HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-04, Page 8April 4th, 1902 •
I The 131ttek, Cato(
We want to emphasts he fact that goods bought
here are good- If we know it, no unworthy qualities
find an entrance to this store- The selling of good
goods only, is one of the corner stones of this business,
and a part of our business policy that is rigidly adher-
ed to. You can depend absolutely on what you buy
here. If at any time things do not turn out to your
'satisfaction, we would like you to let us know about
it and we will make it right .
The Mack Cats
110:46446/4/10014 it R. T. OF To. -The Clinton lod of I church, assieted luau entertainment in
of Teninereuce 4 ire. Bleat Presbyterian church last week
• crescent; in membership,. itt resent, and gave a reading which was appre.
there being 23 members and °there clah3cl. .Miss Tilly Tebbhtt formerly
are te be Initiated at • meetin Fe. of Clinif;n• has taken al/milder) in the
1100AL NOTI0ES. From pretreat indications it will be a , atore of W.A.cheson A Son, end,erich..
One k Tayloiesiire proof safe tor sakiessey 10°14°131e 81000116:71 hereto- At the last nreut-, nt...Good 0.fiday_ awned bright but rain
RIDOUT or „ erred the aftern000A; Pleasure 'Of a
tonne. Apply to w ng o cerirowere nu a
0.41 RAMIS, Clinton, , ed r—Select Conn., aro. W, Watte • heildaY; many citinene took advantage
4011v (Iowa a eay.—“DISIX OLOTII.e Inres Sieter Hall • pest eelect, Bio'. to go visiting and the eun Ulan held a
vale et W. T. OTRWs. • Sh;,* ilrtit:r13,Cr:t4t lqati4184:T"Jitle,. ! rti7):M;;;(;?tri)iigg:4;?a6 gat%
II • Try it and. You always 'buy. Borland : chaplain, liro. Dr. Gifford ; Very succeseful shooting match in the
tarly Seed Potatoes—Moe of the I•Torth—for rec sec
Bro. W. H. Townsend ; guard, ' Sister a general holiday in Canada 49 well as
• Mabel Hill ; eentinel, Bro. ft.' We.tts ; ; in other portions of theBritisti Empire.
ttustees, BUMP Watts,Oorlaralt Greene; 1 —The invitatione are issued for the
' auditors,Bros, Or. Thompson, and C. fifth club assembly to be held °wage
COHONATION MESTING,—A puh• Gifford ; organist. Sister Shaw; Press (Friday) evening lathe town ball; the
lic meeting was called, for on Wednee. reporter, sister Watts. Owing to there Brown 0renestra of Ssaforth Will fur -
day evening in the Council Chamber to being another Unity 'Council the name nish the music....The railways .report
discuss mattere to celebrate the King's of this one was changed to Loyalty that Enter travel Was AS heayy as
Coronation ori June 26.h. There•was a Council. New members were initiated usual this year; many from here took
ut,.. advantage of the cheap rates.. —It is
number gathered to help the move- and all feel encouraged to do their
relent along but nothisl was done. Most to belt CM woak whieh is much said there will be a wedding occur in
needed. A a ort prpgram was rendered town in tbe course of a few months,
Which was much mowed by all preeent, and one in which Clinton will lose one
erale of town are called to uleet at the
enf ttot an Atilerican tolty....Concluctodr•
4tia, at 7,30 re, ea., to.41400se in p. hall at 8 p.
Sheehy supplied in Conductor Quirk's
delegates to attend the annual meeting •
of theWest Huron ReformAssociation, AN A.PRIL WEDDING. — Cupid place on the London-Wingham run
Dres ods Stock-
s.Go which will be held at Dungannon, on
that there be a larg
Monday! the 8th inst. • It is requestpd /Scored a,nother Victory on Wednesday, while the latter was called 'away owing
whlicli precisely 04 high 1100a, at the to the death of his eon, james Q qirk,o
re e
• Council Chamber,ort this(Friday) even- The next meeting will he held 4pri110. o s 'young adios, o beoorrie a reel •
We would like 3 ou to get better acqainted yfith this
Dress Goods Stock of ours; It has. been gathered from the
very best sources. Wherever good Dress G-oods were to be
had vie looked for them. From England, from France, from
Germany, and from the best Canailian mills, we hal e drawn
our supply. There is not a popular material hr color missing.
