HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-04, Page 7SXHAUBPTIMBOIL.O. *Pig ▪ X4044 WWI*. the grastaa * Why do women continue to endure - nu' 140114 ettffering rimed by womanly diseases? •" The soli, after a few years' etiltiYae ' There are many answers to that ques. needi a renewal of humuaa-that . tog. SeMetlinee because they have ex. h =tea the ekill ot local Orkin. and remalit un- cured. At other allies it is because they shrinle hum enbrxiitting to ob- noxious examinee tions which local physicians deem necessary. And to sum it all tip, they endure suffering because they do not know that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription maltea weak wom- en strong and sick women well. _ "Favorite Pre- seriptionnestablishes regularity, dries dis- agreeable drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. V17 II IV" ? ,. deoomposed or decomposing yegee ble Matter. The original OUPPIY a*, usted, the once moist, haose. triable irew11 or the prairie becomett dry, bard, PY and Unresponsive to the tillere ., te. Such Retie are often pronounced humute-vegetable ghaunt-Ion of mat"urn out. And SO ffily are so far aa ter, -organic matter, -4a concerned, 'Out net In the inorganic °temente of Pelletal/le growth which are the most IIIXPeiThilrei to procure and the meet *Moult to replace Wen once really ex. ligueted. Many. a field bearing the ireputetion of being exhausted neede ▪ Only a new supply of humus to. make kali productive RA ever, and how best to Utilise for this purpoerthe organic. "Metes pf the farm is one of the im- Ipertant problems, not of the near fa, !Lure but Of the very Present time. ' Slip -shop. methods, based upon the reputed inexhaustibility of the Soil. , i..„,,, ,„..,....„ P1,.. has brought grief to many an energetA ra.;;;Wir,Vapre;;;;;IseaMee,77,74.aGfrfet: lo tiller of the twit who used brawn covers,' *writes firs. 3.3. achnetyer, of Pontiac merely or used It out of proportion iiiiii2oPetrag4 ated7owoarip.thk°kaysir i._ rir with brain. Blvery straw Wick burned, reeks in bed, then when I got nip tifounis eiila displacement.' Had such aches and pains in every crop of cornstalks raked and burned, every fork -full of manure al- . back ud limbs could not etand any length •flhtue. J knew that our hm oe doctor wage Ira . tI flrt thing on an exansinatio_ ,ri and tied 1 ot submit to, unless i was dangerously ck My ems had your book, 'Common sense I creme* arid i easeete from reading A r. recede' medicine would do me th ali the bouitdeetors-and go it trite boolckeeper and the cashier may, .ie. ten y my I we emptied at th forget, mai make mistakes, 'but nee. , 1011fteelvt . Ian: do a 1 1VY *Ambit:gen too e my 0 er preen. ti met I am on tura never. and she never neglects. to t et utak Att .:, a ettod of ma enter a debit nor fails to make a col- d tea ' y what is the matter with you , r ttingyoun a in.' i told he I had lection therefor ;and west is just as Ittles of r, ierces in sand younger, too.". true, she never forgets nor neglects to ta it t ii e would do likewise sbe would eet ten se bomedic, ars enter up a credit and to give the cred- e . Pierce'. Commoir Sense Medical A sitr paper covers is sent free on re - of ez one -cent stamps to pay ex - Se of enetcims and mailing °trey. Ad. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, 1.1..Y. Val elements of fertility that are tne. - A Fashionable Sham. • . ing.removed from the soil with everyi i SHORT time eater Um*. Sybil prop is a problem that the successful L1 Sanderson's nest debut ia New tanner la the future must solve. ....eYork, when the PaPere Were e. ringing alth praiser of het .. aroseratog Fame 1,,,,b. , - _ jewels, her beauty and her votes, *be h tg,f honor at a. Antler- • lowed to go to waste, is just e� muon on the wrong side of nature's !Ogee .aocount against the improvidence, un. thrifty and unwise Where of the. soil. Mor the benefit thereat. It Is the safeet savings bank in the world and the only one that never defaults. Hoes ,best to secure these creditsat na.