The Clinton New Era, 1902-04-18, Page 3lllabhe»k&i*tgonp*ge8
I 4tetiOtireS 4ntiCiPat100$ot ishwasheil1"4"7 and
j1 StieliCe• ; Mushily the hinds 00eres is, need-
see-up.1r. teek sometime. but the euceesee
jiVERY tistereiting r tal For Tigo
"drantatete and 'novelists have: 4Wile
1,14.4 triumPlin iat r 1400-.":41'' bird -shot It doesn't hurt
;,orr.Aripanclent hag juirt celedcattentli
'Ditte"ba •fla-, veri' 'OW Prey 04 of • at- r Y°u•
! Written, le the ' ectetor
nerve% by ceuecumg tegether ill
ceded -in owthioli_,Aptiate d
No use. hunt tigers
rer ful dairyman will tbsd the Momenta
" ;spent in tide way are the moot pro•
with stoic a the day. Clean bands lead to
, " club-44;mo- and wIth- clean. e0W00-thel'e
the will be A clean product. . .
ISIC.:44 , "'"wili10
Experience With Vendome.
X have had fifteen years' experiend0
"to ouch a cue, in Which he oltgro e tiger any and it's awfully r
!that the Swinish ilnalliair Clakilyon to
^torn's 'wireleee teleirreghlf." PreelY. Consumption is a tiger In breeding MOUdon fowls, and am
ttranelated. the i3aeitage in 4110000
trends ieg /10UO,W0; 'They 007 Hist whe4 Among diseases. It is stealthy AtrenglY 0f the °Pinion. tbel the bigli
Mgr in which tItie breed iheldby
1;1•44clit'w. :04,4torru,treeyntotlare ,throroaPetrlor..t.e:tuolne4 ,e -hut once started it rapidly 0ft
0 eiteh tomer-Ana inyniterer is not
-Other their wind-borne echoes; tou eats up the flesh and destroys "misplaced. I think it e, great ast*ico
the life, No use to go hunting
it with ordinary food and med-
icine. That's only bird -shot
It still Advances. Good heavy
charges of Scott's Emulsion
will stop the advancer The
disease feels that.
Scott's Emulsion makes the
body strong to . resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
ti;the one instrument and ,the winds ex.
..•91`to Ots thOugh nonotbe near it'i
;,ideron'e reference is, of *Wei, to
;the well4knowir Principle Of rettonalle•
co• ,p4 can eeareelY be itee.d
wireless telegraphy, hut in the *M.;
Ings of a contemporary of Calderoa
•there Is a ;owls Omer tardiroxitnation
:to Marconi's' diecovery. Strada, the
learned Jesuit jhstorn, toile Ile heir
'Awe friende carried on a correspond-
%ence "by the help of certain Load -
.stone, width bad eitch virtue in it that.
lf ft touched two several needles when
one of the needlee it04010d 0060 (0
;soove, the other, though at 'never so
great a distance, snoved at tie same
;time and in the same manner." Strada
` !goes on to deeenibe how these two
Itriends made a kind of "olphabetio
*" -a dial -face with the let-
• 4ezia ,of the .alphabet placed around its
4edge; arid a needle in the center .v*11101
'Could be mode te pokk at any tit: the
;3etters fit Will.: "When theyWere lone
•ifibiniclreds or miles asunder,, each of
;Aliens shut himself up in his closet at'
.the tittle appointed, and linmediately
1.cast his eye upon Ws dial -plate. It he
.a mind to write anything to his
;friend, he direeted hie needle te eVerY
letter that' fornied the words which he
Peal ()cession dor, making a little pause
the end a every word or eeatence to
'41.-0914 confusion,. The.friend: in the
:peal:white-ilia*, his eyirrowtbetic needi,e
.cimosiang .of itself .to every letter 'which
that 'of his aarreepondent pointed at
..:33y..thiS means they talked across a
/whole coni,nient, and. conveyed -their
slthonghte‘to, otte another du en,..instant,
:over cities or smountains, seas or des-
erts' 1,Tet only had thee ooreson-
ent ao hecessity for:Nvaites; they dM
• ihot even need the -simple apparatus
whicirlitarconi depends, although
ithete are iielentific proPhets of bur day
-javlso shalt. yet Na
et simpfferty fit
(utnre '• " •
• . , .
SOring, DepreSSIon
aPeople Peet it56014/ Tired'
• Ant! Out of :Sorts.
