HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1902-04-04, Page 2,
r •
th9 Yfctrk 44Ra 4.44 ?MO klitiOn
Apr11,4th, 1902
, FRIDAY , ARIL 4, 1902.
ligr (if, M. LOY, Liberei, wae electedbee S. hle,ks con 2 -
d IrshoTtle, (fold three
• 1120,11se Commons in Beeuharois by * the sum of $417.
senon, oneeevietiee. Jos. Cobbledick, Exeter, purcheiet1
Crisp County Clippings
Wm. Michel, coo. 12 Grey, sold his
50 acm
re farm to W. Sharp. The price
e war: 02,800,
vy ra t co te
two yeate old, for
3twajorit6 of 158 over Mr T. G. R. lier-
8 .• e"'" the grain elevator and lime and coal
business from A. Ricks. Centralia.
Mdwick township eouncil wil ene-
srnorialize the Legislature to amend the
Municipal Act, so as to lime municipal
elections every two years, the eame as •
.tieronnty council elections.
4 t •
Ome of our Oonservetive contem-
poraries are declaring themselyee in.
.abevor of Mr Borden's policy. Which
eloolicy e Inereaeing the tariff or ad -
emitting British goods free of duty un -
eller a preferential trade scheme ?
W W 411
la the Beanharnois by-eleotion, which
erunIted in the re-election of Mr Loy, the
lalleral candidate, en Wednesday, Messrs
el/. B. }Dye, M. P. South Brant, and R,
ilolmes M. P te'est Heron, were among
those who went down to the Liberal.
- The Liberal -Conservatives of West
Muron Will meet at Smith's Hill, on
'Wednesday, April 9111, at one e'clock,
eto select a candidate for the approach -
ling Provincial elections. If we are cor-
rectly informed the Liberals of the rid-
ihig have selected Monday, April 7th as
the dete of their conveution to select a
• • • me.: .44
Those Liberals who are coked to aid
y e s. or fur her particulars •
. Yoring men and: women eeprepara for
Own Tablets is known -for the mem- ail- air at J. STEVIUNS,.01intoa P.
, study. the developrnent• and take notee.
.• been one of the professors int he -Iowa
mente of childhood. Among the mothers linton Jan.9th--3m. . good situations.. Appty to
realise to spiit the Liberals Vote, So as
to make it possible for a supporter 0.
'Whatley, pledged to oppoini Prohibi-
lion and unw !ling to let the people
/lave a chance to say what they want;
must be estimated at a yery low rate
11bythe Tory schemers.
-AV) a la . *07-
A number of articles have recently
-*ma added to the free list to • enable
manufacturers to produce mei e.cheaP•
aly. It is remarkable how appreciative
eof cheapness some people are when it.
• .1a theie own wants that are t� be sup-
plied, and how they despiee and de-
precate cheapness when dealing • with
*hinge other. people .want..
. .
The Presbyterian Review . has been
incorporated with the Westminster,
eg Toronto, because the loci eaee in
• tile cosi of paper,. and . the recent
',narked advance ie the cost of print-.
Curiou0 Bits of NeM•
Mart Hanna's secretary oar) thet
since 1896, over five 'buttered children
have been, named atter the HeetIbileall,
eb0,52 11!
At the time when the Duke end
1)ueliess of Cornwall were in Victoria,
BO., there were three (families living
in Quebec street named respectively
"George," "Cornwall," and "Yerk," and
the eldest Mists George lied the Chris.
tier% name
The Sheppardton Post Office and An official deolsion ot 'the much-dis-
store, owned by W. liurrows, werecued question whether there Is such
entirely destroyed by fire last weeka condition of affairs in the Philipplees
as constitutes a state ot war, has been
K ing Edward proposes to eignalize
given by the United States War De.,
his coronation by a dinner to a half
million of Lonclon'e poor; 280,000 has Paetmene in connection with a pending
been et aside for the
claim. The Department holds that the
islands are etre in a condition of war.
From Monday morning till Saturday
An important etep has 'been taken to
ht of last week over half a ton of ward the abolition a slavery in O'er-
113atter was handled at the Brussels
m t Af 1 b t bit ti
•post offige. of an Imperial edit which permits ev- •
e• eeeNe
VI) Ofra eP5
rp BowELs
014 9 AND
Bert. Roes, a former Exeter boy, was ery slave to end his condition oe Beret- D
seriously injured during a game of tude by the payment of a sum of mon-
hockey in London,recently,having One ey, the amount of which is to be deter -
of the bodes in his chest broken. , mined by the authorities, levery mays
• We are glad to hear that A. Boum, is to. be permitted to work for himself
Usborne, who has been confined to his .two days In the week, Cr to use for his
bed for six weeks with grip typhoid own purposes the corresponding pro- '
feyer, is able to be out again. . deeds of his labor. This will give the fl
Probably the oldest man 'in Grey, slaves am OnPortunity ;to aocumulate i Of
that Masters shall not transfer I
c Nses THE Sysitm
died on Sunday in the person of Wm. °reed
Stevenson, who was 96 years of age.
