HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-04, Page 5The 331ack Cat* Ar 'Glorious. Big Bargain Event Comnieneing February 18th and endipg March 1st A royal time for those who need or who will need clothing. Men's Suits, Boys' Suits, Men's Overcoats, Boys' 01,703r0OftfOr Mees Pants, Boys' Pants, Our Whole Clothing Stock will be offered at a special discount ot 20 per cent The object of this sale is to sell out this season's clothing before our new goods arrive. We never carry one teasen's goods into the next season. All goods charged during this sale will be charged at regular prices. Positively no goods charged at sale prices Our goods are marked in plain figures— deduct 20 per cent and that will be the selling price for cash only during the sale. Men's Suits. Men's 5,00 suits now 4.00 Dien's. 6 00 " 44. .4 4 80 Men's' 8 00 " ". 0........ .. . 40 IVIen's 10 00 " '44• • Men's 12 00 " 9 -6,0 • Boys' Suits'0 120 Boys' 1.50 suits now Boys' 2 00 " " .-... • f •..... . .1 60 Boys' 250.44 . it .. • 2 09 Boys' 300 1$ id• •••6* • . a. a a r .. s4 2 40 Boys' .400 Ct. t t • • • ... • .. • . • • .• • 320 Boys' 5 00 It It• •••••••••••••••• 4 00 Boys' odd pants • • • • .• .! • .. ... . •• 49 • Men's Overcoats Men's 5® Overcoats now 4 00.. . Men's 0,6 00 " " ........ 4 80 Men'sr8 00 : " 6 40 , Men's 1O10-0 1 4 • , 44 • • • • • • • • . • S 0 0 - Men's 12 00 . " " 9 80 BOYS' OVERCOATS and Pea Jackets reduced in same propertion. ' All fur goods at absolute cost—Fur ,Caps, Coats; CollarsT.Gloves, Mitts and Heavy Underclothing. Thos. Jackson, Sr., victoria Block, CLINTON. NOVYAM MMMMMMWA ,i:lyuppf;potatatapwpOops4-4-oriddroriqdri*rorororsr*Otrikirtint 1 Good Blood -1.000d: iaa..1th. l COMPOUND EKTRAOT OF SARSAPARILL& has bad the t long otmtinned approVal of physicians as a blood' purifier. .. • r ' Our own make is a stronger Extract and contains afore iodides than : the patentpreparatione, , . As a blood purifier and spring medicine:it is eta of the beet. • 100 doSee $1,00,3*bott1ea: for $2.50,eatisfaction guaranteed or money .. refunded. • . • ' ,. • el E. HOVEY 1 e. ' TEE CLUNITOIt NEW Eitik The 31316,c1c Cats COinima and 0000. 04 'aro", oaurth monies . CLINTON MARKETS- W 100100.4100401141000 Andrew Forreeter is honie'frem Toronte.' ONTARIO ISTR-EZ-; (111UROIX.--The Oai rooted every Thuredsy afternoon ea Thtireda Ap118rd. 1902 on buoinees. t pastor for two weeko closed on Faii Wheat 0 73. a 0' 78 C 11111,011 services which were held hy • J. Tttylor was in Toronto on Thuredey Brew last FlidiaT night....Tne regular SPrin8 " 0 78 a 0 78 Mieeiiu 11020 1110 14011 l'iaiting Icien4a noonthi teliows rneetin next ORO • • •• 4. 4'4 • • • • 40 0 89 ° 40 April 4th, 1902 444 in Stonley recently, Y p K Snnday inorning....Briglat and In- RID• 4. *c.• 0 40 0 48 Mies F.MocLennan has gone on a month spirintr Easter eervices were held • le.st KarleY 0 48 e 0 00 visit to Wen& in Ludlow. SundaY. the paetor preaching sultabla WW1+. wE • .... 0* 66 a 0 75 Itre Roberton, of Stretford, wits leadership of D. J, Dibbings gave KaY • . .... • • • • •• 8 88 tt 88 eertnotte and the choir under the able Flour per owt 2 16 a 2 15 visiting here on Wednesday., beautiful and welt rendered anthems. Sheepsluno 0 26 a 0 50 Alive May Bell io the gueet' of her sister, Mre U. 0, Bell, of Wingham. The chinch. was decorated with flowers, No5 1 Green trim.hidee 5 00 a 5 30 , ...The anniversary of the Sunday • WOOd eltOrt . • 2 25 A 2 50 lifra Wm. Molffath, of Dungannon, is the school will be held on Sunday, April Chiokene, per pair .... 