4•0•• ••••••
• •
:You Mast Assist Nature in Overcoming
' • This "Feeling Odom the Rot Weather
Months Arrive. '
It is important that you should be
lisealthy in the spring. The hot stuismer
is coming intend. youneed • strength, vigor
.end vitality motet it. The feelirg of
depression and feebleness'-whit:ill
.1roti gaffer from in spring is debilitating
.tund dangerous, .You have been indooli
.good deal deal thrdugli. :the winter months,
beven't!taken the usualernotint of exercise
.4perhaps, your blood is eltiggiels and impure
and you need a thorough renovation. Of the
,entire system. • In other words von need a
lhorough course of Dr Pin' rim
If you try them you will be surprised to
note how vigoroul you begin to - feel, how
Tthe dull lassitude disappears, your step
become! elude, the eye brightens and a
'feeling strength takes the piece of
'all _previous feelings. Thousands have
proved t 10 truth of these words and found
renewed health through the • use of these
in. spFilig.time. One of the many is
Miss Cassie May,. Of 'Flown, Out, who
• Mit s: -"A few years ago I was Oured of a
•-vet)/ iseveraind: prolo ged attsolt-of
• pepsia through the use , of Dr Williams'
Pink Pills, after all other medicines I had
rtned failed. Since that ttme t have tisci.
-the pIlle in she spring as a:tonic and bloat
builder add tad theta the beat niediline I
*now of for this purees • • People who feel
run down at this Lime Lf the .3.Lar will
=aka na'inistalte in using Dr Williania' •
• 1,'ink Pills."
gatives do. They are tonic in their nature,
tend strengthen from first dose to last.
_They are the best medicine ir, the world for
rheumatism,: sciatica, .nervous troubles,
neuralgia, indigestion,. anaemia, heart
troablea, ecrofule, and hurnore in the....
.blood, ete.- The gennta!3 are sold only in
haus; itroriteilwhell'heare the.: .
that the Ilaudans are not More gener.
ally raised by the farmers of WS 00141*
try. They are medium sized, good lay -
ere ef, large White eggs, and are highly
esteemed as a, table bird, They have ne
-combs to freeze in al.l6f9 Weather -4
eerVenierce ko farmere who el4peot ;owls
te thrive without proteetion.---Charieti
topper, .Ashley, 0,
Poultry on the Dairy Warm. ,
Just wb,y dairymen do not make pout,
10y-ra4sing pay is not a problem hard te
eolVe. •The reason is lack of knowl-
edge relating to poultry -raising. HoW
ca.a we make fowls hustle and exercise t
and sustains tlie -strength until viret, tire must not feed too beis 'V
or make it too easy for birds to vgl t
the disease wears itself out,
their houses la winter
their food. We must,h6Ina9sult)-otes!
. Send for free sample.
sek,4„,r sz BowNE, worouto , eeible, • The profit , winter depends
on having- the hens well housed and. iv'-
, sac and pima all druggists. ' _ in
- Cleves: per Egir Producing. feet 11:1,1 laragi etrnOugltior11(1'''5u6"fow121s by 20
t permit any 'of the floor Ivaco. to 1:0
Experience halt demonstrated the value occupied with. nests, roosts or Other fix,
of clover for .egg liretho \ time ana turee. All of the floor space should be
it to form egg shell, and hence it be-
comes an essential part of every ration
fed to the chicicens.' It may not be gen-,
erally understood that there are nearly
thirty pounds of lime contained in each
thousand .pounds of Clover. The chick-
ens fed daily with clover will conse-
quently prove better egg layers than
those denied it. The Clover hey should
be given to •chickerte in winter to quanti-
ties sufficient to Satisfy -them, and to
make them eat niore it is desirablg SIM&
tiMeS to prepare it in v,a,rious :Faye.
Cook and chop it up, and mix it with each day, and chepped, vegetables will
reserved for the hens, and a part
again. Clover has just t. material -in ithould be used for at scratching floor.
