HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-11, Page 5The "flack Cats .441,re Coming I )liviwiwww ww wwwwwki A. Glorious Big Bargain Event A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suite, Men's Overcoats, Boys' Overcoats, Men's Pants, Boys' Pants. Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special discount of 20 per cent The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new goods arrive. We never carry one teason's goods into the next season. All goods chargod durihig this sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale prices Our ccoods are marked in plain figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash only during the sale. Men's Suits. Men's ;5.00 suits now Men's 6.00 Men's" 8 00 6‘ " Men's 10 00 66 66 Men's 12 00 " " Boys' Suits 4.00 • • 4 80 6.10 8 GO 960 Boys' 1 50 suits now l3oys' 2 00 ." 2 • •i1 20. 1 60 Boys' • 2 00 Bore 800 " " 2 40 Boys' 4 00 46 fg 3 20 Boys' 5 00 " 6' . • • 6 • • • OO OOO • 4 00 Boys' odd pants•,..•.....•,..•.•••,•.• • 40 .Men's Overcoats Men's 500 Overcoats now ... . . 4 00 Men's 6 00 Men'sr8 00. it . . 4 80 . ... 6 40 •Igen's 10 00 " " 8 00 lien's 12 00 " " .... 9 60 130YS'OVERCOATS and Pea-JaCketa -reduced • in sanae proportion. All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur Caps, Coats, Collars, Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing. Thos. Jackson, Sr., Vic torif.. Block, CLINTON. WR MWMMW Boys Wanted All the Boys in town wanted to see our stock of Boys' Furnishings. _ A nobby line of Boys' Caw! at 25c Boys' white and colored shirts, hard or soft bosom, in all sizes, 50c and 75c Boys' collars in all the latest shapes, to sell at 15c each or 2 for 25c Boys' Hose in Cashmere and, Cotton. Guaranteed fast colors • • ,Also a complete line of Boya'•School Knickers from '60c up 1-lommovrA:r HURON STREET, CLINTON• v-tivit*******.*************4kocidr***********soget***** Grood.Blood-Glood Healt • COMPOUND EXTRACT OF. SARSAPARILLA. has had the long contiuued appropl of phyoicians as a blood purifier: —.our own reakdis a•strongeitextrackand.contains more °iodides than • the patent preparations, As a blood parifier and spring medicine:it is one o! the best. 100 dooes,$1.00,8 bottlefi for $2.50.eatiefaction naranteed or money refunded. • .1. E. HOVEY, - Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. ZioPPPAWPPPPPPPPPIA044414-W*ddnk*********************11 House Furnishings Bright new goods arriving daily.We have new styles in Bed Sete, Mat- treeseet Wire Springs. Etisy Chairs and Corichee. The latest and biggeat patterns, in window shade, Striped Curtains, Room Mouldings, Curtain Poles. All Wool arid Union Carpets The newest shades in Furniture Coverings, Gimps, Cords, Frinzes, Eto. Pioture Preining a Speciality, prices right. • Money back if you want it. TUE CLINTON NEW ERA 3.49#44444,-,PPF:40/440e coons and Goan. The Novelty Baltery Mre MoLeae, 10310003, haft been visiting here, and, Restaurant Beesie Forrester woe the,gueet of Li the place to buy choice eh000latee. We handle Mo. 0ortniali's 01:10iOO Merited, loo chocolatee, A 1 0 0 Petersono creams and burnt ahnonde and other oholoe aesortments. We are prepared for the com- ing Beason to eerve eoda water in all flavors. We &leo have °twilled fruits in Meek, ice cream and ell kinds „of cool drinks. A chola° itook of oranges and lemone, bunions and all kinds of fruit in season. Fancy bread and cakee alma on hand. Wedding Cakes a Specialty. Miss Rate Reachie, Galt, i David Fell and wife, ot Seaforth, vieited • .1 their old friends here on Smithey last. Mies Edna Diamond, Wingliain WaS the gueet of Aliso Laura Iting on Sunday week. Pdre E. Ramp and daughter were visiting • ber mother, Aira Rath, Dundalk, recently. Dr Blaokaillwent