It is underotood that Seth Low,
Geo, Greenslade has disposed of his shortly after he was elected mayor of
farm near Hills Green to Walter Fee New York, sold a Inillion and a hell
whose almost adjoins it, for a good fig- dollars' mirth of securities owned hi
ure. Mr k ee gets immediate poeeession
EI•5 5 E5
-C. -HoD ,ogRS;
He had been unable to leave his bed or ownership without the oonisent of the OVERCOMES
ethe east five veers
ing, together with .the imposition of
newspaper postage, have made . it
growingly difterentfrom thelow-priced
papers to hold their own. The. con-
• eolidation of several paper's covering
the same field, as has been 'done by
the Westminster, makes not only for
economy but for efficiency. The West-
minster has not only taken a fore-
-most place in Canadian journalism,
but in ability, workmanship and alt
other respects, suffers nothing in
comparidon with the beat . religious
weeklies .published in the United
States. With a clear field and with
the experience and strength already
• acquired, its steady progress is assiired
and its initial promises will be fulfilled.
The following, from 'the Brussels
Post, expresses our -sentiments exactly'
"If the temperance people of this Prov-
ince desire temin on the referendum on
Tiecember 4th they should quit rhovizer
•• him in various banks that are doing
and will at Once start to work his new I
us nese w e c y, so a e rn g
not in the least embarrass the city. He
Win. Dill's three year old child, Gor• eetermined that the conduct of New
don, had the misfortune to breae his York city affairs shall not be liable to'
Buy IKE GENUINE"-.-M4fier0 BY
arm on Tuesday last, He was standing slightest suspicion So far as lies In -*km-a 6 q
on a chair at the window in Seaforth, flower. Many of the stocks gold had
Mien he lost his balance allel feu heaY- gilt-edged 'securities. His friends' eay I isv
CAL. g ,
watching his father baying for work been bold by him for rears, and w•ere I
de to the floor,
• 1
thee .disposing .of.' those permanent l `P4ict t 11.1"CiSr 44°6NV
C. B. Stokes, Morrie, met with an ac. trweatments Law made eoneider able of . SA4.fie ALI DRUGGISTS. PRICE 50e.PER 13011A
,cident on Wednesday. while taking a , a eaoriftee, as he oan not find the ettleet _
lead of ha t 1
y out of the barn the. team 1 9 °Imo V tin 04 neome oro were, NeW tiac rior c.tgars.
started to run awayaod Mr Stolteeeilie 'The- ettatige story of the elopement of
Was on the ground go. caught between • an ordinary mileh cow with a bull •IsTEW YORK young man just back
the wairon ands pile of wood, getting .noose 001110S from Lake Onawa, a from a trip in Canada was tell -
Ws arm breken, pretty sheet of water ho the hills of • Ing lds friends of the Same he
On Sattirday.heek Mr leaviletlanson riecataqtes County; Maine, much fre- had . had.
died st his home in Egmondville, aged clnen
ted by • spOrtsinen 'from • the big • "We took a honse and a bucleboar4,"
76 • H . T k Mee. The cow was the property of maid he, "from Xavier' Station out into
A. T. Sanden of New York, whose the woods for a day's shooting. When
about 50 Veareagtin, and settled on a Dr.
W. and she was kept in a, pasture en, the "horse and took ofe the harness.
fai untit he retired a short t* cottage is located on the shore•of One- we got there of course We unhitched
to live in Egmondyille. Be le survived
losed by a rail fence.- A big moose Mien we went hunting', '
by his wife, one son and seven &ugh*, 171 •
tere. •
, tad been • several limes seen hangine "At night, when we ewe in to hitch
The auction sale of Belrae; filmes \
around, the cottege. grounds late a Me hanged if -we knew how 'te do it!
day last. The lan , building and me'
tight displaying . great boldness. On • In about an hour we got nearly all the
. and Butter Factor wa • held S
on atm
chmery was sold to D. Robertson. fo
SSA This will cover legal expense
etc., but leave very little for the shark
holders. The high price of cattle an: '
hogs is said to be the cause of the • fat
tory not prospering, as farmere hav
found it more profitable to tura thei.
'Milk in other directions than. cheese
busking., '
, t od horse wouldn't*
. put the n mouth. We
• • Illght• he came 'close up to where th harness on -bid h 1 "
was, and the two seemed to 1, let us th I ids
Od friends: Late at night a tremet, couldn't, drive him Without that.
us ceash was heard, and next Mori. • "My °companion add: 'Say, have yott
• We regret to report the death of M
Finlayson, Egniondyille,which occurr- '
ed recently. He death was not ue ex
ng te fence wee a, wreck and the vo lots of cigars?' .
at to
. ,
n n since: • ' • . do wieh it?' •
ne. Neither she nor the ,moo;te -01 'Yes,' said. 1; Inst. what has•th
• '
- - . '"Well,'. said he, 'ree Oran just sit
• : •roo "' down. andoemoke
1 that brute weed'•
• ' And we did It."
etea:.1 • ...'..• • "
. . • - •
14 t b.-et:6dale. Of strenuotk ;:.... "f- - ' Domestic Eeierm.