Put in only enough glass fot lighting
purposes. • •
One reason why aomo people do not
!succeed with, poultry is that they do not
.now how to feed to the' best advent.
age.. Large fowls require a different
system brfeedinethan small ones. Leg,
horns are not likely to get overfat. They
Will leave corn on the 'ground and run
after insects; while the larger brae&
- will eat the corn that is given them end ,
stand around waiting for more. Chop.
ped clover is good, and should . be ..fed.
meal or other articles. • This will some- not take its, piece. On the average term.
timee induce the hens to consume a great • there is moth that goes" to wsste that
amount of clover each day. Oit up in! the fosvis can utilize, and this helps tO_
to short lengths and mixed with warm. give profit. -r, M. Munger, in A .
mash, and then fed only as. fast as the cart Aviculturist. • '
chickens Will dean ug each day, •
probably the most economical way to
'feed. the clover. Some cut the second
crop of clover and place it in thepoultrK
over at pleasure. This of 'itself is all
right,' but it is rather wasteful. More
the.n half the clover will be lost, and
the chickens do not actually eat much.
more than the leaves. The stalks con
yard for the chiekens to eat and aerate
fain most Of the lime, and these should
be prepared so the chickens *ill consume
them. Of all foods that can ho raised on
a ferns for 'poultry, clover is not only
the best; hut, probably the cheapest, and
a field of it mils essential to success as
a pasture &Idle necessary to the suc-
cess of dairying -Annie 9. Webster, in
Massachusetts Ploughman.. • •
Just What Yon Arth For.
Outside the drug store -the store old.
Son,.at No. 183 Broadway -yea
may -read the announcement* the heed,.
of this column, "We give "you Not What
you ask for.' ' • 4,
We are glad to seize -upon this occa;.'
Sion to pay a tribute to this motto, and, .
incidentally, to point out a dishonest and.
very COMM011 practice among inereheat,ts
-that Of substituting one article Jet .
other.: • , • •-•
One heatless man devoted all his en-
ergy, his nuiney and his time to building
up the reputation of a certain , article, .1
:-.Herenableg, the retailer to: make • ar large
prOfit, and he spends his -money that, cua-
tomera may .be plentiful. ' '
When a eustomer asks for the article
in question it is.dishonest to say to
"Don't buy that. We have something •
else just- as good and much cheaper."
If the • merchant has something good
and cheap ef his own, let him -sell .it
-th hie-eustomers by all means. But let
him not steal the trade of ii.--ifaiin-Whose
energy- helps to build up his business.
Let him not divert to his own pocket all
of the profit which he ought to in hon-
esty share with another.
There are wares that are made enor-
ously profitable to the retailer simply
about the Mack Otto on page 8
Strilcc Mc, Iron It. datum that it tow" stems Or
relPite ha plaited around the hese •of
reel/ tree the borer Will not attitek th�
While trs ilut "0no Med° et• *PplYinsk tn get•
the sterna Around the tree), On she
good advice,
Burdock blood Bitters
This Spring
. better advice.
During the winter, heavy rich
foods are necessary to keep the body
warm. When the spring comes,
the system is clogged up with heavy
sluggish blood ; you feel tired,
'Weary and listless and that all -
gone; no -ambition feeling takes
possession of you. If you take
Burdock Mood.. -Bitters. it Will
regulate your system, put you into
condition, and make you fee1 bright,
happy and Vigoroild.. •
AL Very Important Ihosineas.
Dairying la a Very important husinege,
and a herd of good cows is .worth more
In evert respect than any other kind of
stock. The bovine is both meat and
milk for the human faintly, writhont
which 'existent* &moot Impossible.
Note the capacity each cow and feed
• accordingly, as some will be found able
to pay for . better feedingthan, others':
product I- then, knowing what the, Yea':
costs, It -is a very easy. matter, to knew
whether You are feethng at a profit or
ground, and fasten them to ' the trees
higher up. It is worthy of a Wel.
1-'" Another r -remedy suggested-. for O.
eurculio is to apray jun before the trees
blossom. with a tomtit) Of * pound or
Paris green in eixtyallons of water.
Two weeks later user kerosene emulsion,
giving * third spraying about jnne Is.
This method, it is said, will destroy the
eurculio, leaf lice and other enemies, of
the plum, •
Watt *store and occasionally wal-
ing are the factors at work in the pre-
ductioa of chickens. Mat is of outgo
supplied by the hen, who, &leo, if she
be a good setter, will oee to the cooling,
. though as a rule it is better not to Trust
entirely to her fee this. But moisture
is beyond her control if the place of set-
ting is allotted to her, in some.
Wets there is no trouble whatever on
• this score, as the atmosphere is charged
with sufficient for the needs of the eggs.
But in others very great care half to lid
taken or dryness of the. atmosphere win
be fatal to successful liatchins. fieusons
also differ.
Dow to sPrar.
The agriculturist station of the. tint-
versity of Illinois has issued. bulletin
No. es, prepared -by Professor Arnold V.