up to Mildiney Thure. day to sot ail judge at the Spring lloree Fair there. Par and Pdrs 3: ISIoNevin, Rippen, srent 1 Sunday tie the gueste of Mr and Mrs A. O. u Pattieon. Me Forrester and Mrs Chidley were vie. I iting Mrs Forroter, lir,, of Mitchell, last ' Friday, Mr Stoddart, who came here from. Lie - towel Collegiate, took oharge aq theseioal rrue ralacjc Oats ..A..re Coming April lith, CLINTON MARRETB. °emoted every Thursday etternoon Thursday!. April 10th 1902. Fall Wheat 0 73 a 0 73 Spring 's 0 73 a 0 73 Oats y e y • • • 0 • 0 39 a 040 Bye 0 40 a 045 Bailey 0 48 a 0 50 Peasr 0 Go a 073 Flour per owl „ „ 2 15 a 216 Bay . . ....... ....... 800 a 900 Sheepskins+ 0 25 a 0 50 No. 1 Green trim, Indent 5 00 a 6 60 Wood short .. . ... • ,. 2 25 a 2 50 Chickene, per pair 0 20 a 0 40 . Ducks, pair 0 40 a 0 60 Geese, per lb 0 05 a 0 06 Turkeys, per lb... , 009 ,a 0 08 Pork, live 5 60 a 6 00 Perk. dressed 8 00 a 8 00 Butter,loeee or tub 0 15 a 0 16 Eggs per doz 0 10 a 0 11 Potatoes, per bob0 30 a 0 30 ,Dried Apples per lb0 05 a 0 95 Mite Stock Markets master at the Collegiate on Monday. London, April 7. -To -day cattle are R. °oats, of the Labor Gazette, Ottawa, firmer and higher at from 13o to 14o per came home on Friday on a vieit, returning lb, dressed weight; refrigerator • beef is on Monday. • also higher at 12o per lb. Harry Scott, Seaforth, visited hie aunt, Montreal, April 7, -About 500 head of Mrs W. E. Scott Princess stret, severe! butchers oattle, 100 calves, 20 sheep and days last week. 55 spring lambs were offered for sale at the . 1 Terms etrictly oaeh. 1 J bleClay, Clinton. Mr and Mrs D. A. Ross, Exeter, spent Sunday as the gueste of their son, Mr W. out in full force and trade was good, blab the prices of the beet cattle were unusually Ross, Gibbing+ street. • high. A lot of choice cattle were bought Mary ktoEwen, who is teaching near by G, Martel at 6o per lb. • Other saw of Owen Sound, has resumed her duties, after prime beevee were made at 5to to 51o, and 111.********9010.111%.***“111** spendingher vacation with her parents. good large butte at die per lb, medium tare Barge, sen„ has returned home from iitook at 4o to So, and the common stook WA• iN. Chicago where ehe has been epending the ncluding a 3 large num er o mi men s 1 b f 'Ik ' JOHNSTON,-In Heiman, on March 20, the winter with a few membere of her family. stripersot__at to 4o per lb. •Calves sold at PRESZCATOR.-In Stephen, on March 28, the to Atlanta, Georgia, in the intereste of the yearlings. Pat hogs, 6e to 6io per lb nItteafrobir wife of Jas Johnston, of a daughter. •E. G. Courtioe has returned from a trip all eho*r5n, andsoldabeohneteP3gwo evreer Southern States Portland Cement Co,, of weighed off the care. ' ' wife of John Preszcator, of a son. • JAMIESON.-In Eullett, on Marola20,the wife that city. . of John Jamieson, of a son. ' , Toronta, April 8.--Ninety.eight loads in CARR. -In G iderich, on March 24, the wife K. R. Powell,formerly a lawyer in town, today' inoluding 841 hogs, 236 eheep and of F. Carr of ::ilson. is now practising in Parry I3ound, where he am ss 1 b 18 calves and 1 )3, rie. Export oat - • Eeetlaid Abattoir to day Batobers were Mr Price, of a son. has a, goo witness, eing a s en or or db • b' I o 't f tle choice 5 50 .to 5 75; do. light, 5 25 to PRICELIn oderieh, on March 29, the wife of 5 50; do. bulls 4 30 to 4 60texpoet cows .