• tures bank -that is, h'ow best to Mi. lise thepe waetes in replacing amen- CLINTOZI NEW MA Mr William Drought died suddenly at Affee Craig. • Mrs Cecile de Maysh died at Kings- ton, aged 102 yeare. The Most Rev Charles E. Eyre. Bo- man Catholic Archbishop of Scotland, IS dead. Wiihin a MOnth aver KM troops will he sent from England to South Africa, Miller's Grip Powder] Cure, soli by all druggisto; Clinton. it is proposed to erect an arch made from western Canadian grain near Westutinater Abbey for the corona- tion. The shareholders of the C. P. R, held a epecial meeting at Montreal to authorize the home of $19,500,000 new . W. S. Thornton, Stratford, a pro- .. ylgOr ous Wornanhoott roluent business man, clied suddenly. • A son of Geo. Thlrodale. Perth, fell Abide Perfect bY Dr. Meager Nev-re into a well and was killed. Pood-t oemmort serum Treat- usup Gaiamcn,the Galician wite.mur. untencitaiNnythei:bloProz Exas. ct'What derer, was sentenced at Winnipeg to hang 4nl. May 27. , The happiness ot every horne depend, • Very largely on the health ot the we The ROW correspondent of Thi lnd rnotber. If she is nervous, peeve - Daily Chronicle ears tile Vatican ba o and Irritable, wcloarrificIfei anti n byttirrnwle eIlittr.s confidential news of a premeditated " 3ares of every y Fenian rising in Ireland. .)y pains and Irregularities that 1.11 ture to accompany a rundown sy.aeu A British warship claims to have in- ,;)1.trerhouestranbdeno happiness in the hom tercepted a number of private Mat. and children. conigrame passing between mail ' Too roany women are victims of ner• ,ous exhaustion, and do not know It eteamere and t he shore, 0 'hey suffer from indigestion arta dye. The Govei nnaent steamer Aberbeen, wpeta, nervous headttehe and eleee ' which was sent to Sable Island to search for the missing fluronian, has returned to Halifax Yvithout waging any discoveriee. stock. - Marconi hopes to have his wireless Legielation will probably be intro- system, working in time to send a con- duced at the present session to give gratuiatory message from Canada to the 'Yukon representation in the England on coronation day. House of °ominous. .• The funeral of John Solan 01 JTren- You'll thinh I look Flo much better • yes, ton. INT. ., was delayed three hours and I feel better -Miller's Compound Iron Pills tua it. sold by all druggists,Olinton. The body of William Green, ayoung man who wandered away during an illness last winter, has been found in Collingwood Bay. David Humphrey, wanted on a charge of highway robbery in °Wept, was. shot in the leg while running away from the constables, and then surrendered, All liver and stomach troubles cured by Miller's Granules. soia by all druggists, Clinton. . • Dr F. T. Addyman of St George's flospital, London, says he_hqa.,conl. plated the cure of a bad casef cancer in a, woman by the action „of X-rays upo 0 the disease. It is feared that the sending of .2,080 mounted men of South Africa and of MO men to 'the coronation may inter- fere with the holding of the regular summer camps of instruction. • No Wenn medicine aets so nicely as Mil- ler's Worm Powders'no physic required. Sold by all draggists, Winton. . • Brakeman Shipworth was killed at Moose Jaw while coupling cars. • Four new cases of smallpox are re- • ported from the neighborhood of Well; • burn, in Nissoin . The beet preservative for posts is al party, at which her hostess remarked:-Ti?vin Ayeras, well.to•do farmer of antiseptic solution that Will destroy, "These jewels that you wore la Moulton• Township, committed suicide the fungus germs that attack the dead 'Marton,' Miss Sanderson, are the most by cutting his throat. f er and wilt until walking delegates secured the drivers. discharge of three noneunion cab y and certainly reconstructs and re- italizes the weakened and debilitated .. lervous system, cures nervous head- Oballea B. Reynolds, night clerk of -hes and dyspepela, and permanentla larrreolmaialltlen; the Queen'a Rotel at Winnipeg, fell vor co naretenSxv.eaalltinedsesa dealers, from a le.dder.a.nd struck his need on I 1 ets txtes & Co., Toronto. the radiatm, causing almost instant • death, Mr Frank P. Sargent, chief of the ; Brpthei hood of Locomotive Firernen, hag been offered the position of United States Commissioner of Immigration in stmceesioo to Mr Powderly, An unfortunate affair occurred at Stratford, when Rey Father Walsh, • essnese, and drag themselves oboe* he house feeling languidend