HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-11, Page 6April 11tb, 1902
411re Cate Are Conittil s' THE CLINTON NEW ERA
i" WINTER EGG -PRODUCTION. Ilettith in Spring.
natters Amara as to the Belt *odor,
*echoes. Nature Require* Rselstaece
The following Is front the "Count*
gentleman": To obtain a breed of
Cowls that ate perpetual layer* Is the
object tbat roma,' lans 4t. , Thiel le an
Imposeibility, for nature svill exhaust.
Itself and must have a period of rest.
In order tat • we have , - perpetual- -
productIonoof fres& eggs, the busiutall
Oust be arranget beforehand. ' There
ar a difference in breeds, some laying
better than alters at any time of the,
year, and others, again, giving their
eggs In winter. There is little attics*
ty in obtaining . eggs iu eumMer,
the winter eggs Must be worked for,
and the fowls managed beforelinnd.
liens that have laid well during •the
eumnaer cannot be depended on for
late fall or early winter, even it well
ted, but will generally commence in
TanuarY, and keep it up tlirougnout
ebrualat and March, giving a good
:21upp1y of eggs if not too olda. But it.
is better not to allow such birds to go
.nto the winter. They are generally,
.fat, after having finisbed the annual:
+moult, and should be killed for the
table. After the second martial Moult'
hens are apt, to become egg -bound,
"esPeciallY if well fed and fat. The ex-
cess of tat that accumulateabout the "
lower antestmes and ovaries weakens,
these organs ana. renders them incapa-
ble of performing their offices. Hence
the fowl suffers and becomes profit-
less. When left too long the bird be
comes feverish and the fiesb, is went
for 'food. The better way as to ityold
this trouble, since there is no cure, by
not allowing the birds to go into the
second winter. Trouble of this kind •
seldom occurs with pullets or young
hens. •
To obtain a supply of winter eggs,
we must have the chicks out In Match.
or April. Leghorns and some of the .
smaller breeds will do In May or the.
(hat of aline, but. the •Brahmas and
Dochins must come off early, that they
May have the full season for growth. .
The Asiastics are generally good lay-
ers in winter, and need less artificial
heat, as nature hasnot furnished thorn .
with any ornamental a.ppenclagess
which suffer by exposure to frost.l'oe
them it Is not necessaryto spendlarge
1111MS in warmbuildings. What they.
can dispense with in thie respect, they; .
:demand in . feed, which must be alven
regularly. The feed anlist be kept up
and varied with animal and vegetable
diet. The semply of water must never
fait We must feed and feed. a long
lime before the eggs will cense. Any
breed of hens will consume an enon
anew quantity of feed before corn-
amencing to lay, but after haring once
asegun • they will not require, Ca even
,take so much gamin. When laying,
their great craving 'is for vegetable
and animal substance, and • crirehea
. clam or. oeste,r.. •
Fowls that are regularly rbJWb
certain- portion's • of the day for their.
different feeds. My birds require
their shells at night, as Well 'tie theit
greens, and • their grain In the morn-'
bag, and always fresh Water. • When
one has the time .nd convenience,
ond enjoys the petting .of fewle, Mak-
in warm steweson very cold a days is
-en admirable plan, and- the birds lel-,
Lsh them tnatvelleusly. Take beef Cr •
*pork scraps, and • put • into an olds keta
far iiiiriathaane-paealeusly ..ebenped
ane, and fin It half full' Ofs water.
While 'stewing, throw. in a dozen.
.chopped Onions, two dozen cayenne.
. peppers, and the day's coffee and tan
grounds. ,Thicken, the mixtdre • with
cornnieal • and serve it. around among
theeheres hot. They srelish it' ainaiing-
iy when once taught t� eat it, .and will.
look for the ration daily at the certain
time. On . cold • Winter days give this.
'teed between 2 • and 8 o'clock. in 'the.
afternoon, and the chicks get • their
',crops 'warmed up for tlie coming cold
ist. night; If scraps are not handy,
boil unpealed potatoes, and, seriaa, in ,
the same manner, . adding a little
-grease or cold gravies left ever trait'
yesterday's dinner. •
The combed varieties require warnsei
. mutrters and sunnier . exposure than.
the Asiatic% and. ere .good, winter lay-
ers after December .and early ,January.
Whey will lay- in thea.fall. .if early _
hatched, but the change of fall, to
inter,' and the getting. , into *Inter
quarters affects thein, and they 'sea'
dom 'commence again beforethe das'a
begin to letigthen, at which Aline
Brahmag will cease egg -productions
and become, aroody. Where one has
the conv.eniance it is well to keep
both-kindre-in-order • to tribute ...bee-.
ply of eggs. It is- useless to .expect
many eggs from old fowls Of anya
,yarlety. Have the baildiogs ready
early, and the fowle" of the rail& age
and In. condition to insure suebess..