$4 HART -In Hallett, on March 20, the -wife of the town. John Hart, of a daughter. to 4 30; butohere oattls, picked lots, 4.80 to SMITR-In Wingham, on March 24 'the wife G. D. MoTaggart has returned froni a trip • of . CHISHOLM-In Winghara, on April 2, the of prominent bankers and business men 5 35; do. medium mixed, 4 25 to 4 75; do, common, 3 50 to 4 00; f edere, heavy,4 40 to E. Smith, of a son. • to Georgia, in coropany with a large party wife of H. IL Chisholm, of a son. from 475' do. light 3 65 to 4; feeding bails, e 26 fOntario. ANDREW -1n Luelmow, on March 25, the • to 375: stockers, 2 60 to 3 65; atook bulls, wife of Geo Andrew. of saws HOARN-In McKillop, on March 29, the wife Of E. Hearn, of a son HAMILTON -In Wingham, on March 29, the wife of A. L Hamilton, of a daughter. • NIORCLSON-In;East Wavranosh, on April 1, the wife of F. Nicholson, of a son. 1 GEMMELL-In Huron, con .11, .on March 29, •the wife of Thee Gemmell, of a daughter.. • MARRIED. STOGIIILL-SHAW-At the' residence of G. Hart. Seaforth, brother-in-law of the bride, on Apri12, by Rev F", EL,Larktn, Mr G. Stoghill.to Miss Millie Shaw, all of Seaforth. LITTLEJOHN- JOHNSTON-On March 81, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev P. Musgrave, assisted by Rev F. EL Larkin, Jas Littlejohn, of Howick, Ont., to Miss E.L. John.; . sten. of Seaforth. • FARROW--JOEINSTON-At the bride's/aorae, Palmerston, on April 2, by Rev A Johnston,of Woodstock, H. W. Farrowonail clerk forin'erly of Brussels, to Mies Mary E., daughter of the tate- JiiSijohnStori,of Palmerston. • - Marc On•v • ARMSTRONG-- h 26wann,, Mrs (Rev) Deihl and two children, Ailsa 2 00 to 2 50;' milk 00WOr eaoli $25 to $47. Craig, were here the past week visiting Mr Export ewes, 3 50 to 4 00; do. MIN • 2 50 to and Mrs J. MeGarva and also at Mi Wallis, 3 50; yearling lambe, 4 50 to 6 75; spring in .Goderich, • . . ' Iambs'22 to $5. CalV3B, per head, 22 to .. George .Hinolaley left yesterday (Thurs- WO. Hogs, singers, 6 15; fats and lights, day) tor the Northwest in the interests of 5 90,.off oars: Trade good for butcher oat the 51aophereon & Hovey Co.; • he expects tle andexpoit.. 'Buffett) stookere, haci trade to be away at least four or five months. '•MO nnwa slow 133.1e' . . •Goldie Pike Toronto, • was at his home • Export battle, choice, owt.... 24 80 to 25 9C at the Waverley for a fow days.reoently I .do • • light ... . .., . . 4.50 to 5 00 he has left the Queen oitv and gone to Iowa •Bulleoexport, heavy, owt .... 2 50 to 3 25 where he has scoured a good position. ;Feeders, heavy . 4 00 to 5 00 • - Stockers, 1000. to 1100 Ihs. ... 4 00 to 4 25 • Mre N.. McFarlane and a - grandchild's 'E. • 'Butchers' cattle, °Voice " 4 25 to 5 25 •Glammie, and Mr nd Mrs Peter PleFar. - do • . good .., ...• ...... . . 3 85 to . 4 25 lane •and 'grand.obildren • Of ,B1g Rapids, • . Mich.. who have.been spending some tune Buchers' cattle, picked 5 26 to 5 35 do • cominon • • 3 25 to3 85 . . with their brother; 1). MoEwen, have re • - ' t do off colors and heifers 2 00 to • 2 50 •turned home. • • ..... • ..o....." _Butchers' Bulls ... ' .. • 50 to 3.25 at the ' COlonel Banting. Cookstown, who died Light Moak hfitlif :-.-;-:-.::-..-o...-.. 2 00-to7---2.50- Wm ranetone, ofParsonage, Turnberry, to boss Martha . One day last week, Wag a brother.' of /lire . Mitch ootvk . 35 00 to 50.00 VANSTONE . 01-1X.MMINTsr 331:2-Mr1-1 Sale Register 41111410114011141041141401M MP. McKinnon 411; C niu,scriai We Lead in. Millinery Ovr Millinery Opening this season was generally isolinowledgek to be the beat Blyth ever saw. The spaoious apartment, the handeome deooratione, the soft subdued light, and more then ail the richest assortment 01 new up to -date Hats were ever gathered together,00m. blued. to make our Millinery Opening the mot pronounced success of the season, It forms an artistic Millinery education to merely walk through our spacious+ show room where the lovely modele are • displayed, X mi see the origitia's'of the Erenoli and American-made Hate that set the style for women throughout civilization. Mies Stewart, an experienoed milliner, has