tired out cou can beihealthy and vigorous am follow the advice of Dr. Chase, the; 'arnoue Receipt Book author. Ur vould not deceive you, and his treat. :lent never disappoints. Dr. Chaste's) 'Serve Food is ititended for just suca •ases as are here described. By supply - ng to the thin, watery blood and wash )1:bawled nerves the -very materials oc- vhieh nature constructs new nerve, .elle and new bodily tissue it gradual - Rural School Board. iil up-to-date teachers tell etradae, aortas of 'their oonver- eatiorks with school trustees). re- garding aome of the etudiee that who has been in poor health for some have been added to "the three ' tiros and whose mind is said ..to be Rer In (reentry whoa% In "Max Ad - affected, met a couple of young ladies ler'e" new novel, "Captain Blukt," -in the street after night, ordered them pears the fonowing passage, Whieh wili home, and struck' them with his cane. remInd many teachers of something • THE sYsTEIN ..r eluituld ectid Ddreetor Robin - antler • CATARRH POISONS . • eon, "to ask whet is this metric eyetein Lowers health Ana vitality, deetroys die Boa soma oa the children( Inane gestton anti makes the VietiM feel like thirjt - ty centre Foolish, nay orimnal to have tn,. Catarrh and suffer its evil isonsequenoes Amolained the metric since Oatarrhozone so quickly and .pleite- ".""Norb• ing to 430 vain), 'hymns, with long antly enrol% at is medicine ca• rried to metre and short metre and hallelujah the lunge, throat and nasal passages,by tbe metres?" &eked Direotor Robinson, who air you breathe. We as absolute rn its power of oaring as it is scientific in iti na"g in the BaPtint °nail** ThaDiedPrucnidlratssaill 'trot tacit011Itir.;" en- gmi settahowliol fietfleystomn etnhts.t nToothnindgooetqour •qfulred Mr. Matlack, "that the 'system catarrh and other throat and lung diseases.ais it for ' oomo from seroacee.,_ •All dealers, 25o and $1. ilrea," responded the principal• . "There's another Queer move," eald Metiers C. R. Roemer and F. W. • ...xe--yaluable-in-thiarespec _,T,Iie' Lot- "Giced_heaveRsi" oried Miss gander- IF YOU SUFFER PAIN DO NOT WAIT t. • Thomp. on h. va purchased the - bus!. , - D W • . al' Itg of posts at the surface is hasten- eon, "yon didn't think that tbey were it moment, go to the nearest drug gtore ate -nese -of -the- W. Ogilvis Milling ,..,...'”Fzeen_etart in 'with an Italian poet, ed much by alternate wetting and dry., .real. did you? Those are only stage wee tattle of Nerviline. Five times strong- 0 p y the price. being between- Lown'If aira-tha. ' elf-aarea --fereh- a AMC' "It" - ' Ing, which is highly fastorable to the. jewels. If they had been. real, a would:. er than any . other -it penetrates- to the • • , a a , • , , three4t3rtildtfourenailtion dollars. . understand, and aftete a while I reckon ' . French eastern oath nalhes nobody can growth 'cif bacteiii.of decay : 'Charring' deserve a11 that tbs American, papers. - rernoteetfibres--soothe the irritated snerves - • • ManitobaprontintiOntsts; m cenvenr, you'll be flying the British flag in the the end of a post or the application Of and carriee'with it almooti ilastantanitons re- tion decided to cease ail organized' ef- ' feat Yard trier staging 'God Save the have said about ma" . . ' a coat of Oil, will keep away moisture, lief; Good for pain on the outside and ' it fort to influence 'the vote on -tha. roe Queen.' There's 'a good deal too meek*- . . The New Stork 'Sue declares that and consequently. decay, for aa while. • faablanalnle • women are at • present • possible even better for internal agonies,' ferendum on, April 2. . • ' 'foreign influende. This country'e ems, . cleverly made, and perfectly set -in Nerviline ie sold under guarantees. ff you • .. .., . • enough ter me: I'm • an American end wearing quantitle.s of false jewels ;We advise Soaking Oasts in a ablution, ' A, TRVE NERVE TONIO : this is an American Bele:ea I say fly Of sulphate of copper and. next in a- gold in simulation of the reel article are nos benefitted your • money obeerfally ' . , One of the pictures of the Dodhess cif back. Drieggiste and ;medicine dealers sell Aots not Bo mach upon t.he nerver) their. the Amerloan flag ane. sing American _ it •everywhere• • • • • selves, as upon