HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-18, Page 5A I about the Black Cats ow page 8 Iorious )31,g Bargain Event A royal Lime for those vilio need or who will need clothing, Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Oveycoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's, Pants, Boys' Pants. Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special discount of 20 per cent The object of this sale, is to .sell out this season's clothink•before our new --goods arrive. We never carry one leason's goods into the next season. All goods charged during this sale will be charged at regular prices. _Positively no goods charged at sale prices Our (coo& are marked in plain figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the ,.selling price for cash only during the sale. Men's Suits. Men's :5.00 suits now •••........ 000 4.00 Men's 6 00 " 4 80 Men's 8 00 " " o . . 6 10 Men's 10 00 " .... 84,0 Men's 12 00 " • ° 9 60 Boys' Suits -176 Boys' 1 40 suits now .. '. ....... .... 120 , Boys' 2 CIO " " •1 60 Boys' 2 50 dt 41 2 00 Boys' 3 00 tt id I • • • •....2 40 Boys' 400 i. . tt- s • • • • • ..... • a . . 320 Boys'.5 00tt ' 4 00 tit. Boys' odd pants 40 • Men's Overcoats Men's 5 00 Overcoats now Men's 6 00 " ••• 1. • • • 480. Men'sv8 00 " " ... 6 40' ...Men's 10 00 .• , •1Sien's .12 00 - " "•9 60 BOYS' OVERCOATS:andtea' Jackets reduced • • in same propertion. • All fur goods at absolute, cost—Fur Caps, Coats Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing. Thos. Jackson, Sr., Victoria Block, CLINTON. WMMM MfkR MMPAM Boys Wanted TUE CLINTON NEW ERA All about the Black Cats on page 8 April 18th, 190t • DORN.o coatlan and Gotha. Mtn lifill iii the gueet of the Miagee eisofbeessamadma diamissamidadigadar CARTER -In Lioderich, on Easter SundaY, -.as ......- -s... •sas assrsits m et str‘tis -.as 'ass ...-- -.- yervinswwwww, • the 09thult., to Mr, and Mre. WM .I. Leiter, Miss Lillie 'Miner le yielting reltitlyes. in JE. MoDonell, of Homan, was here a eon. Woods, a son. Mieg 43eesie Brogclen, Buffalo, le yitliag Dr. Agnew was down from 'Whigham Mounteastle, at the Wigwag], WOODS -In Nitingliam, April 8tb, Mre. JaS Bayileld, several days tbie week on business, McKinnon at Co. E1LIOTT-1n Turnberry, April 7th, M. S. Mre G. Wood. Wednesday, He &Belated in an operating Elliott, a bon. . • J. Wollao:tt, a Logan •tOwnehip, is the .oase he had from Wingliam at tbe hospital 141,1ALLDON-in Gt. ey, on TuesdaY.A.Pril8tht i f w_. 0 fl i - - - '' • nem__ -.-.........-....................1 to Mr. and Mrs. A" Stgaudon, kV elm- • -''- -,- Pee 0 . - or 0. the gueet of the. Jas. Fain Was up to Goderioh ilit wcic PROCTER -1n Morris, on Tuesday, April 8th, Mrs Bnieltzer has been attending a, meeting of the shareholders of to Mr, and -Eire. A. Printer, a son Mountoastle, at the Wigwitna, tt. titt Goderioll Elevator and Tranait 00., DRUMMOND-In Blytii, on April 9th, the ..,.. wife of dr. John J. Drummond, a daughter. =NS Flo Pennabaker spent a few days „, Limited, with her grandmother, Mrs Butrowe. ROBERTSON -In Exeter, ou April 7th, to Min Jane Mains, who has been visiting Mr. an. taro. Peter Robertson, aeon. Miss Lizzie Gardiner and J'olin Gardiner her sistere, the Miseett Mains,dressmakers, WATSON-In Goderich, on SaturdaY, Oth pent Monsitty visiting friends at Auburn. for th,e past two months returned to her HICPEURN-In Seaforth, n April 41b, the m wi, T a Cl• 1 b home near Blyth Wedneeday. ' O . P, B, Crews leaves next Monday to go Met, toalr. and.Mrs. E. IL Watson, a daughter, ... .. Mise 11, V, Sheppard wee the gueat of ,Bwainkfe ,00ff a aDon. .T, Hepbtum, of