0 20 a 0 40 guest of her eon, Jos. 3lehlath. ' 20tb. .'.The Learrue did not meet la,st Duck% Pair • .... . ,. • 0 40 5 060 Mirle A In* 1401)0oolcit of Goderieb,Turkeys, perlb 0 06 'a 0 08 •5 00 p 6 00 Nontiay evening. Geese, per lb 0 05 a 0 06 spent Easter here with inertia, Sr loeliInftlia (..1furnot1.---Service wad pork, isve W. Cook and W. Ilowattlof Exeter, he/4 by Father McMenamin on Thurs- pork( armed 8 00 a 8 00 , day of last week at 0 30 a.m. 0047 80 p, Butter, loose pr tub 0 16 a 0 16 were visitors here for Sunday. tn., and on Good Friday also, theeye- Eggs per doz . 10 a 0 11 MreRoes was visiting her daughter, Afro ing discourse being on "Paosion"...the potatoes, per bush5.. t) 80 a 0 20 W ni Berry , in Stanley, loot week. services. on Easter Sunday were of a Dried APplee per 11;.. 0 05 a Q 05 Mro T. relethe choir was excellent and inrpiringLly, Stock $1411(412* vet y beautiful character; the mUeic by . Cooper hoe been vieiting r livers in Kb:moraine the vast week, • 3:3 i...4"1"1911. House eleahing Tintelis Here. And we are fully prepared for it with a large stook of Tapestry, Wool, Union and Hemp CarTeta, Floor oil cloth and Linoleum, . Japanese Mattings, Lace -Curtains, Art Muffling, Etc. We buy our carpets direct frorn the manufacturers and save the middle- men's profit which enables us to quote very low prices. Ali Carpets bought from us MR be cut and matched free of charge, 'Father MeMenemin's illense in the &Wanes° matting, Yard wide, in 110W patterns will Wear wen, At 18o, 0OY, f the Itoloono BankLondon, morning eervice was on *•The Beeur. 1.40ndoei March 29. -Here and at Liver. 18o and 25e, . Jo', woe a visitor here on Good Fridtty,• Tapestry Carpets, in, the lateet designs and oolors for spring, at 50o, 730 rect on ot the Lord,' the members „of Pool cattle are unchanged at from 18o to 13 Mimes 14 Brown and Tillie Cololough the Clati,B A. to the number of tiventy. 1 213 per lb, dressed weight; refrigerator and $1, spent Sunday -with friends in Kinburn. Eve attended this service in a body, beef is higher at from 10 8 4o to 11 1, do, Wool Carpets, yard ;vide, reversible, all AeW patterns and colore, at 65c, DI t 1 11 h 31 Th e bout 85o and $1. The subject in the evening w aro .--- ere WU a Mr and Mrs Jas. Smith wertrkizi Detroit s from the.Lif of Ch t " L A, special line of union carpet, yard wide, reversible, new ,patterns and Woodstock for the Easter holidays. sun .. congrevatione were presen • .. no . Large 100 head of butobere' cattle, 4 small calves and colors, at 25o. N t and 14 yearlint theep offered for sale at T se "Les. Mines Lizzie Gardiner and Maud Dun. Sunday services will be held at Blyth. the east c nd A attoir to•day, some. 40 or 50 Union Gar et yar,d wide, reverfalfh at 850. 400 and 500. of ibe butchers put in an annearance, but• Floor Oilcloth, 1, li and 2 yards wide, at 26e per revere yard, can spent Sunday with friends m Hayfield. ..„ .... . afro and, Mies Tretheway,. of Goderioh, Army beid a moot sneeeoeful band op•AI.vATiort A1131140 --The Salvation • .ff bo,..