HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-11, Page 1:
Don't !Iona the Date of the High Ola,ss Concert to be given under the auspices of the Clinton Oddfellows on April 25thr
The Mack eats Are Coining
acsxaT goLtelensBub
Speak* of
Pleasure 4,
he. .elinton.. New
The Glasses furnished by
• P. B. Crews,
After a scientific ex:
=illation of the eyes,
give a a OSt enjoyable
sense of pleasure- after
the old ill fitting ones
• which. I wore.
• • • •
'This is the verdict 01 all
who patronize
:Expert eweler and
•WatthRepairer • •
OPPOSITE Towle Eruz.
NOTES.- Wm. Carter' has purchased
the farm of John Connell; we hope Mr
Connell will not leave ouranidst. OA we
would miss his jovial face. Robert
Clark has moved' his family to the Vil-
lage, a,nel has rented the store from W.
Lindsay; we wish him success In.hts
new undertakttag. Weunderstand Mr
Andrews has disposed of his store to a
gentleman from Cromarty. Miss Tena
McGregor bad chat ge of the League
topic on Sunday evening; it was also
the monthly consecratiou meeting,
Next Sunday evening the topic "Give
hog" will be introduced by _Miss Char-
lotte Clark. '
MARRIAGE, -The Marriage of Miss
E. SnelL second daughter of Mre-Wnes-
Snell, of this place, and. Hugh Lati-
mer, Leatioingtop, Essex county, was
solemnized at thelome of the bride's
mother, on April 2nd. The ceremony
•- was -performed -by -Rev. -Ma -Cloupland,.
only tbe immediate relative being pre-
sent. The ceremony over, the company
part000k of a bounteous dinner, and
afterwards the newly married couple
left on the afternoon train for their
home. Mr Latifaer is a tomer resident.
of this plane but•now fernier of Essex.
. The bade received valuable and useful
presents from friends in Torentre Con-
stance and Harriston. ,
. •
The following is the classification Of
the pupils in Constance public school
after the Spring promotion exemina-
tion:-Sr. 4th -J. Mitten, D. Halle A.
•Hall, Ephraim Clark, Evelyn Clark,
K. Jamieson, Ge Carepeeia A. Career -
bell, W. Taylor, E. Andrew; Jr. 4th --
"M. Adams,' S. Riley, E. Lowrie, VV.
Armstronee /3. Dever, D. Dever, R,
Maintc•sh, E. Button • Sr. 3: d -J.
Riley, N. Sutherland: Ot, Sutherland,
S. Sutherland, J. Jamieson. 11. Arm-
strong, J. McMillen, E. Taylor; E.
Colelough, EL Glazier. F. Perish, • E.
Campbell; Jr. 3td-R. Jeaniesorn O.
Anderson, S. Riley, T. Arnestteng, 0.
Millsore 0. Dever, I Coates. M. If uric
O. Coate, la Cook • Sr and-W.Lowrie,
B. Dunlop, R. Dunlop, a Laws; C.
Anderson, M. Armstrone; •Ellen lor, R. , a;Jr.
• R. Levet ie, M. Riley, E. Riley, Vera
Calelough ; Pt. 2nd class-Jaek'Hinch-
ley, W, McMillan, E. °tsetse E.
.01azier. ; 1st dass-s-J.
Parieb. Hazel Lindsay, L. Hail, 0,
-we ••sfala.AesasollardeTseRiley, G. Glazier,
F. Conies, S. Clark, N. Shiels, M.
Shale, M. Dunlop,. J. Henderson.
Average attendance 07. --sal. Ds Went,
teacher. •
We are offering to
• s ewd buyers •the
eatest opportunity -
they ever had inClin-
tori, to purchase T6 -
ea liable goods at prices -
which defy competi-
tion. See the special
values we now have
on view in our win -
Watch Wpairing la a SPeelallY
With •Ils.
We areoffering a nice line oi
Ginger •
Snaps •
..4t, 4 lbs tor Ot
Just think of getting, 130 to
. 136 nice begat Ginger: Snaps
k for &Quarter. They are cheap•
er than you can make them
and4oes away with the work.
Also a fine line of Di464
I Peaches at 10c per, lb.
The eash Srocery,
le Cooper Coi
Neante.-Mr john Curry,' who was \ Paean]) Baahan.-Mrs Maenad,
* Goderieh ToWns.hip Sealorth •
receutly married, has bought out a relict of the late Geo It M.cTaggartalted
bakeshop in the ceunty town; may " on Monday weee. Her maiden name
tot tuue single on him and also his es- was Susie Fraser, She was 68 years
timable wife,. , . Miss Mary Uollicitte, old, and had lived in Seaforth man7
Do inie of No 10 Bayfield line, spent years. She was a Christian woman, and
her taster holidays in the Queen City. was much and deservedly resoected by
Mr Willis Bell had a successful wood all. Herhusband died 4 few.years ago.
bee Wit Thursday; the bop readaY The remains were interred. in MoTags
reSponded to his call and are always gart's cemetery near aeoclgeryille. She
witting to help Willis in what ever leaves a grown up family.