charge of this department, who, with a bull etaff of competent assistente, is prepared to trim Hate in the lateet style on short notice. No Hat or Bonnet will be allowed to lea',e our show room exaept it is trimmed in the latest style and beooming to the wearer, Call and have a talk with Mies Stewart about your Spring Hat. She will show you all the newest ideas in Headgear, also all the newest thugs in Tarantino. Flowers Feetnire, Mounts, Et3., and will take your erder for a Etat at any prioe you with from 21.75 to $10. We show a large assortment of Ladies' Sailors and Ready.to-weer Bets in alt the newest shapes, also Gide' and phildren'e Sun Hats in great variety. We will be pleased tolieVe you end examine our Millinery. • You need not spend a cent exoept yeti want to, and before you leave the stpre sok to eee our yard -wide Muslims which are the talk of the town. 2 McKinnon &Co., Blyth 5.400414004PAMMI 111110410•411110110 13 neva e, by ReF. . .John Wallis, of Goderioh tow iship, 'He • do bucks • • 2 00 to 250 BelleArrastrong, of wiughaol,, . . • GIBSON-WEIVUSIELL-0 n ednesda was one of the -prom nent men of that Hoge beat 6 15 by Rev. W. Penhall, Walter Gibson to Miss April 2etd, at the Methodist parsonage, Blyth, section, and had a yerE wide circle of an. do light , .................590 gusintances. • Wimmel , both of Vf eat Wawanoeh. " Rev and Mrs McLennan, Kipper', were :DIED. guests of Mr and Mrs W! T. O'Neil on do bucks .. 2 50 to 3 25 do fat Effe, M ,• rounist daughter of ?dr and Mr• J.• Sheep, export, cwt..... ..... 3 50 to 400 .•... Yearling lambs ,• .. 450 to 5 75 • 590 ...... ... WILKINSON-In East Wawanosh, on April Sunday, the former otioupying the pulpit B ring lambs+ - each • '2 00 to 2 50 . 8, Charles Wilkinson, aged 43 yeas. • of Willis church while the pastor was in Calves each ' 200 to 13000 NOTT-In Edgeley, on ThUrsdal, April 3 Tpronto; Mrs McLennan is a consin of Mr do ' • owt •• 3 50 to • 5 15" 1 , f Grace Ford.reliet of the late Rob . Nott, oi °well. town, sited 86 yeara, 8 months and 5 days. 1 Miss Henrietta Holmes; Tfisonburg, and . • • Frederick,soa et MrFrel. Joyner, iged 31Years tonitine, were among the teat:here who %tut AdvertiStntentL • J YNI8 I CIF I A 11 7 William Miss Mary Haines, Peterboro, both Olin • - • 3 months and 9 days. ExtensiVe auction' sale of household furiii. tut°, etc., including, 12 bed room sets, our, - boards, bnreaus, stoveschairs, earpeta. Pic- tures, crockery, glassware, etc., 3 honest, 3 COWS, 19 pigs, buggles,b b-sleirthe, harness and ether articles, at the Ana Wean Rotel, Bruce field, on Tuerglay, Apri 1 22, at, 12 o'clock; lunch at 11,80 a. m. T. BROWN, Ana., 0. WILSON,FroP, Real Estate for Sale, on png. Man. -Owing to the •applied to go to South Africa to teach the • Wanted -At WI 1 Susannah Fraser, relict of the late Geo R. Me- Y aggars, ag MoTAGGART-In Seaforth. on March 81, onng Boons, but owin to the numerone rapid progress of the country and theprospects hea season's work,the e will be demand ed 68 ears and 4 months• applioatione it Was 'imposeible to accept for an avirditional number of stonemasone and. • Perfection in Beauty, Indispensable in Usefulness,-• Six words packed with peening describe& • our superb si•deboarde duplicated only ire themselves. • What the plane; is to the par- lor, the sideboard is to the dining room. and our leaders are fit for the finest man- " 'dons, We show them in all the popular. ' styles,all durable enough to last a lifetime. and handsome enough to be the prize effort of a skilled designer. Proses 119.541, •Undertaking and FicturePrant— ing a Specialty, • • C.. Steven.son • General Furniture Dealer, • Opposite Town Hall, ' filbert Street, CLINTON. , RESIDENCE -Huron • Street. '• oppoaite Commercial