- 13 . they seemed indi erent a ut aping any Heavy Linoleum, a grett wearer, 2 yards wide, in new patterns, worth spent Saturday week with friends town. concert on Monday evening. The pro- bref cattle. and Were looking for small tuff 60o for 500 per mare yard, of whith. there were very few on the Lace Curtains, in newpatterns, from 1 in 8e to $8. Mr and Mrs J, J. Washington, itrain was an excellent one and credit is due to Bandnuasters.H. Clark, who . r494et' Very few Attie were sold daring ..We ask special attention to our $1 Curtaine, 3i• yards long, 64 inches Auburn, open* Balder with Mr Thoe Jen - 1 - • of the early put of the day, the prices ranging wide, a regular $1.25 curtain. . in% worked hard to -make it a euccess, also from ilio to So per lb. The °Alyea sold. at S. TOWeerld has teen welting old triendo took Part. CaPt'• Kitchen an !Mut' irom 42o to 5o per 113, There were no Do not think of buying Curtains or Carpets tin in Stratford end Seaforth the laet few yoo,nano, Seaforth, contributed quite inff lambs offered here to day. Good you have seen our new stook.. Ottawa for the parliamentary Beater regretted was, t hat owing to t he weather Melffinnon, 419e Co., illy t Toronte April 1 -There was a good run vacation,- . . . the other members of the Corcfs, who from $2 to $4 each yeerling sheep sold et • week. R Home, M, woe home 'from their singing. The •onl thin to be • loPtrsori fat hogs aold at about 6o per lb a list to the pleasure of the evening, by . E weighed off the oare, • and other attractions in town, the of cattle ati the market Abie morning, the 4)014 111111114114 41141 Mies Eve, Jenkensof Arthur potlio crowd oral notes large ao was expected- receiveth for e day being 95 oars, w i th 0.0.4,004Poseta 11111,41114 , school, is spending tier Easter holideyo The band is anxious to get some new 1,6E33 heed. of. cattle, 805 sheep, 305 bogs at home. music books for, the coming season, and.75 woes, Trade was on the whole , , good and lively, pretty well everything Mrs Williams, of BingharoPton,' N. T., members of which will pay ten cents a is visiting with 'her eioter, Mre 'W. Mo. Great Egg Competition.. I of butchers' cattle'pricies were a little lower mouth to the band fur d, this will en. being sold out, though for the general ran • Brien, of town, . able them tokeep supplied with the thee hel week. Ohoioe export and butoh• Miss Alice Brigham returned from Tor. Army's up-to-date music, and to give a ere' °little, however, were in good demand J.,,W. Irwin will give one dollar in °ash or 25 lbs granulated or 80 lbs ooffee °MO on Tuesday, after attending Caitoio concert eyery six incmthe, the memhers of the League to be admitted free.' 10, and prices were wen maintained for the . best lots. Choice exports sold at $5 25tosugar toatthbe o2u4stthorsofertlwayb.o brings in the largest Hen Egg to this store. between ... spring °poising. ' • i Cooper is treasurer of the band and any $5,50, A load of extra choice fetching $6 60 now an e Miss J.. Mo Hardy, *of the Presbyterian Choicest butcher cattle sold. at 5425 to !Mimi College, Toronto, is the gem of person wishing to•join can $0 50. Primp for sheep and lambs were • give their name and subscription to him, Mrs MoHardy Smith. Ur Jan Jackson, Mitchell, is the guest of Gull club e .• steady to -firma in consequence of a light his uncle,. Mr John MoClacherty, and also • (limpet1 t1 on. demand in this rolass,witi prospeets good. — s - Mr n. Stryer, of Toronto. TThere waa light rua of hoge, prices un Te Gun (flub 'competition on Good llirs McMurray and 'danghter joeie ex- Friday was a succeesful gathering as . 