the digestive futiotionsa and :songs and have American systems and strong salt brine Locest will .outlast 0 • . ' " • To:: abundant Ifteernmetatbion of ri. h ' red blood ' our own Zeireigners out We can rue. chestnut as posts. . . Manchester which *ea printed in the • •• - • • In building wooden fences we follow' newepapera showed her wearing a A content has been. let for Lord e fed .eon i medioine: r eas .. . , eTah eeaynn ciarstive Bie nerves fed and strengthenedbydigeat- • a buet nof Genuersi Walh 116°11'.t You ge't gtonr second -growth chestnut If . possible. •"the. famous Manchester pearls." This residential huilding in Winnipeg.. milated food. Ferrozone's mar. Director Fergireon asked 11 he inigla ' these rules: Cut timber in Aogust, pearl necklace whIch _was said to be Strathcona for the erection of a large lk ht haat Cut no small poste. Allow timber to claim ryes latocaed in the head only the john Barber, an aged resident of yellons action ariees from its powers over be permitted to interrogate the prInci season before !marling fence. . Take olif other day when a New York. firm of South London, was stricken With par- the digeetiye and assimilative functions, of pal, And . having , obtained. pernilsbion • ti '' bark: Tamp back in the Post hole manufacturers of Imitation jewels be elysis and died Within an hour, ' the 1 ,dy. You take it, the blood grows ; he eased: - • , - • all the earth thrown ' eut."-Wm. A. gan a suit against the duke for some- . ' . : . . . riehee, redder You feel etre?, and "Don't rat Val* we are teeing jest a : . Cassell. • HOW S TRIS? Ago_ ,r digestion ceases to be rotice for'ii too fast " • 4 • VerY necklace for which ale grace' had has become good. Work ia easier for yon "la Weiet aartieulier?" enquired Car - . thing like shc huodied 'dollars for this) ' We offer One Hundred *Donal% Reward • • • •••hove the strengthair ao it. In a abort titne s ; nutsiton Done.• n for oily oase.of ()Merril that oennot he cur. • the last few seasoire," ds aye easeistotaerh aure,•you have heeltb. Use Ferrozone, Prime "Well, in putting in this metric sYk There are thousands Of2tberWiSe Wcit "that this vogue of • artificial jewelry 50o Bold by Oombe'spru tem net at this time, for example.' a:fatted to 'Sea. .'‘rt Am ht s -t---" -- - fterea.oVer ft.is Cur.'. , ..t Ps q)..t.cOnle fixtd.- . ' ,_ The p ' lOn gg .. _ "i hltil ankself," interpose& the Ir*, me, . A 6.k..,,,eu .arras scattered . . ; J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O. : 44 .. • ".Ntry on which little •or no ema .i1 es genelne pear s, fer insetatice, is goo- li tilt -,d-•-• ---- -i - -- • W the andeesignek have known F. J. . sident, "that the movement is mac . ban be found growing. . Not er,.. a. able Only to the very few, far neck- Cheney' for the laet 15 yeare,and belivehim Lord .n.t'itchener has folloWea rielarey g 311 size strawberry' patch. The t ;a- laces of well -metaled pearla iira (+iamb • f perfectly honorable in all brieinesi train:sic- closely since the. reverse of Lord Meth- uen's forcerana reports the capture of what Peamature." . "Aed then," continued Director fier- . tea' a ill admit that he and his faaaly sanall and even lerge fortunes. Many tions and fine:aria/1y ablif to carry ont any Over 100,prisoners, flee guns; and a lot gusbn, : ... sling with. algebra and nearly cryir a oI found my boy last night raeo perfectly matched aeries . obligations made by their firm. ' -, of auppat4a ell 'vent them' but he eseetteee ataass12. _ aaea the most f • .1 . mane it. ' 1 Mid bins 0 drop it, and as . ty ca3 Lig lid can kly tiv.,:zi chzallar Yt , . _ _,. ..__.: ledo. 0- ,• „,„ West (it Tuni,x, Wholtsale Druggists, '4 '. Ile e3.11 raise tliem. But WC '.....'..'s ' ...Ian iatien, whiled others, are heirlooms Wkal •Hi ,,ALDINGi Er . . • .1 NNAN OG III ARVIN 'Wholesale the case of A. T. Petrick, a New York The jery found a verdict o gin ty in have at 'dropped in. the school If 1 ter theh I 1 er kn wed. o elect rs. so oo , , never . o n a ; - Wave taken ars in their eceuniu- ' • varca tile time cothes not veay tea. aa n from one genereeion to gi , Toledo 0, yert charge with e d at th .niurder of another Iii the royal families of '12- Htluteg-CeLta rb Cure is taken iniernally, g, .51. Rice. iv:Texas millionaire. .T.he and 'Ii. be satiated ia my boy , meat ' rope. .When -tile :pearl neeklace be- altinaglciirelletlyr upon the blood end mucous Out as well as I did .