Wee it May not be artiles .. z :••• ., . —r.
t l mildly that there Mee I; ' .Onee upon a time there was a We.
pnted 9.9 he bad not been ;well for som i
Ile h - bi, thing . a too -much parent. Tire.: -. hint, • • ' .
liven in Egmondville for some year, • -
• ti . *constitution cif -e. tem: e" man -who married a Mail to Reforni
years and. seriottely ill lately,' 11 hi •
He was a careful and industrious ma r
r ' ese in life Our g: a:.:1:ati, She Made. him Quit his Evil Ways,
' h •1•••• a parent we.s lnetd,of.i e And she did. •
amassed a competency. one volech. I ra b,•
. • t ehildree, den :•.• • • and he did not Drink, nor Chew., nor
has been living for some years retire . He leaves a widow,th a careless familiarity th. Smoke, nor Swear, nor Stay out at
from besinessLakes:: ,' : ay' the modern breathEat. Nights
f the en ivas disciplined and. die, In fact, he becarne as Mild as Skim
daughter of Dayid Manson whoiz.' ' •
death- occuired two days' before este i., They were whipped oh 1 .. • • • •
husbancl'e. ". hey t . Iles, end ocoasionally Nove, when this Result was Achletied
On Saturday week Saniuel Elliot
'gill:wham was shootine muskrats
tne river near L. Pearson's residenct
•Ooe Of the bullets must have struck time, t' • stuff that men are made o: In his Faults than In his Virtues, be
stone R9 it came in an opposite ,1h.,,rere as never any pa.rticoll caucle after she had Paneted him Out he
dI• not. They leareed to raid a • . the Woman began to Worry. He% lutd
Propertlea for Sale or to Let
onr; .re put M woik .at flVd, loskhis Charm for let. ,. She. DiscoVered •
atter *" curse; And developed, iii• . that she had been more Interested
. Hon and went through one cif tne win•' 'bout• ...The larger the family, C. didn't Assay worth a Cent along .the
To Rent.
tot 88, Maitland concession, Ooderieh Town.
hip. Apply to JAS. SCOTT, Barrister.
Oot tf. Winton. Ont.
For Sale or to Rent,
••• •1... •
The residence property of D. R Memo), on
Princess et., Olinton. Apply .0 JAR SCOTT,
Deo. 27-o42. . barrister, Ounton.
To Rent.
U09 ,A t
1st ervflogek steee,linitalee_far any bust.
W. • v. glanuis, unnton,
ovl -t
° To Let.
For Aeryiee,
IIi nalersigned will keep for SOVV100 thief
season. the American registered Hereford bull
"Kruger"No 106,981. Terme $1.25 payable Jan.
IGO. Alio young lElereford Steck for sale at i
any time.
1. L. FA.RilliAM, Lot 11, 0011. 9, Hullett.
March 21-6.
Ice Ice.
1 Leval
As !have taken over the large ice h_ouse
frora Wm. Wheatie,y, on Huron street, lam
prepared to take orders to furnish geed, clean
pure lee to an customers during the coming
summer, All orders will beAnereptly attendee
to. DAVII6,01inton.
Feb 14-tf,
Barrister, ISolleiteri &Go •
OrVICifeeltiliett Block, Immo Street+
O�1ee-aaver 131001e:
Up stairs, Opposite iffeniyet Photo Gallery
Real Estate and Insorance Agony':
Mousy to loan,
I Inure nee.li gent,
That beitetiful store in the Jacks n 13look, Cooda,JAssurance
H uron Street, lately occupied. by 0.Witte, Ap
Sept. 6—tf • Clinton
• \Cottage to Rent.
cominitable and roomy cottage on Isaac
street, lately occupied by Alr Geo. -Orion is
offered to rent. Ttie quarter acre vacant lot
todemmoInsinhylillp,bemaroyigion easy times. .Asp17.
Cot. 4-tf
• Farm For Sale.
he west half of lot 24 Bayfield Con God,
e ch township, eoiataining 100 sores c good
land, is offered forinale on easy terms. Good
barn, log house, plenty of water and smell
orchard. Particulars jo.npeAslibiaAttiottaio intim
tf• -
House and Lot for Sale •
• A small lot, 66 ft frontager, and comfortable
frame house, with woodshed attached, on
Wiliam street, near Show Ground. Will be
soldchea_p. Apply to W. BRYDONE, barrister,
or T. R. FOSTEitgara. •
NW. 29-4,
For Sale or togent.
Lot 29, oon. 2, Stanley, containing 100 acres
in good state of oultivation for sale or to rent
for term of yeato, apply to 3N0. MeGREGOR,
o n premises or MRS M. MoGRE.GOR, 2 con .,H.
11. S .Tuokeremith, Seeforth P. 0
Feb."7-tf. •
. For Sale.
_North half of lot 26 au, fifthoon., township of
H allett, containing itty sores, well drained.
good well and orchard on the place; about 8
miles from Clinton. address or see personally
• ?ars S. MEGAW, ow e Ildeaforth; or Mr James
Ate0RIBALD, horse. nderaler, Sauterne
Jan 24. —If.
