HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-18, Page 7•‘, e t • ' ' • ' reeneneeter Paine's Celery Compound Ali abOut the Mack COS On page 8 THE (UNTO NEW. tali All about the Mack Cats on page 8 •••• Unf"tun.?1?-ExPer/nielit 1 VARICOCELE AND STRICTURE 0,410 1040 that* lived ht Tow. in a physician noted_ her and THE' wide as 0. specialist of brala disa • eases. Men and worn nine to hina trent the end e of the iteetb. With. %MEAT SERINO MEDICEVE the deVeloPMent of fortune, for hie tees Were in proportion to his prominence, While It Drives Out the . precious relics of antlquity In wake be cultivated a pleasing teuste for those, NeedS 01 Deadly Diseases dulge. He heal In hie library ocaleo- .1, millionaires alone are privitefted to n. lt Quickly Builds lip or his treasures was loud in the worleas tion of costly objecte of art. The fame ears with the note of bis skill. One day . dst...........,_tateetlfetheATreatment to he permarant rnid lave ma:for Vartoonle and Stricture, without cutting, rateteh- edalara yruar tuhi: nutrition, g or least of tbatav ItioVaritioneriavle itzetbseeritbie thertillsgingTm, o,r worma the parts luscl restores lost powers; in litriotsua it sbeorbs tUe Strait:ire tame, etope smarting gensation, neryouseeri. weakens backache/ eta./ VIII* In ill proetetlo troubles Rio tn.:treat; roontrar onnommoo. poeitive am 4 that my Latest gemod Wei GM sUI ours you that you can PAY WHEN CURED you. Ana pay•uotning until you. are convinced that a thorough and complete cure lies been estaalished. It makes no difference who ha failea to care Yottlealt or write ate. Flesh. and Y.I.Mele. a rich American banker game tO Mita ' Each- time you . call you ace :me. Peraonally, sult him about ale wife, a Ooridimea er each time you, write it receives my personal attention. The :amber of years I AIM estate -kleptomaniac. 1 -lis life wag a burden to an ha t Pcirpae trota, andi Atte cum $000mPlishea :liner given up by other doctors, ha. placed me Iffaryellous- Restoration him, following her from store to :nom naat• °Pea -ail" at atke A. eoninually guarding her reputation The Latest Method Treatment Guaranteed to Cure Vouched for by a Prom- against the encroachment oe her fins varleocelarand Strieture without =Binh stretohincor loss of time: also Blood Fein Chronic, into, Nervous, bapotenoy, Ki istVer, Udder atOrntigh, Female. and, Rena . Trotibl . OO.NBULTATION IBM 0 U. ff• to 114rit ble k for h t att, . . gers, Though it had cost him thou. bleat PhysicLod, sands, his wife knew nothing, suepected meat, °Awl:3=am honi treatmAt Mau e ealmot cat, 9%001 Lied4 nothing of her own weakness. Nor loines for 0 Patients Loved from Windsor. All duty and express °bargee prepaid. ^ • should she ever know if be oottld pre- DR ERG 20• Wooward Aye., Ver. Wlloo 8 . The eared Nan earl t vent it. GOLDB t. I DETROIT, 01110H. 1641 Peel Like a..New Man, Willeh "If I brought her here to consult you as a PhYsiciati," said the afflictedbuss 'iiitruggles of a Newspapers. t enditionl ewe to the Bless., band, "I fear :She would euspect some - mg of God and Paine'S thing and It would kill her. If you will The Pall Mall Gazette gives the 'fol. g Celery Compound." permit it ill bring her to call on you lowininteresting sketch of the ups and Thotteends of families to -day mourn the . disconcerted, however, if during the clielmessairst eatee'ePen them were'foroed Your rates and coins into her umbt•ella without the usual bettlag column, as a collector Of antiquities, Do not be dovrns of The London Daily News, which • ! aerview you 'find her pilfering, slipping beingrun under Its new proprietor*: loss of near and dear ones, who when. to usesther medioinee bated of the great or Pockets. That is the ailment, and, c/ sports other than these of a clean and and which will also refloat to report all slieesee.banisher,Paine's Celery Compound. course, whatever she takes will be re- UC appeal to the relatives and turned to YOU at once. My references ' "Mr. Cadbury'S prograMme for his 'friends. of the .suffering, to break away from are So and So, bankers." This With healthy character: - the bondage cf medical etiquette and dicta. much dignity and the production o r new 'Daily News' .has reminded me of Mon, in order that the suffering ones ;may aocurnents. The