HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-11, Page 3IMPIPWRINRIPmr wilumpreminwPRIP. • Jbe lilisie14 Cats Are Ctominfr Q TEE CLINTO NEW ERA. The 313Ittek Cats 4..re COMildifr Oil for the, 04,000,4,4 Prom 'newt to Xntormotton re*" 11•Ei rarmer • irattr FowI unaaarl.„ • The tollowing paragraphe represene 011 nearly all farm, except where spa- elal attention is given to poultry olds Lure, I would Pay, keep fifty fowls of no variety, and no more. See that these are good one; and try each. year to improve on them by bringuig in mute fresh blood from a good. strain, and by keeping over only the best of what you lave raised yourself. After following this plan for a few years, I ara mire you will not return to the old way of -over -stocking the place with scrub fowls. The tame careful attention should be .givea to the feeding and care of the poultry .as to °time stock on the farm, and to Insure euch attention and make this branch a success, some one of the family should take the :natter in hand •and see to it that the poultry -house is kept clean, the hens fed regularly, and ats far as possible all the waste of tlAe family table, the dairy and the field -is turned into eggs and meat -Poultry Monthly. Do Poultry spread DIzentlzerinT '• Do poultry spread diphtheria? is a 'question which lias been raised in one of the Frovineial papers, says The Sane tary Record. The possibility of Min - tion from this source, wbese .1te filthy 'conditions under which fowls are often kept are considered, is by no means re- mote. As every poultry -keeper knows, fowls are peculiarly subject to a disease which is analogous to diphtheria in man, known as diphtheritic croup or "cank- er." This is produced by filthy surround- ings, and is so nifectious that, once it nets thoroughly hold of a pen of birds, it kills them oil in scores, and there is the utnmat difficulty in stantpinea it out. Children, as we know, are particulae.y ' fond of playing in the vicinity of poultry zuns, and 'It is to be feared that poultry - keepers are not as careful as they nught be in isolating birds that are wk. It las been suggested that fowl -runs should _ be placed under sanitary control, and that when disease breaks out the au- thorities should be notified; but the ne- cessity for _ping as far as this' might, we think, be obviated if the poultry papers would only impress upen their readers the necessity for observing Ira - ter sanitary conditions and isolation in .all cases of sickness. ' For Every Mother. R Mahltoba Mother MVOS Rdylee an the Care of Babies. Chlitireng Give them oil—cod-liver oil, It's curious to see the result. Give it to the peevish, fret. ful child, and he laughs. Give it to the pale, anmmic child, and his face becomes rosy and full of health. Take allat-1 chested child, or a child that has stopped growing, give him the oil, and he will grow big and strong like the rest, This is not a new scheme. It has been done for years. Of course you must use the right oil. Scott's Emulsion is the one. Scott's Emulsion neither looks nor tastes like oil because we are so careful in making it pleasant to take. • Send for free sample. Twee% Eanad., =Orr BOWNEi goc and ow all &ileums. „ . Essential to Good Grope. • Deep or shallow plowing for cord' It receiving its mutual discussion by, farmers, , It is doubtful, if this • topic Iis worthy of the amount of attention devoted to it by the agricultural press It is well known that meetly all infant troubles spring fram a disordered stomaoh. Indigestion in a child will muse at first peeyishnees and eleeplmsnes.e, but other more serious troubles vet 1 folow fast, such se cola or cramps, cone 'pad ni in. some 'cases,diarrhoea in others, e sults in many •cas n. The mother who • neglects havine censtantly at bend the means for treatatg these ire tikes an aw ; • ful risk. hire B. L. Mali leads Logooh • Mau., is one mother who is eirtieularly, well fitted to give advice on the Care of babies. Her standard medicine for the minor ailments of her little ones is Baby% Own Tablets, and she etayin-,T4ey are • the best mediaine I have ever nesd fot infant ailments. I have given them to my baby for indigestion and stomach trouble and they are prompt and thorotieli in making a cure. No mother should be a single day vfithout the • Tablets in •the house." • Baby's Owh Tablets ote for children -of all ages, and will cure sneh troubles as