• Shorthorng for Sale. •
Two young Bulls, oneseventeen and the other
nine Inonths old, feem good iailkieg eowe alse
a two year o,d wafer hi calf, go d stook and
good breeding; • ED. H. WISE •
Mar. i4—tt.' B4"!!1 E.1T"e Sarrictrglo.
, Property tor Sale..
Lots 19 and 20 Fulton street, Clinton, On one
is 'situated a frame cottage 26x86 containingfivis
Isrgan?isirlaltelfh.arr dkaiteecilii2ftint•ciattrr.geFOvrlad18:18Olii
easy terms. ApplYon premises to
Mar. 1e -M, GE.O.STEWAR'T.
Property for Sal,
. , CO 011 11 I $
. Bardstee-Solioitor, Notary and Commencer
Office 1 J. Tisdali's Bank, Clinton. •-
-Ar 5S •
• Ill /1/ .
. A F'Af.1 IV( LIBRARY '
The ligA in Currant Literaitae
• •
• Cottage end two 'lois for sale .on King Se,
Clinton,. Cottage 0071tainS five rooms, closets,
pantry, cellar andsnmmer kitohen; hard and
soft water, a number of plum and pear trees..
Witt be sold cheap, apply to R. MeeLEOD. •
Match 7e-ef. • ()Linton
Farm tor Sale.
For'sale or to rent. 9/ acres more or less, con -
elating of parts of lots 19 and 20, 2a0 con. Hul-
11 miles iroin Clinton the very best soil,
gligli.sottVagefncrithebranali:illarihr "Bales
doves in B. Seott's residence. rScotte. eknore appinge It took.. net the,. Line of Good Qualities. He was
son an ng n a ewn ow.tte= twrer s e g g • Y
lodged in the Deshrpert of the boy' kernel*: , "Boy , missing. Run stwi* * all. He saw what' was Bothering bere . •
or Sale. . .
serious results arc anticipated. • feature of the weelely neivspaper. Ilt just a Dittle, aod 'Smoked iMottelonally, . . '
The death of.WITI:Daniel Yeooccu'rr, may at nothe and grow up, It may 1,k Then she had the Vun of Reforming tot104, 'Victoria Street, Clinton; with frathe
wooet di th i d • e 1 • nou h to o* around a r1.1 ply a Negative Equatien. to MISS WASHINGu'XON 3tatticiiili14"gtY.
the bullet came with such foree that i ono Ole Worse pr it. The atlete• , 13i.it the Mae had Some Sense, after Clinton. • . Beech
leg, The bullet was removed 4121 L from 1 Dine," was not an un.coionno. so he Sveore just a Little, and Dranit p •
• la the refitment who had the courage and took a Chew on the Sly. • .
ed at his home in Hirefer on Moeda' id that thee made admirable Ott' • him an corer Again: •And she was. per- —
• =ttaersntr siraiweven rooms; hard and soft
Onice-Oppootte Colborne: Rotel,
formerly of Clamerone Holt a annum
Ofilee-namiiton •oppoeite Colborne House
Office -Corner Hamilton and the Nelsen: '
V.2.50 nEn V CA R CI'S. A COPY ; T. GARROW. Q. O. CHAS, GARROW. Laiat
" Pacerronsm TEE 11Arlirlent CA/ow, & •
°glee; North et,, next door token -nal *Mee
private Funds to lend at lowest rates'
of intereet.
Logo and Heading of all
kinds wanted.
• Highest prices given.' •
Soft elms to be cut 11 feet
12 feet, and 13 feet long.
I Stapleton Salt Works
• of land,
week. Deceesed has-been a resident o es; T:heY• had the tecele H:teve, 'because irate could Peint bearitig fruit treed. InPeparuttortit.1301,;Th
-_ • HALE,
de. . Reciter for eome time; having been One awing their childh,00d *anti Y th I. With Pride to him et fegulat Tritervels. 'M14 -4f .
resolutions against it and courteig
their doubts and
'teat by espy esting r. to, years ago during which- eirne wi e acd po it• lei ter nab lof men and women wle elacirtele•-A little l3ae)tsliding adds: to ,
more important busineme the. Interest% of the Good Work.-Balt.te , .
ployed with Carling Bros. about si
- • . F S
arm or a e.
tears.- It -looks quite a bit as if there victim ee typhoid eeveztollowed by He n fife than that of being parent to ofe-
was a strong desire to flatter.. or stab attack of inflammation from the effect spring. They grew up with a chastened. -* • $9,000 will buy a' ectOi:e fariii of 'Went 120
skiver political paity just nose than en- of which he never fullyrrecovefed. et• rime of their own unimportance in Another Happy Mother. acres situated about a half mile froni Clinton
ce—e-edegetepeopleao.goiatealeteghe with removed to London. wherebe remain- ee scheme of being, and a DhilOSOPhiv Good'briek house, 20 x28, and 20x 20, brain;
Tells OW Her 'Baby 4)t Eight silo, windmill, etc. A. very choice location
ranks of the teinerance people ie a ed to Exeter, and entered the rnercan. of ilieres 'theyorsine--- ' •
1-turo oare he yeti', n- rd Undeks
_y 401;60, and:10 t 50, stone stabtes underneath,
all their heart, What is lacking Met -elunte expectation .•of taking the ha
spirit of unity OD the.question now be. tile business for himeelf, establishing. a , we havachanged all that. We haVe etonths-Protited-hy---Wise: _andnellentwpfor licileone wanting a real
. goo P foe- e„siii on easI term, for
lore them rather Ulan the sions and juenitiree busineos„ His strength fail aistened to the !oleo of Froebel, "Lot ug .•• Treatm int. further ratiett rs
biekeringe evident atsome eenvenfione, Inie him he went to•Colorado in the play with our chilciren;" 'and to .the •. Jan th-8m. • Olintoe, 11. 0.