Weave, dye and finish are absolutely correct. You may rely
with confidence upon Dress Goods bought here. They will
be right in every way, and there is a better assortment to select
from than in most stores hereatouts. We print a few price
that will give you an idea of what we are •doing -•
Plain all wocl Serge, full 86 incilies
wide, will give excellent wear, in
navy, brown, green, cardinal, pink
cream, pale, bine and black, per
yard 25c
An wool Vigereaux, 86 inches wide,
good weight,suitable for dresses or
skirts, in medium, dark aud blue
grey, per yard 80e
All wool Cashmere, gooa weight;
silky finish, 44 inches wide, very •
much worn for waists, in shades of
Sky, pink, old rose, cardinal, cream •
and navy, per yard .50e
. New colored LuetreN, 44 to 40 inches ,
. ' wide, bright silky 'finish, in pink,' -
sky, navy, blue and blaok,---per
yard 430c & I BC,
Wool •.Prepelene, a light weight all finish,Oaraelshair ard plena cloths, pi AA
wool material that makes a hand- no two alike, per Bait— .84,00 de 0 tut,
• sorae spring or eummer costume,
in fawn, grey, newblaa and brown, 54 lgoh Homespun, all pure wool,
44 inches wide, per yard ........ 6 ilt% Ole excellent wear, bleak or ,n
grey, extra,special value, per. yard 6600
I) wool Amazon Cloth,good reight,
right finish, suitable for tailored • 54 inchesworted Serge, hard twist and
rate or separate skirts, in navy,. • finish, made from pare selected
ed, brown. grey; lawn, bloc*, will Dik,. yarns will stand no end of rough • •
ye exoefient wear,per yard,50c uvU wear, good' weight, does not require
lining, black only, extra special 1( AA
woOlVoilea,a light weight.woellen yalue, per yard....... 85c IOW
material for summer wear, 44
Ali wool Whip Cord, 40 inches wide
• will make a stylish and serviceable °
eult, in navy,fawn,grey arid blank,
• '•tnPs:
Grey Deffeige, all pure wool, good
weight, very suitable for elderly
' ladies, will not catch the dust, in
medium and dark shades, special mA,.
value, at per yard... ; ..... owu
All wool Serge, hem/ weight, hard
worsted finish, will pot catch dust
"Priestley's,* make, =ekes capital
skirts, 44 inches wide,speoitil value ...
per yard • oec
Broad Uloth settings, fall 50 to 54 ,
' inches wide, all wool, bright finish, •
• good_weight, in red, 10. -Wilt
brown arid black, per yerd.`,..,. JAM
is lace of Mt and Mrs A. McRae, B antford, sympathy is general' er
e number of Iiiii-
, HOUSES WARM—There is at daughter, Ms Nettie, wit; joined in family in the sad affliction they have
wedlock to Geo. Roberton of' town. been called upon to bear.... Wirrener
present a scareet y of houses in Clinton Th ,
era attend. Rattenhaeict street west, their eldest tended to the conduel-Or 4 51rs Qu4 and
e ceremony was performed by Hey Byes added a handsome new sarreY
( to rent and we believe that if a MIMI* A, Stewart, pastor of Willis Presby. .and a fine set of douhte harness to their
bitilt occUpants would be readily found tri 1 dirt
tartan churcth. in the oreeence of abput -11.7er!,i' enttlklast week; the eurra9 is of
, ber of commodious residences were
for them Inlinton is a p the Gray & S
rlaeheremis a pigthte oppor., bride,Onstarried in a gown o Muslin de AfeBrian. .J. Prang brought into
prosperous and ate friends besides relative- the house
thirty guests, ew 'Arm- ray en manufacture,elhatham,
of which Lars ift Murphy ars agents
progressive town with bright prospects decorations being Wok anerreen. The and the harness was boug)lb from ,A,'•
unitytor our oneye e 0 001)14, age 0Yer white; and carryed ing e. boquet the NEw *ta. Plydnitouth Rock hen's
the demand for houses to rent. • of whit e eSinni te wle h
On3, ook
Efweet; her FOC imeas_ure circun3ference 8
FOR FRUIT GROWERM—Tbe time bridesmaid, Mise MarieRoherton,sister 07 Of inches and weigbine4 euneeS'WhO
is at hand whet?, spraying sh2till_d be of the grooneof Brussels, in a dress of Ican.beak this?!..,The council will hold
commenced. Wile latter part of march the Sannkearrying pink carnation% A
al. ; its priLmeeting on next Wednesday