The business of our domesticben. it
to produce eggs, and we must feedbe
tor it. • 0, ,
Handsome Designs • Sent Free
laCP Starailaftlells
fairm *utter *stkiner. "
At the recent convention of the 1111 -
nolo Dairy A•rssociation W. R. Ploetet,
Derluff These Alsethia ter, one of the teading dairymen of Illie
nob, discussed butter making on the
To Help off the Impurities That Have farm, and pointed out that the •corn.
aaeuMulated During the Winter •peratively low grade of ferns butter was
Months -Purgatives lahoeld due to the lack of conveniences and to
the small quantity made. He le eon -
not be Used -It is a Tonis lanced, however, that geed butter can
That is Needed. be made on the farm, and in order to
do this the dairy house and the aur.
In thisolimete there are many reagens roundings must have excellent drainage
why people feel all out of gear in the epring and roust be so constructed as to get
mortars. Perhaps the &hid t'eseeis the the maximum amount of sunshine. He
shops and how's during the winter months
toug hours in noperfectiy ventilated offices, I
for dair ur oses we at Is so much
aa'vises getting the very best tinware
You may feel thAt there is nothing 'Jerking
easier tikePepllgood'utensils clean. Never
tbe roetter ; yoe are only a little tire
buy cheap Calla, pa
lis or strainers.
after slight eeertion, or Perhapa your
.. Get a good eeperatort and use souse
appetite is aoale, or little pimples or erup-
Hied of power for running it, as it is
tams on the elan allow ant the blood is
exceedingly difficult to maintain a uni-
not as pure as it should be. If youfeel
forin speed when turning by hand. He
this way, not only your comfort but your
health demands Met yon take proper steps has no set temperature for cooling
to teatime youreelf of the blood impurities cream and churning, as so inivh depends
that are responsible fora your condialen, on weather, the dairy house, etc. .As a
You need e tonio, blood purifier, nerve general rule, he likes to ripen his cream
strengthener ana general up -lifter of the at a high temperature and to churn at
entire evetar , Dr Williams' Pink Pills an loW a temperature as possible. alle
for Pale People meet. all thesertquiremenis usually churns 'at p5 degrees in winter
more perteuviy toan any other mamma. • and 40 to 46 degrees in summer. The
These are tonie pillsand not vida let and ' churn must be stopped at just the right
weetielong oae purgative medicates. au- I time, or when .the butter granules are
ture does not require a violent measure in about the size of agrain of wheat. He
spring, but a helping bane to throw off the adds a little salt just before wasbing.
the impurities winch hevenom= ated The amount of salt to be used depends
during the winter, and so toning and upon the taste of the customers. He be -
strengthening every organ and inflation lieves it is advisable to try to get cus-
th- t a condition of perfect health will pre- tamers to use fresh butter, so that it
veil. asveryone-old and young -ought to • can be delivered once or twice a week.
take Dr Williams' Pink Pills in the spring. 1
• Formerly he had customers who wanted
There is no medicine will do you so much him to pack butter in the winter for
good. afr Jame. Salmon, postmaster. next sunfmer's use Cie
Salmon ()reek, N. B., says: -."Last spring have ail abandened th aduall they
I was feeling • dizzy at times, and oon- vises putting butteri t pack- '
n p n nea the sale of less mentorious rued cines.
'tTlireq years ago / had tb gri , _ .
e p 0 writes Mrs.
e practice. He &d-
ead I Was losing in weight. I tried seta ing sales.-Dair World.
ages, as this will do much toward .mala Kentucky. sh settled on my lungs, and the
Tillie Linney, of Gravel Swath, Marion Co..
tibually felt tired. Desaappetite was pair
eral raedicinis, but tailing did me any , . Y doctbr said I had consumption. I took six trot-.
. •tles et 'Golden Medical Discovery,' and am
Oe ' thankfia to say .1 am entirely well. You may
good until I began the rise of Dr Williams'
Pink Pills, and a few boxes of these made Profit In Pigs. ' • • print this letter if you see fit to do so.'.
I Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets keep the
MEI feel like anew person. I would advise
omently into the business. Too many .---
Dr Willams' Pink Pa. e %re alo effeetlyeof all diseases due to poor, bowels in healthy activity.