rmonadearly winter, hoping to benefit hie con- eduoatiOnal moralist, "A father should
.and evidenced from some ses, -
The Road
to Success.
• Ts easy for those
who are equipped
forthe propertran-
sactionof bUsineisaffairi: Those
who get their education where
attention is givento detail sand
simple methods will have the--
?,dvantage of others. We have
information for you if •you
are interested.
Forest City Busi-
ness College,Y.M.C.A. Build-
ing, London, Ont.
W. J. W estervelt, Principal.
• froeleeetpril 1st, oontienes into our
Special Summer Session
WM. 4.1•1114N.,
L, it. C. P. & S. • EdAnbrogls,
Moe -Ontario Street, Clinton. Night calls.
at front door of office or residence, Batten. -
bury Street.
Licentiate of the RoYal College of Physic's ir
London, England.
OffieeJOHN and TR ez eDi :eno, to De -; - u 0 u s e ;• n.,,aron st,
• Atscoucheiriffell°oi., ittroje areides20. cu.
tario St., opposite English church, formerly ea
oupied by Dr. Appleton, (Minton Ont,
through July end August in all
Depertmentsof our splendid school Th
• • •
Centrai Insincss College
. There areno vocations and members
may enter at'any time and continue.
fee any eesiree term. A dozen tea. -
*chars, ellghty Typewriting Ma:lilies
and a dailyroll call of ee8, _nereethoes
this month indioatitikaterioderalt
*„• Mir college.
s. W. 11, Shaw, Principal
Yonge &GerrardSts,Toronto
• Phyeician, Surgeon, Etc. .
oial attention giyen to diseases of the•
. • , Eye, Ear,Throat and•Nose.
Office and Residence-
juberostreet,2•Bleelts Northof Rattenbeerye
' eineeessor toXO. Brace
Specialist in Crown and Bridge Work •
L 1,. S. -Graduate Royal College Dental Sur -
Ecotone of Ontario, Toronto.
voles 01
• tal Delp artmeeilignicrroanctitt ran.'
Special attention _paid to preservation of
obildren'steesh. Will visit Bayfield oval
Oleo. oor W. Taylor & Son's shoe 'store,
' Office adjoining Photo Studio.
Office hours -9 to 6. every day and
Saturday until 10 pelm. Manch offices,
-in Manchester Dungannon, Blyth an&
Veterinary, •
Meraber of the'Veterinary Medical A ssecite
Mons of London and Edinburgh, ande Grade,
ate of the Ontario Veterinery College, •
OffintpenVighE?saill 1116y", onntalte 82.
Paul's church, Ontario Street: Clinton, Ont.
gug ARR/AGE LICENSES issued b3r the an.
mdersigned at his:Residence, Mary street .
• dresses and press comments. There dition, bat finding the climate Oo sev- be his hoy's best friend;" arid t6 otir Teething time s t e or ea age n Choiee Farm lor Sale. • <4,44•4444-***•••••••••
- will be hard enough battles to fight ere and strength fast failing: he return e most famous and most unpractical ohild's life.- Any eligia disorder in the
'Mout tomach or bowele at that time gre
the 'friends of the cause war- ed home just one week previcus to hie poet,.'4The child 1s:father to the man:" satly in- -
- rine among themselves, end we are ./1 demise. He Was in his SOth year. 4,4eeferel the whole business ;$7. ohlid-raising p
.T'uckersmith, idraPidly rising to the raise them by the dozen. One -or tvvo
• some persons,
f th "ttl an,000 ...ii 13U choice farm of about 120eevi
acres ' •
-a mated a hal mile frore Clinton. • Gciod brick
and ;many have serious and even fatal re. noutte,20x28and20x20,1o.rned0x60and40x50,stone • -
d tj,40 roupd:taken by t s turned other end to.' We tie longer
very choice location and extellent ?arm for
a • •• 'top.and is making a mime for himself . at a time is as muoh as we dare very. care of your beby's heeithduringeeis per-
surpme a .g Jas. A kineon eon of jos. .Atkinson
• • stilts.. It is unpessible to take -40o great stables underneath, silo,' windmill eta A W
acy one wantiuga real gootl raze. Wilk be
weerid, in the United States, Mr Atkinson has 1, ture, and v4ry cautiously at *that, We iod, and no better remedy ' than Babyei
The determination of Sir.
