HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-11, Page 8£902
The 3131ae1k, Ca
The X31,ick Cats4tre Coming
L004,14 B$• .0 OR 1101143 -EM EN'"-B°k9rb "cler' injured member . A1140004'18 one
ili 11 in e r3!
term. apply to J . itiDoUT or
I Early Seed Potateese-Rose of the Nortle-fo. .
0. 0.1tAN010. Clinton. see what we cats do for you• lelie ha Ve
a number splendid cute of dstferent the earliest in garden etuff; he brought
into tbe W NnEtta office a' bunch of
ing your annual route IAN or pedigree of those gardeners who manage to have
Once Teyloretere proot safe far 84101067 folders call at the Nnw 1,41t4 iffice and
rheubarb, first
sale at W. W. VeTAIII,'S. desigue anct-our stock, te of the best tbe we have seeta this
notatees Weatedie-rfighest enee_paid.
gown Isom
catintliAns BROS. quality while prices are moderate. er of the grimary department of the
setteon....reiss Kirkby, the new tettele-
d shi
There is not a showing of -Millinery in the County
that will pen begin to equal that now on view in
.our show room. It is a display that would bring no
discredit to any City store, and one that makes firmer
th.ln ever our position as the Leading Millinery estab-
lishment in Huron. New 'lines have arrived to take
the place of the many sold out since the opening. As
quickly as novelties appear in the large centres, we
show them, and whenever you come you will be sure
to see something new here. Extra help has been se-
cured this week and we hope to be able to keep up
with our orders,. and turn all out promptly.
A Kid Glove Bargain:
1 75 pairs Kid Gloves at 60e instead of $11
On Saturday, April 12ch, we place on sale 75 pairs
of K d Gloves, at half price and less. They are the last
pairs of several lines that sold at $1 00 and $1 25, which
we a:e dropping from stock. All are standard makes,
and it is because we are going to confine ourselves to our
three well k own and popular lines at $1.00, $1.25 and
$1 50, that are clearing these opt. About 50 pairs
black and 2 lored in the lot, sizes 5 3-4 to 6 1-2.
1; •
75 pairs k. loves,black and Colored, good qualities, .1
button length, most of theinO, to (*some Ot in the .
lot; last pairs ar lines that sold at 1,00 and 1,25 your
choice on Saturday for , ,' • • 9Ve
eiveieweeNte*AAAftieWAVVeiefleioitANWAWA-W: ee40.4ANVOYNAANI
Good Slack
Dress Creels
If yon are going to buy a blaCk.dteas this spring, • in
ju.,tice to yourself _you....8hould.._setAhisstock. Everything
that is fashionable in black dress stuffs, from the: trill -right
-weight Voiles and Grenadines to the heavier • and .more sub-
stantial Broadclothand Horaespuns,lis represented in it,. • There
is variety enough to suit almost' every' taste. The qualities are
good. The are made from pure wool, and the dyes are abso-
.-.:.Lely-fi.st and -huchangeable, . just a few price hints.
All wool Arench Serge, double
fold, makes up well for suite or
.skirt, gives satisfactory eve.ar,
per yard
42inch all wool storm Sergediard
.worsted finish, will not hold or
catch dust, good weight,. extra
specieltable per yard MM.
L v •
44 inch all pure wool Estemine
Serge,Priestlee's make, cheviot
finish, makes stylish aed ser-
viceable suits or skirts,per Yard IMO
46 • inch cheviot Serge, good •
weightall wool, One f the best
selling linos, per yard
Fine French Serge, 46 inches
wide, Priestley's make, MOW _
used for mourning purposes,
per yard
0 C
All wool Voiles. 42' to 46 Indies
wide,will be very nmeh used this.
,se.nirner, will nutke a handsome 1 AA
dress, per yard-50e,77.2"e and gv
6 40 inch Broadcloth,' goocl. weight, '
firm weave, bright ffn.ish,extra
special Value at per yard........60c
52 ineh 13roadcloth. Suiting,
bright finish And good'weigbt,
'w1 wean *ell and make e. styl-
ish costume, per yard. I MU
44inch Sethi Cloths, 'til pure wool,
firrie close weave andeich satin
finish, will give expellent wear, ,, An E
t wo qualitiee, per yasel,60e nd it•Ifp
Fine wool Grenadines, 35 to 44 '
inches, new designs .... . . :,;.