foam he asks,and of course where there Noate.-George Tratts a former rea-
le any grosvn up daughters tins youttg pected resident of this town. has been
-nten need no uegent appeal. A certaut
retired farmer in this locality and ele. appointed to a good position in Tilson-
housekeeper left one morning for rads burg, as caretaker and sttperintendent
of the cemetery. T J. Berry, of Hen -
unknown, but have since returned, safl, delivered •a fine horse to W, I.
feeling the good effects of their recrea-
tion, Kiss Eva Burnett, who has been Dickson, of McKMop, bat week ; this
residing in Clinton for a year :or so, horse is four years obi, weighs 1740
bas returned home. Thos. Vook, con1 pounds and sold •tot $225, Mr Minty,
ti retiring manager of the Rink of
01 is •improving •his •premises by the
erection of a • weven . wire fence; he is Commerce, was giveo a complimentary
supper at •the Commercial hetet on '
one ofthose valeo believe in int:proving .
Tuesday last.
the appearancle of property. John .
- _
Middleton, jr„ has returned from Wm:Intl-The residence of Mr
Guelph, here he has been taking a. George Hart, vette, on Wednesday
course of instruction at the a.griciatutal evening week, the scene of a pleasenr
college. Our township fathers have event. The occasion was the marriege.
heeded the pleadings of the electors, of Miss Millie Shaw, sietete ef Mrs
and have' purchased a Massey road Hart, and George Stngdill, two estim-
grader, which will be of great benefit. able young people of the town, The
Our noted dealee in good horseflesb, ceremony, which was a very quiet one,
Thos. Cooke has ;et line animal in his was performed by Rev F. ar in,
possession Which he got from Mr only the immediate relatives beine
Peeves and the probabilities are that it present. After the ceremony, the re -
will be a clipper to go; Veterinary mainder of the evening was pleasantly '
Cooper a as in attendance on Sunday, spent in a social way. They will reside
in Seaforth.
' DEATEL-The deny friends of Mr
and Mrs Joseph Churchill, of Turn- MeernieromArs-A very . pretty but
berry, formerly of' this township,will quiet del' 0: eternized at the
regtet to learn of the death -se their home of Mr vc-ne Johnston, on Mao -
eldest daughter, Susie, which sad event day afternoon last week, when their
took place March 27th, at the early youngest daughter, Emma, was united
age of twenty years and eix menthe. in marriage to Mr James Littlejohn.
She had only been ill about , a week late of Hamilton The marriage °ere -
with pneumonia, We extend our menet was performed by ROY Mr Mus -
heart felt sympathy to the bereaved grave, assisted by the Rev Mr Larkin.
The bride was assisted by her sister,
•Miss Nettie, of Buffet°, while the
groom was supported by his brother
'Thomas, of Woodstock. The wedding
march was played by Miss Maggie-
_Reettieenieee ear the bride_aand was
also well rendered. After partaking
----------------,Ceerracre.---vestry of a RLIMPuni13 renaSt• the young
parene?, sisters apd brothers. At pre-
sent their second daughter, Miss
Bertha, and youngest son, Ernest, are
dangerously ill with the same disease.
.Mr -and Mrs W, J. leowden, Messrs T.
and -W. -Churchill attendedeeheeturs--
eral on Saturday.' •
meeting ot F3t. James church, Middle eon* left on the 6 o'clack 'train. •
tenets, heldon Monday evening last, the DEATR ' Ma, Ronal's. -R, S.
vvardenareported eal expenses paid -and- • Roberts; the engineer of. the Sea:wile
a Smell surplus on hand. The follow; waterseorke,. passed away on Friday
ing effacers were elected for the ensuing week. ' was born in Manchester,
veal: -Minister's warden, C.13, Eng., 68, years ago. As an engineer
Lon; people's warden,. Edward Wise; ' he has seen considerable of the world
ssidesmee, George Burnett, jas, Mem having visited • Spain, Italy, Japan,
and Wm. Cole; delegate to Synod, John Jamaica„ India, Hest and West Indies,
Middleton. A pleasing feature of the Egypt and Ruseia. . Twenty-eight
Easter decoration ot this church was years age be came to tianada and first
the great profusion of wild flowers. / located in Port H.ope,where he worked
The had been gathered be children of for a time in the ear works there. Re -
the unday setae. Rev MA.. Wright moving from Port Hope; he caine
P t •
VVorsevIck Engine Works until they
Were burned outs tie then came to
:forth and tier five and et. half years
was chref engineer at Ogilere's mill,
and was then. appointed engreeer of
theSeaforth wetter works a position
he held for 10 years. He wake regular
attendant and a consistent member
of St Thomas Episcopal chutele. The
renegers were inter•red in atesitlandattrat
cemetery. • '
d R M ir T f Gode iob Gee! h where he was employed in the
an ev at urn , o r ,
exchange pulpits next Sunday. .•
Some GATHERING.. -The mearbers
of Oole's church choir was hospitably
entertained at the home of alt- George
Canteen,' on Wednesday evening last,
all repert•havtng spenta most sociable
d h
kind inanner in which thee were
treated,surely they were in the land of
Goshen.. .That jovial young man who
was leaving With his pockets ladened
with cages we fear will be stricken
with, indisposition, •
RNTERTAINMENT. - The postpopecl
literary entertaiement to be -riven by
the.Bethel League will be held on Tues-
day evening of next Week. An inter-
esting rsregraete is being prepared for
the eccasione..