constipationadolio, tour etomacb, diarrhoea and eimple fevers They are invainabl. • 1 or teething children and will break up colds and prevent croup. Gutranteed• to contain no opiate or other berruful drug. Dissolved in water they on be given with • perked eafety to a new-born babe. • Sind • by all dealers in trelicine er sent post mai • at 25 cents a box by addressing 1 e Dr Medi el e Co., „Brockville,. t 12 • • .Dreeda Which do not Make Headrara2 . There are. a few Mee' t excellent breeds which 'never seem • to ieetke anY head- way in this country', for the siende let - son that theiree-goode-quilities, soinC- ,tinzes even their • very name; are un• knowii to the great nuijority of poultey, breeders; and that they are, and gen-erally have been, in the hands of ..only •a few breeders in this country. A mane able example. of this kind is . the Crese COeur. blow, there is bothing really Against the -thee at all. At one time it was supposed to be a soft 'fowl, but .as a breed thisewas -not Mreect. It, in deed,possesses sufficient • hardness te lay very Wen ine winter, and any. breed • winch can number this amoreg its char ---ereteristies-is-not-sentitind-tif--be-ottlled soft. .As a matter of fact, .Creves . are :very goon layers, and they produce ex- tra large eggs, too, quite as large ttt Any that may be generally_ .feemd, They are non -sitters also; very- :rarely does any specimen show •signs Of becaddinesa. Th-ey are lenge; square Ininclirdse shed' • in leg and neck, fusteouis .blaCk• in plutn- age and crest, darkelene, long, deep. • breastbones, and ',quality and quantity Of, flesh of extra high order. • A well 4ed---Creve-maltesea- neestemibtehtrithileava wen as a dainty dish on the table. Few breeds possess whiter- flesh, or that of snore delioiously •juicy quality. •For crossing purposes .• I like Creves :specially well. If it M. table: birds you want,. then Mate up With perking, Buff Orpington, or Indian Gamehens, or half - bred hens of these varieties. . Evenbarn- door mongrels of..no particular parent- age, if short on kg, • square -bodied and. lona-keeled, .will make very good all- round mimes with reve Coeure. Good an -round birds are produced when cross-. ed,with Inagelian, Wyandotte, or Scotch . Grey- hens. The Creve •is really worthy Of a better cultivatiort.-R, 0, in rinse; er and Stockbreeder. and by farrn orgftjt,lzatlons. and fertility are (more important face tors in the production of a heaVy corn' Crop than the method of preparing the soil.. No system of plowing will pro- duce a • good 'crop on wet ground, hence tlie first requisite is to have the land thoroughly drained, and the best way of accomplishing this is to under. drain with tile, as the open ditch is ti vexation, But it is possible to raise a poor crop on land that is both well drained and . cultivated. You • must make a deposit In the bank betore your check will be honoredeand.the soil cone &ids Its business in a similar Wale Overdrafts will not always be honored. • A good many Illinois farmers have no rotatien of crops except to pat 'corn - and oats on the ground alternately: While this is better thanputting the same crop on the Iand.every elfig4 It eventually. can have but -SM gen^ • •end that is .starvation for the soil as. Its krarner. • 06inineacial -fertilizers are top expeosive to- use on Illinois fielt$ croes, and there Is not litnough of home-made manure to overthe terre. tory, so clover must be the main dee pendenee of the Western farmer.. With :the ground well • drained and fertilized a good crop of corn can be 'safely fig: eyed on, witether the ground be plowed• deep, shallow, worked up' with a diso pulverizer, or clutivated with the corn. plow. The main point is to get the surface 'mellow and well pulverized, se its to hold .tho moisture. All dry clods are waste material, as the crop can eine .until I used Chase%) • Nerve the beet thoughts of manveriteas elf thie subject, 0. consensus of °Pinion ree gardiug the W041111414 Of a euccetion ful orchard. There cau be no succeoeful tree planting without a suceeeful Man at , the back of It 4. To cannot make a thoroughbred, out of it Sofill), either In anlinall, plants or treee. • A tree should have plenty of Me and !vigor At the start, in order to make a fair growth the Prot season. , A good body and ft poor head answe about the eame purpose on a tree as P4Tebezrueaan.re more failures in. tree planting -from