physician made the appointment, the introductory article of that jeur- brae a 'surer and happier hope of anew life. end next day the couple. came. The The one remedy known to medicine that doctor brought out his treasures, won- nas &it editor, which oan•bring vigor, etrength and permazent appeared in its • • d th burdened be demented with much graceful learn- 21, 1841 "We seek • at onee," Dickens bealth• to the weak, rundown rheumatic, (Italia coins', antique jewelry, on which first number on Wednesda Januar ineuralgio. yspep Ing. Every now and then the 1a1y withNkidney and liver troubles, blood dua wrote, 'to preserve our own tali -respect, _ to be- respected, for ourselves,•arra • - leases and derangements of the digestive -or- slipped into her pocket or dropped Into and .parased a coin, aJetvel, a Vase, and aardem, is Dr Phelpe' great mediae' pre- her for it, by our readers.' interesting, eas she did so her husband winked at R ma tbe doctor to draw attention to her too, is the list of original proprietors of scription, Paine's Celery Compound. The following letter from Mr the 'D.N.' It comprised Bradbury '4 3Daniels, Lawrenceton, A.S., will sorelin theft. When the physician finally gave the signstl that he had learned all he Evans, Sir William Jackson, Sir Joilma spire every suffering man and woman Y•h Walmsley, and Sir Joseph Paxton. 'They tregh courage and hope. Mr Daniel's oure required, she had accumulated the rar- bed at their back a 'capital of £100,000, est of his possessions. . is youohed for by Rey 0 M Tyler, a prom- . "I'll be back within an hour, _ stua „ .. paid up and *underwritten.' They were rinent clergyman of the Methodist church .: the Chicago banker, "with the things to pay Dickens E2,000 a year, and the i•I feel oonetrained for the benefit of ma my 'wife has taken. Poor. Poor girl!" • salaries of the staff were liberal an pro - 'tering humanity, to add my testimony to he burst out. "Doctor, my fortune, my portion, • Ithe •wondeittil effects of Paine's Ctaery 'life are yours if you can but cure her." -Compound. I was indntted to try your Two hours passed, then three, then tants of tbe editorial chair. After • "Many, too, were 'the earlier :vela (Compound through its wonderful effeets the interval lengthened to five. The days came Forster, Eyre Emus Crowe, ickens; who sat there for seventeen aapon a Mr Parks, I had previously used a Klatt Hunt, William Weir, 'Thomas avast quantity of patent and dootor's meda 'PhYsician, rather alarmed, sent his ser- ninee, only to find myself growing weaker. Wal -er, F. H. Hill, H. W. !Lucy. Mr. • want to the American's hotel. No Per- . After using your Paine'e Celery Compound eons of the name were staying there; The police were called in, descriptions Lucy's first year of office was his last. be f fi 0 bottled Joined forty-. The names of those`who have succeeded Y, 11 ; Vanallian nerd 11104tood. Thefollowing letter poblished HOS,rd's Dairyman Enclosed you find a brief reporl of our dairy of twelve cows for the yew 1901 seee No. lbs. milk for year, 62,593 No. lbs. cream from same...... No. lbs. skim milk . 64,036 Crean3 was shipped' to Montreal and averaged me about 78 cents a gallon of 10 lbs.,- or, 41070.80 • 54,086 lbs. skim milk, 20 cents108.07 . Total, ,. •.to. OOP 1.4, $778.87 Average milk per cow,. .4,216 lbs. . Average money per co'sf$84.90 Average of milk per hundred Zs $l.24 You will See that I Yalta the skim milk at 20 cents per hundred. I con- sider it worth 'Otis to me to feed at borne. My cows are grade DurhaMs and Jerseys. We have a silo ; .have used it seven years, and consider it the cheap- est feed we can raise here. Had about four acres last seasonrand had 05 double loads to put in silo. Thought we had nearly 00 tons. Am feeding it twice a de•Y An winter, and find our cows do Just as well. I have water in stable. Cows have only been out once this win- ter. Stable is well lighted, and has a ventilator in it. Cellar under sta.A.b.lBe:na,nd in this way think we save the livid manure, Richmond, Que. Give the Crows Sunlight. The one thing that vet think quite 1 as important to" them as either fresh air Ior exercise is that of which they are most frequently deprived In the old- . I fashioned stables of"those who believe in having them out of doors during the ! : day, and it may be that it is so neces- , ' sary to their well-ing that a few - ' hours' outing may° a° theb, good enough rto counterbalance the injury• done by ▪ being out in •the cold. . 