3 peat to leave for lheir new home at Way- shown by the number 'who particigated Export cattle, choice, owt....04 50 to 5 25 burn Assa. on Tilesilay next. . .therein. Each contestant had irde. P. , Mrs Thee Creighton, of Conzbwright, The special prize offered for beginners eptnt the Easter holidaysas the guest of I was won by B J. Gibbinge. The score I :- her daughter, Mrs E. E. Hilton. was as tollowe telerullant_17_W ster Capt 18 Miss Minnie Howilon, BowrelkiiiIK le .2G illnohlev iv 11 es- - 22 18 spending her Easier holidays with er iy...Jttail,:3on 34 11Grahamolilifeam 15 13J Gibbin . cousin, Bev W. G. Howson, Ratteisbriry kit. iv do light 4 50 to 5 00 Bulls, exnort, heavy, owt 3 65 to 450 Feeders, beavy • 4 00 to 4 25 Stookers, 400 to 800 2 40 to 60 Butehers' pattle, choice... . 75 to 4.25- • do good .. .. . .. 3 69 to 400 do •common.....v 2 751O-3-60 Betolaere' battle, ; 423 to 4,50 gs 20 NIfoster .6 , da off colors end heifers 2 00 to 2 50 Mims Q. and A. • ChialeYand J. Wiecr. mcOlar • • IS Dr R Agnevr " Butchers' Balls ; . 2 50 to $ 00. 9 • A.J Morrish. 35 -man, teachers in linnet*, have been spend- e • 7 Light stook labile' • • • 200 to'. 250 ing the ,Eaoter a1. their homes R Downs W McRae . 0 Overbury • EPotheir Dooper • 18 Johnson 18 Mach cows . . .. :5. .$0 00 to 52 00 ;• 3 • . 16 • • do buoke ' • .• • 2 00 tn. ...Mies j. Graham. who. has been away .1 Crooks 18 • ' R Wallaeo . 14 'Hoge .bebt • 8 124 ." . or the pas) three.monthe, on a visit to her -• sister at Gralt,"and Other friends," ,reterned • 170 • . . • • ,do fat 5 75 •• • ;light • , .. . . 5 15 to 5 75 home last week. • ' The side captained by E J, Cantelon Sheep, export, °wt. ... . . 3 .,Oto 4 00 was the winner by five points. In the do 13uoks ' 2 50 to 3, 25 el Mrs A. a. Henderson of Toronto, """ eveninvill took supper at Graham's Yearling lambs 450 • was the suest of her parents, Mr end Mrs Hotel when a plearant time was spent Spring lambs, eAch . .. 2 50 to 6 00 James Shepherd, Townsend St., returned ' .Colves. eisch .5 ....... , 2 CO. to. 10 00 home last fdonday.. • ••• Mrs. Steep and sister, Miss Rowe re- Dispinsing Chemist, Clinton. 4.)pp$, iple****,414.******f}r*****;000. .• House Furnishings Bright new goods arriving daily. We baye new styles in Bed Sete, Mitt, tresses, Wire Springs, Keay Chairs and Douche% The latent and biggest patterns, in window sbadea, Striped pertains, Boom Mouldinge, Certain Poles. * • All Wool and *Union Oarpote . The newest shade': it Furattnre Coverings, Gimps, Ocirde, Frinzes, Etc. 'Picture Framing Speciality, prices right. fdoney baok if you Waiat it • • • a Ia.. latnrirr-3 414.44,44440$4444**44444,muppf.:• The NoVelty Bakery - andit*.e.urant And to hand a large quantityof Bas. ter NOveliiee, inoluding eome of Pas. calls' choice confectionery direct from London, Eng.,and also son3e of Webb's choice Easter &ode. • . • Ilarley sugar . Turkish delight, Reseand acid .drops rine kitibees Assorted tri4ter Eggs TANDARLY emeol. 