HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-11, Page 4Aril 11th, 1902 The :Mae si re Coming TOE CLINTON NEW ERA. The 'Great Buying 1 • The I31ueb Cabo .44 -re Condom :FOrteria Ilitt. costunie which wax; exceedingly be. NOTE9.-Mrti Morgan and daughters corning. The recitations given were returned to Lioderich an St•turday,aftee of Miss Jobroon'S own composition mad vvereundoubtedly of a very high • spending 4 week vieiting tbe neigh- Purchese your ticket et Town office anti setre delay at etation, boyhood. Miss Bateman, of Alichigan order. If we may refer to any Jinni,. is visiting at her uncle's, J. Connolly, bars in particular, we would empba. Bize "The Eiders of the Pleins" and • Inducements of this store F. R. llodgens, Town Agent jannie Wood vieiting her cousin. in • 0. Miss Minnie Lobb is vngbere Mies Om:mbar) Bo.rni.' the latter especia 11( . , Cliatoh, ent, Londesboro. Mr and Mrs 0 W Potter having a patriotiemationalringabout t &tended the svedding of their niece, that should commend it to every .true roeans not only that here you pay the lowest prices, , 9,1,mv govatiottnanto _ Weduesday evening last. C. Johneon, Miss Lizzie Gliciclon, at Colborne on i elluereteIRTeremuleirkisWe We ernue9etn no 1111 far carried avvay by the attractions of /04.41.011=-Eleou ...".'..." '' ' ' ; ''''' .1. Mrs A, Cox is on the sick lgt, G. Vox pe 1 Galt, spent Sunclav at Joh Pickercre. Alt itittydeY, a9whoset(iVsepr special t fhoer Pt earit in hi Mb irs REIceaa:eili.utioigalewooreee • 1 and G.G., Newton attended the Reform but that you get the best values and have the choice of 5 convention at Dungannon on Monday. pewer of representing. the French Boys.wanted--tinneway ' ,,,, ihe newest goods of all kinds, from the mills of -,.Canada, We lead -Mckinnon . 5 cLuvention ar Smith's Hill on Wednes- Novelty bake, y .p.feolay . .,. ,,,.... , 6 Iohn Cox attended the Conservative tgioeubitaboeti,nlagis rvegytateionnt:Anainthinieg.diwrece- 5 day. Miss A,Coic is visiting at OOderich, noticed that clergymen in the audience . 6 Pe ot on -Stevenson Europe and the United States, Our store is now filled with everything for Spring.and Summer wear. Our Dress refZea,,...7 Goods Department is overflowing wi h the finest stock we Wall paper - 8 Uff I Our clothing specials--JacheN, '"• =lases Wilson, of Tuckersailth, haYe raraptly said "In the akmat way, My bave ever shown. All the new weaves and colors are bere, and prices couldn't be lower for such worthy qualities fl.BIg Bargain in Dress Goods for Friday, Saturday and Monday were all more or len amused at Mise 0 5 rtieefteld, Johnson's etory of the Methodist par - 13. 6 Nowos. 0 Allen an . wife, 000 IA W00/04110 WhO was the first on 6 of an occasion when in that town to see ., Moosejaw. Man., are vieiting his moth.• the point in Mr Oder's reply to the Millinery leedership-Ber, Mil; James ......... 8 ' 1 very mes Allen. who is11 . Sedge as to how a house was raised opened a dressmaking shop at the Lord, en four Juke". There were It& home of thew sister, Mrs Ku"' Dr' others also in the audience, besides v ver Thompson, London, preached in the Presbyterian church on Sabbath, Rev clergymen, who seemed to have& keen appreciation of the joke in question, FRIDAY • ATe 11, 1002. Mr Sawers preachiug in St. Andrew's 13 e stage decorations were very artie- church, London. Arthur Mason has tic. The loose receipts amounted to At an enthusiastic and the largest retnrned from Manitoba, where he went with horses; he intends returning tSw"efn:lilteheanlidet$1,17,oceecle will be bee Convention held by the West Huron' in a short time, Mrs Bell of Comma th .; c'• ee,7 Liberals at Dungannon, on MendaY,M, has returned home; her llueband, fte4 0, Caineron, barrister, Goderieh, •ria- W, Bell, formerly of this place has ceived the nomination as the Liberal four stations in that *neighborhoc;i1 to S5450 and $5.75 preSs Lengths for $3.50 candidate to contest the riding In the preach in; not many Presbyterian min. coming Provincial elections. utters preach four times on Sabbath. .20 only Suit lengths of our very best Broadcloth, in colors of Na'vy. Brown, Fawn, Black, very fine quality, regular prime are 05.50 and $5.75 leach, on sale for 8elaye at SanThe Conservativee of the riding of ' West Huron for the Local House met Meese -Quite a number from Nile 4 attended he Liberal t convention in in convention at Smith's Hill on Wed- Dangannon on Moneay, and also the paid him well • on showing us the card h riday. There is a strong prohibrtion hag ?" Others should take a note of this • , 250 yards of all wool Henrietta, in shades of Old Rom, Royal, Navy, °rem, ° the riding in the corning eleetions. 