• . C: it will. be .bought, Someialues %al • c 'ene op to prevent it and tha ter a a .. 'came so' tashionruble In Ai:ruttiest: there trial began JanimaY, 20, • • • • •.... :rhe principal attempted briefly to In-. battle: ' Said by all Droagists: Testimens SOMETHING Al3aU AITH C•ERES. : .dicate the nature and purposes of al gebra. . ' - - was as demand for them Gal ceititti net .. purfesses a .the system. . Price 75o. r F 1 Iii dr) without. Itaspbetries, rasseas; . tc ;ries, blackberries and other. as- el supplied, and now nine -tenths a eas stets. , • • the beautiful ropes that are worn are Hales Family pills are tare -best; - •atitiat a great varietteof fajta camel) there. "That's, all very well, Mr. Brown,'', litoe excuse taaatateancerlasagessasasaasea as. mast lee. Some have faith in co-oalled said Direatar ,Ferguson. "It's s•,..ni heir exCept the-reirter-who 1.140vLS (Halatillgalahable- from the .real except • , youngshild a.l1/41rs Chriettientift 01 Aivine-healets, (Ahem in certain dootore business of 'coarse to care foa suet -tr• -07 t1 1.- „. 1st t eel the ' aisn Maori) id the medioides they use:- lainges • but we're asepraotical people, a • its' ere easily grown 'and allie f- • ••• ai nuttily. Many ot tais latter eases :;ii' under a glass and to the eye of an Dunnville was c g • get erliall fruit if their 'will .trY, hy expert. • They are perfect In 'shape, table andlhe elata of a windove arid '.0very-person who litz tatted DraChase with no non,sense aboutua Piggers Ir aniface tiro* gaies the -pearl its beauty. ens, .31/Iuslins, Undervear, IlOse, Men'i Boys.' Top 'Shirts, . far some large fruit groweraola _ ftnish, color; and the wonaerful satiny . strangled to death. ' Eidney•Liver Pills has faith in .theM; ablis figgerina and letters Is foraetterina • thc, vitinity on shares. If there is Uo faitli. or faith they euro just the aeme, I Thera's' ne meta. ot.• to Auer with The diamond imitations' are only • An official bulletin., on the cholera for they sot directly and specidcellfbn the.t. letters.while there's •plirity of flgg_erei averaili hrjaziat , Gif YEW (Atari Tiai- etc. - they - si-imn fruit on the farm, better arratioe • • • at Mecca, arid Medina admitathat 1,1S10' , April 4th, 1902 00 tf More 68 some tom* was. Ohs ifislfroffigt4 so 1.411P loads ore. more than coronote-.4murnkut• HELP NEEDED TO runxisu 11E6 11E11 REE GOTISUIVIPTIVE 110SPITIlit , MUSKOKA. The.Only Pree Consumptive Hospital In America. CANADIANS EVERYWHERE INTERESTED -no New Free Oonsumptive Hospital, built wtcler the • auspices of the ,National Sanitariutn Association, will • be ready -so soon as the money to equip and furnish .,ecured-to receive 50 patients absolutely toithout charge. -Over 300 out of 600 patients admitted to' the Muskoka • Cottage Sanatorium.- the property of the National Sanitarium Association --have returned home either • cured or greatly improved. -The Free Consumptive Hospital is situated in the same delightfullY healthficl locality, bringing the same ad- vantages to 'the poorer patients as to the rich: •4 • • p • 11 • PINOT FREE HOSIDIYAL FOR CONSUMPTIVE* IN AMER. ICA • Ow gift :of P.P. Gage, Esq., and the Executors 'Hart .d. Efassey Estat • ....TNek of the sorrow and satiring the NW Free Consunip... tive Hospital Will alleviate and indeed entirely remove. - you not send a dollar -or $2.00, $3.00, $5.00, $10.00 - or More, for this Most pressing of all charities? -The vietims of the 'White Plague are found all over Canada. $50 Wilja F ZNISH ABED. CoNstatapriors lett EE:SENT . , . Silt W. Ht., Chief Justice VoleePees. Sat. han..AssoomeTgereaMe. • • •• W. J. GAGE.Chairmati Ex. Cont4 Toroot,O. NATIONAL itirsT CO. Limited, Treasurer, . • .