Onziotna ED1:16ATIONAT.; SERMONS: -
...Educational serrnons will be preached
on ot he Bent:eller circuit, Sunday.
Aptil 20th, as Selletva-Bethel, 10 30
a. me Zion, 2 30 se in,' Balls, 7, p. ra.,
Lteiy the Rev T. R. 1VIcaltairs of Dungan-
non; and at Benneiller on Sunday
t nre and -were lett n praise.. t e
M. J. Wilson, B.A., of Nile. Subscrip-
tions and collections will be. taken in,
aid of the fund.•If•
NOTES. -A large number from. that
place attended the prole aition conven-
tion held in Goderich 'ot•I riday last
Amber:act Vanstode has been on the
sick list the Past week; we belie for his
speedy recovery. The spring .clelivetes
of fruia ....... ornamental trees nciV$1 in
progress at e e Benne er_ !tertiaries,
Joshua lelooee,Who met With 'aireciatitig
accident last week, is progressing fav-
orably; we hope to see him .otte agaid
1 • From our regular eorrespoudent. .
iNOTES, -A. F. Johns spent his Easter
holidayeait Ilia oll home here. J. Lee -
ton; Brumfield; peed a flying visit tc ,
:friends here last tveeks .J. ES Ball • has '
• •
returnedomt. after a sloe o re
Weeks in Clinton bospitel, much im-
proved in health.. Horace Townsend,
Manitoba, is visaing his • let other, la.
'-Teivesencl, -Miss Euirtrze of Rate&
footai school, spent her holidays bere.
Mrs Reasaseson, Huron eoadeteeteitaireed
a number of frie`ndtao a crokinole Weft
on Toesday• evening The regular
taisiness naeeting of Turner's :Sunday
School was held on Thursday' evening
and the &hoot was °petted on OW •
elths W. White rented W. Plewes'l
for a terni-and it is odt putty', edic -
that he will con tine•to be tr, bachelor
much tor ger as he is a husitler.
Penne Botease.-afr Horace Towne-
ene, late of Park River, Na D; has
beught the farm owned and occupied
by Mr Arthur Canteen, being lot 20,.
con 2, H R stirvee, of this townehip,.
for the sum. of five thousand dollars, •
and takes possession at once. s Mr
T el dfi ca placelikeold Hu .-
hneanderuckereneithensenteeirailsere 'Rise
old filen& and associates of his youth I
will welcome hini back to settle per -
Rev. R. Stewart, D. D., •
Iras'or of Willis. liorembyterinA Clgtreht
- 1
. Winshant.
We are solnagent, f m the king .f bilo corns.
The genuine and on:y Ohio Barley'. bi-. E. ICING,
To Gardeners. -10,000 5e paukages seeds, 10
pko :or 2.5c, rloyer, timothy, stielts.. goose
whoa, etc, for sale, G. E. KIN% Wingham
Wanted.-Ego,12e. Bring yor Butter and
Eggs to Winghain and get that $50 Parlor Suit
DEATHS, -This week. two highly • es-
teemed residents ot his town passed
away. On Monday Hattie P. Fisher,
wife of John A. McLean is mourned
by her malty frientle ; was of the
.of 36 years. Oa Tuesday, Elizabeth
Stroud, wife of T. 0, Grehems at the
are of 43 years passed away mourned
by all her ttcquantaraces. • °
Bermeess eiTANGES -Two business
changes are on the taps. On account
oE theillnese of. N. Ferquaarson, he
has disposed of his. business to Stew-
art McGee, former. y tvith T. A. Mills,
.Alex Ritchie, recently returned from
Sagidew,•and Wm Campbell, become
purchagers.of M. H. McIndoo's bus'.
nese; Mr and Mr? McIndoo are talk-
ing of seeking a:change of climate for
the benedt ot their health.
NOTES. -J. O. Telford, manager of
the Bank of Harailiote. Chesley, and.
formerly of Winghans. Las been pro-
moted to Port Rowan and Hagersville
branches. R. Suttornagent at the G.
T. R. steeithehas secured a situation
psewhere; in the ineantiare, the
r, .' ay or is in c aage. From
the first of October, 190L to the 1st of
, • . him on a visit to ,Manitoba. Rev. Mr
' " to sten before tbe convention.
ra. The Black Cats are Condig
., •
eer year ut advent*
2 040 when not so pave
I Se IL Young, J. C. Martin,:a tAlt,A.***********4- Ik'A A A **pilot
, apart' and Dr Shaw. Vigorous •
West Hare Literal Coavelition. 1. nspiring speeches were made the
I n I• "
R. G. Cameron, of Codeine'', Intlaadm"sietlYvewsitttragwo Vesetaellbeerxered
Nominated. always returned a Liberal rept entc-
• ----
tive it would do so at the next general
. election, Those who withdrew were Dr
It is said by those who have attended
conventions, and by past recorde, that Shaw,uort0EIS,. J.