'Pink, Sky, Red, Grey, aleo Black, on sale at per yard . ;WC e . .rset eeveral were nominated, the ballot thusiastic patitor. O. Echlin left on ... e. - _ sentiment in Nile, headed by our en- mad follow the example. raorne,taroNs.--- being for three oely-Mr Jas Blitchen, the 8,h for Ripley, where he corn-. ,r P• St 'Om u. °' he Higla School Entrance EXaMinae. oper's 13ook Sto,re IT PAID WEILL.-ItClast week's Mae BRA J. Becker put m a smell ad- vertisement costi.ag only 25 cents, offering_ pigs for sale and the sante weak received the following pastel :--"You will count the 28 pigs solil to me; I will be down for them on Tuesday.-70eo. Laithwaite,troclerich." Mr Becker Bays be believes in advertising in the Nicw Ero. and that small advertisement has AIL WOOti HENRIETTA AT 25c nesday to select a candidate to contest ferohthaion convention in Goderich on e remarked "'How's that for advertis- . . . of the Godertch Star, Leckhart, counter mences his cement operations for the tion will commence on june 25, at New Divess Trimmings commissionei of East Wawanosb, and sewn. J B. Hoover, marble manutacturer, of Caere:al.-Rey Mr Wilson had for Bayfield, Hen , 8.45 a. iv. at Gosdawicli5,i!xrner6ZufAh., Olintop, the former finally being the his subject Suridarievening "Probibi• tail, St Helene and Oredigtionufor' Wtaust Plainness this season will all be in the lines of the dress, choice of the convention. . tion and legislation; in the morning, Huron and at Clinton, Seaforth, • • HabneallIlle • two very powerful sermons. The re- wich and Myth for East Hilton ; Part W' 1; B 1 W 4:keens of trimmings will be used. dress without more or • "Prohibition and the Bible;" tie gave ing ana, russe s, Wroxeter, Ford - legs trimming will be an oddity. Trimmings are more *Wand- Olinnoff.-Tha annual vest% meet- tiring officers of the Nile Epseorth 1 Junior Leavin or Public School vane v • Apri1.3; the wardeus' report 'WAS of a their work in thedifferent epartmeets: eteeeetee, . full than ever. This season we show 'a more extensive • t ing of St. John s church was held on . ncf Leaving, on July tad, 8.30 a. me at ilial ever before. . ' satiefactory character, and showed the The secretary reported 9 new numbers, Hensall and Dungannon for West _ church to be prosperous, financially 3 associate members taking th'e active Huron, and at efiinten, Seaforth, All the newest BRAIDS AND APPLIQUE. in black end. li•te are ' ou displayand otherwise. The wardens appointed pledge; 6 removals; total membershiP Winghath, W I , .III r, Hruesels Fordwick, Wrox- iaticee, 8. 10, 12e, 15, 18, 25, 30, 85 to 90o per yard, . • were Sam. Sturdy and Guy Hicks. At 66 -active 49, associate 17. Treasurer eter and .Blyth for 'Best Huron. Ap- 7; ....... the congregational meeting Jas. Oen- reported : Money raised by League plications on proper form, together HEAVY ORIENTAL LACEs AND INEERTION$ are in greet demand. We nolly was annotated lay representative during year ending April 8, $63.47; with fed 02), for Part I. junior Leav- have them in all the wanted widths. Prices 12e to 50o per yard. to the Synod. . 'balance on nerd from last year ing or Public School Leaving mud be 4•10:44+0.044449440.0eVelettle."e1t friends and . acquaintances will greatly. regret to hear of the sudden and un League also has f150 to its credit in tlite specter. Junior Leaving part II, Benk of Montreal. Officers for t e g enter Leaving, Matrieulation, Peers expected demise of M113 Herbert Elfoid, coming year were elected as follows: and Honor, Commercial Diplome and I of Holneesville. The sad event °cone? Peesident, Wm. Watson; 1st vice, Mrs Commercial Specialist Examinations i on Wednesday evening, the 9,.h ins ., Commencing Friday morn ng we place on sale the • . . _ . ___ ethenesiee_was serrounded by her fain- havingb been vice, A. P. Sheppard; 4th viee, Men Eicetcr, ' Clinton and :Settforth• AP - H. Snyder; 2nti, vice, Ethel Dustow; 3rd will be held on July 4th, at Goderich, iliten,bamllbtbheed taoherinert boeneee d ide.' Alt ough (Bev) Wilvnijeo.c., Muir oerClitirta; plicatiefis for Entranceb ?usyee' tratit League game the 'folioed report of Exeter, Kintail, Varna, . , a total receipts, 0101.07; expenditure, sent in before 24th May ; these forms S48.86; balance on hand, '$52 21; the may be obtained from the P. S, In - MRS. • IL .r.L.PORD.