeOcill McLean; • core sec„ Miss 11,.. Spronle;
affairs. He sustained the loss of his man was drunk and pleading not has sold his driving horse to J. Hogged, treas., Alex. Pen thud; organist, Miss
eyesight scree six or eight years ago, guilty was taken before Judge Dille Exeter. G Munro is having a stone F.Crawford; assistant, Miss Wellveood;
a loss that he felt- very keenln, as he for a hearing. , ' foundation put under his hotise. theLlague is in a freerishing condition,
was very fond of reading.' His wife DEATH OF MRS CHTSROLM.-0 -
having'died several years ago, he made ThursdaY vveek Jessie McGregor we •
his home at Nairn, though still ithend- of the bete wrn Chisholm, died at GROUP .OF ONTARIO HEROES.
left Wednesday morning for Lendon ;
Mr Powell and his son Ed. have been
in the employ of Jno. Middleton for
three years and his valuable services
ware of an ardent character, B. An-
derson, Toronto, spent a few days with
his permits, Mr and Mrs John .Ander-
eon, B tylield line. ()bag. Middlbtor,
went to Henmiller recently and smut,. '
ed a load of fruit trees. Mr Softly, -Of
Toronto, very acceptably occupleci the
pnlpit of Middletonei church last Sim -
den morning; he is travelling from one
parish totenother taking orders for their
own church literature. Thee. Cook, con.
9, has had a beautiful ornamental shrub
placed in his commodious lawn which
is a great improvement. Geo. Miller,
con. 9, is thinking of buying. another
farm. The ayerage farmer has finished
seeding. The League of Cole's. church 1111111111neenele111111111111111111111111110111
- weather part of the week with sore
will be addressed next Sunday evening Stanley throat. Mr Robb, inspector, was in
by the pastor of the church; lee there e _ • this neighborhood this week. Mrs
be a large number present. • NOTES. -Elis friends aye pleased to
see Geo Campbell out again after h• Melville attended church last Sunday.
Goderigh ing been kept in the house for several .
menthe with rheumatism ; it is „likely
FATAL A.COIDENT.-Thos Swartz re Dungannon
h will build u and shake off .th
ceived a ,neessage last week stating
• .•
The New Era -One Of the
very best Local Papers in
• Canada—will be sent to
New Subietibers for the
balance of the year for
.500 Cfigh.
Seet anywhere in Canade or
the United States ter this
amount. .
famous stallion Sad Hem to Mr Gov"
finiock, of McKillop, and he was ship-
ped from here on Tuesday to Virden,
Mao. A number of the farmers are
putting in a large weigh scale at the
station for the purpose ot weighing
cattle and hogs; if the farmers only
keep true to each other this can be
made a good eltipping etation. The
tenlitical pot will soon be boning; Arch.
If lelop and others will hold a meeting
hare on the 9th inst. Evgs are soaring
high; the price here for smile di•ya has
been 13 1-2c per doz Mrs McKenzie,
Belgrave, yisiting her sister, Mrs
Manning. Geo. Bradford has porches -
ed a piano, Luxtcn Bill has nut up a
new wire fence on the east and west
sides of his lot. Mrs John Johnston
ancl Mrs Thomas Manning are sick.
Miss Wileman, teacher, was under the
Cant John McDonald had been accid-
that Angus McOanald, second son of tr"bla now as ale warm weather NIB
commenced. Wm Glenn is gaining in F • b i ill b 'ft
rr o learn that
SIOK -The many friegkis of Rey Mr
ently killed, the Detroit papers having healsh. and by taking good care of him • he is not improving as rapidly as could
. air a rn w e so
self will soon get around; he has two
stated that he was killed on the trackbe wished. Mrs Walker has recovered
good men working for lifm-Dir, Carter gi
near VVindsor it being supposed that - . - - _ ..... • sii ciently to sit U. •
of vlinton, and ear Atwood,or ei iyfield,
he fell feow the tram. The remains
Mrs P. Cain bell has been Visitin her NoTns
were brouglat to .Goderich for inter- from a N iSit to his mother who is ill
-H. M. Eitiff has returned
P t P Oh' • h g tl
eon e er in icago , e recen y , .
e ,
graduated from the ()imago North- at Lekefield, Ont. Miss j. Ryan is
Noel:nes-Mrs Gibson, Bayfield road, western Dental College and has visiting friends in Lucknow and Kin,
received the sad news of the death of gone to Milwaukee, where he will re. lough, Miss Bertha Ryan Sundayed
Mrs Gibson, wife of Dr. S. G. Gibecneof main with a dental firin for several at home. John Mitchell has retro. ned.