Stubehroo,ch, on "Important Details of
Spraying,' In the chapter describing
the proper method of swaying, we reed:
Raving the Mixtures properly pre-
• pared and thoroughly agitated cannot
alone insure success Unless the spray
is properly . appliecl,' all preliminary ef-'
• fort is lost. To spray properly is mpre
difficult than is usually supposed, espec-
ially whore materials in suspension are
'used, /t' will not do to go out with a
determination "to do a thorough job and
give them an everlasting soaking" ;until
everything is dripping. If this is ,done
there will be less material on the trees
in the end than if less were applied in
. a proper manner. This to , some may
seem paradoxical. Nevertheless, it is a
fact,: 'end .an attempt will inacle to
show just how it takes lace In order
to do this it will be necessary to con-
sider the globules Of water as they.
come .from the nozzle, carrying witlithem
suspended particles of _Paris green or
-Bordeaux'-1:inixturior both,..i110_ CARR
may be. The settling which raker
place. The only way this can be avoid -
in the glotules. Of water after they be-
come_ fixed, to tlikfruit and leaves. Hence
--effelarger-theigleilmle,• the more settling
,will• take place, and Consequently the
more material will be deposited at One
place tne spray tank goes elf with.
ed is to have the lobules ver 'small
'and fine AS they leave the nozzle, • and
to keep them intact as separate,, fine
globules after they beconle attached to
the fruit'oe leaf. Ilene° the importance
of the -injunction: "Ude only e fine nisi-.
ale; use force keep the liquid:
issuing as a fine :mist, and spray onl
; met thc foliage and fruit are col-.
pletely bedewed." • • , •
It requires considerable skill to do
this properly and cover the ,surface
fully. If it cannot be done with one
spraying it would pay better to go over
the trees twice, allowing the first ap-
plication to dry beSore giving the sec-
-end, than to try to Secornplieh it all
at- one time, and thus run tlie risk I f
going further than the simple bedewieg
of the fruit 'or 'leaves. If the spray is
continued too tory the .fine globules will
"run together" to form One or several
large ones, which, instead of rethaining
fixed and dryhig just where they strike,
will run down to the lowest pace an
drip. Of. course, the suspendedma,
terial settles to the lowest point- of the
...g1.9.biliel..*1004 is,. in., that ease, spread.,1
over a considerable surface of the fruit.
Some of the; ripper portions are thus
left completely bare.. At the lower
'edge"' the material- wU'-drip • off with
'the • water, or often actumulate • in
euthcient quantity to cause injury..
Cover croseinnd Fertiliser". •
Owe it- 81107-11-possibial- it-not,Lthen_..
• mecum an abundance of corn fodder, well
cured, With some roots . and a good -sup-
ply of brain, oil Meal, corn meal and
•./ ' ground oats. These, with good early
cut clover or cotypea hay, will provide
. a,good range of: rich atilk-produang
food, Now, . with a 'warm, well -lighted
and property ventilated stable, with ab-
sorbent to sive - all the manure, both
liquid and 'solid, you are ready to ,feed
your cow for prolit4.7eed liberally, but
not blindly. Weigh and' compound it
balanced.ration.-L. E. Kerr in Agricul.,
. final Epitomist.
Keep Hoge Thrifty.
The hog seems to need SODA earthy
100 or mineral matter to enable it to digest
. • -"- ••--"*"="."--7.
. •
1. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Llrer Pills,' one pill
a dose, 26 cents a -box, nye boxes for 61.00.
Dr, -Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box,
six boxes for $2.60. Dr. Chase's •Oliitnient,
co cents a .not. tn. Chase's .Catarrh Cure,
21) cents a box. Dr. Chase's Liver Cure. -
50 cents a bottle. Dr. Chase's Syrup of
_Mr gecierlt..eptii;TIII:PsepttiSe,oc .4.5m.e.t.letienntbtrotc:tit_
full name "Dr Williants' Pink pole for
Pale People," Sold by all dealers in med.
Mos orsent post paid at 50. coins a bot or
.8i%. boxes for $2.50 by addreseing the Dr
' Medicine Co.., Brookville,. Ont, .
Light Rags.
' 'A good many farmers 10 (mestere
-lario are still adhering to the very fool.
.ilsh policy of marketing hogs that are
leo light in Weight, and quite unsoitlible
for packing packing purposes, The Geo. Mat-
thews Co., Limited, report that during
• ‘the month of January their receipts of I
'hogii graded as follotest-Selects, 1,308;
light, 1,840; light fats, 690; heavy fats,
kt; sows, 40; stags, 6; 'cripples, .61;
stores, 123; a, toal of 4,154 hogs, of
which only 1,308, or iskout 33 per eent.,
• •Were suitable foe ...the manufactureof
first-class export bison. If the trade in
•,Canadian beson is to be increased or
even maintained, at its present volume,
rif.proper weight and quality be sent to
.the packing bowleg. P. W. Bodeon,
Livo Stock Commissioner.