the Dominion re 4. , 9 di of °der ° ° on Sunday week. Q3 a two weeltel business trip to Toroiato COLE -In Ethel, April 8th, to Mr. and; Mrs Renry j.Eberhart, of Seaforthhas gone where be will take an advanced °Ole° 5.5 Cole, a d.aughter.tcourse, On his return Mr Crews intends MONTEITH-In TuelreremIt• h; on TuesdaY, ooC)olelha 133 to attend the Canada Duiness let.e to puti in a more extensive supply of April lin, to Mr. and. Mr., H. 0 Monteith, of.. • glaesea and speotaelea. Mies M. Steverion has returned home . . . It O. Miller, of London, dietrict agent of 111::. okurch, on Monday April 14, by Rev. Bert Bean returned to Scranton, Penn., on Thureday. while here in the interests MARRIED. from her visit Vvith the Mums Tretheway, , . the N orth American Inaurance Oo„ and an • a Goderich GEAVELLE- CONSENIA-At St. Joserh's '• 'old Huroniao, gave the Ngw Elia a call Father Momenamin., Philip Gravelie, of HO- on Wednesday after a two weeke w visit here of the company. Mr R. Chown is local =wine, to Miss Elizabeth Ann daughtal of , • • Mr and Mrs Noah Coneenia, of ' Logan town. at 11113 Parental "erne. ' .• agent for this company. ahip. Mre jamas MoGotvan of . Tucker's" Cor- Miss Kath'een eunne, accompanied by MA„RTIN-BURGESS-At the manse, Wing- nes, New York, gave birth to five female her friend, Miss Madeline Keefer, of Port Mart bara, in to miss on Apri1.10,.by Rev. D. Perri% Charlet' , , ..ie„ren on Sunday last. • Arthue,who have been visiting bere,during mary Burgess, all of Norris on Albert Townsend, who is engaged as the holidays of Easter, returned to St.' STOthe reaidence of bride on March 28th. by Rev, A, 0. stewart, Mr. John Lane, of lielmore. - his famil here from Bayfleld KES-LANE-At Hid ' the • Jas. Stokes to Miss Lizzie Lane, daughter of Mr foreman with D. A., Forrester, hoe removed olleg e in Toronto on Ddonday to • ECCLES -DUSTY -On Aprillth, at the faifl. ily home of.the bride. St.Marvs, by Bey Gee. W. Henderson, V. W. Eccles, M. D., of London, to Miss Jessie, only daughter of Samuel Dusty. • a LATIMER-SNELL-At th.e residence of the • bricle'e mother, Mrs. Wm, Smith, of Constance, on April and, by,Rev. T. B. Coupland, Hugh Latimer. of Windfall, Essex- County, to Miss E. Snell. a Oonstance. HAMACHER-WILLEA-At Dashwood, on the 8th inst, by Rev. Wert, of Daehwood, Levi Hamacher,,ar , to Mrs Willert. CHERIE-JERVIS-At the rcsidenee of Mr, F Jervis, father of the bride, Godorich township, on March Nth, by ter. Bussar, Miss M Nellie Jervis, to Mr. D J, Currie, also, a God. erich township. • WEBB-STEELE-At St. Peter's, by Rev. Mr West,m March 81st,MissIslay SteeletoJas,Webb, both of Goderich- • HEM-HERRINGTON-On March 21st, • at the Prt sbyterian manse, Hannah N. D b, _r the ' Rev: Mr, clerk, Robt. J, Hesx,of Yera,. N, D„ • gueSt of lire. (Dr.) Stanbury, at Bayfield, Turkeys, perlb.... .... 0 06 a 0 08 •to Rose, daughter of the late Wm Herrington, • 550 a 6 00 of Hallett now of London.•• Inspector Paisley add F. 'McCaughey ' Pork, live •Pork, dressed... . 8 00 a 800 DISD were at Whitechuroli on Monday on bud- • Butter,loose or tub0 16 a 0 17 ' . • • WHIT -In Goderich townshipon Sunday nese, the inspector was also at Wingharn, Eggs Per doz ' 0 10 a 0 11 ,' April eth, Jane Robinson, wife of John White, ' Mr and Mrs W. Smith drove down from Potatoes, per bush.. - 0 30 a 0 30 Maitland coneeision, aged 42 years. • Goderich on Sunday, and were guests of Dried Apples'per lb0 .06 a 0. 