Laughton, N. D. Wm. Y. Hayden has' years: his friends here are glad to Perces Sanderson and Wm. Ryan have
passed the final examination, of the
Outruns) Dental College, and has been
admitted to the degree of L. D. 8.; Mr
Hayden will practise in Goclerich, tak-
ing over the business of J. M. Turnbull,
who is leaving for the west. The stack
and plea of the .old Goderich brewery
were sold to, Heuther Bros., bre were,
- of Berlin. Thursday night lest week a
learn of his success and wish him more traded buggiee. Now that the elections
to follow. Geldie Graham, we are are on, let every Liberal pat his shoe'.
pleased to say, is improving, der to the wheel awl help roll up a bin
Bruceftelid. majority for • Cameron and the Ross
government. Wm. Millivan has placed..
preached Nin °thy eM Pe sabinyitt ethr nt ticehbitizrrcni a flue new
eowr gact.eBa.t-thoeafrowinobnocifahyls nfaiarrnht.
on Sabbath evening lest. John Aiken- the following efficers were elected for
head had his silo thrown doyen with 1902 • Preeident Martha Mello h•
ing acme- time in this village: •He was uw her home in Saltford after a long illness.
staunch Littera], e egonsistents-and._She n e•of---Perth, Inverness- .
zee, ou resbyteri , he leaves one
--e - • .en was a a iv
shire Scotlands was tne eldest.
'delight& onlee Mee Ellintt, ef ,Nairn. daughter Of Chase McGregor, a direct
. descendant of the famous Highland
; Mullett •• . chief, Rob Roy McGregor, and at one A
STATISTICAL -Relent's assessor has time one of the larkest cattle buyers in
Completed. his duties for this year, Scotland. Pour sons and four dangb-
and from the reit the following ters still survive her besides one sister e
figienee are gleaned : Wieber of acres rinci three brotherseeseleiretricsholm was
-cleOred land, 43.510; Wood land, 3,825; fifty-five years of age and was highly
swamp and waste land; (3,131 ; total esteemed by all who knew her. The
mimber of acres, 53 476; value' of real funeral toak place at St. Peter's church
property, $1,906,300 ; value Of personal and after the funeral service, mass be.
propertene$3;700;-total-val 'leaf Leal .d eing-celebritted-laylee v. Fe. MeMen entire -
personal property, e1,910,000; male per- the remeins were interred in Colborne
sons from el to 60, 646 ; children from 5 R. C. cemetery. .
th 21, 861 ; children from 5 to • 16, 621es . •
• St. Helens •
births, 41; deaths, 21; population,2,563;
also been started • on A. Vodden's, G.
Oguacer. -Rev f3 M Whaley, B. A.
NOTES. -A petition has been in cir- orc ard, 641 acres of fallwheat 3,8, 60 •, now buyers. on Mondayeaste Rev M
culation asking the Dominiort Gonern- number of steam boilers, 15. Whaley disposed of his driver to an.
meat to erect a new past ofdee.
in g here. Robt jolanston of the firm of -
Cochrane & Johnston, of the Wing -
ham Marble Works has purchased the
house he is occupying on John Street.