I '
1 A. r'esist For Goof „nutter. •
' The good hougesvife. Who said, "The
Vey to test goad butter is to smell .
Was surely an expert judge of butter.
The kale that it really good judge of
butter selddln tastes it but depends re,-
.ther upon the senses of null enesight. -
The dealer Who really knows and deald
'hi good butter an at any time whenhe
le testing a crock or roll of butter, be
leen to very carefully pass it in review
before his Olfactory nerve, and to break
At and nine the appearance Of the brok-
who true flatter of butter can be .
'quickly teited in the entirety of * pack-
age lir this manner, while, if the sense
of tette Slone were depended upon and
the package was not of even quality, the
tact might go unnoticed. The quantity
Of edit the butter can, of course, only
be &homing& taeting it. The intr.'.
%pee eXpeSed when it.• package or samplq
rbittknown at A good grain. That MOMS
ter broken 'should exhibit whet
that it should have a clearly dented
granular eurface, similar to that found
on the broken surface of east iron of
good guati. Do not fail to apply these
tests when passing judgment on ••• the
quality of butter.. /heir careful observe'
*ad and, a Mile ',weft will mike yeti
• stroert...Miebino lrarnisri
Lanett ineregifshi their business 'Within- -
grateful as well as dishonest for the sake
of -'1a little extra prdfit to Cut -into the
legitimate busmen; of the advertising
manufacturea . •
Incidentally, the public, Well as the
storekeeper and the manufacturer, are
interested in this question Of substitut-
ing one article for another. •
That which is represented as "julitas
good" is usually not just lea good, but
very fir from it. •
if a man has spent a million dotlare
building tip the reputation of a Vertain
article, it is to his advantage to keep up
.the quality of the material.which enters
into the manufacture of that artible. His
profit is large if he is honestly treated,
and It would' be suicide for him to Use
Interfax' material, for the Sake of a little
extra money.
The nittn. who mitkps Up an imitation
article and announces itas "just as good"
has no such sum et stake. He has in.
veisted, nothing. has no valuabla
o make t e just as good article just
as cheap as he tan snake it.
Tho buyer should remember these. facts
and put his conddence in that retailer
Who, like the man- quoted at the head
O f this article, .gives to the ouetomer
just what he asks for, treats the whole -
miler honestly, and shows gratitude for
the energy which builds up a successful
business: and makes the retailer pros-
perous. -From The New York Journal.
issued by the Aasociittion of Anserleils
AtIVOrtisietir. .
telligenee :an perseveraneei, It is ink
- paid on ecei t f _p 6, by • dma s u,
'Bates ,ds Company, • Toronto.
'roam; Canada drain C aitate.
The last urinal ;report of the Mini.
Id of Agriculture for 'the •Dorainfon is
remerkably interesting reading genersil
ly, but, more especially where:it s'efere
o ress that ,lo beiog made by
prattical grain 'culture. With a view
to -stimulating increased interest In the
-growing and systematic selection of geed
grain, a eompetition among boys and
.girls living on Canadian fatins wits start-
ed eaceningo.
them this work, Sit a-114=
donalct of .Montreal donated the stun of
$10,000 to be given in cash prizes, ac-•
gording to, piens which were arranged by
'Professor_Baltinsen. Theo _prizes are
' distributed wider the supervision. of the.
Rontinlofi Department of Agriculture.
IThe cordpetitors in the seed grain coni -
petition ere growing seed grain on spec-
ially prepared plots of land, one-quarter
of an acre in each plot, selecting seed
each year from these plots to sew on
•the plot for the suceeding year. They
gather large, well-filled heath; from vig-
orous plants before the grain is cut
and after all the conditions of grow
have been observed, and then Or
these , heads. By screening and hand -
hiking the large, Well-cleveloped grain,
from these selected heads, the steA for
next year's seed -gain plot is eeeured •
This MIMS and. manlier bf selecting teed -
hes now been conducted for two years
on over eight hundred Canadian farms,
Whieli aro fairly well distributed
gl Dominion. •
, The expressions of appreciation
have been received from the parents
and teachere of malty of the boys and
girli who have Undertaken the .work of
snanaging seed grain plot Autve been
most gratifying. The nature Audi con-
nected with. the eelection Of seed -grain,
Oecording to the system followed, is as
helpful u is interesting. There ean
be no aoot, as Profeeliot itobertgon
bios otated elsewhere, that it SYsteirlatio
continued selection .of seedgrain front
the most vigorous and produotive plants,
In the plots 1vM lead to great finprove-
tient in.the eroptthroughoot the whole
of the oonnity, ;) The educational In-
fluence of the deed -grain competitiens Is
eiterting wholelsonisi effect upon boys
and girls whose school years are nearly
ended, and who may never ton be
otered an inducement erifilelent to
awaken and- to .develop it liking for a
careful and, educational Study of
ture and nature's method* Tole "Pro.