0,.5 DORRANCE-In MoKillop, on April 5th, Geothe former's parents, Mr and Mrs James . Dormice, aged 41 yeare, 3 months and 20daye. smith. • . . •• LivStock Markets e JAMES -In Wingham, on April 7th, da Lila ...o.... only danghter of tar. and Mrs. Philhp E. James gars (Rev) Deihl end children, of Ailsa• •, . . of East Wawanosh, aged 8 months and 6 dap. Craig, who were the guests of her. parents, London, 'April 14 -,United States cattle • . MAGEE-In Turnberry, on April Oth, James Mr and Mrs J..MoGarva, returned to their . 70; sheop, licl. • resume their, , studiee, • Mrs F. Clatworthy and children, of Col.. lingwoodatre here on a visit to her parents, . CLINTON MARKF,T$ Mr and Mrs A. Whittingliam. Corroded every Thursday afternoon .1Efi,47g9C9EIL • Carpets .a.nd Curtain s. We have received another elaipment of Carpete this week whicla makes our oarpet department complete in all lines of Hemp, TJnion, .A.11 -woo). Ingrain, Tapestry and Brasseht Carp% aleo Chinese Matting°, Floor Oilolotbd, Linoleunas, Etc, We buy our Carpets direct from the manufacturers and wive the wholesaleman's profit, which enables us to will at very elm pricers. Hemp Carpets, in stripes and floral designs, reversible at 12 1-2c, 150 and 20o, • Union Carpets, reversible, yard wide, in new colors and patterns, at .• 25o, 803, 35o and .50o, Wool Carpets, two and three ply, reveritible,. yard .wide, all new pat. terns at 653, 750, 850 Ana $1. • Tapestry 'Carpets, new patterns, very. apecial '50o, 75a and $1, Floor Oil Cloth, 1, 1 12 and 2 yards wide, 25o per equare yard. All Carpets Cut and Ilatched.tree of Charge, Lace eurtalas and Draperies. We show a magnificent range of new lace ourtaine in a variety of new patterns ranging in twice from 190 per pair upwards; we would milt sour attention to a few special lines which are coneidered extra • good value. Lace Curtains, 2 1-2 yards long, 28 inobee wide, taped edges, 35e, Lace Curtains, yarde long, look-stitelied edges, fine quality net, very special at 75o. C. L. Fisher returned to his studies at • Thursday, April 17th 1902. Nottingham lad cuitains, 8 1.2 yards long, 54 lingoes wide, made cif 'Victoria' University, Toronto, • lot week, - Fall Wheat 0 73 a • 0 73 a ad Is now into his examinations. Spring ." ... . 0 70 a 0 73 ing the winter with her daughter, Mrs A. BYe ...... 0 40 a 0 46 McKinnon efit Co., Illyth 0 39 a 0 40 Mrs Conklin, who hae been here spend. °ate • •Mrs John Preszontor returned to her 33FalortilerYpr:r ()jet•• . 2 15•a• 2 15 0.00.0040/10000 4001,11104,41410010 11. Knight, has returned to Toronto. • good, strong net, very fine quaiity, regular 1,26,1epecial price itla 1. 0 a05 .......... 0 65 a 0-75 home in Stephen township, after a week's •gay . .... . . 8 09 a 9'00 ',, 7 • .0 visit with her dauglater, Mrs-jt-thn Prair, Miss Katie 'Wharton and Tom Roberton a000mpanied by their sister, Mrs Edmis.. ton, IN innipeg, visited in town on Monday. Mies Gibson Of Toronto, who is visiting, Sheepskine 0 25 a 0 50 • • • . . 00 • • No. 1 Green trim. hides 500 a 5 50 •,L•„„„ #4.4.44444.,poutwoppwirjo 4..****,44*****Idt*********** • Wood short • 225 a 250 Ducks, pair • 0 40 . 0 130•Formaldehyde for Smut Chickens, per pair .. 0 20 a 0 40 her cousin, Miss 0 Neil, le this week the Geese, per lb 0 05 ae 0 06 .A11 the Boys in town wanted to seb oufitock ofBoys' Furnishings. A nobby line of Boys' Caps at 25e -white.and colored shirts, hard or soft bosom, rn all.sizes, 50c and 75c • Bos' cellars in all the latest shapes, to sell at 15c • each or 2 for 25e . Boys' Hose in Cashmere and...Cotton. Guaranteed fast colors - - Also a complete line of Boys'School Knickers Limn • 60c up • oT_Jr_Jovsr,A.Ir • HURON STREET, CLINTON yiwoopsx*****444,04.44.442#4.si The Novelty palmy and Restamatt Is the place to bay . choice