from kr A. E Lloyd. Rebt H. Mc-
Donagh, son of Mr John McDonagh,
has enlisted at London, as a mem er
of the fourth contingent from ()amide
to South A.frica ; which veill make the
sixth Winghamite who has yolunteere
ed for South Africa and Trooper Loug-
need was a meniher of The 'first -non-
tingint and Messrs John 'Stewart,
SeE Kent, P. Laing and Fred Mel-
vin are now on the battle field. Miss
Gladys Bell, formerly ot Wingharn,
died at the hothe of Me Josh Vanallen
Detroit, on Friday, April 11 h; she was
20 years of age and had been ill for
six months. The old house at the east
of tbe Methodist church has been- sold
to Geo Shigley, and W. H. Green has
purchased two sheds at the parsonage
BARN BUR/CM-A severe thueder storm
passed over this vieinity ,Fridity night about
11 o'clock, and as a consequence lightning
struck • leueeton Bros', fine bank barn,
situated on the edge of the village, but ow-
ing to the united efforte of the villagers It e"
fire was extinguished before it got very
ranch headway, The loss will anaorint to
about one hundred dollars, but fa covered
by insurance in the .Howick .Farixierie
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
NOTEs.-We Meer bag pinthaeed Aehfield buyere
new upright omen. S. Oerter now ' TEereigeN0E. The • temperance "
rides an E. & D wheel, purchased from organ iz ttiot meeting, which Was post
Seeley ,& Tuner, Clinton. The stone poned from Fridriy evening last on ac• •
and brick work of T. N.uttes house is count of hiclemene weather; was held .
completed; arid the carpenters are busy in the „basement of Calvin church on
finishing the wood work. Work has Thursday evening of this -week. e
Oockerline's and E, Brown's.
• . Preached a very fine sermon on Sunday
morning last from Eirodes : 2. Pray -
Ben -mayor . er meeting on •VVednesday evening was
• conducted by Rev CI, Rutherford in the
therrItca, -,The quarterly service e absence of the pastor at Assembly in
will be conducted next Senday
le 30 h -Bethel ' at London. ' • •
Additional Local News.
OPERATION. --Recently jas, Hearne
had an operation performed upon his
under lip thetroubie being an ulcer of
some kind; we are glad to learn it is
nicely healing.
SHIPMENTS, - Antong the ship-
ments this Week were: -Two double
deckers (one from Blyth and the other
from Clinton) of hogs by Oantelon &
Wallis, for the Bon, one of hogs by R,
Fitzsimons, for Clollingwood, three of
cattle by 5 Smith for Toronto, and nye
orcattle by E Watson for Toronto ;
for next week the buyers are paying
$6.40 for hogs and from $5 rto 05 50 for
cattle. Oantelon Eros shipped 9000
dozen of eggs, 8000 lbs of butter and 1
car of potatoes during the past week
for the eastern market ; the pr:ce paid
ffroormegge too fir7ocm.1.0e to 12c and btitter
-Mies K. Lovett, sister of Mrs Geo
Stewart. had the misfortuneito tali and
injure herself on Wednesday, It ap-
pears she went to the barn to get a
saw, and in having to step on a small
box to reach it the box rverturned,
throwing her on her right shoulder,
breaking the clavicle and dislocating
the shoulder joint. A. -doctor was called
who found Miss Lovett In a serious
condition from the shock, but after
getting the joint back in place and
setting the injured' member she felt
much relieved and doing very nicely
at the present time, although stiff aring
considerably. It will be some weeks
before Miss Lovett will be able to use
her arm
are always pleased to team of the suc-
cess of former Clintomans, and it af
fords us much pleasure to note the
promotion of Newton P. Urich, (for-
merly of the G. T. 11, staff here,) who
left Cliriebn for Holly, Mich., a couple
of years age. Since going there Mr
Crich has worked faithfully for the G.
T. R. From the Holly Advertises' we
learn that he has been promoted as
cashier at fits Johns; his removal froni
Holly- is much regretted, particularly
in the Methodist church, where he and
Mrs Crich were energetic workers,
having been niembcrs of the choir,
class leaders . and En S. teachers, Mr
Crich also acting .as church treasurer
and member of the official board. 17p-
-on learn•ing of his defray' ure, the /otter
bodeepreeented him with .a eery nate
- tering address. We take the following
: from the Advertiser -"Mr Crich has
been in the railroad business only a
- short time, but he has worked faith.;
fully and intelligently to master his
branch dnscah_:Exiaorf31it, of aenesdbtoo shpaeteryzombohtnantitn :a_ cd ma --cashier hsa inre red -
Mrs Olich were given a pleasant sur-
prise on Monday evening by members
of the Epworth League, of which they
lane -been -valued membereduring their
residence in Holly, and they were each
presented. with a sterling silver tea-
spoon , as a memento of their friends
here." '
rn. the evening_at 7 P oPritiee-Will-therrepOrt-Of-the 8ch001,here for April; The ahates contains the pictures of ten younr heroes from .Western On- The Met lootball rme of t
• Sonooe REPORL-The following is - • • • .