easive agriculture" branch of the Mac-
donald Manual Training fund is growing
In influenee and tnefulneete; and there
Is good reason to antieipate with toile
litlefiee that it Will prove of perpetual
advantage to Canada, not only through
th 1 6 tit Of seed•gralit but
also thrOugh the inereated iritkiligenee
and enlarged abilitiee Of the boys and
girls who have taken part la the dOz11,,
its food Well. For this purpose many'
giVe salt, wood iseilleti and eharcoat,
al -
bowing them to eat it as they please, and
they usually are pleased to eat it pretty
freely,es Mall the breedingt kk t
over winter, and it has been Mond by'
teat that fattening hogs put on flesh
more rapidly when they can resort to
this mixture's they please. it prevents
the gravel eating, 'which semetimes
gents to keep' them from growing. The
Bureau of Animal Industry, V. 13. Depart -
;mut of„Agrieultute, _sends out. the. fob, „
lowing- recipe, which we are not sure is
,any better than the one we give above.
1 Charcoel, sulphur end bleek aatimmiy,
of each 'one pima-, Mika with commorr
salt, baking soda, sulphate of soda,
hyposulphite of soda, of each two pounds.
If given in. the feed, one teaspoonful is
allowed daily to each hog. The hogs.
also need in winter, especially the breed-
ing ere, either -roots or green feed of
some kind. We think ..raw roots are
etter-than--cooked-Sia. hut . if they
are not at hand give eiitry day a lock of
clover hay. They will always est *
greedily; -.American Cultivator.
Prof. 1. P. Roberts of .Cornell
versity says :-Cover crops May in a
Measure take the Place of
manures; They are not, hoWeiier, a
universal panacea for all soil deficien...
cies, neither are they a full substitute
• in all eases for ferti izers. There is al- ‘,
,wey0 a wide field for the profitable use
of one or all of the concentrated forma
1141 """' "dud' ' in Ina*
• eases theta is also a ,special place for
. 'Backache. the use of fertilizer's, therefore the mare
need of honest goods.. Commercial ler.
tihzers furnish available plant food,but
When people • no hunniF-Thil-cover crop
get past the both, it 18 only fair to say: that the
meridian f plant
0 oifoods in th
• life
theyirioubbiedm.aorree lable tthhaenpiun_stlem rartniteerr. Coate
p1831°Insirti°71:f soci:oe: alreadyt the
natstittheei°:sdolil:t1 the 1°°: t°1:evde theor Cover menpre
or less with inches:nil! ya bill
benefitoLietiliale. 1)14-
plainttt°. t° be do • not. Cover crops shade t,tehrtesiiilzatenvd:
kidney, enta, crlitoPs.
Pains d and conserve moisture.
_one, •Ttret
Private inside so loan on mortgagee a
The foter.equire Ilan intone that ell
customers, regardlees of rank or etation,
twelve the Midst oerefin attention and
trestMent at Our store, We are Ali portic•
tilor with the child Who is sent to Imre
obese some small article 60 we Are With
the experienced - Atha. We never sub-
stitute inferior drugs *hen filling your
doctor's prescription. We never room.
mend the 'ton:milling just as good.'
Under all oironmstarices of wicknet
Ana alliettee Pablet8 Celery Oomponna 1.
safer mire and tinfelling. it °Violeta and
purifies the blood, britoes the nerves,
correots digestion, and builds up those
who are Week and ron-dovin, /f yon are
nervous Or eleepless, try One bottle; Oak
results will surprise ytM. Our atoek of
0010k1 OeMpOUnd Always -trod*
Ana pure,
;14 •11017KY, Drugglek, 01000.
1 "or LiveiStoossinen.
1 -4 ;a. ,Olood or liforiens.