-a. wide circleof A. CORSET BARGAIN Houeeolearuing time hi dee end it to. be attendedrith uupleaeanteirournstomoes, especially when the removal of furniture, and pictures brings eut the defects to your wall paper% BIB alio the beet time to have nevepaperine done, We obeli be pleeeed to wend eamples of any deeoriptieu. .9er paper e are of the beet, and Out prices more than ream:Wale. Special prices on remnants for next week, All Wall Paper trimmed free, Window Shades B & bias filled Corsets that are sold evewhere at $1. A snot enjoying robust health for yeers, We would like to show you our esaortment of 4400 for we know we can pleat:* you both as to style and price, We pay speoial attention to the rollers+ used on our shades and guarantee them to.. work to your satisfaction, In town we hang shades free. So far thie Beaman there has been an in- oreassin the demand for Butteriek Patterns.. This increase implies beyond all question the saperiority of Mae Butterlok Pattern to every other pattern made. . A new supply just receive& The May patterns show all the newest sailor effects, the new collar effeots applied to eton jack. ete, and the new* tuok.plaiteil styles. rertini3eec73tewart; assistant or:anist, 4[?hteh-feeelesilke,t(41; relate 25th (the price being stamped on the Corset) Our price will she 7ipasto,c laabeltecotopteoluwitiettwiv:; Mernie Gtrvine • - Applications for Tablic School Lefty - ba per pair Mc. 'Phis line we intend • keep- ae litirly well as usual. She eomplained ing, Junior Leavina, Senior Leaving St n -dens • • and Matriculation ( igh School Forms ing in stock and our price will always be 75c. No need Of feeling poorly, but refused to have a • I, II, IV,) must be sent to the rhysician called, as she wee still able SoRoor..--(1A,Tebbottopened school Inspector before May 24th, acoom- tO pay Si to Other strres , 0 go about and perform her ordinarY &fmain on Monday after Easter vacation named by the necessary fee, No Ap- - eee duties._ Letst :Monday morning, how- a' hoe; owing to bad roads a number plication can, be ' received by the In - ever! she was suddenly taken 'worm: of smaller pupils who. intended to come specters after that • date, Those who medical Aid was at once summoned, could not,. but are expected next week. ' intend to write at any ' examination and although everything possible wee Misses Lockhart and Clark resumed beetre . in the Western Inspectoral done, she gradually grew weaker, un- their Work again on Monday,as did also Division of I Huron must send their til she peacefully passed . away on the Messrs A. F. McDonald and J.• Jeaynt, l' t• ' ' • Wash Silks at 38e app tea ion. giving name in full, to J. above :mentioned evening. Mrs Elford A wire now takes the place. of the old Elgin Tom I. P. S., Goderieh, and was born. in •Leicestershire, England, flag -rope at our school ha d vire place on sale over 100 - le those whe eintend to write ,in the en Dec, 27, 1842. Emigrating to this doull:e; give better satisfacrtroann; Eastern DivisiOn to D. Robb, I, P. S., y.ards ,of Japa::ese ash i ks in stripes only—colors of blue, country in 1848 with the other mem- put it in place on Tuesday last. . • pink nile, gold, also black—this is a heavy corded silk that hers of her father's family, elie found her first home in (..,a,nada in Mono „. will give gocd. wear, usually sold at 50e and 60e. .township. Here in a few week§ she ' lost her father, who had contracted • Special it 38c per yard. the ship tepee. Her mother, with her three children, then went to New • lee Sateen at I5c jersey, and after a time returning to • • • Black Sateen, very gne than finieh, heavy quality, regulsr,20e value, • Brawls. Baoks containing writing, ' NOTES. -Master S. Pennell, who has drawing or book-keeping are not to been very ill,is fast improving. A large be .presented as in former years at the number from hers attended the Liberal 'entrance ex amination. Uanclidates convention in Dungannon on Monday will besupplied with paper and ink last. We suppose the Forresetr's lodge by the presiding examiners; but they here =St MVO taken the hone off must bring their own pens, rulers, lead pencils, etc. - Church Chinsea their 'goat." as ten new members jinn - friends in Canada, settled in Wellesley ed on Monday night, with no serious tOwnship, near Orosshill. It was here results.. Messra (3. Webster and It, 'slie; met and' was married in '1862 to Miller and Miss Mary Clark resumed her now sad and btriseeed husband. their studies at Goderich Collegiate on After residing in Wellesley for some Monday, spent their Easter tea - years, Mr and Mrs Elford, in 1874, cation- here. J. Stein, of Pine' River, bought the farm in troderich township was the guest of Wm Theme over Sup - where they have faithfully toiled and Mise Ethel Robertson haereturn- lived together up to the -time of her day' death. In making the homestead the t!G her home in Lucknow. , el to the vil! agea f er an ex' ended visit pleasant and pretty; residence, her ard-- uoos• and ' painstaking labors contrib- . . . . uted in no small degree. She was ex-' Additional Loc' al News. 1 ceedingly hospitable. and kind to all. To knew .hisr - was to love her. ' Of a ....... • --- - genial spirit- and Saciable'dispositione- iroWkAenHiNntIoNGthTet•aBwOnY:S.B.