. •
• .
Sporting Notes. ,
The Clinton Bowling Clue are anxiaas
ti arrange fer a three or four -rink match
as the 241h of May with rime outside dub.
The dub has recenied. invitations to the
Listowel, Stratford and ,Seaforth tourna-
ments thelattet to be. held ' on euly leth
and 16th; and has been also , invited to
open rip the new bevelleg lawn- at Wieg-
ham. • •
'tie first dreft of the intermediote and
junisr seriee of the Canadian Lescrosse As-
sociation have been made, but it is subject
toohange., In the intermediate series ere
10 grieve, No 7 including Clintoe,Seaforth,
Bright and St Marys, eeD: McCrimenen,
convenor. Representatives ineetesit
ford to arrange the sihedule,
, be held at the Zion appointtheert. : based on regentrity goed deporenaent ' a he is i e e s ie,
NOTES -Miss May, of Nile, nes been and•general pr °Relation :-Jr. leaving- l•isvs :---Top rove -Her i t f So A i Th e ite fol-thatplayed by the 011egiate Institute in
nee • • • t r w o e t n• be st cont 'igen or uth r ca. e names are
the guest .on Miss Mae', Snyder the : Maggie ClarleMies Retherfnrce Mende ee, ,ciiebee ; R. 0. wow:ire
old Wilson, Toronto; W. B. Whitely,Clintorn J. E. Blans Blyth on Thursday evening of list week:
Chatham ; centre-Ohate Boyer :(01inton), Ansa Tile match Was well contested throughout
past week. The anction sale of Rich ' Miller ; Pt. I jr.: easteng-Lilian ends, oraig ; John Wilson, ChesIey ; lower row -Jas. ff. Nichol, Mosley ; . Geo. A, iind resulted in a tie, neither side seorieg a
Walters was well attended on • Tues- - Gordon McDonaid ; IV -Donald Clark,
day last. Everything was sold at a • ' ' . Twitchell, Clinton ; John MeEwen (Clinton), Ai ea Craig • it, Sinclair • (Mina goal. Ps Matheson acted as referee eine his
he season was
RIpp en •
NOTES. -Mr Sinclair, of Kippen, has
bought from Mr Jae Snell, the very fine
thorobred Shorthorn "Dryden";
he is coining 1 year old. Robt McMon-
die, of the Lenclon fried, has returned
home after spending' the winter months
in Florida, where he has an interest in
an orange grove,
izzie L i er, Myrtle ;nips, Stuart
Miller, Bears Sheriff, Mary Crawford • From the above, it will be seen five of the nine ern frnm Olininne______Imperreel decisions won the esteem of both
teams,- The players lined epee foll&ni :-
Sr HI - Resswell lien herford, Sara • •
Durnin, Elliott Miller, Mary . Sheriff, ;Myth • Coming .and Gioind.
, . Clinton-Sawers, goal ; Baird and Helyar,
backs ; Mustard, King and McEwen half
very reasonable figure, .
TillIPERA.NCIE:-..A mass: naeeting in
the interests of prohibition was held
on Thursday ' evening last; at Zion.
Short addresses were delivered by
G. M. Elliott, Goderioh, Heys A, E.
Shaw and J. G. Burn, Benmiller, and a
lengthy and eloquent address . by Dr
Daniels, Goderieb, were listened to
with much apprecietinn. A large
crowd was present, which manifested
much enthusiasna in connection with
the temperance movement. ,
itWr eeee
We are offering a nice of
AN Orm-TrettEle-On SaturdaY.even-
ing last Mr Thos Boles paid a visit- to •
Varna, the home\iof his boyhood,
About 11 years ego e sold his feral to
Rev Mr McConnel, and • removed to
Deleware, where his family ,reside, he
hayinv an office in London, He holds
the position of secretary -treasurer of
the Erneire Accident Insurance Co.