and early in A.Prfi, when the buds are ea 1(341E0 pretty. Geo McRae, a; night.. —A dinner knife was lost on
swelling, is the proper time. As the brother of the bride, now of Blenheim, ' one ofthe streets after the Willis
Fruit Marks Act will be riffidlY enfore. assisted the promo. After the tumor. church tea meeting: finder kindly s
ed this year, every person with an tent part. o the ceremony over and
ce rorowner
orchard will find it greatly to their ad- cOngre.tuhtions extendel the. merry . • .The Liberal Conservativee meets at
vantage to thorougl.ily snraY, as the gathering partook of a delicious lunon. I the Council Vharnber next Monday
apple buyers and pickers cannot, and eon. and then the newly-wed were day,, night to select delegates to attend the
will not, take inferior fruit. en to the•depot and left Du the after. I convention at Smith's Hill on the 9th
CONVENTION.—A conventionon,- noon express for Toronto and other inst. —Although haying held an auction
der the auspices of the prohibitory,
points on a wedding trip. VerypretV sale of his pnmp inachinerY,horses,wag.
liance of the weet Riding of Reran, and valuable presents were receiyed by , onsoSze.,the other week, MrJ.Ferguson
Will be held in Gederieh. eh Flida7 the bride, who is a very popular young I has decided nok to go to the northwest
next; April 4th, commencilog at 2p. en , lady and a favorite among her numer. 1 as at first intended; we are glad to
A:full attendance of all whoare inter- ous friends, Mr Roberton, who con, learn be will • remain a resident of
ested is earnestly solicited, as import- ducts a barbering parlor, Is one of our i Clinton and will attend to all work
ant matters connected with the coming prosperous young men and well liked I entrusted to him —.Friends will be
general provincial election and the by all. Mr and Mrs Roberton are you pleased to learn that Olive, the little
referendum will be discussed. ma" people who are highly thought of and daughter of Mr Albert Downe, of Tor.
meeting at night. --D. E. Mmino, Sec. start their married Maunder favorable onto, formerly of here, is recovering
auspicei3 and with the best addles of after having been ill for some time
ODDFELLOWS' CONCERT, -- A all who !mow them. • They shortly Past._._..Dr Shaw and Several others of
concert which our citizens should not .return and take up housekeeping t ire Masonic fraternity visited Sea -
NI to attend,. will be the Odd. fellow& Albert street north. The desire of the forth last Friday and met Most wor-
- -gra:IA-concert-16U given in the town-. ,NAW- along_evith_their , shipful Drother .T. E. Hardin, Grand
. The entertainers are HarOld Servie, hal3PY and 'prosperous ire together. .and H. W. Brother °en. S. lipiCaY.
Pine suitiegs„ all shade, broad cloth
many fi di h th h I, Miter of the grand Lodge o 'Canada
. hall on Friday evening, April 25th. r en s,. s t at ey eve a ong..
inches wide, in shades, of grey, wdk,. All wool Voiles, 46 inches wide, five
fawn; blue, and blaok,per yard.... Out; qualities in blacks, ..75e,14,00 &la 30
Linings and Tr:millings. ••••
• When you buy a dress you naturally want linings. and
. tr#ninings. We pay particular attention to these . SfOCIrSt rio
store in these parts carry Such kwide range of ress triniraings
,rwanedarowurellli.nings are reliable qualities th.,ai*,.eep ark.. shaPe, and
AAAAAAAAAA•vw". -.AAmiwyomk•AAAAAA'AAAA,A•44,,,www,o;iwn
Kid Gloves
When yen buy kid Gloves it 'pays to buy them good;
• There is no economy, in buying cheap Gloves. Gloves
going oht ot this store can be depended on in every Way,
for no low grade or poor quality. finds, a place on. our
shelves. New lines for spring are-tiere, and -there • is urik,
teoor, Detroit; Miss Selway, eoprano, Among the outside guests .present • • • M, Ot OUtii
Toronto; Geo. Fox, Violinist, TOPOnt0; were: Dr and Mrs A B, MeRse, of De. No4, Who held a lodge of inetruotion 3,
Mrs eicHardy-Smith, pianist, CMinton. troit ; Mr and Airs 1 Ballantyne 'of. besides the Seaforth brethren present.