Hotel.; eds, Seed, Do you want seeds, if, so call on To. We have Clover - in Red, Alsike and Lucerne, Timothy, Speltz, Tares, Beans,. Mangel, Yellow and Red Onions and a great variety of garden! seeds. • ' • • Then too 'we haye Spad.es,Shovels, Forks, ete., to work *th, t t stapies.We h_.ave.a go2d_stoc..I of barb and plain wires ant • • • • . • We aim •to supply all your wants Try us. • Terme cash or produce at higheet market prim, Now is your opperinnity. has • I t A Campbell,aged 62 years and 9 months. Aosa., and the latter to Nepaws, Man., to• T. DAVIDSON, gec'. Maleon Builaingtchange, CAMPBELL -In Zurich,on the let inst,Jessie then3• e o er r c HO W ALD -In H.41 con 14, (Zurich road) In. engage in teaching.• ••Winnipeg, Man, • Apri14-ra• * Scotland, on Feb 16, Peter Stewart, formerly of GIRL WANTED. STEWART-At Dysart Cottages, Pitlochry. Nzw Ent staff, is home on a two weeks' Grey, aged 79 years. visit with his •parents, Mr •and Mrs J., rich Howald, aged. 'years. ileibert Bean, a. former member of the . . Bean Since leaving here lee has 13een in • -- MA'TTHEWS -In Dentleld, on March 20, Net- To assist in general housework. Apply. te Ile, wife of M•r Anson Matthew, aged •84 years. Toronto and several other places, •but now• HAWICINS-At Port Albert, on March 81, is engaged in the job room of the Repubil: • mar 2}32fr 10, • H. ROD• GERS, 4.?sepli St. Amsy-At Verona Ont• on March 27 Mrs T. ago he was one of four wlm were seteeted Wanted. • Thos Hawkins, P M., aged 78 years and 1 month. can in Scranton, • Penn. A few months A mother of Ilire'G vans and M6 0 A from the Y C A. of that city as a dele- mey, . . A. • Humber, of Goderich, aged S9years. , • gation to a Y MO A convention near Bat- PATtERBON-In Huron, on April 1. 'Sarah fain, He likes the States well, partionlerly Anti , aged 51 years and 10 moxithe. • Scranton el y. SANDURSON-In Gerrie, on Ranh 28,Henry Messrs J. W. Hill end C, J. Waling, who Sanderson, aged years and 1 Month, KINSMAN -In Exeter. on March,' ' Ann Went west with 34 horses early in the -Hutchinson, beloved wife of Henry 'Kinsman, spring, returned on Saturday, -having been- L..D. 8,, aged 68 years and Il months. ' very succeeeful in their trip. They went STEVENSON-ln Grey, on Matteh 28, Win as far as Ox Bow,and experiencied consider - Stevenson. aged 99 years. yon March 2Table difficulty at first, owing to the flooded CHURCHILL -In murnherr. , Part of farm, tote 88 and 83, on west aide a Maitland con.,tnie Mile north Of liolniesville, containing 97 acres. 2 no north half of lot 25, con. 2,and west part of lot 24, con, 8, one half mile frem Clinton, Mirth, on gravel road, containing 00 sores, 8 'ThehrickdWelling includinglots 18, 10 -and 20 on corner of ioseph and Isaac streete, in ()lintel'. 4 orlieframe dwellingon west side Of Victeria street and next north of railway. 1Aboral tern); toimit purehasere, Applyto W. W. FARRAR' or 0. 0. RANCE, Clinton March Magni. Goon girl for general housework. Apply to • MRS JAS. TWITCHRLL, fte.ttenblu7 et. March 7-4f..• ,‘ Seiniant 'Wanted. • A goou general servant,where housemaid is _ - kept: wages $12 per month, washing and Iron- ing sent out. Apply with references to - • 131115 STONE Mar. 14 -tf, 661 linron St., TorontO. Susanna Frances, daughter of Jas Churchill, condition of the land. They say shat a .,_____ AIRTH-In Usberne, on April 1,11,1r Jas Airth,'' great many settlora itre going in, and that . Call and examine qualitT and prices and you are sure to - aged 20 r ears and 0 months. land is rapidly rising 1/1 yalue. The (fiinton- is:red 09 years. • M 1 ha A.t. it Ell b VI — Emporium!, Londeoboro R.