failure of the planter than from any otlaer cause. My ad .t.te to a man contemplaing the plantiug of ea orchard is notto ' begin unless he is confident he will de his part for the net ten Yeare. ; Don't select a spot that is good for alothing else, but arrange to have Something for your treete to live on at. !ter they are planted. The trees should be young and thrif* tY, better not over two yeare old. 1 The transplanting -should be done in - a careful manner and the soil well packed around the roots without in. juring,j,keni. A mulch around eacn tree will great- ly help it the first season. A few forkfule of old • straw manure will answer. After setting the tree should be ane mall, trimmed, cultivated, teyttfled Iand protected from !useable -- Get your trees direct from some elle •able nursery. You will thus save eat the traveling tree aunts price and ill get what you order. • A. mistake in veeleties will be• d great one because s 41 will be a long time ta finding it ant and then cannot remedy it. Ascertain what varieties are most successful ,in your ocality and take the advice ot those .aving suck expert. ence. • Keeps goes and seeds away in tlur tall so there will be no shelter for mice in winter. A mixture of soot, lime and sulphur • made into a paste •and rttbbed e the tree will act as a preventive of mkt), rabbits and borers. ' • • An. *Editor's Opinion ( OS ate Marvellous Restorative Quasi: - 1 kr. A. IL Waweett. the wed-linown, ' editor and peoprletor re The Leader and • Reorder, eeoronto Junction. writes :- "It is very seldtm that I need medi- cine of any &Ascription, but thlb spring 1 .1 got so . badly run downand out of , sorts generally, that I became some- ; what alarmed. Chancing to read .a ". testimonial about the results derived from Dr. Chase's Nezve Food, from •a 1 gentleman .nhOseease seemed to be identical with my ov n, / purchased a ' box, and Ommenced using it, I• . . . • 1 uThe result was -Imply marvellous: I was benefited from i he first, and soon I restored to my usuaz good health. 1 never felt better in my life than I do I now.. To tell the simple truth, „I did ,. not have very great faith in any medi- draw no molature.frein them. • • • • / : Food, but now I have n� hesits.tion in • .. • • ; e. Re eteann„ ; strongly recommending this great .• . • , ..•, remedy to others, as a •valuable and ef- fective refnedy:" . , ;•. " Se.....10 in Pasture. . . --a • . Dr. • Chase's NerVe- Food,' the areal' sAs.'a general rule eattlantted.plette.. nerve restorative and blood builder is of shade In summer and they ought . making hosts of cures in all parts of this broad Dominion. . gradually and . to have' al watering•Place 'to go to -as ' thoroughlY it builds up •. the system: often as they ohoose. In. cleideg 'raw --, • and overcomes • • weakness anddisease: ground I eiOnIetimes. leave 1.0. . nice tree 60 cents a box, all:dealers, or g dingo- . Well ' Close to the ti , :but I, think the -. . - . • . standing out in ' tile', Open field. • It to : , gen...1.B.. estfee .O• Company, Tortnito tine the grourd does net produce so. • • • . . . . . • . . • .. , termer makes it. all back in milk and ,. • .0fie of the .Loodon, England, dollies butter.- it a cow is lett inn open. had a French despatelf•••the her day - field where" there. is ao shade she will which' may • have': en hitetetit foe finan- ...get so' hotethatshereinilk _won't taste - ..ciers -at- the City Hall.' Under ,date line , _ .as dope as if she had a nice shad ye . af Denkirke Jan. 19, it read re:- • e s e .• place to lay down and rept he . I no.. "At tbe meeting Cr the Municipal (Simi; Lice some of my .neiglinor's fieldsehavee • .eil on Friday the..accounti for tne fetes no shade trees io Mein. They don't . in eminection vsith the Czar's ". recent Paiture. theM very much. , They : ale' • visit- to Dunkirk were submitted. ,. . Ways pasture the fields that have the S. • A provieional .credit of £2,000 lied shade treo. ; .. ' st been•unenimouely voted; but the amotiet • TWo or three good shade trees la a • expended Was. t15,000, aod itewas . me - - twelve or fifteerieacre field,is.sefficient . eoueced that the State has rehised to • to shade ten or twelve •head of cattle. allow anything towards these expense's . Cattle delight to run through tile ' • 'There rempined, therefore, nothing but brush, especialy . when the horse-lia • to vote the balance of n3,00.0, tne bee, anasoreissenThe wasibve-tosewallte,---er a 3`• ena6.1.