. •
all who feel ran down fitable farm precinct unless he goes per-
takeand out of sorts to ' ncannot hope to malce swine a pre -
Dr Williams' Pink Pills." m
who try to make money from swine find
in the mire •
it Unprofitable one year, and abandon it,. A:Buffalo Coronsr,W. V. Bowleror s
watery blood or weak nerves._ Do rio'thin, t tske or because after two years of fair sue- -eque reit for the charge of stealing
a substitute for these pills. -it is it, waste of cesa the third season proves unsatisfite- from a 'oody in the Mcratie.
money and a menace to health to do so tory, they conclude that .the best days . The London MorningLeaderi
Y %hes details of cri e fo
for the business have passed, and the
See that the full name "Dr Williems'
tr their hand at me r which it eays
Pima Pills for Pile People ie . on the y something else. 'My. two Australian Lieutenants Were shot
wra ' er around every box; Sold by* all experience has always been that swine in o th ,Ae •
1 1111111 milli 1 4111r 41 11 041
The 31Ellaok
iFor 010 rammep.
thicigp AsmiuNt Welters.
One of my neighbors told Inc a few
Offences spines
-s. years ago that ducks would rid our pre-
,: the jaws of s of mites. As we had old blunting,'
• health are pun- inf With mites, which kept Inc over-
, ished rigorously I worked summer in order to raise any
• and inevitably
poultry at all, I concluded to try the
by. nature,
man may break ?len. Accordingly I bought 170 duck
civil laws and es- • eggs, hatehed 147 of them and raised 140
cape punishment, ducks, svaich I drove into the henhouse
But the man who '
nee every night as soon as they were well
tures law of health feathered, and I never saw it mite that
cannot ese,ape the penalty. year The following year I raised thirty -
Many a man is to -day a, live and housed thorn the same way until
prisoner for life, and for a ' they
were ready to pick, and I did not
very brief life, because of
have any mites until late 10 the fall. As
his outrage of the laws upon
which health is conditioned. stion as I discovered some I drove the
He sits idly in his chair into the poultry house to sleep,
torn by coughing spells and a(lendelcain
a short time I could not find a
gasping for breath. The
handkerchief which wipes his limite.
I often caught some of the ducks in
shows a red stain. He is slowly
the morning to examine them, and found
WaNSi,lenagk 14=8, obstinate coughs,
with the little pests of all sizes and col -
their beautiful white feathere covered
spitting of blood, weakness and
orawhich made me feel guilty of cruelty
emaciation are cured by the use
of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery. Thousands who have
been cured by this raedicine Attest
^ .
the fact.
Sick people are invited. to consult
Dr. Pierce by letter, free. All corres-
pondence is held as strictly private
and sacredly confidential.' Address Dr,
R. V. Pierce, Baal°, N. Y.
Accept no substitute for "Golden
Medical Discovery." The sole motive
for substitution is to enable the dealer
to make ilia little more profit aid on
anedicine dealers, ot sent postpaid at %Ma breeding requires umee persistent and., Five tittle mi
t' than t other nutes are all the anis Petry Will net. (le ta turn the 'herd. to straw •
to animals at first, but when I looked
'deeper into the thick, creamy down not
one of the insects could be seen near the
body, and when -they came up at night
with no mites to be seen I was con-
vinced that the down and feathers were
too thick and oily for mites to penetrate,
and that they were very soon bathed off
the outer plumage.
I' am so pleased with my success that
I expect to try ducks again, for I found
a few mites last summer, and it requires
no more labor to raise them than to bat-
tle against the mites, and it certainly is
ratieh pleasanter and is profitable. I am
not prepared to keep them through the
winter, so I any eggs of neighbors and
get them off early enough to pick them
twice and sell them in full feather the
last of October. The first yaw I sold
them for five times the amount I paid
for both eggs and' feed, but did not do
so well the next year because the eggs
were higher and did not hatch so well. --
Mrs. Shannon Staten, in Poultry
aataraa •
Clean slenderer places.
At this season of the year the swine
need careful watching that their aleep-
---4.--Ang quarters are in good condition. It •
canto a box, or six boxes for a2.,50, by cofnainueus work ian mos ines
a r 0 tanning. s a continuous business, Davis' Painkiller needs to etop a, atomaoh•
Brookville, Opt.
Belling the Dr:Williams Medullae Oa,
earned on, not one or two oi three
years, but ten, Ofteen end twenty years, sestrong man groan. Don't. be footed by
h it h h t make d properly pro -
stacks thinking that by sp doing they
will fie comfortably an
ache, even w en is arp enough 0
imitstione 250. and 60o • vadecr by a bed that will keep them'
Cato Axe Coming
Ot (1418 Woes/ and 12 Silver Plated knives, 12 Forks. 12 Tea Spoons and 12 Table.