. 1 turier and his celleagime that the State College for some years, but le on e u p , p g .
the other leayiegthat position for a mord Nora- kind the rlioeern child is never allowed who have proved the worth of this mede '
eetice of the Dominion' in the cohlieg-
• 4Corniihtion Inter•Imperial Conference paper in that state. In this connection to s more grow P
the Daily Capital, of Des Moines Iowa dive, trembling seeds 'e into the ground, . oombined trials of indigestion, constipation • The choice brick house on tbe corner of Ful-
itlintbaenil tJecigph streets, belonging to the estate
I s of his being .and exchange specimens
shall be ttit-the dieCuseion of bow ' best and seething, and the ruother's strength
sold on eas t rrn F
ar tedit
eine is Mrs ReMoMaster, Cookstowie One For Sale or to Rent. '
ti one, as editor of an influential to have. We agonize over Our relation
Her littlebaby girl was suffering feom the ,
says : Prof. Sas. Atkibson, of Levea
a i hard Heywood, is •offered either •
• • was severely- taxed by t'he continuous oar° for sale or to %tit. It cent
lo promote trade Within the Empire State College,has tendered his resigne• If anything etnnes of it. The result,
eine mom for one -
h te the cordial indoreation of every Hon, to Wre effect April 1, who] he as whole, Is not, It must be admitted, the child needed. A box of Baby's Own anialreyondfavmoniliye,niosesp,reacntdteatbilryeeatnenoterhshoofuanen, waeitrhe
p editorial work on the Iowa °g
alt ether unpleasIng. There Is some- Tablets, however, 'nee° such en imerove-
will take u
foyer of British connection and °an. -
. Honiestead. Prof. Atkinson bite been thing ablaut the well -limn well-bred; that Mrs MoMaster is now enthusiastic in ; f ;reoperty is not mid or rented,
ar I rented. Apply to
• ele, "NI' 1° their pride% ••It gives me great pleasure W. GOATS Executor Clinton.
adian prosperity. It has been- so re- connected with the agricultural.*o some o - y at makee
hild f to de fth
Eartment of the college five years. and glad the eye arta the heant. Bat the to testify to the value of Baby's Own Tab -
rein ere e ne u on t poor parent! We protest yhart ale hag, lets,"•she writes., "My baby of eight
months was much troubled with constipa• FOR SAL
as d d i tit ti d h
ceived by statesmen of all ranks of .
k p ilitice.in the- motherland, and onlY :Ante excellent service, The cone e- never tad a chance In life.
'Ten o one
is nip& larger than the college ie able his own parents belonged to the. ,
school, and disciplined hire vvithin se night,- I proonred a box of Babyei Own pied by the, undersigned, o bred for pale on •• •
extremists of the politico -jingoist type Can ill afford to lose him,but the salary
in Canada Neill take en • opposite view. Tablets, and the reaults were so satisfao. reasonable terms, Tbe lot is of an IMO 'With
. 0 pity. • inch of life. And now his children be -
. Business
The beet equipped Business and Shorthand
College in Canada, Reduced tuition rates.
Write us regarding our bourses of study,
and prospects of securing situatione for
graduate% Catalogue eent free. Addrees
• .1, a AleRRY,
Dept "0" Confed4ation Life Bldg.
old• Mon and indigestion and VMS very' rootlets Tee framecotterre on Oral° sheet, emu- .
Toronto Ont.
di herd and soft water+ etable, good fruit, and
In the flret place we know. • that g .. 1 b tory that I have not used any other MO •
oine since. My -baby girl is now regular VO elate
e e garden he tome contains hall,
in a time of occupation and excite- "Cleanliness is next to godlinee " .
Ei• Dirt tween the upper and the nether stone.
and healthy, and getting her teeth seems
meet such as the coronation period spa depravity go hand in hand. This is Only in scattered, precious momenta
will be, it will be dem% it not line just as true of the inside of the body as it ie does he dare call 'himself his own. Late much easier, and she rests a great deal
poesible to get attention centered of the onteide. Conatipation clogs the body in the eveiting, perhaps, when the all-
better. These Tablets are a great help to
'effectively on any more than ont great arid donde the mind. Conitipation means Important child has been adequately little otos when teething,"
questiOn. Were an attenipb made to that corruption is breeding in the body played with and encouraged and devel- Baby's Own Tablets are guaranteed to
settle every suggested item of icre poisoning the bloodwith its foul email. eiped and put to bed on his 'hygienic contain no opiate or other harnifni drug.
perial policy, ne scene have proposed, ations, befogging the brain with its exhale- pillow, there tennes a moment when Whey produce natural sleep, because they
the exhaueted parent may see down. be- regulate the eionnia and bowels and oom-
itis probable that little progresswould hone. COnstipation. is 'the beginning of fort the nor es, They promptly oure such
be made with any one of the quest kin% more diseesee perhapeehan any other single •
the fire and draw a comfortable,
troubles as delieleour atomaoleconetipation,
wink the conference would adjourn dleordere The ooneequences eif constipate)
, n grown-up breath, and gather strength
diarrhoea, worms. indigestion and simple
withoutany approach to unity of ac. are legion. headache, pain in th ''' - and wOdoln for the morrow.
e side, fever, They break up colds, ptevent croup
.tionpaving been made. shorten': of breath, undue !Whim after As we watch 'hire, We are rebeinded . .