- Torsoti. ead • .; Irecause you may GAIN by it. We had our say- about Shoes and many came for them but there are lots left yet You come. Now we *will tell you about, Dry Goods; our - New Goods are something very good. See our Dress Goods. ' Waists Sateens Prints Cottons, Towellin s, Flanneler )s, Lin- • • ,,,which-taost noccossluity egtee_ehe_Lert ----ect-irethatwo cities - organs ealth , active and vigorous. Judg• "You, see"-begari the prIncipal. will bear closest inspection. ,We hwe'solo. Bey of the. • to set lame out deaths from that disease have Oceurr- kidneys liver and bowele, and makes these figger with. Now is there?" effective at night, for this stone Is one • • ug-to.foate Mover Ideas. • : • an expert for -its' detection, while any ' Least Opinion is strong in fever of Perla': new .dresses already bad they are going fa4. 1)0 uot . • of imitation. A eounterfeit pearl takers • ing.from_the eno moue demand' for these "I. don't care to argue about it," gala A recent issue of the Practical Vete one at all. -accustomed to handling Balsam). It mires emighe.aed made with pills there must °Wets Of people-thathera la--Fergunonaantereaptlag_:hla Isasaaa t e /73.ei1s 'sfeW. Sena. an'a Make subetract slur was made a "clevert special"' and monde can readily discover the Watt).- absolute certainty, Pleasant to take and faith in theirs, - p 4i from like my boy was tryin' to • Terms dash or prodwerat highest market prico, Now !Is Ydar-0 1 I • 511 .1 letters from clover couvcata ?Lion stone. The Parie,makerh are send sure to cure. Maenfaatrard by the „pro- • do last night, than you, can Sulsitraa • 's • • maims of Perry Davis' Pain -Biller. the dinner -bell from the poker It ain't Emporium, Londesboro R AD March 18th, 1902. • - from all parts of the country, II sra Mg to this country•new•some ry In the ruiteisre of things.' • is the cream of their .Writings: • clever products' in this line, At. settings Sir Williem Macdonald has placed Dinner at a Hundred !Sollars a The prin.-Opal did not rerilSa • . Plate. • eNaa of the. moat .reararkabto din/atone. in the histrity, of d id noxious weeds- being artibtio, and the stones taw and $126 000 to the creditZof the :Rural the best seed is invariably cheapest in Schonl Build in the Bank .of Montreal closely *et. These are extremely effee- . e end Carbonate and sulphate of lithe et- "PrurP"en.""r'Ina43'-nnteennds'"°' 41." : "builffirigs in co`fineatIbif '*itliothe-,Onw couraged the growth --OT clover, but rest 'weenie These imitatioes are not' tario Agricultural Callege at Guelph. famous tor their so-oailed diamond col - to so greatinextent ae phospboric cheap. On the contrary, they are con- EXPERIENCED CORNS, AND WARTS acid and 'potaea-aittogen. premed de. straitly advanaing in price. Per hair s Your uneatiefacaory ekperienee . with leterious. ' ornaments the imitation stones are in. other preparations ehould not influence you If soWn tOgether thnothy will prowl/ much demand. There are some who • against "Putnamaaa It was the Ara, the gut cloyed the second Year. Bay that they many muenster' the best, the only painleal Corn cure. Give it Clover Mit early makes excelleet ens genuine alantona under the electric a trial. A corn treated with other remedies I light. But they are impossible for vrottlana do so again if it could help it. North of Philadelphia Crimson clov. wear in the dayalght, and by no meant; Give vier Cern a chance. Druggists Nyho tolege. er will seldom winter, and shoiatt , sell only the beet always sell Putnens's appaciach the degree of perfection to whir% the pearl eounterfeit has Item gainlees Corn Extractor, not be sown later than july so it eau • troueht." ' make a good fall growth. . • - • .. - . iThe late - rigor relacicie, who Watt • Alfalfa is of little value to the north. _• familiar -to everyone in the streets of . Its Sphere is ilk , Mr Simon Snider4 a prominent Masi- 'Edinburgh, had long, venerable, ,white ern or eaatern States. the deep dry irrigated lands ' of the nese man of Waterloo,- and first Plea- ecnIthweet. ' tient of the Canada Furniture Menu - The most common metes of faibtre facturers' Association, died. suddenly. _ -tive at night, and are 'Worn for `E!!'nfle 10e. the erection end furnithing of -the On Indiena: ) 1st. Neglecting to thor. The Imperial authorities have asked oughly prepare the land. 2d. Sowing fnr aneither mounted foeee of 2,0t'll men too late on grate crops., ard. Sowing f ttn 01, ada, , • • too early on bare ground, 4th. Al. ..-_• .