110ES We have just received a shipinent of our justly cele brated line of Standard Shoes • turned tense this week, after Spending the winter with their friends in 'Branipton, Toxemic) and Streeteville. • W. R. Lough, prineipal 'of thanublie school, and. Miss Parke and W. E. Rand, of the Collegiate stiff,. attended the Ontario Nducationel Assochatunr meeting in Tom, to this week. , Mr F. G. Wifitingliant, who has tipont tbe winter with relations in Huron county, Out:, recently returned home, l3 tit he did not return' alone, as he was ularried while in the East to Mies Eliot.of Clinton. We all 'congratulate Mr Whittingliarn, and wish him and his wife a long and happy life. -Indian Head Vidette. Mier: Taylor, who found it necessary to resign her position as teacher of the prim ary department on edconnt Of her health, is at her home. in Blyth • taking &rest. Her father, Rev J, B. Taylor, wbo has been low for some time, pegged peacefully away lib Tuesday. Friends -of the family deeply sviripathize with them in their affliction. Mt Dominick Reyndlde; of Hallett,' has been epending Et few days in town, end is remarkably hale and hearty, •He will be .92 hie next birthday, fiede no difficulty in I• walking about, eats as well as When be was a bey end saga he feels nearly as youn,,E0 as ever. Pie is remarkably well preserved, and we hope he may still have many years to We credit. • . •,, . - Among Lbose whe Went aWay tovisit ,for Easter holidays were: -Miss F. Shipley to Exeter ; Mrs Jacob Taylor and children to Blyth .;.' T. T. Leckie, to Kineerrlinft.l. Mr and Wire P. B. Crewe tc Goderieh ; The Oub has three trophies promised for competition during the sun3mer. 'do cid 3 50 to 575. • Bonn. • BROWN -In Clintem, March ao, the wit. PfZ1V 4kilVeVtigenttiMi Biovin, 1,' sou. • • J. W. Irwin is selling . • Best Standard Granulated Sugar at $4.15 per hundred. by the barrel. TEAS -Blank, Green and Japane from 100 op. Chinese mixtures 15e per lb Beet 25o tea in town. RA.ISI1213-Currants, Prunes, Dried Peaches 6134.60600) 6 lbe figs for 26e, IDbinrnaeirs,111Aafoarn2d5T0.oilet seta and fancy lemps, to make room for My aiming im. • port orders direct from the factories, I am selling at 25% lees than usual pricers; Call and examine quality and prices and you are sure ft) .buy„ Phone 45. Wanted good butter and eggs, very, rarmev,.L.P4ottld. ,use ORIVIALDERY'DE, The best known reoleffy tor Snint on oats, Barley, Wheat or Cora. • We can give Toil testimonials.from all the leading farmers of this section who used our Formaldehyde - last year. -.Full instructions given with • each bottle. • Use cionthe's `Standard Formaldehyde".. , H. 8. CORIBE, Chemist tt Druggist . ivanteiii-AutVinistne'gi Mae. Owing.to the r .10.:.241117.s• WaBirng,ha*: veh 24th. e/vi'!43' nk rapid progress•of the ceuntry.end theprospeets 14.0BRISM-In 01thton,Mareb.24411,the e o ,for an a ditionaltumber of stonemasons and. . A. MeBrien.of A:daughter.. • • • • • brickiyers; wages, 50e per hour: .&pply to A. ' T. DA-VIDSON: See. Mason Building change, BEAD'' -.....i. aroh 1,eth,the wife of Thos. Bradshaw, eta daughter, - ole heay season's.work,there will be a demand . WInEI,APperlitlE:* • PICTOit--Irittnerri, Mrch 12th,thovtife of t 111113,R AY -In biellglep, March 2let, tlie wife House to.tent ot . tor Sale. of John Murray, el a ron. • : " • A. B. Felton: ---------' O'ROURKE-In: Rollillop, March 24th, the A comfortable frame cottage on ....qpencer wife of John O'Rourke, of a daughter. • street,•eontainine 7 rooms and woodenett anima - • POLLARD, -In Bullet% March 18th, tile vl , . 1;3 ed, also orelaard, is offered to rent or for sa e. . Quartereerelot. Mbe either rented or sole Rard and soft WatetOone cellar and Stable, 'of S, Pollard, f d lit o a aug or, . P,ASSMORE:-In Teeswater, March 1401, the on reasonable terrn • • Dranediate tmssession. wife of W. Passmore, of a. son. . kAuntnn:. ' • • • . . . • . • • MRS J TAYLOR,' Ontario street, RAY-,TOXES-In Clinton, March 27th, at the • • mome of the bride's Parents, by Rev Stewart,. . L. llay, Stratford,.to lYlies.Ada, daughter .of• • • e. Notic ,^ • Wm Jones, Olmton.. • 'Co:tido is herehr IgiTin that I not be 're- OtrRttY41111.