He earnamed over Sunday and was tho.
guest of jos, Foster.
TgoSE Wgo TRAVEL -Samuel Reid.
and Win Beatty left here on Monday
last. Mr Reid goes :Ur Oregon to visit
his brother-in-law, Mr Thompecon, Mr
13eatty goes to Lo 8 Angelos Cal. They
expect to be away until harvest; we
WIEb.--thenkaaafe journey_anct_a_pleas-
ant trip, •
NOTES. -Mi' Little ie busy moving to
Bruceflekl. to the American hotel,which
he recently purchased; he took posses-
sion on May let._ Mr Blake,of London,
is moving into Cooke's hotel. B. A.
Higgine is building on implement
house ; Frank Keyes has the 4r:thereon
At 4 lbs tor 2Ebe
Just .tblnk of getting 150. to
135 if& fresh Ginger , Snaps
fora Quarter. They are cheap.
er dm you Clt11 make them
ind does away with th, e work.
Also a fine Rue ,of :Dried
Peaches at per ib.
The eash Srocery.
' Hen flail •
iRemember Ross oa May It
° sa.grwa4Oglra
Just arrivcd
R. P. Reekie's
prescription Drug Store
N.I3,-Sweet Pee and Nasturtium
seeds by the ounoe,lb. or package,
also all kinds ei Peden and fl3W".
er seeds.
$6 and
Our $6 and $10 Suits for
Nen are remarkably good val.
ue If you 'mid $9 for the
first you would get good value
d 'I
would make the $10 one te
your 'order for less than $14,
that is if he used as good ma
Mens' Suiti, made from all wool
tweeds, good quality, well made,
or your money, and no tai or
good linings and sowings, every
litenesieerdi Pureed' it should be • - se •
dateltend light colors, a good
$9.00 Suievery owlet at ....'0.1fUP •
eclenle Suite made of all wool worsted
serge; gaaranterie to wear, good
linings and sewings, tailor used°
equal to custom-made snit at
$14.00 or $15.00, navy-blue,oure sie,
speuial prioene....... • . ..
Hodgens Bros;
. •
. .
' Liquor LicenseS.
: • -- , . .
. The following are the lidenses granted
be theeenimissuthere in South and Eagle
Sertfortle-Mrs Thomas Stephens'
enteennehotel ; jamas Weir, Royal hotel;
Henderaon & DeLsoey, Commercial hotel; ' -
James Dick, Dick house ; W. J. Hunters. • .
Grip house ; slacips, E. Dawson, Joseph, .
Weber. Hensall.-W. R. Hodgins and •
George Scott, Exeter.-U...Ounninghann
W. Hawkehaw, W, ' T. Acheson, George
eeerner, extended; shops, Farmer Broth- •
ere and A. J. •Knight. Bsyfield.--Left
over until next meeting. Usborne.--Jos-
eph Stephens. • Stephen. -Wm Moffat,
Centralia.; August Hill' and W. Fritz, '
Oraditon ; Simon Lietrioes Mount -Oar- • " •
mel ; James -Shaddook, Corbett ; Joseph
Brenner, Grand Bend; • James Hannan:
Shipka e C. L. Moser, Dashwood; Geo.
Grafton, extended three inanthe ; 13.
Carininghenn Xhiva, extended three.
months. Hay. -E. Besignain, St Josepb;
Biro Nicholson, Blake; E. L. Shoe-
maker and Latie Foster, .Zerich, Stan-
ley.-- hsff r• Kill en ; 0. B. Li le,
rnCe ; arum eft over. Tiro ex -
smith, har e W loon, Drucefie d,
George AI, Strong, Red Tavern." Theme
left °vet to be oonsidered at adjourned ,
meeting en April 24th, •
George eneeatherhead,elernaan Phillipe, Ladies wishing to be abreast of the *fashions .