000ezoepn az .J. ,Jva s, xSacxottitn, , Ji4 HA .,
the West Huron Liberal Convention,
held on Manday, at thingarnen, was Ywo.upnog,a00: LoSealeur,Jaarelymeauyn,g,J.JN. K. ehtlicy.;
the largest. ever held in its bait°. y,
This ma particularly gratifying on Kenzie, H adorris. This left six in the 1
acceent • of the disagreeable weather field: .
W, Lane one of the six in hie re -
which the delegates encountered.
marks said it was tbe best cenveutione
There are 45 divisions in the riding,
FORK tiltUtlY
For Smut on Oats
Barley, Wheat
every one of these being represented gannou, West Full direoklons for using OD tatole
he ever saw held at Dun
Heron had wort every eleotion and battle. s
by the full quota allowed; In many the Liberals bad to woek to win the
divisinne there was an overplue. It
coming one, lee did not think the
th I st on ventioo Liberals Thebest le al waye the °heaped at;
gees without' contradiction that Dun -
should be btoright to task
ever held there in the one held title regarding prohibition as they have
promised something and give a refer -
week. The hall was crowded to its
fullest capacity, with Liberale all aux- endune while Whitney aria his fol-
lowers willaelo rothing. The old op.
ious to go into the ecimin1;velection
with eagerness to keep the eat Rids Potation cries would be brou5he 1.
1 tilainent, It was the 941111114 ineallaa Othte :heel agnoaveit70:litna:0:p:orteid With '
for the Purpose of selecting a candidate .
and he also referred to
the goo wen- i
Ing of Huron In Ilfle for the RoSO GeV-
o the Association, and was also called that alt.? Otlbservatives, He was In
?el, sure
Morgan Delton confined his viewsrr
port the Roes Giovernrnent.
vtoinrceipaireLseengtislWateuerte.fluron in the Pro -
on the issues of the election. He , B, -We 111We all the leaahlt
At the appointed time the president,
W. Proudfoot. of Godericb, called the
myna' 1°Parr* blood
Pdrifi"and b
would be as able to fill the position as
meeting to order, and although be was e orrner member Sometime in the
past 'at ha ----------1 . that Asastleld
not in favor of calling a convention
R. P. Reekie's
Peesoription Drug Store
•azneeersor to Sydney Jackson: •
yet, explained the reasons for doing so. has had more than its shame- of the ceaseeaeasseeeepeoeppenseteauppetppppena,
' appointments made and he wanted - •
The secretar y, W. Coats,' of Clintoo,
these diflerences reneeclied. He wr aia
received the credentials of the dens -
stand ; if selected he would do his best '
gates, and found evere dietsion with •
/..._ the nominee of the convention. Dungannon, spent last Saturcly in thee
them having alternates present •
ASEIVIELD- Thos. Anderson, W" would be glad to represent West Huron block, moved to the valage this week.
Mallougb, nos, Little, John Baldwin, which -had sent able men of elicit ex- Geo. Marshall goes to Manitoba in a.
Kenzie, Kenneth McKenzie, Wm. P. end Ron As see Ross/ whoever the can. for the present. Thos. Anderson spent
ceptional ability as Ron J. T. Garrow few. days ; hs family will remain here
James Tes,ne, Hugh McPttee., D. G. Mc -
• %A ubgrn ' '
tee inn number allowed, many of for Hdroo, ancl if not would work for• NOTES -The Rev. Wm. NaNair, of
A Stuart in his rema ks eaid he vdtage. MeBrien, of the Maitlar •.
Reed, belies Hayden, John Hutchison, •didate was let harmony prevail. les the latter pert of last week circuateing
James Crawford, Rod, McKenzie, ,Tohn •thought Ontario 'was an • agricelturea _ the call to the Rev Mr Camp for signer. s
Leng, John Stiles, Mantas Ford; F. ea • coun try, and more Usenet a• Should be . tures in hems dance with the regulationta ' '
mcLennan, Don. McLean, Don. oa' • foUnd In the fleuse. Ile would Speak of the tea y er an r use ,
Thomas Styles•and Cearles Stewart. 1 oie prohibition when tise groper time who has been yisiting friends in Delhi,
Nfrquartie, Wm. Campbell, John gave the prohibitionists more than the
Berret-Rich. Somere, Sohn Kelly, battle, but AS the Ross overnment rseptrutirtnsge di le if et it.93: :k.maaeneio:Sbnigt.
ay her mother and brothel', Fre& 'Pal- •
Moffatt and N. la. Young. , other side they shoeld be tvell pleased
u s te, id 0•W. with -the Liberal party mita -Unity eveekrhe took -ten horses with"hireaeria e"
retetaoN . co . c ore e .
. his father-in.lawaJ.Clarleaccompanied
s should revail. He allowed his name
ooper, N. Fester, Walter ,
a ' W, Proudfoot made referenee to J. Jeckson, &Manning, A,Arenstrong, Dalton's statement as to Ashfield•
Mr e me e elated In the Presbyterian, •
Ns RoaatnS. Townsend, F. J, Tack- ..receiviugoppaintaaaats made. miaow chnrch last Sunday. Mr -Tom has been
sob, D. F. 'Macpherson, James Smita,
askedadelegate esupport an wee no, oseahnsiekdiet .but wo-are pleased to
. • -a candidate but at some future occasion
' d - t state that he le aettiOnebetter. 'Several
pronineent temperance workers of this
L. Paisley, J. Snider.
0outoRITE-W. Blake, C. Oakes, W.