1 Sunlight is as necessary to the thrifty , aud healthy growth of animals as of • plants. Every stable or place where they I are kept should, be well lighted upon the 1 south side, net only by having plenty of I glass, but that glass kept clean enough Ito 'allow the sun to penetrate it freely. We have seen glass so opaque with cob- , Webs and dirt as to admitsonly enough 1 light to allow one to grope his way about in semi -darkness, The "dixn re- ligious light" of the ancient and some three pounds, and am able to work hard ••• • ,glven, de ec yes we , s him are mere faar." modern churches is not good enough for identified the culprits, who had time to . • Best Breed of Fowls. . The Comitry Gentleman gives the fole Feeding 'Incubator Chicks. -1 1. a barn. We do not care for bjue glass clean, transparent glass, that will let or other stalited glass, but want a Clear, ,lhalce their escape. They were London . , all city, as a mason, with comfort to my. •self. I feel like a new man, whieh condi- pickpockets„.tWO thieves when: tbaree- lion 1 owe to the blessing of God and your • lowin ' th d • ' d d :lotions were notorious There is ito beet 1;U:cc/dye-I fowls. Th9,1 g various me o s. of feedin g. in the -full rays of the sun,. • Even , -claim is chiefly made by sailers and scte- cubator clucks, viaieh have met with •double sashes of glass now cost but • Tainea Celery 0 impound. • • • "all over England. little more for the same they occupy • • I -Recognized Their Old Friend. aetaries of spedialty 'dabs for eve"! success:- -,earta„ seataataaa be given an any ease • than the siding .and ,painted clapboards; • . .Why ao You call the fast bicycle breed -that Mien. "Best till the ehict s are 21 hoars old: For or a single saph with a curtain to shut HE love whIth English 'People,, 'rider a scorcher?" Because he goe tt• 'blasts. can alwaya •be • found .,i12 a. c.er t•he firat meal boil .soma eaasaat least ' out theacio at night. " -Florence. Nightingale las beep • ; especially Britaah soldiers, feel for a hot pace, :makes pedestrians bonitos mid, warms up the police, gete toaated tain elan , of :poultry ,: journals: Ther twenty minutes, Clear . eggs from the Not every, one can afford'new barns . • sashown cut many times and sin many, in court,' and, then thinkir ahe whoa there:sae. ones a ett e p b• t b t 1 t 'k n o inion incubator will slo. Mash these egge very • ,with the modern amproliereents, but -Iplaces. A new and striking imestance :thing is a burning shame," Mt-Blts, . eXpressed. 'by those Who; having , kep,,.• fine and. mix egg,. shell and :All with: featly old Oita could be so changed at bread eruinlos &vial parts and feed a entail expense as to make tae stable!: :lite was recently given by the '&indaar • Guest (ieripatlently)-Sayawaiter, hole •one . breed snider ••• cmditions unattin littleof this for the first day...* For mueh warnieisaad lighter, and when this :'•MagazIne." a "tong have you* been employed here? that bkeed, ,have,diseariled it and sae- sthe rest of th fi t k ' • -them is clone they be found a better place , The late Sir John Steell, eatileotor •to Waiter -'Bout a Week, MIL Geest-Oh, e rs -weak give tem one , 'Queen Vittoria, arms modeling.a.bust of 114 that WU. Then X must hatre given far morning meal some small oatmeal; for dairy cows than the barnyard when stituted another 'breed for Watch the.. Allen Nightingale, when an ooftleer Of • sny order to *some other waiter.--Claicete after that some small cracked wheat,. • the tempetataire is below freeing or conditions Were 'fitting, and -eounquent I ly, better reefing were, Obtained. Strain * one :meal a day of the egg and bread- when there is a- cold wind or rain. -- ✓ .ene-or the Highland Teemente veThleh go "banY Newli'''. '' I vary much; „individuals- var3 mere thae crindlis, the' rest of the ration for:the Manaehasetta Ploughman.. ' tad euffered so crueley In :the :Crianea ' ' rd that the bust had Just been com- -- . • 1 • ;34:line breeders have aria and selected oats and wheat From that tiMie feed- ' WELOOK ron YOUR TRAPE. r , :r4ted, and was in Sir Jahria -.Studio: , !Raking, Burning Skin 1 their -birds. of ane breed for many acars. , mice a day a mash feed ‘Ooaaposed of - " •• • . a aigh positibn patingst Doe druggists of. v:sculptor to bring sonie of them. too see , '' • ' same breed tor many years With no .re- the chicks grow older add a little more a'aday- marched into khe big studio east t. ointment Carex Itc14inix Metal 1:110. ings, eoliths :and:- color of shanks ant. little bone mea a a tunes . in ie regular customer. ' . . any intrineie differences between breed 4.