ehocolates. Vye handle Mc- Cormiek's ohoice Marioaibb chocolates, also Patersoiv creams and burnt almonds and other choice asiortnients, We are prepared for the' mm. ing seasOn to serve Bode water in all. flavors. We oleo hive , crushed fruits in stock, nie cream and all kinds et cool drinks. A. choice stool* oi lemons, bananae and all kinds. of fruit in season. Fancy bread and :cakes always on hand. • • Wedding --Cakes a Specialty. Terms strictly cash, 11cClay, Clinton. • tkokaaamityrkaimaaattetrienampt • Sale Register Extensive auction Sale of household. furni tore, etc., inducting 12bed room sets, con, bootee, bnrectus, stoves, chairs, termini. pie - tures, °rookery, glassware, ells., 3 horses, 1 eowthia Digit, b.aleirth0,harneea an other articles, at the Atneidean Hotel, Bruce. field, oti Tuesday, April 22, at 12•0'eloolt; lurieh at 11,80 a. rri, T. DIVA'S, Met., 0. WIL4014,1$ ' TANDARD enooL HOES • • e have just received a. shipment. Of our justly cele brated line of Standard Shoes for Bqs. .These.:.goods need • It Pays. To Use. It. Very little trouble,,and not much expense, one pound will do sixty bushels of. grain; We are selling Morelia' 40 per rent Formaldehyde in 1 lb bottles al 69c, full direotions on each bottle. Household Anunonia, L6 oz bottles 15c. second son ef Arthur magee, aged 14.year --• .home on Wednesday. . • ”' MINER --At Chicago, M., on Monday,' March ' ., ' ' Liv'erpool, April 14--Oanadian cattle, formerly of Goderich, • 'Winnipeg and Mise Holmes' .for Arcola, . • i J. E. HOVEY - Dispensing thenust, ,Clinton . • . A Ilfre; Edmin on of Blyth, Ieft here for 6.1c1 to 7d. suppiiea short; trade film. 81, infant son of W H and Alice Trainer Miner, ,•• . , . Ages., lad week ; they . were ticketed by Montreal, April 14 -There were about ' V.-NtY V V V toPPPPPPPPPPWPPPI-v-V-V****Irickicklerik-k**Intnitiellr*****.at MoLEOD-InWroxsterApril %John McLeod, CFRagent450 head ot butchers' cattle, 500 calyea, 15 aged 27 yearsW . , • . .-Jaokeon, .. . . •• • . • - - • • • - - - • -•.- - • • — .•. •.. eheep and 26 epring ,jaipbs offered for. sale •• . • GAISER-In Stephen April 7, George Adam Mrs J. McMurray and daughter, Miss at the East Hitt Abattoir .to day. The . . . 'POWELL-In Exeter, Apr:1 8, Gilbert A.. now home in the went, and a number of and trade was fair, with a little' lower Go iser, aged 78years. • . - . Josie,. left on Saturday mormng for their butohere were present ' in large numbers, Powell, aged 41 years. ' ' ' friends were at the • depot to see them 'off. prices paid for common stook; but good __. ._ ctaaiPBELI:- In Goderieh, April 51 u. Are4e They will reach .Weyburn, , Assa,, about cattle brought fully' as hi,,h ' ' g, priees as on IATt S t. d April 18th, Samuel Phillips, aged 75 years and ' Rev. Faber aloMenaniin had as' his' were Sold at 610 per pound, prime beevea at Campbell, aged 21 years. • Monday's market. A few choice cattle PHILLIPS -In Ashtleld, con. 9, on Surcday • Ruests his father and mother, Mr and Mrs 520 to 6ic do, pretty good stook at from 4ao a months. Meef-TINGOR-In staritey, on April 110, the James McMenamin of Montreal, who will to 5iis, and the. common rough hall fatted wife of N meGregor, of a Eon, • visit here for several weeks. They. arrived beasts at from 3ia, to 4its per pound. Calvet here on Saturday, their son haying gone sold at from $1,50,to $7 each. Old sheep down.to Staatford tomeet them. • sold at from no to 4e per pound, and the yearlings at from 4ie ,to 5a per pound. Many, friends were downlo the depot to Spring lambs Sold at from $2,50 to V each see Miss Taylor Off to • her home in Blyth