, 50e, 7t,iie and1,00:
G'oocl. quality silk Grenadines, . •
new and handsome desiges, 44 ,
inches wide, .per yeed. ...
. $1,50, $2.0ci an.a.2.50
Carpet Puy" g
There isn't a better time to buy earpeta than -now and .
tinve-itinl-a-votteirOacew the-Colnity-tkirtrliere. Buy n )vr
and you get a choice of the fitoek whenit is full and at its best.
. Buy here and you get the best values and asSortinent any-
where near here, and yirtir carpet made and laid without' an
extra charge. Our Tapestry and Brussels are the best English
and Scotch makes, and our wools are guaranteed. pure. The
_ yarns a,re,thoroughly 'Scoured and cleaned, and the colors ab-
solutely fat. Pick out your earpotpow while the _Choice is
best. We will make it lip and keep it until youareready for it.
- Hemp Carpets, reversiblelt;atternP.
stripes and floral designs, 121c, 18c.
and 200.
t Union Carpet*, colors writ not run, •
a big range, 25c, 371c and boe.
. .
IT'apestry Carpets, good qualities, a
big range of patterne, 28c, 87e, Ma '
and ti5e.. . .
Body Brussele, 4 and 5 frame, new
i'designs, $1,11.10, and $1.15., 1 • I '
For the
• I post office site was ereeted in the year mentioned Mies Habkirk was the new THE N 11 Vir ron OFFICE. -The penile se ool. will take -charge next
frame building occupying the new Monday; the 14th last ;last week we
AT TBE'E"(3TEIV W°RR''''' e ISC5,10Y Mews McDonald & Oa P el, teacher, which Was incorreet....A
hear there was soniewhatof a Strii0 Cal the former being a brother ot De Mac- meeting in the interests ot prohibition
aAret .
tr 'Qatectrw Plant this week ar eonald, Deperty Speaker of the 'House. was oiled for el Tuesday: eVening in
d N gle, /ate of the woellen Ini s, . ei; will sew eiy disappear, however, to the council chamber but there was no
Paris, has taken Mr Brown'e Place, give Otters to the new poet (Moe to be meeting as only three men were presen te
CLEA.N UP. -A horough overhul•ti
iorsgobeagiL,ilyntrd4atnogethier with the use
ct t wuorilideffreusefisi
exercise to many. et 9
prompt removal of ,t,he debris rh.1:'t. t
. lecl ii daring the winter and ge ere "
cleaning up of the town, will do abouteita.
much good as vaccination Jui th ay's
fellows of town are pushing the sale of
Iticket. fee I heir concert to be given
on 4.pril 25' h. This entertaironeet is
costing the.Cinton 1 'dee $125 and as
they believe in giving the • people of
Clinton one of the treats i0. this line
they expect to see the town null
crowded. Piste the date in veer hat -e.
- Fricley,°the 25.h- for the Ocicifellowe'
concert. :
REOITAL -Miss 1.411lian„F. Jackson,
rr.ma,bly the youngest, although none
the less efficient music teacher of town,
held an examination and 1 ecital of her
popjls at the residence of her father,
High sti eet, on Thursday evening of
last week, which was attended by
many ot Miss Lillian's friends. At the
entertainment held in Willis church a
few days ago, she did • a good part of
the playing on the pipe °ream., arid
many compliments were paid to her
on the splendid way she played,
a O. -The Curling (nub will close the
season tvith an oyster simper on Mee -
day night next, when the presentation
of the trophies won during the season
'Nvill'he presented . W Spauldiog wins
. the half dozen Of cut 'glass tumblers
presented tee the President., and 'AN
Fair, and W Ross- get the saver cups
presented by Mr A J Taylor,. Toronto',
and whe.will be present upon this occa-
sion. A good program is. being arreng.
ed and a.veiy pleasant evening Will 1 e
spent: : . . • •
monthly meeting of the public echool
board was held on last Thursday even-
ing in the 'clerk's • office, wily e few
-rnattere 'being dealt with. The resig-
nation of Ilaaq Jackson as chaietnan
Who accepted' andby motion of MeSsrs.