-VISr-At the home of tbebride.s. fTeesih.le for any debts contracted in my name . • parents, Goderich townshziap,Mareh 26th,by Rey without Jny my Vtritten order.- • April 4-2. a. Gitim, J.PlussAr o: .r. Oulu to Ise Nellie, daughter. ... , . • . , ROBIORTMcRAB -At the lionm. of the . . brides parents, Clinton, April 2nd, b3r IteV: A. . • , - • . . . ---r,• . . . Stewart, Geo. Roberton, to Miss leettle,* eldest • Ceintainieg's0 acres, being lot 28, in the 11th daughter Of air A. McRae, all of Clinton. • con of Goderieh '1 ownship County of Fluroe: H. E Ili- , . .. .. • On Thurriday Feb, 27th, y will leave. roy •preeent store to tithe • charge:Fe!. th ; . clothingso furnishing eenartment of Messrs. Hodgeni Bros, 1 t Ike this opportriniet of returning thanks to my many friends and customers for, the continuous patronage they have given me since opening out in business and trust that the present] relations so long eg:ortitnblabeeo.,mweinegusnosrminagyeaeoatscbneibrwoilsuenbe . sble to show you the finest stock Of nifty and stylish Gents' Furnishings tliat•bas ever been brought into Clinton. It has . been.perionally selected from the beat sources, and you can depend on always getting the nobbled and most upto.date styles in nets; Shirts, Ties, elle. mom )12 and see me any time yeti are up town, _ J. liflORKESH .Clillton4 , .. of F.,,Tervis, bother oderieh township. • • Fa 1111 for Sale or to Rent. . . /Macre is a frame hence an „good bank barn, SMITR-111--In Clinton, March 27th, by lenty of good water on the lace and Rev.. Mr' Stewart, W. G. Smith, to Mrs W Ring, vw"h sitnatednboat 4 miles from Clint )n,IPand half both off 01 00. mile from village of Holmesville. For partic- WBBB-STEBLE--At St. Peter's, by Rev Fr. - ittars apply to W. G. WILLIS, Mitchell ,,or West, March 31, May Steele to .Tames Webb April 4-3. T. 1111.60Ef, T ondon Road, Clinton, both of Goderieh. LITTLB-COPP-..In Seaforth, March 26th, S. lAttle, of McGregor. Man., to miss Mary,daugh- ler of 5KgP.P.Z..of 8eeferth., • A' SUTHERLAND -SHOWERS -At the horns of Clare Petterson to Kincardine ; Mise tag:nsga.r37m.agithe;114ncf, LoenCie tc; Georgie 14 array mad Nies Annie McCor. I Miss Mary' A„danghter of D ehowers,Wingli4m. vie to Blyth ; liala McLennan' to Blyth ; TA.YLOR-CItTElifi-At the home of the bride's K. B. Henry to Brattfoid and Toron,to, parents, Grey, on Wednesday, March 26th; by "Percy . Veir.tP.. Detroit ;.:Bert Harland to Oev. D B. Ifolleeeito. w. maylor,to Mite: Sophia It daughter of jas. (Aida. Locknow. . - • Mr I,Seao Rattenbury, who has been in STIONCIART--MireTErZE-At the home *of niTeodntthosi 11:vb. rjagental ' 'itilttiaill,a•ahltligsh'4.1ay' b°ellial ei !Arno if ahfi°erh ae licit; tifirrr) ee toil Otru-tohhe datighterotil Mainprize, all ofBrusses. . Saturday. He•derived ooneiderable bene- VnGAIT-LAWRE110H,-M the Wingham fit by his trip, and ootaes • beck with. a Manse,March 10th,by Rev.D. Ferrie,jas. Vegan, greater ad mination of Canada than ever., Howich, to Miss Jane A , Lawrence, Otaross. BRIAJ-GAItleieS-LAt the hot& of the brisle's section between Exeter end Landon for all worthless, and he soma.' not exchange the groves are located, the land is alrnoot father, Marc He says that exoept where the orange Bali to I h 25th, by ttev,N, fi. Burwash, .T. T, • .1DIErt. • e dest daughter of Win Gar- '''. . • ,... 