Fat hogs sold at from $6 to $6.60 per hun- , last Saturday. The pleas ehe resigned. as dred pounds, weighed tff the oars. The appointment of Sir Chas Paisons as • Comniander of the British forces in Can-. ada has Iteen'gazetted. • • Signor Marconi says wireless telegraphy will be working between Canada and Eng. lanclin font: months., •'• • An inquest Was begun att Hanitlton on the death of Robert Breakenreid,. killed at the quarry at Rymal. • Miss Emnia Langford, a hotel employee at St Mary's, was asphyxiated by coal gas and is dead. Her roommate; Mies p, O'Connell., was also affected, but is likely to recoyer. • ' • ouse Furnishing .., 'Bright new goods arriving daily.- We have new styles in Bed Sete, • Mat. a • treaties, Wire Springs, Easy Chars and Couches. • The lateet and biggest patterns, in window shades, Striped Curtains, Roam, • •• Mouldings, Curtain Pollee. •. • ' . All Wool and Union Carpets The netveit shades in-Furniture:Coverings, Gimps, Oords, Primes, KW: PiotureFrarhing a2Speoiality, paces right Money back if yan want it .• 0 Q1-7177" teacher of the, primary departinent has , , ., . t . . . been taken hy Miss Kirkby. It is hoped Toronto, April 15 -The receipts of ea tle i* at the western yards to -day were large, that Miss Taylor will boon main herusnal 2,000 head being marketed, but t e supply h• health and strength.: was too email for the brisk demand, and :. A. Taylor,. D. P.- A. of the St. Paul, prices naturally adyanced, Outliers selling 1, . Chicago and Milwaukee Ry., and W. 1.11' as high as $6.25 per owt, while a sale Of 1 Dookrill, D. P. A, of the 0. P. R., were in . butchers''oattle was retorted at 55.75. per town on Mondavi and while here attended ' cwt. These gitotatimis represent an ad• the Curlers' supper ; at • the Mason House. Being in the railway' business naturally ' shepp. and Iambs were also in demand and j mince of about 250 per cwt. over last week. ..r. they are great friends ' with V. Jackson, advanced from 10a to 25c per ewt. Ex- 1 agent of the•C. P. It, . , port ewes are•now worth ho to 4ici; bucks, : W. C. Cooper , is here from Winnipeg, 3o -to 3; yearling. lambs, 55 to $5 85 per Man., visiting his mother, and will be here .cwt, and spring lambs at $2 50 to $5 each. . until the lat,of May._,JIA tym and a half Hogs folLOmwed the _remaiiidebrentiftishreemnaorw. . years since be was home. . Mr 06-oPer 'rev ket,taiancing- 103 ;Pet oxv reat Egg Competition. 'J. W: Irwin will give one dollar in cash or 26 lbs granulated . or 30 lbs 'coffee: '.sugar to the customer who brings in the largest Hen ngg to this store between. now and the 24th of May. W. Irwin. is sellingL.--- Best Standard Grain:dated Sugar at $4,10 per hundred' by the barrel• . TEAS--Biaak, Green. and Japans from 103 up.' • Chinese mixtures 150 • per lbo.1 •Best 25e tea in town. • RAISINS--Onrrants, Prunes, Dried Peaches and apricots; 6 lbs figs for 25c, 'presents wholesale hourns of Winnipeg and .quoted at $6 25 r cwt. for seleote, and 56 _ biv.eirrai; iiiskaforu2d54.0i4. eti!and fancy laMps, to make room for my spring im- • • „ Montreal in the west;Iusdlniows the coma- for light. Beaune were 100 loads, 2000 _., port orders direeffrOin the factories, ani selling at 25% less than usual 'prices • try from Winnipeg to the Pacific; coast. cattle, 265 hoge, 4170-iiheep and -iamb and " • • ' - Elie -Mende here are pleased to shake hands SO calves, • • .