Cleve Joynt Jr III-Jerin Clark,Irene ehouleert raiesmakine a visit to eirs Gieham's Dr. Gann is away this week attending It abnat Wood, oloYcli,ifloerr'enTrcged/eBAllylitehnleWad: 1Catirt:e°rn,
Weathethead, Lizzie Anderson, Archie 7,117:61•3at eeee eienany low intone Deese meeting of medical doctors 10 81 Lonis and goal ; Orewford end Crawford, broke .;
ey wiu find style and quality in
Aitchison .Jolannie Miller Robert Durs .naakingdozieand.gharges Moderate. - will return on Saturday. -• . • e • Browns etoKapand "inethatieri heltnaoke
nin, Robbie Buchainin ELhel Barbour, • d S
Matthew Gaynor, A.rthur y-aor, Fred Whitely,"Woodstook, who hae been Soinere, Hering. Jackson. Bailey an om-
week, left on Thursday for the Sepe, . played here le the mune of .
Laura Archer; Sr II -Jennie Webh, 'Tuckeramith.
• visiting at -Mrs W MoBrien's tor the erg forwards, The return mat& will be
pas • a few week
George Brownscombe, Ohrissie From our regular correspondent.
jr Brownecombee Stuart' g" w Mr ..ria Dic h le • -a, The following are the 'dates of. the foot -
re o runner es, Hens. 4
Anderson, Roy Aitchieon; Jennie Bar- • eTns,-:-Mrs ; Townsend, era . . . ball matehee in No. 2 gnats) for the filter -
were visiting Dire
visiting her sena here at present. l-; were Monteith, Ontario street,
• 1 *II' eette ohampionsbip series
n , uar M. Hartry Sundayed with Miss 11f. on Thursday, Mr Maomordie has juet re -
Pennell, Annie Brownscombe, Edith turned from,a business trip of three months
Holmes. A. r. Johns spent Sunday
Horn, Mary Durnin; Sr Pt I -Greta niFloeide where he has an. interest in an
Webb, Bert Miller, George Joynt ; Jre ' has commenced work on his new place.
under the parental roof, H.ToWneend
orange. grove„ ,
Pt T -Ethel McPherson, Edna Woods, ... .
W. 0, Cooper,who has been visiting at his
Gracie Sheriff, Nina Woods, Fannie .L.PRAVR OF R.FORTueln.-On the 19th
Anderson. Highest attendance for the inst. Roller t Fortune's highly respect- home here for several weeks or so left yes -
month, 50; average,41.7-(eA.TEEIIVOTT, ed resident of the 2nd con„passed away terday afternoon to resume .travelling In.
teacher. at his late residence, of pneumonia, at he west. Mr Coopeerepresents a whole=
the age of 61 years, 'lle was • one of 4910 fancy goods store of Port Arthur and
those farmers who had belied to make ravels from his heed -quarters to the coast,
Senforth •
re -,.......May 2
Th..15141.A 9
Brussels AD • 1.6
Brussels, at Wingham., ,
Blyth at Brunelle „ 21 '
Winghamat Blyth............. 30
• Wingham at 13rassels..., ....Wane 6
Thealaplication of the Beraverlaoroese•
°tub of Seaforth for mission to the senior
league was turned down at tha executive
meeting held in Toronto recently; The
NeTEgee-John Bulger has moved his Tuckersmieh What it is to- ay. He had
jewelry deck to the store formerly oc . beeteen poor health for Immo time. De.
eereed by eet, J. babe eet, •thuneye. ceased leaves a family Of four sons and
of the firm of Chesney & • Smiley, has two daughters to mourn the Ion of a
leased Mr Robert Willis' residence On loving father. The remains Were tak-
James street. E. C. Coleman disposed en to St Jame church, Seafortht and
of his household effects by auction, on then to Irishtown cemetery for inter -
Thursday, and tutees shortly with his merit, requiem high mass being cele -
family for Seattle, Alex Bethune; eon brated by Rev Fr Nortligraves s tid the
of Dr Bethune, of Seaforth has en, funeral seranon by Rev Fr Corcoran.
listed as a member of Canadian
contingent now being recruited to go . .
to South Africa; Mr Bethimie was on Auburn
the permanent staff at, Stanley bar- We lieVe 'i largo selection: of Ned [reeds -tur-
nip, nisingold, rene, carrots end cern.