Hodgens,and Manning J• W: Irwin
as appointed ger (he halapee of the
• year. A tomeaunicatiote was received..
from Miss Kirkhy,...of Iflytii, steting
that she will tike charge of the.peitn•
al y department on Monday, the lull
inst. The follOwing accounts were
passed: .... W..-Cen.pec Sriicie,$.0.50.41,....Q........w..n4.$c:...
exp66t ,A,iiiiL .aboitera_for_ Biy, th. May Oth ; Brussels at Wine- '
Sieeensori $15.-11e W. Smitheon S4.40 „ the. . te-B-15,,, th a,ite, B'rhnimsea... •
:Spring flowers. ... :The 'anneal exam.- '-h.'-'' u• 1%f e'''''''-113
. '..as IOT gq5°9 $.1,4 ..,..!:: : :. • .. • 'ion to tbe Model Ferni on the ,Kin- MO'Y
cerdine•Palmerston line will be run on .; SOtlii Wingham et Bruseels, June Oth
21st ; Wingham at jelyt. , . ily
" CHANG ES. -Mr and Mrs J. Shaw Friday, . June' 20th • ' The , paper , ....The council . met last (Thersday)
(recently tif Blyth) andithe patents oi. .
• Dr. Shaw, of town, have rnoeed here haeg.ers and kalsotninets . are having night for its regular April meeting ;
their annual Spring rush just now.. prem. edines will be given in next
• and taken •up their abcide in the Potts eivate, j. G..Ginin, who was severely'' ,,week's..... ....!, 1-1,
Wes -
cottage on Mary street:: ,.H ei ,vild bas
woundectat Hart's -.River disastee i tev church of. ulinton appears • in the
moyea front. ()Mario street to Mee - W. sends Attica- is • a en -n.. -70f D- -1.i- lohnn Methodist Christian Giiiirdian of April :
OrtoperViiou,:e on 'Isaac , steent- .... W. Gime of Ailsa Craig and 'nephew of 6 •
, Oth. .. An incipient Ore,itserigin being,
T. O'Neil will remove Shortly • to the .D G ' . i t .0 ti the 0 di
Melettirtay residence on Ontario ,street ..;". i'dnrid, ° o pn4 ai is 1 r . aria . an unkn win wa's noticed plat in time by .,
a d, who haw EL relatine. Murdoek Mae. it school bay.in T. Holloway's house on
eiun e , wee r ae A ex Maedone
which he recently boughtt'ard has had ''''
donald„ cit• Bervie. Brude Co.... On Tuesday; it; started. • in the Copheard
and some damage Was done before it
• a stable' built on .the nremi.ses by S. .S. I
Cooper :. tbe, house he leayee will be Tuesdey. while playing football et
t ,-- ` was put out......The Minna meeting of .
occupied by W. R. • Lieugh.. ..10 wee
Mrs MeIlveen,Albert street port's, had. the Liceitise •Commissioners of West
Unroll will be &id.. 'at the Inspector's Ati
school, Wilbert, the yopogest. Sion_of.
• Geaelie bas -removed to the 'Glazier '
• house, south of . the railWay, •on the •
- his thumb b dl dislocated the doctor cffice, Olietoreonfnext Thursday after- yr.:
London road... :Jas. McClay hue moved 4 . . --''. •?' V '''' ;
a. minieterea choreform, and set the
to the hotzee he reeently .peeefratiei. '-' I norm,. April 171h ; siefilleations for the I Ae
ripen . . Geo. Johnston on street west. • . . _
license year of 1902•3 will be considered. I V -
the latter baying taken up his resid- •----e---
•ence on ()hinge street,.. „Sas: Dun ?Mel
bought R. lelebeed'e propeaty'on ICilig.
street consisting: of a,' house . and two.. T
fifths Of an 'acres of.iiied ; he is : having
a stable built on the place and will re:
move to it about May Ist.