• first week to be the very small eruibed 8 .E with due. regard a to •utilita ; 'other one third eagh of bran, cornmeal and. • Serving the public 'with •eare, attention lioneet goods and low • pricee; has .gina us breederaahava brut and, selected tha ground oats, with little ;neat in it. AS PW� itinatentiOnes of Bo* Dra•theta ' • Caoada. We look for your. triae, aria Accordingly a squad of men one e s gard to anything ,save feathers mark- metit each week, and do not forget . 1 t 11 • tl will use everY etatiator to make you a .ner of the men in Ms company had I o eased through the hospital at'Scultart, ,; CraCkod Hands. ate ' a .ind be obtained permits:Ma:train the • 1 • mash, just a „little for each clock. Let:Our sopplies of pttre Drugs, Medicines, i eyes. asterod In line. • • ., ease' and laruotione. , , They had no idea why•theyttrad' been . To lama:an:small extent housing must the test of their ration be broken corii, Toilet Preparatious, Ferfumee Brushes , . . :;flustered in so etrange a ;place. With- ;Mr. James meisaaes, 25 Begin efts' be different for •Slifferent breeds. For wheat and a little millet seed; if SWIM °MOS, Sponges Etc., will, intereat you.. , . , Ottawa, ant; writes: -"I suffered *with Small, „lean, atative, . lightly -feathered oatmeal so much the better, but above a a =Re -omp uti, out a word of weaning the .bast was , ealt,rhenni for upwards. of ten ''Yearet • birds the houses. need t o . be somewhat all thincrs eoutpel..tbeni to hunt and ,dig • * PAl 1 E UE .t.; 0 , a uncovered, and then, • as by .tone int- the. akin on roy hands cracking and . • AgrIl bit 1902 PAGE METAL GATES to use wooden onn. Light. and yet atr porb a heavy man or: the end while he circle without CallaIng them to sae. CiaPearance, wink:at it lifetime, Will not whey are supplied with latches which elk: ed either way *Old. areself ening. The on that is low enoesh in pries: for general farm purposes, We also make 3Tar ranee. Poultry Notting, Nails and staples, The Page Wire Fence Ccautettes ;a. I •-e.gig 4" 41.1... -Set 1100 Merest and 13 'Silver Plated Ifulves, 12. Forks, 13 Teo, Spaans•.and 12 Table -,...,•••triViit •i'..r's,-.11•filkrrze• ' speak nothing but •the truth. Fence:1 • -- -----' • get a full size decorate1 Pinner and Tra . rare dance. - tio deeeption, w.FREE .... ., Spoons, ler selling our remedies. Our businees reputatlon la for square and • honest - dealing, and Ivo will prove 18. Every honest :mason who sells only 8 boxes -of our Now fdte Plidc Pills -4 grand remedy for all imnure and weak conditfons of the blood, Indigestion, Stomach Trouble, constIpatkos -absolutely' freo for selling the 8 boxes of Pills. . " • - heautiftd Silver Elated Butter Knife, Sugar Shell, Pickle York and Salt.afid. I'opper Set, Whiehwe gist' .weakness and. nervous disorders...41 gentle laxative -a grand tonic -and Ate builder/ svoolleIR:;eleveourourrgeguen:r °gaoler to earn this handsomely_decurated 100 Piece Dinner and Tea Set svi4s pieces of Iii.WOrW(111) With A 'Don't' Senti a Cent. 141:39atig;411,7,7:14nAbatir';,irigint'gr ArneggtigiX frh If you comply with the Offer •,,e send to 'every OTIO taking advantage of this advertisement, ilr4t2i eill•les,w1a2Men, 1112 Table.Spoons. 12. Tea Spoons A 100 piece decorated Oinner and tali Set will bo given absolutely free. We aro 8 reliable concern and guarantee tbedl. . and °liverwort, A111 slze for family use. Wo desire to introduce our xus Into everyliouso• land and arofulvertlsluglirthil, v. Write at once.. NEW LIFE REMEDY CO. Box 28 Toronto Ont. ate by five dootbra, but your Now Life Fills have made me them, 1 nod you aro wrellablo company and will .contitma• "0 1 cannot praise gour4111stoo Wetly. I wassivosup-to..1.... areerlredraSprceop,ta.allsafely. Are esiipiesse4 vital • strounandwolk 2.111s. dons A. Elsals., flpringllold, Ont. to work for you. . . • zato, 6:449 tes,-.Deal. OW , . . 