--- lowing the.weeds to smother the clove iro • er. 5th. Pasturing too closely. atit, *• .,---..... ao'vtina trio little seed. , The nominal Value of a toe: of elcreee y is $5.00, and les feeding value is Your " times that of thhothy, o es .. morricsas was given in New ater I' ;a "Les .ktioWed Ile seas' the teacher . '•. . , • . lately. by Mr. George Hey& Po.. tried tb make him Say knew." • . . ., .. . . „ • "My- bay -also says," _continued Me. Ferguson, "that his teadher won't s.ilow. . -11-m .to say knovved. Why not?". • Redtitttairtir aseasaarroareda"astealiedssatire s PrhatiPtaa amweafewaseur • • • tt •••., • laes thenleasure of entertaining alms enestas "Of oofirse," said the principel. frona.fifteen minutes paet seven o'oleolt l'Braow, kfiew. •That's right; there la niall hall past ten o'clock, Mr.' HeY'e ' no such word as knowed.". tranisformed the Red Room. of 9410.0.61- I "I guess there ie," • answered -Director co's into a Miniature bovrer II..a pima Fergusen, with a scornful laugh. • • forest, art- spread befOre, there fal , et guess so, too," • echoed Mr. Mat - past whic cost abOtiVone hundred ' lack "and Ws a •good deal bebter saY Here a great chance to secure a first class beget* at a big rednotiOa. Not_ Moo .Buggies for 168 I $76 •Bu Mica far t65.- 165 Buggies for 060 • Remetaber these are dam own, roeke, which places nei in -a position to guarantee them, as we do not buy any material but what is first clam . dollen tor each of the ten coverts laid. ' enoived than to be putting Dant ;Repairing promptly attended to by experienced Men., Hundreds of pine -boughs had been aDarite) tia on the elielf arid bringing RITABILL • Huron St•reet brought from the woodfs, and these the ehildrepai minds under Eeurepean were so adjusted -upon the walla eon- Influences. 9• Ing and floOr of the apartment as to a • alCnowed is. not good langlisha! eald completely eons:eat their original char- ehst principal* , , locks. /He was one day e.ecoeted by a apter., wires were stretched "Maybe not," said Mr. Matlack, abut very 'tarty little.. bootblack, -With his **Clean your. boots, arse The Professor through them and connected with hun- It's good Amerioan. and that's the best • was Impressed by. •the grime. on the dreds of small incandescent electric • there ds." • light globe)), which peeped out from the "You naolVed," &skeet Mr. Verge - boy's fade. "X don't want my "boobs eeaa if you'll green boughs on walls and ceiling. son; "and rowed,- and filkOW, showed• cleaned, my lad," said he, go and melee your face I'll give you Bach globe was shaped like an °rebid,. and stow, stowed, and glow, glowed, pence." "A' richt, sir!" was the boy's and shone With a pale-greeh light that don't you?" . reply. Then he went over to a neigh- lent reality to the semblance of the eyesa) boilers Y011atalll and fulfilled 1110 Part rare, avoedleted flower. Over the crash "Verse {bent YOU say • know, of the bargain. When he returned ha that covered the doer had been strewn knowed, and greets spewed, and hoe) 'held out his nand for the Money. "Well, aine-boughs, tangles of thick wood. hoed." my lad," aald The Professor, "you. • land Moss, and bushels of.' autumn And Director Ferguson tipped back earned Your sixpence. Here) it .is." at leaves in all their rich tines of scarlet, bis chair and looked around him like yellow and gray. A round table, eight waft who !has just Won rt greet viotary. feet in diameter, Made or unfinished oak, rose fermi the litter Of MOS8 and leave)), and Its Otout legs Were 'con'a Lopic FOR YOUlt_TRLDE,. pletety eovered with green and gray • Setvitig the publio with °are, attention knees, flanged around the table were hone* goods arel..,..love prices, has given tut 'the ten &airs, each of which, especial,. & bign position amongst the droggists of ly built foe this Oe.rAelOn, was made ef datieda. We look for your trade, and black blroh-boughe, farshioned In Var- Will IMO every endeavor to ineke yott regular °retainer. Oar enpplies of pure Drage, Medioineel, Toilet Preparations, fertemes, lintehes, Combo, SpOngee; Eta; will; filtered you. • Penni& Ceeealt COMPOMM. We are fully prepared toVil your ordere for this 'popular disettee.;banlehing Med. KnoWingite powers and Arnim, we strongly reeommend it as a blared purifle,e nerve bracer and doh builder. Painea Celery Compound is he iteW re. May it hoe been tested and etleeesefully used in all parte of Canada by tette Of thousands, and has never failed. P ism Jaz, DraTtgisk; ()Witt% oat • Clover is the "staff of life" to land dinna want it," rePlIed the boy. With [When 'man robs the sell of fertility, Back Ach6•? and get your hair cut." a self-important, air. "Ye oan keep it •glover, PIM it, • The =tient of plant-f00d found itt • • • It is scarcely credible that so ration' rj,, servant and so good a courtier as le crop of clover, analyzed by the I' 13. ON aches and poins,ls Miff and sore, texperinient Stationti for /our yeare, liltr60•4 • ib • lb re; • • • !L • ..its 11)0• phoaphorio Add .6 .. .. 