THE'ILL:L-L•Miss Greta, eicleet dangh-
ter of james. Watson, of Seaforth, and •
granddaughter of .1.. Leslie; toive, was
.opetatect 'upon • for appendicithi lest
Week; we learn she.has been making.
satisfaci en y pregeese, and will soon, be.
well avain....Friends will regret to
learn.that Mrs. A,Ilen, :who is at etreserite
at. her . daughter's in -Stanley, •is con-
fin•ed to bed iehd is very . ill.. -Miss
Millie, the:Youngest daughtee of Gee.
Peete, • Princess street ea t., is y ill,
NV L ZIA fit tA.ru..! ph eattair-a4arresvtatsiti ......
and.theiirnatiern. , • Wm., son of ef We Ziwar
Robert Miller, of the base line, pi home awe
.frons Stratford, laid up with quinsy.
-Miss Amelia Harlaied has been ,quite. ill =
recently with toosilitis and quinsy•.... epee
011ie Genirtice, of the •Sciekson Mfg. , fame
Co.,. is on . the sick lift this week....
The many friends of Chas. Beene, (son- 60,..
in-1ayv of L. Manning) will learn with • es-,
regret that . he is Ia• tuyig,otidhistano,61 / ,a20.......
arstA '
in Gonerich; • withid-
we hope for - his. speedy recoveryVe..r .! • EV;
Mrs D. Gardiner,. of town, who irict. t eon-
erecte on the site. The plane natl. ....There were 21 Liberate from toven
specifications are completed, and it is attended din West Huron Liberal con -
expected that tenders will be called for vention at Dungannon on Monday and
in a few days. The,Architect of Public About 10 Oonservativeti were at the
Works Department, who selected tbis Convervative convention at Smith's
she, says that it is cue of the very best Hill on , Wedneeday Division
for the purpose in the Dominion, eourt was held here on Tuesday.
NO VENTRA.1.4 ARMOR Z. -For the Barrister Helrestead acting as pane in
past year the arms and accoutrements Place of Judge Doyle, who was ill ; the
ot tlie 83rd Battalion have )sen kept only cases were J. Smithson vs D.
itt Goderich, the Battalion hearlquart- 9burchill and Dr..Shaw vs Jas. Carter,
ere, this necessitating the keeptng of ledgment beam given favorof plain
tbe uniforms at the headquarters of Writs both cases.. , .There are now 104,
eaeh company. When this plan was
decided upon it was expected that a
nermanent at Mory would be ertrted in
lerich, but the govern ment,through
phone subsershers on the Ild ; two re-
cently added beinee A. J. Hellowav,No
103,and Jackson Mfg. Oo , Na. 01....
Fred Peckitt, while working at e joint -
the Munster of Militus, having stated big SaNatthe Stanletan salt work,rnet We Offer FoivneeotfhLatewstaYs e3allece Dardi2gonseas followe.
that such was not the in L. with a slight accident and had his right
captains, informing„ Welt of the in. flYinn back_ .. -Mrs Geo. Roberton wilt
Q01, VArcoe floe written the several thumb broken by it piece of heading
receive on Wednesday, April 1,6th, and s,i, :: 3200: for
rr 105 Cc
" " 35e for 15e
tention to keep both arms and nut/bun
at the headquarters of each company. after will be at borne on the 2nd Wed- New Stook Table Tenets at 25o, 01,25, $1,55, 5200,. $2.50.
nesday of each month.. „F. J. Jackson
? UBLIO MONEY. -In the county has found it necessary to have T. Mc -
of loluron there are three harbors which Kenzie pub in more shelves and drawers
have had public money expended on in his stot,e Or his etock of boots and
them, but we venture the assertion I oboes - Ur Jackson says he bee .had a
that the sun2 total of these expend- I good birsiness this past season... •Miss .
itures figure up more than three qttart- Edna Xanningeutertained &num' e- of
ers of a .million of dollars. Goderich I friends last Friday night". a surprise
harbor has had over 4700,000 spent party was given to Mies Josie 111-cillur-
thereon ; Bayfield has had nearly i ray the other night before her leavine-
0,000, in addition to $10,000 spent by for her new home at Weybiirn, N. W.