Yonne, E. Syn.:monde, I-1. Morris, A. matter to accept: the nomination as it
maybe, as at the breEent tune, eyeshot locality attended the conyention last for a month : he roper's every thing in
Hill, D. Cummings, S. Obisholm, Rod • in a position. to acceps. It was a serioue w' el" W. Paterson has been at Galt •
McKinnon, John Sands, Eli Simmonds wat'a very hard fight. He urged to the businessaine there brisk•this sum.- •
.and Thomas McLean, • ' ' stand together and elect a candidate to mer. T, Sturdy has left for Muskoka
again, as he feels mere at :home in the.
GOD -MICR Towereser -James Sal- support the. Ross. Goeerninent ; vote w
keld, Jes.•Salkeld, Charles .13runcombe, eount17. Mr Mutca, er„ as in a
for the Liberal principles and not the ne
G, Newton. 'George Oox T. T. Leckie, candidate _ very state of health at present., .;
. ,
Coats Thee ll ' .
w et/imams S. teser I. T. Ourtee stud it was the fitet time
John W, Yee, O. • .
April 1902, ther.e .were 28 :burial3 in Gornettpeet--.4. a Edward. Iapees
the Winginart cerrietery ; the burialr 'Breckenridge, George Wilkie, 0. A. kind. West Huron is in a unique i3osi-,
tion and haught a fakeer should re -
fur the different months se ereilastober Humbere D. • Platro, %homes Cutts present this tiding. He referred to the
6, Novembee 7, December' p, janinue John Xnok, Alex. Senndere, W. Len°,
• February 8, March 1, . ' • - • el • work which Hon, j; 'T. :Gaerow apd
AN 01;13 RESIDENT.-Mery, relict Of
the late Sameiel Pardy died recently
i Ni
Of ninety.. Mee Pardy and her de-
ceased husband egperrenced the trials,
Struggles and , hardships .incide eat!. to
pioneer clays. Tea) of Mrs Pa.rdy's
chOdren--Mre Kennedy, now in Ohicae
go, and Mre John -"McCreteken. of
Wingleam-were born in lrilittld.
/The 'remaining six, were born in • this
'country. They are Mrs Thee Far -
new, Brussel", and Mrs, Frank Mc-
Clarcken, of Morriss Mrs' John 'Robins
he wasscalled at a convention of this
nWestssouri t the advanced age
in st feev 'days. • manently with them. •
Eon, of Delaware; and three sons
alueophrey. William and: Samuel, of
West • Nissouri, With; whom she rea
eidsd.,•,•Besederi bee eight children she
left 41 •giatiaclehirdeene "and: ' 17 . ow: -
grandchildren.. Rev 3, O. McCracken,
of Thorodade, her getanason; was the
flieiatiug clergyPeen thg interment
on the following :.Thursday.
Bot Mrs James (tarter and Mrs Doerr • ee
are under a doctor's caresince•operae •
trona and are recruiting' nicely. 11,fise•
Ani ie 'Lawson has. returned to her
borne. The /.0.0- T. still initiates new '
members. iRev Mr Kennedy is giying:.
' • • $ 0 0•
e$,LI ty. les Saeger, John angle. J • p..
Hon. A, M. Hose had don'e eta also the an inetrueerve• and stv.tking series el •
es est ;aiding was ably repretented in
the Dominion House by R. Holmes, M. : Aatur., Wannerres.-.A quiet but
mamma from Revelations.
tin, John Wynn,. E Watson, 'NY:J.1. SIC1 ,C
'ET -Nr! on, Proudfoot,' D. .e,(7
He had not asked anyone's suppcirt petty wedding took place at tte.Methe
0, A. Neirre Merles GarrcivV• . but his Piet record ,was that he always °dist parsonage, B'eth, on April 2na, .
. WeeteatAm -- Peter Deans, Abner wee a worker as well as supporter of whets Mise Effie M., youngest daughter •
Cazens, a. Bennett, EL Park, W. Grier- the Liberal party. He had heard • Mr 'ot Mr and Mrs J. Winmill; of Viaest • '
son, W. Robertson, D.M. Gordon, J.A. Whitney and Hon. • G. 'W, Ross at VVawanosb; was wadded. to Walter,
Morton, R. E.McKenzie, W.N iclaolsone Winghara and considered . Whittreee a Gibson, a popular young farmer tif the
H. A. Gera Newtena. . • lag on the wheel of progress, Mr Gar- same township, by- Rev W. Penhall..
. .. row having male ever 25 votes by Mr. .The bride looked beautitul In apretty•
iltYLLETT. John- Blaglana„. Beni.
ed. souei, Whittry'S speech. He refereed to the kecen of bream cashmerette, trunnaed
Whitraore, Wm. Jackson,
educittional Si tem and expressed nine- with satin, chiffon and applique, bedoe.