-owitioingys hotbe she made hosts of friends, ell of Whom were always made welcome whenever house. This is to.serve as a warning they visited her fireside. Attentive. to that if caught there will be no respect all home dielea . she was essentially a. inaavrid tcoapberismonpi0,4etwiainty_bpeencaelrt‘ibthiye model housewife, While never neg- time to devote :attention to pb;latithr0, -Mb IN INKANCY,;--lde and Mil inflieted. . ; . lecting those duties, she ever found plc and Christian work, SPA was a Fred Joyner mourn the loss of a loved very reenter attendant at the Metho- soretheir first born, Wm. Frederick. 0.17.,. church, of which for over 40 years aged 3.years, 3 months and 9 days. In she was an exemplary and consistent early infane he suffeked a stroke of our sale Friday at 4., 5c floor Oilcloths 1 yard wide 25c 11 yards wide 35e 2 yet& wide at Oa Cashinere Hose at 25c patt 75 palm of Black Cashmere Hose, in ribbed sea plain, good quality for spring wear, sizes 81, •9 and 91, special rat per pair 25e Vests at 2 for 25c. 160 Vests madeeif fine qnality, cotton yarn, ehore 'heves, Al value .ra _ opeeial at 2 for.. • ' .. . .....!: Hifi& '14-6114:feily-rc .-__ The regular 'April metier was held in Willie church. Clinton, on Tuesday, the Bih thlit.t Among the chief items of bum. ineektranciacted.were the following Mt J. S. Henderson, eienteille-tereirepe pointed convenor of the Presbytery's Home' Miseion committee, and, representative of the Preobytery on the Athembly's Hoine Mission committee. James' liamiltoll, of Goderich, presented' the Sabbath School report for the year ending Dec. el, 1901; 'the report showed that though there had been some dimientioo . in attendance, there had been a gratifying inoreese in centribu- tions. Larkin presented the statistical report for the (tame period; in almost every particular this showed that there had been progress during the year, Dreier the jut. Iodic:Bon of the Presbytery there are at priteent 1818 families and 4615 etirrimuni- • oaths. The amount contributed to sohemee of the church, ext.:Waive of the Century Nand, was $6870; the payments for all • puspogegamountea to 1189,580, Mr Davidson, of 'Vert:a, pretented an et: - strafe of the report on Chnroli Life and Work, whirl the Presbytery ordered. to be ,printed and aent down to congregationin. in nollheotion with this report the following teEpillt10/1 WAS aaRpta: Whereas an op portiMity to be given in December of this year to piece on record the general sense of the community in respect to the liquor traffic, it is hereby strongly recommended by the Preebytery of „ Huron, that all Mir, people should be fully beleeti of the impor- teeth of recording ht3 large a vote au pos• edge hi favor of prohibition; A resolution: memorial of• the late Dr. • Robertson, enperintendent of Northwest Missions, was pithead, and the Week was inetrueled to leeward route to the widow. The etmmiseionere appointed to repro - meat the Presbytery in the next General Atieembly are: Moors Stewart, Musgrave, thetwere, 'Larkin and Shaw, minieterte to- gether with tbe repreeentatIve elders of Themaers Road; Gram:Joh, Bruer:field, Illyth moithiop. • Notice was given of the appliaationo of 0, 0. memo, Minister of the Congrege- atonal (Muriel, and J. /1, Mann, a nunitter of the American Preebyterimi Church, to be rebeived es Ministers Of the Presibyterian Clhuteli in OdOtiati, :'At the next General s y, A unertimeue frero'the congregetione.- oftbhe"ttepaluditwilitirpiatithk. E: Camp, of the aPreslaytery of Kootenay, British Columbia, was -presented and sue. teined. Proyieional arrangements were niade for Mr Camp's induction in the eyent of ' acceptance of the call, the clerk -being-empowered to -fix the date. • Mr Anderson gaveenotioe tfltst at next.. meeting he would nmee that the Preebytery hold five regular meetings during the year, instead of four. Mr Fletcher reported that the Augmen- tation committee had granted to Grand Bend $160 for the present year, with notice that the grant would hereafter be reduced, to $100; he also reported that $50 had been granted to Leaburn and 'Union Church, Goderich township, for the past' halt year, • • strength divinely imperted to do what. It was agreed to hold the beet regalar ever was laid upon her, and it was a meeting le wens deuce, ceatee, on the marvel hew much she was able to per - second Tuesday of July. ' form, considering,. her physical strength • Batted,* Peeterne are always up to date and cover every possible ;demand for every kind of garment. Be sure to visit our Pattern Department,aud see how complete is the line of patterns we carry. W.. Cooper Co., Clinton , viewed the New Hebrides mission ; Dungannon, was