Spoons, ,or selling our remedies. Our businesS reputation for square and honest
got 4 fun SIzo decorate Dinner and Tea •
opeak nothing but the truth. You can
A ram cbanee. No deception, wo FREE
dealing, and we will prove It. Every" honest peason who sells only 8 boxes of 'cam Now LIto Pink PIPs es
grand resale for all Itnpure and weak condltIOng of tho blood: Indigeation, Stomach Trouble. Constipation
'Weakness and nervous disorclers—a gentle laxativo—a d tont 4 1(0, butider) will
07,:tfig.mdiarntip bandrlyfieexna.rostusedar10081107.9 rDienkinoorranordicTeaandSofLaintdanel vonleoprripoes,reossofest.fla;rewohirwaeocillowIetliv:,
absolutely treororb°sellIng the
ItlOrxdoel'irttlmildirtillys'attend we sand 5111s bp mali. southern at 25 oontallim2
y ay hen sold 8111114 In th13 money, 5200, and wo guarante
. Don 't Send a Cent
Tryon comply with the offer -m send to every one taking advantage et •thls advertisement, the /2 Knives, 12Forks. 12 '
• hold and aro advottlelug In thIs v, Wsito op once.
'Pablo Spoons, 221'.. Spoon 1 100 Mem decorated Dinner and tea Sot will be given absolutelyy2.(.28L. Tw owLernoapariet::::0,, ril a b ite to;
concern and glIfIt1471t00 twat, ontlailverwaro full alTiNefctorwfamilyptemaagme [del:yr° tee oin.ttoBdurxour rtlIg into eVellf hPU1186.
510 by Pm &Mtn's, b Sm.. Now Life Pills a
i cannot pralsoyourrha too nkhlp, l' Wait clean up to i 1 rocotved my 1)1135011th all Wel
atomic (=Moll. Idie's/Jalig A. raPPM 8114:147(gte°,212 argirls11411;2.Puare"9liaPg,Se,emPa"1 "V,v"I 00ntin"
. ^
. I5AA2 let2 . Do1121. CAW
. . . .
- - The Rose Slug. ' . . . It has no superior, and the inan who pur- __
To get aid of rose gaga the wora sues . it thus 'sill gat his sure reward: The Railway Otionxiittee eir Ottawa, salts fontraing. • a -
' • : ._ , 'warns and comfortable, vata lio .bael re- •
Bach sneceeding year we learn 'more de ided to postone consideration of the
te • 'phone end railivay cattle guard bills The &tin 'feature in the hog beaditne
meet be undertaken before a bug is to - about the, work, and find mit where we
be seen, 'While buds on rose bushes made mistakes, and where we *mulct have • ti ' next session: • . . is to -have it dry and free from manure
lire very- small and before the bugs . ulnae ireproaements. We become so fa- 'Waiter G.orclon,arrested at lialifascas . • Ina apertment 'should be free from
or heatipg. filth. . The hog nest or sleep -
have begun ter apPear, thesueniupding Militia with the whole alibied taat we tin 1 tial at Brandon •for t he murdet of •' draughts or currents aOfmaira" There .
• arr•!'et, • .
-roll shotildabeaerfrileed' with . ieadrie—arrenirilretent lutigiarairan whetheastve- •D-em-stad Smith at Whitewater, Man. should be no ear:blowing in on the hogs
emulsion and have rlenty of soot sifte simeld raise this or tliat breed, 'We also . a
Oh roy. t how you. 'completion hertimprov-
el, Yee, Oomporind free pills did
while sleeping. This does not insply that
ed on. I treated two or three . !era° grow accustomed to anticipeting the
rose bushesa by stirring the son foe markets, which is a great thing in these. ie .ecee eyed' druggists, owe. ..
. , the sleeping ispertments should be close,.
low -from roof to roof or poorly von.
of Gast to any Address in
Diamond Dye Nat and Rug
Patterns Are the Most
• Popular, •
The continued and inoreaeing demand for
the Diarho id Dye Mat and Rug Patterns
is the best proof of their great popularity.
The fascinating art of Mat and Rug mak-
ing in the home is now cultivated 33, women
of every rank. There is with as !tidies a
p ide and pleaenre in being able to show
nice specimens of their hendiwork,
The Diamond D Mat arid Rug potterns
combine beauty an simplioity& Ifterseour-
big one of these patternaany lady oan
tok it and wartime a aalaable and rafted-
$ ve room ornament. .
The manufacturers of theeelebrated Dia-
mond byes are prepared to send any ad.
dress free of cost ebiete of pretty and suits
able designs to enable ladies to select from.
Address The Wella ctlikshardson Co., Ltd,
• 200 Idountaih St., Moetreal, P Q.
Tht War Office has acceptea the de.
chain to raise 2,000 mourned' Mei] for
service in Sou Africa.
Afire Tukui, japan, destroyed
4,000 houses.
Toronto Civic Bentley will be held
this year ottAlende,y, August 4.
Five bonaes wet d • ,usg by land-
slide at Li3vie, Que.
Relieve tisk 'Inflamed tyesS t..
Iledeced enahalf with ,ouresoft water, a
applied frapheitly with dropper SiS eye ene. a
the congoition will be removed arad thepain
454 harannualon lesiently relieved.