-Leme' Dg lateilLe along through the brush and pick, off a the interests of the finances of the town : leaf' now and then to mix with the , • it was te be hoped that the Czar would : grass they get; One of our pasture* : aloe come to Dunkirk again. . . ' fieIds• hasea thicket of builies in one -4 . corner Of *it. 1 notice: whenever I put ; - • • , ,, - - • " • ' the coWs in there, they go to the 'Walt; .. ': "orli. 01 A i W. CHASE'S ' es• the firstsplace. They stay there the 0 CATARRH CURE ... Li ye. bIggerepart of the Wile.. It seeined that • •IS sent direct tit the diseased the cows thrived better while they; parts by the Improved Blower. were ba,sturing la that deld,-Nick •.,..\----,A Beals the ulcers, cleare the air -Retsina:- ,-;---7-ass' "--- -----"1-Z.:..t.13/:7- - - -- passages,atops-droppinria this- Nk...,,„...„.1111Ifree, All dealers, or Dr, A, W. Chase throat and hermanant y cures , . • Catarrh and ay Fever. .1116wer • The - essentlide to successful 'tree iv•iedainc CO., Toronto and Buffalo. Perseverance and faith planting are common sense, industry. . ,a .. - _se-. • --a - - - I •. Sheep Scab. • • . . . . Among. the nets of the last session of ver. iv,7„ • . the tndiana Legislature) was one mak- . J • •• . it compulsory to dip all scabby O•aus.ed • Pa• ili ' . expo :Ave but unneee,ssary disease. • , sheep. •The object is to stamp out this . Scab is produced by an itoh mite, that The Tule ;se Suffering of a :i.,n7etfhietelivlioliot ersuubleta,aptlalint shbebd- great length of time off the skin, and _ Perth lYfan It'llieved and skin. • The parasite cannetliven. torseaan; ••• • • Cured b D P't k •does ned thrive oil any other animal- •TinIging Cow, by Looks. . The best lookin4 coWs are 31ot al.. 'pap; theebest performers In. eke dairy. •;A. striking illustration of this' was at- fiorded by the reeteat OPerience Of a levell-kiffievri Jersey breeder. This gee. itlemart had for years made the dairy, .qualities of his,eattle a subtect �tspec. study, and prided himself tipOn'the -fact that he poiniessed a thorough j3tgowledge of the proportioate values. f, the Various coWs owned by hira. , (With the -Intention Of• weeding out some of the worst Members of. his : herd, he recently proceeded to single outMitered of them, but before finally deciding on the %natter be had the 'imak of these COWa analyzed, with the " esult thatnne of them, which he had i .. rleed among the very, lowest, was mind to be yielding at the rate of la i pounds of butter per vteek, though. her (mutation prior to that only creclited tier with producing about halt ttud gpantlty.-realry, and Gretuttery. 1 - • trof eure a Veld In ono Day Wake LeXatirnee litO0 QUittlhe Tablets All druggiste Minna the enemy if it fails, to Imre, rd, W, Grove's eignattire la on each box, Zo 1 It is therefore possible to stamp out the ' Backache • Kidney. disease by killing all mites by, dipping. if Solutions of tobaceo, lime and sulphur Tablets. and arseitie are effective for this /mi.- __ pose. The tobacco solutions have prof - The terrible ptsiinthot catches you In else erell4e• libeY maY be Illa" by taking beetteentakee stooping overca rising up or ftro0bmtwttecoieenatto leaves aantawsefiveott tnetmeesanpdstioadksitiog In nine oases out of ten it te trt moving abouteseneunbearesbie. disordered kidneys for one day in sufficient water to cover. itomble to Then boil for an hoar and draw °Teletex The pain in the baok is the kidney's! sig. Ina hours. Dilute to ono hundred del - nal of distrese.. Ions. Acla twenty., pounds of sulphur Go to their assistance with De Pitcher'i and use while warm. The, lime nnd Backache Kidney Tableta eulphur dip may be mane by slacking They will* prompt)y relieve the Vain, otilil eight pounds Olin* in some water, adte the kidney trouble andeastore ;your health ing twetty•four pounds of sulphur and Here le g it case *nth "reading:- diluting to one hundred gallons. It is Mr Alexindet Montgomery, Peter St4 troublesome to present the tobacco Celle Perth, tion, and is about as Olean to buy tbei stateizeTgLetevnaglenutfferesrlientygeattinstelastdei.ntIthil; extract ready for use. The linie and back, when I began using. Dr pitober,e. esulphiir dip is injurious to the wool. It Backache Kidney Tablets precured from P. greatIrsesor diaptk keveestrtriefeen"pee eanialeatla hall every move peewee pit,(n There vino vow= more