• • ' • Liall-a11111. examine-vrauty-ant, prices'and you( .iki•6- sure -to- ,The thombred Shetland pony 'tittle Bobs," the property of VV. T3 Forster, of stand for tin season of \1902, at Wocdlancle, lot: 19, Maitland eon - cession, Colbourn township. Terme; $5 to - insurevpayable San. 1st, greom's fee, $1, to be paid at Sine of seryice. . •Export battle olioicecwt....55.00 to 55 9C buy • _Phone 45. -Wanted ;pod hutter and eitigq: Aim, South Africa, On Manila' 31st, was • Bulls, export, beayy,' owt; • ... 3 60 to '5 00 W. IRWIN Olin:ton- • 'Among ihe .1...anadians killed • ab Hart's do light' ' 450 to 5 00 , Private W. T. Peters, Lohdon. He w ai a• Feeders, hteavy 4 00 to 4 75 native of Seaforth and lived there for' Some Stockers, 400 to 800 2 40 to 3 60 time, he was a nephew:of Ioh n OldfiAd.,of Butchers' cattle, choice. ..... 3 75 to 4 50 " •Tucketemith. Private Peters was a mem. ••do • good 3i0 to 400 ber Of the Second Canadian contingent and do. comm , ..„ • 2 75 to 3 60 his many friendsaYilllearn with regrct of Batehere' caeble,. 04, „ . 5 00 to 5 50 hue death. • . • do off color ad he'ifers 2 00 to 2 50 Butchers' .13ulis ' 2 t 500 VI. th r buini arid friends were at 2 00 to 2 60 •30 00 1 ' 00 • 2.00 to. 2-.50 • 6 25 the depot yeeterday• (flauraday) to see the • Light stook five Clinton iniye, W. ...Whitely,. los. 11/1'1012 oe- ' Blaney, G. Twitchell, (thee Boyer, and John MoEwen, off tla London to enliet for Hoge WO the next contingent td Swath Africa where ' do' light • t 3 50 to • 4 00 year, We join with their many friends Buel . ..... . , .... .... ; .. , , 3 00 to .3 50 G DIRL WANTE . • Spring lambs, each •• 2 BO to 5 00 - --- --sale return back to their homes. they will go as mounted Infantry for a ee - • , crvi' Yearling lambs -... 4 60 to 5 85 • in wishing them a pleasant voyage and a • • -• Calves. each .... • 2 (10 to '10 00 MRS P, R. HO GEN'S, Joseph St. T m of Goderiab, • paid Ills regular mint. 3 50 to 5 75 amnia) visit to Bt. Helens public; sohool on To assist in general houlsywork: Apply to •We are informed that Inspector J. Et do Mar 21i-tf 0 , House to R6nt' or • lor 'Sale Friday last, and found all the work done ' • •by Mr Tebbtitt as fully up to, or bayond • . the etamdard, Considering the'faot that A comfortable frame eottage gvlicer the teacher • here bag charge of all from no introduction As,„tIJJ hey are • ed, also o d is ff red to rent or for sale street, contaming 7 rooms and woo s tablet clasees to Parte 1 and 2 Junior IleaY. re ar o e Nov Utertiognitsto • Wanted. . ready well known and a,re re. rime and soft w'ate_ir stone b_ellar and.. stable: ing, all of which. are well looked. ,aftae, the By lat of May, a maid to asestt in . general . . Quarter -acre lot. Willbs either i•ented or sold '111[13,3111r e'tosx this school as one Of the ' house work. Apply to Mrs W.DOHERTY, taltS ..f TAYLOR, Ontario street, beet In his inspectorate. Charlie is a for April 18-tf Clinton. ' cognized to be the best wear - n reasonable terme. Immediate possession.- . ing 13eys' Shoes..on .the raar- Apr 4-110 rim 0, 0, 1. boy, and we are pleased to • - hear of Ms continued Success. • ' ey are made of a choice — • looking up stocktakers for the cold stotage A sta‘bie with sew n gle stalls a box ket.." • good Stable fosit r Sale, Th • hay Containing SO acres being lot 28 in the ilth este.bliehment, along 'with "D. McCorvie. Atoll, a harnees room, grain bins, a roitniy _ Farm lor Sale or to Rent. ArMoD. Allan iS here again this week -- 1 qugly of Milwaukee and -Without seams., Insoles and counters guar eed to be absolutely solid s eather. No Shoddy No Paper Soles grain • con of Go dm it h e owliship,_ Conniy of Huron , lof t,ete.,will be sold at a very mote )13 pr co, . There is a ft•ame hoipc and goad bank lArn, He will repregent Canada in the old man- Apti111-tf, • W. BEYOONE, Clinton. . itv ). .. !... ,•, • . he-Ol. ...4 bry-rhaving-charge-o14ho-frnit al limit at , situa ed about i lintel; from 0111Ln, an -d" half expositions there ' and will leave Goderich - - an- mile from village of Holineaville. For p rtic• about the et d of April for hie new post, . a Eggs: Ego!". tilos apply to W.9. WILLS, Mitchell ;or . ole Apt114-3 T, MUliChi, 'tendon Road, Clinton, We join in congratulating him on his en- ......