CAVT/ONO-Aaold itittigaretts, irs
altating *Itch Hazel preparation.. a
tO he "the entire SEW, ,*e.
laming rXtIftet st•Itich enmity emir
tend generally contain awood alerts la
bola, it, timidly aslan0.
about trvci. feet around the bush„ dig. flays of fluctuations. then, too, we learn
get the most from every ton of feed RAO, died at Newark, N. J.: be airy, plenty of space for circulation
the contrary, they shoald
how heat to feed ;ale animals -how to Dr T. D. BInglish, the author of ',Ben _ Waked; on
ging down as deep as I mild without
disturbing the roots then mixed 'in ••of fresh air. It is a bad plan, to have
.ft lot of manure. After smoothing and grafesear jive. t heave ofpostingindecent placards hogs sleep in low, °We quarters, wh.ere,
A c
ne goie, o „wine reedin, fore aganiet a bill poster in Loden, Ont., there is a tendency as create a steam
pounding it down *with the stlade.. 1 . a continuouS inanstry, he can then well .
laid t st
ones a11 over to keen ths afford to start outb with the best bred was isinisse •by the Police
Magistrate.. • or. dampness that will settle over the
clactkens off, Two or three times nes aeimala he •cen afford, and by an intelli- aaller's Oorapound Iron Pills,only 25 hogs. A clean hog house, with tialit
fora' the roses arefeablabitailia lifted gent system of selections ancl breeding, he ante fax 50 doses Sold 'by an dreggistria walle, moderate ventilation above . to
Brings the grace of beautiful hair to everyone Who
uses Dandruff MUST be gotten rid of first.— .
because it is the root of all " hair` "
There is no disease more wide spread in the world today,
and none more embarrasing to people of refinement:. Coke '
Dandruff Cure is it positive, permanent, .gnaranteed cure for
dandruff. Buy a bottle at your druggists—Price 50e and $1.00.
• •
the stones and picked out the grub- will in time grade up his flock to a stan- town. • . • carry off the clamp air, fs the basis of .
worms. which t found very 'thick di- (lard- of excellence waieli hie neighbor It nciw stated diet Chief juiticei,
redly under the stones, then sprinkle •onnoot %teal except at great cost. When . Sir Hem y Strang hasarranged to re- swine
good sleeping accommodatien 'for the
the ground with kerosene emulsion and a man starts in each year or two to per- tit* from. the Supreme °burr, Beisch in ' The kind of bedding is a matter that
Fhase new breeds and higiebred 'swine, it Octobernet. . • • • may adinit of. same' difference of ophse •
When the bushes .•were coaered
, w roses W A a la „ ef t was not to : T e ashingtrai Goierninenthas as- the bare floerb without any warm, e .
. reaps Much reward froni Iti There is si nel th battleahi Illinois as re re.; ,
ith Is t • ell I ' as a costly'eXpef fenCe, and he hardly!. h w ion. The swine should not be left to
see the bugs Soot 18 also good for quite a difference, however, when he de- segotatiyencif the AmPerican lax at °the
coronation ceremonies in June,Y . material for bedding The hog, while
: killing currant worms and should be liberately adds erica' year aa tittle new
out on while the bush le damp., -Maria • blood to his stock, increasing the quahay
If year tongue is coated, try Miller A indiaerent in Many ways abont, ita corn-
• • .
thus strain each season for purebred enl- Granules. . Sold by all. town druggists ' fort, enjoys a good, soft bed. The hog
1E4 2126 very sensitive to cold', and will
in perm and Home. '. * , , 1 as wellies the quautity. The outlay is
always bray ' itself in carrying straw,
In Germany ' 11,585,000 persons . are inals, and tbe returns cotresponclingly B•iinont on ratepayers have carried a leaves and soft materials to Make a'
raise $141)00 air wateriverka, big, soft bed tO lagep in, •if left to its
insured. All workmen, assistants, joina g
neymen, apprentices, sailors domestic •
Likewise in regard to toad, it requires sewerage and an electric tight station: own inclinatiens. This- manifestat 'nu of
f • • •
ood. by-la.w to •
a po icy o cora nitrous arming a ong ,a -
servants and clerks above 16 years ot oe Hamilton Oity Council has deed-. instinct sb• rad teach eveey hog -owner
certain -lines which will enable one to•
.age earning not more thaa $600 aearla• look ears ahead. The grass, forage and the need of; eupplyng the hog vvith
ed to nrosecute contractor Brennen for
' „s intelligent rotation. system will an help " a • • ar • • -
C t ik • f th
.• •
are bound by laletti insure. - X
fraud in connoctlo plenty of good, dry =derail for its
crops that pan be• planned for an tt • t wita his coal con-
Op ARE TIRED. • toward Oa same g:eneral encl. The •coet Granules erne coristiaation. Sold ones a s -are eons dere one o e
moment, fretful and blue the next. The
Ybur, color is' not 'geed. -Restless one of feeding will thus upato a certain .poin by all town aruggists, , . • • very beat bedding materials, Wheat
. be steadily reduced. One finds good pas; e, • •• . . • . • straw is also good, bat requires more"
%wad's out bfjoint. You're out of joint tiire fields' established in the • course of flap y McMillan has • confessed to frequent clianging. Gave the hogo. good,
with the world. Not temper, not feeling, time; laird made rich and fertile for corn hurning the steamer% •Glenorit and dean bedding, chinige' the bedding fre-
Mo a at d h ele
Iead This, Why?