Afriea, Th Mame J.I. • Brown, of
ne Ms Baldwin & Co, has been en- ALLIARCOM MEETING. -A Meeting .of
gaged by the Mason & Rich Company, the Altiance of West /Irwin Was 'held
ot Toronto, its their. tuner :in the West. Oil 'Tuesday of last Week. 'A Carr filled
Perey E, Clarketire ' seen 0 the late the chair end the tvork of Organization
racks, London; and eeryed in South Wi RIDDELL.
•. ' BMWS Iniria •
' ' representativehf Stratford was the only
. ,
. one of the western clubs to support the
BeTavtilierC'soalrePglijactaeitliolball team intend to go
IviTe ctiv‘onbeyjeo,safig,ewdetrherdeeroawnndeedi xingeLliarc Of. . ,
rence Creek, near Eat Portage. - to Seaforth on Friday, Mew 9th, toplay the
Corp. Wilkinson of Guelph, who was Seafoxth Collegiate team in the first match
has lost his right gye . and part of an The C. C. I. football club again formed
for the Hough cap.
wounded at Kleinhardte,Soirth Africa,
_Enlisting for elle , four regiments of in battle tinier to play the Strathooties in a
friendly rnatokieot football. From the
-Mounted Rifles for South Africa has -41'rili-W5°1/68W"hatihe-84ritihmtm-had
secured. played ball before, and although they could
been stopped,as enough meth haye been
. A boiler of the, Head & Cullen Mill- plinnyg Otrheepirortetne*OhoBoh:etakcio
not use sticks, atilt they worielpoqunriotleitilaeitnhgogoramiao:.
ing Co., Stratford, blew up' and COM' Inoue end organize into a football team,
pletely demolished the boiler .house
. . we are sure that they vionid make the Hur-
ons Wolk hare in, a match. 3Wit before
and all its contentio, .
, .
Mrs John Turnbull, of Mono ()entre, half time A. Baird, of the 0 0 X# nit in a .
her home and.was hard then Thi e was the fire* of t e sm.
Dublin, A. Baler; Walton, Wm Blade
hill ; Brunets, Jas and F. Strettoe,
Beattie & Clark and Geo Brown; Cran-
kpins, J. Long ; Ethel P. Gardner;
•MoleilwofthelChas;Sethavenr ••Jamestonini*•,,,
Thee Pea wen, beer and wine • Ford-
wich, Alex Orr; Gor ' ells Ps White arid '
Erizabeth Dalmage Wroxeter, Georg* •
Town; Bplmore, Jn Lemonby; Blaevale,
Jno Johnston; Belgrave, R. D. Bruce,
Th) Walker Howie license, Wtheeter, wall • e•
extended for three montnewhen it •will be
She village has not 600, the requisite dam-
_ .M.. . ‘411..., ....is 114.1400; ,
cut off, owing to shrinkage of population ea
ea for two hotel iso eanava wcoe '.04krtx '
in the application of Mrs McKim, Walton, .
for wine end beer license, as no petition
earionipitided* ' epplioetioft, Board will
meet on Tuesday, May 6th, at the Central
Hotel, Brassiere ,
. .NoTies.-G 0 Echlin paid a flying
visit to friends in this neighborheol
last week. Mrs E. MitchelF, who has '
been on the sick list, is getting better t .
we hope to soon see her around again.
Rev 3 G Burn,the evangelical minister,
has received a hearty invitation to re-
main another year.
Charles Clarkson. B, A.) AO for many carr e n y . disappeared frem
NOIncs.-11rs Middleton and family years a resident of Seafortb, has passed Watson' president,of Nile. The officers found dead tinder a brush heap, W!th a ing. I. Todd woo not content that thie
I e inatinn et the Deeto ppeinted for polling eubdivision No 1, - pecket Of Paris green by her side.