than twenty-fiVe head. The see - strength nor energy lef‘in me. The cob. l• and dipping is neve-mares at elm tenth, dant 40144 orm.. my kidneys wtoi moot r day, se that the cost for material must depressing 1started • se ir • 1 a . be recxoned a about five eents to seven . using e ao e 0 tut . the lumbago quiokly began to let bp, / AM I eons per head. The col tar or ereolin quite over it note. I have tot,„a th,,n meta dime are excellent for ticks, but not see isatisfactory'and can oonfliently reeomme a eireetiye as they ahautt le for seam-. then) for bed Woke," Dr Pitoher's BOO. ache Kidney Tablets are 50 cents e box at , Now England Partner. ail doggie% The Dr Zine Midler 00,, Toronto, L. Hall, thadruggiet. Ionia lift notoine, DOD eght Foul. . . Abe 4 i i your VI rforTe;shluder ;44, Qa etc' Inc oaltrITIVre es '7AV:rat% owing rem tont Squint ; is creeps upon men unawares ; do. not re yourself_ or remain in Ignorance while you ere being dragged down by tide diaeaer - no plotter whet the come Ploy be, whether owl). abuse, excess, or overwork. and lAsinese carets, the It -emits are the wee; premature loss of strength,emissions, inutaney. Varicocele and **motet% parts, TRU LATEST MIATIIOD TEBATAIBNT VIILLI cii.iitg YOU. I guarantee It ma positive cure for theee conditione, Reed the following' sworn sfildevit. Positiveixtto testimonials used unless pa.tients gives woes Innate/dem fitate of michigen, County or wayne, as, . Jan. 18,1900. -Tina ix to certify that I had been a aufferer tromaTervons Debilik, lost vitality and wealmesem for a long time; had been doctoring both/nom/Oa and Detroit without receiving_ any benefit, and. placed myself under Dr. Coldberg'scere, Deo. 28, 1898. I noticed an improvement in my condition in less than one week; was disahareed entirely cured. April 19, '99. and have had no return of sold. trouble. Signed, A. 0. Le OBARTE. Bubsorlbecr end sworn to before me this 18th.dity•oE Tannery, MO. Wm. A. Smith, Notary l'ublie, Wayne CO., MOIL THE LATEST METHOD TMENT GUARANTEE TO CURE Val -female and Stricture -Without (Setting, Stretching or loss or time; a /3lood Poison. Chronic, Nervous, Private, impotency. -Gidney, Liver, Bladder, St oh, Female and 'Rectal Troubles. CONSULTATION PROB. If you cannot eallwrite r blank for home treetment. Perfect a tem of home treatment for those Wh0,08 all. BOOR FIORD. API • e nee or snediaq pa:ciente Shipped trove Windsor, All Doty and express; Char ea Prepaid. 0 1 GOLDBERG A 20.,,,,....„„.. AIM, . CORN Wii,coE Err., DETROIT, MICH. RE • NOTES. Irarm.life is wint you make it, veldt bossibilities in favor of health, .happle ties anti good living. Study the farm in all, its phaseee Mere is some general information, •itlie plicable in all case% but there are also special features in every case.. "Studg to show thyself a workman," • The farm should be made more at- tractive than .it IS, and I think I see that the signs of the them promise •something • along this line. If yoa would realize the best results from.the farm autmals, you tuust treat. thent with kiedneseS Whether guided whole ly by instinct or partly by reason, they EPO'n realize the nature of their treat - went, and in a measure gOvern theme • selves accordingly. . • Some farras are kept in a slovenly ;simmer, wbich. clearly indicate a shift- lessness which -must be sadly ..bet by the farmer and bis family. A 'poorly. kept farm. in a sorry sauce of revenue. • See to it that the: tarm tools are not expiisied to • the weather,' Many farm- ers are careless in this respect; and much damage and toaa are thereby in' vurrect • After some years' actual experlenie in farm life I observe that lie 'is a poor farmer:Who• does not see. work to do at 01 times on.• the ferule= Our farmers. certainly need rest, and the3,. should not stint themselves in this re- spect. But when their feel like work- • ing, they should be able to 'see somee tiling to-do about the premises.. I have a theory that .work done 'creates work ..to .do. -think you -may nIpi trele,.,actit.s.ty,r0,8,4:: tokitg. • . You. 061nd-took' after thh COniftni ol tour- poultry during the whiter,. 'Yee' • • ' • . • . - • Poultry Tstrd. ' • • ' Rake the poultry yard thoroughly • and. cart' eirtho• trash.' •.. • • • • Decks are great eaters; but it sold al hail grown are quite profitable.•. Fowls left to ran 'pick. pp. much •ot. : their living where they, have the freGe done of Abe .• .