. eatirg, coldness of the exeremities, netvone of the pleasant old gentleman who, and allay the irritation accompanying the
. f cutting of teeth. Dissolved ie water, they
: nese, indioieten, hieeitude, dizzineseeallow. across the reception -plate, is tweeted
by the mild young girl: "After all. oan be given with absolute safety ,io the
. . nese, flatulence, and a Mere Of other aii• Youngest infant. Sold by druggist or sent
ments are directly °armed by constipation eir, there's nothing be delielotis as the
wing of ti. ohicken, is there?" And PofiePeid at 25 ciente a box, by addressing
From Wife immeneerial there has Cure oenetipatiori end you oure its. o ea( the Dr. WilliandO Medicine Co Bre k ill
parlor, two bedrooms, clothed' closet, dining
room, summer kitchen, cellar and woodehed,
Is centrally located, possession given any time
to suit Purchaser. ELIZABETH GRAHAM tf
n • 4. • .
the old gentlemen: don t know, me
,, o y e,
been an Organized grand hunt in this queneee. The quiekeet cure of this evil is
Proeinee. The old fox, intemperance, , tbe.use of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. dear. 'When r was eoung the old peoen Opit. Pre() sample, sent On applicatien,
Ina 'been pit, • ilea. Next atittlitel Ail They are email in eize but powerful in re, pie alveays ate the winonow I Mention this paper.
, and
ain eild thyunganie eat them. I
*hat can Otter e a ballot shot gun are re- ant. They mere permanently. They oontein
:limOited to join in the grand ll humen appearance this pureutt. no le the does- tinjurioue ingredients. The use of ea beget the "pill habit", Aell ythem have never taeted the wires of a chick. It is estimated that 000 settlers
tn."-From theet"Contributors' Club." from the 'United States have already aour ..• ,
oily way of capturing the fox at Pres- • druggist for them, Send 31one-06a stamp% • entered the wed by way ot Portal,
mit. For pleitime and exercise until the expense of mailing ana ou tome, aod leleister-r am sorry I :didn't see you Man.
the lune tout namene the coon Whit- reoeive Dr. Pierce's Common Senn Medi. a ohurch yesterday, Tuminas. TUrn.. At the Toronto Civil AfteiZeg Irving
_. itey, Oerehed On the High License cal Adyieer, in paper cOveret. This work fflate-Weel, ye dee, it Was elecan a, wet Carley, Barrie, was condemned to pay
tree, while the Coon Ifeet: is on the. contains 1008 papa end /00 ilinetratione, lee it whine flt tee turn oot a dog in, Mies Jennie Abram 02,000 for breach of
Referendum one, are etlUgly seated. For 50 derive It can be hika in enbeteettel But X sent the wife, air. -Bs. . pro miss,
linder Wbicli free Will the foebe drive cloth binding. Address Dr. R. V. Plena, Gorrie Charles Hunt, of Hamilton, has lost
, /en le the all absorbing question. At a Buffalo, N. Y.
eat tieeeting of the sportsmen at • Accinssz-A:Afety sad fatality ot- an eye thrott4h injury Inflicted by the
• h I et Week the Referendum .
, curved on the evenirig of Pride), , arch shot.' received. from Chas. Solley's gun.
r Marconi haa selected the Bite at , which resulted in the cleat of Mr
Teble head, Glade Bay, for his new wire. El, Sanderson, contraetta. he was in A Colored man named Martin stabbed torms o eexua Wes nod& ell effeete of abuse
Coon reteived Mere shot than the in-
temperitnee fox. Too much firing oyer- • Iwo ittegesph oittion, the act of fishing neer the bridgie when WM. Skelley, a brakesman, In the Ar, orexoese, Mental 'Worts', e.ceelli`tn. use_e_iTh*,_,
ington Hotel at Winnipeg, and the ob640f, 000.0Pigragitmorrttrmagar.746:
, heated tbo gone, left to cool until the his fishing pole came ill contact 'with a
n xt field day. Prom the pulpit cattle The Thlitecl.St9teis 10. rig. r a to re.
,,,,, Wenn& mey prose) fatal. • teatettre. -Pamp'hletti tree to stie• Mares&
tent& On tlermenyr by exelnding her live electind IfC'Itt Wire atld ag ti C"--. A Cloronerre Jere et Celi?erY hilt+ returtketi The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
the elergY cannon art?irilring at the same __....e0 6114 - .. . the „onto,. qttence he waft instantly killedDem ,
Creel leafleting seeds :of dissension wine melt 'Ignore rom nceneed was in his 42nd year and. leaves a verdict egainet Otero Steelton for the
Yotire, AN 0141.001001, week, his loiter, On OD It
f — II '. Weeklies Plicenhodise isitsolt In Tilton_ 4
Witter. Diekeists.
which will tomtit in certain defeat.