Thiele re quartette . of artiste, and the 13..6
;Mies M.McQueen,of Petrifra; . there was a ,1 a tz s nurnher from
concert may be looked. forward to as MI montant;,ne . iffensgai• and. les 1 various 10Chiee • ...Walt" W0131/. 3. W,
one of the ' best ' eyee given in town 'Holdsworth. of Hohnesville. • • llopt4broatlydriverightfofrhnke
Fuller particolars will be given laterEp
,. • . match another driver he had.•..J.
. MUSICAL CLUB.-- The Clinton NOTES,—The funeral of the late W. Gardiner has been renovating the' fire
Musical Club will hold its next recital Beacom -was very rgely attended on hall by kalsomine..... Among the ship.
in St. Paul's church on :Wednesday Friday last, there being about100. con- merits this week were ;—., S. Snaith,three
evening, April 9th, at S o'clock. The veYances in 'the Procession, and . his carloa,de of cattle. E. Watson one of
subject for the evening will be church society brethren marching on foot.... . cattle and OW. Reid one of cattle for
music. There will be an address illus. Good Friday: was a general holiday and Toronto ; Oantelon and Wallis ii• double
trated by suitable selections, the mem- Monday was observed is a bank hbli- ,decker of hogs for the Don and Robk
hers of the club having worked up an dav. ....The frogs have commencedFitzsimons one of hogs for Coiling- '
excellent chorbs. : This recital will be their usual ppring-tin3e Coneerta • 4 • wood....S. S Cooper has rented all the
o the Sloan block which he is •
'cordially invited- , There Will be no through the winter well and is now in building—one Wiltse as a groc- •
charge for admission. hilt 'a collection prini.e.condition ., _The collegiate and I ery, th R. & .T. Ransford, as an ofilee.
' will be taken at the do
..epen: to the public; and 'everyone •is Farinere tell us the fall wheat ba4COnle fit res
or to. defray ex. public. richool opens on Monde. 'next •
I t Brydone, barrister; as an efilee •
nensee. •-•.. • AMU 7th, after the Easter vacation; and to S. T. Hminert)n as a tonsorial
ED—.'rhe - • •
OA nts of the oor
Myth publio school, ta es Miss Tar rooms
legiate nstitnte did not allow Mr Treor a dental parlor, and
Klee Habkirk, formerly teacher in ' pallor; Dr. Holmes up taira f
has rented several
leaTee, their late classical teacher, to s p ace as ptrimary each er , there are several yet to be let on the
leave here without showing their high' Miss M. Goodwin, organist of Willis beebna nnor
regard and appreciation for hirn in a •
way whieb will be remembered byhim
always. Ou Thursday ritternoon last •
Means .BuOtieSs..
littIOA butanes for WI and Some for you, too, if you hive wall Paper to
hong or need eorne absdee We want to talk this over witl3 yeti, Are yon
ready? We are. Therefore let tie do some Wahine with you.
Karol] Almost over—then April, end bouee•oleaning will be 012 you with
%rush. It talons a little time to seleot it, a little time to trim it, a little
UM to deliver it to you. Ton have more time now, 0 bawl we,
Doyon not °milder it a very reasonable thing to ailed It • now, Any
day /300n• Then when house oleaniog is right 94 you, you willfie MAY for
badasas. 3st will 43 it in lela tin3 end more coinfortsbly.
Our as.good as the 6o goads. We have more patter= price then weird.
They are the onts you will be milled Ifio for in many &me Oinne and 06P
rices are from do to 6tic per roll. Our eight gent line is special, ite -twice
eto'ckie open to inBlifeti(Mt big in VarieI7 • and good hi Tainas
Ike W. D. FAIR 00,
'Oltea the Chteapett—iliws the Rest ."