• • • s • • Poultre -Allure should be piled up in • • some place. -where it is not liable to • be leached by • water for •use on The. • ar,Cdheiciken; are :greet insect.'deStroYe. ers; an old hen and a brood or chielot . „in the 'current patch i8. almost eq,Pai. to a treatment of parks. gee*, , • . • ; • There issno green- stuff. equal, to cab - nage :for fowls. They . win eat every- -.thing but the steak and. even•try, to get the pith oat of its is. diffiCult to keep • Cabbage •alt winter', hence.the neces- • Sity of preparing other feed§ for greed; stuff during:the cold weather'. ' It tile .fertrters has .no alfalfa growe fng, 'hashould.tit least seeilre a load of . two from his neighbor for 'winter feed ter his needs. 'Hens eat tnis beet when) • run throtigh a cutter; but they will eat • the most of it Wittunit. We would res - commend the -second, growth as It less. woody. , . •. • • • e • • e • Another method of .breaking up the sitting hen Is to pi -•ed lief in a barrel • • containing a few inches• of 'Neater; el- • lowingher to stand on a 'brick -placed in' the. center and lust enough above. the water to keep her..•teet dryswhile if she attempts to sit down her Oaths ers will go into the water. • . • • can not make a sums in the Poultre business, unless you .look. to its corn-. • fart, in sevens • ways, and-dii-e• way ig to have suitable houses to protect the fowls, trom the tigers:A winter. • • If you study the Zarin, your sueoefle Will be commensurate with that study. •Ihere.iftea. science in farming, though inost of our fainters have something of a program, a .mere routine of work to be done, and do uot give the. matter study in a manner that is calculated -to-develop betteremethods.--- • . Frank Monroe Beverlys :According to the last ensue, there • were at that time 577,752 bearing beta. bane plants in the United States. The same authority places the value of the. • demotic product in 1$89, at $26e,e58:75. There are no large plantations any. . where in this :country. Florida, prob- ably contains seVeral times as adiani plbeits at the rest of the Unit*, and intost Of the Florida bananas are cone mimed in the State. • The value of bite Danes em,ported in 1895, as .giveh by. -the 13urestu of Statietice ot the Treas. tiry Department, Was $4,533.821. The Rf T gl lima° lookier- feas • borne end poor rook. a, Ig harass' ho the • worst It laci"cd 0On. binetton. Eureka' • • ' arger part canto from Cuba attd .1a - snake, though tonedderable quantities enme from Central and. South /Lined - ea. Sorae came fromellaaVaii.--E. Hem, in The Ephomlet. • • • \ , • ' Be Is the best friend to Ukro-74e1f •is the elkeriphed frikad ZJaila 11'401 ON TRE POURE.QUA11111 PLAN. The four-square plan means that 1 Onstonlere, regerdleite of rank or defier, receive the same careful attention and treatitteat at Otir atom. We are as partic- ular with the child who is tient to puts ohm sortie small article as we are witb the experienced eclat, We never alb- dant° inferior drum when- filling your dolor's prescription. We never, recom- mend the "something just as good,' , •' Senn Ann therinette tinder all cirommitancee of daub and disease Pine's Celery Compound is este Imre and tiolailieg. It °lumen and .purifies the blood, bracea the nerves, mendebs digestion,. and builde up those who are week and run-down. if you are nervous or sleepless, try Onebettle ; ane • remits will eurpriee you, Our stook of Celery Compound M tilWaye fresh and pure, 4 • 1li0t/EY, Druggist, °Won. tele' • 'ON A FiiRAI llomm•-5,9 flat fitting of, ?dotty a le SORW1111 Just to de MOW* ; To abarpen harrow teetb get a gooll‘ Hear beat. draw tbe point of the tOOtlk IOWA 88 iiltitfR OA you want it first and then. make thee slope as long as yea Want it. It, yea commence boa and • work toward the point the point will tee..eeld and. will split easily, but by, • commemeing at the point and working • :bdcit the large pant of the tooth wilt hold heat and you can 4,nish ea** moth with one heat. • To. temper a cold chisel: Atter you, • hare brought it to the shape to suit. you heat It to a cherry red about tWe and a halt inches, then pluiege it ii •Icool, water, (not cold water) about ihall way Up the red part atter thee Polut is allied and before the rea. !heat is all out or the steel above the • water. Take it out and as the heat , from the. Part above comes down MOO 1 will notice a blue shade creeping down • toward the point. Just ae it reaches • the point plunge it in the 'water all over. If the steel is good and yon • , have 'been careful not to Ilea teohigh • when werking it yrs -will have %tool • as gOOd as the beet. When cnilling • steel always keep it moving Inaba 'Wa- ter. Harness 011 nos only makes the bermes and , horse took better, but ounces tue imam soft and pliable, putt fain MI. Ifit 11•14 ovoyelots la OWNS doe mats ey InPtIRIAL OIL CO. (live Your Horse a Chancel AND FOR WEA.S. PEOPLE. : • • . ' AND TilosE•71q0USLED WITH . , iabaittation„ Thr toning or Irregular eating or the Heart, Dizziness, hoe -tress of Breath, Distress after yr tin ntis mothering Feeling, Ea sr Of' in through the Breast An , Villtittr Ptadligreid, Vegetate heel. Iersto enetesesAnemle._0ene- ral yoe iiity. fter -Effects or cirippe„ Lose o Appetite, ate, Remember 1\4111aterree Heart an4 Nerves Pills' cure the worst Ottafte after other remedies fail. ' tomseLiver Fills ours tionatIpatte- . 4110 TO make a spring .for the ',glider or any Other farm tool, take an'eiri ffie Of old rake tooth, work it into the proper temp% being verycareful to work at es low a heat as possible, To heat Suet once a little too hot ,wiln spoil th• e spring for all time. Never beat more than a nice red and as few times as , possible: After you have it in the shape you want it get a can that will hold oil enough so that in putting itt the spring it Will net 'even warm, the oil, Heat the spring evenly all over to a cherry' red then drop into Um oit • After It is cold pass it back sant forth through the' fire with a pair of cold. tongs until theoil is. all 'blazed off. dip in the oil againand blaze off as • Were,repeat three times and you are all right. it you, have been caretel - in the work. . ' Springs for buggies, eharrOws; etc., can be given a good temper by poising back and* forth over the alien and haMmering lightly . until cold, ocs itiseonally dipping, the hammer in Wen • •To .make . butcher.. knives •ort of old • Mee or any other tool -steel :work at as Sow heat as you on and as you near the proper size, Water aammer, considerenelY. That is nyedipping the .. haniraer Ids water.ane banemering 'llgittly until .cool. then . heat hammer • again commencing the water hammer. ,ing an scion as the • steel lastoo.cooleto edraie-Outee-Whetesymeehaneett-ine•the- shape, you - want itand have done ail • the 'filing 'aeits want thee heat to a enerrY red •evenly Over the bladeand put if quienly.in•the water, behig. Very, careful to Put it in tne water straight up a,nd • down or the blade • will . warn It Is no* hard as glass and must bo • bandied With care. , New smear over. with .talloe.v Mid pass back eiticisiorths. • thrOugh the blaze until' the steel le -dry and looks'ats thengli.the steel had • •absorbed the tallow; rine On More tat-. low and repeat the .operation until it breaks into .a blaze with, a puff ..or. enap ,then . shoveinto the forge duet- te coca. There is nothing' hotter..wllI•It .also make 'good revolver springs?, t -W. j. Carnaban. aiseasse April 1$051 issams4.. _ The. I'Vholse Story ' Irs a. letter ; *Potin-Xii‘e? name.) Prons.Ckt. Luye, Police ffin'titiat lionne4 t•*,,ks We frequently nap Prow Deere' l'eut•Kilitan kw putts in Ow arose, ado, rhouneffset, otlyneosatot Wok dig - Rains. cramps, and all alliktione whick befell mania our position. 1 hoe no heel - talon in eaylag mat Psix-Ermata, ge (suit randy to have near at Wind." Vied Intermit:11y and Ersternalli•- Two Oltes, WO. and 50c. Wales. THAT TOTICHIS The MY SISTER 1001111 OP ,• Weak and Impure Bloods roister & *Mier Disease*, Female contglatet. att. All Drueitste, or write d eot Br. NfcLEOD, • Otdericb, Oii 1 MkgalLi. AHD fiRAN 1TE ••IIONUNENTS. WWI; Colton 3oot Compottni, • J. P. TISDILL. ovoosnizergia.sygreefferotoind. btersi • mac jaerndano'l. e:;af,:ran Brit tore:11111i and n ,Zellations are dangerous. Prieett Nolg "in,ILIgf=8:7pgAss.P(tf...14,3% fie nos The Cook Company Windsor, Oa 1 and 2 sold and recommended", 11110011111)10 Druggist, tu Chtladla • If an increase of .eggs We''ffesired .113 , the poultry . yard, before large mune are expended .in the purchase of 'ever; Lasting layers, wewined reccimmend • thesystem of keeping hie hens after • the first, Or at most, aftetethe second year. Early pullets. give the increase, and the. only wonder is that people • persist, as' they do, in keeping up a stock of old hens, whichlay one day and stop the next. In some parts ot •Europe it is the invariable rule to keep . the- pullets only one year. Feeding will o a gieat eal-a. surprising • . . . • ciaNTeN, ONT, , Priiate funds to Joan " on anortgagee • . -best oarrenj ratee emarerre . "AeGenerel Bankingr banneas trainee'. 