L should be the only adore, so he droppe in
a two more All bride reminder that hTwal
thetn. MSS Bawdeti returned from the aeoirqg end. 'When time wars called tha
Clinton Where she has been visiting A Wm/TIM Ginz,--rtev Neil Mc- Somers. Polling oub-division 110 2, ge, becatree else szaatched hie laat off et
Pherson, pastor of St Paul's church. WeseWawanooh-Pres ; John Knox ; asainej, odor° stood 84) in favor'of the 0 0 I, The
line tie Wad as &Howe : Strathoones-- 'A
lefc last Week for the West to join her the gen or ex m Est 'Witwanosh Were Pree.• Eric Sharp the 1.5 year Old ebb CI a
husband, who went west last fall; Mr College, Toronto.., and Tie admitted to sturdy
and Mrs .T. W. Reid also went with • the degreeof 8. Sec Tree's, M Lockhart;
a°111" Itingeton greeere_deliberately allot and his a if
playing ball. times Thompson made tome
but failed to i
mittee-blessrs Hoare Farrow and R. killed Beatrice Holland yearo of of a ol rushes,gain
her mother for a few days. There Met Hamilton, son-in-law of Rev M. Barr, Sec Treas.) A n Wetheral ; connitittee,
at the home of Francis marehall recent- of Seafoith, left ori Weptiesday Week Messrs Mrinrbe HOwe.tt and W. Thompson. viee president of vet, ouch; baoke, Crooks, Cole; halfbacks,
18i four Inerations-Mro Houlden, of on t bree months' trip to Europe, Washingten, dite teniperante feeling
the Ogilvie Milling 00., has sent an oherty, f3hepherd, Matheoon. tot:evenly, . •
Clinton'her daughter, Mrs Thomtson, He was accompanied by Mrs MePher- is stout around here., *, long the line of the' lir Daynneate 0 .0 Sower% : I
cently, Tabb left for Nichigan.this ir oetattLitt,dota;e
of Sault Ste Marie, with her daug ter, sOli, P 'rior to is departure, the Man. N _es wee sieteragies neon eeeenene$0 operations.
Manns has Moved hate Mr (1 1i1 s
1VIrs Marshall arid teen children. c, a ere of the congregation Went quietly '
visited aid:as Carter's Mie evening re.
twenty eletettoril
h db ItelyareInhiddon; hal Winkle lineterd, ee ,e_A_tes,,,recl_eisePeenesea_111,1,Y)_tert_6(111.P111041
to the aetor'e residenee and presented vn arm Inits -e King Motivreth forwards Todd, Button Ut murieonous PnotograP et Ann
order to Winnipeg for the erection of Collieon, Thompeon, Rolmes, payment, Artistic' Aecessorleg
_ „ _ dwelling. — • - -hityt wt ha rurt3e of $500 in gold with i; faying IS 1,16*- 'the 'order of 1.1 b t am will he' buoy:next Woofs, as onTuein
ay it xna a
rrea Aikeinhead; VVoode The 0 0 "nght! Wctit[ a ttlatlite
pie ure t v9 e ernine eau
n ;o
a 8
• Wee . p posal to the Montle& ar er Mune es 0
COmitallee. ' Which to tee ny himself better While on
1119 trite Their Many friends of Mr ths
Vgle Cooper 41 Co NOirltS.,-,,Quartorly services will be and lt1r s McPherson here will -unite • sinners to erect eleye,tere montreex ak7 tlibs, r ta Wingbaun aza Pride)?
factory. Our studio is splendidly'
tbe Welland canal, and at such ! they play or the Hough Grip et Seaforth, equipped With the handsome screens,.
h cid in the Under:Ur° chnrchSundag with the rr.c nobers of hie congregation It in nrderstccd thet Afr. Wforgan etb t; I
er o rite ag may be •foutid neceo* I
fi backlrounds,, draperies and fUrnitUre
fnorningalen Mr Stedman will preac in wish frig ihf M 8, thost enjoyable mails ze2,GfCiet CO in sleek ite big ger" eery to promote the grain trade by the F, 1 elo' 0 ood resulte.
Vlee8 in organizing the shipping rcbinecenedien channel. With 1,000ebel
co, 1bu&lesttoft grain°,rvtg Ittglitale` tilliacteinevuorma rhoio studio*
moh for Butter and Vggs. rhene 03, here in the evening at 7 o'clock,
tune in the old land,
..7411163wAdiL., :AtItAaaVitAanitiaft4-1 "