*Salve rateable to horsemen may be
, merle of equal quantities by measure
1 Opine tar, sulphur and lard. Mix the
onlPinir with the tar and *Air it well s for Burns, praius,Vie
then acid the lard aild stir again. Set Coughs, ()olds and all as
it on the etove and. Ammer. for bits mmurin every borne,
Pond's Extritct !
. . .
0,rerilftT ears a hatteehal#
hOures, masicually etirring it. It Will
cure the seratehee en. bones, and galls
from the harness.
Vox' scratches, thoroughly Wash and
clean the parts with castile or 89348
ether, goad land el soap, and then rub
in the salve, Alive tried it and recom.
mend it to othera, never knew it to
fail, It Is simple and cheap, and the
formula easy to remeraber, le net
patented; anyone can USe it,
It Will also relieve sores, ringworM
and most akin troubles on men. -J. W,
Ayrshire's at 8*. fri 1803.
The breeders of dairy cattle in the
TJnited States are already beginning tit
Prepare for the Louisiana porehaee Ex.
position, to be held in St. Louis 'in 1903.
.At the recent meeting of the American
Ayrshire Breeders', Association, held at
Providence, Mi., it was voted to appro-
priate_ money from the trea,sury to pay
the expense of placing a herd a Ayr.
shire cows in the breed test at that Dc -
position, and a committeeyas appointed
to take charge of the same. Canadian,
breeders who intend to exhibit at St.
Louis should at once begin to prepare
their stock, so that they will not be
talon at a disadvantage, when the, time
for thie great international content 67.
ar er s
'CAUTION...Tigre Is silly
one Pond's Extract,. Os
sure you got the mono,
$uld only In sealed bottles
In bull wrappers,
011111001mwas.t. '
-weak and Impure Blood o
elver & Itiditey Diseamitti
Female Complalett Ste*
All Druggist; or write d cot
• Gtderieb, 0,2
• 1
Little Liver pills.
• 5041Fac431mile Wrapper Below.
• *Voce ai mita*
Toni, samill dild'iiiiisiirso
it insisrile-"TOtrarADACHra
erTit , rOfklilLIOVSNESS. '
1 V"R FOR- TORPID !Jim'.
2tds! __„sormrio ousre.,oes i(tz::rt.
You can makcyour.har-
pidneari toughg81 i ..traby
rtgolde.Unarily wmogidion!
Names" Oil
rpakee *pee:looking hart
e, ga. nice bew. Made of
pure. beevy bodied 011,
peolally prepered with.
atand the weather.
8010 evemwbere •
In cans -4.11 Mee.
111E1181AL OIL 60011114
Coors. Cotton Soot Compound
is enceessinilY used nuinthly by over
(Y,000Ladie8.,Safe,effecttutl..Ledies ask.,
_yetir druggist for Cook's Cotton Reel Car
Take 110 °curiae all Mixtures, pilli and
onsaredangerous. Prioe, ;I
dio. a, 10 degrees strougerAll Per box.
%nailed on receipt of price and two -81n$
Tho cook. Company Windsor. On*,
and s soldTmatecomotuocUsitis
die Dragons Ctuutda. •
Direct importers. .Workmanshin
and Material guaranteed.
Combines the well known
tood values of wheat..
, and the medicinal
virtuesof malt.
Itie a Perfect l'ocid„Natures own
ItpreVente siokness by trooping Rue .
system in a healthy condition. .
It restores health by regulating and
toning -up weak systems.
- It giveis sure relietto permute suffering
frorn poor digestion, headache, dyepepan
' and other disorders arising from the use
of poorly. cooked, foods
-A trial will cenvince the most akepties4--.
al of the superior raerite of this f00(1. POW
sales* •
non enoeniy
It is intpossible tO accuratel ons
• aches, stiff -
of seeds for Ahe cover crops and the
preparation of the soil for therti. The
•ocest of increasing productively by extra,
tillage, by the use of fertilizers, by own'
crops or by all three means, can only be
determined in each case by the farmer
intereated, I give below a single 111
W. T..O'Nells
• •. Our 'telephone number ie
New Blacksmith.
• best current rat'. Shop. •
pare the host of fertilizers with the °cost-
ihois actiola
ing Leslie *Carriage Shop Orang
A. acin6ral Banking been:lege traneiseted pared to de an Work in hielhio. Shalt kart
.1nteregt allowed on &poling. a good. matirdearee experience ninths bust.,
wor en sus to hixt.
ness and sore-
ness of the back, diffieulty in urina-
tion and freque ut rising at night
are some of the troilbleti that seri-
ously afflict the old.