- gagement. Referring to the appointments Eggs for Initching, from imported ssttock,r . • an Ottawa despatch sayer -"The Minister White Wyandottes and Barred Rocks le di rtgrrtii_a_f615 eggs. TH0d. P. RA.NOE, t ..........- Of Agriculture has decided to retain the. etervices in Canada of Wm. Burns, Ottawa, 2—.. clin on, who was appointed some thin ago as See- House to Rent Wanted -At Winnipeg, Man. -owing to till rapid progress of„tbe country anti theprospects of n heavy SeaSOn's work,t1te: 6 will be a &unwed' for Mt additional ntimber of stonemasons and g , 0 In us Apply to A.', l'irigNIST44;§, 'See. Mason Betiding Exchange, Wirinin pa% To atilt* ounnnna. House to rent oti Townsenil strzt, aten_lY _ to AS. SCO ClintOn, ni111 -tf. rotary Of the Canadiart Exhibition at Cork, Mr Burns attend to the arrangexents • -_-- 4 , Patrenize the New aoe Store for the Canadian exhibit at Ste Lenie. A. The undersigned. offers for rent 4a beautiful • and et new Shoes. fet MeD. Allan, Goderieh, and Mr Workmen, two story venerred brick house on liatteastmat Eingston, will have charge of the Canadian et est. The houee et:aniline 7 roorar-ili so fruit exhibit at the Wolverhampton and nier kitehen tax a wood shed. Pesset3sion can be cTorseistetlhard and soft water, winter and 'bum. further pardotilars, op - e• COrk expoeitiOns, Mr Workmen has been given let of May. Per noting for some montbs as inispeotor of fruitc4813!Ilt/8,11°141 or VoltOBT.WELSII'S.neXt det.r. Fred Jackson _ at Montreal." Apr11•18 -2 . las) week's' WO of the Atimonte Gas. • ette appeared a picture Of 3, W, Tteleaveni For Sale • B. A; lato classical master of our eolleg. Real Estate for Sale. 1 Part of farm, lots 118 and 83; mild side 'of Maitland con,,one mile north of ohnesville, ontaining 97 acres. 2 The north half of lot 25, con. 2 mid west part of lot 24, con, one half mile ircim Clinton,1 •B. north, on gravel road, containing 00 ares. • . 2 The brick dwelling ineltidin_g lots 18, 10 and , 20 on eorner of Joseph and Isaac streets, in •• Clinton.-• •'Wholesale ick Of • 4 The frame clWelline on West side of 'Victoria etreet and next north Of rallWay, • at very uest possible late, it,M pridelpttl in Maumee; it wag ae. prome tootdonoo anal acre of land on %lir the Alnionte high Itelsool upon the re oven- I Street, Clinton, 7.00ms, cellar.wood shed ,hard exeellent garden, with plum, pear and aPPle stable awl clriviag shed, is*.orapanieu by the ,following sketcht."--'Mr llXr. wraleaVen began hie antic% an principal o , ;;Iideoft water, new , ing Of the solicol after the Easter holidai. tr6aa'ata" LucknOw, trUct county, on Idly 7th, 180. At any time up to lsb Sept. 5 aeree,partOf the Also or Sale, led Monday, Mr Treleaven -woo born in . ,n„rices., Ile seeurdd his public gehapt education in Pos or Itiock,eto.,n,t the North Illad of William pla,40$ Luoknout, where he obtained: a third class , certificate in 1885, and it ecoOncl Class csr berrybashen, small fruits, apples, etc There street, Clinton, which is 6 Valuable proDertt for frutt growing, being well planted .out in .c tifleate in 1886. After a high school eda- il also a very eXe,;11ent grade of' sand and 1n Britt* inatheirtatics, history, a d ' gravel on.thistpretnises whieh is verYProlitable Cation in Clinton he MittrlOulated in 1887 geograp y with honore into Toronto 11-nni- '. ArrAapitsly_ttio. .STRAITH,or to W..tillYD014.1t, versity. II() took the hionor retiree in Ala . -.