'ROBERTs --At Ses,forth, March 2$, Ztobert . S. Roberts, aged G8 yeare and 6 ranir,h4. . GARL1OX-In Berrie, March letlt. firs .T. A. Garliek, of Omahn; Neb„ formerly oll Brussels, cognized to be the best wear- . visit hist week. He is a pronounced Con. l'g Yen"' the. mar. .. 011. 030Wa11, - for.Boys.. These goods need the. land he saw.anywhere .the far nest no introduction.a they are what 1707,p1: l',.,wyaro'r, eldest' son of Mrs W. wbo went back te the old man y r' known ar tr to live about a year ago, . was here on a (A52 pig _Boys' Shoes on oervative, but eays that the idea of geom. COWAN-1U Wroxeter, March 22nd, 'wife of g a'pre erence in the British Markets' STIMENSON=-Irt Grey, March 28rd, Wm, • for Canadian produce, 'io abeeintely pre- etereoso,,, „goo. es icor, ket. , i ..n°.ertained bythe - peOple of • the roolher Ofijirk, ageWA Art' ' are , Id *John . * They are -made of a choice 1:1! terous, and will never in hie opinion be LARK I A b h 26th . . • We have dlini received a consigment o thOsophate Wines in orange, strawberry, black °berry and grape. These wines, make a very delicious drink, Try them 35c per bottle. - Tonle strictly alb. McClay, Clinton, dosimoiliors****simiwysitionitto GIRL WANTED. o ASBilit gerwratiumeework. Apply to MRS Vt R. RODGER'S, Joseph St. Mar 211-41 • Wanted.. ° quality of Milwaukee grain land. He faYOre eVon lower tariff than ODSPonD-Tnfloderich, March t4th, Nancy . Mica girl fergeneral housework. Apply to MRS JAS.TWITORELJJ, Rattail:try at Martib 7-tf, Servant Wanted. js. good general iteivatit where beiteeiradd It its Wageb$12 per :teeth, win:fang and leon- :lent oak. Apply with referenees tO 1111t4 MOND 601 Yfureri Si., Toronto. , we have 'between Canada and Great ()Word aged 70 years • and .without seams. Britain. /le is so oharmedmith the 'latter pAurry-In Nis mud, Mar.:1128th. IVIary,relict Insoles:and counters uaran; -°°fibt'rY that he deep not think' he would of the late S Par4, and mother of Mre T. Far. °ere to live here seam. • • row, Brussels, aged 80 years. AmOng eed to e absolutely .solid so e she fgeroer Clintoniana who 1111ASBR-In Otiltoss. Mareh Margaret, relict of the 140301m Fraser, aged 70 years., eather. visited Wendt: here during the Eafiter • . • holidays, were:-Mr0 Vaistaseel, :litter Of. TAYLOR -in Blyth, April let, hey. .1, 13. Tay. ra No Shoddy • NiInglewood ; ta Alex Tare Sellery (d daughter) Patro ter, of Toronto- D.Grehato, .10r,aited 72Years. No Paper Soles ' mother of Dire A,T. Cooper, of Kincardine; Ze the New Shoe Store' fattgi°Yeriter(412,trgie altihter ofSale Register ( o get new Shoes. Jackson Boo, Blenheim ; Oharhe !Mewl Wco starlit botaerV, bnireatte,etevges,i ebeairrs,°%marlAtt90: °OrTo.- • Bert IlayMent, Stratford ; . Frank Day- tourtmess.norrofookAryt; if?laosaware, , relent, Si 31ary's • D. Cantelon, Ileneall • go ,e46-eleettilisiiharret3a and - ate., $ heroes, 8 P aroles • mho Doh; (dimr! artifkZo. at the A r Real Estate for Sale.. eV441tiallrigehwtee°rmol;ef $ G. Doherty), London ; et 11,110 a. m. • . field, on Tuedday,Aprili7, at 12 teettlhlit,4% . 