•ADAME March 181h, 1302. Great Egg Competition. J. W. Irwin will give One dollar in cash or 25 the granulated or 30 Ms coffee sugar to tbe customer who brings in the largest Hen Egg to this store between, now and the 24th of May. J W. Irwin is selling— •• Best Standard Granulated Sugar at $4.15 per hundred by the barrel.• TEAS--Blsok, Green and Japans from 10o up. Chinese mixtures' 15o per .114 Best 25o tea in town. " RA.ISINS"-Currants; PentiesoDriedTeeehes-and apricots, 6 'be figs for 2541e lbs raisins for 25e. . • . • Dinner, Tea and Toilet ads and fancy lamps, to make room for my spring .1121. - port orders direct from the factories, I am selling at 25% less than nem premal 1 Notice' ians theK met were all doing well and satis. GRAHA -In W 14:13r m, r 7, ea e ,Strend; wife of T. C. rahe.m, aged 43 years. tied with their conditions. Spring is back- 111cLISAN-Iii Winghatii, April 8, Hattie P. ward there, 'Messrs Hill and Wallis, 'while MoALLISTER-In Turnlerry on Aril Mar, will not go hack firMe7ii tabs- tnitir nailer, wife ofJohn A.MoLeaa,.aged severe. shipping horses elsewhere during the tiume Archibald McAllister aged 82 years aPnd 11 the fall. • .monthe.- •• File Pacifier cable has reached the biji Island from New Zealand. _ Ten thousand' mill operatives have Feen locked our at Augusta. • John McBride, of Ottawa, commit- ted suicide by sWalling a glassful of a in roonia, • At the South Huron Conservative convention held at Remain. on the 3rd inst., Henry •Either was ageitt chosen to contest the riding for the yLocal Legislature. Mr Either was elected to thp Local House at the last general elec ion. • ' • TANDA RD eflOOL ROES' We have just received a shipment of our justly eel!) brated line 61 Standard Shoes for Boys. These goods .need no introduction as they are al- ready, well known and are re- cognized to be'the best year- ing.Boys' Shoes , on the . mar- ket • They are made of a choice quality of Milwaukee grain and without seams. Insoles and counters guaran- eed to be absolutely solid sole eather. ° No Shoddy • No Paper Soles Patronize the NeW She Store and get new Shoes. Fred T. Jackson Letter of eondolenee. buy. „Phone 45. 'Ranted good butter and eggs. • sponsible for any debts contracted in my nanie J. W. IRWIN,' Clinton.. Notice is hereby g11 -en that I will not be re - 'without my my written order. • -2'-4=-27 - - .011•111. 1 • .. Ras W. H. BEAriont. -DEAR- Mayan,- We -dOpnee'eGtoralTa emdthoarsd Fse mh 01 ivse de . of the members of the Clinton Fire Department March 28-3-- corn°er cif Furon and desire to convey to you the heart -felt sympathe Shipley streets. Telephone connection, 82. • on the death of your late Ihneband, who was in lifem Inuelprespeiatedmenaber, of our company. , •. , for his upriqht and anlv conduct throughout HoUse to Rent or for, Sale. As a companion he was much reepected by all Are brifiatie he was ever ready to do his duty, treet containin 7 rooms and. oodshed tt b. A Comfortable frame cottage On Speneer whorn he associated with. As a member of the , firs of the and water could not d Removal. e e and rest. his daily wa k in lifakind and honorable to all • ... , . the per a of disaster ur.d the unforeseen dan- sed '• g B a W a ao • eter, him in 8180 orchard, is offered to rent or for sale. e performance of his duty, being ready and .11,12rd and soft water, stone cellar and stable, rter-acre lot. win be either rented or sold willin at the .verdtof command raelaticholy plea tire for us to &Veld Upon, the on reesonable TIMeirgtgiacaNgfg: It is certainly ir:gutlii,fxt,i).?;eagzegizlialsge(32% Apr 4-11n* ctidauran:Algtei.gpLoomolation ean be - n —Farm for Sale or to Rent. a etion as you aye lust experienced,it must:come from a Higher • Power than ours W t, t We ust. howe'ver, thatiou Every • Farmer Should use, • FORMALDEHYDE. The best known remedy for Smut 001.Oats Barley- • Wheat