Slaughter Sale
of Slater Shoes
• Having speared the, Ageney, for J.. A. Xing & Co, Pine" Shwa oleo
• the Severien and other makes as advertieed, lines whieh we think are
better value for our customers, We have after careful ooneiderstion, de.
oided to give up the Slater Agency and in order to clear out what we •
have op hand, we have placed them on our bargain counters and are
selling there at less than Slater's,wholeeale proms. '
If you are a wearer of the Blister Shoes and are eatisfied with, Mem now
is your choice to seem° a bargaii3;every pair must goes we need the room
for other lines.Come and see them.
v .
We think we have the Moat up-to-date stook of spring foot wear to be
. found in the County, which we are willing to dispose Of* CO, the New
System of Small Peofits and Qiiick Returns.
Cash and one Price . Egge taken as cash.
. The Old Reliable, .
. The Store That Never Ditmepoillt$
. . A .• , : • •• • . • - ' • ,• • . .. • ' • • • • •
• .•• •••. • •=t2Va3lr=egdolglelrd-t2nt .:VtIMMtnItttnitIMMMIMMtlitttOintnMMMInttMtitttrIttrttt-IMMIltittnIttl4
- don oanied by the.fellevoine'.address 4 e*e.
• •
. •
better an assortment in town • •
• Three prices
To Mr J. W Treleaven, B. L„,alaasioal map -
ter of the Q inton 0 I., on depaTtuse to as -
sumo the (lutist of Principal of illmonte :High
Shoo ' : ••-•• . • •
Ma 7
in o aetontise;e your
While we regret your daparture we retlect,wil*
a feeling of eatisfamioe, on .the .baosat we have
." tierivet t frotti our nleasant association vritli you,
intellectuallyand social'', during the seven
years you have been with us. .Though you are '
about toleave us for new friends and new asso, OP0'.
,'• COO • US -. ' —14:50--!---L.
_. , elation% be assured you tako with youoter ear-.
•- ""Wet!#AWMAW"."..4%.4.14,4
Our formal opening was a locos& in every sense of the
rd, the crowds that thronged the show room Were unan-
ous in their expressions of approval. We are showing a '
larger stock, greater variety„ and more complete assortment
.-than has ever been shown lame, and styles are productions of
, those thown in the large centres of fashion. If you eguld-not
visit the show room on an)? of the tormat opening days come
any day, this week, you oil' be just as welcome now as then,
VI free to come and look around whether you wish to buy
•Or not.
nest -wishes for your-future--prosperity-and.„•
advancement and tnat our friendghip, so happily • •
begun in the.past, will continue into the future
where our paths 2naity CTOSS Again. In your ap-
pointmentv4n'oti:473\;),Ltednre'te,)411: (124.
late and to you. and it is our purpose, on th s
occasion, to eee that you are properly ettuippeci
with this emblem of a principal's InithontY,
which the pupils of .01intoii collegiaternstitute,
beg YOU to accept•as a slight token of
eir th s-
. early and affection. •-
.10:irliteetiaitbuta.iftlist PerieselgtirTlayeli
More Room For earpets. 1
We have been making some changes up -stairs that will
give us better atcomodation for carpets, there will be more
room and better facilitiedfor showing them, we have a larger
Ind better stock this spring than ever before, -it is easily the
.best in this section, and as for quality we",r'willing to have
you match values with any you will getanywhere. The new
goods are here and there is no better time to buy than now,
when the stock is at its best,
• Hemp Carpets, Me, 15e, q0e and 25e,
Mon Carpet, 25e, 85e, 45e and 50e.
Pure wool earpets,15e, 85e and 90e.
Tapestry Carpets, 2804 35e, 50e and Ms
Brussels Carpets, $1, $1.10 and $125.
ta). '
Ma all' nineteenbuuired aairN• tEIT 137;ITTOlf
• Bose liteamme ()Lis &vines
• Committee
aea great surprise to
plied feelingly an will not forget hie 41044
pleasant relations as teacher on th e
Clinton Collegiate staff, thankin th
, him but he re.
tinfoils for the honer conferred
,..44 -
. 4
........ vlomkoy ..... ,rit.o.tdvairk/v;0!tte.cOtow
. • .