Thole is no remedy brings such
1' f d f t to th adv teed
in Re, as Dr. Pitcher's .Baskaehe
Kidney Tablets:. . They soothe all
' tone up and invigorate
the urinary organs, clear away all
sediment, take the. ache pain
out of the book and permit undis-
turbed rest at night;
• 1111111110.
Subscriber having rented the
re ie an 'corn or ene a
Oeo. Boutin, ttertingtein Street,
Attiprior, 004, mot flr have had so
linuth benefit front tieing Dr. Pitcher's
Backache Kidney Tablets that./ de not
lieentite to recomittend them. Since i
u sed, theta I am free from that waiter*
backaehe thee quite unnerved rati and
robbed me of all energy. My kidneys
have been so invigorated that there now
remains no annoyance or in0011VOIlletleil
from the MointiOnd. / wilts you could See
my father. Eta is sixbpnine years of age
land before Using Pitcher's Kidney Tables
suffered acutely from rheumatism in his
book. Now hal" sprightly and nimble ea
o young man. We soya never anyihir
before dia him as muoll good a" Pitolie 6
Tablets. E tun cdtildent that theite w
hare failed heretofore to obtain any relief
from hod banks and elugglik'kidney* will
find the:11140dd welt rewarded by *tiling
Dr Pitcher's Declutch. Kidney Tahoe?
Dr. Plteller'e ibtoicaolle Kidney Teislate
are 504. it Dor at oil druggists or by, zoo,
Tito nu zotZPIT43104 009 Toronto On&
Safe notee botight ' • * • neat 191 norm personal littention to is
nst..Z4kAleAleTaggart_toVial attentiOn.
'kriowing that. another cover crop under
other conditions might either be more or
ides valuable. Second growth of clover,
furbished in roots and tope per acre the
following: --Nitrogen, 139.86 lbs.; phos-
phoric tick', 67.35 lbs.; potash, 100.96
The. There is removed by 26 bushels; of
wheat and- actortepanying straw, nitro-
gen, 43 The.; phinsphoric acid, 20 lbs., and
potash, 21 Ilia It Is believed that most
Of the nitrogen taken up by legumes Is
secured" from the • fincombined nitrogen
'in the atmosphere. The clover ata not
odd to either the titer, e of phosphoric)*
from ths soil and >lade them availabls.
acid or potash.' the plant took theft
nowis TI11114
We offer One Hundred Denote Reward
for ony MOM of Oetarrli thin eannot he Mir.
ed:13, Catarrh Cure. .
P., J. Onatokr dr Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, bee lenown P. J.
Cheney for the last Uyears,and bellvehfm
perfectly honorable in all boldness transom.
stood and linanclially able to carry oat any
.obilgationa made by their drat
Witer* Titi/A)ty Wholeerde Draggiela, To-
ledo, oI
wAttoo, xn414AN & mom, whomemo
Druggist, Toledo, O.
Pfall'a Catarrh Care Is taken Internally,
toting dimity upon the blood and ratieette
surfaerst of the aystent, Prim 78e. per
bottle, soia by alt Draggle* Testimon.
Mid fro.
rend!, P111. ere the beet
eare,ot Horses' feet.
‘ALBEIrreos,, CLINTON' 11."11114 "11"a51"WI*
Geaerall Ilanklag Busing**
Notes ,issued. Interest allowed on
- -deposits.
TRH AioliSollis BANE
inoorporated by Act Parlioment 1855.
(VITAL $0,500,00.3
ESSOEIND $2,150,000
HEAD ornoz, iitoriTHELL
MOWN diA0P1111101011,;Fkaiden
jiMad lilitattor, Gem Moneger•
Notes disommted, collection" rob, itriint
issued, eterling and Ainerioan_ exchange
Wright and old. Interest allowed on
degosits Sonwo fintit*Ilatereet ellowed
on strut of 1111 and op. Money adVa11064 *0
fa -Mitre 011 their own notes, with one or
Mere endorsers, NO:mortgage reqoired.,
MO« ierstworg samtner,
FEED:4. LOTT minim
Meat Market
' gaving porotooed the botch/ring
sines* Of P. Et. Powell 1 ani pre-
pared to forilloh the people of Olin*
too with ell kinds of Fresh and
Cured Witte. Soosete, bologna
lord, butter and eggi *twos kept on
fitzsimolls it Son.
TelpIorte 70,
Orders deliverid promptly to
Porto of the town.
N.0,--Precont bay* logo
shiprocot will dont* a brut
basins word at Um gawp.