86 11364. • .1ter acre each: year. tit fa that Ona.half MU viatrogen la takeir 0003. the atmOsphere. Land platter 'seems to be of pr -the Backache • tiler benefit to driver sixty PotVIC.' per sere /sown broadetteL on young. clover•• win bring a lUiturant, crop where ended 3/ Kidn-Ath. origami bet a Sickly growth would Va. Mae • Pottiah . l,. TI.,,., Browii Of Balnebral could ever so that you Min hardly get round to deliberately have kept 'hie soeereign do your work; if Yon"re so bed waiting, but the London "Vatier" re. you've had to go to bed, just take lates an anecdote which showe that he had a very human side. Brorn was led rustic designs and with the bark Dr. lite er's• he had a fine salneon on his hook,. there a e wale, very fond of fiehing, and one day, when n on the sonalcioect, The cgilitt eno,fhttle und of • • ' 1 • lIr Charles .Iolly, residing Oh the mountain brow near Hatnilton, 'fired a gun at it parly ot young men who wore, annoying him by their noise._ Two of the young men were -wounded, one in the fttee. 10 euro Cold hi one Day Take taXatitt Orono Quinine Tablet!! Ail droggient refund the money if it lane -to mire, H. WI. Grovese Mgt:Mare la on mob hos. 150 Ica Tablets. came a message dread the Witte eon fern, moss ancl oak.leavea in their au.* Deesid d ht e ee %W', --------------- Queen tumnal Mita. Twenty or thirty electrie Queen Victoria was going for her atter_ glohee, 1110 thotto peeping front the noon dr1Ve, and it was Brown's duty to `walla were arranged among the fermi attend her, as he always did, sitting in and Messer) In the center of the tablas the rumble of the oerriage. "Tell Iler and in front of each cover was a clues ritajeaty that .ril he euiekly," heeaut, ter of thirty of the rarest of natur Bet elet palmon wasetroell004.61 gatop„sq:Oldl _that tp9 hothousee not be landed at one. Anothei an NOW 'York aettlia supipIY1 TherO i! more nevelt messes* roe:Owed hint. 416 tither illumliiittion 0014 toe% MAO "Tell leer Majesty that I have a nal. that furniehed by thi'gtift &bell el t aye1. t a few min. the strain eleetrie lighte, end the offaet The new Scientific remedy, pre' uted," kill the ealmOn held out, and a Was like thIli Of tWilitht in a pine pored by the eminent Wendy thirdand imperative tommand arrived. forest. The natne.oards for eadi admit br. Zina Pitcher. these Tablets "Tell ner MitieetY," shouted Drown, Were painted on oe.k-leavele era tiet "that We not poseible for Tee to 'i trieditlb on, lietteres of whil hitch -bar cure promptly find pore', (men& die wathool the minnow,. Nee die iste Bet abeot ten hy seven ilichihi a ea* 00 d worst kinds lof bed basks and oli whether the QUeert kneW enough Of wines Were all of tbo rar°6t -' -- raimoot *The Allen Liner Peti'Buglishelatt et Meliitex torms of kldneye'trogble. fishing and fishermen to aplYreolitit thet eXpenolte vintageli. and trleh farm leberere to aetile in the Wail, Tun Da. Zrea. Preartrat CO., TOrOntot WOO, • . fronl .1.4erpOolbate; 400 cinoutristala Prieti Mo. it box, at altdrugglatere tyy treei WA 1O14. • 11 ;rought • - • P! Clink it Your Hair is Failing Out USE COKE Vultu" Don't *ait to see how it affects others. :You • are very likely losing your hair every da -Dand- ruff Is forming in clusters.and your scalpbeconi. lug more and more diseased.. USE IT NOW. IT SAVES THE HAIR Sold 131 We Guarantee that no matter how severe your "dandruff » or how'iong-standing, or what rem- edies have failed, if you follow directions 001tE Dandruff Cure will pernutnently cute Or motley will be refilnded. A.fl DEEMER 00., Limited, Tottneto anti Prevents BALD- NESS oho . it Bottle