100 DINNER A MEOW 48 PIECES SILV • f LafT bald sold .1 -of all the gkain pulse, the men broke rank, and with breaking so as to make them sinless. 'warm& in winter, .than is necessary or et ingalel" eurrounded the- model, aria ..vairr, • I aecame discouraged and lards. - • For the first two days .rolled on, s • Wente full • re ared-: o fi car Orders ••,erlesasf "Miss Istightingaleamtee Night- After trying all sorts or remedies in • Inrgee ipldeginatia, • heavily7featacrea food. • • .• 2 • Y.P p I 1. wittla hats o,ff cheered the figure:of their thought ity sufferings would never end. . To -a aomeWhat.greater extent, free- every, • . we • strangly recornmerd ..it ;as a blood devotedaturse until tile roof rang. •, • • • Last spring I used Dr. Chass7.6 .doin .to forage Must be•gr.eater f.or one' chicks are hungry; then for two slay• s purifie,r nerve rscer tn.1 flesh builder. ment,and in a short time Was Perfectly, breed than is teedseary for. another. The one feed per day of Mash made from . *Scsepontaneous and hearty and eo in. Painea Celen t napoutal is po new re- • t for thie ainase-baniitaing tued- ' Mines. Knowing its powers. and, virmee, two hours. or as often as thel tt cured." n ood chick meat. mix in the mash. • small, ofervous, active birds do not 1,• Y g me • dy hag been tested mad .secoessfully ./after -days Sir John Steal decl•ared it. to .11VIT:423.. Nicholson, Manor 'House, Win- thrive well under elose confinement,. and • sat."' fine s 3' used in all parts of Canada by tens of hick grit. After four da, . Man., •states :-alror several one feed of the mesh per day, the abe the greatest compliment °this life. generally the possibility of thrift under am. heasaadta 'and bits never failed. epiring vras the whole scene .that in .• • - lest of. their food brolcen wheat and • . months • I had been troubled with•a• , _.e_ezenia on -my, ears, ;tad far wt1.,rcs ,eenjine.nlene propertionaLto corn Borne' little millet seed. small•roll- p, R,EaxiEsatataggiata-Oliorton Ont. wa th ' f di re • . 0 1 but At a New York Pier. • • doctored with a prominent Winnipe size o e gives goo .re- albe etravell fell on his knees • deced-fber a fellow sufferer to try •aar. of largest 'breeds; that .have been 'reared Is am suPP • lbeergedafor mereasa but the customsan- that "the first application gave instarit iconfinement • else 'that fertility of eggs 8. To push for (pick growth in the oats and lenta of Preen Moth This „ • physleian but t no avail ' / it must be adniitted that birds, even ed .• P • • • . rid Chase's Ointment and. am happy to eay in freedom will not . do well in close ' suits. • an • d largely 'depends on -fresh . Tree •shortest Vine, their .first mea ll should "Once, and once only,"• -said Ulf:ill...it.: .have had no return of this troublesome • ' be Mall broken or 'tolled .oats; thrown • feeshaair ;epectort was adamant. relief. I am completely cured d • at a man ,go tbnough withosst disease.". . ,air and •exereae m . alto or Upoo sharp, bright sand. This ater, I Rut it' al in' feeding. that the greatest . offering. esem every Indignity :that seas , There -is :no Ilinit to the healing :cantle a continued till the chick's are One week .0w...ingenuity can devise,.. -Fie -proved" -to • ities 01 'Dr Cliade's Ointment It bs .•Changes •arevequired,. *All fowls stimild-. old. Prom the tune they heve their ke aal it 1 nofdaaN - first feed of rolled oats the broiler . 'be a spotter from washington, and tt remarkably qtaak to relieve and pew_ i:be :compelled to ma mistake g' in . . oiling elan disease. 60 eta a. box, ,all ' oations . for .foylts of .one. size and equal t iti e &nearly lesasay job. I sha'al:Inakeahak avely cures each and every form of ta. l foraging oppor on e . a, ; chick . should be .fed every twa hours . . desilers or Edmanson Bates* Co , Tor. ',oniony need to be; in Amount:1.nd pro- til it • t the k till at o e mar et at eight or . satiate. ten weeks old. ror the first week give Yes, the :t.) easier wooed have tio have • atchee. yes -NT hrteibmea.sorlipt rolled oats, small cracked wheat and a ocofnnduittiroltsenost, them every two heurs a small feed of v.to.;f Isoasloyeaa s , 4 b t f case • • • • „. - - •-• •, • . • , .