or Corn. • We can give you testimonials from all the leading farmers of this section who used ctur Formaldehyde last year. Full instructions given with each -bottle. •Use Combe's "Standard Formaldehyde" H. B. COWIE, • Chemist at Druggist C tai in 80 acres being lot 28 in the llth 'will keep up your spirits and leek forwar tp shall ell go to those who cannot conle to us. prdi, of Goderidh Township, Couniy of Huron. , that bisghter and happier world, in which we Sh ld th f li es -throligh which we de. w Thera s a ra i f me house and good bank barn, lth pry of good water on the place and h in any. way gratifying to you, it will greatly islittua e about 4 miles from Clintm, and a ou ese few 0 , sire to convey Mir respect for the deceased. be April 4-3. T. Ile from village of Holmesville. E'er parti c- . write them. • mare apply to W. 0.: WILLS, Mitchell tor. increase the sad pleasure it has glen us' to On behalf .of C. F. D., . MII.ROH, London Road, Clinton, • • Very respectfull3rTours, • JOS. VVHEATt.tv, Chief •N. BALL, Seeretary • e °ming E'ventS Tuesday,April 15.-Brnoefield spring show. Thursday, April 17 -Meeting of West • Huron License 0orruniesionere. Sunday, April 20 -Anniversary of Ontatio St Methodist b, S. • . Friday, April 25-Oddletlows concert. Mondey, April 14 -Annual •Supper of the Clinton Corlieg Club. Friday, April 18- Sriniker of the Clinton Bowling Club. To Relit. — • House to rent cai Townti Mid street, apnlY to JAS. SCOTT, Clinton. April 11-0, • Wanted. Immonnely Wealthy, han /some & intelligent lady wants immediately toed oapeble hulsoand. Addresa, ERA, 112 Clark bt,, Chicago. Stable tor Sale. ••••,..00 A good etable wItlesevon single stall, boX Stall, a harness reotn, grain bine, a rtoirlY bay loft, ete.,Will be ?sold eta verir,remitumble Priee. 11...41. •W. IIRYDONE. Olittto Maid Wanted, To &said in general honeeWork • apply to Alas. JOHNEthrsroN, April 11-41 BaglanSt.,(31inton. _ Big Wholesale stock of pianos at very best illiosible prices. Organs, the very entertamable gramophone sheet music, books,,; and a variety of music at e. HOARE'S Music Emporium. ritOOk Of photo Obiltied p1un24 fot HE MANGE. On Thureday Feb. 27th, I will leave ray present store ,to lake charge: of tib; olotiaing and furnishing department of Mews. Hodgens Brae, I take this opportunits of returning thanks to my many friends and •customers' for the continuous patronage . they havegIven me sinde opening out in businees and trnet that the present relationa so long existing be,ween us may not be broken. • ; "eV .• For the corning Spring Befoul I will be able to, show you the finest stook of nifty and etylieh Gentie Furnishings that has ever been brought ie. to Clinton, It has been personally selected from the best sources, and you can depend On alwaye getting the nobbiest and most up-to-date styles in Hate,. Shirts+, MO, etc. Coma in and eee me any time you aye up town. A 3. MORRISH Clinton, . • • Maple Syrup °haul and pure, Made in the hada, the kind. to tnake you Staudt your lips and think of your boyhood days, iniperiel galloo $1,25. SEEDS -We sell Bruce's field and garden node, theta ire none better, Gient` Yellote Intermediate, Mengel seed, will be seam this seasOn, bay now, 15o a pound, rAvertS—Wo have now a convict° range of "Sherwin Wiliittnie Co," pailite. They are eheepet then load and oil, and will cover more endue and wear longer then any Other paint on the market. Paint the 'mule; paitit the roof, paint the welltei paint the flobrs,peint the barn doors, paint the waggon, paint the buggy, ,intint the pump, a different paint for &oh purpose and eaoh are the hostler the orpose. WALL It',APEUS-Itew and attreotive geode, 5o to.200 a ton, W. L. OTTMET1Z,LOndesbOr0 jazz. • , * • , „ilaamAtAz_si ;1