adopted, to the effect Misses Jennie . Robertson, Winnie that, harmony of the view of the: O'Neil and S. Carling. read letters Provincial Alliance executive, the tem- ' wStirbier from missionariesin the New Hebrides; entrance people do their utmost to 06- a solo was [rendered by. Hazel .O'Neil cure the largest vote oia the referendum. .: and a recitation was given by Pearl The following are the resolutions:. of On tThheef brmeetingmoilm ins se ixotb- s' mi e n t h • thelThat.c omn a ittht this convention cl-onvention declare its - . . „ • ST, PAUL% UMOROLI.A-On Sunda." the • littmost.along political lines to secure a. cjioir repeated their beautiful. choral' .prohibition repreeentative of this rid - service of Easter Sunday. In the morn- ing in the (Warta Parlioakient. Thies ing the rector dwelt on the subject that was adopted: ' • : . • . ' is taxing the master' minded the World 2 That this convention appoint Com- . 'today, "If a 'Man • dies ehall he live mittees to. attend the nominating con-, again",anddrawinghieconclusions and .vention of eachpalitical party and use theories from - • nature alone,proved ' their endeavor to obtain a candidata beyond a doubt even as the tree Or Whci will support the enforcement of herb is cut down and life is apparently. the Hirer act of 11;10- if carried,' and in .gone, .yet, within. the riecit that still re.. the event of ite. failure advocate *me • • main impregnAtedinthe earthilife will hibitory legislation to the .full extenb. again come from it. . Specialdonations :of the Province's pottier, irrespective cf he the Easter offertory are still coming party, Carried. .' - . '. • . ,, • . in . and , the total cashettilescriptions. - :•3. It neither party.,bringauuteitealle another didate in favor of the Liquor Act to be . amounts to nearly- 3000 with 1B1C0 of .prornises to be paid within the voted. on the referendum in Deeember next two months.. ..The Ladies'. Gelid and fez. probibitory legislation within met last (Thursday) evening for the • Provincial jurisdiction. a convention be • receiving of the reports .for the past called to consider the question of beingr 'Year and for the election Of officers for b3ic but an independent prohibition can- . the coining' yeae..,.Theadjoiirned vese'. didate. This was carried; with' an .addi. . try meeting will. meets in. the School : tion proposed by Rev Ill J Wileon,Nile, • room on Monday evening next at 8 that the ' following. be the forte Of o'clock for tbereteiying of reportifrom pledge to be presented. tO Candidates: that ' should I be elected as c nnmittees and the . audited '• state,. I prornite merits ; there Will also be. the. appoint- -a member. 'of the Onlario Provincial meant of a lay, delegate or delegates Parliament in the forthcoming election to the Synod which at London On the 'queiseion . of prohibition I Will in. June...A gem* . nt1Mber will he. advocate,vote for and use my -influence presented the Bishop for Confirrnite. 10 bring in tiny measure and the great - tion, when he Officiates' here on. the eat measure within the jurisdiction of the ptovince for the prohibition of the • evening of Sunday, Matt.4th. ' .. • - ' liquor traffic; that . on this question. I ' UNTARLCi . STREET • ' Cannore-eRev. will Act irrespectite of all party claims, Dr. Gittordeitheriged with Rev.' .13, L. . as neither Conservative or Liberal, but Hutton, Centralia, lest Sunday and ni t _e Hone*. an Independent ierohibi- rotbdbionist; and it there should be excellent sermons ; the choir gave Veil P tionist .1 will use my vote with .his, Tr- - . • - rendered anthenes....Preparations for . a flue program is being made. by the respective of party; as a .balancing scholars for. the anniversary of the Sunday School on Sunday, April 20th; i 4 That we divide into groups accord - Potwar for probibition. .. . a rehearsal will be held. • this (Fildayd evening when ill taking part are aske • , ize the conventions to bring out a pro- • rg harespectiv.e partiee and menmeal., to be present. . ," . • • hitdtion candidate, each delegate sign-. _ Se. joskeet'S Canues.--Services will lug. suchmemorial.• • • . .. . be held at St. • JOsertife. church . nett .5. That copies of the resoliitionspase- Sunday by Father McMenamin; mass .ed at this convention dealing with the • in. the morning and treepers • ab night.. pthitical situation be sent to the - the Liberal Coneetta.:' 3. N..Shaw,'Clinton; took Rev; Mr P.rgOidentil of two ageocuttions cif this .riding at once.. . Dever's work At Walton on Sunday Week . owing to elle letterer!. eicknese.