4, - work, Indeed -in the production of A ••. a it kin Beisenene eggs, -but not woene.saeueenaeare,40.e, (Ier_a a•n ,Cerned; they ratty put -onent, but they • • -transacted . • entered allowed on deposits. Elite .notes bought • , G. D. McTaggart BANKER ALBERT BT, CLINTiYki- gap_not put down mei. Their tale is Vaidn, litittoetrtie,wodrkoneis witiothneethneomthibnugt ;roe - give them a smell of the ititthen fire ° • }TOTES DISCOUNTED Old the8°e2e.r. they get that the better, ." Notes issued. Interest allowed on 1 Rittenb,ury It. Workfit, emustres. • Direct importers. Workinanetht• • and Material guaranteed: JAS G. SEALE • ita Combines the well known. food values of wheat and the medicinal virtues 01)11alt. , . . . • It is a Perfect loo, ;•Retinae. steal •• It preyents eickness by keeping the system in a healthy condition. • • It restores health by regulating amt. • toning -up weak systems. It gives sure relief to pereonsreuffering. ' from poor digestion, headache, dyspepsie. find other &Borders arising from the use Of poorly. cooked foods • e A trial will convince the most skentie- el of the superior merit"; of Ebbe food, For -• - sale . - 808 GROCERY . W T. O'Neil_ HOW'S THIS? -We offer -One -Hundred Dollars Reward for ony muse ef Catarrh that cannot be cur. edby Hall's Catarrh Cure. F..3.• Olttien & CO., Proem., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the Met 16 years,and belly° him perfectly honorable in all.business transac- tions and financially able to oarry out any obligations ratidesby tbeir firm, • Watie•& Tutrait, Whoneale Druggists,.. To - (1 WALIMMO, KINN= & WOW, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, 0. •• • Hall's Catarrh Cure hi taken . internally, eating di (Idly upon tbe blood aria mucous eurfaces of the system. Price • 750. p r bottle; Sold by all Druggists. Testiznon- iale fres, • Hall's Fara' rills are the best • A FREE PATTERN scriber. Only SO cents yeat. (your opts selection) to every sob- ft415 CALL'S mAGAzitit 1 itssolatfiriffrifialialfairismaisafrooffiseistostai All Seam Allowed sed Psafotatiat show the Daniel and Setliali We& 5:11: •114 tit! "s PITirel*" hlghr "4"111E1142:11)tri.7. 113415.117 West Met at, NEW TeRa. 50c- lEAR .A LADIES' MAGAZINE, ttl•atty, ,.;,dofay , ° 'atlas copy. Lady agents wanted. Send tor tenni. Stylish, Gel table, Simple, 1.70.to. tate, Ecenonlical and absojittely erieet-glulng Paper Patterns. MS CALL 1BAZAfto PATiTERNS , • • • THEMOLSoNSBAAK bioorporated by Act Parliament 1855t • (IA.P1TAL 52,600,003 • •BESTXIIND • $2,150,000 •, . MEAD orroz, MONTREAL . Was, MOZOON MAeP1111140011, ;Presides • Se..attention given orseshoetng and the lodes Ber,zor, gen. Manager, ccial . Nettie diseounted, (*Mil o otions made, drefte • Issued, Sterling and American exehange rare ot Horses' feat. boteght and Bold. Intereet alleWed on aepoints Same Auer -Interest allowed AL0/aiung z nlansigt nitrite restoring, ' • , Oar telephone number is 8 11'7W*11.0--)..• . . Nen, Blacksmith Shop. •,r"'" r•• Subscriber having rented the shoo ntilnize • Mg Leslie's Carriage Shop, Orange St- m WM- pared to do all work in hie line. Re has hot a good many years* experience the burn- tiest, and wilt give personal attention to... work entrusted to him. on el2010 of $1 and tip. Money advanced to REED Mare endorsers, Nolmortgage required. •LOPPT Othitt MO., Brewer* Manager, fanners on their own notes,. with one .or Central Meat Market Uavtug purobaeed the butchering • bUsinese of Powell I am pre - .pitted to furnieh the people of Olin, •4 ton with all kinds of Fresh end • -.Cared Mats. Sausage, bologna -1 lard, butter and egga always kept on band. ritzsimonS tt Son. Telpbone 76, • Orders atIliverea proreiptly to all natant the town. N.B.-Persons having ,hoga for tehipormt will confer 0. fetvor by • leaving *ora at the duly. News „mid °pinto*. - Sational Importance The, Sun, • ALONE . Contain.6 Both. . Daily, by mall, - $6:ayear Daily &Suuday,by mail,$8 a yeir • The Sunday Sun is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the World. Plitt 5a a iapy, By mall $2 Ayr,. Address 1;110 W124 New Vork.