bombe, J. Snell, B. J. Gibbings;
Seel, Thos.Hill, Moees Brown. seltasequarechthe temeerencequestion; neald and groomeman bar* dispensed
Mesa Weevoteoset-R. Currie, sera, that can be had and the prohibitionists :h. Atthurn,,In the ' home of her sister,
• John Reid, Might*, Walker, R. 0. Mos are drawing the fine 4 tibiae too tight. ,eare es afeautenslavete where a dainty
Gowan, R,BeeteGowen, wspehte,John The Liberals can count on him. to sup- teatable e-aitiegthemand laterite
Gillespie, John Gibber* Wm. Martino port the ROES'IlOYerninent• . !Lie eveniag they drove • to their new . •
.4:'Portellield, T. •Teyleneeff. Sowlereee - eme-Oiereaneeoli --conelderea the scene borne; where reeeT.,ti,_t:-^ tendered. '
WEST W4.WANOSH.---A. BiCroonsild, vention was not a meeting for eneech taem. 'We extend•eopoleitlasseeatee
urray, 9. ,
. .• The Ross GOveremenris &ring the best. with; afterthe • ceremony they drove
Nonice 'as During the Master holt.
devs ear Peter McFarlane and wife,
from Saginaw, Michigan, were vieit---
ing their friends and relations here -;.
Peer s le a_oektpg Wel and enjoying
life. Mrs Neil McFarlane, from Geen•
ock,_was visiting . here during Easter.
Miss Miry McEwen. who was at home
during' the Easter week, left to resume
her duties as teacher near Chatsworth
Co, Grey, on Monday last. Mi -G.
Graham bas rented the S. H. Lot 21,4th
cop„, from MI'S Mary teeenerote, for
"the "armee-Mt "
FoltmElltor OE Srotetewee-jolin Mc-
Gill, one of the engineers killed in the
railway accident at Jatevie, ou Friday,
• _ Westfield . week vvas a son of the late Ala. Ma -
Colborne - DEATH, -Again death has visited oar
NOTES, -Miss carte@ Morrish, who neighborhood, taking its Vieth)] Mr
has been spending a few menthe at Chas. Wilkinson, which sad event Look
Windsor, has returned home. Mr and Place at the home of J. ris MeOliatora
Mrs II. I. Morrish, of Westfield, _was; where deceased was engaged to Work'
visiting at R. Rowdena a few dae s lest
week. Chas. Waltets,of Elizabethville,
intends moving on hisfarm; T.Mitchell
has Wait rented for a term of years.
Tue Leas J. Rosstantaa-There died
at his residencetin Colborne township,
Huron county, on the 80th day -of
March, Joan Rosster, in the OA year
of his age. The deceased had resided
there from the time he left his form
in London township some twelve
years ago. He never married, and
under the care of his housekeeper; We
White, he breathed his last. Ile was
born in Granville parish, in the island
of aersey, English Channel, and. was
possessed of considerable wealth, de•
rived fione the sale of his properties
its that island, and at one time 'VMS
the owner of a large tract of land near
the village of Bennailler. The only
relative present was Mr Pittel, from
London, a cousin. The obsequies
were Conducted by the Rev E. A.
Shaw, Methodist mit:deter. •
Noans.-Mr mad Mat Hart hald a
flying farewell visit to Varna Tues.
1‘.90312 fOr DilitOr and Egge4 Met 2a,
for the summer.- He was stricken with
pneumonia shortly after eortung there
about three weeks ago. He was a na-
tive of England,coming to this country
about twelve years ago; being a resi-
dent of the township since theta:time,
His wife died about seven years ago,
leaving him with the castle of three
Mothetless,childretn, which now month
the load of ti kind father.. The funeral
on Saturday was largelttended, the
VVorktnen, of which dateased was a
member, marching in a body. The sere
Vices were aonducted by Rev Mr Me -
Quillen, of 13tyth,the remains being in-
tetred in Belgrave cemetery.
. Wawa -Messrs W. Campbell and A.
B. Carr attended the prohibition con-
vention in Goderich on Friday last.
Mrs 'Wm Graham, ot Stratford, Who
:spent the past Week at the hefted her
father, D. Dumas', returned borne on
Saturday leen Robt Hoover mdved his
household effecte to his home in Grey
on Thursday laet4 Mr jos Johnston
moved to Mr Hoover's farm the genie
day, Melvin. Tyndall, of Carlow, is en-
gaged with. his uncle, Mr W. Stack-
house, for the trunomere Robe Ootva13,
Wife and children, of Essex, are here to
dav last: he starter for Seattle on spend a few weeks with relatives,being
Thetaday next; the best wishes of the guest of their eider, Mrs J. Wight -
their many Mende here go with them man, at present. Dr jas Oannibelf, , of
eteetheir now home in the far west. tieloeWaing, Mich., eccompamed by his
Mr Fred Ptedy is home for a fesedays, little treiee, Vete Hoover, spent Easter
from Ingersoll. „ Mr Joseph Foster la Week at the home of his brothers, W
laidup but we hope to see him around end W J Campbell. Geo Henry is yery
soon wait.* Mr E. Eph, our new ill at the home of ale daughter, Mrs la on Fricley for tbe States.