• • - • • - , • , None A. proteins., op,-)3ydr*.ta, ewe, -of.: their.. food „to be : At .And the animuit of total food,. propor- ats roust e ,ren sett 9 all tunes furnish Born o een .; • • , little millet geed -never more than one- shis stomachansmped out; mostsdleanets ;•.ti lomemom; . , atn. Cecil. Rhodes' latee.t. istearapaer, f ats. Henseneas. Matradlots the story the Rho•des, aver used the 'phrase "ha 'never met a, man whom beacon:11d net. - tura' The: germ ot this flethasz. Mr. tneman says, "is to be found •:19. the, -feet •that one day, manY VAN atm, lvielnediscussing his propOsed.telett sph :wire :from one end of .A:frica is the /other, ...somebody asked him how . he pro-sonst'd to .earr,Y it across the Sense& ;which -wee then. ander the domintraon or the lehallfa. -'Oh, (leave it to teats• atbodes answered. 'I never met tc meal -yet that I ,Muld not come ti pease -merit with, and I shall be Mae to fi; ?Linger alp 'with the Khania wit eit the Jane cornea' -This is the true vet- o? a . story that in its .clistorted forni 'Ms been so widelar eireulated." , evbr sines: 131beinfontein lute . been captured st theateical eompany has been playing there without inter:nil. t, Bien, and has been •dig ft good bust- ), peso. - The fruit grower ehould know every tree in his orchard, and .he should go over the orchard frequently and satisfy himself that everything is favorable to . the trees. Some trees maY ba,clivaid in grewth and he should endeavor to learn the cause. It may be clue t� a ittek of plant food in the soil, to the pruning, to too much grass, to the mode .01 Cultivation, or to ineects; but a titer* oughly,pompetent aroarer die. Oyer the cause, if poSsible, and remove drawn from the udder as the last. XII eXperlinents made to test the mattet it was found that the difference was so great that With 801110 sews the strippinge consisted, Almost entirely of butter tat. It is important, therdore, that milking the 0We be done in a thorough mauler, leaving nothing In the udder. If this is done the cove will not be so liable to be. dome dry /toot as when the milk is not entirely removed at each milking. The practice of carefully stripping. also eaves as a cheek upon eareIess milkeee, Ste the farmer can, and *should, examine each enw after it milked ie order to obeerve,,if the milklog hae been done • therbughly, Where there iri 'super* vielon. the milking is aomethries per. formed carelessly aild at loss to the fornicr.•• , , • A' convict, at a French' penal settle. ;Ment, wao was undergehla a Ha sen-' ftegeek •deeired to :ntarey a female con- vict, such marriages -being of comment . .oecurrence, olarageiVernor of thd <colony offered no.obJection, but the, prieet pro., •Medt'd crona.xamine the eta. tier. i'Did yea notsmaary in Prance?" :he asied. . •'Yes." a"And your wifa is deep" ..; • 'She is.". . ' "Have you arty document ao -show that -she is dead?" oarea, "Then I rnust dealtne to marry you. You moat prodace some proof that your wife is dead." • . There. was a pause, arid -tlia bride. -prospeatarealookeclaaat---theawould-be- groorn. 'Finally he said: "I cap. prove that may former wife is dead." "How will you do eo?", ‘; was sent`here.for killing her," . The bride accepted notwith- standing.7.1eScotemen's A Prince Albert Lady says: -"I Have Great Faitli in Dianmud Dye." • To the whits Woman whobuve good mate:- lat Dirt:stood Dyes' are a neeneity to the nonomy Of the housebold, and by using these doe many perpltxing problems are. eolved. It is here that good judgment eau save Inuoh, while the tholebtlees and ex. tree:agent keep then selvee ho ielessly poor, • Mrs s Pook, Priroe Allierf, N. W. T., says:"I ant very mnob rime I with tbe swoons beta had with Diamond Dyes. eI have used the Bleck for Wool on many oe. cassione, atia always got a lovely fast blitek that Rept ite bright and full oolir as long 60 the geode held together, d3 ea 6 hero. trope en:Amu:re dress:filer my little girl ; it took a rich eardinel yery even in color, end that Minh waehing. I have greet faith in Diamond Dyes," If you delight in home trod end rug mak Ing oend our Badmen to the Wells d Richardson Co,, Limited, MO 5,Sountain Street, Montreal, P. Ikea be eupplied freaef dest With the DOW de:1We of the Diamond Dye Mat and Itug Patterns whieb , aro ready for hooking, tains and degnee of aaaivary ' or veetable food and an. the first Three . . • - • week':lave the wheat, eats lista. cora .. 