•, , . it. ! C. tirr4.!nda.t fiye persons he 'selected.frora '. thie ..cenvention tO Wait upoh • the . Convention Of krihibiiiiliitabili-; -.Reform aiid -COBSeiaratiVe ctididate • at each of the conventions and receive. •:: thole signaturesto• the pledge as de. • mended by this convention. Carried. • The committee appointed was • (i•M Elliott, Godericb, presidefit of the Ale liance; 11, W McKenzie, Goderich; Rev . 7.a McNair, ' Dungannon; . Jam Scott,. Clinton t Rev S M Whaley,:: et Helens.' . A motion that if either party brings out a satisfactory candidate the.. cone . ventfon pledges itself- to support. such candidate. • .., . . . • _After -elifhest-speecheselayell-W--Mg Kenzie and J E 'Lewitt, ot Goderich; wisiii.dtirwa-tiviyez.,,v.,,-,.....,;,,..z,..,4-‘4.•.,4`,Fx,-4 , held, at which 'speeches and a nausical'• the motion was carded, ' In the evening a mass meeting 'wee . Ara comraitteeeconsisting of five and the executive, will meet after the con- ventions and decide whethereandidatee. Are satisfactory. . • .. . an .Eitiplre CompetitlOn: • - The following article appears in the -- • .. . Y Brantford Courier of a recent issue. The young lady referred to is a niece'. : -----,-..., . of Mr N. B. Henry, photographer, of .. °Hilton, Who also has . the• honor of taking the photo ot the prize•vehiping ' Mies, This a compliment to. his 'artis- tic ability, and shows that 'phOtes taken by him are equal to any in the world: - "The London, (Eng.) , Magazine re. . . cently took up. the challenge from the New.t ork Journal, that the .children of the 'United States Were more beau- tiful than the childreu of Britisb and Colonial Britain. The London Maga. zine, to prove Ito claim, opened h NM.** ,. petition offering twenty prizes of :35 . for the hest 20' photps of ;children un- ' der 7 years of age, .sent in to the ea. was taken by Mr Norman Henry, late tor. , girl, Gladys M. Sanderson, eldest c) having been chosen from thousands , e • . . These twenty "prize plates appear in the Mirth number .of the magazine, sent in from all parts . of . the Empire. ' Amongst the 'twenty is . a Brantford ' daughter Of Mt Mid Mrs Stewart • Sanderson, Brant Avenue. . The photo O f the firm of Walker and Henry and• is an ex uisite piece of week, ...Little ise Gladys and her patents. the convention a eommittee was form- - the very high honor ot being included, ed to prepare resoltittons,and was com- are 0 he heartily Congratulated On in !Such it labtahle list. The twenty oroorne ; John mon pullett 1.1 i. i ii children. and Brantford may 00h. 11, Campbell, East Wawarmsh ; Wm. nosed of W D Gardner, A,slilleld ; W - sider itself ' honored in being retire, in such n worldoWide cOninetiw 'e Wats011, West Wawanosh ; A E Alien . D.rize Photod areal! exceptionally- beau- lebte,t,1' Tora,Goderich; A J .Coutstice..,Godetieb Young., Illyth. There bein/ no one, ti"` Pownship; Jae Scott, Clinton; N R .. i f: q ' ; i ' tinerti : , i . AiAl iiiil ' Rev Ur Anderson's motion was re. haley,Was Added. 151,9'6117)-1,1 riehnesetire, Vcredeesd y. Moe' newect but it shorter and more sin3ple W,1,002,1 lore Thnreto. beloVed wifd et Herbert . . one brought in by Rev T It McNair, of , "*"' aou °3"1" • . . . . Weceriev ' CHLInett:-That .. Rey R. Millyaid, of Exeter, has a :good many friends town, Was evidenced by. the largeaudiencewho listened te his -ex- . cellent sernions on Sunday last; in. the morning he took for hid 'sub- 'ject : "Pentecost" - and . in the , ay - ening "To the ; children •of Israel that they . may go ,fOrwartcl.'! This. practically concludes the Opening sm.. vices of this church,' all the former pastors of old Rettentitirte .etill, 'in active work haying taken-a,Sundayin - Connection...with' the opening of the new 'church ; while m town • Mr Mill. yard was the guest -�f Mr Peter Oante-; nu... :Next Sunday' morning Rey Mr Howson will speak onerf Chtiet should • conre.to Clinton," Making . local refer- ences, in the evening "The nature .ot ..the spiritual body; with iing„.:..tions as to how Christ could enter and pass out of root* without opening the doers." The ushers wile be 'pleased to sheets vis- . "member, -She was - abundankinegoode partial -para ysis•fromewhich lettneYer_ Afore to seats; pewholders come early. works; while it power in raver and recovered and passed await on Monday. The Transfer -at- its tender in her experience, ere was a He was a bright little fellow the parents meeting in Toronto last week, apreed beautiful, practical Christian life. For i. ofewhom have the heartfelt sympathy to. the transfer of Rev T. :Manning stime ten or twelve years she was pees- in their bereavement. The funeral took from•the Toronto to the London Chen - 1 eiteef.the Hohnesyllle,branch of Ar•' .p:ace from the parent's horact.on James ference - . this. is the clergyman who S ' Or tlieMitliadief:anYibb;"afid-Ste•• "street on -,Wednesdar to Clttnftelife.. :baleAbeali invited.to.