Albert bas had over 627000 spent are doing an extra business these days
the towhship of Stanley, and Port 1 T... , The dry goods men tell us they
there. Of course the -money was not , ....0antelon Bros shipped a car load of
expended at one time, but coven the 1 potatoes to the eaetern market during
sums spent for improvements in differ- ' the past week, ...li. 'Brehm:mid made
ent years, since they becamenpublie a good sale of young calves at the
prorgrty, Clarendon stables on Wednesday, hay -
NOTES. -We are sorry to won of , ing sold 16 fine grade- calves at trom
the serious illnets of the baby of Mr $2,50 to $5 each ; Mr Richmond will
Fred Bakes ; Mr Bakes left for Los have another sale shortly notice of
Angeles some time ago, and his wife which will be eiven hi this paper....
was making preparations to join hine, We are told that owing to a washout
but is prevented for the present owing on the 0. P.R. at Rat Portage over 000
to the illness. , _On Sunday r yening a ca.es are delayed there and among the
team of horses owned by A. Badcur, of I number are the effects of W. Weir,who
Goderich township, ran away on Vic• f receutly.left here for Saltcoats in the
toria street; the theee occupants of the AA .,es_itiboia territory...,The Salvation
buggy were thrown out, and were for.. e.....ee band drove to Goderich last
tanate • in escaping serious Inbar
.. ,. As showing the wonderful deve - cert given there by the local corns of
(Thursday) night and assisted in a con-
oprnent of brisinese, we may state I the comity town.. ,.A large number of
that the customs' receipts here for.the , counterfeit Dominion s2 bills •are re-
capntli-of March were larger than the ported to be in circulation e9ecially in
entire receipts at this output for the .Qnebec.• In the • senior series of the
yeat 1891-5....Miss Luella Tenney gave ' VVestern Football Association are Sea -
a very enjoya,ble birthday party on , forth, Toronto, Galt and Bet lin and in .
Tuesdav ; we won't say wht birtladey nem) 2 in the intermediate series .the If yonrare ai wearer of the Slater Shoes and are satisfied with them new
invest, lest some one might treasure it '-°"wing . its your oil? ce to secure a bergiunievery pair must goes we need the room .
Slobedule WAS arranged :-
or ot er um. Come and see thein.
up against her for future use N Blyth et Wingharre 2rei ; Br ussele at
all Paper
See ogr
Big in variety, dainty in design and good in value,
from 5c to 50e, We thinkour display and our prices
have public approval. In our selections we bought
the best we knew,how to buy. In ma -king our prices
we keep as low as we eau, to protect our expenses.
If you are interested please examine our assertment
and judge our values,
:The W. D. FAIR 00. ClintOn
iOlten tb.eVheapest—iiways the Best." -
Slaughter Sale'
Raving seceired the Agency, for J, A, Xing & Co, Fine Shoes, also
the Soverign and other makes as advertised, lines which we think are
better value for our onstomere, We have after careful consideration, de-
eided to give up.the Slater Agenoy and in order to dear ont what We
have cm hand, we have placed them -on oue bargain counters and ere
selling them ab less than Slater's,wholegale prices. •
We think werhave the most np-to-refilito-Ok of iosringtoetewear
found in the County, which we are willing to dispose of, on the New
System of Sinai' Profits and Quick Returne.
Cash and one Price
•The Old Reliable,
The Store That Never. Disappoints
Eggri•takehas caeh..
aylor on,
present in New York, underwent an
...operation one of the hospitals there;
we learn it was successfnl, anct sne is
reported as doing well ....Mrs Andrews
has been laid up for seneral weeks, the
result of bat ing nail run in her knee.
• We are aorry to learn that Mrs
Carline has met with another mishap
which adds seriously to her enfeebled
;conclitinn ; lastSaturday she fell and
bruised herself considerably, a doctor's
attentioniseingrequired, hue we hope
she may soon renew strentgth.
THE WIND UP BALL.--Theclosing
assembly of the season was given by
the New,Oentury Club in the town hall
last Friday evening, and was attended op,.
• by over 100 people, The event proved an -e
, a very pleasanteonclusion to the many 4,16-""
Little Fellows
'';" • -•
Our -2 great lines of suitti2g4 which we are making to
- order at $10 and $12 has caused a genuine stuprise among
• clothing buyers.