1 • "-Tad pcpelar view of relation of the 'italic small fok. them. From now till ' ' blood to human ..character and eonauet is mashed for the market •feed every two ' • markal in man' a familiar. expreseiott. 'boors as much as they will Mt. Give- "' • " a . We speak ef. ;herd being "bad • blood" be. one good feed a 'day, of the mash, and • - tween people at enmity, •of "blutablood" as ••throwall the grain foods into the chaff ' indicating ancestry, •of "blisek blooda es ae alma t lia a lea_ . . . . a Ma TS W. zilyers,.King St. Ea Berlin, Ont., says: ,, I suffered for five aetire with palpitation, shortness of breath, aleeplessuess and lain in the. lleart, but. One .liox of Millsorit's Heart 'and Norm Pills coMpletely removed • all these ale. • trneac,tintgasilln7;ntInat,arilin.'311.e dialolasvat,1).3:' not •tvtlefli tint .rrt.1 • fool 313'' '13 „: 111 V itlor thitl." nilit'l "ii 'll 1 fo q•f, ned leerve rile; cern ell 'die, et), 5 F,'i l• lig •:.1'.Y.11. ‘ .:1:11% Ili,,Itt, lA '..• 1 • STRONG AND VIGOROUS. Every Organ of the Cody Tuned up and invigorated by describing a treat:barons; riatore; and, in '.I'lle meal; food should be composed of many, another phrase mark misbelief that weal:parts of wheat, bran, ground oats . in tiler -mental, moral and physical man, nf'd e't..2:41:eal.with a. little meat scrap . . `.'tbe blood le the Ufa" ,The one asPis of a and bone merd in it. As the chicks •groW: 'healthful, hatipy and useful life' is pure io /. oluer /I:crease-the meat supply. in the bleed. With the blood ure, disease has. .no permanent lodging .plp.oe in thesystem.'inUsh and feed the wheat whole, and the ' broken corn Can be a little lerger. Give For thia reason the at of . Dr • Plena:: • Goalealkieduiel Discovery. ride the body of plenty of .gteen' food and vegetables cut flue; -'ilo clover 'meal for broiler, chicks, eieeasee which beet; these oriels) in ini. anti be sure- that the meat scrap is nice purity of ilse ,filOod. It atm:lately !polities and Sweet or it will taint the. deliente - the elooe, eerryiug off the waste end pate- flavor of the broiler. • When . fad so -Onanil raatte4 ineleeeing-the t ° -itronglyr-they-must-htwe plenty,. body by supplying the 13'ood .quantity e/cel blood making glands, and building rip the a they wish and plenty of grit Hot milk diticm of health. It cern oinety-eiglit ie the best for miaieg the masa . At oat, nerve tiastat, or wettry Coke Dandruff. Cur.e As a Hair Tonic, is deansin orating. It does marvellous work in stimulating air to .a rcnewed growth.. o,„ , DANDRUFF is the it at once, and save your guarantee Coke Dandruff a. bottle at all druggists. A. R. BREMER CO., .Limited, root of all hair. trouble. Oet rid of hair before you become bald. We Cure to cure. Price 50c. and $1.00 Toronto, Chicago, New York, London, Paris Seeds, Seeds. . Do you want seeds, if, so call owns; We have Clover in Red, A l'sike and. Lueerne, 'Timothy, Speltz,. Tares, Beans, • 'Mange], Yellow and Red Onions and a great variety of garden seeds Then too. we haye Spades,Shovels, Forks, et'., to Work with, not to look at. • , • . We have a good stock of barb and plain wires . astapies 1.1. We aim to . supply all your wants Fry us. • . •' Terms cash or produce at highest market striae, Now is your uni , g q°rhuutsuadesbc" R ADA1\4 March 1,th. 1202 vise at fresh air, aiso 411 the writer • • • and quality Such tie is neential to a, con, times, as soon •as they are old Pe0Ple cut Of eVery hundred who give it e all • Atul dig in the anal and sand or their , • These daya when, tae gamed an ano argin fodd. Some kinds of chicks will nett stand stich strong feeding. It turns henyards is too ofterl deep with mud, 15 sa pelitiliZ Teifirttaheavelatnsdalincd ther die. It almost RS likely tO tease toup or other year, especially if accompanied with cold ‘ Jeirst clay hard boiled eggs and Winde or a Tittle rain. It is better in Such weather to keep the hole in the rest of the first week, baked bread Mule be:Ise Moil of the time, as the floor ail 0.1 •coill meal, bran, middling.s had a little