Because you may GAIN by it. We had obi say about
Shoes and many came for them but there are ots left yet.
You 'come. • Now we Will tell you about Dry' Goods ; our
New GOOCIS are something very good. See our Dress•Good.s,
Waists, Sateens, Prints Cottons, Towelliigs, Flannelettes, Lin-
ens—Muslins. Underwe'ar, Hose Men's and Boys' Top Shirts,
Overalls an cl Jackets, Sox, Gloves, Collars, Ties, etc., as they
will„bear the closest inspection.. We hwe sad seyeral of the
new -dresses alreadY-andithe3r-ire going fast. -Do
Termi °sib or prodaoe at highest minket pries, Now is yeur importuniti.
Ecaporitire; Lendeeboto.
March 18th, Ikea_ • .
• grow steadily worse. Get good rich tiloto„. and hay and forage tiops prepared 'ahead •
manadtiegsrattinnd ttlihreousgwl: .rotation of crop% • th , • . eomfortable t rough the cord season .
tt •
e t of stores..
Dawson,n order to coyer the na en Y eal3 .017 ega
"akneeriztlegnel,ectItisechtintweirisse.the Yr:«
e The steamer, Lake auperimaaground Pay.
near SaJohn, may be a total wreck s Hogs are worth too much. c
then feel new vigor, buoye,noy. You'll see ef time for each winter. In the cours
it dozen things to do ; you will do Mercator).
if you use o se of time the work becomes almbst auto-
ne produce profits on there are two holes in her and the ALAI money to handle carelessly in these
times of high prices. --•Nebraska 'Panne
a ' Reduction. in Prices
the averiage. from year to yeur that-minst le fen ef waterae-
petite, rine you enjoy your rood ; you. get
color, and old time atrength comae beak. prove satisfactory. -E. P. Smith,• in JUST AS GOOD •
Thati's bemuse Ferrozone aids digestion, American Cultivator. '
Perhaps Don't you run the risk thougla
The PittnWard• bk. "ring. ,ere • great chance to secure a firat 1
maker; red blood. ' Porrozone is strength litow it usnallylociks after the long these prima- °,efe 1•?ng6' at a big reduction. Not
aura of the name, Ferrozone. Sold ,by EI, What vsould a pair these 1,860 t� com cure; Putnamas Painless Corn Extras- winter of the north' country! -Bits or
• ^
• ,
Medium Horses for the Farm. but &Neva buy the well tested andenne•pcp
for the nerves and vigor for the brain Be
, 480 Raggie% for litstia 575 }loggias for 465
2,200 pound horses de on a plough or tor. Sure, safe and painleas, Patnaues board, mats bone, perhaps -brought
1B. Oombe; price 50o. 1105 Buggies for tut)
worse • •
A 2409 ary Element in eons Dorlred team
harrow in the spring, when* their feet
sank in the mud almost as deep as the boure. If your druggist does not eel} •ir,•
Bend la .cents to N. O. Polsonak Co,,Ringe- 8
ttihireerwe nbaoutt teheidesg.,4utre,r vdihnanter7 wisps 11.
traw, scraps of paper, and all manner them, as we do not buy any material bati
what a first class.
a s in poettion tit, guarantee
removes corns painlessly, in ttverdyefour
' Remember thee° are all our own make, whieh place u '
. arse to ao Sin On raibiatiele
-dia „..2.44,21/42.1;p1On#1.13-7,.Titeir,g0at.,nol,eel, the weight
taia sapaaawaseeaesa....erfeseseaatgae• iteiri•Ontve,and they. will sena it.to youlpost- clehrie seattetedetaer..e aaaluas ealas
-4 44 4.. 44•4•44,4444,- •••4j, •
laseee a're many soils, in which Ihne kei their, • owa weight . before paid, to ilny aadrest in aanada or P, B. days of -winter, come toenails, ha* that . . rfnearelisatla attaiiifiaaka baliaaeriaaaaa rain;
the slam has vanished.