We are offering them at wholesale figures because vir.e
are in a position to buy our tweeds and trimmings at 25 per
• coat less than other houses. We say our $10 suits are sold at
7-$14-and-eur-$snits by...other ppople—We show a
magnifieient range -of patterns and you can hav'e-a snit made
- in any style or shape. We are very busy but we will (give
- 4
prompt dispatch on all orders,
\ •
. ..a.
....040 . .
social eyents held durieg the winter ay.',
by this club, and other parties which $0,-.. houghtless =
were given. The decorations 'for the
Brown orchestra of five pieces-"Th'Os. al"'",
charge. ertakenby the committee
music, preyidekbm...the ern- , People -Ar '
was und ` mittee in aos.....;
occitsr... ..td...preisty-And-rnuetntro
-----.._ „,
Brown, leader, Miss Rathwell, Percy.. . liS
was all that Could be wished for, and *Pm" 'Thoughtless people look at the *price. .. The cautio
BrOWP. R. Cline and W. Freeman- *en--
Was considered, by the ajority'of -- adtit:
those present, to be superior to the ineine- . ones look at the cinality. They reason rightly,that the cheap -
London harpers, The floor was excel- elnee;...... .. est is costliest. - Better to buy once. at a fair price than twice
sail; Mr and Mrs 11. (Y. Bell, Wingham;
° '4 " 4 r f MI@ GI * aPN'' JACICSON6it It
A r
&trent) Miss Isbister end .T. jackson,
Allyth; Omit, and Miss Johnston, Car- in,„,,,
son, (keest ot Miss O'Nei t, and Miss = ,
ItleIlardy. (guest' of Mrs Mellardyn 4.,,... t,
(eider of illts O. MeTeggartl, s t
low; .1. McDonald and A. Smith, Hein cli.
forth; Dr. and Mrs Lindsay, Miss An.
One, D:Wilson and it. Creswell, Senn on-,
gide placee, aniong Whore we noticeiti:11
ML' and and Mrs B. I. McDonald, Miss or-.
Young .Miss Socie, T. Willie, T. StePh. =
was the largest, many being from out! ees.,,,r
se to er, gip.. 3
.,. __.:_,..„.
/1101.• wedoit is because they ignore-p.aality,, risk satisfaction, trus
day that no other line equals- ii,
to luck, The LION brand. is demonstrang the fdot, every
OS•og CLOTII1NO ST011110 ..••
.W...2.71.,....-t.:2:=:"..'t. " "OH
_....., 3
lent for tripping the tentaetic, and the = at prices that can't possibly bold any valtia, Mothers of boys;
lubeb Wee sot only. tasty but appals- dm.,
ing, This ball was the most successful Cline , quality ought to be your guider and if you stick to the "Lion'
in (yeti respect of any•Which have pre- 1"-- • brand you will be right.. 411 woq, honest sewing, honest
ceded. The cornrcsittees in charge,. as E
Well as the -•,,secretary, Who had ing,nv lining. ta, cost money. but they were. The best that can be .put
' duties to perform, deserve credit, and git= into Boys' Clf.,thes is none too strong for the tumults of romp
able outcome of the Live balls, pardon- Er
iarly the final, at which the attendance - and play. That this reliakAlity costs less here than, elsewhere a
are to be eongtatulated On the favor- Ob.
.1.0...-... is the truth. If somebody else sells boys clothing lower than
. .
Some of the nattiest suits for small
boys'that you have seen for many a
day, are -here.. EvueroybeyultasiS new and
-fustthese could begin to make them :11aei
stylish and
Boys two-piece suit, brown endlreen mixtures,
farmers satin line0, .pants lined thronghouto OA
each . ....................
Boys Halifax Tweed Suite,coat with f1nisin;1
raised oeconts,pannii Tined, patch for mending 2,60
Pine Halifax Tweed trite, coatnxix pleeted
belt, pants Heed, ‘ertelt. ..... .............. 11•11V
Three piece buffo,all Halifax Tweed, plain al 41A
0010a# brikia trimmed, otoh.. INV
Better Snits $4.00 Alid $5100.-