blacksmtth in John Ilartas place, is a McDowell. Masers W Taylor, A0ook,
hustler ; Iteeiee roe hen gooa M McDowell and G Wightman returns
Feral Sent:a-The farm of 07 acres,
on the and cone owned by James Tres
at the hone° of her parents here for days al benne. •Be ye, Campbell, who meet*, cif Stnithville, has been wild to
the bet two woke, returned home „ Li has been spending et few menthe with
Tueatlety leist
. Meseta Jae Armstrong her elate., D Ainslie, of Comber, john F. Dale, nutlet, for the 6unl of
Iona B. A. togine were in Clinton 911 eet_erned hotne tiaturday Leta Mee $1,50faa The fattia le at present under
the tenancy of Those Biota% Whose
Tuesday, shipilleg neeketokee Whips) T Hem y and 8nn Ronald, of lessexe term lute rust yet expired. We meler•
TetritOriete la% Henry, • . fatal. fer hie' Ore
Gill, one of • the pioneer residents ee
Stanley, and nephew of Mr Nell Mc-
Gill. The engineer of the train which
ran into Mr McGill's train failed to
carry out his -orders, and rushee past
Jarvis Station, colliding with the other
train a short distance out. The un-
fortunate young raan only lived a
short time atter being taken out of the
wreck. He was 26 years of age, and
'leaves awile and an adopted daugh-
ter, besides a mother and two, sisters;
living in Toronto, , • •
• Tiondeshoro
NOTES. -111r Webb shipped a carload
Of flour this week: Word wasreceiyed
this week of the safe arrivel of Mr F.
Yungblut at Liverpool, and if nothing
has gone wrong with his calculations
be this time he is on the hometvard
journey. Wm Riley improved one .of
his buildings with new shingles. Some
delegates from here attended the Re-
form convention at Dungannon this
week, Mrs Pdelyille is improving and
it is expected she. will soon be well. Ss
Woo man has Conainenced to deliver
meat rough the couistry as in termer.
years; ,
Noaata•-Mrs Tamblyn and Mrs Els-
ley have returned from visiting blends
in Leamington; Mb% Hiles returned
with them, and well rotAbly remain
all summer with ft ends here, Mre
Melville atilt continues in poor health;
We hope to see her around again before
long. Verna Hiles, who spent Easter
With friends In St. Thomatt, has re-
turned home. Alvin Draitheleatteleavatt
trade, Mrs . McCoot, of Drunebo, td to their various studies in Goderieh
and children who has ever; visiting on Moseley, after, spending their heti-
D ' B M The White Wm making and was gratified at ,the liege
Mcdrostie, John McPherson, Alex. number of delegatm present. The con- . callow ,
Stuart, Jas. Young; Ed.M•cGuire. vention should be rated on •whoever
NoTas...-Mr Archie Morton, the nety
watson, Arch. Anderson, Jos. Smith,. the candidate was. • If the convention -
tenant on U. Tewsley's farm, brought
John Sheriff, Peter McCasan Win decided upon anyone ease bes.ides him he
att et e e•was wishing to be the
• . hem his bride last weeks we are pleased
Be, Chas, Girvin. , would work as strong ass if for hiniself.
to welcoine Mr and Mrs Horton to OUP" .
He heel sup orteclair Holmes although
Th ' f fa • It cl.''
rettirn of the. form.er cancers, only wear can idate. He was sallid--tiesrainethitrie-taarmad-k-ere lorenta L euts J. a. q. ,
a few exeeptions s- • Varcoe, of the CenTril-BiTiffieka tan- .
• • tiobists were present;he was a supports
W. Proudfoot, Goderich, Prete . er of Hon. G. W. Ross,wbo was a total lege, has returned to Stratford, after
as enending his Easter at home. Rev Mr
• _ ai.Deetton,Kingebridge, lst ere abstainer, arid waist/aid with laird Small very ably filled the pulpit -here
. les, Young, Auburn ..2nd vice
Hal" Morris, Loyal.. '.,3rd vice ha as he goes. He woold leave matters
was last Sabbath. ,A, number of young,
'W. 0 s, CI n II, Se y. . v
. oa ' '
t i to c :Trees With the coneentitm to say and
people frept here spent 4 very enjoy-.,.
. D. McOervie,..01intoneAnditer repared to abide by what it decided.'
able evening at the haute of MSS Eila
. ; The vote Was then taken, there being tit.t Pattersonay last week.
' 'The chairman of each division at as 135 delegates esresent; the firet . ballot
• e election o o resu • .e tn the • community: Mita Annie 13ogge bas re-
• pletreee and atneeti 10 the Vs W, 'elating at the horee of her brethersuls I stand that Mr Dale has ptirehased the
:follows,-. • resulteat-Cameton 52, Lafte 5, Dalton •
.AsetinturetaaNeef,A: Disher,Duegaprion- 2t, °aerie 28, Stuart 7, Proudfoot 18.
No 2, A. Finlay; Mafeking • The lowest *as supposed to drop ent, A.
No 3, L Andrew, Lucknow ' and thersecondeballob resulted:- Cam-• •
N E Sullivah Kingebrid e Proudfoot 24 Lane 1 After this vote Ten.•
allo 4, B. J. Crawford, Dungannon mon 55, Dalton 20, Currie 36, Stuart 2,
• , • $ • • ..