$rWesley•Chtirehe . was 'one of the elect ladies who have so ' tery. . . and the transfer means that the Von- flonriShing branch. At the tirisaaf her .•.ativey at Ed ole On largely promoted the success of. this .: DIED IN EDGELEY...There passed fer.enee Will probably ratify the inViter: Thurtday, April tion• ° '''Rev I' 2'. Waliwin' a A.' -of death she was also the President of the 3td, terace Forel, relict a thette 1j Seaforth, Seaforth, will 'Preach the • educational Huron courty W. 0, T. f.T.' oia of the Neof, Clintoneit the old and resnect- sermonii here on the20th of this- month 'WM' Iiistitiitteefor theearriecounty.• --ed-.age a 26-lietiriiiiiiiiiii.thireild..5 ortos. in connection with,Wesley church,Rey -Into both of these organizations also The deceased lady waft • a . former rejsi, she threw her strength, mind 'and soul, dent of -Clinton and was touch esteein. W. G, Howson preaching educational by writing,. ' travelling and 'speak. ,ed b'her Menet -friends here, She was sermons in Seaforth on theemale day.. ing; she did all it, her power to advance •' the step -mother of A,. 11.11nodwin, of ,... At the Intermediate League on Mon - their interests, and achieved most ex- Own, inad removed from here to Ed- day last, the pastor gave an address on friend@ -Would frequently assure her plecethefollowing Sanday from the illustretions from . the realm of horti- drawing :all his %he funeral. took "Eientving in ga*' cellent results, . Indeed her nearest • gelfiy lye years ago. that she •was undertaking too much residence of her son F. F. Goodwin, ' culture; Mr `A T Cooper thee gavel), five and .working.. too • hard. • • She always to the Edgeley bendeitery. 'Her friends' minute address. These addressee were believed. however, that she had' special . here will learn with regret her depae- listened to.very attentively by those . tare mad et Mild Syninathy to the. re- resent .... The HMO of the Senior eague was taken up by the election of . 'officers for the coming year, as follows: MU of the CLUB. -By the courtesy rector and church Wardens,. the vice, Miss Lillie Miller; •3d:vice Miss' ' Lou Dohertyast Vice, Hugh Horke;20•1 . • Hon. Pres, Rev.W..G. HoWsOn ; Pres., fifth recital of the Clinton Music Club' Evelyn Turner ; ' 41h vice,. Mists 'Flora was herd in St. Paul's church oe Wed- Ourminehame • 5th. vice, Miss Minnie. Mesday evening, Ie was an.tven enter-, Rudd ;6'l) vice; A T Cooper; Rae. See,, .tainment„ I he program being :-Organ Mies Mabel Howson e °or; Sec., Miss • prelude ; chorus, eqbe radiant morn" Floret Ounningharhe ; 'Treater Arthur by Woodwaird ; solo, "The their invis. Tyndall. ible" by Hamilton Gray, Mt , Minch l , .aticient Latin hymn, "The royal. ban. lution of church mueic",W, Q. Phillips; the pastor in Torooto the pulpit wAs Wrraee --Owing to the fLbSOnde of tiers Vinyard go'!; addrese, ,The, eve. - ancient Latin hymn, te come Erman- 'occupied by Rey gr McLennnre of 13arnby ; aria, "I know that nay Re- ; hymn, eFoe all the saints,r. ::by 11111)en Presbyterian , Chtireh, ' last cleaner liveth", by Handel, MISS Maud Sunday, The reverend gentleman has. IVIcNaughton •; ehorue, "The 'Iteavene never been , heard in Vilillis charch a e telling", by Hayden. Theta was .ai before and the congregations present were highly pleased: With his eeposie . Her co:Wiese present- brought; TO orbWn Bus hefts; or . grace His name, red. P Soli taken u was for otperisen incur ialpr ?give manner an excellent. clear dons ; which were attentively listened to, Mr McLennan has a pleasing' and . She loved her Saviour, and to mock goodly number prevent mid thie melee.. No gift too rare ho thought. • ' • - 7 ----- !Mice Mid an easy delivery of language. ' His discourses Were sound and ha. : .101INSON.MellA.YE ExtgittArm. tellectual and gave much food for re- MENT.-The Town Hall On Tuesday flection; the morning's •sermon being dative and delighted audienee. It is evening was well tilled with an appre.. taken from the 51st Nairn awl in the seldom that Clinton has midi ' it treet treening from Matthew 19; 12, g For in the way of an entertainment as on whosoever hail, to him shall be given, and.he Shall have more abundance ; this occasion. It • was indeed, of it ; but whosoever bath not, from him 'could be ridged by the price of ad- 8 ae aken A•WaY .evon that he tnieeion the • hest entertainment we bath."' At the evenifig serVIce the ters, St. Paul's Church • Guild, under . have had for some time hut the promo., their rendered excellently the anthem. Whose auspices it took niece, Were not "Magnify the Lord." On Toesday ' evening the regular monthlmeeting eo mcieh desirous of =Icing money 'as 0 the Excelsior 1418836A Va tv" v .11 of gathering together it, large audience held in the sehboi