dean flour -this to be mixed W tilt that and the seratehing shed should be thrn .01. Aut., eicax qes• from the bleu. dry. and Well eovered with a litter of dry chopped strew. Open doors and bator and some Milk. Pake as you do windows to give them pure ale, but keep 6orn bread, crumble fine end feed to them out oflhe mud, the chicks alternately with small oat. . metil and broken wheat. As the etidge grow older feed broken corn, whole Sunflower Seeds for the Layette. Wheat end millet rind; throw this into WWI stinflewer soda are egg-produe. the chaff for them to dig for, •After two ; ; - ri„,,,, weeks old use the bread mixture for fug, and sea be fell sim.r•ng-Y ln r - ''' a mash food for olio a day, and add to of meat scraps, is thaY maain a €06---a• i it some good sweet meat seraps. :enough,' make the • young chicks aunt fear trial.• ch disease in the fowl as any season of the on them. from day to day. P "8° -wa bre.ad crumbs, as in No. 1. For the ly supply of oil. The sunflower heads We trust that the above may he]; are fine thing for fowle to peck at ' in the rearing of young chieks. At a. on a mid solater'a day, to -extricate ;the: ! than a little green out bone is good for seeds. Thus they get exercise that gives, • the growing chide, Plenty • of green warmth and health. , food etit fine is absolutely necessary; so When one has valeground near the I is plenty of grit, water, exercise and hennery it is a good plan to plant a 1 !resit uir and above all thinge brioaers, plot of sunflowers for the fowlsto,brooder houses, floors, wilier w voels and work at during. the fall. It will keep feed troughs must be absolutely elettn. them out of inisehief eleewhere. Wit 1Ceep the iloor °Utile runway clean, and brrek down severed beads e.aelt day' for it must be free from dampness:. We tho to . , rather prefer ground oats in the mash layers These seeds eat give Oke fowls a orloalp. to clover meel. The nicks like it bete ti• rou e or aupp.15061• heats in a better kiln for the ehivk. oat, a red e onab, aetivity, and a ter, and it Juin ous g g , • GOLD SOAP Worth it's Weight in am for ail Kinds of Washing. ryou 1,4e.y Need ainoXiViev Per Cuto Durno Bruises Cramps Diarrhooe., Al I\Dowel Ceeeetplei,iNte t It is a Ilftfe, etre and quick remedy. • Thema only eue Pininv DAvis% 11 Wheatley, ifgent,j „-:. Ilarack Ott Two elzea ale, and gee. vpry. Farmer Should use FORDIALDZEITDE. The .beSt. known remedy for Smut -on Oats, Barley, „ • * WheatorCorn. . • We tan give you testimonials from all the leading . . farmers of this section who uised Otir Formaldehyde " lait.year: in.structions given with. each .bottle. * - Use Combe's. "Standard Fornnildehyde"• • • . , . •-.; & Druggist Reduction in Prices Here is a great chance to secure a firat clan baggy at a big reduotioo. Not these prices:a- a • e• ••• $T f3 -.• , • . Remember these are all our own make, which places; no in a p.osition to guarantee them, as we do not -buy any material but what is firtit class. - • ea -seas -a' .aaaaaa saaassA, aPaalatata-,PIPIP,Pt-LYset.teadad,19 "Par S*Perienaeadatia„t41._:- . yr . ItUJIBALL Strettl• Clinton' „ a claar-anom •Olintan Sawa, Poor, and Biind Factory. . S. S. COOPER 1 PROPRIETOR, tiskIneral lit:Oder and Contractor. fsatasy is the Want lit ae 001301Y9 toind has the very 1trd' 1 eeprooed ma- zb1l36r.13; tapshie of doirg work cm the sboriest notice. We curia ciaextensive ---• tn;1/41.rtilis.ilteN1 piens, end give estimates for And btild all •olasti- so of lei 'alines: on'eltari natiefasitit rartbeelosesa prices- All wark is ilopervis- _ ed in a Merhanital all and getiefacitort atairattteedt We, Zell ad] Mae Of • triot bud exterior material, Lumber Lath, Shingles. Lime, Sash Doors Blinds. Ete Agent for the Colobreted GlitA.YBILL " SCHOOL DESK, manutantur: d fit Weterloo, Call and of prime nd estimatee before Dittoing your ordere • MAGNET CREAM Separator. If you want ine safest, strongest, simplest, most durable, easiest cleaned and dewiest skimming Separator on the'market buy the MAGNET. A trial will 'convince you that it is the best. When other maehines are left on trial send for a Magnet It will coMpete against • . any other make. Manufactured by. The r'etriedTaylor Mfg Co. , • , "V' IP ma otz.so 1oltaSta.n •'`. • -l:Sta•-, 13 • ••a .4 •