Ifuron . Street,. - Clinton
tone fOrmatlen% On 'stich sone lime mot aeaheavy as one of those big --------------------------------- ea up, . You know it. Then .why not de
Is defidena notably in soilri derived' night. With a pair of the Tete spans • of the new inunicipa •
from granite, Mita sehlst and -nand- little Verniont-Morgans, ilie_two of *thensabridge at Poitage la, Pr.airie averesear- -357-ba abeatait Iteoughtsto :be _deers _
• t
..- • •
Is of direct vaaue simplaing a nein We. could draw a heavier load through. anuilication with the southercountr We live in' this world only once.. • '
; Life as preciotis to most of as: Pity•the
essary elemeat of plant food. • a miry place or a, enowcIrift than we Oolarellatt, ot the Queen's Own 'II
a prob dly be ff d awl f s. net
• The indirect value • of lime is per- ever SW it 'pair of those big one draw
0 'common o Ian
timan Of rchom this i
1 It
s o ere
haps more importaut than, its direct 1125 bad place. "We coronation contingent. •
We now er rea me Our iea an
ection, because probably the inujOrity And when on the road they coula trot. , length of life depend upon our farm sur- ri 3 • 4- 41.41
BlIONOHITIO ASTHMA roundings. The air we breathe, .the
t t 'I 1 ur r walk four lint OIL riltein. Door arid
of cultiyated sone contain andlicient 05
or Rye miles ,on a dirt road, hot for ono Is now easily cured, not by pouring name-
• • water we drink, the light which cemes
alinie to meet the direct der:clouds of
hour only, but for five or six bosuns a eone deetruotive drugs into the stomaoh; in through our 22.22l '--'.4. all have much e
p n •
te Lime is of inairect value
ay •for as many days as there are In the but by inhaling Clatarthozone. Drugs de to do with the length of our days. and. phnd Factory•
unlocaing the uns.Vailable potaeln week, and that not in e rubbed -tired more harm than good, but the' goothing, the joy cif living, All the waste ina,terial -
pliorathoris acid and, nitrogen in the sulky, but a good, honestly auide farm healing, medicated rate that tlatarrhozone left by the winter days will surely de- .
'f 1 ft, 1 r 't 's and deca meting
• Lime .elcerta a decided influence on
• I
soil. waggon with from two to four persons in supplies to the lungs and -bronchial tidiest • a:
maLaria Which is simpla the latter arty
• cannot fail trobenefit. Catarrhozone pre- • mechanical condition of soils, ren. That is thp kind of horseis that wad vents theta mothering imams and head.. big Wok for bad Mr, The washim S. S. COOPER PROPRIETOR
ng fro
General Builder and Contractor.
to be bred in Vermont, and some of them. a lies, eines the cough and makes breathinl s ecay ng matter floats, Mani the
i d i
..dering beast?, Compact soils looser in
• surface of the gratin' until it anis its • •
teiture and tending to, bind particle9 not quite as compaotly built, in Maine, beast. Universally meet; doctors recommei
• 91 loose leachy soils. • and some of them, a little coarser built it; druggiets sea it, 25o and $1,
• • • way into the well, bringing hack to tts
, Lime is also beneficial in furnish-, came her from Canada, with legs about impurities which pass into the toed we.
higaoonditions in the eon favorable as large and'hairy as the Clydes, Norio The plant of the Wolverine Beet eet,end the water we drbak. The house
To We LdtivIty et the micro-organissne of them ever got spavins or crooked. Sugar Factory, at Benton Harbor, drains get stopped and need opening.
vittlitt 'waived the nitrogen of organid kneees or tender feet, if they had deeent Mich.ehas been purchased for 0850,000,1 But, putting aside all considerations
d 11 be v cl to B lin 0 t; of health look at the matter from an
oritteriett: nitrates which are restaila usage, for they did not , go down the a I wl Eno e er , ri
'greet, 416 if they tied taken a, contract "to tie- .e. fa e h., ..._ ._ • .- .
seeliati b 'I ta wit' h deecita nu, Dr wa e ip, vereuriar rrnicess aiteeitohoektsiet:etapasndspaolniati.aihkiooilswemilithgrboctitntders it
umber Lath, Shingles, Li
. c -I pound down the &alias...stones, was sunk in the channel in corneae's
entirely exhausted. There must be Seine her crew were drowned.' of whieh are well k• pt! You have no -
pose orgaele latter and which azalea!
with the steamer, Abria load eleven cf •
legueatutoutr plant; to assimilate tha The breed of these horses cannot be
free ikrogeri of the ale. • '• ' houses owned by those who "have no '• st %World°. Oall and got oricei an
ticed this. You cannot, help it, About A.gent fax the Celebrated GagAvs
„.„.... .. ,_ farmers who have good brood mares yet,
Vh• watintled nea of "we unal'a and there May be a few *cations that, II F in , wi
appy . ar era Ves. dasputable proofs of the fact that the
• companied by other fertilizers may have the Morgan bleed In these. If slid.