moire re tithatn to welcome this gifted Indian rioeless Presiding, This „,a.0 it j1°.r„,oa attgaan°0 ral : land reciter. ia lady appeared in the . Vincent, ollaS °4•TtAl4VarL reviewe ,i firet partof11 program- itt: • a vo the Leeson Leaflet; Aire Graham re. - R Grateful and tiesired awrn. porn wit. and natural constitntion. Having a very practidal and thoughtful mind in speaking or writing, she was streber• and convincing. . Her life was her greatest woek. She was a faithfol follower and devoted servant of the Saviour, She Wore the white -My of a blameless life. She leaves four ehilcl- ren, viz; Mrs (Rev) A. K. Birks, Lon- don; W. Elford, Goderich; F. 0. and Miss Annie, of geltnesville. Rev W. Thomiley, Barrie, is a brother, and Mrs (Hort) L. A. Itose,'of Fargo, N. D., is a sister. The funeral will take place on Saturday et 1 o'clock, intermett to he made in Goderich cemetery. " To the Fritterer the New Era Snt,-When I was a boy, I attended ser- vice in the old Preshyterran church and remember, as 1 tat in the gallery, hear- ing the various ministers preach who came ai probationers for a call after Mr Me- aning left. The personality of Mt Stew- art at that time, as it comer( up in memory now is a your:green fresh from trollop, preaching the ohnple doctrines of evangele, ell truth, a Man of transparent purity of of tife, a graeeful reader, a man of deep feelin sold wattle manners, Yettre went by and I beetnee a inetnbee of his ()hutch ; I knew himwell as paster, ereacher and friend, who Was earnest, faithful and troe at all Since. X WAS itt Toronto when the degree of Doctor ef Divinity wee clOil• bared on hive and the cow:meths of opinion among those who were competent to speak Wee that for steadfast adheteriesi to the •ota truth, philosophical accurculy of hie tenement in Bay field east a ithort time preaching, blanaefitsness of hie life ioa age; the chief play was entitled "The wide echoiarship the Mall was worthy of Irish Wake," in Whith each actor pee. *he honor. And it is A Matter of rejoicingformed his part with great precision; it among hjo Mende now to know that after is already immortalized by Mr Brown years of 110V010, Spent 10 11101b10, faithful in one of his many effusione of rhyme, devotion to Hie Master, lae hoe received running as follows InePiration, free - 'from his Alma Mater: the highest honor lYgiVen, 0,0te011106 approaching dread; ithe 0611 cotter for themogical lear11111g inetdretithe gerieele the Hieing, and na. Stiyfieldi . NOTES. -3. Sturgeon brie broken the record of herring fishing by lifting as many as ninety dozen in one catch, Manyof our citizens enjoyed an enter. Christian character,- Thum, caeionally the dead, LASIShimim••$•1 The West Hilton Prohibition Con- vention . was held in the Tempera nce Hall, in Goderich, last Friday and a large and representative gathering of delegates; were present from all parts of theriding. Tlie•President of the West Huron Prohibition Alliance, G. M. Elliott, of Goderich, occupied the chair: and D E Munroe,of Auburn,secretary,discharg- ed-the duties of that office— ' The president, in his remarks said he did not wish party politics to be brought into the discussions. He spoke of the action of the convention at 'Totento.in .adyieing that. as large a vote as possible he pineal& Prehibitithaaanthe..raferL' endunh and he endorsed this action ; it Was time to take same action in regard to Parliamentary candidates. J. A. Nicholls, organizer for the Do- minion Alliance, addressed the openven- -tithe Ileaeadahe manifesto sent out to the prohibitionistof Ontario -to ee- cure the nomination and 'election of prohibition candidates, and to organize to secure as large a vote as possible 011 the referendum. In accordance with this advice, the speaker urged that in the election to the Legielature prohibi- tion he made the test measure. Regard- ing the refereiadtme. be •did not know venether they would win or not, but their duty was to tight in hope of yic. that time was wasted in discussing the refereedum. tory. . • Rev,9'S. Oiten, otAshfield, believed . . Rev S. M. Whaley, of St Helens, sec- onded the enotion, stating that he thought it was possible to win on the referendum. Mr Nicholls said that at Wingham the motion was to reject the referen- dum. The convention had adjetirned from Winghani to Goderich without taking action 011 this motion and should nonwevhexdAAoneb. derson,Goderioh,brOught 'in EL motion to work on the referendum. The point of order. wag then raised that no amendment could be made to it motion. Mr Whaley :withdrew his • seconding of Mr Oaten's motion, Another dele- gate seconded it, but 011 being put to the convention it was defeated by a large majority. In Order to facilittite 'the business Of • •