4 * T. BROWN, A not., O. W/148011,,Prop., - - .. W. mar Wi a Shaw, Durham ; Mrs S. A. Iffoffatt, . /ono jaekson.) of Toronto ; *Me reamer, sate at osive, at the Olareudon Hotel Stables, (gon.iii.lee: of 111re Washington), Smith. on Wednesday, April nth. at two o'clock. Fred Ville c, tire John Callander,London ; Ioreel APrii Taylor and e, Brainpton; Georte aft. turiztently. e igictitarnealts2tt,:fa household. furni. RITEIH RIC.F1140ND, Pron. :• Dainty; Bedrooni, Furniture . . In exquisite desigiie, every detail, is now being c&red ati veiyr nit:aerate prices by J. 0. Stevenson. Dressers), Cheffonters, Reatful rocker°, • a great variety of pieces...that add to min. fort and convenience as well as tothe iftrabtlyeness or the room.. A splendid rocker in Oak or Mahogany for $2, speolal. . A tide foto! furniture coverings on ha- Undertoilng and PieturePran • ing Stiecialty. - 1,401( #Gle nelitti Furniture Denier, -Opposite Town Dail, Filbert Street,' eL1NTON.• BESIDENCE-EnrodStreet, oppooite Commercial Hotel, They are here, and certainly are a nobby line of goods. • • We have them in all colors and shapes. The latest shape is called the Semi -Fedora, in pearl and mole colors, with shaded bands. On Saturday, we will give you a 20e collar for 15c or 2 for 25c.. - • A line of 25e all silk reversible strong ties at 15c, 2 for 25c 1-1 onnow A. HT.TRON STREET, CLINTON* London Mrs Stapleton, London, Pgrt et farrn, WS 88 and 83, on west aide of Maitlaulcou ,onemilenorthomobriesvilte, On Good 'Friday, Inspector Tom, of , Removal, continuing 07 item. Goderich Dr. 'olvier, Winehatri ; 2 The north hiif of51nt 25, con, 2,andweet part ReVe.W5 G. Howson and O. A. Gifford, It,. Graham has removed hie office and rest. R. Holmes. and it Rorke, &meet° J Tedford's hoese,eorner of 14'i:trellised of lot 24, cons 8. one Milt mile from Clinton, (Jlintnn north, on gravel road, containing 00 OliinfOrt land J, O. Stonetttan Hensel', Shirr streets. Telephone COMteetIon, 82, 20 on eornor of Josepltand sotto etreete, t S S and O. Assoeistion,tnet 8 Thebrieltdwelling itiehttliniglota 18, 10 Mid represeriting the Fyxecutaye of the arch z8-0 Clinton. . 01:11 y • 4 Thefreite dwellingen west aide of Victoria in Clinton for' the purpose of arrun,ging For Servioe, street:m(1 next north of rallwaY. . 'for tht3 coming convention which le. to be held at Blyth, on June i9•20, Snit- Aberai teretsto salt purehneere, Apply to March 23--3m • O. O. ItANOlfl, Clinton IN% /14 PrAltilAlq er I and All unueuallA fiteresting gather nti: ply to tfIVI WHAM% eon. i., Stanley. • - ift leaked fOr. I Mar 28-2* • able subjects and eakers wera.selec d, hag foe 514"71; 5t 1115 torht h • • Wholesale stock of pianos at very best 5sib1e. rices. Organs, the very entertathable gramophone, sheet ° music, books and a variety of music at e HOARE'S Music Emporiun. tiock sheic e coma pima Mr ield Seeds You favor.rut with your orders for Dry Goode and °falling, Boots and Shoes, and . Oro:lefts, for which we are gretefuLand now we want 10 SOU YOU ridid Aeocle, weCloverehl tt4Veed nowAl is yte"13 dk 'Lao ern e or Alfalfa, Choke Timothy, and orchard grass. ItelWoo°k(inItrh$;°outtgthE4t1hiSeitinleetild eaTt'Halognesif yen toe anything you would like to have, kindly let us know) and We Will gladly procure it forret, Wage ee Brace's selected "Giant Yellow Xuterreediate" is now in deck, The demand for this very oholoe geed win, without doubt, be greater Hutu the supply. brany tint° Tete hey° already bought, If you heve not done so, . do it now, price Ma lb, W. L. OVEVIETTE,Loadesbor0