-, ,,, cunton: sits in Toronto tiniversity 13001, 5)111 1.1AfaVitTibela•VrAeaNtilititn-tiPtre",ituti°h°13nrisatlittightilsireg ;attended the school of pedagogy in the fall son, Rev. De. Vratic DeWitt Talmage°, and the of 1801. ilia teaching experient.'e 'naiades i A99"tate I'llit°r° °f th" c'lliiT,Gitipo,t. 01 it, roll Ili sIX months in Komptville high 'sabot)! lih./itab. J71145444 Ititi4Ottrt?itth.9311:looke on et edit, three years in Lietowel Man sollool, end Outfit. free' lie 'first 111 the field. Wire or for the past seven years in the Clinton : Caltegiatii Inditate. ' write for otttfit today. 1111,ADLEY-GARRICTSON,,SS 00., LIMITED, Brantford. Apri 18 -tf, . . Lfiterat terms tomtit purehasers, Apply to °tans, the very entottuneble • v.r. W. VAIIILAN' or - bOOkOf ahd a, variety of mum gramophone, sheef • musle, o. a. ItANOD, Clinton , March 22-1an. Servant Wanted. A goed general aervant where housentald 15 el tionalaos tUYtOVitaglOSIZ psr month, wrihiag and. iron. Ints sTeN1.1 • Mamie 114niporium. hig• sent out Apply s With re ferenees to Mar• 6611111ron St., 'remote, 4. stook a oholeo tanned plums for tode. . Perfeetion in Siauty, ;Indispensable in IJsehilnesg Six worde packed with meaning describe . ' onr superb sideboards duplicated Only in • themselves. What the piano is to the par- lor, the sideboard is to the dining room, and 0u leaders ane At for the fined man- sions, We ahow them In all the popular • t styles all durable enough to -last a lifetime, • and handsome enough to be the prize' effort of a skilled designer. Prices 59,50t • bp to $40. • • •. Undertaking and PleturePram- ing• a Specialty. ,• . • Gejneral" PurnitUre Dealer, Opposite Ir own Albert Street, OLINT011, el. O. Stevenson,, fi nESIEttlICE-Rtron Street,. oppoaite Commercial Hotel. HE RANGE. \ - • . On Thursday Feb. 27th, I will leave My present store to take eharge of th • clothing and furnishing departtnent of Monroe Hodgene Bros, I take this opportunita of returning thanks to my many friends and coroners for the continuous patronage they have given me since opening out in business and trust that the present- relatiolin so long existing beoweeri us may not be,broken, . For the doming Spring moan I will be able to show you the finest stook of nift- y and stylish Gents Furnishings that hae-ever been brought fat() Clinton, It has been personally eeleoted from the best gotfroge, and ypu osn depend on always getting the nobbiest and most up-to.clatO styleo in Hate, Shirts, Ties, eta, Come in and see Me any tine you are up town. A. 3. liflORRISH Clinton, aple Syrup choice ana pure, made in the bash, the kind to make you smack your lips suii thi ik of your boyhood days, imperial gallon $1.26. • SEEDS -We sell Brueels field andgarden geode,there aro none better, Giant TellOw Intermediate, Mengel seed, will bosom:ea this season, bny now, 15a a pound. tINTS-We have now complete range Cit "Sherwin Williarni Oo," paints. They • are cheaper then lead and oil, and will cover more goatee and wear longer than sny other paint on tho market, Faint the limo, paint the roof, paint the wall's • paint the floompaiat the harp doors, paint the wagon, paint the buggy, paint tht• pump, a different paint for Odeh purpase and each are the beet for the kitrpOsoi wAri PAP:BitS attraative ge4a, sa to 20,1 4 roll. W. OUIMETTEis Londesboro