. , Alt Ceell Rhodes died Wednesday x il, widow and family of three to mourn, Lahling of sArthur 01n1Pfmno f°r1nerlY ni it r Hertel° J R 110,0Y, $1-11. Cteub ..and if
Farm For Sale.
Lot. 12, Bayfield con., Goderieh tro.; 118acres
(85 eleareeLbelance hardwoodoyith a large quan-
tity of cedar on it), in good state of cultivate%
ebout five scree fall wheaesnd considerable fall
plowing done, Comfortable briekhouse large
bent withstabling underneatledriving ailed and
other outbuildings; obout. 2 acre orchard,
mostly vvititer fruit 3 well watered-neverfail-
-ing spring creek fine two wells Seven. miles
!rem Clinton and thteefrom Bayfield. Posses
Rion tit any tine, retteolittele term. Apply for
' further particulars to OHAS. SIMON'S, 42 St.
David et., Goderioh.
• Free C110iftrighip lf Yoe are a
iftor student hue
leek funds to
IndUstrious Students pay your et -
ponces tea mimeo or Agricultural College,
NormeiSohool, Hushed Conservatory or Uni
Varsity, write me and 1 will explain my free
seholership plan. Write to•dat.
Mar. 14-42 REV. T. S. LINK* Te, Toronto
Dom 41‘'. Wooed Plosilhodlo
,Thd Great Pnetish Fensaffe
Bold and reeonimended by' alt
dreggista 1» Canada. Only rein
able medicine discovered. Xs
ka gearttiateed to cure ell
;:.:142151160r 4P;4frot,,
• No witnessee required
Organist -an -AMT. -steel Director of North
Street Church, Goderich, and teacher e n,
eared. to.take alimited atmber of Plipiliein
the above For terms apply this office or to
MILOAMPBELL,may be seen from 11 a, m., to
2-05:a; at the Clarendon Hotel, Clinton,
-Friday of each week.
• . 1.141111URA.NOR.
rice,- . Life, lecident Plate:Gino
Orrice Meoree Baur. Com
'Agent for the MANCHESTER FIRE Atitifinewor
Co, of Manchester, England, whose funds -and
seourity are rated at $14,500,000; Also the MC-
RtLLOV MtirtrAn INounexcei 0o, All Wastes o
,farm risks end town property taken at
also reprosertod. Money to be had from 41 P1°Webb rates. First-class Loan Companies ,
°estop, scoot:dna to nature of seeeritY.--.
Legthnail to Hohnesville -- postal card wil
Dr. MeGahey's Heave ,
Spring Te rm begins Apr. 1902. Our
rates eretrea sonable-our courses of study
thorough and. praotieel. Send *for our
Journal to see what we teach. Students
may enter at any time, Two courses of
study. Commercial and Short -hand,
Pteeident, Secretary
Owen Sound. Lietowel
cialq iroiv
Mo rble & Granite
The purchaser of a moniylicnt
should have complete confldenoa/
in the reliebility of the fir , ft.*
which' he bore for the ta teriel
end workmenship is so ipthing
very few bnyere are femili r With.
If you do tot know ure pietism ine
quire about Oa reliabiltty horn
those wbo know no beet. )1X.re are
• the only practical men he e in our
line. • ,
J. Ba Hoover, PrOrteior
Next to COlninerCial Ykkptel
1 •
For ise.eetinel4c ,•• •
tested/eel '
...._ t.4-
tioClensroesf litre vTahliro' altar:tit LTnigerk. Ainea alloter-'..iltar•Liffet•
the world that will euro the abote disease, making, a
USImal sou191 hi wind end unfelt° his Owner. Price, Ma .
Dr. MeGahesee Kidney 8e Cough P•wdere -
toren dente Affections of the throit and lungs, gawk**
Distemper et& ll'Or sivelling_fitid stookIng,Of MO 1099,
the reside of hard driving, money Trimble No. 01341'
dose will relieve, and one box *Ileum Price, 504'.
'H DR. Dg. liactlatutlf Manometer co.,
Itemetvilla Out.
For sale by lii B I:loathe druggist Olit Ica •
PAW: ena iso N PetoPERTY
3. 13. McLean, President, Eleven P. 0.i Theft
Fraser, Vite.preaident Bineeneld 1'. O.: Thos
fiemeTreese, Seaftoth P. O.: W. et,
Broadtoot, Inspector or Lewes, geaforth P.O.
W. (4..eroadtoot, &atone; John G. Orley*
Winthrop 1' 0.: thoe,Seaterttif Jell*
Bennevrelso, asuninn ass. Evans, neeehwooa P.
o.; John watt. Matlock P. 04 ThOrdall Fraler
Bete:Wield( Jelin 13, Maisano Himont Attlee
Connell,. 1 nt,on, • .
Robert Smith. Hatleolo Robb, MoMilleni. nen'
forth: Jewett Ctinunitio, FernIendville t
Ye*, Boirnesville ; George hurdle and &Mb fil
Morrieon, el/titters. „
Petties desirous to effect Inennee or tlAnt°
act other buctiness will be proceptieenttend
ou 11,01)11,0etioll t$ Mie of the Rhino offilite
address oto theirreet serve onleee