prove .latjurions, especially ion poor can be bred, we venture 'a arediction that aaaa • man who lives there thinks that all -
soils sinoe it converts the insoluble in five ears they will be in demand and the Well% Itiohardson & Co's "Improv. there is of farming is the money he ean
nitrogen, potash. and phosphoric acid In ten years More PoPular on our Isiprt ed Batter Color" front year to year,because get, 011 ,0 e P „ a.. , a „,
compeunds of the wit into forme , IS:righted farms end billy roods than eho it glees the inost satiafactetv restate. In itg, Itet (r jam Trig anew "le anili"3(i '
every part °Venetia, richly ilavored,geld- e e e tar ahe use. Yon Ion n
tallialt are raPallY taken un liY Planta heaviest western -bred horse that may be
Tins factoty is the largeet in he county, and has the very latest imprinted retas
&them capable of doing work on the shortest notice. We Carry an extensive
ond tellable stook and prepared plans, and give estimates for and build all elm.
. se of buildings, on short notice and on the closest prices Ail work is Supervis-
ed in mechanical way and satiate°
• terior and
time for sixth tiongs" you have seen in- • -
d t the at bles in the en tinted butter is Mill on every fatinee'e them ilariatured, hard worked, and gen-
or witehed out in the drainage n. offereda salea city,
thus haste/se the exhaustion Of the Do not make the mistake of trying to table -butter that ta good enoughaor royal. orally unhappy,, Life has little mean-
. Batter Color" does the good work
ty. Welle, Richardson Co's "Improved lug to its members. Everythine abotit
siipoly of these intbetances in the out too much weight into them by trying
Atk the farm corresponds to the apaeanmee
soil. If the soil is not abutidantly sup.. o breed from the heavy stallions, nor d f R
your ea or i .- dine substitutes. of the grounds around the houst No-,
piled with organic matter, its retell. ' too long legs on them in the hope to get
tive power for water and fertilizers the two -minute horse; but try to get a
r and !Mean doubt the boys arid girls are just neltaig
Thirtyotine soldier f th 11 '
wrec ne t to get away from the home to the eity.
may be seriously redueed on account look. honest, well-built horse of 1,000 RegiMent were kill:
to 1,100 pounds, with the disposition of were injottied In a railroad orky. I The rundown and siiushol way of keep•
Matter b7 the action of too mtteh lime. • a lainbd the -willintnees of the Ok _and n trbertou, Tranevaa10010OV. ing the house yara may "be taken ae m
of the destructien of the ()Mania
Soils are Some times inJured by ato the en mance t mule: sure index. of, all the other methods 01
john tiniest, a farmer stens %taw. the farmer. • • •
idications of impure forms ot Ile, which NravrtatTE ovens PAIN. was found dead in bed at the Seldoti L... '
WitAT IS tam ro YOU? '
anoxia of magnesia. The firstsod in the Ontario Powder /1you a'n a vicual °CD 1°E as j(11 Person
theta irhieli contain au excessive 1. a t of the Dominion. Vir Renjainin Dil- ,
Ion,. of Leeds,Ont„ states 441 tOn not in the, Comp i 1 ly'e vsorks at Niagara Fella Was la °vet", boas is, you anffet keanlY,frool ono
It has been shown that even many habits of puffing up proprietors meal:atter!, turbid M Queen Victoria Park. of the moot tei taring ailmetita known 10
Upland and naturally: well drained but 1 feel it my duty to add to the. test!. man,aed may wonder if life is really worth
inrils apparently in good condition merry as to the marvellous value of Nervil« Teti thotlearia cOitori mid operatives liviag. Certain relief and ultimate cure le
otherwise are so sour that most plants ino ae a 1'01160 for Pala. l'Iolhiag 111)1101* are locked out et A.ugusta, Go. awaiting you by means of 1)r Chase's ()hit.
harden like cement in the Sell, or of trIle is the teatimony of eufferere overy ttouso, Owen Sun&
rgoels it as ri universe] remedv.and IMUsio ° me% It haa never failed to care oitee.
Will not thrive on them. The aPpli*
holders ought to feel it es mirth it neosasity Bev, II. J. McAlpine hag accepted a Painlessly and naturally it Alleys
cation of caustic lime is tha moat
as breed iteolf." Sold by &lairs In medi. call to the Presbyterian church lo Owen mation, bottle the ulcers and thoroughly
,sen,pnlItal and attentive moans, everywlicre, Sound.
es this lavished Uleefte
• If you want tne safest, str
simplest, most durable,
cleaned``' and cleanest ski
Separator on the market b
IIAGN,ET. A trial will co
you thatftis the best, lithe
machines ttre left on trial se
a Magnet. It will compete
any otter make. Mande,
by The Petrie Taylor Mf
Wheittlm ent.
. CU?, •