• k • • • , . • • • • • • • •
.t.101t1 .
The avOraacp boy when at plattilinkS. he is diiir4 his duy„, w.,,,, h"ii.-li,e .:::a...,:.,,S
a manner that mother is in despair when she surveys his clothes. She ,.1.0,ngs . =it -
E on:his knees- slides down every fence rail. he strikes romps and plays in Snell
........ - ) ., . 1. , . • , .....
fr-'-- "Boys' Olothing'' . ' . . : 4. • . .
11.1". for a, east. iron garment, but the next --best . thing if; the"Lion Brand Of . 1 '
= ..... .: . _ . . . .
. They .make a boy look like a gentleman and feel like' . •'*87 ..4-kI.L.
, a suit to look right and the parent one that costs right`t
parent and boy our friend in everyway.' The boy *ants
a kink. , They , are selected a View -to make .both
. -,",,,214r,,,,ktfc:1..,):•„
',•,:i.(f1,..., ...)044.....
. , ,,, .
I r =
a ..
The combination is guaranteed at. this store. Come in
and 'see our Lion brand suits 'which we sell for $4 50 31
you will be surprised at Much goodness for. so little money. We carry a 3.
'big stook of the Lion brand clothing because we are the mutufacturers. • a
• . ‘ ;•
3 . \
upon him. He left on Thursday for
AlMopte 0 doninaence his duties !as
principal in the high- school • tlaeliCiT
Monday twit,'
—On Tuesday evening, April 8th, an
entertainment will be given under the
• auspires of the 'Guild of St; 'Paul's
church, in the town hall, The Guild
has been very fortunate in securing the
service of Miss E. Pauline Johnson', a
talented Canadian poetess, of •the
Mohawk tribe of Lillian% who willgive
At least one selection On the prograth in
her favorite :Indian costume. Mies
Johnson will be assisted by Mr Me.
Env, who is mentioned very highly; as
a humoriet and dialect story teller. He
Will present a rielectinn or two from Dr
Drummond's famous "Habitant"
etorirs.. The program. Will consist 111
Part ofeborteiocletyplaye an d sketches,
written speeially by Miss .1ohnElon fin her
beat andbrightest 'ems, and who will
onthat oecas 011010080nt the same pro-
gram with Which eho opened the season
In Ottawa, under the distinguished
patronage of their Exisellerielee, Lord
. and Lady Mirito, Mr W. McRaye has
first been the recipient of a most fiat-
teringletter from Dr, Drummond,
' 'the distingolehed Canadian author
. , of "Habitant') dialect verse., He
• 'makee a epecialty of Dr, Drurne
More new hats CAM° In this mood's work, reorient* the French -
they are the latest New Canadian characters in a roost delight-
ween,uf I manner. The gifted author hug.
York styles, nothing newer in merited his letter to the young artist
hats can be had, they are rifht latest work "Sohnnie Crepeau.'" Their
With It beautiful autograp.h copy of his
up.to-date in every point t at I audience in Ottawa Wita a most d'stin.
ooes t) make 4 •stylish fr., 1 guished one, many of the OabinetiMio.
*IA leers and their wives belocf present,
borne and see. them.
the Prime Minister and La y Laurier
occupying prominent chairs. As it le
• now many years- Able ;lifter..
writter and elocutionisT appeared in
Olinton we are sure that many will be
delighted at this opportunity and Will •
net•ord them an enthusiastic welcome,
Iteserved seat tickets may be obtained
at 3aekon Broe, store, where the plan
is now open, price 2c; general mind&
.en's Stiltb• to (et at .•••.- • . • .
Wholesale Prices. a a
'1The goods whieh we are pfferaing' at $1O -and $12, made to your awn order,
means a saving of -25 per cent in price to all good bu:kers. Being wholesale
Manufacturers, we 'buy our goods and trimmings,, less the Wholesale profit,
consequently no dealer can equal onr prices. We are booking a great Many
orders and now is tbe time to get a good election.
EACKS43413110130s=26* 'jos CLINTON