, , No6. l)on.,Mc.Lean, Lucke:to* President Peoudfoet-announced .tbate -
• • No 7, Jets Jamieson, Laurter
Besierte-No 1, if. McQuarrie, eilyth
No 2, IV. Young, Blyth,
Otretroer-s-D. F. Macpherson, Ohntort
COL13010TE-No 1, Wallin, Bennoiller
. No 2, John Sands, Saltfoid
,No 3,. Jose Bell, Carlow
No 4, D. Cummitiget Dunlop
Gonan'er Tr -No 1,J'oe Salkeld,Goder'h
. Nu 2, Geo, Cox, Porter's Hill
No 6, John W. Yeo, Efolmesvilla
40DERWEE-Alex Saunders, Goderich
WetecarAar-Abner Cozens, Winghttat
liuLLETT.-No 5, J,Southcombe,Olintore
No 6, R. Snell, Londesbore
No 7, J. Einglancl, Anblitin
Waeoste-No 1,R.G.McGowan,J3lyth
No 2, Tayloe, 13elgrave
No 8, Sohn; Schiell, Winghatif
No 4, Sno Gillespie, Whitechurch
W,W'ereSti-No 1,Chas Walsh), Mitten
No 2, T. Radcliffe, Auburn
No 3, T. White, St 'Helens ,
No 4, A. Stuart, St Helens
s ` No 6, John Sheriff, lateknow
The Treasurer reported a balance on
hand at last annual meeting of $33.17;
balance on hand in 1002, $15,17.
Previous to the receiving of toteintre
tions and at this tune 01 1110 proceed.
ings, a committee. cote:posed of Et. M.
Goderieb, presidenb of the Al-
• •
he wished it understood he was not in - , - a_ .
Cameron 70, Dalton 23, Currie ea,
., Dollar
the field, and the third ballot was•--
Proudfoob 2. Cameron was then pitted
against Dalton and gob 86 votes to a • '
Bill . - -
diacassion as to the nomination of a• . A Ten Dollar Bill is not a bit better'
value than the Blue Serge Suit we are
Dalton's 49,
At this juncture of the proceedings a
prohibition candidate was entered into an wool Sur with a hard worsted tin-
selling for $10,00. It is weds from an
McGillicuddy and J. A. Morton. Othe '
to further discussion by 0. Seeger, D. good
wistted, to speak, but owing to the 'with' silk'
by A. 13: Carr and J. Scott; thie led up as, ss„,e sen not nate e n
go-cierica only #10.00.
aTin-ini-th-retig-aouht tahncillisilltotiluades -
The fit is perfect and the
tete hour the vote was taken up be-
tween Cameron who secured 78, and .
known, Mr Cameron was aeclared the ; Colored worsted Suits est the same
price, and just as good value, if you
Carrie 60. 01 tthe ballot being made
choice of the convention, who, after we'll rether have them'
stated he was not in a position to Hodgens Bros;
thanking the delegates for the honor,
etate with ceetrunte that he could ac -
cept the nomination, and asked for ten , s
days in which to consider the ma' et: Sal. •
Mr Currie spoke briefly, thaaking
hie friends for the generous support he
received. see
11. Holmes M. P. who was present
on being regnested by President Proud -
foot, also stioke. and in concluding his
remarks said he would do hie utmost
up to eleetion day to tsend a supporter
from Wert Heron for the ROSS Gov-
EL McPhee, of Cioderich,` A. E. Breda e
liesnce, R. W. McKenzie, of Godetieh,
Rev T.11, McNair Dungannon and Rees V.U.in, of the Blyth Standard, T.T. Leck- a
le, of the Clinton New Eno, and t
B. M. Whaley, oftStlIelenti, atked to be Robertson, of the Goderich Signal,- ,
heatd in regard Oahe matterof prohibl. having been appointed a coneinittee on 1
tient candidates. Reve,Whalee and Me. resolution, reported: -A resolution of
Nair speke on behalf of the Prehlbition. condolence with the Prettier, eaPress-
iste of West Huron urging the selection ing regreb est the recent death of Mrs •
of candidates in itstfavor. A pledge wasRoss; a resolution conretula- iroll 11 Look.
lefb in the hande of the president to be • terY t'7•1118tlee Gleerew en Mee evetlen
submitted to the neminee for Vries to the bench; resoltxtions of confidence Pleased
tete. The nominations of candi estes 4.1 the Dominion and also the Ontario
were numerous their being 21 as fol. tiovetnments, and the Liberal eanda When ,ou receive the photogrephe we
owse-11, G. Cameron, J. T. Currie, dile of. 'Vilest Huron. These were in eke for yon. Thee% be good. likened**
Wm. Proudfood, A. Stuart, Morgan heartily approved of and passed, all and well linielied. Our abilities are etteir
Dalton, II. ,T, 'r,,,.:,..1. AN Morton tee meeting we'
e brought to a clos . that we can overnice you the beet &turd*
and Lautier Government% the chairs, without any danger thee you will, ebe as.
• ' 1 h h f th did 4. h R
W. letne, D, McGillicuddy, A. Cozens
J. NI McKenzie, W. Coats, jas Scott, w t c cers cr • 6°611 t Rosa eppointed, ••
Maim! Yotth0 A Itchy, Jam young, d man and the Ithvg, • * Henry's - Photo 0. Stndleot
eelaseeaa... s"eaea•tesseita eisiellit ..a,a.e.eseelaeaaaes.